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Natural History of the Lutz's Frog Cycloramphus lutzorum Heyer, 1983 (Anura: Cycloramphidae) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Description of the Advertisement Call, Tadpole, and Karyotype


Abstract and Figures

We describe the advertisement call, tadpole, karyotype, and additional information on the natural history of Cycloramphus lutzorum from southern Brazil. Sonograms were generated from digitally recorded calls. Tadpoles were collected in the field for description in the lab, and an adult was collected for karyotyping. Data on seasonal activity were gathered monthly from November 2005 to November 2007. All tadpoles (N  =  21), juveniles (N  =  18), and adults (N  =  52) were found exclusively in streams. Reproduction, as identified by calling frogs, occurred from July through November. Frogs call all day long, but mostly at dusk, from rock crevices inside the stream edges near the splash zone. The call is short and loud, with 11 pulsed notes, of 491–641 ms, with a dominant frequency of 0.98–1.39 kHz. We describe the exotrophic and semiterrestrial tadpoles, always found in constantly humid vertical rock walls in the stream. Tadpoles of C. lutzorum are recognized by differences in labial tooth row formula, eye diameter, body shape, position of nares, and development of tail. Like congeneric species, the karyotype of C. lutzorum comprises 26 metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. Cycloramphus lutzorum is restricted to and adapted for living in fast flowing streams, many of which are threatened by deforestation, pollution, and habitat loss. Therefore, we recommend the status of C. lutzorum be changed from its current “Data Deficient” to “Near Threatened (NT)” in the IUCN species red list.
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Natural History of the Lutz’s Frog Cycloramphus lutzorum Heyer, 1983
(Anura: Cycloramphidae) in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Description of
the Advertisement Call, Tadpole, and Karyotype
´M. X. LIMA,
Programa de Po
˜o em Ecologia e Conservac¸a
˜o, Universidade Federal do Parana
´, Curitiba, Parana
´, Brazil
Departamento de Zoologia e Bota
ˆnica, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Sa
˜o Jose
´do Rio Preto, Sa
˜o Paulo, Brazil
Departamento de Gene
´tica, Universidade Federal do Parana
´, Curitiba, Parana
´, Brazil
Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Sa
˜o Paulo, Sa
˜o Paulo, Brazil
ABSTRACT.—We describe the advertisement call, tadpole, karyotype, and additional information on the
natural history of Cycloramphus lutzorum from southern Brazil. Sonograms were generated from digitally
recorded calls. Tadpoles were collected in the field for description in the lab, and an adult was collected for
karyotyping. Data on seasonal activity were gathered monthly from November 2005 to November 2007. All
tadpoles (N=21), juveniles (N=18), and adults (N=52) were found exclusively in streams. Reproduction, as
identified by calling frogs, occurred from July through November. Frogs call all day long, but mostly at dusk,
from rock crevices inside the stream edges near the splash zone. The call is short and loud, with 11 pulsed
notes, of 491–641 ms, with a dominant frequency of 0.98–1.39 kHz. We describe the exotrophic and
semiterrestrial tadpoles, always found in constantly humid vertical rock walls in the stream. Tadpoles of C.
lutzorum are recognized by differences in labial tooth row formula, eye diameter, body shape, position of
nares, and development of tail. Like congeneric species, the karyotype of C. lutzorum comprises 26
metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. Cycloramphus lutzorum is restricted to and adapted for living
in fast flowing streams, many of which are threatened by deforestation, pollution, and habitat loss.
Therefore, we recommend the status of C. lutzorum be changed from its current ‘‘Data Deficient’’ to ‘‘Near
Threatened (NT)’’ in the IUCN species red list.
The genus Cycloramphus is endemic to the
Atlantic Forest and comprises 26 species (Ver-
dade and Rodrigues, 2008; Frost, 2009; Socie-
dade Brasileira de Herpetologia, 2009) that
inhabit leaf litter and fast flowing streams of
mountainous forests in eastern Brazil (Heyer,
1983a,b, 1988; Verdade and Rodrigues, 2003).
Although some information on taxonomy,
biogeography, and speciation are available
(Heyer and Maxon, 1983; Verdade, 2005), most
species are virtually unknown (Bokermann,
1951; Heyer, 1983a; Verdade, 2005; Lingnau et
al., 2008). Two ecomorphological species groups
are recognized in the genus in which one
inhabits forest litter and the other inhabits
streams (Verdade, 2005). The forest litter species
deposit their eggs in humid habitats, with
endotrophic tadpoles that complete their devel-
opment in terrestrial environments (Heyer and
Crombie, 1979; V. K. Verdade, J. Cassimiro, L.
Duarte, and M. T. Rodrigues, unpubl. data). The
stream species deposit their eggs on rocks and
logs at the splash zone, and tadpoles are
exotrophic, completing their development feed-
ing on humid rocks, out of water (Lutz, 1929;
Heyer, 1983a; Giaretta and Cardoso, 1995;
Giaretta and Facure, 2003). Five taxonomic
groups have been recognized for Cycloramphus
(Heyer, 1983a): the bolitoglossus and eleuthero-
dactylus species groups are forest litter species,
whereas the ohausi,granulosus, and fuliginosus
groups are stream species. Cycloramphus lut-
zorum belongs to the fuliginosus group. These
groups were defined based on overall similarity
and, except for ohausi, were considered non-
monophyletic based on morphology (Verdade,
Cycloramphus lutzorum was found in fast
flowing streams in areas of sharp relief in the
states of Sa
˜o Paulo and Parana
´, Brazil, with a
single dubious record for the state of Rio de
Janeiro (Heyer, 1983a). The species is known
from few places in Parana
´State, and no other
report was made since the species was de-
scribed (Heyer, 1983a; Segalla and Langone,
2004). Neither the advertisement call nor the
tadpole of C. lutzorum are known, and the lack
of natural-history data rendered the classifica-
tion of the species as Data Deficient (DD) in
worldwide (IUCN, 2009) and regional (Segalla
and Langone, 2004) lists of threatened species.
Additionally, populations of some species of
Cycloramphus have crashed, similar to global
Corresponding Author. E-mail: andremxlima@
Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 360–371, 2010
Copyright 2010 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
declines in many other species (Eterovick et al.,
2005; Verdade et al., 2009). Thus, data on the
natural history of C. lutzorum are even more
urgent to understand both its ecology and its
conservation needs.
Here, we describe data collected near Mor-
retes, in the southern Brazilian state of Parana
where we studied C. lutzorum and gathered
information on reproduction, male vocaliza-
tions, and tadpoles. Additionally, we describe
the karyotype structure for the species.
Study Area.—After the first record in Septem-
ber 2005, we searched for individuals between
100 and 550 m a.s.l. in the Brejamirim Stream
(25u35926.570S, 48u48954.090W), a tributary of
Sagrado River, municipality of Morretes,
´, southern Brazil. Specimens were found
only between 200 and 300 m a.s.l. The area is
approximately 150 km south of the species’ type
locality (Iporanga municipality, state of Sa
Paulo; Fig. 1). The entire region is within
mountainous area of the Atlantic Forest Domain
(Ab’Saber, 1970). The Brejamirim Stream is 3–
10 m wide with 20–25uincline under a closed
canopy, with occasional waterfalls and rapids.
Data Collection.—In a 100-m stretch of the
stream, we systematically searched for frogs
from November 2005 throughout November
2007 every 2–3 days each month. We actively
searched for individuals under rocks and in
crevices (inside the stream edges; total of 550
person h
), as well as on the dry ground and in
the vegetation near the stream (outside the
stream edges; total of 400 person h
). Searches
were conducted by one or two people from
0800–1200 h and 1400–2300 h. For each speci-
men found, we identified males by their calls or
inguinal glands and females by observing eggs
through the body or lack of inguinal glands
FIG. 1. Map showing the location of the study area and of the type locality for Cycloramphus lutzorum.
