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The recovery paradigm: A model of hope and change for alcohol and drug addiction


Abstract and Figures

Background: Alcohol and drug disorders remain major health and social problems in Australia, contributing enormously to the global burden of disease and the everyday practice of primary care. A recent growth in recovery research and recovery focused policies are starting to have an impact in Australia, with implications for how we attempt to resolve these problems. Objective: In this article we discuss recent international findings in recovery research, and explore their implications for primary care. Discussion: Research indicates that over half of dependent substance users will eventually achieve stable recovery. Key predictors of recovery are active engagement in the community and immersion in peer support groups and activities. Recovery requires a twin track approach: enabling and supporting individual recovery journeys, while creating environmental conditions that enable and support a 'social contagion' of recovery, in which recovery is transmitted through supportive social networks and dedicated recovery groups, such as mutual aid.
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The recovery paradigm
A model of hope and change for alcohol and
drug addiction
David W Best
Dan I Lubman
annual cost of addiction treatment per patient,
a 46% increase in the number of people treated
across the state, and a 62% reduction in hospital
admissions among addicted groups.3 This
suggests a recovery model may be a cost effective
model for alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment.
In 1986, O’Brien and McLellan4 characterised
addiction as a ‘chronic, relapsing condition’ and
challenged the short term treatments that were
routinely offered but frequently failed those
with long term AOD problems. They argued that
addiction was similar to diabetes or asthma in its
duration and management, and that only offering
short term detoxifications made relapse and
the ‘revolving door’ of treatment a self fulfilling
prophecy. Additional harms associated with
providing short term treatments to address a
chronic condition include the increasing physical
and psychological morbidity related to ongoing
substance use, the collateral damage to families
and communities, and the growing stigmatisation
of and discrimination toward those whose
relapses are seen as a ‘failure of will’. Indeed,
clinicians who hold pessimistic and stereotyped
views about their addicted patient’s prognosis
present a further barrier to delivering effective
O’Brien and McLellan were not arguing that
nobody gets better, only that the time course
is protracted. In 2005, Dennis et al6 published
longitudinal data from a sample recruited from
a public treatment program in the United States
suggesting that the average time from substance
initiation to stable recovery is around 27 years.
Likewise, in a prospective study of two community
samples of adolescent males, Vaillant7 reported
that by age 70 years, around two-thirds of once
alcohol dependent men from deprived inner
city backgrounds were abstinent (among those
still alive). Addiction careers can therefore be
Although addiction is a disorder
characterised by relapse and an extended
time course, approximately 58% of
addicted individuals will eventually
achieve lasting recovery.1 ‘Recovery’
has been defined in the mental health
field as a process represented by the
acronym CHIME – Connectedness, Hope
and optimism about the future, Identity,
Meaning in life, and Empowerment.2
Recovery confers benefits to affected individuals,
their families and local communities, and to
society as a whole. This article draws on the
successes achieved by the adoption of a recovery
paradigm in mental health and assesses the
potential benefits of a similar approach for alcohol
and illicit drug treatment and policy. The adoption
of recovery principles across the American state
of Connecticut led to a 25% reduction in the
Alcohol and drug disorders remain major health and social problems in Australia,
contributing enormously to the global burden of disease and the everyday practice
of primary care. A recent growth in recovery research and recovery focused
policies are starting to have an impact in Australia, with implications for how we
attempt to resolve these problems.
In this article we discuss recent international findings in recovery research, and
explore their implications for primary care.
Research indicates that over half of dependent substance users will eventually
achieve stable recovery. Key predictors of recovery are active engagement in
the community and immersion in peer support groups and activities. Recovery
requires a twin track approach: enabling and supporting individual recovery
journeys, while creating environmental conditions that enable and support a
‘social contagion’ of recovery, in which recovery is transmitted through supportive
social networks and dedicated recovery groups, such as mutual aid.
substance related disorder; addiction; rehabilitation; models, theoretical
The recovery paradigm – a model of hope and change for alcohol and drug addictionCLINICAL
characterised by episodes of relapse, but with
sustained change possible over long periods of
time. Lessons from parallel fields offer further hope.
