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Male Pregnancy and Biparental Immune Priming


Abstract and Figures

Abstract In vertebrates, maternal transfer of immunity via the eggs or placenta provides offspring with crucial information on prevailing pathogens and parasites. Males contribute little to such transgenerational immune priming, either because they do not share the environment and parasite pressure of the offspring or because sperm are too small for transfer of immunity. In the teleost group of Syngnathids (pipefish, seahorses, and sea dragons), males brood female eggs in a placenta-like structure. Such sex-role-reversed species provide a unique opportunity to test for adaptive plasticity in immune transfer. Here, males and females should both influence offspring immunity. We experimentally tested paternal effects on offspring immunity by examining immune cell proliferation and immune gene expression. Maternal and paternal bacterial exposure induced offspring immune defense 5 weeks after hatching, and this effect persisted in 4-month-old offspring. For several offspring immune traits, double parental exposure (maternal and paternal) enhanced the response, whereas for another group of immune traits, the transgenerational induction already took place if only one parent was exposed. Our study shows that sex role reversal in connection with male pregnancy opens the door for biparental influences on offspring immunity and may represent an additional advantage for the evolution of male pregnancy.
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The University of Chicago
Male Pregnancy and Biparental Immune Priming
Author(s): Olivia Roth, Verena Klein, Anne Beemelmanns, Jörn P. Scharsack and Thorsten B.
H. Reusch,
Reviewed work(s):
The American Naturalist,
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vol. 180, no. 6 the american naturalist december 2012
Male Pregnancy and Biparental Immune Priming
Olivia Roth,
* Verena Klein,
Anne Beemelmanns,
Jo¨rn P. Scharsack,
Thorsten B. H. Reusch
1. Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR), Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Fishes, Du¨sternbrooker Weg 20, 24105 Kiel,
Germany; 2. Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity, Animal Evolutionary Ecology, University of Mu¨nster, Hu¨fferstrasse 1, 48149
Mu¨nster, Germany
Submitted May 8, 2012; Accepted July 26, 2012; Electronically published October 31, 2012
Online enhancement: appendix. Dryad data:
abstract: In vertebrates, maternal transfer of immunity via the
eggs or placenta provides offspring with crucial information on pre-
vailing pathogens and parasites. Males contribute little to such trans-
generational immune priming, either because they do not share the
environment and parasite pressure of the offspring or because sperm
are too small for transfer of immunity. In the teleost group of Syng-
nathids (pipefish, seahorses, and sea dragons), males brood female
eggs in a placenta-like structure. Such sex-role-reversed species pro-
vide a unique opportunity to test for adaptive plasticity in immune
transfer. Here, males and females should both influence offspring
immunity. We experimentally tested paternal effects on offspring
immunity by examining immune cell proliferation and immunegene
expression. Maternal and paternal bacterial exposure induced off-
spring immune defense 5 weeks after hatching, and this effect per-
sisted in 4-month-old offspring. For several offspring immune traits,
double parental exposure (maternal and paternal) enhanced the re-
sponse, whereas for another group of immune traits, the transgen-
erational induction already took place if only one parent wasexposed.
Our study shows that sex role reversal in connection with male
pregnancy opens the door for biparental influences on offspring im-
munity and may represent an additional advantage for the evolution
of male pregnancy.
Keywords: parental effects, host-parasite interaction, immune defense,
placenta, pipefish, Vibrio.
The non-DNA-based transfer of heritable information
from parents to offspring has recently received increasing
attention. Darwinian selection changes genotype frequen-
cies at the population level, whereas non–genetically in-
herited traits have the potential for adaptive plasticity from
one generation to another within a pedigree (Mousseau
and Fox 1998; Haig 2000). One of the strongest selection
pressures is parasites (Hamilton et al. 1990). To counter
* Corresponding author; e-mail:
Am. Nat. 2012. Vol. 180, pp. 000–000. 2012 by The University of Chicago.
0003-0147/2012/18006-53836$15.00. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1086/668081
negative fitness effects by parasites, hosts evolved an ef-
ficient and often highly specific immune system (Altizer
et al. 2003; Boots and Bowers 2004). The resulting co-
evolutionary dynamics between hosts and parasites lead
to rapid changes in parasite genotypes and species. How-
ever, certain parasite groups often persist in the environ-
ment for more than just one host generation (Van Valen
1973; Hamilton 1980; Eizaguirre et al. 2012). Because an
offspring shares the same parasite environment as a parent
early in its life, the transfer of immunological experience
(transgenerational immune priming) on abundance and
composition of pathogens to offspring represents a fast
alternative way for hosts to effectively react to pathogens
(Boulinier and Staszweski 2008; Hasselquist and Nilsson
Such transgenerational immune priming is a phenotypic
plastic effect (Lemke et al. 2004; Poulin and Thomas 2008)
that is defined over parental effects that boost the immune
defense of the offspring. It occurs in vertebrates via the
deposition of maternal antibodies into eggs of fish and
birds (Bly et al. 1986; Fuda et al. 1992; Grindstaff et al.
2003) or via the transfer of antibodies over the placenta
and during breast feeding in mammals (Glezen 2003;
Lemke et al. 2004). Transfer of immunity is not limited
to acquired immunity (maternal antibodies) but also in-
cludes components of the innate immune defense (e.g.,
lysozyme enzymes; Hanif et al. 2004) and components of
the complement system (Ellingsen et al. 2005). The trans-
fer of as-yet-unknown components of the innate immune
defense was recently shown also for invertebrates (Sadd et
al. 2005; Moret 2006; Sadd and Schmid-Hempel 2007;
Roth et al. 2010; Zanchi et al. 2011), which points to the
universal presence of adaptive plasticity in transgenera-
tional transfer and induction of immunity across the an-
imal kingdom.
An activation of the immune defense is costly and
should be traded off against other life-history components
(Sheldon and Verhulst 1996). Hence, because investment
000 The American Naturalist
into immune defense can reduce life expectancy (Bon-
neaud et al. 2004), immunochallenged individuals may
increase their investment in the current reproductive out-
put as the chances of surviving to reproduce later in life
are reduced (formulated as the “terminal investment hy-
pothesis”; Clutton-Brock 1984). Higher investment on an
immunochallenge or infection in terms of egg-laying rate
(Adamo 1999), pheromone production (Sadd et al. 2006),
and brood care (Hanssen 2006) has been shown. The pos-
itive effects gained by transgenerational immune priming
on offspring immune defense can thus even be enhanced
by terminal investment. As yet, however, the majority of
experiments have revealed decreased investment in repro-
duction, such that cases of decreased egg-laying rates
(Shoemaker et al. 2006), parental effort (Ra˚berg et al.