(Heyer, 1983a). At each encounter, we described
the location in which the individual was found,
such as what the site was made of (e.g., sand,
rock, litter) and how exposed it was (frogs were
uncovered, partially hidden or totally hidden in
rock crevices). We avoided multiple counting of
the same individual by marking the location of
each site each day. Voucher specimens were
fixed in 10%formalin and preserved in 70%
alcohol and deposited in the herpetological
collections of Museu de Zoologia da Universi-
dade de Sa
˜o Paulo (MZUSP 135281–135282) and
Museu de Histo
´ria Natural Capa
˜o da Imbuia in
Curitiba (MHNCI 6588).
We check for variation in the daily vocal
activity of the males through the breeding
season (daily calling rate). We recorded vocal
activity at 10 points evenly spaced along the
100-m transect. These points were visited twice
each month from August through November
2007, 1400–2300 h. During each count, we
remained at each point for 5 min and noted
the time of each vocalization heard during that
interval. Then, we walked to the next point and
within 5 min initiated the count at that point.
Advertisement Call.—Advertisement calls
(sensu Wells, 1977) were recorded with a Sony
DSH2 digital recorder and an external micro-
phone Sennheiser MKE 300 positioned 40 cm
from the calling male. We recorded air temper-
ature with a digital thermometer to the nearest
0.1uC for each call. Advertisement calls were
analyzed using Raven Lite 1.0, with a 22 kHz
sampling frequency, FFT and frame length of
256 samples, 75%contrast, and 75%brightness.
Acoustic parameters include call type, call
length (ms), interval between calls (sec), and
number of notes per call, fundamental and
dominant frequencies (kHz), peak sound level
(dB), frequency modulation, and call structure
following Abrunhosa et al. (2005).
Tadpole Description.—Tadpoles were collected
by hand on humid rocks in the stream and
identified as Cycloramphus if they displayed the
following characteristics: semiterrestrial, ab-
dominal flap restricted to the posterior region
(Bokermann, 1965; Heyer, 1983a). The only
species found at the stream in the genus was
C. lutzorum, and the color patterns of tadpoles at
late stages of development and of metamorphs
matched those of adults. Tadpole description
was based on specimen MZUSP 139310, where-
as variation was examined in a series of seven
tadpoles and three metamorphs (MZUSP
139309 series) preserved in 10%formalin. Stages
followed Gosner (1960), and morphological
terminology followed Altig and McDiarmid
(1999) and Altig (2007), except for the interor-
bital diameter, which we measured as the
distance between the eyes (Nascimento and
Skuk, 2006).
Fourteen variables were measured: total
length (TL); body length (BL); greatest body
width (GBW, measured behind the eyes in
dorsal view); greatest body height (GBH,
measured at half BL); tail length (TAL); tail
musculature height (TMH); tail musculature
width (TMW); dorsal and ventral fin height
(DFH and VFH, measured at 6 mm from the
body terminus); internarial distance (IND);
interorbital distance (IOD); eye diameter (ED);
and length of the upper (UJS) and lower (LJS)
jaw sheaths. We also described the labial tooth
row formula (LTRF). Measurements using
digital calipers are in millimeters with 0.01 mm
precision for TL and BL. Other variables were
measured under stereoscopic microscopy with a
metric ocular. Illustrations were drawn using a
camera lucida. Larvae were compared with
those of other Cycloramphus when available in
literature (Heyer 1983a,b; Heyer et al., 1990) and
direct observation (see Appendix 1).
Karyotype.—Cytogenetic analyses were car-
ried out on one adult male. Mitotic metaphases
were obtained from bone marrow and liver,
after pretreatment in vivo with 0.01%colchicine
solution for at least 6 h, at 0.1 mL 10 g
weight (Baldissera et al., 1993). Standard stain-
ing was performed with 5%Giemsa solution
diluted in phosphate buffered saline (pH 56.8).
About 35 metaphases were available for analy-
sis, and the chromosomes were measured and
arranged following Levan et al. (1964).
Natural History.—Cycloramphus lutzorum was
the only species in the genus found at the study
site. Other frogs found along the stream
included Vitreorana uranoscopa (Centrolenidae)
and Hylodes heyeri (Hylodidae). A total of 52
adults (39 males, 2 females, and 11 of unknown
sex) and 18 juveniles of C. lutzorum was
observed. Adults and juveniles were always
found along the stream, on rocks (N520) or in
rock crevices (N539). Juveniles were also
found among foliage between rocks (N511) in
the stream. No individuals were found outside
the stream edges. Tadpoles were always found
near to seven call sites in constantly humid
vertical rock walls in the stream (N521).
Breeding Biology.—The earliest record for a
gravid female was 16 July 2007 (1 August 2006).
Males vocalized from late July (23 July 2006 and
18 July 2007) through November (15 November
2006 and 21 November 2007). Tadpoles were
found from October to January and juveniles
from November through March (Table 1). We
362 A. M. X. LIMA ET AL.
found frogs at any time of day or night. Daily
calling rate remained constant throughout the
breeding season (F
50.72, P.0.05), but
vocalizations were most common at dusk (1800–
1900 h; Fig. 2).
Advertisement Call.—All calls were of a single
type, which sounded like a short and loud bark
of a dog (Fig. 3). The interval between calls is
approximately six seconds but usually is spo-
radic. The call comprises 11 pulsed notes,
lasting 491–641 ms, with a decrease in intensity
modulation, and the first four notes are of
higher frequencies (Fig. 3A, B). The fundamen-
tal frequency ranges between 0.50 and 0.65 kHz,
dominant frequency between 0.98 and 1.39 kHz,
and the peak sound level is 145.4 dB (Table 2).
The minimum and maximum frequencies are
0.50 and 2.00 kHz. The low frequency of the call
is similar to that of the noise made by running
water. However, harmonics are found at very
high frequencies (14–19 kHz; Fig. 3C).
Frogs call from the stream near the splash
zone in rock crevices, (N539), exposed near
the entrance of their refuge (N55), or
completely hidden (N534). We found frogs
calling in 14 places along the 100 m, of which
eight were always occupied by frogs at each
count. Most of the sites (N512) were near to
the areas regularly splashed but not submerged
by the stream water (the ‘‘splash zone’’).
Tadpole Description.—Tadpole bodies are de-
pressed (GBH/GBW 582%), elliptical in dorsal
and lateral views with greatest body width at
half body length. The snout is rounded in dorsal
and lateral views and eyes are dorsolateral, with
a very conspicuous superior meniscus on the
FIG. 2. Temporal variation in vocalization frequency from August through November 2007 in Morretes, state
of Parana
´, southern Brazil.
TABLE 1. Monthly distribution of breeding activities (indicated by an X) of Cycloramphus lutzorum in Morretes,
state of Parana
´, Brazil, between November 2005 and November 2007.
Activity Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Female with eggs X X X
Calling males X X X X X
Tadpoles X X X X
Juveniles X X X X X
iris (seen at Stage 29 in our series), dorsolateral
nares half way between the anterior border of
the eyes and snout tip, with round apertures.
No spiracular tube with a single and inconspic-
uous spiracular aperture. The abdominal flap
extends posteriorly along the body, with a
medial vent, difficult to see under the abdom-
inal flap. Long, rounded, muscular tail (TAL/
TL 50.75), with symmetrical tail myomeres and
tail fin lower than body height (DFH +VFH/
FIG. 3. Oscillogram (A) and audiospectrogram (B) of the advertisement call of Cycloramphus lutzorum
(MHNCI 6588, SVL 543.1 mm, air temperature: 17uC), Morretes, state of Parana
´, Brazil. (C) Audiospectogram of
the advertisement call of C. lutzorum (MHNCI 6588, SVL 543.1 mm, air temperature: 17uC) and of the constant
noise from the stream, analyzed with 0%contrast, 50%brightness, in southern Brazil. Note that the frequency of
the call are within the range of water noise (0–10 kHz), but a harmonic structure appears at high frequencies
rates (15–19 kHz).
