
Los estilos educativos de los padres y la competencia académica de los adolescentes Parenting styles and adolescents' academic performance

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Resumen El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la relación existente entre los estilos educativos de los padres (democráticos, permisivos, autoritarios e indiferentes) y distintas áreas vinculadas con el rendimiento académico de los hijos. Participaron 372 chicos y chicas de entre 11 y 15 años de edad que evaluaron a sus padres en función del afecto y del control que percibían. Además, cumplimentaron diversas medidas para evaluar su rendimiento académico, su motivación académica, su competencia académica percibida y sus atribuciones sobre las causas del éxito escolar. Los resultados mostraron un patrón claro y consistente en el que los hijos que percibían a sus padres como democráticos o permisivos lograban las puntuaciones más altas en las diferentes áreas analizadas. Los resultados se discuten considerando las dimensiones de afecto y control que subyacen a los distintos estilos educativos de los padres.

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... Dichos resultados son congruentes con los hallados de Pelegrina, García y Casanova (2002), ya que en su investigación encontraron que aquellos hijos que percibían a sus padres como democráticos o autoritativos obtuvieron las mejores calificaciones. De hecho, el estilo democrático o autoritativo es el que de forma más consistente se ha asociado a mejores calificaciones (Dornbusch, Ritter, Leidermann, Roberts y Fraleigh, 1987;Nyarko, 2011;Pelegrina et al., 2002;Steinberg, Lamborn, Dornbusch y Darling, 1992;Steinberg, Lamborn, Darling, Mounts y Dornbusch, 1994) y también con mejor desarrollo de estrategias de aprendizaje (Malander, 2016;Valenzuela y Riveiro, 2019). Paradójicamente, el estilo permisivo o indulgente se ha reportado que se asocia positivamente (Cerezo et al., 2011;Pelegrina et al., 2002;Valenzuela y Riveiro, 2019) y negativamente (Dornbusch et al., 1987;Malander, 2016) con el desarrollo de estrategias de aprendizaje y con las calificaciones. ...
... De hecho, el estilo democrático o autoritativo es el que de forma más consistente se ha asociado a mejores calificaciones (Dornbusch, Ritter, Leidermann, Roberts y Fraleigh, 1987;Nyarko, 2011;Pelegrina et al., 2002;Steinberg, Lamborn, Dornbusch y Darling, 1992;Steinberg, Lamborn, Darling, Mounts y Dornbusch, 1994) y también con mejor desarrollo de estrategias de aprendizaje (Malander, 2016;Valenzuela y Riveiro, 2019). Paradójicamente, el estilo permisivo o indulgente se ha reportado que se asocia positivamente (Cerezo et al., 2011;Pelegrina et al., 2002;Valenzuela y Riveiro, 2019) y negativamente (Dornbusch et al., 1987;Malander, 2016) con el desarrollo de estrategias de aprendizaje y con las calificaciones. El estilo autoritario ha sido asociado a menor desarrollo de estrategias de aprendizaje (Malander, 2016) y peores calificaciones (Dornbusch et al., 1987). ...
... En relación con el objetivo principal de la presente investigación, que era estudiar la relación entre los estilos parentales y las calificaciones de los alumnos, sorprendió la ausencia de relación entre el estilo parental autoritativo (democrático) y el rendimiento académico, lo cual no coincide con la mayoría de estudios previos (Dornbusch et al., 1987;Nyarko, 2011;Steinberg et al., 1992;Steinberg et al., 1994;Pelegrina et al., 2002). Asimismo, tampoco se hallaron correlaciones significativas entre las calificaciones y el estilo autoritario, diferente a lo reportado en Dornbusch et al. (1987), quienes encontraron peores calificaciones y tampoco es congruente con lo descrito por Malander (2016). ...
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El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la relación entre los estilos parentales con el rendimiento académico de 173 estudiantes de tres telesecundarias de zonas rurales de Michoacán, México. El presente estudio tiene una metodología cuantitativa con un diseño no experimental, descriptivo, correlacional de tipo transversal. El muestreo fue no probabilístico e intencional. Se evaluó la percepción de los estudiantes sobre los estilos parentales de sus padres con la Escala de Normas y Exigencias (ENE-H), que los clasifica en: inductivo o democrático, rígido o autoritario, e indulgente o permisivo; y el rendimiento académico se obtuvo directamente de la boleta de calificaciones. No se hallaron diferencias por sexo ni por edad en las puntuaciones de los estilos parentales. Se encontró relación significativa negativa entre el estilo indulgente y las calificaciones de algunas asignaturas, los otros dos estilos parentales (autoritario y democrático) no se relacionan con el rendimiento académico. The aim of this research was to analyze the relationship between parental styles with the academic achievement of 173 students from three telesecondary schools in rural areas of Michoacán, México. The methodology was quantitative with non-experimental, descriptive, correlational cross-sectional design. Sampling was non-probabilistic and intentional. Students perception of their parents about parenting styles was evaluated with the Standards and Requirements Scale's (SRS), which classifies them as: inductive or democratic, rigid or authoritarian, and indulgent or permissive; and academic achievement was obtained directly from the report card. No gender or age differences were found in parental style scores. A significant negative relationship was found between the indulgent style and the grades of some subjects, the other two parental styles (authoritarian and democratic) are not related to academic achievement.
... There is quite good agreement among researchers on parenting styles that affect and communication have a primary role in adolescent adjustment (Oliva et al., 2008;Fuentes et al., 2015;Riquelme et al., 2018). Pelegrina et al. (2002) stated that affect and communication by parents are an indispensable condition for achieving adequate behavior in their children, optimum selfesteem and self-confidence. Psychological control, on the other hand, is considered independent of promoting autonomy (Silk et al., 2003), although related (Hauser-Kunz and Grych, 2013), especially when promotion of autonomy is understood as promotion of volitional functioning (Soenens and Vansteenkiste, 2010). ...
... Here we briefly comment on some of the most relevant results of studies reviewed. One previous study done by Pelegrina et al. (2002), on the typologies of parenting styles (democratic, permissive, authoritarian, and indifferent) and academic performance, with a sample of adolescents aged 11-15, revealed that children who perceived their parents as democratic or permissive had higher scores in academic areas. Later, Hernando et al. (2012) found results in the same direction, but in this case with regard to the different dimensions of parenting styles, such that the dimensions of behavior control and disclosure were significantly positively associated with academic performance, while psychological control and humor were negatively correlated. ...
... Other studies have reported similar results (Hernando et al., 2012). Apart from that, in the study by Pelegrina et al. (2002), the perception of democratic and permissive styles by adolescents correlated positively with academic performance, but the perception of parental control did not relate negatively with academic performance, perhaps again because behavioral and psychological control were not differentiated. The results of the study by Rodríguez et al. (2018) support those results. ...
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Introduction: Today’s adolescents live immersed in the digital world and are much more familiarized with the use of electronic devices. At the same time, the new technologies have become established as a powerful resource in teaching and learning, providing new texts where the limits of time and space are overcome. Digital creativity is part of people’s daily lives and must be developed from the school and family context. Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship among digital creativity, parenting style, and academic performance. Method: This analysis was carried out in a sample of 742 adolescents in Middle School and High School aged 13–19. Digital creativity was evaluated using the Creative Behavior Questionnaire: Digital (CBQD). The Parenting Style Scale was used to evaluate the perception teenage boys and girls who have the various dimensions of their parents’ educational style. Results: Parenting styles were established as a mediating variable in the relationship between digital creativity and academic performance. Conclusion: The roles of digital creativity, which is proposed as a facilitating tool in teaching, and parenting styles in academic performance for improving the family-school relationship are discussed.
... Trabajos recientes han puesto de relieve la relación entre estos estilos educativos y el rendimiento académico obtenido por los hijos (Glasgow et al., 1997;Hickman, Bartholomae y McKenry, 2000;Pelegrina, García y Casanova, 2002;Peralbo y Fernández, 2003;Pérez De Pablos, 2003). Sin embargo, dicha relación es indirecta, ya que los estilos y prácticas educativas paternas inciden significativamente sobre las características cognitivas y motivacionales implicadas en el aprendizaje escolar, relacionándose éstas a su vez, con los logros académicos obtenidos por los estudiantes. ...
... Así, se ha relacionado el estilo educativo democrático con el desarrollo de una orientación motivacional intrínseca y los estilos autoritario y permisivo con una orientación motivacional extrínseca (Dornbusch, Ritter, Leiderman, Roberts y Fraleigh, 1987;González, Holbein y Quilter, 2002;Grolnick y Ryan, 1989;Steinberg, Elmen y Mounts, 1989). Además, existe evidencia de que los estilos educativos paternos inciden también sobre la competencia académica percibida Pelegrina et al., 2002), de tal manera que los hijos que evalúan a sus padres como democráticos o permisivos se consideran a sí mismos más competentes que los hijos de padres autoritarios o indiferentes. ...
... En relación a los estilos educativos paternos, evaluamos, mediante informe de hijos, el afecto y el control como dimensiones de la conducta paterna. Para ello se utilizaron instrumentos adaptados que este grupo ha utilizado en investigaciones previas en las que han mostrado su utilidad (Casanova, Carpio, Cerezo y García, 2004; De la Torre, Pelegrina et al., 2002). ...
El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en determinar cómo los estilos educativos paternos inciden sobre la utilización de estrategias de aprendizaje autorregulado de un grupo de estudiantes de Educación Secundaria y cómo dichas estrategias, a su vez, influyen sobre el rendimiento académico. Cuatrocientos setenta y ocho estudiantes de educación secundaria obligatoria, con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 16 años, formaron parte de esta investigación. Para la evaluación de los estilos educativos paternos se elaboró una escala y la medición de las estrategias de aprendizaje autorregulado se llevó a cabo mediante el Inventario de Estrategias de aprendizaje y Estudio LASSI. Además se tuvieron en cuenta las calificaciones obtenidas por los estudiantes en tres asignaturas en el curso anterior. Los resultados obtenidos muestran cómo aquellos alumnos cuyos padres son clasificados como democráticos y como permisivos utilizan en mayor medida estrategias de aprendizaje autorregulado si los comparamos con los estudiantes cuyos padres son clasificados como autoritarios y negligentes. Además, se ha podido constatar cómo este aprendizaje autorregulado incide positivamente sobre el logro académico de los alumnos.
... En las últimas décadas se ha desarrollado una gran cantidad de investigaciones que ponen de manifiesto la relación entre los estilos o prácticas parentales y el rendimiento académico de los hijos (Cerezo, Casanova, de la Torre, & Carpio, 2011;Dornbusch, Ritter, Leiderman, Roberts, & Fraleigh, 1987;Glasgow, Dornbush, Troyer, Steinberg, & Ritter, 1997;Nyarko, 2011;Pelegrina, García Linares, & Casanova, 2002;Peralbo Uzquiano & Fernández Amado, 2003;Steinberg, Lamborn, Darling, Mounts, & Dornbusch, 1994;Steinberg, Lamborn, Dornbusch, & Darling, 1992;Vallejo Casarín, & Mazadiego Infante, 2006). Dichas investigaciones han reconocido la importancia del entorno familiar como uno de los factores que incide en el desarrollo del individuo, a lo largo de todas las edades. ...
... Se ha relacionado al estilo democrático con el desarrollo de la motivación intrínseca, y a los estilos autoritario y permisivo, con una orientación motivacional extrínseca (González, Holbein, & Quilter, 2002). Pelegrina et al. (2002) agregan, además, que los hijos que perciben a sus padres como democráticos o permisivos se consideran más competentes que aquellos que los perciben como autoritarios o negligentes. Por tal motivo, resulta interesante indagar de qué manera se relacionan las distintas dimensiones parentales con ciertas estrategias y hábitos de estudio de los hijos. ...
... Existen varias investigaciones que han demostrado que los adolescentes con padres democráticos, que ofrecen un alto grado de afecto y aceptación, presentan niveles más altos de autoestima, con mayor interés hacia la escuela y mejor ren-dimiento académico; lo que podría estar relacionado con sus hábitos de estudio y estrategias de aprendizaje (Glasgow et al., 1997;Lamborn, Mounts, Steinberg, & Dornbush, 1991;Pelegrina et al., 2002). ...
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The aim of this research study was to know, through a correlational design, the predictive value of parental practices perceived by adolescents regarding their study habits and learning strategies. A total of 234 male and female Argentinian adolescents, from 8th through 12th grade participated in the study. In order to obtain the data, an abbreviated Argentinian version (Versión Abreviada del Inventario de la Percepción de los Hijos Acerca de las Relaciones con sus Padres para Adolescentes; Richaud de Minzi, 2005) of Schaefer’s Children’s Report of Parental Behavior Inventory (1965) for adolescents was used, as well as an Argentinian version (Inventario de Estrategias de Aprendizaje y Estudio; Strucchi, 1991) of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory, developed by Weinstein and Palmer (1988). Results revealed that students who perceive a high level of pathological control or are granted extreme autonomy by their parents, show less development of learning strategies. Whereas students who perceive their parents as accepting, show a better development and usage of learning strategies.
... Trabajos recientes han puesto de relieve la relación entre estos estilos educativos y el rendimiento académico obtenido por los hijos (Glasgow et al., 1997;Hickman, Bartholomae y McKenry, 2000;Pelegrina, García y Casanova, 2002;Peralbo y Fernández, 2003;Pérez De Pablos, 2003). Sin embargo, dicha relación es indirecta, ya que los estilos y prácticas educativas paternas inciden significativamente sobre las características cognitivas y motivacionales implicadas en el aprendizaje escolar, relacionándose éstas a su vez, con los logros académicos obtenidos por los estudiantes. ...
... Así, se ha relacionado el estilo educativo democrático con el desarrollo de una orientación motivacional intrínseca y los estilos autoritario y permisivo con una orientación motivacional extrínseca (Dornbusch, Ritter, Leiderman, Roberts y Fraleigh, 1987;González, Holbein y Quilter, 2002;Grolnick y Ryan, 1989;Steinberg, Elmen y Mounts, 1989). Además, existe evidencia de que los estilos educativos paternos inciden también sobre la competencia académica percibida Pelegrina et al., 2002), de tal manera que los hijos que evalúan a sus padres como democráticos o permisivos se consideran a sí mismos más competentes que los hijos de padres autoritarios o indiferentes. ...
... En relación a los estilos educativos paternos, evaluamos, mediante informe de hijos, el afecto y el control como dimensiones de la conducta paterna. Para ello se utilizaron instrumentos adaptados que este grupo ha utilizado en investigaciones previas en las que han mostrado su utilidad (Casanova, Carpio, Cerezo y García, 2004; De la Torre, Pelegrina et al., 2002). ...
