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Estimating the Viability of a Reintroduced New Zealand Robin Population as a Function of Predator Control


Abstract and Figures

Wildlife managers often have a good understanding of the threats faced by populations, but they need to know the intensity of management required for populations to survive. Managers therefore need quantitative projections for populations under different management regimes rather than just qualitative comparisons. However, quantitative projections are subject to tremendous uncertainty, particularly for small populations monitored for short time spans. We assess the level of predator control needed for a reintroduced population of North Island robins (Petroica longipes) to grow, accounting for uncertainty associated with parameter estimation, model structure, and demographic stochasticity. The robin population grew when exotic rats were reduced to low levels (<10% of footprint tunnels tracked in 24 hr) by regular maintenance of poison bait stations. However, the population declined after baiting was stopped 3 years after the reintroduction (March 2002), and it had fallen to 4 pairs by September 2004. We created a simulation model incorporating relationships between vital rates (survival and fecundity) of the robin population and rat tracking rate estimated from 5 years of data. We ran the model 10,000 times at each rat tracking rate, with vital rates sampled from distributions (defined by estimates and standard errors) at the start of each run. Output from a deterministic model suggested that λ (finite rate of increase) would be >1 if rat tracking were <20%, and up to 1.2 with rat tracking at 1%. However, 95% confidence intervals for λ extended <1 at any tracking rate. With demographic stochasticity added, there was >20% probability of further decline in 5 years even when the expected λ was 1.2. With all forms of uncertainty included, 41% of simulations projected a further decline over 5 years if the rat tracking rate were 10%. This proportion was reduced to 30% if initial population size was increased to 20 pairs. Our analysis therefore showed it was most likely that the robin population would grow if intensive rat control were reinstated, particularly if the population was supplemented, but there was substantial risk the population would continue to decline under such management.
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Research Article
Estimating the Viability of a Reintroduced New Zealand
Robin Population as a Function of Predator Control
Wildlife Ecology Group, Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
ELIZABETH H. RAEBURN, Wildlife Ecology Group, Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
REBECCA M. LEWIS, Wildlife Ecology Group, Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
DON RAVINE, Department of Conservation, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Wildlife managers often have a good understanding of the threats faced by populations, but they need to know the intensity of management
required for populations to survive. Managers therefore need quantitative projections for populations under different management regimes
rather than just qualitative comparisons. However, quantitative projections are subject to tremendous uncertainty, particularly for small
populations monitored for short time spans. We assess the level of predator control needed for a reintroduced population of North Island robins
(Petroica longipes) to grow, accounting for uncertainty associated with parameter estimation, model structure, and demographic stochasticity.
The robin population grew when exotic rats were reduced to low levels (,10%of footprint tunnels tracked in 24 hr) by regular maintenance of
poison bait stations. However, the population declined after baiting was stopped 3 years after the reintroduction (March 2002), and it had fallen
to 4 pairs by September 2004. We created a simulation model incorporating relationships between vital rates (survival and fecundity) of the robin
population and rat tracking rate estimated from 5 years of data. We ran the model 10,000 times at each rat tracking rate, with vital rates sampled
from distributions (defined by estimates and standard errors) at the start of each run. Output from a deterministic model suggested that k(finite
rate of increase) would be .1 if rat tracking were ,20%, and up to 1.2 with rat tracking at 1%. However, 95%confidence intervals for k
extended ,1 at any tracking rate. With demographic stochasticity added, there was .20%probability of further decline in 5 years even when
the expected kwas 1.2. With all forms of uncertainty included, 41%of simulations projected a further decline over 5 years if the rat tracking rate
were 10%. This proportion was reduced to 30%if initial population size was increased to 20 pairs. Our analysis therefore showed it was most
likely that the robin population would grow if intensive rat control were reinstated, particularly if the population was supplemented, but there was
substantial risk the population would continue to decline under such management. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 70(4):1020–1027;
Key words
mainland islands, New Zealand, North Island robin, Petroica longipes, population viability, predator control, reintroduction,
tracking tunnels, uncertainty.
Population viability analysis (PVA) involves constructing models
that are used to assess survival prospects of populations (Reed et
al. 2002). The initial focus of PVA was to estimate the long-term
probability of extinction in small populations, taking into account
genetic, demographic, and environmental stochasticity (Shaffer
1981, Soule
´1987). This focus has shifted (Beissinger 2002) due to
the fact that many populations are faced with short-term driven
extinction rather than long-term stochastic extinction (Caughley
1994) and that the predictions of PVAs are subject to great
uncertainty, particularly when long time frames are considered
(Fieberg and Ellner 2000, Ellner et al. 2002). This uncertainty can
be acknowledged by keeping PVA projections to short time
frames and by using PVA to compare management strategies
rather than to estimate absolute probabilities of extinction
(Beissinger and Westphal 1998, Brook et al. 2002, Reed et al.
2002, McCarthy et al. 2003). However, restricting the role of
PVA to qualitative comparisons is often unsatisfactory for
managers. Managers may already know how they can reduce
threats to populations, but they need to know the intensity of
management required for the populations to persist.
The best approach for dealing with uncertainty is not just to
acknowledge it but to confront it, and this involves 2 processes.
First, PVA must be preceded by a sound analysis of the data,
allowing plausible models to be developed for the factors driving
vital rates and allowing uncertainty in model selection and
parameter estimates to be quantified (White 2000a, White et al.
2002). Second, PVA should produce a distribution of projections
for any management scenario, and these distributions should
account for uncertainty in model structure and parameter
estimates in addition to the uncertainty associated with stochas-
ticity (White 2000a, Taylor et al. 2002, Wade 2002).
Population projections can be summarized in terms of
probability of extinction or quasi-extinction, persistence time, or
population growth rate (Burgman et al. 1993). All can be difficult
to interpret, as extinction probability and persistence time both
depend on the initial population size, extinction probability
depends on the time frame, and growth rate depends on
population density. For reintroduced populations the finite rate
of increase, k, provides a good measure of initial viability, as
populations are usually reintroduced at low density and expected
to grow if conditions are suitable. Reintroduction sites are often
actively managed to redress the factors responsible for the
extirpation of the species, so the key question is whether the
population will grow (i.e., k.1) under any management regime.
In New Zealand, reintroduction or recovery of many native
species depends on management of exotic mammalian predators
(Clout 2001). Many reserves on the main islands now have
predator control programs, and these reserves are often termed
mainland islands (Saunders and Norton 2001). The term reflects
1020 The Journal of Wildlife Management 70(4)
the idea that it may be possible for managed mainland areas to
have dense native populations similar to those found on mammal-
free offshore islands. Unlike islands, however, unfenced mainland
areas are subject to continual reinvasion of predators, so predators
can only be controlled rather than eradicated. There is already
abundant evidence that predator control can improve survival and/
or reproduction of New Zealand bird species in mainland reserves
(James and Clout 1996, Innes et al.1999, Powlesland et al.1999,
Dilks et al.2003, Moorhouse et al. 2003). The relevant question is
not whether predator control is an appropriate management
strategy, but what level of control is needed to allow populations
to grow. This question can be addressed through an adaptive
management (Walters 1986) approach (i.e., by monitoring the
population under different levels of control and using the data to
predict the subsequent control needed).
