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A difficult choice for tiny pests: Host-seeking behaviour in Xenos vesparum triungulins



The first-instar larvae of strepsipteran parasites, commonly referred to as “triungulins”, are the host-seeking stage: they must locate, invade and successfully develop in the new host, in order to start their parasitic cycle. Little information is available about the behaviour of Xenos vesparum triungulins. They emerge in batches from the endoparasitic female infecting Polistes dominulus, the primary host, and reach the nest through a vector (a foraging wasp or the parasitised wasp itself). Once there, they have the possibility to penetrate into wasp immatures at different developmental stages. In this study, we performed preliminary analyses aimed to investigate which cues are important to direct triungulin movements during their brief stay in wasp nests. In laboratory conditions we selectively presented different stimuli to Xenos larvae: apparently, the host larva itself is attractive in an open arena, but not inside a confined space, nor are epicuticular compounds of wasp larvae able to control triungulin movements. These are more likely oriented by their gregarious behaviour, whereas light (positive phototaxy) may at a previous stage enhance their emergence via the brood canal opening in the female cephalothorax.
Dear Editor,
We carefully revised the MS “Hard to choose for tiny pests: host-seeking behaviour in Xenos
vesparum triungulins” following the suggestions of both referees:
8Introduction and Discussion have been shortened by omitting not relevant data on Xenos
vesparum cycle;
8we added more information on host-seeking behaviour in other parasitoids;
8we clarified our experimental set-up by adding details on our apparatus and choice trials
(see Methods);
8we omitted Carbon Dioxide trials – even if the role of CO2 in host location may be relevant -
because preliminary: limited sample size, no data about CO2 levels on the wasp comb,
experimental CO2 emission (under 2 mL/min flow) probably too low;
8the Discussion has been re-organized according to the different topics considered (positive
and negative evidences for host-location; the role of stimuli used by Xenos triungulins to
escape from the cephalothorax; gregariousness);
8the Table has been converted to a Figure (see Fig.2).
Due to the preliminary nature of some choice trials here reported, results have been discussed with
caution; therefore, we think that a Short Communication Format could be more appropriate for this
With best regards
Fabio Manfredini
Fabio Manfredini*Y, Alessandro Massolo# and Laura Beani#
*Dipartimento di Biologia Evolutiva, Università di Siena, Via Aldo Moro 2, 53100 Siena, Italy
#Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica, Università di Firenze, Via Romana 17, 50125 Firenze,
The 1st instar larvae of strepsipteran parasites, commonly referred as “triungulins”, are the host-
seeking stage: they must locate, invade and successfully develop in the new host, in order to start
their parasitic cycle. A few information are available about the behaviour of Xenos vesparum
triungulins. They emerge in batches from the endoparasitic female infecting Polistes dominulus, the
primary host, and reach the nest through a vector (a foraging wasp or the parasitized wasp itself).
Once there, they have the possibility to penetrate into wasp immatures at different developmental
stages. In this study, we performed preliminary analyses aimed to investigate which cues are
important to direct triungulins movements during their brief stay on wasp nests. In laboratory
conditions we selectively presented different stimuli to Xenos larvae: apparently, the host larva
itself is attractive in an open arena, but not inside a confined space, neither epicuticular compounds
of wasp larvae are able to control triungulins movements. These are more likely oriented by their
gregarious behaviour, whereas light (positive phototaxy) could previously enhance their emergence
via the brood canal opening in the female cephalothorax.
KEY WORDS: gregariousness, host-seeking behaviour, triungulin, infective larva, Strepsiptera,
koinobiont parasitoid.
RUNNING TITLE: Host location by Xenos triungulins.
YAuthor for correspondence: Fabio Manfredini, Dipartimento di Biologia Evolutiva, Università di
Siena, Via Aldo Moro 2, 53100 Siena, Italy (E-mail:
Parasites, being a significant portion of total biomass in natural ecosystems and mainly in insect
societies (Hughes et al., 2008), have a great eco-ethological significance. In particular, manipulative
parasites are able to redirect host relationships and to extend the range of its habitat (Lefevre et al.
2009). Xenos vesparum is a castrator “manipulative” parasite (Hughes 2005), which has a great
impact on the small annual society of the paper wasp Polistes dominulus, its primary host (Beani
2006; Hughes 2005; Hughes et al. 2004b). In this host-parasite system, the association between the
two insects is long-lasting and its success is based on the parasite tuning with host development. X.
vesparum penetrates into a P. dominulus immature as 1st instar larva and coexists with it for weeks
or months, depending on the sex of both parasite and host. The intimate association with its host
forces the parasite to adapt to a changing environment: this life style is typical of insect parasitoids,
a large group of insects, primarily in the orders of Hymenoptera and Diptera, whose larvae develop
by feeding in / on the bodies of other arthropods (Brodeur & Boivin 2004; Strand & Pech 1995).
Thus, X. vesparum could be reasonably linked to koinobionts parasitoids, where parasite
development is finely tuned to the development of its holometabolous host, since it manages to
achieve growth and metamorphosis processes (Tanaka 2006; Vinson & Iwantsch 1980).
Together with adult males, 1st instar larvae are the sole free-living developmental stages in
X. vesparum life cycle. They are often called “triungulins” (i.e. three-clawed) for their
morphological similarity to coleopteran campodeiform larvae (Kathirithamby 1989; Kathirithamby
2009; Pohl 1998), although in this species the first two pairs of legs are equipped with disc-like
pulvilli, not with claws, and the last with spines (Fig. 1). They represent the host-seeking stage: they
are extremely motile and resistant to environmental conditions (they may survive for 48 hours in
Petri dishes without food, see Giusti et al.2007, and independently on the humidity conditions, pers.
obs.), although relative humidity has been referred as a critical longevity factor in other species
(Hassan 1939, quoted in Kathirithamby 2009). Moreover, they are particularly kin in penetrating
into the host and establishing inside without any dramatic consequences neither for themselves nor
for the host (Manfredini et al. 2007a).
