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Metapopulation Ecology



Nicholson who already asked the question of how population dynamics would operate in a non-homogeneous, instead of well mixed environment (Nicholson, 1933). In this sense, Nicholson's prediction of global persistence of locally weakly dependent populations received a rst conrmation. These questions were later developped by Levins using simple models of metapopulations (i. e. a population of populations in Levins's words) where a group of several local populations are linked by immigration and emigration (Levin, 1970). Levins contribution had a very important impact in further developments of ecological theory and dened the basis for the current theory of metapopulation dynamics. Today a huge number of theoretical and eld studies have shown the importance and implications of the metapopulation concept and its relevance for management of endangered species. Not surprisingly, this theoretical approximation is specially important for the rapid process of habitat destruction and fra
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Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2002) 64, 209–212
Book Review
Metapopulation Ecology, by Ilkka Hanski, 1999. Oxford Series in Ecology and
Evolution, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. $45 (paperback), 313 pp.
ISBN: 0-19-854066-3.
Early experiments with herbivorous and predatory mites with a patchy distribution
of oranges on a tray provided the first ingredients to the today’s well-developed
areas of spatial and metapopulation ecology. Those experiments by Huffaker were
done in the early 1950s and revealed a number of fundamental features related
with the stability and patchiness of field populations (Huffaker, 1958). Using a
relatively simple experimental setup, Huffaker was able to show that the wild time
fluctuations of preys and predators were sustained under appropriate manipulations
of the available feeding area. This was done by covering some oranges with paper
and paraffin or by intermingling rubber balls of similar size. Barriers were used to
restrict migration of predators thus introducing spatial heterogeneity.
Under spatial patchiness with non-equivalent patches (oranges) the population
oscillations where shown to be stabilized instead of displaying the rapid self-anihi-
lation of prey and predators observed in the homogeneous system after only one
These experiments in fact provided the adequate experimental test for early the-
oretical studies of Nicholson who already asked the question of how population
dynamics would operate in a non-homogeneous, instead of well-mixed environ-
ment (Nicholson, 1933). In this sense, Nicholson’s prediction of global persistence
of locally weakly dependent populations received a first confirmation. These ques-
tions were later developed by Levins using simple models of metapopulations (i.e.,
a ‘population of populations’ in Levins’s words) where a group of several local
populations are linked by immigration and emigration (Levins, 1970).
Levins’s contribution had a very important impact in further developments of
ecological theory and defined the basis for the current theory of metapopulation
Today a huge number of theoretical and field studies have shown the importance
and implications of the metapopulation concept and its relevance for management
of endangered species. Not surprisingly, this theoretical approximation is espe-
cially important for the rapid process of habitat destruction and fragmentation dis-
played by natural ecosystems. In this sense, Ilkka Hanski’s book Metapopulation
Ecology is a timely, broad and extremely useful contribution to the literature on
metapopulations, well suited for theoreticians and empiricists alike.
Hanski’s book involves a clear presentation of metapopulation models and avail-
able field data organized as follows: (a) mathematical and simulation models (Chap-
ters 2–7), (b) field studies (Chapters 8–10) and (c) a case study of the metapopula-
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2002 Society for Mathematical Biology
210 Book Review
tion ecology of a single species of butterfly (the Glanville fritillary, Melitaea cinxia)
which is in fact a long-term study conducted by Hanski and other researchers in
Finland. Through all the chapters, that particular example is repeatedly used as an
illustration of a real example from field data. Unfortunately, the apparent lack of
other works compiling a good theoretical model, sampling design and statistical
analysis in a long-term research project makes this system the only fully complete
study in metapopulation research.
The prologue already provides an excellent overview of the area and how the
different approaches (one, two-population models, lattice models, etc.) are linked.
