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Developing and interpreting models to improve diagnostics in developing countries


Abstract and Figures

Developing a strategy for investment in diagnostic technologies requires an understanding of the need for, and the health impact of, potential new tools, as well as the necessary performance characteristics and user requirements. In this paper, we outline an approach for modelling the health benefits of new diagnostic tools.
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Developing and interpreting models to improve diagnostics in developing countries
Authors: Federico Girosi1*,
Stuart S. Olmsted2*, Emmett
Keeler1, Deborah C. Hay
Burgess3, Yee-Wei Lim1, Julia
E. Aledort1, Maria E. Rafael1,
Karen A. Ricci1, Rob Boer1,
Lee Hilborne1, Kathryn Pitkin
Derose1, Molly V. Shea1,
Christopher M. Beighley2,
Carol A. Dahl3 & Jeffrey
Developing and interpreting models to
improve diagnostics in developing countries
The introduction of new diagnostic tools can
help to reduce the large burden of disease in
the developing world. New tests that can
accurately discriminate between patients who
do and do not need treatment will reduce
mortality, morbidity and the waste of scarce
resources. Although high-performance tests are
desirable, those that are more accurate usually
require greater levels of infrastructure and are
therefore accessible to fewer people. Here we
outline an approach for estimating the health
benefits of new diagnostic tools, and examining
the trade-offs between accuracy and infra-
structure requirements.
An essential component of evaluating and
improving global health is access to appropriate
diagnostic tools. As described in the other articles
in this supplement, the current diagnostic tests
for many diseases do not meet the needs of the
developing world. Some tests require techno-
logical capabilities and infrastructure that are
beyond the resources of developing countries,
while others are too costly to be used.
Developing a rational strategy for investment
in diagnostic technologies requires a means to
determine the need for, and the health impact
of, potential new tools. This paper outlines an
approach for modelling the health benefits of
new diagnostic tools. The framework was devel-
oped by the RAND Corporation in conjunction
with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and
the partnership they formed in 2004 — known
as the Global Health Diagnostics Forum — with
domain experts in relevant disease areas, repre-
sentatives from the diagnostics industry and
technology development arena, and experts in
the modelling of disease impact and the appli-
cation of diagnostic technologies. The results of
disease-specific interventions and the roles of
new diagnostic technologies are reported in
the other articles in this supplement, and are
also available in a series of RAND reports
In order to determine the health impact of a
new diagnostic test, our approach divides the
problem into two tasks: first, we establish the
effect that a specific diagnostic tool might have
on the reduction of the disease burden; and sec-
ond, we identify the performance characteristics
and user requirements that a diagnostic tool
must have to realize that reduction. The first
task requires disease-specific modelling of the
status quo and the changes that could occur
were a new diagnostic to become available in
certain settings. The product of this effort is a
tool that — given the sensitivity and specificity of
a potential new diagnostic, and an estimate of the
proportion of people who will have access to it
— can predict the health impact of a test using a
number of different health outcomes. The second
task involves defining the characteristics of diag-
nostics, such as the type of infrastructure needed
to be operational, sensitivity and specificity,
and estimating the proportion of people that will
have access to different types of test. We refer to
these characteristics as “user requirements”. This
task requires us to define representative health-
care settings in the developing world, identify
their capabilities and estimate a patient’s access
to different levels of care.
The methods and approaches described in
this article can be applied to disease-specific
problems to provide guidance for technology
developers on the infrastructure and user
requirements of new diagnostics, with the aim
of achieving a health impact.
Modelling framework
The guiding principle behind our model is that,
in order to estimate the effect of any interven-
tion, we must begin with a good description
of the status quo. The effect of an intervention
is modelled by changing key parameters of the
status quo and comparing the outcomes with
those in the world in which it takes place.
Modelling the status quo
The status quo is modelled by determining the
types of diagnostic available in a country, the
proportion of individuals who have access to
them and the relevant epidemiological param-
eters. These data are used to divide the popula-
tion into mutually exclusive subgroups
Author Affiliations: 1RAND Corporation,
1776 Main Street, PO Box 2138, Santa
Monica, California 90407-2138, USA
2RAND Corporation, 4570 Fifth Avenue,
Suite 600, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
15213, USA
3Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, PO Box
23350, Seattle, Washington 98102, USA
*These authors contributed equally to this
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Developing and interpreting models to improve diagnostics in developing countries
according to their trajectories through the
health-care system, and to assign a health out-
come to each.
We can describe the status quo in terms of a
sequence of events, as detailed below and
shown in the probability tree displayed in Fig. 1.
First, an event (for example, a sufficiently
severe bout of illness) occurs that prompts an
individual to seek care. The probability that an
individual will take this course of action
depends, in general, on epidemiological
parameters, such as the prevalence of a
condition (that is, the proportion of the
population affected by it) as well as its severity
Second, individuals who seek care will enter
the health-care system at different points (for
example, a clinic or urban hospital), whereas
others might fail to obtain care. Those who
enter the system will be offered different types
of tests. For our purposes, not receiving a test
is equivalent to receiving a test that is 100%
specific and 0% sensitive. The probability that
an individual is given a specific type of test is
conditional on health-care-seeking behaviour,
and is determined by the type of facility that
the individual accesses.
Third, for any given test, patients will expe-
rience different test outcomes (that is, true
positive, false positive, false negative or true
negative), with probabilities that depend on
the test characteristics and the prevalence of
the condition.
Fourth, depending on the test outcome,
patients will follow different treatment
trajectories, which will ultimately be
associated with one or more health outcomes.
In the simplest case, all patients who test
positive will be treated; however, many
alternate scenarios are possible. For example,
when test results are not immediately available,
some individuals might fail to return.
