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A Cohort Effect on Serum Testosterone Levels in Finnish Men.


Abstract and Figures

Objective: To investigate whether a population-level decline in serum testosterone exists in Finnish men. In comparison with other European populations, Finnish men have compared well in the studies of reproductive health (i.e. semen quality, incidence of cryptorchidism and testicular cancer); thus, we expected no significant cohort-dependent decrease in serum testosterone. Methods: We analysed serum levels of testosterone, gonadotrophin and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in 3271 men representing different ages (25-74 years) and birth cohorts within three large Finnish population surveys conducted in 1972, 1977 and 2002. Results: Serum testosterone levels decreased (from 25.3 nmol/l in 25- to 29-year-old men gradually to 16.9 nmol/l in 70- to 74-year-old men), whereas SHBG and gonadotrophin levels increased with increasing age. In addition, a significant secular trend in testosterone (total and free), SHBG and gonadotrophin levels was observed with lower levels in more recently born age-matched men. Serum testosterone level decreased in men aged 60-69 years from 21.9 nmol/l (men born 1913-1922) to 13.8 nmol/l (men born 1942-1951). These decreases remained significant following adjustment for BMI. An age-independent birth cohort effect existed on reproductive hormones measured in the Finnish men. In concert with the lower free testosterone levels, we observed lower gonadotrophin levels, suggesting that while there may be detrimental changes at the gonad level, the hypothalamus-pituitary-axis is not responding appropriately to this change. Conclusions: The more recently born Finnish men have lower testosterone levels than their earlier born peers. This study offers no explanation for this substantial recent adverse development.
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A cohort effect on serum testosterone levels in Finnish men
A Perheentupa
, T Laatikainen
, M Vierula
, N E Skakkebaek
, A-M Andersson
and J Toppari
Department of Physiology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, FI 20520 Turku, Departments of
Obstetrics and
Medicine and
Paediatrics, University of Turku, Turku, Finland,
National Institute for Health and Welfare, Mannerheimintie 166, Helsinki
FI 00300, Finland and
Department of Growth and Reproduction, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen DK-2100, Denmark
(Correspondence should be addressed to A Perheentupa at Department of Physiology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku;
Objective: To investigate whether a population-level decline in serum testosterone exists in Finnish men.
In comparison with other European populations, Finnish men have compared well in the studies
of reproductive health (i.e. semen quality, incidence of cryptorchidism and testicular cancer); thus,
we expected no significant cohort-dependent decrease in serum testosterone.
Methods: We analysed serum levels of testosterone, gonadotrophin and sex hormone binding globulin
(SHBG) in 3271 men representing different ages (25–74 years) and birth cohorts within three large
Finnish population surveys conducted in 1972, 1977 and 2002.
Results: Serum testosterone levels decreased (from 25.3 nmol/l in 25- to 29-year-old men gradually to
16.9 nmol/l in 70- to 74-year-old men), whereas SHBG and gonadotrophin levels increased with
increasing age. In addition, a significant secular trend in testosterone (total and free), SHBG and
gonadotrophin levels was observed with lower levels in more recently born age-matched men. Serum
testosterone level decreased in men aged 60–69 years from 21.9 nmol/l (men born 1913–1922) to
13.8 nmol/l (men born 1942–1951). These decreases remained significant following adjustment
for BMI. An age-independent birth cohort effect existed on reproductive hormones measured in the
Finnish men. In concert with the lower free testosterone levels, we observed lower gonadotrophin
levels, suggesting that while there may be detrimental changes at the gonad level, the hypothalamus–
pituitary–axis is not responding appropriately to this change.
Conclusions: The more recently born Finnish men have lower testosterone levels than their earlier
born peers. This study offers no explanation for this substantial recent adverse development.
European Journal of Endocrinology 168 227–233
Serum testosterone decreases with age in men, and
longitudinal estimates of this phenomenon are signi-
ficantly greater than cross-sectional estimates (1, 2, 3).
Low serum testosterone has been associated with a
number of compromised health conditions such as
obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, decreased bone and
muscle mass and decreased quality of life (4). The
number of elderly men will significantly increase in
the near future and hence their well-being and quality
of life are of general concern for public health. Two
recent studies reported a population-level decline in
serum testosterone in American and Danish men (5, 6).
This would partly explain the observed difference in
age-related serum testosterone decline between cross-
sectional vs longitudinal studies, and it may also reflect
an ongoing adverse trend in male reproductive health.
By contrast, the recent analysis of National Health and
Nutritional Examination Surveys (NHANES) from 1988
to 1991 and from 1999 to 2004 failed to show any
decline in testosterone in USA males (7).
Compared with Danishmen, the Finnish men have
compared well in recent evaluations of reproductive
health (i.e. incidence of cryptorchidism, hypospadias and
testicular cancer and semen quality) (8,9,10,11,12);
we questioned whether population-level changes in
testosterone levels would also be apparent in Finnish
men and therefore not specific to men from Denmark
and New England.