Recovery from mental illness
and desistance from crime
Even among apparently intractable cases of
mental illness, longitudinal research offers
surprisingly encouraging results. Harding
et al8 conducted a 32 year follow up study of the
most difficult to place residents of a psychiatric
inpatient facility with severe, enduring mental
illness. At the final follow up assessment, 81%
were able to look after themselves, 25% had
fully recovered and 41% showed significant
improvements while only 11% did not show any
improvement and remained within the treatment
and support system. More recently, Warner9
reviewed the evidence for recovery and reported,
from over 100 studies, that 20% of people with
schizophrenia make a complete recovery and
40% a ‘social recovery’ (defined as economic
and residential independence and low social
disruption), with work and empowerment two of
the key features of the recovery process. Long
term treatments that focus on empowerment and
community engagement may not produce cures,
but can result in positive change in both quality of
life and active participation in community living,
including work and volunteering.
In 2011, Leamy and colleagues2 published
a systematic review that identified 97 relevant
papers and identified five key recovery processes:
connectedness, hope and optimism about the
future, identity, meaning in life and empowerment.
They identified 13 characteristics of the recovery
journey: that it is an active process; an individual
and unique process; a nonlinear process; that
recovery is a journey; that recovery occurs in
stages or phases; that recovery is a struggle; that
it is a multidimensional process; that it is gradual;
that recovery is a life changing experience; that
people can recover without cure; that recovery is
aided by a supportive and healing environment;
that recovery can occur without professional
involvement; and that it can be a trial and error
process. These characteristics have considerable
overlap with the AOD model outlined by Sheedy
and Whitter,1 presented in Table 1.
An equally important lesson comes from one
long term study of recidivistic offenders. Laub
and Sampson10 completed the final phase of a
55 year follow up study of adolescent offenders
recruited from a youth offending institution in
Baltimore. Their interviews of the cohort at the
age of 70 years (written up in the book Shared
Beginnings, Divergent Lives) identified a small
minority who continued to offend at the age of 70
years – the majority ended their criminal careers
by their late 30s. The primary reasons for ceasing
offending were stable employment, improvements
in life, coping and social skills, attachment to a
nonoffending spouse and changes in how they
saw themselves. The authors concluded that ‘the
stronger the adult ties to work and family, the
less crime and deviance among both delinquents
and nondelinquent controls’.8 In other words,
offending is not persistent across the life course,
and for most offenders what enables them
to ‘recover’ is adult responsibilities and the
emergence of skills to sustain them.
What is recovery from
substance abuse?
There have been two expert panel definitions
constructed in recent years. In the United States,
the Betty Ford Institute Consensus Panel11 defined
recovery as ‘a voluntarily maintained lifestyle
characterised by sobriety, personal health and
citizenship’, and further differentiated stages of
recovery by introducing the categories of ‘early
sobriety’ (the first year), ‘sustained sobriety’
(1–5 years) and ‘stable sobriety’ (more than
5 years). The British ‘vision’ of recovery, developed
by the United Kingdom Drug Policy Commission,12
is characterised as ‘voluntarily sustained control
over substance use, which maximises health
and wellbeing and participation in the rights,
roles and responsibilities of society’. Both expert
groups emphasised individual variation in terms
of timelines and pathways to recovery, with
recognition that, in most cases, recovery is an
ongoing journey rather than an accomplished state.
How often do people achieve
According to a review of international evidence
conducted for the Centre for Substance Abuse
Treatment ‘epidemiologic studies show that,
on average, 58% of individuals with chronic
substance dependence achieve sustained
recovery’,1 although rates varied from 30–72%.
However, as Warner9 argued, for mental health,
this may not mean full remission. Rather, it may
involve transcending their symptoms to lead a
meaningful and fulfilling life, including making a
valuable contribution to family, community and
What is the evidence for
recovery and long term
Despite a paucity of research, there is evidence
supporting the notion of ‘remission’ from AOD
problems. In a recent systematic review, Calabria
and colleagues13 concluded that ‘almost one-
quarter of persons dependent on amphetamines,
one in five dependent on cocaine, 15% of those
dependent on heroin and one in 10 of those
dependent on cannabis may remit from active
drug dependence in a given year’.