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El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en determinar cómo los estilos educativos paternos inciden sobre la utilización de estrategias de aprendizaje autorregulado de un grupo de estudiantes de Educación Secundaria y cómo dichas estrategias, a su vez, influyen sobre el rendimiento académico. Cuatrocientos setenta y ocho estudiantes de educación secundaria obligatoria, con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 16 años, formaron parte de esta investigación. Para la evaluación de los estilos educativos paternos se elaboró una escala y la medición de las estrategias de aprendizaje autorregulado se llevó a cabo mediante el Inventario de Estrategias de aprendizaje y Estudio LASSI. Además se tuvieron en cuenta las calificaciones obtenidas por los estudiantes en tres asignaturas en el curso anterior. Los resultados obtenidos muestran cómo aquellos alumnos cuyos padres son clasificados como democráticos y como permisivos utilizan en mayor medida estrategias de aprendizaje autorregulado si los comparamos con los estudiantes cuyos padres son clasificados como autoritarios y negligentes. Además, se ha podido constatar cómo este aprendizaje autorregulado incide positivamente sobre el logro académico de los alumnos
... In this sense, as well as considering students' personal characteristics (Inglés, Díaz-Herrero, García-Fernández, & Ruiz-Esteban, 2011), different studies have focused on analysing the influence of school factors, taking into account, among other aspects, the school's resources, the school climate and teachers' competence levels (Ríos, Fernández, & Gallardo, 2012;Ruiz de Miguel, 2009;Simón, Gómez, & Alonso-Tapia, 2013). All the studies carried out highlight the importance of the family's involvement and participation (Acosta et al., 2011;Ruiz de Miguel, 2009;Steinberg, Lamborn, Dornbusch, & Darling, 1992), emphasizing that the values and attitudes toward education and school transmitted to children by their parents during the socialization process have considerable impact on the academic adjustment of their children (Burchinal, Peisner-Feinberg, Pianta, & Howes, 2002;Pelegrina, Linares, & Casanova, 2002;Viguer & Solé, 2012). ...
... Thus, Gracia et al. (2012) conclude that adolescents of indulgent and authoritative families show better academic achievements than children of authoritarian and neglectful families. Pelegrina et al. (2002) concluded that indulgent and authoritative styles were linked to better results in academic achievements, academic motivation and perceived academic competence. Finally, Cerezo, Casanova, de la Torre, and Carpio (2011) found that children of indulgent and authoritative parents showed better use of motivational and learning strategies and better academic achievement than adolescents of authoritarian and neglectful families. ...
... En este sentido, además de considerar las características personales de los alumnos (Inglés, Díaz-Herrero, García-Fernández, & Ruiz-Esteban, 2011), diferentes estudios se han centrado en analizar la influencia de factores escolares abarcando, entre otros, los recursos de los que dispone la escuela, el clima escolar y la competencia de los profesores (Ríos, Fernández, & Gallardo, 2012;Ruiz de Miguel, 2009;Simón, Gómez, & Alonso-Tapia, 2013). Si bien, todas las investigaciones realizadas coinciden en resaltar la importancia de la participación e implicación de la familia (Acosta et al., 2011;Ruiz de Miguel, 2009;Steinberg, Lamborn, Dornbusch, & Darling, 1992), destacando que los valores y actitudes hacia la educación y la escuela que los padres transmitan a sus hijos en el proceso de socialización influirán en gran medida en el adecuado ajuste académico de los hijos (Burchinal, Peisner-Feinberg, Pianta, & Howes, 2002;Pelegrina, Linares, & Casanova, 2002;Viguer & Solé, 2012). ...
The values and attitudes toward education that parents transmit to their children considerably affect their school adjustment. The aim of this study was to analyse the relationships between academic adjustment in Spanish adolescents and parental socialization styles. Participants in the study were 487 adolescents (53.9% females) between 12 and 14 years old (M = 13.13, SD = 0.79). Based on their responses on a parental socialization scale, families were classified according to the classic four parenting styles typology (authoritative, indulgent, authoritarian or neglectful). Academic performance, number of school years repeated, academic self-concept and disruptive school behaviour were evaluated as adjustment criteria. Unlike the findings from studies conducted in other cultural contexts, results of the present study indicated that the best academic adjustment corresponded to adolescents from indulgent families, highlighting the importance of parental involvement, support, affection and dialogue for the optimal academic adjustment of children in the Spanish cultural context.
... Indicadores Evaluación escalas Está asociado al bienestar psicológico, implica una relación significativa entre bienestar psicológico y rendimiento académico; estudiantes con mejor rendimiento académico evidencia mayor autoeficacia y satisfacción ante el estudio; lo experimentan estudiantes que tienen muy claro culminar sus metas académicas y no muestran deseos de abandonar sus estudios (Oliver, Rosel y Jara, 2000). También se asocia con la competencia cognitiva; autoevaluación que realiza el individuo de su propia capacidad en el cumplimiento de una determinada tarea cognitiva, es su percepción con sus propias habilidades intelectuales, tiene que ver con el logro académico, la persistencia, el deseo del éxito, expectativas académicas y la motivación (Pelegrina et al., 2002). La competencia cognitiva se relaciona con las creencias que tiene el estudiante sobre sus capacidades para organizar y llevar a cabo lo requerido hacia el cumplimiento deseado, es la capacidad intrínseca del individuo hacia el logro de las metas (Salanova, Cifre, et al. 2005). ...
... Existe consenso en que la motivación académica intrínseca cumple un papel importante en el desempeño académico; es el engagement, estado psicológico positivo y significativo con las tareas académicas; se caracteriza o se manifiesta en vigor, dedicación, absorción, alto compromiso por la tarea y hace que el estudiante experimente orgullo, entusiasmo, inspiración y desafío por lo que hace (Pelegrina et al., 2002;. ...
... A su vez, los ambientes familiares que se caracterizan por el estímulo hacia el placer por los estudios, la perseverancia hacia el logro de los objetivos académicos y se promueve la inquietud, el deseo por el saber se asocian con buenos resultados académicos (Kellaghan y Álvarez, citados por Gómez, 1998;Pelegrina et al., 2002). La influencia de los responsables del estudiante, como su padre y madre, se asocia al desempeño académico (Pelegrina et al., 2002). ...
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Recibido 6 de mayo de 2013 • Corregido 15 de julio de 2013 • Aceptado 31 de julio de 2013Por ser el desempeño académico de la población estudiantil en la educación superior uno de los indicadores de calidad más sobresalientes y trascendentales de la labor académica del sistema de educación superior, se realiza una investigación de corte cuantitativa, en la cual se trabaja con una cohorte de estudiantes universitarios en la educación superior, específicamente en la Universidad de Costa Rica, que en el momento del estudio se encontraban graduados o en los últimos años de su carrera, se les aplicó un cuestionario en forma personalizado. El estudio indaga el tema de los factores asociados al rendimiento académico desde el nivel socioeconómico en estudiantes universitarios y su objetivo general consiste en analizar los factores asociados al rendimiento académico en estudiantes que, por su condición socioeconómica, se les asignó la máxima categoría de beca, y estudiantes que no solicitaron beca por esta condición de carreras de alta y baja demanda de la Universidad de Costa Rica. De esta forma, se aborda la problemática del rendimiento académico, desde el nivel socioeconómico de sus estudiantes, esta variable se considera de importancia para ofrecer un marco explicativo y proporcionar insumos a las políticas institucionales en el campo de la educación superior pública. El estudio permitió ratificar que el rendimiento académico es altamente multicausal y complejo; es el producto de la interacción de múltiples factores sociales, personales, institucionales-académicos que pueden variar de una población a otra, así como la existencia de diferencias significativas entre las variables lineales: índice de satisfacción universitaria, índice de hábitos de estudio, índice de apoyo en los estudios universitarios, índice de satisfacción con los profesores e índice de nivel socioeconómico; sin embargo, se mostró que no producen diferencias en las variables más importantes, como lo son el promedio ponderado y la nota de admisión.
... En ese orden de ideas que se ha analizado, la relación entre los estilos de socialización parental y el ajuste adolescente ha mostrado en los últimos años que el estilo democrático/autorizativo es el que favorece en mayor medida el desarrollo socioemocional de chicos y chicas. Los hijos de padres democráticos presentan niveles más altos de autoestima y de desarrollo moral, manifiestan un mayor interés hacia la escuela, un mejor rendimiento académico y una mayor motivación (Dornbush, et al., 1987;Ginsburg y Bronstein, 1993;Glasgow, et al., 1997;Lamborn, et al., 1991;Pelegrina, et al., 2002), consumen con menos frecuencia sustancias como alcohol o drogas, resisten mejor la presión negativa del grupo de iguales y presentan menos problemas de conducta (Aunola, et al., 2000;Darling y Steinberg, 1993;Lamborn et al., 1991;Parra, 2001;Pelegrina et al., 2002;Steinberg, et al., 1992). ...
... En ese orden de ideas que se ha analizado, la relación entre los estilos de socialización parental y el ajuste adolescente ha mostrado en los últimos años que el estilo democrático/autorizativo es el que favorece en mayor medida el desarrollo socioemocional de chicos y chicas. Los hijos de padres democráticos presentan niveles más altos de autoestima y de desarrollo moral, manifiestan un mayor interés hacia la escuela, un mejor rendimiento académico y una mayor motivación (Dornbush, et al., 1987;Ginsburg y Bronstein, 1993;Glasgow, et al., 1997;Lamborn, et al., 1991;Pelegrina, et al., 2002), consumen con menos frecuencia sustancias como alcohol o drogas, resisten mejor la presión negativa del grupo de iguales y presentan menos problemas de conducta (Aunola, et al., 2000;Darling y Steinberg, 1993;Lamborn et al., 1991;Parra, 2001;Pelegrina et al., 2002;Steinberg, et al., 1992). ...
Todo ser humano por naturaleza está constituido para mantener relaciones sociales desde su nacimiento, y es la familia quien contribuye desde la infancia a un desarrollo personal y social, constituyendo estilos de apego que en el futuro establecen dinámicas de las relaciones interpersonales presentando transformaciones durante la adolescencia. La influencia de la familia y de los estilos de apego repercute en sus relaciones. Este estudio fue de tipo correlacional, cuantitativo y transversal. Participaron un total de 242 alumnos (hombres y mujeres), entre 15 a 18 años de edad de un centro de estudios de Montemorelos, Nuevo León, México. En el análisis de los resultados se encontró que existe asociación entre las variables estilo de apego y el estilo de socialización parental de la madre (phi = .288) y el padre (phi = .361). Estos resultados muestran que cuanto mejor sea el estilo de socialización parental mejor será el estilo de apego del adolescente. Esto quiere decir que el estilo de crianza promueve el estilo de apego que repercuten durante todo el ciclo vital del ser humano, y la importancia de que los padres generen vínculos saludables con sus hijos.
... La relación que se da entre estilos educativos y rendimiento académico, al igual que ocurre con la implicación parental en el ámbito escolar, supone una influencia indirecta, ya que los estilos y prácticas educativas paternas inciden en el aprendizaje escolar, relacionándose éstas a su vez, con los logros académicos obtenidos por los alumnos (Pelegrina, García y Casanova, 2002). Estas prácticas están relacionadas con variables motivacionales y con la competencia percibida por parte de los hijos. ...
... Así, se ha relacionado el estilo educativo democrático con el desarrollo de una orientación motivacional intrínseca, promoción del aprendizaje autorregulado, favorecedor de una mayor autoconcepto de eficacia y un adecuado transmisor de estrategias de aprendizaje Pelegrina et al., 2002). ...
... En la relación con sus hijos muestran equilibrio entre la alta afectividad con el alto control, y las altas demandas se acompañan con una comunicación clara sobre lo que se le exige al hijo. Caracterizado por el afecto, el control y la exigencia de madurez, este estilo de socialización promueve el ajuste emocional y comportamental, la autoestima, el desarrollo moral, el interés hacia la escuela, el rendimiento académico (Glasgow, Dornbush, Troyer, Steinberg & Ritter, 1997;Lamborn, Mounts, Steinberg & Dornbush,1991;Pelegrina, García-Linares y Casanova, 2002) y la satisfacción vital (Suldo & Huebner, 2004), y disminuye el conformismo ante la presión negativa del grupo y los problemas de conducta (Aunola, Stattin y Nurmi, 2000;Darling & Steinberg, 1993;Lamborn et al.,1991;Pelegrina et al., 2002). El estilo negligente (baja aceptación/implicación y baja coerción/imposición) refleja a padres que tienen serias dificultades para relacionarse e interactuar con sus hijos, al igual que para definir los límites en sus relaciones con ellos, permitiendo con indefensión que sean los propios hijos quienes la definan; aceptan con dificultades los cambios evolutivos de sus hijos y tienen pocas expresiones de afecto; no se implican en las interacciones con ellos y no supervisan las actividades de los hijos. ...
... En la relación con sus hijos muestran equilibrio entre la alta afectividad con el alto control, y las altas demandas se acompañan con una comunicación clara sobre lo que se le exige al hijo. Caracterizado por el afecto, el control y la exigencia de madurez, este estilo de socialización promueve el ajuste emocional y comportamental, la autoestima, el desarrollo moral, el interés hacia la escuela, el rendimiento académico (Glasgow, Dornbush, Troyer, Steinberg & Ritter, 1997;Lamborn, Mounts, Steinberg & Dornbush,1991;Pelegrina, García-Linares y Casanova, 2002) y la satisfacción vital (Suldo & Huebner, 2004), y disminuye el conformismo ante la presión negativa del grupo y los problemas de conducta (Aunola, Stattin y Nurmi, 2000;Darling & Steinberg, 1993;Lamborn et al.,1991;Pelegrina et al., 2002). El estilo negligente (baja aceptación/implicación y baja coerción/imposición) refleja a padres que tienen serias dificultades para relacionarse e interactuar con sus hijos, al igual que para definir los límites en sus relaciones con ellos, permitiendo con indefensión que sean los propios hijos quienes la definan; aceptan con dificultades los cambios evolutivos de sus hijos y tienen pocas expresiones de afecto; no se implican en las interacciones con ellos y no supervisan las actividades de los hijos. ...