Managers also need a tangible measure of the level of predator
control they are achieving. Footprint tracking tunnels are used
throughout New Zealand to monitor rodents and mustelids, and
tracking rates (proportion of tunnels tracked over 1–3 nights) are
used to assess the effectiveness of control programs targeted at
these mammals (Innes et al.1995). Exotic ship rats (Rattus rattus)
and mustelids appear to be the key predators of many native bird
species (Clout 2001). It would therefore be useful for managers to
know how low tracking rates need to be to allow reintroduced or
remnant populations to be viable.
We built a simulation model for the reintroduced North Island
robin (Petroica longipes) population at Paengaroa Mainland Island
and used it to assess the probability of growth and persistence at
different predator tracking rates. The population was ideal for this
purpose, as rat tracking rates had varied dramatically in the 5 years
after reintroduction and there were corresponding changes in the
vital rates of the robin population (Armstrong et al. 2006). The
reserve appeared to have good habitat for robins in terms of
vegetation structure, topography, and food availability (Raeburn
2001), and should have been able to support several hundred
robins in the absence of mammalian predators. We aimed to 1)
estimate the relationship between kand rat tracking rate; 2)
quantify the uncertainty in this relationship; 3) quantify
uncertainty due to demographic stochasticity, and therefore assess
the degree to which uncertainty could be reduced by increasing
the initial population size; and 4) obtain distributions for the
number of robins that would be present after 5 years with different
rat tracking rates, taking all these forms of uncertainty into
Study Area
Paengaroa Mainland Island (398390S, 1758430E) is a 101-ha forest
remnant 8 km southwest of Taihape in the south-central portion
of New Zealand’s North Island. At the time of the robin
reintroduction (Mar 1999), ship rats and brush-tailed possums
(Trichosurus vulpecula) were controlled using brodifacoum cereal
baits placed in 97 permanent bait stations. This baiting was
discontinued briefly in 1999, continued until March 2002, then
stopped again, resulting in marked changes in rat abundance over
the first 5 years after robins were reintroduced to Paengaroa.
Further details are given by Armstrong et al.(2006).
The North Island robin is a small (26–32 g), insectivorous, forest
passerine in the family Petroicidae. It is often considered a
subspecies of the New Zealand robin along with the South Island
robin (P. australis), but Holdaway et al. (2001) classified these as
separate species. North Island robins typically breed from
September to February (Armstrong et al. 2000, Powlesland et
al. 2000) and breed in monogamous pairs that occupy permanent
territories. Extra males are generally not involved in breeding,
although females may practice serial polyandry by switching
males between reproductive attempts (Armstrong et al.2000).
Extra females are often fertilized, but they receive no other help
from males and produce fewer young than paired females
(Armstrong et al.2006). Juveniles become independent about 4
weeks after fledging and are sexually mature by the start of the
next breeding season. Robins are highly susceptible to predation
by rats (Brown 1997, Powlesland et al. 1999) and probably by
other exotic mammals, and they are now absent from most of the
North Island. They were reintroduced to Paengaroa Mainland
Island in March 1999 when 40 robins were released there
(Raeburn 2001).
Data Collection and Analysis
We did tri-annual surveys of the Paengaroa robin population to
obtain survival data, and we monitored females throughout the
breeding season to obtain fecundity data. We measured fecundity
as the number of independent young produced per female, and we
usually color-banded birds when they reached independence (at
about 4 weeks of age). We ran tracking tunnels every 4 months to
monitor levels of rats and mustelids. However, mustelids rarely
tracked tunnels, so we only analyzed rat tracking rates. We
modeled functional relationships between the robin population’s
vital rates and the rat tracking rate (proportion of tunnels tracked).
We first nominated a set of candidate models, and we used
Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) to determine which models
best explained the data. We then used these models to estimate
the survival probability or mean fecundity expected at any tracking
rate and the standard errors associated with those estimates (Table
1; see Armstrong et al. [2006] for analyses). These functions
distinguish the survival rates of adult males, adult females, and
juveniles (from independence to start of the next breeding season),
and they distinguish the fecundity rates of paired versus unpaired
We also required a model for sex allocation (i.e., the probability
of a bird being male or female). The robins recruited into the
Paengaroa breeding population from 2000 to 2004 had a female-
biased sex ratio (13 F, 7 M). However, this proportion was not
significantly different from 0.5 (95%profile likelihood confidence
interval ranged from 0.43 to 0.84), and the proportion of females
in 221 robin recruits on Tiritiri Matangi Island from 1993 to 2004
(Armstrong and Ewen 2002; D. P. Armstrong et al., Massey
University, unpublished data) was extremely close to 0.5 (95%
profile likelihood CI ranges from 0.47 to 0.55). As we have no
reason to expect a greater proportion of female recruits at
Paengaroa, we assumed a probability of 0.5 for a recruit being
male or female.
Armstrong et al. Population Viability versus Predator Control 1021
Population Modeling
We constructed a discrete-time population model (Table 2) that
could be applied to any population where 1) animals form
breeding pairs, 2) animals are sexually mature adults by the start of
the next breeding season after they are born or hatched, 3) survival
and fecundity do not change with age once animals reach
adulthood, and 4) survival and fecundity are not density depend-
ent. The first 3 conditions clearly apply to North Island robins,
and analyses of 12 years of data from the robin population on
Tiritiri Matangi Island suggest that survival and fecundity are not
age related in adult birds (Armstrong and Ewen 2002, Armstrong
et al.2002;D.P.Armstrongetal.,MasseyUniversity,
unpublished data). We did not incorporate density dependence,
as density of the simulated populations always remained low (,1.1
birds/ha, compared to .4 birds/ha on Tiritiri Matangi [Arm-
strong and Ewen 2002]) over the time frames we considered.
Our model tracked the number of males and females alive at the
start of the breeding season. There was no age structure in the
model, as we considered all males or females alive at that time to
have the same survival probabilities and expected fecundity rates.
We wrote the model as a spreadsheet in MicrosofttExcel
(Microsoft Office Professional 2003; Microsoft, Redmond,
Washington), where each row represented a different calculation
done in a year (Table 2) and each column represented a different
year. This spreadsheet approach offers many advantages for
modeling wildlife populations, the most important being that the
workings of the model are completely transparent and can be
explained to managers (White 2000b). We parameterized the
model using the functions obtained from analysis of the Paengaroa
data (Table 1).
Deterministic model with no uncertainty.We first obtained
kvalues for different tracking rates assuming parameter estimates
(Table 1) were accurate and there was no demographic
stochasticity (see Deterministic Model in Table 1). We took k
to be the relative number of females from one year to the next
), as is conventional when females are the limiting sex
(White 2000b). If females are always paired, then kis given by
Table 1. Models for predicting vital rates of North Island robins as a function of rat tracking rate, Paengaroa Mainland Island, New Zealand.
Standard error
fpÞ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
pþ0:27 p
ð2:26 ^
0:09 p
ð2:26 ^
rlnðfpÞ;Normal lnð^
fuÞ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
uþ0:27 p
ð1:03 ^
þ0:001 0:09 p
ð1:03 ^
rlnðfuÞ;Normal lnð^
sfÞ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
qln sf
;Normal ln ^
¼0.64 SE(^
)¼0.065 ln sf
¼0.39 (A)
)¼0.049 ln sf
sjÞ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
qln sj
;Normal ln ^
See Armstrong et al. (2006) for analyses used to select appropriate models and estimate standard errors.
