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Analysis of serous body fluids using the CELL-DYN Sapphire hematology analyzer

De Gruyter
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
  • Zuyderland Medical Center/ Open University


Correct cell enumeration and differential analysis of body fluids are important in the diagnosis and management of several diseases. Currently, microscopic analysis is still considered the “gold standard”. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the analytical performance of the CELL-DYN Sapphire hematology analyzer for automated differentiation of cells in serous fluids and to explore whether manual analysis of the raw data files could improve the differential count compared with reference microscopy. A total of 105 serous fluids (39 peritoneal and 66 pleural effusions) were analyzed by the CELL-DYN Sapphire using standard whole-blood algorithm. Additionally, we performed optimized manual gating of the Sapphire raw data file using standard flow cytometry software. The standard Sapphire algorithm showed substantial deviations from the reference microscopic differentiation: polymorphonuclear cell counts were too high because they contained some monocytic cells. However, when optimized manual gating strategy is used, a good correlation and negligible bias were found. We have demonstrated that with a modified algorithm, CELL-DYN Sapphire will provide reliable identification and enumeration of blood cells in peritoneal and pleural fluids
DOI 10.1515/cclm-2012-0549Clin Chem Lab Med 2013; 51(6): 1285–1290
Jeffrey F.W. Keuren , Johannes J.M.L. Hoffmann and Mathie P.G. Leers*
Analysis of serous body fluids using the CELL-DYN
Sapphire hematology analyzer
Background: Correct cell enumeration and differential
analysis of body fluids are important in the diagnosis and
management of several diseases. Currently, microscopic
analysis is still considered the gold standard . The aim
of the present study was to evaluate the analytical perfor-
mance of the CELL-DYN Sapphire hematology analyzer
for automated differentiation of cells in serous fluids and
to explore whether manual analysis of the raw data files
could improve the differential count compared with refer-
ence microscopy.
Methods: A total of 105 serous fluids (39 peritoneal and
66 pleural effusions) were analyzed by the CELL-DYN
Sapphire using standard whole-blood algorithm. Addi-
tionally, we performed optimized manual gating of the
Sapphire raw data file using standard flow cytometry
Results: The standard Sapphire algorithm showed
substantial deviations from the reference micro scopic
differentiation: polymorphonuclear cell counts were
too high because they contained some monocytic cells.
However, when optimized manual gating strategy is used,
a good correlation and negligible bias were found.
Conclusions: We have demonstrated that with a modified
algorithm, CELL-DYN Sapphire will provide reliable iden-
tification and enumeration of blood cells in peritoneal
and pleural fluids .
Keywords: pleural effusion; mesothelial cells; microscopy .
*Corresponding author: Mathie P.G. Leers, PhD, Department of
Clinical Chemistry and Hematology, Atrium Medical Center, Henri
Dunantstraat 5, 6401 CX Heerlen, the Netherlands,
Phone: + 31-45-576-7503, Fax: + 31-45-576-6575,
Jeffrey F. W. Keuren: Department of Clinical Chemistry and
Hematology, Atrium Medical Center, Heerlen, the Netherlands
Johannes J.M.L. Hoffmann: Abbott Diagnostics Division, Wiesbaden-
Delkenheim, Germany
Hematology laboratories frequently perform cellular analy-
sis of serous body fluids such as peritoneal and pleural
fluids. Usually, the total nucleated cells are enumerated and
a differential leukocyte count is done. The latter is impor-
tant for diagnosis and therapy. For example, in peritoneal
fluid, a polymorphonuclear (PMN) cell count > 250 cells/ μ L
is diagnostic for bacterial peritonitis, and this finding
requires immediate antibiotic treatment [ 1 ].
Microscopic cell differentiation and cytological
assessment of cytospin preparations are still considered
the gold standard for analyzing body fluids. Because many
laboratories need to increase their process efficiency, auto-
mated hematology analyzers are increasingly being used
for analyzing body fluids. However, these instruments are
specifically designed for measuring cells in whole blood
and may not be suited for analyzing cells in other body
fluids without modifications [ 2 , 3 ]. Serous fluids have a
different matrix from whole blood, which can affect the
properties of blood cells in a body fluid. Moreover, it is not
unusual that these fluids contain cells of nonhematologi-
cal origin, such as macrophages, mesothelial cells, and
tumor cells, which cannot be accurately classified by the
standard algorithms of hematology analyzers. This was
recently demonstrated for the first time in a study using
the CELL-DYN Sapphire [ 4 ]. These authors found that the
analyzer could be used to determine the concentration of
total nucleated cells with a functional sensitivity limit of
50 cells/ μ L. However, it appeared that CELL-DYN Sapphire
included substantial amounts of epithelial cells and mac-
rophages in the PMN count, making the automated differ-
entiation unreliable [ 4 ]. This PMN overestimation could
lead to false-positive results in the diagnosis of bacterial
peritonitis and pleural cavity infection.