Moreover, those who do return might not have
access to available treatment, the treatment
might not be 100% efficacious or its adminis-
tration might be conditional on the result of
a further round of testing. In all of these cases,
a group of patients is split into subgroups,
each of which is assigned to a particular health
Modelling outcomes
Outcomes are often described in terms of
mortality and morbidity. In the former case,
the status quo simply describes how many
individuals die of a specific disease, which is
computed using the fatality rates for untreated
and treated individuals. In the latter case, the
status quo describes outcomes in terms of dis-
ability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Another
outcome of interest is a measure of the poten-
tial negative effects resulting from treatment.
In fact, all treatments are typically associated
with some degree of negative externalities,
both for the individual, such as allergic reac-
tion, stigma or loss of productivity, and for
society at large, such as development of resist-
ant strains of pathogens, capital and labour
costs of treatment or opportunity cost (that is,
the health loss due to the use of resources that
could have been otherwise invested in the
most cost-effective interventions).
Negative externalities are often extremely
difficult to quantify. It is not sufficient to say
that they are proportional to the number of
treatments administered, because they are not
comparable to any of the health outcomes of
interest (such as mortality). It is difficult to
assign each test a unique outcome that takes
into account both the benefits and the negative
externalities of treatment. Therefore, it is also
difficult to compare and rank different tests.
Consider, for example, test A, which leads to
the use of 500,000 treatments and saves
100,000 children, and test B, which leads to the
use of only 300,000 treatments but saves only
80,000 lives. It is not obvious a priori which of
Figure 1 | Probability tree. The population of interest is positioned at the base of the tree. The population is then split into three different access
levels, depending on whether and where its members enter the health-care system. Within each access level, individuals might be tested and
experience either a positive or a negative result. They are then further divided according to their disease status, and, as a result, are assigned one of
the possible four test outcomes: true positive (TP), false positive (FP), true negative (TN) and false negative (FN).
Village clinic
No care
Test –
Test +
Test –
Test +
Has disease
Does not have disease
Has disease
Does not have disease
Has disease
Does not have disease
Has disease
Does not have disease
Has disease
Does not have disease
Individual with
episode of illness
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Developing and interpreting models to improve diagnostics in developing countries
the two tests is preferable: test A saves 20,000
more lives than test B, but does so at the price
of an additional 200,000 treatments. If the
negative externalities associated with treat-
ment are sufficiently large, test B might be
preferable to test A, even if it saves the lives of
fewer children in the short term.
In order to solve this problem, we have
introduced the concept of harm of treatment,
which is a measure of all the potential negative
externalities associated with treatment, is
expressed in the same units as the primary
health outcome and is referred to with the
symbol C. In the context of the example above,
each time we treat a child, a fraction (C) of a
life is lost due to the negative effects of treat-
ment. Assuming that C = 0.001, treating 1,000
children will lead to the loss of 1,000 × 0.001
= 1 life. We refer to this as an “indirect” life lost
to treatment, because it summarizes the
indirect effect of the treatment on society.
Indirect lives are a public-health concept and
cannot be matched to particular individuals.
For example, 1,000 indirect lives could be lost
because 100,000 individuals lost a number of
life years due to the negative externalities of
In the example above, we assumed the value
of C to be 0.001 for simplicity; however, this is
not an unreasonable number. For instance,
assuming that the only source of harm is the
opportunity cost, if the cost of treatment is 50
US cents (a typical value for antibiotics), then
for every 1,000 treatments administered,
US$500 is spent. If there is at least one inter-
vention that can save the life of one child at a
cost of US$500, then for every 1,000 treat-
ments administered, we miss the opportunity
to save one child, and the calculated harm of
treatment is C = 0.001.
The introduction of the harm of treatment
concept allows us to assign a unique measure
of benefit to a test. Therefore, if a test saves L
lives and utilizes T treatments, its value V is
calculated as V = LC × T, where the term
C × T represents the number of indirect lives
lost due to the harm of treatment. We refer to V
as the number of “adjusted” lives saved, because
it adjusts the number of individual lives saved
by taking into account the potential negative
externalities of treatment. A similar technique
can be used to define the numbers of adjusted
life years saved and adjusted DALYs saved.
One significant shortcoming of this meth-
odology is that, although some information
about negative externalities is usually available,
a direct computation of the harm of treatment
is extremely difficult in most cases. Therefore,
we have devised an indirect way to provide
limits for this quantity, using a method
inspired by the revealed-preference approach
of neo-classical economics1.
The basis of our method is that whenever
the clinical community recommends the
use of a test to determine who should receive
treatment, it implicitly makes a statement
about the potential harm of treatment. The
fact that a test is recommended is an ack-
nowledgment that the harm of treatment
is >0, otherwise mass treatment would be
preferable. However, it is also an acknow-
ledgment that the harm of treatment is
not sufficiently large that treatment would
never be recommended. More formally, we
can say that if a test is currently used or
recommended, the number of adjusted
lives saved must be larger than the number
saved by tests that are 100% sensitive and
0% specific (that is, mass treatment), or
0% sensitive and 100% specific (that is, no
treatment). As the number of adjusted lives
saved is a function of the harm of treatment,
these statements can be transformed into
mathematical inequalities for the unknown
quantity C, and used to provide its lower and
upper limits. Further details of this method
have been reported elsewhere by Girosi and
Although this method of computing
the potential harm of treatment is appealing in
many ways, one disadvantage is that it can
provide only a summary view of the collective
decision of the medical community about
whether a test should be used. By itself, it
does not give any insight into the factors that
influenced the decision. However, the findings
of this method can often be corroborated with
opportunity-cost calculations or by consulting
an expert panel, giving the results more
credibility and certainty. Additionally, in all
cases, sensitivity analysis can be used to study
how the estimate of the harm of treatment
affects the results.
Modelling the introduction of a diagnostic
The description of the status quo can be used as
the basis on which to model the introduction
of a new diagnostic test, which is defined by
performance characteristics and other features,
such as the type of sample, cost and infra-
structure needed. In order to compute the
health impact of a new test, we need to determine
which subset of the population will have access
to it, and how many of these individuals will
actually receive it. These two steps identify the
target population (that is, the population that
benefits from the new test). The health impact is
computed as the improvement in health out-
comes obtained by testing the target population
with the new test instead of the status quo test.
