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Abstract and Figures

Dental remains assigned to nimravid carnivores have been discovered in southern Thailand. These specimens come from the upper Eocene Krabi Basin that has already yielded numerous vertebrate taxa important for the knowledge of mammal evolution. The fossils described here are among the oldest remains belonging to the Nimravidae, and they are attributed to Nimravus cf. intermedius and Hoplophoneus sp. The occurrence of nimravid carnivores in Southeast Asia implies exchanges between Asia and North America during the Late Eocene, and it supports a larger geographical distribution and an origin of the family older than previously known.
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Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(1):157–163, March 2000
2000 by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
, and
Laboratoire de Ge´obiologie, Biochronologie et Pale´ontologie Humaine, EP 1596 CNRS,
Faculte´ des Sciences Fondamentales et Applique´es, Universite´ de Poitiers, 40 avenue du Recteur Pineau,
86022 Poitiers cedex, France;
Department of Mineral Resources, Geological Survey Division, Rama VI Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand;
Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution, UMR 5554 CNRS, Case 064, Universite´ de Montpellier II,
34095 Montpellier cedex 5, France
ABSTRACT—Dental remains assigned to nimravid carnivores have been discovered in southern Thailand. These
specimens come from the upper Eocene Krabi Basin that has already yielded numerous vertebrate taxa important for
the knowledge of mammal evolution. The fossils described here are among the oldest remains belonging to the Nim-
ravidae, and they are attributed to Nimravus cf. intermedius and Hoplophoneus sp. The occurrence of nimravid car-
nivores in Southeast Asia implies exchanges between Asia and North America during the Late Eocene, and it supports
a larger geographical distribution and an origin of the family older than previously known.
The Nimravidae are sabre-toothed carnivores that lived in the
northern hemisphere from late Eocene to late Miocene (Bryant,
1991). Most of early authors (Cope, 1880; Matthew, 1910; Piv-
eteau, 1931; Hough, 1952; Ginsburg, 1979) placed them close
to the Felidae due to the cat-like morphology of their teeth,
their claws and their skull. The study of the basicrania brought
new insights on the phylogenetic relationships of the families
included within the Order Carnivora (Hunt, 1974, 1987, 1989,
1991; Tedford, 1976; Neff, 1983). For example, the peculiar
anatomy of the auditory region of the Nimravidae resulted in a
reappraisal of the relationships of the family among Carnivora
(Neff, 1983; Hunt, 1987; Flynn et al., 1988; Bryant, 1991).
Nonetheless, the taxonomic position of Nimravidae within Car-
nivora is still discussed (see Flynn et al., 1988; Bryant, 1991
for such a discussion).
North American localities have yielded most of the known
Paleogene nimravid specimens; hundreds of them have been
collected from late Eocene to late Oligocene sites. The Paleo-
gene European record is more sparse; most specimens come
from Quercy (Piveteau, 1931; Ginsburg, 1979; Bonis and Cirot,
1995; Peigne´ and Bonis, 1999) and the Aquitaine Basin in
France (Brunet, 1970, 1972; Ringeade and Michel, 1994a, b).
Compared to the American and European taxa, the Paleogene
Asian nimravids are poorly known, and include only some teeth
fragments (Chow, 1958; Ding et al., 1977; Gabounia, 1966;
Tang and Qiu, 1979) and a few mandibles from Mongolia as-
signed to Nimravus (Gromova, 1959; Toohey, 1959; Dashzev-
eg, 1996). Therefore, the discovery in the late Eocene of Thai-
land of new nimravid material is very important because it im-
proves our knowledge of the Nimravidae and of the paleobi-
ogeographical history of this family.
The material described in this note comes from the upper
Eocene Krabi Basin in southern Thailand (Fig. 1). This basin
has already yielded numerous new taxa that contributed to our
understanding of the relationships and the paleobiogeographical
history of anthracotheriid and suoid artiodactyls (Ducrocq,
1994a, b, 1997; Ducrocq et al., 1996, 1997, 1998), primates
(Ducrocq et al., 1995a; Chaimanee et al., 1997), megachirop-
terans (Ducrocq et al., 1993), dermopterans (Ducrocq et al.,
1992a) and carnivores (Ducrocq et al., 1992b). The new dental
remains described here have been collected in the Wai Lek pit
(Krabi Basin) in the main lignite seam that yielded almost all
of the mammal remains. The carnivore remains include speci-
mens that are among the oldest known nimravids, and they
provide the best evidence for the presence of nimravids in
Southeast Asia. Two genera are distinguished in the Thai ma-
terial. We confirm the presence of Nimravus in the late Eocene
of Asia (already noticed by Ducrocq et al., 1995b). The genus
Hoplophoneus is also recorded by dental remains of a young
individual with dental morphology close to those of the most
primitive Hoplophoneus species from North America.
The following abbreviations are used in the text: AMNH,
American Museum of Natural History, New York; MNHN QU,
Collections of Phosphorites of Quercy, Muse´um national
d’Histoire naturelle, Paris; TF, Thai Fossil at the Department
of Mineral Resources, Bangkok.