, mean number of independent young per pair; ^
, mean number of independent young per unpaired female;
, probability of an adult female surviving
1 yr;
, probability of an adult male surviving 1 yr;
, probability of a juvenile surviving from independence until the next breeding season; p, proportion of
tracking tunnels that are not tracked by rats in one night.
Used to incorporate uncertainty in vital rates when performing simulation modeling.
The juvenile survival model is ambiguous as these 2 models (A and B) have similar AIC weights when fitted to the data (Armstrong et al. 2006).
Table 2. Deterministic and stochastic models for projecting growth of North Island robin populations, Paengaroa Mainland Island, New Zealand.
Deterministic model
Stochastic model
No. breeding females F¼F
No. breeding males M¼M
No. pairs P¼min(M,F)P¼min(M,F)
No. unpaired females U¼FPU¼FP
No. juveniles produced J¼f
P), J
No. first-year birds alive next year R¼s
), s
No. first-year females alive next year F
;Binomial(R, 0.5)
No. first-year males alive next year M
No. older females alive next year F
No. older males alive next year M
Each row of the table corresponds to a row in a spreadsheet model, and the complete set of rows represents 1 yr.
Functions for calculating vital rates are shown in Table 1.
Includes demographic stochasticity in fecundity, survival, and sex allocation, but does not include environmental stochasticity.
1022 The Journal of Wildlife Management 70(4)
where ^
is the annual survival of adult females, ^
is the number of
independent young per pair, and ^
is survival from independence
to adulthood. If females outnumber males at any stage, kwill also
depend on ^
(i.e., the annual survival probability of adult males)
and ^
(i.e., the number of independent young per unpaired
female) and will change over time until the sex ratio stabilizes. We
reported the kvalues for stable sex ratios.
Uncertainty in parameter estimates and model structure.
To account for uncertainty in our estimates of vital rates, we
sampled each vital rate from a distribution (Table 1) at the start of
each run. We ran the model 10,000 times at each tracking rate to
generate a distribution for k(for discussion of this method, see
White 2000a, Taylor et al. 2002, and Wade 2002). We assumed
mean fecundity and survival probability to be log-normally
distributed and logit-normally distributed, respectively (Table 1).
We selected the transformed values using the Excel function
NORMINV(probability,mean,standard_dev), where probability is
a uniform random number from 0 to 1 (selected using the function
RAND()), and mean and standard_dev are the estimate and
standard error of the transformed value (shown in Table 1). We
then back-transformed the values selected to obtain the param-
eters used in the run.
Our analysis of juvenile survival data (Armstrong et al. 2006)
showed that it was ambiguous whether juvenile survival was
constant or declined with tracking rate (Table 1). We therefore
obtained distributions for kunder both juvenile survival models.
In contrast, there was unambiguous support for one adult survival
model and one fecundity model (Table 1), and we used these in all
Demographic stochasticity.We modified the spreadsheet
model to incorporate demographic stochasticity in survival, sex
allocation, and fecundity (Table 2). We sampled numbers of
survivors from the Binomial distribution using the function
maximum number, probability_s is the survival probability, and
alpha is a uniform random number from 0 to 1 (White 2000b).
We used the same function to determine the number of female
recruits, with probability_s set to 0.5. We sampled the total
number of independent young produced by paired or unpaired
females from the Poisson distribution using the Excel formula
ROUND(GAMMAINV(probability,alpha,beta)), where alpha is
the expected number based on the mean fecundity rate, and beta ¼
1 (the gamma distribution with b¼1 is a continuous analog to the
Poisson). We did not attempt to incorporate environmental
stochasticity, as it is impossible to estimate accurately from small
data sets (White 2000a), and its effects are swamped by
demographic stochasticity in small populations (Leigh 1981).
We initially ran the stochastic model using fixed values for vital
rates. This allowed us to assess the probability of the population
declining when kwas expected to be .1. Using 10,000 runs for
each tracking rate, we estimated the probability of the number of
females declining and the probability of the population becoming
extinct (0 M or 0 F) over a 5-year time frame. We first ran
simulations with an initial population of 4 males and 4 females,
the number present at the start of the 2004–2005 breeding season,
then did further simulations to assess the degree to which
uncertainty could be reduced by increasing population size.
Incorporating all forms of uncertainty.Our final step was to
simultaneously incorporate uncertainty due to demographic
stochasticity, parameter estimation, and model selection. For
these simulations, we incorporated ambiguity in the juvenile
survival model by randomly selecting 1 of the 2 models at the start
of each run using the RAND() function. The AIC
weights for
the 2 models were almost identical (Armstrong et al.2006), hence
the probability of either model being selected was 0.5 (this is a
form of model averaging and produces similar results to the
analytical method given by Buckland et al.1997). We used these
simulations to obtain a distribution for the number of females that
would be present after 5 years at any tracking rate, accounting for
all forms of uncertainty.
The Paengaroa robin population consisted of 18 birds (9 pairs) in
September 1999, at the start of first breeding season after
reintroduction (Fig. 1). The population had decreased to 11 birds
by September 2000, but it increased to 19 birds over the next 2
years when rats were at low levels. Rat tracking gradually increased
after brodifacoum baiting was stopped in March 2002, reaching
100%in September 2003, and there was a corresponding decline
in the robin population. The population consisted of 8 birds (4
pairs) in September 2004.
Deterministic calculations of ksuggest the rat tracking rate
needs to be less than approximately 20%for the population to
increase (i.e., for kto be .1). The ambiguity about the
appropriate juvenile survival model (Table 1) makes little differ-
ence to this calculation, as ^
k¼1.0 when tracking was 18%under
model A (where juvenile survival is constant) and when tracking
was 21%under model B (where juvenile survival declines as rat
tracking increases). However, model B predicted more generous
rates of increase when rat tracking was reduced to low levels (Fig.
2). For example, with tracking reduced to 1%, model B predicted
kto be 1.19, corresponding to a 138%increase in population size
over 5 years, whereas model A predicted kto be 1.08,
corresponding to a 47%increase over 5 years. The projected
Figure 1. Changes in the total population of North Island robins (black dots)
and number of females (white dots) in the 5 yr after reintroduction to
Paengaroa Mainland Island, New Zealand. Points show the numbers of birds
known to be alive at the start of each breeding season (Sep). The Department
of Conservation controlled rats and possums using brodifacoum cereal baits
until Mar 2002, except for Dec 1999 to May 2000.
Armstrong et al. Population Viability versus Predator Control 1023
growth was not much lower with rat tracking at 10%, with ^
1.06 under model A and 1.14 under model B.
When we accounted for uncertainty in parameter estimates, it
was unclear whether the population was likely to increase at any
tracking rate. With rat tracking held to 1%,the95%confidence
interval for kranged from 0.84 to 1.35 under model A and from
0.87 to 1.63 under model B (Fig. 2). However, the confidence
limits for kwere completely below 1 once tracking increased above
40%, suggesting that the robin population was guaranteed to
decline under those conditions.