The aims of the present study were to evaluate the
CELL-DYN Sapphire for automated cell differentiation in
serous fluids compared with cytospin microscopy as a
reference and to explore the modifications of the stand-
ard gating strategy for optimizing the automated differ-
ential counts. For this purpose, we analyzed the raw data
files of CELL-DYN Sapphire off-line using a standard flow
cytometry software.
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1286Keuren et al.: Hemocytometric analysis of serous body fluids
Materials and methods
Patient samples
A total of 105 serous  uids (39 peritoneal e usions and 66 pleural
uids) that were collected for routine diagnostic purposes were ex-
amined in this study. Only the residual materials were used once all
routine tests were completed. Samples were collected in sterile tubes
with K
2 -EDTA as an anticoagulant (Becton Dickinson, Plymouth, UK).
The analyses were performed as soon as possible but always within
3 h from the time of sample collection. The study was performed
according to the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the
Ethics Committee of our hospital.
Analysis of body fluids in CELL-DYN Sapphire
standard mode
Before the start of the study, the CELL-DYN Sapphire (Abbott Diag-
nostics Division, Santa Clara, CA, USA) was calibrated with a com-
mercial calibration material (CELL-DYN HemCal Plus) following the
procedure described in the operators manual. CELL-DYN 29 Plus tri-
level controls were used daily in monitoring the performance of the
The CELL-DYN Sapphire optically counts and classi es leuko-
cytes using four angles of laser light scattering: forward (0 ° ), inter-
mediate (7 ° ), polarized, and depolarized side scatter (90 ° and 90 ° D,
respectively). The total leukocyte counts and the di erential counts
of neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, and lympho-
cytes are reported [ 5 ]. The scatter signals of all leukocytes measured
are stored as raw data in a list mode  le (see below). The body  uid
samples were measured in the so-called Extended Count mode of
the CELL-DYN Sapphire, in which the counting time is prolonged
to 32 s (instead of 8 s in standard CBC mode) to increase counting
Analysis of body fluids using CELL-DYN
Sapphire raw data files
For every sample measured, CELL-DYN Sapphire stores all raw
measurement data in a list mode  le in Flow Cytometry Standard
(FCS) format, which can be easily downloaded from the analyzer for
additional assessment. These raw data  les contain the light scat-
ter signals of all cells measured, and in case  uorescent antibod-
ies are used, they also contain  uorescence data. We loaded the
raw data  les of the body  uid samples into the FCS Express so -
ware package (version 3; DeNovo So ware, Los Angeles, CA, USA).
Following standard  ow cytometry practices, we created in this so -
ware a body  uid protocol with optimized gate setting based on  ve
randomly chosen test samples using the light scatter signals (see
Figure 1 for an example). First, we identi ed the cellular debris and
noise, which was disregarded. Then, the protocol identi ed the PMN
cells, lymphocytes, monocytic cells, and other cells. A er the proto-
col was established, the gates were stored in the FCS Express so -
ware and retrieved without changes for the analysis of the remaining
100 serous  uid samples.
Reference microscopic method
Microscopic di erential cell counts were performed a er the cyto-
centrifugation of the samples (8 min at 400 g ), followed by May-
Gr ü nwald Giemsa staining. Experienced observers microscopically
reviewed the cytospin preparations by counting 200 nucleated
cells. To assess the di erential count, the percentages of the neu-
trophils, basophils, and eosinophils were added and regarded as
PMN cells. Furthermore, the mononuclear cells were classi ed as
lymphocytes and monocytic cells (including macrophages and
mesothelial cells). If present, the (suspected) tumor cells were
noted separately.
Reference immunophenotypic method
The CELL-DYN Sapphire is equipped with a 488-nm solid-
state blue laser that allows three-color fluorescence measure-
ments, similar to regular flow cytometry principles. The instru-
ment has an operational mode in which T-cell subsets are
determined using CD3/CD4 and CD3/CD8 antibody mixtures.
After a timed incubation period, the multiangle optical scatter
and fluorescence signals are measured [ 6 ]. For the present study,
we adapted this procedure by substituting the monoclonal anti-
bodies. All antibodies used were obtained from IQ-Products
(Groningen, the Netherlands). In the first tube, 100 μ L
of serous fluid was mixed with 10 μ L CD3-FITC (clone
UCHT1) and 10 μ L CD19-PE (clone LT19) to analyze the
T- and B-lymphocytes, respectively. In the second tube, 1 μ L of CD45-
FITC (clone ML2) was added to 100 μ L of serous fluid to distinguish
the leukocytes from other cells. In the immunophenotypic mode, the
CELL-DYN Sapphire can collect up to 10,000 white blood cell events
and store the data in a list mode file in FCS format. As indicated
above, the FCS files were processed using the FCS Express software,
and results were reported as percentages of lymphocytes (CD3 + plus
CD19 + ), other leukocytes (CD45 + minus CD3/CD19), and unclas-
sified cells (CD45). These percentages were used as the reference
immunological differential count.
