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ABCG1 and HDL protect against endothelial dysfunction in mice fed a high-cholesterol diet


Abstract and Figures

Plasma HDL levels are inversely related to the incidence of atherosclerotic disease. Some of the atheroprotective effects of HDL are likely mediated via preservation of EC function. Whether the beneficial effects of HDL on ECs depend on its involvement in cholesterol efflux via the ATP-binding cassette transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1, which promote efflux of cholesterol and oxysterols from macrophages, has not been investigated. To address this, we assessed endothelial function in Abca1(-/-), Abcg1(-/-), and Abca1(-/-)Abcg1(-/-) mice fed either a high-cholesterol diet (HCD) or a Western diet (WTD). Non-atherosclerotic arteries from WTD-fed Abcg1(-/-) and Abca1(-/-)Abcg1(-/-) mice exhibited a marked decrease in endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation, while Abca1(-/-) mice had a milder defect. In addition, eNOS activity was reduced in aortic homogenates generated from Abcg1(-/-) mice fed either a HCD or a WTD, and this correlated with decreased levels of the active dimeric form of eNOS. More detailed analysis indicated that ABCG1 was expressed primarily in ECs, and that these cells accumulated the oxysterol 7-ketocholesterol (7-KC) when Abcg1(-/-) mice were fed a WTD. Consistent with these data, ABCG1 had a major role in promoting efflux of cholesterol and 7-KC in cultured human aortic ECs (HAECs). Furthermore, HDL treatment of HAECs prevented 7-KC-induced ROS production and active eNOS dimer disruption in an ABCG1-dependent manner. Our data suggest that ABCG1 and HDL maintain EC function in HCD-fed mice by promoting efflux of cholesterol and 7-oxysterols and preserving active eNOS dimer levels.
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Research article
The Journal of Clinical Investigation      Volume 118      Number 11      November 2008  3701
ABCG1 and HDL protect against
endothelial dysfunction in mice
fed a high-cholesterol diet
Naoki Terasaka,1 Shuiqing Yu,2 Laurent Yvan-Charvet,1 Nan Wang,1 Nino Mzhavia,2 Read Langlois,1
Tamara Pagler,1 Rong Li,1 Carrie L. Welch,1 Ira J. Goldberg,2,3 and Alan R. Tall1
1Division of Molecular Medicine, 2Division of Cardiology, and 3Division of Preventive Medicine and Nutrition, Department of Medicine,
Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York, USA.
Plasma HDL levels are inversely related to the incidence of atherosclerotic disease. Some of the atheroprotec-
tive effects of HDL are likely mediated via preservation of EC function. Whether the beneficial effects of HDL
on ECs depend on its involvement in cholesterol efflux via the ATP-binding cassette transporters ABCA1 and
ABCG1, which promote efflux of cholesterol and oxysterols from macrophages, has not been investigated.
To address this, we assessed endothelial function in Abca1–/–, Abcg1–/–, and Abca1–/–Abcg1–/– mice fed either a
high-cholesterol diet (HCD) or a Western diet (WTD). Non-atherosclerotic arteries from WTD-fed Abcg1–/–
and Abca1/–Abcg1–/– mice exhibited a marked decrease in endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation, while Abca1–/–
mice had a milder defect. In addition, eNOS activity was reduced in aortic homogenates generated from Abcg1–/–
mice fed either a HCD or a WTD, and this correlated with decreased levels of the active dimeric form of eNOS.
More detailed analysis indicated that ABCG1 was expressed primarily in ECs, and that these cells accumulated
the oxysterol 7-ketocholesterol (7-KC) when Abcg1–/– mice were fed a WTD. Consistent with these data, ABCG1
had a major role in promoting efflux of cholesterol and 7-KC in cultured human aortic ECs (HAECs). Further-
more, HDL treatment of HAECs prevented 7-KC–induced ROS production and active eNOS dimer disruption
in an ABCG1-dependent manner. Our data suggest that ABCG1 and HDL maintain EC function in HCD-fed
mice by promoting efflux of cholesterol and 7-oxysterols and preserving active eNOS dimer levels.
Endothelial dysfunction is a key feature of early atherosclerotic 
lesions in both humans and animal models (1–3). It is characterized 
by decreased eNOS activity and NO bioavailability and increased 
expression of cell adhesion molecules such as VCAM-1 and ICAM-1, 
promoting atherosclerotic lesion formation, impaired blood flow, 
and thrombus formation. In animal models, increased dietary cho-
lesterol plays a central role in inducing endothelial dysfunction 
(4–6). Dietary oxysterols, particularly 7-oxysterols, appear to have 
a key role in inducing decreased NO-induced vascular relaxation 
(7, 8). 7-Ketocholesterol (7-KC) is detected at high levels in human 
atherosclerotic plaques and in the plasma of patients with a high 
cardiovascular risk, and is abundant in oxidized LDL (9–11). In 
addition, oxysterols may be present in the diet and incorporated 
into plasma lipoproteins (12, 13). Dietary sources of oxysterols are 
cholesterol-rich foods (dairy, egg, meat products), especially those 
products that are heated in air during processing or are stored for 
long periods (14, 15). Thus, many foods in the Western diet (WTD) 
contain cholesterol oxidation products.
Plasma HDL levels are inversely  related to the  incidence of 
athero-thrombotic disease (16, 17). A part of the atheroprotective 
effect of HDL may be related to its role in preserving endothelial 
function (18,  19). The beneficial effects  of HDL on  ECs may 
include stimulation of proliferation, cell survival, migration, and 
NO synthesis as well as inhibition of the expression of VCAM-1 
and ICAM-1 (20–23). HDL may have a specific role in reversing 
decreased eNOS activity in human ECs treated with oxidized LDL 
(24) or in reversing the decrease in eNOS-dependent vascular relax-
ation induced by high-cholesterol diets (HCDs) (4). The ability of 
HDL to cause relaxation of vascular rings has been reported to 
be impaired in scavenger receptor B-I–deficient (SR-BI–deficient) 
mice, and SR-BI expression in cultured cells enables an increase 
in eNOS activity in response to HDL through a mechanism that 
depends on the cholesterol eff lux properties of HDL (25). While 
ATP-binding cassette  transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1 have a 
major role in inducing cellular cholesterol efflux (26–28) and are 
known to be expressed in ECs (29), to our knowledge their role 
in preserving endothelial function has not been explored. ABCA1 
mediates cholesterol efflux to lipid-poor apoA-I but only mod-
estly increases cholesterol efflux to HDL (28, 30, 31). In contrast, 
ABCG1 promotes macrophage cholesterol efflux to HDL but not 
to lipid-poor apoA-I (28, 32–34). ABCG1 was recently shown to 
have a specific role not shared by ABCA1 in promoting efflux of 
7-oxysterols from macrophages and transfected cells to HDL (28, 
35). To better understand the adverse effects of dietary cholesterol 
and 7-oxysterols on endothelial function (7, 8), the present study 
was undertaken to test the hypothesis that ABCG1 and/or ABCA1, 
by promoting efflux of sterols and oxysterols from ECs, plays a key 
role in preserving eNOS activity in animals fed HCDs. Our stud-
ies show a major role for ABCG1 in defending endothelial eNOS 
activity in mice fed HCDs regulated to the efflux of cholesterol 
and 7-oxysterols and the preservation of eNOS dimer.
Nonstandard abbreviations used:CM-H2DCFDA, 6-carboxy-2,7-dichlorodihydro-
fluorescein diacetate, diacetoxymethyl-ester; GSH, glutathione; HAEC, human aortic 
EC; HCD, high-cholesterol diet; 7-KC, 7-ketocholesterol; l-NAME, NG-nitro-l-argi-
nine methyl ester; NAC, N-acetylcysteine; SNP, sodium nitroprusside; SR-BI, scaven-
ger receptor B-I; WTD, Western diet.
Conflict of interest: A.R. Tall has received consulting fees from Pfizer, Merck, Astra-
Zeneca, and Roche; lecture fees from Merck; and grant support from Merck and Pfizer.
Citation for this article:J. Clin. Invest.118:3701–3713 (2008). doi:10.1172/JCI35470.
research article
3702 The Journal of Clinical Investigation      Volume 118      Number 11      November 2008
Impact of ABC transporter deficiency on endothelium-dependent vasore-
laxation. Abcg1–/– and control mice were placed on a HCD (1.25% 
cholesterol, 7.5% cocoa butter, and 0.5% sodium cholate). After 
11 weeks, both groups developed a similar moderate hypercho-
lesterolemia (control, 331 ± 34 mg/dl; Abcg1–/–, 321 ± 46 mg/dl). 
To test vascular function in these mice, femoral arteries were pre-
constricted with phenylephrine, and relaxant responses to endo-
thelium-dependent ACh and endothelium-independent sodium 
nitroprusside (SNP)  vasodilating agents  were  measured.  Arte-
rial vasorelaxation in response to ACh was markedly attenuated 
in Abcg1–/– mice (Figure 1A). The ACh dose-response curve was 
shifted to the right in Abcg1–/– mice, and the maximum relaxation 
response was significantly reduced compared with arteries from 
control mice (P < 0.01; Figure 1B). In contrast, there was no sig-
nificant difference in relaxation in response to SNP (Figure 1C). 
There was also no significant difference in ACh-induced or SNP-
induced arterial relaxation in WT and Abcg1–/– mice fed the chow 
diet (Figure 1, D and E). We also assessed ACh-induced vascular 
relaxation in WTD-fed mice with single or combined deficiencies 
of ABCA1 and ABCG1 (Figure 1, F and G). This revealed a similar 
severe defect in vascular relaxation in Abcg1–/– and Abca1–/–Abcg1–/–
mice (EC50, 79.6 ± 13.0 vs. 88.3 ± 14.7 nM), while the response of 
Abca1–/– mice (EC50, 42.1 ± 11.8 nM) was intermediate between 
these groups and that of the controls (17.4 ± 2.7 nM) (Figure 1F). 