Demographic stochasticity also created a lot of uncertainty with
an initial population of just 4 pairs. As noted above, if we treated
parameter estimates as known, using model B for juvenile survival,
and set tracking to 10%, then kwas expected to be 1.14, giving 8
females after 5 years. With demographic stochasticity, however,
the actual number of females ranged from 0 to 17, and there was
32%probability that the number of females declined from the
original 4 (Fig. 3). When we incorporated uncertainty in
parameter estimates and the juvenile survival model in addition
to demographic stochasticity, the 95%confidence interval for the
number of females after 5 years ranged from 0 to 24, and there was
a41%probability that the number of females would decline (Fig.
The uncertainty due to demographic stochasticity can be
reduced somewhat by increasing the initial population size. If
we set the tracking rate at 10%and treated population parameters
as known, then an initial population of 20 pairs had a 7%
probability of declining over 5 years, as compared to 32%for an
initial population of 4 (Fig. 5). However, the effect of initial
population size was less pronounced when all forms of uncertainty
were incorporated. With an initial population of 20 pairs, there
was a 30%probability that the number of females would decline
after 5 years, as compared to a 41%probability of decline with an
initial population of 4 pairs (Fig. 6).
Our analysis suggests that the rat tracking rate at Paengaroa
Mainland Island needs to be ,20%for the reintroduced North
Figure 2. Expected rates of increase (k) of the North Island robin population,
based on functional relationships between the population’s vital rates and the
rat tracking rate, Paengaroa Mainland Island, New Zealand. Solid lines show k
values calculated using the estimated values of the vital rates (Table 1), and
broken lines show 95%CI for kfrom 10,000 runs of a deterministic simulation
model (Table 2) where each parameter is selected from a distribution (Table 1)
at the start of each run. The black (model A) and gray (model B) lines are from
simulations using different juvenile survival models.
Figure 3. Effect of demographic stochasticity on viability of the North Island
robin population with an initial population of 4 pairs, Paengaroa Mainland
Island, New Zealand. Lines show the probabilities of the number of females
declining (solid line) or the population becoming extinct (broken line) over 5 yr
based on 10,000 runs of a stochastic simulation model. Expected kvalues
were calculated using the deterministic model (Fig. 2). If kis expected to be
.1, declines are due to demographic stochasticity.
Figure 4. Probability of the North Island robin population declining over 5 yr
starting with 4 pairs, accounting for all sources of uncertainty (parameter
estimates, juvenile survival model, demographic stochasticity), Paengaroa
Mainland Island, New Zealand. We obtained distributions for the numbers of
robins after 5 yr using a stochastic simulation model (Table 2), with the juvenile
survival model randomly selected at the start of run and the value of each
parameter selected from a distribution (Table 1). The probability shown is the
proportion of runs in which the number of females declined (solid line) or the
population became extinct (broken line).
1024 The Journal of Wildlife Management 70(4)
Island robin population to grow (i.e., for kto be .1). When
poison bait stations were maintained consistently, from 2000 to
2002, rat tracking rates at Paengaroa ranged from 0 to 9%. The
effectiveness of control may vary from year to year because of
natural fluctuations in rodent densities (Innes et al.1995).
However, our results suggest that it is quite feasible to maintain
rats at levels sufficiently low to allow the robin population to grow.
If rat tracking were maintained at about 10%, our analysis
suggested the robin population would be most likely to grow at
approximately 10%per year. If this were the case, the growth rate
would ultimately decline toward 1 through density dependence as
the population increased. Analysis of the reintroduced population
on Tiritiri Matangi (Armstrong and Ewen 2002, Armstrong et al.
2002) suggested that robin populations were regulated by density
dependence in juvenile survival in the absence of mammalian
predators, and were likely to maintain relatively stable densities.
There was considerable uncertainty about our projections,
however, as expected from data collected over 5 years for a small
population. Because of uncertainty in parameter estimates, it was
unclear whether the population was expected to grow at any
tracking rate, and because of demographic stochasticity it was
unclear whether the population would survive even if positive
growth was expected. The problem of demographic stochasticity
became even more acute following the deaths of 2 of the 4
remaining females during the 2004–2005 breeding season.
It is important to note that our uncertainty would be much
greater if we had not collected data on vital rates. We could have
calculated kjust from changes in the number of females each year
(Fig. 1), giving values of 0.44, 2.00, 1.63, 0.54, and 0.57 for the 5
years. A predictive model could be obtained by regressing ln(k)
against ln(p) (using average tracking rate for each year). The
resulting function would be ^
population will grow if the tracking rate (1 p) were ,34%.
However, the confidence intervals would be so huge that the
prediction would be meaningless. For example, with a 34%
tracking rate the confidence interval for ^
kwould range from 0.20
to 4.94, in comparison to the confidence interval of 0.67 to 1.06
that we generated using data on vital rates (Fig. 2). Although it
would save monitoring effort just to track population trends, many
years of monitoring (e.g., 30þ) are needed before reasonable
predictions can be made using this approach (Elkinton 2000,
Fieberg and Ellner 2000). If management decisions need to be
made over shorter time frames, it is imperative that data on vital
rates are collected.
Our projections are sufficiently precise to show that any robin
population at Paengaroa Mainland Island would be doomed to
extinction without predator control. Our modeling suggests a
population would be guaranteed to decline if rat tracking were
above 40%, and tracking rates have climbed to well over 40%
since poison baiting was discontinued in March 2002. This result
has implications for understanding the current distribution of
robins and other species that have been partially extirpated from
their former ranges following introduction of exotic mammals.
Given that robins survive in many locations in the absence of
predator control, and they tend to be found in large forest blocks,
their absence from other areas could be attributed to metapopu-
lation dynamics (Drechsler et al. 2003) rather than to differences
in predator levels or other aspects of habitat quality. Recent
research suggests that metapopulation dynamics are largely
responsible for explaining local distributions of robins among
small, unmanaged forest fragments in the central North Island (Y.
Richard and R. L. Boulton, Massey University, unpublished data).
However, our data for Paengaroa show that kwill be well below 1
if rats are not controlled, meaning the future absence of robins will
be due to driven extinction (sensu Caughley 1994) rather than to
stochastic extinction and failure to recolonize.
Populations can potentially be driven to extinction in small and
isolated fragments because of dispersal into surrounding sink
habitat (Basse and McLennan 2003). Such dispersal occurred to
some extent at Paengaroa, as one juvenile was found 10 km from
the reserve (dispersal is unlikely in adults, which are highly
sedentary). Our survival models estimate local survival, and it is
Figure 5. Effect of the initial number of pairs on the probability of the North
Island robin population declining due to demographic stochasticity, assuming
estimates of vital rates (Table 1) are accurate, Paengaroa Mainland Island, New
Zealand. Rat tracking rate is set at 10%. Otherwise as for Fig. 3.
Figure 6. Effect of the initial number of pairs on probability of the North Island
robin population declining, accounting for all sources of uncertainty,
Paengaroa Mainland Island, New Zealand. Rat tracking rate is set at 10%.
Otherwise as for Fig. 4.