Statistical processing was performed using Analyse-it software
(Leeds, UK). Passing and Bablok analysis was used to determine the
intermethod agreement of the different cell percentages as deter-
mined by reference and automated analyses. In addition, the Spear-
man correlation coefficients between methods were calculated as
well as the mean bias with respect to reference microscopic analysis.
The Wilcoxon test for paired samples was used to determine differ-
ences between methods.
Initially, we compared the CELL-DYN Sapphire automated
leukocyte differential percentages with reference micro-
scopic results of cytocentrifuged serous fluid prepara-
tions. A total of 105 pleural and peritoneal fluids were
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Keuren et al.: Hemocytometric analysis of serous body fluids1287
analyzed. As depicted in Figure 2 A C and Table 1 , there
was a rather poor agreement between the automated and
reference microscopic analyses.
Subsequently, we manually analyzed the FCS files
containing the raw light scatter data using FCS Express
software; in this software, a gating protocol was generated
that was optimized for cells in serous body fluids ( Figure
1 ). This reanalysis substantially improved the line of best
fit for all nucleated cells ( Figure 2 D F). The mean differ-
ences between the CELL-DYN Sapphire and the reference
microscopic differential counts decreased and the corre-
lation increased when manual FCS file analysis was used
( Table 1 ). Overall, the agreement between automated and
reference microscopic differentiation improved when the
optimized algorithm was used instead of standard CELL-
DYN Sapphire settings for whole-blood analysis.
With respect to monocytic cells, Figure 2 C and F
demon strate that the CELL-DYN Sapphire measured fewer
of these cells compared with the reference microscopic
method. This suggested that at least a subcategory of the
monocytic cells was not identified as such by CELL-DYN
In addition, we compared the CELL-DYN Sapphire
differential obtained using the improved body fluid
protocol with the reference immunological differential.
As Table 2 shows, we found a good agreement for lym-
phocytes and a satisfactory agreement for the other cell
WBC Differential
%N 60.8*
%L 32.9*
%E 0.00*
%B 0.00*
0 8192 16,384 24,576 32,768
None 1153
Lymphocytes 202
Polymorphonuclear cells 32
Mononuclear cells 579
Other cells 47
Debris 189
# of Events % of Gated cells % of All cells
0 8192 16,384 24,576 32,768
%M 6.28*
0 Size
Figure 1 The effect of the optimized gating strategy on the results of the cell differentiation.
(A) An example of a pleural fluid sample as analyzed by the CELL-DYN Sapphire. Due to a certain amount of debris, a suboptimal separation
of the polymorphic and mononuclear cells is made (%N = % neutrophilic granulocytes, %L = % lymphocytes, %M = % monocytes, %E = %
eosinophilic granulocytes, and %B = % basophilic granulocytes). (B) An optimized, fixed-gating strategy applied on the FCS file generated
by the CELL-DYN Sapphire gave much better separation between the polymorphic and mononuclear cells. Note that this is the same pleural
fluid sample as depicted in (A). ALL represents  ° ; IAS,  ° ; and PSS, polarized  ° scatter. The results generated by the optimized gating
strategy are in concordance with the microscopic analysis of the cytospin: % PMN cells, % lymphocytes, and % mononuclear cells
(monocytes, mesothelial cells, and histiocytes).
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1288Keuren et al.: Hemocytometric analysis of serous body fluids
020 40 60 80 100
Reference microscopy PMC, %
CD-Sapphire PMC, %
020 40 60 80 100
Reference microscopy lymphocytes, %
CD-Sapphire lymphocytes, %
020 40 60 80 100
Reference microscopy monocytic cells, %
CD-Sapphire monocytic cells, %
020 40 60 80 100
Reference microscopy PMC, %
CD-Sapphire PMC, %
020 40 60 80 100
Reference microscopy lymphocytes, %
CD-Sapphire lymphocytes, %
020 40 60 80 100
Reference microscopy monocytic cells, %
CD-Sapphire monocytic cells, %
Standard gating
Adapted gati ng
Figure 2 CELL-DYN Sapphire differential cell percentages compared with reference microscopy (n = 105).