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Estilo de socialización, clima y orientación de metas en la familia: efectos sobre la orientación de meta y la motivación escolar en estudiantes secundarios chilenos 2 Introducción La motivación de los estudiantes ha sido un tema de larga data para quienes nos interesamos en los procesos educativos, pero hoy en día alcanza una importancia crucial, debido a las enormes transformaciones culturales que ha traído el advenimiento de la sociedad de la información, que han dejado bastante atrás a las prácticas escolares (Blásquez, 2001). Con esta preocupación en mente, nos hemos dedicado a tratar de entender cómo se construye el clima motivacional en la sala de clases en la interacción entre las prácticas docentes y las dinámicas de los estudiantes, siguiendo los aportes que otros han realizado a este tema desde la teoría de metas (p. ej.. Una de las vertientes que hemos estado desarrollando se hace cargo de que no todos los estudiantes vivencian de la misma manera los procesos escolares, y uno de los factores que influye en ello es su experiencia familiar. La familia es uno de los principales agentes de socialización, pues influye de manera significativa en la adquisición de valores, creencias, normas y formas de comportarse que contribuyen a la inserción de las personas en la sociedad. Tiene un impacto considerable en la capacidad de las personas para adaptarse a las normas sociales de comportamiento esperadas en los diferentes sistemas de interacción, llámense escuela, grupo de pares, instituciones gubernamentales u otras presentes en su contexto socio-cultural (Esteve, 2005), así como en el rendimiento escolar (Romagnoli y Cortese, 2007). Hemos considerado tres formas de influencia de la familia: el clima familiar, el estilo de socialización y la orientación de metas. Las dos primeras son parte del soporte familiar básico sobre el que se construyen las interacciones en la familia; el tercero, en cambio, alude a un aspecto específicamente ligado a la forma en que se enfrentan las situaciones de logro, entre las cuales se cuenta la escolaridad, y que anticipa la forma en que los estudiantes podrían asumir los desafíos que la educación escolar les presenta. En lo que sigue, se hace un breve repaso de los constructos centrales del trabajo, para luego avanzar en el estudio empírico en que se exploran las relaciones entre ellos, discutiendo
... Numerosas investigaciones ponen de manifiesto que un alto porcentaje de alumnado absentista procede de ambientes desfavorecidos, con déficits económicos y carencias formativas (Pelegrina, et al., 2002;Martínez-Arias, et al., 2007). Es necesario conocer las variables y los indicadores familiares, económicos, sociales, culturales y educativos que condicionan las vidas de este colectivo y que los puede llevar a la exclusión social (Escarbajal e Izquierdo, 2019). ...
En este trabajo se examinan los principales factores que determinan la intervención de los profesionales del Trabajo Social ante la detección de menores en situación de riesgo. Desde un enfoque cualitativo, se analizan 40 casos derivados a los Servicios Sociales Comunitarios de Andalucía oriental, identificados en diferentes contextos (Sistema Educativo, Sistema Sanitario, Fiscalía de Menores, etc.). Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que los principales factores de riesgo referentes al menor y a la familia, tienen como denominador común el conflicto en las relaciones paternofiliales con separaciones traumáticas no resueltas de forma positiva y diferentes desórdenes que repercuten en la salud mental de los menores. Los informes sociales reflejan la necesidad de proceder a la derivación a programas de prevención y/o tratamiento que impulsen a niños, niñas y adolescentes en la adquisición de aptitudes socio-personales que proporcionen su conciliación y satisfacción en diversos ámbitos de su entorno. Asimismo, los padres, madres y/o tutores/as, deben adquirir y/o progresar en sus habilidades y capacidades que favorezca el desarrollo efectivo la parentalidad, impulsando a su vez el crecimiento, confianza y seguridad de todos los componentes de la unidad familiar.
... La familia ha sido y está siendo un aspecto estudiado a partir de diferentes enfoques: desde estudios que priorizaron el nivel socioeconómico o educativo (Coleman et al., 1966;Migliorino, 1974), hasta otros que han evidenciado la importancia de variables referidas al clima educativo familiar, entendiendo éste como el grado y estilo de ayuda familiar a los hijos, así como la dinámica que se establece de relaciones afectivas y comunicativas (Marchesi & Martín, 2002). También se han destacado dimensiones como el nivel de cohesión familiar (Caplan, Henderson, Henderson & Fleming, 2002), así como la percepción de apoyo familiar (Castejón & Pérez, 1998, Gómez del Castillo, 1999 o el estilo parental (Galicia, Sánchez & Robles, 2009;Oliva, Parra & Arranz, 2008;Pelegrina, García & Casanova, 2002;Raya, Pino & Herruzo, 2009). Este último aspecto, el estilo parental, puede ser una de las construcciones teóricas que más se ha involucrado en el análisis de la influencia del contexto familiar sobre el fracaso o rendimiento académico (Hernando, Oliva & Pertegal, 2012). ...
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Este estudio tiene como objetivo principal estudiar las diferencias existentes referidas a estilos educativos familiares, del alumnado inserto en Programas de Diversificación Curricular comparado con el alumnado que cursa el plan ordinario. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio ex post facto retrospectivo con grupo cuasi control, en el que han participado un total de 178 adolescentes (chicas 42.5 %), con edades comprendidas entre los 13 y 18 años. Los resultados obtenidos muestran como los distintos niveles de control, afecto, comunicación y humor podrían influir en la inclusión de estas medidas de atención a la diversidad para disminuir el fracaso escolar. De esta forma la probabilidad de tener menor fracaso académico sería el resultado de tener una educación familiar basada en la comunicación, el respeto y el afecto, combinada con dosis de control y establecimiento de límites, impregnado de sentido de humor y optimismo. CITAR COMO:Sabán Fernández, S., Herruzo Cabrera, F.J. & Félix Raya Trenas, A. (2013). Relación entre estilos educativos familiares y la inclusión en Programas Diversificación Curricular: un elemento a considerar para la mejora de la convivencia escolar. Apuntes de Psicología, 31, 237-245.
... Throughout the PISA assessments, boys have always had better results than girls in mathematical competence (Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional, 2019), with sex being a predictor variable of mathematical performance (Farfán and Simón, 2017; Fuentes and Renobell, 2019; Palomares-Ruiz and . Biological and social factors may act in an interrelated way (Chamorro-Premuzic et al., 2009;Muelas, 2014), including intellectual capacity (Schillinger et al., 2018), complex mathematical reasoning (Desco et al., 2011) and other factors of an individual nature with an impact on the mathematical learning process (Song et al., 2010;Marsh and Martin, 2011;Rodríguez and Guzmán, 2018), school (Carey et al., 2016;Dowker et al., 2016;Schillinger et al., 2018), and family (Pelegrina et al., 2002;Ferreira et al., 2017;Rodríguez-Mantilla et al., 2018). Analyzing students' mathematical performance according to sex is one objective of the present study. ...
... Throughout the PISA assessments, boys have always had better results than girls in mathematical competence (Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional, 2019), with sex being a predictor variable of mathematical performance (Farfán and Simón, 2017; Fuentes and Renobell, 2019; Palomares-Ruiz and . Biological and social factors may act in an interrelated way (Chamorro-Premuzic et al., 2009;Muelas, 2014), including intellectual capacity (Schillinger et al., 2018), complex mathematical reasoning (Desco et al., 2011) and other factors of an individual nature with an impact on the mathematical learning process (Song et al., 2010;Marsh and Martin, 2011;Rodríguez and Guzmán, 2018), school (Carey et al., 2016;Dowker et al., 2016;Schillinger et al., 2018), and family (Pelegrina et al., 2002;Ferreira et al., 2017;Rodríguez-Mantilla et al., 2018). Analyzing students' mathematical performance according to sex is one objective of the present study. ...
... Throughout the PISA assessments, boys have always had better results than girls in mathematical competence (Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional, 2019), with sex being a predictor variable of mathematical performance (Farfán and Simón, 2017; Fuentes and Renobell, 2019; Palomares-Ruiz and . Biological and social factors may act in an interrelated way (Chamorro-Premuzic et al., 2009;Muelas, 2014), including intellectual capacity (Schillinger et al., 2018), complex mathematical reasoning (Desco et al., 2011) and other factors of an individual nature with an impact on the mathematical learning process (Song et al., 2010;Marsh and Martin, 2011;Rodríguez and Guzmán, 2018), school (Carey et al., 2016;Dowker et al., 2016;Schillinger et al., 2018), and family (Pelegrina et al., 2002;Ferreira et al., 2017;Rodríguez-Mantilla et al., 2018). Analyzing students' mathematical performance according to sex is one objective of the present study. ...
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This Research Topic consists of 15 articles on various aspects and methodologies of active and sustainable Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education toward educational psychology domain research contributed to by 49 authors. At the time of writing the Research Topic, the articles published have been checked online more than 24,000 times and received abundant citations in the scientific literature. The topic theme, “STEM education,” is an umbrella term for the approaches and methods from different research disciplines and areas, targeted at the improvement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the cognitive, affective, behavioral, and multidimensional domain in both academic, professional, and industrial personnel who are involved in this field with their everyday work. Here, the various educational psychology domains are getting increased attention in relation to STEM and SDGs. In the same context, it is still challenging and inspiring because this educational psychology domain needs to reflect the current renewable and sustainable situations that are required to follow and achieve the SDGs in STEM education. With various active approaches and methods becoming available, all these ideas and thoughts in the educational psychology domain could be integrated into the area of STEM toward the SDGs that can diagnose and analyze various peoples’ cognitive, affective, behavioral, and multidimensional patterns as well as their peculiarities.
... Para Primón (2019) la escuela es transmisora de estereotipos de género y condiciona las expectativas futuras de los alumnos y las alumnas en función del género, a través del currículo oculto. Son varios los factores que han repercutido en la educación de las mujeres, entre esos factores destacan las pautas educativas y de relaciones dentro del entorno familiar, el estilo parental (Pelegrina, garcía y Casanova, 2002) o el nivel formativo y educativo de los progenitores (Rodríguez-Mantilla, Fernández-Díaz y Jover, 2018). Otros factores y agentes a destacar son las políticas educativas y la inversión económica destinada a educación e investigación. ...
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Introducción: En pleno Siglo XXI es necesario cuestionarse desde la perspectiva de género los paradigmas educativos prevalecientes en determinado contexto sociohistórico. El objetivo del artículo es debatir y reflexionar acerca de los paradigmas educativos tradicionales sustentados en una base androcéntrica y desde su análisis proponer en el campo de la educación un nuevo paradigma que integre la perspectiva de género. Metodología: Basada en el método de investigación cualitativa y discusión documental, utilizando diversas técnicas, entre ellas, la revisión de la literatura científica; para ello se consultan las bases de datos: RESH, DICE, IN-RECS, Biblioteconomía y documentación. Resultados y Discusión: La investigación evidencia la necesidad de fomentar nuevos paradigmas acordes con el sistema educativo del Siglo XXI, que incorporen la perspectiva de género fundamentada en una visión crítica de la realidad y desde el diálogo en una dimensión convergente e integracionista. Conclusiones: En los últimos años son varios los avances en materia de equidad de género, pero todavía se evidencian manifestaciones de desigualdad que dificultan el progreso de la mujer y restan protagonismo a sus logros. La búsqueda de una sociedad más justa y equitativa considera la diversidad e igualdad de género como condición indispensable para impulsar procesos de crecimiento y desarrollo.
... Throughout the PISA assessments, boys have always had better results than girls in mathematical competence (Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional, 2019), with sex being a predictor variable of mathematical performance (Farfán and Simón, 2017;Fuentes and Renobell, 2019;Palomares-Ruiz and García-Perales, 2020). Biological and social factors may act in an interrelated way (Chamorro-Premuzic et al., 2009;Muelas, 2014), including intellectual capacity (Schillinger et al., 2018), complex mathematical reasoning (Desco et al., 2011) and other factors of an individual nature with an impact on the mathematical learning process (Song et al., 2010;Marsh and Martin, 2011;Rodríguez and Guzmán, 2018), school (Carey et al., 2016;Dowker et al., 2016;Schillinger et al., 2018), and family (Pelegrina et al., 2002;Ferreira et al., 2017;Rodríguez-Mantilla et al., 2018). Analyzing students' mathematical performance according to sex is one objective of the present study. ...
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Schools promote all-round education for each of their students. This requires teachers to work on all of the possibilities offered by a subject, including mathematical ability. This process of adjustment and individualization is essential for students who have excellent performance or aptitudes. This study uses an ex post facto, descriptive and quantitative research methodology to examine the results of giving the online version of the Evaluation Battery for Mathematical Ability (BECOMA On) to 3795 5th-year primary school students. The sample was selected from 147 Spanish schools from 16 autonomous regions and 2 autonomous municipalities. Three levels of performance were identified, 3 being the highest, and different statistical indices were calculated for each of them. The results were also analyzed according to sex, with statistically significant differences in the highest performance level. In addition, the study highlighted a diagnostic gap in the identification of higher capacity students, a pending challenge for education systems for the educational inclusion of all students.
... Algunos han explorado las prácticas educativas desarrolladas por los padres haciendo énfasis en el interés por el proceso educativo de sus hijos y el apoyo familiar (Solís y Aguiar, 2017). Asimismo se ha señalado la importancia de ofrecer a los hijos una disciplina apropiada además de los recursos adecuados y necesarios en el ámbito escolar (Buote, 2001); una adecuada cohesión familiar (Caplan, Henderson, Henderson y Fleming, 2002) y un estilo parental basado en el apoyo y la solidaridad (Oliva, Parra y Arranz, 2008;Pelegrina, García y Casanova, 2002). ...
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El objetivo del presente estudio fue indagar acerca de la relación entre el clima familiar y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de preparatorias públicas del estado de Nuevo León, México. Los participantes fueron 290 adolescentes estudiantes de Bachillerato de ambos sexos (51% varones y 49% mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre 15 a 22 años, (M = 16.36; DT= 0.06). Se realizaron análisis de correlación de las variables de estudio, así como ANOVA contrastando el clima familiar y el promedio general para observar probables diferencias entre los grupos analizados. Los resultados mostraron que la dimensión que se relaciona de forma más significativa con el rendimiento académico es la interacción familiar negativa. Igualmente se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las relaciones familiares negativas y el bajo rendimiento académico. Finalmente, se discuten los resultados y sus posibles implicaciones prácticas. Palabras clave: Clima familiar, Rendimiento académico, Bachillerato, Correlaciones, ANOVA.
... Algunos han explorado las prácticas educativas desarrolladas por los padres haciendo énfasis en el interés por el proceso educativo de sus hijos y el apoyo familiar (Solís y Aguiar, 2017). Asimismo se ha señalado la importancia de ofrecer a los hijos una disciplina apropiada además de los recursos adecuados y necesarios en el ámbito escolar (Buote, 2001); una adecuada cohesión familiar (Caplan, Henderson, Henderson y Fleming, 2002) y un estilo parental basado en el apoyo y la solidaridad (Oliva, Parra y Arranz, 2008;Pelegrina, García y Casanova, 2002). ...
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El objetivo del presente estudio fue indagar acerca de la relación entre el clima familiar y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de preparatorias públicas del estado de Nuevo León, México. Los participantes fueron 290 adolescentes estudiantes de Bachillerato de ambos sexos (51% varones y 49% mujeres), con edades comprendidas entre 15 a 22 años, (M = 16.36; DT= 0.06). Se realizaron análisis de correlación de las variables de estudio, así como ANOVA contrastando el clima familiar y el promedio general para observar probables diferencias entre los grupos analizados. Los resultados mostraron que la dimensión que se relaciona de forma más significativa con el rendimiento académico es la interacción familiar negativa. Igualmente se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las relaciones familiares negativas y el bajo rendimiento académico. Finalmente, se discuten los resultados y sus posibles implicaciones prácticas. Palabras clave: Clima familiar, Rendimiento académico, Bachillerato, Correlaciones, ANOVA.