Armstrong et al. Population Viability versus Predator Control 1025
unknown how much of the estimated juvenile mortality was due to
emigration. In the absence of emigration, the most optimistic
scenario would probably be for juvenile survival probability to
equal the annual survival probability of adult males. Under this
scenario, the maximum rat tracking rate that would allow positive
growth was estimated to be 34%under model 1 (constant juvenile
survival) or 28%under model 2 (juvenile survival declines from
intercept value as rat tracking rate increases). Given that rat
tracking rates at Paengaroa rose to .80%after cessation of
control, it seems unlikely that the extirpation of robins from
Paengaroa can be attributed to emigration alone. We therefore
suspect that aspects of the habitat at Paengaroa reduce vital rates
below those occurring at sites where robins are able to survive
without predator control. It is possible that this inferior habitat
quality was associated with edge effects (e.g., through increased
predation rates or greater exposure [Murcia 1995]), but there are
no New Zealand data available to assess this possibility.
It is also possible that the low density of the reintroduced
population at Paengaroa contributed to low vital rates (i.e., that an
Allee effect was operating). Allee effects can occur through several
mechanisms (Courchamp et al. 1999), including higher per capita
predation rates at low density. Such elevated predation may occur
through increased hunting effort by predators, resulting in the
classic Type II functional response of predator–prey theory.
Sinclair et al. (1998) noted that if predation by exotic predators on
native prey had a Type II functional response, then the level of
predator control required at low densities would be higher than
that required after populations recovered. It could also be argued
that reintroductions should involve large numbers of founders to
increase initial population density. However, we are skeptical
about Type II functional responses occurring in North Island
robins or other New Zealand birds threatened by exotic mammals.
These bird species make up a tiny portion of the food taken by any
predator species, so it is unlikely that predators would significantly
change their hunting effort in response to density of these prey.
We are also skeptical about other forms of Allee effects operating
in North Island robins, given that they are distributed as
individuals or pairs, meaning foraging and predator defense are
largely unaffected by density and that they have shown themselves
to be highly capable of seeking out mates. We therefore think it is
unlikely that vital rates of robins would have increased with
density, so we did not include such an effect in our simulation
Although the Paengaroa robin reintroduction has been un-
successful at establishing a population, it has met Southgate’s
(1994) criterion for success in that it has provided information
that can be used to improve future management. The methods we
developed can be extrapolated to any population where the species
has a similar biology, and they can be used to relate population
viability to predator tracking rates. The methods are therefore
widely applicable to New Zealand mainland island programs
(Saunders and Norton 2001), where the primary management is
predator control, predator levels are measured by tracking rates,
and key management objectives include maintaining viable
populations of native forest birds.
Management Implications
Our analysis showed that the North Island robin population at
Paengaroa will inevitably decline to extinction if exotic predators
are not controlled. This case study therefore illustrates the risk
involved in reintroducing New Zealand species to mainland areas
where ongoing predator control cannot be guaranteed. Such
reintroductions may be justifiable on a local scale if there is reason
to believe that absences are attributable to chance extinction, and
therefore that reintroduction could provide a substitute for natural
dispersal to ameliorate the effects of habitat fragmentation
(Armstrong and McLean 1995, Lubow 1996). However, where
a reintroduction constitutes a range extension, as was the case with
Paengaroa, we suggest that policy needs to be in place to ensure
the necessary predator control is continued.
Our analysis also showed that a robin population would be most
likely to survive at Paengaroa if effective predator control were
reinstated, but that its persistence could not be guaranteed under
any level of control. It is not our role to decide whether predator
control should be reinstated in such circumstances. However, the
distributions of outcomes we reported provided the information
necessary for the managers responsible to make an informed
decision. If predator control is reinstated, translocation could be
used to again reintroduce robins to Paengaroa should the
remaining females die or to supplement the population to reduce
the substantial risk of extinction through demographic stochas-
ticity. The distributions of outcomes obtained under different
initial population sizes would then provide managers with the
information needed to make that decision. Our results therefore
illustrate how quantification of uncertainty can be imperative for
informed decisions about management of populations.
We thank H. Wittmer, I. Westbrooke, M. Maunder, K. Steffens,
W. Kendall, A. Powell, and an anonymous referee for comments
on our manuscript. Financial support for our research was
provided by the Department of Conservation, Massey University,
and the Marsden Fund.
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Associate Editor: Kendall.
Armstrong et al. Population Viability versus Predator Control 1027
... Several methods, such as predator exclusion fences and predator control, have been used to reduce predation during translocations (Short et al., 1992;Baston et al., 2015;Moseby et al., 2015). Although these methods could reduce post-release mortality (Armstrong et al., 2006;Moseby et al., 2015), numerous studies have shown translocation failures owing to predation, although they included measures to control this impact (Short et al., 1992;Moseby et al., 2011;Berger-Tal et al., 2019). In those cases in which predation has been effectively reduced, it has been through the systematic use of poison and trapping over time and on a wide spatial scale (Short et al., 1992;Armstrong et al., 2006). ...
... Although these methods could reduce post-release mortality (Armstrong et al., 2006;Moseby et al., 2015), numerous studies have shown translocation failures owing to predation, although they included measures to control this impact (Short et al., 1992;Moseby et al., 2011;Berger-Tal et al., 2019). In those cases in which predation has been effectively reduced, it has been through the systematic use of poison and trapping over time and on a wide spatial scale (Short et al., 1992;Armstrong et al., 2006). The creation of fences for the exclusion of predators, and the use of poison or lethal control on a large scale and in a systematic manner, have high economic and ecological costs which prevent their extensive use (Short et al., 1992;Rouco et al., 2008;Lennox et al., 2018), signifying the need to explore other approaches (Moseby et al., 2015;Swaisgood et al., 2019). ...
Full-text available
Predation is a key factor in prey population dynamics and could impact population recovery. One common means employed to recover prey populations is that of translocations, but most fail owing to high predation during the early stages. We tested whether conditioned odor aversion can reduce predation during animal translocations by using the predation of the European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus by the red fox Vulpes vulpes as a case study. Following a before‐after control‐impact design (BACI), we deployed bait stations monitored using camera‐traps in two zones to which rabbits were translocated. One week before the rabbits were released, microencapsulated levamisole was added to rabbit baits located in the treatment zones, along with vanilla essence as an odor cue. A total of 148 rabbits were distributed in artificial warrens with the odor cue and 68 of them were fitted with radio collars in order to determine their survival rates. The response to the treatment and translocation as regards subsequent rabbit abundance was evaluated using N‐mixture models, while rabbit establishment was evaluated using a warren use index (WUI). The treatment decreased the proportion of baits consumed by foxes, but this decrease was partially compensated by other predators. WUI and rabbit population growth increased significantly more after translocations in the treatment zones than in the control zones. The short‐term survival of translocated rabbits was also higher in the treatment zones than in the control zones. Our study showed that conditioned odor aversion reduced rabbit predation by foxes, and had a positive effect on rabbit population growth after translocation, since there was an increase in rabbit survival and warren establishment. This method could be used as a non‐lethal tool for the recovery of a key prey when carrying out programs concerning the reintroduction of endangered predators or for other vulnerable species requiring translocations.
... Chew cards are an increasingly widely used monitoring device for mammals in New Zealand, as they are cheap, easy to use and highly sensitive to possums and rodents (Forsyth et al., 2018;Sweetapple & Nugent, 2011). Chew card indices are correlated with other indices of possum and rodent abundance, which have been shown to relate to nesting success for several native bird species (Armstrong et al., 2006;Forsyth et al., 2018;Innes et al., 1999;Innes et al., 2004;Ruffell et al., 2015;Sweetapple & Nugent, 2011). ...
