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Blowdown History and Landscape Patterns in the Andes of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina


Abstract and Figures

The effects of periodic gales on Nothofagus (southern beech) stand development and landscape dynamics were studied in a 10.4-km2 study area in the Sierra de las Pinturas, part of the Andes in Argentine Tierra del Fuego. We reconstructed blowdown history (patch sizes, dates of origin, return intervals) since the late 1700s to assess how periodic large-scale wind disturbance influenced landscape pattern in a relatively simple system. Most previous studies have focused on single storms in more diverse forests and in landscapes influenced by several disturbance types and human activities. Boundaries of post-blowdown stands were digitized from aerial photographs and analyzed within a geographic information system. Ages of blowdowns and return intervals were determined from scars, growth releases, and maximum tree ages. Discrete blowdown patches (0.1 to >100 ha) covered two-thirds of the study area and ranged from 19 to ≃200 yr of age, with 20-30 yr between major events. The meteorology of these storms was unknown, but we suspect they were caused by intense low-pressure systems originating in Antarctica. The mean return interval for 34 sites was 145 yr, with a range of 103-218 yr. Based on treefall size distributions, most stands blown over in the past 100 yr were even-aged, with mean tree dbh (diameter at breast height) between 20 and 32 cm. Aerial photographs taken in 1970 were used for before-and-after comparisons of a 1972 blowdown. Seventy-one percent of the area blown over in 1972 was even-aged, and 35% of the boundaries from this storm exactly coincided with previous stand boundaries. Damage patterns from storms in 1924 and 1972 suggested that forests located on valleys parallel to the wind, windward side slopes, and possibly upper leeward slopes were most vulnerable to blowdown, but few landscape positions escaped being hit by repeated storms. Return intervals were not significantly related to slope, elevation, or aspect; but surprisingly, shorter return intervals were associated with deeper soils. The landscape pattern of blowdown and recovery shifted over time because of variation among individual storms and because a small proportion of old-growth stands were converted to blowdowns and vice versa. Browsing by guanacos (Lama guanaco), a large native camelid, has severely inhibited tree regeneration during the past 75 yr in small blowdowns and the perimeters of larger ones, converting some stands to open meadows and incipient alpine communities. In the relatively simple Nothofagus forests of Tierra del Fuego, periodic gales are the main determinants of forest structure and pattern across a range of scales from small patches to entire landscapes.
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78(3), 1997, pp. 678–692
1997 by the Ecological Society of America
J. R
T. V
M. R
School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211 USA
Geography Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309 USA
North Central Forest Experiment Station, Columbia, Missouri 65211 USA
The effects of periodic gales on
(southern beech) stand devel-
opment and landscape dynamics were studied in a 10.4-km
study area in the Sierra de las
Pinturas, part of the Andes in Argentine Tierra del Fuego. We reconstructed blowdown
history (patch sizes, dates of origin, return intervals) since the late 1700s to assess how
periodic large-scale wind disturbance influenced landscape pattern in a relatively simple
system. Most previous studies have focused on single storms in more diverse forests and
in landscapes influenced by several disturbance types and human activities. Boundaries of
post-blowdown stands were digitized from aerial photographs and analyzed within a geo-
graphic information system. Ages of blowdowns and return intervals were determined from
scars, growth releases, and maximum tree ages. Discrete blowdown patches (0.1 to
ha) covered two-thirds of the study area and ranged from 19 to
200 yr of age, with 20–
30 yr between major events. The meteorology of these storms was unknown, but we suspect
they were caused by intense low-pressure systems originating in Antarctica. The mean
return interval for 34 sites was 145 yr, with a range of 103–218 yr. Based on treefall size
distributions, most stands blown over in the past 100 yr were even-aged, with mean tree
dbh (diameter at breast height) between 20 and 32 cm. Aerial photographs taken in 1970
were used for before-and-after comparisons of a 1972 blowdown. Seventy-one percent of
the area blown over in 1972 was even-aged, and 35% of the boundaries from this storm
exactly coincided with previous stand boundaries. Damage patterns from storms in 1924
and 1972 suggested that forests located on valleys parallel to the wind, windward side
slopes, and possibly upper leeward slopes were most vulnerable to blowdown, but few
landscape positions escaped being hit by repeated storms. Return intervals were not sig-
nificantly related to slope, elevation, or aspect; but surprisingly, shorter return intervals
were associated with deeper soils. The landscape pattern of blowdown and recovery shifted
over time because of variation among individual storms and because a small proportion of
old-growth stands were converted to blowdowns and vice versa. Browsing by guanacos
Lama guanaco
), a large native camelid, has severely inhibited tree regeneration during
the past 75 yr in small blowdowns and the perimeters of larger ones, converting some
stands to open meadows and incipient alpine communities. In the relatively simple
forests of Tierra del Fuego, periodic gales are the main determinants of forest
structure and pattern across a range of scales from small patches to entire landscapes.
Key words: blowdowns; browsing; disturbance; guanaco; interactions, disturbance-type; land-
scape pattern;
Nothofagus pumilio;
southern beech; Tierra del Fuego; treefalls; wind.
Complete characterization of a disturbance regime
requires means and variances for return intervals, sizes,
shapes, and intensities, and information on how these
factors vary across the landscape. Yet, such statistics
have not even been determined for the simplest land-
scapes (Peet 1992). Among the best described distur-
bance regimes include studies of wildfire by Heinsel-
man (1973) in Minnesota and Romme (1982, and oth-
ers) in Yellowstone National Park, and fine-scale tree-
Manuscript received 4 August 1995; revised 26 July 1996;
accepted 6 August 1996.
Present address: Departamento de Ecologı´a, Universidad
Nacional del Comahue, Casilla de Correo 1336, 8400 Bar-
iloche, Argentina.
fall gaps in eastern deciduous forests by Runkle (1985,
and references therein), but even these studies focus
on only a single type or scale of disturbance. To un-
derstand the role of disturbance in creating landscape
patterns, the full range of disturbances affecting an area
must be considered (e.g., Harmon et al. 1983, Veblen
et al. 1992).
Wind creates a spatial-temporal mosaic of patches
or gaps in different stages of recovery from distur-
bance. Forest turnover is dominated by fine-scale tree-
fall gaps in much of the eastern deciduous forests of
North America (Runkle 1990) and in neotropical rain
forests (Brokaw 1985), where gaps are formed at
of the canopy per year. Simulations by Turner et al.
(1993) suggest that such disturbance regimes allow
April 1997 679
. 1. Location of study area on Tierra del Fuego (top)
and regional setting (bottom). Thin solid lines indicate ap-
proximate boundaries between major vegetation zones (see
Study area
). Grey areas are mountain ranges (elevations in
both persistence and constancy of seral types or patches
at scales of ‘‘stand’ or larger; i.e., a ‘‘steady-state mo-
saic.’’ Coarse-scale blowdowns (
1000 m
) are much
less frequent, with return-time estimates for many tem-
perate and tropical forests generally
1000 yr (Lorimer
1977, Canham and Loucks 1984, Whitney 1986, Glitz-
enstein and Harcombe 1988, Schaetzl et al. 1989, Nel-
son et al. 1994). Return intervals (i.e., inverse of fre-
quency; White and Pickett 1985) for destructive storms
are much shorter in hurricane/typhoon or gale-prone
areas of the Caribbean and eastern United States (Foster
, Lugo and Waide 1993, Boose et al. 1994),
Southeast Asia (Whitmore 1984), Australia (Webb
1958), New Zealand (Shaw 1983, Jane 1986), and the
North American Pacific Northwest (Harris 1989). How-
ever, damage patterns from these storms are very com-
plex, with partial and complete destruction occurring
at various scales.
Landscape patterns of coarse-scale blowdowns are
best known from detailed analyses of the 1938 hurri-
cane in New England and several hurricanes in the
Caribbean (Lugo et al. 1983, Foster 1988
, Foster and
Boose 1992, Boose et al. 1994). Blowdowns tend to
increase landscape diversity by creating a mosaic of
patches of different ages and successional status (Webb
1958, Foster and Boose 1992). Variation in blowdown
intensity also contributes to landscape heterogeneity by
enhancing beta diversity (e.g., severe, intermediate,
and light levels of disturbance fostering different com-
munities; Savage et al. 1992). Blowdowns may also
strike some aspects and slope positions more than oth-
ers, modifying vegetation patterns along environmental
gradients (Foster and Boose 1992). The landscape pat-
terns created by hurricanes are very complex, reflecting
interactions of biotic, edaphic, and historical factors
with meteorological and stochastic processes (Foster
, Foster and Boose 1992).