364 A. M. X. LIMA ET AL.
MTH 50.4), parallel to tail musculature and
restricted to distal half of tail. The origin of the
dorsal fin is slightly posterior to that of the
ventral. The oral disc is transversally elliptical,
about 65%of GBW, ventral, with lateral emargi-
nation and marginal papillae in a uniserial row.
The anterior labium has six papillae approxi-
mately 0.09 mm in diameter, separated by a wide
dorsal gap. The posterior labium has small and
conical marginal papillae approximately 0.03 mm
in diameter and uniformly distributed with no
gap. LTRF is 2(2)/3. There is a symmetrical
interruption of the teeth line at the second row
but does not constitute a gap (Fig. 4D). Similar
interruption of the teeth line was found in two
other tadpoles of our series, one at Stage 30 and
other at Stage 37, and in the remainder, there is
no interruption. Each labial ridge has a single
row of labial teeth and the jaw sheath has a
strongly keratinized central area, chisel-like,
with serrations on superior and inferior borders.
In life, tadpoles are uniformly brown, with a
very conspicuous light middorsal ocellus, later-
ally the body is mottled with shades of brown;
the venter is unpigmented, and the tail has a
TABLE 2. Main acoustic parameters of the
advertisement call of Cycloramphus lutzorum in
Morretes, state of Parana
´, southern Brazil.
Behavior Mean 6SD
Call length (ms) 557 632.2 491–641 29/16
Number of notes
per call 11.1 60.3 10–12 29/16
Call interval (sec) 6.21 60.56 4.95–7.31 12/12
frequency (kHz) 0.58 60.05 0.51–0.65 29/16
Dominant frequency
(kHz) 1.14 60.19 0.98–1.39 29/16
Peak sound level
(dB) 145.4 69.1 134.3–155.8 29/16
FIG. 4. Lateral (A), dorsal (B), and ventral (C) views and oral disc (D) of the tadpole of Cycloramphus lutzorum
(MZUSP 139310, Morretes, state of Parana
´) by V. K. Verdade. Gosner Stage 36; Total length (TL) 526.23 mm.
series of light dorsal ocelli. In preservation, the
general pattern is the same, but the middorsal
ocellus is less evident. Snout–vent length (SVL)
of metamorphs are no longer than 140 mm (SVL
108 626 mm, N53). In preservation, the
dorsum, hands, thighs, and shanks are yellow-
brownish with dark brown spots. The middor-
sal ocellus on tadpoles turns into a light yellow-
brown spot in juveniles and is also present in
adults. The general color pattern observed in
juveniles is very similar to that of adults, except
for more contrasting colors and absence of
white spots on belly (present in adults). Mea-
surements of larvae are summarized in Table 3.
Karyotype.—The karyotype of C. lutzorum is
2n 526 with all chromosomes biarmed and the
fundamental number (FN) 552. Pairs 1 and 5–
13 are metacentric and pairs 2–4 are submeta-
centric. The first five pairs are large; pair 6 is
somewhat smaller, and the remaining seven
pairs are all small (Fig. 5).
Cycloramphus lutzorum is clearly associated
with fast flowing streams, as is the case of
species in the Cycloramphus fuliginosus group
(Heyer, 1983a; Heyer and Maxon, 1983), but C.
lutzorum might be restricted to the fast flowing
sections of small and shadowy streams. Cyclo-
ramphus lutzorum was the only species in the
genus found throughout this study and proba-
bly the only species in this stream. Sympatry
has been found among Cycloramphus species but
not syntopy (Heyer et al., 1990). Cycloramphus
boraceiensis and Cycloramphus semipalmatus have
both been found at the Boraceia Biological
Station, but C. boraceiensis is found amid large
wet rock exposures, whereas C. semipalmatus is
found along small streams in the forest and only
in Sa
˜o Paulo State (Heyer et al., 1990).
Breeding Biology.—The breeding biology of C.
lutzorum is associated with the stream habitat.
We classify C. lutzorum as reproductive mode 19
(Haddad and Prado, 2005). The reproductive
season is long (sensu Wells, 1977) and begins
earlier than that of most anuran species of the
region (Abrunhosa and Wogel, 2004; Kokubum
and Giaretta, 2005; Toledo and Haddad, 2005;
Conte and Rossa-Feres, 2007). Cycloramphus
lutzorum begins breeding in the southern cool
and dry winter. Stream species of Cycloramphus
TABLE 3. Body measurements (mm) taken from Cycloramphus lutzorum tadpoles Gosner Stage 29–44. Gosner
Stage 30 (N53) mean and SD are presented. For abbreviations, see Materials and Methods. If blank, the
structure was not comparable to other stages.
Tadpole: MZUSP 139310 MZUSP 139309 (series)
Stage: 36 29 30 37 38 43 44
TL 26.23 22.52 24.67 60.20 29.66 30.26 26.87 25.75
BL 6.59 5.46 5.62 60.03 6.85 6.85 7.62 8.10
GBW 4.06 3.17 3.06 60.04 4.12 4.56
GBH 3.36 2.14 2.08 60.09 2.58 2.86
TAL 19.64 17.06 19.05 60.23 22.82 23.41 19.25 17.66
TMH 2.19 1.75 1.84 60.05 2.03 2.25 2.12 1.59
TMW 1.90 1.68 1.68 60.02 2.25 2.32 1.98 2.25
DFH 0.54 0.10 0.19 60.05 0.44
VFH 0.41 0.06 0.35 60.04 0.60
IND 1.17 0.98 1.08 60.03 1.14 1.11 1.05 1.05
IOD 2.95 2.29 2.29 60.03 3.02 3.08 3.52 3.37
ED 1.17 0.95 0.98 60.02 1.27 1.37 1.21 1.21
UJS 0.32 0.22 0.32 60.02 0.38 0.41
LJS 0.48 0.32 0.35 60.01 0.41 0.38
FIG. 5. Conventional Giemsa-stained karyotype of a male Cycloramphus lutzorum (MHNCI 6588). Scale bar 5
10 mm.
366 A. M. X. LIMA ET AL.
have long breeding seasons, but they may vary
among species. For example, C. boraceiensis and
C. semipalmatus breed from October to March
(Heyer et al., 1990), whereas Cycloramphus
dubius breed throughout the year (Giaretta and
Cardoso, 1995). Perhaps the stream environ-
ment is less variable in temperature and
humidity and, therefore, is more favorable for
reproduction throughout the year (Afonso and
Eterovick, 2007). An important limiting factor
for reproduction may be the heavy rains in the
summer, which inundate the streams. Here,
breeding ended in November, and heavier rains
usually begin in December and last until March.
Calling Activity and Calling Sites.—Cycloram-
phus lutzorum can be active throughout the day
and night, whereas most species of the genus
are usually nocturnal (Heyer, 1983a). Both C.
dubius (Giaretta and Cardoso, 1995) and C.
boraceiensis (Hartmann et al., 2003) were report-
edly active during the day as well. Perhaps
activity patterns are less fixed than previously
thought and the reported patterns are caused by
observer bias.
Frogs seem to choose specific places to call
perhaps because of protection and humidity for
safe reproduction. The call site might be a
locally and regionally limiting factor and
optimal sites seem to be relatively uncommon
in the study area and may be restricted to a
certain slope angle and water flow (Heyer,
1983a). Frogs seem to be territorial in that they
often return to, or remain at, specific locations
and aggressive behaviors (biting and grasping)
have been observed. However, marking indi-
viduals is necessary to examine territoriality. In
a brief census, the greatest number of males
calling simultaneously was 10 (maximum den-
sity of 0.08 60.02 male m
). Limited avail-
ability of sites may explain territorial and
aggressive behavior in the species. Additionally,
territories may be used for more than one
reproductive event at a time (Giaretta and
Cardoso, 1995; Giaretta and Facure, 2003). These
patterns, and the low density of males, would
suggest territoriality.