On the x-axis, the reference microscopy results are shown, and on the y-axis, the cells as determined by automated differentiation with
CELL-DYN Sapphire standard settings (A C) and reanalyzed manually in the FCS files (D F). The black lines correspond to line of best fit
(Passing and Bablok), and the dotted lines represent the line of identity.
Cell type Slope (% CI) Intercept (% CI) Mean bias (% CI) r p
PMN (S) . (. to .) . (. to .) . (. to .) . < .
PMN (BF) . (. to .) . (–. to .) –. (–. to .) . NS
Lymphocyte (S) . (. to .) . (. to .) . (. to .) . < .
Lymphocyte (BF) . (. to .) . (. to .) . (. to .) . < .
Monocytic (S) . (. to .) –. (–. to .) –. (–. to .) . < .
Monocytic (BF) . (. to .) . (–. to .) –. (–. to –.) . < .
Table 1 Agreement between automated CELL-DYN Sapphire and manual microscopic cell differentiation for PMN, lymphocytes, and mono-
cytic cells.
Differential counting was performed with the CELL-DYN Sapphire standard algorithm (S) and manual FCS file analysis using an optimized
body fluid (BF) protocol. CI, confidence interval; PMN, polymorphonuclear cells; r, Spearman correlation; p, significance (by the Wilcoxon
test for paired samples); NS, not significant.
This study was undertaken to explore whether an
improvement of the CELL-DYN Sapphire leukocyte differ-
ential count was possible, using a dedicated body fluid
algorithm instead of the standard approach, which was
designed and validated for cells in whole blood only.
When the standard CELL-DYN Sapphire mode was
used for analyzing cells in serous body fluids, an overesti-
mation of PMNs and lymphocytes and an underestimation
of monocytic cells were seen, compared with the reference
microscopic method. These results are fully in line with the
data recently published by De Smet et al. [ 4 ]. These authors
already suggested that the CELL-DYN Sapphire presumably
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included macrophages and mesothelial cells in the PMN
count rather than in the mononuclear cell count.
When manually reanalyzing the FCS files of the body
fluid samples using an optimized, fixed-gating proto-
col in a standard flow cytometry analysis software, the
agreement between CELL-DYN Sapphire and reference
micro scopy strongly improved. In our opinion, the obser-
vation that PMN percentages obtained with manual FCS
file analysis are no longer significantly different from
reference microscopic results validates its clinical appli-
cability for diagnosing bacterial peritonitis or pleurisy.
Although the correlation of lymphocytic and monocytic
cell percentages between reference microscopy and CELL-
DYN Sapphire analysis also improved when using the
optimized body fluid gating protocol, it was apparent that
CELL-DYN Sapphire was still unable to identify all mono-
cytic cells correctly. Apparently, a subpopulation of body
fluid monocytic cells fall outside the scatter gates of the
standard Sapphire algorithm for blood monocytes and are
not correctly classified. The clinical relevance of missing
these cells is probably limited because clinical decisions
are generally not made on monocyte percentages in
serous fluids.
As a second step, we validated the CELL-DYN Sap-
phire differential count obtained using the optimized
body fluid gating protocol against a limited immunologi-
cal differential count. As Table 2 shows, the agreement
was satisf actory for routine application.
Although we have demonstrated that the standard
algorithm of CELL-DYN Sapphire can be readily improved
for measuring cells in serous body fluids, some limit-
ations have to be considered. First, in this study, we have
only investigated serous body fluids, and therefore, our
results cannot be extrapolated to other body fluids such
as cerebrospinal and dialysis fluids without additional
validation. Second, the current technology of hematology
analyzers does not allow for recognizing or flagging the
presence of tumor cells in serous fluids because tumor
cells have extremely variable morphological properties
and sometimes closely resemble nonmalignant cells, and
thus, efficient flagging remains elusive. Unfortunately,
CELL-DYN Sapphire is not an exception; however, this
analyzer offers the possibility of immunological investiga-
tion of tumor cells using specific monoclonal antibodies.
Finally, automated analysis of body fluids can still not
fully replace expert microscopic assessment. However, in
the diagnostic process of, for instance, bacterial peritoni-
tis and pleural cavity infection, automated analysis with
our improved algorithms can replace microscopic exami-
nation. Furthermore, automated analysis with improved
algorithms can certainly enhance the precision of tra-
ditional microscopic differential leukocyte count and
increase the efficiency of the laboratory workflow and
reduce turnaround time.
In conclusion, we have shown that it is feasible to
make an adaptation in the gating strategy, which enabled
us to obtain a reliable differential count of blood cells in
peritoneal and pleural fluids. When this modified algo-
rithm is incorporated in the future version of the CELL-
DYN Sapphire software, the analyzer would be better fit
for a fully automated analysis of serous body fluids.
