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Risk of death in crashes on Ontario’s highways


Abstract and Figures

Background: Motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) that result in one or more fatalities on the 400-series Highways represent a serious public health problem in Ontario, and were estimated to have cost $11 billion in 2004. To date, no studies have examined risk factors for fatal MVCs on Ontario's 400 series highways.The investigate how demographic and environmental risk factors are associated with fatal MVCs on Ontario's 400-Series Highways. Methods: Data were provided from the Ontario Ministry of Transport database, and included driver demographics, vehicle information, environmental descriptors, structural descriptors, as well as collision information (date and time), and severity of the collision. Multivariate analysis was used to identify factors significantly associated with the odds of dying in a collision. Results: There were 53,526 vehicles involved in collisions from 2001 to 2006 included in our analysis. Results from the multivariate analysis suggest that collisions with older age and male drivers were associated with an increased risk of involving a fatality. Highway 405 and an undivided 2-way design proved to be the most fatal structural configurations. Collisions in the summer, Fridays, between 12 am-4 am, and in drifting snow conditions during the wintertime were also shown to have a significantly increased risk of fatality. Conclusion: Our results suggest that interventions to reduce deaths as a result of MVCs should focus on both driver-related and road-related modifications.
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R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E Open Access
Risk of death in crashes on Ontarios highways
Damian Rzeznikiewiz, Hala Tamim and Alison K Macpherson
Background: Motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) that result in one or more fatalities on the 400-series Highways
represent a serious public health problem in Ontario, and were estimated to have cost $11 billion in 2004. To date,
no studies have examined risk factors for fatal MVCs on Ontarios 400 series highways.
The investigate how demographic and environmental risk factors are associated with fatal MVCs on Ontarios
400-Series Highways.
Methods: Data were provided from the Ontario Ministry of Transport database, and included driver demographics,
vehicle information, environmental descriptors, structural descriptors, as well as collision information (date and
time), and severity of the collision. Multivariate analysis was used to identify factors significantly associated with the
odds of dying in a collision.
Results: There were 53,526 vehicles involved in collisions from 2001 to 2006 included in our analysis. Results from
the multivariate analysis suggest that collisions with older age and male drivers were associated with an increased
risk of involving a fatality. Highway 405 and an undivided 2-way design proved to be the most fatal structural
configurations. Collisions in the summer, Fridays, between 12 am-4 am, and in drifting snow conditions during the
wintertime were also shown to have a significantly increased risk of fatality.
Conclusion: Our results suggest that interventions to reduce deaths as a result of MVCs should focus on both
driver-related and road-related modifications.
Unintentional injuries, many of which are attributable to
motor vehicle collisions, are the 6th leading cause of
death for Canadians [1]. With close to nine million dri-
vers on Ontarios roads, the costs arising from motor ve-
hicle collisions (MVCs) on the 400-series highways in
Ontario which result in one or more fatalities are im-
mense when all aspects are taken into account. A report
released by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario
(MTO) in 2007, calculated the social costs of MVCs to
be $18 billion in the year 2004 [2]. Additionally, fatalities
were reported to have cost $11 billion (64% of the total
social costs) even though fatal collisions represented less
than 1% of the 231,548 Highway Traffic Act reportable
collisions in 2004. The average social cost of a fatal colli-
sion in 2004 was $15.7 million.
Conversely, even though the costs of MVCs are aston-
ishing, it is important to highlight the advances the
province has made in road safety, which include a
decline in fatality rates over the past three decades. Since
1980, the number of licensed drivers has increased by al-
most 80% but the number of fatalities has decreased by
49% [3]. However, in the six-year period spanning from
2001 to 2006, there were 815 fatal MVCs on Ontarios
400-Series Highways that in turn cost the province $12.8
billion, or almost $2.6 billion per year.
As a result of these astounding costs, the province has
invested and continues to invest billions of dollars every
year in engineering and restructuring plans in order to
improve our highways and subsequently decrease the
number of MVCs.
There has been previous research investigating driver
characteristics and environmental risk factors associated
with fatal motor vehicle collisions in Ontario. For ex-
ample, studies suggest that the older driver population is
at an elevated risk for being involved in fatal MVCs
[4,5]. Further, younger drivers are at an elevated risk as
well due to their risk-taking behavior which may be
expressed by going at higher speeds or by using alcohol
and/or drugs when driving [6-8].
* Correspondence:
School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York University, 4700 Keele Street,
Toronto M3J 1P3, Canada
© 2012 Rzeznikiewiz et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Rzeznikiewiz et al. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:1125
In addition to age, sex has been studied as a possible
risk-factor for the involvement in fatal MVCs. Zhang
found no difference between male and female fatality
rates in MVCs [9]. Interestingly, Singleton et al. found
that females were 60% more likely than males to be ser-
iously injured in MVCs, and Bedard et al. explained that
females in the United States were 54% more likely to be
involved in a fatal accident than their male counterparts
[10,11]. Moreover, Lemieux found that when looking at
MVCs in the Hamilton region of Ontario, weather did
not play a significant role in the collisions that resulted
in one or more fatalities [12].
To date, there have been no studies conducted which
examine Ontarios 400-Series highways and the risk of
dying in a crash. As a result, the objective of this study
is to investigate how driver demographics and environ-
mental risk factors are associated with fatal motor ve-
hicle collisions on Ontarios 400-Series Highways.
Road Traffic Accident Data from the Ministry of Trans-
portation of Ontario (MTO) included all Highway Traffic
Act (HTA) reportable accidents on Ontario 400-Series
highways between January 1st, 2001, and December 31st,
2006. The data, compiled by MTO, are composed of infor-
mation extracted from police reports of MVCs that take
place on the provinces 400-Series highway system. These
controlled-access freeways are similar to the interstate
network in the United States and are located in the south-
ern and central regions of Ontario, Canada. All of the
highways are at least four lanes, have posted speed limits
of between 80 and 100 kilometres an hour, and generally
restrict access to pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles.
No data that could identify anyone involved in the colli-
sions were requested; therefore approval from an Ethics
Committee was not necessary. We used Highway 401 as
the reference group because it included the largest num-
ber of collisions.