Most studies of blowdowns are limited almost ex-
clusively to single events superimposed on relatively
complex landscapes with many tree species, several
disturbance types, and anthropogenic activities. In ad-
dition, these studies usually focus on recent storms and
initial stages of stand recovery. Not surprisingly, the
spatial and temporal dimensions of blowdown dynam-
ics under these circumstances are often difficult to as-
sess. In this study we describe a disturbance regime in
10.4 km
Nothofagus pumilio
(Poeppig and Endl.)
Krasser (lenga, southern beech) forest in the Andes of
Tierra del Fuego. The system is ideal for addressing
how disturbances generate landscape pattern because
there is a single dominant disturbance, catastrophic
windthrow, which reoccurs frequently and creates very
discrete patches, and there is a single modifying dis-
turbance, herbivory by guanacos (
Lama guanaco
), a
large native herbivore. Furthermore, this study area has
not been significantly affected by human activities, and
the presence of a single tree species simplifies the task
of examining tree responses to blowdown. Evidence
for blowdown persists for
200 yr, providing oppor-
tunities to examine the long-term effects of disturbance
on landscape processes. The objectives of this study
were to determine spatial and temporal characteristics
of the wind-dominated disturbance regime in the south-
ern Andes, and to investigate long-term stand and land-
scape development controlled by wind disturbance and
interactions with guanacos.
The combination of westerly atmospheric circulation
and the southwest–northeast orientation of the Andes
results in a strong precipitation gradient across Tierra
del Fuego. The associated vegetation gradient com-
prises evergreen
Nothofagus betuloides
rain forest in
the southwest, deciduous
N. pumilio
‘‘summer green’
forest in the interior, and deciduous
N. antarctica
steppe in the northeast (Fig. 1). With the exception of
the Andean rain shadow, the climate of Tierra delFuego
is similar to southern Alaska and western Scandinavia
with average monthly temperatures ranging from
to 10
C, annual precipitation of 450 mm, and prevailing
winds and major windstorms from the southwest (Ly-
ons 1983, Tuhkanen 1992).
680 Ecology, Vol. 78, No. 3
The 10.4-km
study area is located in
N. pumilio
forest in the Sierra de las Pinturas, a range of the south-
ernmost Andes running east–west along Lago Fagnano
S, 67
W; Fig. 1). Cerro Yakush (elevation
950 m; relief 600–700 m) dominates the northeast part
of the study area, with several smaller foothills (relief
100–200 m) occupying the southwest half. The shallow
50 cm deep), acidic brown soils are slightly pod-
zolized, and derived from sandstone and conglomerate
parent material (Moore 1983).
Eighty-nine percent of the study area is forested and
11% is alpine tundra. There are only slight changes in
forest structure with elevation, and the transition to
alpine tundra is very abrupt. Timberline ranges from
400 to 700 m. Northeast of Cerro Yakush, the Sierra
descends into the sparsely populated steppe ecotone.
Cerro Yakush is at the edge of a vast, uninhabited,
roadless area that extends to the Pacific Ocean. Recent
logging prevented us from sampling farther down the
northeast side of the mountain, but the study area prop-
er was pristine and had little evidence of past human
Guanaco browsing plays a major role in forest re-
generation near the steppe ecotone. These animals are
large (80–100 kg), polygamous camelids native to for-
ests, pampas, and steppe from Peru to Tierra delFuego.
Roughly one-tenth of the total guanaco population re-
sides on Tierra del Fuego, where there are perhaps 10–
20 thousand animals (Raedecke 1978). Based on
ground and aerial sightings, we estimated that there
were 5–10 guanacos/km
in our study area during sum-
mer. In Tierra del Fuego, their diet consists mainly of
grasses and forbs, but they also browse leaves and twigs
Nothofagus antarctica, N. pumilio,
and several
shrubs (Raedecke 1978).
Mapping of blowdowns
An orthophoto image and digital elevation model
(DEM) were constructed from 1970 1:40 000 aerial
photographs using ERDAS (1992) DIGITAL ORTHO
module. The orthophoto image removes distortions
caused by terrain and the oblique camera angle. No
adequate topographic maps existed for the study area,
so a DEM was created from the 1970 aerial photo-
graphs. In this procedure, image matching of stereo
pairs automatically generates two corresponding grids
4000 points, representing identical ground loca-
tions. Ground coordinates, including elevation, are
computed from matched image pairs and known camera
orientation. The coordinates were scaled from external
control points taken from a 1950 1:200 000 topographic
map that overlapped part of the study area.
Blowdowns were digitized directly off the ortho-
photo image using IDRISI (Eastman 1992), a geograph-
ic information system (GIS). Blowdowns
200 yr old
are comprised of even-aged stands that appear as ho-
mogeneous, fine-textured patches on aerial photo-
graphs. Old growth (
225–250 yr) has a much coarser
texture. Several hundred oblique 35-mm color infrared
photographs were taken from
2000 m altitude in
1990–1991 to aid in mapping blowdowns that occurred
in 1972. The 1972 blowdowns were transferred to the
1970 base image by carefully locating corresponding
landmarks on each photograph. The 1972 event also
provided an opportunity for detailed before-and-after
comparisons to assess (1) how much of the area blown
down in 1972 was previously even-aged vs. old growth
and (2) what percent of the 1972 blowdown boundaries
matched older blowdown boundaries visible in the
1970 photographs.
Areas where browsing by guanacos had inhibited
Nothofagus pumilio
regeneration were
identified on the 1970 and 1990–1991 aerial photo-
graphs, and with field checks. We mappedpatches with-
in blowdowns where guanacos had browsed nearly all
1.5 m in height. Guanacos typically browsed
seedlings in discrete patches wherever treefalls did not
block their access. Trees that remained unbrowsed for
20 yr grew out of reach of guanacos, but in areas
where animals concentrated, seedlings became severely
deformed and hedge-like after decades of persistent
browsing. Patches of complete regeneration failure
were still widespread in blowdowns that occurred in
Field procedures
Blowdown dating.
To quantify the temporal and
spatial patterns of wind disturbance, stands of different
origin were identified on the 1970 photographs and
stand history and regeneration patterns were deter-
mined by field sampling and dendrochronology. Tree-
falls from blowdowns were visible for 150 yr after the
event, and were confirmed by the even-aged stands
(single cohort) and lack of charcoal. Several even-aged
stands between 170 and 200 yr old having pit-and-
mound topography were also assumed to be blow-
downs. Stands that reach 225–250 yr gradually become
old growth (sensu Oliver and Larson 1990), where a
second cohort develops in small treefall gaps. In this
paper, ‘‘old growth’’ is synonymous with‘‘no evidence
of previous blowdown.’’ We attempted to sample all
blowdown patches within the study area, but some data
were only available for a smaller subset of blowdowns;
an overview is presented in Table 1.
Blowdowns were dated from scars, growth releases
on remnant trees, and maximum age of post-blowdown
regeneration. At 21 blowdowns, we cut wedges from
1–4 live trees (60 total) with bole scars formed from
tree collision injury. These scars were usually several
meters long and most common on live windthrown
trees, apparently from windward trees ‘sliding down’’
their leeward neighbors in domino-like fashion. Sam-
ples were not cross dated, but they provided approxi-
mate dates used in conjunction with other methods. We
April 1997 681
1. Subsets of total blowdown pool used in various analyses and selection criteria in
a study of
forests on Tierra del Fuego.
