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The development of biomedical engineering as experienced by one biomedical engineer


Abstract and Figures

This personal essay described the development of the field of Biomedical Engineering from its early days, from the perspective of one who lived through that development. It describes the making of a major invention using data that had been rejected by other scientists, the re-discovery of an obscure fact of physiology and its use in developing a major medical instrument, the development of a new medical imaging modality, and the near-death rescue of a research project. The essay concludes with comments about the development and present status of impedance imaging, and recent changes in the evolution of biomedical engineering as a field.
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L E T T E R T O T H E E D I T O R Open Access
The development of biomedical engineering as
experienced by one biomedical engineer
Jonathan C Newell
Department of Biomedical
Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, 110 Eighth Street, Troy, NY
12180, USA
This personal essay described the development of the field of Biomedical
Engineering from its early days, from the perspective of one who lived through that
development. It describes the making of a major invention using data that had been
rejected by other scientists, the re-discovery of an obscure fact of physiology and its
use in developing a major medical instrument, the development of a new medical
imaging modality, and the near-death rescue of a research project. The essay
concludes with comments about the development and present status of impedance
imaging, and recent changes in the evolution of biomedical engineering as a field.
Keywords: Biomedical engineering, Electrical impedance imaging, Impedance
tomography, Impedance spectroscopy, Biomedical instrumentation
An Electrical Engineer becomes a Biomedical Engineer
I started as an undergraduate Electrical Engineering (EE) student in the early 1960s.
But at co-op jobs in defense electronics, I decided that EE was not my chosen field. In-
stead, on graduation I joined the Peace Corps doing electric power engineering in the
developing world. I returned to do a Masters in EE, which included a biomedical pro-
ject, part of a surgical research project in trauma. With that degree, I took a draft-
deferrable job in defense electronics. At age 26, I began my career as a biomedical
engineer by rejoining the trauma research project at Albany (NY) Medical College
(AMC). This was a project that brought computer technology to the study and care of
injured patients. It consisted of a dedicated hospital room with then-state-of-the-art
physiological monitoring equipment and computers (terminals to a remote mainframe)
at the bedside. The project was run by a surgeon, Dr. Samuel R. Powers, Jr., and three
faculty members at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) who provided technical expertise.
It was staffed by a Surgical Fellow, a medical technician, and now an electrical engineer.
I thus began to learn the technical aspects of clinical medicine and research with on-
the-job training. The equipment and techniques for physiological measurements at
that time were not sophisticated or well-designed for clinical use. The whole concept
of intensive care was in its infancy, and technical support from commercial equipment
suppliers was weak. Also, trauma was just being recognized as an important problem
by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Specifically, what came to be called Adult
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) was just being recognized, largely due to the
© 2012 Newell; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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Newell BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2012, 11:94
experience in the Vietnam War, where it was first called Danang Lung. Dr. Powers
group confirmed by measuring lung volume in these patients that the primary problem
involved lung collapse, which was reversed by Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
[1]. Before those years, PEEP was thought to be dangerous today it is a commonplace.
Using Control Theory to Study the Lung, and a Delayed Payoff
After two years in that job, Dr. Powers advised me to get a Ph. D. in Physiology. He
arranged for my admission to the Albany Medical College, and helped me apply for an
NIH Special Fellowship to support my study. My dissertation evolved from a fortuitous
application of my knowledge of control systems that helped discover an unknown
physiological property of the lung. It had long been recognized that intrapulmonary
shunt caused arterial hypoxemia. I had observed in the Trauma Unit that sometimes
patients would move rapidly from a stable condition to one of high shunt and hypox-
emia. I hypothesized that if arterial hypoxemia could itself make shunt worse, a
positive-feedback system would result that might account for the instability. I designed
an animal experiment to test this, and with the help of a fellow graduate student,
Michael G. Levitzky, we went on to confirm the hypothesis and discover the underlying
mechanism [2].
There was a critical aha!moment during the first experiment to test that hypoth-
esis. We had placed an electromagnetic blood flow probe on the left main pulmonary
artery of a dog. When we made that lung hypoxic, we expected to see a decreased
blood flow, but the amplitude of the flow probe signal was unchanged. As we studied
the paper polygraph record, we found by happenstance a premature ventricular con-
traction, followed by a long diastole with zero flow. The diastole showed that the base-
line of the flowmeter had shifted, and masked a prominent retrograde flow in diastole.