A total of 53,526 vehicles involved in collisions from
2001 to 2006 were included in our analysis. Two-wheel
vehicles (motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles), and vehi-
cles for whom type of vehicle was not recorded were
removed from the dataset in order to avoid confounding
throughout the analyses. A sub-analysis comparing fatal-
ities in these aforementioned vehicles to cars/trucks
found that there was a 54% increased chance of a fatal
outcome when a motorcycle, moped or bicycle were
involved in a collision when compared to larger vehicles
(OR = 1.54, 95% CI 1.07-2.20). Previous research sug-
gests that this may be due to a decreased amount of pro-
tection when driving a two wheeled vehicle in addition
to greater risk taking behavior profile shown by motor-
cycle drivers [13,14].
Previous literature has found that the time of the day
of a collision is related to ones chances of a fatal out-
come [5,11]. In order to investigate this relationship, we
chose to examine four-hour time periods in order to
gain insight into specific time frames when driving pat-
terns might be different, rather than examining broad
categories of daytime, evening, and night.
Data included driver characteristics (e.g. age and sex),
vehicle information (e.g. number of passengers and ve-
hicle type), environmental (e.g. weather and road surface
conditions) and highway characteristics (e.g. road char-
acteristics, location on a highway, and highway number),
as well as collision information (e.g. time and day) and
severity of the collision which ranged from 04, but was
dichotomized into death vs. no death for the analysis.
Age groups were defined according to Eriksons develop-
mental stages [15]. Adolescent drivers were between 16
and 18 years old, early adults between 19 and 35 years
old, middle adults between 36 and 65 years of age, and
older adult drivers were defined as being older than
65 years of age. Road designs included: undivided 1-way,
undivided 2-way (uses solid lines to keep directions sep-
arate), dividing barrier, divided (usually by an area of un-
paved land), ramp road (part of an interchange allowing
traffic to enter or exit the highway), collector (segment
of highway which allows for entry and exit at inter-
changes), expressway, and transfer. We decided to in-
clude weather conditions in our analysis, even though it
had not been previously identified as a risk factor, be-
cause Canadian weather conditions can be more extreme
than those in some other parts of the world, and we
wanted to examine if weather was associated with fatal-
ities in Ontario.
After eliminating two-wheel vehicle cases (n = 1,395), a
total of 52,131 vehicles involved in MVCs between 2001
and 2006 on the 400-series highways in Ontario were
available for analyses.
Statistical analyses
Descriptive statistics were calculated for nine variables:
Highway name, Season, Day of the week, Time period,
Sex, Age group, Environment/Weather, Road Character-
istic, and Road Surface Condition; they were categorized
into three groups: Driver Characteristics (Sex and Age
group), Highway Characteristics (Highway name and
Road Characteristic), and Environmental Characteristics
(Season, Day of the week, Time period, Environment/
Weather, and Road Surface Condition).
Chi-Square tests were conducted in order to detect
differences in fatal injury rates among variables. Crude
odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI)
were calculated using simple logistic regression in order
Rzeznikiewiz et al. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:1125 Page 2 of 7
to examine the relationships between each of the nine
variables and a fatality as a result of the collision.
Finally, a multivariate analysis was conducted to esti-
mate the odds of a fatality in each collision for the risk
factors, adjusting for all other variables in the model,
and for the clustering of vehicles in collisions where
more than one vehicle was involved. This was done
using the GENMOD procedure in SAS, with the unique
identifier for each collision as the repeated variable. Ini-
tially, all nine risk factors were included in the model;
however, collinearity between the Environment/Weather
and Road surface condition variables was evident, there-
fore, we decided to eliminate the latter from the model.
The outcome variable was if anyone (passenger or
driver) died in the collision, compared to collisions
where no-one died. Thus the numerator was the number
of vehicles involving a fatality, while the denominator
was all vehicles involved in collisions. Analyses were
conducted using SAS v 9.0 [16].
Across all Ontario highways, the fatality rate among
vehicles was 1.5%. This included 753 deaths among
the reported 52,131 total vehicles involved in colli-
sions. The distribution of fatality varied by age, sex,
highway and environmental risk factors. Table 1 shows
the distribution of non-fatal and fatal injuries among
all categories for the eight included variables and
Table 2 displays the results of the multivariate regres-
sion analysis.
The analysis compared fatality rates in the four differ-
ent age groups, broadly based on Eriksons developmen-
tal stages [15]. An increasing trend was observed; as one
got older, the fatality rate when involved in a MVC be-
came greater. As shown in Table 1, the fatality rates
were 1.1%, 1.4%, 1.6%, and 2.3% for teenagers, early
adults, middle adults, and older adults respectively.
Multivariate analysis suggested that as age progresses,
the odds of dying in a motor vehicle collision increases.
Compared to teenaged drivers, cars with young adults
drivers were more likely to suffer a fatality in a collision
(AOR = 1.52; 95% CI, 1.01-2.29), middle and older adults
drivers had an increased odds of being involved in a fatal
crash (AOR = 1.82; 95% CI, 1.20 2.75) and 1.37%
(AOR = 2.36; 95% CI, 1.46 4.06).
Sex was also associated with the odds of dying in a
motor vehicle collision. Initial results showed that male
drivers were involved in a collision with a fatal outcome
1.7% compared to 1.1% of cases for females. After ad-
justment for the other variables in the model, the odds
of being involved in a fatal crash for cars driven by a fe-
male compared to those driven by a male were signifi-
cantly lower (AOR = 0.84, 95% CI, 0.76-0.91).
Highway characteristics
After adjustment, our analysis found that Highway 405
posed a significantly greater odds of fatality a 7-fold
increased risk of fatal crash compared to Highway 401
(reference group) (AOR = 6.89, 95% CI 2.16-21.98).
Seven of the 11 remaining highways showed a protective
effect while the other 4 were not statistically different
from Highway 401 (Table 2).
Undivided 2-way segments and divided 2-way seg-
ments without barrier showed higher fatality rates than
segments with any other design (3.9% and 5.0% respect-
ively). In multivariate analysis, the odds of fatality on an
undivided 2-way design was three times greater than the
risk on an undivided 1-way segment (OR =3.74 (95% CI,
1.37-10.28)). A divided road without a barrier was also
associated with an increased odds of fatality(AOR = 4.76
(95% CI, 1.92-11.59)) compared to an undivided unidir-
ectional design.