2000), and production of nuptial gifts (Reaney and Knell
2010) were reported; probably costs of immune activation
were too high to permit allocation of more resources to
Thus far, the major mechanisms of transfer of immunity
in vertebrates have been suggested to be functionally re-
stricted to mothers, because sperm cells are probably too
small to transfer antibodies or components of the com-
plement system to the zygote (Wassarmann et al. 2001;
Arnqvist and Rowe 2005). This is in line with findings
that no relationships among antibody titers were detected
in vertebrates when fathers but not mothers were primed
(Gasparini et al. 2002; Reid et al. 2006). However, in some
sex-role-reversed animals, such as the bony fish group of
Syngnathids (pipefishes and seahorses), males have
evolved a unique placenta-like structure. This structure
fulfils certain requirements of the mammal placental sys-
tem, and we thus hypothesize that pipefish could poten-
tially have evolved a mechanism for the transfer of im-
munological information from fathers to offspring during
male pregnancy. In Syngnathids, females transfer eggs to
the male brood pouch where they are provided with nu-
trients and oxygen (Wilson et al. 2001; Dzyuba et al. 2006;
Harlin-Cognato et al. 2006; Sto¨ lting and Wilson 2007; Rip-
ley and Foran 2009). Because pipefish males invest a higher
proportion of resources in the offspring, males are limited
in their reproductive potential according to Bateman’s
principle (Bateman 1948; Jones et al. 2000, 2005). Hence,
their life history is selected for longevity, which is consis-
tent with a more efficient immune response compared with
that of females (Roth et al. 2011). The transfer of im-
munological knowledge from fathers to offspring would
thus also fulfill another function that is usually restricted
to mothers under conventional sex roles. In addition, off-
spring are born into the environment of the father and
are therefore exposed to the same parasite genotypes as
the father. We thus hypothesize that, in sex-role-reversed
animals with placenta-like structures, selection for paternal
transfer of immunity should be more important for im-
mune transfer than transfer via mothers from both a
mechanistic and an evolutionary point of view.
To test these ideas, we examined whether male pipefish
influence immune defense of the offspring in the broad-
nosed pipefish Syngnathus typhle in a fully crossed labo-
ratory experiment. To do so, the mother, the father, both,
or neither were exposed to injections with a mix of several
phylotypes of heat-killed Vibrio bacteria to simulate the
abundance of a community of potentially harmful path-
ogens. Thus, our study mainly addressed constitutive up-
regulation of basal immunocompetence in the offspring,
in particular the vertebrate’s costly innate immunity (Ra˚-
berg et al. 2002). The use of heat-killed bacteria allowed
us to exclusively concentrate on host immune defense
without confounding pathogenicity effects. The F
eration was collected and exposed to an immune challenge
to address the persistence of possible transgenerational
immune effects after 5 weeks and after 4 months. Direct
immune measurements (in 4-month-old individuals only)
and large-scale immune gene expression patterns (in 5-
week-old and 4-month-old individuals) were then as-
sessed. In addition, body length was measured after 4
months to address possible effects due to terminal in-
vestment into reproduction. Our main goal was to assess
whether both maternal and paternal immune experience
interact or whether strength of offspring immune defense
depends only on paternal or maternal effects.
Material and Methods
Experimental Design
Our study species is the European broad-nosed pipefish
Syngnathus typhle. Unmated pipefish were caught around
the island of Gotland, Sweden, in May 2011 before the
breeding season. Within 48 hours, animals were trans-
ported to our laboratory facility in Kiel, Germany, where
they were sex separated and acclimatized to local water
(18C, 15 psu) over a 3-week period in 200-L tanks. We
used only pipefish that had entered their first breeding
season. All animals reached sexual maturity within the 3
weeks in Kiel; females started egg production, and males
developed a brood pouch. Two weeks before mating, pipe-
fish were injected with either 50 mLof10
cells mL
killed Vibrio (a combination of 8 allopatric strains: D11K1,
I11E3, I2K1, D1K1, SH54, D1K3, D1E3, and D12K2) ac-
cording to Roth et al. (2012) in phosphate-buffered saline
(PBS) or PBS only as sham control (Roth et al. 2011).
After injection, animals were kept in pairs with sexes and
injection treatments separated in thirty-six 80-L aquaria
under continual water exchange. They were fed twice a
day with live and frozen mysids and Artemia salina.Two
Biparental Immune Priming 000
weeks after injection, mating pairs were formed in a fully
reciprocal design, with seven pairs per parental treatment,
resulting in a total of 28 mating pairs: ,,
,, where and indicate injection with
Vibrio and sham control, respectively. We obtained 18 suc-
cessful broods with offspring numbers, approximately
equally distributed among treatments ( breeding
pairs per parental treatment). Immediately after birth, off-
spring were separated from the parental aquaria and placed
by family into 22-L aquaria. Offspring were fed 4 times
with A. salina naupliae and copepods. At the age of
5 weeks, between 28 and 40 offspring per family were
challenged with either the heat-killed Vibrio strain com-
bination homologous to the parental exposure, a different
(heterologous) single bacteria strain (I2K3), or PBS or
were left naive (7–10 animals per treatment per family).
For this, a needle was dipped into a solution of 10
heat-killed Vibrio, and the fish was pricked intra-
peritoneally. After the challenge, pipefish were kept in 7-
L beakers (one beaker per offspring treatment per family).
Animals were killed by MS222 24 h later, immersed in
RNA for 24 h, and frozen at 80C. A subset of animals
from 16 families was grown until the age of 4 months (1–
4 animals per family; a total of 58 animals) and then either
exposed to 20 mL of heat-killed Vibrio intraperitoneally
cells mL
), homologous to the parental Vibrio com-
bination, or kept naive (1–2 animals per treatment per
family). For individual identification, fluorescent visible
implant tags were injected subcutaneously. Twenty-four
hours later, animals were killed with MS 222. Three ani-
mals died during those 24 h, which resulted in a total of
55 animals available for analysis. Head kidneys, where lym-
phocytes are produced, were dissected and used for direct
central immune measurements, whereas blood was col-
lected for direct peripheral immune measurements, be-
cause lymphocytes migrate into the blood to fight a bac-
terial infection. Because Syngnathids lack a spleen
(Matsunaga and Rahman 1998), additional immune or-
gans could not be included for immune measurements.
Gills were preserved in RNA for gene expression mea-
surements, whereas a piece of the tail was collected for
additional DNA extraction.
Blood cells and head kidney cells were prepared ac-
cording to Roth et al. (2011) and Landis et al. (2012). Cells
were kept on ice until cellular immune activity (proportion
of monocytes and lymphocytes and lymphocyte activity,
measured using cell cycle analysis [resting cells are from
phase and the dividing cells are from SG
2-M phase
was assessed with a fluorescence-activated cell scanner us-
ing head kidney cells as proxy for central immune activity
and blood cells as proxy for peripheral immune activity.
Assessment of Immune Function via Quantitative Real-
Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (q-RT-PCR)
The amount of mitochondrial RNA of 14 immune-related
genes was quantified using q-RT-PCR relative to a house-
keeping gene. Primers for 10 immune genes were available
from an earlier study (Birrer et al. 2012). For another four
immune genes, novel primers were designed on the basis
of annotated genes in an expressed sequence tag library.
We designed primer pairs using the software primer 3
(v.04.0; Rozen and Skaletzky 1997) for putative homolo-
gous genes encoding allograft inflammation factor (allo),
complement component 9 (c9), B cell receptor-associated
protein 31 (bcell), and translocator protein (tspo). Ho-
mology was inferred from BLASTX hits of other teleost
species with e-values !10
. The primer efficiency was
assessed using dilution series (1 : 1 to 1 : 36 of diluted
cDNA) as templates. All genes attained slopes of log
number versus log fluorescent intensity between 0.9 and
1, and all correlation coefficients were . Melt-
0.9 !R!1
ing curves after the q-RT-PCR were inspected to exclude
nonspecific amplification products (Birrer et al. 2012).
Gene Expression
Immune gene expression was measured using two different
platforms (StepOnePlus [Applied Biosystems] and Flu-
idigm Biomark [HD Systems]). Intercalibration assured
that results are directly comparable. In the 4-month-old
group, gene expression was measured with q-RT-PCR
(StepOnePlus). Four to five individuals per parental and
offspring treatment were randomly chosen, which resulted
in 36 samples that were used for RNA extraction with the
Invitrap Universal HTS 96 Kit/C from Invitek. The RNA
yield was measured with a Nanodrop ND-1000 (peQLab).
