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Community-acquired hypernatremia in elderly and very elderly patients admitted to the hospital: Clinical characteristics and outcomes


Abstract and Figures

Background The clinical features, outcome and cost burden of community-acquired hypernatremia (CAH) in elderly and very elderly patients are not well known. Our aim was to investigate the etiologies, reasons for admission, clinical courses, outcomes, complications, and cost assessments of the elderly patients with CAH. Material/Methods We conducted a retrospective study in our tertiary hospital. Elderly and very elderly patients evaluated in the emergency department (ED) from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 (n=4960) were included. Totally, 102 patients older than 65 years and diagnosed with CAH were evaluated. The patients were divided into 2 main groups according to their age: elderly (65–74 years old) (group 1) (n=38), and very elderly (>74 years) (group 2) (n=64). Results Our overall observed prevalence of CAH was 2.0% (n=102, 102/4960). In particular, the prevalences of CAH in group 1 and group 2 were 1.0% (38/3651) and 4.8% (64/1309), respectively (p<0.001). Totally, 62 patients had been treated by renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blockers (ie, ACE-inhibitors). Alzheimer’s disease had been diagnosed in 46.1% of the subjects. The mean Katz scores at the time of admission were 2.4±1.9 and 1.1±1.0 in group 1 and 2, respectively (p<0.001). The mean cost was higher in group 2 than in group 1 (2407.13±734.54 USD, and 2141.12±1387.14 USD, respectively) (p<0.01). The need for intensive care was significantly greater in group 2 as compared to group 1. Conclusions The important determinants of “CAH” in elderly subjects are accompanying Alzheimer’s disease, oral intake impairment, and concomitant treatment with RAS blockers.
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Community-acquired hypernatremia in elderly and
very elderly patients admitted to the hospital: Clinical
characteristics and outcomes
Kenan Turgutalp1E, Onur Özhan2D, Ebru Gök Oğuz1B, Arda Yilmaz3B,
Mehmet Horoz4B, İlter Helvacı5C, Ahmet Kiykim1A
1 Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Mersin University, Mersin, Turkey
2 Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Mersin
University, Mersin, Turkey
3 Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Mersin University, Mersin, Turkey
4 Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Harran University, Sanliurfa, Turkey
5 Silifke School of Applied Technology and Management, Department of Business Information Management, Mersin
University, Mersin, Turkey
Source of support: Departmental sources
The clinical features, outcome and cost burden of community-acquired hypernatremia (CAH) in
elderly and very elderly patients are not well known. Our aim was to investigate the etiologies, rea-
sons for admission, clinical courses, outcomes, complications, and cost assessments of the elderly
patients with CAH.
We conducted a retrospective study in our tertiary hospital. Elderly and very elderly patients eval-
uated in the emergency department (ED) from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 (n=4960)
were included. Totally, 102 patients older than 65 years and diagnosed with CAH were evaluat-
ed. The patients were divided into 2 main groups according to their age: elderly (65-74 years old)
(group 1) (n=38), and very elderly (>74 years) (group 2) (n=64).
Our overall observed prevalence of CAH was 2.0% (n=102, 102/4960). In particular, the preva-
lences of CAH in group 1 and group 2 were 1.0% (38/3651) and 4.8% (64/1309), respectively
(p<0.001). Totally, 62 patients had been treated by renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blockers (ie,
ACE-inhibitors). Alzheimer’s disease had been diagnosed in 46.1% of the subjects. The mean Katz
scores at the time of admission were 2.4±1.9 and 1.1±1.0 in group 1 and 2, respectively (p<0.001).
The mean cost was higher in group 2 than in group 1 (2407.13±734.54 USD, and 2141.12±1387.14
USD, respectively) (p<0.01). The need for intensive care was significantly greater in group 2 as
compared to group 1.
The important determinants of “CAH” in elderly subjects are accompanying Alzheimer’s disease,
oral intake impairment, and concomitant treatment with RAS blockers.
key words: elderly•community-acquiredhypernatremia•morbidity•mortality•cost
Word count: 3341
Tables: 3
References: 23
Author’s address: Kenan Turgutalp, Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Mersin University,
33079 Mersin, Turkey, e-mail:
Authors’ Contribution:
A Study Design
B Data Collection
C Statistical Analysis
D Data Interpretation
E Manuscript Preparation
F Literature Search
G Funds Collection
Received: 2012.02.13
Accepted: 2012.07.03
Published: 2012.12.01
Clinical Researc h
© Med Sci Monit, 2012; 18(12): CR729-734
PMID: 23197235
Current Contents/Clinical Medicine • IF (2010)=1.699 • Index Medicus/MEDL INE • EMBASE/Excerpta Medica • Chemical Abstracts • Index Coper nicus
Thirst is the ultimate defense against development of
hypernatremia. Elderly people typically have decreased
thirst, thus resulting in reduced water intake. The abil-
ity to concentrate urine also diminishes with advancing
age. Numerous factors, including female sex, infections,
hypertonic infusions, tube feedings, osmotic diuretics,
laxatives, and mechanical ventilation, increase the sus-
ceptibility of elderly persons to hospital-acquired hyper-
natremia [1].
Hypernatremia is present in about 1% of hospitalized pa-
tients over 60 years of age [2–4]. On the other hand, the
mortality rate, which is above 40% for hypernatremia, makes
it a more important issue [5]. More than two fold of increase
in the mortality in elderly patients with hospital-acquired hy-
pernatremia has been detected as compared to non-elderly
subjects [6]. However, data about the costs, clinical results,
related factors and prevalence of community-acquired hy-
pernatremia (CAH) are incomplete.
In Turkey, 7.2% of the total population is composed
of people above 65 years of age (, and by 2050 this age group
is expected to increase by 730% ( In this sense, the problems
specific to elderly people, along with their management,
should be well defined. The aim of this study was to ex-
plore the clinical features, results and cost of CAH in el-
derly subjects.
Material and Methods
We conducted a retrospective study in our tertiary hospi-
tal. Elderly and very elderly patients evaluated in the emer-
gency department (ED) from January 1, 2010 to December
31, 2010 (n=4960) were recruited. Subjects with plasma Na
>145 mEq/L were accepted as hypernatremic. Serum Na+
level between 145–160 mEq/L was defined as mild hyper-
natremia, and serum Na+ level >160 mEq/L was defined as
severe hypernatremia. The study included 102 patients old-
er than 65, diagnosed with CAH. The records of each hy-
pernatremic patient were reviewed.