Modelling access to a new test
The size and composition of the population
that will have access to a new test primarily
depends on the type of infrastructure needed
to administer it. Therefore, we focus on infra-
structure as a key determinant of access to a
new test. Some tests might require electricity
or refrigeration, as well as trained staff to
administer them, while others might not need
any type of infrastructure and can be per-
formed at home by anyone able to follow
pictorial instructions. We therefore define
three levels of infrastructure: no infrastruc-
ture, minimal infrastructure and moderate-
to-advanced infrastructure. Note that because
facilities with advanced infrastructure are
relatively scarce in the developing world, we
combine the moderate and advanced infra-
structure categories in our analyses. The
features of each level are detailed in the next
section and summarized in Table 1.
We use the infrastructure levels to derive an
access measure (that is, a single number repre-
senting the proportion of people who will have
Photo by Sharon Farmer courtesy of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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Developing and interpreting models to improve diagnostics in developing countries
access to a given test). By considering a diag-
nostic and its user requirements, we can deter-
mine the infrastructure level needed to support
it, which can then be converted into the pro-
portion of people who are likely to gain access
to the test (that is, the access measure). For a
given infrastructure level, the corresponding
access measure will vary by country and region.
For example, a test that requires refrigeration
might be accessible to a small proportion of
the population in Africa and to a much larger
proportion of the population in Asia. We
explain our method for estimating access to
care and its results later in this paper.
Knowing the access measure for a new test
is not sufficient to identify those individuals
who will benefit from it, as it will not be
randomly available within a country. Rather,
we assume that when a new test is introduced,
it will initially be available to the providers
with the most sophisticated infrastructure,
followed by those with progressively worse
Modelling the adoption of a new test
The last step necessary to compute the health
impact of a new test is to determine, from
among the individuals who will have access to
it, who is actually going to use it. Depending
on its performance characteristics, a new test
might represent a great improvement for a vil-
lage clinic, but be far from optimal in an urban
hospital. Therefore, we assume that the new
test will be adopted only if it represents an
improvement over the status quo test that it
might replace. In some models, we allow for
transitional phases in which both tests are
used in conjunction with one another. Defin-
ing what improvement means in this context
is a non-trivial task, and we address this using
the harm of treatment concept previously
introduced. We consider a new test to repre-
sent an improvement if it saves more adjusted
lives than would be saved in the status quo.
Infrastructure levels and user requirements
To derive the infrastructure levels employed
in defining user requirements for new
diagnostic tests and developing access
measures, we began by identifying common
health-care settings, and the general cap-
abilities associated with them (for example,
clean water and electricity) and their staff
(for example, skilled nurses and trained
laboratory members). We focused primarily
on the traditional avenues of health-care
delivery, and did not propose any novel forms
of delivery. We then identified a more detailed
list of capabilities or user requirements, to
assist developers in determining the right
technology for a diagnostic test in a particular
Because country-level data describing the
availability, accessibility and characteristics of
the health-care settings of developing coun-
tries are limited, we developed a detailed ques-
tionnaire to gather information on health-care
settings worldwide. Our questionnaire was
partly based on the Service Provision Assess-
ment (SPA) surveys performed by ORC Macro
as part of the Measure Demographic and
Health Surveys (DHS) project (http://www.; these are among the most
complete reports available on health-care set-
tings and their capabilities, and have so far
been published for five countries (Kenya,
Ghana, Rwanda, Egypt and Bangladesh). The
questionnaire also drew on the draft World
Health Organization (WHO) Service Availa-
bility Mapping (SAM) reports (http://www.
en/index.html). The SAM programme works
with health ministries to identify and map all
of the health-care resources in a country, and
projects have been completed in Rwanda,
Uganda and Zambia.
The questionnaire was pilot-tested by two
team members who visited health-care facili-
ties in Uganda and Malawi. It was then used in
interviews with ~20 members of the Global
Health Diagnostics Forum, who collectively
had field experience in >35 developing coun-
tries. For each country in which a forum mem-
ber had experience, we asked questions about
the type of health-care settings, their basic
functions and infrastructure, the level of staff
training and access, and the user requirements.
The part of the questionnaire addressing the
user requirements was designed by modifying
a document developed by the Foundation for
Innovative New Diagnostics as part of their
efforts to develop a molecular-based diagnos-
tic for tuberculosis (TB).
Based on the data from the SPA and SAM
reports, and interviews with forum members,
we categorized the health-care settings based
on a minimal set of characteristics that were
identified by the experts as important for
informing technology developers. The charac-
teristics identified as most important in deter-
mining the health-care-setting capacity for
diagnostics were as follows: availability of reli-
able power and clean water; level of training of
the person performing the test (for example,
nurse, laboratory technician, community
health worker or family member); and physical
infrastructure (that is, whether a test had to be
performed in a stationary facility or could be
mobile). In defining and categorizing health-
care settings, we considered numerous addi-
tional variables, such as the available types of
laboratory equipment (for example, polymer-
ase chain reaction instruments, microplate
readers, computers and incubators) and
infrastructure-type equipment (for example,
refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners).
However, in developing countries, most set-
tings have limited capabilities and the data
sources describing them are also limited.