Environmental characteristics
The distribution of collisions among all four seasons of
the year (winter, spring, summer, and fall) was similar.
However, fatalities seem to make up a higher percent-
age of collisions during the summer (30.4%). Initially,
fewer collisions were reported in the summer months
(n = 13,128) compared to the winter season (n = 13,980).
However, once all other variables were added to the
model, driving in the summer was associated with an
increased odds of fatality compared to the wintertime
(AOR = 1.58; 95% CI, 1.08-2.29).
Another purpose of the data analysis was to identify if
there were any days of the week that had higher rates of
fatality than others. The number of collisions per day of
the week were similarly distributed (mean = 7,335).
However, there appeared to be an increased risk of colli-
sion on Fridays, with a total of 8,566 over the span of six
years. After adjusting for all other variables, no days
showed significant differences in the odds of fatality,
with Friday being associated with a slightly, but not sig-
nificantly increased risk of death for those involved in
MVCs (AOR = 1.28, 95% CI, 0.79 2.10).
From 4 am until 8 pm (early morning, morning, after-
noon, and early evening), fatality rates amongst people
involved in MVCs ranged from 1.2% to 1.4%. However,
from 8 pm to 12 am (evening) it was elevated to 2.0%
and during the nighttime (12 am to 4 am), it increased
to 3.4%. Driving at night was associated with the highest
risk of fatality compared to evening (AOR = 1.67, 95%
CI, 1.07-2.59).
Finally, the association between weather condition and
fatal MVCs on the 400-series highways in Ontario between
2001 and 2006 was examined. Fatality rates ranged from
1.4% in the clearreference condition, to 12.8% under drift-
ing snowconditions. In the multivariate analysis, drifting
Rzeznikiewiz et al. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:1125 Page 3 of 7
snow,wind,andfogwere the only categories that
remained significantly different from the clearweather
condition. Drifting snowconditions were associated with
an increased odds of death if involved in a MVC compared
to MVCs in clear conditions (AOR = 7.39, 95% CI, 2.21-
24.78). Windy conditions were associated with a greater
odds (AOR = 5.00, 95% CI, 1.34-18.73) while fog was asso-
ciated with an almost 3 times greater odds of fatality than
clear conditions (AOR = 2.78, 95% CI, 1.11-6.96).
We found an increased risk of fatality as a result of a
motor vehicle collision for older drivers and males. Fur-
ther, undivided 2-way segments as well as divided 2-way
segments were associated with increased fatality risk com-
pared to divided 1-way segments. Driving on Ontarios
Highway 405 was associated with the highest odds of fatal-
ity in a collision. In addition, various environmental condi-
tions were associated with an increased risk of dying as a
result of a motor vehicle collision and they included driv-
ing in the summertime, at nighttime, and in drifting snow
The results in this study found that an increase in
driver age was strongly associated with an increased
odds of fatality in the vehicle as a result of a motor
vehicle collision. These findings are consistent with
Table 1 Distribution of fatal and non-fatal injuries by risk
factor for 52,131 vehicles involved in collisions between
2001 and 2006 on Ontarios 400-series highways
Outcome N (%) Total
Fatal Injury
Total 783 (1.5) 51,348 (98.5) 52,131
400 102 (1.9) 5,347 (98.1) 5,449
401 456 (1.4) 31,094 (98.6) 31,550
402 20 (3.4) 573(96.6) 593
403 40 (1.3) 3,124 (98.7) 3,164
404 13 (0.4) 3,088 (99.6) 3,101
405 9 (15.8) 48 (84.2) 57
406 18 (2,7) 640 (97.3) 658
409 1 (0.3) 352 (99.7) 353
410 10 (1.1) 907 (98.9) 917
416 5 (1.2) 416 (98.8) 421
417 82 (2.6) 3,013(97.4) 3,095
420 3 (1.7) 170 (98.3) 173
427 24 (0.9) 2,576 (99.1) 2,600
Winter 218 (1.6) 13,762 (98.4) 13,980
Spring 165 (1.4) 11,280 (98.6) 11,445
Summer 238 (1.8) 12,890 (98.2) 13,128
Fall 162 (1.5) 13,416 (98.5) 13,578
Day of the Week
Sunday 109 (1.7) 6,300 (98.3) 6,409
Monday 114 (1.5) 7,292 (98.5) 7,406
Tuesday 81 (1.1) 7,452 (98.9) 7,533
Wednesday 98 (1.3) 7,290 (98.7) 7,388
Thursday 103 (1.3) 7,624 (98.7) 7,727
Friday 166 (1.9) 8,599 (98.1) 8,765
Saturday 112 (1.6) 6,791 (98.4) 6,903
Time Period*
Evening (8 pm-12 am) 114 (2.0) 5,722 (98.0) 5,836
Night (12 am-4 am) 146 (3.4) 4,137 (96.6) 4,283
Early Morning (4 am-8 am) 99 (1.3) 7,619 (98.7) 7,718
Morning (8 am-12 pm) 107 (1.1) 9,525 (98.1) 9,632
Afternoon (12 pm-4 pm) 144 (1.4) 9,901 (98.6) 10,045
Early Evening (4 pm-8 pm) 173 (1.2) 14,256 (98.8) 14,429
Female 176 (1.1) 15,464 (98.9) 15,640
Male 607 (1.7) 35,884 (98.3) 36,491
Age Group
Adolescence 26 (1.1) 2,267 (98.9) 2,293
Early Adulthood 363 (1.4) 25,742 (98.6) 26,105
Middle Adulthood 326 (1.6) 19,483 (98.4) 19,809
Late Adulthood 49 (2.3) 2,055 (97.7) 2,104
Table 1 Distribution of fatal and non-fatal injuries by risk
factor for 52,131 vehicles involved in collisions between
2001 and 2006 on Ontarios 400-series highways
Clear 549 (1.4) 39,598 (98.6) 40,147
Rain 45 (1.0) 4,567 (99.0) 4,612
Snow 82 (1.5) 5,354 (98.5) 5,436
Frozen Rain 23 (2.7) 842 (97.3) 865
Drifting Snow 55 (12.8) 375 (87.2) 430
Wind 10 (7.9) 117 (92.1) 127
Fog 16 (4.1) 372 (95.9) 388
Other 3 (2.4) 123 (97.6) 126
Road Characteristic
Undivided 1-Way 10 (1.3) 732 (98.7) 742
Undivided 2-Way 42 (3.9) 1,026 (96.1) 1,068
Dividing Barrier 318 (1.5) 21,463 (98.5) 21,781
Divided 301 (5.0) 5,706 (95.0) 6,008
Ramp Road 37 (0.6) 6,096 (99.4) 6,133
Collector 30 (0.3) 8,799 (99.7) 8,828
Expressway 43 (0.6) 7,067 (99.4) 7,110
Transfer 2 (0.5) 416 (99.5) 418
*Missing data for: time period = 188, sex = 7, road characteristic = 43.