Generally, parasitoid infective larvae are the most aggressive among immatures, capable of
ensuring the parasitic success of the species by installing themselves fruitfully on the host. For this
purpose, they are usually very mobile and easily exposed to physical fights with rival conspecifics
(Doury et al. 1995; Giron et al. 2004); moreover, they often have a direct effect on host physiology
through their bite, whereby they inject salivary glands secretions into the host, thus manipulating
both cellular and humoral components of its hemolymph (Doury et al. 1997; Richards & Edwards
2002). Strepsipteran triungulins possess all the morphological features of a successful infective
organism (Fig. 1): antennae, eyes, mouthparts, slender legs, tarsal expansions and long caudal
appendages which allow jumping movements. Almost no information are available about their host-
seeking behaviour and very few is known on the invasion process (Kathirithamby 2001;
Kathirithamby et al. 2003; Maeta et al. 2001). For Xenos triungulins this starts once they have
reached a wasp nest, either by grasping to a foraging wasp (phoretic transport) or by means of a
stylopized wasp which directly visits a nest (Hughes et al. 2003; Vannini et al. 2008). The
“wandering” behaviour among spring colonies, recently described (Beani & Massolo, 2007) in
wasps infected by X. vesparum females, i.e. the source of triungulins, could be interpreted as a
manipulative extension of the usual wasp range by the parasite (Lefevre et al. 2009). In the field the
parasite load ranges from 1 to 4.1 per adult wasp (Vannini et al. 2008) and thus it is presumably
higher at infection. After the emergence of the winged male and the extrusion of the cephalothorax
of the female, a neotenic permanent endoparasite, mating occurs (Beani et al. 2005). Fertilized eggs
start the first steps of segmentation process, but then stop and remain quiescent during winter
diapause (pers. obs.). The following spring, embryogenesis will terminate to give birth to hundreds
of 1st instar larvae, ready for another season of infections and usually released in groups of 10, 20 or
more (pers. obs.). Thus, Xenos females may over-winter inside its host, a hibernating female wasp,
whereas Xenos males die in summer, as well as their hosts, regardless of their putative caste (Beani
For many reasons (not just morphology), Xenos triungulins are quite analogous to host-
seeking stages of Dipteran and Coleopteran koinobiont endoparasitoids (Castelo & Lazzari 2004;
Crespo & Castelo 2008; Royer et al. 1999). According to Brodeur and Boivin (2004), in parasitoids
with active larvae the host seeking stage undergoes a chain of “hierarchical steps” to achieve
successful parasitism: it must locate, evaluate and penetrate the appropriate host, evade or overcome
the host immune response and adapt to (or regulate) the constantly changing host environment. Host
seeking larvae promptly respond to different kind of cues, generally divided in three main
categories (Godfray 1994): signals from host microhabitat, which are easy to detect at a distance but
give little reliable information; stimuli indirectly associated with the activity of the host (for
example phonotaxy, long-distance kairomones, CO2 emission, etc.); stimuli from the host itself, i.e.
visual and chemical cues, that are the most reliable ones, often too weak for detection over long
distances, due to the strong selection pressure on hosts to avoid being recognized (for a review on
parasitoids exploiting chemical information, see Fatouros et al. 2008).
In this pioneering study we investigated which short-range cues are important to orient X.
vesparum triungulins during host location on the comb: are P. dominulus larvae per se attractive for
triungulins? In a series of repeated independent experiments in laboratory, we tried to recreate semi-
natural choice trials, focusing on the arrival of triungulins on the nest. We registered the movements
of batches of host-seeking triungulins on a neutral substrate in presence of 3rd- 4th instar wasp
larvae, which were singly placed in the middle of an open arena, and successively inside a confined
and screened space, in order to distinguish chemical from visual signals. In further trials, we
investigated the effect of single stimuli, i.e. epicuticular compounds from wasp larvae vs fly larvae
used as a control. Only in case of a clear-cut effect of wasp stimuli in orienting the movements of
triungulins, we could apply the same technique to assess host selection, as concerns sex,
developmental stage and superparasitism. Although preliminary, this study on Strepsiptera
represents a good model to analyse host-seeking behaviour among immatures parasitoids, due to
scanty data in literature about the ecology of active 1st instar larvae (Feener & Brown 1997).
Study animals
Hibernating clusters of Polistes dominulus Christ were collected in San Gimignanello
(Siena, Italy) at the end of the winter. They were carefully screened to exclude parasitic infections
and placed in groups of 3 individuals inside 20 x 20 x 20 cm Plexiglas cages with sugar, water and
Sarcophaga sp. larvae ad libitum, to allow colonies foundation. Under fixed conditions of 15L/9D
and 28±2°C, Polistes wasps started building first nest cells around 3 weeks after collection. These
animals were the starting pool for laboratory experiments, although additional colonies were
collected during the summer directly from the field. In this case, nests underwent a period of
quarantine to exclude any possibility of natural infection by Strepsiptera.
Our sources of triungulins were overwintered wasps coming from the same hibernating
clusters as above and parasitized by a single (rarely 2) female of Xenos vesparum Rossi. These
females, extruding their cephalothorax through wasp abdomen, released batches of triungulins after
4 weeks at 15L/9D and 28°C. Experiments were carried out in June and July 2008, i.e. the peak of
infection in wasp colonies (Hughes et al. 2003).
Choice trials in laboratory
For preliminary experiments of host location, we selected from different wasp colonies 3rd or
4th instar larvae, i.e. the commonest stages, easier to manipulate than 1st – 2nd instars and not close to
pupation as 5th instar. These developmental stages are easily recognizable for their relatively large
size and not yet melanized (light brown) mouth apparatus. We carefully removed each wasp larva
from its cell with forceps and placed it in the middle of a circular open arena (10 cm wide Petri
dish, covered with filter paper which was changed at each trial). Then, with a thin needle, we
collected batches of triungulins escaping from one Xenos cephalothorax (i.e. siblings) and we
spreaded them on the paper (around 10 individuals per arena trial). Finally, we recorded their
movements during first 20 minutes of activity with a video camera connected to a
stereomicroscope. We excluded the nest as trial substrate to avoid a possible confounding source of
chemical signals (for a review on wasp cuticular hydrocarbons, already present on the comb, see
Gamboa 2004) and to better follow the movements of triungulins, able of walking and jumping on
filter paper as well as on plastic substrates.
In a second set of experiments, triungulins were offered a choice in a vial between 3rd – 4th
instar wasp larvae and no wasp as control: although Polistes nests are opened, they are often located
under tiles or other shelters, thus a confined space could be appropriate to simulate a natural
condition. We prepared transparent plastic tubes (1 cm wide, 7 cm long) with a small hole in the
middle. The wasp larva was positioned at one extremity of the tube while the other extremity was
left empty. Clusters of 20-30 triungulins were inserted into the tube with a thin needle through the
small hole. A cotton membrane at 1 cm from each extremity prevented triungulins from contacting
the wasp larva and a parafilm over the hole prevented triungulins from escaping. For 27
independent experiments we recorded Xenos larvae position in respect to target and control after 1
hr (time 1) and after 4 hrs (time 2). The central portion of the tube around the entry hole (≈ 1 cm
long) was not considered, being a neutral zone. To control for a possible effect of light, we used the
same transparent tubes as above (deprived of both the wasp larva and the cotton membrane) 90°
oriented to the light source and we recorded triungulins prevalence in light side vs dark side.