We recorded blood pressure, volume status, mental and
motor status, fluid prescription, and laboratory findings
daily. The therapy and management of each patient had
been determined by the patient’s primary physician. In
patients identified as hypernatremic, the onset, duration,
and resolution of hypernatremia were determined on the
basis of an upper limit of 145 mmol/L. Clinical character-
istics, outcomes, accompanying problems, complications
and cost assessments of each patient were obtained. The
medical records of all patients were evaluated by one re-
viewer (KT).
The mean life expectancy in Turkey is 74 years. The patients
were divided into 2 groups according to age. Group 1 was
composed of “elderly” people aged 65 to 74 (n=38), and
group 2 had “very elderly” subjects above age 74 (n=64).
The study subjects had not been admitted by another hos-
pital in the 2 weeks before admission at our center.
Demographic data
The volume and composition of intravenous fluids, nutri-
tion, and oral water intake during hospitalization were re-
corded. Daily urine volume, based on the intake and out-
put record, was recorded for each hypernatremic patient.
Neurologic examination had been performed in all subjects
on admission. Motor examination had been performed by
a neurologist via physical examination. Katz index, which
identifies the patient’s independency status in his/her dai-
ly activities, had been determined by a neurologist. In this
sense, doing some activities themselves (eg, showering,
dressing, fulfilling toilet needs, the ability of movement,
and feeding were assessed. Scores above 6 were identified
as “fully independent”, 4 to 6 as “independent”, 2 to 4 as
“mildly dependent” and below 2 as “fully dependent” [7].
Mental status of the subjects had been assessed by a neurol-
ogist using Folstein’s MMSE scoring system. MMSE score
above 23 was defined as normal, 19 to 23 as borderline, and
below 19 as impairment in the mental status [8].
Cranial nerves and cardiopulmonary functions were record-
ed in all subjects at the time of admission. Hypernatremia
etiologies, features related with treatment course (eg, type
of fluid used, and Na+ level correction time), drugs which
were discontinued, neurological findings and complications,
clinical outcome, causes of death, costs, and factors related
to these parameters were explored. The causal relation of
hypernatremia with morbidity and mortality was determined
during data analysis by the consensus of all investigators.
Laboratory tests
Values for serum sodium, potassium, chloride, total carbon
dioxide, glucose, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, calcium,
and plasma osmolality were recorded daily by the patient’s
managing physician.
Serum Na
, plasma glucose, serum blood urea nitrogen
(BUN) and creatinine levels were measured using an
Olympus AU 640 Chemistry Immunoanalyzer (Tokyo,
Japan). Serum potassium, magnesium, chloride, calcium,
phosphate, serum albumin and TSH (thyroid stimulating
hormone) levels, as well as urine density and CRP levels,
were measured by use of a Cobas Integra 800 Chemistry
Analyzer (Basel, Switzerland). GFR (eGFR) was calculated
with the “Modification of Diet in Renal Disease” MDRD for-
mula, which can be shown as MDRD: eGFR = 170 × [Scr]
– 0.999 × [age] – 0.176 × (0.762 if the subject is female) ×
(1.180 if the patient is black) × [BUN] – 0.170]. BUN/cre-
atinine ratio was measured on admission for each subject.
Cerebral computerized tomography and magnetic reso-
nance imaging were performed if indicated.
The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to test the numeric data
in terms of its convenience for normal distribution. While
parametric tests were used for the assessment of variables
showing normal distribution, non-parametric tests were
used if normal distribution was not detected. For the com-
parison of the 2 independent categoric groups in terms of
Clinical Research Med Sci Monit, 2012; 18(12): CR729-734
numeric variables, either Student’s t test or Mann-Whitney
U tests were used according to the distribution of the data.
For the comparison of categoric variables where more than
2 independent groups were involved, one-way ANOVA test
was used. Tukey HSD test was used to determine the pair-
wise differences between the subgroups when the omnibus
test ANOVA showed significant statistical values. Pearson
chi-square test was applied according to the assumptions
gathered from the comparisons of 2 categoric variables.
For testing a possible linear association between 2 numer-
ic variables, Spearman-Rho test was used. We calculated
6-month mean medical costs, and used analysis of variance
(ANOVA) to test for group differences. Generalized linear
models were used to calculate unadjusted and adjusted ef-
fects of hypernatremia on 6-month costs. Type one error
was determined to be 0.05. SPSS 16 and MedCalc 11.5 sta-
tistics programs were used.
The mean age was 76.9±7.3 years (ranging from 65 to 97).
Descriptive statistics of both groups are shown in Table 1.
Total CO2 levels, urine volume on admission, and serum
osmolarity were not different in both groups (p>0.05).
Overall observed prevalence of CAH was 2.0% (n=102,
102/4960). The prevalence of CAH in group 1 was 1.0%
(38/3651) and group 2 was 4.8% (64/1309) (p<0.001).
Presentation reasons
The most common reasons of admission were oral intake
impairment 76.4% (n=78), nausea and vomiting 13.7%
(n=14), and diarrhea 9.8% (n=10). Oral intake impairment
as the reason of application was statistically significantly
higher as compared to other reasons (p<0.05). Between 2
groups, no difference was detected in terms of the admis-
sion reasons (p>0.005)
The most common co-morbidities for both groups are shown
in Table 2, with Alzheimer’s disease statistically significant-
ly higher than the others (p<0.05). When groups 1 and
2 were compared, results were similar (p>0.05), showing
80.4% (n=82) of the subjects were hypotensive, 3.9% (n=4)
were normotensive, and 15.7% (n=16) were hypertensive.
Features Group 1 (n=38) Group 2 (n=64) p
Age (Year) 69.83±3.3 81.25±5.5 <0.05
Gender (male/female) 21/17 39/25 NS
Serum Na+ level on admission (mmol/L) 158.22±7.0 157.17±7.6 NS
Fasting plasma glucose(mg/dL) 101.16±31.36 99.46±31.36 NS
Potassium (mEq/l) 4.38±0.58 4.67±0.76 NS
Urea (mg/dl) 132.08±31.39 134.12±23.61 NS
Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.56±0.20 0.65±0.02 NS
Serum albumin (gr/dl) 3.7±1.2 3.3±1.4 <0.05
GFR(ml/minute) 76.3±8.1 72.1±7.3 <0.05
Systolic blood pressure(mmHg) 101.20±11.21 102.34±13.8 NS
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 68.15±5.92 66.81±4.76 NS
Serum osmolality (mosm/kg-H2O) 337.47±18.26 335.23±17.65 NS
Triglyceride (mg/dl) 127.89±60.72 131.23±43.87 NS
Total Cholesterol (mg/dl) 172.38±34.32 176.60±48.54 NS
Mechanical ventilator need (%) 25 75 <0.001
Intensive care need (%) 33 67 <0.001
Mean intensive care duration (days) 8.02±12 12.13±1.53 <0.001
Duration of hospitalization (days) 12.11±7.2 15.50±7.1 <0.05
Mortality (%) (n) 47.3 (18) 64.0 (41) <0.001
Katz score* 2.4±1.9 1.1±1.0 <0.001
MMSE score* 21.1±8.1 12.5±7.5 <0.001
Table 1. Comparative clinical and laboratory features of both groups.