Advertisement Call.—The advertisement call of
C. lutzorum shares some traits with other stream
species of Cycloramphus, such as the pulses and
low frequency (Heyer and Mello, 1979; Heyer,
1983a; Haddad and Sazima, 1989; Giaretta and
Cardoso, 1995). Despite similarities, the adver-
tisement call of C. lutzorum is easily distin-
guished from that of C. boraceiensis,Cycloram-
phus brasiliensis,Cycloramphus izecksohni,
Cycloramphus rhyakonastes, and C. semipalmatus
by the call type (Heyer, 1983a); and from these
and Cycloramphus bolitoglossus,C. dubius,Cyclo-
ramphus eleutherodactylus,Cycloramphus faustoi,
Cycloramphus juimirim,Cycloramphus ohausi, and
Cycloramphus valae by the call length, call
modulation, and dominant frequency (Table 4).
The low frequency calls as C. lutzorum are in the
same range of running water, but the harmonics
at higher frequencies may be important as an
acoustic adaptation for living in noisy environ-
ments, similar to the high frequency trills of
stream species in the genus Hylodes (Vielliard
and Cardoso, 1996; Lingnau and Bastos, 2007)
and other stream frog species (Dubois and
Martens, 1984). Continued study of sound
dynamics in noisy environments is necessary
to understand the evolution of vocal communi-
cation in species of frogs associated with fast-
flowing streams.
Tadpole.—The tadpole of C. lutzorum is semi-
terrestrial (following Altig and Johnston, 1989).
Semiterrestrial tadpoles are known today only
for species in the genera Cycloramphus,Thoropa
(Cycloramphidae), and Petropedetes (Ranidae)
(McDiarmid and Altig, 1999). The semiterrestri-
al tadpoles of C. lutzorum are easily recognized
and separated from terrestrial endotrophic
larvae, in similar stages, of the leaf litter species
of Cycloramphus (Heyer, 1983a; V. K. Verdade,
unpubl. data) by larger total body length; longer
tail; tail fins conspicuous at posterior half of tail
(restricted to a dermal ridge in leaf litter
dwellers Cycloramphus, e.g., Cycloramphus stejne-
geri), no yolk at Stage 36 (large amount
remaining in forest litter species), body de-
pressed in lateral view (elliptical in forest litter
dweller tadpoles), eyes located and oriented
dorsolaterally (oriented laterally in leaf litter
species), posterior abdominal flap (restricted to
medial lobes in leaf litter species), and well-
developed oral disc (reduced in leaf litter
Tadpoles of only five species of stream
Cycloramphus have been described (C. boraceien-
sis,C. brasiliensis,C. fuliginosus,C. izecksohni
under C. duseni, and C. valae; Heyer, 1983a,b),
and the larvae are morphologically very similar
and difficult to diagnose. Additionally, larvae of
different stages have been described making
comparisons difficult. We found differences in
labial tooth row formula (LTRF), eye diameter,
body shape, position of nares, and development
of ventral tail fin among the tadpoles of C.
lutzorum and those from other species of
Cycloramphus (Table 5).
We found inconsistencies regarding LTRF
reported for some species (C. boraceiensis; see
Table 5). We suggest that these inconsistencies
are caused by the interpretation of a gap
(present or absent) at the second tooth row on
the upper lip. We noted a gap that is very
narrow and visible only under stereomicro-
scope. All reports on the absence of a gap on the
second tooth row of the upper lip Cycloramphus
TABLE 5. Comparative morphology of the tadpoles of stream Cycloramphus species. Characters were summarized from literature (1 5Heyer, 1983a; 2 5Heyer et al.,
1990; and 3 5Heyer, 1983b) and direct observation of tadpoles in this study (Appendix 1). Question marks indicate character not mentioned in literature; asterisks
indicate detailed discussion in the text. BS 5body shape; DES 5distance between eyes and snout; DO 5direct observation; LTRF 5labial tooth row formula. For other
abbreviations, see Materials and Methods. The dashes (–) indicate the information was not available.
Species Source Stage
(%of TL)
(%of BL)
of nares Abdominal flap Spiracle Vent tube Ventral tail fin LTRF
lutzorum DO 36 26.2 23 both
15 both at half
shallowly bilobed
or not
both small both
both at the
distal half
DO 43 26.9 31 20
boraceiensis 1, 2 42 27.2 23 18 half DES not visible absent 2(2)/3,
DO 37 30.7* 23 elliptical depressed 22 half DES bilobed small not visible distal third 2/3*, 2(2)/
brasiliensis 1 41 37.5 25 depressed 17 half DES bilobed very small not visible distal half 2/3(1)
fuliginosus 1 41 43.5 19 depressed 12 small median distal half 2/3
izecksohni 1, 3 41 32.0 23–28 13–18 shallowly bilobed
or not
very small median distal half 2/3
DO 34–42 22.0–28.9 26–29 elliptical very
12–16 closer to eyes distal fourth 2(2)/3(1)
valae 3 36 29.3 24–29 – – 16–19 half DES shallowly bilobed not visible – distal half 2(2)/3(1)
DO 35 26.4 25 oval depressed 16 half DES small median distal third 2(2)/3(1)
TABLE 4. Comparison of some of the parameters of the advertisement call for 13 species of Cycloramphus. Call type (Heyer 1983a): A 5single pulse; B 5several pulses;
C5pulses organized into three notes. If blank, information was not available.
Species Taxonomic group Ecomorph group Call type Call length (sec)
Dominant frequency (Hz)
ReferencesRange Peak
lutzorum fuliginosus Stream B 0.05–0.06 980–1,390 1,140 This study
bolitoglossus bolitoglossus Litter B 3.95–4.48 1,320–2,440 Lingnau et al., 2008
boraceiensis fuliginosus Stream A 0.03–0.06 500–3,500 2,300 Heyer, 1983a; Heyer et al., 1990
brasiliensis fuliginosus Stream C 1.0 1,600–1,800 1,700 Heyer, 1983a
dubius fuliginosus Stream B 0.2 1,200–3,100 Giaretta and Cardoso, 1995
eleutherodactylus eleutherodactylus Litter B 4.04–4.34 800–2,200 Brasileiro et al., 2007
faustoi eleutherodactylus Litter B 2.53–4.17 900–2,200 Brasileiro et al., 2007
izecksohni fuliginosus Stream A 0.02 1,400–3,000 Heyer, 1983a
juimirim fuliginosus Stream B 0.4–0.7 1,200–1,700 Haddad and Sazima, 1989
ohausi ohausi Stream B 1.76 750–1,100 910 Heyer, 1983a
rhyakonastes fuliginosus Stream A 0.04 1,300–2,200 1,850 Heyer, 1983a
semipalmatus fuliginosus Stream A 0.02–0.04 200–5,000 800–1,500 Heyer, 1983a; Heyer et al., 1990
valae granulosus Stream B 1.3–1.9 1,250–2,250 Heyer, 1983b
368 A. M. X. LIMA ET AL.
should be considered with caution. However,
the gap, or lack thereof, at the first tooth row on
lower lip of tadpoles of Cycloramphus is real, and
the variation may be intraspecific. Based on our
observations and the study of illustrations
available in literature (Lutz, 1929; Bokermann,
1951; Heyer, 1983a; Heyer et al., 1990), we
believe that the LTRF of stream dweller species
of Cycloramphus is conservative and typically
2(2)/3 or 2(2)/3(1).
