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Manegold, A., G. Mayr, and C. Mourer-Chauviré. Miocene songbirds and the composition of the European passeriform avifauna. Auk



Las aves canoras (Passeriformes) aparecen en el registro fósil del Hemisferio Norte alrededor del Oligoceno temprano. Recientemente se ha sugerido que los linajes principales de Passeriformes se separaron en Gondwana durante el Cretácico medio a tardío y que los oscines, que incluyen todas las aves canoras vivientes europeas, se originaron en la plataforma continental de Australia. Se supone que los suboscines se originaron en el oeste de Gondwana. Aunque para Europa existe un registro fósil abundante, se han hecho pocos intentos de poner estos restos fósiles en un contexto filogenético. Nuestra evaluación de las aves canoras fósiles de tres localidades del Mioceno medio ubicadas en Alemania y Francia muestra que muchas de estas aves no presentan la morfología derivada del hipotarso que caracteriza a los Eupasseres vivientes (un taxón que incluye los oscines y suboscines). Suponemos que estos taxa fósiles están fuera del grupo terminal Eupasseres, lo que indica la existencia de una avifauna de Passeriformes antigua en el Mioceno de Europa, además de los pocos fósiles de Eupasseres ya descritos en la literatura.
Th e A uk 12L (4) :11 5Tl1 60, 2004
ArsnscHr MaNscoro,l GrnAtD MayR,2'a aN» CÉcIrs Mounsn-CHAUvIRÉ3
tlnstitut für Biologie und Zoologie, Freie Unioersitrit Berlin, Kônigin-Luise-Strasse 1-3, D-1-4195 Berlin, Germany;
zSektion Ornithalogie, Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Senckenberganlage 25, D-60j25 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; and
3llMR 5125 Paléoenoironnements et Paléobiosphère, Centre des Sciences de la Terre, Unittersité Claude Bernard-Lyon 1
2743 Bouleaard du 11 Nooembre, F-69622 Vlleurbanne Cedex, France
AssrRAcr. -Songbirds (Passeriformes) occur in the fossil record of the Northem Hemisphere
around the early Oligocene. It has recently been suggested that the maior passeriform lineages
diverged in Gondwana in the mid- to late Cretaceous and that the oscines, which include all
extant European songbirds, originated on the Australian continental plate. Suboscines are as-
sumed to have originated in western Condwana. Although there is an abundant fossil record
of songbirds in Europe, few attempts have been made to set those remains in a phylogenetic
context. Our examination of fossil songbirds from three middle Miocene localities in Germany
and France shows that many lack the derived morphology of the hypotarsus that characterizes
extant Eupasseres (a taxon that comprises oscines and suboscines). We assume that these fossil
taxa are outside the crown-group of Eupasseres, which indicates the presence of an ancient
songbird avifauna in the Miocene of Europe, in addition to the few fossil Eupasseres already
described in the literature. Receiaed 31 October 2003, accepted 24 lune 2004.
RpsuurN.-Las aves canoras (Passeriformes) aparecen en el registro fôsil del Hemisferio
Norte alrededor del Oligoceno temprano. Recientemente se ha sugerido que los linajes
principales de Passeriformes se separaron en Gondwana durante el Cretâcico medio a tardio
y que los oscines, que incluyen todas las aves canoras vivientes europeas, se originaron en
la plataforma continental de Australia. Se supone que los suboscines se originaron en el
oeste de Gondwana. Aunque para Europa existe un registro f6sil abundante, se han hecho
pocos intentos de poner estos restos f6siles en un contexto filogenético. Nuestra evaluaci6n
de las aves canoras fôsiles de tres localidades del Mioceno medio ubicadas en Alemania y
Francia muestra que muchas de estas aves no presentan la morfologia derivada dei hipotarso
que caracteriza a los Eupasseres vivientes (un taxôn que incluye los oscines y suboscines).
Suponemos que estos taxa fôsiles estân fuera del grupo terminal Eupasseres, 1o que indica la
existencia de una avifauna de Passeriformes antigua en el Mioceno de Europa, ademâs de los
pocos f6siles de Eupasseres ya descritos en la literatura.
SoNcsrnos oR pASsERINEs (Passeriformes) are
the most species-rich group of birds, compris-
ing more than half of all extant bird species
(Sibley and Monroe 1990). The phylogenetic
relationships between these birds have long been
controversial (see Sibley and Ahlquist 1990 for a
review of the history of classification), but recent
molecular anâlyses have greatly improved our
understanding of passeriform phylogeny. Those
studies have shown that New Zealand wrens
(Acanthisittidae) are the sister group of all other
extant passerines (the Eupasseres, which are fur-
ther divided into suboscines and oscines; Fig. 1;
Barker et al. 2002; Ericson et al. 2002, 2003).
aAddress correspondence to this author. E-mail
All extant European songbirds belong to the
oscines, which are assumed to have arisen on the
Australian continental plate (Barker et al. 2002).