In the UK, Hibbert and Best14 interviewed
former alcoholics who had been abstinent for at
least 1 year. Not only was there clear evidence
of ongoing recovery growth, but those who
were more than 5 years sober and in active
recovery had better social quality of life scores
Table 1. Principles of recovery from alcohol and other drug treatment (AOD)1
• There are many pathways to recovery
• Recovery involves a personal recognition of the need for change and transformation
• Recovery is holistic
• Recovery has cultural dimensions
• Recovery exists on a continuum of improved health and wellness
• Recovery emerges from hope and gratitude
• Recovery involves a process of healing and self redefinition
• Recovery involves addressing discrimination and transcending shame and stigma
• Recovery is supported by peers and allies
• Recovery involves (re)joining and (re)building a life in the community
• Recovery is a reality
CLINICALThe recovery paradigm – a model of hope and change for alcohol and drug addiction
• actasa‘bridge’togroupsandindividualswho
successfully model recovery
• involvefamilymembersinsupportingtheir
recovery journey.
Having a good understanding of the recovery
support groups in your area (eg. Alcoholics
Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA),
SMART recovery and other groups attached to
local treatment services) and helping people
to get to these groups is beneficial in reducing
post-treatment substance use (Table 2).25 Being
active in this process increases the likelihood of
effective linkages, and could involve your practice
nurse taking patients to their first few recovery
meetings or encouraging groups to actively recruit
or hold meetings at your practice. Not all patients
will be comfortable in a group setting, and for
some individuals recovery guides and mentors are
an essential preliminary stage. Building up the
basic confidence and self esteem to benefit from
group processes may be a necessary first step for
many addicted AOD users.
While specific co-occurring disorders,
such as brain injury or psychopathology, may
have an adverse impact on such processes,
attending mutual aid groups can benefit
psychiatric symptoms as well as substance
use.26 Practitioners should discuss with patients
that different support groups have different
philosophies and dynamics, and they may need
to try several different groups before they find
one that is consistent with their own beliefs and
whose members with whom they share common
One final issue for consideration is around
mapping the effectiveness of recovery-oriented
interventions, and using feedback from changes
in recovery functioning to support the patient’s
journey. Clinicians may consider outcome
monitoring tools such as the Treatment Outcome
Profile,27 a brief and validated measure that can
be completed in around 5 minutes and measures
recovery strengths as well as standard treatment
outcomes domains for AOD use.
Recovery as a social
We have learnt in recent years that recovery does
not happen in isolation and that recovery can have
the strength of a social movement akin to the civil
rights movement. In both the US28 and the UK,29
build therapeutic alliances and initiate change
processes. There is no single strategy that will
work for all patients and a recovery approach will
only be suitable for those who are sufficiently
stable and motivated, and who aspire to the
CHIME principles as listed here.2
Additionally, taking lessons from the mental
health recovery movement, we can infer that
individuals can only make significant strides
to lasting recovery if basic enablers are met.
According to the mental health charity RETHINK,24
for recovery to commence, individuals need:
• asafeplacetolivethatisfreefromthreat
• freedomfromacutephysicalandpsychiatric
distress (including acute withdrawals and
intense cravings)
• freedomtomakechoicesandaclearsense
of self determination, which requires both
the provision of accurate information about
what the options are and no limits placed
on what is possible by professionals. In
other words, this includes information about
accessing educational and vocational courses,
community support groups and other forms
of professional supports, as well as clear
messages about what they involve.
However, this is only the start of the recovery
journey and ongoing support to achieve long
term change and aspirational goals are crucial
in helping people move beyond the initial
stabilisation of symptoms to a more enduring set
of life changes.
What does this mean for
general practice?
Managing immediate physical and mental health
issues, supporting housing applications and
providing medications that stabilise the addiction
(such as buprenorphine, methadone or anticraving
agents naltrexone or acamprosate) are important
first steps in assisting people to commence a
recovery journey. Linking people into counselling
and support services to help them deal with
underlying poor coping skills, self esteem and self
efficacy is a further step. But such interventions
may not be enough in themselves, with the
recovery model also requiring health professionals
• instilhopethattheindividualcanrecoverandbe
mindful that their relationship can be a critical
‘turning point’ in the patient’s recovery journey
than the general public. This phenomenon has
also been reported for long term drug recovery
in Connecticut by Valentine,15 and is known as
being ‘better than well’, as individuals transcend
their addiction to play vibrant roles in their
In a follow up study in Glasgow of 205 former
alcoholics and heroin addicts in recovery,16
the strongest predictors of higher life quality
were engaging in more activities (volunteering,
education and training, work and family) and more
time spent with other people in recovery. Likewise,
in a sample of 354 recovering addicts in New York,
gradual improvements in overall life satisfaction
and reductions in stress ratings occurred over the
first 3 years of abstinent recovery.17
One of the most important things we know
about recovery is that other people matter. The
resolution of severe alcohol and other drug
problems is mediated by processes of social
and cultural support.18–20 Both general and
abstinence specific social support influence
recovery outcomes, but abstinence specific
support appears to be most critical to long term
In a randomised trial of alcoholics completing
residential detoxification, participants underwent
either ‘standard case management’ or ‘network
support’ – with the aim of the latter being to add
at least one sober person to the social network of
the detoxed drinker.22 Relapse rates in the network
support condition were 27% lower than in the
standard treatment condition, emphasising the key
role of peer support in enabling long term recovery,
and the core underlying principle of ‘social
contagion’. This is the idea, developed in the field
of social epidemiology by Christakis and Fowler,23
that complex social behaviours (including binge
drinking and smoking) are transmitted via social
networks through imitation and complex processes
of social control and influence.