Order C
Bowdich, 1821
Family N
Cope, 1880
Genus N
Cope, 1879
Type SpeciesNimravus brachyops (Cope, 1878).
(Filhol, 1872)
(Figs. 2–4)
Referred Material—A fragmentary left mandible with p4
m1 (TF 2682, Figs. 2, 3), and a right one with damaged p4–
m1 (TF 2683), a fragmentary maxilla with right P3–P4 (TF
2684, Fig. 4). All specimens are housed in the collections of
the Department of Mineral Resources, Bangkok.
Locality—Wai Lek lignite pit, Krabi Basin, southern Thai-
land (latitude: between 7
N and 8
N; longitude: be-
tween 98
E and 99
Horizon—Upper level of the main lignite seam of Wai Lek
pit (Formation B2, see Bristow, 1991). The mammalian fauna
associated with the carnivore remains indicates a late Eocene
age (see Ducrocq et al., 1995b).
Description—Unfortunately, all the specimens are badly pre-
served. They are referred here to Nimravus cf. intermedius and
FIGURE 1. Map of Thailand showing the location of the Krabi Basin.
The letter F represents the mine that yielded the nimravid remains. FIGURE 2. Nimravus cf. intermedius, left mandible, TF 2682. Pho-
tograph of the dentition in labial view. Dotted line
reconstruction of
the shape of the cuspids. Scale equals 1 cm.
TABLE 1. Dental dimensions of the Thai Nimravus compared to those of N. intermedius and N. brachyops (in mm). L
length; W
sample size; x¯
mean; np
not preserved.
Thai specimens
TF 2682 TF 2684 TF 2683
Nimravus brachyops
Nx¯ Range
Nimravus intermedius
Nx¯ Range
probably belong to the same individual because they were re-
covered together and have the same state of preservation.
p4 is not elongated compared to those of others Nimravus
(see Table 1); it has two large accessory cuspids; the posterior
one is slightly larger and wider. On the right tooth row, the
main cusp of p4 is well preserved; it is large and lanceolate.
The protoconid of m1 is slightly higher than the paraconid,
there is no metaconid, and a talonid partly broken. Posterior to
m1, an alveolus is present, presumably for a single-rooted m2.
On the maxillary fragment (Fig. 4), the top of P3 is broken
but the tooth was probably high. There is likely no anterior
accessory cusp but a strong and trenchant posterior one is pre-
sent. P4 has no parastyle; the protocone, which projects anter-
olingually, is not well preserved but it is similar in size to the
smallest European Nimravus. The alveoli of M1 are not pre-
served. Measurements are in Table 1.
Comparisons—The absence of the metaconid on m1 and the
large size of p4 and P3 support the generic assignation to Nim-
ravus. However, the specific attribution remains to be confirmed
by additional material. Three species of Nimravus are currently
recognized by most workers. N. brachyops (Cope, 1878) from
North America and N. intermedius (Filhol, 1872) from Europe,
both come from Oligocene deposits and are represented by nu-
FIGURE 3. Nimravus cf. intermedius, left mandible, TF 2682. Ster-
eophotographs of the dentition in occlusal view. Scale equals 1 cm.
FIGURE 4. Nimravus cf. intermedius, right maxilla, TF 2684. Ster-
eophotographs of the dentition in occlusal view. Scale equals 1 cm.
merous remains in paleontological collections; ‘‘N. mongolien-
sis’’ (Gromova, 1959) from late Eocene to early Oligocene de-
posits of Asia (from ‘‘Ergilian’’ to ‘‘Hsandagolian’’ in Mon-
golia, Meng and McKenna, 1998) is represented by only few
fragmentary remains (Gromova, 1959; Toohey, 1959; Gaboun-
ia, 1966; Mellett, 1968; Dashzeveg, 1996). The small size of
the Thai specimen (Table 1) prevents assignment to N. brach-
yops, which is a large species. The differences between N. in-
termedius and ‘‘N. mongoliensis’ are less obvious. The type of
’’N. mongoliensis’’ is only known from a drawing in Gromova
(1959:fig. 1) and later in Dashzeveg (1996:fig. 7). After those
authors, the Mongolian species differs from N. intermedius by
its slightly smaller size, the diastema between c and p1, the
presence of p1, and a well-developed m2 (see Dashzeveg, 1996:
7). A comparison with European material does not confirm such
differences. Thus, some of the specimens assigned to N. inter-
medius are smaller than ‘‘N. mongoliensis’ (compare Table 1
in this paper with table. 2 in Dashzeveg, 1996). Moreover, at
least two specimens from Quercy (MNHN QU 9499 and
AMNH 105390) display a p1, separate from the canine by a
diastema; m2 is present in most specimens assigned to N.
brachyops and N. intermedius and the published illustrations
and the study of material (AMNH 21638) indicate no structural
differences compared to the lower carnassial of the other spe-
cies assigned to Nimravus. Therefore, pending systematic re-
view of the genus Nimravus, it seems better to assigned the
Thai specimen to Nimravus cf. intermedius that is a better
known and well-established species.