With the exception of the sister taxa broadbills
(Eurylaimidae) and pittas (Pittidae) (e.9. Ericson
et al. 2003), members of the suboscines are today
restricted to North, Central, and South America.
That pattem of distribution has led to the
assumptions that (1) Passeriformes originated
in the Southern Hemisphere and (2) the sepa-
ration of New Zealand from Gondwana in the
mid-Cretaceous (some 82-85 mya) resulted in
the split into the Acanthisittidae and Eupasseres
lineages (Ericson et al. 2003). The split between
the oscine and suboscine lineages is assumed
to have occurred in the late Cretaceous, when
the South American and Indian tectonic plates
became isolated (Ericson et al. 2003).
11,s6 MaNscoro, Mavn, aup Mounsn-CHauvlnÉ [Auk, Vol. 121
Passeriform birds exhibit a highly derived
and very uniform osteology that facilitates their
distinction from nonpasseriform birds but aggra-
vates recognition of subgroups within the taxon.
For that reasory few attempts have been made
to set fossil songbirds in a phylogenetic context.
However, we discovered that the hypotarsus-a
bony strucfure at the proximal tarsometatarsus
that conducts the tendons of the flexor muscles of
the toes -exhibits a phylogenetically informative
variation within passeriform birds.
We examined hypotarsi of representatives of
all but 5 (for which no skeletons were available)
of the 46 extant "families" of Passeriformes
recognized by Sibley and Monroe (1990)
and of fossil songbirds from three middle-
Miocene localities (all from the mammalian
biostratigraphic level MN 6, about 14-15 mya)
in southern Germany (Petersbuch 39 and
Nôrdlinger Ries) and France (Sansan), which
yielded abundant remains of small passeriform
birds. Surprisingly, many of the well-preserved
fossil hypotarsi we studied differ distinctly from
the pattem typical of crown-group Eupasseres.
Mrrnnral aNo Mrruops
We examined hypotarsi of the following extant
taxa in the collections of the Institut für Biologie
und Zoologie, Freie Universitât Berlin; the Museum
of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Wellington,
New Zealand; the Natural History Museum London;
Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt am
Main, Germany; the National Museum of Natural
History, Washington D.C.; and the Museum für
Naturkunde, Berlin (species are listed following the
higher-level passerine sequence of Sibley and Monroe
1990; "Corvidae" were shown to be a paraphyletic
group by Barker et aL.2002 and Ericson et al. 2002):
Acanthisittidae : Acanthisitta chloris, Xenicus gilaizten-
iris. Suboscines: Pittidae: Pitta guajana, P. sordida, P.
granatina. Eurylaimidae (inciuding Phiiepittidae;
see Prum 1993): Smithornis capensis, Corydon
sumatranus, Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchus, P sarisomus
dalhousiae, Philepitta castanea. Tyrannidae: Xolmis
irrupero, Machetornis rixosus, Tyrannus melancholicus,
Megarhynchus pitangua, Pitangus sulphuratus, Phy-
totoma rara, Lipaugus subalaris, Xipholena punicea,
Cephalopterus ornatus, Procnias nudicollis, Rupicola
peruztiana, Pipra erythrocephala, Chiroxiphia caudata,
Manacus manacus. Thamnophiiid ae: Thamnophilus cae-
r ulescens, T. ruficapillus. Furnariidae: F urnarius rufus,
P s eudo col ap t es b oiss onne au t ii, Sy nda cty I a r ufo sup er cili at a,
Dendrocincla cf. fuliginosa, Lepidocolaptes fuscus, Sit-
tasomus griseicapillus. Formicariidae: Formicarius sp.
Rhinocryptidae:. Pteroptochos megapodius. Oscines:
;- Eupasseres -1
Acanthisittidae Suboscinês Oscines
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Frc. 1. Left hypotarsi of extant (A, B) and fossil (C,
D) passeriform birds in comparison. (A) South Island
Wren (Xenicus gilaioentris, Acanthisittidae). (B) Gamet
Pitta (Pitta granatina, suboscines, Eupasseres); this
pattern corresponds to the derived six-canal pattern
of Eupasseres. (C) Fossil species from the middle
Miocene (Mlikovskÿ 1996) of Petersbuch 39, Germany
(specimen SMF Av 496). (D) Fossil species from the
middle Miocene (Cheneval 2000) of Sansan, France
(specimen MNHN SA 1263c). Images are not to scale.
Abbreviations of tendinal canals: fhl = musculus Jlexor
hallucis longus, ldl = musculus flexor digitorum longus,
tp = musculus flexor perforatus, fpp = musculus flexor
perforans et perforatus; numerals indicate number of
the toe suppiied by the tendon. Phylogeny is based on
recent molecular studies (Barker et al. 2002; Ericson et
al.2002, 2003).
The earliest fossil record of songbirds is
from the Eocene of Australia, though the frag-
mentary fossils do not allow an assignment to
any specific taxon within Passeriformes (Boles
1995a). From the early Miocene of Australia,
crown-group oscines have been reported and
even assigned to distinct extant genera (Boles
'1995b, L997), thus corroborating molecular phy-
logenies that indicate an origin of oscines on the
Australian continental plate. There is no record
of early-Tertiary Passeriformes from Africa, and
only a single fragmentary passeriform humerus
is known from the early Miocene of South
America (Noriega and Chiappe 1993).
