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Computer Gaming and Interactive Simulations for Learning: A Meta-Analysis

  • Voloridge Investment Management


Substantial disagreement exists in the literature regarding which educational technology results in the highest cognitive gain for learners. In an attempt to resolve this dispute, we conducted a meta-analysis to decipher which teaching method, games and interactive simulations or traditional, truly dominates and under what circumstances. It was found that across people and situations, games and interactive simulations are more dominant for cognitive gain outcomes. However, consideration of specific moderator variables yielded a more complex picture. For example, males showed no preference while females showed a preference for the game and interactive simulation programs. Also, when students navigated through the programs themselves, there was a significant preference for games and interactive simulations. However, when teachers controlled the programs, no significant advantage was found. Further, when the computer dictated the sequence of the program, results favored those in the traditional teaching method over the games and interactive simulations. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for exiting theoretical positions as well as future empirical research.
University of Central Florida
Substantial disagreement exists in the literature regarding which educational
technology results in the highest cognitive gain for learners. In an attempt to
resolve this dispute, we conducted a meta-analysis to decipher which teaching
method, games and interactive simulations or traditional, truly dominates and
under what circumstances. It was found that across people and situations,
games and interactive simulations are more dominant for cognitive gain
outcomes. However, consideration of specific moderator variables yielded a
more complex picture. For example, males showed no preference while
females showed a preference for the game and interactive simulation pro
grams. Also, when students navigated through the programs themselves, there
was a significant preference for games and interactive simulations. However,
when teachers controlled the programs, no significant advantage was found.
Further, when the computer dictated the sequence of the program, results
favored those in the traditional teaching method over the games and inter
active simulations. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications
for exiting theoretical positions as well as future empirical research.
Understanding the specific nature of the relationship between educational gaming
and simulation computer programs and how they affect learning is important for
Ó 2006, Baywood Publishing Co., Inc.
several reasons. First, due to society’s reliance on computers, children and adults
alike are now being required to interact with computers in all settings, including
educational ones. Second, schools, universities, and even job training settings are
now finding that computer programs are effective in reducing educational and
training costs (Rifkin, 1994). There is also some evidence to suggest that using
these computer games or simulations may actually “teach” people more effec
tively than traditional methods (Cassidy, 2003; Jenkins, 2002). For these reasons,
it is imperative that research investigates this effectiveness to more properly
utilize these programs.
The role of computers in education has changed drastically over the last several
decades. These advances stem largely from the increased power, accessibility,
and graphical capabilities of current computers (Kirriemuir, 2002; Naps et al.,
1997; Rifkin, 1994). Initially, computers were used for business, mathematical
computations, and then for leisure games. However, several reviews of computer-
assisted-instruction (CAI) covering articles from the last four decades have shown
that computers can also be used for learning (Bangert-Drowns, Kulik, & Kulik,
1986; Kirriemuir, 2002; Ryan, 1991). While this viewpoint is generally accepted,
teachers rarely incorporate computers into their daily teaching routines (Murphy,
Blaha, VanDeGrift, Wolfman, & Zander, 2002; Soloway, 1998). Some reasons for
this may involve pragmatic issues such as funding and access (Murphy, Blaha,
VanDeGrift, Wolfman, & Zander, 2002; Soloway, 1998). However, one might
hypothesize that teachers do not use computers because they require more effort
by the teacher for little perceived cognitive gain. This is not intended to place
blame on teachers for this situation. Rather, it is the job of researchers to find a way
to help already overworked teachers by creating computer systems that reduce the
children’s time-on-task and increase their cognitive gains. Stated another way,
computer programs need to teach people better and faster. They must also teach in
accordance with the state mandated curriculum requirements to be directly useful
for teachers (Soloway, 1998).
The difficulties described above impose a special challenge for scientists and
software developers in this area. First, we must develop a research base so that
we know how best to create positive learning outcomes. We must then translate
those results into a product that is attractive to the learner while being practical
for the teacher. Obviously, software designers will not wait for a program of
scientific research before responding to this need in the market. Indeed, educa
tional software is a fast-growing genre. However, several of these products have
been developed using “seat-of-the-pants” approaches rather than validated scien
tific principles. We seek to contribute to this area by one type of computer-based
training that has only recently attracted the attention of scientists. Our goal is to
arrive at an impartial assessment of these data along with some guidance about
how the learning strategy can best be deployed.
We have chosen to focus on the effectiveness of games and interactive simu
lations. There are several factors that point to this type of computer-assisted
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learning as an area worthy of study. First, there is the practical reality that this type
of software is easily available, and that development costs are being reduced
seemingly every day. Thus, there is an exciting opportunity for the educational
user. It should be noted that current theory supports the notion that playing games
allows the brain to work more efficiently and thus take in more cognitive material
than it would in a more traditional setting (Baltra, 1990; Pange, 2003; Perry &
Ballou, 1997). Further motivation is a main focus for teachers based on the
premise that motivated and interested students will learn more and will do it
faster (Lardinois, 1989, cited in Siemer & Angelides, 1995; Rieber, 1996; Romme,
2003). Game theory, and video game theory specifically, support the belief that
computer games are highly engaging, motivating, and interactive (Ju & Wagner,
1997; Kafai, 2001; Rieber, 1996).