Selection criteria
Total blowdown patches 114 All patches
0.1 ha on aerial photographs
Patch size distribution 90 All patches
100 yr old; original boundaries as-
sumed to be intact (i.e., not covered by more re-
cent event)
Treefall characteristics 61 Patches
100 yr old; some smaller blowdowns in
a cluster of patches were not sampled
Live basal area and dbh 41 All patches with tree (
4 cm dbh) regeneration;
heavily browsed blowdowns lacking trees were
Patch size and browsing 32 1972 blowdown patches; most recent major event
Return intervals 34 Opportunistic, based on availability of dendro-
chronological material and biased towards recent
Tree age structures 3 Arbitrarily selected
Landscape distribution All old-growth areas (no evidence of blowdowns
225 yr) compared to 1924 and 1972 blow-
downs, the two largest events with original
patch boundaries intact
cored remnant trees within and along blowdown edges
and examined the cores for abrupt increases in growth
(release) associated with disturbance (Lorimer 1985).
Release was defined as
a 2.5-fold increase in growth
when adjacent groups of five rings were compared
(Veblen et al. 1992). Because many trees have delayed
growth response to disturbance, we assumed that the
oldest release date among a group of similar dates cor-
responded closely with the event (Lorimer 1985). Ini-
tially, 10–30 cores were taken per blowdown, but after
we became familiar with the ages and appearances of
blowdowns, fewer cores were needed to confirm a sus-
pected date.
Nothofagus pumilio
can live 300–375 yr (Rebertus
and Veblen 1993), but trees
250 yr old are often un-
sound and it was not practical to core them for release
dates. Therefore, dates of older blowdowns (150–200
yr) were assigned in 25-yr age classes based on max-
imum stem age of five to ten trees cored at 0.3–0.4 m
above the soil surface (Heinselman 1973, Veblen et al.
N. pumilio
typically regenerates in even-aged
stands after major canopy disturbance (Veblen et al.
1996) and maximum tree ages usually correspond
closely with the time of disturbance (Veblen et al. 1992,
Rebertus and Veblen 1993).
Approximate point return intervals were determined
for 34 stands which represented a wide range of site
characteristics and blowdown events. Return intervals
were based on dates of two successive events from the
same locale (
1–3 ha). A common situation was a
small blowdown patch that occurred within a much
larger, older patch, but in most cases the return intervals
only correspond to points and not whole stands. Return
intervals were sampled opportunistically, wherever
sufficient dendrochronological material was available
to date overlapping events.
Stand response.
—A rapid assessment of treefall
characteristics and stand response was made at 61
blowdowns along a randomly oriented, 60-m transect,
starting from an arbitrary point near the center. For
larger blowdowns, one or two extra transects were
used. In some cases where small patches were nearly
connected, only one blowdown within the group was
sampled ( Table 1). For blowdowns
100 yr old, the
first 30 treefalls intersecting the tape were measured
for dbh, direction, mode of treefall, and whether the
treefall was dead or alive.
Post-blowdown tree regeneration (
4 cm dbh) was
documented along the transects by the point-centered-
quarter method, with 10 m between points. Two sup-
plemental trees were sampled at the end of the transect,
for 30 trees total. Many recent blowdowns were heavily
browsed and lacked sufficient regeneration for sam-
pling (Table 1). At three blowdowns ranging from 67
to 130 yr old, all trees along the transects were cored
at 0.3–0.4 m above ground. These blowdowns were
subjectively selected to demonstrate stand response.
Site variables collected at each site included slope,
aspect, elevation, and depth to bedrock. Depth to bed-
rock was determined by pounding a 0.5 cm diameter
steel rod in as far as possible. Ten measurements were
taken from relatively undisturbed areas along each tran-
sect, avoiding pits and mounds whenever possible.
Cobble within the profile may have sometimes pre-
vented the rod from reaching bedrock, but the site av-
erage (
) is probably a good index of relative soil
Data analysis
Circular means, angular deviations, and mean vec-
tors were calculated for treefall direction in each blow-
down patch (Batschelet 1981). The Rayleigh test was
used to test whether treefall directions within patches
differed from a random distribution. Differences in tree
survival among blowdown age classes were analyzed
682 Ecology, Vol. 78, No. 3
using the Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s method of
pairwise comparisons.
The areas and landscape distribution of blowdowns,
old growth (no evidence of blowdown
225 yr), and
browsed areas were analyzed using IDRISI. Blow-
downs up to 100 yr old were assumed to have intact
boundaries (i.e., not partially covered by more recent
blowdowns), and were used in analysis of patch size
distribution. Cole’s coefficient (Cole 1949) was used
to test for association between blowdowns and aspect,
slope, and elevation classes. This technique compares
the presence or absence of two classes on a cell-by-
cell basis (Foster and Boose 1992). In addition, we
digitized the study area into several landform catego-
ries: valleys, ridges, and side slopes. Valleyboundaries
extended from a stream channel up side slopes 20 m
and 30 m in vertical relief from first- and second-order
streams, respectively. Ridges extended downslope 15
m in vertical relief from the crest. Valleys were sub-
divided into those oriented north–south and east–west;
side slopes were subdivided into north, east, south, and
west exposure.
Stepwise multiple regression (SAS 1988) was used
to examine the relationship between return intervals
and site variables: slope, elevation, and mean soil
depth. Aspect, a circular variable, was analyzed sep-
arately using periodic regression (Batschelet 1981).
Values of the site variables were based on the few
hectares where tree-coring established the return in-
Assuming a random sample of disturbance return
intervals, the shape of their frequency distribution may
suggest how often a blowdown is likely to occur. Al-
though many functions could be used to describe such
a distribution, we chose the Weibull becauseof its flex-
ibility and traditional use in fire history studies. The
probability density form of the Weibull function is
], where
is the frequency
or probability of having disturbances with intervals of
(in years),
is a scale parameter (in years) that
has been called disturbance ‘‘recurrence,’ and
is a
dimensionless shape parameter (Johnson and VanWag-
ner 1985). When
1, the instantaneous rate of dis-
turbance increases with age. This Weibull model as-
sumes that the probability of disturbance is a power
function of the time since the last disturbance, and that
the disturbance regime is spatially and temporally con-
stant, or reasonably so, at scales relevant to the study.
Blowdown history and patch structure
One-hundred and fourteen patches
0.10 ha, 65%
(605 ha) of the forested part of the study area, were
identified as post-blowdown in origin (Figs. 2 and 3A).
The distribution of patch sizes for blowdowns
yr old was highly skewed right and approximated a
power curve: 62% of 90 total patches were
1 ha and
90% were
6 ha (Fig. 4). Nevertheless, patches
70% of the total blowdown area. The larg-
est single patch was
150 ha, of which 101 ha was
within the study area.
Seventy-three percent of the 61 blowdowns
100 yr
old had mean treefall directions within 60
of due north
(Fig. 5). Treefalls were strongly directional within
stands: all 61 stands had treefall directions significantly
different from random (Rayleigh test, all stands
0.05), and more than half had mean vectors
0.8 (a
vector of 1.0 indicates all trees are oriented in the same
direction). In contrast, treefall directions in an old-
growth stand on the north edge of the study area were
not significantly different from random (mean vector
40 trees,
Although most damaging winds from these storms
were southerly, local topography clearly modified this
general pattern. For example, winds from a 1972 event
were deflected northwesterly, based on blowdowns
along the windward flank of Cerro Yakush ( Fig. 6A).
Similarly, several stands were hit by winds from the
east-northeast and northwest, apparently due to wind
funnelling up curved valleys (Fig. 6A). Winds from a
1924 storm came from both the south and east-north-
east (Fig. 6B). Hills in the southwest part of the study
area deflected winds westerly, but differences in wind
direction on opposite sides of Cerro Yakush were dif-
ficult to explain within the context of local topography.
We also could not rule out a second event.
We had variable success in dating blowdowns to the
exact year. Release and scar dates were often incon-
clusive, so we present the composite blowdown chro-
nology in 25-yr classes (Fig. 3A). Over the entire area,
major blowdowns have occurred fairly regularly,
roughly every 20–30 yr, over the past two centuries
(Fig. 3A). Nearly half of the study area consisted of
150 yr old, and two major storms, 1972 and
1924, affected 18% and 13% of the study area, re-
spectively. Given that
Nothofagus pumilio
may reach
300 yr of age in old-growth stands (Rebertus and
Veblen 1993), the preponderance of stands
150 yr old
suggests a high disturbance rate.