Subjects and methods
Study population
Testosterone, gonadotrophin and sex hormone binding
globulin (SHBG) were analysed in sera of men from
three Finnish population surveys conducted in 1972,
1977 and 2002 by the National Public Health Institute
(presently the National Institute for Health and
Welfare). Data collection and blood sampling were
carried out within the national cardiovascular disease
risk factor surveys named the National FINRISK
European Journal of Endocrinology (2013) 168 227–233 ISSN 0804-4643
q2013 European Society of Endocrinology DOI: 10.1530/EJE-12-0288
Online version via
Study (13). For each survey, an independent random
sample was drawn from the national population
register, i.e. the same individuals did not contribute
to different surveys. To obtain comparable data, the
methodology of the data collection has been kept as
similar as possible throughout the survey years. Since
1982, the survey methodology has closely followed the
WHO MONICA protocol (14). In 2002, some more
detailed recommendations of the European Health
Risk Monitoring Project were adopted (15). The surveys
included a self-administered questionnaire, physical
measurements and blood tests. The health question-
naire, together with the invitation to the health
examination, was sent by mail to all the selected
subjects. Trained nurses carried out the physical
measurements and blood sampling in the local
health centres.
Venous blood samples were drawn during office
hours following a minimum of 4-h fasting. Samples
were then centrifuged in the field survey sites and
the sera were mailed daily to the Laboratory of
Analytical Biochemistry in the National Public Health
Institute. Upon arrival, they were immediately frozen
and later stored at K20 8C. For this study, we received
serum samples from this Bio bank from 3271 men. The
men were divided into six age groups: 25–29, 30–39,
40–49, 50–59, 60–69 and 70–74 years). They were
also divided into seven birth cohort groups according to
their year of birth: 1913–1922, 1923–1932, 1933–
1941, 1942–1951, 1952–1959, 1960–1969 and
1970–1977. The number of men in each category in
the age–birth year matrix is shown in Table 1. Although
the number of men in each cell is quite different, the
distribution of ages within each age group and cell is
rather even.
Hormone measurements
Testosterone, SHBG, LH and FSH levels were
measured by time-resolved fluoroimmunoassays
(DELFIA; Wallac Oy, Turku, Finland) with detection
limits 0.23, 0.23 nmol/l, 0.05 and 0.06 IU/l respect-
ively. The intra- and interassay coefficients of variation
were !12% for testosterone, 8% for SHBG and 5% for
All samples were analysed during the same period
and mixed in the different assay runs to eliminate any
influence of assay variation. Free testosterone was
calculated from the testosterone and SHBG concen-
trations using the method by Vermeulen et al.(16),
with the assumption of an average serum albumin
concentration of 43 g/l.
Statistical analysis
Hormone levels across age and birth cohort groups were
compared using one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s
post hoc test. The effect of age, BMI and birth cohort on
the hormone levels was compared using multiple
regression models adjusting for the other respective
The study was approved by the Joint Ethics Committee of
the Turku University and Turku University Central Hospital.
Table 1 Number of participants in each age and cohort group and the respective serum testosterone concentrations in nanomoles per litre
(median, 5th–95th percentiles) in birth cohorts of Finnish men.
Birth year 1970–1977 1960–1969 1952–1959 1942–1951 1933–1941 1923–1932 1913–1922 All
Age (years)
25–29 nZ63 nZ289 nZ352
30–39 nZ51 nZ127 nZ57 nZ624 nZ859
40–49 nZ62 nZ143 nZ682 nZ887
50–59 nZ28 nZ204 nZ519 nZ751
60–69 nZ23 nZ192 nZ130 nZ345
70–74 nZ77 nZ77
Depict statistical significance compared with the above values in each column.
Depict statistical significance compared with the values to the left across
each row. The significance in all of the cases is P!0.05.
228 A Perheentupa and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2013) 168
Serum total testosterone concentration modestly
decreased with age in the study population from on
average 25.3 nmol/l in the youngest men (25–29 years)
to 16.9 nmol/l in the oldest men (70–74 years).
Testosterone levels declined over ages as follows:
years (Bonferroni’s post hoc test). In addition to the
overall age-related decrease, significantly lower serum
testosterone levels were observed in men of the same
age born in more recent decades. This was true in all
age groups for which two or more groups existed with
at least a decade’s difference in time of birth (Fig. 1).
For more detailed data, see Table 1.
Sex hormone binding globulin
Serum SHBG concentrations increased clearly with age
in the study population: 25–29Z30–39!40–49!50–
59Z60–69Z70–74 years. Within age groups, a clear
trend of men born earlier (at least a decade’s difference)
displaying higher SHBG concentrations was observed
(Table 2).
Free testosterone
A more pronounced decrease was observed in serum
free testosterone with age compared with the total
testosterone (Table 3). The cohorts of men born earlier
displayed significantly higher free testosterone concen-
trations, although not all pair-wise comparisons
between two consecutive cohorts reached statistical
In response to the age-related decreasing testosterone,
serum LH concentrations increased significantly with
age in the entire study population, being highest in the
oldest group (25–29Z30–39Z40–49!50–59Z60–
69!70–74 years). By contrast, LH did not seem to
respond to the birth year-related decrease of testoster-
one levels, but LH levels were significantly lower in men
born later (Table 4). Similarly, serum FSH concen-
trations showed an age-related increase (25–29Z30–
39!40–49!50–59Z60–69Z70–74 years), but a
birth year-related decrease within age groups with
lower levels was measured in the cohort born later
(Table 5).