What are the implications
for care and treatment?
As addiction careers typically exceed a quarter
of a century, a range of interventions will
be required at different times. It is crucial to
support and engage those with long term AOD
problems until they are ready to make lasting
changes. This includes offering harm reduction
approaches and evidence based interventions that
The recovery paradigm – a model of hope and change for alcohol and drug addictionCLINICAL
the emergence of a visible social movement for
change has inspired and enabled people who have
recovered to come forward to act as guides and
mentors to others in earlier stages of addiction.
This process has gathered momentum and resulted
in coordinated marches of thousands of people
with the aim of celebrating recovery, challenging
stigma and bringing together those from a wide
range of motivations (people in stable recovery,
people in early recovery, addiction professionals,
general practitioners, family members and other
members of the community) to convey the message
that recovery is viable and sustainable. In Glasgow
in September 2010 and in Cardiff in September
2011, more than 1500 people participated in
recovery walks, which have had a role in changing
the perceptions of the general public and the
diverse array of participating health professionals
and policy makers. This model of recovery has also
drawn on an approach in public health, known as
‘asset based community development’,30 in which
the starting point for change is to map the assets
and resources that can enable change at a local
level. This would be physical assets (including
general practice surgeries), local community
groups (including AA, NA and other support
groups) and individuals (people who have managed
their own recovery and who can support others).
As a central component of local communities,
GPs have a critical role to play in both starting
and supporting personal recovery journeys and
sustaining community change.
Although addiction is a chronic relapsing disorder
most people recover, with flow-on benefits to both
individuals and communities. Within the mental
health field, adoption of a recovery model can
bring about significant benefits for individuals
and families, can inspire hope in communities
and is a cost effective approach to delivering
interventions. This approach readily lends itself to
the treatment of addiction.
Key points
• Themostrecentreviewofrecoveryrates
suggests that 58% of people with a lifetime
addiction eventually recover.
• Thetypicaltimefromfirstsubstanceuseto
stable recovery is 27 years.
• Whatpredictsrecoveryisexposuretorecovery
role models, and a sense of purpose and
• Recoveryinvolvespersonalchangesinboth
beliefs (about the attractiveness of reduced
use, and abstinence where it is both desired
and a realistic objective) and skills (coping
skills, practical abilities), as well as social
capital (friends modelling recovery and support
for abstinence).
• Recoveryisalsoasocialmovementwhere
visible recovery champions can generate a
social contagion of hope.
David W Best BA(Hons), MSc, PhD, is Associate
Professor of Addiction Studies, Turning Point
Alcohol and Drug Centre, Eastern Health and
Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria
Dan I Lubman BSc(Hons), MB ChB, PhD,
FRANZCP, FAChAM, is Director and Professor of
Addiction Studies, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug
Centre, Eastern Health and Monash University,
Melbourne, Victoria.
Conflict of interest: Dan Lubman has received
payment from Lundbeck, AstraZeneca and
Janssen for consultancy and lectures.
1. Sheedy CK, Whitter M. Guiding principles and ele-
ments of recovery-oriented systems of care: What
do we know from the research? HHS Publication No.
(SMA) 09-4439. Rockville, MD: Center for Substance
Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration, 2009.
2. Leamy M, Bird V, Le Boutillier C, Williams J, Slade
M. Conceptual framework for personal recovery in
mental health: systematic review and narrative syn-
thesis. Br J Psychiatry 2011;199:445–52.