... In the same vein, in addition to gender being studied as a predictor of academic achievement, other variables, such as parental influence (Caplan, Henderson, Henderson, & Fleming, 2002;Córdoba et al., 2011;Hernando, Oliva, & Pertegal, 2012;Marchesi & Martín, 2002;Pelegrina, Linares, & Casanova, 2002), or motivation, creativity, and social skills (Gilar Corbi, Miñano Pérez, & Castejón Costa, 2008;Hernando et al., 2012;Maquilón Sánchez & Hernández Pina, 2011;Sebastian & Huang, 2016), have also been examined extensively within explanatory and predictive models of achievement. This demonstrates that there is great interest in knowing how sociodemographic variables influence the academic achievement variable. ...
The aim of this study is to define the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between academic achievement and some explanatory factors, according to the PISA 2015 results in the United Kingdom, Finland and Spain. Based on an exploratory correlational study, multivariate statistical techniques were applied with moderate regression analysis in these countries, which were considered relevant examples for understanding the current situation. The results obtained suggest that gender is a variable that, at a general level, moderates the relationship between the explanatory factors studied, with the exception of anxiety, and academic achievement, mainly in the Finnish student population. Ultimately, the relevance of gender as a moderating variable for the improvement of student achievement and educational quality is verified.
... En esta línea, como lo indica Rohner & Carrasco (2014), el afecto físico, verbal, simbólico, reflejan la dimensión de calidez y aceptación de los padres o cuidadores principales. Estas conductas de aceptación parental produce: una autoestima más alta y bienestar psicológico (Cerezo, Casanova, De la Torre & Carpio, 2011;Darling & Steinberg, 1993;Oliva, Parra & Sánchez-Queija, 2002;Steinberg & Silverberg, 1986), un mejor ajuste escolar o competencia académica (Im-Bolter, Zadeh & Ling, 2013;Mounts & Steinberg, 1995;Steinberg, Lamborn, Dournbusch & Darling, 1992), asociaciones significativas con altos niveles de competencia social y ajuste psicológico (Carillo, Ripoll-Núñez & Cabrera, 2009;Torío et al., 2008;Tur-Porcar, Mestre, Samper & Malonda, 2012), un menor consumo de sustancias tóxicas en los hijos (Barhr & Hoffman, 2010;Becoña et al., 2013;Calafat, García, Juan, Becoña & Fernández-Hermida, 2014;Parra & Oliva, 2006), una menor presencia de problemas de conducta según refieren (Aunola, Stattin & Nurmi, 2000;Pelegrina, García & Casanova, 2002). ...
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El presente estudio de tipo descriptivo y correlacional, tiene un enfoque cuantitativo. Esta investigación se basa en la necesidad de identificar la dimensión de aceptación - rechazo parental para el ejercicio positivo de la paternidad. El objetivo fue analizar las relaciones entre las conductas de aceptación - rechazo y el control parental con la tipología familiar, la edad, el sexo y el nivel educativo de los progenitores. Participaron 569 padres y madres de niños de primero a séptimo de educación básica de las escuelas públicas y privadas de Cuenca, y se aplicó el cuestionario de Rohner & Khaleque Parent Parq//Control (2005). En el análisis estadístico, además de valores descriptivos se emplearon pruebas estadísticas no paramétricas. Como resultado se obtuvo que los progenitores manifiesten frecuentes expresiones de afecto y control y, escasas expresiones de indiferencia, agresión y rechazo. Se encontró también que el afecto e indiferencia no dependen del sexo, edad o nivel educativo de los padres; así mismo se evidenció que la agresión, el rechazo y el control son más frecuentes en progenitores menores a 36 años; los que cuentan con un nivel de instrucción básica registraron expresiones más frecuentes de control. Se constatan más afecto en las familias nucleares, en tanto que la agresión, indiferencia, rechazo y control son similares en todos los tipos de familias estudiadas. En conclusión, con independencia a las condiciones sociodemográficas, predominan padres y madres que manifiestan afecto y control hacia sus hijos.
... En esta línea, como lo indica Rohner & Carrasco (2014), el afecto físico, verbal, simbólico, reflejan la dimensión de calidez y aceptación de los padres o cuidadores principales. Estas conductas de aceptación parental produce: una autoestima más alta y bienestar psicológico (Cerezo, Casanova, De la Torre & Carpio, 2011;Darling & Steinberg, 1993;Oliva, Parra & Sánchez-Queija, 2002;Steinberg & Silverberg, 1986), un mejor ajuste escolar o competencia académica (Im-Bolter, Zadeh & Ling, 2013;Mounts & Steinberg, 1995;Steinberg, Lamborn, Dournbusch & Darling, 1992), asociaciones significativas con altos niveles de competencia social y ajuste psicológico (Carillo, Ripoll-Núñez & Cabrera, 2009;Torío et al., 2008;Tur-Porcar, Mestre, Samper & Malonda, 2012), un menor consumo de sustancias tóxicas en los hijos (Barhr & Hoffman, 2010;Becoña et al., 2013;Calafat, García, Juan, Becoña & Fernández-Hermida, 2014;Parra & Oliva, 2006), una menor presencia de problemas de conducta según refieren (Aunola, Stattin & Nurmi, 2000;Pelegrina, García & Casanova, 2002). ...
El presente estudio de tipo descriptivo y correlacional, tiene un enfoque cuantitativo. Esta investigación se basa en la necesidad de identificar la dimensión de aceptación - rechazo parental para el ejercicio positivo de la paternidad. El objetivo fue analizar las relaciones entre las conductas de aceptación - rechazo y el control parental con la tipología familiar, la edad, el sexo y el nivel educativo de los progenitores. “Participaron 569 padres y madres de niños de primero a séptimo de educación básica de las escuelas públicas y privadas de Cuenca”, y se aplicó el cuestionario de Rohner & Khaleque Parent Parq//Control (2005). En el análisis estadístico, además de valores descriptivos se emplearon pruebas estadísticas no paramétricas. Como resultado se obtuvo que los progenitores manifiesten frecuentes expresiones de afecto y control y, escasas expresiones de indiferencia, agresión y rechazo. Se encontró también que el afecto e indiferencia no dependen del sexo, edad o nivel educativo de los padres; así mismo se evidenció que la agresión, el rechazo y el control son más frecuentes en progenitores menores a 36 años; los que cuentan con un nivel de instrucción básica registraron expresiones más frecuentes de control. Se constatan más afecto en las familias nucleares, en tanto que la agresión, indiferencia, rechazo y control son similares en todos los tipos de familias estudiadas. En conclusión, con independencia a las condiciones sociodemográficas, predominan padres y madres que manifiestan afecto y control hacia sus hijos.
... Nevertheless, research conducted in other European cultures and countries have found that children from indulgent (permissive) and authoritative (democratic) families perform better academically than those from authoritarian and negligent ones (Calafat, García, Juan, Becoña, & Fernández-Hermida, 2014;Erden & Uredi, 2008). In Spain, the few studies that have been carried out in this field suggest that the indulgent or permissive style is the one which offers the best results in diverse variables of school adjustment, or at least leads to results which are just as positive as those achieved by the authoritative style (Fuentes, García, Gracía, & Alarcón, 2015;Pelegrina, Linares, & Casanova, 2002). ...
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Son muchas las variables analizadas en relación al ajuste escolar. Sin embargo, la cantidad de trabajos que analizan la relación entre los estilos de socialización parental y el ajuste escolar son escasos, especialmente en nuestro país. El presente trabajo pretende examinar el rol de tales estilos de socialización parental, diferenciando el del padre y el de la madre, sobre la implicación escolar y el rendimiento académico. Participaron 737 estudiantes de Secundaria del País Vasco de entre 11 y 18 años. Rellenaron la Escala de Afecto (EA-H) y Escala de Normas y Exigencias (ENE-H), el Cuestionario de Implicación Escolar (SEM) y el rendimiento se calculó a partir de la nota media en matemáticas y lenguaje. Los resultados indican que en el caso del rendimiento académico es el estilo permisivo de ambos progenitores el que influye de manera más positiva en la obtención de unas mejores calificaciones, mientras que en el caso de la implicación escolar son tanto el permisivo como el democrático del padre y de la madre (con pequeñas variaciones según la dimensión analizada) los que se asocian a una mayor implicación escolar. Se discuten las implicaciones educativas que estos resultados pueden presentar.
... Parental support leads to higher self-esteem, and psychological well-being (Cerezo et al. 2011;Darling and Steinberg 1993), these children also exhibit better academic performance and adjustment (Im-Bolter et al. 2013;Mounts and Steinberg 1995;Steinberg et al. 1992). In addition, there is a lower risk of substance abuse (Bahr and Hoffman 2010;Becoña et al. 2013;Calafat et al. 2014) and behavioral disorders are less common (Aunola et al. 2000;Pelegrina et al. 2002). Furthermore, research shows the significant relationship between a positive family structure, emotional cohesion and adaptability in emotional disorders (Milevsky et al. 2007;Oliva et al. 2008). ...
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Cross-cultural studies are necessary to test and understand how measures work in diverse multicultural societies. Positive parenting needs to be defined and the basic elements making up this construct need to be established. IPARTheory stands out as the main theory defining parenting focusing on the acceptance-rejection dimension. This study explored the factorial structure of the PARQ Questionnaire Parent Version (Short Form) in Spanish (n = 4169), with age range 20 to 72 years old; and Ecuadorian (n = 569) parents, with ages from 22 to 71 years old. This instrument assesses parents’ perceptions of their acceptance and rejection behaviors towards their children. The questionnaire has a 25-item structure in four scales: warmth-affection, hostility/aggression, indifference/neglect and undifferentiated-rejection. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the four-factor model in both samples, however the invariance of the model must be accepted with caution. In addition, an ANOVA test showed statistically significative differences in the four factors between Spanish and Ecuadorian parents. Spain and Ecuador are both Latin countries; however, there are differences between them, which may explain the differences found in this research. Authorities must encourage programs and social services to educate people in parental roles and tasks, besides public policies are needed to support positive parenting, but it is important to define the domains which make this construct.
... The authoritarian style, on the other hand, has been linked to emotional maladjustment (in the form of depression, low self-esteem or low self-confidence) (Garber, Robinson, & Valentiner, 1997). The indulgent style is associated with psychosocial problems (substance abuse, antisocial behaviour, etc.) (Adalbjarnardottir & Hafsteinsson, 2001;Steinberg et al., 2006), and the authoritative style with higher levels of psycho-social adjustment (better self-esteem, good adjustment to school, satisfactory academic performance, psychological maturity and fewer behavioural problems) (Baumrind, 1997;Im-Bolter, Zadeh, & Ling, 2013;Kritzas & Grobler, 2005;Pelegrina, García, & Casanova, 2002). However, many studies claim that equivalent outcomes are achieved in indulgent and authoritative families, and even that children raised in indulgent families may present higher levels of adjustment (Calafat et al., 2014;Esteve, 2005;Gámez-Guadix et al., 2012;García & Gracia, 2009López-Romero, Romero, & Villar, 2012). ...
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Adolescence is an important developmental period that is characterised by heightened problems of adjustment. The aim of this study is to analyse adolescents' adjustment, and to explore the typologies and dimensions of parenting, and thus to determine the relationships between these factors. The sample comprised 1285 adolescent students aged 12 to 16 from the Basque Country (Spain). The students filled out the self-report of the Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC) and the Parental Acceptance-Rejection/Control Questionnaire, (PARQ/Control). Differences by age were found in the adolescents' school maladjustment and parenting style perception. Moreover, perceptions of little parental warmth were related to higher levels of clinical and school maladjustment, and the lower the parental control, the greater the clinical maladjustment. Finally, the results obtained revealed that the interaction between the mothers' and fathers' parenting styles was significant only for clinical maladjustment; those students with neglectful mothers and authoritative fathers presented the highest level of clinical maladjustment, followed by other combinations of neglectful mothers. Furthermore, the students from neglectful and authoritarian families presented the highest levels of school maladjustment, without differences between neglectful and authoritarian or between indulgent and authoritative families.
... Ya en el año 2009 se afirmaba que los estudiantes socioeconómicamente más vulnerables presentaban claras desventajas en el camino hacia la Educación Superior (OECD, 2009a). Asimismo, otros estudios chilenos han evidenciado que la "libertad" de elección en los jóvenes provenientes de los sectores más vulnerables de la sociedad chilena está influido por variables como resultados PSU, ingreso familiar, nivel educativo de los padres, en especial de la madre; dependencia del establecimiento educacional de origen, nivel de logro alcanzado en pruebas estandarizadas como el Simce, entre otros (Blanco & Meneses, 2011;Contreras, Corbalán & Redondo, 2007;García-Huidobro, 2007;Koljatic & Silva, 2010;Pelegrina, Linares & Casanova, 2002). El sistema de educación superior se ha democratizado en el acceso, sin embargo, la expansión ha seguido una lógica de segmentación social en términos de tipo de institución y programa. ...
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Using historical databases that contain statistics on higher education admissions in Chile, this article uses an inferential and comparative statistical analysis to analyze "first generation" university students" and their career choices, contrasting with "continuous generation" students, whose parents and/or grandparents also went to university. The main findings of this report the existence of differential attributes and behaviors of "first generation" students compared to the "continuous generation" students, demonstrating the persistence of exclusion and segregation processes that manifest themselves in professional choices that are highly conditioned by the habitus that reproduces inequalities and limits aspirations to a restricted set of options. This scenario calls into question the actual exercise of making vocational choices and the increased democratization and inclusion of a mass and diversified higher education system.
... There are many data supporting the importance of child and adolescent's social adjustment. Available data indicate that parents drives to: a higher self-esteem and psychological well-being Darling & Steinberg, 1993;Steinberg & Silverberg, 1986;Oliva, Parra & Sánchez-Queija, 2002), a better scholar or academic adjustment (Im-Bolter, Zadeh & Ling, 2013; Mounts & Steinberg, 1995;Steinberg, Lamborn, Dournbusch & Darling, 1992), lower toxic substances consumption (Bahr & Hoffman, 2010;Becoña, Martínez, Calafat, Juan, Fernández & Secades, 2013;Calafat, et al., 2014;Parra & Oliva, 2006) and a lower behavioural problems (Aunola, Stattin & Nurmi, 2000;Pelegrina, García & Casanova, 2002). There are many studies manifesting the importance of some positive family relations (emotional cohesion and its adaptability) on emotional problems: as depressive adolescents (Milevsky, Schlechter, Netter & Kreehn, 2007;Oliva, Jiménez, Parra & Sánchez-Queija, 2008) or the influence over the capacity to face and overcome vital adverse and stressful events with more adapted behaviour producing more adapted and resilient individuals (Fuentes, et al., 2015;Milevsky, et al., 2007;Suldo & Huebner, 2004). ...