Reverse transcription was performed with the Quanti-
TectReverseTranscription kit (Qiagen) and incorporated a
genomic DNA (gDNA) digestion. The q-RT-PCR reactions
were performed with 5 ng/mL total transcribed RNA fol-
lowing the method described by Birrer et al. (2012) in-
cluding non-reverse-transcribed negative controls and
nontemplate controls. Expression of 10 immune genes
(allo,bcell,grcsf,tlr,ig ant,il,tnf,tspo,c9, and cf )plus
housekeeping gene expression (ubiquitin [ubi]) was as-
sessed. Data were analyzed with the StepOnePlus Real-
Time PCR System, and cycle time (C
) values were cal-
culated for every reaction using a fixed fluorescence
threshold of 0.5.
In a second set up, gene expression was measured for
both 5-week-old and 4-month-old animals using a Flu-
idigm Biomark based on chips, and RNA was48 #48
extracted from a total of 384 animals (both juveniles and
mature animals). For juveniles, offspring from 15 families
000 The American Naturalist
were taken, with up to seven replicates per offspring treat-
ment (the exact number of animals used per family was
as follows: family 1, 25; family 2, 26; family 5, 22; family
7, 24; family 9, 26; family 10, 26; family 11, 26; family 13,
16; family 15, 25; family 16, 25; family 19, 7; family 20,
25; family 24, 17; family 25, 26; and family 28, 9). For
mature animals, all replicates were taken. For reverse tran-
scription, the QuantiTectReverseTranscription kit was
used, including a gDNA wipeout buffer, as described
above. Preamplification steps were performed for a mix-
ture of 13 immune gene primers (allo,bcell,c9,grcsf,hsp,
ig ant,il,kin,nramp,tlr,tnf,tspo, and cf ) plus the house-
keeping gene primer for all samples, and 2.5 mL TaqMan
PreAmp Master Mix (Applied Biosystems) and 1.25 mL
200 nM pooled primer mix were mixed with 1.25 mL
cDNA. The mixture was amplified for 14 cycles in a ther-
mocycler (activation, 10 min at 95C; thereafter, 14 cycles
of 15 s at 95C and 4 min at 60C). Thereafter, samples
were diluted 1 : 2, and sample mix was prepared. Three
microliters 2#TaqMan Gene expression Master Mix (Ap-
plied Biosystems), 0.3 mL20#DNA Binding Dye Sample
Loading Reagent (Fluidigm), 0.3 mL20#EvaGreen Dye
(Biotium), and 0.9 mL1#low EDTA TE Buffer were
mixed with 1.5 mL of the sample. Assay mix was prepared
by mixing 3.6 mL 20 uM of forward and reverse primer
mix, 4 mLof2#Assay Loading Reagent (Fluidigm), and
1#low EDTA TE Buffer. During the preparation, the
chip was primed according to Fluidigm priming48 #48
protocols. The chip was thereafter loaded with 5 mLof
each sample and assay mix into the appropriate inlets, and
the run was started.
Every chip included standards, no template controls,
and controls of the non-reverse-transcribed RNA after the
initial gDNA wipeout step. Because of the space used for
those controls (eight samples), not all 382chips p382
experimental samples could be run, and some had to be
randomly excluded. The 48 available slots for primers were
used for the 14 primers, which resulted in 3–4 technical
replicates per sample and primer. The comparison of the
results from two different methods to quantify gene ex-
pression in 4-month-old pipefish suggested consistent
Analysis of q-RT-PCR Data. For all technical replicates,
the mean C
and the standard deviation (SD) were cal-
culated. Samples with an SD among the technical replicates
of 10.4 were removed from additional analyses to avoid
confounding the biological variation in the data due to
measurement errors. The housekeeping gene ubi served as
internal control, and the mean C
values of ubi were used
to quantify the relative gene expression of each immune
gene and to calculate DC
values. All statistical analyses
and plots are based on DDC
values. On exclusion of
several animals either for the complete gene expression
analysis or for only some specific genes, we ended up with
a total of 36 4-month-old individuals that were used for
the standard qPCR and 47 4-month-old individuals and
281 5-week-old juveniles that were used for the Fluidigm
gene expression analyses.
The figures that display gene expression data in 4-
month-old individuals represent the mean of the two
qPCR methods applied (figs. 1, 2).
Data Analysis and Statistics
To assess parental effects (differences in offspring im-
munity attributable to parental treatment) and offspring
effects (differences in offspring immunity attributable to
offspring treatment) on immune gene expression and di-
rect immune parameters, ANOVA were performed, in-
cluding the appropriate tests of variance homogeneity. For
the 5-week-old juveniles, nested analyses were performed
with parental and offspring treatment as fixed effect, and
the random factor “family” was nested within parental
treatment. Differences between the four parental treat-
ments were assessed with post hoc tests (Tukey HSD test).
Before all univariate tests, multivariate analysis of variance
(MANOVA) was performed to assess effects over all genes
and to protect the analysis against inflation of Type 1 error.
To assess effects per gene, single ANOVAs were calculated
using the same factors as for the MANOVA. Only effects
that were initially significant in the MANOVA were in-
terpreted. For 4-month-old offspring, only 1–2 individuals
per family per offspring treatment were available. Exper-
imental replication was thus on the family level and not
within families. Hence, family effects could not be cal-
culated. However, significant treatment effects would be
accounted conservative, because such effects can be found
only if they are stronger than family effects. Parental and
offspring treatment were taken as fixed effects for MAN-
OVA and ANOVA to assess effects on gene expression.
Gene expression data were statistically analyzed as DC
and only visualized in figures 1 and 2 as DDC
relative to
the control treatments.
Direct Immune Parameters (Blood Cells and
Head Kidney Cells)
We found a marked effect of parental immune challenge
on peripheral immune activity of offspring blood immune
cells (table 1A; table A1, available online). This parental
effect was mainly driven by enhanced lymphocyte activity,
which was only induced when both parents were exposed
to heat-killed bacteria, which suggested an additive effect
P&M complement c9
granulocyte colony
stimulating factor
toll-like receptor
heat shock protein
lymphocyte antigen 75
interleukin 10
X Data
translocator protein
-4 0 4
tumor necrosis factor
X Data
-5 0 5
Y Data
Y Data
-1 -0.5 0.5 1-2 -1 012
five-week-old four-month-old
-5 5
coagulation factor
allograft inflammation
no data
no data
complement c3
Figure 1: Gene expression profiles in juveniles (left) and 4-month-old (right) offspring on paternal (P), maternal (M), or biparental (P&M)
immune priming. Gene expression data are standardized to the housekeeping gene ubiquitin and are depicted as DDC
values relative to gene
expression in sham-exposed offspring. White bars indicate no significant difference, black bars indicate significant differences ( ), andP.05
gray bars indicate differences with a trend toward significance ( ). Detailed results of statistical analyses are found in tables A1–A5,.05 !P.10
available online.