Finally, an additional set of stimuli was proposed to Xenos triungulins in order to observe
their susceptibility to wasp cuticular compounds. Single wasp larvae were placed in a glass vial and
washed in 100μl heptane for 30 sec to obtain a solution of larval cuticular waxes, mainly
hydrocarbons (Cotoneschi et al. 2007). We created a 4 field square arena (measuring 10 cm on each
side) where one field was occupied by the stimulus (a drop of hydrocarbon solution from larval
wasp cuticle), the opposite one was a positive control (a drop of hydrocarbon solution from
immature Sarcophaga sp. fly, obtained following the same procedure as above) and the remaining
fields were negative controls (no stimuli at all). Then we placed clusters of 20-30 triungulins in the
middle of the arena and we recorded their distribution among 4 fields after 20 minutes.
Experimental data were analysed with the computer program SPSS for Windows: we performed
chi-square test and Cohen’s kappa coefficient test.
Preliminary 20-min experiments of host location in open arenas with diffuse lightening suggested
that triungulins were attracted by the presence of living wasp immatures. When we placed batches
of triungulins and one wasp larva inside the arena, they usually managed to approach the target
within the first 5 minutes of activity. Typically they moved towards it not directly, but describing
round trajectories and lifting their body from one side to the other, alternatively. They were able to
jump, by means of their caudal setae. In 5 out of 6 trials, more than 50% of triungulins approached
the larva, but only a few of them began to move on the surface of the larva, whereas the others were
out of our sight under the larva or disappeared from the arena at the end of the trial.
Further choice trials between a putative host and no wasp as control (inside a tube, i.e. a
confined space) showed a rather unexpected pattern (Fig. 2). First of all, we checked for positive or
negative phototaxy. Light really seemed to be an attractive factor: in all 9 trials considered, after 1
hour more than 2/3 of our triungulins were positioned in the side of the tube facing the light source.
For this reason, following trials were carried on by covering the tube. Among 27 trials, a significant
asymmetrical distribution (χ2 test) was observed in 21 trials, either after 1 hour or 4 hours and we
observed a choice for the wasp larva in 13 cases at time 1 and in 14 cases at time 2. Despite the
evidence of a trend to move towards the larva, the difference was not significant at both times (χ2 =
1.18 and 2.32, df = 1, PExact > 0.05). At all, in 15 trials in which triungulins were asymmetrically
distributed, their position in respect to wasp larva and control at time 2 was not different compared
to time 1, which means they tended to maintain the acquired position within the tube for longer time
spans: the inter-rate agreement was significant (KCohen = 0.609 , P = 0.022). Finally, this set of trials
revealed a trend towards gregariousness for triungulins in regard to their movements within the
tube: irrespectively of their choice for wasp larva or empty tube, more than 2/3 of the members of
each experimental cluster were grouped in 21 trials out of 27, both at time 1 and time 2 (χ2 =8.33 ,
PExact = 0.006).
The use of single stimuli associated to the presence of the host showed that epicuticular
compounds from wasp immatures did not influenced Xenos triungulins, once they were outside
mother’s cephalothorax. In 6 trials with diffuse lightening, triungulins were never clustered around
spots of wasp cuticular compounds but once were significantly grouped in the opposite field with
fly odorant and twice in fields without any signal (PExact<0.001): their overall distribution was
random ((χ2 = 4.96, df =3, ns).
Contrary to our expectations due to their short life-span, X. vesparum triungulins do not appear
particularly reactive to host-associated stimuli. Nevertheless, their approaches to the wasp silhouette
in an open arena suggest that they can locate the host. Their peculiar behaviour while directing
themselves towards the target is noticeable: round trajectories and repeated inclinations of the body
seem to respond neither to a visual nor to an acoustic stimulus (in this case we would expect a
straighter displacement). On the contrary, this attitude could be interpreted as a symmetrical
chemio-reception by means of antennae or further sensory organs, hypothetically placed on both
sides of triungulins body. Anyhow, it is difficult to establish whether their movements are the motor
pattern of the infection process or something casual: they jump on the wasp larva, explore it,
sometimes stop there, sometimes leave and go behind later.
The double-choice tests in a confined space, simulating a sheltered nest, did not confirm our
first expectation, i.e. that triungulins are able to exploit chemical cues to redirect their movements
towards the host: they grouped at both extremities of the tube, independently on the
presence/absence of the wasp larva (see Fig. 2). Then we analysed the influence of single factors,
the cuticle compounds of wasp larvae first, i.e. mainly non-volatile, long-chain hydrocarbons,
which were critical for nest-mate identification in wasps (Gamboa 2004) and were recently
described in P. dominulus larvae too (Cotoneschi et al. 2007). Unfortunately, spots of epicuticular
compounds did not elicit the arrestment of triungulins on the spot, as we would expect based on
similar four-well arena experiments, where chemical stimuli of bee larval food influenced the
movements of Varroa destructor (Nazzi et al., 2004), as well as in several egg parasitoids (Fatours
et al., 2008). Laboratory artefacts are unlikely, due to our simple experimental set-up, nevertheless
cuticular extracts need to be concentrated in future analyses.
Relatively to light as directional cue, we argue that it is probably more important for
promoting triungulins’ exit from mother cephalothorax than for orientating their movements once
outside. We already know that blowing gently at the cephalothorax evokes the emergence of
batches of 1st instar larvae within a few minutes (Kathirithamby 2009), because a light CO2
emission might simulate the presence of a potential host (Guerenstein & Hildebrand 2008); once
activated inside the mother’s body, Xenos larvae may exploit a light cue to find the exit of the brood
canal, i.e. the cephalothorax brood opening (Beani et al. 2005). Maybe they simply react to the CO2
and light stimulus by increasing their activity without taking into account any specific direction
(David Giron, pers. comm.). Thus, “kinesis” (a non-directional stimulus-dependent change) seems
to be more appropriate than “taxis” (a directional change towards gradient stimulus intensity),
nevertheless in these first trials we did not measure changes in the activity of triungulins in presence
or in absence of a stimulus. As a matter of fact, during laboratory infections, clusters of triungulins
normally formed at the end of the abdomen of parasitized wasps (pers. obs.).