Hormone level in relation to BMI
The BMI was higher in the older men. When stratified
according to age and birth cohort, serum testosterone,
SHBG and LH concentrations were significantly corre-
lated with BMI (Table 6).
Both age and BMI were statistically significant
variables affecting testosterone levels (P!0.0001), but
the effect of birth cohort on serum testosterone remained
significant when data were stratified according to age-
related changes and BMI (P!0.0001 in cohorts born
by 1951 in comparison with 1970–1974; Table 6).
However, this cohort effect is not significant when the
three most recently born age groups are compared each
with each other (PZ0.0931 and PZ0.6625 for men
born in 1952–1959 and 1960–1979 respectively).
e (
30–39 40–49 50–59
60–69 70–74
Serum testosterone concentrations (nmol/l)
Birth cohort
Figure 1 Serum testosterone concentrations (nmol/l; median
values) in Finnish men of different ages (X-axis) born in different
decades. Note that the Y-axis does not start from 0.
Table 2 Serum SHBG concentrations in nanomoles per litre (median, 5th–95th percentiles) in birth cohorts of Finnish men.
Birth year 1970–1977 1960–1969 1952–1959 1942–1951 1933–1941 1923–1932 1913–1922 All
Age (years)
25–29 26 (15–53) 33
(17–57) 32 (16–56)
30–39 28 (17–59) 28 (14–50) 28 (14–54) 35
(17–56) 33 (16–56)
40–49 34 (14–51) 33 (19–60) 41
(20–75) 38* (19–72)
50–59 42* (16–66) 36* (19–71) 47
(24–85) 44*
60–69 38 (18–78) 38* (24–84) 50
(26–94) 40*
70–74 50* (26–77) 50*
Depict statistical significance compared with the above values in each column (P!0.05, ANOVA).
Depict statistical significance compared with the values
to the left across each row.
Declining testosterone levels in Finnish men 229EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2013) 168
Likewise, the cohort effect on serum LH, FSH and
SHBG levels is significant in cohorts born earlier when
data were stratified according to age-related changes
and BMI (P!0.0001; Table 6). Similar to serum
testosterone, the significance of the cohort effects in
LH, FSH and SHBG levels is lost in the more recently
born men (Table 6).
In this study, we observed a clear age- and BMI-
independent birth cohort effect on serum testosterone
concentrations measured in Finnish men. Our study is
the third large population study to demonstrate a
declining trend in serum testosterone of men in a
similar fashion as seen in a USA and Danish population.
Men born more recently have also been shown to have a
higher risk of testicular cancer compared with men
born in previous decades (17). Furthermore, several
studies have indicated that sperm concentrations
among men in Europe have decreased (18). Taking
these findings together with the cohort effect observed
in this and the previous studies, serum testosterone
concentrations appear to follow a similar pattern and
these changes together may well reflect a detrimental
change in the overall reproductive health in men.
Finnish men have previously displayed better repro-
ductive health compared with Danish men as they show
better semen quality (9, 10) and markedly lower
incidences of testicular cancer (19), cryptorchidism
and hypospadias (8, 11, 12). If the cohort effect in
serum testosterone levels observed in Danish men
reflects their overall reproductive health (5), the Finns
would be expected to show little or no cohort effect.
This, however, was not the case, as the cohort effect we
observed in the Finnish men was as evident as
previously observed in other countries including Den-
mark (5, 6). Thus, although the reproductive health of
Finnish men may be better compared with Danish men
judged by the above-mentioned criteria, a birth cohort-
related decrease in serum testosterone levels seems to
have taken place over several decades. More recent data
on reproductive health of Finnish men show that the
Table 3 Serum free testosterone concentrations in picomoles per litre (median, 5th–95th percentiles) in birth cohorts of Finnish men.
Birth year 1970–1977 1960–1969 1952–1959 1942–1951 1933–1941 1923–1932 1913–1922 All
Age (years)
25–29 410
30–39 390
40–49 320
50–59 330
60–69 270*
70–74 260*
Depict statistical significance compared with the above values in each column (P!0.05, ANOVA).
Depict statistical significance compared with the
values to the left across each row.
Table 4 Serum LH concentrations in international units per litre (median, 5th–95th percentiles) in birth cohorts of Finnish men.
Birth year 1970–1977 1960–1969 1952–1959 1942–1951 1933–1941 1923–1932 1913–1922 All
Age (years)
25–29 3.16
30–39 3.32
40–49 3.60
50–59 3.67
60–69 4.57*
70–74 5.57*
Depict statistical significance compared with the above values in each column (P!0.05, ANOVA).
Depict statistical significance compared with the values
to the left across each row.
230 A Perheentupa and others EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2013) 168
incidence of testicular cancer has increased and the
semen quality has decreased in the more recently born
Finnish men (20). Together, these observations suggest
that the adverse trends in the parameters of repro-
ductive health may have lagged behind in the Finnish
men compared with e.g. Danish men, but that the same
trends nevertheless occur in Finland. Changes in serum
testosterone may be an early sentinel for adverse trends
in reproductive health as the decline in serum
testosterone was also observed between the earliest
birth cohorts included in this study.