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... En el caso del afecto, existe una abundante cantidad de datos que apoyan la importancia en el ajuste social del niño y del adolescente. Los datos disponibles indican que el apoyo parental produce: una autoestima más alta y bienestar psicológico Darling & Steinberg, 1993;Steinberg & Silverberg, 1986;Oliva, Parra & Sánchez-Queija, 2002), un mejor ajuste escolar o competencia académica (Im-Bolter, Zadeh & Ling, 2013; Mounts & Steinberg, 1995;Steinberg, Lamborn, Dournbusch & Darling, 1992), un menor consumo de sustancias tóxicas (Bahr & Hoffman, 2010;Becoña, Martínez, Calafat, Juan, Fernández & Secades, 2013;Calafat, et al., 2014;Parra & Oliva, 2006) y una menor presencia de problemas de conducta (Aunola, Stattin & Nurmi, 2000;Pelegrina, García & Casanova, 2002). También son frecuentes los estudios que manifiestan la importancia de unas relaciones familiares positivas (cohesión emocional y la adaptabilidad) sobre los problemas emocionales: adolescentes que presentan problemas depresivos (Milevsky, Schlechter, Netter & Kreehn, 2007;Oliva, Jiménez, Parra & Sánchez-Queija, 2008) o la influencia sobre la capacidad de afrontar y superar eventos vitales adversos y estresantes manteniendo conductas adaptativas dando como resultado unos sujetos más adaptados y resilentes (Fuentes, et al., 2015;Milevsky, et al., 2007;Suldo & Huebner, 2004). ...
... Otra variable que ha sido tomada en cuenta son los estilos y practicas educativas de los padres y su influencia en el rendimiento académico, motivaciones y expectativas de los hijos. Los estilos educativos democrático y permisivo son los que se correlacionan de forma positiva con el rendimiento académico, con la motivación intrínseca y competencia percibida (Pelegrina, García y Casanova, 2002). Otros estudios señalan que los estilos democrático y permisivo se correlacionan de forma positiva con el uso de las estrategias de aprendizaje utilizadas por los hijos (Cerezo, Casanova, De la Torre y Carpio, 2011). ...
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Este trabajo se centra en examinar el impacto que tiene el apoyo parental sobre las estrategias de aprendizaje de sus hijos. Para ello, se aplicó el Cuestionario de Estrategias de Aprendizaje (CEA) a un total de 80 estudiantes, de 1º y 4º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, procedentes de tres centros –de diferente titularidad– ubicados en la provincia de Lugo. Cuarenta de ellos recibían apoyo de sus padres en las tareas escolares de forma regular. El resto no contaba con ninguna ayuda de este tipo. Para el análisis estadístico se empleó el programa SPSS 15.0. Nuestros resultados indican que los alumnos –en general– muestran un nivel adecuado en el uso que hacen de las estrategias de aprendizaje, sin que se hayan registrado diferencias significativas en función del apoyo parental. Sin embargo, sí se han encontrado diferencias en las subescalas de organización (p menor que .010) y regulación (p menor que .050), obteniendo puntuaciones más altas los educandos que contaban con el apoyo de sus padres en la realización de las tareas escolares que los que no. Asimismo, se encontraron diferencias en la escala de metacognición (p menor que .050). Concretamente, en el caso de los alumnos de 1º ESO –varones–, donde los estudiantes que contaban con refuerzo paterno puntuaron significativamente más alto que sus homólogos en dicha escala. Además, se hallaron diferencias en función del género entre aquellos alumnos que recibían supervisión paterna, mostrando los chicos un mejor control emocional que las chicas (p menor que .050).
... En general, existe en las familias bajo medidas de protección una escasa implicación de los padres en todo lo relacionado con la escuela, circunstancia que ha sido corroborada por los trabajos de Martínez y Corral (1991) y Wentzel (1998), quienes encontraron una relación alta y positiva entre la alta implicación de los padres a la escuela y el buen rendimiento académico y la integración escolar de sus hijos. Pelegrina, García y Félix (2002) apuntan que la edad de los hijos y el nivel educativo de los padres se relaciona con el rendimiento académico, las expectativas de rendimiento y la motivación, siendo los alumnos de mayor edad los que acumulan mayor fracaso escolar. Pino, Herruzo y Moya (2000) en un estudio con menores entre uno y cinco años de edad encuentran retrasos en el desarrollo cognitivo, lingüístico y social, por lo que necesariamente también se ve comprometido el proceso de aprendizaje del niño. ...
... En la actualidad son cuatro las dimensiones más frecuentemente utilizadas para caracterizar el estilo parental: el afecto que se establece en la relación con los hijos, el grado de control o monitorización que se ejerce sobre su conducta, la calidad de la comunicación, y la promoción de la autonomía o exigencia de madurez por parte de madres y padres (Oliva y Parra, 2004). Una parte de las investigaciones realizadas en este campo tanto en el contexto internacional (Ballantine, 2001;Burchinal, Peisner-Feinberg, Pianta y Howes, 2002;Chao, 2001;Glasgow, Dornbusch, Troyer, Steinberg y Ritter, 1997;Kim y Rohner, 2002;Lamborn, Mounts, Steinberg y Dornbush,1991;Steinberg, Elmen y Mounts, 1989;Weiss y Schwarz, 1996) como en el hispano hablante (Balzano, 2002;Martínez González, 1992;Pelegrina et al., 2002;Peralbo y Fer- nández Amado, 2003;Pérez de Pablos, 2003;Pérez Díaz, Rodríguez y Sánchez, 2001) encuentran que las puntuaciones más altas en rendimiento académico son obtenidas por el alumnado que percibe a sus padres con un estilo parental caracterizado por el afecto, el control y las exigencias de madurez; y no sólo eso, sino que es posible afirmar ) que son los adolescentes con padres con un alto nivel de afecto y control los que presentan un mayor interés hacia el centro escolar y un mejor rendimiento académico. En el polo opuesto se encuentran los adolescentes que viven en hogares en los que predomina un estilo parental caracterizado por la falta de afecto y supervisión, ya que son los que manifiestan más problemas escolares, conductuales y de ajuste psicológico. ...
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The study examines the relationships between academic performance in adolescents, the amount of time spent doing homework, and family variables (including demographic variables and parental educational style), together with developmental trends and gender differences. The sample consisted of 2400 adolescents aged between 12- and 17-years from 20 different schools in Andalusia. The time spent on homework and parents' education level are the variables most strongly related with academic achievement. Dimensions of parental style contributed to explain variability in academic performance, as four of them had a significant influence. However, while in two cases, behavioural control and disclosure, this relationship is positive, in psychological control and mood, it is negative. Gender differences were found in the variables studied, i.e., in general, the girls' performance was better. A reduction of academic achievement during the course of adolescence was observed in both sexes, though this was more pronounced among males.
... In Spain, both works carried out by Pelegrina, García and Casanova (2002) and Cerezo, Casanova, de la Torre and Carpio (2011) with the aim of relating the academic competence in adolescents with their parents' educative style, concluded that both the authotitative and permissive styles are related with: -A better academic performance. ...
... En general, existe en las familias bajo medidas de protección una escasa implicación de los padres en todo lo relacionado con la escuela, circunstancia que ha sido corroborada por los trabajos de Martínez y Corral (1991) y Wentzel (1998), quienes encontraron una relación alta y positiva entre la alta implicación de los padres a la escuela y el buen rendimiento académico y la integración escolar de sus hijos. Pelegrina, García y Félix (2002) apuntan que la edad de los hijos y el nivel educativo de los padres se relaciona con el rendimiento académico, las expectativas de rendimiento y la motivación, siendo los alumnos de mayor edad los que acumulan mayor fracaso escolar. Pino, Herruzo y Moya (2000) en un estudio con menores entre uno y cinco años de edad encuentran retrasos en el desarrollo cognitivo, lingüístico y social, por lo que necesariamente también se ve comprometido el proceso de aprendizaje del niño. ...
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The aim of this study was investigate the mood state of the sailors in competition. Participated six athletes the Brazilian national sailing team in Panamerican Games. Athletes completed the “Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS)” before and after the races, totaling 19 assessments over the competition. To analyze the data and statistical analysis was descriptive and inferential. Athletes showed variations in mood both before and after the races. The sailors had high levels of stress, depression and anger before the race, while after all factors were elevated. The force is maintained at optimum levels throughout the evaluations.
... En general, existe en las familias bajo medidas de protección una escasa implicación de los padres en todo lo relacionado con la escuela, circunstancia que ha sido corroborada por los trabajos de Martínez y Corral (1991) y Wentzel (1998), quienes encontraron una relación alta y positiva entre la alta implicación de los padres a la escuela y el buen rendimiento académico y la integración escolar de sus hijos. Pelegrina, García y Félix (2002) apuntan que la edad de los hijos y el nivel educativo de los padres se relaciona con el rendimiento académico, las expectativas de rendimiento y la motivación, siendo los alumnos de mayor edad los que acumulan mayor fracaso escolar. Pino, Herruzo y Moya (2000) en un estudio con menores entre uno y cinco años de edad encuentran retrasos en el desarrollo cognitivo, lingüístico y social, por lo que necesariamente también se ve comprometido el proceso de aprendizaje del niño. ...
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Obesity has become one of the serious health problems currently affecting western societies. Efforts made to deal with it from a medical or public health perspective have met mixed results, suggesting the need of an integrated approach. However, to date such an approach is lacking. The objective of the study is to perform a theoretical review of the main studies on obesity from a psychosocial perspective in order to arrive at a deeper and more accurate understanding of the so-called “21st century epidemy”. We realized a bibliographic review of 34 papers drawn from the following data bases: PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, ERIC, EconLit, SocINDEX, MEDLINE and Social Work Abstracts. The analysis of the selected papers has uncovered the existence of discrimination against obese people in several social contexts (health, work, education, and mass media). In addition, it has shown that several theoretical explanations have been advanced to account for the general acceptance of that discrimination at the societal level. It is concluded from the selected papers that a psychosocial approach to the problem of obesity will be useful to bring about the needed integration.
... Al respecto, Kellaghan y Álvarez, citados por Gómez (1998) coinciden en que el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes se encuentra ligado al ambiente de aprendizaje que la familia proporciona. Ambientes familiares donde se estimula el placer por los estudios, la perseverancia hacia el logro académico y la inquietud por el saber, se asocian con buenos resultados académicos (Pelegrina, García y Casanova, 2002). ...
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Recibido 15 de julio de 2013 • Corregido 9 de octubre de 2013 • Aceptado 1 de diciembre de 2013 La autora sistematiza una investigación cuantitativa sobre los factores asociados al rendimiento académico desde el nivel socioeconómico en estudiantes universitarios en la Universidad de Costa Rica; analiza, mediante modelos de regresión múltiple, los factores asociados al rendimiento académico en estudiantes que por su condición socioeconómica se les asignó la máxima categoría de beca y estudiantes que no solicitaron beca por esta condición de carreras de alta y baja demanda de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Se ofrece un marco explicativo sobre el tema, así como insumos para la gestión de la educación superior pública. Se evidencia entre los principales hallazgos que el rendimiento académico es un fenómeno altamente complejo y multicausal, así como se resaltan los principales factores institucionales, pedagógicos y psicosociales que se asocian al rendimiento académico tomando en cuenta el componente socioeconómico.
... -Surprisingly, children with permissive families were similar to the ones with authoritative families. In Spain, both works carried out by Pelegrina, García and Casanova (2002) and Cerezo, Casanova, de la Torre and Carpio (2011) with the aim of relating the academic competence in adolescents with their parents' educative style, concluded that both the democratic and permissive educative styles are related with: ...
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This paper aims to carry out a review of the most important advances achieved in recent decades, and mainly in recent years, in the study of parenting styles and parenting practices in relation to academic competence and behavior problems of children with and without disabilities, in order to shed some light on major differences in patterns of family interaction that may explain the worst levels of adaptation manifested by children with disabilities. For this, we have carried out an analysis of main works that reflect this relationship in the general population, and then did the same including disability as a differentiating factor. In this sense, the authoritative style and specific parenting practices such as setting limits, communication, autonomy or monitoring are described as good predictors of adaptive behavior in children. However, we miss studies to confirm this relationship in children with disabilities. In this population, the major papers refer, on one side, to expectations and, on other side, to stress in parenting and its effect of the parents' mental health. In conclusion, the need for studies to provide additional information about family relationships and disability is discussed.
... In Spain, both works carried out by Pelegrina, García and Casanova (2002) and Cerezo, Casanova, de la Torre and Carpio (2011) with the aim of relating the academic competence in adolescents with their parents' educative style, concluded that both the authotitative and permissive styles are related with: -A better academic performance. ...
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In order to explain the worst levels of adaptation showed by children with disabilities in relation to non disabled children, this paper aims to carry out a review of the most important advances achieved in recent decades in the study of parenting styles and parenting practices in relation to academic competence and behavior problems of children with and without disabilities. For this, we have carried out an analysis of the main works that show this relationship in the population, and then, we did the same including disability as a differentiating factor. In this sense, the authoritative style and specific parenting practices such as setting limits, communication, autonomy or monitoring are described as good predictors of adaptive behavior in children. However, we miss studies to confirm this relationship in children with disabilities. In this population, most of the papers refer, on the one hand, to expectations and, on the other hand, the stress in parenting and its effect on the parents' mental health. In conclusion, the need to provide additional information about family relationships and disability is discussed.
... En la actualidad son cuatro las dimensiones más frecuentemente utilizadas para caracterizar el estilo parental: el afecto que se esta- blece en la relación con los hijos, el grado de control o monitorización que se ejer- ce sobre su conducta, la calidad de la comunicación, y la promoción de la autono- mía o exigencia de madurez por parte de madres y padres (Oliva y Parra, 2004). Una parte de las investigaciones realizadas en este campo tanto en el contexto internacional (Ballantine, 2001;Burchinal, Peisner-Feinberg, Pianta y Howes, 2002;Chao, 2001;Glasgow, Dornbusch, Troyer, Steinberg y Ritter, 1997;Kim y Rohner, 2002;Lamborn, Mounts, Steinberg y Dornbush,1991;Steinberg, Elmen y Mounts, 1989;Weiss y Schwarz, 1996) como en el hispano hablante (Balzano, 2002;Martínez González, 1992;Pelegrina et al., 2002;Peralbo y Fernández Amado, 2003;Pérez de Pablos, 2003;Pérez Díaz, Rodríguez y Sánchez, 2001) encuentran que las puntuaciones más altas en rendimiento académico son obtenidas por el alumnado que percibe a sus padres con un estilo parental caracte- rizado por el afecto, el control y las exigencias de madurez; y no sólo eso, sino que es posible afirmar ) que son los adolescentes con padres con un alto nivel de afecto y control los que presentan un mayor interés hacia el centro escolar y un mejor rendimiento académico. En el polo opuesto se encuentran los adolescentes que viven en hogares en los que predomina un estilo parental carac- terizado por la falta de afecto y supervisión, ya que son los que manifiestan más problemas escolares, conductuales y de ajuste psicológico. ...