Rzeznikiewiz et al. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:1125 Page 4 of 7
previous literature [5,10,11,17]. The magnitude of the ef-
fect age has on fatal outcomes varies throughout the lit-
erature; Bedard reported a five times higher risk of death
among vehicles driven by 80+ year old drivers compared
to middle aged counterparts and Singleton reported a
65% increase in chances of fatality when comparing
adults drivers 60 years or older to younger 20 year old
drivers [10,11]. Most importantly, the direction of the
relationship remains constant; however, the magnitude
may differ due to the use of different reference and com-
parison groups, different settings (city vs. highway
MVCs), differing health practices in different geograph-
ical regions, and different adjustment for confounding
variables in the multivariate analyses. The increased risk
of fatality may be related to other age-related conditions,
including co-morbid health conditions (e.g. epilepsy, de-
mentia, diabetes mellitus, heart disease and hyperten-
sion) [5]. Observing the increased risk that older drivers
are at, the Canadian Association of Occupational
Therapists released the National Blueprint for Injury
Prevention in Older Driversin 2010, which by vari-
ous methods, is designed to increase awareness of
the issue. For example, the blueprint outlines various
partnerships established to promote older driver
safety throughout the country in addition to inter-
ventions that include media coverage, brochures for
Table 2 Results of multivariate analyses for the odds of
fatality among 52,131 vehicles involved in collisions
between 2001 and 2006 on Ontarios 400-series
Risk factor AOR* 95%CI
401 1.00 ref
400 0.97 0.67 - 1.39
402 0.44 0.20 - 0.99
403 0.48 0.29 - 0.80
404 0.20 0.10 - 0.41
405 6.89 2.16 - 21.98
406 0.78 0.36 - 1.67
409 0.20 0.03 - 1.49
410 0.33 0.14 - 0.78
416 0.25 0.08 - 0.70
417 0.83 0.44 - 1.51
420 0.68 0.09 - 5.21
427 0.75 0.36 - 1.65
Winter 1.00 ref
Spring 1.23 0.84 - 1.82
Summer 1.58 1.08 - 2.29
Fall 1.62 0.71 - 1.54
Day of the Week
Sunday 1.00 ref
Monday 1.06 0.66 - 1.70
Tuesday 0.77 0.46 - 1.25
Wednesday 0.97 0.61 - 1.55
Thursday 1.00 0.64 - 1.57
Friday 1.28 0.79 - 2.10
Saturday 1.01 0.64 - 1.57
Time Period
Evening (8 pm-12 am) 1.00 ref
Night (12 am-4 am) 1.67 1.07 - 2.59
Early Morning (4 am-8 am) 0.63 0.39 - 1.00
Morning (8 am-12 pm) 0.55 0.36 - 0.85
Afternoon (12 pm-4 pm) 0.63 0.38 - 1.04
Early Evening (4 pm-8 pm) 0.69 0.45 - 1.05
Male 1.00 ref
Female 0.84 0.76 - 0.91
Age Group
Adolescence 1.00 ref
Early Adulthood 1.52 1.01 - 2.29
Middle Adulthood 1.82 1.20 - 2.75
Late Adulthood 2.36 1.46 - 4.06
Table 2 Results of multivariate analyses for the odds of
fatality among 52,131 vehicles involved in collisions
between 2001 and 2006 on Ontarios 400-series
highways (Continued)
Clear 1.00 ref
Rain 0.76 0.49 - 1.15
Snow 0.93 0.57 - 1.51
Frozen Rain 1.49 0.66 - 3.39
Drifting Snow 7.39 2.21 - 24.78
Wind 5.00 1.34 - 18.73
Fog 2.78 1.11 - 6.96
Other 1.72 0.34 - 8.58
Road Characteristic
Undivided 1-Way 1.00 ref
Undivided 2-Way 3.74 1.37 - 10.28
Dividing Barrier 1.28 0.54 - 3.03
Divided 4.76 1.92 - 11.59
Ramp Road 0.52 0.20 - 1.36
Collector 0.27 0.09 - 0.79
Expressway 0.44 0.17 - 1.26
Transfer 0.37 0.04 - 3.13
*AOR = Adjusted Odds Ratio, CI = Confidence interval.
Rzeznikiewiz et al. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:1125 Page 5 of 7
families with older adult drivers and information for
health care practitioners taking care of them [18].
Our study suggested that female drivers were involved
in fewer fatal motor vehicle collisions than men, a find-
ing consistent with previous literature in which female
drivers were 62% less likely to die in a collision com-
pared to male drivers [19]. Further, Turner and McClure
revealed that men scored significantly higher than
females in the Driver Aggressionand Risk Acceptance
scales [19]. Lemieux reported an increased rate of fatal-
ities amongst male drivers compared to females [12].
However, this finding is not completely consistent. For
example, Bedard and Levine show up to a 50% increased
risk for fatal injuries in women compared with men
[10,20]. However, they state that this difference seems to
be present only in younger drivers and that it disappears
once older adults are added to the model.
