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Resolving Attachment Injuries in Couples Using Emotionally Focused Therapy: A Three-Year Follow-Up


Abstract and Figures

Couples who seek therapy for marital distress often do so because they have suffered an attachment injury, characterized by an abandonment or betrayal during a time of critical need. This follow-up assessed the efficacy of the newly developed Attachment Injury Resolution Model based in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). Twelve couples with attachment injuries who received EFT were assessed to determine if the significant improvement in relationship distress observed in resolved couples at post-treatment would be maintained at 3-year follow-up. Results demonstrated that improvements in dyadic adjustment, trust, and forgiveness, as well as decreases in the severity of the attachment injury, were maintained over time. This follow-up study provides initial evidence of the long-term benefits of the Attachment Injury Resolution Model.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 9:31–47, 2010
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1533-2691 print / 1533-2683 online
DOI: 10.1080/15332690903473069
Resolving Attachment Injuries in Couples
Using Emotionally Focused Therapy:
A Three-Year Follow-Up
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,
and University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; Alliant University, San Diego,
California, USA; and International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused
Therapy, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Couples who seek therapy for marital distress often do so because
they have suffered an attachment injury, characterized by an
abandonment or betrayal during a time of critical need. This
follow-up assessed the efficacy of the newly developed Attachment
Injury Resolution Model based in Emotionally Focused Therapy
(EFT). Twelve couples with attachment injuries who received EFT
were assessed to determine if the significant improvement in re-
lationship distress observed in resolved couples at post-treatment
would be maintained at 3-year follow-up. Results demonstrated
that improvements in dyadic adjustment, trust, and forgiveness,
as well as decreases in the severity of the attachment injury, were
maintained over time. This follow-up study provides initial evidence
of the long-term benefits of the Attachment Injury Resolution Model.
KEYWORDS couples, attachment, attachment injury, emotionally
focused therapy
Address correspondence to Judy A. Makinen, Ottawa Couple and Family Institute, 1869
Carling Avenue, Suite 201, Ottawa, Ontario, K2A 1E6, Canada. E-mail: judy.makinen@rohcg.
32 R. E. Halchuk et al.
Couples seeking therapy have typically endured significant relationship dis-
tress. In some cases, this distress is precipitated by an attachment-related
incident in which one partner failed to support or betrayed the other in a
critical time of need. Recently this concept has been conceptualized into what
is known as an attachment injury (Johnson, Makinen, & Millikin, 2001). This
event may then become the standard for the offending partner’s dependabil-
ity, instead of the exception, and manifest as a clinically recurring theme that
blocks relationship repair. Indeed, such distress is often propagated, main-
tained, and exacerbated because partners are entrapped in a vicious cycle
of negative emotions and ways of interacting (i.e., blame-withdraw), which
undermines their desire to heal their relationship and reach out to each other
in more positive ways.
The attachment injury concept has roots in attachment theory, and also
arose from the theory and application of emotionally focused therapy (EFT).
EFT is one of today’s leading short-term interventions in couples’ therapy
(Baucom, Shoham, Mueser, Daiuto, & Stickle, 1998). EFT centers on chang-
ing attachment behaviors as a means to improve distressed relationships
(Johnson, 2004). It views relationship distress as resulting from a breakdown
in a couple’s ability to communicate their emotions and cope with feel-
ings of insecurity, which leads to negative interactional cycles. Its goals are
therefore to help the couple access underlying emotions and foster positive
interactions that promote accessibility and trust between partners. EFT has
been successfully applied to a broad range of populations, from those deal-
ing with posttraumatic stress disorder (Johnson & Williams-Keeler, 1998),
to couples dealing with chronic illness (Gordon-Walker, Johnson, Manion,
& Cloutier, 1996) and depression (Dessaulles, Johnson, & Denton, 2003).
Moreover, EFT has demonstrated relatively high treatment effects (Johnson,
Hunsley, Greenberg, & Schindler, 1999), in addition to stable recovery rates
(Gordon-Walker, Manion, & Cloutier, 1998).
With respect to adult romantic relationships, adult attachment theory
is based on the assumption that romantic partners will develop an affec-
tional bond and serve as the main attachment figure for the other (Hazan
& Shaver, 1987). The ensuing attachment patterns (i.e., secure, insecure)
are based on the quality of their affectional bond and are reflected in each
partner’s psychological well-being. Securely attached couples exhibit more
positive functioning, characterized by high levels of trust, commitment, and
satisfaction (Kobak & Hazan, 1991). Insecure attachment, resulting from a
partner’s lack of responsiveness or inaccessibility, can lead to relational dis-
tress. Further research has characterized distress as involving reciprocal neg-
ativity, ineffective communication, and holding negative relationship schema
(Halford, Kelly, & Markman, 1997). Such interactions cause impasses in re-
solving issues, as they tend to cycle, and ultimately inhibit positive interac-
tion. Rigid negative attributions then dominate how each partner tends to
view the other’s behavior and the relationship in general (Johnson, Makinen,
& Millikin, 2001).
Resolving Attachment Injuries 33
In couples suffering from an attachment injury, this violation or breach
of trust by their attachment figure indicates to the injured partner that the
other can no longer be counted on for caring and support when needed
(Johnson, Makinen., & Millikin, 2001). What is more, such incidents are
observed to have disproportionately damaging effects on close relationships,
which often then seem irreparable (Simpson & Rholes, 1994). Injuries may be
compounded if the injured partner approaches the offending partner about
the event and is met with responses such as dismissal or denial. With time,
a failure to remedy fractured bonds results in increased feelings of despair
and alienation (Johnson, 2004).
What constitutes an attachment injury is highly variable for every couple,
and may not necessarily mark the beginning of distress; rather a relationship
may be distressed long before an explicit event occurs (Makinen & Johnson,
2006). Particularly vulnerable periods include times of loss, physical illness,
and life transitions. What is important is how the injured partner views the
event, with respect to their expectations, perceptions, and beliefs (Jones &
Burdette, 1994). Correspondingly, therapy is not concerned with the actual
event itself, but instead focuses on the emotional effects that result from an
attachment injury.