NS – not signicant; * at the time of admission.
Med Sci Monit, 2012; 18(12): CR729-734 Turgutalp K et al – Community acquired hypernatremia in elderly and very elderly
Factors responsible for CAH
The common clinical factors responsible for CAH are
shown in Table 3. Totally, 62 patients were on RAS block-
er medications. Mean duration of RAS blocker treatment
in groups 1 patients was 91.0±25.2/d and in group 2 pa-
tients was 88.1±15.1/d before developing hypernatremia
(p>0.05). Interestingly, oral intake impairment along with
the consumption of RAS blockers (angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors and/or angiotensin II receptor blockers)
seemed to be significantly higher as compared to other rea-
sons (p<0.05). When groups 1 and 2 were compared with
each other, the possible causes of CAH were found in simi-
lar ratios and no statistical difference was detected (p>0.05).
The Katz scores at the time of application in groups 1 and
2 were 2.4±1.9 and 1.1±1.0, respectively (p<0.001). Mean
MMSE score in group 1 was 21.1±8.1 and 12.5±7.5 in group
2 (p<0.001)
There was a negative correlation between scores (Katz and
MMSE scores) and duration of hospitalization (p<0.05; for
Katz and MMSE scores, r=–0.39 and -0.41, respectively) as
well as with costs (p<0.05, for Katz and MMSE scores r=–0.33
and –0.37, respectively.) On the other hand, no relationship
was detected between the scores and other parameters such
as intensive care and mechanic ventilation needs, compli-
cations and mortality rates.
General complications
In 36.3% (n=37) of subjects there were no complications.
The most common complications of the hypernatremic sub-
jects were community-acquired pneumonia (n=4), commu-
nity-acquired uncomplicated urinary tract infection (n=4),
nosocomial pneumonia (n=14), nosocomial urinary tract
infection (n=12), gastrointestinal hemorrhage (n=5), acute
coronary syndrome (n=5), hyponatremia (n=5), and stroke
(n=4). There was no significant statistical difference between
the groups in terms of the complication types and preva-
lence ratios (p>0.05). No sex difference was found for com-
plication type and prevalence.
Intensive care and/or mechanical ventilation need
There were significantly more subjects needing intensive
care (n=67) than subjects not needing intensive care (n=35)
(p<0.05). All of the subjects requiring intensive care needed
mechanical ventilation. Mortality was 75% (n=50) among
those needing intensive care and 25% (n=9) of the remain-
ing ones died (p<0.05). The ex ratio of the patients with
mechanical ventilator need was 83% (n=55) and 23% (n=8)
for the subjects not requiring intensive care. The healing ra-
tio of the subjects not showing mechanical ventilator need
was higher (p<0.001). When groups 1 and 2 were compared
with each other, intensive care and/or mechanical ventila-
tor needs and complication ratios were similar and there
was no statistical difference.
Serum Na
level correction speed and relation with clinical
complications independent of age were evaluated and fol-
lowing results were gathered: In patients where Na+ levels
were normalized within 0 to 24, 24 to 48, 48 to 72 and more
than 72 hours, 55.2% (n=16), 47.7% (n=21), 33.3% (n=6),
and 45.5% (n=5) respectively, did not show any complica-
tions. However, encephalopathy ratios were 8.8%, 6.9%,
7.2%, and 45.5%, respectively, for the same correction du-
rations. However, number of patients was insufficient for
statistical analysis. In patients with normalization durations
of Na+ within 24 to 48 and 48 to 72 hours, fewer complica-
tions were observed. Similar ratios and results were gath-
ered in group 1 and 2 (p>0.05).
Length of hospital stay
While mean length of hospital stay of all patients cured from
hypernatremia was 10.8±4.9 days, mean length of hospital
stay of subjects who died either from hypernatremia or oth-
er reasons was found to be 15.1±10.2, which is statistically
significant (p<0.05).
When the serum Na
level at the time of admission was com-
pared with length of hospital stay, we found that as the Na+
level increased, the length of hospital stay increased as well,
but this was not statistically significant (r=0.177, p=0.102). In
addition, there was a negative correlation between the hos-
pital stay and the scores of both Katz and MMSE (r=–0.39,
p<0.05, and r=–0.41, p<0.05).
Clinical outcome and mortality
Mortality occurred in 30.5% (n=18) of group 1 and 69.5%
(n=41) of group 2, an overall of 57.8% (n=59) of the sub-
jects died (p<0.005). Mild hypernatremia (145–160 mEq/L)
was detected in 31 (81.5%) subjects in group 1 and 41
Co-morbidities n (%)
Alzheimer disease 47 (31.4)
Alzheimer disease + Hypertension 15 (14.7)
Diabetes mellitus + Hypertension 12 (11.8)
Cerebrovascular event 9 (8.8)
Heart failure 9 (8.8)
Table 2. The most seen accompanying disorders in patients with
Accompanying disease n (%)
Oral intake impairment+ ACE-inhibitor use 47 (31.4)
Oral intake impairment + ARB use 15 (14.7)
Vomiting 12 (11.8)
Table 3. Most common clinical causes of community-acquired
ACE – angiotensin converting enzyme; ARB – angiotensin II receptor
Clinical Research Med Sci Monit, 2012; 18(12): CR729-734
(64%) subjects in group 2 (p<0.05). Severe hypernatremia
was detected in 7 (18.5%) and 23 (36%) patients in group
1 and group 2, respectively (p<0.001). The mortality ratios
in group 1 for the patients with mild and severe hyperna-
tremia were 41.9% (n=13) and 71.4% (n=5), respective-
ly; whereas they were 56.1% (n=23) and 78.2% (n=18), re-
spectively, in group 2.