Conflict of interest statement
Authors conflict of interest disclosure: The authors stated that there
are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this article.
Research funding: None declared.
Employment or leadership: None declared.
Honorarium: None declared.
Received August 28, 2012; accepted November 19, 2012; previously
published online December 15, 2012
Slope (% CI) Intercept (% CI) Mean bias (% CI) r p
Lymphocytes . (. to .) –. (–. to .) . (–. to .) . NS
Other leukocytes . (. to .) –. (–. to .) –. (–. to − .) . < .
Unclassified cells . (. to .) –. (–. to .) . (. to .) . < .
Table 2 Agreement between CELL-DYN Sapphire differential count (obtained from the manual FCS file analysis using the optimized body
fluid protocol) and the reference immunological differential.
CI, confidence interval; r, Spearman coefficient of correlation; p, significance (by Wilcoxon test for paired samples); NS, not significant.
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... Unlike other hematology analyzers, there is scarce literature available on the performance of Cell-Dyn analyzers for cell count in body fluids [25,[36][37][38][39]. De Smet et al. [38] (Table 1) evaluated the precision of the Sapphire model in CSF, serous and peritoneal dialysis fluids and recommended reporting WBC-BF and RBC-BF count only if >50/μL and 3,000/μL, respectively. ...
... Moreover, the analyzer was unable to perform differential classification of leukocytes in serous fluids, probably due to classification of mesothelial cells and macrophages as polymorphonuclear cells. The lack of transferability was confirmed by Keuren et al. [39]. This analyzer features a flagging system for the detection of abnormal cells. ...
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Body fluid cell counting provides valuable information for the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of conditions. Chamber cell count and cellularity analysis by optical microscopy are considered the gold-standard method for cell counting. However, this method has a long turnaround time and limited reproducibility, and requires highly-trained personnel. In the recent decades, specific modes have been developed for the analysis of body fluids. These modes, which perform automated cell counting, are incorporated into hemocytometers and urine analyzers. These innovations have been rapidly incorporated into routine laboratory practice. At present, a variety of analyzers are available that enable automated cell counting for body fluids. Nevertheless, these analyzers have some limitations and can only be operated by highly-qualified laboratory professionals. In this review, we provide an overview of the most relevant automated cell counters currently available for body fluids, the interpretation of the parameters measured by these analyzers, their main analytical features, and the role of optical microscopy as automated cell counters gain ground.
... A diferencia de otros analizadores hematológicos, la bibliografía publicada respecto a la utilidad de los analizadores Cell-Dyn para el recuento celular de los líquidos biológicos es escasa [25,[36][37][38][39]. En el estudio de De Smet et al. [38] (Tabla 1), evaluando el modelo Sapphire e incluyendo LCR, serosos y de diálisis peritoneal, los autores recomendaron informar sólo WBC-BF y RBC-BF cuando sean superiores a 50/μL y 3000/μL, respectivamente, debido a la elevada imprecisión en recuentos celulares bajos, superior al 80% en recuentos de leucocitos <5/μL, lo que limita su uso en el LCR. ...
... Además, este mismo estudio demostró la ausencia de transferibilidad en aquellos líquidos con recuentos por debajo de los límites de cuantificación estimados, así como la incapacidad del analizador para una clasificación diferencial adecuada de los leucocitos en los líquidos serosos, probablemente debida a la clasificación como polimorfonucleares de células mesoteliales y macrófagos. La falta de transferibilidad fue confirmada por Keuren et al. [39]. ...
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Resumen El recuento de células en líquidos biológicos proporciona una información valiosa para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de diferentes patologías. El recuento en cámara y el estudio de la celularidad mediante microscopía óptica han sido consideradas tradicionalmente como método de referencia. Sin embargo, esta metodología implica un tiempo de respuesta del laboratorio elevado, carece de la reproducibilidad adecuada y requiere de personal experto. El avance tecnológico ha permitido el desarrollo de módulos de análisis específicos para los líquidos biológicos, incorporados en analizadores de hematología y de orinas, que permiten la automatización del recuento celular y han sido rápidamente incorporados a la práctica asistencial de los laboratorios En la actualidad diferentes analizadores están disponibles para ofrecer soluciones de automatización en el recuento de células en líquidos biológicos. Sin embargo, el empleo de dichos analizadores no está exento de limitaciones y su utilización requiere de un profundo conocimiento por los especialistas de la Medicina de Laboratorio. En esta revisión, se describen las principales tecnologías para la automatización del recuento celular en líquidos biológicos, el significado de los parámetros informados por los analizadores, sus principales características analíticas, así como el papel de la microscopía óptica en un contexto de utilización creciente de estas tecnologías.