Main and Hesse (1990) pointed out that relationships where the pri-
mary attachment figure serves as both the source and solution to pain are
especially difficult to endure and result in disorganization of the attachment
bond. The injured partner is caught in a cycle of hyper- and hypo-arousal
whereby they vacillate between seeking and withdrawing from the other
partner, who finds this type of interaction chaotic and aversive. To make
matters worse, the injured partner cannot accept or trust any comfort offered
by their partner (Schore, 1994). This makes it difficult to overcome the sense
of alienation, as open confiding and coping are impossible (Pennebaker,
1985). The psychological effects on couples experiencing such trauma in-
clude intensified negative affect and hypervigilance toward further acts of
betrayal (Johnson & Williams-Keeler, 1998). Couples that are successful in
recovering from betrayal refer to forgiveness as a mediating factor (Gordon,
Baucom, & Snyder, 2000).
The conceptualization of an attachment injury arose when clinicians
noted that certain couples did not repair their distress following EFT and
found that clear patterns emerged. Specifically, some couples would refer
back to specific incidents of betrayal or abandonment, during which they
would use the language of trauma (i.e. life and death terms) to describe
it. If the therapist could not succeed in helping the couple address and
deal with the breach in trust, then couples were not able to achieve new
positive ways of interacting and, hence, continued to suffer distress (Johnson
& Greenberg, 1988). Thus, this concept is crucial in understanding impasses
so that interventions may be tailored to confer long-lasting changes.
Recently, the process of resolving attachment injuries has been out-
lined and tested. Milliken (2000) collected exploratory data on three couples
34 R. E. Halchuk et al.
that successfully resolved their attachment injuries through 15 EFT sessions.
From this, the rational-empirical Attachment Injury Resolution Model was
developed. This model assumes that an attachment injury is a workable
concept that may be implemented at the beginning of EFT and continue
through to resolution, through four conceptual phases: identifying the at-
tachment injury marker, differentiating affect, re-engagement between part-
ners, and forgiveness and reconciliation. The purpose of the first phase is to
help couples understand the origin of the attachment injury and the negative
interactional cycle that has developed. Following this, the injured partner is
encouraged to share the full impact of the injury on their attachment bond
with the offending partner, who in turn is helped to hear and understand
its significance. Subsequently, partners begin to increase their emotional in-
volvement. In particular, the injured partner further explores and processes
the emotional pain of the loss of the attachment bond, and the offending
partner observes this vulnerability, acknowledges their role in its disruption,
and expresses their empathy, remorse, and regret. Finally, the injured part-
ner takes a risk and reaches to the other for comfort and care, who in turn
responds effectively, which ultimately repairs the trauma and restores the
attachment bond (Milliken, 2000).
In a subsequent study, Makinen and Johnson (2006) investigated the at-
tachment injury resolution model using a sample of 24 couples. The purpose
of this study was two-fold, to offer validation of the model using process
measures to compare resolved and nonresolved groups, and to relate the
process of change to distal outcomes. With respect to this second objec-
tive, it was found at post-treatment that resolved couples reported higher
levels of dyadic adjustment and forgiveness than nonresolved couples. The
two groups were not distinguished on their levels of avoidant and anxious
attachment or pain, although changes in these measures were found at post-
treatment. It was noted that there was a limited amount of therapy sessions
that could be offered to participants; the average length of therapy was 13
sessions. Also, most of the nonresolved couples had reported compound
attachment injuries, whereas the resolved couples reported only single
At present, only one study has demonstrated the longer-term bene-
fits of EFT. This 2-year follow-up study by Cloutier, Manion, and Walker
(2002) demonstrated that improvements in marital functioning in couples
with chronically ill children showed not only maintenance, but also contin-
ued improvement. Therefore, there is a need for further evidence outlining
the enduring effects of EFT.
The current study was designed as a follow-up study to previous re-
search examining the verification phase of the attachment injury resolution
model. Specifically, it serves to determine if the significant improvement in
marital distress of resolved couples at post-treatment would be observable
3 years after EFT. With respect to the attachment injury resolution model
and its long-term outcome effects, it was predicted that at 3-year follow-up
Resolving Attachment Injuries 35
resolved couples would show stability in decreased marital distress, increased
relationship trust, decreased avoidant and anxious attachment, increased for-
giveness, decreased emotional pain, and decreased attachment injury sever-
ity, as exhibited at post-treatment.
Participants included a volunteer sample of couples with an attachment in-
jury who had previously participated in an outcome study that assessed the
validity and effectiveness of the attachment injury resolution model in allevi-
ating relationship distress (Makinen & Johnson, 2006). To maintain a degree
of homogeneity in the sample, couples had to meet the following inclusion
criteria: (1) living together for at least 1 year; (2) one partner had to have
identified an incident of betrayal or loss of trust in the relationship; and
(3) scores on the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) had to be in the mild to
moderate distress range for at least one partner (i.e., scores between 80 and
97); scores lower than 97 indicate marital distress, yet scores lower than 80
indicate severe distress and scores 70 or below correspond to those cou-
ples seeking divorce (Spanier, 1976). Exclusion criteria included (1) drug
or alcohol problems; (2) psychiatric history; (3) a history of sexual abuse;
and (4) physical violence in the relationship. Of the 24 couples who partic-
ipated in the original study, 12 couples participated in the follow-up study
(i.e., 8 resolved couples and 4 nonresolved couples from post-treatment).
Of these couples, there were 9 injured wives and 3 injured husbands.
The types of attachment injuries reported were an actual abandonment
(n =2), perceived abandonment following a miscarriage (n =1), infidelity
(n =5), flirtation (n =1), friendship with opposite sex (n =2), and financial
deception/loss (n =1). The mean age was 36.5 years (SD =8.6). Couples
had lived together for a mean of 10.1 years (SD =7.1), and had a mean
of 1.5 children (SD =1.2). In terms of racial groups, all couples were Cau-
casian, excluding one nonresolved couple who were of East Indian descent.
Finally, with respect to socioeconomic status, the range of gross family in-
come ranged from $40,000 to $100,000 and $50,000 to $90,000 in resolved
and nonresolved couples, respectively.