In group 1, 6 patients (6%) were hypernatremic at time
of death, compared to 21 patients (35.5%) in group 2
(p<0.001). There were some contributing factors to mortal-
ity, including: multiorgan failure syndrome in 11 patients,
ventilator-associated pneumonia in 11 patients, sudden car-
diac death in 4 patients, urosepsis and septic shock in 4 pa-
tients, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia in 3 patients,
sustained increases in ventricular rate in atrial fibrillation
in 2 patients, severe upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage in
2 patients, sustained delirium in 2 patients, and acute myo-
cardial infarction in 1 patient. Most of the deaths cannot
be directly attributed to the hypernatremia itself. Based on
careful review of the medical records, we believe that hy-
pernatremia partially contributed to mortality in only 19
patients (32.2%).
The mortality rates for the patients whose Na+ levels were
corrected within 0 to 24, 24 to 48, 48 to 72, and more than
72 hours were found to be 55.2%, 33.3%, 45.5%, and 47.7%,
respectively. The mortality rates were higher in patients
in which Na+ levels were normalized within 24 and more
than 72 hours, as compared to other treatment durations
(p<0.05), for both groups.
Forty-three patients recovered from CAH; 6 of them had
speech defect, and 2 had hemiparesis due to stroke.
Cost analysis
We used generalized linear models to calculate unadjust-
ed and adjusted effects of hypernatremia on 6-month costs.
The mean cost of a hypernatremic subject was 2251.6±1085.5
United States Dollars (USD). Mean costs for group 1 and
group 2 were 2141.1±1387.1 and 2407.1±734.5, respectively
(p<0.05). Although it seemed that there was a positive cor-
relation between the baseline levels of Na
and costs, it had
no statistical meaning (r=0.099, p=0.320). We found that hy-
pernatremia was an independent predictor for 6-month cost
regardless of age, sex, and co-morbid conditions.
Although there is abundant data on hospital-acquired hy-
pernatremia (in pediatric and adult subjects during their
hospital stay), the clinical characteristics, outcomes and
economic burdens of CAH are not well known [9]. On the
other hand, only a few studies are available regarding the
causes, accompanying clinical problems, need for intensive
care, duration of normalization of Na
level, costs and clin-
ical results of hypernatremia in elderly (>65y) and very el-
derly (>74y) subjects. With this retrospective demographic
study, we have shown that the most common cause of CAH
in patients above age 65 is dehydration due to reduced oral
intake and concomitant treatment with RAS blockers. We
found that the subjects very often developed respiratory
problems requiring ventilation, with high mortality rates.
The very elderly group needed more care and assistance
at the time of admission as compared to the elderly group.
The mental and motor status was worse and the mortality
rate was higher, as well. Alzheimer’s was the most common
accompanying disease for both groups.
Age-related declines in organ function and appetite, illness
and disability, and increased fluid requirements predispose
older adults to dehydration and hypertonicity. In a cohort
study, Thunhorst et al found that compared to young rats,
old rats drink less water in response to several thirst-induc-
ing stimuli [10]. In addition, they showed that the amount
of liquid taken in the old group was less than in the young
group. Both middle-aged and old rats were less able than
young rats to repair their water deficits after sodium load-
ing, attributable almost entirely to their reduced drinking
responses compared with young rats [10]. Another mecha-
nism that leads to hypernatremia is that although the anti-di-
uretic hormone level is increased, urine concentrating abili-
ty in the elderly is impaired [11]. On the other hand, Latcha
et al found that hypoangiotensinemia impairs the secretion
of arginine vasopressin, which increases the predisposition
to hypernatremia [12]. The seriousness of Alzheimer’s dis-
ease accompanying hypernatremia may be another factor
that hinders patients from drinking sufficiently and regu-
larly. Furthermore, antihypertensive agents that blockade
the RAS cause hypoangiotensinemia and therefore partic-
ipate in this process.
Kettritz et al. reported that the mortality rate is increased
approximately 7-fold in elderly hypernatremic subjects as
compared to young people [5]. Alshayeb et al showed that
when Na
level is increased to a value more than 160 mEq/L,
the mortality rate increases to 75% [13]; their study includ-
ed 131 elderly hypernatremic subjects with mean Na+ lev-
el of 159±3mEq/L and mean age of 82.2. Warren et al, in
a multicentric study, found 6-fold more hypernatremia in
patients aged 85 to 99, as compared to subjects ages 65 to
70 [14]. Our study revealed that hypernatremic patients
older than 75 had significantly higher mortality rates com-
pared to subjects ages 65 to 75. Daggett et al., in their ret-
rospective study in which patients with serum sodium level
>155 nmol/l were assessed as severe hypernatremic, report-
ed that mortality rates increase parallel to the increase in
serum Na+ levels [15]. In our study, on the other hand, for
both groups we found that the mortality rates were higher
in patients with severe hypernatremia as compared to pa-
tients with mild hypernatremia.
The factors determining the course of treatment are the ra-
pidity of development and the severity of hypernatremia,
along with being symptomatic or not. The target in acute
symptomatic hypernatremia is to reduce the serum Na+ lev-
el 1.0 mEq/L/hour. Horn et al. reported that normaliza-
tion of Na
level in hypernatremic subjects should be done
as soon as possible if any of complications have occurred
[16]. However, they suggested that in the opposite situation
this correction would be better if done slowly [16]. While
some authors indicate that patients recover best from en-
cephalopathy if normalization of Na+ level is done within
72 hours [17], others say that mental functions can be per-
manently impaired if normalization takes more than 96
hours [12,18]. Samuels et al., on the other hand, report-
ed that permanent mental impairment and death could
Med Sci Monit, 2012; 18(12): CR729-734 Turgutalp K et al – Community acquired hypernatremia in elderly and very elderly
occur if the normalization is achieved before day 1 [19].
In this sense they have suggested that achieving normaliza-
tion within 3 to 4 days would decrease the mortality rates
to the minimum level. In our study, mental problems and
increased mortality rates were most commonly seen when
serum Na+ level normalized within the first 24 hours or af-
ter 72 hours. Our study’s results in terms of treatment du-
rations were similar to the results of some other studies re-
garding the normalization speed in hypernatremic subjects.
A variety of authors have reported possible risk factors for the
development of hypernatremia, such as being older than 65,
being female, having mental status impairment, infections,
and some medical treatments, especially in subjects needing
care [20]. In our study, hypernatremia was detected more
in men than women. Darmon et al. recruited 1245 patients,
detecting hypernatremia in 228 subjects, and finding bacte-
rial infections to be the most common cause of hypernatre-
mia in patients with mean age above 65 years [21]. In our
study the most common etiological factors for hypernatre-
mia were oral intake impairment and use of RAS blockers.
Angiotensin II is the direct stimulator of thirstiness [22].
Treatment with RAS blockers in elderly subjects increas-
es the deterioration of the sensation of thirstiness, which
is in fact already being damaged. Moreover, RAS blockers
decrease the reabsorption of water from the tubules [23].