This range of how a game or interactive simulation is defined varies widely
(Manninen, 2002). The Society for the Advancement of Games and Simulation
in Education and Training (Saunders, 1987, cited in Galvao, Martins, & Gomes,
2000) defines “simulation” as, “a working representation of reality . . . [that[ may
be an abstracted, simplified, or accelerated model of process.” While “game” is
defined as, “one or more players compete or cooperate for pay-off according to a
set of rules or ...asetting in which participants make choices, implement those
options and receive consequences of those decisions as an effort to achieve given
objective,” (VanSickle, 1978, cited in Galvao, Martins, & Gomes, 2000). Siemer
and Angelides (1995) define the hybrid gaming-situations as, “a sequential
decision-making exercise, with the basic function of providing an artificial but
realistic environment that enables players to experience the consequences of their
decisions through immediate response.” Whatever the nuances of each individual
definition, one common thread must be included. Interactivity is the key factor in
creating better educational outcomes (Stoney & Wild, 1998). It is based on this
premise that the definitions of games and interactive simulations were created for
this analysis. They are defined as follows. A computer game is defined as such by
the author, or inferred by the reader because the activity has goals,isinteractive,
and is rewarding (gives feedback). Interactive simulation activities must interact
with the user by offering the options to choose or define parameters of the
simulation then observe the newly created sequence rather than simply selecting
a prerecorded simulation.
As mentioned previously, numerous meta-analyses and review articles have
been published showing small but positive effect sizes supporting CAI over other
teaching methods (Bayrakter, 2001; Chambers, 2002; Christmann & Badgett,
2003; Cohen & Decanay, 1992; Fletcher-Flynn & Gravatt, 1995; Kulik, 1994;
Kulik & Kulik, 1986; Lowe, 2001). The primary focus of these reviews is on
CAI defined as any program that augments, teaches, or simulates the learning
environment used in the traditional classroom (Quyang, 1993). Such programs
include, but are not limited to drill-and-practice programs, multimedia classrooms,
web-based instruction, and previously created simulations (Murphy et al., 2002).
A few additional meta-analyses have examined simulations and games. Lee
(1999) focused on the comparison of pure and hybrid simulations finding that
hybrid simulations had a significant advantage over pure simulations in learning
outcomes. VanSickle (1986) found that there was a slight advantage in gaming
simulations to produce positive attitudes toward the subject matter being studied
compared to other teaching methods. Additionally, the analysis revealed that using
gaming simulations for learning resulted in higher cognitive gains when compared
to other teaching methods, but not to traditional, lecture methods. A more recent
review article about games (Randel, Morris, Wetzel, & Whitehill, 1992) covering
the years 1984 to 1991 reported that of the 67 articles included, 38 found no
differences between computer games and traditional teaching methods, 22 favored
games, an additional five with questionable control groups also favored games,
and only three favored traditional methods. Additionally, results of individual
studies from 1986 to the present are equivocal (Brewster, 1996; Costabile,
De Angeli, Roselli, Lanzilotti, & Plantamura, 2003; Kim, Kim, Min, Yang, &
Nam, 2002; Laffey, Espinosa, Moore, & Lodree, 2003; McGarvey, 1986; Rosas
et al., 2003). While some studies showed significant differences favoring games
or interactive simulations over traditional teaching methods (Laffey, Espinosa,
Moore, & Lodree, 2003; McGarvey, 1986), other studies found the opposite result
(Costabile, De Angeli, Roselli, Lanzilotti, & Plantamura, 2003; Kim et al., 2002).
Still others showed no significant differences between the two types of teaching
(Brewster, 1996; McGarvey, 1986; Rosas et al., 2003).
Based on the differences of results, it is difficult for researchers to determine
the true nature of the relationship between gaming and interactive simulations with
learning. The differences may have arisen due to various differences that exist
among the articles. Each of these studies focused on different skills to learn, used
the computers differently, and used different subject populations. All of these
differences potentially account for the conflicting study results. We believe that a
meta-analysis will more accurately synthesize the results of the existing studies
thus providing more information about the state-of-the-art in this area.
The main object of this analysis is to control for each of these issues and
make an accurate determination of how games and interactive simulations relate
to learning.
