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Characterization and Distribution of Mating Type Genes in the Dothistroma Needle Blight Pathogens


Abstract and Figures

ABSTRACT Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini are the two causal agents of Dothistroma needle blight of Pinus spp. in natural forests and plantations. Degenerate primers amplified portions of mating type genes (MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2) and chromosome walking was applied to obtain the full-length genes in both species. The mating-type-specific primers designed in this study could distinguish between the morphologically similar D. pini and D. septosporum and between the different mating types of these species. Screening of isolates from global collections of D. septosporum showed that only MAT2 isolates are present in Australian and New Zealand collections, where only the asexual form of the fungus has been found. In contrast, both mating types of D. septosporum were present in collections from Canada and Europe, where the sexual state is known. Intriguingly, collections from South Africa and the United Kingdom, where the sexual state of the fungus is unknown, included both mating types. In D. pini, for which no teleomorph is known, both mating types were present in collections from the United States. These results provided new insights into the biology and global distribution of two of the world's most important pine pathogens and should facilitate management of the diseases caused by these fungi.
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Vol. 97, No. 7, 2007 825
Characterization and Distribution of Mating Type Genes
in the Dothistroma Needle Blight Pathogens
Marizeth Groenewald, Irene Barnes, Rosie E. Bradshaw, Anna V. Brown, Angie Dale, Johannes Z. Groenewald,
Kathy J. Lewis, Brenda D. Wingfield, Michael J. Wingfield, and Pedro W. Crous
First, sixth, and tenth authors: CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Uppsalalaan 8, 3584 CT Utrecht, Netherlands; second, eighth, and ninth
authors: Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI), Department of Genetics, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South
Africa; third author: Institute of Molecular BioSciences, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand; fourth author: Forest Re-
search, Alice Holt Lodge, Wrecclesham, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 4LH, United Kingdom; and fifth and seventh authors: University of
Northern British Columbia, 3333 University Way, Prince George, BC V2N 4Z9, Canada.
Accepted for publication 25 January 2007.
Groenewald, M., Barnes, I., Bradshaw, R. E., Brown A. V., Dale, A.,
Groenewald, J. Z., Lewis, K. J., Wingfield, B. D., Wingfield, M. J., and
Crous, P. W. 2007. Characterization and distribution of mating type genes
in the Dothistroma needle blight pathogens. Phytopathology 97:825-834.
Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini are the two causal agents of Do-
thistroma needle blight of Pinus spp. in natural forests and plantations.
Degenerate primers amplified portions of mating type genes (MAT1-1-1
and MAT1-2) and chromosome walking was applied to obtain the full-
length genes in both species. The mating-type-specific primers designed
in this study could distinguish between the morphologically similar D.
pini and D. septosporum and between the different mating types of these
species. Screening of isolates from global collections of D. septosporum
showed that only MAT2 isolates are present in Australian and New Zea-
land collections, where only the asexual form of the fungus has been
found. In contrast, both mating types of D. septosporum were present in
collections from Canada and Europe, where the sexual state is known.
Intriguingly, collections from South Africa and the United Kingdom,
where the sexual state of the fungus is unknown, included both mating
types. In D. pini, for which no teleomorph is known, both mating types
were present in collections from the United States. These results provided
new insights into the biology and global distribution of two of the world’s
most important pine pathogens and should facilitate management of the
diseases caused by these fungi.
Additional keywords: ascomycetes, heterothallic, Mycosphaerella, sexual
Dothistroma needle blight, also known as red band needle
blight, is one of the most important diseases of Pinus spp., both in
natural forest ecosystems and particularly in plantations of non-
native pines (9,19,20,27). The disease owes its international
notoriety to the fact that it has been one of the most important con-
straints to the development of plantation forestry in many countries
of Africa as well as in New Zealand, Australia, Chile, and other
South American countries (19,20,27). The disease is particularly
severe on Pinus radiata D. Don. This species is highly desirable
for its rapid growth and exceptional timber and, consequently, it
was one of the first nonnative tree species established in inten-
sively managed plantations in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere.
Outbreaks of Dothistroma needle blight on P. radiata led to
devastating losses and resulted in the abandonment of P. radiata
from plantation forestry in many countries (11,31,51).
The main causal agent of Dothistroma needle blight has been a
matter of considerable taxonomic confusion. Thus, in different
parts of the world, the disease has been attributed to either a
single pathogen, different species of a pathogen, or varieties of a
species. This also has differed depending on whether the pathogen
was considered introduced or native in areas where the disease
has been studied. In a recent study based on DNA sequence com-
parisons, two distinct phylogenetic lineages for Dothistroma
isolates were identified (2). These clearly separated Dothistroma
septosporum, which has a worldwide distribution, and D. pini,
until recently found only in the north-central United States. This
study also showed that the disease which devastated plantations of
P. radiata in the Southern Hemisphere is caused by D. septo-
sporum. Recently, D. pini has been found infecting P. palassiana
D. Don. in the Ukraine (I. Barnes, unpublished data) and it
clearly has a distribution much wider than was believed at the
time of the study of Barnes et al. (2).
Dothistroma needle blight, now known to have been caused by
D. septosporum, resulted in huge damage to P. radiata plantations
in the Southern Hemisphere in the 1950s and 1960s (9,19,20,27).
Consequently, considerable research was conducted on the dis-
ease and great efforts were made to minimize its impact (8,19,
20,41,46). These included selection of alternative species, tree
breeding, agricultural practices, and the first examples of aerial
applications of chemical fungicides in forest plantations (19).
Although the disease has continued to be important, it generally is
considered to be under reasonable control. There has, however,
been a recent resurgence of the disease in various Northern Hemi-
sphere countries and this has raised concern that a new wave of
losses might occur elsewhere in the world (5,53).
Almost nothing is known regarding the genetic diversity among
isolates of D. septosporum and D. pini. D. septosporum first was
identified in New Zealand in 1964 (21). A study by Hirst et al.
(26) applied random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) mark-
ers to a population of D. septosporum (previously described as D.
pini) from New Zealand and the results showed no genetic varia-
tion. These results support the hypothesis that it is an introduced
pathogen that has been spreading asexually ever since its intro-
duction into that country.
Corresponding author: M. Groenewald;
E-mail address:
doi:10.1094/ PHYTO-97-7-0825
© 2007 The American Phytopathological Society
The sexual state of D. septosporum is a species of Mycosphae-
rella known as Mycosphaerella pini Rostr. (17). In most countries
of the Southern Hemisphere where D. septosporum has long been
an important forest pathogen, only the anamorph has been re-
ported (2,5,14; M. J. Wingfield, unpublished data). In contrast, no
sexual state has ever been reported for D. pini. The absence or
rarity of a sexual state for either of these fungi could be the result
of selection pressure and a reduced need for sexual reproduction
(14). Likewise, lower frequency and limited distribution of the
teleomorph compared with the anamorph suggests that the pri-
mary method of dispersal of the fungus could be an asexual cycle.
Here, conidia rather than ascospores would represent the inocu-
lum of primary epidemiological importance (10,28).
Mating type genes play an important part in the biology and
evolution of fungal species. Thus, knowledge of these genes can
provide insight into the potential prevalence of sexual reproduc-
tion in different species. Some heterothallic Pyrenomycetes and
Discomycetes can contain up to four genes at the mating type 1
idiomorph (MAT1-1) of the MAT locus (40,43,44,55). These
include the MAT1-1-1 encoding an α domain protein, the MAT1-
1-2 encoding an amphipathic α helix protein, the MAT1-1-3 gene
encoding a high mobility group (HMG) domain protein, and the
MAT1-1-4 gene encoding a metallothionein protein. Only one
gene has been characterized for the mating type 2 idiomorph
(MAT1-2) and it encodes a regulatory protein with an HMG
domain. The DNA sequences of the idiomorphs, located at the
MAT locus of individuals of two different mating types, are
unrelated and, therefore, cannot be called alleles; however, these
sequences are flanked by conserved regions (32). The formal no-
menclature that is proposed for mating type genes of heterothallic
ascomycetes is used here for the MAT1-1-1 and, because only a
single MAT1-2 gene has been identified for filamentous ascomy-
cetes, this gene is referred to as MAT1-2 (49).