Genus H
Cope, 1874
Type SpeciesHoplophoneus oreodontis (Cope, 1874).
(Figs. 5–7)
Referred Material—An isolated left m1 (TF 2692, Fig. 5,
Table 2), and an upper right deciduous canine (TF 2700, Fig.
6), collections of the Department of Mineral Resources, Bang-
Locality—Wai Lek lignite mine, Krabi Basin, southern Thai-
land (latitude: between 7
N and 8
N; longitude: be-
tween 98
E and 99
Horizon—Upper level of the main lignite seam of Wai Lek
FIGURE 5. Hoplophoneus sp., left m1, TF 2692. A, labial view. B,
lingual view. C, stereophotographs of the occlusal view. Scale equals 1
cm. FIGURE 6. Stereophotographs of Hoplophoneus sp., upper right de-
ciduous canine, TF 2700. A, labial view. B, lingual view. Scale equals
1 cm.
TABLE 2. Dental dimensions of the Thai Hoplophoneus sp. compared to other species of Hoplophoneus (in mm). L
length; W
width; *
decidual tooth; np
not preserved; sic.
sicarius; dak.
sample size; x¯
mean; R
Thai specimens
TF 2692 TF 2700
H. sic.
H. dak.
H. occidentalis
H. primaevus/mentalis
pit (Formation B2, see Bristow, 1991). The mammalian fauna
associated with the carnivore remains indicates a late Eocene
age (see Ducrocq et al., 1995b).
Description—The teeth belong to a young individual but not
necessarily to the same one. m1 is especially well preserved. It
is a massive wide tooth with a high, pointed protoconid. The
posterior ridge of the protoconid is serrated, and the paraconid
is lower, with a shorter blade, and the anterior ridge of the tooth
is slightly convex and serrated. The carnassial notch is shallow;
the metaconid is reduced and trenchant, and located on the lin-
gual side of the posterior ridge of the protoconid; the talonid is
trenchant, short, low and oriented toward the labial side.
The measurements of the upper deciduous canine are sum-
marized in Figure 7 and Table 3. It is a large, flattened tooth
with a length/width ratio of 2.76 that is less than in Eusmilus
but more than in Hoplophoneus mentalis and H. primaevus.
However, this ratio might be slightly overvalued because of
preservation and lateral compression of the tooth. The posterior
and anterior ridges are serrated as are the deciduous upper ca-
nines of other species of Hoplophoneus and Eusmilus; the pos-
terior border is nearly rectilinear as in Hoplophoneus; a wide
but shallow groove is present on the lingual side, presumably
for the eruption of the permanent canine as noted by Brunet
Comparisons—The material from Krabi can be compared
with the various species assigned to Hoplophoneus and Eus-
milus. Both genera are characterised by strongly developed sa-
bretooth features, especially on the skull (Bryant, 1996), by a
shearing dentition with an upper canine elongated and flattened,
a reduction in the number of premolars, and by a massive but
high lower carnassial with a metaconid and a talonid reduced.
Eusmilus is more derived than the species assigned to Hoplo-
phoneus: on the lower carnassial, the metaconid and the talonid
form a single short blade, and the upper canine is proportionally
more elongated, more curved and more flattened than in Ho-
plophoneus (Table 3). In addition, the NorthAmerican Eusmilus
is much smaller than any species assigned to Hoplophoneus.
The structure of m1 in the most derived Hoplophoneus (H. si-
carius and H. dakotensis) is close to those in Eusmilus (Bryant,
TABLE 3. Upper canines dimensions of the Thai Hoplophoneus (in
mm) compared with Eusmilus from Villebramar, France. The sample
size is indicated in parentheses.
Length Width Length/
width Height Height/
TF 2700 21 7.60 2.76 64 3.04
Eusmilus sp.
permanent canines 20.80 (4) 7.15 (4) 2.92 (4) 71.70 (4) 3.50 (4)
Eusmilus sp.
deciduous canines 19.95 (2) 6.50 (2) 3.08 (2) 66.50 (1) 3.24 (1)
FIGURE 8. Geographical distribution of Nimravinae in Asia. Black
Nimravus: 1,Nimravus? sp., Gabunia, 1966; 2, cf. Nimravus sp.,
Mellett, 1968; 3,Nimravus mongoliensis, Gromova, 1959; Dashzeveg,
1996; 7,Nimravus cf. intermedius, this contribution. Black square
Eusmilus: 4, cf. Eusmilus sp., Chow, 1958; 6,Eusmilus? sp., Ding et
al., 1977. Open square
Hoplophoneus: 5,Hoplophoneus? sp., Tang
and Qiu, 1979; 7,Hoplophoneus sp., this contribution.
FIGURE 7. Outline of an upper canine illustrating the measurements
taken in this study.
