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Building and Understanding Robotics?a Practical Course for Different Levels Education



Robotics is one of the best ways to connect students with technology. This practical course deals with a kind of education robotics system whose object is to offer a chance to different levels of students to acquire knowledge about robotics. This learning process will involve the students, as they can design and build their own mobile robot according to their ideas, program and test it personally. In our implementation, the mechanical parts are based on LEGO bricks and our new designed output and input bricks as a physical platform. The new hardware including four driving DC motors and 9 sensor channels connects the mechanical parts and the software. Students can program the robot using iconic interface environment and simple C language according to their knowledge background. This new system is more flexible and suitable for students to understand all aspects of robotics technology.
1. Introduction
Robotics is one of the best ways to connect students with
motivation to learn technology. The project deals with a kind of
edutainment robotics system whose objective is to offer a
chance to students of different levels to acquire knowledge
about robotics. At the same time, this learning process will
involve the students, as they can design and build their own
mobile robot. Our efforts will concentrate on developing our
own cheap educational robotic system in order to meet the
requirements of flexibility, functionality, extensibility, easy
handling, and low cost.
In our implementation, the “Mobile Robot” system for the
course consists of the mechanical parts, the hardware and the
software. The mechanical parts are based on the LEGO bricks
and our own designed input and output bricks as the platform of
the project. New designed hardware includes 4 driving DC
motors and 9 sensor channels. Students can program using a
graphical interface, simple C and Java language according to
their knowledge. This new system is more flexible and suitable
for students to understand all aspects of robotics technology.
This project is based on the cooperation between TAMS group
of the Department of Informatics in University of Hamburg
(UHH) and ARMS group at Robotics Institute in Beihang
University (BUAA). The course will be used at the computer
science department of University of Hamburg and at the
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering department of Beihang
University in parallel. It is also suitable for professional schools
or for further education. Based on their own ideas students can
build different mobile robotic prototypes. Using the software
environments, they can program the robots and carry out
simulations offline. Then they can download soft codes to the
controller and test on-site. During this process, they have to
deal with the sensor information and realize the various
movement functions by controlling the motors. They will learn
the sensorial technology and motor-control methods. At the
same time, students can overview the process using a
web-camera and can interrupt in case of malfunctions. The
most important aspect is that students will get a thorough
knowledge of the principles of mobile robotics.
2. Overview of the system
The whole system consists of three parts: the mechanical, the
hardware and the software parts. The mechanical parts are the
physical background of the project. The hardware including the
driving motors and sensors is the bridge between the
mechanical parts and the software.
Figure 1: Block diagram of our new tutoring system for the
practical course
Scenario design
The scenario of this project is built in wood, as shown in Fig. 2.
The dimension is 122cm wide and 183cm long. It contains 4-6
“L” Walls, whose positions are unfixed. The floor of the
platform is in white, and the normal walls and “L” walls are in
Black. The obstacles can be rebuilt using “L” walls due to the
standard shape. For example, a “T” obstacle can be built by two
“L” s.
Figure 2: Scenario design for the practical course
Mechanical part
The best choice for the mechanical part is using normal LEGO
bricks which can meet all requirements of functionality,
extensibility and easy handling. Various types of block and
gears can be added and connected together to turn out into a
unique robot. On the other hand, almost all of the students have
some experiences on Lego bricks when they are young.
The series of LEGO Bricks 9649 is used in the project. The
motor output and sensor input of LEGO Mindstorms are not
only limited and simple but also expensive so that we have to
find other cheap alternative. We should add other kinds of
bricks for sensors and DC motors to the system ourselves.
Based on the cooperation with the group of ARMS at Beihang
University (BUAA), we have redesigned two new kinds of
DC-Motor Bricks and five kinds of Sensor Bricks since there is
no input and output brick at all in 9649. All of the new sensor
bricks and DC motor bricks have been double-checked and fit
original LEGO bricks well. Fig. 3 shows the mechanical
system which can be used to achieve different kinds of mobile
Figure 3: Draft of the mechanical system
Control h ardwa re
The hardware, as shown in Fig.4, includes the controller, sensor
inputs and DC motor outputs. As mentioned above, the original
RCX Controller of the LEGO system is not efficient enough for
our project since only three sensor inputs and two DC motor
outputs are included. Here the focus is on the controller. We do
not insist on using the original controller from LEGO, while
design a new control system which will be in charge of
collecting the sensor information, actuating all DC motors, and
sending all working information back to GUI using wireless
communication. The students can program soft codes on their
own laptop at home; then send them to the client terminal to
simulate. They can download all soft codes to the mobile robot
using RS232 interface.