Our study shows that the treatment of RAS blockers facili-
tates the development of hypernatremia in elderly people.
Warren et al. found in their multicentric study that hyper-
natremic elder subjects had a very heavy cost burden. They
stated that 6.7% of the 10 million hospitalized elderly sub-
jects were hospitalized due to hypernatremia caused by de-
hydration. In addition they found that each patient had
a mean cost of 2.942 USD/year, leading to a yearly total
cost of $446 million USD [14]. In our study, we found that
a patient who is hospitalized due to CAH incurs a mean
cost of $2251.2±1085.0 USD. Detailed examination reveals
that for the elderly and very elderly groups the costs were
2141.7±1387.2 and 2407.1±734.5 USD, respectively. This
seems to be clear evidence that the costs increase as the
ages of the subjects increase, and this might be associated
with the increase in the co-morbidities as the patients aged.
The main features of elderly and very elderly patients with
CAH are that Alzheimer’s is the most common accompany-
ing disease. Moreover, they have impaired and inadequate
oral intake, are very often treated with RAS blockers, and
most are hypotensive at time of admission. Another im-
portant feature is that the very elderly subjects with CAH
have greater needs for intensive care and mechanical ven-
tilation. Clinically, an important question is how these re-
sults could aid in preventing and treating hypernatremia in
the elderly and very elderly. In our opinion, prevention of
hypernatremia requires close monitoring of daily hydration
with convenient salines, and careful prescription of medi-
cations such as RAS blockers.
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Clinical Research Med Sci Monit, 2012; 18(12): CR729-734
... [1][2][3] The prevalence of hypernatremia among hospitalized patients has been reported to be between 1% and 6%. [4][5][6][7] Outcomes of hypernatremia have also been less studied, and most studies examined selected patient populations. 1,4,[8][9][10] In addition, there are limited studies regarding hospital-acquired hypernatremia 11 and patients' kidney function at admission. ...
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Background Hospital-acquired hypernatremia is highly prevalent, overlooked and is associated with unfavorable consequences. There are limited studies examining the outcomes and discharge dispositions of various levels of hospital-acquired hypernatremia in patients with or without chronic kidney disease. Methods We conducted an observational retrospective cohort study, and we analyzed the data of 1,728,141 million patients extracted from the Cerner Health Facts database (January 1st 2000- June 30 th 2018). In this report we investigated the association between hospital-acquired hypernatremia (serum sodium (Na) levels>145 mEq/L) and in-hospital mortality or discharge dispositions with kidney function status at admission using adjusted multinomial regression models. Results Of all hospitalized patients, 6% developed hypernatremia after hospital admission. Incidence of in-hospital mortality was 12% and 1% in hyper- and normonatremic patients, respectively. The risk of all outcomes was significantly greater for serum Na >145 mEq/L compared to the reference interval (serum Na: 135-145 mEq/L). In hypernatremic patients, odds ratios (ORs) (95% confidence interval) for in-hospital mortality, discharge to hospice and discharge to nursing facilities were 14.04 (13.71-14.38), 4.35 (4.14-4.57) and 3.88 (3.82-3.94), respectively (p<0.001, for all). Patients with estimated glomerular filtration rate (CKD-EPI) 60-89 mL/min/1.73 m2 and normonatremia had the lowest OR for in-hospital mortality (1.60 [1.52-1.70]) Conclusions Hospital-acquired hypernatremia is associated with in-hospital mortality as well as discharge to hospice or to nursing facility in all stages of CKD.
... Sodium level disturbance is the most common electrolyte abnormality in clinical practice. Clinical data reported that hypernatremia is present in approximately 2.0% of patients older than 60 years and in almost 4.8% of those older than 70 years admitted to the hospital 21 . In a retrospective study of 8,441 older patients admitted to the ICU, approximately 3.6% had hypernatremia at admission, and 15.3% developed hypernatremia during hospital stay; the mortality rate in those admitted with hypernatremia was approximately 33.3%, while patients without hypernatremia had a 18.1% mortality rate 22 . ...
... Disorders of sodium and water balance are common in hospitalized patients, particularly the elderly [1,2]. Although hypernatraemia occurs less frequently than hyponatraemia [3,4], it is associated with dramatically increased morbidity and mortality across a wide range of medical and surgical conditions [5]. ...
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Background: Dysnatraemias are commonly reported in COVID-19. However, the clinical epidemiology of hypernatraemia and its impact on clinical outcomes in relation to different variants of SARS-CoV-2, especially the prevailing Omicron variant, remain unclear. Methods: This was a territory-wide retrospective study to investigate the clinical epidemiology and outcomes of COVID-19 patients with hypernatraemia at presentation during the period from 1 January 2020 to 31 March 2022. The primary outcome was 30-day mortality. Key secondary outcomes included rates of hospitalization and ICU admission, and costs of hospitalization. Results: In this study, 53,415 adult COVID-19 patients were included for analysis. Hypernatraemia was observed in 2688 (5.0%) patients at presentation, of which most cases (99.2%) occurred during the local "5th wave" dominated by the Omicron BA.2 variant. Risk factors for hypernatraemia at presentation included age, institutionalization, congestive heart failure, dementia, higher SARS-CoV-2 Ct value, white cell count, C-reactive protein and lower eGFR and albumin levels (p < 0.001 for all). Patients with hypernatraemia showed significantly higher 30-day mortality (32.0% vs. 5.7%, p < 0.001) and longer lengths of stay (12.9 ± 10.9 vs. 11.5 ± 12.1 days, p < 0.001) compared with those with normonatraemia. Multivariate analysis revealed hypernatraemia at presentation as an independent predictor for 30-day mortality (aHR 1.32, 95% CI 1.14-1.53, p < 0.001) and prolonged hospital stays (OR 1.55, 95% CI 1.17-2.05, p = 0.002). Conclusions: Hypernatraemia is common among COVID-19 patients, especially among institutionalized older adults with cognitive impairment and other comorbidities during large-scale outbreaks during the Omicron era. Hypernatraemia is associated with unfavourable outcomes and increased healthcare utilization.
... The sodium levels disturbance is the most common electrolyte abnormality in clinical practice. Clinical data reported that hypernatremia is present in approximately 2.0% of patients older than 65 years but in almost 4.8% of those older than 75 years admitted to the hospital [22]. In a retrospective study involving 8,441 older patients admitted to the ICU, approximately 3.6% had hypernatremia on admission, and 15.3% developed hypernatremia during hospitalization; the mortality rate in those admitted with hypernatremia was approximately 33.3%, while patients without hypernatremia had a mortality rate of 18.1% [23]. ...