Potential studies were selected from computerized databases (PsycInfo, ERIC,
ACM, and Google), dissertation abstracts, and back-searches from gathered
articles’ reference lists. In order to be included in the analysis, each study must
have identified cognitive gains or attitudinal changes as one of its main hypoth
eses. Also, it was required that each study report statistics assessing tradi
tional classroom teaching versus computer gaming or interactive simulation
teaching. Studies were assessed using three moderator variables: Type of Activity
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[(1) Interactive simulation (user must interact with the simulation by either
choosing or defining parameters of the simulation then observe its execution),
(2) Game (Any computer game that is interactive and defined as such by the
author, or inferred by the reader because the activity has goals,isinteractive,
and is rewarding (gives feedback)), (3) Unknown/unspecified]; Population
[AGE Age (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7—preschool (less than five years of age), elementary
(grades K-5, ages 6-11), middle (grades 6-8, ages 11-14), high (grades 9-12, ages
14-18), college (undergraduate study, ages 18-24), adult (25 years of age and
older), unknown/unspecified), GNR—Gender (1, 2, 3, 4—male, female, both,
unspecified), U.S.—User (1, 2, 3, 4—individual, group, both, unspecified)]; and
Computer Characteristics [RL—Realism (1, 2, 3, 4—photo-realistic, high-quality
cartoon-like pictures, low-quality programmed pictures, unknown/unspecified),
LC—Learner Control (1, 2, 3, 4—game is controlled by the: student, teacher,
computer, unspecified)]. A total of 248 studies were evaluated for inclusion.
However, after review, only 32 studies actually met the requirements and were
used for the analysis. Two raters were used to assess each study in the analysis.
The actual reliability found was 84% with a Cohen’s Kappa of .74.
All statistics used in each study were converted to the effect size index r using
the following formulas:
F to r = sq. root of F/F+df (1)
t to r = sq. root of t2/t2 + df (2)
z to r = sq. root of z2/n (3)
x2 to r = sq. root of x2(1)/n1 + n2 (4)
The n in equation 3 represents the overall sample size in each study. The n used in
equation 4 represents the sum of sample sizes for the two groups compared. Next,
we computed the overall Confidence Interval (CI) of r. And finally, a dot plot
graph was made using the correlation coefficient estimates and CIs of each study.
Two effect sizes were compiled for the overall results. The data suggest that,
overall, significantly higher cognitive gains were observed in subjects utilizing
interactive simulations or games versus traditional teaching methods (z = 6.051,
p < .0001 (N = 8549)). The fail-safe number (Nfs), or the number of undiscovered
studies with opposing results needed to change this conclusion, was 1465. Thus,
this finding was reliable. A main effect for attitude was also found (z = 13.74,
p < .0001) (N = 2378), Nfs = 117) reliably suggesting that subjects’ attitudes
toward learning when using the computers were significantly better than those
utilizing traditional teaching methods.
When evenly distributed across genders or when gender was unreported in the
study, significant results for cognitive gains in the game and interactive simulation
group were found (z = 8.073, p < .0001 (N = 2347), Nfs = 288) and (z = 4.190,
p < .0001 (N = 6102), Nfs = 348) respectively. Consistent with this, females
showed significant cognitive gains favoring the interactive simulation and game
method (z = 2.583, p = .0049 (N = 80), Nfs = 3). There was an insufficient number
of studies using only males to allow for a reasonable conclusion. However, those
studies that reported statistics comparing males and females found no significant
differences (z = .9910, p = .1594 (N = 394), Nfs = 0). Again, due to the low
fail-safe number, these results should be considered with caution.
Learner Control
Programs that were designed to automatically navigate students through the
system based on techniques such as decision trees or artificial intelligence, were
less effective than traditional classroom education in creating cognitive gains
(z = –2.099, p = .018 (N = 94), Nfs = 0). However, there is not a sufficient sample
size to draw this conclusion with confidence. Studies that used programs where the
learner controlled their navigation through the system showed opposite results.
Significant cognitive gains in the game and interaction simulation groups were
observed compared to the traditional teaching methods (z = 7.038, p < .0001
(N = 3656), Nfs = 1233).
Type of Activity
The type of activity does not appear to be influential. Studies using interactive
simulations, games, or a method that involved both had highly significant results,
similar to the overall effect, in the directions of higher cognitive gains compared
to traditional teaching methods (z = 9.147, p < .0001 (N = 2179), Nfs = 963);
(z = 3.706, p = .0001 (N = 2165), Nfs = 24); and (z = 3.209, p = .0007 (N = 4205),
Nfs = 0) respectively. The low fail-safe numbers in the game and combination
groups indicate low reliability for these results.
Age groups were combined in order to attain an acceptable level of power.
Preschool, elementary, middle, and high school children showed significant
results (z = 4.111, p < .0001 (N = 6138), Nfs = 86) favoring game and interactive
simulations. Similar results were obtained for College and Adult populations
(z = 7.434, p < .0001 (N = 2336), Nfs = 494).
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Level of picture realism in the computer programs did not alter the results. All
levels showed strong interactive simulation and game preferences, similar to the
overall effects. Results are summarized in Table 1.