Karyotype.—The diploid chromosome number
(2n 526) in C. lutzorum is in agreement with
that previously found for all other Cycloramphus
species (Silva et al., 2001, and references
therein), and it is shared by other species in
the family Cycloramphidae (for review see
King, 1990; Kuramoto, 1990). An interesting
finding is related to the variation of chromo-
some fundamental number (FN) among species.
Cycloramphus boraceiensis,C. dubius, and C.
eleutherodactylus all have FN 550, whereas
Cycloramphus acangatan,Cycloramphus asper,C.
lutzorum, and C. fuliginosus have FN 552 (Silva
et al., 2001; Amaro-Ghilardi, 2005). It is not yet
clear how the FN is related to the Cycloramphus
taxonomic groups (Heyer, 1983a). Rearrange-
ments, such as pericentric inversions, seem
implicated in the chromosomal evolution of this
group, but translocations are also a possibility
(Amaro-Ghilardi, 2005).
Conservation.—The close association of C.
lutzorum with fast-flowing streams probably
reduces the recovery capability of the species
when anthropogenic habitat modifications occur.
The elevation range of the species (200–300 m
a.s.l.) is in a region of actual and potential intense
human occupation. At the study site and sur-
roundings, the main threats for the species are
habitat degradation from clear cutting of stream
margin vegetation, water contamination, and
removal of rocks to build recreational pools in
the stream (AMXL, pers. obs.). The last might be a
common threat in the steep relief of the Atlantic
Forest, where natural pools in the streams are
enlarged by removing and relocating the rocks.
The major effect of this interference is habitat
degradation resulting from changes in the struc-
ture and number of suitable reproduction sites
and altering water flow. When we removed rocks
from a couple of calling sites, they were promptly
abandoned. Also, we suggest that suitable habitat
includes shade, which is almost always found
where the frogs occur. Also, anthropogenic
activities usually open up the canopy reducing
the shade, thereby changing microclimate.
We suggest that the limited habitat require-
ments, the low population density, the biology
of this species, and the status of decreasing
population (Heyer and Pimenta, 2004) warrant
it being classified as Near Threatened (NT). We
recommend further study, especially of repro-
ductive success, territoriality, dispersal ecology,
and call dynamics in noisy streams to better
understand conservation needs of this species.
Acknowledgments.—We acknowledge the Bra-
zilian National Institute of Natural Resources
(IBAMA), for research permit (license 10075-1).
We thank M. G. de Mello Leita
˜o Filho and C. H.
de Mello Leita
˜o for permission to work in their
area, to F. H. de Mello Leita
˜o for helping in the
fieldwork, to C. Castro-Mello and H. Zaher
from MZUSP and J. C. de Moura Leite from
MHNCI for loaning specimens under their care,
to M. T. Rodrigues for logistics at IBUSP and for
reading a earlier version of the manuscript, to R.
C. Amaro for sharing unpublished data, and to
F. F. Curcio who also read a first version of the
manuscript. We thank J. Stoike for the first
English revision, to the anonymous reviewers
that greatly improved the manuscript, and to J.
J. Roper, who critically reviewed the English
and offered suggestions for the improvement of
this manuscript. All specimens were treated
according to the scientific and ethical guide-
lines, proposed by the Brazilian National
Council of Veterinary and adopted by IBAMA.
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Accepted: 24 January 2010.
Additional Specimens Examined
Cycloramphus boraceiensis, Brazil, Sa
˜o Paulo, Sa
˜o: MZUSP 128256 (tadpoles).
Cycloramphus izecksohni, BR 280, 17 km from
Pirabeiraba: MZUSP 57773 (tadpoles).
Cycloramphus lutzorum, Brazil, Sa
˜o Paulo, 11 km
from Iporanga: MZUSP 57805 (holotype), MZUSP
57806–57808 (paratopotypes).
Cycloramphus mirandaribeiroi, Brazil, Parana
from Sa
˜o Joa
˜o da Graciosa on PR 410: MZUSP 57809
(holotype), MZUSP 57810–57814 (paratypes).
Cycloramphus rhyakonastes, Brazil, Parana
from Sa
˜o Joa
˜o da Graciosa on PR 410: MZUSP 57827
(holotype), MZUSP 57828–57859 (paratypes).
Cycloramphus stejnegeri, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro,
´polis: MZUSP 58582 (tadpoles).
Cycloramphus valae, Brazil, Sa
˜o Paulo, 10 km Itaim-
bezinho a Praia Grande: MZUSP 59282 (tadpole).
... Despite the unquestionable importance of acoustic descriptions, only 19 species of Cycloramphus (60% of the genus) have their vocalizations described: C. asper Werner 1899 (Heyer & Mello 1979); C. bandeirensis Heyer 1983(Verdade et al. 2019; C. bolitoglossus (Werner 1897) (Lingnau et al. 2008); C. boraceiensis Heyer 1983(Heyer & Mello 1979; C. brasiliensis (Steindachner 1864) (Heyer 1983b); C. carvalhoi (Izecksohn 1983) (Guimarães et al. 2013); C. cedrensis Heyer 1983(Heyer 1983a; C. dubius (Miranda-Ribeiro 1920) (Giaretta & Cardoso 1995); C. duseni (Andersson 1914) (Heyer 1983b); C. faustoi (Brasileiro et al. 2007); C. granulosus Lutz 1929 (Forti et al. 2019); C. izecksohni Heyer 1983(Heyer 1983bForti et al. 2019); C. juimirim (Haddad & Sazima 1989); C. lutzorum Heyer 1983(Lima et al. 2010; C. ohausi (Wandolleck 1907) (Heyer 1983b); C. parvulus (Girard 1853) (Forti et al. 2019); C. rhyakonastes Heyer 1983(Heyer 1983b; C. semipalmatus (Miranda-Ribeiro 1920) (Heyer et al. 1990); and C. valae Heyer 1983(Heyer 1983a. Of these, only C. granulosus and C. valae belong to C. granulosus species group. ...
... For most species of Cycloramphus genus, data on natural history is so far sparse (see Giaretta & Cardoso 1995;Lima et al. 2010;Maia-Carneiro et al. 2012a, 2012bNunes-de-Almeida et al. 2016;Verdade et al. 2019;de Sá et al. 2020) and for nine species data is only known from their type specimens (Pimenta et al. 2005;Frost 2023). Due to the absence of biological data and the scarcity of preserved specimens in collections, any information about this poorly known genus is important (Lingnau et al. 2008). ...
... − 43.892942°; 160 m), State of Rio de Janeiro (da Silva & Ouvernay 2012; Ouvernay et al. 2012). The species probably has low environmental plasticity, such as other Cycloramphus species (Brasileiro et al. 2007;Lima et al. 2010;Weber et al. 2011;Verdade et al. 2019). This assumption is made due to this species be restricted to waterfall areas of submontane ombrophilous forest, which makes all aspects of this ecosystem important for its conservation. ...
Full-text available
In anurans communities, vocalizations play a fundamental role in social interactions, being the most important behavioral modality of communication. Therefore, the description of acoustic signals is indispensable for understanding aspects of their evolutionary history. The Cycloramphus genus consists of 30 species allocated into five groups, of which only 19 have the vocalization described. Cycloramphus lithomimeticus is a small-sized frog belonging to the C. granulosus group. This poorly known species is associated with rock surfaces near waterfalls in Atlantic montane forests, restricted to the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Currently, it's classified as Near Threatened species category of IUCN and many aspects of its natural history remain unknown. Herein, we describe the advertisement call of C. lithomimeticus extending its known geographical distribution and providing additional data on the natural history of the species. We recorded and analyzed 44 calls from 10 males of C. lithomimeticus. The advertisement call of C. lithomimeticus consists of a single pulsed note with 0.3-0.8 sec of duration, emitted sporadically, with an interval between calls of 27.5-226.3 sec, composed by 7-17 pulses emitted at a rate of 18-26/sec, with a peak frequency of 2062.5-3000 Hz. After defining the correspondence between structures for systematic purposes , we made a comparative analysis determined by establishing homology connections with other species of the genus. According to our dominant frequency evolutionary reconstruction, an evolutionary increase in frequency mainly occurred in the C. lithomimeticus species lineage from an ancestral dominant frequency of 1500 Hz of the clade with C. eleutherodactylus species group, C. granulosus species group, and C. fuliginosus species group. This study contributes to our knowledge about the biology of C. lithomimeticus, and our results provide basic data for further acoustic, taxonomic and ecological studies in the genus Cycloramphus.