There was no difference in relaxation in response to SNP in any 
of the groups (Figure 1G). These findings suggest that while both 
transporters may be involved in preserving vascular relaxation 
responses, ABCG1 has a more prominent role than ABCA1.
Table 1 summarizes the effect of diet  on vascular  relaxation 
parameters in WT and Abcg1–/–mice. In the  control group, the 
response to ACh was similar on the chow or WTD (Table 1) but 
impaired in response to the HCD (Table 1). There was a progres-
sive, more marked impairment with increasing dietary cholesterol 
content in the  Abcg1–/–mice  (Table 1). The EC50 value for the 
response to ACh was approximately 4-fold greater than control in 
Abcg1–/– mice on the WTD, and 10-fold greater on the HCD, while 
there was no difference in response to the chow diet (Table 1). The 
data indicate that ABCG1 plays a progressively more important 
role in maintaining endothelium-dependent  vasorelaxation as 
dietary cholesterol content is increased.
Cholesterol and 7-KC accumulation in aorta: effects of diet and genotype.
In view of the specific role of ABCG1 in efflux of 7-oxysterols from 
cells (35), we next measured the content of cholesterol and 7-KC in 
Table 1
EC50 values of vasorelaxation induced by ACh in femoral arteries
from control and Abcg1–/– mice a chow diet, WTD, or HCD
Diet (cholesterol, %) EC50 (nM)
Control Abcg1–/–
Chow (0.025) 27.7 ± 7.5 18.5 ± 3.4
WTD (0.25) 17.4 ± 2.7 79.6 ± 13.0A,B
HCD (1.25) 72.4 ± 8.5A 696.2 ± 64.3A,B
The results are represented as mean ± SEM. AP < 0.05 vs. chow diet.
BP < 0.05 vs. control. n = 4–5 in each group.
Figure 1
Response to vasoconstrictive agents in the femoral arteries from control (WT), Abcg1–/–, Abca1–/–, and Abca1–/–Abcg1–/– mice. (AC) WT and
Abcg1–/– mice (n = 4 per group) were put on a HCD (1.25% cholesterol, 7.5% cocoa butter and 0.5% sodium cholate) for 11 weeks. (A) Original
trace recordings showing vessel tension increase after addition of 3 μM phenylephrine (PE) and relaxation in response to different concentra-
tions of ACh. ACh-induced vasorelaxation occurred at the indicated concentrations in control and Abcg1–/– mice. (B) Vasorelaxation in response
to ACh was markedly attenuated in Abcg1–/– mice. (C) There was no significant difference in relaxation in response to SNP. (D and E) WT and
Abcg1–/– mice (n = 5 per group) were put on a chow diet. There was no difference between the groups in the response to ACh (D) or SNP (E).
(F and G) WT, Abcg1–/–, Abca1–/–, and Abca1–/–Abcg1–/– (n = 5 per group) were put on a WTD (0.25% cholesterol and 21% milk fat) for 12
weeks. (F) There was a similar severe defect in vascular relaxation response to ACh in Abcg1–/– and Abca1–/–Abcg1–/– mice, while the response
of Abca1–/– mice was intermediate between these groups and the controls. (G) There was no significant difference in relaxation in response to
SNP. The results are represented as mean ± SEM.
research article
The Journal of Clinical Investigation      Volume 118      Number 11      November 2008  3703
non-atherosclerotic thoracic and abdominal aortas excluding the 
proximal aorta. Total cholesterol content was increased by the HCDs 
in a dietary cholesterol concentration–dependent manner (Figure 
2A). However, there was no significant difference in cholesterol 
content between the control and Abcg1–/– mice (Figure 2A). 7-KC 
was not detectable in aortas of chow-fed mice but accumulated in 
response to the HCD (Figure 2B) and WTD (Figure 2, B and E). 
Accumulation of 7-KC was more prominent in Abcg1–/– mice (Fig-
ure 2, B and E). The ratio of 7-KC to cholesterol was significantly 
higher in Abcg1–/– mice than in controls in response to HCD (Fig-
ure 2C) and WTD  feeding (Figure  2F). We also  compared aor-
tic cholesterol and 7-KC contents in Abcg1–/– mice with those in 
Abca1–/– and Abca1–/–Abcg1–/– mice in response to the WTD. There 
was no significant difference in cholesterol content between the 
control and Abcg1–/– or Abca1–/– mice (Figure 2D), while in Abca1–/–
Abcg1–/– mice cholesterol content was significantly higher than 
in the controls (Figure 2D). In contrast, 7-KC was significantly 
increased in Abcg1–/– and Abca1–/–Abcg1–/– mice compared with 
controls, although no difference was found between Abcg1–/– and 
Abca1–/–Abcg1–/– (Figure 2E). The ratio of 7-KC to cholesterol was 
also significantly increased in Abcg1–/– and Abca1–/–Abcg1–/– mice 
(Figure 2F). Thus, we conclude that deficiency of both ABCA1 and 
ABCG1 results in increased cholesterol accumulation compared 
with accumulation associated with a single deficiency of the trans-
porters, while accumulation of 7-KC specifically reflects deficiency 
of ABCG1. The latter finding parallels the impairment of vasodila-
tory responses and suggests that the impaired ACh-induced vas-
cular relaxation in Abcg1–/– mice could be brought about by aortic 
accumulation of 7-oxysterols.
eNOS protein expression and dimerization in aorta. Previous studies 
have shown that the formation of eNOS homodimers is necessary 
for eNOS activity (36, 37). In response to the HCD, eNOS dimer 
levels were dramatically reduced in Abcg1–/– mice (Figure 3, A and 
B). Total eNOS  and phospho-eNOS levels were also moderately 
decreased in Abcg1–/ mice (Figure 3, C and D), but the ratio of phos-
pho-eNOS to eNOS did not change. On the WTD,Abca1–/–, Abcg1–/, 
and Abca1–/–Abcg1–/ mice exhibited decreased eNOS dimer levels in 
aortas (Figure 3, E and F). This reduction was most prominent in 
Abcg1–/– and Abca1–/–Abcg1–/– mice (Figure 3, E and F). There was no 
difference in eNOS or phospho-eNOS levels between the groups 
(Figure 3, G and H). In aortas of chow-fed mice, there was no sig-
nificant difference in eNOS dimer levels, eNOS, or phospho-eNOS 
levels between the control and Abcg1–/–mice (Figure 3, I–L). PECAM 
levels were not changed in any groups or diets (Figure 3, C, G, and 
K), indicating an  intact endothelium. These  data suggest that 
endothelial dysfunction induced by ABCG1 deficiency in response 
to the HCD resulted from the reduction of eNOS dimer levels.
ABCG1 expression and accumulation of 7-KC in aorta. To further 
evaluate the role of ABCG1 in endothelium-dependent vasorelax-
ation, we investigated ABCG1 expression in non-atherosclerotic 
aorta ofAbcg1–/– mice that harbor a lacZ cassette insertion at the 
Abcg1 locus. Blue nuclear lacZ expression was detected specifically 
in ECs (Figure 4A, arrowheads), but not in other cells indicated by 
nuclear fast red staining (Figure 4A, arrows). We also carried out 
PECAM staining in aorta of WTD-fed Abcg1–/– mice, which indi-
cated an intact endothelium (Figure 4B). As expected, these seg-
ments of abdominal and thoracic aorta did not show any evidence 
of atherosclerosis or macrophage accumulation (data not shown). 
We also measured NOS activity using aortic lysates in WTD-fed 
WT and Abcg1–/– mice. The NOS activity in Abcg1–/–mice was sig-
nificantly decreased (Figure 4C). These data are consistent with 
the reduction of eNOS dimer levels in aorta (Figure 3, E and F). 
We also isolated ECs from aorta in WTD-fed WT and Abcg1–/–mice 
using an affinity column with anti-PECAM antibody. After isola-
tion of ECs, PECAM, eNOS, and Abcg1 mRNA levels were increased 
by 15- to 20-fold compared with the non-endothelial fraction (data 
not shown). There was no significant difference in cholesterol con-
tent between WT and Abcg1–/– mice (Figure 4D). 7-KC levels (Figure 
Figure 2
Cholesterol and 7-KC contents in thoracic and abdominal aortas: effects of diet and genotype. (AC) WT and Abcg1–/– mice were put on a chow
diet, WTD, or HCD (n = 4–5 per group). (DF) WT, Abca1–/–, Abcg1–/–, and Abca1–/–Abcg1–/– mice were put on the WTD (n = 5 per group).
(A and D) Cholesterol (Chol), (B and E) 7-KC, and (C and F) the ratio of 7-KC to cholesterol were measured. The results are represented as
mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05 versus chow diet; P < 0.05 versus WTD.
research article
3704 The Journal of Clinical Investigation      Volume 118      Number 11      November 2008
4E) and the 7-KC/cholesterol ratio (Figure 4F) were significantly 
increased in the ECs isolated from Abcg1–/–mice, but not in the 
non-EC fraction. These findings suggest that lack of ABCG1 in 
ECs leads to 7-KC accumulation and reduced eNOS dimer levels 
and that decreased eNOS activity is responsible for impaired vas-
cular relaxation in mice fed HCDs.