The earliest passeriform fossils from Europe
are from the early Oligocene of Germany (Mayr
and Manegold 2004) and France (Roux 2002).
Songbirds have not been identified among the
numerous avian remains from Eocene fossil sites
in Europe and North America (Mourer-Chauviré
L995,Mayr 2000), and it is assumed that they were
still restricted to the Southem Hemisphere by that
time (Olson 1988, Maclean 1990, Cracraft 2001).
October 20041
Climacteridae: Climacteris leucophaea. Menuridae: Men-
u r a n o a a eh o I I an di ae. P tilonorhy nchi d ae : P t il o n o rhy n chu s
oiolace us. Maluridae: Malurus splendens. Meliphagidae:
Myzomela rubrata, Acanthochaera inauris. Pardalotidae:.
P ardalotus substriatus. Petroicidae: Eopsaltria australis.
Irenidae: lrena puella. Orthonychidae: Orthonyx spal'
dingi. Pomatostomidae: Pomatostomus superciliosus.
Laniidae: Lanius collurio, L. excubitor. Vireonidae:
Vireo olittaceus. "Corvidae": Corcorax melanorhamphos,
S truthidea cinere a, P achy cephala rut'iaentris, P. lanioides,
Turnagra capensis, Pica pica, Corztus monedula, Seleucidis
melanoleuca, Paradisaea rubra, Artamus pelewensis, Ori-
olus oriolus, Dicrurus adsimilis, Grallina cyanoleuca,
Aegithina tiphia, F alculea p alliata. Picathartidae: Pica-
thartes oreas. Bombycillidae: Bombycilla garrulus.
Cinclidae: Cinclus cinclus. Muscicapidae: Turdus mer-
ula, T. philomelos, Zoothera citrina, Ficedula hypoleuca,
Erithacus rubecula, Luscinia megarhynchus. Sturnidae:
Cosmopsarus regius, Sturnus aulgaris, Mino anais,
Gr acula religiosa, Buphagus ery throrhynchus, D umetella
carolinensis, Mimus poly glollos. Sittidae: Sitta europae a.
Certhiidae: Certhia sp., Troglodytes troglodytes. Paridae:
Remiz p endulinus, P arus caeruleus, P. maj or. Aegithalidae:
Aegithalos caudatus, Ae. concinnus. Hirundinidae:
Hirundo rustica, Delichon urbica. Reguiidae: Regulus
regulus. Pycnonotidae: Pycnonotus jocosus, Chlorocichla
falkensteini, Hypsipetes madagas cariensis, N e oLest es tor'
quatus. Cisticolidae: Cisticola galactotes. Zosteropidae:
Zosterops erythropleurus, Z. palpebrosa. Sylviidae: Acro-
cephalus schoenobaenus, Phylloscopus trochilus, Garrulax
leucolophus, Stachyris polio cephala, Tur doides s quamiceps,
Leiothrix argentauris, Sylztia atricapilla, Hippolais ic-
terina. Alaudidae: Galerida cristata, Alauda arttensis,
Eremophila alpestris. Nectariniidae: Dicaeum hirun-
dinaceum, Anthreptes singalensis, Nectarinia asiatica.
Passeridae: Passer domesticus, Motacilla alba, Anthus
pratensis, Prunella, Quelea quelea. Fringillidae: Fringilla
coelebs, F. montifringilla, Carduelis carduelis, C. spinus, C.
chloris, Coccothraus t es coccothr austes, Emberiza citrinella,
Seiurus aurocapillus, Tangara nigroztiridis, T. uassorii,
Diglossa lafresnayii, lcterus dominicensis, Agelaius hu'
mer alis, Quiscalus niger.
The fossil specimens are deposited in the
following institutions: Muséum National d'Histoire
Naturelle, Paris, France (MNHN); Forschungsinstitut
Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Germany (SMF); and
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart,
Germany (SMNS). Anatomical terminology follows
Baumel and Witmer (1993).
We focused on the hypotarsus because we found
that element to be especially informative in regard to
characterization of some maior ciades of passeriform
birds (see below). Some of the examined specimens
consist of complete bones with the highly characteris-
tic distal end of the passeriform tarsometatarsus (e.9.
trochleae of the second, third, and fourth toe arranged
in a line in distal aspect; and trochleae of the second
and fourth toe very narrow). A derived feature on the
proximal end that confirms passeriform affinities of
the fossils is the presence of an ossified retinaculum
extensorium; the shaft of the tarsometatarsus further
shows a marked crista plantaris lateralis, which occurs
only in songbirds and cuckoos (Cuculidae).