DNA and amino acid sequences of the MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2
genes in fungi show no obvious similarities, although the mating
type locus has common flanking regions (48). Except for the
HMG and α domains, the similarity of homologous mating type
genes usually is very low between different species (47). The
direct target genes of the mating type proteins have not yet been
described, although there is evidence for the control of some
genes, such as pheromone genes (4). Mating type genes have been
described from various sexual and presumably asexual fungi that
are close relatives of the genus Dothistroma (Mycosphaerel-
laceae). Detailed analyses have been done on the distribution of
the mating types of the sexually reproducing M. graminicola
(50,56) and the presumably asexual species Septoria passerinii
(23), Cercospora beticola, C. zeae-maydis, and C. zeina (25).
Equal distribution of the mating types was found in most of the
populations from these five species sampled from different
geographical scales, indicating that sexual stages probably exist
for the latter four apparently asexual species.
D. septosporum first was described from Idaho (United States)
but now is seen in many parts of the world (2). In most of the
areas where this species has been introduced and causes serious
disease, only the asexual state of the fungus is ever seen. This
raises the interesting question as to whether this could be attributed
to the introduction of only one mating type into these new environ-
ments. Thus, the aims of this study were to characterize the mat-
ing type gene or genes of the causal agents of Dothistroma needle
blight and to ascertain which mating types are present in the
different countries where diseases caused by these fungi occur. To
achieve this objective, the full-length MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2
genes of D. septosporum and D. pini were isolated and sequenced
using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based techniques. This
made it possible to develop a multiplex PCR method for the rapid
screening of MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2 in isolates of the pathogens.
A global collection of isolates subsequently was screened to de-
termine which mating types are present in these collections.
Fungal isolates. In all, 230 Dothistroma isolates obtained from
various locations in 15 countries were chosen to represent a
global distribution of Dothistroma spp. (Table 1). Countries for
which more than one isolate was screened included Austria (n =
10), Canada (n = 106), Chile (n = 10), New Zealand (n = 38),
Poland (n = 11), South Africa (n = 11), Ukraine (n = 4), the
United Kingdom (n = 10), and the United States (n = 17). Isolates
were obtained from different culture collections and standard
protocols were used to isolate the genomic DNA.
The initial screening of the mating type genes was undertaken
for D. septosporum using two isolates. These included CBS
116489 obtained from P. radiata in Tzaneen, South Africa and
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) MYA-605 obtained
from P. radiata in Rotorua, New Zealand. For D. pini, four iso-
lates were used: CBS 116485, obtained from P. nigra in Crystal
Township, MI; CBS 116487, obtained from P. nigra in Evergreen
Township, MI; CBS 116483, obtained from River Township, MI;
and CBS 117609, obtained from P. palassiana in Tsyurupinsk,
Ukraine. The identities of the six isolates used for the screening
of the mating types previously had been confirmed using
comparisons of DNA sequence data for the internal transcribed
spacer (ITS) regions of the ribosomal DNA (2; J. Z. Groenewald,
unpublished data).
Isolation and characterization of MAT1-1-1 of Dothistroma
spp. The MAT1-1-1-specific degenerate primers (MgMfSpMat1-
1f1 and MgMfSpMat1-1r2) (Table 2), designed by Groenewald et
al. (25), were used to screen and amplify a partial region of the
MAT1-1-1 genes of the Dothistroma isolates.
The PCR mixtures and amplification reactions were the same
as described by Groenewald et al. (25) for the amplification of the
partial MAT1-1-1 in Cercospora spp. The PCR products obtained
were separated by electrophoresis at 80 V for 1 h on a 1%
(wt/vol) agarose gel containing ethidium bromide at 0.1 µg/ml in
1× Tris-acetate-EDTA buffer (0.4 M Tris, 0.05 M sodium acetate,
and 0.01 M EDTA, pH 7.85) and visualized under UV light. Am-
plicons were sequenced in both directions using the PCR primers
and a DYEnamic ET Terminator Cycle Sequencing kit (Amer-
sham Biosciences, Roosendaal, Netherlands) following the
manufacturer’s recommendations. The products were analyzed on
an ABI Prism 3730 DNA Sequencer (Applied Biosystems, Foster
City, CA). A consensus sequence was computed from the forward
and reverse sequences with SeqMan from the Lasergene package
(DNA-STAR, Madison, WI).
Internal primers were designed in the partially sequenced
MAT1-1-1 genes for each of the species (CBS 116489 for D.
septosporum and CBS 116487 for D. pini). In order to obtain the
full-length genes, these internal primers were used together with
the appropriate primers from the DNA walking speedup kit
(Seegene Inc., Rockville, MD) to determine additional sequences
upstream and downstream of the partial MAT1-1-1 sequences.
The Blastx algorithm (1) was used to compare the sequences
obtained from the two Dothistroma spp. with protein sequences of
other fungi present in the National Center for Biotechnology
Information (NCBI) nonredundant protein database. The geneid
web server (v1.2; Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics of
IMIM, Barcelona, Spain) was used to predict the gene and intron
or exon boundaries using the genetic code of Neurospora crassa.
The conversion of DNA sequences to putative amino acid se-
quences was done using the translation tool of the proteomics
server ExPASy (18). The percentage of identities between the
predicted MAT1-1-1 gene sequences for the Dothistroma spp. was
calculated using the alignment tool of ALIGN (37).
Isolation and characterization of MAT1-2 of Dothistroma
spp. The MAT1-2-specific degenerate primers (MgMfSpMat1-2f2
and MgMfSpMat1-2fr1) (Table 2), designed by Groenewald et al.
(25), were used to screen isolates of D. septosporum and D. pini
Vol. 97, No. 7, 2007 827
TABLE 1. Origins of the Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini strains used during this study and the distribution of their mating types
Country, area, site Collector Species Number of strains MAT1-1-1 MAT1-2
A.C.T. Canberra K. Old D. septosporum 10 0 10
Thenneberg T. Kirisits D. septosporum 10 6 4
São Paulo T. Namekata D. septosporum 1 0 1
Northwest British Columbia (BC)
Brown Bear Road K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 10 5 5
Bell Irving River K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 1 0 1
Bulkley Canyon K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 9 5 4
Evelyn Pasture K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 1 0 1
Jonas Creek K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 2 0 2
Kinskutch Road K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 8 7 1
Kuldo Creek K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 7 2 5
Kisgegas Canyon K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 5 2 3
Squingula River Mine K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 8 1 7
Mosque River K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 6 1 5
Mitten Road K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 7 4 3
Nangeese Road K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 8 4 4
North Kuldo Road K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 4 1 3
Sanyam River K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 1 0 1
Nash Y K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 9 7 2
Orendo K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 7 6 1
Motaze Lake & Squingula River K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 8 6 2
Sunday Lake K. Lewis & A. Dale D. septosporum 4 1 3
Goldstream River, BC D. Morrison D. septosporum 1 0 1
Valdivia M. J. Wingfield D. septosporum 10 0 10
Meurthe-et-Moselle M. Morelet D. septosporum 1 0 1
Bavarian Alps L. Pehl D. septosporum 1 0 1
Sierra de Chuacús Unknown D. septosporum 1 0 1
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty M. A. Dick D. septosporum 1 0 1
Golden Downs sites 1/2/3 P. Hirst D. septosporum 4 0 4
Kaingora Forest M. J. Wingfield D. septosporum 10 0 10
Kaingora sites 1/2/3 P. Hirst D. septosporum 11 0 11
Kinleith P. Hirst D. septosporum 5 0 5
Mt. Maunganui K. Dobbie D. septosporum 1 0 1
Rotorua M. E. Buchanan D. septosporum 2 0 2
Tongariro J. W. Gilmour D. septosporum 1 0 1
West Coast South Island B. Doherty D. septosporum 1 0 1
Miechow Forest, Cracow T. Kowalski D. septosporum 11 3 8
Slovakia E. Foffova D. septosporum 1 1 0
South Africa
Hogsback J. Roux D. septosporum 10 3 7
Tzaneen I. Barnes D. septosporum 1 1 0
Tsyurupinsk A. C. Usichenko D. pini 4 4 0
United Kingdom
West Midlands A. Coggin D. septosporum 1 0 1
South East England A. V. Brown D. septosporum 1 0 1
Forest of Dean R. Beasley D. septosporum 1 1 0
New Forest A. V. Brown D. septosporum 7 1 6
United States
Bandon, Oregon S. Cooley D. septosporum 1 0 1
Crystal Township G. Adams D. pini 10 4 6
Evergreen Township G. Adams D. pini 1 1 0
River Township G. Adams D. pini 1 0 1
Central Minnesota T. Nicholls D. pini 1 1 0
Lincoln, Nebraska G. Peterson D. pini 3 2 1
Total … 230 80 150
to obtain a partial region of the MAT1-2 genes. The same PCR
conditions described above were used to amplify the partial
MAT1-2 regions. Twelve internal primers were designed in the
partially sequenced MAT1-2 sequences for both species (ATCC
MYA-605 for D. septosporum and CBS 116485 for D. pini) and
the chromosome walking method also was used to obtain the full-
length MAT1-2 genes. The same procedure and programs
described for the characterization and analyses of the MAT1-1-1
sequences were used to characterize and analyze the Dothistroma
MAT1-2 sequences.