Both user types (individual and group) showed significant results favoring the
interactive simulation and game methods (z = 7.352, p < .0001, (N = 3413),
Nfs = 1048) and (z = 2.222, p = .0131 (N = 931), Nfs = 11) respectively.
Not surprisingly, the overall results yielded significantly higher cognitive gains
and better attitudes toward learning for subjects utilizing interactive games or
simulations compared to those using traditional teaching methods for instruction.
This conclusion is based on a number of studies making it extremely unlikely
to be due to chance. These increased cognitive gains and improved attitudes were
consistently found (Boyd & Murphrey, 2002; Cowen, 1993; Laffey, Espinosa,
Moore, & Lodree, 2003; Ronen & Eliahu, 2000) yielding a very significant effect
strength. Basically, this means that across all situations and variables, interactive
simulations or games will most likely instruct subjects with better cognitive
outcomes and attitudes toward learning when compared to traditional teaching
methods. It has been previously argued (Schramm, 1977 cited in Clark, 1994)
that games will show increased cognitive gains due to the increased attention
paid to the curriculum used rather than due to the mode of presentation to
the learner. It is thus noted that many of the studies directly reported that the
curriculums used in both the control and experimental groups was identical
Table 1. Cognitive Gains Moderated by Realism
z-Score p-Value N
High-quality cartoons
Low-quality pictures
Unrealistic (numbers,
lines, graphs)
*Reliable result.
(Brewster, 1996; Marcum-Dietrich & Ford, 2002; Ronen & Eliahu, 2000; Shute
& Glaser, 1990; Watkins, 1998) thus reducing the likelihood of this occurring
and adding further to the validity of these findings.
However, when this finding was broken down into several categories using
different moderator variables, other results were occasionally found. In the case
of gender, when studies used an even distribution of both genders or used
only females, the results mirrored those found in the overall results (Andrews,
Schwartz, & Helme, 1992; Farrell, Arnold, Pettifer, Adams, Graham, &
MacManamon, 2003; Reis, Riley, Lokman, & Baer, 2000). Further, studies
comparing males and females yielded no significant differences between the
two suggesting that they perform similar to each other under both teaching
situations (Akpan & Andres, 2000; Choi & Grennaro, 1987; Laffey, Espinosa,
Moore, & Lodree, 2003). There were an insufficient number of studies to evaluate
results for males alone, but we are unaware of a theoretical position that suggests
that males might be disadvantaged in this regard. Thus, it seems that the observed
benefits of games and simulations can be reasonably expected in both genders.
Learner Control
The vast majority of studies utilized interactive simulations or games that
required the subject to navigate through the computer program based upon their
own preferences. These results, not surprisingly, yielded an effect size similar
to the overall effect size. There is little data to draw meaningful conclusions
about other control options, although the existing studies certainly suggest that
other types of control might mitigate the game advantage. Potentially, this trans
lates to the idea that self-direction is necessary for increased learning outcomes
to occur. Clearly, this is an area that requires further study before we can provide
meaningful guidance to the development community.
Type of Activity
Two main types of activities using the computer were explored. Subjects using
interactive simulations or games both significantly outperformed their peers
instructed using traditional classroom methods. The results of the interactive
simulation programs had a large fail-safe number suggesting that in fact, inter
active simulations are truly beneficial. However, the analysis of the gaming
programs yielded a low fail-safe number and thus should be considered with
caution. Considerably more studies comparing game usage for learning to tradi
tional methods need to be conducted before these results can be considered reliable.
Across all age groups, significant results were found in favor of interactive
simulations and games. In other words, regardless of age, subjects increased their
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knowledge more when taught using the computer than when learning in the
traditional format. This finding is somewhat counterintuitive since it is a common
assumption that children, due to shorter attention-spans, higher interest in play
activities, and lower intrinsic motivation to learn, enjoy and thus learn better using
computer games and interactive simulations compared to adults (Kafai, 2001;
McGrenere, 1996; Rieber, 1996).
Significant results in all levels of picture realism were found favoring inter
active simulations or games. As most effects sizes met their fail-safe numbers,
these findings can be considered reliable. Only the high-quality cartoon pictures
failed to meet their fail-safe number, likely due to the small number of studies
involved in the analysis. These results indicate that subjects will learn more using
games or interactive simulations at any level. It is not necessary for programs
to contain a high level of fidelity in order to see results. However, when com-
paring those studies that used pictures (excluding those studies that used words,
lines, or graphs), a positive correlation in effect size is seen. Meaning, as the
realism of the program increases, the amount of knowledge gained during the
“teaching time” also increased.