1996). On the Thai specimen, m1 is more primitive with a
distinct metaconid and talonid, more like those of Hoplopho-
neus mentalis and Hoplophoneus primaevus, which are the most
primitive species of Hoplophoneus (Bryant, 1996). The decid-
uous canine is usually more flattened than the permanent one
(Table 3) and it is serrated; a groove is present on the internal
face of the tooth for the eruption of the permanent canine. Bru-
net (1972) noticed this peculiar groove and figured a well-pre-
served maxilla with deciduous and permanent canine of Eus-
milus from Villebramar (France). The generic assignation of TF
2692 and TF 2700 is supported by the distinct talonid and meta-
conid on m1, the size and the shape of the upper deciduous
canine. Compared with the species from North America, the
Thai Hoplophoneus is slightly larger than all the specimens that
can be assigned to Hoplophoneus mentalis and primaevus (Ta-
ble 2). The proportion and the structure of m1 are also similar
to those species. However, the size and shape of the upper de-
ciduous canine suggests that the Thai Hoplophoneus had a
much more flattened and larger upper permanent canine than
those of primitive Hoplophoneus (see dimensions in Table 2).
Although they are fragmentary, these specimens provide the
best evidence of the presence of Hoplophoneus in Asia.
The Krabi fauna is one of the richest of South Asia. Many
taxa show that Southeast Asia played an important role in the
history of mammalian groups such as artiodactyls and anthro-
poid primates (see Ducrocq et al., 1995b for a summary). In
spite of our discovery, the fossil record for Paleogene Nimrav-
idae remains relatively poor in Asia (see the geographic distri-
bution on Fig. 8). The oldest known nimravids are represented
by some late Eocene specimens assigned to the genera Dinictis
and Hoplophoneus in North America (Bryant, 1996) and Asia
(Ding et al., 1977; this article); to the genus Nimravus in Mon-
golia (Dashzeveg, 1996; Meng and McKenna, 1998; this arti-
cle); and to the genus Eusmilus in China (Chow, 1958). The
presence of Hoplophoneus sp. in Thailand shows that the dis-
persal of Nimravidae between Asia and North America via Ber-
ingia during the late Eocene was possible, as previously sup-
posed for the Krabi fauna (Ducrocq, 1994a). Nonetheless, the
direction of the dispersal of nimravid carnivores is difficult to
establish because of the scarcity of the material.
Hoplophoneus has never been found in Europe but a review
of the European material is necessary in order to confirm this
assumption. In the late Eocene in Asia and North America, and
the early Oligocene in Europe, sabre-toothed carnivores be-
longing to the family Nimravidae suddenly appeared, including
very derived forms like Eusmilus bidentatus. That suggests a
much earlier origin of the family. The most recent systematic
review (Bryant, 1991) stated that a relationship sister-group be-
tween Aeluroidea (
Feliformia) and the Nimravidae is the most
plausible interpretation, although this is supported by only few
characters (position of the palatine canal, morphology of the
retractile claws, and morphology of P4 and M1). This hypoth-
esis is consistent with molecular evidences. Thus, Wayne et al.
(1989) suggest that Feloidea (extant families of Feliformia) and
Canoidea (
Canidae and their close relatives) may have di-
verged about 56–57 Ma ago, the different families of Feloidea
at about 40 Ma. More recently, an Artiodactyl/Cetacea age of
divergence at 55–60 Ma has been considered (Arnason and
Gullberg, 1996; Ledje and Arnason, 1996) to suppose that Can-
iformia and Feliformia diverged at about 50 Ma. It is therefore
possible to consider an origin of Nimravidae between 50 and
40 Ma, i.e., during Eocene. Discoveries of additional remains
is therefore needed, and investigations in Southeast Asia should
also be conducted in deposits older than late Eocene in order
to better understand the evolutionary history of carnivores as
well as other groups of mammals.
We wish to thank people who gave us access to the collec-
tions under their care: J. Alexander, M. C. McKenna, R. H.
Tedford, X. Wang (New York), L. D. Martin, D. Miao
(Lawrence), R. M. Hunt, R.G. Corner (Lincoln), J. Rensberger
(Seattle), M. A. Turner (New Haven), T. Daeschler (Philadel-
phia), L. de Bonis (Poitiers), P. Tassy (Paris). Many thanks to
M. Brunet (Poitiers) for the loan of unpublished material from
Villebramar. We want to express our gratitude to the anonymous
reviewers for their constructive comments and critical review
that greatly improve the manuscript. This study was financially
supported by the American Museum of Natural History (Col-
lections Study Grant Program) and the Laboratoire de Ge´o-
biologie, Biochronologie et Pale´ontologie Humaine (Poitiers,
S.P.), and the Mission Pale´ontologique Franc¸aise en Thaı¨lande
(Ministe`re des Affaires Etrange`res). Drawings have been per-
formed by Sabine Riffaud (Poitiers). This is contribution ISEM
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... Since then, one reptile (RAGE et al., 1992) and many mammalian fossils have been described (DUCROCQ, 1992(DUCROCQ, , 1994(DUCROCQ, , 1999aDUCROCQ et al., 1992bDUCROCQ et al., , 1993DUCROCQ et al., , 1995aDUCROCQ et al., , c, 1996DUCROCQ et al., , 1997aDUCROCQ et al., , 1998CHAIMANEE et al., 1997CHAIMANEE et al., , 2000aMARIVAUX et al., 2000;PEIGNÉ et al., 2000;MÉTAIS et al., 2001). DUCROCQ et al. (1995b) (DUCROCQ et al., 1995a, c;CHAIMANEE et al., 1997CHAIMANEE et al., , 2000aJAEGER et al., 1998;DUCROCQ, 1999a;FLEAGLE, 1999). ...