Effects of HDL and 7-KC on eNOS dimer and NOS activity. To fur-
ther investigate the role of HDL and ABCG1 in promoting efflux 
of 7-oxysterols and preserving eNOS dimer levels and activity, we 
carried out experiments using human aortic ECs (HAECs), which 
are known to have a high level of ABCG1 (29). We first tested the 
effects of different concentrations of 7-KC (5–40 μg/ml) and HDL 
(100 μg/ml). 7-KC (5–40 μg/ml) significantly reduced eNOS dimer 
levels (Figure 5, A and B). Treatment of cells with HDL (100 μg/
ml) following exposure  to 7-KC prevented disruption of eNOS 
dimer levels by 7-KC (Figure 5, A and B). Only treatment with a 
high concentration of 7-KC (40 μg/ml) reduced eNOS and phos-
pho-eNOS levels (Figure 5, A and C), and this did not change the 
ratio of phospho-eNOS to eNOS. The 7-KC concentration of 40 
μg/ml also reduced eNOS mRNA (Supplemental Figure 1A; sup-
plemental material available online with this article; doi:10.1172/
JCI35470DS1) and induced apoptosis (Supplemental Figure 1B), 
but this was not observed at lower concentrations. Notably the 
concentration range of 5–10 μg/ml led to 7-KC levels that were 
comparable with those in isolated  ECs from Abcg1–/– mice (see 
below). HDL treatment completely preserved eNOS dimer levels 
up to a concentration of 7-KC of 20 μg/ml (Figure 5, A and C). 
Increasing doses of 7-KC also progressively impaired eNOS activ-
ity, and this effect was reversed by HDL (Figure 5D). These data 
demonstrate a strong correlation between decreased eNOS dimer 
levels and NOS activity in response to increasing doses of 7-KC and 
show that both effects are reversed by HDL. 7-KC did not affect 
inflammatory gene expression such as Il6 or Mcp1 (Supplemental 
Figure 2). Insig1 and LDL receptormRNA levels, which are regulated 
by SREBP-2, were reduced by 7-KC (Supplemental Figure 2). The 
reduction of these mRNAs most likely reflected intracellular accu-
mulation of 7-KC.
Cholesterol and 7-KC mass efflux. Next, we measured cholesterol and 
7-KC mass efflux to different acceptors in HAECs. HAECs were 
loaded with cholesterol (5 μg/ml) and 7-KC (5 μg/ml) for 24 h. 
Before starting efflux, intracellular cholesterol and 7-KC contents 
were measured to determine the baseline contents for the control 
Figure 3
Western blot for eNOS protein of mouse aorta. (AD) Aortas from HCD-fed WT and Abcg1–/– mice. (EH) Aortas from WTD-fed WT, Abca1–/–,
Abcg1–/–, and Abca1–/–Abcg1–/– mice. (IL) Aortas from chow-fed WT and Abcg1–/– mice. (A, E, and I) Western blot for eNOS dimer levels. (B,
F, and J) Quantification of eNOS dimer/monomer levels. (C, G, and K) Western blot for eNOS and phospho-eNOS. (D, H, and L) Quantification
of eNOS (filled bars) and phospho-eNOS (open bars). The results are represented as mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05 versus control.
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The Journal of Clinical Investigation      Volume 118      Number 11      November 2008  3705
dishes. Intracellular 7-KC contents were around 10 μg/mg protein 
and corresponded to the content in the isolated ECs from aortas 
in WTD-fed Abcg1–/– mice (Figure 4E).
HDL2 (25–100 μg/ml) and HDL3 (25–100 μg/ml) stimulated 
both cholesterol and 7-KC mass efflux, whereas apoA-I did not 
(Figure 6A). We examined the effect of suppression of ABCG1, 
ABCA1, and SR-BI by siRNA transfection on HDL-mediated cho-
lesterol and 7-KC mass efflux. Western blotting showed effective 
suppression of ABCG1 and SR-BI; however, ABCA1 was not readily 
detected in these non–liver X receptor agonist–treated cells (Figure 
6B, inset). Suppression of ABCG1 significantly reduced both cho-
lesterol and 7-KC mass efflux (Figure 6B). Neither suppression of 
ABCA1 nor SR-BI affected cholesterol or 7-KC mass efflux (Figure 
6B). These data indicate that the ABCG1-mediated sterol efflux 
pathway is predominant in HAECs.
Effects of ABCG1 and HDL on eNOS dimer levels. We examined the 
effects of different concentrations of HDL on eNOS dimer disrup-
tion by 7-KC. HDL treatment protected the disruption of eNOS 
dimer levels in a concentration-dependent manner with concen-
trations between 25 and 100 μg/ml (Figure 7, A and B). The reduc-
tion of eNOS by 7-KC required a relatively long incubation time 
(>4 h) (Figure 7, C and D). We have previously reported a specific 
role of ABCG1 in the efflux of 7-oxysterols (35). To further evalu-
ate the role of ABCG1 on eNOS dimer levels, we tested the effects 
of different oxysterols and cholesterol (each 10 μg/ml) in similar 
experiments. 7β-Hydroxycholesterol as well as 7-KC significantly 
decreased eNOS dimer levels (Figure 7, E and F). HDL treatment 
prevented 7β-hydroxycholesterol–induced eNOS dimer disrup-
tion. Cholesterol, 7α-hydroxycholesterol, 25-hydroxycholesterol, 
or 27-hydroxycholesterol did not affect eNOS dimer levels (Figure 
7, E and F). This pattern of predominant effects of 7-oxysterols on 
eNOS dimer levels parallels the specific role of ABCG1 in promot-
ing efflux of these oxysterols compared with other sterols (35).
To assess the specific role of ABCG1 in 7-KC–induced disruption 
of eNOS dimer levels, we knocked down expression of ABCG1 by 
siRNA. In ABCG1 siRNA-transfected HAECs, the protective effect 
of HDL was abolished (Figure 7, G and H). In contrast, suppres-
sion of neither ABCA1 nor SR-BI affected the ability of HDL to 
protect against disruption of eNOS dimer levels by 7-KC (Figure 
7, G and H). These experiments show a specific requirement for 
ABCG1 in the ability of HDL to promote 7-KC efflux and to pro-
tect ECs from eNOS dimer disruption induced by 7-KC.
Effects of ABCG1 and HDL on ROS production. Previous studies have 
shown that disruption of eNOS dimer levels can be mediated by 
peroxynitrite (ONOO), which is generated from superoxide (O2) 
and NO (38). To investigate the hypothesis that HDL and ABCG1 
reverse the effects of 7-KC on ROS production, we used the cell-
permeable reagent 6-carboxy-2,7-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diac-
etate, diacetoxymethyl-ester (CM-H2DCFDA) (39). In HAECs, 7-KC 
(5–40 μg/ml) induced ROS formation in a dose-dependent manner 
(Figure 8, A and B). The ROS production by 7-KC required more 
than 4 h incubation (Figure 8C). The concentration dependence 
and the time-course response paralleled those of eNOS dimer dis-
ruption induced by 7-KC (Figure 7, A–D). 7β-Hydroxycholesterol 
(10 μg/ml) also significantly increased ROS (P < 0.01), whereas 
cholesterol,  7α-hydroxycholesterol,  25-hydroxycholesterol,
or 27-hydroxycholesterol did not (data not shown). Incubation 
with HDL (100 μg/ml) significantly reduced ROS production by 
7-KC (10 μg/ml) (Figure 8, D and E). This HDL protection was 
virtually abolished by ABCG1 knockdown (Figure 8, D and E). 
Figure 4
LacZ expression in Abcg1–/– mice and NOS activity and sterol mass in WTD-fed WT and Abcg1–/– mice. (A) LacZ expression in endothelium of
aorta in Abcg1–/– mouse. Blue nuclear lacZ expression was detected specifically in ECs (arrowheads) but not in other cells indicated by nuclear
fast red (arrows). (BF) WT and Abcg1–/– mice were put on a WTD for 12 weeks (n = 4 per group). (B) PECAM-immunostained aorta. Original
magnification, ×200 (A), ×100 (B). (C) Aortic NOS activity. (D) Cholesterol mass, (E) 7-KC mass, and (F) 7-KC/cholesterol ratio in ECs and non-
ECs from mouse aortas. The results are represented as mean ± SEM.
research article
3706 The Journal of Clinical Investigation      Volume 118      Number 11      November 2008
Similar protective effects of HDL and ABCG1 on ROS production 
by 7-KC were observed in primary mouse aortic ECs isolated in a 
manner similar to the studies described in Figure 4, D–F (see also 
Supplemental Figure 3). We also measured NOS activity in the 
similar experiments. HDL preserved the reduction of NOS activ-
ity by 7-KC, whereas the HDL protection was abolished by ABCG1 
siRNA transfection (Figure 8F). These experiments suggest HDL 
preserves eNOS dimer levels and activity by promoting efflux of 
7-KC via ABCG1 and thus reducing ROS formation.
Effects of antioxidants and NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester on eNOS
dimer levels. To confirm that 7-KC–induced eNOS dimer disrup-
tion is mediated by ROS, we also evaluated the effects of 2 potent 
antioxidants, glutathione (GSH) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC). Both 
GSH and NAC showed protective effects on eNOS dimer disrup-
tion (Figure 9, A and B) and ROS production (Figure 9, C and D). 
To determine the site of 7-KC–induced intracellular ROS produc-
tion, HAECs were also incubated with carbonyl cyanide m-chloro-
phenylhydrazone (CCCP), an uncoupler of oxidative phosphoryla-
tion that abolishes the mitochondrial membrane proton gradient. 
CCCP did block the ability of 7-KC to induce ROS, suggesting that 
mitochondria were the source of ROS production by 7-KC (Sup-
plemental Figure 4). By contrast, knockdown of NADPH oxidases 
Nox1, Nox2, and Nox4, did not affect 7-KC–induced ROS produc-
tion (data not shown).