Finally, studies were separated according to the user. Both user groups, indi-
vidual and group, reported significantly higher cognitive gains in the interactive
simulation and game groups versus the traditional teaching method groups. This
finding suggests that whether subjects work alone with a computer or with a group
of peers, they will learn more using the computer compared to listening to an
instructor. However, it is noteworthy, that the effect sizes of the groups were quite
different. Specifically, those who used the computers alone yielded a much higher
effect size than those using the computers with a group of peers. This suggests that
while an increase in cognitive gains can be observed whenever an interactive
simulation or game is used, those allowed to work alone will likely outperform
those working in groups.
The overall result of the meta-analysis, then, was that those using interactive
simulations or games report higher cognitive gains and better attitudes toward
learning compared to those using traditional teaching methods. This result agrees
with the current overall theory stating that interactive experiential activities that
increase motivation also show increased learning outcomes (Baltra, 1990;
Montgomery & Fogler, 1996, cited in Cassidy, 2003; Prensky, 2002). For the
most part, this conclusion seems robust to the several potential moderators that
we considered, but the research base is insufficient to draw this conclusion
with much confidence.
Further hindering our ability to draw accurate conclusions was the fact that
too many articles were unable to be used. Methodological and reporting flaws
are rampant in the unused articles. No control group was the most frequently
found methodological flaw in the literature (Bills, 1998; Garg, Norman, Spero,
& Maheshwari, 1999; Hakkarainen, Lipponen, Jarvela, & Niemivirta, 1999;
Jackson, 1997; Ju & Wagner, 1997; Yildiz & Atkins, 1996). Without this com
parison, it is impossible to conclude that the given intervention accounted for
the change in results. Comparisons to traditional teaching methods can also not
be made. Additional problems exist in the literature further reducing the number
of studies able to be used in the analysis. Multiple studies failed to include
any statistical data in their reports (Decortis & Rizzo, 2002; Haidet, Hunt, &
Coverdale, 2002; Hammond, McKendree, & Scott, 1996; Najjar, Thompson, &
Ockerman, 1999; Parker, Cheatham, & Milling, 2000). In absence of data, the
research is left unusable. Many of the studies also left out important demographic
details (Cowen, 1993; Kim et al., 2002; Ronen & Eliahu, 2000; Rosas et al., 2003;
Shifroni & Ginat, 1997) or did not describe the programs and activities they used
as interventions in sufficient depth for us to categorize them with confidence
(George & Sleeth, 1996; Jantz, Anderson, & Gould, 2002; Jollicoeur & Berger,
1988; Klassen & Willoughby, 2003; Predavec, 2001). Thus, the literature often
fails to provide the information necessary to determine if games and interactive
simulations are indeed helpful. We hope that this article will draw attention to this
emerging and important area of instruction, and will motivate studies that will
allow us to more finely analyze the effects of this teaching approach.
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Jennifer J. Vogel
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... The largest fraction of research syntheses on formal learning processes investigated articles on video games (n = 14): While n = 8 syntheses descriptively summarized, categorized and mapped articles on formal learning with games or game-like environments without meta-analytical methods(Boyle et al., 2016;Calderón & Ruiz, 2015;Connolly et al., 2012;Fang & Lee, 2009;Fotaris et al., 2017;Fu et al., 2016;Ke, 2016;Novak, 2015), n = 6 syntheses on videogames used metaanalytical approaches to determine effect sizes for various outcomes of formal educational processes(Clark et al., 2016;Girard et al., 2013;Sailer & Homner, 2019;Vogel et al., 2006;Wang & Goh, 2017;Wouters & van Oostendorp, 2013). Two meta-analyses on formal learning investigated effects of reading with digital devices vs. reading print media(Delgado et al., 2018;Xu et al., 2017). ...
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Digitalization fundamentally increased access to receptive cultural participation for a broad audience and created new opportunities for active participation such as video games and social media. While studies on classical cultural activities often use qualitative designs for examining positive effects, studies on digital cultural activities tend to use quantitative designs and focus on negative effects. In order to obtain a substantiated and comprehensive overview, we subjected available published research syntheses on effects of digital cultural activities to a tertiary review including mapping their topics and analysing the research methods applied. To accomplish this goal, we screened N = 5.880 Scopus raw hits resulting in n = 65 research syntheses that met our inclusion criteria. Of all included syntheses, n = 22 were systematic literature reviews and n = 43 meta-analyses. The cultural facet investigated most frequently was video games (n = 36), classical facets were synthesized less frequently. While n = 19 syntheses focused on online interactions, n = 4 syntheses studied activities such as VR requiring special hardware. The included syntheses heavily focused on the research topics “learning” (n = 29) and “subjective well-being and mental health” (n = 26), while articles on “entertainment/engagement” were synthesized by n = 13 reviews. Most included syntheses on video games and social media focused on negative effects such as addictive or aggressive behaviour, positive effects of those activities were synthesized less frequently. The included syntheses also only rarely synthesized qualitative studies. Implications of those desiderata for systematic reviews and empirical original research on D-ACE are discussed.