It is possible that triungulins perceive the presence of the host but do not take into account
any directional information, due to their direct release on the comb by a vector, a foraging wasp as
well as a stylopized wasp releasing triungulins on different colonies (Beani & Massolo, 2007). If we
consider that Polistes nests are already crowded of wasps at early summer, when most of the
strepsipteran infections occur, triungulins must have a huge choice and little time to decide. Wasp
larvae are very reactive, provided with mandible, and adults collaborate with them in trying to
remove the annoying tiny pests from the nest. These reactions belong to the first step of insects
defence process against parasitoid invasions, better known as “behavioural defence” (Bailey & Zuk
2008; Schmid-Hempel & Ebert 2003). In insect colonies, behavioural defence represents a key
element of the social immune system, whereby single individuals cooperate to obtain avoidance,
control or elimination of parasitic infections (Cremer et al. 2007). The annual colonies of paper
wasps may be considered as a small “homeostatic fortresses” (Hughes et. al. 2008), where
individuals control the disease due to both their hygienic behaviour and early desertion of the nest
by parasitized inactive adults (Hughes et al, 2004 b).
The dynamic of the process is here complicated by the fact that both Xenos larvae and
Polistes hosts are gregarious (Fig. 2). Regardless of the modality of transportation on wasp nest,
data on parasite prevalence in naturally infected colonies (Hughes et al. 2003; Vannini et al., 2008)
let us suppose that many triungulins (maybe decades) are contemporary present on the same nest,
searching for a suitable P. dominulus larva where to penetrate. Gregariousness – here the tendency
to aggregate in confined as well as in open space promotes the displacement of batches of
infective larvae through the brood canal and could have evolved to increase parasitism success
when conditions are favourable. Peaks of nest infections on the field happen during the hottest
hours of the day, when most foragers are outside the nest (Ortolani & Cervo 2009): this moment
corresponds also to high metabolic activity of wasp larvae (thus high production of CO2) and
intense light. We cannot exclude any cooperative action between sibling parasites during the
infection process (Costa & Fitzgerald, 1996): a decreased risk of predation is likely to occur in
group. On the other hand, movements in group could reduce host-seeking efficiency, introducing
possible mutual interference among triungulins (Royer et al. 1999); however, no competition has
been observed among triungulins, as confirmed by successful superparasitism by sibling and non-
sibling individuals (Vannini et al., 2008).
For many aspects, the behavioural patterns of Xenos infective larvae remind us of Meloe
triungulins, even though they belong to different insect orders (Strepsiptera and Coleoptera,
respectively). Also beetle 1st instar larvae are gregarious, in fact they cooperate in forming
aggregations (they move as a unit) and in holding onto vegetation, waiting for a foraging bee that
can bring them to the nest (Hafernik & Saul-Gershenz 2000). The cooperation and chemical
communication exhibited by Meloe triungulins for mutual benefit is so evident (sometimes they
form living bridges with the aim to attract and contact the bee) that some authors suggest that it
transcends aggregation behaviour to become social behaviour (Saul-Gershenz & Millar 2006). In
our case, gregariousness is not such an advanced phenomenon, but it could represent anyhow an
initial step in this direction. Another similarity with beetle 1st instar larvae is the negative
thermotaxy: Xenos triungulins, in fact, tend to move in the opposite direction as respect to a heat
source (pers. obs.).
Proximate explanations for triungulins behaviour are otherwise still to be defined. A
parsimonious hypothesis – based on the peculiar ecology of parasite and host – could be that, once
on the nest, triungulins are more likely to find very easily a host, especially if they do not
discriminate host quality. A few choice trials between large vs small larvae, or healthy vs infected
ones, suggested that triungulins “overwhelmingly entered the first host they encountered” (Hughes,
2003). Based on our previous experiences, there is no evidence of any strict physiological barrier in
host selection mechanisms by X. vesparum, differently from what reported in other host-parasitoid
systems. In the laboratory we managed to successfully infect various developmental stages, naïve or
already parasitized wasps (superparasitism by sibling and non-sibling triungulins is also well
diffused in the field, see Vannini et al. 2008), males which are less parasitized than females in
nature (Hughes et al. 2004a; Hughes et al. 2004b) and even non-primary hosts, as P. gallicus, in
which the parasite development was interrupted (Manfredini et al. 2007b). These findings clearly
show that, in our system, ecological-behavioural barriers are perhaps more important than chemical
and visual signals for a perfect tuning of the parasitoid with the biology of the host.
We would like to thank Stefano Turillazzi for his methodological suggestions while starting these
experiments, Eugenio Paccagnini for the technological support in SEM analysis, Romano Dallai,
Luciano Lepri, David Giron and David Hughes for all their helpful comments.
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Figure 1 – Scanning electron micrographs of Xenos vesparum 1st instar larvae. (A) Dorsal view of a
triungulin: note disc-pulvilli on the first two pairs of legs and spines on tarsi in the last pair
(arrowhead). (B) Dorsal view of the cephalic segment with external photoreceptors well evident
(arrows), whereas “Stemmata” (sensu Pohl 1998, meaning ocelli) are here not visible. (C) Ventral
view of the cephalic segment, with mandibles (arrow), jaws (maxillae, Mx) and labium (Lb). (D)
Detail of a disc-pulvillum on the first pair of legs. (E) Two pairs of setae on the last abdominal
segments: caudal appendages (arrowheads) are longer and thicker.
Figure 2Double-choice trials by groups of triungulins (active individuals ranging from 15 to 35
for each group) moving inside a tube with one wasp larva at one extremity and no wasp as control.
For both time points (time 1 = 1 hr and time 2 = 4 hrs) the percentage of trials is reported where
triungulins were significantly grouped (chi-square test) towards the wasp larva or the control.
Above each column is the number of observations (out of a total of 27 trials).
towards larva no preference towards control
% statistically significant movements
time 1
time 2
Figure 2
... S. ovinae shows up as clearly phototactic and moves towards light sources under the bright illumination of the dissection microscope (personal observation HP). This behavior was also observed in primary larvae of Xenos vesparum Rossi, 1793 (Manfredini et al., 2010). ...
... Whether the first instar larvae of Strepsiptera are able to specifically recognize suitable hosts (e.g., also by additional olfactory information) has so far been insufficiently investigated. However, it seems likely that approaching objects (results in darkening the visual input of the stemmata) are unspecifically infested (Manfredini et al., 2010). This may also explain the high numbers of offspring occurring in most strepsipteran species, as not all larvae will infest/hitchhike suitable hosts. ...