Development and screening of D. pini and D. septosporum
mating-type-specific primers. Dothistroma MAT1-1-1-specific
primers (Table 2) were designed from the aligned MAT1-1-1 se-
quences of D. pini and D. septosporum (GenBank accession nos.
DQ915449 and DQ915450, respectively). The forward primers
were designed to be specific for D. septosporum (DseptoMat1f)
or D. pini (DpiniMat1f2) and, therefore, are both species and mat-
ing type specific. The reverse primer (DotMat1r) was designed
from homologous regions within the MAT1-1-1 genes and, there-
fore, is only mating type specific.
Dothistroma MAT1-2-specific primers (Table 2) were designed
from the aligned MAT1-2 sequences of D. pini and D. septo-
sporum (GenBank accession nos. DQ915451 and DQ915452,
respectively). The two forward primers were designed in regions
of the genes that were variable between the two species. Dsepto-
Mat2f was designed to be specific for D. septosporum and Dpini-
Mat2f for D. pini, and both, therefore, are species and mating type
specific. The reverse primer (DotMat2r) was designed from
homologous regions within both the MAT1-2 genes and, thus, is
only mating type specific.
Multiplex PCR was used to screen for the MAT1-1-1 or the
MAT1-2 of D. pini and D. septosporum in two separate reactions.
The reaction mixtures had a total volume of 12.5 µl and contained
0.7 µl of diluted genomic DNA, 1× PCR buffer (Bioline,
Randolph, MA), 48 µM each of the dNTPs, 4 pmol of each
primer, 1 mM MgCl2, and 0.7 units of Taq polymerase (Bioline,
Randolph, MA). The amplification reactions were done on a
GeneAmp PCR System 9600 (Applied Biosystems). The initial
denaturation step was done at 94°C for 5 min, followed by 40
cycles of 94°C (20 s), 65°C (20 s), and 72°C (40 s). A final
elongation step at 72°C (5 min) was included in the run. The re-
sulting PCR products were visualized as described above.
Phylogenetic analyses. The nucleotide sequences of the α do-
main (MAT1-1-1) and HMG domain (MAT1-2) of D. septosporum
and D. pini determined in this study and additional mating type
sequences for other species representing different fungal orders
downloaded from NCBI’s GenBank database were used for
phylogenetic analyses. These sequences were analyzed using the
mating type gene sequences of Magnaporthe grisea (GenBank
accession nos. AB080672 and AB080673, respectively) as the
outgroup. All phylogenetic analyses were done using Phyloge-
netic Analysis Using Parsimony (PAUP) v4.0b 10 (Swofford, D.
L. 2003. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA). Maximum parsi-
mony analyses were conducted as described by Groenewald et al.
(24). All sequences generated were deposited in GenBank, and
the alignments and trees were deposited in TreeBASE (TreeBASE
accession no. SN3047).
Isolation and characterization of MAT1-1-1 in Dothistroma
spp. The degenerate primers MgMfSpMAT1-1f1 and
MgMfSpMAT1-1r2 amplified a fragment of 914 bp for three of
the six Dothistroma isolates tested (Fig. 1). The fragments ob-
tained from strains CBS 116489, CBS 117609, and CBS 116487
were sequenced. The translated sequence of the fragment
obtained from strain CBS 116489 (D. septosporum) showed 39
and 46% identity to a 229- and 63-amino-acid (aa) region of the
M. graminicola MAT1 protein and 32% identity to a 213-aa
region of the S. passerinii MAT1 protein using Blastx on the
GenBank database. This confirmed that the 914-bp fragment is
part of the MAT1-1-1 gene of D. septosporum.
Sequences for the fragments obtained from the D. pini strains
(CBS 117609 and CBS 116487) showed 100% identity to each
other in this region. The translated sequences showed 39% iden-
tity to a 226-aa (E = 2 × 10–30) and 37% identity to a 78-aa region
(E = 2 × 10–30) of the M. graminicola mating type 1-1 protein
(GenBank accession no. AAL30838). It also showed 32% identity
to a 218-aa region (E = 5 × 10–18) of the S. passerinii MAT-1 pro-
tein (GenBank accession no. AAO49357). This confirmed that the
914-bp fragment is part of the MAT1-1-1 gene of D. pini.
Four chromosome walking steps were used to obtain the full-
length MAT1-1-1 gene sequences for D septosporum and D. pini.
The geneid software predicted that the MAT1-1-1 genes of both
species contained four exons. The predicted length of the genes
and the exon and intron positions are illustrated in Figure 2. Al-
though the number of nucleotide and amino acid residues was the
same for the MAT1-1-1 of D. septosporum and D. pini, an identity
of 94.1 and 94.3% was found between the 1,311-nucleotide and
the 387-aa residues, respectively. All introns of the MAT1-1-1
from both species contained a perfect lariat sequence (RCTRAC),
except for the second intron of the MAT1-1-1 of D. septosporum.
When this intron is included in the coding region, an early stop
codon is introduced in the reading frame, indicating that this is a
true intron. The positions of the three predicted introns in the
Dothistroma spp. studied correlate with those found for Cerco-
spora spp. (25). The number of predicted introns (two) in the
conserved α domain of the Dothistroma spp. correlated with the
number predicted for the same region in M. graminicola (50) and
S. passerinii (23).
Isolation and characterization of MAT1-2 of Dothistroma
spp. The degenerate primers MgMfSpMAT1-2f2 and
MgMfSpMAT1-2r1 amplified a fragment of 332 bp for the
Dothistroma isolates that did not amplify the 914-bp fragment
using the MAT1-1-1 degenerate primers (Fig. 1). An extra 180-bp
fragment also was obtained from the two D. septosporum strains
and an extra 280-bp fragment from the four D. pini strains. The
332-bp fragment obtained from strain ATCC MYA-605 (D. septo-
TABLE 2. Primers used during this studya
Primer 5–3 Description
MgMfSpMat1-1f1 CATTNGCNCATCCCTTTG MAT1-1-1-specific degenerate primer
MgMfSpMat1-1r2 GGCTTNGANACCATGGTGAG MAT1-1-1-specific degenerate primer
MgMfSpMat1-2f2 CAAAGAANGCNTTCNTGATCT MAT1-2-specific degenerate primer
MgMfSpMat1-2r1 TTCTTCTCNGATGGCTTGC MAT1-2-specific degenerate primer
DseptoMat1f CGCAGTAAGTGATGCCCTGAC Dothistroma septosporum MAT1-1-1-specific primer
DpiniMat1f2 AGTAAGCGACGCGCTCCCATG D. pini MAT1-1-1MAT1-specific primer
DotMat1r TTGCCTGACCGGCTGCTGGTG Dothistroma MAT1-1-1-specific primer
DseptoMat2f GTGAGTGAACGCCGCACATGG D. septosporum MAT1-2-specific primer
DpiniMat2f GTAAGTGATCGTTGAACATGC D. pini MAT1-2-specific primer
DotMat2r CTGGTCGTGAAGTCCATCGTC Dothistroma MAT1-2-specific primer
a Nucleotides specific to the given Dothistroma sp. are underlined.