Because of the variation across regions
among similarly named health-care facilities
(for example, hospitals and health clinics), we
defined the settings according to the infra-
structure levels (that is, advanced, moderate,
minimal or no infrastructure; Table 1). There-
fore, one type of facility (for example, health
clinics) could be associated with more than
one infrastructure level (in this case, health
clinics in Africa and Asia were classified in
different infrastructure categories). The coun-
tries we modelled fell into three regions: Africa,
Asia and Latin America. The complete set
of facility capabilities and user requirements
have been reported elsewhere by Olmsted and
The infrastructure categories highlighted
the potential need for different types of test
depending on the setting. For example, a
tissue-culture or nucleic-acid-based test would
need to be performed in a health-care setting
with advanced infrastructure, and could not be
used at facilities in the other categories. How-
ever, a test developed for a setting with mini-
mal infrastructure (for example, a disposable
Table 1 | Health-care settings as defi ned by infrastructure categories
Characteristics No
Minimal infrastructure Moderate
Examples of
In the
or home
Health clinics (Africa);
rural health clinics (Asia
and Latin America)
Hospitals (Africa);
urban health clinics
(Asia and Latin America)
Hospitals (Latin
America and Asia)
Electricity Not available Not reliably available Available Available
Clean water Not available Not reliably available Available Available
None None or minimal
Poorly equipped
Well equipped
Staff No expertise Nurses (minimal
expertise available)
Nurses, some
physicians, poorly
trained technicians
Nurses, physicians,
well trained
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Developing and interpreting models to improve diagnostics in developing countries
dipstick test) could also be used in settings
with more advanced infrastructure.
“Hospital” was the most consistent term used
across the different data sources we analysed, and
generally referred to facilities with in-patient
beds. In some areas, advanced health clinics
could be considered hospitals. We focused on
district-level hospitals in our analysis, as they
care for a much larger number of patients than
central or national hospitals. Although many
central hospitals do provide testing services
for patients from remote areas, the forum
members reported that tests that require
delivery of a sample to a central hospital are
not reliable (partly because of loss to follow
up) in many of the countries of interest, and
are not acceptable for any of the acute diseases
of interest (such as malaria, diarrhoeal dis-
eases and acute lower respiratory infections).
District hospitals generally have fewer capa-
bilities than central hospitals. In addition, we
focused on publicly funded hospitals in our
descriptions, with the understanding that
privately funded hospitals (and other health
facilities) tend to have better infrastructure.
We use the term “health clinic” to refer to
health posts, health centres, and any other
facility with a physical presence and trained
medical staff that provides health-care delivery
but is not a hospital. As noted in Table 1, health
clinics have a broad range of capabilities across
the three geographical regions.
Estimating access to care
Data describing the percentage of a popula-
tion that can access a health-care setting are
difficult to obtain for many developing coun-
tries. To address this gap, we developed a
multinomial logistic-regression model to esti-
mate access to care across our three regions of
interest. We obtained data on health-care
utilization from the Measure DHS surveys
conducted from the year 2000 to 2005 for 17
African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cam-
eroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya,
Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique,
Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda and Zam-
bia), six Asian countries (Armenia, Bangla-
desh, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines and
Vietnam) and six Latin American countries
(Bolivia, Colombia, Dominican Republic,
Haiti, Nicaragua and Peru). The DHS surveys
were designed to provide a representative sam-
ple of the population of each country and to
collect data across a spectrum of health issues,
including human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) infection, sexually transmitted infec-
tions (STIs), childhood illnesses, nutrition,
family planning and maternal health. The sur-
veys we analysed included on average >5,000
households in each country.
For our access-to-care model, we drew on
four survey questions about the following
aspects of health-care utilization: the person
who delivered prenatal care for the last preg-
nancy; the source of care for the last STI; the
source of care for the last fever/cough (within
the past 2 weeks) in a child aged <5 years; and
the source of care for the last case of diarrhoea
(within the past 2 weeks) in a child aged
<5 years. For each of the conditions listed, the
respondents were asked whether or not they
received care. Those who gave a positive
response were then asked where or from whom
they received care. Respondents to the prenatal
care question were also asked to provide the
level of training of the person who delivered
the care (for example, physician, nurse,
traditional birth attendant or family member).
We coded each of these choices to a type of
health-care setting according to the training
level of the person who delivered the care, and
the feedback we received from the forum and
surveys on the staff in each setting. For the
other three conditions, the respondents were
given a detailed list of settings for the care they
received, which varied across the different
countries surveyed, but typically included
public and private hospitals, health clinics,
health centres, health posts, dispensaries, com-
munity health workers, friends, traditional
healers, midwives and family members. We
collapsed the health-care settings across all
four conditions into the following five catego-
ries, which were consistent with those defined
by the infrastructure levels: hospital, health
clinic (including health posts and health
centres), community health worker, other (for
example, friend, traditional healer or
pharmacy) and no care.
The responses to the four survey questions
were combined to estimate a household level
of access to care (that is, the highest level of
care among the four conditions for any given
household). For example, a mother might
report the following: she visited a nurse mid-
wife (clinic) for prenatal care, a friend helped
her with an STI, she took her child to a hospital
for fever and she did not treat her child for a
recent diarrhoeal illness. In this case, the
household would be assigned “hospital” as its
highest access level (the dependent variable of
the model). The information was then further
dichotomized according to rural and urban
locations, giving the following 10 possible
access to care levels for the dependent variable:
rural clinic, rural hospital, rural community
health worker, rural other, rural no care, urban
clinic, urban hospital, urban community
health worker, urban other and urban no care.
This focus on health-care utilization is often
called realized access, as opposed to potential
access, which includes more of the character-
istics of the health-delivery system (such as the
availability and organization of health services
in a community)
. Although potential access
might be useful for estimating the expected
benefit of a new diagnostic in an idealized
world, realized access is likely to provide a
more realistic estimate of the immediate ben-
efit. Therefore, our estimates for potential
benefit are likely to be conservative.
Using the 29 countries for which we
obtained utilization data, the regression model
was fitted to obtain the predicted values for
access for all 114 countries in the regions of
interest. As noted above, the dependent vari-
able in the model was the highest level of
household access to care. The independent
variables, which were selected from the World
Bank Group World Development Index
Photo by Sharon Farmer courtesy of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
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Developing and interpreting models to improve diagnostics in developing countries
and the WHO TB statistics (provided by
J. Cunningham of the WHO and M. Perkins of
the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics),
were as follows: percent urban population,
rural population density, gross domestic prod-
uct (GDP) per capita, health expenditure per
capita, number of physicians per 1,000 people,
percentage of adult pulmonary TB suspects
that have a smear and percentage of adult
pulmonary TB suspects that have an X-ray.