-4 -2 2 4-4 -2 024
five-week-old four-month-old
no data
complement c9
granulocyte colony
stimulating factor
toll-like receptor
heat shock protein
lymphocyte antigen 75
interleukin 10
translocator protein
tumor necrosis factor
coagulation factor
allograft inflammation
complement c3
no data
Figure 2: Gene expression profiles in 5-week-old (left) and 4-month-old (right) offspring on homologous Vibrio exposure (V), phosphate-
buffered saline exposure (V), or exposure to heterologous Vibrio (aV). Gene expression data are depicted relative to unexposed individuals,
both standardized initially to cycle time (C
) values of the housekeeping gene ubiquitin (i.e., DDC
). All statistical analyses are based on DC
Biparental Immune Priming 000
Table 1: Evaluation of influences of parental and offspring effects on offspring immune responses
using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
MANOVA Value Fdf numerator df denominator P
A. Blood cells
Parental .472 3.193 12 117 .0006
Offspring .064 .709 4 44 .590
Parental #offspring .907 .366 12 117 .973
B. Head kidney cells
Parental .830 .719 12 117 .731
Offspring .352 3.870 4 44 .009
Parental #offspring .738 1.182 12 117 .304
C. Four-month-old gene expression
Parental .060 3.012 30 56 .0002
Offspring .796 1.512 10 280 .1575
Parental #offspring .307 .932 30 56 .574
D. Four-month-old gene expression
Parental .197 1.702 36 83 .024
Offspring 1.174 2.738 12 28 .014
Parental #offspring .298 1.176 36 83 .269
E. Five-week-old gene expression
Parental .597 4.313 33 740 !.0001
Offspring .726 2.578 33 740 !.0001
Parental #offspring .689 .977 99 1781 .547
Family (parental) .582 3.331 44 962 !.0001
Note: Models test effects on direct immune parameters in the periphery (blood cell activity; A) and in head kidney
cell activity (B), on immune gene expression in 4-month-old individuals using either standard quantitative real-time
polymerase chain reaction (q-RT-PCR; C) or q-RT-PCR on a microfluidic PCR system (Fluidigm; D), and on immune
gene expression in 5-week-old juveniles using Fluidigm (E).
of paternal and maternal priming (fig. 3). The composition
and abundance of head kidney cells as indicators of central
immune response were only affected by offspring treat-
ment (table 1B; table A2, available online). Offspring
effects are instructive to examine whether our treatment
with Vibrio presented a challenge to the immune system
as desired. When we examined single-response variables,
we found that head kidney monocyte counts, the
ratio, and the lymphocyte activitylymphocy te : monocyte
were affected by offspring treatment. Juvenile animals ex-
posed to Vibrio had fewer monocytes but more lympho-
cytes than did control animals. The lymphocyte activity
was reduced 24 h after the challenge if pipefish were ex-
posed to a Vibrio challenge (more lymphocytes in the rest-
ing stage [G
] and fewer lymphocytes in the active stage
phase of the cell cycle]) compared with control
animals (table A2).
The parental treatment affected offspring size and growth
rate (ANOVA: parental effect , ; postFp3.331 Pp.027
3, 55
hoc test: maternal exposure and biparental exposure
greater than paternal exposure and unexposed). If either
both parents or only mothers were exposed to a Vibrio
challenge, offspring grew larger than the offspring of con-
trol-injected parents (fig. 3), who grew, on average, 2.5 cm
less than the former group. Thus, only maternal effects
seem to influence the offspring growth rate.
Immune Gene Expression
Gene expression measurements were a key variable, be-
cause these allowed for simultaneous assessment of im-
mune system parameters in small juveniles and larger sub-
adults. The gene expression of seven genes was affected
by parental Vibrio exposure in 5-week-old and in 4-
month-old offspring (table 1C–1E; tables A3–A5, available
online). In addition, significant effects were found for off-
spring exposure and for family effects (only tested in 5-
week-old offspring). There was no parental #offspring
interaction. In 5-week-old juveniles, parental effects im-
pacted mainly genes of the innate and rather unspecific
immune system, such as c9,tlr,kin, and tnf (for full gene
names, see table 2). In contrast, in 4-month-old pipefish,
genes with an interactive effect on the innate and adaptive
immune system were influenced, such as c3,c9,grcsf,and
il. Although gene expression in 5-week-old juveniles in-
creased 1.5–2-fold on parental Vibrio exposure, effects in
4-month-old offspring were more pronounced (2–4-fold).
000 The American Naturalist
Figure 3: Effects of parental treatment on mean length of 4-month-old individuals and on the mean proportion of active lymphocytes (lymphocyte
proliferation). Bars show means plus standard errors.
This may be attributable to the different tissues measured,
which needed to be entire animals in the 5-week-old off-
spring group, whereas only gills were used in the 4-month-
old offspring group. The only persistent upregulation in
both age groups was found for the complement system
(for c9, because c3 was only measured in the 4-month-old
group). This suggests that, on parental challenge, general
bacteria opsonization is persistently induced in offspring.
In juveniles, c9 was upregulated if mother, father, or both
were challenged, whereas in 4-month-old pipefish, c3 and
c9 expression was only induced if both parents were ex-
posed to Vibrio, which implies an interactive effect of ma-
ternal and paternal exposure on the complement system
activity. Upregulation of tlr in 5-week-old animals implies
an activated recognition of conserved pathogen-associated
patterns via the toll-like receptor pathway, which would
also include Vibrio epitopes. The opposite pattern was
found for kin, where immune gene expression was down-
regulated when both parents had been exposed to Vibrio.
Expression of tnf, which regulates the immune defense
activity, was upregulated if the father was exposed to Vib-
rio, compared with expression when both parents or only
the mother were exposed. A trend for induced expression
of hsp was shown on paternal exposure compared with no
Biparental Immune Priming 000
Table 2: Immune system components in pipefish offspring (Syngnathus typhle), their function, abbreviation, and putative classification into the adaptive or the innate
immune system
Name Immune effector Abbreviation Immune function Innate/adaptive Juvenile Mature
Blood lymphocyte activity Cellular b lympho act Periphery cellular Adaptive NM P&M
Blood lymphocytes Cellular b lympho Periphery cellular Adaptive NM NS
Head kidney lymphocyte activity Cellular hk lympho act Central cellular Adaptive NM NS
Head kidney lymphocytes Cellular hk lympho Central cellular Adaptive NM NS
Blood monocytes Cellular b mono Periphery cellular Innate NM NS
Head kidney monocytes Cellular hk mono Central cellular Innate NM NS
Allograft inflammation factor Immune gene allo Tissue rejection Innate NS P, M, P&M
Complement component c3 Immune gene c3 Complement system Innate and adaptive NM P&M
Complement component c9 Immune gene c9 Complement system Innate and adaptive P, M, P&M P&M
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor Immune gene grcsf Granulocyte proliferation Innate NS P, M, P&M
Toll-like receptor Immune gene tlr Self-nonself difference
over PRR/PAMPs
Innate P, M, P&M NS
Heat shock protein 1 Immune gene hsp General stress Innate P, M, P&M NS
Lymphocyte antigen 75 Immune gene ig ant Tissue rejection Adaptive NS NS
Interleukin 10 Immune gene il Regulation of macrophage
Innate and adaptive NS P, M, P&M
Kinesin Immune gene kin Intracellular transport Innate P&M NS
Coagulation factor II receptor-like 1 Immune gene cf Blood clotting Innate NM P
Translocator protein Immune gene tspo Inflammatory response Innate NS P&M
Tumor necrosis factor protein Immune gene tnf Regulation of immune
Innate and adaptive P NS
B-cell receptor-associated protein Immune gene bcell Regulation of B cell
Adaptive NS NS
Natural-resistance-associated macrophage protein Immune gene nramp Macrophage activation Innate NS NS
Length Life history length Development Innate and adaptive NM M
Note: Significance and direction of effect evaluated in juveniles and in mature individuals. M peffect mediated if only maternal parent was immunochallenged; NM pnot measured; NS pnot
significant; P peffect mediated if only paternal parent was immunochallenged; PAMP ppathogen-associated molecular patterns; PRR ppattern recognition receptors; P&M peffect mediated if both
parents were immunochallenged.