Theory starts with a neat presentation of classic, fundamental population biology,
always presented together with real examples as a reference. The two-population
metapopulation problem (the simplest in this context) gives special emphasis on
some key issues as the presence of complex dynamical patterns (such as spa-
tial chaos) and the source–sink population structure. An introduction to classi-
cal metapopulation research introduces many non-trivial aspects of metapopulation
patterns and their consequences (such as the rescue effect). An especially interest-
ing analysis is the median time to metapopulation extinction provided by stochastic
dynamics and its dependence on the number of habitat patches.
Spatially explicit approaches [which have been extensively explored over the last
decade, see Bascompte and Sol´
e (1995) and references cited] are dealt with by dif-
ferent types of models, based on cellular automata approximations, state transition
models and incidence functions, presented together with a section on parameter
estimation. Metapopulation genetics and interacting metapopulations are hot areas
of research, the first being largely introductory but certainly providing the most
interesting aspects of the problem and a good list of references for further reading.
The second includes some of the most interesting and counterintuitive results of
the recent literature on the effects of habitat destruction in multispecies communi-
ties, such as the so-called extinction debt (Tilman et al., 1994; Stone, 1995) and
the different scales affecting metacommunity dynamics.
Field studies are described in three parts dealing with spatial structure of popu-
lations, the prediction of species occurrence/absence of species in particular sites
and the implications of metapopulation theory for conservation issues.
The list of topics explored in these three chapters is impressive and it goes from
general problems to specific ones. An example of the first is the discussion of to
what extent is habitat loss the relevant factor instead of habitat fragmentation.
An example of the second would be the well-known study of the northern spotted
owl Strix occidentalis caurina) as a particularly interesting case study which played
a particularly relevant role in drawing the attention of conservation policies towards
spatial ecology.
Finally, several applications are discussed on the best known work of Hanski’s
group on incidence functions and includes the beautiful predictions of alternative
equilibria in the Glanville fritillary and the simple, but insightful example of the
American pika (Ochotona princeps).
Book Review 211
As Hanski points out, its Incidence Function Model (IFM) is applicable mostly
in highly fragmented populations, and much work has still to be done if some
prediction is to be achieved for metacommunities. However, the implications for
conservation policies and experimental and field designs are straightforward. The
most serious drawback, that of the assumption of quasi-stationarity for parameteri-
zation of the IFM, claims for more research on regional non-equilibrium situations.
In this sense, other purposes resting on the interplay between patch models and per-
colation theory (Keitt et al., 1997) might be an alternative basis of future progress.
In summary, the long-lasting need for a synthesis in ecology, makes an important
step forward with Hanski’s contribution. Applicability without lack of generality.
One’s impression: you can breath reality from theory.
Bascompte, J. and R. V. Sol´
e (1995). Rethinking complexity: modelling spatiotemporal
dynamics in ecology. Trends Ecol. Evol. 10, 361–366.
Huffaker, C. B. (1958). Experimental studies on predation: dispersion factors and
predator–prey oscillations. Hilgardia 27, 343–383.
Keitt, T. H., D. L. Urban and B. T. Milne (1997). Detecting critical scales on fragmented
landscapes. Conserv. Ecol. (online) 1(1), 4. Available on the internet.
Levins, R. (1970). Extinction. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2, 75–107.
Nicholson, A. J. (1933). The balance of animal populations. J. Anim. Ecol. 2, 132–178.
Stone, L. (1995). Biodiversity and habitat destruction: a comparative study of model forest
and coral reef ecosystems. Proc. R. Soc. London B 261, 381–388.
Tilman, D., R. M. May, C. L. Lehman and M. Nowak (1994). Habitat destruction and the
extinction debt. Nature 371, 65–66.
Complex Systems Research Group,
Department of Physics FEN,
Universitat Polit`
ecnica de Catalunya,
Campus Nord, M`
odul B4-B5,
08034 Barcelona,
Santa Fe Institute,
Hyde Park Road 1399,
Santa Fe, NM 85701,
212 Book Review
Complex Systems Research Group,
Department of Physics FEN,
Universitat Polit`
ecnica de Catalunya,
Campus Nord, M`
odul B4-B5,
08034 Barcelona,
... In conservation management of endangered species, dispersal can be an important process. Dispersal between small populations allows gene flow and reduces the risks of inbreeding within populations[11,12]. However, for populations that persist in small isolated fragments of previously contiguous habitat, dispersing individuals may risk never locating another suitable habitat patch, or at least may risk prolonged exposure before locating suitable habitat. ...