To further analyze the mechanism of eNOS dimer disruption by 
7-KC, we investigated the effect of NOS inhibitor NG-nitro-l-argi-
nine methyl ester (l-NAME). l-NAME treatment prevented eNOS 
dimer disruption by 7-KC in a dose-dependent manner (Figure 9, E 
and F). We also investigated the effect of 7-KC on protein tyrosine 
nitrosylation, since nitrotyrosine formation is considered an indi-
cator for ONOO production. Treatment with 7-KC significantly 
increased the detection of nitrotyrosine-positive protein (Figure 
9G). In addition, either the presence of l-NAME or HDL signifi-
cantly reduced the level of nitrotyrosine formation (Figure 9G). 
These data strongly suggest that 7-KC induces formation of O2, 
which reacts with eNOS-generated NO to form ONOO, which in 
turn leads to eNOS oxidation.
Effect of apoA-I transgene expression in endothelial function. To fur-
ther  evaluate the role of HDL in  endothelial  function, we also 
investigated the effect of apoA-I transgene expression on endothe-
lium-dependent vasorelaxation in HCD-fed Ldlr+/– mice. ApoA-I 
transgene expression significantly improved endothelium-depen-
dent vasorelaxation (EC50: Ldlr+/–, 84.4 ± 11.6 vs. Ldlr+/–apoA-I Tg, 
23.4 ±  6.5 nM;  P < 0.05) (Figure 10A). There was no difference 
between the groups in the response to SNP (Figure 10B). ApoA-I 
transgene expression also significantly increased eNOS dimer levels 
(Figure 10, C and D) and NOS activity (Figure 10F). There was no 
difference between the groups in eNOS and phospho-eNOS levels 
(Figure 10, C and E). We also measured cholesterol and 7-KC con-
tents in the aortas. In Ldlr+/–apoA-I Tg mice, both cholesterol (Figure 
10G) and 7-KC (Figure 10H) contents were significantly decreased, 
but the magnitude of 7-KC reduction was more pronounced. These 
data suggest that increased HDL levels resulting from apoA-I trans-
gene expression promote efflux of 7-KC from the aorta, contribut-
ing to preservation of eNOS dimer levels and activity.
One of the most important athero-protective functions of HDL is 
thought to be the stimulation of macrophage cholesterol efflux, 
and recent studies have highlighted the key roles of ABCA1 and 
ABCG1 in reversing macrophage foam cell formation (40) and ath-
erosclerosis (41, 42). HDL has also been shown to exert a variety of 
beneficial actions that are independent of macrophage cholesterol 
efflux. For example, HDL inhibits LDL oxidation, smooth muscle 
cell migration, and platelet aggregation and reverses endothelial 
dysfunction (20–22). Our studies revealed a non-redundant role of 
ABCG1 and a lesser role of ABCA1 in preserving endothelial eNOS 
activity in mice fed HCDs, and our results suggest that this may 
be a major mechanism underlying the ability of HDL to defend 
endothelial NO activity in response to such diets. The ability of 
Figure 5
Effects of HDL on eNOS dimer, eNOS, and phospho-eNOS levels,
and NOS activity in HAECs. HAECs were incubated with 7-KC (5–40
μg/ml) in the presence or absence of HDL (100 μg/ml) for 16 h, and cell
lysates were analyzed by western blotting. (A) Western blot for eNOS
dimer and monomer, total eNOS and phospho-eNOS. (B) Quantifica-
tion of eNOS dimer/monomer levels. (C) Quantification of eNOS (filled
bars) and phospho-eNOS (open bars). (D) NOS activity. The results
are represented as mean ± SEM of 3 individual experiments. *P < 0.05
versus control.
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The Journal of Clinical Investigation      Volume 118      Number 11      November 2008  3707
ABCG1 to preserve endothelial function appears to  be at least 
partly related to its role in promoting efflux of 7-oxysterols such 
as 7-KC to HDL.
HDL has consistently been shown to increase eNOS-dependent 
NO activity in cultured ECs (24, 25) and aortic rings (43) and in 
human forearm blood flow studies (44, 45). In humans, HDL lev-
els are correlated with flow-mediated vasodilation responses of the 
brachial artery (18, 19) and with decreased coronary vasoconstrictor 
responses (44). Importantly, infusion of recombinant phospholip-
id/apoA-I particles into Tangier disease heterozygotes with isolated 
low HDL levels reversed defective forearm blood flow measurements 
(46). Deckert  et al.  (7, 8)  showed that  7-oxysterols can  produce 
decreased eNOS activity in rabbits and HUVECs. In apoE–/– mice 
fed a chow diet, arterial eNOS activity was preserved but became 
impaired when mice were challenged with a HCD (4). Importantly, 
apoA-I transgene expression reversed the decrease in eNOS activity 
induced by the HCD (4). The current study in HCD-fed Ldlr+/– mice 
reproduced preservation of endothelium-dependent aortic relax-
ation by apoA-I transgene overexpression (Figure 10), and we show 
that this effect is associated with preservation of eNOS dimer levels 
and eNOS activity and reduced aortic 7-KC levels.
Our studies extend these important earlier observations (4, 7, 8) 
and suggest that the underlying mechanism by which increased 
or basal HDL levels protect the  endothelium involves efflux of 
dietary sterols, especially 7-oxysterols from ECs to HDL, mediated 
principally by ABCG1 (Figure 11).  It is most likely that  dietary 
oxysterols are normally incorporated into chylomicrons, cleared 
by the liver, converted into bile acids, and excreted (13). However, 
when there is delayed clearance  of chylomicron remnants, as 
occurs in apoE–/– mice or in humans with increased coronary heart 
disease risk (47), the vascular endothelium has increased exposure 
to dietary oxysterols, and ABCG1 and HDL likely have a key role 
in excluding or promoting efflux of 7-oxysterols from ECs. Indeed, 
we found that ABCG1 was expressed specifically in endothelium in 
non-atherosclerotic mouse aorta (Figure 4A) and 7-KC also accu-
mulated in ECs isolated from the aorta in Abcg1–/–mice (Figure 
4E). Even though HDL may have a variety of different antioxidant 
properties in different settings (48, 49), the ability of HDL to pro-
mote efflux of 7-KC, reduce ROS production, and preserve eNOS 
dimer levels and activity were all dependent on ABCG1 expression, 
indicating that the underlying mechanism involves ABCG1-medi-
ated oxysterol efflux. Notably, while 7-KC was readily detected in 
non-lesioned arteries from mice fed HCDs, it was not measurable 
in arteries from mice fed chow diets (Figure 2), making it unlikely 
that 7-KC was artifactually  formed during sample processing. 
Moreover, 7-KC was specifically increased as a result of ABCG1 
deficiency (Figure 2), consistent with the role of ABCG1 and not 
ABCA1 in promoting efflux of this oxysterol to HDL (35).
In the present study in HAECs, disruption of eNOS dimer levels 
was induced by a 7-KC concentration of 5 μg/ml, which might be 
equivalent to levels found in human plasma after a fat-rich meal 
(50). Intracellular 7-KC content in HAECs treated with the relevant 
concentrations of 7-KC (5–10 μg/ml) were around 10 μg/mg pro-
tein, approximating the concentration found in isolated ECs from 
aortas in WTD-fed Abcg1–/– mice (Figure 4), in which eNOS dimer 
levels were reduced (Figure 3). Thus, these 7-KC concentrations 
are likely sufficient to induce endothelial dysfunction. The current 
findings agree with the notion that endothelial dysfunction is a 
key feature of early atherosclerosis (1) and also occurs transiently 
in the postprandial state (51).
Our parallel studies in mice and in HAECs suggest that ABCG1 
mediates the efflux of 7-oxysterols from ECs to HDL, resulting in 
decreased ROS formation and preservation of the active dimeric 
form of eNOS (Figure 9). O2 is known to inactivate NO and gener-
ate ONOO (37, 38). ONOO can disrupt eNOS dimers through 
oxidation and displacement of the zinc metal ion (37, 52). Our stud-
ies also demonstrate that both l-NAME and antioxidants reversed 
the disruption of eNOS dimer levels by 7-KC (Figure 9). These data 
strongly suggest that 7-KC induced O2and ONOO production 
through interaction with NO, resulting in eNOS oxidation (Figure 
11). There is considerable evidence that increased ROS can inhibit 
eNOS dimer formation and produce endothelial dysfunction in 
vivo, for example in diet-induced diabetic mice (53, 54) or in apop-
tosis signal–regulating kinase-1–deficient mice (55).
A number of  different  mechanisms have been  proposed  to 
account for  the ability of HDL to preserve  or increase  arterial 
eNOS activity. HDL appears to be moderately effective in inducing 
eNOS-dependent vascular relaxation when directly added to aor-
Figure 6
Effects of ABCG1 and HDL on sterol efflux in HAECs. (A) HAECs
were loaded with cholesterol or 7-KC mixture (each 5 μg/ml) for 24 h.
HAECs were washed with PBS and incubated with different accep-
tors for 16 h. (B) HAECs were transfected with scrambled, ABCG1,
ABCA1, or SR-BI siRNA. Twenty-four hours after transfection, HAECs
were incubated with cholesterol (5 μg/ml) or 7-KC (5 μg/ml) for 24 h.