The following self-report instruments were selected as they were used to
assess outcome measures in the original study and thus were essential for
comparison purposes. In addition, they have previously demonstrated the-
oretical relevance to EFT and an ability to predict outcome in distressed
couples (Johnson & Talitman, 1997; Millikin, 2000).
36 R. E. Halchuk et al.
The DAS (Spanier, 1976) is a 32-item self-report measure of marital satis-
faction that uses a Likert-type response format. Reliability for this scale has
been determined to be 0.96 (Spanier, 1976). The DAS is scored by summing
the weights of each fixed response. Scores can range from 0 to 151, with
lower scores indicative of more distress and lower adjustment. Mean total
scale scores of 114.8 are indicative of happily married couples and 70.7 for
divorced couples (Spanier, 1976). A couple’s mean score is obtained by aver-
aging the sum of each partner’s score. For the follow-up sample, Cronbach’s
alpha for the DAS was .97.
The RTS (Holmes, Boon, & Adams, 1990) is a 30-item self-report inventory
designed to assess interpersonal trust using a Likert-type response format.
Reliability for this scale has been determined to be .89 (Holmes et al., 1990).
The theoretical range of scores is 30 to 210. High scores indicate a stronger
presence of trust between partners. A couple’s mean score is obtained by
averaging the sum of each partner’s score. For the follow-up sample, Cron-
bach’s alpha for the RTS was .98.
The ECR (Brennan, Clark, & Shaver, 1998) is a 36-item measure consisting of
two 18-item self-report scales that assess individual differences with respect
to attachment-related anxiety and avoidance. Reliability coefficients for the
avoidance and anxiety scales were .94 and .91, respectively (Brennan et al.,
1998). Responses are recorded using a Likert-type response format. Each
subscale is individually summed, and scores may range from 18 to 126. High
scores indicate avoidance and anxiety. For the follow-up sample, Cronbach’s
alpha for avoidance and anxiety scales was .95 and .89, respectively.
The IRRS (Hargrave & Sells, 1997) is a 44-item measure consisting of two
scales designed to assess the extent to which a person continues to feel pain
as a result of an offense and has forgiven that person for the offence. Relia-
bility coefficients for the forgiveness and the emotional pain scale were .92
and .95, respectively (Hargrave & Sells, 1997). Injured partners were asked
to respond with yes or no to each item. High scores on the forgiveness
scale indicate that the individual has made little progress in the work to-
ward forgiveness. Conversely, high scores on the pain scale indicate that the
Resolving Attachment Injuries 37
individual has made considerable progress in dealing with their pain. For
the follow-up sample, Cronbach’s alpha for the forgiveness and emotional
pain scales was .78 and .80, respectively.
The AIM (Millikin, 2000) is a modification of the single-item Target Com-
plaints Discomfort Box Scale (Battle et al., 1966). The measure was expanded
to four items designed to measure the current severity of the injury using a
5-point scale ranging from 1 (severe)to5(negligible). Items included: “How
do you rate the event that injured your relationship bond?” “How does it af-
fect the level of trust between you and your partner?” “How does the injury
interfere with your relationship now?” “When you talk to your partner about
the injury how much of a problem does it create?” The theoretical range of
scores is 4 to 20. High scores indicate greater resolution of the attachment
injury than low scores. A couple’s mean score is obtained by averaging the
sum of each partner’s score. For the follow-up sample, Cronbach’s alpha for
the AIM was .77.
All couples who originally received EFT were contacted by telephone and
invited to participate in the 3-year follow-up study. Couples who agreed
to participate were sent a complete set of questionnaires corresponding
to those used in the original study along with postage-paid return en-
velopes. The questionnaires were self-report outcome measures: the DAS, the
RTS, the ECR, the IRRS, and the AIM. Along with the questionnaires, couples
were sent an information and consent form. This study was conducted in
compliance with the University of Ottawa’s Research Ethics Board.
To test the hypothesis that previously resolved couples would show stabil-
ity in prior treatment gains, repeated-measures analyses with resolved and
nonresolved groups as the between-subjects independent variable and time
(i.e., post-treatment and follow-up) and partner type (i.e., injured vs. offend-
ing) as the within-subjects independent variables were conducted. Separate
analyses were conducted on each dependent variable (i.e., dyadic adjust-
ment, relationship trust, avoidant attachment and anxious attachment, and
the attachment injury measure). As the IRRS forgiveness and emotional pain
scores existed only for the injured parties, the only within-subjects indepen-
dent variable used was time.
38 R. E. Halchuk et al.
TABLE 1 Means and Standard Deviations for Resolved and Nonresolved Groups on Dyadic
Adjustment at Post-treatment and Follow-up for Injured and Offending Partners
Post-treatment Follow-up
Groups Injured Offending Injured Offending
Resolveda114.38 (14.81) 110.63 (12.92) 100.25 (26.49) 103.38 (17.49)
Nonresolvedb78.25 (11.50) 84.50 (8.81) 67.25 (27.17) 81.25 (11.27)
Note. Values in parentheses represent standard deviations.
an=8 couples.
bn=4 couples.
Given that 12 couples that had participated in the original study were
not part of the follow-up study, this limited the type of analyses that could
be performed and what corrections were feasible. Due to the exploratory
nature of these data, Bonferroni corrections were not made, to reduce the
possibility of making a Type II error.
There was a significant difference between groups on dyadic adjustment
from post-treatment to follow-up, F(1,10) =13.89, p<.005, ηp2=.58,
suggesting that treatment effects remained stable over time. See Table 1 for
means and standard deviations.
There was a two-way interaction for partner type by group on relationship
trust, F(1,10) =5.36, p<.05, ηp2=.35, and a main effect for partner
type, F(1,10) =21.15, p=.001, ηp2=.68. The injured partners’ level of
relationship trust was significantly lower than for the offending partners’
level of relationship trust at both times. There was also a significant effect
between groups, F(1,10) =11.99, p<.01, ηp2=.55. See Table 2 for means
and standard deviations.