3. Kirk T. Connecticut’s journey to a state-wide
recovery-oriented health-care system: Strategies,
successes and challenges. In: Kelly J, White W,
editors. Addiction recovery management: theory,
research and practice. New York: Humana Springer,
4. O’Brien C, McLellan T. Myths about the treatment of
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6. Dennis M, Scott C, Funk R, Foss M. The duration
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8. Harding C, Brooks G, Ashikage T, Strauss J, Brier
A. The Vermont Longitudinal Study of Persons with
Severe Mental Illness II: long-term outcomes of
Table 2. Accessing key recovery support groups
Name Purpose Contact details
AA is a fellowship of men
and women who share their
experiences, strengths and
hopes to solve common problems
and help others to recover from
For general information go to
To find a local meeting, go to
NA is a nonprofit fellowship
or society of men and women
for whom drugs have become
a major problem. Attendees
identify themselves as recovering
addicts who meet regularly to
help each other stay clean
For general information go to
A meeting directory is available
on this site
Alanon Alanon Family Groups Australia
aims to help families and friends
of alcoholics recover from the
effects of living with someone
whose drinking is a problem
For general information go to
A meeting directory is available
on this site
SMART Recovery offers face-to-
face and online groups to people
in the community who want
and need help managing and
overcoming addictive behaviours
and their associated problems
For general information go to
To find a local meeting go to
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Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2003.
11. Betty Ford Institute Consensus Panel. What is
recovery? A working definition from the Betty Ford
Institute. J Subst Abuse Treat 2007;33:221–8.
12. UK Drug Policy Commission. The UK Drug Policy
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13. Calabria B, Degenhardt L, Briegleb C, et al.
Systematic review of prospective studies investi-
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14. Hibbert L, Best D. Assessing recovery and functioning
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... Treatment often took the form of acute care (i.e., crisis support and inpatient treatment), a person was considered "cured" from addiction at the end of treatment . Although the disease model is still prevalent, the emphasis has shifted to viewing addiction as a chronic condition (Best & Lubman, 2012). This re-conceptualisation brought with it the idea that addiction should be treated similarly to other chronic conditions by offering ongoing long-term support (Scott & Dennis, 2011). ...
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In recent years the field of gaming addiction has experienced an upsurge in empirical studies on various treatment approaches. Despite the advances in our understanding of how gaming addiction can be treated, the wider concept of recovery continues to be under-researched. The purpose of this review was to explore how individuals addicted to video games experience the process of recovery. Seven databases were systematically searched for qualitative studies. Eight studies representing the views of 225 participants were included in the review. Study findings were exported into NVivo software and analysed using Thematic Synthesis. Six themes were constructed: “developing awareness”, “deciding to change”, “the process of quitting”, “the challenges of quitting”, “recovery never stops” and “treatment for gaming addiction”. Except for the last, themes represent processes that most participants had gone through during recovery, though significant variation was found in how each process was experienced. In addition to overcoming addiction symptoms, recovery involved management of concomitant problems and various negative consequences of excessive gaming. Regarding practice implications, current findings suggest that treatment programs should adopt a multidimensional approach, providing evidence-based treatments, help for co-occurring problems, as well as pre- and post-treatment support to accommodate individuals at different stages of recovery. Further research is needed to expand our understanding of recovery, for instance, the impact of gender differences or how recovery experiences change based on different recovery goals (i.e., abstinence or reduced play time).
... Furthermore, creating an environmental condition that enables social contagion of recovery must be considered. (Best & Lubman, 2012) ...
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Abstract: Rehabilitation centers are in charge of caring for their residents and treating their addiction problems. To make that possible, in-house carers work collaboratively with each other. They have different roles to perform to help their residents with their program and achieve their recovery goals. Hence, this study aimed to know the experiences of an in-house carer working in a rehabilitation center. This study utilized the Three Component Model of Commitment Theory designed by John Meyer and Natalie Allen. The theory guided the researchers to analyze the carer's feelings toward his job and workplace, covering their experiences working in the rehabilitation center. Moreover, this study used purposive sampling to identify three (3) carers who were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. Thus, the study revealed four (4) emergent themes, and these were factors considered in working at a rehabilitation facility (1), duties and responsibilities (2), daily interactions (3), and work challenges (4). Hence, from the findings, it was concluded that these four (4) are relevant to describing the experiences of the respondents. Keywords: Philippines, Substance Use Disorder, Residents, In-House Carers, Rehabilitation Center
... Offenders shared that viewing videos of desistors succeeding after their release from prison and living a meaningful life provided them with strategies and in turn gave rise to hope of their own capability to desist from crime. Having the opportunity to listen and witness desistors' success stories and recovery served as a social contagion of hope (Best & Lubman, 2012) for the offenders that desistance from crime is possible. Desistors, who shared their stories through a form of videos also felt more confident to take on an active role in supporting the desistance journey of released offenders which strengthened their resolve to desist and be accountable to themselves and their loved ones as illustrated in the following quote. ...