Our results suggest that the undivided two-way design
poses an increased fatality risk, as does the divided road
with no barrier design; these results are consistent with
previous research by Zhang [9]. Re-evaluating these two
designs on Ontarios highways, and installing barriers in
both of these designs may improve road safety in some
Further, our results showed that Highway 405 posed a
significantly increased fatality risk when involved in
MVCs on this 8.5 kilometer segment which connects the
Queen Elizabeth Way to the Queenston-Lewiston Bridge
(Canada-US Border). No previous research has been
done examining specific highways and the risk involved
in driving on them. Although we have no evidence for
why the fatality rate is higher than on most other high-
ways, we hypothesize that there may be an elevated
number of trucks on this highway because it is one of
the arteries that connects Canada to the United States
and therefore heavy transport vehicles are common. Col-
lisions involving large trucks have been shown to be
deadly more often than cars and small trucks [21]. This
possibility warrants further investigation.
Our finding that summer was associated with a signifi-
cantly higher likelihood of fatality is consistent with
Zhang who reported that young drivers were at a 25%
increased risk for fatality compared to middle aged dri-
vers involved in MVCs during the summer [5].
The lack of association between day of the week and
fatal collisions on Ontarios highways is not consistent
with previous research by Lemieux who reported that
MVCs in the Hamilton-Wentworth Niagara Region of
Ontario that resulted in fatalities occurred during Fri-
days and Sundays, on city and rural roads as well as
highways [12]. Other studies compared fatality rates in
different days of the week; however, they compared
weekdays vs. weekend days rather than each day indi-
vidually [5,17,22].
Similarly to Valent, who found that deaths increased
as a results of MVCs between 1:00 and 5:00 a.m. by a
factor of two, this study found that night (0:004:00 am)
was the most fatal period of the day with a 67% higher
risk of fatal MVCs than the evening [17]. Possible rea-
sons for an increased occurrence of fatal accidents dur-
ing the nighttime/early morning hours include an
increased use of alcohol and/or drugs while driving and
tiredness or drowsiness while driving during these
hours [23,24].
We found that drifting snow,wind, and fogwere sig-
nificantly associated with an increased fatality risk. A
study by Khattak et al. which compared collision rates
on American Interstate freeways for periods with snowy
conditions to those with clear weather found that during
snowstorms the crash rate was 5.86 crashes per million
vehicle kilometers (vs. 0.41 during clear conditions).
These results represented a 13 times increased collision
risk during snowy weather [25]. These findings comple-
ment those by Qui and Nixon (2008) although their sys-
tematic review found that in the last four decades, the
effect of adverse weather on fatal collisions has
decreased substantially [26].
Strengths and limitations
The main strength of this study is that it was able to
examine the relative contribution of driver-related and
environmental risk factors to fatal motor vehicle colli-
sions on Ontarios 400-Series Highways. All major pro-
vincial highways were included in the analyses and the
most comprehensive source for MVC data was used
(Ministry of Transportation of Ontario) whose database
included 96.1% of cases with no missing data, leaving
only 3.9% of cases ineligible for some of the analyses.
Vehicles which were evidently at an increased risk for
fatality when involved in a MVC (e.g. motorcycles and
bicycles) were excluded in order to allow the analyses to
approximate a more accurate fatality risk posed to occu-
pants of vehicles with similar safety mechanisms and
driving conditions.
The limitations of this study include a potential for
misclassification bias since the data is entirely based on
police reports and non-fatal crashes may therefore be
underreported. Also, the reports only include outcome
data up to 30 days after the collision. Therefore, colli-
sions that resulted in fatalities 30 days after they took
place would have not been classified as fatal collisions.
We had no information on driver distraction, kilometers
driven, or other potentially confounding variables not
included in the database, including use of restraints and
impaired driving, and access to trauma care. However,
we believe it is unlikely that these variables are systemat-
ically different across different highways. The results of
this study may only be generalizable to other jurisdictions
Rzeznikiewiz et al. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:1125 Page 6 of 7
with similar highway structures. Finally, the most recent
data available were from 2006 and there have been
improvements to the highways since then. These improve-
ments include widening Highway 401 and 417, and
improvements to bridges. Future research can evaluate the
impact of these changes.
Even after controlling for characteristics of the driver,
the highway and the environment contribute to the like-
lihood of someone dying in a motor vehicle collision.
Interventions to reduce deaths may focus on structural
road redesign, as well as driver-related interventions tar-
geted at reviewing driving practices within different age
groups and for drivers under different conditions. Our
research suggests that both driver-level and environmen-
tal interventions may help reduce the risk of fatality in a
motor vehicle collision.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
DR participated in study design, obtained study data, performed the
statistical analysis, drafted, and edited the manuscript. HT participated in
study design, reviewed statistical analysis, aided in draft and final manuscript
compilation. AM conceived of the study, designed the study, performed the
statistical analysis, drafted and edited the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
We would like to acknowledge support received from the Ministry of
Transportation of Ontario, through the invaluable assistance from Susan
Nichol and John Zajac at the Traffic Office in St. Catherines.
Received: 26 March 2012 Accepted: 22 December 2012
Published: 28 December 2012
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Cite this article as: Rzeznikiewiz et al.:Risk of death in crashes on
Ontarios highways. BMC Public Health 2012 12:1125.
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Rzeznikiewiz et al. BMC Public Health 2012, 12:1125 Page 7 of 7
... The harsh weather conditions during the Winter are recognized as key factors associated with a higher probability of collisions [1] [2] due to circumstances such as poor road surface friction [3]. Moreover, the risk of fatality also increases in accidents occurring in periods of snow falls or even after snow falls if the road surface has not been cleaned timely and thoroughly [4]. Transportation offices are aware of these numbers and plan accordingly, with specific measures to prioritize road monitoring and cleaning as part of their short-term plans and long-term road safety strategies. ...
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Road maintenance during the Winter season is a safety critical and resource demanding operation. One of its key activities is determining road surface condition (RSC) in order to prioritize roads and allocate cleaning efforts such as plowing or salting. Two conventional approaches for determining RSC are: visual examination of roadside camera images by trained personnel and patrolling the roads to perform on-site inspections. However, with more than 500 cameras collecting images across Ontario, visual examination becomes a resource-intensive activity, difficult to scale especially during periods of snowstorms. This paper presents the results of a study focused on improving the efficiency of road maintenance operations. We use multiple Deep Learning models to automatically determine RSC from roadside camera images and weather variables, extending previous research where similar methods have been used to deal with the problem. The dataset we use was collected during the 2017-2018 Winter season from 40 stations connected to the Ontario Road Weather Information System (RWIS), it includes 14.000 labeled images and 70.000 weather measurements. We train and evaluate the performance of seven state-of-the-art models from the Computer Vision literature, including the recent DenseNet, NASNet, and MobileNet. Moreover, by following systematic ablation experiments we adapt previously published Deep Learning models and reduce their number of parameters to about ~1.3% compared to their original parameter count, and by integrating observations from weather variables the models are able to better ascertain RSC under poor visibility conditions.