To account for any regional differences in
access, we also included a three-level variable
in the model. Therefore, for each region, we
were able to obtain different parameter esti-
mates from the model. Using these, we calcu-
lated the predicted values for the percentage of
access to care level for all countries that had
non-missing values for all of the independent
Table 2 provides the population weighted
averages of the access to care by infrastructure
and region. To illustrate the use of these data,
we consider the case of a new test with a given
sensitivity and specificity, which, in order to be
administered, requires electricity, clean water
and well-trained technicians. From Table 1, we
can infer that this test falls in the moderate/
advanced infrastructure level. From Table 2,
we can infer that if this test were introduced in
Africa, only 28% of the population would have
access to it. We can then use this value to deter-
mine which subgroup of the population in the
status quo would have access to the new test if
it were introduced. For this subgroup, we can
then determine whether the new test is better
than the status quo, by determining which
saves more adjusted lives. If the new test is bet-
ter, its health impact can be measured accord-
ing to the number of total lives saved and/or
other relevant outcome measures.
We have outlined a method for estimating the
potential health impact of new diagnostic tests
in developing countries. This process included
developing a novel modelling framework,
determining and describing health-care set-
tings, and calculating access to care in these
countries. We have categorized health-care
settings across the developing world into a
small number of infrastructure levels, to pro-
vide results that minimize the different types
of test technology developers might require.
Our results indicate that a large portion of
the population in each of the regions modelled
has access to some form of health-care setting.
However, in some cases, the capabilities of
these settings are limited in terms of both
infrastructure and level of staff training. The
articles in this supplement focus on improving
the diagnostic tests available in each of the
health-care settings and provide recommenda-
tions on improvements to the status quo tests.
Although it is outside the scope of this paper,
another method for improving health out-
comes that could be approached in parallel to
improving diagnostic tests would be enhanc-
ing the infrastructure and staffing available at
these health-care settings. This approach
would, in turn, allow the facilities to adopt bet-
ter tests that might be available today or in the
future. For instance, improving infrastructure
and staffing could allow nucleic-acid-based
tests for STIs to be adopted in more health-
care settings.
Our definitions of infrastructure levels are,
by necessity, simplified. In order to cover all
developing countries, we have made assump-
tions and grouped countries into three regions.
Owing to the limits of the published data con-
cerning health-care settings in these countries,
and the wide variety of such settings, our
descriptions are basic, although they cover the
important characteristics needed to determine
the kinds of tests that should be developed. In
addition, central hospitals do not weigh heavily
in our modelling. Although these facilities gen-
erally have the most advanced capabilities in a
developing country, the ability of patients to
access them is severely limited. Moreover,
although central testing for conditions such as
TB or HIV can be done with a delay time for the
results, many of the other diseases we model are
acute so a delay in diagnosis is not acceptable.
Using the modelling approach described
above and adding a few more layers of com-
plexity, it is possible to generate a rich set of
scenarios that describe the diagnostic land-
scape of a country. The limits of this approach
are largely dictated by limits on the type of
data available. However, one additional limita-
tion is that the approach is static: it does not
explicitly take into account the transmission
patterns that are relevant for diseases such as
TB and gonorrhoea. For example, we can
model the number of gonorrhoea cases averted
by a specific test in the status quo, but the
impact on the prevalence of this and other
related diseases (such as HIV) remains unclear.
Transmission effects can only be brought into
this type of model a posterior i, by the judicious
use of multipliers that convert a static outcome
(such as the number of cases averted in 1 year)
into a flow of downstream outcomes (such as
the number of additional cases averted in the
following years).
Another limitation of our approach is that
the potential harm of treatment (or negative
externalities caused by treatment) is only
known within relatively large limits, and we
are usually unable to tell what types of harm
are taken in account. While it is true that the
general conclusions of this type of analysis are
often robust with respect to this parameter
the uncertainty over the harm of treatment
contributes to the considerable uncertainty
over the number of adjusted lives saved by a
new test. We note that this uncertainty will be
shared by any study aiming to evaluate the
benefit of a new diagnostic in the developing
world. In fact, an important lesson learned in
the development of our modelling approach
is that analyses cannot be performed unless an
estimate of the harm of treatment is available.
This suggests that additional research in this
area is needed to further our understanding of
the benefits of new diagnostic tools.
1. Samuelson, P. A. Foundations of Economic Analysis
(Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1947).
2. Girosi, F. et al. Determining the Priority Global Health
Needs and Quantifying the Health Benefits Resulting
from the Introduction of New Diagnostics in the
Developing World WR-418-HLTH (RAND Corporation,
Santa Monica, 2006).
3. Olmsted, S. S., Derose, K. P. & Beighley, C. M.
Determining Access to Care and User Requirements
for Diagnostic Tests in Developing Countries WR-423-
HLTH (RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, 2006).
4. Aday, L. A. & Awe, W. C. in Handbook of Health
Behavior Research I: Personal and Social
Determinants (ed. Gochman, D. S.) 153–172
(Plenum Press, New York, 1997).
5. Lim, Y-W. et al. Reducing the global burden of acute
lower respiratory infections in children: the potential
contribution of new diagnostic tests. Nature S1,
9–18 (2006).
6. Aledort, J. E. et al. Reducing the burden of sexually
transmitted infections in resource-limited settings: the
role of improved diagnostics. Nature S1, 59–72 (2006).
The authors thank A. Noriega-Minichiello (World
Health Organization, Switzerland). The authors
also thank L. Lu (Roche Diagnostics, USA for
helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.
Correspondence and requests for materials should
be addressed to F.G. (e-mail:
This article has not been written or reviewed by
the Nature editorial team and Nature takes no
responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of the
information provided.