Several studies have shown that serum testosterone
concentration decreases in men with ageing. The cross-
sectional studies report a decrease of !1%/year,
whereas a more dramatic decrease is observed in the
longitudinal studies (21). Our current study is well in
agreement with these findings as, the decrease of serum
testosterone is of similar magnitude. The magnitude
of the cohort effect is similar when comparing different
cohorts within each age group (2–4 nmol/l per decade).
Although greater in magnitude, the changes in
calculated serum free testosterone reflect the changes
in total testosterone.
In our study population, the gonadal–pituitary
feedback system reacted appropriately to the age-
related decrease in serum testosterone, with a typical
increase in LH levels. Analysis of all the age groups
(irrespective of birth decade) supports the compensatory
age-dependent LH increase associated with decreasing
testosterone in our study. But, within each age group,
Table 5 Serum FSH concentrations in international units per litre (median, 5th–95th percentiles) in birth cohorts of Finnish men.
Birth year 1970–1977 1960–1969 1952–1959 1942–1951 1933–1941 1923–1932 1913–1922 All
Age (years)
25–29 3.17
30–39 3.12
40–49 3.72
50–59 3.71
60–69 6.05*
70–74 6.43
Depict statistical significance compared with the above values in each column (P!0.05, ANOVA).
Depict statistical significance compared with the values
to the left across each row.
Table 6 The effect and significance of age, BMI and birth cohort studied in multivariate regression models adjusted for the other two
respective factors. The study population is divided into seven birth cohorts by their birth years. In the analyses, the birth cohorts are
compared with the most recent birth cohort (individuals born in 1970–1974); hence, this is the point of reference and given value 1
(significant comparisons are highlighted by bolding, with the respective Pvalue below).
Free testosterone
Age K0.182G0.015 0.432G0.027 K0.007G0.001 0.031G0.005 0.066G0.010
P!0.0001 P!0.0001 P!0.0001 P!0.0001 P!0.0001
BMI K0.776G0.041 K1.842G0.075 K0.006G0.001 K0.069G0.015 K0.028G0.027
P!0.0001 P!0.0001 P!0.0001 P!0.0001 PZ0.294
Birth cohort
(1913–1922) 9.460G0.914 8.540G1.687 0.164G0.019 1.900G0.337 3.176G0.596
P!0.0001 P!0.0001 P!0.0001 P!0.0001 P!0.0001
(1923–1932) 6.957G0.853 5.425G1.573 0.125G0.017 0.847G0.314 2.048G0.556
P!0.0001 PZ0.0006 P!0.0001 PZ0.0071 PZ0.0002
(1933–1941) 4.969G0.828 1.552G1.528 0.109G0.017 0.599G0.305 1.427G0.540
P!0.0001 PZ0.310 P!0.0001 PZ0.050 PZ0.0008
(1942–1951) 4.947G0.839 0.979G1.549 0.120G0.017 0.636G0.309 0.974G0.548
P!0.0001 PZ0.527 P!0.0001 PZ0.040 PZ0.076
(1952–1959) 1.692G1.007 K1.199G1.858 0.041G0.020 0.050G0.371 0.204G0.657
PZ0.093 PZ0.519 PZ0.044 PZ0.894 PZ0.756
(1960–1979) K0.420G0.964 K2.659G1.779 K0.001G0.020 0.056G0.355 K0.032G0.629
PZ0.663 PZ0.135 PZ0.950 PZ0.874 PZ0.959
(1970–1974) 1111 1
Declining testosterone levels in Finnish men 231EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2013) 168
the more recently born men with lower testosterone
also displayed lower LH levels. Obese ageing men may
display signs of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism,
perhaps due to the feedback effect of adipose
tissue-derived oestrogen (3). Unfortunately, we did not
have oestradiol measurements of these samples.
However, although the later-born cohorts in our study
had higher BMIs, this alone could not explain the
relative decline in gonadotrophin levels in later birth
cohorts. Previous studies have not reported gonado-
trophin levels in association with the testosterone
changes. It is clear that this birth cohort effect makes
the evaluation of both cross-sectional and longitudinal
studies more complex. Health consequences of the
declining testosterone levels would be associated with
deteriorating reproductive health. The reasons for
these changes need to be identified in order to prevent
reproductive problems. Furthermore, several studies
have shown that decreased serum testosterone levels
are associated with increased morbidity and adverse
health conditions (4, 22). Our finding reflects a relative
decrease in serum testosterone on a population level,
and the values for most men remain well within the
normal reference range. However, a shift of the total
population will consequently increase the number
of individuals who become hypogonadal and
experience effects of low testosterone, particularly with
increasing age.
Unfortunately, in a cohort study of this nature, it was
not possible to ensure similar group size in the different
age groups or in the different cohort groups. Whereas
our study population is relatively large, the small size
of some groups weakens the statistical power and makes
the analysis of these groups less reliable. Collection of
the blood samples for testosterone analysis should
optimally be performed during the morning hours.
Variable collection times may affect individual testoster-
one levels. However, as the samples were collected
similarly in the different surveys, this is very unlikely
to have affected the cohort effect studied.