Vol. 97, No. 7, 2007 829
Fig. 2. Diagrammatic representation of the full-length MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2 genes of Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini. The predicted sites of exons (white
bars), and introns (black bars) are shown, and their locations (nucleotide position) are indicated. The areas amplified by the MgMfSpMAT1-1 and MgMfSpMAT1-
2 primer sets as well as the mating-type-specific primers for each species are indicated.
Fig. 1. Amplification products obtained from Dothistroma septosporum (in bold face) and D. pini isolates containing the partial MAT1-1-1 (914-bp) and MAT1-2
(332-bp) genes using the degenerate primer pairs MgMfSpMAT1-1 and MgMfSpMAT1-2, respectively.
sporum) was sequenced, and the translated sequence showed 55%
identity to a 65-aa (E = 1 × 10–19) and 70% identity to a 27-aa
region (E = 1 × 10–19) of the M. graminicola mating type 1-2
protein (GenBank accession no. AAL30836) as well as 50%
identity to a 65-aa region (E = 7 × 10–17) of the S. passerinii MAT-
2 protein (GenBank accession no. AAO49358) using Blastx on
the GenBank database. This confirmed that the 332-bp fragment
is part of the MAT1-2 gene of D. septosporum. The 332-bp trans-
lated sequences for the fragments obtained from the two D. pini
strains (CBS 116483 and CBS 116485) showed 52% identity to a
65-aa (E = 1 × 10–19) and 68% identity to a 29-aa region (E = 1 ×
10–19) of the M. graminicola mating type 1-2 protein (GenBank
accession no. AAL30836) as well as a 47% (E = 7 × 10–17) and
68% identity (E = 7 × 10–17) to the same amino acid regions of the
S. passerinii MAT-2 protein (GenBank accession no. AAO49358).
This confirmed that the 332-bp fragment is part of the MAT1-2
gene of D. pini. Sequences for the 180-bp (D. septosporum) and
280-bp (D. pini) fragments showed no homology to protein
sequences available in GenBank.
For both of the species, four chromosome walking steps were
used to obtain the full-length MAT1-2 gene sequences. The geneid
software predicted that the MAT1-2 sequences of both species
contain three exons. The predicted length of the genes, as well as
exon and intron positions, is illustrated in Figure 2. Although the
number of nucleotide and amino acid residues was the same for
the MAT1-2 of the two Dothistroma spp., an identity of 94.4 and
92.7% was found between the 1,012-nucleotide and the 302-aa
residues, respectively. All the introns found for both species con-
tained a perfect lariat sequence. The number of predicted introns
(two) of the Dothistroma spp. studied correlates with the number
predicted for Cercospora spp. (25), but the specific locations of
these introns within the gene differed. Only one predicted intron
was found in the HMG domain of species of Cercospora (25),
M. graminicola (51), and S. passerinii (23), whereas two pre-
dicted introns were found in the same region of the Dothistroma
spp. studied.
Screening with D. pini and D. septosporum mating-type-
specific primers. In the D. pini MAT1 isolates, DpiniMat1f2 and
DotMat1r amplified an 820-bp fragment and, in the D. pini MAT2
isolates, DpiniMat2f and DotMat2r amplified a 480-bp fragment
(Fig. 3). Each isolate tested showed either the 820- or 480-bp
fragment of the MAT1-1-1 or MAT1-2 genes, respectively. None
of the isolates contained both fragments. The D. pini mating-type-
specific primers did not amplify the MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2 frag-
ments in any of the D. septosporum isolates (Fig. 3). The majority
of the D. pini isolates were from areas in the United States where
both mating types are known to exist. Eight isolates of each
mating type were found for these D. pini isolates, whereas only
MAT1 isolates were found for the D. pini collection from the
Ukraine (Table 1). In the D. septosporum MAT1 isolates, Dsepto-
Mat1f2 and DotMat1r amplified an 820-bp fragment; in the
D. septosporum MAT2 isolates, DseptoMat2f and DotMat2r
amplified a 480-bp fragment (Fig. 3). Each isolate tested showed
either the 820- or 480-bp fragment of the MAT1-1-1 or MAT1-2
genes, respectively. None of the isolates amplified both fragments.
The D. septosporum mating-type-specific primers did not am-
plify the MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2 fragments of the D. pini isolates
(Fig. 3). In all, 20 D. pini and 210 D. septosporum isolates (Table
1) were screened with the two mating-type-specific primer sets to
determine the mating type and to confirm the identity of each
isolate. All D. septosporum isolates obtained from Chile,
Australia, and New Zealand contained only the MAT1-2. In con-
trast, isolates representing both mating types were present in the
Austria, Canada, Poland, South Africa, and United Kingdom
collections. Only one isolate was available each from Germany,
Brazil, France, Guatemala, Slovakia, and the United States. All of
these isolates contained the MAT1-2 gene, except for the isolate
from Slovakia that contained MAT1-1-1.
Phylogenetic analyses. The alignment of partial MAT1-1-1
nucleotide sequences (α domain) contained 21 strains, including
M. grisea as the outgroup, and had a total length of 174 charac-
ters. Of the 174 characters, 23 were constant, 15 were variable
and uninformative, and 136 were parsimony informative. The
alignment of partial MAT1-2 nucleotide sequences (HMG do-
main) contained 21 strains, including M. grisea as outgroup, and
had a total length of 253 characters. Of the 249 characters, 37
were constant, 13 were variable and uninformative, and 199 were
parsimony informative. Two equally parsimonious trees were
obtained from each of the MAT1-1 alignments (Fig. 4A; tree
length of 638 steps; CI = 0.498, RI = 0.649, RC = 0.324) and
from the MAT1-2 alignment (Fig. 4B; tree length of 886 steps;
CI = 0.512, RI = 0.659, RC = 0.338).
The topology of the phylogenetic trees using the α domain
(Fig. 4A) and HMG domain (Fig. 4B) sequences were similar.
Fig. 3. Dothistroma septosporum (bold face) and D. pini isolates screened using the Dsepto/Dpini/DotMat1 primer set (820-bp fragment) and the same
Dothistroma isolates screened with the Dsepto/Dpini/DotMat2 primer set (480-bp fragment).
Vol. 97, No. 7, 2007 831
The Capnodiales, Hypocreales, and Pleosporales clades showed
high bootstrap support (92 to 97%) in both trees. The phyloge-
netic analysis using the DNA sequences in the HMG-box and α
domain showed that D. pini and D. septosporum, respectively, are
phylogenetically closely related to Cercospora spp., M. gramini-
cola, and S. passerinii as illustrated by the 92% (MAT1-1-1) and
97% (MAT1-2) bootstrap support values.
This study represents the first attempt to ascertain which
mating types are present in the different countries where diseases
caused by D. septosporum and D. pini occur. In this regard,
emphasis is on D. septosporum, because it has been introduced
into numerous countries, where it has caused very damaging dis-
ease problems. Thus, the degenerate primer sets MgMfSpMAT1-1
and MgMfSpMAT1-2 (25) were used successfully to amplify por-
tions of the mating type genes of D. septosporum and D. pini.
This made it possible to characterize the full-length MAT1-1-1 or
MAT1-2 genes of both species.
The MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2 genes characterized for D. septo-
sporum and D. pini in this study contained areas that correspond
to a putative α domain and an HMG domain also described for
the MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2 of other ascomycetes. The two puta-
tive introns in the α domains of the Dothistroma MAT1-1-1 also
have been found in corresponding areas in M. graminicola (50),
S. passerinii (23), and several Cercospora spp. (25). However, the
third predicted intron in the downstream area flanking the α
domain of the MAT1-1-1 of both Dothistroma spp. is present only
in the Cercospora sp., and not in M. graminicola or S. passerinii.
The number of introns found in the HMG domain of the MAT1-2
in both Dothistroma spp. differed from that of closely related spe-
cies. The first predicted intron also is present in M. graminicola
(50), S. passerinii (23), and Cercospora spp. (25). In contrast, the
second predicted intron is present only in the MAT1-2 of the Do-
thistroma spp., and not in any other members of the My-
cosphaerellaceae thus far studied. These data indicate that clear
differences can be found even within the conserved regions of the
corresponding genes in different Mycosphaerella spp.