... [21][22][23] For example, alcohol drinking, drug abuse and fatigue from driving at night were associated with traffic accident deaths. [24][25][26] Because the traffic volume is lower at night and drivers might tend to drive carelessly, such as by speeding or ignoring traffic lights, night-time might be associated with increased prehospital deaths due to traffic accidents. For bicycles, dangerous riding without lights and riding after drinking might also be associated with prehospital deaths due to traffic accidents in the dark. ...
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Objective Although it is important to assess prehospital factors associated with traffic crash fatalities to decrease them as a matter of public health, such factors have not been fully revealed. Methods Using data from the Japanese Trauma Data Bank, a large hospital-based trauma registry in Japan, we retrospectively analysed traffic crash patients transported to participating facilities that treated patients with severe trauma from 2004 to 2015. This study defined registered emergency patients whose systolic blood pressure was 0 mm Hg or heart rate was 0 bpm at hospital arrival as being in prehospital cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA). Prehospital factors associated with prehospital CPA due to traffic crash were assessed with multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results In total, 66 243 patients were eligible for analysis. Of them, 3390 (5.1%) patients were in CPA at hospital arrival. A multivariable logistic regression model showed the following factors to be significantly associated with prehospital CPA: ages 60–74 years (adjusted OR (AOR) 1.256, 95% CI 1.142 to 1.382) and ≥75 years (AOR 1.487, 95% CI 1.336 to 1.654), male sex (AOR 1.234, 95% CI 1.139 to 1.338), night-time (AOR 1.575, 95% CI 1.458 to 1.702), weekend including holiday (AOR 1.078, 95% CI 1.001 to 1.161), rural area (AOR 1.181, 95% CI 1.097 to 1.271), back seat passenger (AOR 1.227, 95% CI 0.985 to 1.528) and pedestrian (AOR 1.754, 95% CI 1.580 to 1.947) as types of patients. Conclusion In this population, factors associated with prehospital CPA due to a traffic crash were elderly people, male sex, night-time, weekend/holiday, back seat passenger, pedestrian and rural area. These fundamental data may be of help in reducing and preventing traffic crash deaths.
... Previous studies also revealed that darkness was associated with traffic accident deaths (Damsere-Derry et al. 2010;Rodgers 1995;Stone and Broughton 2003). For example, alcohol drinking, drug abuse, and fatigue from driving at night were associated with traffic accident deaths (Keall et al. 2005;Rice et al. 2003;Rzeznikiewiz et al. 2012). Because the traffic volume is lower at night and drivers might tend to drive carelessly, such as speeding or ignoring traffic lights, nighttime might be associated with prehospital deaths due to traffic accidents (National Police Agency of Japan 2015). ...
Objective: Although it is important to assess the factors associated with traffic accident fatalities to decrease them as a matter of public health, such factors have not been fully identified. Methods: Using a large-scale dataset of ambulance records in Osaka City, Japan, we retrospectively analyzed all traffic accident patients transported to hospitals by emergency medical service personnel from 2013 to 2014. In this study, prehospital death was defined as that occurring at the scene or in the emergency department immediately after hospital arrival. We assessed prehospital factors associated with prehospital death due to traffic accidents by logistic regression models. Results: This study enrolled 28,903 emergency patients with traffic accidents of whom 68 had prehospital death. In a multivariable model, elderly patients aged >=75 years (adjusted OR [AOR] 4.34; 95% CI: 2.29-8.23), nighttime (AOR 2.75; 95% CI: 1.65-4.70), and type of injured person compared with bicyclists such as pedestrian (AOR 9.58; 95% CI: 5.07-17.99), motorcyclist (AOR 2.75; 95% CI: 1.21-6.24), and car occupant (AOR 2.98; 95% CI: 1.39-6.40) were significantly associated with prehospital death due to traffic accidents. Also, the AOR for automobile versus non-automobile as the collision opponent was 4.76 (95% CI: 2.30-9.88). Conclusions: In this population, the factors associated with prehospital death due to traffic accidents were elderly people, nighttime, and pedestrian as the type of patient. The proportion of prehospital death due to traffic accidents was also high when the collision component was an automobile.
... 12 In addition, traffic accidents occurring during holidays and weekends and at night are frequently associated with alcohol, drugs, and drowsy driving, and tend to involve severely injured victims, which may be related to the difficulty in finding hospitals to receive patients. [13][14][15] Medical resource allocation is one of the important issues in an emergency medical system, and both medical institutions and local governments must arrange a system such that emergency patients can be transported and accepted without delay 24 h a day, 7 days a week. ...
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Aim Although the prolongation of the time between injury and hospital arrival of traffic accident patients can influence their prognosis, factors associated with the difficulty in hospital acceptance of these patients have not been sufficiently evaluated in Japan. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the population-based ambulance records of all traffic accident patients for whom the Osaka Municipal Fire Department (Osaka City, Japan) dispatched an ambulance in 2013. We defined “cases with difficulty in hospital acceptance” as cases that required ≥4 calls by emergency medical service personnel at the scene before receiving hospital acceptance. We included patient characteristics (age, sex, coma status, and trauma severity judged by emergency medical service personnel), time factors (day/night or weekday/holiday and weekends), and accident location for multivariable logistic regression analysis to assess factors associated with the difficulty in hospital acceptance. Results Among 13,427 traffic accident patients, 2,033 (15.1%) were cases with difficulty in hospital acceptance. Pediatric patients (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 1.265; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.060–1.509), male sex (adjusted OR, 1.260; 95% CI, 1.135–1.398), moderate-grade trauma (adjusted OR, 2.241; 95% CI, 1.972–2.547), severe-grade trauma (adjusted OR, 2.057; 95% CI, 1.249–3.388), holidays and weekends (adjusted OR, 1.702; 95% CI, 1.539–1.882), and night-time (adjusted OR, 2.720; 95% CI, 2.443–3.027) were positively associated with difficulty in hospital acceptance. Conclusions Using population-based ambulance records from a large urban community in Japan, we showed that the difficulty in hospital acceptance of patients at the scene of traffic accidents was positively associated with several prehospital factors.