Our study cannot reveal the causes of the adverse
trends in male reproductive hormone levels. However,
the fact that the changes occurred over a relatively
short period suggests that changes in lifestyle or
environment – or both – are involved. The reasons for
these changes need to be identified in order to prevent
further deterioration of male reproductive health.
Declaration of interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be
perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research reported.
This work was supported by research grants from the Academy
of Finland, Sigrid Juse
´lius Foundation, Turku University Hospital and
the European Commission (QLK4-2002-00603, DEER 212844 FP7-
The authors thank M.Sc. Jaakko Matoma¨ki for assistance in the
statistical analyses of this study.
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men. New England Journal of Medicine 2010 363 123–135.
Received 1 April 2012
Revised version received 18 September 2012
Accepted 15 November 2012
Declining testosterone levels in Finnish men 233EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY (2013) 168
... Low serum testosterone has been associated with a number of adverse health conditions, for example, obesity, diabetes, an unfavorable lipid profile, reduced bone and muscle mass, and decreased quality of life [49][50][51]. In older men, testosterone insufficiency is associated with an increased risk of death over the following 20 years-a finding that is notably independent of numerous external risk factors and pre-existing health conditions [52]. ...
... In older men, testosterone insufficiency is associated with an increased risk of death over the following 20 years-a finding that is notably independent of numerous external risk factors and pre-existing health conditions [52]. The number of elderly men will substantially increase in the coming decades and hence their well-being is of general concern for public health [49]. Moreover, testosterone levels may also play an important role in the development of prostate cancer [53], and they have potential implications for the prognosis of prostate cancer patients [54]. ...
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The dietary acid load (DAL) is a novel marker of overall diet quality, which has been associated with overweight, type 2 diabetes and altered glucocorticoid secretion. A potential association with sex hormones is thus not inconceivable. We investigated whether DAL was associated with serum total testosterone concentrations of men in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The DAL scores, including the potential renal acid load (PRAL) and net endogenous acid production (NEAP), were estimated and compared between participants with low and normal testosterone levels. The investigated sample encompassed n = 377 males with a mean age of 49.50 years. Approximately 73% of the sample were of Non-Hispanic White origin. None of the examined DAL scores showed significant associations with serum testosterone levels. We observed no significant differences in the crude DAL scores between individuals with low testosterone levels and individuals with normal testosterone levels. Multivariate regression models adjusting for covariates confirmed the lack of associations between the PRAL and serum testosterone. Our results are of particular importance for those individuals who wish to lower their DAL in light of the presumable health effects of a more alkaline diet. Our data suggest that diet modifications toward a lower intake of animal protein and refined grains (which consecutively translates into a lower DAL) may not negatively affect men’s testosterone levels.
... Tis might have contributed to IR occurring at a lower WC than previously. Furthermore, a decline in serum testosterone levels has been reported in males [69,70]. Since low androgen levels are associated with a greater increase in visceral fat area compared to subcutaneous fat area [71], this may also have contributed to IR occurring at a smaller WC. ...
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Background Insulin resistance (IR) is associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk, and with increased all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality. A number of surrogate markers are used in clinical practice to diagnose IR. The aim of this study was to investigate the discriminatory power of a number of routinely available anthropometric and biochemical variables in predicting IR and to determine their optimal cutoffs. Methods We performed a cross-sectional study in a cohort of middle-aged individuals. We used receiver operator characteristics (ROC) analyses in order to determine the discriminatory power of parameters of interest in detecting IR, which was defined as homeostatic model assessment-insulin resistance ≥2.5. Results Both the lipid accumulation product (LAP) and visceral adiposity index (VAI) exhibited good discriminatory power to detect IR in both males and females. The optimal cutoffs were 42.5 and 1.44, respectively, in males and 36.2 and 1.41, respectively, in females. Serum triglycerides (TG) and waist circumference (WC) similarly demonstrated good discriminatory power in detecting IR in both sexes. The optimal cutoffs for serum TG and WC were 1.35 mmol/L and 96.5 cm, respectively, in men and 1.33 mmol/L and 82 cm, respectively, in women. On the other hand, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, liver transaminases, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, serum uric acid, ferritin, waist-hip ratio, “A” body shape, thigh circumference, and weight-adjusted thigh circumference all had poor discriminatory power. Conclusions Our data show that LAP, VAI, TG, and WC all have good discriminatory power in detecting IR in both men and women. The optimal cutoffs for TG and WC were lower than those currently recommended in both sexes. Replication studies are required in different subpopulations and different ethnicities in order to be able to update the current cut points to ones which reflect the contemporary population as well as to evaluate their longitudinal relationship with longer-term cardiometabolic outcomes.
... Altogether, this shows the complex and multifactorial nature of testosterone in men that warrant further research, particularly in light of the fact that several studies have shown overall decline in male testosterone levels in the past few decades in the US and Europe. [22][23][24][25][26] Limitations There are several limitations to our study that should be discussed. NHANES only obtained one serum testosterone value from each subject. ...