The peak inflow was unchanged, but the net flow was in fact reduced by that retro-
grade flow in diastole. I attribute the recognition of that clue to my training to be
skeptical about instrumentation. Many years later, I was in the audience at an electrical
impedance tomography (EIT) conference in Manchester, UK, in 2009 when Marcelo
Amato from Brazil reported finding that the amplitude of the cardiac-frequency pulsati-
lity over the lung fields was not diminished in local hypoxia. He conjectured that it was
due to the mechanism we had discovered, and I was thrilled to direct him to the paper
reporting our original work published 33 years earlier.
Institutional Origins of Biomedical Engineering
I completed the Ph. D. in two years and accepted an appointment as Assistant Profes-
sor in the newly-formed Center for Biomedical Engineering at RPI in 1974. Based on
my two yearsexperience in the Trauma Center, I began teaching a course called Clinical
Engineering, a keystone course in a new Clinical Engineering Masters program. I also
initiated a Biomedical Engineering Laboratorycourse, which included the use of experi-
mental animals, a novelty at RPI. I was also appointed Assistant Professor in the Depart-
ment of Physiology at AMC, where I taught respiratory physiology to first-year medical
students for 20 years, thus helping maintain my clinical contacts. And I re-joined the
Trauma Center, now as an Investigator. This background probably contributed to my
Newell BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2012, 11:94 Page 2 of 7
acceptance by the medical community, which has sometimes been an obstacle for biomed-
ical engineers. Ive been something of a hybrid in many ways, and Ive found that helpful.
With these beginnings in the early 70s, the RPI program was one of the first in the
country. Over the next decade, the Center for Biomedical Engineering added faculty,
student enrollment doubled, and the activity became a Department within the School
of Engineering. I ran a research laboratory studying the pulmonary circulation, with
NIH support, and advised a number of Ph.D. and Masters Students. The department
faculty was generally involved with patient-level or organ-level studies, many in pros-
thesis development. Since I started in the clinical environment, I have always kept my
research interests and projects closely allied with current clinical problems. I am some-
times disappointed to read theoretical studies by biomedical engineers that seem need-
lessly remote from clinical use.
Impedance Imaging - an idea whose time may soon come
Around 1985 I was approached by a mathematician who was looking for a simple piece
of electrical engineering data. David Isaacson, Professor of Mathematics, was making a
theoretical study of Electrical Impedance Imaging, and wanted to know what noise level
would be expected in measuring small voltages on the human chest at high audio fre-
quencies. I knew nothing of Impedance Imaging, and told him I didnt expect it to
work, but I had a lab and we agreed on an experiment that could answer his question.
We found an interested undergraduate, and by the end of the summer, we showed he
was right, it would work, and with roughly what noise levels. From that beginning,
which involved a Radio Shack audio amplifier, a hand-wound variable-tap resistor and
32 jumper wires with alligator clips, it became clear that we needed a multi-channel,
computer-controlled instrument. I had worked in the Trauma Project with Prof. David
Gisser, and when I approached him with the instrument design problem, he responded
with four pages of hand-drawn circuits, and the project was under way [3].
The funding for this project involved a small miracle. The Trauma Unit was still
functioning at this time, funded as a Program Project by NIH. At the last renewal of
this Center Grant, after 22 years of support, I was Principal Investigator of one section,
which proposed to use Impedance Imaging to study the lung with ARDS. The Site Visit
team approved my project with a high priority and intact budget, but disapproved the
whole Center. An NIH administrator named Lee Van Lenten managed to separate the
EIT project from the Trauma Center, assign a new grant number, and change the insti-
tution from AMC to RPI. We had 5 years of full funding, and felt wed caught a heli-
copter off the Titanic.
Electrical Impedance Imaging, as the name implies, is a technology for forming
images of the interior of the body, based on organsvarying electrical properties, using
data from electrodes applied to the skin around the region of interest. Since it usually
involves a single ring of electrodes and thus images a slice of the body, it is also called
Electrical Impedance Tomography [4]. Some newer instruments operate across a broad
frequency spectrum, and perform Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy. Most instru-
ments measure both the real and imaginary components of the signals, and can repre-
sent the complex impedance. This relatively new field began in about 1986, with initial
work by a group in Sheffield, UK, and us. The European Community funded a
Newell BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2012, 11:94 Page 3 of 7
Concerted Action to support several laboratories in Europe, and we were declared to
be honorary Europeansand were invited to the conferences. At that time, we were
the only group in the field from the US. Now there are several.
The technology works by applying small, high-frequency currents (or voltages) to
many (usually 16 to 256) electrodes, and measuring the resulting voltages (or currents).