000 The American Naturalist
parental exposure. Furthermore, in 4-month-old pipefish,
grcsf expression was increased if parents were not exposed
to Vibrio, which suggests that granulocyte production is
less important after parental challenge, independent of
whether mother, father, or both were exposed to Vibrio.
Upregulation of il occurred if parents stayed unexposed
or if only the mother was exposed, which indicates that,
if paternal components of the immune system were lack-
ing, a general inflammation response was of more im-
portance. Several additional immune genes revealed effects
that were marginally significant and suggestive of parental
effects ( ). The gene cf, which is linked to bloodP!.10
clotting, showed a trend of higher expression in offspring
with paternal Vibrio exposure than in the offspring of
unexposed parents. The gene tspo, which is responsible for
the regulation of the steroid hormone synthesis and in-
duces controlled cell death (apoptosis), showed a trend of
upregulation if both parents were exposed to Vibrio.
Offspring effects on gene expression were abundant (ta-
ble 1; tables A3–A5; fig. 2) and were significant for allo
(regulation of tissue rejection), bcell (regulation of lym-
phocyte activity), c9 (bacteria opsonisation), tlr (self non-
self reconition), and tspo (inflammation responses) in 5-
week-old pipefish and for il (regulation of macrophage
activity), allo (regulation of tissue rejection), and c9 (com-
plement system) and trended to significance for bcell (lym-
phocyte activity regulation) and tspo (inflammation re-
sponse) in 4-month-old individuals. In 4-month-old
pipefish, gene expression was upregulated on Vibrio ex-
posure, whereas in 5-week-old offspring, allo,bcell,and
tlr expression was downregulated if offspring remained
naive, whereas c9 expression was induced if offspring were
either exposed to homologous or heterologous Vibrio.
Moreover, tspo was downregulated if offspring were ex-
posed to PBS. Family effects were strong overall and were
found for all genes except for c9,il, and tspo in juveniles.
In a sex-role-reversed animal with male pregnancy, we
simulated the abundance of a potentially harmful cocktail
of bacteria epitopes in only the mother, only the father,
or both parents. We then experimentally examined the
potential parental effects on both innate and acquired off-
spring immunity. We further evaluated the persistence of
the parental effects from juveniles to 4-month-old fish and
measured offspring length after 4 months. Contrary to our
initial hypothesis, which predicted mostly male but not
female immune transfer, we identified complex additive
effects on offspring immunity from both fathers and moth-
ers in 5-week-old juveniles and in 4-month-old animals.
Overall, we found three categories of responses: (i) The
same extent of regulation when father, mother, or both
have been exposed to a challenge with heat-killed Vibrio.
In this case, chances are increased (effectively doubled)
that the crucial information on prevailing parasites in the
parental generation is collected and transferred to the off-
spring. In 5-week-old offspring, this was the case for tlr
and c9 and was a trend for hsp. All of these genes are
involved in the unspecific innate humoral inflammation
response. In 4-month-old individuals, we found this pat-
tern for grcsf and il and found a trend for allo. These three
immune genes regulate the activity of the cellular innate
immune system (macrophage and granulocyte prolifera-
tion). (ii) Effects on offspring immunity were detectable
only if both parents were exposed to heat-killed Vibrio,
and an enhanced effect was detectable only through an
interaction of maternal and paternal immune status. This
is difficult to explain in evolutionary terms, because the
required double exposure of both parents to a pathogen
decreases the likelihood that parental influence takes place.
The requirement that both parents be exposed for an up-
regulation in offspring may reflect a dose dependence of
offspring immune defense. Hence, exposure of parents
with higher dosages or applying live bacteria could have
resulted in more intense effects on both the paternal and
maternal sides. In 5-week-old offspring, we detected pre-
cisely this pattern for kin, which is responsible for intra-
cellular transport of molecules; in 4-month-old animals,
we detected this pattern for the direct assessment of blood
lymphocyte activity, c9, and c3 and detected a trend for
tspo. The complement system is responsible for bacteria
opsonization and the activity of the lymphocytes, whereas
tspo mediates an inflammatory response. (iii) Immune de-
fense is only affected after paternal exposure. We identified
this for the regulation of tnf in juveniles and detected a
trend for cf in 4-month-old individuals. Upregulation of
the gene tnf prevents an overreaction of the immune sys-
tem. On maternal challenge, more intense activity of the
immune system seems necessary to fight prevailing par-
asites and pathogens.
Interestingly, parental effects that were associated with
maternal exposure alone were not identified for a single
immune parameter. However, maternal pathogen chal-
lenge significantly influenced offspring growth, as reflected
by larger offspring size after 4 months. This effect poten-
tially arises because offspring of immunochallenged moth-
ers have an improved constitutive immune defense and
hence need fewer resources for immune defense upregu-
lation (Sheldon and Verhulst 1996). Alternatively or in
addition, immunochallenged mothers may invest more
into the current clutch because of an increased risk to not
survive to the next reproductive event as a result of the
high costs of immune defense (Clutton-Brock 1984). This
terminal investment seems to be a maternally associated
trait even in a sex-role-reversed species, or it may poten-
Biparental Immune Priming 000
tially just be of less importance in pipefish males than in
males of other species because of their more efficient im-
mune defense (Roth et al. 2011).
By exposing juveniles to the same (homologous) Vibrio
phylotypes as the parental generation or to different (het-
erologous) phylotypes, we investigated potential specificity
of the parental effects on immunity versus a rather general
upregulation of innate immune defense. However, no dif-
ferences in the degree of immune gene induction between
the homologous and heterologous combinations could be
detected. Our specific study design was intended to mimic
the natural situation in applying a bacterial cocktail as a
second challenge, which precludes any conclusion about
the specificity of paternal and maternal immune priming.
This is because we cannot exclude that the Vibrio phylotype
applied in the offspring generation I2K3 harbors epitopes
present in the strains of the parental cocktail.
In 5-week-old juveniles, only genes of the innate im-
mune system were induced, whereas in 4-month-old in-
dividuals, genes with interactive effects on adaptive and
innate immune defense were also affected (in particular,
c3,c9,grcsf, and il). This suggests that fish of several
months of age are already capable of a limited usage of
adaptive immune responses (Magnadottir et al. 2005). This
difference between 5-week-old and 4-month-old offspring
is further supported by similar upregulation in both Vib-
rio-challenged and PBS-challenged individuals for several
immune genes in 5-week-old offspring (allo,bcell,tlr,c9,
and tspo). Note that 4-month-old animals were exposed
to Vibrio alone or were left naive. However, earlier studies
confirmed that sham injection with PBS will not result in
immune gene upregulation in pipefish of that age (Birrer
et al. 2012).
The parental animals were wild-caught around the is-
land of Gotland. The Vibrio phylotypes used during this
study were isolated from different pipefish populations and
were thus allopatric and most likely novel to the immune
system of the Gotland pipefish tested here (Roth et al.