The pattern of hypotarsal canals in the fossils
reflects the original condition of the bone and is not
the result of the breakage of bony ridges (Fig. 2). The
fossils are certainly from adult birds, because the
tarsal cap is completely fused with the metatarsals
and the proximal end of the bone does not show the
blurred surface characteristic of juvenile birds. Other
skeletal elements of passeriform birds in the material
(carpometacarpi, humeri) cannot reliably be assigned
to a given type of tarsometatarsus and thus are not
considered here.
The hypotarsus of the Acanthisittidae, sister
taxon of the Eupasseres, bears only two ossified
canals for the deep flexor tendons of the toes
(fhl and fdl in Fig. 1B); whereas the superficial
flexor tendons (fp24 and fpp2-3 in Fig. 18) run
through bony grooves on its plantar surface
Frc. 2. Scanning electron microscope photographs
of the proximal end of a left tarsometatarsus from
the middle Miocene of Sansan, France (specimen
MNHH SA 1263c). (A) Proximal view on hypotarsus.
(B) Dorsal view. (C) Plantar view. (D) Medial view.
Abbreviations: cpl = crista plantaris lateralis, fhl = ossi-
fied canai for tendon of musculus lTexor hallucis longus,
re = ossified retinaculum extensorium (broken). Arrows
indicate the bony ridges that border the canal for the
tendon of musculus flexor digitorum lozgrzs (note that
these do not show any sign of breakage).
Miocene Songbirds
1158 MaNrcom, Mavn, ewo Mounnx-CuauvrnÉ [Auk, Vol. 121
Miocoraus larteti from the middte Miocene of
Sansan (specimens MNHN SA 1267, MNHN
SA 1289, MNHN SA 1491). Surprisingly, the
canals for the superficial tendons fp3-4 and
fpp3 are plantarly open in all of the 13 well-
preserved fossil hypotarsi from the German
localities Petersbuch (specimens SMF Av 487-
496) and Nôrdlinger Ries (specimens SMNS
86822, SMNS 86825, SMNS 86826) (Fig. 1C).
The canals for those tendons are also plantarly
open in 8 of the 26 well-preserved specimens
from Sansan (specimens MNHN 5A1259-1262,
MNHN SA 1263a, b, c, d) (Figs. 1D and 2), in
which only the lateral canal for the deep flexor
tendons (fhl) is completely ossified, a condi-
tion we found in the South American Lesser
Woodcreeper (Lepidocolap t es fus cus, Furnariidae,
Suboscines; Fig. 3L) but not in the closely
related Dendrocincla cf. fuliginosa and Siftasomis
griseicapillus (see Iresteàt et al. 2002).
Outgroup comparisons with any extant non-
passeriform avian taxon show the unique six-
canal pattern to be derived within passeriform
birds. A six-canal pattem is present in almost
all members of suboscines and oscines, includ-
ing basal taxa (e.9. Barker et al.2002), and thus
almost certainly was also present in the last
common ancestor of crown-group Eupasseres. It
is the first morphological apomorphy of crown-
group Eupasseres identified so far and supports
the molecular results conceming the sister-
group relationship between Acanthisittidae and
]udging from current phylogenies, the pres-
ence of plantarly open canals for the super-
ficial tendons fp3-4 and fpp3 in a few extant
Eupasseres is most likely a reversal to the primi-
tive condition in those unrelated taxa nested
deeply within crown-group Eupasseres (e.g.
Barker et al. 2002). Apart from the suboscines
Xipholena punicea and Lepidocolaptes fuscus, all
the birds in question are ground-dwelling non-
perching birds. Although it thus appears as if
there was a functional correlation between that
way of living and ossification of the hypotarsus,
other ground-dwelling songbirds, such as pittas
(Pittidae; Fig. 18) and lyrebirds (Menuridae),
exhibit the Eupasseres' typical six-canal pattem.
The considerable variation in the hypotarsi
of the fossil taxa (Fig. 1C, D) indicates a high
(Fig. 1A). In crown-group Eupasseres, in con-
trast, the flexor tendons typically run through
six ossified canals arranged in a unique complex
pattern found in no other living or fossil avian
taxon (Figs. 1B and 3). In most Eupasseres, the
canals for the superficial tendons are completely
ossified (some canals may be fused, as in some
Turdidae and Zosteropidae; see Figs. 3I, ]); very
rarely, the canal for fp3-4 is plantarly open (e.g.
in all Eurylaimidae investigated; Fig. 3K).
Among the numerous passeriform taxa
we examined, only in the South American
Pteroptochos megapodius (suboscines, Rhino-
cryptidae) and Xipholena punicea (suboscines,
Tyrannidae), the African Picathartes oreas
(oscines, Picathartidae), and the Palaearctic
Cinclus cinclus (oscines, Cinclidae) are the
canals plantarly open for both the superficial
tendons fp3-4 and fpp3 (Figs. 18 and 3M-O).
That condition was also mentioned by Feduccia
and Olson (1982) for the rhinocryptid genera
Scelorchilus and Myornis and illustrated by Rich
et al. (1985) for the two species of Australian
Atrichor nis (oscines, Menuridae).