HAECs were then washed with PBS and incubated with or without
HDL2 (50 μg/ml) for 16 h. Results are represented as mean ± SEM of
3 individual experiments. Inset: Western blot for ABCG1 and SR-BI.
research article
3708 The Journal of Clinical Investigation      Volume 118      Number 11      November 2008
tic rings isolated from rats or mice (43, 56). However, the effect is 
very rapid (within a few minutes) and is saturated at very low con-
centrations of HDL (10 μg/ml), far below that normally bathing 
the endothelium (43). The response to added HDL is defective in 
vascular rings isolated from chow diet–fed SR-BI–/– mice (43), and 
from mice lacking the lysophospholipid S1P3 receptor (56). The 
direct effect of HDL on induction of eNOS activity has also been 
attributed to minor components such as lysophospholipids (56) 
or estrogen (57), but the concentrations of these components may 
not be sufficiently high to be physiologically relevant (25). While 
SR-BI may not have a major role in mediating net cellular choles-
terol efflux to HDL in vivo, it is likely that ABCA1 and ABCG1 do 
mediate net efflux (27, 42, 58). Finally, our study has not assessed 
the role of ABC transporters in efflux to HDL of oxidized phos-
pholipids, which are also likely to be important in endothelial dys-
function (59–61). Further studies are required to assess the rela-
tive roles of these different potential mechanisms in HDL-induced 
eNOS activity in vivo. Our study conclusively demonstrates the 
essential role of the ABC transporters, and especially ABCG1, in 
this process and delineates one mechanism involving eff lux of 
7-oxysterols and preservation of eNOS dimer levels.
Therapies that increase HDL levels, such as niacin and cholesteryl 
ester transfer protein inhibitors, probably activate the ABCG1-cho-
lesterol/oxysterol efflux pathway not only in macrophages (26–28, 
35) but also in ECs, likely with beneficial effects on endothelial 
function. Importantly, niacin therapy has been shown to improve 
Figure 7
Effects of HDL concentrations, incubation time with 7-KC, different oxysterols, and ABCG1 expression on eNOS dimer levels. (A and B) Effects
of HDL concentrations on eNOS dimer disruption by 7-KC. HAECs were incubated with 7-KC (10 μg/ml) and HDL (25–200 μg/ml) for 16 h. (A)
Western blot for eNOS dimer and monomer. (B) Quantification of the eNOS dimer/monomer. (C and D) Effects of incubation time with 7-KC on
eNOS dimer disruption. (C) Western blot for eNOS dimer and monomer. (D) Quantification of the eNOS dimer/monomer. *P < 0.05 compared
with no 7-KC at same time point. (E and F) Effects of different oxysterols on eNOS dimer disruption. HAECs were incubated with 10 μg/ml choles-
terol or oxysterols in the presence or absence of HDL (100 μg/ml) for 16 h. 7αOH, 7α-hydroxycholesterol; 7βOH, 7β-hydroxycholesterol; 25OH,
25-hydroxycholesterol; 27OH, 27-hydroxycholesterol. (E) Western blot for eNOS dimer and monomer. (F) Quantification of the eNOS dimer/
monomer. (G and H) HAECs were transfected with scrambled, ABCG1, ABCA1, or SR-BI siRNA. Forty-eight hours after transfection, HAECs
were incubated with 7-KC (10 μg/ml) in the presence or absence of HDL (100 μg/ml) for 16 h. (G) Western blot for eNOS dimer and monomer. (H)
Quantification of the eNOS dimer/monomer. The results are represented as mean ± SEM of 3 individual experiments. *P < 0.05 versus control.
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The Journal of Clinical Investigation      Volume 118      Number 11      November 2008  3709
NO-mediated vascular relaxation in humans (62). Our studies sug-
gest that the underlying mechanism may involve increased efflux of 
cholesterol and 7-oxysterols via the ABCA1 and ABCG1 pathway.
Materials. The ROS-sensitive fluorescent probe CM-H2DCFDA and nucle-
ar fast red were from Invitrogen. Anti-eNOS and anti–phospho-eNOS 
(S1177) antibodies were obtained from BD Transduction Laboratories. 
Anti-ABCG1, anti-PECAM, and  anti-nitrotyrosine antibodies were pur-
chased from Abcam. SR-BI antibody was from Santa Cruz Biotechnology 
Inc. Anti–β-actin antibody, X-gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl β-d-galac-
topyranoside), lipoprotein-deficient serum, NAC, GSH, phenylephrine, 
ACh, SNP, cholesterol, 7-KC, 7β-hydroxycholesterol, and 25-hydroxycho-
lesterol were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. 27-Hydroxycholesterol was 
obtained from Steraloids. l-NAME was purchased from Cayman Chemical. 
Human apoA-I was obtained from Biodesign International. HDL (density 
1.063–1.210 g/ml), HDL2 (density 1.063–1.125 g/ml), and HDL3 (density 
1.125–1.210 g/ml) were isolated by preparative ultracentrifugation from 
normolipidemic human plasma and stored in PBS.
Mouse studies. Abcg1–/–, Abca1–/–, and Abca1–/–Abcg1–/– mice have been previ-
ously described (41). We performed studies with a chow diet (0.025% cho-
lesterol), a HCD (1.25% cholesterol, 7.5% cocoa butter, and 0.5% sodium 
cholate; catalog no. TD88051; Harlan Teklad) and a WTD (21% milk fat, 
0.2% cholesterol; catalog no. TD88137; Harlan Teklad).
Figure 8
Effects of ABCG1 and HDL in ROS production by 7-KC. (A and B) HAECs were incubated with 7-KC (1–40 μg/ml) for 16 h. Intracellular ROS
was determined after 30 min of pulse, using CM-H2DCFDA. (A) Fluorescence of CM-H2DCFDA in HAECs. (B) Quantification of CM-H2DCFDA
fluorescence. (C) Fold increase in fluorescence over time with 7-KC treatment. *P < 0.05 compared with no 7-KC at same time point. (DF)
HAECs were transfected with scrambled or ABCG1 siRNA. Forty-eight hours after transfection, HAECs were treated with 7-KC (10 μg/ml) in the
presence or absence of HDL (100 μg/ml) for 16 h. (D) Fluorescence of CM-H2DCFDA. (E) Quantification of CM-H2DCFDA fluorescence. Inset:
Western blot for ABCG1. (F) NOS activity. The results are represented as mean ± SEM of 3 individual experiments. Original magnification, ×200.
*P < 0.05 versus control.
research article
3710 The Journal of Clinical Investigation      Volume 118      Number 11      November 2008
C57BL/6 Ldlr–/– mice and C57BL/6 apoA-I Tg mice (63) were obtained 
from the  Jackson Laboratory  and crossed  to generate  Ldlr+/–apoA-I Tg 
mice. Next, these animals were crossed with DBA/1LacJ mice (The Jackson 
Laboratory) to obtain the genetically uniform F1 generation. F1 hybrid 
C57BL/6 × DBA Ldlr+/–apoA-I Tg mice were put on the HCD.
Animals had ad libitum access to both food and water. Animal protocols 
were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of 
Columbia University.
Tissue collection. Mice were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of 
ketamine. The chest and peritoneal cavity were opened and the circulatory 
system was perfused via the left ventricle with PBS. Aortas were removed and 
processed for all assays. For vascular studies, the left superficial femoral artery 
was removed and immediately placed in ice-cold physiologic salt solution.
Vascular function studies. Femoral arteries with intact endothelium and 
similar dimensions were mounted on a small vessel wire myograph (Dan-
ish MyoTechnology) as described previously (53). Vessels were bathed 
in physiologic salt solution at 37°C and aerated continuously with 5% 
CO2/95%  O2 to achieve pH 7.4. The startup protocol and evaluation of 
vessel viability was conducted as described previously (53). Concentra-
tion response curves were performed for ACh (endothelium dependent) 
and SNP (endothelium-independent NO-releasing agent). Wall tension 
was expressed as mN/mm of artery length. Sensitivity to the agonist was 
expressed as the negative log of EC50 (–log EC50). Sensitivity was calculated 
from each concentration response curve by fitting the Hill equation using
Prism (GraphPad Software).
Isolation of ECs from aorta. Mice aortas were perfused with PBS and digested 
in RPMI  1640 medium  containing collagenase D (2 mg/ml;  Roche 
Applied Science) at 37°C for 45 min. The digest was sequentially fil-
tered through 100-μm, 70-μm, and 40-μm cell strainers and was washed 
with PBS. The cells were incubated with anti-PECAM biotin-conjugated 
Figure 9
Effects of antioxidants and NOS inhibitor on eNOS dimer disruption by 7-KC. (AD) HAECs were incubated with 7-KC (10 μg/ml) in the pres-
ence of GSH (10 mM), NAC (10 mM), or HDL (100 μg/ml) for 16 h. (A) Western blot for eNOS dimer and monomer. (B) Quantification of the
eNOS dimer/monomer ratio. (C) Fluorescence of CM-H2DCFDA. Original magnification, ×200. (D) Quantification of CM-H2DCFDA fluores-
cence. (E and F) HAECs were incubated with 7-KC in the presence or absence of l-NAME for 16 h. (E) Western blot for eNOS dimer and
monomer. (F) Quantification of the eNOS dimer/monomer ratio. (G) HAECs were incubated with 7-KC (5–20 μg/ml) in the presence of l-NAME
or HDL (100 μg/ml) for 16 h. Western blot for nitrotyrosine. All lanes were run on the same gel but were noncontiguous between 7-KC and
7-KC + l-NAME. The results are represented as mean ± SEM of 3 individual experiments. *P < 0.05 versus vehicle control; #P < 0.05 versus
7-KC alone. Veh, vehicle.
research article
The Journal of Clinical Investigation      Volume 118      Number 11      November 2008  3711
antibody (Millipore) at 4°C for 15 min and were washed with PBS. Next, 
the cells were labeled with streptavidin microbeads (Miltenyi Biotec) and 
aortic ECs were separated by MACS column (Miltenyi Biotec) according 
to the manufacturer’s instructions. Isolated aortic ECs were used for 
sterol mass measurement.
LacZ expression and PECAM immunostaining. The tissues were snap-
frozen in OCT and stored at –80°C. Frozen sections 10 μm long were 
prepared. To determine β-galactosidase activity, the glass slides were 
incubated for 16 h in the presence of X-gal. The slides were counter-
stained with nuclear fast red. PECAM immunostaining was carried out 
as previously described (64).