... Twenty-eight species are currently recognized for the genus Cycloramphus Tschudi, 1838. They are all endemic to the Atlantic Forest, on the eastern coast of Brazil (Verdade & Rodrigues, 2003;Weber et al., 2011;Frost, 2020), with species recorded from the State of Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul (Heyer, 1983a;Haddad & Sazima, 1989;Lingnau et al., 2008). Based on aspects of their natural history, reproduction, adult and tadpole morphology, Heyer (1983a) grouped these species into five phenetic groups, as follows: C. bolitoglossus, C. eleutherodactylus, C. fuliginosus, C. granulosus and C. ohausi groups. ...
... Based on aspects of their natural history, reproduction, adult and tadpole morphology, Heyer (1983a) grouped these species into five phenetic groups, as follows: C. bolitoglossus, C. eleutherodactylus, C. fuliginosus, C. granulosus and C. ohausi groups. Additionally, using data for natural history (microhabitat of egg laying), reproductive and developmental biology of a few species, the genus has been alternatively arranged into two groups, as suggested by Verdade (2005), and followed in more recent publications (e.g., Lima et al., 2010;Nunes-de-Almeida et al., 2016;Verdade et al., 2019). These two groups were designed to contain the species with exotrophic separated from those with endotrophic tadpoles. ...
... Most of the knowledge on larval morphology in the genus was gathered for species with exotrophic tadpoles, perhaps because they are easier to find, usually in the same spots that the adults are found. For the 28 recognized species of Cycloramphus, only ten have tadpoles known and described: C. bandeirensis Heyer , C. boraceiensis Heyer (Heyer, 1983a), C. brasiliensis (Steindachner) (Heyer, 1983a), C. fuliginosus Tschudi (Heyer, 1983a), C. izecksohni Heyer (Heyer, 1983a), C. lithomimeticus Da Silva & Ouvernay (Da Silva & Ouvernay, 2012), C. lutzorum Heyer (Lima et al., 2010), C. rhyakonastes Heyer (Nunes-de-Almeida et al., 2016), C. stejnegeri (Noble) (Heyer & Crombie, 1979) and C. valae Heyer (Heyer, 1983b). ...
Full-text available
A literature survey for the external morphology of tadpoles for species in the genus Cycloramphus Tschudi, 1838, which is mainly represented by larval descriptions, resulted in finding some inconsistent character descriptions. In a few cases, some of the information is either not presented or mistakenly reported; in some cases, the illustrations provided the information not present in the descriptions. Here in we use a sample of tadpoles of an insular population identified as Cycloramphus boraceiensis, present a description for it, compare it to the original larval description for this species, and using it as a model, present a comparative review of the other larval descriptions for Cycloramphus tadpoles. We evaluate that most of the mistakes we found in the literature are associated to the unique morphology of these semiterrestrial larvae and some of their seemingly adaptation to their microhabitats, which for the majority of the known species is a film of water running associated to or near streams.
... Ten Cycloramphus species have been investigated cytogenetically, and most of the available data are limited to conventional karyotype descriptions using C-banding and silver impregnation [5][6][7][8]. The diploid number (2n = 26) is conserved in all the species, with karyotypes that are generally composed of metacentric and submetacentric pairs. ...
... The diploid number (2n = 26) is conserved in all the species, with karyotypes that are generally composed of metacentric and submetacentric pairs. Little variation has been identified in the fundamental number (FN), with FN = 50 in C. boraceiensis Heyer, 1983, C. dubius (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920), C eleutherodactylus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920), and FN = 52 in C. lutzorum Heyer, 1983, C. fuliginosus Tschudi, 1838, C. acagatan Tschudi, 1838, C. brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1864), C. carvalhoi Heyer, 1983, C. rhyakonastes Heyer, 1983, and C. asper Werner, 1899 [5][6][7][8]. Pericentromeric inversions or translocations are the primary sources of karyotype variation in this group [5,7]. The inclusion of new chromosomal markers with a phylogenetic approach to the analysis of the cytogenetic characteristics of the genus Cycloramphus [9] should contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms of chromosomal evolution that have molded the karyotypes of this genus. ...
... The karyotype of C. bolitoglossus, described here, presents a highly conserved diploid number of 2n = 26 chromosomes, as reported previously in other cycloramphids [5][6][7][8]53]. Despite this conserved diploid number, interspecific variation in the fundamental number (FN = 50 or 52) indicates that intrachromosomal rearrangements may have played a central role in this genus chromosomal diversification. ...
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Cycloramphus bolitoglossus (Werner, 1897) is a rare species with a low population density in the Serra do Mar region of Parana´ and Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil. Currently, it has been assigned to the Near Threatened (NT) category in the Brazilian List of Endangered Animal Species. Here, we described the karyotype of this species for the first time and investigated the patterns of some repetitive DNA classes in the chromosomes using molecular cytogenetic approaches. We isolated, sequenced and mapped the 5S rDNA and the satellite DNA PcP190 of C. bolitoglossus, as well as mapped the telomeric sequences and seven microsatellites motifies [(GA)15, (CA)15, (GACA)4, (GATA)8, (CAG)10, (CGC)10, and (GAA)]10. Cycloramphus bolitoglossus has 2n = 26 chromosomes and a fundamental number (FN) equal to 52, with a highly conserved karyotype compared to other genus members. Comparative cytogenetic under the phylogenetic context of genus allowed evolutionary interpretations of the morphological changes in the homologs of pairs 1, 3, and 6 along with the evolutionary history of Cycloramphus. Two subtypes of 5S rDNA type II were isolated in C. bolitoglossus genome, and several comparative analysis suggests mixed effects of concerted and birth-and-death evolution acting in this repetitive DNA. The 5S rDNA II subtype “a” and “b” was mapped on chromosome 1. However, their different position along chromosome 1 provide an excellent chromosome marker for future studies. PcP190 satellite DNA, already reported for species of the families Hylidae, Hylodidae, Leptodactylidae, and Odontophrynidae, is scattered throughout the C. bolitoglossus genome, and even non-heterochromatic regions showed hybridization signals using the PcP190 probe. Molecular analysis suggests that PcP190 satellite DNA exhibit a high-level of homogenization of this sequence in the genome of C. bolitoglossus. The PcP190 satDNA from C. bolitoglossus represents a novel sequence group, compared to other anurans, based on its hypervariable region. Overall, the present data on repetitive DNA sequences showed pseudogenization evidence and corroborated the hypothesis of the emergence of satDNA from rDNA 5S clusters. These two arguments that reinforced the importance of the birth-and-death evolutionary model to explain 5S rDNA patterns found in anuran genomes
... The presence and development of the iris meniscus, the skin flap, spiracle, and reduced caudal fin are most obvious in tadpoles of Stages 33-38. Unfortunately, there is little information on the ontogeny and phenotypic variation in descriptions of tadpoles of Cycloramphus (e.g., Lima et al. 2010, Nunesde-Almeida et al. 2016. ...