Stemmata of strepsipteran insects represent the smallest arthropod eyes known, having photoreceptors which form fused rhabdoms measuring an average size of 1.69 × 1.21 × 1.04 μm and each occupying a volume of only 0.97–1.16 μm³. The morphology of the stemmata of the extremely miniaturized first instar larva of Stylops ovinae (Strepsiptera, Stylopidae) was investigated using serial-sectioning transmission electron microscopy (ssTEM). Our 3D reconstruction revealed that, despite different proportions, all three stemmata maintain the same organization: a biconvex corneal lens, four corneagenous cells and five photoreceptor (retinula) cells. No pigment-containing cell-types were found to adjoin the corneagenous cells. Whereas the retinula cells are adapted to the limited space by having laterally bulged median regions, containing mitochondria and the smallest nuclei yet reported for arthropods (1.37 μm³), special adaptations are found in the corneagenous cells which have cell volumes down to 1 μm³. The corneagenous cells lack nuclei and pigment granules and bear only a few mitochondria (up to three) or none at all. Morphological adaptations due to miniaturization are discussed in the context of photoreceptor function and the visual needs of the larva.
... The neotenic endoparasitic female, a "bag" of oocytes and adipocytes, may instead overwinter within the host hemocoel. The female parasite is the reservoir of 1st instar larvae that can infect all larval stages of P. dominula 35 : these are the so-called triungulins, which are released on flowers or directly on nests by parasitized wasps 36,37 . The parasite cycle is bivoltine: there are two releases of triungulins, the first targeting worker wasps in the spring, the second targeting wasp sexuals in the summer 29 . ...
... At the end of March, we froze all wasps that survived and blind-dissected them (i.e. without a priori knowledge of their survival state) to measure morpho-physiological traits 37 . We excluded from the analysis 5 wasps that were not adequately preserved. ...
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In social wasps, female lifespan depends on caste and colony tasks: workers usually live a few weeks while queens as long as 1 year. Polistes dominula paper wasps infected by the strepsipteran parasite Xenos vesparum avoid all colony tasks, cluster on vegetation where parasite dispersal and mating occur, hibernate and infect the next generation of wasp larvae. Here, we compared the survival rate of infected and uninfected wasp workers. Workers’ survival was significantly affected by parasite sex: two-third of workers parasitized by a X. vesparum female survived and overwintered like future queens did, while all workers infected by a X. vesparum male died during the summer, like uninfected workers that we used as controls. We measured a set of host and parasite traits possibly associated with the observed lifespan extension. Infected overwintering workers had larger fat bodies than infected workers that died in the summer, but they had similar body size and ovary development. Furthermore, we recorded a positive correlation between parasite and host body sizes. We hypothesize that the manipulation of worker’s longevity operated by X. vesparum enhances parasite’s fitness: if workers infected by a female overwinter, they can spread infective parasite larvae in the spring like parasitized gynes do, thus contributing to parasite transmission.
... Hypermetamorphosis coupled with phoretic first instar triungulin larvae also occurs in Strepsiptera (Kathirithamby 2009, Belles 2011 in which nonphoretic stages and adults are usually internal parasites of insects such as bees and wasps. Here, the triungulins have suctionlike discs on the first two pairs of legs and claws on the third pair for attachment to the host, and also long caudal setae which enable propulsion on to a host (Kathirithamby 2009, Manfredini et al. 2010. Viviparous triungulins are often extruded by infected bees through their rectum while visiting flowers, thus enabling transfer between individual bees or between colonies, or may be consumed along with nectar and then extruded in the bee nest on to the pollen ball which serves as larval food (Kathirithamby 2009); thus, strepsipteran larvae reach their hosts which are hymenopteran larvae within which they will mature and develop. ...
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The ability to disperse is vital for all organisms, but especially for those whose habitats deteriorate, necessitating relocation to better feeding or breeding sites. Phoresy is assisted dispersal in which one organism uses another as its vehicle. In this review, phoresy will be largely restricted to cases wherein the rider is not parasitic on the vehicular stage used for dispersal, and in which insects are riders or rides. Phoresy occurs in organisms with limited mobility, and in secondarily brachypterous or completely wingless insects. Intraspecific phoresy also occurs. Generally, immature stages resistant to environmental assaults, such as dauers in nematodes, triungulins in beetles, or deutonymphs in mites, undertake phoresy. A size differential between rider and rider enables several conspecifics to board the same vehicle, likely ensuring mating opportunities at the destination. Riders may have special attachment devices or adhesive secretions to ensure safety during travel. Life cycles of riders and vehicles are often synchronized, and when phoresy is mutualistic, vehicles may also employ chemical tactics to achieve this synchrony. Chemical cues help to identify the appropriate vehicle, for disembarkation, or to lure the vehicle towards riders. Most riders prefer female vehicles, possibly to ensure access to rich nesting sites. Density-dependent selection may operate to limit the number of riders on a vehicle and phoresy may also facilitate sexual selection among riders. Whether vehicles can avoid phoresy is barely understood. This review attempts to place phoresy within a broad evolutionary context and points out the paucity of knowledge in certain research areas.
... They form overwintering clusters with uninfected gynes. In the next spring, the stylopized paper wasps do not found nests, but transmit primary larvae to other newly founded Polistes nests (Hughes et al., 2004a;Manfredini et al., 2010). Furthermore, stylopized Polistes desert the colony and form extranidal aggregations in summer. ...
The aim of this study was to find out how strongly the parasitic insect Stylops ovinae, which has tarsi equipped with tenent hairs and lacking claws, attaches to different substrates. We investigated adhesion of male S. ovinae to the abdomen of its hymenopteran host (Andrena vaga), the hairier abdomen of a Bombus sp. and two artificial smooth reference surfaces with different degrees of hydrophilicity. In our experiments, the male S. ovinae developed significantly higher forces on smooth surfaces. However, the forces were significantly lower on all the hymenopteran surfaces used in the experiment. The absence of anisotropy in the force grip in cranial/caudal direction relative to the host might indirectly indicate that S. ovinae generate forces by adhesion rather than mechanical interlocking with the host hairs. The tolerance of the attachment system of S. ovinae to the substrate chemistry might be explained by the primary contribution of van der Waals interactions and not capillary forces to adhesion in S. ovinae.
... In this system, parasite and host meet when they are both immature organisms (Fig 1). Tiny triungulins, the first infective stage of X. vesparum, enter into all larval stages of P. dominula [18,19], while they are incapable to penetrate into adult wasps: hence the parasite cannot be transmitted horizontally among adults. The abdomen of a parasitized P. dominula wasp shows a typical irregular shape, due to the extrusion of the parasite between abdominal segments (see Fig 1). ...