2012). Still, the generally high degree of cross-reactivity in
fish immune defense (Magnadottir et al. 2005) may con-
found the desired experimental parental exposure with
earlier exposure of parents to other Vibrio phylotypes in
the field. However, this would make our results rather
more conservative, because effects were even visible against
the background of other possible Vibrio phylotypes that
the parental pipefish were previously exposed to in the
To date, parental effects have been assumed to be of
short duration (Picchietti et al. 2001). Our data suggest
that beneficial influences on the immunocompetence of
offspring do not cease after a few weeks but persist in 4-
month-old individuals. However, the genes that are im-
portant during the ontogeny process change as resembled
in different patterns of up- or downregulation in juveniles
and 4-month-old pipefish. This suggests a specific pattern
of immune regulation, rather than a generally higher in-
vestment into clutches as a result of perceived parental
infection status. The most consistent parental effect was
observed for genes associated with the complement system,
in which effects present in juveniles persisted at the 4-
month-old stage, which was not the case for most other
genes. The complement system is responsible for bacteria
opsonization and clearance and provides a functional link
between the innate and the adaptive immune response by
activating antibody proliferation. This second function is
consistent with the induced lymphocyte activity in off-
spring on parental exposure, because lymphocytes are re-
sponsible for antibody production. Interestingly, in 4-
month-old pipefish, components of the complement
system and lymphocyte proliferation were only induced if
both father and mother were exposed to a challenge with
heat-killed Vibrio (fig. 1). This suggests an intimate in-
terplay between maternal and paternal resources.
Possible mechanisms of transgenerational immune
priming on the maternal side are probably comparable to
those in conventional-sex-role species (e.g., deposition of
antibodies into the eggs and transfer of components of the
complement system), but the mechanisms of paternal im-
mune priming remain unclear. In conventional vertebrate
sex role systems, transfer of immunity from fathers to
offspring has never been found. This makes it likely that
the evolution of paternal transgenerational immune prim-
ing was associated with the evolution of sex-role reversal.
The placenta-like structure in the pipefish Syngnathus ty-
phle thus makes this species a prime candidate for studying
the mechanistic basis of paternal immune priming.
Fish larvae hatch in an ocean environment thriving with
bacterial pathogens (Belkin and Colwell 2006). At the same
time, their immunological capacity is still severely limited
(Mulero et al. 2007), because the maturation of the ac-
quired immune defense as a response to interactions with
the present pathogens takes several months (Magnadottir
et al. 2005). As an alternative defense, we identified here
the constitutive upregulation of innate immunity across
generations under a scenario in which potentially harmful
bacteria are abundant. In a species with male pregnancy
and an enclosed brood pouch, offspring receive the in-
formation whether or not abundant bacteria are present
predominantly via males. Such transgenerational influ-
ences on offspring immunity are probably adaptive, be-
cause innate immunity is costly and should not be induced
in environments where pathogens are scarce. Male pipefish
are thus not only in control of which female’s offspring
will be born (Paczolt and Jones 2010) but also provide
crucial immunological information on pathogen abun-
dance to offspring. This may represent another fitness ben-
000 The American Naturalist
efit leading to the evolution of male pregnancy in seahorses
and pipefish.
We thank S. Birrer, R. Ho¨glund, S. Landis, L. Miersch, G.
Rosenqvist, P. Schubert, and J. Sundin for support in ex-
perimental and field work. We thank A. Minder and T.
Torossi and the Genetic Diversity Center at the Eidge-
no¨ ssische Technische Hochschule Zurich for access to the
Fluidigm and their help in running the assays and F. Brun-
ner and D. Refardt for support during gene expression
measurements. Comments and input by B. Sadd improved
the manuscript considerably. O.R. thanks S.B.B. and D.B.
for silent support during the writing of this article. Thanks
to two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.
This study was financed by a grant from the Volkswagen
Foundation “Evolution” program to O.R. The experiment
was performed according to current national legislation of
the Ministerium fu¨ r Landwirtschaft, Umweltund la¨ndliche
Ra¨ume des Landes Schleswig-Holstein (project: “Effects of
global change on the immunological interaction of pipefish
and their natural bacterial communities”). All data have
been deposited at Dryad under the doi:10.5061/
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Associate Editor: Elizabeth Adkins-Regan
Editor: Troy Day
... The unique male pregnancy evolution in pipefishes, seahorses and seadragons (the syngnathids) offers differentiating the often-intermingled routes of vertical transmission. In the broad-nosed pipefish Syngnathus typhle [47,48] the embryos are connected to the paternal body and are supplied with nutrients, oxygen and immunity via a placenta-like organ [49][50][51][52]. The larval mouth opening develops only in the second half of pregnancy (17 days post-mating) [53]. ...
... The larval mouth opening develops only in the second half of pregnancy (17 days post-mating) [53]. Pipefishes are exposed to a diversity of microbes and harbour a sex-specific microbiome [19,51]. The difference in the microbiome of the female ovaries and the male brood pouch offers the opportunity for vertical transfer of the maternal microbiome throughout the oocytes, while the paternal microbiome may be transferred to the embryo during male pregnancy [19]. ...
Full-text available
Early life microbial colonizers shape and support the immature vertebrate immune system. Microbial colonization relies on the vertical route via parental provisioning and the horizontal route via environmental contribution. Vertical transmission is mostly a maternal trait making it hard to determine the source of microbial colonization in order to gain insight into the establishment of the microbial community during crucial development stages. The evolution of unique male pregnancy in pipefishes and seahorses enables the disentanglement of both horizontal and vertical transmission, but also facilitates the differentiation of maternal versus paternal provisioning ranging from egg development, to male pregnancy and early juvenile development. Using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and source-tracker analyses, we revealed how the distinct origins of transmission (maternal, paternal and horizontal) shaped the juvenile internal and external microbiome establishment in the broad-nosed pipefish Syngnathus typhle. Our data suggest that transovarial maternal microbial contribution influences the establishment of the juvenile gut microbiome whereas paternal provisioning mainly shapes the juvenile external microbiome. The identification of juvenile key microbes reveals crucial temporal shifts in microbial development and enhances our understanding of microbial transmission routes, colonization dynamics and their impact on lifestyle evolution.
... We think such immune priming is a widespread and important feature of host−pathogen interactions. Especially parental exposure to pathogens alters offspring immune responses across generations (Roth et al., 2018), leading to increased susceptibility/resistance to infection or disease in offspring (Roth et al., 2012). The trained immunity will reveal an important and previously unrecognized features of chicken immune responses. ...
Full-text available
Marek's disease virus (MDV), a naturally oncogenic, highly contagious alpha herpesvirus, induces a T cell lymphoma in chickens that causes severe economic loss. Marek's disease (MD) outcome in an individual is attributed to genetic and environmental factors. Further investigation of the host-virus interaction mechanisms that impact MD resistance is needed to achieve greater MD control. This study analyzed genome-wide DNA methylation patterns in 2 highly inbred parental lines 63 and 72 and 5 recombinant congenic strains (RCS) C, L, M, N, and X strains from those parents. Lines 63 and 72, are MD resistant and susceptible, respectively, whereas the RCS have different combinations of 87.5% Line 63 and 12.5% Line 72. Our DNA methylation cluster showed a strong association with MD incidence. Differentially methylated regions (DMRs) between the parental lines and the 5 RCS were captured. MD-resistant and MD-susceptible markers of DNA methylation were identified as transgenerational epigenetic inheritable. In addition, the growth of v-src DNA tumors and antibody response against sheep red blood cells differed among the 2 parental lines and the RCS. Overall, our results provide very solid evidence that DNA methylation patterns are transgenerational epigenetic inheritance (TEI) in chickens and also play a vital role in MD tumorigenesis and other immune responses; the specific methylated regions may be important modulators of general immunity.