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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic spread rapidly and this scenario is concerning worldwide. In hospitalized patients, dysnatremia (hyponatremia and/or hypernatremia) is the most common electrolyte disturbance, being reported in 30–40% of cases and associated with a poor prognosis. This retrospective longitudinal study aimed to evaluate the association of dysnatremia with mortality in hospitalized patients infected with COVID-19. We analyzed data from hospital records of 1000 patients with COVID-19 (median age, 62.5 years; 57.1% men), including 109 (10.9%) deaths. Kaplan-Meier survival curves and Cox proportional hazard models with Hazard Ratio (HR) with 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were applied to confirm the association between dysnatremia (hyponatremia and/or hypernatremia) and death. Hypernatremia was detected in 83 (76.1%) of the patients who died, with a cumulative reduction in survival ( p < 0.01) and an increased risk for death by 2.4 fold (95%CI 1.4–2.9). In the multivariable analysis, hypernatremia was the main factor associated with increased mortality (HR:1.50; 95%CI:1.23–1.81). Other factors also associated with death were long length of stay (LOS) (HR:1.54; 95%CI:1.21–1.78), old age (HR:1.63; 95%CI:1.28–1.88), and kidney disease (HR:1.77; 95%CI:1.21–3.30). Hypernatremia during hospitalization is an important risk factor for poor prognosis and an increased risk (2.4) of mortality. LOS, old age, and kidney disease could also be used for risk stratification in patients with COVID-19.
... CAH is usually hypovolaemic, and associated with a lower mortality compared with HAH 11,12 . One study on CAH found the presence of Alzheimer's disease, impaired oral intake and concomitant treatment with Renin Angiotensin-System (RAS) blockers were positively associated with the development of hypernatraemia 13 . ...
Background Hypernatraemia is associated with a short-term mortality of 20-60%. Age-related physiological changes predispose patients to hypernatraemia. This study reviewed acutely admitted patients comparing those with community-acquired (CAH) and hospital-acquired hypernatraemia (HAH). Methods A retrospective study of 102 consecutive acute medical in-patients with serum [Na]>145 mmol/L was conducted. Baseline characteristics, clinical presentation, laboratory values, monitoring, management and outcomes were compared between CAH and HAH groups. Results Patients were exclusively older (>69 years). Forty patients (39.2%) had CAH and sixty-two (61.8%) had HAH. Those with CAH were more likely to be NH residents, have dementia and reduced mobility. Most HAH patients had mild hypernatraemia initially (75.8%, n=47), and higher rates of acute kidney injury (27% (n=11) vs 8% (n=3)/p=0.02) were observed. Monitoring was inadequate and no patient had a free water deficit documented. Medication review and intravenous fluid prescribing was similar between groups. The median length of stay of discharged HAH patients was longer (22.5 vs 8 days/p=0.005). Mortality rates were similar (47% (n=29) vs 37% (n=15)/p=0.416). Time from admission to death was higher in HAH patients (16 vs 8 days/p=0.008). Conclusions Both CAH and HAH present similarly, however, older patients with cognitive/physical impairments are at an increased risk. Early identification of high-risk patients and adherence to best practice guidelines is required.
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Objectives To determine all‐cause in‐hospital mortality associated with severe hypernatraemia and the causes, comorbidities, time to treatment, discharge destination and postdischarge mortality. Design Retrospective observational cohort study. Patients Severe hypernatraemia, (sodium concentration ≥ 155 mmol/L), at any time during a tertiary hospital admission in Melbourne, Australia, 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019 (pre‐COVID19). Measurements Deaths, Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI), hypernatraemia causes, time to treatment, discharge destination. Results One hundred and one inpatients: 64 community‐acquired, 37 hospital‐acquired. In‐hospital mortality was 38%, but cumulative mortality was 65% by 1 month after discharge, with only a minor further increase at 6 and 12 months. After adjusting for peak sodium concentration, the community acquired group had significantly reduced odds of in‐hospital mortality (odds ratio 0.15, 95% confidence interval [0.04−0.54], p = .003). Iatrogenic factors were present in 57% (21/37) of the hospital‐acquired group. Only 55% of all cases received active sodium directed treatment. Time to start treatment did not affect outcomes. High levels of comorbidity were present, median CCI (IQR) was 6 (5−8) in the community and 5 (4−7) in the hospital group. Dementia prevalence was higher in the community group, 66% (42/64) versus 19% (7/37) ( p = .001). Infection was the most common precipitant with 52% (33/64) in the community and 32% (12/37) in the hospital group. Of the survivors, 32% who had been living independently required residential care after discharge. Conclusions Mortality was high and loss of independence in survivors common. To potentially improve outcomes, hypernatraemia‐specific guidelines should be formulated and efforts made to reduce system and iatrogenic factors.
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Libro de texto para estudiantes de pregrado y profesionales nobeles sobre geriatría. Esta tercera edición, corregida, mejorada y ampliada da continuidad a las dos primeras iniciadas en la Universidad de Salamanca, España. Un texto que se constituye como un primer escalón para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la geriatria y gerontologia.
Introduction: water and electrolyte disorders are frequently found in oncologic patients since they are usually exposed to diverse symptoms, physiologic alterations, paraneoplastic syndromes, and drugs which predispose them to these disturbances. Material and method: a comprehensive review of this topic was performed carrying out a detailed analysis of the literature. Results: any water and electrolyte alteration could be found in oncologic patients, and they add significant morbidity and mortality to this population. Conclusion: it is crucial to understand the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism of water and electrolyte disturbances in oncologic patients in order to achieve their correct diagnosis and adequate treatment.
Hypernatremia occurs when the plasma sodium concentration is greater than 145 mmol/L. Depending on the duration, hypernatremia can be differentiated into acute and chronic. According to severity: mild, moderate and threatening hypernatremia. Finally, depending on pathogenesis, hypernatremia can be defined as hypervolemic, hypovolemic, and euvolemic. Acute hypervolemic hypernatremia is often secondary to increased sodium intake (hypertonic NaCl and NaHCO 3 solutions). Instead, chronic hypervolemic hypernatremia may be an expression of primary hyperaldosteronism. Euvolemic hypernatremia occurs in diabetes insipidus: depending on the underlying pathogenesis, it can be classified into two basic types: neurogenic (or central) and nephrogenic. The neurogenic form may be triggered by traumatic, vascular or infectious events; the nephrogenic form may be due to pharmacological causes, such as lithium, or non-pharmacological ones, such as hypokalemia. For hypovolemic hypernatremia, possible explanations are renal or extrarenal losses. The main goal of treatment of hypernatremia is the restoration of plasma tonicity. In particular, if the imbalance has occurred acutely, rapid correction improves the prognosis by preventing the effects of cellular dehydration; if hypernatremia has developed slowly, over a period of days, a slow correction rate (no more than 0.4 mmol/L/h) is recommended.