... Six species of carnivores have been reported (DUCROCQ et al., 1992a(DUCROCQ et al., , 1995bPEIGNÉ et al., 2000). Miacis thailandicus (Miacidae) was described by DUCROCQ et al. (1992a). ...
... Paläontol. Mh., (DUCROCQ et al., 1995b(DUCROCQ et al., , 1996CHAIMANEE et al., 1997;DUCROCQ, 1997DUCROCQ, , 1999bJAEGER et al., 1998;FLEAGLE, 1999;PEIGNÉ et al., 2000;MARIVAUX et al., 2000;MÉTAIS et al., 2001). *, endemic genera. ...
... Studies on the regionalism of the Eocene vertebrates show that mammalian faunas were equally distributed over East Asia (Xu, 1982;Tong et al., 1995;Qiu, 1996;Peigné et al., 2000;Qiu and Li, 2005;Tsubamoto et al., 2005). Abundantly shared mammalian families and genera can be found all over northern, middle, and southern East Asia, strongly suggesting that this vast region did not experience a significant meridional biogeographical isolation during the Eocene (Tong et al., 1995;Qiu, 1996;Peigné et al., 2000;Qiu and Li, 2005). ...
... Studies on the regionalism of the Eocene vertebrates show that mammalian faunas were equally distributed over East Asia (Xu, 1982;Tong et al., 1995;Qiu, 1996;Peigné et al., 2000;Qiu and Li, 2005;Tsubamoto et al., 2005). Abundantly shared mammalian families and genera can be found all over northern, middle, and southern East Asia, strongly suggesting that this vast region did not experience a significant meridional biogeographical isolation during the Eocene (Tong et al., 1995;Qiu, 1996;Peigné et al., 2000;Qiu and Li, 2005). Importantly, many of these faunas are characterized by a wide occurrence of Rhombomylus-Heptodon assemblage, a diagnostic mammalian indicator of humid climates . ...
... The Eocene mammalian emigrations out of Indochina Peninsula, such as nimravid carnivores and ungulates, also delineate a largely barrier-free biogeographical/climatic pattern in East Asia. Nimravidae are sabre-toothed carnivores, which were probably originated in the early or middle Eocene (Peigné et al., 2000), and survived in the North Hemisphere from the late Eocene to late Miocene (Bryant, 1991). Although there are relatively scarce Paleogene records, they were found in an extensive geographical range, such as Hoplophoneus and Dinictis from Dakota of USA (Bryant, 1991), Bose of southern China (also translated as Baise; Ding et al., 1977), and Krabi of southern Thailand (Peigné et al., 2000), Nimravus from Krabi of Thailand and Mongolia (Meng and McKenna, 1998;Peigné et al., 2000), and Eusmilus from Lushi of central middle China, Erlian of northern China, and Dakota of USA (Chow, 1958;Xu, 1982;Bryant, 1991). ...
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East Asian Paleogene climates have long been regarded as controlled by the planetary wind system, which might result in a climate pattern with three latitudinally distributed zones. Two humid zones located separately in the north and south were lithologically designated by coals and oil shales, while an arid zone in the middle was represented by red beds and evaporites. Because the middle arid zone was located along ~ 30° N paleolatitude, its presence had been further linked with a then subtropical high. However, this long-standing model has recently been challenged by growing evidence from petrology, sedimentology, paleontology, paleobiogeography, paleoclimatology, and climate modeling. Here we review the primary data from these disciplines and reinterpret their climate significances to revisit the East Asian climate pattern during the Paleogene. Petrologically, while the occurrence of coals and/or oil shales is accepted as an indicator for overall humid climates, that of red beds and/or evaporites is highly equivocal to exclusively indicate perennial arid climates unless their origins are carefully investigated. In reality, generic red beds merely represent an oxidizing environment, not essentially associated with a single specific climate type. Meanwhile evaporites, although typically precipitated in arid environments, may be deposited in either perennial dry or seasonal/monsoonal climates. There is no solid evidence so far to convincingly support that the landscape of the so-called middle arid zone was dominated by desert and/or steppe under a then subtropical high during most of the Paleogene. The plant function type study additionally suggests that the “middle arid zone” appears to be lack of xerophytic vegetation, even though some xerophytic or sclerophyllous plant taxa did sporadically occur. Interestingly, paleozoological data show that the Paleogene mammalian faunas were somewhat equably distributed over East Asia, strongly suggesting the evident absence of a critical biogeographical or climatic barrier stretched across the “middle arid zone” as the planetary wind model implied. In contrast to the planetary wind model, monsoonal or monsoon-like Paleogene climates have been broadly reported from the northern, middle, and southern East Asia, as well as adjacent regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. If only the indicators for humid climates are considered, simply due to the uncertainty of those for perennial arid climates, East Asia must have had a relatively dry region in the continental interior during the late Eocene to Oligocene transition, likely caused by the continentality and/or the rain shadow effect along with the global cooling. The monsoonal interpretation is highly in agreement with the evidence from floras, faunas, basin analyses, and modeling experiments, and well explicates the Paleogene climate distribution and seasonal dynamics of East Asia. However, further studies will be largely needed to verify whether, uniformly according to the modern criteria, the Paleogene climates of the East Asia interior can be accurately attributed to the arid category.