Most of the European systems used a single current source and multiple voltage mea-
surements, which is relatively easy to build, and works fairly well. We elected to use as
many current sources as we had electrodes (32) and measure voltage on all these elec-
trodes. This system has theoretical advantages over single-source systems, but is a lot
harder and more expensive to build [3,5]. Both designs have existed since around 1988,
and neither has replaced the other to this day. The other important design criterion for
multiple-source systems is whether to use voltage or current sources. Current sources
are less sensitive to high-spatial-frequency noise, but are difficult to implement for
broadband applications, and are intolerant of open electrode connections. We used
current sources for our single-frequency instruments, but moved to voltage sources for
the broadband ACT 4. Prof. Gary Saulnier has since patented a current source design
that is suitable for use in broadband, multiple source applications.
For over two decades, my colleagues and I have been at the cutting edge of this tech-
nology, having to define the problems before we could solve them. It is an exhilarating
experience to be part of a small but world-wide community of workers trying to invent
something completely new. The caveats for those who would pursue such a path are
many, however. There needs to be a balance between developing a promising idea be-
cause it seems to have potential, and identifying an application for which it is truly use-
ful. Clinical utility is a high hurdle. But if you dont have a vision, its hard to do
Many applications of EIT have been proposed, and tested for feasibility. In Russia, a
system is being marketed for breast cancer detection [6]. But by 2012, most other appli-
cations have languished, and the only other application that appears ready to become
commercial is the monitoring of cardiopulmonary function in acute care patients. An
instrument is being tested by Draeger, based on a 16-electrode design developed in
Germany [7]. Recently, a major US manufacturer of medical instruments has hired
three of our former students, and obtained an NIH grant to develop a commercial clin-
ical instrument. We are collaborating with that effort, which also has clinical colleagues
at Columbia University/NY Presbyterian Medical Center in New York.
Throughout these developments, our EIT project has had intermittent funding from
NIH, and 10 years of support through an Engineering Research Center from the Na-
tional Science Foundation. We have spent around $5 million, and built four generations
of instrument. The last was designed by Dr. Gary Saulnier of RPI, and is a 60-electrode
machine operating from 3 kHz to 1 MHz at 7 frames/sec. It has two plates with radio-
lucent electrodes that are placed on a 3-D mammography machine, allowing simultan-
eous 3-D mammograms and 3-D EIT images to be produced, in-register. We have
collaborated with Dr. Daniel Kopans at Massachusetts General Hospital to study breast
cancer patients, with results that are still being analyzed (Figure 1).
In the 26 years since our first publication, the EIT project has helped educate over
100 students, including several post-doctoral fellows. And four faculty members from
universities in Asia have visited for several months.
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Biomedical Engineering - Challenges and Prospects
While this instrumentation development project was taking place, the field of Biomed-
ical Engineering was changing radically. The discipline of Biomedical Engineering
started with a few random, isolated individuals who took an interest in some aspect of
health care and clinical medicine. They invented devices to solve specific clinical pro-
blems, such as the pacemaker, defibrillator, electrocardiogram (EKG) monitors and
thermodilution cardiac output detectors. The ad-hoc nature of the field is exemplified
by the fact that defibrillators were on the market for many years before defibrillator tes-
ters came along. When they did, it was discovered that all defibrillators delivered only
about 80% of their stored energy. That finding raised the question of which energy to
report to the operator the stored energy, which is what all early machines reported,
or the more clinically relevant delivered energy. For many years, machines showed
both. Today, you can buy an Automatic External Defibrillator (thanks largely to the
work of Dr. Fred Chapman, one of my students) for a few hundred dollars, and keep it
in your home. Another interesting example is the Pulse Oximeter. It was invented in
Japan, but the inventor never filed a US patent. Many companies scrambled to enter
that market, and the price fell from around $3000 for the early versions to a device you
can buy for yourself for less than $40 [8]. The invention of that device holds a lesson
for any future device designer. For many years, several companies had tried to extract
oxygen saturation information from light shined through tissue. But the presence of
other pigments such as myoglobin made the problem complex, and the signals were
hard to process because they varied a lot with the heartbeat. Hewlett Packard sold a
machine with 8 different light wavelengths to try to separate out just the blood signal.
A man in Japan named Aoyagi realized that those pulse-related signals, which stymied
everyone else, actually contained the solution. The only thing varying was the arterial
blood. If he analyzed only the changes in light absorption, he only needed two wave-
lengths. He used the signal that everybody else tried to work around or eliminate.