There were some unavoidable problems in recon-
structing this blowdown history. First, aerial photo-
graphs and ‘‘groundtruthing’ probably failed to reveal
some boundaries between older blowdowns of approx-
imately the same age (see Heinselman 1973). For ex-
ample, a large 150-yr-old blowdown could easily
‘‘hide’ many smaller imbedded or adjoining patches
that were 10–20 yr younger or older. Second, both
boundaries and sizes of older blowdowns were inde-
terminate, because these blowdowns were often par-
tially or completely covered by younger events. There
is good evidence from treefall sizes and point return
intervals, however, that new blowdowns only occurred
in stands
100 yr old, so the sizes and shapes of blow-
downs occurring after 1890 are completely intact (Fig.
April 1997 683
. 2. Maps of the study area on Tierra del Fuego showing origins of forest stands from tree blowdowns (A) and areas
where guanacos have severely inhibited regeneration of
(B). Topography in 100-m contours.
At 34 stands we were able to estimate the interval
between two successive blowdowns at the same point.
The mean return interval was 145 yr and ranged from
103 to 218 yr (Fig. 3B). The distribution of return
intervals did not differ significantly from a normal dis-
tribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test,
0.555). The
Weibull probability function (Johnson and Van Wagner
1985) provided a good fit to the return interval fre-
quency distribution (
0.705), and the expected re-
turn interval,
147 yr, was close to the mean. The
Weibull shape parameter,
5.922, indicates an in-
creasing hazard of blowdown with stand age (Johnson
684 Ecology, Vol. 78, No. 3
. 3. Blowdown areas in 1991 by time since disturbance
and dates of origin (A), and frequency of blowdown return
intervals with fitted Weibull function (B):
], where
is the probability of having
a disturbance with return interval
. 4. Distribution of blowdown patch sizes on Tierra
del Fuego in 1991 for events
100 yr old. Original patch
boundaries were assumed to be intact. Frequency data were
fit to a power function:
0.994). Circles signify the cumulative percentage of total
blowdown area contributed by each size class for the past
100 yr.
. 5. Distribution of mean treefall directions in 10-de-
gree classes for 61 blowdowns on Tierra del Fuego. Each
circle represents one stand; circle patterns indicateblowdown
and van Wagner 1985). Unlike most fire regimes where
these models have been applied, blowdown hazard ap-
pears to increase between 100 and 200 yr post-distur-
bance, and then possibly decrease in older stands. No
return interval was
100 yr, which is consistent with
the behavior of the 1972 event. Blowdowns from this
storm completely enveloped several 50- to 75-yr-old
stands without causing significant damage. The distri-
bution of return intervals probably overestimates the
disturbance rate, because the dendrochronological rec-
ord diminishes with stand age (Fox 1989). For example,
to detect a return interval
220 yr in a patch created
in 1924, we would have needed to find remnant trees
280 yr old, which is approaching the typical lifespan
N. pumilio.
Although return intervals were not randomly sam-
pled, and despite the dendrochronological bias, it is
reassuring that the return interval distribution is con-
sistent with the treefall size distribution of 61 stands
100 yr old (Fig. 7). The structural threshold of vul-
nerability occurred when trees reached 18–20 cm dbh.
Based on characteristics of live stands, post-distur-
bance cohorts reached this size between 100 and 125
yr after disturbance (Fig. 8A), which corresponds
closely with the minimum estimates of return interval
(Fig. 3B). Most of the treefall samples came from even-
aged stands. Sixty-five percent of the treefall samples
had mean dbh’s
32 cm (also upper quartile
40 cm),
which is within the range of tree diameters found in
post-blowdown stands
200 yr (compare Figs. 7 and
8). Thirteen percent of the treefall samples had diam-
April 1997 685
. 6. Treefall directions in blowdowns from (A) 1972 and (B) 1924, illustrating the possible effects of topography on
wind direction. Ground transect data (30 measured tree azimuths per locale) were supplemented with estimates of treefall
directions from aerial photographs and ‘‘groundtruthed’’ estimates of general treefall direction (single azimuth measured per
locale). The circled ‘‘1’ in chart (A) refers to the area of greatest local impact.
32 cm (upper quartile
40 cm dbh), and were
structurally similar to the old-growth sample and other
old-growth stands on Tierra del Fuego (Rebertus and
Veblen 1993). Twenty-two percent of the samples had
characteristics intermediate between even-aged post-
blowdown stands and old growth. The transects only
represented a small portion of some blowdowns; nev-
ertheless, the treefall data further suggested that most
686 Ecology, Vol. 78, No. 3
2. Cole’s coefficient of association between topographic features and blowdown damage in a study of forests on
Tierra del Fuego. The 1924 and 1972 events were the most extensive blowdowns in the past 100 yr. Old-growth stands
Aspect (quadrant)
North East South West
Elevation (m)
300 300–500
Old growth
(32.0) (26.0) (11.0) (31.0) (43.4) (41.1) (15.5)
(44.2) (33.4) (7.7) (14.7) (38.2) (51.7) (10.1)
(30.2) (16.5) (8.7) (44.6) (51.7) (30.7) (17.6)
. 8. Mean tree dbh (A) and basal area (B) of post-
blowdown regeneration in 25-yr age classes. Individual blow-
downs are plotted to show range and variation.
. 7. Distribution of mean treefall diameters at breast
height (dbh) from 61 blowdowns
100 yr old. Sample size
for each blowdown is
30 trees.
stands were destroyed by blowdown before they
reached old-growth status.
Where do blowdowns occur?
Old-growth stands (no evidence of blowdown in
225 yr) were fairly evenly distributed with respect to
topographic positions (Table 2). Old growth was neg-
atively associated with ridges and positively associated
with easterly aspects and elevations
300 m, but the
relationships were relatively weak. Stands with no ev-
idence of previous blowdown were more common 2–
5 km northeast of Cerro Yakush, but we did notsample
this area because it marked the transition to steppe and
was more heavily impacted by human activities.
Damage from the 1924 blowdown was positively as-
sociated with east aspects and ridges, and negatively
associated with valleys and south and west side slopes
(Table 2). In contrast, the 1972 storm was positively
associated with valleys oriented north–south, west-fac-
ing side slopes, moderate slope steepness, and eleva-
300 m; and negatively associated with ridges.
Sixty-four percent (108 ha) of the area destroyed in
1972 was associated with north–south valleys and east–
west side slopes, oriented parallel to the predominantly
southerly winds. Indeed, one blowdown followed a
stream valley for
5 km before flaring out on the south-
west flank of Cerro Yakush (Fig. 6A, solid black circle
labeled ‘‘1’’). Despite the negative association with
north and east side slopes, a line of blowdowns oc-
curred just below timberline on the northeast side of
Cerro Yakush, some clearly in leewardslope positions,
accounting for 28.6% of the damage from the 1972
We used the 1970 aerial photographs to better un-
derstand the damage patterns from the 1972 storm,
which was carefully reconstructed from 1990–1991
photographs and groundtruthing. Before the storm,
60% of the study area was even-aged and 40% was old
April 1997 687
had no evidence of severe damage in
225 yr. Cole’s index ranges from
1 (maximum disassociation) to
1 (maximum
association). The percentage of old growth or blowdown area in each category is given in parentheses.
Slope (
10 10–20 20–30
30 N–S
valley E–W
valley Ridge
Side slopes
North East South West
(20.4) (44.2) (31.6) (3.8) (13.6) (6.0) (5.7) (25.2) (21.7) (7.0) (20.9)
0.03 0.00
(17.7) (41.3) (38.9) (2.1) (11.4) (2.7) (15.8) (31.5) (26.9) (4.4) (7.5)
(14.7) (50.8) (33.5) (1.0) (26.6) (6.2) (10.3) (23.3) (10.3) (2.9) (27.2)
. 10. Distribution of return intervals (
) across aspects,
fitted with a trigonometric polynomial:
. 9. Linear regression model of the blowdown return
interval (
) vs. mean soil depth (
) for 34 stands.