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Dispersal is an important component in the demography of animal populations. Many animals show seasonal changes in their tendency to disperse, reflecting changes in resource availability, mating opportunities, or in population age structure at the time when new offspring enter the population. Understanding when and why dispersal occurs can be important for the management of endangered species. The pygmy bluetongue lizard is an endangered Australian species that occupies and defends single burrow refuges for extended periods of time, rarely moving far from the burrow entrance. However, previous pitfall trapping data have suggested movement of adult males in spring and of juveniles in autumn of each year. In the current study we compared behaviours of adult lizards each month, over the spring-summer activity period over two consecutive field seasons, to provide deeper understanding of the seasonal dispersal pattern. We released adult pygmy bluetongue lizards into a central area, provided with artificial burrows, within large enclosures, and monitored the behaviour and movements of the released lizards over a four day period. There was a consistent decline in time spent basking, amount of movement around burrow entrances, and rates of dispersal from the central release area from early spring to late summer. Results could be relevant to understanding and managing natural populations and for any translocation attempts of this endangered lizard species.
... Considerable, periodic large scale movement of tsetse flies has been recorded in the Nguruman area of SW Kenya[26], with possibly the same effects (maintaining populations that otherwise would become seasonally extinct). It appears therefore that in this region of Zambia tsetse seem to show all the characteristics of a metapopulation[27]. It is a matter of some debate whether tsetse populations should be targeted by control when they are most or when they are least numerous; the approach described here can identify these periods in the annual cycle and the additional level of control that needs to be applied to reduce the tsetse population's rate of increase to the low level required for eventual population extinction. ...
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For the first time a Bayesian geostatistical version of the Moran Curve, a logarithmic form of the Ricker stock recruitment curve, is proposed that is able to give an estimate of net change in population demographic rates considering components such as fertility and density dependent and density independent mortalities. The method is applied to spatio-temporally referenced count data of tsetse flies obtained from fly-rounds. The model is a linear regression with three components: population rate of change estimated from the Moran curve, an explicit spatio-temporal covariance, and the observation error optimised within a Bayesian framework. The model was applied to the three main climate seasons of Zambia (rainy - January to April, cold-dry - May to August, and hot-dry - September to December) taking into account land surface temperature and (seasonally changing) cattle distribution. The model shows a maximum positive net change during the hot-dry season and a minimum between the rainy and cold-dry seasons. Density independent losses are correlated positively with day-time land surface temperature and negatively with night-time land surface temperature and cattle distribution. The inclusion of density dependent mortality increases considerably the goodness of fit of the model. Cross validation with an independent dataset taken from the same area resulted in a very accurate estimate of tsetse catches. In general, the overall framework provides an important tool for vector control and eradication by identifying vector population concentrations and local vector demographic rates. It can also be applied to the case of sustainable harvesting of natural populations.
Significance Species undergo range shifts in response to changing climate or following an introduction to a new environment. Invasions often incur significant economic cost and threaten biodiversity. Ecological theory predicts two distinct types of expansion waves, pulled and pushed, depending on the degree of cooperativity in the population. Although pulled and pushed invasions differ dramatically in how population-level properties such as the expansion rate depend on the organism-level properties such as rates of growth and dispersal, these theoretical predictions have not been tested empirically. Here, we use a microbial model system to perform these tests and demonstrate that pulled and pushed waves can be distinguished based on their dynamics.