... The synergy between interactive simulation and engineering has witnessed substantial growth, offering users powerful tools for enhanced problem-solving capabilities [49]. Described as a symbiotic loop between humans and simulation tools, interactive simulation involves user interaction through parameter definition [50,51]. This approach facilitates quick comprehension of specific subjects, bridging the knowledge gap for non-experts [52]. ...
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Innovation’s future will imply an increasing number of collaborations enhancing the use of open innovation. Resources are volatile and harder to find and retain, thus collaborating became crucial to business survival. Tools for selecting a suitable partner before establishing a partnership are described in the literature. Project success criteria and KPIs are also well documented. In recent years, digital platforms have become increasingly popular for their ability to make collaboration more accessible and promotable. Nevertheless, few tools exist to monitor real-time collaboration between firms. The challenge lies in the incapacity of firms to monitor their collaboration as it unfolds. To address this problem, a global collaboration index was designed. Data came from an experiment involving two manufacturing firms within the aerospace cluster in Quebec, Canada, engaged in collaborative endeavours facilitated by a dedicated platform. Weights were assigned to each component of the index, with a special focus on knowledge exchange and project successes as significant contributors to the development of the global collaboration index. The study spanned 21 weeks, during which an observable asymmetry in collaboration dynamics became evident. The implementation of the Global Collaboration Index empowers two collaborating firms to actively monitor and assess their collaborative efforts in real time. This index allows collaborators to draw conclusions and receive advice on how to improve their collaboration moving forward.
... From an educational standpoint, it is critical that the game has a clear set of learning objectives that are achieved as students progress through the game. Sitzmann (2011) and Vogel et al. (2006) showed that one of the greatest outcomes of educational games is improving students' attitudes or perceptions of course topics, which motivates them to seek higher levels of learning. ...
... Технологичните средства за обучение имат разнообразни приложения чрез съответните (Vogel et al., 2006). Въпреки че някои от тези технологии все още са в начален етап на приложение в България, те се разпространяват все повече и вероятно ще имат по-значима роля в бъдеще. ...
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The Ph.D. thesis analyzes technology-based teaching approaches and teaching through educational computer games. The subject of scientific research is the approaches to the development of various types of educational computer games customized to the characteristics and preferences of learners, taking into account surveys of the opinions and preferences of teachers and students. The research aims to analyze existing approaches to designing educational games and develop a model and methodology for creating personalized educational video games, which will be validated through practical experiments. The following results are achieved within the dissertation research: A qualitative and quantitative assessment of the use of ICT and educational computer games in Bulgarian schools is presented. A conceptual combined model of a student that includes characteristics such as user, learner, and player is created. It is the basis of the proposed methodology for personalizing educational video games. This methodology is extended for educational video games of type maze enriched with built-in didactic mini-games. In addition, the Ph.D. thesis provides an approach to researching, validating, and evaluating the learnability, game impact, effectiveness, and attitudes to using educational video games. Universal and personalized educational video games of type maze enriched with built-in didactic mini-games dedicated to Bulgarian medieval history are created and practically validated.
... The players achieved a particularly high learning effect when the game was complemented by other teaching methods [36]. A meta-analysis by Vogel et al. [37] also concluded that students who learned with games and simulations achieved significantly better results and more positive attitudes toward learning than students who were taught traditionally. ...
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In this study, a diary was developed and used by students to reflect on digital games in geography lessons. The students’ reflection results, through the use of the diary, were compared with reflections without instructional guidance. These results show a significant improvement in reflection through the use of the reflection diary compared to a previous study. Through the combination of lessons, play phases, and the reflection diary, a learning arrangement that enables in-depth reflections at different levels of reflection was created. The medium plays a decisive role by taking the pupils out of their role as players and enabling a critical distance to the game. With the help of the reflection diary, students should be able to better reflect on the game. The reflection diary is integrated into the lessons. It also shows that subject-specific lessons are indispensable for reflecting on the gaming experience in order to counteract subject-specific misconceptions.