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... Overall, these models aim to guide mental health practitioners toward a focus on patients' personal recovery journeys in place of clinical preoccupation (Slade, 2009). Personal recovery theories have also emphasized that aspects of personal recovery relate to specific mental health conditions, yielding models for specific domains such as addiction (Best & Lubman, 2012) and bipolar disorder (Jagfeld et al., 2021). ...
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The personal recovery movement advocates for shifting emphasis from clinical symptom reduction toward reclaiming personal agency and creating meaning-filled lives despite the presence of distressing experiences. Corresponding personal recovery measures have been developed; however, there is no established psychometric assessment of personal recovery following a suicidal episode. This study addressed this gap by developing the Recovery Evaluation and Suicide Support Tool (RESST) and assessing its test score reliability, test score interpretations’ validity, and psychometric properties. Throughout RESST’s development, input from diverse stakeholders—including clinicians, researchers, and individuals with lived experience—was gathered to ensure a meaningful and useful scale. Exploratory factor analysis techniques were used with adults with a suicidal episode history (N = 502) to select and refine items, culminating in a 21-item scale with four distinct subscales: Self-Worth, Life Worth, Social Worth, and Self-Understanding. Confirmatory factor analysis techniques demonstrated model fit across three samples of adults with a suicidal episode history (combined N = 1,523), and test–retest reliability was obtained (N = 204). The results revealed that RESST scores exhibit an internally consistent and replicable factor structure, consistent with personal recovery theory. Additionally, the interpretation of test scores exhibited both convergent and discriminant validity. Mental health indices related to recovery, negative mood states, suicidality, and meaning in life had significant moderate-to-strong correlations with the RESST, supporting the validity of the test score interpretations and clinical relevance. This measure should aid research into recovery processes and understanding how recovery following a suicidal episode may be enhanced clinically and personally.
... Recovery from SUD is a transitional process away from substance use that can be understood in the context of everyday life [34,35]. Comprising the personal and social dimensions involved in integrating relationships and meaningful activity [36,37] the individual with their unique experience is considered the main decision maker in the process. [38,39] A reduction in substance use comes alongside this recovery orientation rather than being the pivotal measure [34]. ...
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Background Recovery from substance use is commonly seen as a process of integrating social relationships and creating a sense of meaning in one’s life. Dog owners describe a close relationship with their dog that impacts many aspects of their everyday life. Yet for individuals with substance use disorder (SUD), little is known about how dog ownership could affect their lives. The aim of this study was to explore how people living with SUD experience and describe their everyday life when owning a dog. Method Eight semi-structured in-depth individual interviews were conducted with people having personal experience of living with SUD and owning a dog. Data were gathered and analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results The analysis yielded four categories, reflecting different aspects of dog ownership. Living with SUD and owning a dog was primarily something positive in their life. People increased their social connections personally and within society. They felt a belonging which gave a sense of agency and purpose, and they developed structure in their day and boundaries to their environment. Dog ownership, however, could hinder access to services which was found to be challenging for some participants. Conclusions The owning of a dog can lead to changes that parallel those of a recovery process. This finding adds to the research on the connection that dogs can provide and shows how pertinent this can be particularly for vulnerable persons such as those with SUD.
... Where possible, the language used by participants was preserved while maintaining the clarity of analysis. The overarching CHIME (connectedness, hope, identity, meaning, and empowerment) framework (Best & Lubman, 2012;Slade et al., 2014) was also used. ...