Cell culture. HAECs and the culture medium EMG-2 were purchased from 
Lonza. The cells were grown in EMG-2 at 37°C in humidified 5% CO2 and 
used for experiments between passages 3 and 5. All siRNAs were purchased 
from Invitrogen or Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc. HAECs were transfected 
with siRNA using Lipofectamine RNAiMAX reagent (Invitrogen) accord-
ing to the manufacturer’s protocol. Forty-eight hours after transfection, 
HAECs were treated with 7-KC in the presence or absence of HDL.
Sterol mass analysis. The lipid fractions of abdominal aortas, isolated ECs 
or non-ECs from aorta, and HAECs were extracted using hexane/isopropa-
nol (3:2 vol/vol) in presence of stigmasterol added as the internal standard. 
Total cholesterol and 7-KC were determined after saponification by gas-
liquid chromatography (26, 35).
Sterol mass efflux assay. HAECs were incubated in EGM-2 plus 5% lipopro-
tein-deficient serum with cholesterol (5 μg/ml) and 7-KC (5 μg/ml) for 24 h. 
The next day, cells were washed with PBS and then incubated in EGM-2 
plus 5% lipoprotein-deficient serum alone or supplemented with human 
apoA-I or HDL for 16 h. After the efflux period, media and cells were col-
lected separately and lipids were extracted with hexane/isopropanol (3:2 
vol/vol) with stigmastanol as the internal standard. Sterol mass of media 
and cells was determined using gas chromatography. Percentages of sterol 
mass efflux were calculated by the ratio of sterol mass in the medium to 
total (medium plus cellular) sterol mass.
NOS activity assay. The NO synthesizing activity  was determined  by 
quantifying the rate of the conversion of [3H]l-arginine to [3H]l-citrul-
line with kits obtained from Calbiochem-Novabiochem according to the 
manufacturer’s instructions (52).
Western blotting. Protein was resolved on 4%–20% SDS-PAGE reducing 
gels (Bio-Rad). Protein was transferred to PVDF membranes and probed 
Figure 10
Effect of apoA-I transgene expression in endothelial function in HCD-fed Ldlr+/– mice. Ldlr+/– and Ldlr+/–apoA-I Tg mice (n = 6 per group) were
put on a HCD for 6 weeks. (A) ACh-induced vasorelaxation. (B) SNP-induced vasorelaxation. (C) Western blot for eNOS dimer and monomer,
eNOS, and phospho-eNOS in aorta. (D) Quantification of the eNOS dimer/monomer ratio. (E) Quantification of eNOS and phospho-eNOS. (F)
Aortic NOS activity. (G) Cholesterol and (H) 7-KC contents in aorta. The results are represented as mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05 versus control.
Figure 11
Diagram illustrating the sequence of events triggered by 7-KC and
involved in eNOS dimer disruption and the inhibitory effect of HDL and
ABCG1. CM, chylomicron; oxLDL, oxidized LDL.
research article
3712 The Journal of Clinical Investigation      Volume 118      Number 11      November 2008
with primary antibodies overnight. For detection of eNOS dimer levels, we 
performed low-temperature SDS-PAGE (4°C) (52, 53). Mice aorta lysates 
and HAEC lysates were heated to 55°C and room temperature, respec-
tively, for 30 min in the presence of SDS and 2.5% β-mercaptoethanol.
Quantification of intracellular ROS. The generation of intracellular ROS was 
estimated by incubating CM-H2DCFDA (1 μM) with cells 30 min before 
determination, as described previously (39).
Statistics. Statistical analysis  was performed using  the Student’s 
t test. Bonferroni post-hoc tests were utilized. Results are represented 
as means ± SEM.
This work was supported by grants from the NIH (HL 54591).
Received for publication February 27, 2008, and accepted in revised 
form September 10, 2008.
Address correspondence to: Naoki Terasaka, Division of Molecular 
Medicine, Department of Medicine, Columbia University, PS 8-401, 
West 168th St., New York, New York 10032, USA. Phone: (212) 305-
5789; Fax: (201) 305-5052; E-mail:
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... Our data might be partially mediated by the lower levels of circulating HDL (as observed in OH group), as modification in lipid profile has been shown to promote ROS in the endothelium [24]. In addition, excessive adipose tissue has been found to stimulate the production of ROS and to reduce the activity of antioxidant enzymes (such as SOD) in the adipose cells [25]. ...
... As such, being physically active or lowering sedentary time have been shown to improve the blood flow and laminar shear stress in conduit arteries [34] and microcirculation, which in turn, upregulates the antioxidant defences (such as SOD) and reduces the ROS (such as NADPH oxidase) in the endothelium [7]. In parallel, as alterations in lipid profile have been found to stimulate the production of ROS, our findings might also be due to the HDL amelioration in OAH [24]. Finally, the marked improvement in oxidative stress might be directly linked to the lower body fat mass in OAH, as NADPH oxidase, often increased by adipocytes and implicated in the generation of ROS [25], was reduced in OAH compared to the inactive peers. ...
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Family history of hypertension is associated with early autonomic dysfunction and increased oxidative stress. These alterations have been found to be reinforced by the overweight factor. Conversely, an active lifestyle is effective in improving the mechanisms regulating blood pressure control. Hence, we ought to investigate the effects of an active lifestyle on the hemodynamic, autonomic and oxidative stress parameters in individuals carrying both family history of hypertension and overweight risk factors. Fifty-six normotensive males were divided into four groups: eutrophic offspring of normotensive parents (EN, n = 12), eutrophic and inactive with hypertensive parents (EH, n = 14), overweight and inactive with hypertensive parents (OH, n = 13), and overweight and physically active with hypertensive parents (OAH, n = 17). Cardiovascular autonomic modulation was assessed by heart rate (HRV) and blood pressure (BPV) variability indexes. Oxidative stress included pro/antioxidant markers and nitrite concentration. Inactive offspring of hypertensive parents (EH and OH) showed higher LFSBP (vs EN), an indicator of sympathetic outflow to the vasculature and reduced anti-oxidant activity (vs EN), while higher pro-oxidant markers were found exclusively in OH (vs EN and EH). Conversely, the OAH group showed bradycardia, higher vagally-mediated HFabs index (vs OH and EN), lower sympathovagal balance (vs OH) and preserved LFSBP. Yet, the OAH showed preserved pro/antioxidant markers and nitrite levels. Our findings indicates that overweight offspring of hypertensive parents with an active lifestyle have improved hemodynamic, cardiac autonomic modulation and oxidative stress parameters compared to their inactive peers.
... Additionally, ECs participate in cholesterol metabolism regulation. ECs express cholesterol efflux transporters ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) and ATP-binding cassette transporter G1 (ABCG1) to transport excess intracellular cholesterol to apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL), exerting anti-atherosclerotic effects [69,70]. ...
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Wet age-related macular degeneration (wet AMD) is a primary contributor to visual impairment and severe vision loss globally, but the prevailing treatments are often unsatisfactory. The development of conventional treatment strategies has largely been based on the understanding that the angiogenic switch of endothelial cells (ECs) is mainly dictated by angiogenic growth factors. Even though treatments targeting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), like ranibizumab, are widely administered, more than half of patients still exhibit inadequate or null responses, suggesting the involvement of other pathogenic mechanisms. With advances in research in recent years, it has become well recognized that EC metabolic regulation plays an active rather than merely passive responsive role in angiogenesis. Disturbances of these metabolic pathways may lead to excessive neovascularization in angiogenic diseases such as wet AMD, therefore targeted modulation of EC metabolism represents a promising therapeutic strategy for wet AMD. In this review, we comprehensively discuss the potential applications of EC metabolic regulation in wet AMD treatment from multiple perspectives, including the involvement of ECs in wet AMD pathogenesis, the major endothelial metabolic pathways, and novel therapeutic approaches targeting metabolism for wet AMD.
... RCT is a multi-step pathway ( Fig. 1) proposed to facilitate the clearance of cholesterol that has accumulated within atherosclerotic plaques. The first step is mediated by the ATP-binding cassette A1 (ABCA1), a transporter expressed in many cell types, allowing the efflux of phospholipids and cholesterol molecules present in plasma membranes and their association with circulating Apo A-I originating from hepatocytes or enterocytes [15,16], thereby generating nascent HDL particles. The second step consists of cholesterol esterification by LCAT, an enzyme secreted from the liver and activated by apoA-I [17]. ...
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Purpose of Review High-density lipoproteins (HDL) have long been regarded as an antiatherogenic lipoprotein species by virtue of their role in reverse cholesterol transport (RCT), as well as their established anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. For decades, HDL have been an extremely appealing therapeutic target to combat atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (ASCVD). Recent Findings Unfortunately, neither increasing HDL with drugs nor direct infusions of reconstituted HDL have convincedly proven to be positive strategies for cardiovascular health, raising the question of whether we should abandon the idea of considering HDL as a treatment target. Summary The results of two large clinical trials, one testing the latest CETP inhibitor Obicetrapib and the other testing the infusion of patients post-acute coronary events with reconstituted HDL, are still awaited. If they prove negative, these trials will seal the fate of HDL as a direct therapeutic target. However, using HDL as a therapeutic agent still holds promise if we manage to optimize their beneficial properties for not only ASCVD but also outside the cardiovascular field.