... In this context, many studies have used hotspots analysis [7][8][9][10], however this type of evaluation alone is not enough to support the creation of strategies for crash prevention. Many environmental factors appear to be associated and may have an amplifying effect on crash risk; therefore, a possible solution might be the use of environmental analysis together with hotspot analysis. ...
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Road traffic injuries (RTI) are a major public health epidemic killing thousands of people daily. Low and middle-income countries, such as Brazil, have the highest annual rates of road traffic fatalities. In order to improve road safety, this study mapped road traffic fatalities on a Brazilian highway to determine the main environmental factors affecting road traffic fatalities. Four techniques were utilized to identify and analyze RTI hotspots. We used spatial analysis by points by applying kernel density estimator, and wavelet analysis to identify the main hot regions. Additionally, built environment analysis, and principal component analysis were conducted to verify patterns contributing to crash occurrence in the hotspots. Between 2007 and 2009, 379 crashes were notified, with 466 fatalities on BR277. Higher incidence of crashes occurred on sections of highway with double lanes (ratio 2∶1). The hotspot analysis demonstrated that both the eastern and western regions had higher incidences of crashes when compared to the central region. Through the built environment analysis, we have identified five different patterns, demonstrating that specific environmental characteristics are associated with different types of fatal crashes. Patterns 2 and 4 are constituted mainly by predominantly urban characteristics and have frequent fatal pedestrian crashes. Patterns 1, 3 and 5 display mainly rural characteristics and have higher prevalence of vehicular collisions. In the built environment analysis, the variables length of road in urban area, limited lighting, double lanes roadways, and less auxiliary lanes were associated with a higher incidence of fatal crashes. By combining different techniques of analyses, we have identified numerous hotspots and environmental characteristics, which governmental or regulatory agencies could make use to plan strategies to reduce RTI and support life-saving policies.
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SUMMARY The purpose of the study are selected indicators of potential natural hazards in Poland. Among the natural hazards mentioned by the Government Centre of Security risks directly related to climate were selected. We can mention here such risks as: extreme heat events, frosts, snow, droughts and additionally hailstorms. In the initial stage of the project indicators which the best represent the degree of the risk of selected natural hazard were selected. The presentation is a part of the research project “Spatial diversity of sensitivity of the information society on selected natural hazards in Poland” (UMO-2011/03/B/HS4/04933, 194000/GR-4224).
Background: Demographic variables (age and gender), automobile characteristics (weight, wheelbase, model) and driver behaviour (seat-belt use) can affect the outcome of a motor vehicle crash. Occupant fatality data suggest that frail elderly occupants have become more vulnerable than robust younger general traffic victims. In front impact, fixed object crashes, we hypothesized that greater age, female-gender, non-use of a restraining device, lower vehicle weight, shorter wheelbase and older models are positively associated with mortality risk. Methods: We used the U.S. Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS) database to examine fatalities resulting from 12 o'clock fixed object collisions between 1986 and 1995. Our method mimicked, using real data, conditions under which crash test dummies are exposed to increased velocity of automobiles. Velocities at which fatalities occurred were then compared to driver/automobile characteristics using ANOVA/regression methods. The use/non-use of a three-point seat belt was also included in the analysis. Results: From 5,908 observations, age and gender were significantly related to travel speed at which a fatality occurred (p = .001). The estimated mean fatality travel speed for younger drivers was 63.7 mph, declining steadily to 46.3 mph for drivers aged ≥65. For male driver, fatalities, the mean travel speed was 59.6 mph compared to 53.1 mph for female drivers (p = .001). The age by gender interaction was significant (p = .015), although the gap between genders narrowed with increasing age. Other significant variables were weight of car, wheelbase and model year. The use of a seat-belt and the interactions between seat-belt use, age, and gender were not significant. Conclusions: Older adults and women are more susceptible to fatal injuries than younger adults and men. The frail elderly did not benefit from restraint use, as the use of seat-belts had no effect on the travel speed to fatally injure drivers. Inferences to non-fatal injuries cannot be made. Heavier vehicles and newer models had a protective effect, whereas wheelbase length was inversely related to travel speed. These data suggest that safety considerations cannot be dissociated from design issues. Future designs may have to consider the special needs of older adults and female drivers.
Adverse weather obviously has an impact on vehicle crash rates on roads and highways. However, it would be valuable to quantify the extent to which weather conditions affect the crash rate. To do that, a meta-analysis has been conducted to generalize research findings on this subject and attempt to quantify the impact of weather on traffic crashes. Studies between 1967 and 2005 that examined the interaction of weather and traffic safety were reviewed. Thirty-four papers and 78 records that meet the predetermined criteria were included in the analysis. Crash rates from each study were normalized with respect to effect size for meta-analysis generalization. Results indicate that the crash rate usually increases during precipitation. Snow has a greater effect than rain does on crash occurrence: snow can increase the crash rate by 84% and the injury rate by 75%. Further results also suggest that variations in study results can be explained by study design, date of the study, and region or countries included in the study.
  This retrospective study examined population demographics associated with motor vehicle collision (MVC) fatalities over a 5-year period in the Hamilton-Wentworth Niagara region. Variables were drawn from the five factors proposed by Fierro (1) for investigating deaths caused by transportation: human, chemical, environmental, vehicular, and highway. Factors analyzed included age, gender, position to the vehicle, site(s) of injury, toxicology, environmental contributors, and vehicular findings. From 1999 to 2004, there were 321 MVC fatalities that primarily involved males 20 to 29 years of age and commonly drivers or pedestrians. Cars and trucks were the most frequent vehicles. Fatalities occurred most often on local and regional roads on Fridays and Sundays between 6 pm and 6 am. Mechanical failure and weather conditions were not significant contributors. Toxicological analyses (275/321) were performed on the majority of the study population. Ethanol was present in isolation and with other substances, especially cannabis, mostly in male drivers 20–59 years of age.