Figure 4: Control system
Software requirements
First of all the software must provide a flexible, robust and
stable programming interface to the robot hardware. Secondly
the system should be easy to use by students. The senior middle
school students can program using iconic interface environment
like RCX programming. Meanwhile, the special graphic
programming environment of the Mindstorms system is not
convenient for university students who prefer to program in
normal C language. Among many program languages, C is
chosen for this project because it has general characteristic of a
lower-level language. The third point is security. Students are
allowed to use features of the hardware. It should make no
difference for the students whether working directly in the
laboratory with the robot or programming it from their homes.
Nobody, except the designer of the robot, is permitted to
program the sensor or the PID-motor controller of a robot. This
requires the hardware to be hidden from the user by means of a
hardware abstraction layer (HAL). Moreover the system should
not be bound to any specific operating system.
3. Implementation
Tasks description
Using the LEGO bricks, some suitable sensors and simple DC
motors, the students can realize several task functions step by
step, from the easy ones to the much more complicated ones.
Following a line: The mobile robot should follow this black
line and move forward from one end to the other end.
Looking for an object: The second task is to hunt for a special
object in the scenario. There is a burning candle on the floor
whose position is uncertain. The mobile robot should find it
automatically, move forward and stop in front of it.
Following a moving object: Task three consists of following a
moving object, for example a human hand, inside the scenario.
The robot will only move forward if it detects something in
front. It will follow till the object disappears.
Mapping the scenario and path planning: The scenario
contains obstacles and looks like a maze. The mobile robot
should map the work space and draw a sketch map. Then the
robot will find the shortest path to return to the starting point.
Cooperation between two mobile robots: This task is the
combination of all the functions above. That means it is a maze
with obstacles, but the positions of the obstacles are different
from those in task 4. A group consists of two mobile robots,
robot A and robot B which own different working abilities due
to the different sensors and output functions.
Furthermore, special competition can be developed, such as a 2
to 2 battle or Robocup. Other possibilities are still open.
4. An example—following a line
-Building a robot
Figure 5: Building a robot
Figure 6: The iconic programming environment
--Testing and improving
Figure 7: Testing
Open topics
In future, the tele-access capability will be met. The Bluetooth
will be used as a wireless communication device according to
the velocity and the data transfers. The CCD image input will
be added to the system. But it will not be used for image
processing but overview; the onboard controller only sends the
images to a GUI at first step. In order to meet these new
requirements, another higher level controller will be needed,
which will manage the USB camera, the wireless interface
between the onboard hardware, and the information exchange
between the two layers of controllers on the robot.
Building and Understanding Robotics-a Practical Course for
Different Levels Education
Dr. Houxiang Zhang
Email: hzhan
Technical Aspects of Multimodal System
Dept. Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
... A second option would be buying easily available robotic kits [17,18,19,20,21], laboratory and industrial didactic platforms [22,23,24], or using robotic platforms [25,26,27,28]. The main disadvantages of these approaches are the limited possibilities for experimenting with robotic configurations and the high cost, ranging from $200 to $4000 USD. ...
... A modular robot GUI has been developed that enables the user to focus on robotics while most of the programming part is hidden. This idea is also described in (Zhang et al., 2006). In contrast to other powerful systems only few rules have to be learned for proper use of our system . ...
Conference Paper
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In this paper a novel GUI for a modular robots simulation environment is introduced. The GUI is intended to be used by unexperienced users that take part in an educational workshop as well as by experienced researchers who want to work on the topic of control algorithms of modular robots with the help of a framework. It offers two modes for the two kinds of users. Each mode makes it possible to configure everything needed with a graphical interface and stores configurations in XML files. Furthermore, the GUI not only supports importing the user's control algorithms, but also provides online modulation for these algorithms. Some learning techniques such as genetic algorithms and reinforcement learning are also integrated into the GUI for locomotion optimization. Thus, its easy to use, and its scalability makes it suitable for research and education. © ECMS Klaus G. Troitzsch, Michael Möhring, Ulf Lotzmann (Editors).
... Robotics is one of the best ways to motivate young people to focus on modern technologies [1] [2]. Especially modular robots build a great platform for research and education [3]. ...
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This paper describes a method to integrate a hardware device into a modular robot control and simulation software and introduces sensor fusion to investigate the current set of control parameters. As a highlevel remote unit for modulation of control algorithms the Wiimote and the usage of its sensors will be introduced. Sensor fusion of the Wiimote's sensors allows to create a human-robot interaction modul to control a simulation environment as well as real robots. Finally its benefit for evaluation of locomotion control algorithms will be pointed out.
... Reports that analyze the use of robotics in education and present the state of the art in the field can be found in references [7]- [11]. Some very recent work in this area is reported in [12], an empirical study about the use of LEGO Mindstorms as an instructional tool in secondary education, and in [13]- [15], in which practical robotics courses are proposed, with the aim of using robotics as a tool that helps students to learn topics such as mechanics, control, or programming. ...