The predicted length of the encoded proteins among different
MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2 genes of ascomycetes varies greatly
(23,25,40). In most species, the MAT1 protein is much larger than
the MAT2. Results of this study have shown that this also is the
case for the Dothistroma spp., where 387 aa were found for
MAT1 and 302 aa for MAT2. Expression studies have not been
done on the mating type genes of any of the above-mentioned
members of the Mycosphaerellaceae. Additional studies at the
mRNA and protein levels would be necessary to confirm the exact
length of the coding regions and the intron and exon boundaries
for the mating type genes of the Dothistroma spp.
Results of this study showed substantial differences between
the nucleotide as well as amino acid sequences of the correspond-
ing mating type genes and proteins of D. septosporum and
D. pini. Using nucleotide sequences for phylogenetic inference in
these fungi is consistent with previous studies where conserved
domains within the mating type genes have been used to study the
phylogenetic relationships among different fungal species and
families (12,25,34,35,52). Differences in mating type sequences
Fig. 4. One of two equally parsimonious trees obtained from each of the A, MAT1-1-1 sequence alignment rooted to Magnaporthe grisea (AB080672) and B,
MAT1-2 sequence alignment rooted to M. grisea (AB080673). In both trees, bootstrap support values from 1,000 replicates are shown at the nodes, whereas
thickened lines indicate strict consensus branches.
for D. septosporum and D. pini show that these species are dis-
tinct genetic entities and provides strong support for the results of
Barnes et al. (2), who provided the first DNA-based evidence that
the species are distinct.
Based on morphological characteristics, Barr (3) attempted to
reclassify Mycosphaerella pini in a new genus outside of My-
cosphaerella. However, molecular phylogenetic analyses have
shown that Mycosphaerella is the most appropriate designation
for this fungus classification (2,22). Phylogenetic analyses, based
on the sequences of the HMG and α domains, also confirm that
Dothistroma spp. are members of the Mycosphaerellaceae. All
remaining species also grouped within their corresponding
families; however, the relationship between different families is
The mating-type-specific primer sets developed in this study,
DpiniMat1 and DpiniMat2 as well as DseptoMat1 and Dsepto-
Mat2, can be used effectively in multiplex PCR assays to amplify
areas within the mating type genes for D. pini and D. septo-
sporum populations, respectively. These primers also can be used
to distinguish between the two Dothistroma spp., making them
useful tools for rapid and accurate diagnoses of two important
pathogens that are morphologically similar. Prior to this study, the
only diagnostic tool available to distinguish between D. pini and
D. septosporum, was to amplify the ITS of the ribosomal DNA
region with universal primers and then to digest the amplicon
with the restriction endonuclease AluI (2). Although the latter
technique is useful, the ITS amplicon of D. pini is digested into
two fragments whereas that of D. septosporum is not. Therefore,
to prevent a false positive result for D. septosporum, a prior
confirmation that the fungus is a Dothistroma sp. is required. The
mating-type-specific primer sets emerging from this study are
species specific and do not require a prior view on the identity of
unknown isolates. They are, therefore, multifunctional and can be
used for the rapid identification of the species as well as its
mating type.
Although results of this study have shown that D. pini is proba-
bly heterothallic with a single isolate containing only one of the
two mating type genes, no teleomorph has yet been linked to this
species. Where both mating types were observed for the isolates
from the United States, the sexual state most likely is present, but
has not been observed. In contrast, the M. pini teleomorph of
D. septosporum previously has been observed in some parts of the
United States (9,38,39) where D. pini is predominantly found.
Given that the anamorphs of these fungi are morphologically
similar and have been confused in the past, it is possible that
teleomorph structures reported for D. septosporum could have
been linked to D. pini and not to D. septosporum.
Although a small number of isolates were screened for most
countries, this study shows that D. septosporum probably are
heterothallic and that one mating type (MAT2) seems to be more
prevalent in several of the collections studied (e.g., New Zealand).
Although sexual reproduction has been confirmed in D. septo-
sporum, asexual reproduction happens more frequently, and the
absence or rarity of the opposite mating type (MAT1) in most of
the collections can explain the common occurrence of the asexual
stage. Therefore, it also is possible that the teleomorph is not as
rare as first believed. We found that both mating types exist
within D. septosporum populations from Europe (Poland and
Austria) and Canada, where the sexual stage (M. pini) has been
reported in the past (7,15,17,28,29). However, the teleomorph has
never been found in countries in the Southern Hemisphere such as
Chile, Australia, and New Zealand, where these pathogens have
long been a major problem (14,31). These are also the countries
for which only one mating type (MAT2) has been observed, and
this might explain the absence or rarity of the sexual stage.
Discovery in this study of only a single mating type of
D. septosporum in New Zealand, Australian, and Chilean collec-
tions can be explained by the fact that the fungus is an introduced
pathogen in those countries. For New Zealand, Hirst et al. (26)
also found that no genetic variation exist among isolates of a
D. septosporum population, which is strongly supported by the
results of the present study. Dothistroma needle blight was
introduced in Australia in the 1970s and it was suggested that this
occurred by natural means, with conidia being blown across the
Tasman Sea from New Zealand. This view was supported by the
fact that the strict quarantine regulations in Australia would have
made it unlikely that infected plant material entered the country
(13,31,33). The presence of only one mating type shown in this
study and the fact that no genetic diversity has been found yet for
the pathogen in New Zealand (26) supports the view that only one
genotype was introduced into or became established in Australia
and New Zealand. Asexual reproduction evidently has perpetu-
ated the spread of the fungus subsequently. We suspect that the
same situation will have been true for Chile.
An intriguing result of this study has been the discovery that
both mating types of D. septosporum exist in the South African
and United Kingdom collections. This is especially interesting
because the pathogen is non-native in these countries and it might
have been expected that the situation would have been similar to
that in other countries such as New Zealand, where the pathogen
also is an alien invasive. In addition, the teleomorph of D. septo-
sporum has never been observed in South Africa (M. J. Wingfield,
unpublished data) and the United Kingdom (A. V. Brown, unpub-
lished data), despite concerted efforts to detect it.
It is important to recognize that the presence of both mating
types of D. septosporum in these two countries could indicate the
presence of clandestine sex in the fungus. This would indicate the
potential for the pathogen to evolve more effectively in these
countries than would be true elsewhere in the world, where only a
single mating type exists. Such change in the fungus could
complicate efforts to develop trees resistant to Dothistroma needle
blight infection in South Africa and the United Kingdom. In this
regard, it has been shown previously that the introduction of the
second mating type of a pathogen can cause rapid increase in
virulence, gene transfer, and genetic variation, such as in Phy-
tophthora infestans (16,30,42,45) and Ophiostoma novo-ulmi
(36). This implies that the accidental introduction of the opposite
mating type of D. septosporum into countries such as New
Zealand, Australia, and Chile could seriously exacerbate red band
needle disease in those countries. Thus, every effort must be made
to ensure that new mating types of D. septosporum do not enter
these countries.
There has been a dramatic increase in the impact of Dothis-
troma needle blight caused by D. septosporum in western Canada,
the United States, and the United Kingdom in recent years
(5,6,53). Possible reasons for this change in the disease situation
in these countries are an abundance of host material or a
directional climate change, as suggested by Woods et al. (54). The
discovery that both mating types exist in these countries is
another factor that can contribute to the change in the disease
situation. The presence of both mating types increases the
possibility for sexual reproduction. This, in turn, can lead to the
exchange of genetic material between different strains, resulting
in a possible increase in the viability of this species. Therefore,
further investigation is necessary to determine whether the pres-
ence of both mating types, which could increase genetic diversity,
a dramatic climate change, or possibly a combination of both
these factors might account for the drastic increase in the severity
of this disease.
Because only one mating type of D. septosporum appears to be
present in most countries of the Southern Hemisphere, it is impor-
tant to restrict the MAT1 isolates to their present locations. This
can be achieved through refining quarantine regulations based on
the knowledge that only one mating type of the pathogen is pre-
sent in the country. The mating-type-specific PCR developed dur-
ing this study could be implemented easily as a control method to
Vol. 97, No. 7, 2007 833
test for the presence of the mating types for Dothistroma spp. in
pine plantations. One of the weaknesses of quarantine regulations
internationally is that they typically rely on lists of names of
pathogens rather than on knowledge of their biology and popula-
tion genetics. Results of this study have provided valuable new
insights into the distribution of mating types of D. septosporum
and D. pini that should enhance the quality of quarantine regula-
tions in the future.