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Background: Hypernatremia is a frequently encountered electrolyte disorder in hospitalized patients. Controversies still exist over the relationship between hypernatremia and its outcomes in hospitalized patients. This study examines the relationship of hypernatremia to outcomes among hospitalized patients and the extent to which this relationship varies by kidney function and age. Methods: We conducted an observational study to investigate the association between hypernatremia, eGFR, and age at hospital admission and in-hospital mortality, and discharge dispositions. We analyzed the data of 1.9 million patients extracted from the Cerner Health Facts databases (2000-2018). Adjusted multinomial regression models were used to estimate the relationship of hypernatremia to outcomes of hospitalized patients. Results: Of all hospitalized patients, 3% had serum sodium (Na) >145 mEq/L at hospital admission. Incidence of in-hospital mortality was 12% and 2% in hyper- and normonatremic patients, respectively. The risk of all outcomes increased significantly for Na >155 mEq/L compared with the reference interval of Na=135-145 mEq/L. Odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for in-hospital mortality and discharge to a hospice or nursing facility were 34.41 (30.59-38.71), 21.14 (17.53-25.5), and 12.21 (10.95-13.61), respectively (all P<0.001). In adjusted models, we found that the association between Na and disposition was modified by eGFR (P<0.001) and by age (P<0.001). Sensitivity analyses were performed using the eGFR equation without race as a covariate, and the inferences did not substantially change. In all hypernatremic groups, patients aged 76-89 and ≥90 had higher odds of in-hospital mortality compared with younger patients (all P<0.001). Conclusions: Hypernatremia was significantly associated with in-hospital mortality and discharge to a hospice or nursing facility. The risk of in-hospital mortality and other outcomes was highest among those with Na >155 mEq/L. This work demonstrates that hypernatremia is an important factor related to discharge disposition and supports the need to study whether protocolized treatment of hypernatremia improves outcomes.
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Störungen der Elektrolytbalance sind häufig und pathophysiologisch komplex. Natrium stellt das wesentliche extrazelluläre osmotisch wirksame Ion dar. Von seiner Konzentration ist die Osmolarität von Plasma und interstitieller Flüssigkeit ganz wesentlich abhängig. Pathologische Serumnatriumkonzentrationen reflektieren nicht den Natriumbestand des extrazellulären Raums sondern das Verhältnis zwischen Natrium und freiem Wasser. Eine differenzialdiagnostische Einordnung der Natriumkonzentrationsstörungen muss daher immer den Volumenstatus des Organismus berücksichtigen. Bei Hyponatriämie mit Volumendefizit ist Kochsalzlösung zu verabreichen, liegt hingegen ein Volumenüberschuss vor, besteht die Therapie in Wasserrestriktion. Unter bestimmten Bedingungen kann eine spezifische medikamentöse Therapie, die an der Wirkung des antidiuretischen Hormons ansetzt, erwogen werden. Kalium und Kalzium sind extrazellulär regulatorische Ionen, von ihrer Konzentration hängen nicht Osmolarität und Wasserverteilung sondern elektrophysiologische Transmembranspannungen ab. Alle Ionen werden durch aktive Membrantransportmechanismen beeinflusst und durch zahlreiche hormonelle Einflüsse gesteuert. Neben Zufuhr- und Ausscheidungsstörungen können auch angeborene und erworbene Defekte von Membrantransportpumpen charakteristische Ionenstörungen bedingen. Die therapeutischen Ansätze beeinflussen Zufuhr, Ausscheidung sowie extra- und intrazelluläre Verteilung der Ionen.
Research about the angiotensin AT2 receptor (AT2R) has been hampered in the past by the lack of a specific and selective agonist with in-vivo stability. Such an eagerly awaited agonist, compound 21, has recently become available, giving momentum to AT2R research which so far has resulted in 14 original publications. This article is intending to review those publications which address AT2R function by direct in-vivo stimulation instead of indirect approaches such as receptor blockade or genetic alteration of AT2R expression. Studies reviewed in this article looked at the effect of AT2R stimulation in disease models of hypertension, renal disease, stroke, Alzheimer's disease and myocardial infarction. AT2R stimulation does not have an antihypertensive effect, but promoted tissue protection in all models in which it was tested. Antiinflammation and antiapoptosis seem important features of the AT2R underlying improved outcome in experimental disease models. Availability of nonpeptidic, orally active AT2R agonists will facilitate future AT2R research and hopefully contribute to the clarification of many still open questions regarding AT2R signalling and function. Furthermore, AT2R agonists represent a potential novel class of drugs and are expected to enter a phase I clinical study in 2012.
Weight loss is a frequent complication of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and a strong predictor of adverse outcomes in patients suffering from this disease. The aim of this study was to determine whether weight loss was a predictor of rapid cognitive decline (RCD) in AD. Four hundred fourteen community-dwelling ambulatory patients with a diagnosis of probable AD and a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score between 10 and 26 from the REAL.FR (REseau sur la maladie d'ALzheimer FRançais) cohort were studied and followed up during 4 years. Patients were classified in 2 groups according to weight loss defined by a loss of 4% or more during the first year of follow-up. RCD was defined as the loss of 3 points or more in MMSE over 6 months. The incidence of RCD was determined among both groups over the last 3 years of follow-up. MMSE, Katz's Activity of Daily Living scale, Mini-Nutritional Assessment scale, co-morbidities, behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, medication, level of education, living arrangement, and caregiver's burden were assessed every 6 months. Eighty-seven patients (21.0%) lost 4% or more of their initial weight during the first year. The incidence of RCD for all patients was 57.6 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 51.6-64.8) per 100 person-year (median follow-up of 15.1 months). In Cox proportional hazards models, after controlling for potential confounders, weight loss was a significant predictor factor of RCD (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) = 1.50, 95% CI = 1.04-2.17). In conclusion, weight loss predicted RCD in this cohort. Whether the prevention of weight loss (by improving nutritional status) impacts cognitive decline remains an open question.