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Recovery narratives are personal stories of health problems and recovery. A systematic review proposed a conceptual framework characterising alcohol misuse recovery narratives, consisting of eight principal dimensions, each with types and subtypes. The current study aims to apply and extend this preliminary conceptual framework. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect alcohol misuse recovery narratives from adult participants. A two-stage inductive and deductive thematic analysis approach was used to assess the relevance of the dimensions and types included in the preliminary conceptual framework and identify new components. The sample consisted of 11 participants from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds who had previously displayed varying degrees of alcohol misuse. All conceptual framework dimensions (genre, identity, recovery setting, drinking trajectories, drinking behaviours and traits, stages, spirituality and religion, and recovery experience) were present in the collected narratives. Three dimensions were extended by adding types and subtypes. Whilst the existing conceptual framework fitted the collected narratives, a new dimension describing the alcohol environment was required to fully characterise narratives. Types included in the alcohol environment dimension were policy and practice and social dynamics. The extended framework could guide the production of resources enabling clinicians to engage with narratives shared by their clients.
Although alcohol use disorder (AUD) is associated with a high disease burden due to medical consequences, people with AUD often do not receive appropriate treatment or community health service support. Peer-support services, intended to bridge the gap between patients with AUD and mental health providers have produced successful results. However, the number of studies on peer supporters in South Korea, especially those with AUD, is limited. Therefore, research on the effectiveness or challenges faced by AUD peer supporters in Korea is required to meet the challenges posed by increases in the numbers and capabilities of peer supporters in the mental health field. This qualitative study (N = 13), included focus group interviews of AUD peer supporters (n = 7), and supervisors of peer supporters (n = 6). Focus group data were analysed using thematic analysis methods. These analyses identified themes including 'Life before AUD peer supporters: The moment of change', 'Effects of peer support services: Working as peer supporters changed our lives', 'Challenges of peer supporter services: Things experienced as a team' and 'Future directions: How we can improve peer support services'? Findings indicate that healthcare professionals, educated to maintain clear boundaries, are discouraged from disclosing personal information or developing personal relationships with patients. On the other hand, peer supporters discuss personal histories and prioritize personal connections. By acting as comrades, peer supporters have positive effects. By sharing their experiences, peer supporters formed appropriate relationships with AUD patients and families resulting in more active engagement in treatment programmes and increased numbers of patients receiving outpatient treatment.
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This editorial addresses the question of whether some of the basic tenets of the recovery model - optimism about outcome, the value of work, the importance of empowerment of patients and the utility of user-run programmes - are supported by the scientific research.
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No systematic review and narrative synthesis on personal recovery in mental illness has been undertaken. To synthesise published descriptions and models of personal recovery into an empirically based conceptual framework. Systematic review and modified narrative synthesis. Out of 5208 papers that were identified and 366 that were reviewed, a total of 97 papers were included in this review. The emergent conceptual framework consists of: (a) 13 characteristics of the recovery journey; (b) five recovery processes comprising: connectedness; hope and optimism about the future; identity; meaning in life; and empowerment (giving the acronym CHIME); and (c) recovery stage descriptions which mapped onto the transtheoretical model of change. Studies that focused on recovery for individuals of Black and minority ethnic (BME) origin showed a greater emphasis on spirituality and stigma and also identified two additional themes: culturally specific facilitating factors and collectivist notions of recovery. The conceptual framework is a theoretically defensible and robust synthesis of people's experiences of recovery in mental illness. This provides an empirical basis for future recovery-oriented research and practice.
There is an unknown but very large number of individuals who have experienced and successfully resolved dependence on alcohol or other drugs. These individuals refer to their new sober and productive lifestyle as “recovery.” Although widely used, the lack of a standard definition for this term has hindered public understanding and research on the topic that might foster more and better recovery-oriented interventions. To this end, a group of interested researchers, treatment providers, recovery advocates, and policymakers was convened by the Betty Ford Institute to develop an initial definition of recovery as a starting point for better communication, research, and public understanding. Recovery is defined in this article as a voluntarily maintained lifestyle composed characterized by sobriety, personal health, and citizenship. This article presents the operational definitions, rationales, and research implications for each of the three elements of this definition.
The Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) has a rich history as a lead Recovery Community Organization. This chapter describes CCAR’s evolution from a pure advocacy organization to a provider of peer-based recovery support services. A key part of this story is the development of recovery community centers (RCCs) that are a grassroots model, conceived in the idea of a “field of dreams – build it and they will come.” CCAR’s experience has certainly proved this to be true. And powerful. RCCs have served as the hubs where an impressive array of peer-based recovery support services were designed and delivered. For example, in 2008, 276 volunteers contributed more than 13,000 h of service mostly within the walls of RCCs. 24,951 outbound phone calls were made by Telephone Recovery Support Calls to 1,285 recoverees. As the CCAR Recovery Coach Academy continues to graduate more and more recovery coaches, the impact on local communities and Connecticut’s recovery-oriented system of care will grow through the continued infusion of the language, culture, and spirit of recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction. The chapter will close on CCAR’s observations and experience with the healing power within communities of recovery.