0.27); dotted lines are 95% confidence limits.
growth. However, 71% of the area blown downin 1972
was comprised of even-aged stands and 29% was old
growth. The before-and-after comparison also revealed
that 35% of the total perimeter length of the 1972 blow-
downs matched previous blowdown boundaries.
In the multiple regression model, variation in return
interval was significantly related only to mean soil
depth (
1, 32
0.004; Fig. 9).
Elevation, slope, and interaction terms were not sig-
nificant in the regression model. Surprisingly, higher
disturbance rates were associated with deeper soils,
although the relationship was highly variable. Return
intervals also tended to be slightly shorter on north and
east aspects (Fig. 10), but the correlation was weak and
not significant (
0.32). Negative
findings should be interpreted cautiously because any
error associated with dating blowdowns (see Lorimer
1985, Norton and Ogden 1990) may have been com-
pounded when determining return intervals.
Stand response
Of 1839 treefalls sampled in 61 blowdowns
yr old, 92% were uprooted, 5% were wind-snapped,
and 3% were unknown. Survival of windthrown trees
was observed in 8.1% of these 1839 treefalls
100 yr
old and was more prevalent in stands
25 yr old (Krus-
kal-Wallis test,
0.001, 3 df; Fig. 11). Surviving
trees were supported by both original and adventitious
root systems.
In the three blowdowns where we cored trees for age
structures, 67–97% (total
30 trees cored per blow-
down) of
N. pumilio
originated within a two-decade
span immediately after blowdowns (Fig. 12). The pres-
ence of occasional older, ‘open-grown’’ trees suggests
that they were probably saplings when the storm oc-
curred. Based on stand chronosequences, average dbh
and basal area increase asymptotically the first 200 yr
after disturbance, with basal area possibly declining
slightly in old growth (Fig. 8B).
Guanaco browsing in blowdowns
In 1991, guanaco browsing inhibited
N. pumilio
generation in 130.7 ha (41.5%) of the area affected by
blowdowns since 1915 ( Fig. 2B). Persistent browsing,
with nearly all stems pruned below 1.5 m in height,
was visible in 62.4% of the area blown down in 1972,
61.5% of the area impacted in 1940–1965, and 6.9%
of the areas hit in 1924. These older browse areas have
now been partially converted to meadow. On Cerro
Yakush the percentage of blowdown area severely
browsed increased with proximity to timberline (Table
688 Ecology, Vol. 78, No. 3
. 11. Percentage of treefalls alive in 1991 (mean
) as a function of time since disturbance. The number of
blowdowns sampled appears above each bar.
. 12. Post-blowdown age structures for three
fagus pumilio
stands. Thirty trees were sampled from each
stand. Arrows indicate approximate blowdown dates.
3. Percentage of blowdown area heavily browsed as
a function of travelling distance from timberline on Cerro
Yakush, Tierra del Fuego. Total blowdown area (in hec-
tares; browsed
unbrowsed) for each category appears in
parentheses. The foothills in the southwest third of the
study area usually lack timberline and were not included
in the analysis.
Slope distance from timberline (m)
0–199 200–399 400–599
1965–1990 85 (17) 62 (26) 59 (31) 47 (22)
1940–1965 72 (4) 55 (3) 58 (1) 18 (4)
1915–1940 3 (6) 3 (15) 1 (8) 0 (5)
All 64 (28) 43 (44) 41 (40) 38 (32)
3). Browsing was also negatively correlated with blow-
down area for the 1972 event (Pearson rank order cor-
32). In blowdowns
5 ha, severe browsing was often restricted to discrete
perimeter bands 10–50 m wide (Fig. 2B).
Regional dynamics of forests and wind
The distribution of patch ages, return intervals, and
treefall diameters provide three lines of evidence for
periodic blowdowns every few decades and patch turn-
over times of
150 yr for most of the study area. One-
third of the study area is old growth, suggesting that
the blowdown regime is not spatially homogeneous.
Nevertheless, the disturbance rate is at least twice that
reported for
Nothofagus pumilio
and similar species in
old-growth stands dominated by fine-scale treefall gap
dynamics (Veblen 1985, Rebertus and Veblen 1993,
Veblen et al. 1996).
Because of the remoteness and limited aerial pho-
tograph coverage of the interior, we do notknow wheth-
er this blowdown regime is representative of other ar-
eas. The west end of the Sierra de las Pinturas forms
a promontory in Lago Fagnano (Fig. 1), which may
expose the range to more intense winds. Indeed, there
appear to be fewer blowdowns in the Sierra Beauvoir,
immediately to the west (A. J. Rebertus,
personal ob-
). Extensive even-aged stands of probable
windstorm origin have been documented in
forests throughout Patagonia (Agostini 1941, Eskuche
1973, Mutarelli and Orfila 1973, Alvarez and Gross
1979, Schmidt and Urzua 1982, Armesto et al. 1992).
We have no direct information of what type(s) of
storms were responsible for these blowdowns. How-
ever, Lyons (1983) described infrequent, intense Ant-
arctic depressions that are consistent with the level of
damage observed in this study. These storms develop
rapidly offshore of Antarctica, move northeast into the
Drake Passage, and sweep across Tierra del Fuego,
generating winds
60 m/s (215 km/h), equivalent to a
category 3 hurricane (Lyons 1983). The life cycle of
these storms is extremely short and their genesis is
poorly known, but they are most numerous in spring
and fall when trees are in full leaf. Given the proximity
of Tierra del Fuego to the Antarctic pack ice, it is likely
April 1997 689
that this disturbance regime is highly sensitive to cli-
mate change (cf. Clark 1989). Global warming studies
predict a decrease in the frequency of low pressure
systems between 30
and 90
S latitude but an increase
in their intensity (Lambert 1993).
Although wind explains the current landscape pat-
terns, charcoal from bogs in Tierra del Fuego suggests
a long history of fire on the island (Heusser 1987).
Lightning is extremely rare in Tierra del Fuego (Veblen
et al. 1996), and burning patterns would have been
subject to vagaries of the nomadic Ona, who roamed
the interior steppe and deciduous forests in search of
guanaco (Goodall 1979). Most of the indigenous peo-
ples were wiped out by measles and smallpox in the
late 1800s, but extensive logging and burning has oc-
curred north and east of the study area where estancias
(ranches) were built by European immigrants in the
early 1900s (Goodall 1979).
Stand response
Effective dispersal of
seeds is often lim-
ited to distances of 50–80 m, rarely 200 m (Veblen et
al. 1996), so most blowdowns are small or narrow
enough to capture adequate seed from adjacent stands
or remnant trees. In addition,
N. pumilio
yr old have a short-lived pool of seedlings, most
cm high, that survive
en masse
following a blowdown
(Rebertus and Veblen 1993; T. T. Veblen,
). The development of even-aged stands after
blowdowns is similar to the response of
N. pumilio
fire, although regeneration failure following large, in-
tense fires or burns on steep slopes is a common pattern
throughout its range (Veblen et al. 1996). Vegetative
reproduction of any kind has not been previously doc-
umented for
N. pumilio.
Based on our data,
50 tree-
falls (15–40 cm dbh) per hectare will survive in a typ-
ical blowdown, and these stems may play an important
role in establishing early vegetation and minimizing
erosion and nutrient loss, particularly near timberline
or in areas heavily browsed by guanacos.
Factors involved in blowdown susceptibility
Based on our treefall data and point return intervals,
the threshold of stand vulnerability for
N. pumilio
curred between 100 and 125 yr, when trees attained a
mean dbh of
20 cm, basal area of 50 m
/ha, and
19 m in height, which is very similar to results reported
N. solandri
in New Zealand
(Jane 1986). Windfirmness is strongly related to stem
taper but tends to decrease with tree size (mass, vol-
ume, and height; Fredericksen et al. 1993). As tree size
increases, the additional strain on the root–soil inter-
face may exceed the soil shear strength (Putz et al.
1983), and trees may have stem and root rots that fur-
ther compromise their strength (Foster 1988
, Harris
There is no consensus in the literature whether old-
growth or even-aged structural characteristics are more
susceptible to blowdowns. Of the 61 treefall samples
we took from blowdowns
100 yr old (Fig. 7), only
13% were unequivocally from previously old-growth
stands. In addition, even-aged stands were dispropor-
tionately affected by the 1972 storm.
tablish in dense, even-aged stands, where trees tend to
grow tall and thin, with poorly tapered stems—all fac-
tors that decrease windfirmness (Oliver and Larson
1990). Wardle (1984) also noted that
New Zealand were more vulnerable to windthrow in
monospecific, even-aged stands.