We thank the CBS-Odo van Vloten Stichting and the Royal Nether-
lands Academy of Arts and Sciences for financial support to M.
Groenewald; G. C. Adams (United States), T. Kirisits (Austria), T.
Kowalski (Poland), R. Ahumada (Chile), and A. Carnegie (Australia) for
providing specimens of D. pini and D. septosporum; and M. Guo for
technical assistance.
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graminicola over spatial scales from lesions to continents. Fungal Genet.
Biol. 36:128-136.
... DNB pathogens are heterothallic ascomycete fungi for which both mating types (MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2 idiomorphs) have been identified (Groenewald et al. 2007). For these fungi the presence of corresponding mating types is required for sexual reproduction, thus mating type surveys are a simple way to detect their potential for sexual reproduction (Milgroom 1996, Turgeon & Yoder 2000. ...
... Identification of species level and mating types was done by conventional PCR using the species and mating type-specific primers of Groenewald et al. (2007). Amplification of DNA was performed in a PCR reaction mix consisting of approximately 2 ng/μl of template DNA, forward and reverse primers (10 pmol/μl), 5× HOT FIREPol® Blend Master Mix (Solis BioDyne, Tartu, Estonia) and molecular grade water added up to 20 μl. ...
... After an initial denaturation step for 15 min at 95°C, 40 cycles were performed each comprising a denaturation step at 94°C for 20 s, an annealing step (65°C for D. pini and 63°C for D. septosporum) for 30 s, and an extension step at 72°C for 40 s followed by a final extension step for 5 min at 72°C. The species-specific primers of Groenewald et al. (2007) amplify regions of approximately 820 bp and 480 bp for individual mating types in D. pini and D. septosporum. ...
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Dothistroma needle blight is one of the most severe needle diseases of pines caused by two closely related species, Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini. The further spread and distribution of this disease were investigated in Slovakia, and new hosts and stand types were identified at the regional level. Dothistroma septosporum was recorded in a natural stand at higher altitude on Pinus cembra in the High Tatras and the P. uncinata records are new host reports for Slovakia for this pathogen. Moreover, for D. pini, P. cembra as a new host at the country level was recorded and P. armandii was identified as new host species worldwide. Mating types for all collected samples and ITS haplotypes for D. pini isolates were determined. For D. pini, five localities with the presence of both mating types and three ITS haplotypes (Dp_HAP.1, Dp_HAP.2 and Dp_ HAP.4) were reported. Samples where both mating types of the pathogens were identified, were selected for the microscopic examination of fruiting bodies aimed to detect sexual reproductive organs. In all inspected needle samples of D. pini, only conidiomata with typical hyaline cylindrical conidia were identified. The sexual state of D. septosporum was recorded in one sample of P. nigra needles.
... The mating type of the D. pini isolates was determined by using the primers of Groenewald et al. (2007) or in some cases the primer set of Janoušek et al. (2014). Each reaction consisted of 2 μl template DNA (20 ng/μl concentration), 0.08 μl Faststart Taq DNA polymerase, 0.25 μl of each of the primers as specified by either Groenewald et al. (2007) or Janoušek et al. (2014), 0.6 μl of a mix of 200 mM dNTPs, 1.5 μl of 2.5 mM MgCl 2, 1.25 μl 10x PCR reaction buffer and the volume was adjusted to 12.5 μl with sterile SABAX water. ...
... The mating type of the D. pini isolates was determined by using the primers of Groenewald et al. (2007) or in some cases the primer set of Janoušek et al. (2014). Each reaction consisted of 2 μl template DNA (20 ng/μl concentration), 0.08 μl Faststart Taq DNA polymerase, 0.25 μl of each of the primers as specified by either Groenewald et al. (2007) or Janoušek et al. (2014), 0.6 μl of a mix of 200 mM dNTPs, 1.5 μl of 2.5 mM MgCl 2, 1.25 μl 10x PCR reaction buffer and the volume was adjusted to 12.5 μl with sterile SABAX water. ...
... PCR reactions were carried out on an Applied Biosystems ® Veriti ® 96 well Thermal cycler (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA). The cycling conditions for all microsatellite fragments included an initial denaturation step at 95°C for 4 min, 10 cycles consisting of 94°C for 20 s, a 45 s annealing step with the temperature set according to the protocols by Groenewald et al. (2007) or Janoušek et al. (2014), and an elongation step of 45 s at 72°C. This was followed by a further 25 cycles of 94°C for 20 s, 45 s with a 5 s extension step per cycle at the annealing temperature, a 72°C extension for 45 s and a final extension step of 72°C for 30 min. ...
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Dothistroma needle blight (DNB) is an important disease of Pinus species that can be caused by one of two distinct but closely related pathogens; Dothistroma septosporum and Dothistroma pini. Dothistroma septosporum has a wide geographic distribution and is relatively well-known. In contrast, D. pini is known only from the United States and Europe, and there is a distinct lack of knowledge regarding its population structure and genetic diversity. The recent development of 16 microsatellite markers for D. pini provided an opportunity to investigate the diversity, structure, and mode of reproduction for populations collected over a period of 12 years, on eight different hosts in Europe. In total, 345 isolates from Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Romania, Western Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, and Ukraine were screened using microsatellite and species-specific mating type markers. A total of 109 unique multilocus haplotypes were identified and structure analyses suggested that the populations are influenced by location rather than host species. Populations from France and Spain displayed the highest levels of genetic diversity followed by the population in Ukraine. Both mating types were detected in most countries, with the exception of Hungary, Russia and Slovenia. Evidence for sexual recombination was supported only in the population from Spain. The observed population structure and several shared haplotypes between non-bordering countries provides good evidence that the movement of D. pini in Europe has been strongly influenced by human activity in Europe.
... Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini produce identical symptoms on host trees, and differentiation of the two species based solely on morphology is virtually impossible [2,3]. However, a range of molecular methods can be used to identify and differentiate the DNB pathogens, either from cultures or directly from needles [2,[4][5][6]. ...
... Conventional PCR (cPCR) using species-specific primers developed for D. septosporum and D. pini by Ioos et al. [5] has been successfully used for confirming the species identification of isolates. On the other hand, mating-type primer pairs for D. septosporum and D. pini [4] have been more widely used for species-specific identification of isolates as they can ensure simultaneous identification of the Dothistroma species and the mating type of the isolates. Nonetheless, the causal agent at species level can be detected and differentiated directly in needle samples via cPCR using the same species-specific primer sets for each species developed by Ioos et al. [5]. ...
... Species-specific mating-type primers developed by Groenewald et al. [4] are widely used for both determining Dothistroma species and their mating type. ...
Dothistroma needle blight (DNB) is one of the most damaging foliage diseases of pine in plantations and natural forests worldwide and is caused by two closely related fungi: Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini, which are virtually impossible to differentiate from each other based on morphology. Although diagnosis of DNB based on symptoms is relatively reliable in the later stages of the disease when fruit bodies (conidiomata) are formed, for diagnosis in the early stages, as well as identification of the causal agent at species level, molecular methods are required. In addition, reliable and sensitive diagnostics before sporulation is a prerequisite for early detection to minimize accidental introductions of disease through movement of infected plant materials, especially seedlings. While amplification and sequencing of the ITS region of the rDNA alone is not reliable to differentiate the two species, conventional PCR (cPCR) using species-specific primers or mating type-specific primers and quantitative PCR (qPCR) are widely used and accepted molecular methods to identify and differentiate the DNB pathogens, either from cultures or directly from needles.Key words Dothistroma septosporum Dothistroma pini ITSSpecies-specific primerscPCRMating type
... Mating type genes play an important part in the biology and evolution of fungal species (Tsui et al. 2013). Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini are heterothallic ascomycete fungi for which both mating types have been identified (Groenewald et al. 2007). In sexually reproducing populations of fungi characterized by random mating, the proportions of mating type idiomorphs should be close to equal (Milgroom 1996). ...
... PCR based species identification of colonies was performed using species-specific primers according to Groenewald et al. (2007), and in the case of a negative result, we used conventional PCR protocol according to Ioos et al. (2010). The mating type of each isolate was determined using the mating-type specific primers of Groenewald et al. (2007) or Janoušek et al. (2014). ...