Simultaneously with these changes, the technology of medical imaging expanded from
straightforward X-Rays to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (now called Magnetic Resonance
Imaging because nuclearsounded scary), Computed Tomography, and Positron Emis-
sion Tomography. There was always something of a separation between these large
Figure 1 The latest ACT 4 instrument installed adjacent to a Tomosynthesis machine.
Newell BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2012, 11:94 Page 5 of 7
instruments, marketed to radiology departments, and general BME, whose domain was
the entire medical care community. But each informed the other to some extent.
With the formation of organizations such as the Association for the Advancement of
Medical Instrumentation, which went on to organize Biomedical Engineering Techni-
cians, the field began to mature. I believe a critical role was played by the Veterans
Administration Hospital system, which was quick to introduce the position of Clinical
Engineer to its system. Another early important step was made by Dr. Joel Nobel, who
founded the Emergency Care Research Institute [9], which began evaluating medical
instruments and soon began publishing a journal to support the work of Clinical Engineers.
ECRI has become a clearing house for clinical instrumentation reports of successes and
failures. If you believe that feedback can improve the performance of an engineering sys-
tem, you can appreciate the contribution of Dr. Nobel.
Quo Vadem?
These activities and ones like them defined the field of Biomedical Engineering from
the late 1960s through the late 1990s. At around that time, the instrumentation field
became, in many respects, a mature technology with developments better characterized
as incremental rather than groundbreaking. Between the late 1990s and mid-2000s,
the bulk of innovative activity moved to cellular- and molecular-level studies generally
characterized as Tissue Engineering. As the basic biology became much better under-
stood, cell culture techniques were refined and taken up by Bioengineers, and the
thrust became to design and build replacement tissues. Starting with skin, but soon in-
cluding blood vessels, neural tissue, and endocrine functions such as pancreatic beta
cells, the nature of the expertise needed by a Biomedical Engineer took a radical
change. Basic cellular level biology, including genomics and nanotechnology have all
nearly merged with biomedical engineering, and the engineers have taken on the prac-
tical goals of building (growing) something useful.
So in recent years, cell culture and other new techniques have become critical parts
of the curriculum for Bioengineering. This clearly promising development will have im-
portant medical applications. But we should not forget that there remain immediate
clinical needs to be met while the longer term solutions are developed. The tragedy of
medicine is that patients continue to become ill before weve learned how to cure them.
An eclectic approach to education still seems best.
As I try to extract from this story any message useful to others, the point that seems
to me most clear is that Im a hybrid who does best working at interfaces. Ive never
known as much about my colleaguesfields as they do, but by working with colleagues
in different fields on a project that needs expertise in those fields, weve gotten much
further than any of us could have gone alone. Ive often found that the most useful things
I know are things I wasntsupposedto know. So in teaching Biomedical Engineering, I
always tried to teach a diversity of skills, and to teach students to be able to communicate
clearly with folks in other disciplines. Thats not a new message, but I hope to have given
it weight by example.
EE: Electrical Engineering; AMC: Albany (NY) Medical College; RPI: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; NIH: National
Institutes of Health; ARDS: Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome; PEEP: Positive End-Expiratory Pressure; EIT: Electrical
Impedance Tomography; EKG: Electrocardiogram; ECRI: Emergency Care Research Institute.
Newell BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2012, 11:94 Page 6 of 7
Competing interests
I have no competing interests in this work.
I gratefully acknowledge the role of Kenneth R. Foster, who invited this work, and provided much useful guidance
along the way.
My wife, Sigrin T. Newell, provided inestimable support throughout this 45-year journey.
Received: 29 November 2012 Accepted: 10 December 2012
Published: 12 December 2012
1. Monaco V, Burdge R, Newell JC, Leather RP, Powers SR: Clinical significance of the functional residual capacity
in the post-injury state. Surg Forum 1971, 22:4243.
2. Newell JC, Levitzky MG, Krasney JA, Dutton RE: Phasic reflux of pulmonary blood flow in atelectasis: Influence
of systemic P0
.J Appl Physiol 1976, 40:883888.
3. Newell JC, Gisser DG, Isaacson D: An electric current tomograph. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1988, 35:828833.
4. Holder D: Electrical Impedance Tomography: methods, history and applications. London: Institute of Physics; 2004.
5. Cheng K-S, Simske SJ, Isaacson D, Newell JC, Gisser DG: Errors due to Measuring Voltage on Current-Carrying
Electrodes in Electric Current Computed Tomography. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1990, 37(1):6065.