... A critical paper on unreliable basophil counts reported by hematology analyzers belongs to this group, too [113]. Remarkable in this category is the relatively high number of papers of cell enumeration and differentiation in other body fluids than blood [103,109,[114][115][116][117][118]. ...
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On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine ( CCLM ) we present a review of recent developments in the discipline of laboratory hematology as these are reflected by papers published in CCLM in the period 2012–2022. Since data on CCLM publications from 1963 to 2012 are also available, we were able to make a comparison between the two periods. This interestingly revealed that the share of laboratory hematology papers has steadily increased and reached now 16% of all papers published in CCLM . It also became evident that blood coagulation and fibrinolysis, erythrocytes, platelets and instrument and method evaluation constituted the ‘hottest’ topics with regard to number of publications. Some traditional, characteristic CCLM categories like reference intervals, standardization and harmonization, were more stable and probably will remain so in the future. With the advent of important newer topics, like new coagulation assays and drugs and cell population data generated by hematology analyzers, laboratory hematology is anticipated to remain a significant discipline in CCLM publications.
... Despite the benefits of hematology analyzers, considerable quantities of epithelial cells and macrophages in the PMNL count, making automated differentiation unreliable depending on the brand of the analyzer [18,22,23]. Additionally, overestimation of PMNL counts with low WBC counts was shown to be associated with certain cell debris or fragments in CSF samples that usually contain very few cells. ...
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Objectives Sterile body fluids (BFs) include key information for the diagnosis and monitoring of a variety of diseases. A cornerstone test is the total white blood cell (WBC) count, which comprises the differential of WBC of body fluid analysis. It is important to test automated hematology analyzers that should be verified using patient samples. The aim of this study is to compare both the performance of the Sysmex XN-1000 system’s body fluid module for cell counting and differentiation to the results of a cell counting chamber. Methods This study was performed on 200 routinely laboratory sent BFs. Cell counts and differentiation were determined with both bright-lined Neubauer Cell Counting Chamber and Sysmex XN-1000 system body fluid mode. Results The correlation coefficients of WBC count by two methods indicated very strong correlation (r≥0.90, p<0.0001) for any specimen except pleural fluid. According to Passing Bablok regression analysis, Sysmex XN-1000 showed acceptable performance according to bias of the slope criteria (<±20). Conclusions The XN-1000 hematological analyzer’s body fluid mode can rapidly count and identify cells, and it can be used as a simple and rapid screening method for laboratory testing of sterile body fluids, particularly in laboratories with a massive quantity of biological fluids.
... The hematology analyzer Sysmex XN-1000 (Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan) has a BF analysis module that is specially designed for the counting and differentiation of cells in this type of sam- ples using the same technology as for the analysis of peripheral blood. [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] In addition, Sysmex XN provides a new parameter called high-fluorescence cells (HFCs). These cells have a high nucleo- cytoplasmic relationship and a higher nucleic acid content, suggest- ing that the HFC parameter may be useful in the detection of tumor cells. ...
... Although this approach is still widely used in many clinical laboratories, a high risk of errors and many other limitations have been highlighted [1,[5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. Due to these unarguable drawbacks, a number of clinical laboratories have implemented automated counting systems for cytometric analysis of BFs [12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. According to the International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) [21], a number of issues should be followed before introducing an automated system for routine analysis of BFs, which essentially include verification of performance, definition of validation rules for data generated by automated counting, and introduction of reflex testing, typically based on microscopic analysis [1]. ...
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BACKGROUND: Although optical microscopy (OM) remains the reference technique for analysis of ascitic (AF) and pleural (PF) fluids, novel hematological analyzers are equipped with modules for body fluids (BFs) analysis. This study was aimed to analyze the performance of XN-BF module in Sysmex XN-9000, and to develop validation rules for automated cell counts in BFs. METHODS: The evaluation of XN-BF module included assessment of carryover, Limit of Blank (LoB), Limit of Detection (LoD), Limit of Quantitation (LoQ), linearity, data comparison with OM, and development of rules for assisting the validation of automated analysis of BFs and activating reflex testing. RESULTS: The carryover was negligible. The LoB, LoD, LoQ and linearity were always excellent. The comparison with OM was characterized by Pearson's correlations ranging from r=0.50 to r=0.99 (p<0.001), modest bias and high diagnostic concordance (Area Under the Curve between 0.85-0.99). The use of instrument-specific cut-offs further increased diagnostic concordance. The implementation of reflex testing rules based on XN-BF data increased sensitivity and specificity of BFs classification to 0.98 and 0.95. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the XN-BF module on Sysmex-9000 may be a suitable alternative to OM for screening BF samples, especially when specific validation rules are used.