TABLE 2 Means and Standard Deviations for Resolved and Nonresolved Groups on Rela-
tionship Trust at Post-treatment and Follow-up for Injured and Offending Partners
Post-treatment Follow-up
Groups Injured Offending Injured Offending
Resolveda158.38 (28.72) 167.00 (23.59) 146.75 (46.69) 155.38 (48.12)
Nonresolvedb92.00 (22.91) 110.75 (17.78) 88.50 (20.70) 122.00 (11.28)
Note. Values in parentheses represent standard deviations.
an=8 couples.
bn=4 couples.
Resolving Attachment Injuries 39
TABLE 3 Means and Standard Deviations for Resolved and Nonresolved Groups on Avoid-
ance at Post-treatment and Follow-up for Injured and Offending Partners
Post-treatment Follow-up
Groups Injured Offending Injured Offending
Resolveda49.08 (15.32) 44.00 (11.30) 50.88 (30.82) 47.00 (21.90)
Nonresolvedb45.25 (17.93) 61.25 (12.84) 68.50 (24.08) 58.75 (6.08)
Note. Values in parentheses represent standard deviations.
an=8 couples.
bn=4 couples.
There was a three-way interaction for partner type by time by group
F(1,10) =5.14, p<.05, ηp2=.34. Table 3 shows the means and stan-
dard deviations for the avoidance attachment dimension. The presence of a
three-way interaction suggests that there are differences over time between
both partner type and by group placement. Specifically, nonresolved injured
partners reported higher levels of avoidant attachment at follow-up.
There was no significant difference between groups in terms of anxious
attachment, F(1,10) =.85, p>.01, ηp2=.08. See Table 4 for means and
standard deviations.
In terms of forgiveness, there was a significant difference between groups,
F(1,10) =9.55, p<.05, ηp2=.49. Resolved partners reported more forgive-
ness than nonresolved partners at follow-up. With respect to emotional pain,
there was a significant difference between groups, F(1,10) =10.54, p<.01,
ηp2=.51. Higher scores reported by resolved partners indicate that they
TABLE 4 Means and Standard Deviations for Resolved and Nonresolved Groups on Anxiety
at Post-treatment and Follow-up for Injured and Offending Partners
Post-treatment Follow-up
Groups Injured Offending Injured Offending
Resolveda60.13 (14.71) 71.02 (20.23) 49.12 (15.60) 57.00 (22.85)
Nonresolvedb60.75 (25.91) 72.00 (14.54) 70.00 (24.86) 59.00 (9.13)
Note. Values in parentheses represent standard deviations.
an=8 couples.
bn=4 couples.
40 R. E. Halchuk et al.
TABLE 5 Means and Standard Deviations for the Resolved and Nonresolved Groups on
Emotional Pain and Forgiveness at Post-treatment and Follow-up for Injured Partners
Post-treatment Follow-up
Groups Injured Offending Injured Offending
Resolveda40.21 (1.32) 24.36 (1.90) 42.00 (1.31) 26.00 (4.41)
Nonresolvedb37.25 (4.99) 31.00 (2.16) 37.75 (3.59) 30.75 (4.65)
Note. Values in parentheses represent standard deviations.
an=8 partners.
bn=4 partners.
TABLE 6 Means and Standard Deviations for Resolved and Nonresolved Groups on Attach-
ment Injury Resolution at Post-treatment and Follow-up for Injured and Offending Partners
Post-treatment Follow-up
Groups Injured Offending Injured Offending
Resolveda15.13 (2.17) 14.50 (2.00) 15.75 (3.06) 13.06 (2.48)
Nonresolvedb8.00 (4.24) 9.50 (3.11) 9.25 (2.06) 12.25 (3.95)
Note. Values in parentheses represent standard deviations.
an=8 couples.
bn=4 couples.
have made more progression than nonresolved partner in terms of dealing
with their emotional pain. See Table 5 for the means and standard deviations
for the resolved and nonresolved groups on emotional pain and forgiveness
at post-treatment and follow-up.
There was a two-way interaction between partner type by group, F(1,10) =
5.16, p<.05, ηp2=.34. In addition, there was a significant effect between
groups, F(1,10) =21.13, p=.001, ηp2=.68. The two-way interaction be-
tween group and partner is likely due to injured partners reporting higher
levels of attachment injury resolution in the resolved group, and lower levels
in the nonresolved. See Table 6 for means and standard deviations.
The purpose of this research was to investigate the long term effects of EFT
at three year follow-up, and to explore whether resolved and nonresolved
couples having undergone EFT for an attachment injury are discriminated
by distal outcome measures. This follow-up study speaks to the lack of
Resolving Attachment Injuries 41
long-term follow-up assessments in the area of marital research in the general
population (Jacobson & Addis, 1993).
The hypothesis that couples previously identified as having resolved
their attachment injury would show stability in their gains in dyadic adjust-
ment from post-treatment to follow-up was supported. This is a substantial
finding for EFT as the majority of research on long-term follow-up with
Behavioral Marital Therapy indicates that for the majority of couples, mari-
tal satisfaction regresses to pre-treatment levels 4 to 5 years after treatment
(Snyder, Wills, & Gradys-Fletcher, 1991). For the resolved couples, the mean
couple DAS score showed no significant changes from post-treatment to
follow-up, despite a slight decrease. The nonresolved couples also showed
nonsignificant changes in dyadic adjustment despite slight decreases from
post-treatment to follow-up with mean DAS scores remaining significantly
lower than resolved injured couples. The nonresolved couples’ mean DAS
scores indicate that they are still distressed. Moreover, injured nonresolved
partners reported a mean DAS score of 67 at follow-up, which is below
the average of 70.7 for divorced couples (Spanier, 1976). These results are
not surprising as nonresolved couples, specifically the injured partners, have
been living in a distressed relationship for several years, and without reso-
lution they are likely still entrapped in their cycles of being unable to reach
for each other and provide support (Johnson, 2004). As for the decreases in
scores for both groups, it should be noted that this may be due to increased
variability due to the small sample size. Nevertheless, there were still signif-
icant differences between the two groups indicating the strength of effects
conferred to resolved couples having undergone EFT.