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En este estudio se analizan las relaciones existentes entre el rendimiento académico adolescente, el tiempo dedicado a las tareas escolares y algunas variables familiares, tanto sociodemográficas como referidas al estilo educativo parental, así como sus tendencias evolutivas y las diferencias de género en una muestra de 2400 adolescentes con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y 17 años pertenecientes a 20 centros educativos de Andalucía. El tiempo dedicado a las tareas escolares y el nivel de estudios de los padres fueron las variables que presentaron mayor relación con los logros académicos. Las dimensiones del estilo parental contribuyeron a explicar la variabilidad en el rendimiento académico, cuatro de ellas ejercieron una influencia significativa; pero mientras en dos, control conductual y revelación, es positiva; el control psicológico y el humor, lo hacen de manera negativa. Aparecieron diferencias de género en las variables estudiadas, fueron las chicas, en general, las que mostraron mayor rendimiento. La disminución del rendimiento, a lo largo de la adolescencia, se observó en ambos sexos, aunque entre los chicos fue más acusado.
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Parenting styles have been used to explain the effects of family socialization on children's learning skills. In this research, we have considered build an instrument for evaluating academic goals in the primary school stage, that allows us determine the relationships between the different types of goals and the different ways of establishing and policing the rules that the participants perceive from their parents. Those participating in this research were 550 pupils from of primary education. The Questionnaire on Academic Goals (QAG) has highly acceptable psychometric characteriztics. The analysis has shown the existence of four solid, well-defined factors. The relationships between the different types of goals and the different ways of establishing and policing the rules are verified. The pupils classified in the groups concerning the goals of social evaluation and reward were characterized by a more indulgent parenting style, determined by an absence of rules and limits for their children's behavior. On the other hand, those pupils classified in the groups concerning the goals of learning and achievement were characterized by parents with an inductive style, determined by the use of reasoning and explanations towards their children in so far as the consequences of breaking the rules.
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The aim of the study was to assess the psychological profile of oncology patients, and to assess the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral treatment aimed to improve coping of pain and anxiety in childhood-juvenile cancer. The sample initially was of 12 patients, between 9 and 14 years diag- nosed with cancer, to whom a protocol of psychological treatment was applied, with a duration of 7 sessions that were carried out during the hospital admissions. There was a significant reduction in anxiety and an increase in positive affect levels. In individuals with high scores on the emotionality and extraversion scale, higher levels of post-treatment anxiety were found. These results provide evidence of the importance of applying treatments focused on treating the psycho-emotional effects in children with cancer. Clinical trial registration number: 03/2013.
El rendimiento académico ha sido abordado en múltiples investigaciones, a partir de ellas se ha identificado que los factores familiares, sociales, personales, escolares, de salud, laborales, entre otros, influyen de manera decisiva en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos universitarios. El presente estudio en proceso, tiene como el objetivo identificar factores asociados al rendimiento académico en estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Para tal efecto se emplean las pruebas; Terman-Merril, Valores interpersonales de Gordon y Adaptabilidad social de Moss.
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The parental academic involvement is an important variable in achieving cooperation between home and school with the aim of improving the performance of their children and boosting the school's attempt to understand and appreciate the values and cultures of families to effectively meet the needs of their children. It is also considered an added value to develop the educational process of children at all ages. The importance of the research lies in its findings which reveal that the parental academic involvement of the selected sample of students in light of parenthood and school stage (secondary-university) is a decided advantage, as this makes a better understanding of this variable and its constituents in Oman. This would help draw guidelines and instructions and give rise to counseling programs, making parents and educationalists aware of the educational process, and improving the academic performance and the behavior of their different. The study sample consists of 210 students in their 10th grade at the secondary stage and 152 male and female students in their 2nd year in the College of Education at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU). Two scales were devised, one which is applied to secondary stage students and another applied to SQU students. The findings show that there are specific factors related to parental academic involvement concept, as there are fatherhood and motherhood factors applicable to secondary stage and others applicable to university students. These factors vary by type (Father-Mother) and the school stage (secondary–university).
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Este informe es el resultado del convenio de colaboración firmado entre la Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía y la Universidad de Sevilla para la realización de una investigación y el diseño de estrategias de intervención sobre el desarrollo positivo y la salud mental durante la adolescencia en el marco del programa Forma-Joven. El estudio ha sido realizado por investigadores del Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación bajo la dirección del profesor Alfredo Oliva Delgado. El informe está dividido en cuatro partes. En la primera se analiza el modelo de desarrollo positivo de las 5 Cs y se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico realizado, mediante grupos nominales y la técnica Delphy, sobre profesionales del mundo de la salud mental y la educación con el objetivo de delimitar las competencias que según los expertos sirven para definir un desarrollo adolescente positivo. La segunda parte puede considerarse como un paso previo a lo que será la continuación de este estudio en una fase posterior, y consistió en recoger, mediante grupos de discusión, la opinión de profesionales de la educación (orientadores de centros de educación secundaria) y de los servicios comunitarios acerca de las variables, de la escuela o de la comunidad, que pueden ser consideradas como recursos que promueven el desarrollo adolescente. Esas variables serán evaluadas en un estudio cuantitativo posterior, y relacionadas con indicadores del desarrollo positivo y la salud mental de chicos y chicas adolescentes de Andalucía Occidental. La tercera parte presenta los resultados de una revisión de la literatura empírica sobre la evaluación de programas encaminados a la promoción del desarrollo y la salud mental adolescente. Se analizaron tanto los programas extraescolares, realizados tanto en el contexto físico de la escuela como en otros lugares, pero todos ellos fueras del horario escolar. También se analizó la evidencia empírica sobre la eficacia de los programas que estaban incluidos en el currículum escolar. Los resultados son de mucho interés para el diseño de estrategias de intervención de cara a la promoción del desarrollo positivo en jóvenes y adolescentes. Finalmente, en la cuarta parte se presenta una revisión de literatura acerca de la influencia de las variables familiares sobre el desarrollo y ajuste adolescente. También se ofrecen algunas sugerencias de carácter práctico sobre la promoción del desarrollo adolescente en el contexto familiar.
Does home-based family involvement influence academic performance? To answer this question, a case study research was carried out with 96 children from all six levels of primary education at a public school, and their families. Data regarding home-based family involvement were collected using a questionnaire. Academic achievement was measured from school marks. The results reveal that, apart from two of the factors considered, home–family involvement as a whole is not significantly related to academic achievement. These two factors are access to informal education resources and parents’ employment. Family involvement related to the access of children to informal education resources is significantly related to a better academic achievement. Those students with both parents working perform best, and those with none working, worst. Although gender does not appear to significantly influence academic achievement and family involvement, the results show that girls attain better school performance and receive more family attention than boys.
The author systematically performed a quantitative research study of the factors associated with academic performance from a socioeconomic point of view in students from Universidad de Costa Rica. Using multiple regression models, the author analyzed factors associated with the academic performance of students awarded the highest level of scholarship because of their socioeconomic status and students not applying for a scholarship because they are enrolled in majors with high or low demand at Universidad de Costa Rica. This paper provides an explanatory framework on the subject, as well as inputs for the management of public higher education. One of the main findings indicates that academic performance is a multicausal and highly complex phenomenon. The paper also highlights the main institutional, pedagogical, and psychosocial factors associated with academic performance, taking into account the socioeconomic component.
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Objective: The study tested whether associations of parenting styles with internalizing problems, externalizing problems, and academic achievement vary between ethnic groups in western countries, between different regions of the globe, and by level of collectivism/individualism of individual countries. Method: A systematic search in electronic databases and cross referencing identified 428 studies that were included in the random-effects meta-analysis. Results: More ethnic and regional similarities than differences were identified. In western countries, associations of authoritative parenting with academic achievement were stronger in non-Hispanic, White families than in Asian minorities. In these countries, associations of authoritarian parenting with academic achievement were less negative in Hispanic families than in non-Hispanic, White families. Authoritative parenting was associated with at least 1 positive child outcome and authoritarian parenting was associated with at least 1 negative outcome in all regions of the globe, with some regional variation. Finally, associations of authoritarian parenting with child outcomes were weaker in countries with a higher individualism score, as were associations of authoritative parenting with academic performance. Conclusions: Parents across the globe could be recommended to behave authoritatively, although authoritarian and permissive parenting is, to some extent, tolerable in a few cultural contexts.
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El camino hacia el éxito deportivo se encuentra dificultado por un enorme número de variables que inciden en el rendimiento en el deporte. Las variables que inciden en el rendimiento deportivo pueden dividirse en dos: variables ambientales y variables personales. En este trabajo de tesis doctoral se midió la variable ambiental “estilos educativos parentales”, y las variables personales, “personalidad resistente” “locus de control” e “ira”. Por ello, el objetivo general fue conocer la relación entre los estilos educativos parentales, personalidad resistente, locus de control e ira y el rendimiento deportivo. La muestra se compuso de 502 deportistas con un rango de edad de 18 a 64 años (M=27,76; DT=9,11). Se utilizó un cuestionario ad hoc, el Test Autoevaluativo Multifactorial de Adaptación Infantil (TAMAI), el Inventario de Expresión de Ira Estado-Rasgo (STAXI-II), la Escala de Personalidad Resistente en Maratonianos (EPRM) y la Escala de Locus de Control de Rotter (ELC). Los resultados en la prueba t de student mostraron relación entre la educación asistencial próxima al proteccionismo de la madre y no tener éxitos a nivel internacional (p<,05; d=,18), y la restricción materna y no competir a nivel internacional (p<,01; d=1,05). Por otro lado, el locus de control no mostró relación con ninguna variable relacionada con el rendimiento deportivo (p>,05). Por otra parte, la personalidad resistente mostró relación con los éxitos internacionales (p<,05; d=,18) y el nivel de competición (p<,05; d=,54). Finalmente, la ira mostró relación con el nivel de competición (p<,05; d=,18). Se concluyó que la personalidad resistente, control, compromiso, ira rasgo, temperamento y control de ira; han mostrado relación con el rendimiento deportivo y se encuadran dentro de las variables personales. Además, se concluyó que la restricción materna y la protección materna se relacionan de manera negativa con el rendimiento deportivo, y se encuadran dentro de las variables ambientales.
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Students who don't succeed in school are a persistent problem in our educational system. This fact shows that all the efforts to reduce this problem are not succeeding. One third of our students are left behind by the educational system; their results are discouraging. The measures to fight the academic failure are not working and that we have to put into practice new ways of analysis and treatment of this problem. This research explores the relationship between the way children perceive the parenting style of their parents and his o her own academic performance. In the intersection of both phenomena we find our hypothesis: the way parents socialise their children influences significantly on their academic performance. This research is orientated to decision taking process: the aim is to define the level of influence of the parenting style on academic outcomes. The main result is that parents acceptation/implication appears to be significantly linked to the school performance (this evidence shows a big area for new researches: the family). Our research confirms and frames the correlation between these two variables and underlies the family as a new scenario of pedagogical concern to explain and treat school failure.
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In this work we analyze the educational processes of the Secondary Education in Huelva. Mainly we focused in understanding those that end in school failure. To understand the school failure, we have observed the association between the educational performance and the individual, family factors and school organization that were previously identified by different theoretical approximations. The empirical work was carried out in eleven Institutes of Secondary Education. By using a mixed methodology, we could carry out a micro analysis of the factors referred to the student body and a meso-analysis of the factors referred to the centers. The results demonstrated the important dimension of the school failure in this context of education. Two key factors were identified associated of these educational problems. First of all, the level of familiar implication in the educational process and, secondly, the school organization. We have noticed that the school failure prevention requires proceeding in two different ways. On one hand, the review of the criteria of school grouping and tutorial designation that carry out the educational centers. On the other hand, an individualized intervention with the student body in risk that begins with the first symptoms of indifference and that is based on the constant cooperation between families and educational teams, so that they transmit to the students learning strategies that reinforce the individual motivation.
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This book is a comprehensive review of the current status of research and theory in the area of social and personality development. After an introductory chapter, there follows a section in which the authors of 7 chapters discuss in chronological sequence the process of development from infancy through adulthood. In the third section attention is turned to two major products of the developmental process, illustrating in the cases of sex-role and moral development the diversity of influences affecting sociopersonality development. Thereafter, three different perspectives on the field are provided by an anthropologist, two primatologists and a psychopathologist.
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This study examined a process model of relations among children's perceptions of their parents, their motivation, and their performance in school. Children's perceptions of their parents on dimensions of autonomy support and involvement were measured with the new children's perceptions of parents scale. Three motivation variables-control understanding, perceived competence, and perceived autonomy-were hypothesized to mediate between children's perceptions of their parents and their school performance. Analyses indicated that perceived maternal autonomy support and involvement were positively associated with perceived competence, control understanding, and perceptions of autonomy. Perceived paternal autonomy support and involvement were related to perceived competence and autonomy. In turn, the 3 motivation variables, referred to as inner resources, predicted children's performance. Structural equation modeling generally supported the mediational model.
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A new measure of motivation toward education has been developed in French, namely the ''Echelle de Motivation en Education'' (EME). The EME is based on the tenets of self-determination theory and is composed of seven subscales assessing three types of intrinsic motivation (intrinsic motivation to know, to accomplish things, and to experience stimulation), three types of extrinsic motivation (external, introjected, and identified regulation), and amotivation. Extensive data support the reliability and validity of the EME. The EME has been translated recently in English. Initial data provided support for the reliability (internal consistency and temporal stability) and factorial validity of the English version of the scale now termed the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS). However, the concurrent and construct validity of the AMS has not been assessed. Such was the purpose of the current study. The subjects were 217 junior-college students who completed the AMS, other motivation-related constructs, as well as variables assessing motivational determinants and consequences. The concurrent validity of the AMS was assessed by correlating its subscales with known motivational scales, while the construct validity was ascertained through a series of correlational analyses among the seven AMS subscales, as well as between these scales and other psychological constructs deemed to represent motivational antecedents and consequences. Findings provided support for the concurrent and construct validity of the AMS. Future directions concerning the use of the AMS in theoretical and applied research are proposed.