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This study aims to investigate the interplay between biological and non-biological factors and their effects on total testosterone (TT) levels in men. This is a retrospective cross-sectional study based on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) program designed to investigate the social and biological factors that affect TT levels in adult men in the United States. Data were obtained from the 2011–2016 NHANES survey study. We examined the effect of partnership status, family income-to-poverty ratio (PIR), education, tobacco use, diabetes mellitus (DM), coronary artery disease (CAD), hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, age, and body mass index (BMI) on TT levels. Our final cohort included 7,168 men aged 18 to 79. In the multiple linear regression analysis, cohabitation and being Non-Hispanic Asian had the largest negative effect sizes (-34 [95%CI: -45 - -23] and − 40 [95%CI: -55 - -27]) on TT compared to those of BMI (p < 0.001) and hypercholesterolemia (p < 0.001), but the effect of PIR was not significant. This study suggests that living with a partner is one of the strongest predictors of lower testosterone in men.
... After middle age, circulating testosterone levels gradually decline and gonadotrophin and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels rise [21], with these tendencies being missing until late old age in men who remain in great health [22], but exaggerated by the presence of chronic illness [23]. Additionally, there are temporal trends, such as an increase in obesity prevalence [24] and variations in testosterone immunoassays due to artifactual methods that differ from standard mass spectrometry-based assessments [25]. ...
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Males primarily use testosterone as a sex hormone. Through its effects on the androgen receptor, it is released by the interstitial cells of the testes and is in charge of the male external genitalia development as well as the internal reproductive glands and ducts during adolescence and maturity. Additionally, testosterone is required for the descent of testes via the inguinal canal in the last 2 months of fetal development. When a Y chromosome and consequently the SRY gene are missing from an embryo, ovaries form. The Wolffian ducts do not mature because the fetal ovaries do not release enough testosterone. It is mostly used to treat male hypogonadism. Notably, this chapter addresses the following context: historical view of testosterone research, biosynthesis, secretion, metabolism, transport mechanism, biological actions, health benefit of testosterone, factors that promote and inhibit testosterone secretion, therapeutic implication as well as pathophysiology of testosterone secretion.
... Reports of deteriorating male reproductive health are well known. Serum testosterone levels and sperm quality are declining [92][93][94]. ...
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We are all exposed to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) starting from embryonic life. The fetus and child set up crucial developmental processes allowing adaptation to the environment throughout life: they are extremely sensitive to very low doses of hormones and EDCs because they are developing organisms. Considering the developmental origin of well-being and diseases, every adult organism expresses consequences of the environment in which it developed. The molecular mechanisms through which the main EDCs manifest their effects and their potential association with endocrine disorders, such as diabetes, obesity, thyroid disease and alteration of adrenal hormones, will be reviewed here. Despite 40 years having passed since the first study on EDCs, little is yet known about them; therefore, our purpose is to take stock of the situation to establish a starting point for further studies. Since there is plenty of evidence showing that exposure to EDCs may adversely impact the health of adults and children through altered endocrine function—suggesting their link to endocrinopathies—it is essential in this context to bear in mind what is already known about endocrine disruptors and to deepen our knowledge to establish rules of conduct aimed at limiting exposure to EDCs’ negative effects. Considering that during the COVID-19 pandemic an increase in endocrine disruptor effects has been reported, it will also be useful to address this new phenomenon for better understanding its basis and limiting its consequences.
... Also, bioavailable T, obtained by the correction for SHBG levels the other confounding covariates, showed a significant decrease by 1.3% per year (Travison et al., 2007). Another study in 2013 was conducted by Perheentupa et al. in a Scandinavian cohort of 3,271 men in the age range 25-74 years, pertaining to three surveys on Finnish population of 1972of , 1977of (Perheentupa et al., 2013. Authors documented a consistent lowering of serum T-levels across decades in subjects of the same age, whose trend was not affected by correction for BMI. ...
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Environmental pollution, accounting for both chemical and physical factors, is a major matter of concern due to its health consequences in both humans and animals. The release of greenhouse gases with the consequent increase in environmental temperature is acknowledged to have a major impact on the health of both animals and humans, in current and future generations. A large amount of evidence reports detrimental effects of acute heat stress on testis function, particularly on the spermatogenetic and steroidogenetic process, in both animal and human models, wich is largely related to the testis placement within the scrotal sac and outside the abdomen, warranting an overall scrotal temperature of 2°C–4°C lower than the core body temperature. This review will provide a thorough evaluation of environmental temperature’s effect on testicular function. In particular, basic concepts of body thermoregulation will be discussed together with available data about the association between testis damage and heat stress exposure. In addition, the possible association between global warming and the secular decline of testis function will be critically evaluated in light of the available epidemiological studies.
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Little data exists on temporal changes in the incidence of definite hypogonadism and its correlation with socioeconomic status. We extracted data from the Maccabi Health Services computerized database between 2001-2017, which includes all electronic health records and laboratory data. The study included 4261 men with biochemically verified hypogonadism defined according to the European Male Study criteria. Male hypogonadism increased persistently with age in all the socioeconomic strata. 75% of the hypogonadal men had hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH). The overall incidence of hypogonadism increased 1.4-fold between the 2001-2009 and 2010-2017 periods, mainly due to an increase in HH. The temporal increase in hypogonadism occurred in all age groups of all socioeconomic strata but was notably more prominent in the >51 age group of the more affluent socioeconomic strata. BMI remained unchanged throughout the study period. The temporal increase in HH corresponds with previous observations of a temporal decrease in testosterone levels in men of a yet undetermined cause. Hypothetically, both could be linked to an underappreciated association between mental distress due to workplace demands and occupational burnout in specific occupations (i.e., high-tech, finance, medical) associated with more affluent populations, and reflected by decreased global happiness indices. This preliminary proposition deserves further investigation.