Stability in post-treatment results at follow-up was also found among
resolved and nonresolved couples on the level of relationship trust. The
mean scores for resolved couples decreased slightly from post-treatment
to follow-up, but this was not significant. The nonresolved couples also
showed no significant difference from post-treatment to follow-up, although
offending partners showed a slight increase in trust over time.
The observed stability in the levels of dyadic adjustment and trust over
time, in both resolved and nonresolved couples, is consistent with the liter-
ature, which reports these two variables to be related (Holmes & Remple,
1989), and that positive scores on these variables are characteristic of se-
curely attached couples (Kobak & Hazan, 1991). This suggests that over time
couples who were able to resolve their attachment injury in therapy sessions,
were more likely to maintain high levels of marital satisfaction and greater
trust in their relationship than those couples who did not manage to resolve
their attachment injury in therapy.
The hypothesis that resolved couples would show significant decreases
in anxious and avoidant attachment at follow-up compared to nonresolved
couples was not supported by the data. Despite the nonsignificant findings
between groups, there was a significant three-way interaction effect between
42 R. E. Halchuk et al.
time, partner type, and group for the avoidance dimension. This suggests that
over time, injured and offending partners responded differentially depend-
ing on whether they had been designated as resolved or nonresolved with
respect to their attachment injury. Specifically, nonresolved injured partners
reported higher levels of avoidance in their relationship at follow-up than at
post-treatment. Again, this is likely attributable to the fact that injured part-
ners have spent 3 years in a relationship with an insecure attachment that
has not been remedied, and hence, have increased their avoidance of their
partner who serves as both the solution to and a source of distress to them
(Main & Hesse, 1990). The anxiety dimension did not show any significant
changes over time, with respect to partner type or between groups.
Consistent with previous results comparing pre- and post-treatment at-
tachment, these findings also show attachment anxiety and avoidance as
measured by this scale to be poor predictors of attachment injury resolution
(Makinen & Johnson, 2006). Moreover, as was suggested in the previous
study (Makinen & Johnson, 2006), the ECR scale was adjusted so that ques-
tions were worded to measure attachment behaviors exclusive to the couple,
in hopes of increasing sensitivity to any resulting changes. Previously this
measure was administered with ambiguous wording that left room to inter-
pret questions as being directed specifically towards one’s current partner,
or as a general trend arising from one’s previous romantic history. Unfor-
tunately, changes to the scale did not approach significance, as effect sizes
remained small for the avoidance and anxiety dimensions for the two groups.
The lack of significant findings between resolved and nonresolved
groups on the attachment measures may be due to several reasons. To begin,
it should be noted that couples’ attachment patterns could not be ascertained
prior to the injurious event. Thus, it cannot be precisely determined whether
the couples’ work on their attachment injury altered their long-standing at-
tachment patterns. Another possibility as suggested in the original study is
that this attachment measure is not sensitive enough to detect changes in
avoidance or anxiety resulting from treatment (Makinen & Johnson, 2006).
Despite changes made to the ECR in an attempt to increase this sensitiv-
ity, perhaps another scale would provide improved distinction over time,
across partners, and between groups. However, given that resolved cou-
ples reported increased marital satisfaction and improved trust over time, it
seems unlikely that there would not be a corresponding shift in attachment
patterns. As noted in the original study, perhaps EFT helps couples to in-
teract in more positive ways, rather than alter underlying attachment styles
(Makinen & Johnson, 2006).
Following from this, another possible explanation stems from previous
research, which has noted the extreme difficulty in altering attachment be-
haviors associated with specific patterns (Brennan et al., 1998; Keelan, Dion,
& Dion, 1994). Furthermore, attachment patterns have demonstrated sub-
stantial continuity over time when there is continuity in the environment
Resolving Attachment Injuries 43
(Baldwin & Fehr, 1995; Davila, Karney, & Bradbury, 1999). Perhaps the non-
resolved couples did not experience enough security in therapy to be able
to change their environments, which could be due to the limited amount of
therapy sessions and the fact that they had compounded attachment injuries.
Research has shown that security allows an individual to be open to new
experience (Bar-Haim, Sutton, Fox, & Marvin, 2000). A likely circumstance
is that the traumatic injury triggered attachment-related behaviors consistent
with the insecure attachment patterns. At present there exists a lack of re-
search examining the stability of attachment patterns in adults who have
experienced traumatic events (Scharfe, 2003).
Lastly, the nonsignificant findings may also be due to low power asso-
ciated with small sample size. A risk with any study with small nis that it
is inherently difficult to account for a lack of significance. Especially given
that EFT has been shown to be effective at reducing relationship distress
(Johnson et al., 1999), it is possible that the actual changes in the attachment
dimensions are small and cannot be detected with a small sample.
With respect to forgiveness, the hypothesis that resolved injured part-
ners would show stability with respect to increased forgiveness levels at
post-treatment was supported, as there were no changes with respect to
time. In terms of forgiveness, the lack of significant group differences over
time was as expected. Post-treatment data revealed that the resolved couples
made significant gains in terms of their level of forgiveness through therapy
(Makinen & Johnson, 2006), whereas no change was noted for the nonre-
solved couples. Therefore, finding no significance in differences over time
suggests that these gains were maintained over the last 3 years.
The hypothesis that there would be a decrease in pain levels over time
was not supported. Original post-treatment data reported that there was no
significant difference between resolved and nonresolved partners following
therapy (Makinen & Johnson, 2006). However, there were significant group
differences in terms of pain at follow-up. Specifically, resolved injured part-
ners reported slightly lower levels of pain than nonresolved injured partners.
It is possible that differences across time for the two groups were not
detected because of low levels of internal consistency for the forgiveness
and pain subscales. Resolved partners may in fact have experienced higher
levels of forgiveness and less pain, than nonresolved partners. Compared to
the literature, reliability analyses revealed low internal consistency for the
pain subscale at post-treatment (.73) and at follow-up (.80).
The prediction that couples identified as having resolved the attachment
injury at post-treatment would show stability in their gains of attachment
injury resolution from post-treatment to follow-up was supported. The mean
score for resolved couples was stable from post-treatment to follow-up.
The nonresolved couples also showed no significant difference from post-
treatment to follow-up, despite a slight increase in scores. There were signif-
icant differences between resolved and nonresolved couples at follow-up.