The landscape distribution of individual blowdowns
indicated that valleys parallel to the storm winds, wind-
ward slopes, and some upper leeward slopes were more
vulnerable to storm damage than other landscape po-
sitions. However, few areas were completely sheltered
and storms displayed only modest levels of discrimi-
nation (Table 2). The return interval model also sug-
gests that blowdowns were likely to
over a
wide range of elevation, slope, and aspect. Neverthe-
less, once a blowdown occurred, the odds were in favor
of future blowdowns on the same site. However, the
landscape pattern of blowdown and recovery shifted
over time because of variations among individual
storms and because a small proportion of old-growth
stands were converted to blowdowns and vice versa.
The reciprocal pattern of damage for the intense 1924
and 1972 storms can partly be explained by differences
in wind direction. In addition, some landscape positions
hit hard in 1924, such as ridges, had mostly younger
and less vulnerable stands in 1972 (Table 2). The lack
of strong discrimination of these blowdowns is in
marked contrast to hurricanes in New England and the
Caribbean (Lugo et al. 1983, Foster and Boose 1992,
Boose et al. 1994), where damage is concentrated on
windward aspects and variation can be predicted from
relatively simple wind sheltering models (Boose et al.
The location and shapes of blowdowns may indicate
the types of destructive winds accompanying these
storms. The association of the 1972 blowdown with
low elevations, moderate slope steepness, and valleys
oriented north–south is consistent with convergence of
laminar flow. Canalization in valleys is accompanied
by an increase in windspeed, particularly as winds are
compressed moving upslope (Buck 1964, Jane 1986,
Harris 1989). The elongate patches from 1972 (Fig.
6A, solid circle labeled ‘‘1’’) were apparently caused
by this phenomenon, comprising almost two-thirds of
the damage. Harris (1989) also reported that most gale
damage in southeast Alaska occurred in valleys and
side slopes parallel to the wind. Turbulent wind flow
may explain the extensive damage on the upper north-
east (leeward) slopes of Cerro Yakush (Fig. 6A). Roll
eddies form downslope of sharp ridges in mountainous
terrain, but any abrupt change in topography will cause
turbulence (Buck 1964, Jane 1986). In New Zealand,
Jane (1986) also reported that wind damage to
690 Ecology, Vol. 78, No. 3
forests was often concentrated on leeward
Although soils were very shallow in the Sierra, we
believe the unstable sandstone-conglomerate bedrock
was a more critical predisposing factor. Root masses
were often heavily laden with rock, indicating possible
slippage. In addition roots may be susceptible to me-
chanical abrasion from wind-rocking in the shallow,
rocky soils, leaving them vulnerable to compression
breaks and/or fungal pathogens (Stone 1977). The as-
sociation of shorter return intervals with deeper soils
runs counter to the majority of the literature (Schaetzl
et al. 1989). The simplest explanation is that trees on
deeper soils grow faster and become vulnerable quicker
(Boyd and Webb 1981, Harris 1989:48), but unfortu-
nately our treefall data were inadequate to address this
Landscape pattern development
In the Sierra de las Pinturas, the majority of the
landscape was composed of discrete patches of com-
plete blowdown (
99% mortality), creating a coarse-
scale mosaic that closely resembled some landscapes
dominated by wildfire. We suspect this reflected not
only the intensity of the storms but also their lack of
discrimination in simple, monospecific, even-aged
stands lacking height differentiation. Canopy emer-
gents and suppressed trees were relatively rare. The
more diffuse damage pattern of hurricanes partly re-
flects differences in susceptibility among species or
canopy positions
stands (Foster 1988
, Foster
and Boose 1992). Lugo et al. (1983) also noted that
structurally and compositionally ‘‘complex’ tropical
forests were resistant to hurricane damage. Despite the
intensity of some hurricanes, the damage is best char-
acterized as a heterogenous mixture of patches, mostly
2 ha but some much larger,in various damage classes
(Foster and Boose 1992).
Cooper’s (1913) pioneering study of forest succes-
sion on Isle Royale, Michigan, presaged the shifting-
mosaic steady-state concept (sensu Bormann and Lik-
ens 1979) in describing the blowdown patch dynamics
Abies balsamea
as a ‘‘mosaic or patchwork [that]
changes continually in a manner that may almost be
called kaleidoscopic.’’ This implied landscape equilib-
rium, while appealing conceptually, has been very dif-
ficult to demonstrate empirically for any disturbance
(Pickett and White 1985, Turner et al. 1993). Turner
et al. noted that definitions and criteria for assessing
equilibrium were not applied consistently, and tem-
poral and spatial scales were often confounded. They
proposed using a spatial parameter (
ratio of dis-
turbance size to landscape size) and a temporal param-
eter (
ratio of disturbance interval to the recovery
time required to reach a mature stage). Landscape size
is arbitrary, as long as there are reasonable estimates
for disturbance size and frequency. For our study area,
0.04–0.1 (4–100 ha/1000 ha) and
(150 yr/225–250 yr). Based on simulations by Turner
et al. (1993), these values should permit an equilibrium
or steady state in the proportions of the 1000-ha land-
scape in various age classes. The behavior of damaging
winds in 1972, which followed along previous stand
boundaries, also suggested that blowdown patterns may
exhibit some degree of constancy with respect to patch
location. Similar dynamics are characteristic of some
fire-dominated landscapes, where the juxtaposition of
young and old stands reduces the likelihood of fire
spread and maintains patch diversity (Minnich 1983).
Interactions between guanacos, wind, and
landscape patterns
Although guanacos are known to browse trees (Rae-
decke 1978), their impact on forests has not been pre-
viously documented. Variation in browsing intensity
across the landscape influenced patch development by
creating persistent meadows in accessible and/or highly
preferred habitat. Few small blowdowns created in the
past 50 yr escaped being heavily browsed; however,
for blowdowns
200 m across there is a threshold of
obstacles beyond which guanacos gave up and browsed
solely the perimeter. This browsing patterncreated con-
spicuous linear meadows between adjacent stands (Fig.
2), which may persist for centuries because they are
favored by guanacos as travel corridors long after they
cease being a significant source of browse (
). ‘‘Seedlings’ survive persistent browsing for at
least 60 yr, eventually becoming hedge-like, but many
areas kept open since 1924 have gradually been con-
verted to meadow and thickets of a thorny shrub,
beris buxifolia.
Guanacos had greatest impact near timberline, where
they concentrated in summer for browse and grazing
in the tundra above (Table 3). The near-timberline por-
tions of several blowdowns have been kept open for
60 yr, whereas lower parts have regenerated nor-
mally. Regeneration failure probably arose from a com-
bination of browsing pressure, climatic stresses, and
seed dispersal limitations. There was circumstantial ev-
idence of longer-term conversion of blowdowns to al-
pine throughout the Sierra, some of which may be at-
tributable to blowdowns and guanaco browsing: sharp
timberlines lacking krummholz, stranded tree islands,
wedge-shaped alpine intrusions, and dead wood frag-
ments above timberline. Timberline was typically 600–
700 m in nearby interior ranges (A. J. Rebertus,
sonal observation
), but in many peaks of the Sierra de
las Pinturas, blowdowns and guanaco browsing to-
gether have probably depressed timberline
200 m be-
low its climatic limit. Indeed, we have found nascent
colonies of
Bolax gummifera,
the dominant alpine
cushion plant growing in old blowdowns 200–300 m
below this plant’s typical alpine limit.
There is growing realization of the importance of
coarse-scale windthrow in forest dynamics worldwide.