Full-text available
Urbanization, and the drastic loss of habitat it entails, poses a major threat to global avian biodiversity. Ecological restoration of urban forests is therefore increasingly vital for native bird conservation, but control of invasive predators may also be needed to sustain native bird populations in cities where species invasions have been particularly severe. We evaluated restoration success by investigating changes in native bird communities along a restoration chronosequence of 25 restored urban forests representing 72 years of forest development, which we compared to two target reference systems and a control system. We hypothesized that total species richness and relative abundance of native forest birds would increase with the age of restoration planting. We further hypothesized that relative abundance of rats, possums and cats would negatively impact native birds, while amount of native forest in the surrounding landscape would have a positive effect. We used structural equation modelling (SEM) to investigate the relative influence of forest structure (complexity index, tree height, canopy openness, basal area, species richness and density), landscape attributes (patch area, perimeter length, landscape composition within three buffer zones, distance to the nearest road and water source) and invasive mammalian predator indices of relative abundance on total species richness and relative abundance of native forest birds. Species richness increased with age of restoration planting, with community composition progressing towards that found in target reference systems. SEM revealed that years restored was a direct driver of bird species richness but an indirect driver of abundance, which was directly driven by canopy openness. Contrary to our predictions, invasive mammals had no significant effect on native bird species richness or abundance. Our results demonstrate that provision and improvement of habitat quantity and quality through restoration is the vital first step to re‐establishing native forest bird communities in cities.
... For example, many species recovery programs in New Zealand involve control of exotic mammals, and the effectiveness of control programmes is assessed regularly through indices based on tracking (proportion of footprint tunnels tracked) or residual trap catch (proportion of kill traps catching an animal). The initial target for tracking or trapping indices is typically 5%, but such values can be updated for any species and system by modeling the relationship between tracking or trapping indices and species recovery targets (Armstrong et al. 2006). Once the intensity of management needed to meet a recovery target is estimated, and the associated costs known, the recovery target can potentially be revised. ...
Full-text available
Forests host a disproportionate share of the world's biodiversity. They are increasingly being seen as a refuge for genetic diversity, native species, natural structures, and ecological processes. Yet, intensive forestry threatens their value for biodiversity. The authors present concepts, approaches and case studies illustrating how biodiversity conservation can be integrated into forest management planning. They address ecological patterns and processes taking place at the scale of landscapes, or forest mosaics. This book is intended for students and researchers in conservation biology and natural resource management, as well as forest land managers and policy makers. It presents examples from many forest regions and a variety of organisms. With contributions from researchers that are familiar with forest management and forest managers working in partnership with researchers, this book provides insight and concrete tools to help shape the future of forest landscapes worldwide.
... They have decimated native mammal populations in Australia (Burbidge & McKenzie, 1989;Woinarski, Burbidge & Harrison, 2012) and native birds in New Zealand, Japan, the United States and on islands (Young et al., 2013;Nogales et al., 2013;Arcilla et al., 2015). Furthermore, introduced predators have caused the failure of numerous global reintroduction programmes through high levels of predation (Armstrong et al., 2006;Moseby et al., 2011;Clayton et al., 2014). Introduced predators are thought to exert a greater impact on prey than native predators due to the absence of shared evolutionary history (Saul & Jeschke, 2015). ...
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Globally, wildlife managers often control predator populations to protect biodiversity, livestock or other valued resources. Most assume that the predation impact of each individual predator is the same and that removing any individual predator produces a benefit to the target species. However, research suggests predation efficacy can vary within a predator species according to phenotypic characteristics. Understanding these individual differences may be critical for managing predation impacts on particular categories of prey including small populations where predation effects are amplified. We used dietary data from 1748 feral cats euthanized over 30 years during a control programme in arid Australia to determine whether any predator attributes could predict their effect on different prey weight classes. Feral cats in our study ate a wide range of prey including reptiles, mammals, birds and invertebrates. Demography (body mass) was a highly significant predictor of diet. Cats weighing 3 kg fed predominantly on prey <50 g increasing to >500 g when cats attained a body mass of 6 kg. Of more significance was that diet varied between demographic groups but also within a single demographic group (adult males) based on body mass, with results having significant implications for threatened prey. Modelling indicated that for a fixed predator population size, the predation rate on prey in a >500 g weight class increased by 28% when the ratio of large (>4.2 kg) to small adult males varied according to its natural range (12%–80% over the 30‐year study). Results suggest that variations in predator demography can significantly impact predation rates on prey species and should be included in predator–prey models for small prey populations. On average, large male cats comprised 23% of the population and our findings suggest that targeting this ‘lethal demographic’ and manipulating predator demography should be prioritized along with lowering predator density to reduce predation impacts on prey weighing more than 500g.
... While New Zealand has no native species of rodent, the four introduced species (M. musculus, R. rattus, R. norvegicus, R. exulans) significantly damage native flora and fauna (reviewed by 28 ); for example, rodents reduce the reproductive success of native birds through nest predation and resource competition [29][30][31][32] . To protect endemic fauna and flora, barriers of light may effectively deter rodents from accessing New Zealand's valuable conservation estates, such as eco-sanctuaries 9 . ...
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Exploiting predation cues to deter pests remains an untapped management tool for conservationists. We examined foraging and movement patterns of 20 wild ship rats (Rattus rattus) within a large, outdoor ‘U maze’ that was either illuminated or dark to assess if light (an indirect predation cue) could deter rodents from ecologically vulnerable locations. Light did not alter rats’ foraging behaviour (latency to approach seed tray, visits to seed tray, time per visit to seed tray, total foraging duration, foraging rate) within the experimental resource patch but three of seven movement behaviours were significantly impaired (53% fewer visits to the maze, 70% less exploration within the maze, 40% slower movement within the maze). The total time males spent exposed to illumination also declined by 45 minutes per night, unlike females. Individual visits tended to be longer under illumination, but the latency to visit and the latency to cross through the U maze were unaffected by illumination. Elevating predation risk with illumination may be a useful pest management technique for reducing ship rat activity, particularly in island ecosystems where controlling mammalian predators is paramount to preserving biodiversity.
... Cat predation and disease transmission has contributed to the decline and extinction of numerous wildlife species (Burbidge and McKenzie 1989, Smith and Quin 1996, Woinarski et al. 2015. Feral cats have also thwarted many reintroduction attempts of vulnerable fauna worldwide (Short et al. 1992, Armstrong et al. 2006, Shier and Owings 2006, Moseby et al. 2011b. Although invasive red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) have proven easier to control than cats, foxes continue to represent a significant threat to Australian wildlife (Woinarski et al. 2015, Kinnear et al. 2017). ...