... In S. typhle and other bony fishes, the head kidney is an important lymphoid organ and the epicentre for immune cell hematopoiesis (56)(57)(58). Appropriately, the dominance of head kidney derived cells in the perceived hematopoietic progenitor cell cluster here supports the cell type classification. The size of the hematopoietic cluster shares similarities with previous singlecell transcriptome studies on zebrafish head kidney extracted cells (59). ...
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Teleost adaptive immune systems have evolved with more flexibility than previously assumed. A particularly enigmatic system to address immune system modifications in the evolutionary past is represented by the Syngnathids, the family of pipefishes, seahorses and seadragons. These small fishes with their unique male pregnancy have lost the spleen as an important immune organ as well as a functional major histocompatibility class II (MHC II) pathway. How these evolutionary changes have impacted immune cell population dynamics have up to this point remained unexplored. Here, we present the first immune cell repertoire characterization of a syngnathid fish (Syngnathus typhle) using single-cell transcriptomics. Gene expression profiles of individual cells extracted from blood and head-kidney clustered in twelve putative cell populations with eight belonging to those with immune function. Upregulated cell marker genes identified in humans and teleosts were used to define cell clusters. While the suggested loss of CD4+ T-cells accompanied the loss of the MHC II pathway was supported, the upregulation of specific subtype markers within the T-cell cluster indicates subpopulations of regulatory T-cells (il2rb) and cytotoxic T-cells (gzma). Utilizing single-cell RNA sequencing this report is the first to characterize immune cell populations in syngnathids and provides a valuable foundation for future cellular classification and experimental work within the lineage.
... In S. typhle and other bony fishes, the head kidney is an important lymphoid organ and the epicentre for immune cell hematopoiesis (56)(57)(58). Appropriately, the dominance of head kidney derived cells in the perceived hematopoietic progenitor cell cluster here supports the cell type classification. The size of the hematopoietic cluster shares similarities with previous singlecell transcriptome studies on zebrafish head kidney extracted cells (59). ...
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Teleost adaptive immune systems have evolved with more flexibility than previously assumed. A particularly enigmatic system to address immune system modifications in the evolutionary past is represented by the Syngnathids, the family of pipefishes, seahorses and seadragons. These small fishes with their unique male pregnancy have lost the spleen as an important immune organ as well as a functional major histocompatibility class II (MHC II) pathway. How these evolutionary changes have impacted immune cell population dynamics have up to this point remained unexplored. Here, we present the first immune cell repertoire characterization of a syngnathid fish (Syngnathus typhle) using single-cell transcriptomics. Gene expression profiles of individual cells extracted from blood and head-kidney clustered in twelve putative cell populations with eight belonging to those with immune function. Upregulated cell marker genes identified in humans and teleosts were used to define cell clusters. While the suggested loss of CD4+ T-cells accompanied the loss of the MHC II pathway was supported, the upregulation of specific subtype markers within the T-cell cluster indicates subpopulations of regulatory T-cells (il2rb) and cytotoxic T-cells (gzma). Utilizing single-cell RNA sequencing this report is the first to characterize immune cell populations in syngnathids and provides a valuable foundation for future cellular classification and experimental work within the lineage.
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The syngnathid fish group (seahorses, pipefishes and seadragons) is a fascinating lineage associated with an array of evolutionary peculiarities that include diverse morphologies and their unique male pregnancy. These oddities also extend to their immune systems, with a growing body of research highlighting a range of intriguing immunological characteristics and genomic rearrangements, which pose questions regarding their evolutionary history and immune strategies. The functional loss of the major histocompatibility complex class II pathway (MHC II) in the Syngnathus genus and related pathway components in the seahorse (Hippocampus) were two discoveries that initially piqued interest. This sparked discussions concerning immune capabilities, possible facilitative roles in advanced male pregnancy evolution through means of evoking immunological tolerance, as well as a general re-evaluation of how we interpret vertebrate immunological plasticity. Experimental approaches have attempted to clarify further the impact of immune repertoire loss on the efficacy of the syngnathid immune response, specificities regarding the pathways in play during pregnancy as well as the concept of immunological inheritance. The first characterization of the immune cell repertoire of Syngnathus typhle using scRNA-seq represents the latest step to understanding the immune dynamics of these enigmatic fish. This report serves as a review for the immunological insights into the fascinating syngnathid fish group; encompassing their evolutionary history, immune cell populations, links to male pregnancy, and sex specificity, in addition to highlighting future research opportunities in need of investigation.
Parasites, ranging from microscopic viruses and bacteria to macroscopic worms and arthropods, are a fundamental part of life for all animals. Parasites affect almost all aspects of their host’s behavior, and conversely, host behavior affects parasites in countless ways. This book examines the many ways in which animal behavior and parasitism are interlinked, emphasizing the critical role of bi-directional feedbacks between the two phenomena. Chapters explore five central themes (social behavior, movement behavior, sexual selection and mating behavior, parasite modification of host behavior, and behavior defenses against parasites) by synthesizing current knowledge and proposing new research directions for the future. The book delivers essential background and cutting-edge ideas in the study of animal behavior and parasitism that will resonate with students new to the field and more seasoned researchers alike.
Seahorse is a specialized animal due to its male pregnant strategy in the brood pouch, which can evidently provide immune protection, nutrition, and osmoregulation to the offspring. Secretory phospholipase A2 group IB (sPLA2-IB), which encodes a secreted phospholipase A2 that functions for metabolic regulation and antibacterial defense, plays a vital role for immune regulation in teleost, but its potential immune functions in seahorse remain unknown. Here, we aimed to evaluate the characteristics and functional profiles of sPLA2-IBs in lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus), which is one of the most important breeding seahorse species in the world. Results showed that most teleost species have only one sPLA2-IB gene, while the seahorses presented two tandem repetitive copies (sPLA2-IBa and sPLA2-IBb). This finding showed that the highest expression levels of sPLA2-IBs in seahorses were in the liver, and significant up-regulation could be induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid [Poly(I:C)], as well as the seahorse's common pathogen Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Interestingly, the expression levels of sPLA2-IBs in the brood pouch showed an upward trend during pregnancy, compared with that in non-pregnancy stage, and peaked in the late pregnancy stage, implying that seahorse sPLA2-IBs in brood pouch might function for immune defense during pregnancy. In addition, seahorse sPLA2-IBa was significantly highly expressed in early developing embryos in brood pouch, but sPLA2-IBb expression dramatically increased in new-born juveniles, which implies the functional divergence between the two sPLA2-IBs by different ontogenetic expression. In conclusion, this study indicated that seahorse sPLA2-IBs play an important role in the immunoprotection during male pregnancy, and functional co-option of seahorse sPLA2-IBs might be conducive to improving the survival rate of its offspring.
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Recently, the adaptive significance of maternal effects has been increasingly recognized. No longer are maternal effects relegated as simple `troublesome sources of environmental resemblance' that confound our ability to estimate accurately the genetic basis of traits of interest. Rather, it has become evident that many maternal effects have been shaped by the action of natural selection to act as a mechanism for adaptive phenotypic response to environmental heterogeneity. Consequently, maternal experience is translated into variation in offspring fitness.
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To maximize fitness, the rate of offspring production should be sensitive to factors that predict the likelihood of parental survival. We predicted that acutely activating the immune system in the cricket Gryllus texensis Cade and Otte, 2000, signaling the possibility of decreased life expectancy, would lead to an immediate increase in reproductive effort. We found that lifetime fecundity varied among individual crickets and that female crickets laid more eggs in moist sand than in moist cotton, suggesting that females have the capacity to increase oviposition rates in response to substrate conditions. However, we found that exposing female crickets to a potentially lethal pathogen, Serratia marcescens Bizio, led to an increase in egg laying only when substrate conditions were preferable or at doses approaching the LD50.