April 1997 691
In Tierra del Fuego we found a system where periodic
gales from Antarctica dominated many characteristics
Nothofagus pumilio
forests, from microsite to land-
scape. The distribution of patch ages, treefall sizes, and
return intervals across the landscape all indicated that
vulnerability to blowdown increased acutely when
stands reached ages of
100–125 yr. Although major
valleys parallel to the prevailing storm winds, wind-
ward side slopes, and upper leeward slopes appeared
to be most vulnerable to blowdowns, we could not
detect any major differences in return intervals due to
aspect, slope, or elevation. Some areas may have been
more vulnerable to blowdowns, but the cumulative
damage from 200 yr of repeated storms had affected
most landscape positions. Guanacos also played a ma-
jor, synergistic role in the disturbance regime, influ-
encing forest regeneration and creating persistent open
patches along edges of stands and adjacent to timber-
Most disturbance regimes were difficult to charac-
terize because of the multiplicity of disturbance types,
the diffuseness of their effects, and the confounding
influence of historical factors. The overwhelming dom-
inance of wind as the coarse-scale disturbance agent
and the relatively simple forests of our study site on
Tierra del Fuego, however, revealed a relatively clear
relationship between forest patterns and the disturbance
We thank Mike Hodgson and Don Cline for help in con-
structing the ortho image and DEM. Sergio DeMarco and
Julio Escobar assisted in the field. For comments and sug-
gestions on the manuscript we thank David Foster, Emery
Boose, and Chris Peterson. Funding for this research was
provided by the School of Natural Resources, University of
Missouri; Geography Department, University of Colorado;
the National Geographic Society; and the National Science
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... promoting more presence of young trees in the overstory canopy due to local windthrow) (e.g. see Rebertus et al. 1997). ...
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Background It is necessary to determine the implications for managing forest stands using variable retention harvesting for maintaining carbon and for calculating the effects of different harvesting practices on above- and below-ground carbon balance in forest ecosystems. In this context, forest carbon management has gained more attention among managers and policy-makers during recent years. The aim of this study was to determine carbon pool dynamics in different forest ecosystem components after variable retention harvesting (VRH) to characterize the ecological stability and quantify the recovery rate through the years-after-harvesting (YAH). Methods Carbon pool compartmentalization of 14 different components was determined in 60 harvested and primary unmanaged forests during the first 18 YAH in Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). We compared them using uni- and multi-variate methods, relativizing the outputs with primary unmanaged forests. Results We determined the effectiveness to retain carbon components in post-harvested stands under different retention strategies (aggregated vs. dispersed). The balance among carbon pool components changed between managed and unmanaged stands across the YAH, and was directly related to the impact magnitude. Aggregated retention improved the ecological stability of the harvested areas, where the below-ground components were more stable than the above-ground components. The recovery rate was directly related to the post-harvesting natural dynamics of the stands. The studied period was not enough to fully recover the C levels of primary unmanaged forests, but VRH showed advantages to increase the C pools in the managed stands. Conclusions Promoting VRH can improve sustainable forestry at the landscape level and in the long term, generating positive synergies with biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services. This study provides important new insights into forest carbon management, in particular to setting standards in carbon projects and sets the groundwork for analysing the economics of the mentioned harvesting systems.
... Patches of wind-related mortality are often associated with root-and stem-rot (Sprugel 1976), and their spatial structure is therefore additionally influenced by the distribution and spread of saprophytic decay fungi. Physical mortality agents that operate at broader spatial scales, such as wind, ice, and snow storms, are most strongly determined by environmental heterogeneity (Rebertus et al. 1997) and the spatial variability in the intensity of the weather event (Pasher and King 2006). The density dependence of physical mortality agents is perhaps most apparent in single-age stands where density directly influences tree morphology (i.e., diameter to height ratio) and thus resistance of trees to strong wind (King 1986). ...
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Abstract Background tree mortality is a complex process that requires large sample sizes and long timescales to disentangle the suite of ecological factors that collectively contribute to tree stress, decline, and eventual mortality. Tree mortality associated with acute disturbance events, in contrast, is conspicuous and frequently studied, but there remains a lack of research regarding the role of background mortality processes in mediating the severity and delayed effects of disturbance. We conducted an empirical study by measuring the rates, causes, and spatial pattern of mortality annually among 32,989 individual trees within a large forest demography plot in the Sierra Nevada. We characterized the relationships between background mortality, compound disturbances (fire and drought), and forest spatial structure, and we integrated our findings with a synthesis of the existing literature from around the world to develop a conceptual framework describing the spatio‐temporal signatures of background and disturbance‐related tree mortality. The interactive effects of fire, drought, and background mortality processes altered the rate, spatial structuring, and ecological consequences of mortality. Before fire, spatially non‐random mortality was only evident among small (1
... El viento y otros eventos naturales (ej. sequías) modelan la vegetación del paisaje, pudiendo variar significativamente a lo largo del mismo (Rebertus et al. 1997, Martínez Pastur et al. 1999a, donde dichos eventos tienen una influencia diferencial a lo largo de Tierra del Fuego. Por ejemplo, la zona sur recibe una mayor influencia del océa-no Pacífico y la Antártida, mientras que la zona norte está regulada por la influencia del Atlántico sur (Kreps et al. 2012). ...
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During the last thirty years, shelterwood cuts has been the most applied regeneration method in Nothofagus pumilio (lenga) forests. This treatment was implemented without any consideration of the landscape, and without considering yield gradients (e.g. stand site qualities), environmental restrictions (e.g. soil water availability) or potential natural disturbance factors (e.g. wind exposure). The objective was to evaluate the dynamics of the remnant forest structure and the natural regeneration 10 years after harvesting across the landscape considering different environmental gradients. Sampling plots were established in nine stands distributed across Tierra del Fuego, Argentina (north, east and south areas) where forestry activity has been concentrated during the last years. The selected areas presented differences in the rainfall regime (402 to 446 mm yr-1) and site qualities of the stands (2.6 to 3.3). Forest structure was similar among the studied areas, nevertheless harvesting intensity was variable (30 % to 57 %) generating different remnant basal areas (BA) (22 to 47 m² ha-1) and woody debris accumulation in the forest floor (167 to 230 m³ ha-1) after harvesting, or in combination with local wind-throws. The current forest structure presented differences in BA (6 to 34 m² ha-1) and established regeneration (49 to 110 thousand ha-1) that varied in height (0.6 to 1.0 m) and growth (4.1 to 12.8 cm yr-1) according to the area and the received damage due to abiotic and biotic factors. We can conclude that forests located along the considered landscapes and environmental gradients differentially responded to the proposed silvicultural treatments, where climate influenced over the post-harvest canopy stability and the established regeneration. For this, it is mandatory to define different silvicultural strategies throughout the landscape.
... Variable retention decreases these damages because (i) aggregate patches had been protected during harvesting (no roads, no cuts inside or near them), and (ii) road design between aggregate patches decreases the skidder movements in the managed stands. Besides this, wind-blown of many trees naturally occurred in the managed stands due to wind modeled the landscape as natural driver of change of the forest structure (Rebertus et al. 1997). In one of the long-term studies located in Los Cerros Ranch (see PEBANPA network in Peri et al. 2016), a monitoring was conducted over 72 plots ( Fig. 1 and Table 2). ...
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Nothofagus pumilio forests in Tierra del Fuego are the southernmost forests in the world, where extreme climate conditions represent a challenge to attain sustainable forest management. Retention forestry was proposed as an alternative to increase the species conservation in managed stands. Here, we synthetized results related to the implementation of a variable retention harvesting based on a combination of aggregate patches and dispersed retention during the last 18 years comparing with other silviculture proposals (e.g., shelterwood cuts) and control treatments (primary unmanaged forests). We summarized the results for (i) sawmill operations, (ii) timber yield, (iii) overstory stability, (iv) forest structure, (v) microclimate and natural cycles, (vi) natural regeneration dynamics (flowering, seeding, foraging, recruitment, growth, and mortality), and (vii) biodiversity (mammals, understory plants, mistletoes, birds, arthropods, mosses, lichens, and fungi). In general, aggregate patches maintained forest structure and micro-environmental variables, and slightly increased biodiversity and forest reproduction variables compared to unmanaged primary forests. On the contrary, dispersed retention decreased forest structure variables and greatly increased biodiversity (richness and abundance) when it was compared to unmanaged primary forests. Ecological conditions are influenced by variable retention harvesting, but direction and magnitude of the effect depend and differ according to retention types. Besides this, biodiversity taxa greatly differed among groups depending on retention types. In general, the species assemblages in aggregate patches were similar to those found in primary unmanaged forests, while they were significantly modified in the dispersed retention. This occurred due to (i) local extinction of some original species, (ii) the introduction of native species from the surrounding environments, or (iii) the invasion of exotic species. This silvicultural method has been a useful tool to conserve biodiversity and ecosystem functions, approaching to the balance between economy, ecology, and social requirements in the managed areas.