... PCR based species identification of colonies was performed using species-specific primers according to Groenewald et al. (2007), and in the case of a negative result, we used conventional PCR protocol according to Ioos et al. (2010). The mating type of each isolate was determined using the mating-type specific primers of Groenewald et al. (2007) or Janoušek et al. (2014). PCRs were performed in a total volume of 20 μl per sample containing 4 μl of 5 × HOT FIRE-Pol® Blend Master Mix, 1 μl of template DNA, 1 μl of each specific forward and reverse primers (10 mol/μl), and purified water added, up to 20 μl. ...
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Dothistroma septosporum and Dothistroma pini are two species of ascomycetous fungi of the genus Dothistroma, which cause needle disease worldwide known as Dothistroma needle blight (DNB). DNB attacks needles mostly from the Pinus species and causes significant defoliation on their hosts. Both Dothistroma species produce identical symptoms, the only unambiguous method of distinguishing are molecular identification methods. PCR techniques using species and mating-type specific primers were used to compare the development of the population structures of both fungal pathogens after 12years. The basis for this comparative analysis was the biological material we collected from the P. nigra plantation in 2018 and the collection of 24 isolates from the same research area collected in 2006. From the whole number of 107 established cul-tures, we obtained 56 isolates, while the presence of both Dothistroma species was confirmed. However, 12years ago only D. septosporum occurred at the research area. For the species, D. septosporum, we identified both mating types with slight dominance of MAT1-2, but still not deviated from a 1:1 ratio (MAT1-1: MAT1-2 = 26:33), similar results were obtained within samples 12years before, suggesting sexual reproduction occurs in the population. Whereas single isolate for the spe-cies D. pini was identified as the mating type MAT1-1.
... PCR was conducted with each DNA sample using two diagnostic methods for Dothistroma species and mating type. First, mating type idiomorph (MAT1-1 and MAT1-2) species-specific primers were used according to Groenewald et al. (2007), and second, general, species-specific primers were used according to Ioos et al. (2010). In cases where discordant results were obtained with the two diagnostic methods, the PCR was repeated. ...
... Primers DpiniMat1f2/DotMat1r and DpiniMat2f/ DotMat2r were used in single PCR to identify mating types of D. pini, and primers DseptoMat1f/ DotMat1r and DseptoMat2f/DotMat2r for mating types of D. septosporum (Groenewald et al., 2007). The cycle conditions for PCR consisted of an initial denaturation step for 15 min at 95 °C, followed by 40 cycles each comprising a denaturation step at 94 °C for 20 s, an annealing step (65 °C For the species-specific primers, DStub2F/ DStub2R were used to identify D. septosporum, and DPtefF/DPtefR to identify D. pini (Ioos et al., 2010). ...
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Dothistroma needle blight (DNB) is a severe needle disease of pines worldwide, caused by two closely related species, Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini. The two fungal species are similar not only in their morphological characteristics, but also cause very similar symptoms in their hosts, and have a similar ecology. The aim of this study was to compare the virulence of the two Dothistroma species in natural infection experiments on 2-year-old seedlings of two DNB susceptible pine species, Pinus nigra and P. mugo, in two seedling stands for each pathogen species. The virulence of the pathogens and presence of symptoms (symptomatic needles, red bands and acervuli) were assessed after 2 years of exposure to inoculum. The incidence of seedlings with DNB symptoms was 65% and 76% for P. nigra and P. mugo, respectively. No difference was found between D. septosporum and D. pini in any of the three DNB symptoms evaluated on seedlings of P. mugo. However, symptoms of disease differed between the two Dothistroma species on P. nigra. Variables that reflect the intensity of disease development, the number of red bands and acervuli per needle, showed a difference in virulence between D. septosporum and D. pini, but only in the case of the host species P. nigra. The results suggest that the virulence of the two Dothistroma species could be affected by host pine species and that there are differences in the susceptibility of individual pine species to D. septosporum and D. pini. Further factors could affect the virulence of these pathogens, including isolate origin, climatic or environmental factors.
... Before inoculation experiment. The pathogen was identified using species specific mating-type primers (Groenewald et al., 2007) and by RFLP method (Barnes et al., 2004). Primary cultures of fungal isolate were grown on PMMG (Pine needle minimal medium with glucose) incubated in dark for 10 days according to McDougal et al. (2011). ...
Dothistroma needle blight (DNB) is a serious needle disease of conifers that primarily affects pine species ( Pinus spp.). Dothistroma septosporum is one of the DNB pathogens that has a diverse range of host species excluding Pinus armandii . In 15 inoculated P . armandii seedlings, D. septosporum acervuli were observed in 43 infected needles of ten seedlings with a mean disease severity of 1.11% at 25 weeks after inoculations, demonstrating the potential of D . septosporum to cause symptoms on the needles of P . armandii via artificial inoculation. The disease severity of P . armandii was similar to the positive control, Pinus nigra (median 0.75 for P . armandii to 0.70 for P . nigra ), thus, P . armandii acts under artificial conditions as a susceptible host species.
... Research on DNB has not only been accelerated by the availability of the D. septosporum genome sequence, but also by the continual improvement of molecular tools for diagnostics and population genetics (Barnes et al., 2008;Groenewald et al., 2007;Ioos et al., 2010). ...
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Fulvia fulva and Dothistroma septosporum are closely related apoplastic pathogens with similar lifestyles but different hosts: F. fulva is a pathogen of tomato, whilst D. septosporum is a pathogen of pine trees. In 2012, the first genome sequences of these pathogens were published, with F. fulva and D. septosporum having highly fragmented and near-complete assemblies, respectively. Since then, significant advances have been made in unravelling their genome architectures. For instance, the genome of F. fulva has now been assembled into 14 chromosomes, 13 of which have synteny with the 14 chromosomes of D. septosporum, suggesting these pathogens are even more closely related than originally thought. Considerable advances have also been made in the identification and functional characterization of virulence factors (e.g., effector proteins and secondary metabolites) from these pathogens, thereby providing new insights into how they promote host colonization or activate plant defence responses. For example, it has now been established that effector proteins from both F. fulva and D. septosporum interact with cell-surface immune receptors and co-receptors to activate the plant immune system. Progress has also been made in understanding how F. fulva and D. septosporum have evolved with their host plants, whilst intensive research into pandemics of Dothistroma needle blight in the Northern Hemisphere has shed light on the origins, migration, and genetic diversity of the global D. septosporum population. In this review, we specifically summarize advances made in our understanding of the F. fulva-tomato and D. septosporum-pine pathosystems over the last 10 years.
Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), also known as red band needle blight due to its characteristic symptoms, is one of the most serious needle diseases of pine. It is caused by either one of two haploid ascomycete fungi: Dothistroma septosporum (Doroguin) M. Morelet and Dothistroma pini Hulbary that are morphologically almost identical but phylogenetically distinct. The disease, mostly due to D. septosporum, is widespread where Pinus spp. are found, but its global notoriety has stemmed from the severe damage it caused in Southern Hemisphere pine plantations.
The mating-type (MAT1) locus encodes transcription factors essential for the onset of the sexual cycle in ascomycete fungi. This locus has been characterised in only a few heterothallic, plant pathogenic Mycosphaerellaceae and Teratosphaeriaceae. We used available genome sequences for Mycosphaerellales species to investigate the presence of two unique mating-type-associated features. The accessory MAT1 genes, MAT1-1-10 (MATORF2) and MAT1-2-12 (MATORF1), typically occurred in both MAT idiomorphs of Mycosphaerellaceae species. In contrast, they were associated with only one idiomorph in Teratosphaeriaceae species. In Pseudocercospora, phylogenetic analyses showed that homologs present in different idiomorphs were paralogous and subject to different selective pressures, indicating that their evolution is linked to mating type. In almost half of the investigated Mycosphaerellales genomes, numerous short fragment sequences, almost identical to portions of the MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2-1 genes, were present in multiple areas outside of the MAT1 locus. Aligned to the MAT1 genes, these sequences resembled an mRNA transcript. Fragment sequences were similar among species groups and occurred at the same genomic positions, implying that monophyletic groups have the same origins of these sequences. Although the functions of the MAT fragment sequences and accessory MAT1 genes remain unknown, both were expressed in the representative Mycosphaerellaceae and Teratosphaeriaceae species that were investigated.