Table 2 | Access to care by infrastructure category
Region Access to no
infrastructure (%)
Access to minimal
infrastructure (%)
Access to moderate/
advanced infrastructure (%)
Africa 25 47 28
Asia 13 29 58
Latin America 5 5 90
Modelling.indd 8Modelling.indd 8 16/11/06 5:23:03 pm16/11/06 5:23:03 pm
Nature Publishing Group
... The pulse oximeter is a simple, non-invasive, reproductible, accurate tool that could help to reduce childhood morbidity and mortality by accurately diagnosing and monitoring children with hypoxemia [20][21][22]. PO remains the most reliable diagnostic tool of hypoxemia in children that can be used at all levels of the healthcare system in LMICs [19,23]. While PO have been used at the hospital level in Africa [24][25][26][27], their integration at the PHC level has not yet been adopted [28]. ...
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Background The AIRE operational project will evaluate the implementation of the routine Pulse Oximeter (PO) use in the integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) strategy for children under-5 in primary health care centers (PHC) in West Africa. The introduction of PO should promote the accurate identification of hypoxemia (pulse blood oxygen saturation Sp02 < 90%) among all severe IMCI cases (respiratory and non-respiratory) to prompt their effective case management (oxygen, antibiotics and other required treatments) at hospital. We seek to understand how the routine use of PO integrated in IMCI outpatients works (or not), for whom, in what contexts and with what outcomes. Methods The AIRE project is being implemented from 03/2020 to 12/2022 in 202 PHCs in four West African countries (Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali, Niger) including 16 research PHCs (four per country). The research protocol will assess three complementary components using mixed quantitative and qualitative methods: a) context based on repeated cross-sectional surveys: baseline and aggregated monthly data from all PHCs on infrastructure, staffing, accessibility, equipment, PO use, severe cases and care; b) the process across PHCs by assessing acceptability, fidelity, implementation challenges and realistic evaluation, and c) individual outcomes in the research PHCs: all children under-5 attending IMCI clinics, eligible for PO use will be included with parental consent in a cross-sectional study. Among them, severe IMCI cases will be followed in a prospective cohort to assess their health status at 14 days. We will analyze pathways, patterns of care, and costs of care. Discussion This research will identify challenges to the systematic implementation of PO in IMCI consultations, such as health workers practices, frequent turnover, quality of care, etc. Further research will be needed to fully address key questions such as the best time to introduce PO into the IMCI process, the best SpO2 threshold for deciding on hospital referral, and assessing the cost-effectiveness of PO use. The AIRE research will provide health policy makers in West Africa with sufficient evidence on the context, process and outcomes of using PO integrated into IMCI to promote scale-up in all PHCs. Trial registration Trial registration number: PACTR202206525204526 retrospectively registered on 06/15/2022.
... Dearth of trained and adequate laboratory workforce has hampered success of many programs for years including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB) [2]. The need for accessible quality laboratory services is critical in the fight against the HIV, TB and malaria, and for the curtailment of morbidity and mortality to achieve their epidemic control [3][4][5]. ...
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Background In sub-Saharan Africa, there is dearth of trained laboratorians and strengthened laboratory systems to provide adequate and quality laboratory services for enhanced HIV control. In response to this challenge, in 2007, the African Centre for Integrated Laboratory Training (ACILT) was established in South Africa with a mission to train staffs from countries with high burdens of diseases in skills needed to strengthen sustainable laboratory systems. This study was undertaken to assess the transference of newly gained knowledge and skills to other laboratory staff, and to identify enabling and obstructive factors to their implementation. Methods We used Kirkpatrick model to determine training effectiveness by assessing the transference of newly gained knowledge and skills to participant’s work environment, along with measuring enabling and obstructive factors. In addition to regular course evaluations at ACILT (pre and post training), in 2015 we sent e-questionnaires to 867 participants in 43 countries for course participation between 2008 and 2014. Diagnostics courses included Viral Load, and systems strengthening included strategic planning and Biosafety and Biosecurity. SAS v9.44 and Excel were used to analyze retrospective de-identified data collected at six months pre and post-training. Results Of the 867 participants, 203 (23.4%) responded and reported average improvements in accuracy and timeliness in Viral Load programs and to systems strengthening. For Viral Load testing, frequency of corrective action for unsatisfactory proficiency scores improved from 57 to 91%, testing error rates reduced from 12.9% to 4.9%; 88% responders contributed to the first national strategic plan development and 91% developed strategies to mitigate biosafety risks in their institutions. Key enabling factors were team and management support, and key obstructive factors included insufficient resources and staff’s resistance to change. Conclusions Training at ACILT had a documented positive impact on strengthening the laboratory capacity and laboratory workforce and substantial cost savings. ACILT’s investment produced a multiplier effect whereby national laboratory systems, personnel and leadership reaped training benefits. This laboratory training centre with a global clientele contributed to improve existing laboratory services, systems and networks for the HIV epidemic and is now being leveraged for COVID-19 testing that has infected 41,332,899 people globally.
... In this Personal View we aim to describe a framework for implementation that is suitable for general referral hospitals in low-resource settings with a moderate infrastructure (ie, a basic diagnostic laboratory operated by laboratory staff without expertise in microbiology). 28 Although focused on operational and technical requirements, this framework will inform clinicians and health-care policy makers. We briefly discuss laboratory services in low-resource settings, such as supranational initiatives involved in funding, accreditation, diagnostic regulations, and manufacturing. ...