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The population development of the 1998 year class of the bivalve Macoma balthica was studied by repeated sampling of a tidal flat area in the eastern Dutch Wadden Sea from May 1998 to August 2000. The juveniles migrated twice, once in mid-1998 from their primary settlement locations in the low sandy intertidal to the nursery in the high intertidal (spring migration, 25% of all juvenile M. balthica relocated from low to high intertidal) and once in late 1998/early 1999 from the nursery to the low intertidal and the subtidal (winter migration, between 8 and 15% of all 0-group (less than 1 yr old) M. balthica relocated from high to low intertidal). During winter, M. balthica migration was most intensive at the lowest temperatures. Relative to the abundance on the tidal flats, the 1+ group (older than 1 yr) M. balthica (i.e. from the second summer onwards) were rare in the tidal channels of the Wadden Sea and were only slightly more common in the North Sea adjacent to the tidal inlet. During both the spring and winter migration, many bivalves disappeared from the tidal flat population. This could partly be explained by normal mortality and by emigration to the subtidal channels and the North Sea. The remaining mortality was probably due to the risks inherent in migration: predation during pelagic floating or not reaching the right locations. The number of bivalves that disappeared was very high. In spring, slightly more disappeared than relocated. In winter, > 4 times more bivalves disappeared than relocated. Migration is obviously a very dangerous activity, therefore great advan- tages must be associated with the nursery use that makes such migrations necessary. An analysis of literature data on the density of M. balthica shows that in the eastern Dutch Wadden Sea, 90% of the population lives in the intertidal, about 10% in the adjacent North Sea, and a negligible fraction in the subtidal channels of the Wadden Sea.
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We develop methods for quantifying habitat connectivity at multiple scales and assigning conservation priority to habitat patches based on their contribution to connectivity. By representing the habitat mosaic as a mathematical "graph," we show that percolation theory can be used to quantify connectivity at multiple scales from empirical landscape data. Our results indicate that connectivity of landscapes is highly scale dependent, exhibiting a marked transition at a characteristic distance and varying significantly for organisms with different dispersal behavior. More importantly, we show that the sensitivity and importance of landscape pattern is also scale dependent, peaking at scales associated with the percolation transition. In addition, the sensitivity analysis allows us to identify critical "stepping stone" patches that, when removed from the landscape, cause large changes in connectivity.
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HABITAT destruction is the major cause of species extinctions1–3. Dominant species often are considered to be free of this threat because they are abundant in the undisturbed fragments that remain after destruction. Here we describe a model that explains multispecies coexistence in patchy habitats4 and which predicts that their abundance may be fleeting. Even moderate habitat destruction is predicted to cause time-delayed but deterministic extinction of the dominant competitor in remnant patches. Further species are predicted to become extinct, in order from the best to the poorest competitors, as habitat destruction increases. More-over, the more fragmented a habitat already is, the greater is the number of extinctions caused by added destruction. Because such extinctions occur generations after fragmentation, they represent a debt—a future ecological cost of current habitat destruction.
An existing model that examines the effects of habitat destruction in forest ecosystems is analysed in detail and modified for application to coral reefs. This allows a comparison of the relative rates of species extinctions, as habitat fragmentation increases, for the two different ecosystems. Field data from the reefs in Eilat, Israel, suggests that a large class of corals have both poor recruitment abilities and low abundances; characteristics that make these corals highly sensitive to disturbance. In such a scenario, the model finds coral reefs to be extremely fragile, and predicts a relatively large number of species extinctions with only mild habitat destruction. The unusual effects of species indirect interactions are also analysed, and the equilibrium distributions of species abundances are determined analytically for a wide range of parameter regimes.
In the past few years, part of theoretical ecology has focused on the spatiotemporal dynamics generated by simple ecological models. To a large extent, the results obtained have changed our view of complexity. Specifically, simple rules are able to produce complex spatiotemporal patterns. Consequently, some of the complexity underlying nature does not necessarily have complex causes. The emerging framework has far-reaching implications in ecology and evolution. This is improving our understanding of topics such as the problem of scales, the response to habitat fragmentation, the relationship between chaos and extinction, and how high diversity levels are supported in nature.