Safety belt effectiveness in preventing fatalities to drivers is examined versus a number factors (vehicle, accident, and environmental) by applying the double-pair comparison method to appropriate subsets of the Fatal Accident Reporting System (FARS) data. For each of 13 factors studied, safety belt effectiveness (the percent of fatally injured unbelted drivers who would not have been killed if they had been wearing safety belts) is estimated, as is an associated standard error of the estimate. The results, which are presented graphically, provide no evidence that safety belt effectiveness is systematically influenced by most of the factors investigated, including car mass and model year. The absence of any systematic relationship with car mass is in agreement with an earlier finding based on the pedestrian fatality exposure method; this agreement adds plausibility to the assumptions used for both the earlier and the present methods. Safety belt effectiveness is greater for single-car crashes (62 ± 5) % than for crashes involving two cars (30 ± 8) % , this difference being statistically significant at p<.02. The results suggest weakly that safety belt effectiveness is greater for two-door (48 ± 6) % than for four-door (38 ± 10) % cars, and is greater for striking (44 ± 6) % cars than for struck (27 ± 12)% cars. The above differences probably reflect higher effectiveness in frontal (or rollover) crashes than in side impacts.
Blood samples and accident records of 41 female and 186 male fatally injured drivers were examined. Analyses suggested that drugs other than alcohol are causally related to fatal traffic accidents in British Columbia. Toxicologies showed: 37% alcohol only, 11% alcohol and drugs, and 9% drugs only. The most frequently found drugs were: 48% alcohol, 13% tetrahydrocannabinol or its metabolites (THC/ THCCOOH), 4% cocaine, and 5% diazepam. In addition, alcohol-only impairment was missed by investigating police officers in many cases, impairment by alcohol and drugs was mistakenly identified as alcohol-only impairment, and drug-only impairment was misclassified as “driving without due care and attention”.
This paper provides new insight into the situational risks of young drivers, especially in terms of the passenger effect. Two 1988 data bases from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation were used to estimate accident involvement rates by number of passengers, time of day and day of the week--first individually and then for all two-way combinations with the passenger variable. Accident data were derived from police reports for all accidents involving a fatality, personal injury or property damage exceeding $700. Estimates of exposure were based on the most up-to-date provincial travel survey available at the time of the study. Results indicate that the accident involvement rates of 16-19 year old drivers are higher than those of 20-24 and 25-59 year olds in all situations that were examined, but that they were disproportionately high on weekends, at nighttime and with passengers. The results of the passenger variable are particularly interesting because, unlike weekends and nighttime, the negative effect of passengers on overall accident rates was evident only for 16-19 year old drivers. This effect was quite pronounced for both sexes, with accident involvement rates being approximately twice as high with passengers as without. For 16-19 year olds, accident rates were also significantly higher for two or more passengers versus one passenger. The highest rates for this age group occurred with passengers at nighttime. Possible explanations for these patterns and policy implications are discussed.
Driving a car is a complex psychomotor and perceptual task which is subject to impairment by many factors. Several workers have studied the potential effects of drugs and alcohol in crash production by epidemiological and laboratory studies. Both types of studies have yielded useful data but their limitations must be borne in mind when applying the results in practice. Alcohol is obviously the most common single cause of traffic accidents. A progressively increased risk with increasing blood alcohol levels is well documented; fatigue and/or drugs increase this risk. Drugs are related much more infrequently to traffic accidents although on the basis of statistics, there is a potential risk with drug use. However, drugs alone are not as important as alcohol. The most significant drugs as regards driving risk are obviously certain antianxiety agents, hypnotics, stimulants, hallucinogens, marihuana, lithium and narcotic analgesics, as well as ganglionic blocking agents, insulin and sulphonylurea derivatives. Patients should not drive after taking these drugs until they are objectively fully alert and capable. Anticholinergics, antihistamines, antidepressants, antipsychotics, phenylbutazone, indomethacin, α-methyldopa, and β-blockers may in some cases cause central side effects (e.g. drowsiness) strong enough to affect driving performance. After starting therapy with these drugs, or after a significant change in dose, driving should be avoided until it is known that unwanted effects do not occur. Psychotropic drugs may enhance the deleterious effect of alcohol, and with most hypnotics there is still an effect the next morning. Some drugs (e.g. anticonvulsants or antiparkinsonian drugs) may make driving safer, but the disease (epilepsy, Parkinsonism, cardiovascular diseases, psychic disorders, etc.) often precludes driving. Clinicians should warn their patients about an impairment of driving skills if this is likely to occur due to the drug or the illness concerned.
This paper reviews the evidence relevant to the hypotheses that young (16-25) drivers are at greater risk of being involved in a casualty accident than older drivers and this greater risk is primarily a function of their propensity to take risks while driving. The first hypothesis is clearly supported by epidemiological research even when controlling for differences in the quantity and quality of road travel and driving experience. The second hypothesis is also supported by observational and self-report surveys of driving behaviour. Some of the research and theory bearing on risk perception and risk utility, possible mediators of risk-taking, is also reviewed.
This population-based study examines patterns of fatal motor vehicle traffic crashes (MVTCs) by age group (16-24, 25-64, 65+) among Canadian drivers. The Canadian Traffic Accident Information Databank (TRAID) provided information about fata MVTCs between 1984 and 1993. Distribution of risk factors was compared by age group. Crude odds ratios and 95% CIs were calculated for both young and elderly drivers compared with middle-aged drivers. The middle-age group was selected as reference population since it demonstrates the lowest risk of fatality. Compared to the middle-aged group, young drivers demonstrated excess risk for (1) risk-taking behaviours and conditions, specifically alcohol and illicit drug use, speeding, non use of seat belts, fatigue and falling asleep, and inexperience; (2) crashes during the summer, during weekends and at night; and (3) single-vehicle collisions and on performing overtaking manoeuvres. Excess risk among elderly drivers was noted for (1) medical and physical conditions, inattention and inexperience; (2) driver actions, for example, improper turning, failure to yield right-to-way; (3) occurrence on weekdays and during the day; and (4) collisions at intersection and vehicle--vehicle sideswipes. The results show notable differences in risk factors by age group and confirm the need for preventive efforts that incorporate age-specific strategies.