Approaches to the treatment of addiction at state level have typically been fragmented, costly, and inefficient. This chapter describes Connecticut’s journey in designing and implementing a transformation of its entire public/private behavioral health-care system, treating 90,000 adults annually, to a recovery-oriented model driven by quality improvement, continuity of care vs. an acute service emphasis, and supported by innovative resource development strategies and service delivery infrastructures. With broad stakeholder collaboration and based on Recovery Core Values created by recovery communities, a Commissioner’s Recovery Policy set the initial tone and direction. The chosen approach addressed interventions for facilitating sustained change at the practitioner/client, program, and overall system levels. The tools for change, such as baseline system assessments, recovery-oriented practice guidelines inclusive of those for co-occurring disorders and gender, trauma and culturally responsive care, all tied to the IOM quality domains, centers of excellence, and state agency linkages with child welfare, criminal justice, and social service systems, are detailed. Critical is a model for innovation, reinvestment, and enhanced outcomes. Different large databases reveal improvements on traditional and new dimensions — 62% decrease in use of acute care and 78% increase in ambulatory care, with 14% lower cost even after adding extensive recovery-support services such as housing and transportation, 40% increase in first time admissions, and 24% decrease in average annual cost per client, especially for high service utilizers. In tough fiscal times, these findings support the value of a recovery-oriented behavioral health-care system and the use of health-care business plans for state systems even more. KeywordsAddiction recovery management-Health-care systems-Recovery core values-Recovery-oriented system of care
The study investigates what 'recovery' means for those who describe themselves as in alcohol or drug recovery. The project used multiple methods-snowballing, recruitment through recovery groups and advertisements in local press-to recruit 205 people (107 in alcohol and 98 in heroin recovery) who reported a lifetime dependence on alcohol and/or heroin; had not used their primary substance in the last year and perceived themselves to be either recovered or in recovery. They were interviewed by researchers using a structured questionnaire reported in the current paper and a semi-structured interview reported elsewhere. The average time dependent for heroin users was 10.8 years and for drinkers 15.7years, but onset and desistance were earlier for heroin. Longer time since last use of alcohol or heroin was associated with better quality of life. Greater engagement in meaningful activities was associated with better functioning, and was associated with quality of life, followed by number of peers in recovery in the social network. Heroin users in abstinent recovery generally reported better functioning than those in maintained recovery. Recovery experiences vary widely, but better functioning is typically reported after longer periods and is associated with supportive peer groups and more engagement in meaningful activities, and supports models promoting the development of peer networks immersed in local communities.
Many studies which assess functioning in recovering problem drinkers are limited to early recovery within inpatient or detoxification settings, or focus on relapse rates and treatment outcomes. This study assesses how functioning varies according to recovery stage and abstinence duration. Fifty-three recovering problem drinkers participated from mutual aid groups or snowball recruitment. Cross-sectional interviewer-administered structured questionnaires assessed quality of life (QoL), self-esteem, self-efficacy, psychological and physical health. Participants could also self-complete the questionnaire. Those in 'stable recovery' (5 or more years into recovery, n = 18) reported higher ratings of: three aspects of QoL--social relationships, psychological health, environment, as well as self-esteem (P < 0.05 for all variables) than those in 'early' (up to 5 years into recovery, n = 35). Depression was lower in 'stable recovery' (P = 0.027). Those in 'stable recovery' were more likely to live in their own home without professional support (P = 0.010) and have partners who had never been problem drinkers (P = 0.024). Overall, the continuous scores of many functioning variables correlated with abstinence duration indicating a continuous gain in functioning. Although limited by sampling considerations, this paper shows a gradual growth in functioning over a prolonged recovery process, and provides positive findings that those in recovery may expect to experience improvements in many areas of life as abstinence duration increases. For two aspects of QoL--environment and social relationships--functioning reaches a level above population norms offering hope of moving to a functioning level beyond the pre-morbid state.[Hibbert LJ, Best DW. Assessing recovery and functioning in former problem drinkers at different stages of their recovery journeys.