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Nowadays, universities are making extensive efforts to attract prospective students to the fields of electrical, electronic, and computer engineering. Thus, outreach is becoming increasingly important, and activities with schoolchildren are being extensively carried out as part of this effort. In this context, robotics is a very attractive and effective tool for fostering interest in science and technology among children and young people and for attracting them toward engineering. In this article, experience with different robotics-centered outreach activities in the Universidad de Chile (UCH), Santiago, Chile, will be shared. These activities include robotics courses for children, social robots as keynote speakers, mechatronics design courses, and participation in international robotics competitions, which contribute synergistically to the goal of attracting students to UCH's Electrical Engineering (EE) Department. Owing to its novelty, the use of social robots as keynote speakers for schoolchildren will be described in detail. Experimental results that demonstrate how sophisticated social robots can be used to foster the interest of young people in technology will be shown. Altogether, more than 3000 schoolchildren have participated directly in these outreach activities here in Chile, creating a sizeable impact in this country.
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Ovarian carcinoma is a significant cause of cancer mortality in women worldwide. As a heterogeneous disease, distinct clinical and molecular characteristics exist among different histologic subtypes. With the developments in proteomics, surfaced-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS) is sensitive enough to detect minute quantity of proteins from serum or microdissected cryostat sections. Herein we hypothesized that differentially expressed protein profiles exist in ovarian carcinomas with distinct histologic subtypes. Compared with endometrioid carcinoma, two peaks were significantly higher in serous carcinoma with the m/z of 3622 Da and 4778 Da, reinforcing the need to treat different histologic subtypes of ovarian cancer as different disease entities. Better understanding of these potential diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers followed with proof-of-target effect will finally contribute to rational combinations of novel therapy and improve individual ovarian cancer patient outcome.
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Final report and team photo for Project 01 of ME450, Winter 2009 semester. Using robots in academic settings provides great research and learning opportunities for both students and faculty. However, available robots generally fall into one of two categories; small robots that have low versatility (reducing their usefulness) or large, expensive robots that are not financially practical. A previous design tried to bridge this cost-benefit gap by using available manufacturing methods and relatively inexpensive materials, which greatly reduced the cost. However, mechanical problems, specifically with the robot’s drive train, needed to be improved, as did the dynamics of the robot. This project addressed these concerns, and designed and built a robot that is an improvement over the current model. This new robot design is still easily manufacturable, and maintains its low cost with improved versatility. This new robot design will allow for improved student research and classroom learning at the University of Michigan and elsewhere in the field of robotics. Edwin Olson (EECS, U of M) Winter2009 Team Photo - Project 01 - Rapidly Manufacturable Robot.jpg Winter2009 Final Report - Project 01 - Rapidly Manufacturable Robot.pdf
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In an effort to increase the hands-on creativity for students, we have started to incorporate LEGO bricks in engineering education from kindergarten to graduate school. The versatility and natural appeal of these toys have led to engineering courses for elementary school students, new college advising environments, new college courses, and even a few engineering masters theses. Students at all levels have become excited about engineering and have become interested in learning math and physics through creating with the bricks. In this paper, we outline some of the courses that use the bricks and how they have improved the interest and education of students of all ages.
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The use of the toy LEGO Mindstorms has been used more often in Engineering and Computer Sciences courses in several countries. Undergraduate students at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi implemented seven robotics applications as the final project for the Software Analysis and Design course. The students applied the knowledge acquired in other courses such as Software Engineering, Databases, and several programming courses. The students used Microsoft project for the planning phase and the CASE tool Visible Analyst for the design phase. At the end of the semester there was a robot competition. Two projects are described in this paper.
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This work-in progress presentation describes the use of a Lego robotics kit and RoboLab software to meet the science, math and technology standards of local elementary school curricula. The presentation includes a demonstration by a kindergartener. The instructional materials used include a standard Lego Mindstorms kit and the Robolab. Robolab is based on LabVIEW and retains the iconic programming interface. Assessment of student learning includes both formal, pre- and post multiple choice testing and demonstration of ability to "read" programs and informal project outcomes
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An effective approach to teaching a computer language to a novice student would draw on the student's knowledge of another language-notably one on which he has a firm handle. This language could serve as a frame of reference. Unfortunately, this is not done by current computer programming teaching methods, instead a “those who can will” or the “sink or swim” method is often implemented; resulting in many floating cadavers in the ocean of academia. With the present methods many beginning students are bewildered with cryptic syntax and unclear concepts. Not surprisingly, they typically drop out and give up altogether. The blame often fails on their supposed inaptitude. We propose a kinder and gentler pedagogy that uses English grammar as a base to convey C language rudimentary concepts. This paper brings forth C's grammatical gears as they relate to those of English. This is not a tutorial in the rudiments of C but an orientation to another point of view