Over the twentieth century, male reproductive health has suffered a substantial decline, as evidenced by decreases in sperm counts and testosterone levels and increases in reproductive pathologies. At the same time, the prevalence of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome has risen dramatically. Metabolic and reproductive health are highly interconnected, suggesting that their respective trends are intertwined and, given the timeframe of such trends, environmental and not genetic factors are most likely to be the primary causes. Industrialization, which began in Europe in the mid-eighteenth century, has resulted in profound changes to our diet, lifestyle, and environment, many of which are causal factors in the rise in chronic diseases. Industrialization results in a nutrition transition from an agricultural unprocessed to a modern processed diet, incorporating increases in sugar, vegetable oils, ultra-processed foods, linoleic acid, trans-fats, and total energy. This dietary shift has incurred numerous adverse effects on metabolic and reproductive health, characterized by chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance. Moreover, these effects appear to multiply across subsequent generations via epigenetic inheritance. Men’s fertility is markedly affected by obesity and diabetes, with an increase in total energy via processed food intake arguably being the key factor driving the diabesity pandemic. In contrast, wholefoods rich in micronutrients and phytonutrients support male fertility and a healthy body weight. Therefore, men wanting to maximize their fertility should consider making positive dietary changes, such as replacing processed foods with unprocessed foods that support metabolic and reproductive health.
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Abstract A World Health Organization Working Group has developed a major international collaborative study with the objective of measuring over 10 years, and in many different populations, the trends in, and determinants of, cardiovascular disease. Specifically the programme focuses on trends in event rates for validated fatal and non-fatal coronary heart attacks and strokes, and on trends in cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure, cigarette smoking and serum cholesterol) in men and women aged 25–64 in the same defined communities. By this means it is hoped both to measure changes in cardiovascular mortality and to see how far they are explained; on the one hand by changes in incidence mediated by risk factor levels; and on the other by changes in case-fatality rates, related to medical care. Population centres need to be large and numerous; to reliably establish 10-year trends in event rates within a centre 200 or more fatal events in men per year are needed, while for the collaborative study a multiplicity of internally homogeneous centres showing differing trends will provide the best test of the hypotheses. Forty-one MONICA Collaborating Centres, using a standardized protocol, are studying 118 Reporting Units (sub-populations) with a total population aged 25–64 (both sexes) of about 15 million Keywords Cardiovascular disease; Cerebrovascular disease; Coronary heart disease; Etiology; Epidemiology; Mortality rates; Morbidity; Incidence; Blood pressure; Smoking; Cholesterol; Coronary care
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Impaired semen quality and testicular cancer may be linked through a testicular dysgenesis syndrome of foetal origin. The incidence of testis cancer has been shown to increase among Finnish men, whereas there is no recent publication describing temporal trends in semen quality. Therefore, we carried out a prospective semen quality study and a registry study of testis cancer incidence among Finnish men to explore recent trends. A total of 858 men were investigated in the semen quality study during 1998-2006. Median sperm concentrations were 67 (95% CI 57-80) million/mL, 60 (51-71) and 48 (39-60) for birth cohorts 1979-81, 1982-83 and 1987; total sperm counts 227 (189-272) million, 202 (170-240) and 165 (132-207); total number of morphologically normal spermatozoa 18 (14-23) million, 15 (12-19) and 11 (8-15). Men aged 10-59 years at the time of diagnosis with testicular cancer during 1954-2008 were included in the registry study, which confirmed the increasing incidence of testicular cancer in recent cohorts. These simultaneous and rapidly occurring adverse trends suggest that the underlying causes are environmental and, as such, preventable. Our findings necessitate not only further surveillance of male reproductive health but also research to detect and remove the underlying factors.
Background The cardiovascular risk factor levels of the population have been assessed in Finland since 1972. In the beginning the surveys were done to evaluate the North Karelia Project, which was a community-based preventive programme. A national cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention strategy was developed and implemented during the late 1970s. Subsequently, a national cardiovascular risk factors monitoring system was developed to assess the effectiveness of the national strategy. Methods Cross-sectional population samples were studied in 1972 and 1977 in North Karelia and Kuopio provinces in eastern Finland. An area in southwestern Finland was included in 1982, followed by the Helsinki metropolitan area in 1992 and Oulu province in northern Finland in 1997. A total of 19 761 men and 20 761 women aged 30–59 participated in the six surveys (1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997). Results The serum cholesterol levels of both genders have continuously declined. Systolic blood pressure levels have declined since 1972, but no further decline in diastolic blood pressure was found in 1997. Smoking prevalence among men continued to decline mainly due to an increase in the percentage of never-smokers. For the first time the increase in smoking prevalence among women levelled off and started to decline, mainly because the number of female quitters had increased. Conclusions These data suggest that the cardiovascular health programme in Finland has succeeded in decreasing the general risk factor level of the population.