The importance of combating infectious diseases has received international attention, p- viding the opportunity for a multidisciplinary approach that combines medicine with other scienti? candtechnologicalcapabilities,notablyinformationtechnology,nanotechnology,and biotechnology. In fact, it has been predicted that the future will bring a merging of these te- nologies with the cognitive and behavioral sciences-major forces that have the potential to balancetheworld'sinequities.Thescienti?ccommunityandworldleadersmustworktogether to use knowledge and its applications to improve the condition of the planet. The connection between infectious diseases and the oceans provides a paradigm for this perspective. A stark global context indisputably frames all human health issues in the twenty-?rst century: the world wide movement of people and goods. Throughout the past half century, international travel has skyrocketed; there are more than 500 million international arrivals per year. The greatest increase has taken place since the mid-1990s. The world has become integrated and global; consequently, the notion that it is possible to successfully eradicate a disease from the face of the planet has become simplistic. Infectious disease is a moving target and climate shifts will affect any disease that has an environmentally sensitive stage or vector. Recognizingsignalsfromclimatemodelsandincorporatingthemintohealthmeasurescanp videnewopportunitiesforproactive-ratherthanreactive-approachestopublichealth.Thus, careful attention to the role of the oceans in human health can offer new avenues of research that will provide new means of predicting and preventing those diseases that are rooted in the environment. In this volume, pathogens in the sea are reviewed by Colin Munn, who provides a broader perspective for the topic of pathogenic microorganisms associated with the world oceans. © 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. All rights reserved.
In contrast to the majority of vertebrate species, primary male parental care is common in fishes and encompasses a remarkable diversity of adaptations. Seahorses and pipefishes (Family Syngnathidae) exhibit some of the most specialized forms of paternal care in animals and so are ideally suited to the study of the evolution of male parental care. During mating, female syngnathids transfer eggs to specialized morphological structures that are located on either the abdomen or tail of the male. The male provides all postfertilization parental care and has morphological and physiological adaptations to osmoregulate, aerate, and even nourish the developing embryos. While all syngnathid species are adapted for paternal care, the brooding structure with which this is accomplished varies between species, from simple ventral gluing areas to much more complex structures such as the completely enclosed pouches of the seahorses. Our combined cytochrome b-, 12S rDNA-, and 16S rDNA-based molecular phylogeny of syngnathid fishes demonstrates that rapid diversification of male brooding structures has been associated with the major evolutionary radiation of the group, suggesting that development and diversification of structures involved in paternal care may have been key evolutionary innovations of the Syngnathidae. Molecular analyses also highlight geographical centers of biodiversity and suggest interoceanic migration of Syngnathus pipefishes from their center of origin in the Pacific.
Every form of behaviour is shaped by trial and error. Such stepwise adaptation can occur through individual learning or through natural selection, the basis of evolution. Since the work of Maynard Smith and others, it has been realised how game theory can model this process. Evolutionary game theory replaces the static solutions of classical game theory by a dynamical approach centred not on the concept of rational players but on the population dynamics of behavioural programmes. In this book the authors investigate the nonlinear dynamics of the self-regulation of social and economic behaviour, and of the closely related interactions between species in ecological communities. Replicator equations describe how successful strategies spread and thereby create new conditions which can alter the basis of their success, i.e. to enable us to understand the strategic and genetic foundations of the endless chronicle of invasions and extinctions which punctuate evolution. In short, evolutionary game theory describes when to escalate a conflict, how to elicit cooperation, why to expect a balance of the sexes, and how to understand natural selection in mathematical terms.
Pressure of parasites that are short-lived and rapid-evolving compared to the hosts they attack could be an evolutionary factor sufficiently general to account for sex wherever it exists. To be such a factor, parasites must show virulences specific to differing genotypes. Models are set up on this basis (one-locus diploid-selection and two-locus haploid-selection) in which the rapid demographic reactivity of parasite strains to abundance of susceptible hosts becomes represented in a single frequency-dependent fitness function which applies to every host genotype. It is shown that with frequency dependence sufficiently intense such models generate cycles, and that in certain states of cycling sexual species easily obtain higher long-term geometric mean fitness than any competing monotypic asexual species or mixture of such. In the successful cycle of the two-locus model, it is seen that both population size and gene frequencies may be steady while only oscillating linkage disequilibrium reflects the intense selection by parasites. High levels of recombination work best. Fecundity in the models can be low and no incidence of competition of siblings or other relatives is required. /// Пресс паразитов с коротким циклом и быстро распространяющихся в сравне-нии с их хозяевами, может оказаться эволюционным фактором, достаточно важным для определения соотношения полов в случае разнополых животных. Будучи таким фактором, паразиты могут проявлять видулентную специфич-ность в отношении разных генотипов хозяина. На этой основе созданы мо-дели (1-локусная диплоидная селекция и 2-локусная гаплоидная селекция), в которых быстрая демографическая реактивность популяций паразита на обилие доступных особей хозяина описывается единственной функцией, час-тоты встречаемости, что имеет значение для любого генотида хозяина. По-казано, что если частотная зависимость достаточно интенсивна, такие мо-дели дают законченные циклы, и на определенной стадии цикла у разноло-лых видов легко получаются более высокие долговременные геометрические средние, чем у конкурирующих монотипических асексуальных видов или у комплексов таких видов. На законченном тсикле в 2-локусной модели видно, что размеры популяции и частота генов могут быть стабильны, и лишь колебания отдельных связей при нарушенном равновесии отражают интенсивную селекцию паразита. Лучше всего работают высокие уровни рекомбинации. Плодовитость в моделяи мо-жеь быть низкой, и случай конкуренции между особями одного помета или другими родственными особями необязателны.
Microparasites have a higher evolutionary potential than their hosts due to an increased mutation rate and a shorter generation time that usually results in parasites being locally adapted to their sympatric hosts. This pattern may not apply to generalist pathogens as adaptation to sympatric host genotypes is disadvantageous due to a narrowing of the host range, in particular under strong gene flow among host populations. Under this scenario, we predict that the immune defense of hosts reveals adaptation to locally common pathogen phylotypes. This was tested in four host populations of the pipefish Syngnathus typhle and associated bacteria of the genus Vibrio. We investigated the population divergence among host and bacteria populations and verified that gene flow is higher among host populations than among parasite populations. Next, we experimentally assessed the strength of innate immune defense of pipefish hosts using in vitro assays that measured antimicrobial activity of blood plasma against sympatric and allopatric Vibrio phylotypes. Pipefish plasma displays stronger antimicrobial activity against sympatric Vibrio phylotypes compared to allopatric ones. This suggests that host defense is genetically adapted against local bacteria with a broad and unspecialized host spectrum, a situation that is typical for marine systems with weak host population structure.
A significant elevation of serum immunoglobulin (Ig) concentration occurred in female gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata during spawning. Furthermore, a progressive rise of serum Ig level was observed throughout the process of sexual inversion (from functional male to functional female), suggesting that the synthesis of Ig could be regulated by sex-related factors (probably sexual hormones) involved in the process of oogenesis. The immunoglobulins of eggs were purified by affinity chromatography on protein A-sepharose. SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis showed reactivity of the antiserum Pab1 with the Ig heavy and light chains, and some degradation products. This purification process yielded detectable amounts of Ig. The sex-related increase of serum Ig during the reproductive period, and the detection of Ig in eggs suggest a transfer of Ig from the blood of the adult female.