... In response to highly concentrated PM 2.5 , impairments in TLR4, NOX2, and neutrophil cytosolic factor 1 (p47 phox ) have mostly been observed to promote vascular function, decrease ROS generation, and decrease inflammatory vasculature monocyte infiltration exposures by inhalation (153,169). Long-term exposure to PM 2.5 results in the production of oxidized byproducts like 7-ketocholesterol, which is then transported inside of lipoproteins with low density and subsequently absorbed by CD36, which may be another unusual way that air effluence causes endothelial dysfunction and amplifies the effects of narrowing heart arteries (165,170). Due to the development of 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (12-HETE) and 13-hydroxy octadecadienoic acid (13-HODE), which are peroxidation products of the liver, small intestine, and plasma, exposure to ultrafine particles, like diesel, might exacerbate inflammation and oxidative stress in these areas (171,172). ...
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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) has no socioeconomic, topographical, or sex limitations, as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO). The significant drivers of CVD are cardiometabolic, behavioral, environmental, and social risk factors. However, some significant risk factors for CVD (e.g., a pitiable diet, tobacco smoking, and a lack of physical activities) have also been linked to an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease. Lifestyles and environmental factors are known key variables in cardiovascular disease. The familiarity with smoke goes along with the contact with the environment; air pollution is considered a source of toxins that contribute to the CVD burden. Epidemiological studies have shown that both men and women experience an increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction, which can result in fatal coronary artery disease. Lipid modification, inflammation, and vasomotor dysfunction are integral components of atherosclerosis development and advancement. These aspects are essential for the identification of atherosclerosis in clinical investigations. This article aims to show the findings on the influence of CVD on the health of individuals and human populations, as well as possible pathologies and their involvement in smoking-related cardiovascular diseases. This review also explains lifestyle and environmental factors that are known to contribute to CVD, with indications suggesting an affiliation between cigarette smoking, air pollution, and CVD.
... have consumed as well as their cellular components into the plaque, making it even bigger. In vivo studies have further demonstrated cellular dysfunction in macrophages prompted by 7KC through inflammation (Chang et al. (2021); Terasaka et al. (2008)). ...
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The removal of the toxic oxidized cholesterol, 7-ketocholesterol (7KC), from cells through the administration of therapeutics has the potential to treat atherosclerosis and various other pathologies. While cholesterol is a necessary building block for homeostasis, oxidation of cholesterol can lead to the formation of toxic oxysterols involved in various pathologies, the most prominent of which is 7KC, which is formed through the non-enzymatic oxidation of cholesterol. Oxidized LDL (oxLDL) particles, highly implicated in heart disease, contain high levels of 7KC, and molecular 7KC is implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases, including multiple sclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, sickle cell anemia, and multiple age related diseases. Of particular interest is the role of 7KC in the progression of atherosclerosis, with several studies associating elevated levels of 7KC with the etiology of the disease or in the transition of macrophages to foam cells. This research aims to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of UDP-003, a novel therapeutic, in mitigating the harmful effects of 7KC in mouse and human monocyte and macrophage cell lines. Experimental evidence demonstrates that administration of UDP-003 can reverse the foam cell phenotype, rejuvenating these cells by returning phagocytic function and decreasing both reactive oxygen species (ROS) and intracellular lipid droplet accumulation. Furthermore, our data suggests that the targeted removal of 7KC from foam cells with UDP-003 can potentially prevent and reverse atherosclerotic plaque formation. UDP-003 has the potential to be the first disease-modifying therapeutic approach to treating atherosclerotic disease.
... [39,40] In addition, decreased expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) has been shown to be associated with endothelial dysfunction. [41] Terasaka et al. [42] suggested that HDL maintains endothelial function by promoting the efflux of cholesterol and 7-oxysterols and preserving active eNOS dimer levels via ATPbinding cassette transporter ATP-binding cassette transporter G1. Moreover, sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), which is carried by the apolipoprotein M-containing subfraction of HDL particles, can stimulate eNOS phosphorylation and NO production by activating the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/Akt/eNOS pathway in ECs. ...
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Several epidemiological studies have shown a clear inverse relationship between serum levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), even at low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels below 70 mg/dL. There is much evidence from basic and clinical studies that higher HDL-C levels are beneficial, whereas lower HDL-C levels are detrimental. Thus, HDL is widely recognized as an essential anti-atherogenic factor that plays a protective role against the development of ASCVD. Percutaneous coronary intervention is an increasingly common treatment choice to improve myocardial perfusion in patients with ASCVD. Although drug-eluting stents have substantially overcome the limitations of conventional bare-metal stents, there are still problems with stent biocompatibility, including delayed re-endothelialization and neoatherosclerosis, which cause stent thrombosis and in-stent restenosis. According to numerous studies, HDL not only protects against the development of atherosclerosis, but also has many anti-inflammatory and vasoprotective properties. Therefore, the use of HDL as a therapeutic target has been met with great interest. Although oral medications have not shown promise, the developed HDL infusions have been tested in clinical trials and have demonstrated viability and reproducibility in increasing the cholesterol efflux capacity and decreasing plasma markers of inflammation. The aim of the present study was to review the effect of HDL on stent biocompatibility in ASCVD patients following implantation and discuss a novel therapeutic direction of HDL infusion therapy that may be a promising candidate as an adjunctive therapy to improve stent biocompatibility following percutaneous coronary intervention.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients have a high risk of cardiovascular disease. Indoxyl sulfate (IS) is a uremic toxin that has been shown to inhibit nitric oxide production and cause cell senescence by inducing oxidative stress. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system; however, its impacts on IS-damaged endothelial cells are still unknown. This study aimed to explore the effects of exogenous supplement of HDL on vascular endothelial cells in a uremia-mimic environment. Tube formation, migration, adhesion, and senescence assays were used to evaluate the cell function of human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs). Reactive oxygen species generation was measured by using Amplex red assay. L-NAME and MCI186 were used as a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor and a free radical scavenger, respectively. HDL exerted anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects via HIF-1α/HO-1 activation and IL-1β/TNF-α/IL-6 inhibition in IS-stimulated HAECs. HDL improved angiogenesis ability through upregulating Akt/eNOS/VEGF/SDF-1 in IS-stimulated HAECs. HDL decreased endothelial adhesiveness via downregulating VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 in IS-stimulated HAECs. Furthermore, HDL reduced cellular senescence via upregulating SIRT1 and downregulating p53 in IS-stimulated HAECs. Importantly, the above beneficial effects of HDL were mainly due to its antioxidant ability. In conclusion, HDL exerted a comprehensive protective effect on vascular endothelial cells against damage from IS through its antioxidant ability. The results of this study might provide a theoretical basis for potential HDL supplementation in CKD patients with endothelial damage.
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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in Western countries. A low HDL-C is associated with the development of CVD. However, recent epidemiology studies have shown U-shaped curves between HDL-C and CVD mortality, with paradoxically increased CVD mortality in patients with extremely high HDL-C levels. Furthermore, HDL-C raising therapy using nicotinic acids or CETP inhibitors mostly failed to reduce CVD events. Based on this background, HDL functions rather than HDL-C could be a novel biomarker; research on the clinical utility of HDL functionality is ongoing. In this review, we summarize the current status of HDL functions and their future perspectives from the findings of basic research and clinical trials.
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Background: No reliable model can currently be used for predicting coronary artery disease (CAD) occurrence in patients with diabetes. We developed and validated a model predicting the occurrence of CAD in these patients. Methods: We retrospectively enrolled patients with diabetes at Henan Provincial People's Hospital between 1 January 2020 and 10 June 2020, and collected data including demographics, physical examination results, laboratory test results, and diagnostic information from their medical records. The training set included patients (n = 1152) enrolled before 15 May 2020, and the validation set included the remaining patients (n = 238). Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed in the training set to develop a predictive model, which were visualized using a nomogram. The model's performance was assessed by area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC) and Brier scores for both data sets. Results: Sex, diabetes duration, low-density lipoprotein, creatinine, high-density lipoprotein, hypertension, and heart rate were CAD predictors in diabetes patients. The model's AUC and Brier score were 0.753 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.727-0.778] and 0.152, respectively, and 0.738 (95% CI 0.678-0.793) and 0.172, respectively, in the training and validation sets, respectively. Conclusions: Our model demonstrated favourable performance; thus, it can effectively predict CAD occurrence in diabetes patients.
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We examined the hypothesis that impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation in atherosclerosis is associated with decreased synthesis of nitrogen oxides by the vascular endothelium. The descending thoracic aortae of rabbits fed either normal diet, a high cholesterol diet for 2-5 wk (hypercholesterolemic, HC), or a high cholesterol diet for 6 mo (atherosclerotic, AS) were perfused in a bioassay organ chamber with physiologic buffer containing indomethacin. Despite a dramatic impairment in the vasodilator activity of endothelium-dependent relaxing factor (EDRF) released from both HC and AS aortae (assessed by bioassay), the release of nitrogen oxides (measured by chemiluminescence) from these vessels was not reduced, but markedly increased compared to NL. Thus, impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation in atherosclerosis is neither due to decreased activity of the enzyme responsible for the production of nitrogen oxides from arginine nor to arginine deficiency. Because the production of nitrogen oxides increased in response to acetylcholine in both hypercholesterolemic and atherosclerotic vessels, impairments in signal transduction are not responsible for abnormal endothelium-dependent relaxations. Impaired vasodilator activity of EDRF by cholesterol feeding may result from loss of incorporation of nitric oxide into a more potent parent compound, or accelerated degradation of EDRF.
There is no evidence whether humans absorb cholesterol oxidation products (COPS) from food sources. Therefore, (after-meal) absorption of COPS in humans was studied following consumption of a powdered egg meal containing 30–90 ppm each of four different COPS. Both total plasma and plasma chylomicron COPS concentrations increased. By contrast, subjects consuming fresh eggs containing very low levels of the same four COPS (0–2 ppm) demonstrated no significant rise in plasma COPS. We concluded that the human subjects studied had the capacity to absorb COPS from food sources. The brief residence time of COPS observed in both chylomicrons and plasma suggested rapid transfer of COPS among lipoprotein fractions and/or clearance from plasma.