A World Health Organization Working Group has developed a major international collaborative study with the objective of measuring over 10 years, and in many different populations, the trends in, and determinants of, cardiovascular disease. Specifically the programme focuses on trends in event rates for validated fatal and non-fatal coronary heart attacks and strokes, and on trends in cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure, cigarette smoking and serum cholesterol) in men and women aged 25–64 in the same defined communities. By this means it is hoped both to measure changes in cardiovascular mortality and to see how far they are explained; on the one hand by changes in incidence mediated by risk factor levels; and on the other by changes in case-fatality rates, related to medical care. Population centres need to be large and numerous; to reliably establish 10-year trends in event rates within a centre 200 or more fatal events in men per year are needed, while for the collaborative study a multiplicity of internally homogeneous centres showing differing trends will provide the best test of the hypotheses. Forty-one MONICA Collaborating Centres, using a standardized protocol, are studying 118 Reporting Units (sub-populations) with a total population aged 25–64 (both sexes) of about 15 million
Reports based on national registers of congenital malformations have suggested that the birth rate of hypospadias has increased during the last few decades. Register-based information may, however, have pitfalls because of changes in diagnostics, reporting accuracy and registration system. The aim of this study was to determine the current birth rate of hypospadias in Turku University Central Hospital (TUCH) in Finland. This was a prospective study on live-born boys born in TUCH from 1997 to 1999. In the total birth cohort (n=5,798) as well as in a special subcohort group (n=1,505) 0.3% of boys had hypospadias. Only one scrotal hypospadias was found in a boy who had a chromosomal anomaly. Other hypospadias were glandular or coronal. No increase was found in the birth rate of hypospadias when comparing our result with register-based data of boys born in Finland during the years 1970 to 1986 and surgically treated for hypospadias by the age of 8 years. No difference was found either from malformation register-based data concerning the nationwide birth rate of hypospadias during the years 1993 to 1998. Due to differences in national registration systems between countries, prospective studies with equal assessment criteria are needed in order to make reliable international comparisons.
Previous studies suggest that male testosterone concentrations have declined over time. To explore this in a large US population, we examined testosterone and free testosterone concentrations in National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) from 1988-1991 and 1999-2004. We also examined sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), estradiol, and androstanediol glucuronide (3α-diol-G) over the same period. Non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and Mexican-American men from 1988-1991 and 1999-2004 NHANES surveys who were ≥20 years old and had serum from morning blood draws were included in this analysis (1988-1991: N = 1,413; 1999-2004: N = 902). Testosterone, estradiol and SHBG were measured by competitive electrochemiluminescence immunoassays and 3α-diol-G was measured by enzyme immunoassay. Free testosterone was calculated using testosterone and SHBG values. Adjusted mean hormone concentrations were estimated using linear regression, accounting for NHANES sampling weights and design, age, race/ethnicity, body mass index, waist circumference, alcohol use and smoking. Differences in adjusted mean concentrations (Δ) and two-sided p-values were calculated; p < 0.05 was statistically significant. Overall, 3α-diol-G and estradiol declined between 1988-1991 and 1999-2004, but there was little change in testosterone, free testosterone, or SHBG (Δ: 3α-diol-G = -1.83 ng/mL, p < 0.01; estradiol = -6.07 pg/mL, p < 0.01; testosterone = -0.03 ng/mL, p = 0.75; free testosterone = -0.001 ng/mL, p = 0.67; SHBG = -1.17 nmol/L, p = 0.19). Stratification by age and race revealed that SHBG and 3α-diol-G declined among whites 20-44 years old (Δ: SHBG = -5.14 nmol/L, p < 0.01; 3α-diol-G = -2.89 ng/mL, p < 0.01) and free testosterone increased among blacks 20-44 years old (Δ: 0.014 ng/mL, p = 0.03). Estradiol declined among all ages of whites and Mexican-Americans. In conclusion, there was no evidence for testosterone decline between 1988-1991 and 1999-2004 in the US general population. Subgroup analyses suggest that SHBG and 3α-diol-G declined in young white men, estradiol declined in white and Mexican-American men, and free testosterone increased in young black men. These changes may be related to the increasing prevalence of reproductive disorders in young men.
The role of endogenous sex hormones in many diseases makes understanding factors that influence levels of these hormones increasingly important. This study examined age-associated variations in total and bioavailable testosterone and estradiol levels among community-dwelling Caucasian men in Rancho Bernardo, California. Plasma samples obtained from 810 men aged 24-90 years in 1984-1987 were analyzed in 1993 using radioimmunoassay. Analyses of age-hormone associations, adjusting for weight, body mass index, alcohol ingestion, smoking, physical activity, caffeine intake, specimen storage time, and disease status, were undertaken. Bioavailable testosterone and bioavailable estradiol levels decreased significantly with age independently of covariates. Total testosterone and estradiol levels decreased with age only when analyses were controlled for confounders. The importance of the age-associated decline in endogenous sex hormone levels, particularly levels of bioavailable testosterone and bioavailable estradiol, and their relation to disease and function in men deserve further research.