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This study assessed three dimensions of parent style, autonomy support, involvement, and provision of structure in 64 mothers and 50 fathers of elementary-school children in Grades 3–6, using a structured interview. Construct validity data for the interview ratings suggested that the three parent dimensions were reliable, relatively independent, and correlated with other parent measures in hypothesized ways. Aspects of children's self-regulation and competence were measured through children's reports, teacher ratings, and objective indices. Parental autonomy support was positively related to children's self-reports of autonomous self-regulation, teacher-rated competence and adjustment, and school grades and achievement. Maternal involvement was related to achievement, teacher-rated competence, and some aspects of behavioral adjustment, but no significant relations were obtained for father involvement. The structure dimension was primarily related to children's control understanding. Results are discussed in terms of the motivational impact of the parent on school competence and adjustment and in terms of transactional models of influence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Approximately 4,500 14- to 18-year-olds completed questionnaires concerning their parents' practices and their academic achievement, psychosocial competence, behavior problems, and internalized distress. Independent reports from participants' friends were used to measure authoritativeness in the peer network. Parental authoritativeness in the network benefits adolescents above and beyond the positive impact of parental authoritativeness at home. Network authoritativeness was associated with lower levels of delinquency and substance use among all participants, lower levels of school misconduct and peer conformity for boys, and greater psychosocial competence and lower levels of psychological distress among girls. The beneficial impact of network authoritativeness on adolescent behavior is (a) mediated mainly through its effect on adolescents' peers and (b) greatest among adolescents who perceive their own parents to be relatively more authoritative. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Describes a learning orientation scale in which 5 dimensions are defined by an intrinsic and an extrinsic pole: preference for challenge vs preference for easy work, curiosity/interest vs teacher approval, independent mastery attempts vs dependence on the teacher, independent judgment vs reliance on the teacher's judgment, and internal vs external criteria for success/failure. The reliability and factorial validity of the scale have been adequately demonstrated. Additional validity studies with a total of 2,925 Ss in Grades 3–9 are reported. Higher-order factoring yielded 2 distinct clusters of subscales: The 1st 3 dimensions form 1 factor and are interpreted as more motivational in nature; the remaining 2 are viewed as more cognitive–informational in nature. Developmental data show that across Grades 3–9 there was a shift from intrinsic to extrinsic on the 1st motivational cluster. Conversely, there was a dramatic developmental shift from extrinsic to intrinsic on the cognitive–informational cluster. Interpretations for these developmental differences are advanced, and the educational implications are explored. The discussion focuses on the need to be precise in conceptualizing and operationalizing the term "intrinsic motivation." (9 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Attempted (a) to replicate or modify parent-child relationships found in 2 previous studies by D. Baumrind (see record 1967-05780-001) and D. Baumrind and A. E. Black (see record 1967-10271-001); and (b) to differentiate further among patterns of parental authority and measure their effects upon the behavior of preschool children. Data were based upon observational procedures, and were analyzed for boys and girls separately. Ss were 146 white preschool children and their families. Results include the following: (a) authoritative parental behavior was clearly associated with independent, purposive behavior for girls but only associated with such behavior for boys when the parents were nonconforming; (b) authoritative parental control was clearly associated with all indexes of social responsibility in boys compared to authoritarian and permissive parental control, and with high achievement in girls, but not with friendly, cooperative behavior; and (c) contrary to expectations, parental nonconformity was not associated with lack of social responsibility in either boys or girls. (45 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Two studies, 1 longitudinal and 1 cross-sectional, demonstrate that for young elementary school children, academic intrinsic motivation is a reliable, valid, and significant construct. It was positively related to achievement, IQ, and perception of competence, and inversely related to anxiety. Academic intrinsic motivation at age 9 was significantly predicted by motivation measured 1 and 2 years earlier, above and beyond the contribution of IQ and achievement. Children with higher academic intrinsic motivation at ages 7 and 8 were more likely to show higher motivation at age 9. Whereas young children could reliably distinguish between subject areas of academic intrinsic motivation, only math motivation showed consistently specific relations to other math criteria. Findings are discussed with regard to developmental theories of intrinsic motivation and the significance of academic intrinsic motivation for children's education. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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The interactive effects of peer behavior and adolescents' perceptions of authoritative parenting on GPA and drug use were examined. Two samples of 500 9th–11th graders participated in a 1-yr longitudinal study, and they and their friends provided reports of respective school grades and substance use. Changes in GPA and drug use are predicted by friend's grades and drug use. However, this effect is moderated by the adolescent's report of authoritative parenting. The positive impact of having a high-achieving friend is stronger among adolescents whose parents are relatively more authoritative. The deleterious impact of having a drug-using friend is stronger among adolescents whose parents are relatively less authoritative. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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focus . . . on issues that are sometimes neglected in the educational psychology journals, such as the development of gender identity, knowledge, preferences and behaviors, and gender differences in social behaviors and emotional responses that are relevant to children's functioning in and out of school / emphasis is primarily on normal development theories of gender development [learning-based, cognitive, biological, psychoanalytic theory and feminist reformulations and reactions] / children's gender-related development / gender differences in academically relevant capabilities [gender differences in ability, by academic area; familial socialization influence on boys' and girls' achievement; school-related factors; self-system processes and gender differences in academic achievement and performance; biological explanations] / gender differences in socially and morally relevant capabilities and behaviors [gender differences in sociocognitive capabilities, gender differences in emotional reactions, gender differences in prosocial and aggressive behavior, social competence and friendships, gender differences in help seeking and reactions to aid, the complex dynamics of gender dynamics of gender differences and gender influences: the case of puberty] (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Despite broad consensus about the effects of parenting practices on child development, many questions about the construct parenting style remain unanswered. Particularly pressing issues are the variability in the effects of parenting style as a function of the child's cultural background, the processes through which parenting style influences the child's development, and the operationalization of parenting style. Drawing on historical review, the authors present a model that integrates 2 traditions in socialization research, the study of specific parenting practices and the study of global parent characteristics. They propose that parenting style is best conceptualized as a context that moderates the influence of specific parenting practices on the child. It is argued that only by maintaining the distinction between parenting style and parenting practice can researchers address questions concerning socialization processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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The authors examined the achievement-related beliefs and behaviors of parents of economically disadvantaged African American youth, and the relations among parental factors and children’s academic self-concept and achievement. Forty-one children and their primary caregivers were interviewed. Parents reported on their academic-related beliefs and behaviors. Children completed measures of academic self-concept and 2 standardized achievement tests: 1 during the summer and 1 at the end of the following school year. Significant and positive relations were found between parental belief and behavior measures within the domains of reading and math; however, parental beliefs were more strongly linked with child outcomes than were parents’ achievement-oriented behaviors. The relation between parental beliefs and child outcomes was not mediated by children’s academic self-concept. Results are discussed in light of models of family influences on achievement.
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This study had 2 goals. The first was to examine a multidimensional conceptualization of parent involvement in children's schooling, defined as the allocation of resources to the child's school endeavors. A second goal was to evaluate a model in which children's motivational resources (i.e., perceived competence, control understanding, and self-regulation) are mediators between parent involvement and children's school performance. 300 11–14-year-old children and their teachers participated. Factor analyses of a set of parent involvement measures supported the hypothesized 3 dimensions of parent involvement: behavior, intellectual/cognitive, and personal. Path analyses revealed indirect effects of mother behavior and intellectual/cognitive involvement on school performance through perceived competence and control understanding, and indirect effects of father behavior on school performance through perceived competence. The results argue against a unidimensional understanding of parent involvement and support the view of the child as an active constructor of his or her school experience.
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This paper provides a review and an integration of findings on the effects of parenting styles and maternal employment on children′s academic achievement. A model is presented in which it is argued that maternal employment status has little, if any, direct effect on children′s academic achievement. Instead, maternal employment is hypothesized to affect parenting styles which in turn affect children′s academic achievement. Parenting style is thus seen as mediating the effect of maternal employment on children′s academic achievement. The parenting-styles-as-mediator approach can account for some of the inconsistencies in the maternal employment literature. It is concluded that researchers interested in the effect of maternal employment should pay more attention to parenting styles and employ multivariate designs to assess moderating variables.
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This study examined a process model of relations among children's perceptions of their parents, their motivation, and their performance in school. Children's perceptions of their parents on dimensions of autonomy support and involvement were measured with the new children's perceptions of parents scale. Three motivation variables—control understanding, perceived competence, and perceived autonomy—were hypothesized to mediate between children's perceptions of their parents and their school performance. Analyses indicated that perceived maternal autonomy support and involvement were positively associated with perceived competence, control understanding, and perceptions of autonomy. Perceived paternal autonomy support and involvement were related to perceived competence and autonomy. In turn, the 3 motivation variables, referred to as inner resources, predicted children's performance. Structural equation modeling generally supported the mediational model.
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This article examines the impact of authoritative parenting, parental involvement in schooling, and parental encouragement to succeed on adolescent school achievement in an ethnically and socio-economically heterogeneous sample of approximately 6,400 American 14-18-year-olds. Adolescents reported in 1987 on their parents' general child-rearing practices and on their parents' achievement-specific socialization behaviors. In 1987, and again in 1988, data were collected on several aspects of the adolescents' school performance and school engagement. Authoritative parenting (high acceptance, supervision, and psychological autonomy granting) leads to better adolescent school performance and stronger school engagement. The positive impact of authoritative parenting on adolescent achievement, however, is mediated by the positive effect of authoritativeness on parental involvement in schooling. In addition, nonauthoritativeness attenuates the beneficial impact of parental involvement in schooling on adolescents achievement. Parental involvement is much more likely to promote adolescent school success when it occurs in the context of an authoritative home environment.
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Using data collected from a large sample of high school students, the authors challenge three widely held explanations for the superior school performance of Asian-American adolescents, and the inferior performance of African- and Hispanic-American adolescents: group differences in (a) parenting practices, (b) familial values about education, and (c) youngsters' beliefs about the occupational rewards of academic success. They found that White youngsters benefit from the combination of authoritative parenting and peer support for achievement, whereas Hispanic youngesters suffer from a combination of parental authoritarianism and low peer support. Among Asian-American students, peer support for academic excellence offsets the negative consequences of authoritarian parenting. Among African-American youngesters, the absence of peer support for achievement undermines the positive influence of authoritative parenting.
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Ninety-one fifth-grade children participated in a study that assessed the effects of motivationally relevant conditions and individual differences on emotional experience and performance on a learning task. Two directed-learning conditions, one controlling and one noncontrolling, were contrasted with each other and with a third nondirected, spontaneous-learning context. Both directed sets resulted in greater rote learning compared with the nondirected-learning condition. However, both the nondirected and the noncontrolling directed-learning sets resulted in greater interest and conceptual learning compared with the controlling set, presumably because they were more conducive to autonomy or an internal perceived locus of causality. Furthermore, children in the controlling condition experienced more pressure and evidenced a greater deterioration in rote learning over an 8-(+/- 1) day follow-up. Individual differences in children's autonomy for school-related activities as measured by the Self-Regulation Questionnaire (Connell & Ryan, 1985) also related to outcomes, with more self-determined styles predicting greater conceptual learning. Results are discussed in terms of the role of autonomy in learning and development and the issue of directed versus nondirected learning.
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This article develops and tests a reformation of Baumrind's typology of authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative parenting styles in the context of adolescent school performance. Using a large and diverse sample of San Francisco Bay Area high school students (N = 7,836), we found that both authoritarian and permissive parenting styles were negatively associated with grades, and authoritative parenting was positively associated with grades. Parenting styles generally showed the expected relation to grades across gender, age, parental education, ethnic, and family structure categories. Authoritarian parenting tended to have a stronger association with grades than did the other 2 parenting styles, except among Hispanic males. The full typology best predicted grades among white students. Pure authoritative families (high on authoritative but not high on the other 2 indices) had the highest mean grades, while inconsistent families that combine authoritarian parenting with other parenting styles had the lowest grades.
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Reports of parenting styles were assessed in 110 primarily white, middle-class sixth, eighth, and tenth graders (M = 11.98, 13.84, and 16.18 years of age) and their parents (108 mothers and 92 fathers). Parents judged the legitimacy of parental authority and rated family conflict and rules regarding 24 hypothetical moral, conventional, personal, multifaceted (containing conventional and personal components), prudential, and friendship issues. Adolescents viewed their parents as more permissive and more authoritarian than parents viewed themselves, whereas parents viewed themselves as more authoritative than did adolescents. Parents' parenting styles differentiated their conceptions of parental authority, but adolescents' perceptions did not. Differences were primarily over the boundaries of adolescents' personal jurisdiction. Furthermore, conceptions of parental authority and parenting styles both contributed significantly to emotional autonomy and adolescent-parent conflict. The implications of the findings for typological models of parenting and distinct domain views of social-cognitive development are discussed.
This study assessed three dimensions of parent style, autonomy support, involvement, and provision of structure in 64 mothers and 50 fathers of elementary-school children in Grades 3-6, using a structured interview. Construct validity data for the interview ratings suggested that the three parent dimensions were reliable, relatively independent, and correlated with other parent measures in hypothesized ways. Aspects of children's self-regulation and competence were measured through children's self-reports, teacher ratings, and objective indices. Parental autonomy support was positively related to children's self-reports of autonomous self-regulation, teacher-rated competence and adjustment, and school grades and achievement. Maternal involvement was related to achievement, teacher-rated competence, and some aspects of behavioral adjustment, but no significant relations were obtained for father involvement. The structure dimension was primarily related to children's control understanding. Results are discussed in terms of the motivational impact of the parent on school competence and adjustment and in terms of transactional models of influence.
Two studies, 1 longitudinal and 1 cross-sectional, demonstrate that for young elementary school children, academic intrinsic motivation is a reliable, valid, and significant construct. It was positively related to achievement, IQ, and perception of competence, and inversely related to anxiety. Academic intrinsic motivation at age 9 was significantly predicted by motivation measured 1 and 2 years earlier, above and beyond the contribution of IQ and achievement. Children with higher academic intrinsic motivation at ages 7 and 8 were more likely to show higher motivation at age 9. Whereas young children could reliably distinguish between subject areas of academic intrinsic motivation, only math motivation showed consistently specific relations to other math criteria. Findings are discussed with regard to developmental theories of intrinsic motivation and the significance of academic intrinsic motivation for children's education.
There are competing theories on the effects of parental involvement and control on adolescent development. Each theory holds implications for parents, adolescents, and counselors working with parents and adolescents. Using a national data set, this study sought to support or disconfirm theory and research regarding parental involvement with and control over various aspects of highschool seniors' lives. Findings support the contention that parental involvement and parental control are conditional on one another in predicting adolescents' locus of control. From high‐school seniors' perspectives, parental control with parental involvement was related to internal locus of control, whereas control without involvement was related to external locus of control.
Investigated in the present study was the association between maternal parenting practices and school and developmental achievements among early adolescents. Guided by theories and previous research on gender differences, of special interest in the present study was whether and how adolescent gender would moderate the association between individual parenting practices (warmth, monitoring, psychological autonomy giving) and adolescent school and developmental achievements (school grades and psychosocial maturity). Fifty-eight early adolescents participated in the study; all adolescents were attending or had just completed eighth grade. Results indicated that monitoring made the largest individual contribution to school grades and psychosocial maturity and that gender moderated the association between two of the three parenting practices and adolescent psychosocial maturity. Specifically, the associations between warmth and psychological autonomy giving and psychosocial maturity were stronger for girls than for boys. The importance of examining individual parenting practices as well as explanations for the moderating effect of gender are discussed.