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The current list of Chinese quarantine pests includes 130 fungal species. However, recent changes in the taxonomy of fungi following the one fungus = one name initiative and the implementation of DNA phylogeny in taxonomic revisions, resulted in many changes of these species names, necessitating an update of the current list. In addition, many quarantine fungi lack modern morphological descriptions and authentic DNA sequences, posing significant challenges for the development of diagnostic protocols. The aim of the present study was to review the taxonomy and names of the 33 Chinese quarantine fungi in Dothideomycetes , and provide reliable DNA barcodes to facilitate rapid identification. Of these, 23 names were updated according to the single name nomenclature system, including one new combination, namely Cophinforma tumefaciens comb. nov. (syn. Sphaeropsis tumefaciens ). On the basis of phylogenetic analyses and morphological comparisons, a new genus Xenosphaeropsis is introduced to accommodate the monotypic species Xenosphaeropsis pyriputrescens comb. nov. (syn. Sphaeropsis pyriputrescens ), the causal agent of a post-harvest disease of pears. Furthermore, four lectotypes ( Ascochyta petroselini , Mycosphaerella ligulicola , Physalospora laricina , Sphaeria lingam ), three epitypes ( Ascochyta petroselini , Phoma lycopersici , Sphaeria lingam ), and two neotypes ( Ascochyta pinodella , Deuterophoma tracheiphila ) are designated to stabilise the use of these names. A further four reference strains are introduced for Cophinforma tumefaciens , Helminthosporium solani , Mycocentro­spora acerina , and Septoria linicola . In addition, to assist future studies on these important pathogens, we sequenced and assembled whole genomes for 17 species, including Alternaria triticina , Boeremia foveata , B. lycopersici , Cladosporium cucumerinum , Didymella glomerata , Didymella pinodella , Diplodia mutila , Helminthosporium solani , Mycocentrospora acerina , Neofusicoccum laricinum , Parastagonospora pseudonodorum , Plenodomus libanotidis , Plenodomus lingam , Plenodomus tracheiphilus , Septoria petroselini , Stagonosporopsis chrysanthemi , and Xenosphaeropsis pyriputrescens .
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Colletotrichum species are defined primarily on the basis of host preference and morphology of the organism in planta and in culture. However the genus contains several species complexes that encompass such a broad range of morphological and pathological variation that the species name is of relatively little use either to the taxonomist or plant pathologist. Phylogenetic analyses, primarily based on variable regions of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences , have indicated that these species complexes comprise a variable number of identifiable mono-phyletic clades. However rDNA sequences often are insufficiently diverse to fully resolve such closely related lineages. A group of isolates representing three species complexes (C. graminicola, C. gloeosporioides and C. acutatum) were analyzed by using the high mobility group (HMG)-encoding sequence of the MAT1–2 mating type sequence, which has been shown in other fungi to be especially suitable for distinguishing relationships among closely related groups. Results were compared with those obtained from analysis of variable regions of the rDNA as well as from standard morphological classification methods. Results achieved through analysis of MAT1–2 sequences correlated well with those obtained by analysis of rDNA sequences but provided significantly better resolution among the various lineages. Morphological traits, including hyphopodia size, colony appearance, spore size, appresorial shape and size and host preference, frequently were unreliable as indicators of phylogenetic association. Spore shape and hyphopodia shape more often were useful for this purpose.
The risk of severe dothistroma needle blight in Pinus radiata D. Don forests depends on many factors, including the genetic diversity of the pathogen population, and so molecular methods were used to estimate the genetic diversity of the population of Dothistroma pini Hulbary in New Zealand. Samples of D. pini were collected from infected P. radiata trees using two sampling regimes. One involved collections from three forests, using a hierarchy of populations approach. The other involved collections from a Forest Research Institute field trial for Dothistroma resistance in which each tree was of known parentage. In addition to these, four D. pini samples isolated in New Zealand during the 1960s, and DNA from a Central American strain of the teleomorph (sexual form) Mycosphaerella pini E. Rostrup apud Monk, were analysed. Using the PCR-based techniques of RAPD (Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA) and RAMS (Random Amplified Microsatellites), no genetic diversity was detected within the New Zealand samples. These results suggest that a single strain of D. pini was introduced into New Zealand and that this spread throughout the country. The New Zealand strain of D. pini is easily distinguishable from the Central American teleomorph, using both RAPD and RAMS techniques. The current study does not specifically address virulence levels, but this work implies that although the current New Zealand strain of D. pini is unlikely to overcome the current level of P. radiata resistance, the introduction of an overseas strain into New Zealand could present a threat to forest health.
The Phytophthora infestans requires two mating types for sexual reproduction. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to specifically detect different mating types of P. infestans. The AFLP primers E+AA (5′-GACTGCGTACCAATTCAA-3′) and M+CAA (5′-GATGAGTCCTGAGTAAC AA-3′) detected a fragment that is specific in the A2 mating type of P. infestans. This fragment was cloned and sequenced. Based on the sequence data, PHYB-1 and PHYB-2 primer were designed to detect the A2 mating type of P. infestans. A single 347 bp segment was observed in the A2 mating type of P. infestans, but not in the A1 mating type of P. infestans or other Phytophthora spp. Identification of mating type was performed with phenotype (sexual reproduction) and genotype (CAPs marker) methods. Two factors, the annealing temperature and template DNA quantity, were investigated to determine the optimal conditions. Using mating type-specific primers, a unique band was obtained within annealing temperatures of 57°C-62°C and DNA levels of 10pg-100 ng (data not shown).
The new family Planistromellaceae is presented to include taxa having ascostromata, interthecial tissues, and schizogenously formed, periphysate ostioles. Members of the family are species of Planistromella, Planistroma, Loratospora, the new genus Eryptio, Microcyclus, and Mycosphaerellopsis. New combinations are proposed for Planistromella. yuccigena, P. acervata, P. parryi, Eruptio acicola, E. pini, and Microcyclus kawagoeii.
Pine needle blight on Pinus radiata, due to infection by Dothistroma septospora, was first recorded in Victoria at one location in the north-eastern highlands of the State in 1979. For the first two years afterwards the disease was confined to the same small area, then in 1981/82 it appeared at a very low level in areas up to 50 km distant, notably in several P. radiata valley sites and in plateau country where mist collected. The infection intensity increased rapidly after March 1983 and severe defoliation appeared on trees in these sites in 1984. Moderate to severe needle-cast developed much more slowly in adjacent plantations. By 1988 most of the plantations in north-eastern Victoria were infected but the amount of needle-cast was extremely variable. Topography, stand and site features were found to affect disease expression. By 1987, 1505 ha (16%) of the plantations surveyed had more than 25% of their crowns affected.
Forest management in the Interior Cedar Hemlock (ICH) zone of the Kispiox TSA in northwest British Columbia has focused on two tree species. Interior spruce (Picea engelmanni Parry ex Engelm. x Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia Dougl. ex Loud.) have dominated plantations, while historically, western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.), true firs (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt. and (Abies amabilis (Dougl. ex Loud.) Dougl. ex Forbes) and western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don), have dominated the landscape. Tomentosus root disease (Inonotus tomentosus (Fr.) Teng) and Dothistroma needle blight (Mycosphaerella pini Rostr. in Munk) are the principal diseases affecting interior spruce and lodgepole pine plantations, respectively. Tomentosus root disease was found in 92% of spruce-dominated stands 100 years and older in the study area. The annual recruitment of dead interior spruce and lodgepole pine tree volume due to the disease in those stands is 4.29 m3/ha or 51 990 m3. The incidence of Tomentosus root disease in ten randomly selected spruce leading plantations aged 25-30 years ranged from 0.6% to 10.4% and averaged 5.9% of the host trees. Dothistroma needle blight was the most prevalent pest in a survey of 100 randomly selected lodgepole pine plantations and has caused considerable crop tree mortality. The disease has even caused mortality in 55-year-old lodgepole pine trees. Maintaining species diversity is essential to long-term forest health. Intensive planting of interior spruce and lodgepole pine in this study area appears to have exacerbated disease problems.