... The advertisement calls of seven species of Cycloramphus were described after 1983; those of C. bolitoglossus (Lingnau et al. 2008), C. eleutherodactylus, C. faustoi (Brasileiro et al. 2007), C. juimirim (Haddad and Sazima 1989), and C. valae (Heyer 1983b) are long, Type-B calls. Although the advertisement call of C. lutzorum was described as Type B (Lima et al. 2010), it actually is Type A; the authors used a scale of milliseconds, giving the impression of a long note, but the note length is 0.05-0.06 s, as observed in C. boraceiensis, for example (Table 3). ...
... Characteristics of advertisement calls for species of Cycloramphus with formally described calls. Modified fromLima et al. (2010) and including C. bandeirensis. The call type followsHeyer (1983a). ...
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Rediscovering Cycloramphus bandeirensis (Anura: Cycloramphidae): natural history and breeding biology of a vulnerable species with a variant reproductive mode. We present here data on the breeding biology of Cycloramphus bandeirensis, including descriptions of the advertisement call and tadpole. Males call from beneath rocks in open grasslands above approximately 2,450 m a.s.l. at the Parque Nacional do Caparaó, southeastern Brazil. Breeding occurs from late October–December, when mist and clouds frequently cover the area. The advertisement call consists of a frst note, followed by two or three shorter ones. The spawn is hidden under rocks from which the males call, and the tadpoles are exotrophic and semiterrestrial. This report of a semiterrestrial tadpole that develops in seclusion in a terrestrial habitat is a variant of Reproductive Mode 19. We compared the ontogeny of the semiterrestrial tadpole of C. bandeirensis to that of generalized tadpoles, and a new function is ascribed to the skin fap that is present in larvae of Cycloramphus. It is suggested that C. bandeirensis be transferred to Vulnerable category (VU, d2) of IUCN; the species has a small geographic range (< 20 km2 ), specialized environmental requirements, is vulnerable, has phylogenetic affnities to species that consistently have undergone local population crashes in southeastern Brazil, and is subject to plausible potential threats in its range (e.g., fres and climate change).
... can be divided into aquatic and terrestrial breeding species according to their reproductive modes (Lutz 1947, Lutz 1948, Heyer 1983, Nunes-de-Almeida et al. 2021, Colaço and Silva 2022. In the first case, and the one exhibited by most species, females lay their eggs on wet rocks, rock crevices, or tree roots above water; tadpoles are exotrophic and semiterrestrial (e.g., Heyer 1983, Lima et al. 2010, Verdade et al. 2019, Nunes-de-Almeida et al. 2021), living on rocks or rock crevices in a water film or on the water-land interface (mode 17) (Nunes- de-Almeida et al. 2021). Colaço and Silva (2022) suggest that those tadpoles that stay in the water film until metamorphosis should be classified as "quasi-terrestrial", instead of "semiterrestrial". ...
... Heyer (1983) provided a simple description of the tadpole and the advertisement call. Later, Dias et al. (2021) et al. (2021) and Colaço et al. (2021) suggested the need for an extensive literature review of the larval characters of Cycloramphus species, once many of them are absent or were mistakenly reported, and new traits have been revealed to be important in the last decade (Lima et al. 2010, Da Silva and Ouvernay 2012, Verdade et al. 2019). Other authors also described additional, but anecdotal, information on the natural history of C. boraceiensis. ...
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Cycloramphus boraceiensis is an endemic frog of the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil. Although relatively easy to find and distributed over a well-sampled region in southeast Brazil, little is known about its natural history, breeding activity, and vocal repertoire. In the present study, we provide new information on pre-and post-hatching larval development, describe new traits of their advertisement calls, describe its aggressive call for the first time, and provide new data about adults’ and tadpoles’ defensive strategies. We found individuals on rocks on cascaded streams or within rocky crevices along streams inside forested habitats. Males concentrated their calling activity between 03:00 and 5:00 h and between 19:00 and 23:00 h. The aggressive call is shorter than the advertisement call and has greater variation in the number of pulses and emission rate. The eggs hatched at Gosner’s stage 25, after seven and eleven days of oviposition, and tadpoles took between eight and ten days to complete metamorphosis. This study contributes to the knowledge of the Flattened Waterfall Frog by filling natural history gaps that can be useful for species conservation and bringing attention to traits that still need further investigation, such as color plasticity and microhabitat selection.
... Semiterrestrial tadpoles spend most of their life out (or partially out) of water, inhabiting wet rock faces and rivulets (Altig & Johnston, 1989). Semiterrestriality appears to have evolved seven times in anurans, occurring in the following taxa (a) Cycloramphus Tschudi, 1838 and Thoropa Cope, 1865 (Cycloramphidae, South America; Bokermann, 1965;Caramaschi & Sazima, 1984;Cocroft & Heyer, 1988;Heyer, 1983aHeyer, , 1983bHeyer & Crombie, 1979;Lima et al., 2010;Moura et al., 2019;Nunes-de-Almeida et al., 2016;Silva & Ouvernay, 2012;Verdade et al., 2019), (b) Arthroleptides Nieden, 1911 andPetropedetes Reichenow, 1874 (Petropedetidae, Africa; Barej et al., 2010;Channing et al., 2002Channing et al., , 2012Drewes et al., 1989;Lawson, 1993), (c) Nothophryne Poynton, 1963 (Pyxicephalidae, Africa;Bitencourt-Silva et al., 2016;Conradie et al., 2018;Poynton & Broadley, 1985), (d) Ptychadena broadleyi Stevens, 1972 and Ptychadena mutinondoensis Channing & Willems, 2018 (Ptychadenidae, Africa;Channing & Willems, 2018;Stevens, 1972), (e) Sclerophrys perreti (Schiøtz, 1963) (Bufonidae, Africa;Channing et al., 2012;Onadeko et al., 2014;Schiøtz, 1963), (f) Nannophrys ceylonensis Günther, 1869 (Dicroglossidae, Asia;Kirstinghe, 1958), and (g) Indirana Laurent, 1986 andWalkerana Dahanukar et al., 2016 (Ranixalidae, Asia;Annandale, 1918;Gopalan et al., 2012;Modak et al., 2018;Padhye et al., 2014). The tadpoles of these distantly related lineages convergently evolved a set of phenotypic characters, such as a depressed body, ventral mouth, massive, well-keratinized and laterally compressed jaw sheaths, low fins, and strong, muscular, well-developed hind limbs (Altig & Johnston, 1989). ...
... External larval morphology has been described-although not always accurately or with properly defined characters-for approximately half of the species of Cycloramphidae, including both species of Zachaenus (Almeida- Lutz, 1944) and 10 of the 28 species of Cycloramphus (Heyer, 1983a(Heyer, , 1983bHeyer & Crombie, 1979;Lima et al., 2010;Nunes-de-Almeida et al., 2016;Silva & Ouvernay, 2012;Verdade et al., 2019). In Thoropa, assignation of tadpoles described is beyond doubt in four of the six species (Bokermann, 1965;Caramaschi & Sazima, 1984;Cocroft & Heyer, 1988;Moura et al., 2019). ...