... In contrast, selective thinnings based on a small number of future crop trees (100-300) prevent an excessive harvest of low-quality trees, thus reducing the costs of the intervention in line with the government subsidies available (Cruz, 2017). Additionally, wind damage and windthrow are common in N. pumilio forests (Rebertus et al., 1997;Peri et al., 2002), affecting stand stability and threatening the success of silvicultural operations (Peri et al., 2002). Therefore, low-intensity thinning practices that eliminate only the effective competitors (such as FCT thinning) could prevent large-scale windthrow and reduce the negative visual impact of managed forests (Peri et al., 2013). ...
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Nothofagus pumilio (lenga) is the most important native species for timber production in southern Patagonia both in Chile and Argentina. Thinning application to second-growth N. pumilio forests has been limited in Patagonia, probably because of the long time necessary for the investment to be recovered. In addition, experimental trials have focused mostly on thinnings from below, leaving a high residual stand density, which has led to a modest growth response. Using measurements (1995–2014) obtained from a thinning trial carried out in a second-growth N. pumilio forest located in Tierra del Fuego (Chile), the objective of this case study was to analyze whether selective thinnings with future crop trees (in the sense of Z-Bäumen thinning) promote greater growth responses than those from a thinning from below. In addition, we explored the associations between climatic factors and age on N. pumilio tree growth. Trial treatments comprised a control, a thinning from below and a future crop tree thinning. The growth response after a future crop tree thinning was greater and lasted for a longer period (10 yrs) than did the thinning from below (4 yrs). The tree basal area and diameter at breast height (dbh) growth increased with dbh and annual absolute minimum temperature and decreased with age for the unthinned treatment during the period from 1977–2014 (~70–110 yrs old). Our results suggest that the future crop thinning might be a better alternative than the thinning from below for secondary N. pumilio forests in Patagonia due to the greater growth response while being a less intensive silvicultural method.
... See Appendix IV, "Shelterwood Harvesting" for more inlormation by Dr. J. Franklin on this issue. Also, seeRebertus (1993) andRebertus et al. (1997) for the information on natural disturbance patterns of Nothafagus forest dynamics in Tierra dc!l Fuego. ...
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Globally and nationally, corporations, states, and social movements are key social actors in initiatives to overcome deforestation through sustainable development projects. In Chile in the early 1990s, the Trillium Corporation of Bellingham, WA, US proposed but, after what amounted to a 13-year dispute, failed to develop the innovative Río Cóndor sustainable forestry project to extract timber and foster socio-economic development in Tierra del Fuego. Based on my analysis of findings from participant observation, reports, secondary data, and 40 interviews that included representatives from Trillium, the Chilean government, environmental organizations, media and forest industry, it became evident that these key actors adapted and resisted socially constructed ideas of sustainable development and of environmentalism. In addition, the importance in recognizing ecological limits, regardless of one’s take on environmentalism for socio-economic development become evident along with revealing important lessons in the process of developing sustainability.
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Few studies have focused on the actual extent and spatial patterns of browsing in relation to forest restoration, especially when browsing is done by deer with conservation status. Here, we present data from three forest restoration experiments located in priority forests for restoration in Chiloé Island in Chile. The aim of this study is to report evidence of browsing of the southern pudu (Pudu puda), a native and Near Threatened deer species. We visually assessed browsing for all individual seedlings and calculated the average browsing extent per plot and treatment. Since pudus as well as other deer species are known to preferably feed in open spaces, we hypothesized that Pilgerodendron uviferum planted seedlings will present higher browsing rates in places with lower shrub cover (bogs) and canopy cover (upland areas) (H1). In the case of degraded North-Patagonian forests we hypothesized that Nothofagus nitida planted seedlings will present higher browsing rates in places with higher %PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density) and/or lower residual basal area (H2). Our results indicate that browsing ranged from 9.3% up to 84.0% depending on tree species and site condition. In burned forests, browsing was significantly higher (p < 0.01) when shrubs were removed (84.0% ± 9.9) than by retaining them (68.9% ± 11.6). In degraded old-growth forests, we found significantly higher browsing in places with higher degradation (p < 0.05). Furthermore, %PPFD was significantly correlated with browsing (rho: 0.535; p < 0.01). Based on our results, forest restoration efforts in Chiloé Island will face a great challenge in balancing the protection of Near Threatened wildlife and the restoration of tree species with conservation problems, especially in open/disturbed areas, where higher browsing was found.
To gain understanding of patterns in forest structure and their causes, we mapped the distribution of three canopy cover classes and measured change in one of them over 40 years using aerial photographs for the 500 ha Neskowin Crest Research Natural Area (Lincoln and Tillamook Counties, Oregon). One class (fine texture, trees of uniform crown diameter and height) covered about half the area; it was identified as second growth originating after a large regional fire in 1845. The other major class (coarse texture, trees of variable crown diameter and height), occupying about 35% of the area, was unburned or partially burned in 1845. The third class (openings with down stems visible on the ground) was blowdown patches. The blowdown patches were very small in 1953; they grew incrementally, and by 1994 had coalesced into a large patch occupying about 15% of the area. A long-term windstorm susceptibility model developed for southeast Alaska identified the region where the blowdown patch occurred as being very susceptible to maritime windstorm disturbance. This correspondence between predicted susceptibility to damage and actual blowdown supports the hypothesis that windstorm effects may be strongly constrained by topography. The results also suggest that blowdown in storm-susceptible topographic settings can be the result of multiple windstorm events over time, rather than a single event. The resulting forest is a mosaic of large multi-aged chronic-disturbance patches embedded in a matrix structured by fine-scale patch processes. A consequence of a constraint on blowdown is that at the scale of hundreds of hectares biomass may not fluctuate strongly over time unless stand-destroying fires occur.
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Beaver (Castor canadensis) is an exotic species that was introduced to Tierra del Fuego in 1946. Beaver dams have altered riparian areas existing before their invasion. This study evaluates the impact of beavers on the N. pumilio riparian forest structure in. sites with and without beavers in two locations on Tierra del Fuego Island. At both sites, density, diametric distribution and basal area for alive and dead trees were measured. Most trees damaged by beavers were saplings or corresponded to a lower diameter class (< 25 cm, DBH). It was possible to observe that sites with beavers located in both sectors had individuals with significant lower diameter (P < 0.01). Also, sites with beavers had an individual mean density (Río Bueno 868 trees ha -1 and Vicuña 997 trees ha -1) higher than that from sites without beavers (Río Bueno 325 trees ha -1 and Vicuña 656 trees ha -1). This suggests that beavers differentially select invasion sites depending on the riparian forest structure, preferring places with high presence of saplings and trees with less than 25 cm diameter. One of the main impacts due to the establishment of beavers is the change in a diametric structure presented by stands in the riparian area. Due to the constant foraging from beavers, in the long-term an important alteration to the structure of the N. pumilio riparian forest in Tierra del Fuego may occur.
Disturbance, common to many different systems, functions at all temporal and spatial scales and levels of ecological and evolutionary organisation. The key processes common to all disturbances are alterations of resource availability and system structure. Two major generalisations, one concerning intermediate disturbance intensity, the other the rate of competitive exclusion relative to disturbance frequency, are basic to an embryonic coherent theory. Concepts of patch dynamics and disturbance regime form a basic framework in which comparative and quantitative studies of disturbance should be expressed. In order to develop a theory of disturbance composed of unambiguous, testable hypotheses and capable of making sound mechanistic predictions, the relevant variables of disturbance must be established. These include at least magnitude, frequency, size and dispersion. The following factors (at least) are required to define the context of disturbance: system structure, resource base, life history characteristics, nature of the competitive hierarchy, and landscape composition/configuration. -from Author