We found the derived "six-canal pattern"
of crown-group Eupasseres to be present in
n(9 «-{l
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Frc. 3. Selected hypotarsi of extant suboscines (A-D,
K-M) and oscines (E-I, N-O). Note that the excep-
tions from the Eupasseres type are over-represented
in the figure. (A) Tyrannus melancholicus (Tyrannidae).
(B) Phytotoma rara (Tyrannid,ae). (C) Thamnophilus
caerulescens (Thamnophilidae). (D) Furnarius rufus
(Furnariidae). (E) Dicrurus adsimilis (Dicruridae). (F)
Paradisaea rubra (Paradisaeidae). (C) Falculea palliata
(Vangidae). (H) Hirundo rustica (IJir:undinidae). (!
Turdus merula (Turdidae). (!) Zosterops erythropleurus
(Zosieropidae). (K) Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchus
(Eurylaimidae). (L) Lepidocolap tes fuscus (Furnariidae).
(M) Pteroptochos megapodius (Rhinocryptidae). (N)
Picathartes oreas (Picathartidae). (O) Cinclus cinclus
(Cinciidae). Images are not to scale.
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October 20041
taxonomic diversity and a radiation of at least
one extinct passeriform taxon (there is no evi-
dence that the fossil birds in question are mem-
bers of a monophyletic group). If the absence
of the derived Eupasseres pattern in the fossil
specimens was also a secondary reversal to the
primitive conditiory it raises the question of
why taxa without the six-canal pattem are the
exception among extant passerines, whereas
they appear to be abundant and diverse in the
middle Miocene. Because of the geological age of
the specimens, we consider it likely that absence
of the six-canal pattern in the fossil hypotarsi is
indeed primitive and indicates that the taxa are
outside the crown-group Eupasseres.
The as-yet-unnamed early-Oligocene song-
bird from Germany described by Mayr and
Manegold (2004) is too poorly preserved for
detailed comparisons. However, a plesiomor-
phic morphology of the coracoid also suggests
that it is outside the crown-group Eupasseres.
The hypotarsus morphology of that specimen is
unknown. The early-Oligocene songbird from
France mentioned by Roux (2002) has not yet
been described.
Few late Oligocene or early to middle Miocene
songbirds have been described from Europe
so far, and all were considered to be within
the Eupasseres-representatives either of the
suboscines (Ballmann 1969, Mourer-Chauviré
1995, Cheneval 2000) or of the oscines (Mourer-
Chauviré et al.-1.989, Cheneval 2000). Although
the hypotarsus of most fossil specimens is either
unknown or too poorly preserved to allow rec-
ognition of the canal pattern, some identifica-
tions of Eupasseres in the Miocene of Europe
are certainly correct-for example, Miocorous
larteti (see above) or the as-yet-unnamed taxon
of Eurylaimidae reported by Ballmann (1969)
from the early Miocene of Germany. We thus
do not question the existence of Eupasseres
in the Miocene of Europe (see also Steadman
[1981] concerning the presence of Eupasseres
in the Miocene of North America). However,
our study indicates for the first time that fossil
songbirds outside the crown-group Eupasseres
(i.e. taxa other than suboscines and oscines)
may have been present in the Miocene of
Europe. Our study focuses on fossils from one
period, the middle Miocene (MN 6). Further
studies of older (Oligocene or early-Miocene)
songbird remains are needed for learning more
about the temporal distribution of these taxa.
With accumulation of more fossil material, it
may also be possible to assign other skeletal
elements to the tarsometatarsi, which may
provide additional clues on the phylogenetic
position of these fossil songbirds.
We thank R. Bôttcher (SMNS) for the ioan of fos-
sil specimens and J. Cooper (The Natural History
Museum, London) for information on the hypotar-
sus of some extant songbirds. We further thank D.
Steadman and an anonymous reviewer for comments
on the manuscript. A.M. is supported by Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (GK 503).
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Associate Editor: D. A. Nelson
... This is connected in many respects with the fact that passeriforms are poorly represented in the fossil record; at the same time, passeriforms are rather uniform in morphology, complicating the study of fossil material of this group. At the same time, recent works have shown that some passeriform clades (both extant and extinct) can be diagnosed based on certain skeletal elements ( Manegold et al., 2004;Panteleyev, 2004;Mayr and Manegold, 2006a;Worthy et al., 2007Worthy et al., , 2010Manegold, 2008a;Nguyen et al., 2013;Nguyen, 2016;etc.). This allowed to throw light on the early evolutionary stages of the group. ...
... In the early Oligocene, passeriforms are rather common in Europe and represented mainly by stem Eupasseres (the clade including Oscines and Suboscines) and also more advanced stem Suboscines and a number of forms of uncertain taxonomic position (Roux, 2002;Mayr and Manegold, 2004, 2006a, 2006bBocheński et al., 2011Bocheński et al., , 2013Bocheński et al., , 2014aBocheński et al., , 2014bMayr, 2017). Suboscines inhabited Europe up to the early Miocene ( Ballmann, 1969;Manegold, 2008b), and stem Eupasseres sur- vived in Europe up to the middle Miocene ( Manegold et al., 2004). The lower Miocene beds of New Zealand have also yielded the earliest members of Acanthisitti- dae ( Worthy et al., 2010), and a presumable member of Suboscines has been described from the lower-middle Miocene of Argentina ( Noriega and Chiappe, 1993). ...
