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In the last few years, approaches for teaching invasion and net games have been evaluated at the secondary level in quite a few studies. The purpose of this study was to examine the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach in elementary schools, i. e. with children between the ages of about 6 and 11. Pupils from the 1st (n=14 pupils), 2nd (n=14), and 4th (n=15) grades of two elementary schools were taught in a modified TGfU invasion games programme over a period of five weeks (13 lessons). Various pieces of pedagogical information from questionnaires and observations as well as measurements of game ability were chosen as dependent variables. The results show (1) that a rather high acceptance by pupils and school teachers could be registered, (2) that stress caused by the pupils was the biggest problem for (student) teachers, and (3) that the comparison with a control group (n=14) indicated an interaction effect between all grades; nevertheless only the 2nd grade pupils exhibited a significant improvement in game ability. Finally, findings are discussed in terms of their implications for teaching and research in elementary physical education. Keywords: holistic view, pupils’ acceptance, teachers’ acceptance, practicability, game ability
... These groups were all compared to technical teaching methods, with the most common terminology being technical approach (n = 11), direct instruction (n = 6), and traditional approach (n = 6). Whereas 13 studies also named their comparative groups as controls, we interpreted that only 2 studies included an actual control group where the content and teaching approach of the intervention was not related to the experimental group or measurement methods (Memmert & Konig, 2007;Turner & Martinek, 1999). Figure 3 shows the types of activities that were included in each study. ...
... Using a thematic approach can also facilitate learning of generic skills required to help learners establish a healthy active lifestyle and to be physically literate (Breed & Spittle, 2021;Singleton, 2009). Only four of the reviewed studies could be considered as using a thematic approach (nonsport specific) that used generic games for learning (Gouveia et al., 2019;Memmert & Konig, 2007;Miller et al., 2015Miller et al., , 2016, suggesting that some of the research in this review does not align with current curriculum models. For example, the Australian curriculum provides no reference to teaching specific sports within PE, but states that the development of movement skills, concepts and strategies must be addressed through a variety of games and sports in categories of invasion, net and wall, striking and fielding, and target games (ACARA, 2014). ...
... For example, Sterne et al. (2016) stated that a low RoB on the ROBINS-I is "comparable to a well performed randomised trial." With many quasi-experimental studies in this review, there is the potential confounding of different baseline characteristics not being controlled for, particularly with some studies including multiple grade groups in each condition (e.g., Hortigüela et al., 2017;Memmert et al. 2007) or multiple schools (e.g., Chatzipanteli et al., 2016;Jones et al., 2010). Some studies did provide ecological validity as a justification (e.g., Hortiguela et al., 2017), but this type of design raises two possible confounding issues: internal validity of using natural groups, and external validity of explaining the procedure to be followed. ...
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Effective teaching pedagogies and curriculum frameworks in school physical education have been regularly changing and widely debated. However, teachers have predominately used technical and sport-based approaches, but tactical game-centered approaches (TGAs) are becoming more common when teaching games in physical education. This review systematically described the content and the quality of research that compared TGAs with other teaching approaches within school physical education. All 24 studies that were found compared a technical approach (TA) or control group with a TGA, and most originated from Western Europe. Studies were conducted equally in primary and secondary schools, most research was mixed-gender, and the majority incorporated a single sport to compare teaching approaches. The quality of reporting was mostly low with a moderate to serious risk of bias. Studies commonly showed that TGAs improved student outcomes in tactical skill; skill execution; affective, procedural knowledge and/or physical activity; and TAs improved skill execution and technical skill.
... In den letzten Jahren erfolgten beachtenswerte Anstrengungen, die tatsächlichen Effekte von Sportspielunterricht empirisch zu erforschen, um im Sinne der Qualitätsentwicklung Hinweise für die Unterrichtspraxis zu geben (vgl. Memmert & König, 2007). Allgäuer et al. (2016) belegen, dass in der Sekundarstufe I der Ansatz der Spielmethode "Teaching Games for Understanding" zu den höchsten Lerneffekten in den untersuchten Sportspielen Handball, Volleyball und Fußball führt (S. 299). ...
For over 30 years, sports science has favoured game-oriented methods for teaching sports games, but teaching remains technology-oriented. A study by the Zurich University of Teacher Education developed and evaluated the "Teaching Games for Understanding" concept. The research shows that game-orientated methods are well received and promote both subject-specific and interdisciplinary skills. The challenges for teachers are student-orientated lessons and genuine participation.
... PE teachers' reports indicated that implementing TGFU helped their students to learn the rules, the essence of the game, the basic skills and tactics and to improve their game play. These findings are aligned with PE teachers' reports and the findings of a previous study (Memert & Konig, 2007) suggesting that the TGFU model can effectively improve students' skills and game ability in elementary grades. PE teachers' reports also supported that the TGFU is an appropriate model for teaching team games in lower grades of elementary school. ...
... -Etwas bescheidener ist die Studienlage im Bereich des motorischen Lernens (Töpfer et al., 2020). Dennoch kann das eingangs formulierte Axiom auch für diesen Bereich bestätigt werden, Gleiches gilt für taktische Lernprozesse (Memmert & König, 2007). -Veränderungen über die Zeit konnten auch für personale und soziale Aspekte empirisch belegt werden, so etwa für das soziale Selbstkonzept (Magnaguagno et al., 2016) oder für die Gruppenkohäsion (Oesterhelt, 2011). ...