This article reports the relation betweenfamily decision-making behaviors and academic performance as measured by student effort and grades among a sample of youths from diverse family structures and socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. Youths and a subset of their parents reported on how families made decisions on adolescent issues. Granting adolescents too-early autonomy in decision making was associated with lower levels of effort and lower grades, while joint decision making was associated with more effort and higher grades for youth of both sexes, regardless of ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Parents and youths had quite different perceptions of their roles in family decision making; greater disagreement was associated with lower school grades. The occasional departures from the general findings are explained in terms of the cognitive interpretations that shape youths'perceptions.
A new self-report instrument, the Perceived Competence Scale for Children, is described. Emphasis is placed on the assessment of a child's sense of competence across different domains, instead of viewing perceived competence as a unitary construct. 3 domains of competence, each constituting a separate subscale, were identified: (a) cognitive, (b) social, and (c) physical. A fourth subscale, general self-worth, independent of any particular skill domain, was included. A new question format was devised which provides a broader range of responses and reduces the tendency to give socially desirable responses. The psychometric properties of the scale are presented for third through ninth grades. Emphasis is placed on its factorial validity. Each subscale defines a separate factor, indicating that children make clear differentiations among these domains. The factor structure is extremely stable across this grade range. The scale is viewed as an alternative to those existing self-concept measures of questionable validity and reliability.
This review analyzes what is known about how children's judgments of their intellectual competence and their definition and criteria for evaluating competence change with age and experience in achievement contexts. Research documenting an age-related decline in children's average ratings of their intellectual ability is interpreted in terms of developmental changes in children's concept of ability and the criteria they use to evaluate ability. The studies reviewed suggest that children's concept of ability becomes more differentiated with age and that children do not develop a concept of ability as a stable trait until late in elementary school. Research also indicates that the criteria children use to assess intellectual competence shift over the elementary school years-from effort, social reinforcement, and mastery to objective and normative information. Changes in ability assessments are considered in the context of age-related changes in children's cognitive abilities and in the nature of their educational environments.
Attempted to refine and extend R. White's (1959) model of effectance motivation, with particular emphasis on its developmental implications. This expanded model focuses on the following: the need to isolate components of effectance motivation at different developmental levels, an examination of the effects of failure as well as success, the relationship between task challenge and the degree of pleasure experienced, the role of social agents and the reinforcing environment, the developmental internalization of a self-reward system, the need to examine the relative strength of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations, certain correlates such as perceived competence and perceived control as consequences and mediators of one's motivational orientation. The need to translate theoretical concepts into researchable formulations which can be empirically tested within a developmental context is emphasized. (45 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
This chapter is unlike most others in this volume because it focuses on a developmental period rather than a developing system of the individual. A full understanding of adolescence requires consideration of the rapidly changing individual in ongoing interaction within dynamically changing, multilayered contexts. These contexts include belief systems and scripts associated with personal characteristics of individuals; relationships with parents, siblings, other family members, and friends; activity settings such as schools, religious institutions, and leisure activities; and macrosystems such as history, culture, and political and economic environments. Because of the inherent link between adolescence and social/cultural contexts, this chapter focuses on research that attempts to elucidate such linkages. Even though an increasing number of studies examine differences by race, ethnicity, culture, class, or gender, the focus of such studies is often on the differences per se rather than on the processes that mediate them. Our knowledge of adolescence will advance further when we understand the embeddedness of adolescent development within history, culture, gender, race, and class; therefore, primary attention in this chapter is devoted to the process issues concerning these linkages, especially as they are played out within families. Studies using contextual variables or processes as moderators or mediators of adolescent outcomes are highlighted. This chapter is not intended to be a comprehensive review of the available literature, which would require one or more volumes of its own. Interested readers might wish to consult other reviews on the following topics: broad overviews of adolescence (Adelson, 1980; Feldman & Elliott, 1990; Petersen, 1988, 1993; Takanishi, 1993); contexts (Cooper, 1994; Crockett & Crouter, 1995; Irwin & Vaughan, 1988; Moen, Elder, & Luescher, 1995; Parke & Kellam, 1994; Silbereisen & Todt, 1994; Steinberg & Darling, 1994); families (Collins & Russell, 1991; Gecas & Seff, 1990; Grotevant & Cooper, 1986, in press; Hill, 1987; Noller, 1994; Youniss & Smollar, 1985). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Examined whether the positive relation between authoritative parenting and adolescent adjustment is moderated by the ecological context in which adolescents live. A socioeconomically and ethnically diverse sample of approximately 10,000 high school students completed measures concerning their family background; their parents' behavior; and 4 indicators of adjustment: school performance, self-reliance, psychological distress, and delinquency. The Ss were grouped into 16 ecological niches defined by ethnicity, socioeconomic status (SES), and family structure, and analyses were conducted within each niche to contrast the adjustment scores of adolescents from authoritative vs nonauthoritative homes. Analyses indicate that the positive correlates of authoritative parenting transcend ethnicity, SES, and family structure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
In a previous report, we demonstrated that adolescents' adjustment varies as a function of their parents' style (e.g., authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, neglectful). This 1-year follow-up was conducted in order to examine whether the observed differences are maintained over time. In 1987, an ethnically and socioeconomically heterogeneous sample of approximately 2,300 14–18-year-olds provided information used to classify the adolescents' families into 1 of 4 parenting style groups. That year, and again 1 year later, the students completed a battery of standardized instruments tapping psychosocial development, school achievement, internalized distress, and behavior problems. Differences in adjustment associated with variations in parenting are either maintained or increase over time. However, whereas the benefits of authoritative parenting are largely in the maintenance of previous levels of high adjustment, the deleterious consequences of neglectful parenting continue to accumulate.
This article examines the impact of authoritative parenting, parental involvement in schooling, and parental encouragement to succeed on adolescent school achievement in an ethnically and socio-economically heterogeneous sample of approximately 6,400 American 14–18-year-olds. Adolescents reported in 1987 on their parents' general child-rearing practices and on their parents' achievement-specific socialization behaviors. In 1987, and again in 1988, data were collected on several aspects of the adolescents' school performance and school engagement. Authoritative parenting (high acceptance, supervision, and psychological autonomy granting) leads to better adolescent school performance and stronger school engagement. The positive impact of authoritative parenting on adolescent achievement, however, is mediated by the positive effect of authoritativeness on parental involvement in schooling. In addition, nonauthoritativeness attenuates the beneficial impact of parental involvement in schooling on adolescent achievement. Parental involvement is much more likely to promote adolescent school success when it occurs in the context of an authoritative home environment.
Research and theorizing about adult control have often made seemingly conflicting recommendations and predictions about the potential impact of that control on children's social and intellectual development. Researchers concerned with intrinsic motivation have argued for minimal use of controlling strategies with children; other researchers, in contrast, argue that relatively high levels of adult control, when exercised in an emotionally supportive relationship, produce the best developmental consequences. Optimal levels of control undoubtedly change as children grow older. Person-environment fit theory suggests that the match between the child's need for autonomy and the amount of adult control exercised is critically important. This article puts this theory into a developmental framework, and suggests that parents and teachers need to modulate their levels of control based on the developmental stage of the child. Optimal developmental outcomes ought to result from an environment that gradually reduces adult control as the child's desire for autonomy increases. Evidence from the Michigan Study of Adolescent Life Transitions is presented to support this hypothesis.
This study examined 3 familial factors—parental surveillance of homework, parental reactions to grades, and general family style—in relation to children's motivational orientation and academic performance. Family, parent, and child measures were obtained in the home from 93 fifth graders and their parents. Teachers provided a measure of classroom motivational orientation, and grades and achievement scores were obtained from school records. Higher parental surveillance of homework, parental reactions to grades that included negative control, uninvolvement, or extrinsic reward, and over- and undercontrolling family styles were found to be related to an extrinsic motivational orientation and to lower academic performance. On the other hand, parental encouragement in response to grades children received was associated with an intrinsic motivational orientation, and autonomy-supporting family styles were associated with intrinsic motivation and higher academic performance. In addition, socioeconomic level was a significant predictor of motivational orientation and academic performance.
In order to test Maccoby and Martin's revision of Baumrind's conceptual framework, the families of approximately 4,100 14-18-year-olds were classified into 1 of 4 groups (authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, or neglectful) on the basis of the adolescents' ratings of their parents on 2 dimensions: acceptance/involvement and strictness/supervision. The youngsters were then contrasted along 4 sets of outcomes: psychosocial development, school achievement, internalized distress, and problem behavior. Results indicate that adolescents who characterize their parents as authoritative score highest on measures of psychosocial competence and lowest on measures of psychological and behavioral dysfunction; the reverse is true for adolescents who describe their parents as neglectful. Adolescents whose parents are characterized as authoritarian score reasonably well on measures indexing obedience and conformity to the standards of adults but have relatively poorer self-conceptions than other youngsters. In contrast, adolescents from indulgent homes evidence a strong sense of self-confidence but report a higher frequency of substance abuse and school misconduct and are less engaged in school. The results provide support for Maccoby and Martin's framework and indicate the need to distinguish between two types of "permissive" families: those that are indulgent and those that are neglectful.
The over-time relation between 3 aspects of authoritative parenting--acceptance, psychological autonomy, and behavioral control--and school achievement was examined in a sample of 120 10-16-year-olds in order to test the hypothesis that authoritative parenting facilitates, rather than simply accompanies, school success. In addition, the mediating role of youngsters' psychosocial maturity was studied. Results indicate that (1) authoritative parenting facilitates adolescents' academic success, (2) each component of authoritativeness studied makes an independent contribution to achievement, and (3) the positive impact of authoritative parenting on achievement is mediated at least in part through the effects of authoritativeness on the development of a healthy sense of autonomy and, more specifically, a healthy psychological orientation toward work. Adolescents who describe their parents as treating them warmly, democratically, and firmly are more likely than their peers to develop positive attitudes toward, and beliefs about, their achievement, and as a consequence, they are more likely to do better in school.
Perceived control plays a central role in many motivational and cognitive accounts of behavior. In this study, a new 48-item self-report instrument, the Multidimensional Measure of Children's Perceptions of Control, is described. Perceptions of control are defined as children's understanding of the locus of the sufficient cause for success and failure outcomes. 3 dimensions of third- through ninth-grade children's perceptions of control are independently assessed: internal, powerful others, and unknown. Each of these sources of control is assessed within 3 behavioral domains: cognitive, social, and physical. General items are also included. Perceptions of control over success outcomes and failure outcomes are assessed separately. The psychometric properties of the new measure's subscales are presented. Correlations of the new measure with measures of perceived and actual competence and findings demonstrating the sensitivity of the new measure to developmental, gender, and environmental influences are reported. It is argued that the new measure is an advance over existing measures of internal versus external locus of control in children because it provides domain-specific assessments of 3 separate dimensions of locus of control, including the previously untapped dimension of unknown control.
The investigation has as its objective to identify parent attitudes and behaviors associated with dimensions of competent behavior in normal preschool children. A child-behavior model (similar in structure to models presented by Schaefer and by Becker & Krug) for boys and girls separately was developed and related to behavioral measures obtained in the home, and to mother-son, mother-daughter, father-son, and father-daughter interview dimensions arrived at through cluster-analytic techniques. When sex-related correlates were interpreted, particular attention was given to the problem of equivalence of dimensions across sex. Specific parent-child relationships varied with the sex of parent and child. In general, independence granting and verbal give and take, on the one hand, and enforced demands and consistent discipline, on the other, were associated with stable, assertive behavior in the child.
This study examined whether sixth graders' (mean age = 11.86 years) adjustment to the school context (assessed by grades, achievement scores, and disruptive behavior) was affected by factors from both the family context (represented by students' reports of the number of parenting transitions experienced as well as current levels of supervision, acceptance, autonomy granting, and conflict in the family) and the peer context (represented by students' perceptions of peer norms supporting academic excellence). School adjustment was related to the number of parenting transitions experienced, family climate, and peer norms as well as to higher-order relations involving family climate and peer norms such that (a) high grade point averages occurred at only moderate levels of family supervision, (b) achievement scores were positively related to supervision at only low levels of family autonomy granting, and (c) grade point average was positively related to peer norms at only high levels of family acceptance.
This study assessed the relation between adjustment and perceptions of both family acceptance and family control in 2 samples of young adolescents, ns = 851 (mean age = 12.36 years) and 269 (mean age = 10.89 years), respectively. In Sample 1, dimensions of adjustment included self-reports of psychosocial competence and problems with self-regulation. In Sample 2, adjustment was indexed by peer ratings of likability. In both samples, family acceptance and family control were positively related to adjustment. However, in Sample 1, family control was also curvilinearly related to adjustment but in a different pattern for the 2 adjustment scores. Specifically, the positive relation between family control and psychosocial competence was stronger at progressively higher levels of family control, whereas low--but not moderate or high-levels of control were related to many self-regulation problems. In light of evidence that acceptance and control are complexly related to adjustment, we recommend that researchers routinely examine curvilinear effects in this area of study.
In this study, psychological control of children was conceptually and empirically distinguished from behavioral control. Further, it was demonstrated as hypothesized that psychological control was more predictive of adolescent internalized problems, and that behavioral control was more predictive of externalized problems. Subjects were 473 fifth-, eighth-, and tenth-grade males and females from a Southern suburb. Control was measured by the Child Report of Parent Behavior Inventory and the Colorado Self-Report of Family Functioning Inventory. Problem behaviors were measured with the Child Behavior Checklist. First- and second-order factor analyses discriminated psychological and behavioral control, and structural equation analyses demonstrated the differential prediction of internalized and externalized problems. These last analyses were conducted using youth-reported data and validated using a subsample of 227 mother-youth pairs.
This study addresses a paradox in the literature involving the parenting style of Asians: Chinese parenting has often been described as "controlling" or "authoritarian". These styles of parenting have been found to be predictive of poor school achievement among European-Americans, and yet the Chinese are performing quite well in school. This study suggests that the concepts of authoritative and authoritarian are somewhat ethnocentric and do not capture the important features of Chinese child rearing, especially for explaining their school success. Immigrant Chinese and European-American mothers of preschool-aged children were administered standard measures of parental control and authoritative-authoritarian parenting style as well as Chinese child-rearing items involving the concept of "training." After controlling for their education, and their scores on the standard measures, the Chinese mothers were found to score significantly higher on the "training" ideologies. This "training" concept has important features, beyond the authoritarian concept, that may explain Chinese school success.
In a previous report, we demonstrated that adolescents' adjustment varies as a function of their parents' style (e.g., authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, neglectful). This 1-year follow-up was conducted in order to examine whether the observed differences are maintained over time. In 1987, an ethnically and socioeconomically heterogeneous sample of approximately 2,300 14-18-year-olds provided information used to classify the adolescents' families into 1 of 4 parenting style groups. That year, and again 1 year later, the students completed a battery of standardized instruments tapping psychosocial development, school achievement, internalized distress, and behavior problems. Differences in adjustment associated with variations in parenting are either maintained or increase over time. However, whereas the benefits of authoritative parenting are largely in the maintenance of previous levels of high adjustment, the deleterious consequences of neglectful parenting continue to accumulate.