Felixer grooming “traps” provide a novel technique for controlling invasive red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and feral cats (Felis catus) by ejecting a dose of poison onto the fur of a target animal, which is subsequently ingested through grooming. The Felixer achieves target specificity through a discriminatory sensor arrangement and algorithm as well as a dosing pathway and toxin, which together make feral cats and foxes more vulnerable than humans and nontarget wildlife. The toxin 1080 used in many pest control projects in Australia is derived from native plants, which renders Australian wildlife, including potential scavengers of poisoned carcasses, that have co-evolved with these toxic plants less sensitive than their nonnative counterparts to 1080 poisoning. We investigated the success of the Felixer sensor system in discriminating target cats and red foxes from nontargets under field conditions. All foxes and 82% of feral cats were correctly identified as targets. No people or medium-sized marsupials—including brush-tailed possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), bettongs (Bettongia spp.), bilbies (Macrotis lagotis), and western quolls (Dasyurus geoffroii)—were incorrectly assigned as targets, suggesting Felixers could provide safe and specific feral-predator control at many conservation sites, albeit not at sites with threatened endemic small felids or canids. A low false-positive detection rate was recorded in larger macropods and poultry that will be addressed with more sophisticated sensor positioning and algorithms in optimized Felixers, along with more careful installation. The low sensitivity of macropods and malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata) to 1080, and their reduced grooming behavior relative to feral cats, suggests these species will not be affected by Felixer deployment.
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Aotearoa - New Zealand has only four rodent species, all introduced. In order of arrival, they are Pacific rat Rattus exulans Peale, brown rat R. norvegicus Berkenhout, house mouse Mus musculus Linnaeus, and black rat R. rattus Linnaeus. Rodent management in New Zealand aims mainly to conserve indigenous biodiversity rather than to protect crops or manage diseases, as is usual elsewhere. We describe four major 'regimes' and one major vision for rodent control in New Zealand to meet ecological restoration objectives. Current challenges for island eradications are for large islands that are remote or populated by people. Aerial 1080 is the only large-scale (tens of thousands of hectares) option for black rat control, but its application requires adjustment to counter subsequent rapid black rat repopulation. Unfenced 'ecosanctuaries' (up to 700 ha) use ground-based traps and poisons to target mainly black rats and face constant reinvasion. Ecosanctuaries with mammal-resistant fences (up to 3,500 ha) limit reinvasion and target more pest species and have enabled the return of previously extirpated taxa to the main islands. Predator Free 2050 aims to eradicate the rat species (but not mice) plus some other introduced mammals from New Zealand by 2050. This vision is not attainable with current tools, but research and experimental management is exploring techniques and technologies. The large scale (to 100 000 ha) at which black rats are now targeted for control to extremely low abundance seems to be unique to New Zealand. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Les rats introduits (Rattus spp.) sont des espèces invasives majeures menaçant la biodiversité sur la plupart des îles de la Planète. Deux espèces, le rat noir (R. rattus) et le rat du Pacifique (R. exulans) vivent en sympatrie au sein des forêts de Nouvelle-Calédonie, où la question de la faisabilité et de l' intérêt de leur contrôle (i.e. limitation locale de leur 'abondance)pour la conservation de la biodiversité native est posée. En raison d'un manque de cadre conceptuel des projets de contrôle,nous avons d'abord réalisé une synthèse et une analyse des opérations de contrôle de rats invasifs dans les milieux naturels des îles du monde. Puis, nous avons cherché à caractériser et à comprendre la dynamique des populations de ces deux espèces de rats sympatriques ainsi que leurs interactions avec la biodiversité native en forêt dense humide du massif du Mont Panié.Des opérations de piégeage létal et de capture-marquage-recapture ont montré que les rats noirs étaient plus abondants que les rats du Pacifique. Les analyses de leur régime alimentaire ont révélé que les deux espèces ont à la fois des proies communes et des proies qui leur sont propres impliquant un renforcement ainsi qu'un élargissement de leurs impacts sur la biodiversité native. Les rats consomment une grande majorité de fruits et de graines, d'invertébrés et de Squamates mais les oiseaux, qui justifient souvent la mise en place de projets de gestion de rats, ne semblent pas ici être une de leur proie préférentielle. De potentiels effets positifs des rats sur la dispersion des graines ont également été mis en évidence au travers d'une comparaison du potentiel germinatif de graines après passage par leur tractus digestif et celui de frugivores natifs. Enfin, nous avons proposer des stratégies de piégeage létal afin de contrôler efficacement les populations de rats invasifs. Une meilleure compréhension des impacts des rats en situation de sympatrie ainsi qu' une meilleure connaissance du lien entre densité de rats et intensité des effets sur la biodiversité permettraient d'optimiser les stratégies de contrôle de rats invasifs lorsque l'éradication n'est pas envisageable.
Fenced ecosanctuaries may reduce predator presence at reserves by incorporating deterrents into pest management programmes. We quantified rodent visits to the steel hood of ecosanctuary fencing and illuminated our experimental sites to assess whether light could deter ship rats (Rattus rattus) and house mice (Mus musculus). Additionally, we assessed how mice used fencing in the presence and absence of ship rats by utilising two types of fence sections: one accessible to mice alone (along fencing within an ecosanctuary) and one accessible to mice and rats (at perimeter fence sites opposite pasture or forest habitat). We monitored sites using cameras and tracking cards within the fence hood and at tunnels at the fence base. Along the internal fence, mice were never observed within the hood but marked 40% of tunnels at the fence base. Along the perimeter fence, mice made four visits to the hood and marked 28% of tunnels at the fence base. Rats travelled exclusively within the fence hood (n = 42). Light did not reduce rat sightings but adjacent habitat affected their presence (forest > pasture; p ≤ 0.01). Positioning future ecosanctuary fencing alongside pasture and maintaining open corridors opposite fences at current ecosanctuaries may reduce rat presence.
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Despite many notable successes, the failure rate of animal translocations remains high. Conservation practitioners and reintroduction specialists have emphasised the need for ongoing documentation of translocation attempts, whether successful or not, including detailed methodologies and monitoring approaches. This study reports on the first translocation of the North Island subspecies of New Zealand’s smallest bird, the endemic Rifleman Acanthisitta chloris granti . We describe an improved transfer methodology following recommendations arising from a previous translocation of South Island Rifleman Acanthisitta chloris chloris . Key modifications included a reduced capture window, shorter holding times, lack of extended aviary housing, and separation of territorial individuals during holding. Survival from capture to release increased from 52% to 97% using this new methodology. However, only 22% of 83 released birds were found in the reserve the next breeding season, resulting in an initial breeding population of only six males and five females. An integrated Bayesian analysis of three years of subsequent population data, including a population boost from a second translocation, projected a median decrease to 0–5 females over 10 years, but with 95% prediction intervals ranging from 0 to 33. These projections explicitly account for parameter uncertainty, as well as demographic stochasticity, and illustrate the need to do so when making inferences for small reintroduced populations.