... a Measurements except mandibular depth from Peigné (2003). b Measurements except mandibular depth from Peigné et al. (2000). c Measurements except mandibular depth from Dashzeveg (1996). ...
... The relatively deep mandibular body in Nimravus mongoliensis seems to be the result of the lesser enlargement of central cheek teeth (p/3 -m/1) in this species. Peigné et al. (2000) identified fragmentary specimens of Nimravus from the Late Eocene Krabi deposit, Thailand, as Nimravus cf. intermedius based on their dental size. ...
This study reports occurrences of feliform carnivorans from the Upper Eocene Ergilin Dzo Formation and Alag Tsav locality of southeastern Mongolia. Nimravus mongoliensis (Nimravidae) is distinguished from other species in having a deep mandible, a longer p/1–2 and m/2 relative to p/4, and relatively wider P3/. Eofelis sp. (Nimravidae), a genus previously known only from the Oligocene of France is found in the Ergilin Dzo Formation. Alagtsavbaatar indigenus comb. nov. (Alagtsavbaatar gen. nov.; Feliformia) is established for new specimens from the Ergilin Dzo Formation and the previously known Stenoplesictis specimen from the Alag Tsav locality based on its characteristics such as moderately developed buccal cingulid and cingular and accessory cuspids on p/3–4, wide m/1 trigonid and double-rooted m/2 with a trenchant talonid. Stenoplesictis simplex from the Ergilin Dzo Formation is revised to Asiavorator gracilis, extending its chronological range back to the Late Eocene. Geographical and chronological distributions and morphological comparisons suggest that the Nimravidae originated by the Middle Eocene in southern East Asia and migrated northward in the Late Eocene, whereas the early small feliforms immigrated to northern East Asia in the Late Eocene and stayed within the middle-to-high-latitude area.
... The chronological gap between early nimravines and later barbourofelines still presents a major riddle. In Asia, for example, nimravines have been reported from at least three Chinese Eocene localities (Chow 1958;Ding et al. 1977;Averianov et al. 2016) and one in Thailand (Peign e et al. 2000), and barbourofelines occur mostly in the middle Miocene (this report), with a 20-million-year gap in between. A similar hiatus is seen elsewhere in the world (Peign e 2003; Morlo et al. 2004). ...
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Since the early 2000s, a revival of a felid relationship for barbourofeline sabretooths has become popular due to recent discoveries of fragmentary fossils from Africa. According to this view, barbourofelines trace their common ancestor with felids through shared similarities in dental morphology going back to the early Miocene of Africa and Europe. However, whether or not such an idea is represented in the basicranial morphology, a conservative area of high importance in family-level relationships, is yet to be tested. A nearly complete skull of Oriensmilus liupanensis gen. and sp. nov. from the middle Miocene Tongxin Basin of northern China represents the most primitive known barbourofeline with an intact basicranial region, affording an opportunity to re-examine the relationship of felids and nimravines. We also present an update on East Asian records of barbourofelines. The new skull of Oriensmilus possesses a suite of characters shared with nimravines, such as the lack of an ossified (entotympanic) bullar floor, absence of an intrabullar septum, lack of a ventral promontorial process of the petrosal, presence of a small rostral entotympanic on the dorsal side of the caudal entotympanic, and a distinct caudal entry of the internal carotid artery and nerve that pierces the caudal entotympanic at the junction of the ossified and unossified caudal entotympanics. The absence of an ossified bullar floor in O. liupanensis and its presence in those from the middle Miocene of Sansan, France thus help to bracket the transition of this character, which must have happened in the early part of the middle Miocene. Spatial relationships between bullar construction and the middle ear configuration of the carotid artery in Oriensmilus strongly resemble those in nimravines but are distinctly different from felids and other basal feliforms. Despite the attractive notion that early barbourofelines arose from a Miocene ancestor that also gave rise to felids, the basicranial evidence argues against this view.