44 R. E. Halchuk et al.
The two-way interaction between partner type and group is due to the
fact that resolved injured partners report higher levels of attachment injury
resolution than nonresolved injured partners. This makes sense as resolved
injured partners experienced the injury as more severe than offending
partners prior to therapy (Makinen & Johnson, 2006). Therefore, it makes
intuitive sense that injured partners will report higher levels of resolution
than offending partners. Conversely, injured partners who have not resolved
their injury are likely still experiencing insecurity surrounding the injury and
correspondingly still view the injury as more severe than offending partners.
In general, then, hypotheses were supported except for insignificant
group differences found for the anxious and avoidant attachment dimensions
and reported pain levels. Significant differences were detected between cou-
ples on measures of dyadic attachment, trust, forgiveness, and attachment
injury severity.
There are several important limitations inherent to the study that deserve
consideration. The most striking of these is the small sample size. Unfortu-
nately but not unsurprisingly, half of the sample was lost at follow-up, which
resulted in there being little power available to determine significant differ-
ences between groups. Consequently, although results were determined us-
ing ANOVAs, our small sample size indicates that these must be interpreted
with caution and may only be considered preliminary support for the long-
term impact of EFT. Indeed, additional follow-up studies will be needed to
help further support findings.
Another limitation relates to the fact that there was no control group
used in the original study or the follow-up. This certainly poses a threat to
the internal validity of this research as only a single group was used and
no random assignment was possible. Unfortunately, the addition of a con-
trol group would have been difficult, expensive, and inefficient. In terms of
choosing a control group, this would have had to consist of another group of
distressed couples that did not receive therapy. From an ethical standpoint,
researchers would have had to provide the control group with therapy af-
terward, and this was simply beyond the means of the researchers to do
so. Also, as the original study was process oriented, where the focus was to
investigate the steps underlying the development of forgiveness and recon-
ciliation and to examine how this differs between resolved and nonresolved
couples, a control group was simply beyond the scope of the study.
A further limitation stems from the fact that partners’ scores were
summed to yield a mean couple score on all outcome variables of interest.
This was in keeping with the original article that also focused on explor-
ing resolved and nonresolved group differences. Unfortunately, this method
restricted our ability to examine gender differences within the sample and
across groups, but given our small sample size and limited power, the ex-
ploration of smaller subgroups would have been statistically unfeasible.
Resolving Attachment Injuries 45
Future research will endeavor to adopt a more classic experimental
design in which distressed couples are randomly assigned to either an
EFT treatment group or to a control group where couples would receive
educational classes on forgiveness. Also, it is recognized that more follow-up
studies are needed to confirm the lasting effects of EFT, and longitudinal
studies are being actively designed and implemented to address this. At
present, the most likely reason for the stability of results in this study
appears, in the light of clinical practice in EFT and the understanding
offered by attachment theory, to be that once a couple can resolve
these kinds of injuries and have a mutually accessible and responsive
dialogue, the bond between then becomes more secure. This security
buffers them against future stress and relationship distress, allowing them
to deal with stressors as a team and thus continually strengthens their
In terms of clinical relevance, this study highlights the utility of EFT as
a clinical treatment method whose effects may endure with time. The ben-
efits conferred to couples who resolved their attachment injuries through
the attachment injury resolution model are stable over 3 years. In addi-
tion, the model continues to discriminate between resolved and nonresolved
couples on measures of dyadic adjustment, trust, forgiveness, and injury
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... [36][37][38] Particularly vulnerable periods include times of loss, physical illness, uncertainty, fear and transition. 39 Such stressful situations increases attachment needs and behaviors, such as turning to close others for assistance, comfort and support. In our study, the participants described the initial period after the birth of the affected child as a life-altering transition marked by feelings of intense uncertainty and fear about the child's future. ...
... Moreover, a partner's unresponsiveness or inaccessibility often leads to insecure attachments. 37,39 As mentioned earlier, times of vulnerability increase attachment needs and behaviours, such as seeking comfort and support, and can highlight attachment insecurities in a relationship. Some of our participants and their partners seemed unable to meet each other's attachment needs, thus putting their attachment bonds at risk. ...
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Objective: The birth of a child with a craniofacial anomaly (CFA) can have a profound psychological impact on the family and the parental relationship. The purpose of this study was to qualitatively investigate how a child's CFA condition affected parents' couple relationship. Setting: All patients with a CFA are followed-up by the National Unit for Craniofacial Surgery, a specialized and multidisciplinary team. Hence, participants were recruited within a centralized treatment setting. Design: We used a qualitative approach to explore the relationship experiences of parents of children with CFAs. The interviews were analysed using a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach. Participants: The study included 13 parents, nine mothers and four fathers of children with a range of different CFAs. At the time of the interview, 10 participants were married, one was cohabiting, and two were divorced. Results: Most participants perceived their partners as committed and engaged in caring for their affected child and involved in the family's everyday life, and described a strengthened relationship to their partner after the child with a CFA was born. However, some participants struggled in their relationships with their partners, and did not receive the comfort and support they needed during this critical time, leading to feelings of distance and loneliness. Conclusions: Craniofacial teams should be mindful of the importance of the environment surrounding the child, such as parental relationship and family function. Therefore, a comprehensive approach should be included in team-based care, and couples and families in need of extra support should be referred to relevant specialists.
... Marital relationships as a system of beliefs, lifestyles, strategies, and life techniques have the right quality if they can meet the attachment needs of spouses in their two-way interaction. The more capable the quality of marital relations is, the better the attachment needs will be fed, and the weaker the ability of couples in marital relations, the less their attachment needs will be fed (Halchuk et al., 2010;Halchuk et al., 2010b). The quality of marital relations determines the level of secure attachment in couples. ...