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Low-resource settings are disproportionately burdened by infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance. Good quality clinical bacteriology through a well functioning reference laboratory network is necessary for effective resistance control, but low-resource settings face infrastructural, technical, and behavioural challenges in the implementation of clinical bacteriology. In this Personal View, we explore what constitutes successful implementation of clinical bacteriology in low-resource settings and describe a framework for implementation that is suitable for general referral hospitals in low-income and middle-income countries with a moderate infrastructure. Most microbiological techniques and equipment are not developed for the specific needs of such settings. Pending the arrival of a new generation diagnostics for these settings, we suggest focus on improving, adapting, and implementing conventional, culture-based techniques. Priorities in low-resource settings include harmonised, quality assured, and tropicalised equipment, consumables, and techniques, and rationalised bacterial identification and testing for antimicrobial resistance. Diagnostics should be integrated into clinical care and patient management; clinically relevant specimens must be appropriately selected and prioritised. Open-access training materials and information management tools should be developed. Also important is the need for onsite validation and field adoption of diagnostics in low-resource settings, with considerable shortening of the time between development and implementation of diagnostics. We argue that the implementation of clinical bacteriology in low-resource settings improves patient management, provides valuable surveillance for local antibiotic treatment guidelines and national policies, and supports containment of antimicrobial resistance and the prevention and control of hospital-acquired infections.
... In resource-limited countries (RLC), including Malawi, pathology services are scarce resulting in significant challenges in clinical management [1,2]. Without pathology services, medical practitioners have diagnostic barriers and are forced to make clinical judgments to manage a variety of diseases [3,4]. This situation may result in providing incorrect and potentially harmful treatments as well as misuse of the limited resources. ...
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Background Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has been widely accepted to be a safe, accurate, prompt and inexpensive procedure for diagnosis of both neoplastic and infectious diseases in adult and pediatric populations. Despite its value for diagnosis, FNAC is underutilized in resource limited countries. We reviewed the utilization of FNAC after it was introduced at Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH). Methods A retrospective review of all FNAC performed at KCH laboratory during the period of January 2012 to July 2014 was conducted using an electronic database from KCH laboratory. We evaluated factors associated with a diagnostic sample using multivariate logistic regression model. Results 750 FNAC were reviewed from 722 patients: 56.9% were adults >15 years and 54% were female. The number of FNAC increased annually from 56 (2012) to 379 (2013) to 315 (up to July 2014). Of 750 FNAC, 56.4% were performed by non-pathologists. The most common sites were lymph nodes (38.1%), abdomen (25.8%), breast (16.3%), and head & neck (15.7%). Most of the samples (77.6%) were diagnostic. FNAC was more likely to be diagnostic if performed by pathologists versus non-pathologists (OR 1.78, 95% CI 1.20–2.64), in 2013 compared to 2012 (OR 1.95, 95% CI 1.05–3.56), or performed on a deep lesion versus a subcutaneous lesion (OR 1.71, 95% CI 1.15–2.5), or if samples were taken from the head and neck (OR 2.4, 95% CI: 1.39–4.39), and abdomen (OR 2.66, 95%CI1.59–4.42) compared to those from the lymph nodes. The odds of a diagnostic test did not differ significantly according to gender, HIV status, or age groups. Conclusion Most FNACs successfully diagnosed the presence or absence of disease, with substantial improvements over time. However, training for non-pathologists may facilitate more diagnostic results.
... In this Personal View we aim to describe a framework for implementation that is suitable for general referral hospitals in low-resource settings with a moderate infrastructure (ie, a basic diagnostic laboratory operated by laboratory staff without expertise in microbiology). 28 Although focused on operational and technical requirements, this framework will inform clinicians and health-care policy makers. We briefly discuss laboratory services in low-resource settings, such as supranational initiatives involved in funding, accreditation, diagnostic regulations, and manufacturing. ...
Low-resource settings are disproportionately burdened by infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance. Good quality clinical bacteriology through a well functioning reference laboratory network is necessary for effective resistance control, but low-resource settings face infrastructural, technical, and behavioural challenges in the implementation of clinical bacteriology. In this Personal View, we explore what constitutes successful implementation of clinical bacteriology in low-resource settings and describe a framework for implementation that is suitable for general referral hospitals in low-income and middle-income countries with a moderate infrastructure. Most microbiological techniques and equipment are not developed for the specific needs of such settings. Pending the arrival of a new generation diagnostics for these settings, we suggest focus on improving, adapting, and implementing conventional, culture-based techniques. Priorities in low-resource settings include harmonised, quality assured, and tropicalised equipment, consumables, and techniques, and rationalised bacterial identification and testing for antimicrobial resistance. Diagnostics should be integrated into clinical care and patient management; clinically relevant specimens must be appropriately selected and prioritised. Open-access training materials and information management tools should be developed. Also important is the need for onsite validation and field adoption of diagnostics in low-resource settings, with considerable shortening of the time between development and implementation of diagnostics. We argue that the implementation of clinical bacteriology in low-resource settings improves patient management, provides valuable surveillance for local antibiotic treatment guidelines and national policies, and supports containment of antimicrobial resistance and the prevention and control of hospital-acquired infections.
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Underserved communities in low-resource countries are disproportionately impacted by communicable diseases when compared to those in developed countries. These communities have limited access to life saving diagnostic laboratory tests making it difficult to treat communicable diseases like SARS-CoV-2 and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Rapid diagnostic tests, like the COVID-19 antigen (Ag) test, play a crucial role in underserved communities by enabling fast and inexpensive diagnosis in low-resource settings. Unfortunately, these rapid test platforms often lack the accuracy and precision of their laboratory-based analogs, resulting in a need for improved rapid diagnostics. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) ASSURED (Affordable, Sensitive, Specific, User-friendly, Rapid and robust, Equipment-free, and Deliverable to end-users) criteria are often referenced in the development of diagnostic tests. In this work, we aim to provide guidance to the “user-friendly” component of ASSURED through end-user surveys taken in rural Kenya. In these surveys, we examine the user-friendliness of two of the most commonly used rapid diagnostic tests, the COVID-19 Ag test and pregnancy test, by assessing participants’ familiarity with the tests, their opinion of test appearance, and the perceived complexity of the operator’s workflow. We also examine community acceptance and desire for a self-test for the highly stigmatized HIV. We intend these results to help guide developers of future rapid diagnostic tests intended for low-resource communities.