6. Cherepenin V, Karpov A, Korjenevsky A, Kornienko V, Mazaletskaya A, Mazourov D, Meister D: A 3D electrical
impedance tomography (EIT) system for breast cancer detection. Physiol Meas 2001, 22:918.
7. Information about the Pulmovista instrument being planned by Draeger; can be found at: http://campaigns.draeger.
8. An example of an inexpensive pulse oximeters for sale to the public; can be found at: http://www.walgreens.
com/search/results.jsp?Ntt=fingertip pulse oximeters.
9. The home page for the Emergency Care Research Institute. Is at:
Cite this article as: Newell: The development of biomedical engineering as experienced by one biomedical
engineer. BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2012 11:94.
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Newell BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2012, 11:94 Page 7 of 7
... Over the past several decades, biomaterials have been revolutionizing the discipline of biomedical engineering by instigating the restoration and recovery of the biological function of a patient's damaged tissues or organs for use in crucial applications such as tissue engineering. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9] In recent years, the trajectory for human discovery and development has shifted towards a rapid progress towards technological advancement. This has led to a pressing need for biomaterials with structures resembling biological tissues, capable of exhibiting novel and multifunctional variety of engineering disciplines, including the biomedical engineering field, due to their unique ability to convert mechanical stress into electricity. ...
Full-text available
Hydrogels show great potential in biomedical applications due to their inherent biocompatibility, high water content, and resemblance to the extracellular matrix. However, they lack self‐powering capabilities and often necessitate external stimulation to initiate cell regenerative processes. In contrast, piezoelectric materials offer self‐powering potential but tend to compromise flexibility. To address this, creating a novel hybrid biomaterial of piezoelectric hydrogels (PHs), which combines the advantageous properties of both materials, offers a systematic solution to the challenges faced by these materials when employed separately. Such innovative material system is expected to broaden the horizons of biomedical applications, such as piezocatalytic medicinal and health monitoring applications, showcasing its adaptability by endowing hydrogels with piezoelectric properties. Unique functionalities, like enabling self‐powered capabilities and inducing electrical stimulation that mimics endogenous bioelectricity, can be achieved while retaining hydrogel matrix advantages. Given the limited reported literature on PHs, here recent strategies concerning material design and fabrication, essential properties, and distinctive applications are systematically discussed. The review is concluded by providing perspectives on the remaining challenges and the future outlook for PHs in the biomedical field. As PHs emerge as a rising star, a comprehensive exploration of their potential offers insights into the new hybrid biomaterials.
... The first-year learners reported a mean score of about 3.9 for the general satisfaction. The second-year learners reported an average score of 3.8 and the third-year learners reported a mean score of 4.0 [1]. The results also indicated that learners were satisfied with the results of the simulation irrespective of the experience they underwent. ...
The segment of wearable technology allows medical practitioners and nurses to be incredibly responsible for the patients who are interested in it. A lot of research analyses in this segment have been done which makes it essential for nurses to be significantly engaged in the promising technological advancement in the process of enhancing the lives of patients. In this paper, a synthesis of the present condition of wearable technology has been done. A brief evaluation of nursing satisfaction with medical technology has also been done based on the present research on wearable technology and its implications for the future state of nursing. It is therefore founded that other segments in the healthcare sector have applied wearable technology to enhance gait in patients suffering Parkinson’s illnesses which provides automated defibrillation in the cardiac patients. This has also enabled medical practitioners to effectively monitor post-stroke rehabilitation. The medical practitioners are also considered a front line for patenting and designing novel ideas to enhance the lives of patients. As such, nurses typically adopt the novel technologies such as electronic clinical administration records, electronic medical records and the simulation status in the sector of education. Wearable technological advancements consider the upcoming trend since its potential application is considered endless. Including the patients in their individual care is considered a potential obligation of nursing. In that case, more research evaluation is required to link-up patients with caregivers that benefit from the wearable technological advancements.