The effects of normal and adverse environmental holding conditions on the formation of cholesterol oxidation products (COPS) in powdered cheeses and salted and unsalted butteroil were investigated. Little or no change in COPS levels was noted in a variety of powdered dairy products stored at 4, 21, or 38°C for up to 6 months. Storage for 18 mo at 4°C resulted in a three-fold increase in the levels of COPS. Cheddar cheese powder continuously exposed to light (1611 lx) displayed increases in α-epoxide and 7-ketocholesterol through week 3, thereafter declining to a level at week 9 of about one-half of that seen at week 3. Continuous heating of butteroil (110°C) caused large increases in COPS' levels, with unsalted butteroil exceeding levels found in salted butteroil by 2- to 3-fold.
In Western societies high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels correlate inversely with the risk for coronary heart disease. The primary protein component of both human and mouse HDL is apolipoprotein A-I (apoAI), which comprises greater than 70% of HDL protein and 30% of HDL mass. Human HDLs include particles of several distinct size subpopulations, whereas HDLs from inbred C57BL/6 mice contain a single population of particles. To study the regulation of apoAI expression and its role in HDL assembly, we created transgenic C57BL/6 mice containing the human apoAI gene. Two independent lines of transgenic mice with approximately twice the normal plasma levels of total apoAI were studied. The level of mouse apoAI is reduced greater than 4-fold in both transgenic lines, comprising only 4% of total plasma apoAI levels in one transgenic line and 13% in the other. We demonstrate that the mechanism responsible for the decrease in mouse apoAI is posttranscriptional. Parallel to the replacement of mouse with human apoAI, the single HDL species normally present in the plasma of C57BL/6 is replaced by two HDL subclasses similar in size to human HDL2b and HDL3a. The changes in murine apolipoprotein levels and HDL subclass size are inherited by all transgenic offspring of the two founder animals. These results suggest a dominant role of apoAI in determining the HDL particle size distribution and a mechanism involving expression of human apoAI transgenes that alters the plasma levels of mouse apoAI.
The endothelium plays a critical role in the control of vasomotor tone by the release of vasoactive substances. Because endothelial injury or dysfunction is considered important very early in atherogenesis, we hypothesized that abnormal endothelial function precedes the angiographic detection of coronary atherosclerosis in the human coronary circulation. The coronary vasomotor responses to three different endothelium-mediated stimuli (intracoronary infusion of acetylcholine 10(-8) to 10(-6) M, increase in blood flow to induce flow-dependent dilation, and sympathetic stimulation by cold pressor testing) were assessed by quantitative angiography and subselective intracoronary Doppler flow velocity measurements within the left anterior descending coronary artery in 38 patients. All three stimuli elicited epicardial artery dilation in all 11 patients with smooth coronary arteries and absence of risk factors for coronary artery disease (group 1). All nine patients with smooth coronary arteries but with hypercholesterolemia (group 2) demonstrated a selective impairment in endothelial function with vasoconstriction (35 +/- 12.7% decrease in mean luminal area) in response to acetylcholine but showed a preserved flow-dependent dilation (15.5 +/- 4.4% increase in mean luminal area) and vasodilation in response to cold pressor testing (14.2 +/- 4.6% increase in mean luminal area). In all nine patients with an angiographically defined smooth coronary artery segment but with evidence of atherosclerosis elsewhere in the coronary system (group 3), both acetylcholine and cold pressor testing induced vasoconstriction (26.2 +/- 8.7% and 18.7 +/- 7.9% decrease in mean luminal area, respectively), whereas flow-dependent dilation was preserved (20.4 +/- 8.7% increase in mean luminal area). In the nine patients with angiographic evidence of wall irregularities (group 4), flow-dependent dilation was also abolished and vasoconstriction occurred in response to acetylcholine and cold pressor testing (34.5 +/- 10.7% and 19.9 +/- 6.3% decrease in mean luminal area, respectively). All coronary artery segments dilated in response to nitroglycerin, suggesting preserved function of vascular smooth muscle. Despite similar reductions in coronary vascular resistance in response to the smooth muscle relaxant papaverin, patients with hypercholesterolemia demonstrated a selective impairment of vasodilation of the resistance vasculature in response to acetylcholine (p less than 0.05 versus groups 1, 3, and 4). Thus, there is a progressive impairment of endothelial vasoactive functioning in coronary arteries of patients with different early stages of atherosclerosis, beginning with a selective endothelial dysfunction in angiographically defined normal arteries in patients with hypercholesterolemia and progressively worsening to a complete loss of endothelium-mediated vasodilation in angiographically defined atherosclerotic coronary arteries.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
The dependence of vascular relaxation on an intact endothelium and the relationship between relaxation and cyclic GMP accumulation were determined in coronary arteries isolated from cardiac transplantation patients with or without coronary atherosclerosis. In nonatherosclerotic arteries, the endothelium-dependent agent acetylcholine produced concentration-related relaxations. In atherosclerotic arteries, endothelium-dependent relaxations were abolished with acetylcholine, partly suppressed with substance P and histamine, and completely preserved with the ionophore A23187. In these arteries, the endothelium-independent agent nitroglycerin remained fully active. Accumulation of cyclic GMP in atherosclerotic strips was suppressed with acetylcholine but unattenuated with A23187 and nitroglycerin. In aortas from rabbits with diet-induced atherosclerosis, there was likewise an impaired cholinergic relaxation and cyclic GMP accumulation in the presence of preserved responses to A23187 and nitroglycerin. The results demonstrate that impaired cholinergic responses in atherosclerotic arteries reflect a muscarinic defect and not an inability of endothelium to release endothelial factor or smooth muscle to respond to it.
This study was undertaken to determine whether atherosclerosis impairs relaxations mediated by endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) in human coronary arteries. Epicardial coronary arteries were obtained from the hearts of cardiac transplantation patients with or without histologically documented coronary atherosclerosis (atherosclerotic arteries were from patients aged 42-55 years, nonatherosclerotic arteries were from patients aged 14-24 years). Transverse strip preparations were mounted in organ baths for isometric tension recording. Tension was induced with prostaglandins F2 alpha. Indomethacin (10(-5) M) was present to prevent possible interference from endogenously formed prostaglandins. The EDRF-mediated relaxations in response to substance P (10(-10) to 10(-8) M), bradykinin (10(-9) to 10(-7) M), and Ca2+-ionophore A23187 (10(-9) to 10(-7) M) were significantly attenuated in atherosclerotic arteries. In deendothelialized tissues these compounds had no effect. In contrast, endothelium-independent relaxations induced by isoprenaline (10(-7) to 10(-5) M) were not affected by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic arteries showed also normal relaxations with high concentrations of glyceryl trinitrate (10(-8) to 10(-7) M), but reduced relaxations with a lower concentration of the compound (10(-9) M). Acetylcholine (10(-7) to 10(-6) M) only produced endothelium-dependent relaxations in 8 of 60 arterial preparations (with or without atherosclerosis). In most of the arteries, it was a direct vasoconstrictor (which may have masked EDRF release in many cases). Omission of indomethacin from the bath solution increased the incidence of moderate acetylcholine-induced relaxations (9 of 16 preparations). It is concluded that atherosclerosis attenuates EDRF-mediated vasospasm and myocardial ischemia.
Vasoconstrictor responses are augmented in porcine coronary arteries in hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis, leading to an occurrence of coronary vasospasm in the latter condition. The role of the endothelium in the vascular hyperreactivity in hypercholesterolemic and atherosclerotic coronary arteries was examined, particularly in response to aggregating and related vasoactive substances. Male Yorkshire pigs underwent balloon endothelial denudation of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) and 2% high-cholesterol feeding for 10 weeks. Electron microscopic examination demonstrated a full lining of endothelial cells in the LAD and the left circumflex coronary artery (LCX). Endothelium-dependent responses were examined in vitro. In cholesterol-fed animals, endothelium-dependent relaxations to aggregating platelets, serotonin, ADP, bradykinin, thrombin, and the calcium ionophore A23187 were depressed in LAD (atherosclerosis), while the relaxations to aggregating platelets, serotonin and ADP were depressed in LCX (hypercholesterolemia). Serotonin-induced contractions were endothelium-dependently augmented in atherosclerotic LAD; the endothelium-dependent component of the contractions was inhibited by blockers of cyclooxygenase. Bioassay studies demonstrated a depressed release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s) from the atherosclerotic LAD in response to serotonin. These experiments indicate that the endothelium-dependent relaxations to aggregating platelets and related vasoactive substances are severely impaired in atherosclerosis and moderately impaired in hypercholesterolemia. Since coronary atherosclerosis was induced by a combination of balloon endothelial injury (and regeneration) and high-cholesterol feeding in this study, the combined effects of those factors must account for the severely impaired responses in atherosclerosis. The depressed release of the endothelium-derived relaxing factor(s) and the concomitant release of vasoconstrictor product(s) of cyclooxygenase appear to be responsible for the impaired relaxations.
DESPITE early observations suggesting an inverse relation between serum levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and coronary disease,1 2 3 the possible protective role of HDL in atherogenesis received little attention until its "rediscovery" by Miller and Miller4 in 1975 and the publication of confirmatory results from the Honolulu,5 Framingham,6 and Tromso7 heart studies in 1976 and 1977. In the ensuing decade, research into the biochemistry, metabolism, epidemiology, and genetics of HDL has expanded rapidly, but many questions remain unanswered. The recent publication of the results of the Helsinki Heart Study8 , 9 — in which simultaneous 11 percent increases in HDL and reductions . . .