en The evolutionary success of anurans can be partially explained by the occurrence of free-living larvae. Tadpoles occupy several distict habitats, including the terrestrial environment. Semiterrestriality appears to have evolved seven times in anurans, and tadpoles of distantly related lineages have converged in a set of phenotypic characters, such as a depressed body, ventral mouth, massive, well-keratinized and laterally compressed jaw sheaths, low fins, and well-developed hind limbs. The semiterrestrial tadpoles of the South American family Cycloramphidae remain poorly studied. In this work, we perform a comparative analysis of the external and internal morphology of these larvae, we comment on the systematic and evolutionary implications for the family, and finally, we discuss the convergent evolution of semiterrestrial tadpoles in anurans. We studied the external, buccopharyngeal, and musculoskeletal morphology of semiterrestrial tadpoles of 14 species of Cycloramphidae. These tadpoles are highly modified and present several character-states associated with semiterrestrial life. Most of them are unique and restricted to the family, such as the novel configuration of the muscles subarcualis rectus I, rectus abdominis, and levator arcuum branchialium III. We propose 13 new synapomorphies for Cycloramphidae and one for Thoropa. The presence of similar, homoplastic, character-states in all semiterrestrial tadpoles of unrelated phylogenetic lineages seems to suggest that these character-states are adaptations for semiterrestriality. Resumo pt O sucesso evolutivo dos anuros pode ser parcialmente explicado pela ocorrência de larvas de vida livre. Os girinos ocupam vários habitats distintos, incluindo o ambiente terrestre. A semiterrestrialidade parece ter evoluído sete vezes em anuros, e girinos de linhagens distantemente relacionadas apresentam uma série de caracteres fenotípicos convergentes, como corpo deprimido, boca ventral, lâminas mandibulares maciças, fortemente queratinizadas e comprimidas lateralmente, nadadeiras baixas e membros posteriores desenvolvidos. Entretanto, os girinos semiterrestres da família sul-americana Cycloramphidae permanecem pouco estudados. Neste estudo, fazemos uma análise comparativa da morfologia externa e interna dessas larvas, comentamos as implicações sistemáticas e evolutivas para a família e, por fim, discutimos a evolução convergente de girinos semiterrestres em anuros. Estudamos a morfologia externa, bucofaríngea e musculoesquelética de girinos semiterrestres de 14 espécies de Cycloramphidae. Esses girinos são altamente modificados e apresentam vários estados de caráter associados à vida semiterrestre. A maioria deles são estados únicos e restritos à família, como a nova configuração dos músculos subarcualis rectus I, rectus abdominis e levato arcuum branchialium III. Propomos 13 novas sinapomorfias para Cycloramphidae e uma para Thoropa. A presença de estados de caráter homoplásticos semelhantes em todos os girinos semiterrestres de linhagens filogenéticas não relacionadas parece sugerir que esses estados de caráter são adaptações para a semiterrestrialidade.
... Saxicolous Cycloramphus have eggs, larvae, and mating behaviors that are exposed to conspecific male competitors Verdade 2005;Maia-Carneiro et al. 2012), a condition that was likely shared by their common ancestor. Saxicolous environments are not only more exposed but offer limited suitable egg-laying sites in splash zones in the vicinity of waterfalls (Haddad and Sazima 1989;Lima et al. 2010;Silva and Ouvernay 2012). This resource limitation leads to intense competition for egg-laying sites and presumably favors larger males that have an advantage in antagonistic interactions. ...
Natural and sexual selection forces act on individuals and may lead to reproductive isolation. The increase in evolutionary modifications may lead to the emergence of new entities. Species is the basal unity in biology; thus, with its exuberant biodiversity, the Atlantic rainforest is a fundamental Neotropical forest for studies of evolutionary processes in anuran amphibians. Comprising the genera Cycloramphus, Thoropa, and Zachaenus, the family Cycloramphidae gathers saxicolous and terrestrial anuran species, all endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. Because of their specialized life and reproductive habits, cycloramphids are an attractive group for evolutionary studies. In the present thesis we show four chapters that address three distinct scales of evolution: the diversification among species, populations, and individuals. We goaled: (1) the multilocus molecular phylogeny of Cycloramphus- Zachaenus, demonstrating that the evolution of terrestriality in the clade is correlated with the sexual size dimorphism; (2) the phenotypic diversification associated with the genetic diversifications in populations of C. boraceiensis and C. dubius, demonstrating that these two saxicolous sister species show a contact zone and hybridization; (3) the promiscuous mating system and the social relations in C. boraceiensis, demonstrating that female and male sizes, and mate relatedness influence pair formation; and (4) the polygynic mating system with fidelity in the saxicolous species Thoropa taophora, extending the haremic system for all tetrapods.
... Tropical tadpoles occur in both lotic and lentic environments, which can be permanent or temporary (Lima et al., 2010;Borges Junior and Rocha, 2013). Lentic and semi-lentic environments, such as ponds, lakes and reservoirs, are important models in the study of ecological patterns of distribution and biodiversity (Srivastava et al., 2004;Both et al., 2011). ...
About 87% of the anuran species that occur in Brazil possess a larval stage, i.e., tadpoles. Throughout this stage of development, tadpoles are subject to predation and the conditions of their aquatic habitat, including environmental heterogeneity, physical and chemical properties of the water, and hydroperiod of the water body. We assessed the patterns of species composition and richness of tadpoles in permanent and temporary ponds, with the objective of evaluating how morphometric, physical and chemical factors of the ponds and environmental heterogeneity (surrounding vegetation and substrate cover and aquatic vegetation) affect anuran occupation of these environments. The study was performed in five permanent and four temporary ponds. Tadpoles of 20 anuran species differed in species composition between permanent and temporary environments. Environmental factors were significant drivers for tadpole richness: turbidity and dissolved oxygen were significantly related to richness in permanent ponds, while water temperature and pH were significantly correlated to richness in temporary environments. Higher species richness was related to the heterogeneity of the ponds and greater complexity associated with the stratification of the surrounding vegetation. In general, the results suggest that species sorting of tadpoles is probably related to the high environmental variation among permanent and temporary aquatic habitats. The spatial heterogeneity of these two types of environments increases local diversity by accommodating species that are unique to only one habitat type.
... Lutz 1944B. Lutz , 1954Bokermann, 1951;Heyer 1983a;Izecksohn 1983;Lima et al. 2010;Da Silva and Ouvernay 2012;Verdade et al. 2019) and in the leptodactylid genera Pleurodema Tschudi, 1838 (Cei 1969;Barrasso et al 2013) and Scythrophrys Lynch, 1971 (Cochran, 1953), the latter originally described as Zachaenus Cope, 1866 because the small protuberance in its eye was interpreted as a meniscus. A similar structure, referred to as "umbraculum", was later observed and described for other South American frogs (Basso et al. 2011;Nunez and Ubeda 2009;Vera Candioti et al. 2005;Volonteri et al. 2017). ...
We studied the morphology, development, and the terminology of a lobe over the iris present in three genera of South American cycloramphid frogs (Cycloramphus, Thoropa, and Zachaenus). This research is based on dissections and a macroscopic survey of the eyes of tadpoles, post-metamorphosed, and adults of all six species of Thoropa, nine species of Cycloramphus (3 with adults only, and 6 with tadpoles and adults), and Zachaenus parvulus and Z. carvalhoi (only adults). Because at least three distinctive names are associated with a similar lobe on the iris of frogs from different families, we also discuss the properties that guarantee the observed variations of the involved morphologies as homologues. Lastly, we discuss the possibility that structure present in Cycloramphidae may be the first morphological synapomorphy for the family.
Cycloramphus Tschudi is the most speciose genus in the family Cycloramphidae, including 30 species endemic to the Atlantic forest Domain in Brazil (Frost 2022). Species in the genus may be classified as saxicolous and terrestrial based on morphology and reproductive mode. Saxicolous are flat-bodied species, with granular skin, and interdigital web (Heyer 1983a), associated with fast-flowing streams in all life history phases. They lay eggs over humid rocks, logs, or crevices in the splash zone, from which semiterrestrial tadpoles hatch (McDiarmid & Altig 1999; Dias et al. 2021) that feed over humid rocks inside the stream or dripping rocky walls (Lutz 1929; Heyer 1983a, b; Haddad & Sazima 1989; Giaretta & Cardoso 1995; Giaretta & Facure 2003; Lima et al. 2010). The single exception to this pattern is C. bandeirensis Heyer 1983a, which share the morphology of adults and larvae, but lives terrestrially, away from streams, in the rocky fields of open high elevation grasslands of Caparaó National Park (Verdade et al. 2019).
Cycloramphus juimirim n.sp. is described from coastal southern Sao Paulo. -from Authors