... In a study conducted by Keuren et al. employing the CELL-DYN Sapphire hematology analyzer, the authors mention that the standard Sapphire algorithm showed substantial deviations from the reference microscopic differentiation: polymorphonuclear cell counts were too high because they contained some monocytic cells. However, when the optimized manual gating strategy is used, a good correlation and negligible bias are found (17) . ...
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Introduction: Currently, the cytological analysis of biological fluids, such as peritoneal fluid, is performed by manually cells counting in Fuchs-Rosenthal chamber. However, this method has a number of limitations. Because of these limitations, automatic counters have been evaluated for cell counting in this type of sample in order to make it faster and more reliable test. Objective: The aim of this study is to compare the manual and semi-automated leukocytes and erythrocytes counting in peritoneal fluid. Materials and methods: The samples were analyzed manually and using the CountessTM(Invitrogen). Results: The results showed that although there is a correlation between the two counting methods, the correlation is relatively low, for both leukocytes and erythrocytes analysis. Conclusion: The results suggest that peritoneal fluid should continue to be analyzed in Fuchs-Rosenthal chamber. However, further studies should be conducted with a greater number of samples to investigate the possibility of using automated cells counting in serous fluids and, thus, provide greater speed and quality of results.
Introduction Body fluid cell counting and differentiation provide essential information for diagnosis and monitoring of diverse pathologies. We evaluated the performance of the newly launched Abbott Alinity hq hematology analyzer for automated cell counting in body fluids and compared red blood cell (RBC) and total nucleated cell (TNC) counts with the Cell-Dyn Sapphire automated hematology analyzer. Differential counts were compared with microscopic differentiation on cytocentrifuged preparations. Methods Background concentration limits, limit of detection (LOD), linearity, imprecision, functional sensitivity and carryover were evaluated. For method comparison, we collected 172 body fluids (17 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis fluids, 56 cerebrospinal fluids and 99 serous fluids). Results Background concentration limits were ≤1000 cells/μL for RBC counts and ≤3 cells/μL for TNC counts. The LOD was 1000 RBC/µL and 5 TNC/µL. Results from linear regression analysis revealed excellent linearity. Functional sensitivity was 3000 cells/µL for RBC counts and 50 cells/µL for TNC counts. Carryover was 0.6% and 0.1% for TNC and RBC, respectively. The Alinity hq shows good clinical performance. Conclusion We demonstrated comparable performance for body fluid cell counting between the Alinity hq analyzer and the Cell-Dyn Sapphire. The Alinity hq can be very useful as a screening tool for body fluid cell counting.
Introduction: We developed and validated reflex testing rules for the microscopic examination (ME) of body fluids (BFs) on the Sysmex XN-550 (Sysmex Corporation) instrument. Methods: We assessed the detection limits, precision, linearity, and carryover. To develop the reflex testing rules (derivation arm), we tested 515 samples and then validated the rules using another 507 samples (validation arm). Results: All analytical performances were acceptable, and the carryover was negligible. There was agreement between the automated count and ME of red blood cells (r = .98) and total nucleated cells (TNCs) (r = .98), as well as the differential counts of neutrophils (r = .90) and lymphocytes (r = .84). We developed reflex testing rules: TNCs <10/μL, cell 2/cell 1 ratio ≤0.7, HF-BF cells >7.9/100 white blood cells, LY-X ≥85 or LY-Y ≥90, and eosinophils >2.5%. In the validation arm, implementation of the rules resulted in 126 rule-negative samples (24.9%) that were well correlated between the 2 methods. We propose a new workflow for BF cell analysis based on automated counting. Conclusion: The Sysmex XN-550 can be a suitable alternative to ME for BF cell analysis, especially for screening samples and subsequent automatic reporting under the rational use of laboratory-specific rules.
The laboratory investigation of CSF has been developed over the years as a diagnostic tool for many neurological diseases. Although minimally invasive, CSF is obtained with a traumatic procedure; therefore, the whole laboratory process should be established to maximize the analytical performance. Based on the review of international guidelines and on the experience developed by members of the SIBioC Working Group, the present document provides practical information for laboratory professionals to better address the CSF analysis in different diagnostic situations. The report faces the pathophysiologic meaning of the determination of biochemical parameters, such as glucose, lactate, albumin, immunoglobulins, β-amyloid, tau protein, and the cellular content, providing also evidence on the proper methodological approach. Quantitative and qualitative CSF parameters useful to diagnose an inflammatory process of the central nervous system are discussed, particularly with reference to multiple sclerosis. Indications on how laboratory data should be presented to meet international recommendations are also included.