The segment of wearable technology allows medical practitioners and nurses to be incredibly responsible for the patients who are interested in it. A lot of research analyses in this segment have been done which makes it essential for nurses to be significantly engaged in the promising technological advancement in the process of enhancing the lives of patients. In this paper, a synthesis of the present condition of wearable technology has been done. A brief evaluation of nursing satisfaction with medical technology has also been done based on the present research on wearable technology and its implications for the future state of nursing. It is therefore founded that other segments in the healthcare sector have applied wearable technology to enhance gait in patients suffering Parkinson’s illnesses which provides automated defibrillation in the cardiac patients. This has also enabled medical practitioners to effectively monitor post-stroke rehabilitation. The medical practitioners are also considered a front line for patenting and designing novel ideas to enhance the lives of patients. As such, nurses typically adopt the novel technologies such as electronic clinical administration records, electronic medical records and the simulation status in the sector of education. Wearable technological advancements consider the upcoming trend since its potential application is considered endless. Including the patients in their individual care is considered a potential obligation of nursing. In that case, more research evaluation is required to link-up patients with caregivers that benefit from the wearable technological advancements.
This book addresses a simplified and introductory curriculum for the field of Biomedical Engineering. It is suitable for 12 -17-year-old readers in Middle and High school. This curriculum, approach, and way of presenting information has been chosen after reading many books in the field of Biomedical Engineering and discerned the pros and cons of them from the point of view of two students in High School. This book is structured as follows: it introduces the definition of Biomedical Engineering, gives a historical perspective about the field and the old inventions, introduces the world of Biomedical Engineering - the different approaches of the field- and explains the most important concepts needed in Biomedical Engineering Comprehension.
Full-text available
A medical device which allows imaging of the distribution of conductivity in 3D in regions below the skin surface has been developed and tested. Its purpose is to enable early detection and preliminary diagnosis of breast tumours. Design of the measuring system and software are described. Results of clinical evaluation of the system are presented. EIT images of healthy and cancerous breasts are presented and discussed. The system is able to visualize various states of the breast and it may be possible to apply it to breast cancer detection.
In 16 dogs ventilated with 100% O2, control blood flow to the left lung was 35 +/- 2% of aortic flow. When left lung atelectasis was induced, left pulmonary artery flow fell to 19 +/- 2% of aortic flow. A large retrograde component of flow developed in this pulmonary artery, suggesting that blood flows into the pulmonary arteries of both lungs during systole, but flows back out of the collapsed lung and into the uncollapsed lung during diastole. Systemic PaO2 remained above 78 mmHg. Subsequently, when the ventilation of the right lung was changed from oxygen to room air, systemic PaO2 fell to 64 +/- 3 mmHg and atelectatic left lung flow rose from 19 +/- 2% to 28 +/- 2% f aortic flow. This was associated with a reduction in reflux from the atelectatic lung. These results suggest that the attenuation of flow to an atelectatic lung is more pronounced if systemic normoxemia is maintained by adequate oxygenation of the normal lung.
Electric current computed tomography is a process for determining the distribution of electrical conductivity inside a body based upon measurements of voltage or current made at the body's surface. Most such systems use different electrodes for the application of current and the measurement of voltage. This paper shows that when a multiplicity of electrodes are attached to a body's surface, the voltage data are most sensitive to changes in resistivity in the body's interior when voltages are measured from all electrodes, including those carrying current. This assertion is true despite the presence of significant levels of skin impedance at the electrodes. This conclusion is supported both theoretically and by experiment. Data were first taken using all electrodes for current and voltage. Then current was applied only at a pair of electrodes, with voltages measured on all other electrodes. We then constructed the second data set by calculation from the first. Targets could be detected with better signal-to-noise ratio by using the reconstructed data than by using the directly measured voltages on noncurrent-carrying electrodes. Images made from voltage data using only noncurrent-carrying electrodes had higher noise levels and were less able to accurately locate targets. We conclude that in multiple electrode systems for electric current computed tomography, current should be applied and voltage should be measured from all available electrodes.
A description is given of an instrument designed to acquire data for the construction of images of internal body structures based on measurements of electrical impedance made from a set of electrodes applied around the periphery of the body. The instrument applies currents at 15 kHz in any desired pattern to 32 electrodes and measures the resulting voltage at each electrode. The construction of a test phantom is also described and the results of initial studies showing the distinguishability of targets of differing sizes and conductivities placed in the phantom are reported. The system is able to distinguish the presence of 9-mm-diameter insulators or conductors placed in the center of a 30-cm-diameter circular tank of salt water. This system is capable of implementing an adaptive process of produce the best currents to distinguish the unknown conductivity from a homogeneous conductivity.
The home page for the Emergency Care Research Institute
The home page for the Emergency Care Research Institute. Is at: doi:10.1186/1475-925X-11-94
Cite this article as: Newell: The development of biomedical engineering as experienced by one biomedical engineer
Cite this article as: Newell: The development of biomedical engineering as experienced by one biomedical engineer. BioMedical Engineering OnLine 2012 11:94.