... A review of volume 20 (issue 1) of the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (JVP) clearly illustrates a lack of nomenclatural standard in descriptions of fossil vertebrate dentitions. Of nine papers that discuss teeth and use some orientation terminology in this one issue of a single journal, four use the terms anterior and posterior (Benton et al., 2000;Gow, 2000;Norell et al., 2000;Peigné et al., 2000) and five use mesial and distal (Hungerbühler, 2000;Ortega et al., 2000;Rasmussen and Simons, 2000;Rose and Lucas, 2000;Weston, 2000) to discuss the same crown surfaces. ...
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There is little consistency in the notation and orientation terminology used in discussions of non-mammalian fossil vertebrate dentitions. The standardization of this terminology, as done in the medical and dental sciences, would facilitate all future research on fossil teeth. For mammals, we recommend following convention, where incisors, canines, premolars, and molars are abbreviated as In, Cn, Pn, and Mn (n = tooth number) in upper jaws and as in, cn, pn, and mn in lower jaws. Right, left, and deciduous teeth are indicated by R, L, and D (e.g., DP4, Rp2). For non-mammals, which can have dentigerous premaxillae, maxillae, and dentaries, as well as additional tooth-bearing bones (e.g., vomers, palatines, pterygoids, ectopterygoids, sphenoids, splenials, and even parasphenoids), we encourage identifying teeth using the bone abbreviation (e.g., pmn, mxn, dn, vn, paln). A number and slash (/) combination can be used to distinguish between multiple tooth rows (e.g., Pal1/n, Pal2/n), and specimen-specific maps can be created for very complicated dentitions. We suggest the use of the terms mesial and distal to designate tooth surfaces and directions facing toward and away from the mandibular symphysis. Labial is offered for those surfaces and directions facing the lips or cheeks and lingual for those facing the tongue. We offer the terms basal for the direction toward crown bases, apical for the direction toward crown tips, occlusal for views of the occlusal surfaces, and basal and root apical for views of crown bases and roots, respectively.
... The fossil record of Nimravidae is excellent in North America 4,6,10,11,[15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27] and reasonably complete in Europe 2,7,12,[28][29][30][31][32][33] . In contrast, in Asia nimravids have been known so far from few dentary and tooth fragments [34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42] ( Fig. 1). Here we report the first nimravid skull from Asia. ...
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Maofelis cantonensis gen. and sp. nov. is described based on a complete cranium from the middleupper Eocene Youganwo Formation of Maoming Basin, Guangdong Province, China. The new taxon has characters diagnostic for Nimravidae such as a short cat-like skull, short palate, ventral surface of petrosal dorsal to that of basioccipital, serrations on the distal carina of canine, reduced anterior premolars, and absence of posterior molars (M2-3). It is plesiomorphic nimravid taxon similar to Nimravidae indet. from Quercy (France) in having the glenoid pedicle and mastoid process without ventral projections, a planar basicranium in which the lateral rim is not ventrally buttressed, and P1 present. The upper canine is less flattened than in other Nimravidae. Maofelis cantonensis gen. and sp. nov. exemplifies the earliest stage of development of sabertooth specialization characteristic of Nimravidae. This taxon, together with other middle-late Eocene nimravid records in South Asia, suggests origin and initial diversification of Nimravidae in Asia. We propose that this group dispersed to North America in the late Eocene and to Europe in the early Oligocene. The subsequent Oligocene diversification of Nimravidae took place in North America and Europe, while in Asia this group declined in the Oligocene, likely because of the earlier development of open habitats on that continent.
... intermedius and Hoplophoneus sp. (Peign e et al. 2000). Nimravus is also known from the early Oligocene of Mongolia (de Bonis, 1981; Lange-Badr e and Dashzeveg, 1989;Dashzeveg, 1996) and Nimravus brachyops is the most common nimravid in the Turtle Cove fauna, ranging from unit C through K1. ...
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Primates were common in North America through most of the Eocene, but vanished in the Chadronian, about 35 million years ago. In the Arikareean, about 6 million years later, the enigmatic primate Ekgmowechashala appeared in the Great Plains and Oregon. This taxon shows little resemblance to other North American primates and its phylogenetic position has long been debated. New material of this taxon allows a revised assessment of its age and how it is related to other primates. Recently collected Ekgmowechashala specimens from the Turtle Cove Member of the John Day Formation in Oregon are described. These specimens are compared to previously collected material from South Dakota and Nebraska, as well as other fossil primates from North America and Asia. Study of the John Day material allows diagnosis of a new, distinct species. Comparison of Ekgmowechashala to a pair of recently described Asian primates, Muangthanhinius and Bugtilemur, suggests that it is a strepsirrhine adapiform, rather than an omomyid. The well-defined stratigraphy and dated marker beds of the Turtle Cove Member provide a refined age for Ekgmowechashala occurrences in Oregon, during the Oligocene (early Arikareean). The age and morphology of these ekgmowechashaline taxa suggest that the group originated in Asia and dispersed to North America in the Oligocene, after the extinction of other primates in North America. Contemporaneous occurrences of Ekgmowechashala in Oregon and the Great Plains indicate the last non-human primates vanished in North America about 26 million years ago. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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Several scenarios have been proposed to explain rapid net size increases in some early Cenozoic mammalian lineages: sustained and gradual directional change, successive occupation of adaptive zones associated with progressively larger body sizes, and nondirectional evolution associated with branching events in combination with higher diversification potential of the larger lineages. We test these hypotheses in brontotheres, which are among the first radiations of mammals that consistently evolved multitonne sizes. Body-mass evolution in brontotheres mainly occurred during speciation and had no preferential direction. Long-term directional change stemmed from the higher survival of larger lineages in less-saturated herbivore guilds. Our study emphasizes the role of differential species proliferation in explaining the long-term phenotypic trends observed in the fossil record, which are more than an accumulation of steady microevolutionary changes.