... In den letzten Jahren erfolgten beachtenswerte Anstrengungen, welche die Wirksamkeit einer am Spiel orientierten Vermittlung belegen konnten (u. a. Memmert & König, 2007;Allgäuer et al., 2016). Gleichwohl hat TGfU die Basis, d. h. ...
Umsetzung der Spielmethode «Teaching Games for Understanding» (TGfU) in der 5./6. Klasse der Primarschule.
... This solution should lead to the desired effects. This ability is mainly based on sport type-specific knowledge and experiences (Memmert and König, 2007). ...
... In den letzten Jahren erfolgten beachtenswerte Anstrengungen, die tatsächlichen Effekte von Sportspielunterricht empirisch zu erforschen, um im Sinne der Qualitätsentwicklung Hinweise für die Unterrichtspraxis zu geben (vgl. Memmert & König, 2007). Allgäuer et al. (2016) belegen, dass in der Sekundarstufe I der Ansatz der Spielmethode «Teaching Games for Understanding» zu den höchsten Lerneffekten in den untersuchten Sportspielen Handball, Volleyball und Fußball führt (S. 299). ...
Implementing the model «Teaching Games for Understanding» in Primary Physical Education.
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RESUMO A presente revisão sistemática tem por objetivo identificar e sumarizar estudos que analisaram os efeitos de intervenções que utilizaram modelos de ensino do esporte (MEE) em aulas de educação física sobre desfechos cognitivos e habilidades motoras. Foram definidas seis bases como fontes de dados: (a) SportDiscus; (b) Scielo; (c) Web of Science; (d) Scopus; (e) ERIC e (f) PsycInfo. A pesquisa inicial foi realizada com os seguintes termos: "Pedagogical Model" OR, "Education Model" OR, "Teaching Games" AND, "Sports" AND, "Physical Education". Os 24 artigos analisados atenderam aos seguintes critérios: (a) estudos de intervenção com análise quantitativa ou mista; (b) realizados durante aulas de educação física; e, (c) com objetivo de verificar os efeitos dos modelos sobre os desfechos cognitivos ou de habilidades motoras. A análise de viés/qualidade dos estudos foi realizada a partir da escala PEDro. Foram encontradas intervenções com o Sport Education Model (SEM-41,7%), Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU-33,3%), Tactical Games (TG-4,2%) e Modelos Híbridos (MH-20,8%). Os resultados indicam efeitos positivos dos três modelos (SEM, TGfU/TG e MH) sobre a performance no jogo e tomada de decisão. O SEM ainda apresentou efeito positivo sobre envolvimento no jogo, conhecimento e execução de habilidades, sendo o MEE com mais desfechos com resultados positivos. Futuras investigações devem ter em conta os seguintes fatores intervenientes: sexo, nível de habilidade, grupos de ensino, experiência docente, tempo e conteúdo da unidade. Palavras-chave: Educação física escolar. Modelos pedagógicos. Cognição. Habilidades motoras. ABSTRACT This systematic review aims to identify and summarize studies that analyzed the effects of interventions that used sports teaching models (STM) in physical education classes on cognitive and motor skills outcomes. Six bases were defined as data sources: (a) SportDiscus; (b) Scielo; (c) Web of Science; (d) Scopus; (e) ERIC and (f) PsycInfo. The initial search was carried out with the following terms: "Pedagogical Model" OR, "Education Model", OR, "Teaching Games" AND, "Sports" AND, "Physical Education". The 24 articles analyzed met the following criteria: (a) intervention studies with quantitative or mixed analysis; (b) performed during physical education classes; and, (c) aim to verify the effects of STM on cognitive or motor skills outcomes. The analysis of bias/quality of the studies was performed based on the PEDro scale. Interventions were found with the Sport Education Model (SEM-41.7%), Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU-33.3%), Tactical Games (TG-4.2%) and Hybrid Models (HM-20.8%). The results indicate positive effects of the three models (SEM, TGfU/TG and HM) on game performance and decision-making. SEM still had a positive effect on game involvement, knowledge and skill execution, with STM with more outcomes with positive results. Future investigations should consider intervening factors such as sex, skill level, teaching groups, teacher experience, time and unit content. Introdução O ensino do esporte baseado em modelos pressupõe uma estrutura lógico-pedagógica que alinhe teorias da educação, objetivos, métodos, ambientes de aprendizagem, meios de avaliação e as relações sociais (estudantes-estudantes e professores-estudantes) durante o processo de ensino 1. Alguns modelos de ensino do esporte (MEE) alcançaram maior notoriedade no meio acadêmico, caso do Sport Education Model (SEM-Siedentop 2 , único modelo planejado especialmente para o contexto escolar, e dos modelos de ensino para compreensão dos jogos, Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU-Bunker e Thorpe 3) e
Der Band „Sportpädagogik in 60 Minuten“ führt kompakt in diesen Teilbereich der Sportwissenschaft ein. Er zeigt, mit welchen Phänomenen sich die Sportpädagogik beschäftigt und welche Themen aus ihrer Sicht relevant sind. Folgende Fragen werden geklärt: Wie ist die Sportpädagogik entstanden, wie hat sie sich bis zum heutigen Stand entwickelt und welche Verbindungen bestehen zu ihrer Mutterwissenschaft? Welche wissenschaftlichen Zielsetzungen und Aufgaben hat die Sportpädagogik und mit welchen Theorien nähert sie sich den für sie relevanten Phänomenen und Themen? Welchen Problem-/Fragestellungen widmet sie sich und welche Methoden kommen dabei typischerweise zum Einsatz? Der Band enthält Lernziele, Kontrollfragen und ein Beispiel aus der Praxis. Jetzt mit sorgfältig ausgewählten
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