Професія моряка вимагає років, щоб навчитися, і все життя, щоб оволодіти нею. З розвитком технологій і передового досвіду моряки всіх рангів і з усіх відділів судна повинні працювати над підтримкою своїх знань на належному рівні та вдосконалювати свої навички. Протягом своєї кар’єри кожен професійний моряк отримує безліч сертифікатів і цілий ряд кваліфікацій. Більшість із цих сертифікатів потрібно фізично мати при собі на борту судна, де працює моряк, підтримувати їх в актуальному стані й оновлювати протягом усієї кар’єри. Морські сертифікати підтверджують практичну підготовку моряка, рівень його професійної кваліфікації, а також знання щодо збереження життя та здоров’я на судні. Вони є обов’язковими для зарахування до команди та роботи на судні. Водночас з безперервною сертифікаційною підготовкою моряків сучасний стан морської освіти все ще оговтується від постковідної кризи, яка дала вагомий поштовх для пошуку та розвитку найсучасніших і найефективніших засобів як у підготовці та навчанні майбутніх морських фахівців, так і в підготовці та дипломуванні діючих моряків. Метою статті є обґрунтування позитивного впливу технологій віртуальної реальності на якість сертифікаційної підготовки в морській освіті на прикладі програмного забезпечення з віртуальної реальності, розробником якої є вітчизняна приватна акціонерна компанія з обмеженою відповідальністю Optimum Maritime Solutions. Для досягнення мети використано такі методи: аналіз наукових джерел; теоретичне осмислення й узагальнення наукових засад досліджуваної проблеми. Результати дослідження. Якість проходження навчальних тренінгів із сертифікаційної підготовки суттєво зростає за умови попереднього проходження етапу навчання із залученням VR-технологій. У статті на основі аналізу документів, публікацій учених, періодичних друкованих матеріалів і власного досвіду обґрунтовуються особливості програмного забезпечення з використанням віртуальної реальності, специфіка занурення здобувача вищої морської освіти або діючого моряка у віртуальну реальність під час виконання вправ в обсязі сертифікаційної підготовки для підтвердження необхідного рівня знань та можливості обіймати певну посаду на судні. Крім вищезазначеного, аналізуються реальні перспективи широкого використання технологій віртуальної реальності в морській вищій освіті відповідно до реалій воєнного часу та дистанційної форми отримання професійної освіти. Висновки. VR-технології мають потужний потенціал для значного поліпшення процесу навчання морських фахівців, як майбутніх, так і досвідчених, які прагнуть вдосконалити свої професійні навички, або готуються до сертифікаційних тренінгів.
Researchers have indicated the importance of engaging learners in self-regulated learning (SRL) states when situated in game-based learning contexts; however, it remains a challenge for both educational and educational technology researchers to effectively integrate both. To this end, this study investigated how SRL strategies are interwoven with game-based learning in higher education by searching the web of science database to systematically review the papers published between 2009 and 2020 in academic journals. The encoded dimensions ranged from the primary research purpose to research issues, including application domains, research methods, duration of the studies, SRL strategies, game types, and game genres. It was found that since 2015, the research purposes have become increasingly diverse, with skills acquisition in game-based learning being regarded as the most important goal, followed by knowledge acquisition and behavior change. Such games took goal orientation, peer learning, and regulating as the main SRL strategies, which exerted a positive effect on learning performance, self-efficacy/confidence, attitudes/effort, satisfaction/interest, and learning behavior. Meanwhile, these SRL strategies were well embedded into problem-solving, simulation, multi-type, and RPG game types against the setting of the real-life-related storyline as the main game genre. Since previous studies lacked the systematic application of all SRL strategies within a game-based learning environment, they could not uncover the dynamic and cyclic processes of SRL in game-based learning environments. Hence, this study proposed corresponding suggestions for future research issues as a reference for researchers, teachers, and decision-makers.
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There has been considerable research concerning peer interaction and the acquisition of children's scientific reasoning. This study investigated differences in collaborative activity between pairs of children working around a computer with pairs of children working with physical apparatus and related any differences to the development of children's scientific reasoning. Children aged between 9 and 10 years old (48 boys and 48 girls) were placed into either same ability or mixed ability pairs according to their individual, pre-test performance on a scientific reasoning task. These pairs then worked on either a computer version or a physical version of Inhelder and Piaget's (1958) chemical combination task. Type of presentation was found to mediate the nature and type of collaborative activity. The mixed-ability pairs working around the computer talked proportionally more about the task and management of the task; had proportionally more transactive discussions and used the record more productively than children working with the physical apparatus. Type of presentation was also found to mediated children's learning. Children in same ability pairs who worked with the physical apparatus improved significantly more than same ability pairs who worked around the computer. These findings were partially predicted from a socio-cultural theory and show the importance of tools for mediating collaborative activity and collaborative learning.
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The relations and possible interaction of students' motivational orientation and the quality of their inquiry in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) were examined. The study was performed among ten-year-old students (N = 26) in a Finnish elementary school. At the beginning of the learning project, the students were administered similar self-report questionnaires to identify their motivational tendencies. In order to compare the students' general motivational tendencies with their actual engagement, the lessons were videotaped for collecting data on the students' learning and social interaction processes during CSILE (Computer-Supported Intentional Learning Environment) work. Furthermore, CSILE students' written work was analyzed to examine their practices of knowledge production and the epistemological nature of their inquiry. The study indicates that CSCL may facilitate the active participation of students who have a lot of difficulties in traditional school learning. In addition, regardless of their motivational orientation or school achievements, students tended to produce the same kind of descriptive, empirical, and factual knowledge. It seems that classroom culture and the nature of learning tasks significantly constrain each student's practices of inquiry. Longitudinal process-data is needed in order to analyze possible changes in students' motivational tendencies and knowledge-seeking inquiry.