Combined deficits in arginine vasopressin secretion (AVP) and thirst sensation can result in life threatening hyperosmolality and hypernatremia. Complications include seizures, profound volume contraction and renal failure. Fortunately, this is an uncommon clinical condition, with approximately 70 cases reported in the literature over the past 47 years [1]. Defects in AVP secretion and/or synthesis produce central diabetes insipidus (DI), polyuria with polydipsia, hypernatremia and hyperosmolality. Most awake and alert patients with an intact thirst stimulus will "drink" themselves back to a normal serum sodium and osmolality. However, if there is concomitant destruction of the osmoreceptors that regulate thirst, osmolal and volume homeostasis cannot be maintained. The relationships between urine osmolarity and serum osmolarity and plasma vasopressin levels are vital for distinguishing a reset osmostat from central DI. After obtaining approval from our institutional review board, we retrospectively reviewed the medical record of a 37-year-old patient who presented to our institution with a serum sodium of 176 mEq/l. Admission laboratory examination revealed: hemoglobin 12.8 g/dl; white blood cell count 4.7 × 103/µl, with a normal differential; random serum glucose 91 mg/dl ; sodium 176 mEq/l; plasma osmolality 366 mOsm/kg; BUN 33 mg/dl; serum creatinine 1 mg/dl; calcium 9.5 mg/dl; urine specific gravity 1.032; and urine osmolality 1,172 mOsm/kg. An MRI with contrast of the sella/ pituitary revealed an enhancing mass centered within the suprasellar cistern and anterior third ventricle, measuring 3.0 × 3.9 × 3.4 cm. The lesion appeared to involve the hypothalamus and displaced the optic chiasm inferiorly. Evaluation of pituitary function revealed normal serum levels of thyroid stimulating hormone, AM cortisol, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and prolactin. Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between measured serum AVP levels and serum osmolality. Figure 2 shows the relationship between measured urine and serum osmolality. If the serum AVP levels were not available, it would appear as though the patient had a reset osmostat. The kidneys appear to appropriately generate maximally concentrated urine at a serum osmolality above 348 but are unable to below this value. When compared with the normal curve, our patient's AVP levels were lower than expected for the corresponding osmolality. This pattern is consistent with a partial central DI. She does not have a reset osmostat. In the presence of significant volume contraction and a reduced GFR, her kidneys produced more concentrated urine despite markedly decreased central vasopressin production. As the volume contraction abated and the GFR improved, polyuria recurred, despite persistent hyperosmolarity and hypernatremia.
Disorders of electrolyte balance are frequent and pathophysiologically complex. Sodium is responsible for a large part of the osmolarity of extracellular fluids. Therefore, pathological concentrations of serum sodium reflect the relation between sodium and water in the extracellular compartment rather than the total body sodium content. The causes of hypo- or hypernatremia can only be deduced if total body volume status is considered. Patients with hyponatremia and volume deficit should receive sodium chloride solution while patients with this disorder in the presence of volume overload need strict water restriction. In certain cases additional specific pharmacotherapy directed at the effects of antidiuretic hormone may be considered. Potassium and calcium are extracellular regulatory ions; their concentrations do not relevantly contribute to osmolarity and water distribution but to electrophysiologically relevant transmembrane potentials. These ions are influenced by active membrane transporters and regulated by several hormones. The rather small extracellular pools are overfilled or depleted by alterations of intake and excretion. In addition, several inborn or acquired defects of transmembrane transporters may severely alter their extracellular concentrations. Therapy needs to consider the specific mechanisms that led to the electrolyte disorder including modification of intake, excretion or extra-intracellular distribution.
Some of the most common reasons for metabolic neurologic disturbances in the setting of a general hospital are frequently encountered electrolyte and related osmolality disorders. Hyperosmolality is usually related to hypernatremia and/or hyperglycemia. Identifying the cause and carefully calculating the water deficit is crucial to appropriate management. Hyponatremia may be hypertonic, isotonic, or hypotonic. When hypotonic, it may be hypervolemic, euvolemic, or hypovolemic in nature. Determining the precise nature of the hyponatremia allows the clinician to focus the therapy appropriately. The rate of development of hyponatremia is crucial to safe and appropriate treatment. In acutely developing hyponatremia, hypertonic saline is required, whereas in slowly developing hyponatremia, water restriction and slow correction is required to avoid the syndrome of osmotic demyelination. Disorders of potassium metabolism are also common electrolyte disorders seen in the general hospital. Appropriate diagnosis and management of hyperkalemia and hypokalemia are also discussed.
Hypernatremia is a common problem in hospitalized patients and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. This study was designed to evaluate whether physicians follow the recommended guidelines for the rate of correction of hypernatremia of ≤0.5 mEq/L/hr and to evaluate the effect of the rate of correction of severe hypernatremia on the mortality of hospitalized patients. A retrospective chart review of 131 consecutively hospitalized patients with severe hypernatremia (serum sodium ≥155 mEq/L) was performed. Primary outcomes were 30-day patient mortality and 72-hour hypernatremia correction. The first 24-hour serum sodium (Na(+)) correction rate was tested as a categorical variable; slow rate (<0.25 mEq/L/hr) and fast rate (≥0.25 mEq/L/hr). The mean admission serum Na level was 159 ± 3 mEq/L. Ninety percent of patients received the recommended <0.5 mEq/L/hr serum Na(+) correction rate; however, hypernatremia was corrected only in 27% of patients after 72 hours of treatment. Thirty-day patient mortality rate was 37%. In multivariable analysis, do not resuscitate status [hazards ratio (HR), 3.85; P < 0.0001], slower correction rate of hypernatremia (HR, 2.63; P = 0.02) and high heart rate (>100 beats/min; HR, 1.99; P = 0.03) were the independent predictors of 30-day mortality. In patients with severe hypernatremia, the rate of correction of hypernatremia was slow and resulted in inadequate correction in majority of the patients. Both slow rate of hypernatremia correction during the first 24 hours and do not resuscitate status were found to be significant predictors of 30-day patient mortality.
Elderly living in nursing homes and long-term care units are well-known to be vulnerable to dehydration. Insufficient water intake contributes to suboptimal hydration status and leads to decreased quality of life and global health status. Based on published studies, 32 to 96% of nursing home residents had insufficient water intake and more than 50% drank less than 1.5L per day. Risk factors contributing to decreased water intake in nursing home residents can be divided into two categories, depending whether they apply to the individuals per se (individual factors) or their social and institutional environment (environmental factors). Water intake is associated with meals and medication administration frequency. Diminished thirst sensation, intentional fluid restriction, dysphagia and functional dependency are individual factors recognized as most contributing to decreased water intake. Lack of familial support and insufficient staff are also important since they can contribute to decreased patients' assistance. Dietitians can play a fundamental role in preventing suboptimal hydration status by identifying risk factors that are known to compromise individual's water intake and by implementing corrective measures.