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The parasitic insect Xenos vesparum induces noticeable behavioral and physiological changes—e.g. castration—in its female host, the paper wasp Polistes dominula: parasitized putative workers avoid any colony task and desert the colony to survive in the nearby vegetation, like future queens and males do. In this long-term observational study, we describe the spectacular attraction of parasitized workers towards trumpet creeper bushes (Campsis radicans) in early-summer. Two thirds of all wasps that we sampled on these bushes were parasitized, whereas the parasite prevalence was much lower in our study area and most wasps sampled on other nearby flowering bushes were non-parasitized. First, we describe the occurrence and consistency of this phenomenon across different sites and years. Second, we evaluate the spatial behavior of parasitized wasps on C. radicans bushes, which includes site-fidelity, exploitation and defense of rich extra-floral nectaries on buds and calices. Third, we record two critical steps of the lifecycle of X. vesparum on C. radicans: the parasite’s mating and a summer release of parasitic larvae, that can infect larval stages of the host if transported to the host’s nest. In a nutshell, C. radicans bushes provide many benefits both to the parasite X. vesparum and to its host: they facilitate the parasite’s mating and bivoltine lifecycle, a phenomenon never described before for this parasite, while, at the same time, they provide the wasp host with shelter inside trumpet flowers and extrafloral gland secretions, thus likely enhancing host survival and making it a suitable vector for the infection.
... These ectoparasitoids, which oviposit on cell walls, typically attach to pupal hosts and consume them, after which they pupate and leave. Although the parasitoids of Polistes wasps have received less attention in the last few decades [5], the abundance and ecological impact of the obligatory endoparasites, Strepsiptera have been investigated at length in paper wasps [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. Cervo et al. [14] hypothesized that the rapid spread of the introduced species Polistes dominulus in North America may be due to the lack of parasitization by strepsipterans. ...
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Social insects face strong selection from parasites because the conditions of group living often favor the transmission of infection among nestmates. Yet, we lacked detailed information on the effect of parasite infection in the host species. Workers of Polybia species, Neotropical swarm-founding wasps, are commonly infected by strepsipteron, possibly Xenos myrapetrus (Trois). Previous studies showed in two Polybia species that workers infected by the strepsiptera were smaller than uninfected workers. However, the effect of seasonality on infection rates throughout a year or between wet and dry seasons has not been examined. We compared rates of strepsiptera infection in workers of Polybia paulista between wet and dry seasons or among months. Infection rates by the strepsiptera in workers are generally low throughout a year, but different between the seasons. However, there is no particular tendency on seasonal differences of workers infected by the strepsiptera. Population dynamics of the parasites and temperature variation can have effects on the differences.
... The relationship between adult advertised quality and parasitism could also be due to strepsiptera preferential parasitizing larvae in poor condition. However, this alternative is unlikely, as strepsiptera parasitize all the larval stages [26], without any selective host-seeking behavior [34]. Nevertheless, future experiments will be useful to confirm that parasitism itself reduces facial pattern brokenness. ...
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Global environmental change cause numerous changes in the structure and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Novel sets of ecological indicators and biomarkers may significantly enhance existing biomonitoring programs. This thesis assess the possibilities to use colouration traits of social insects (Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Vespidae) as indicators of environmental stress. The results contribute to the developing of current methods of biomonitoring and highlight novel aspects in environmental biology of social insects.
... Xenos vesparum infest P. dominula larvae in various host larval instars in multiple colony phases [33], including early in the season when the founding queen is laying workerdestined eggs [33][34][35][36][37] (figure 1). Xenos vesparum remains endoparasitic until after the host emerges as an adult [36]. ...
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Parasites can manipulate host behaviour to increase their own transmission and fitness, but the genomic mechanisms by which parasites manipulate hosts are not well understood. We investigated the relationship between the social paper wasp, Polistes dominula, and its parasite, Xenos vesparum (Insecta: Strepsiptera), to understand the effects of an obligate endoparasitoid on its host's brain transcriptome. Previous research suggests that X. vesparum shifts aspects of host social caste-related behaviour and physiology in ways that benefit the parasitoid. We hypothesized that X. vesparum-infested (stylopized) females would show a shift in caste-related brain gene expression. Specifically, we predicted that stylopized females, who would normally be workers, would show gene expression patterns resembling pre-overwintering queens (gynes), reflecting gyne-like changes in behaviour. We used RNA-sequencing data to characterize patterns of brain gene expression in stylopized females and compared these with those of unstylopized workers and gynes. In support of our hypothesis, we found that stylopized females, despite sharing numerous physiological and life-history characteristics with members of the worker caste, show gyne-shifted brain expression patterns. These data suggest that the parasitoid affects its host by exploiting phenotypic plasticity related to social caste, thus shifting naturally occurring social behaviour in a way that is beneficial to the parasitoid.
... The parasites complete their development within one or two weeks, coinciding with the emergence of the adult host (Beani, 2006;Kathirithamby, 2009). Previous studies performed with these endoparasites in social wasps have investigated infection levels, behavioural, physiological or chemical and immune system changes, protection against infection and the biology of the endoparasites and their hosts (Hughes et al. 2003(Hughes et al. , 2004aHughes and Kathirithamby, 2005;Beani, 2006;Kathirithamby and Hughes, 2006;Dapporto et al. 2007;Manfredini et al. 2007Manfredini et al. , 2010aBeani et al. 2011;Cappa et al. 2014;Kudô et al. 2014). ...
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Social wasps can face many challenges during their colony cycle, including the presence of parasites. The order Strepsiptera is among the main parasites of the wasp genus Polistes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of an endoparasite species on the host Polistes ferreri, with the hypothesis that females of this social wasp would undergo morphophysiological alterations as well as changes in their cuticular chemical profile caused by the obligate endoparasite. On average, parasitism was found in 10% of the colonies studied. All the parasitized females showed filamentous ovarioles without developing oocytes, which indicates a physiological castration. Moreover, the endoparasites present in the gaster of females caused its volume to increase, and the presence of endoparasites changed the cuticular chemical profiles of females, confirming our hypothesis. It is likely that this parasitism effect could hamper the maintenance of wasp colonies.