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The enumeration and identification of blood cells in body fluids offers important information for the diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions. Manual microscopic methods (hemacytometer total cell count and cytocentrifuged differential count) have inherent analytic and economic disadvantages but are still considered the "gold standard" methods. We evaluated the analytic and clinical performance of the Cell-Dyn Sapphire hematology analyzer (Abbott Diagnostics Division, Santa Clara, CA) for automated blood cell counting and leukocyte differential counting in cerebrospinal fluid, serous fluid (peritoneal and pleural fluid), and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis fluid, and we compared the performance with the respective manual methods. In the present article, we describe its applicability for the distinct body fluids, and we highlight limitations and caveats.
To the Editor Although the article by De Smet et al1 is an interesting evaluation of hematology instrument performance with body fluids, such instruments were designed for, and cleared by regulatory bodies only for, blood samples. There are significant scientific errors or weaknesses in several of the approaches taken to develop performance specifications for cytopenic body fluid samples, as briefly discussed herein. The authors describe their approach to “background concentration limits,” which simply applies a +2 SD value to the mean of 20 instrument cycles (presumably air aspirations, although not stated). As noted in the EP-17 consensus document from the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute,2 this common practice lacks appropriate statistical rigor and leads to falsely low values. EP-17 provides a more …
Flow cytometry (FCM) is used with haematology analyzers (HAs) to count cells and differentiate leukocytes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). To evaluate the FCM techniques of HAs, 10 external DGKL trials with CSF controls were carried out in 2004 to 2008. Eight single platform HAs with and without CSF equipment were evaluated with living blood leukocytes and erythrocytes in CSF like DGKL controls: Coulter (LH750,755), Abbott CD3200, CD3500, CD3700, CD4000, Sapphire, ADVIA 120(R) CSF assay, and Sysmex XE-2100(R). Results were compared with visual counting of native cells in Fuchs-Rosenthal chamber, unstained, and absolute values of leukocyte differentiation, assayed by dual platform analysis with immune-FCM (FACSCalibur, CD45, CD14) and the chamber counts. Reference values X were compared with HA values Y by statistical evaluation with Passing/Bablock (P/B) linear regression analysis to reveal conformity of both methods. The HAs, studied, produced no valid results with DGKL CSF controls, because P/B regression revealed no conformity with the reference values due to:-blank problems with impedance analysis,-leukocyte loss with preanalytical erythrocyte lysis procedures, especially of monocytes,-inaccurate results with ADVIA cell sphering and cell differentiation with algorithms and enzyme activities (e.g., peroxidase). HA techniques have to be improved, e.g., using no erythrocyte lysis and CSF adequate techniques, to examine CSF samples precise and accurate.
This study presents the results of performance evaluations of the Cell-Dyn Sapphire (CD-Sapphire) undertaken by 3 study sites in Europe. These studies focused on the routine blood count analyses with specific consideration of precision and imprecision, linearity, inter-instrument correlations, and white blood cell differential and flagging efficiencies. The CD-Sapphire was compared to the Cell-Dyn CD4000, Bayer Advia 120, Beckman Coulter GenS, and reference microscopy.
Using previously described procedures, this study quantified T-cell, T-cell subset, B-cell and NK-cell populations with the CD-Sapphire haematology analyser in a series of patients with mild to moderate lymphocytosis. Lymphocyte counts ranged from 6.0 to 14.9 x 10(9)/l, with 86/97 being <10.0 x 10(9)/l. Immunophenotyping (CD3/CD19/HLA-DR, CD4/CD8 and CD16/CD56 combinations) was performed using EDTA-anticoagulated blood, automated CD-Sapphire analysis and subsequent software processing. Of 35 samples from younger (<12 years) patients, 22 (63%) had nonspecific lymphocyte changes, 4 (11%) showed specific increases in nonreactive T-Helper or T-Suppressor cells, and five showed a reactive T-cell lymphocytosis. The remaining four were classified as 'Transient/Persistent NK-associated (NKa) Expansion' (n = 3) and specific B-cell lymphocytosis (n = 1). For older patients (n = 59), 15 (25%) had an increase (>1.5 x 10(9)/l) in B-cells, and seven investigated for surface immunoglobulin expression were all found to be clonal. The remaining samples were categorized as 'Transient/Persistent NK-associated (NKa) Expansion' (13/59), Reactive Lymphocytosis (5/59), 'Reactive Lymphocytosis or Transient/Persistent NKa Expansion' (8/59), specific T-Helper cell (n = 8) or T-Suppressor cell (n = 3) lymphocytosis, and 'Lymphocytosis of Undetermined Significance' (n = 7). This study has demonstrated the feasibility of applying limited immunophenotyping protocols to the investigation of patients with abnormal lymphocyte counts in routine haematology. By using commercially purchased liquid monoclonal reagents to determine lymphocyte subpopulation profiles, haematology laboratories can provide more definitive information of potential clinical importance.