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A new scansorial passerine bird, Kischinskinia scandens gen. et sp. nov., from the uppermost Lower Miocene of the Tagay locality (Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal) is described based on a distal tarsometatarsal fragment. This is the first Asian member of the clade Certhioidea. A tibiotarsal fragment is also tentatively assigned to this taxon. Both bones display adaptations for climbing on a vertical surface. The find of a scansorial passerine bird of the clade Certhioidea is evidence of ecological similarity of Early Miocene avifaunas of southern Eastern Siberia and Western Europe, since a representative of Certhioidea showing a similar level of specialization was described from the Lower Miocene (MN3) of Germany. In addition, Kischinskinia scandens is the earliest reliable member of oscine passerines (Oscines) from Asia.
... Nevertheless, several Oligocene-Miocene fossils of early members of Eupasseres have been described from European deposits, which indicate that the clade was not entirely restricted to the Southern Hemisphere early in their evolutionary history. These include Oligocene fossils Wieslochia weissi (a possible stem suboscine or perhaps a lineage just outside Eupasseres; [211], a potential Miocene record of the suboscine lineage Eurylaimidae [212] and several Miocene tarsometatarsi that retain plesiomorphic features suggesting they represent an extinct lineage outside of Eupasseres [213]. Thus, the Early Eocene provides a conservative maximum age. ...
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It has long been appreciated that analyses of genomic data (e.g., whole genome sequencing or sequence capture) have the potential to reveal the tree of life, but it remains challenging to move from sequence data to a clear understanding of evolutionary history, in part due to the computational challenges of phylogenetic estimation using genome-scale data. Supertree methods solve that challenge because they facilitate a divide-and-conquer approach for large-scale phylogeny inference by integrating smaller subtrees in a computationally efficient manner. Here, we combined information from sequence capture and whole-genome phylogenies using supertree methods. However, the available phylogenomic trees had limited overlap so we used taxon-rich (but not phylogenomic) megaphylogenies to weave them together. This allowed us to construct a phylogenomic supertree, with support values, that included 707 bird species (~7% of avian species diversity). We estimated branch lengths using mitochondrial sequence data and we used these branch lengths to estimate divergence times. Our time-calibrated supertree supports radiation of all three major avian clades (Palaeognathae, Galloanseres, and Neoaves) near the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary. The approach we used will permit the continued addition of taxa to this supertree as new phylogenomic data are published, and it could be applied to other taxa as well.
... Additional file 3: Figure S2) or during/after the radiation of oscines and therefore hypothesize that Tgu-SINE1 emerged in Eupasseres and became extinct in the oscines' ancestor (Fig. 3a). The emergence of TguSINE1 is thus the first synapomorphic "genome morphology" character for Eupasseres and supplements support from skeletal morphology, which is limited to the presence of a 'six-canal pattern' in the hypotarsus [43]. ...
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Background Passeriformes (“perching birds” or passerines) make up more than half of all extant bird species. The genome of the zebra finch, a passerine model organism for vocal learning, was noted previously to contain thousands of short interspersed elements (SINEs), a group of retroposons that is abundant in mammalian genomes but considered largely inactive in avian genomes. Results Here we resolve the deep phylogenetic relationships of passerines using presence/absence patterns of SINEs. The resultant retroposon-based phylogeny provides a powerful and independent corroboration of previous sequence-based analyses. Notably, SINE activity began in the common ancestor of Eupasseres (passerines excluding the New Zealand wrens Acanthisittidae) and ceased before the rapid diversification of oscine passerines (suborder Passeri – songbirds). Furthermore, we find evidence for very recent SINE activity within suboscine passerines (suborder Tyranni), following the emergence of a SINE via acquisition of a different tRNA head as we suggest through template switching. Conclusions We propose that the early evolution of passerines was unusual among birds in that it was accompanied by de-novo emergence and activity of SINEs. Their genomic and transcriptomic impact warrants further study in the light of the massive diversification of passerines. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s13100-017-0104-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
... Identification and detailed study of fossil passerines has long been hindered by this traditional view, as well as the lack of phylogenetically informative characters identified for these birds, despite numerous studies of their morphology (Olson, 1985). Recent studies of fossil passerines have shown that there are phylogenetically informative osteological features that can be used to distinguish among passerine subclades (e.g., Manegold et al., 2004; Manegold, 2008; Zelenkov & Kurochkin, 2012). However, there are few studies that have identified such characters for Australian passerines (e.g., Baird, 1992Baird, , 1993 Boles, 2005; Nguyen et al., 2013). ...