The study’s main purpose was to check the effectiveness of the resilient marital relationship lifestyle to feed the attachment needs of young couples. To touch the research goal, an ABA single-subject design was used. The sample consisted of six young couples between 26 to 38 years old. The Resilient Marital Relationship Program (RMR Program) was used as an experimental intervention in this study. The RMR Program was designed to help Iranian young couples to cope with their marital conflicts by considering attachment needs. The RMR Program was focused on resilient beliefs, resilient lifestyles, resilient marital strategies, and, resilient marital techniques. The attachment needs scale, brief resilience scale, and healthy family life scale were used in this study. The intervention was run in 5 virtual space sessions with two virtual assessments for the first two stages (AB) and one for the second A stage of the design. Visual analysis and statistical Indexes revealed that attachment needs to improve after running the RMR Program. In sum, the RMR Program is an effective intervention for feeding the attachment needs of young couples.
... Individuals with attachment insecurity may further believe that negative emotions are uncontrollable, which interferes with accessibility and responsiveness to their partner (Burgess Moser et al., 2016). Multiple couple interventions foster focusing, sharing, and restructuring of essential attachment experiences (Benson et al., 2013;Halchuk et al., 2010;Makinen & Johnson, 2006;Scheinkman & Fishbane, 2004) Therefore, client traits of attachment can impact experiencing changes in session. ...
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In Gottman Couple Therapy (GCT), the intervention of Dreams-within-Conflict (DWC) helps break down a gridlocked issue between couples through deeper emotional expression and experiencing (in-counseling exploration of emotions). The current study examined experiencing in a single session of DWC for N = 30 individuals (15 couples) using multiple methods such as self-assessment questionnaires, observation rating and coding of the video recording, and feedback interviews. The before and during DWC best experiencing video segments were selected and rated by two raters independently on the experiencing scale (ES) for partners. The changes in experiencing mode and peak scores (ESM and ESP) during DWC were investigated in the presence of individual characteristics of attachment (anxiety and avoidance) and relationship mindfulness traits. A paired-samples t-test showed a significant increase in experiencing for both partners. Hierarchical linear modeling analysis indicated that gender (women) significantly and positively predicted ESM. ESP was predicted positively by gender (women) and negatively by avoidance, though the results were not conclusive. Thematic analysis was used to look at the Indian couples' experiencing as shared by them in order to better grasp the therapeutic implications. The qualitative findings confirm the quantitative results that couples outside of intervention utilized experiencing levels 1–3 predominantly and moved to 3–4 levels during best experiencing segments of intervention. Couples reviewed positively to the emotional experiencing techniques used during the DWC intervention.
... Additionally, the pressure to maintain one's social image, concern for children's future, and fear of parents were identified as other reasons for not divorcing one's spouse. Halchuk, Makinen [20] asserted that professionals could help couples enhance their ability to solve problems and better tackle marital challenges such as family insecurity; emotional apathy; and psychological, social, and behavioral problems within the family. ...
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Background Emotional divorce occurs when a couple continues to live together due to necessity and coercion but they do not have a positive or constructive relationship, which negatively affects the stability of married life. Due to the low social acceptance of a formal divorce in the Saudi society, emotional divorce is common in several families. The rigidity of feelings and emotions within the family and the inability to express them may indicate the presence of alexithymia, which could result in the collapse of the family system and place the people involved at risk of mental health problems such as depression. Therefore, it is important to determine the prevalence of emotional divorce among married women in Saudi Arabia and to examine the relationship between emotional divorce and alexithymia. Methods Data were collected from 305 married women in Saudi Arabia (Mage = 33.24 years; SDage = 4.87 years), using the Emotional Divorce Scale and the Alexithymia Scale. Results Results revealed that 78.36% of the participants experienced moderate to severe levels of emotional divorce. Working women, those who had been married for more than ten years, and those with five or more children exhibited a higher incidence of emotional divorce as compared to their counterparts. A linear regression analysis indicated that alexithymia was significantly associated with emotional divorce in this sample. Conclusion These results suggest the need for examining the negative consequences of emotional divorce on the family and society. Additionally, it is important to educate young individuals of marriageable age about the nature of married life, and ways to deal with problems that occur. Finally, couples should be encouraged to express their positive and negative emotions with their spouse to build the marital relationship, and achieve compatibility and marital satisfaction.
... According to the EFCT view, distress and tension between couples occur when the couple's ability to communicate their feelings and cope with feelings of insecurity is impaired. This leads to negative interaction cycles between couples (Halchuk et al. 2010). Helping couples access and express vulnerable core emotions such as shame and fear is seen as the key to initiating a more positive interaction cycle. ...
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Emotion-Focused Couple Therapy is a relatively short-term and effective couples therapy developed to change the negative interaction cycles and emotional reactions of couples experiencing difficulties in their relationships. While laying the foundations of this approach, which focuses on emotions, humanist and systemic principles were used. In this article, it is aimed to present a compilation study that includes the theoretical and practical processes of emotion-focused couple therapy for mental health professionals. The basic assumptions of emotion-focused therapy and how these affect couple therapy practice are examined. Various themes are outlined, including working with emotion types, the role of the therapist, therapy phases, and case formulation. Types of emotion-focused couples therapy developed for specific groups of couples with a particular background have also been discussed. Finally, the strengths and limitations of the approach, its place in couples therapy, and suggestions for future research are presented.
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Aim: The aim of this study was to predict psychological helplessness based on initial maladaptive schemas and coping strategies in women affected by marital infidelity. Method: The present study is descriptive-correlational in terms of method. The statistical population included all women involved in the issue of marital infidelity (spouse) who referred to counseling centers in District 5 of Tehran in 2021. 210 people were selected by convenience sampling method. Data collection tools included the Yeniseri and Kokdemir (2006) Marital Infidelity Questionnaire, the Lovibond & Lovibond (1995) Psychological Assistance Questionnaire, Lazarus Folkman (2001), and Young's Early maladaptive Schema Questionnaire (2000). Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression method. Results: The results of the study showed that based on the initial maladaptive schema and coping strategies, psychological helplessness in women affected by marital infidelity can be predicted. Conclusion: The study of these predictor variables in premarital and family counseling is necessary to identify people at risk.