An annotated taxonomic and nomenclatural catalogue of the insect order Strepsiptera is presented. Known distributions and host associations are given as they are currently known. As of this publication, there are 627 valid species, 28 of which are known only from fossils. The misspelling of Viridipromontorius as Viridopromontoriusn. syn. (Roy and Niladri, 2016) is corrected to include Viridipromontorius aequus n. comb.Caenocholax pierci is moved to the genus Myrmecolax and becomes Myrmecolax pierci (Chattopadhyay and Chaudhuri, 1980) n. comb. Stichotrema trinadadensisGuenther, 1949) n. comb. is moved from Stichotrema to Myrmecolax. Halictophagus bohartiAbdulla, 1974 n. stat. was previously a junior synonym of Halictophagus variatus due to its being an invalid renaming of a homonym. The following species are reinstated as valid: Pseudoxenos andradeiLuna de Carvalho, 1953; Pseudoxenos atlanticusLuna de Carvalho, 1969 n. stat.; Pseudoxenos corcyricusSaunders, 1872; Pseudoxenos klugii (Saunders, 1852); Pseudoxenos lusitanicusLuna de Carvalho, 1960; Pseudoxenos schaumiiSaunders, 1872; Pseudoxenos seyrigi Monod, 1926; Stylops aburanaeKifune and Maeta, 1990 n. stat.; Stylops ainoKifune and Maeta, 1990 n. stat.; Stylops alfkeniHofeneder, 1939 n. stat; Stylops bimaculatae Perkins, 1918 n. stat.; Stylops bisalicidis Pierce, 1918 n. stat.; Stylops championi Pierce, 1918 n. stat.; Stylops collinusKifune and Maeta, 1990 n. stat.; Stylops dentataeKifune and Maeta, 1990 n. stat.; Stylops dominiqueiPierce, 1909 n. stat.; Stylops duboisi Bohart, 1937 n. stat.; Stylops duriensisLuna de Carvalho, 1974 n. stat.; Stylops esteponensisLuna de Carvalho, 1974 n. stat.; Stylops flavipedisHofeneder, 1923 n. stat.; Stylops fukuiensis Kifune, 1991 n. stat.; Stylops giganteusLuna de Carvalho, 1974 n. stat.; Stylops hirashimaiKifune and Maeta, 1990 n. stat.; Stylops izumoensisKifune and Maeta, 1990 n. stat.; Stylops krygeri Pierce, 1918 n. stat.; Stylops mandibularisPierce, 1911 n. stat.; Stylops medionitansPierce, 1919 n. stat.; Stylops moestae Pierce, 1918 n. stat.; Stylops muelleri Borchert, 1971 n. stat.; Stylops neonanae Pierce 1918 n. stat.; Stylops nipponicusKifune and Maeta, 1990 n. stat.; Stylops nitidaePasteels 1954 n. stat.; Stylops nitidiusculaePoluszyński 1927 n. stat.; Stylops oblongulusKifune and Hirashima, 1985 n. stat.; Stylops oklahomaePierce, 1909 n. stat.; Stylops orientisKifune and Maeta, 1990 n. stat.; Stylops pacificusBohart, 1936 n. stat.; Stylops perkinsiPasteels 1949 n. stat.; Stylops saliciflorisPierce, 1909 n. stat.; Stylops subcircularisKifune and Maeta, 1990 n. stat.; Stylops swenkiPierce 1909 n. stat.; Stylops truncatoidesKifune and Hirashima, 1985 n. stat. Stylops truncatusKifune and Hirashima, 1985 n. stat.; Xenos myrapetrus (Trois, 1988).
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Beani L., Massolo A. – Polistes dominulus wasps (Hymenoptera Vespidae), if parasitized by Xenos vesparum (Strepsiptera Stylopidae), wander among nests during the pre-emergence phase. This study is focused on the spatial behaviour of overwintered Polistes dominulus wasps, either unparasitized or parasitized by Xenos vesparum (Strepsiptera). The neotenic female endoparasites protrude their cephalothorax from the host abdomen and, after winter diapause, hundreds of 1st instar larvae, the infective free-living stage, emerge alive and move from the brood canal of the cephalothorax to the substrate. We carried out spring transects along artificial hibernation/nesting sites showing a high site-attachment of healthy wasps before and mainly after nest foundation, whereas parasitized ones moved from one colony to another just when wasp larvae, the target of infection, are present in nests. These data support the hypothesis of a direct release of Xenos larvae on/close to nests although phoresy, assumed as the usual infection mechanism for Strepsipterans, is also possible. KEY WORDS: Strepsiptera, paper wasps, spatial behaviour, phoretic infection, nest infection.
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A representative sample of first instar larvae of stylopid parasites (Strepsiptera) was investigated. The main focus was on the external morphology, which was recorded with scanning electron microscopy. The anatomy of a plesiomorphous taxon (Mengenilla chobauti) and an apomorphous taxon (Stylops melittae) was investigated by means of light microscopy. The results were used in a cladistic analysis of the phylogenetically relevant characters. In addition, the first instar larvae of Strepsiptera were compared with larvae of those taxa which have recently been proposed as sistergroups of the Strepsiptera. The head capsule of the first instar larvae is strongly flattened dorsoventrally. The ventral attachment of the head can be formed in three ways: ventrum of the cervix (Mengenillidae, Corioxenidae, Halictophagidae, Myrmecolacidae, Xeninae, Paraxeninae), rostral part of the pleural membrane of the prothorax (Elenchidae), or a hypostomal bridge (Stylopinae). A gula is never found. There are two external openings of the head: an apical and a ventral opening. The true mouth opening is situated at the ventro-caudal margin of the preoral cavity. The maxillae are fused medially and form the ventral margin of the preoral cavity. The prognathous mandibles can be moved in the horizontal plane, and are situated at the rostral border of the preoral cavity. Maxillary palps are present in all taxa; labial palps are absent in the Stylopidae. Six pairs of stemmata are present in the primary state. The "antennal field" which is found in several taxa is interpreted as the antennal primoridum. Unlike the adults, the first instar larvae possess a tentorium. The mandibles articulate at the anterior tentorial arms. A tentorial bridge across the posterior tentorial arms is absent. Both M. chobauti and S. melittae have the stomodaeum present as a skeleton, which is referred to as the "pharyngeal rod". The nota of the thorax have paired setae. These setae are arranged in three longitudinal rows on each side in the Mengenillidae, and in two rows in the remaining families. Stout spinulae are present at the caudal margin of the terga in the Stylopinae. The sternal plates, medio-caudal processes of the sternum, are developed in very different ways. The legs are divided into coxa, trochanterofemur, tibia and a one-segmented tarsus. The tarsi are structurally modified in the individual genera. Ungues are never present. There is probably a correlation between the form and size of the tarsi and the features of the specific hosts. The abdomen consists of eleven segments. The caudal margins of terga and sterna are covered with stout spinulae in the Stylopinae. In all the other taxa, only the ventral parts of the terga and sterna have spinulae. There are setae on the terga and sterna. The Mengenillidae have a greater number of setae than the Stylopidia. The first eight abdominal segments are homonomous in structure. Segments nine and ten are fused dorsally and are strongly sclerotisised in all taxa with the exception of some Stylopinae. In the Stylopinae the tenth abdominal segment is much reduced in size, and the eleventh segment is divided medially. In all taxa the eleventh segment has two stout caudal setae, which are interpreted as cerci. Limb vestiges on segment nine appear in the form of stout