Eusmilus shows the most developed sabertoothed adaptations among Nimravidae. This genus is however badly known, especially because it is essentially represented by fragmentary material. Moreover, European specimens mainly belong to the old collections from Quercy whose the precise geographic and stratigraphic origins remain unknown. The discovery several years ago of specimens in Soumailles and Villebramar is therefore particularly important for the knowledge of the genus. The comparative analysis of the new remains assigned to Eusmilus allow to distinguish two species in Western Europe: Eusmilus bidentatus, the type species of the genus, which is present in the Phosphorites of Quercy and in some localities which belong to the mammalian level MP 21 (early Oligocene): The French locality of Soumailles and, in Germany, in the localities of Eselsberg, Möhren 7 and 31. A new form, Eusmilus villebramarensis nov. sp., is present in Villebramar (France, MP 22), in Grafenmühle 6B and Möhren 13 (South Germany, MP 22), and in Kleinblauen (Switzerland, lower Stampian). The skull and dentition of these taxa are described in this study.
During the transition from the Eocene to the Oligocene epochs, the mild tropical climates of the Paleocene and early Eocene were replaced by modern climatic conditions and extremes, including glacial ice in Antarctica. The best terrestrial record of the Eocene-Oligocene transition is found in North America, including the spectacular cliffs and spires of the Big Badlands National Park, in South Dakota. The first part of this book summarises the latest information in dating and correlation of the strata of late middle Eocene through early Oligocene age in North America, including the latest insights from argon/argon dating and magnetic stratigraphy. The second part reviews almost all the important terrestrial reptiles and mammals found near the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in the White River chronofauna, from the turtles, snakes and lizards to the common rodents, carnivores, artiodactyls, and perissodactyls. This is the first comprehensive treatment of these rocks and fossils in over sixty years and will be an invaluable resource to vertebrate palaeontologists, geologists, mammalogists and evolutionary biologists.
The study of the Anthracotheriidae from the Upper Eocene fauna of Krabi (Thailand) suggests the likely occurrence of migrations between Asia and weasern Europe and Africa during the terminal Eocene. On the other hand, the origin of the family Anthracotheriidae is challenged on the basis of the dental and osteological morphology of Siamotherium krabiense, here considered as the most primitive known anthracothere. There is an abridged English version. -English summary
A new anthracothere is described from the late Eocene fauna of Krabi (southern Thailand). Morphological similarities displayed in this specimen and the North American oreodonts certainly reflect convergence. The strong diversity of the Paleogene anthracotheres in Southeast Asia characterizes a major Eocene centre of differentiation for mammals in this area.
Several dental remains of a new suid, Siamochoerus banmarkensis gen. et sp. nov., have been collected in the Late Eocene Krabi basin in southern Thailand. This species is morphologically close to but more primitive than Dubiotherium waterhousi (formerly Palaeochoerus waterhousi), and represents one of the oldest known suids. The date of origination of suids can therefore be placed back to the Late Eocene or even earlier, and the early evolution and diversification of the family might have occurred largely in the Oligocene of Asia.
Although the time of origin of viverrid and hyaenid carnivorans has not been clearly documented in the fossil record, their theater of evolution has long been established by a mid-Cenozoic fossil distribution entirely confined to the Old World. Recent examination of the basicranial morphology of important early aeluroid crania from Europe and Asia significantly alters earlier views of viverrid and hyaenid origins. The early Miocene carnivoran Herpestides antiquus, considered a potential ancestral hyaenid or herpestid in earlier studies, is identified as a true viverrid on the basis of a large sample of skulls of both juveniles and adults from Aquitanian sediments of the Allier basin, France. The basicranial morphology of Herpestides has attained the modem viverrid grade of development in the early Miocene (European Neogene mammal zone MN2a), and suggests that diversification of the Viverridae was in progress by this time. In ongoing work to be published elsewhere, the mid-Miocene Asian camivoran Tungurictis spocki, long regarded as a viverrid, is identified as an early hyaenid, following preparation and restudy ofthe auditory region of the genoholotype cranium from Tung Gur, Mongolia. These discoveries indicate that separation of the modem aeluroid families as discrete lineages had been accomplished by the beginning of the Neogene in the Old World, and that diversification within these families must have been initiated in the early to mid-Miocene.