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Aim: The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of combined emotionally focused couple therapy and compassion therapy in improving the quality of marital life and dimensions of attachment of couples who visited counseling centers in Isfahan. Methods: The present study had a one-case experimental design and was conducted in 2019. The statistical population consisted of all couples who visited psychological centers and clinics in Isfahan. Sampling was performed on all couples who visited centers and clinics of Isfahan in winter 2019 for marital problems, and three couples were selected using the convenience method according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After initial sampling, three couples were included in the combined group of emotionally focused therapy and compassion therapy. The Marital Quality of Life Questionnaire (Marital Relationships) and the Collins and Read adult attachment Scale were used to collect data. The participants underwent combined emotionally focused couple therapy and compassion therapy in a session per week (12 sessions). Data were analyzed using the visual mapping, reliable change index, and recovery percentage formula. Results: Data analysis indicated the effectiveness of therapy in couples who were underwent combined emotionally focused couple therapy and compassionate therapy. Conclusion: The combination of emotionally focused couple therapy and compassion therapy affected the quality of marital life and dimensions of couple attachment, and thus the approach can be utilized to improve relationships and reduce divorce in society.
Background Marital distress is a risk factor for a panoply of mental and physical health disorders. One of the causes of marital distress that is increasingly gaining relevance is attachment injuries in the marital relationship. Emerging from the confluence of adult attachment theory and emotionally focussed couples therapy, attachment injuries refer to tears in the relationship bond caused by abandonment or betrayal in the marriage, especially at times of critical need when attachment needs are salient. Objective The objective of this study was to investigate how therapists in India conceptualise and assess attachment injuries in marital relationships. Method A qualitative design was used, whereby in‐depth interviews were conducted with 13 therapists and the transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis. Results The analysis resulted in two overarching themes. The first was ‘Attachment Injuries are a Common Phenomenon in Couples undergoing Marital Distress’, which included themes related to markers of attachment injuries, injurious events, the gendered nature of attachment injury experiences and the impact of attachment injuries. The second overarching theme was ‘Therapists Utilize Diverse Methods for the Crucial Process of Identification of Attachment Injuries’, which included themes related to the methods used for assessment, the significance of attachment lens, the role of early experiences and the utility of identifying attachment injuries. Conclusion The results highlighted how attachment injuries, originating from various injurious events, are often a component of marital distress in couples accessing therapy. The findings also pointed towards the need for therapists to develop competency in assessing and addressing attachment injuries, irrespective of their primary therapy orientation.
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This article explores the possibility that romantic love is an attachment process--a biosocial process by which affectional bonds are formed between adult lovers, just as affectional bonds are formed earlier in life between human infants and their parents. Key components of attachment theory, developed by Bowlby, Ainsworth, and others to explain the development of affectional bonds in infancy, were translated into terms appropriate to adult romantic love. The translation centered on the three major styles of attachment in infancy--secure, avoidant, and anxious/ambivalent--and on the notion that continuity of relationship style is due in part to mental models (Bowlby's "inner working models") of self and social life. These models, and hence a person's attachment style, are seen as determined in part by childhood relationships with parents. Two questionnaire studies indicated that relative prevalence of the three attachment styles is roughly the same in adulthood as in infancy, the three kinds of adults differ predictably in the way they experience romantic love, and attachment style is related in theoretically meaningful ways to mental models of self and social relationships and to relationship experiences with parents. Implications for theories of romantic love are discussed, as are measurement problems and other issues related to future tests of the attachment perspective.
This book is a revision and updating of the 1996 book titled Emotionally Focused Marital Theory. It is intended to serve as the basic therapeutic manual for Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT). As in the first edition, there is also one chapter on Emotionally Focused Family Therapy (EFFT).
Discusses the outcome and process research on couple therapy and integrates the articles special section "Couples and Couple Therapy" into the discussion. All tested couple treatments show statistically significant effects relative to control groups, but there are no reliable differences between different theoretical models. Moreover, all tested approaches leave substantial numbers of couples unimproved or at least still somewhat distressed. A discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of various designs concludes that within-model comparisons have been more productive in producing knowledge than between-model comparisons. Recommendations for future research include developing a technology that would make possible matching studies focusing on Aptitude × Treatment interactions. Also, there needs to be greater emphasis on basic research and prevention. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
We investigated whether the relationship advantages reported for individuals with a secure attachment style persisted over a 4-month time period. The temporal stability of two self-report measures of attachment style was also investigated. 'Secures' reported consistent levels of relationship satisfaction, relationship costs, relationship commitment, trust for their partners. 'Insecures' (i.e. avoidants and anxious/ambivalents) reported decreasing levels of satisfaction, commitment and trust along with increasing relationship costs. Insecurely attached individuals from ended relationships characterized their relationships more negatively than insecures from intact relationships. Both self-report measures of attachment style were characterized by considerable short-term temporal stability.
Emotion-focused therapy (EFT) for couples was compared to pharmacotherapy in the treatment of major depressive disorder. Eighteen distressed couples in which the female partner met diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder were randomly assigned to 16 weekly sessions of emotion-focused therapy or pharmacotherapy with desipramine, trimipramine, or trazadone. Twelve couples completed the study. Both interventions were equally effective in symptom reduction. There was some evidence that females receiving EFT made greater improvement after the conclusion of treatment than those receiving pharmacotherapy. The results suggest EFT might be useful in the treatment of comorbid major depressive disorder and relational distress.
This study reports on the development of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, a new measure for assessing the quality of marriage and other similar dyads. The 32 item scale is designed for use with either married or unmarried cohabiting couples. Despite widespread criticisms of the concept of adjustment, the study proceeds from the pragmatic position that a new measure, which is theoretically grounded, relevant, valid, and highly reliable, is necessary since marital and dyadic adjustment continue to be researched. This factor analytic study tests a conceptual definition set forth in earlier work and suggests the existence of four empirically verified components of dyadic adjustment which can be used as subscales [dyadic satisfaction, dyadic cohesion, dyadic consensus and affectional expression]. Evidence is presented suggesting content, criterion related, and construct validity. High scale reliability is reported. The possibility of item weighting is considered and endorsed as a potential measurement technique, but it is not adopted for the present Dyadic Adjustment Scale. It is concluded that the Dyadic Adjustment Scale represents a significant improvement over other measures of marital adjustment, but a number of troublesome methodological issues remain for future research.