Personal computer adventure games, in which the player assumes the role of a fantasy character to pursue an adventure, have enjoyed enormous popularity and commercial success. Beyond their entertainment value, these games also have an educational value, training users to become better problem solvers in the game domain and probably beyond.In order to understand better this type of game and determine its potential use for managerial training, we analyzed adventure games with respect to three issues. First, what makes a computer simulation an adventure game; second, what makes such a game enjoyable and challenging; and finally, how well does such a game facilitate learning? In search of answers, we analyzed a number of adventure games to determine game structures, and completed a small empirical study in which subjects played a game and had to answer both content and preference related questions.Overall, our analysis reconfirmed people's liking of adventure games. Players seem to enjoy the games' story and interface, and are challenged by the game tasks. Players also learn from gaming; yet levels of learning vary widely, based on the type of knowledge to be conveyed. Fact learning proved to be easiest; plan learning and learning of negative knowledge, the hardest.
This article summarizes the process of implementation and short-term impact on knowledge and attitudes of an interactive multimedia software program on preventive alcohol education for young adults. The three factors related to behavioral change addressed in the software are self-efficacy in maintaining personal control and safety while using alcohol, attitudes and related expectations regarding the physiological and behavioral consequences of alcohol consumption, and peer norms regarding alcohol consumption. As compared to alternative alcohol education and a no-alcohol education groups, students using the interactive computer lesson reported learning more about dose-response and ways to intervene with friends in peril. The article concludes with consideration of the import of this technology for informing students about the consequences of alcohol use, and the utility to higher education institutions of using this technology in an era when pressures increase for due diligence around student safety but with few additional institutional resources.
This article concerns the effects of learner control in computer-assisted instruction (CAI). After reviewing previous reviews of research on the topic, twenty-four studies of learner control were subjected to meta-analysis. The results of both the review and meta-analysis are equivocal. Several reviews indicate that learner control works less well with younger, less able students. Other reviews indicate that, given optimal conditions, learner control can work with any students. The meta-analysis, however, yielded an average effect size that was small and negative suggesting that the average student would be slightly better off without it. Although learner control has theoretical appeal, its effects on learning seem neither powerful nor consistent.
The purpose of this study was to examine effects of microcomputer use on school-readiness skills of kindergarteners. Three classes (N = 88) were provided with microcomputers and eleven software programs, of which nine focused on prereading skills, one on premathematics skills, and one on both. One of the three classes (N = 22) was also provided with micros to use at home. Two classes (N = 98) constituted a comparison group. Students were pre- and posttested on items selected to assess reading readiness, mathematics readiness, Piagetian operations, and keyboard knowledge. The computer-use group gained more on reading readiness and keyboard knowledge; moreover, the home-use group gained more than classroom-use students. No sex differences appeared in gain scores. Teacher implementation strategies and the techniques that nonreaders used to deal with software are described.
The microcomputer was believed to be a panacea for all the educational problems dealing with instruction during the 1980s. Numerous studies were conducted to compare computer-based education (CBE) to traditional classroom education. Here five meta-analyses are reviewed. Student achievement (measured by scores on final examinations) reveals little difference between CBE and traditional classroom education. However, factors relating to instructor bias and type of application could be considered confounding factors that prevented these studies from providing significant results in favor of CBE. This article synthesizes these meta-analyses and concludes that CBE should supplement traditional instruction, not replace it.
Based on the severe challenges of urban education, the growing capabilities and availability of advanced technology in schools, and experience in implementing technology as part of an urban school reform effort, the authors hypothesized a role for interactive computer technology (ICT) in supporting learning and behavior of young children who are at risk because of behavior problems. The article reports on an exploratory study to examine the potential of ICT to contribute to learning and behavior improvement. The study employed an experimental design comparing the performance of young, urban, African-American children from low-socioeconomic-status homes who were given specially selected ICT experiences with a comparison group who did not have the ICT treatment. The study also compared the performance of children identified as with or without behavioral problems, but not identified as special education.
There has been a long-standing dispute about the efficacy of computer assisted instruction (CAI) with regard to the interpretation of effect size estimates in reviews using techniques of meta-analysis. It has been claimed that the data used to calculate these estimates come from studies which are methodologically flawed. The aim of this study was to provide an updated meta-analysis on the learning effect of (CAI) over a broad range of study features with particular attention focused on the effectiveness debate. Using standard procedures, the results and estimates were similar to previous reviews and showed a learning benefit for CAI. The mean effect size for CAI was (.24) for the years 1987–1992, with more recent studies showing an average of (.33). Although moderate, these estimates tended to raise the average student from at least the 50th and 60th percentile. However, studies which controlled for teacher and materials, and were of longer duration, and studies using pencil and paper equivalents of CAI s...