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One of the most common tools in New Zealand conservation is to translocate species to new locations. There have now been over 400 translocations done for conservation reasons, mainly involving terrestrial birds. The authors review theory relevant to translocations in the following areas: habitat requirements, susceptibility to predation, behavioural adaptation, population dynamics, genetics, metapopulation dynamics, and community ecology. For each area the authors review and evaluate the models that seem to underpin translocation strategies used in New Zealand. -from Authors
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In parts of the world such as the Pacific Islands, Australia, and New Zealand, introduced vertebrate predators have caused the demise of indigenous mammal and bird species. A number of releases for reestablishment of these mammal species in mainland Australia have failed because predators extirpated the new populations. The nature of the decline of both extant populations and reintroduced colonies provides information on the dynamics of predation. Predator-prey theory suggests that the effects of predation are usually inversely dependent on density (depensatory) when the prey are not the primary food supply of exotic predators. Thus, such predators can cause extinction of endemic prey species. Three types of evidence can be deduced from the predator-prey interactions that allow predictions for conservation: (1) whether per capita rates of change for prey increase or decrease with declining prey densities, (2) whether predation is depensatory or density-dependent, and (3) the overall magnitude of predation. If this magnitude is too high for coexistence, then the degree of predator removal required can be predicted. If the magnitude of predation is sufficiently low, then the threshold density of prey that management must achieve to allow predator and prey to coexist can also be predicted. We analyzed published reports of both declining populations and reintroduced colonies of endangered marsupial populations in Australia. The observed predation curves conformed to the predictions of predator-prey theory. Some, such as the black-footed rock-wallaby (Petrogale lateralis), were classic alternate prey and were vulnerable below a threshold population size. Others, such as the brush-tailed bettong (Bettongia penicillata), have a refuge at low numbers and thus offer the best chance for reintroduction. Our predictions suggest a protocol for an experimental management program for the conservation of sensitive prey species: (1) determination of net rates of change of prey with declining population, (2) improvement of survivorship through habitat manipulation, (3) improvement of survivorship through predator removal, (4) determination of the threshold density above which reintroductions can succeed, and (5) manipulations to change interactions from Type II to Type III. The task in the future is to determine how to change the vulnerability of the prey so that they can have a refuge at low numbers. Predicción de los Efectos de la Depredación en la Conservación de una Presa en Peligro de Extinción En algunas partes del mundo como son las Islas del Pacífico, Australia y Nueva Zelandia, los veretebrados depredadores introducidos han ocasionado la desaparición de especies indígenas de mamíferos y aves. Un gran número de liberaciones para el restablecimiento de estas especies de mamíferos en tierras continentales de Australia han fracasado debido a que los depredadores han extirpado las poblaciones nuevas. La naturaleza de la declinación tanto de las poblaciones existentes como de las colonias reintroducidas provee información de las dinámicas de la depredación. La teoría sobre depredador-presa sugiere que los efectos de la depredación son usualmente inversamente densodependientes (depensatorios) cuando las presas no son el alimento principal de los depredadores exóticos. Por lo tanto, estos depredadores pueden causar la extinción de especies de presas endémicas. Existen tres tipos de evidencia que pueden ser deducidas de las interacciones depredador-presa y que permiten predicciones para la conservación: 1) que las tasas de cambio per cápita de presas incremente o disminuya con la declinación de las densidades de presas, 2) que la depredación sea depensatoria o densodependiente, y 3) la magnitude total de la depredación. Si la magnitud es muy alta para la coexistencia, entonces el grado de remoción del depredador requerido puede ser predecido. Si la magnitud de la depredación es suficientemente baja, entonces la densidad umbral de la presa que debe ser alcanzado mediante manejo y que permita al depredador y la presa coexistir tambien puede ser predecido. Analizamos reportes publicados tanto de declinaciones de poblaciones como de colonias reintroducidas de poblaciones de marsupiales en peligro de extinción en Australia. Las curvas de depredación observadas se conformaron a la teoría de depredador-presa. Albunas (i.e. el ualaby, Petrogale lateralis) fue una clasica presa alternativa y fue vulnerable por debajo del tamaño poblacional umbral. Otras (i.e. Bettongia penicillata) tiene un refugio de números bajos y ofrece la mejor de las opciones para reintroducciones. Nuestras predicciones sugieren un protocolo para un programa de manejo experimental para la conservación de especies de presas sensitivas: 1) determinación de tasas netas de cambio de presa con población en declive, 2) mejora de la supervivencia mediante la manipualción del hábitat, 3) mejora en la supervivencia mediante remoción de depredadores, 4) determinación de la densidad umbral sobre la cual las reintroducciones podrían ser satisfactorias, y 5) manipulaciones para cambiar interacciones de tipo II y III. La tarea en el futuro será la de identificar el como cambiar la vulnerabilidad de la presa, de tal forma que puedan obtener refugio aún con números bajos.
Anticoagulant poisons were laid within native forest at Wenderholm Regional Park (near Auckland) to reduce rat numbers during the summer months. Snap trapping indices and an artificial nest experiment confirmed the high potential for rat interference in unpoisoned forest patches outside Wenderholm, compared with the near-zero potential at Wenderholm. Over two breeding seasons, 70 New Zealand pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) nests were located and monitored. Nest predation was significantly lower at Wenderholm than in non-treatment areas, but hatching and fledging success were not significantly different, due to a high level of nest desertion at Wenderholm. Possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) were found to be nest predators, and their low numbers at Wenderholm confounded the results of the rat poisoning experiment.
Predation at North Island Robin Petroica australis longipes and North Island Tomtit Petroica macrocephala toitoi nests was studied in New Zealand over the 1993/94 breeding season to determine impacts of predators. Infra-red, time-lapse video photography and sign left after predation were used to identify predators at nests. Accurate estimates of predation rates depended on early detection of nests. Previous studies of predation may have greatly under-estimated predation rates and therefore predation impacts. Predation was patchy and intense, resulting in failure to produce young in some territories despite up to ten nesting attempts. A maximum of 82% of nests were preyed on (n = 65; 95% confidence interval 72.4%-90%) and Ship Rats Rattus rattus were probably responsible for at least 72% (95% confidence interval 57.4%-84.4%) of predations. Nine of 24 territories lost breeding females, mainly to Ship Rats, which significantly impacted on population productivity. Ship Rat predation was equally intense at exposed and concealed nests (at the site and patch levels). Predation attributed to avian predators was strongly correlated with exposed nests (at the patch level). Restoration of New Zealand's threatened forest bird communities is dependent on a commitment to further research into the significance of different predators and predation impacts on bird populations.
The introduction of rats and other mammalian predators has caused many New Zealand species to decline. Predator control is now being used to reverse these declines in selected mainland areas, and a footprint-tracking index is used to assess effectiveness of control. To assess the meaning of this index for native populations, it I,,, necessary to model the functional relationships between predator-tracking rates and vital rates of native populations. We monitored North Island robins (Petroica longipes) for 5 years after reintroduction to Paengaroa Mainland Island, and rat levels changed dramatically over this period due to changes in management policy. We used the resulting data to model how vital rates varied with rat tracking, using Akaike's Information Criterion to compare alternative models for each vital rate. We fitted survival models to mark-resighting data obtained in tri-annual surveys of the reserve, and we fitted fecundity models to data on numbers of independent young produced by individual females. The best model for annual adult survival was = 0.64P(0.24F) where p is the complement of the tracking rate (i.e.,,] where 0 = 100% tracking) and F is sex (0 = male, 1 = female). The best model for annual fecundity per female was 2.26(0.46(U)) [1 - e-0.46(/1-p)(p) U is the female's pairing status (0 = paired, 1 = unpaired). For juvenile survival (from independence to adulthood), it was ambiguous whether survival was constant (= 0.39) or changed with rat levels (s = 0.49p(0.58)). We used the delta method to obtain a 95% confidence interval for each vital rate at any rat tracking rate. The models allow the growth of the population to be projected at any tracking rate, and they provide a starting point for projecting growth of any population in relation to a predator-control index.
The main threat to native biodiversity in New Zealand is the adverse impact of alien animals, especially introduced mammals. A recent special issue of Biological Conservation contains nine papers by New Zealand ecologists that document the nature of the effects of alien animals on native flora, fauna and ecological processes.