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Easy and robust antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) methods are essential in clinical bacteriology laboratories (CBL) in low-resource settings (LRS). We evaluated the Beckman Coulter MicroScan lyophilized broth microdilution panel designed to support Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) CBL activity in difficult settings, in particular with the Mini-Lab. We evaluated the custom-designed MSF MicroScan Gram-pos microplate (MICPOS1) for Staphylococcus and Enterococcus species, MSF MicroScan Gram-neg microplate (MICNEG1) for Gram-negative bacilli, and MSF MicroScan Fastidious microplate (MICFAST1) for Streptococci and Haemophilus species using 387 isolates from routine CBLs from LRS against the reference methods. Results showed that, for all selected antibiotics on the three panels, the proportion of the category agreement was above 90% and the proportion of major and very major errors was below 3%, as per ISO standards. The use of the Prompt inoculation system was found to increase the MIC and the major error rate for some antibiotics when testing Staphylococci. The readability of the manufacturer’s user manual was considered challenging for low-skilled staff. The inoculations and readings of the panels were estimated as easy to use. In conclusion, the three MSF MicroScan MIC panels performed well against clinical isolates from LRS and provided a convenient, robust, and standardized AST method for use in CBL in LRS.
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Mutations in the voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7 are linked to human pain. The Nav1.7/N1245S variant was described before in several patients suffering from primary erythromelalgia and/or olfactory hypersensitivity. We have identified this variant in a pain patient and a patient suffering from severe and life-threatening orthostatic hypotension. In addition, we report a female patient suffering from muscle pain and carrying the Nav1.7/E1139K variant. We tested both Nav1.7 variants by whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings in HEK293 cells, revealing a slightly enhanced current density for the N1245S variant when co-expressed with the β1 subunit. This effect was counteracted by an enhanced slow inactivation. Both variants showed similar voltage dependence of activation and steady-state fast inactivation, as well as kinetics of fast inactivation, deactivation, and use-dependency compared to WT Nav1.7. Finally, homology modeling revealed that the N1245S substitution results in different intramolecular interaction partners. Taken together, these experiments do not point to a clear pathogenic effect of either the N1245S or E1139K variant and suggest they may not be solely responsible for the patients’ pain symptoms. As discussed previously for other variants, investigations in heterologous expression systems may not sufficiently mimic the pathophysiological situation in pain patients, and single nucleotide variants in other genes or modulatory proteins are necessary for these specific variants to show their effect. Our findings stress that biophysical investigations of ion channel mutations need to be evaluated with care and should preferably be supplemented with studies investigating the mutations in their context, ideally in human sensory neurons.
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Diagnostics developers often face challenges introducing in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) products to low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) because of difficulty in accessing robust market data, navigating policy and regulatory requirements and implementing and supporting products in healthcare systems with limited infrastructure. Best practices recommend the use of a phase-gate model with defined activities and milestones by phase to successfully move a product from concept to commercialisation. While activities for commercialisation of products in high-income countries (HICs) are well understood, the activities required for introduction of IVDs in LMICs are not. In this paper, we identify the key activities needed for IVD product development and implementation and map them to the various phases of the model, paying particular attention to those activities that might be conducted differently in LMICs.
Warnings and reports on counterfeit diagnostic devices are released several times a year by regulators and public health agencies. Unfortunately, mishandling, altering, and counterfeiting point-of-care diagnostics (POCDs) and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) is lucrative, relatively simple and can lead to devastating consequences. Here, we demonstrate how to implement optical security codes in silicon- and nitrocellulose-based flow paths for device authentication using a smartphone. The codes are created by inkjet spotting inks directly on nitrocellulose or on micropillars. Codes containing up to 32 elements per mm2 and 8 colors can encode as many as 1045 combinations. Codes on silicon micropillars can be erased by setting a continuous flow path across the entire array of code elements or for nitrocellulose by simply wicking a liquid across the code. Static or labile code elements can further be formed on nitrocellulose to create a hidden code using poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) or glycerol additives to the inks. More advanced codes having a specific deletion sequence can also be created in silicon microfluidic devices using an array of passive routing nodes, which activate in a particular, programmable sequence. Such codes are simple to fabricate, easy to view, and efficient in coding information; they can be ideally used in combination with information on a package to protect diagnostic devices from counterfeiting.
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There is a great need for improved diagnosis of curable bacterial sexually transmitted infections among women in developing countries. We found that wider access to new diagnostic tests has a greater overall impact on health outcomes than improvements in test sensitivity or specificity.
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Acute lower respiratory infections (ALRIs) are the primary killer of children in developing countries. Many children with ALRIs are not properly diagnosed, and overuse of antibiotics has led to increasing drug resistance. The introduction of simple and widely accessible diagnostic tests could significantly reduce deaths among children with ALRIs and reduce the inappropriate use of antibiotics.
  • P Samuelson
Samuelson, P. A. Foundations of Economic Analysis (Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1947).
Determining the Priority Global Health Needs and Quantifying the Health Benefits Resulting from the Introduction of New Diagnostics in the Developing World
  • F Girosi
Girosi, F. et al. Determining the Priority Global Health Needs and Quantifying the Health Benefits Resulting from the Introduction of New Diagnostics in the Developing World WR-418-HLTH (RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, 2006).
C. in Handbook of Health Behavior Research I: Personal and Social Determinants
  • L A Aday
  • W Awe
Aday, L. A. & Awe, W. C. in Handbook of Health Behavior Research I: Personal and Social Determinants (ed. Gochman, D. S.) 153–172 (Plenum Press, New York, 1997).
Determining Access to Care and User Requirements for Diagnostic Tests in Developing Countries WR-423-HLTH (RAND Corporation
  • S S Olmsted
  • K P Derose
  • C M Beighley
  • SS Olmsted
Olmsted, S. S., Derose, K. P. & Beighley, C. M. Determining Access to Care and User Requirements for Diagnostic Tests in Developing Countries WR-423-HLTH (RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, 2006).