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The Riversleigh World Heritage Area, north-western Queensland, is one of the richest Cenozoic deposits in Australia for passerine fossils. Most of the Riversleigh passerine remains derive from the late Cenozoic Rackham's Roost Site. Here we describe 38 fossils from this site, which represent eight extant families of passerine birds. These fossils include the oldest records of Maluridae (fairywrens and allies), Acanthizidae (acanthizid warblers), Pomatostomidae (Australo-Papuan babblers), Petroicidae (Australasian robins), Estrildidae (estrildid finches), Locustellidae (songlarks and grassbirds) and Acrocephalidae (reed warblers) in Australia, and the oldest records globally of Maluridae, Acanthizidae, Pomatostomidae, Petroicidae and Estrildidae. The fossils also include the oldest known representatives of the major radiation Passerida sensu stricto in the Australian fossil record, indicating that the second dispersal event of this group had already occurred in this region at least by the early Pleistocene. In describing the Rackham's Roost fossils, we have identified suites of postcranial characters that we consider diagnostic for several Australian passerine families. These osteological characters can be used in future palaeontological, morphological and phylogenetic studies. The overrepresentation of small animals and the fragmentary condition of their remains suggests that the extant carnivorous Ghost Bat, Macroderma gigas (Megadermatidae) was the primary accumulator of the Rackham's Roost assemblage. The taxonomic composition of the Rackham's Roost passerine avifauna corroborates the palaeoenvironmental interpretation of this site as open woodland with a grassy understorey, perhaps next to a riparian forest. These passerine remains also provide a record of the avian component of the endangered Ghost Bat's diet in this part of northern Australia, an area from which it has recently disappeared.
... The shaft bears a marked crista plantaris lateralis, which is hidden in Figures 2 and 3 under an overhanging edge of matrix but is visible when the main slab is tilted. The marked crista is present only in extant passerines and cuckoos ( Manegold et al., 2004) and it was also present in the extinct early Oligocene passerine ZPALWr. A/ 4004 from Przysietnica ( Bochenski et al., in press). ...
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The paper describes a nearly complete articulated specimen of a passerine foot imprinted on a slab and counter slab of the siliceous clayey shales belonging to the upper part of the Menilite Formation of the Outer Carpathians in southeastern Poland and dated to the late Oligocene (Chattian, ca. 25 m.y.a.). It is one of the very few Paleogene specimens of passerines and just the third with a complete foot preserved. Its passerine affinities were established on the basis of a combination of characteristic features but owing to the incompleteness of the specimen its more precise systematic position within Passeriformes cannot be resolved. For the same reason the specimen is not described as a new extinct species although it differs from all known Oligocene passerines. The proportions of phalanges, size of the tarsometatarsus and shape of claws point to an arboreal bird, which increases the known Paleogene diversity of this bird group.
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Determining the timing of diversification of modern birds has been difficult. We combined DNA sequences of clock-like genes for most avian families with 130 fossil birds to generate a new time tree for Neornithes and investigated their biogeographic and diversification dynamics. We found that the most recent common ancestor of modern birds inhabited South America around 95 million years ago, but it was not until the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition (66 million years ago) that Neornithes began to diversify rapidly around the world. Birds used two main dispersion routes: reaching the Old World through North America, and reaching Australia and Zealandia through Antarctica. Net diversification rates increased during periods of global cooling, suggesting that fragmentation of tropical biomes stimulated speciation. Thus, we found pervasive evidence that avian evolution has been influenced by plate tectonics and environmental change, two basic features of Earth's dynamics.
Birds, in contrast to mammals, are thought to have fragile bones, which are difficult to identify when found, so have no useful archaeological record. This book is based on an accumulation of over 9,000 records of species identified from sites in the British Isles, which indicates that the contrary is true. The difficulties of identification are discussed, but 9,000 records is a substantial body of evidence, which is reviewed. The book summarizes the archaeological record of birds in the British Isles, and integrates this factual basis into an overview of the history of the bird fauna in these islands. It tells us much about what native birds we should have, which ones we have lost, and therefore which ones would be worth discussing for reintroduction. Recent discussions suppose that eagle owls are not native, but archaeological evidence suggests they were. White-tailed eagles were widespread up to Saxon times at least, and cranes (not the same as herons) were widespread through to mediaeval times. When did our most common bird arrive? Where from? Which species is it, anyway? And how does the balance of wild, introduced and domestic birds compare with the similar balance of mammals, or with the balance 7,000 years ago, before farming altered the landscape?.