paired setae. The musculature of the first seven abdominal segments is identical in M. chobauti and S. melittae. Probably all first instar larvae can jump, with the exception of the Stylopinae. The jumping mechanism was clarified through studies of Eoxenos laboulbenei and M. chobauti. The central nervous system is strongly concentrated and located far back in the thorax. It consists of the supraoesophageal ganglion and a suboesophageal ganglionic mass. The number of ganglia in the suboesophageal ganglionic mass is four in both M. chobauti and S. melittae. The alimentary canal is clearly divided into stomodaeum, mesenteron and proctodaeum. The mesenteron is closed to the proctodaeum. A quantitative cladistic analysis of the characters of the first instar Strepsiptera larvae that were examined resulted in: 1. bifurcation between the Mengenillidia and Stylopidia; 2. the Elenchidae and Corioxenidae are placed at the base of the Stylopidia; 3. the Halictophagidae are the sister-group of the Xeninae + Myrmecolacidae + Stylopinae; 4. the Xeninae are the sister-group of the Myrmecolacidae + Stylopinae. This larval tree disagrees in some points with the tree given by Kinzelbach (1978, 1990), which was based mainly on characters of the adults. An attempt was made to resolve these inconsistencies through a comparison with the characters of the adults. Synapomorphies with the larvae of the Coleoptera, Diptera, Mecoptera and Siphonaptera could not be found. The shift of the brain back into the thorax in Strepsiptera and Diptera could be interpreted as a derived character shared with the Diptera.
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The infection of Polistes dominulus wasps by the strepsipteran Xenos vesparum provides a suitable case study for exploring parasitic manipulation. One aim of this review is to summarize the life cycle of X. vesparum: from infection of immature wasps to the "stylopization" of adults, and from its mating at summer aberrant aggregations of infected wasps to the overwintering of fertilized Xenos inside the abdomen of hibernating wasps. The second aim of this review it to highlight how this parasite manipulates the flexible phenotype of the wasp to maximize its own reproductive success.
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Greenberg's landmark publication (Science 206[1979]: 1095-1097) on kin recognition in sweat bees was followed closely by experimental studies of kin recognition in primitively eusocial paper wasps. These early studies of recognition in social wasps concentrated on documenting nestmate recognition ability, which then stimulated interest in the mechanism subserving recognition ability. For the major portion of my review, I summarize our current understanding of kin, brood, and nest recognition ability in social wasps and its underlying mechanism, relying primarily on paper wasps (Polistes) as a model system. In my discussion of the mechanism of recognition, I review our understanding of the perception, expression, and action components of recognition. I also provide a synopsis of the recent recognition studies of two species of Polistes and their congeneric, obligate social parasites. Finally, I discuss our understanding of the ecology of kin recognition in social wasps and then close my review by contemplating the future directions of kin recognition research.
Infection of the paper wasp, Polistes dominulus (Christ), by the strepsipteran parasite Xenos vesparum Rossi results in a dramatic behavioral change, which culminates in colony desertion and the formation of extranidal aggregations, in which up to 98% of occupants are parasitized females. Aggregations formed on prominent vegetation, traditional lek-sites of Polistes males, and on buildings, which were later adopted as hibernating sites by future queens. First discovered by W.D. Hamilton, these aberrant aggregations are an overlooked phenomenon of the behavioral ecology of this intensively studied wasp. For 3 months in the summer of 2000, during the peak of colony development, we sampled 91 extranidal aggregations from seven areas, numbering 1322 wasps. These wasps were parasitized by both sexes of X. vesparum, but males were more frequent from July until mid-August, during the mating season of the parasite. Aggregations were present for days at the same sites (in one case a leaf was occupied for 36 consecutive days) and were characterized by extreme inactivity. After artificial infection, parasitized "workers" deserted the nest 1 week after emergence from their cell and before the extrusion of the parasite through the host cuticle. Infected individuals did not work, were more inactive, and did not receive more aggression than did controls. We suggest that early nest desertion and subsequent aggregations by parasitized nominal workers and "future queens" is adaptive manipulation of host behavior by the parasite to promote the completion of its life cycle. Copyright 2004.
The effects of the parasitoid on the development, behavior, physiology, and morphology of the host have been described and often attributed to the feeding larvae within the host. It has become increasingly clear that these effects on the host are often due to factors injected into the host by the ovipositing female. This realization, along with the realization that the host is often dramatically altered after oviposition by the parasitoid, has given rise to the concept of host regulation as one of the key aspects of parasitoidism. The physiological and biochemical changes that occur after parasitoidism are described. These include paralysis; changes in growth, feeding, and development; changes in hemolymph solutes, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nitrogen metabolism and excretion; as well as changes in select tissues including the endocrine and reproductive system of the host. The sources of the factors that may elicit these changes are discussed and include the role of the adult female, her progeny, and...
Coevolutionary theories applied in the study of host–parasite systems indicate that lineages exhibit progressive trends in response to reciprocal selective pressures. Avian brood parasites have generated intense interest as models for coevolutionary processes. Similar to avian cuckoos, Polistes wasp social parasites usurp a nest and exploit the parental care of a congeneric species to rear their own brood. In the present study, we show a coevolutionary arms race in the daily activity pattern in a Polistes host–parasite pair. We measured the daily activity rate, in constant laboratory conditions, of both host and parasite females during the period in which nest usurpations occur. The parasites showed a hyperkinesis in the middle of the day. As the field observations suggested, this mid-day activity is used to perform host nest usurpation attempts. Timing the usurpations allows the parasite to maximize its usurpation attempts during daytime when the host defence is lower. A field comparison of host presence on the nest in two populations with different parasitism rates showed that populations under strong parasitic pressure exhibit timing counteradaptations to optimize nest defence. This study provides the first example of a mutual coadaptation in timing activity in a parasite–host system. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 96, 399–405.