Aim Recent research suggests that the latitudinal diversity gradient ( LDG ) in birds is unlikely to result from faster diversification in the tropics. This puts the focus on other mechanisms, such as dispersal, as the primary drivers for the LDG . We aim to distinguish two prominent models, tropical conservatism ( TCH ) and out of the tropics ( OTM ), which make distinct predictions about dispersal across latitudes and the phylogenetic clustering of assemblages in temperate regions. Location Global. Methods We used geographic and phylogenetic data for more than 9000 bird species to reconstruct the ancestral latitudinal zone for each node in each of 100 bird phylogenetic estimates. We used methods that consider discrete latitudinal zones, as well as those that consider latitudinal position as a continuous variable. We then estimated the frequency of ancestor–descendant dispersal within and across latitudinal zones. We also quantified phylogenetic clustering in latitudinal zones separately for bird assemblages within the Old World and the New World. Results Latitudinal distributions are relatively conserved: 60–96% of nodes had the same inferred latitude as their immediate ancestral node. We find that dispersal events out of the tropics were less frequent (4–5%) than dispersal events into the tropics (15–21%), the opposite of what would be expected under the OTM . Nodes with inferred temperate distributions are generally younger than the Eocene–Oligocene Climate Transition, as expected under the TCH . Phylogenetic clustering shows no regular patterns of association with latitude, and is likely to be largely driven by radiations within a few large forested biomes. Main conclusions Our results provide support for the expectations of the TCH , but are less consistent with those of the OTM . Both the deeper origins of tropical clades and the comparatively recent but infrequent dispersal events into temperate regions appear to play a role in generating the strong disparity in tropical and temperate species richness in birds.
This work serves as a compendium of anatomical resources upon which a companion phylogenetic analysis of Aves and related Theropoda (Avialae) was based (Livezey and Zusi 2006). Following a brief historical overview of avian anatomy and avian systematics, the rich published literature pertinent to these topics is classified chronologically and geographically. The former also was organized with respect to eras of predominant methodologies in avian systematics, with an emphasis on recent paleontological finds bearing importantly on the origins of modern birds (Neornithes). This was followed by an exposition on the theoretical and abstract underpinnings of morphological characterization for purposes of phylogenetic reconstructions (to be published separately), with aspects of analysis for phylogenetic inference (e.g., tactics for employment of currently available software, ordering, criteria for optimization of trees) considered elsewhere. The principal contribution of this exposition is a listing of characters and states manifesting what was inferred to hold promise with respect to phylogenetic or historical signal. In total, 2,954 anatomical characters were defined—2,451 osteological, 256 myological, and 247 miscellaneous—of which 981 (approximately one-third) were multiple-state (i.e., comprised three or more states), the latter including 537 characters treated as ordered. Bibliographic provenance for characters was provided, where possible, but exact equivalence of characters and states among workers was seldom feasible. In many cases, previously published characters were listed on the grounds that these pertained most closely to the structure or complex at hand in the present study, and that such listings provided at least a historical grasp of the magnitude of prior usages of a given character. We also summarized, to the extent feasible, previously published characters for which inclusion in the present work was judged to be unreliable or lacking sufficient clarity. In addition to the descriptions of characters, a limited series of figures are provided, in no small part to ameliorate the challenges posed by new terms and formal anatomical nomenclature. We are adherents to nomenclatural formalism (Livezey and Zusi 2001) in anatomical contexts sensu the ICAAN (International Committee on Avian Anatomical Nomenclature; Baumel 1993). I.e., we consider that characters and states—implicitly proposals of homology—warrant clarity with respect to surrounding text in the same sense that binomial taxa—i.e., as hypotheses of historical lineages—are subject to formal conventions. Finally, literature cited herein is listed, as a work of this kind is impossible without access to the wealth of information and insight provided by such a resource. As this literature is integrated by citation with the descriptions of characters, it is hoped that the bibliography will lessen the challenges posed by a deep, multilingual, and variably technical literature for systematists using these descriptions. The dimension of the character matrix also led us to enclose a CD of the data set in the present work to assist those seeking to improve, append, or refine our efforts. A phylogenetic (cladistic) analysis of these data will appear separately (Livezey and Zusi 2006). Soon thereafter a collaboration with an unparalleled compilation of molecular data (i.e., DNA sequences) and confirmatory paleontological data is planned to conclude with the publication of a total-evidence analysis of avian phylogeny under the auspices of the NSF “Tree of Life” program, one to encompass extant birds (Neornithes), avian relatives from the Mesozoic (outgroups), and nonavialian fossil taxa from the Mesozoic (“deep” outgroups).
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Comparison between the avifaunas of the Eocene and Oligocene of Phosphorites du Quercy and those of the Oligocene and Lower Miocene (Saint-Gerand-le-Puy) of central France shows that the proportion of extinct families decreases considerably during the Eocene-Miocene. However, the avifaunas of the Upper Oligocene of central France, which include a large number of aquatic forms, come in their composition relatively close to the avifaunas of the Lower Miocene of the same region. Most fossil taxa of the Lower Miocene belong to Recent families, and the differences between the fossil and Recent faunas mainly concern genera and species.
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Two passerine remains have been found in the localities of Coderet and Gannat Allier, dating from the Upper Oligocene. They are the oldest Passeriformes so far to be unambiguously known. By their osteological characteristics they differ from the primitive passerines of the Deutero-Oscines suborder and correspond to advanced passerines of the Oscines suborder. The presence of a processus dentiformis on the carpometacarpus makes it possible to consider that it belongs to a relatively advanced form within this group. There is an abridged English version. -English summary