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RTOS Scheduler Implementation in Hardware and Software for Real Time Applications


Abstract and Figures

In order to enhance performance and improve predictability of the real time systems, implementing some critical operating system functionalities, like time management and task scheduling, in software and others in hardware is an interesting approach. Scheduling decision for real-time embedded software applications is an important problem in real-time operating system (RTOS) and has a great impact on system performance. In this paper, we evaluate the pros and cons of migrating RTOS scheduler implementation from software to hardware. We investigate three different RTOS scheduler implementation approaches: (i) implemented in software running in the same processor of the application tasks, (ii) implemented in software running in a co-processor, and (iii) implemented in hardware, while application tasks are running on a processor. We demonstrate the effectiveness of each approach by simulating and analyzing a set of benchmarks representing different embedded application classes.
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RTOS Scheduler Implementation in Hardware and Software for
Real Time Applications
Melissa Vetromille, Luciano Ost, César A. M. Marcon, Carlos Reif, Fabiano Hessel
PPGCC - FACIN – PUCRS - Av. Ipiranga, 6681, Porto Alegre, RS – Brazil
{mvetromille, ost, marcon, reif, hessel}
In order to enhance performance and improve
predictability of the real time systems, implementing some
critical operating system functionalities, like time
management and task scheduling, in software and others in
hardware is an interesting approach. Scheduling decision
for real-time embedded software applications is an
important problem in real-time operating system (RTOS)
and has a great impact on system performance. In this
paper, we evaluate the pros and cons of migrating RTOS
scheduler implementation from software to hardware. We
investigate three different RTOS scheduler implementation
approaches: (i) implemented in software running in the
same processor of the application tasks, (ii) implemented in
software running in a co-processor, and (iii) implemented
in hardware, while application tasks are running on a
processor. We demonstrate the effectiveness of each
approach by simulating and analyzing a set of benchmarks
representing different embedded application classes.
1 Introduction
The development of real-time embedded systems is
continuously increasing. Real-time applications, which
require fast response and high synchronization, are
becoming even more popular. The operating system is
without hesitation the most important software of all system
programs in a real-time embedded system. Hence, a Real-
Time Operating System (RTOS), which handles both soft
and hard real-time tasks, is extremely necessary to the
effectiveness of those designs.
As the system becomes larger, the scheduling of tasks
and communications becomes more complex and its impact
on the entire system performance becomes more significant
[1]. Furthermore, real-time demands inject an additional
correctness criterion into embedded systems. It is not just
the result that is important, timing issues also have to be
considered. Moving RTOS scheduler functionalities from
software to hardware can enhance performance of RTOS
systems. However, this approach can increase design
complexity and enlarge silicon area occupation.
This work investigates and discusses the pros and cons
of three different scheduler implementations: software,
software-software, and hardware/software. A software
implementation considers a processor running the scheduler
and the application tasks. A software-software
implementation considers a processor running the
application tasks, and a co-processor running the scheduler.
In a hardware-software implementation, the scheduler is
implemented directly in hardware, and a processor running
the application tasks.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 illustrate a comparison of a
scheduler implemented in the same processor where
application tasks are running, with the one implemented in
a different processing element (hardware or software).
INT: Interrupt handling time
CRi: Context recoveringof i-th tas (Ti)ti:i-thsliceoftime
Csi: Context saving of i-th task (Ti)
RTOS: RTOS slice of time
Ti:i-thtaskCS+OS: Context switching and RTOS time
CsRTOS: Context s aving of RTOS
CRRTOS: Context recovering of RTOS
Figure 1: Example of a RTOS scheduler implemented in
software running on a single processor.
In Figure 1, the system is entirely implemented in
software running on a single processor. As a result, every
determined time slice (t2,t
6and t8)theprocessoris
interrupted to enable a new task scheduling. When the
interrupt occurs, if the scheduler is implemented as a
process [11][12], the processor takes time dealing with the
interrupt routine, performs the RTOS functionalities as well
as four context switches: (i) execution task information
saving; (ii) RTOS execution status recovering; (iii)RTOS
execution status information saving; and, (iv)nexttask
information recovering. It occurs; even if the previous task
would be elected to continue running, as it is illustrated in
time slices t2,t
4and t8of Figure 1. Here, it is obvious that
the processor wastes time with OS tasks scheduling and
unnecessary context switches.
In Figure 2, the RTOS scheduler is being executed in
parallel with the application tasks processing, enabling to
interrupt the task processing only if a priority task has to be
Proceedings of the Seventeenth IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP'06)
0-7695-2580-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
executed. With this implementation the processor does not
waste time with unnecessary context switches, increasing
the overall system performance.
RTOS Scheduler
Figure 2: Example of a RTOS scheduler running on a
co-processor or specific hardware.
Let RTOS interrupt interval be the interval of time
between to instant that the processor is interrupted to
perform RTOS scheduling. Therefore, when the scheduler
is totally implemented in software, we must consider the
time necessary to fulfill deadlines, and this time varies from
zero to RTOS interrupt interval.
Normally, RTOS interrupt intervals are based on a
multiple of clock system frequency, and in general, not all
application tasks deadline are multiple of this value,
implying variations in the deadline fulfilling. These
variations characterize the jitter problem (Figure 3). For
some application, the jitter problem can damage the real-
time operation, since real-time applications depend not only
on the results achieved, but also on the instants that the
results are achieved.
Task deadline
RTOS interrupt
Figure 3: Jitter problem.
The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. The
related work is presented in Section 2. Section 3 provides
an overview of three scheduler models implementation.
Section 4 shows a case study and Section 5 presents our
conclusions, and future work.
2 Related work
Few researches address hardware/software RTOS
implementation. Table 1 shows a comparison among them.
Mooney [8] proposed a framework to generate a
partitioned hardware/software RTOS. Independent of tasks
requirements, this approach generates only one OS that is
replicated on every processor. The designer does not have
the flexibility to choose which components are
implemented in software or hardware. Additionally, the
designer cannot control the task mapping onto the target
Nakano [9] implemented a partitioned OS, called
STRON (Silicon TRON). Nevertheless, the system does not
allow choosing which components are going to be
implemented in hardware and which ones are going to be
developed in software.
Ortiz [3] described the implementation of the scheduler
and the processes control queues directly in hardware. Such
as the others approaches presented, this one implements just
a few predetermined components in hardware.
In order to investigate area overhead and performance,
Cho [1] proposed the implementation of centralized and
distributed schedulers in a multiprocessor SoC. This
approach considers only static scheduler implementation.
Samuelsson [10] presented a performance comparison
between a real-time kernel implemented in hardware and an
equivalent one implemented in software. They used a
hardware multiprocessor platform, called SARA. The
hardware kernel implements the scheduler, inter-process
communication methods, semaphores and timer.
Table 1: Comparison among related work.
Kernel Functions Comparison Result
Mooney Atalanta Deadlock control unit, block
cache and memory management
Performance (kernel software x
partitioned kernel) Better performance in hardware
Nakano μITRON Event flags, task queues, module
control, scheduler and timer
Performance (kernel software x
partitioned kernel) Better performance in hardware
Ortiz KURT-Linux Scheduler, event queues,
interrupt handling
Performance (kernel software x
partitioned kernel)
Better performance in hardware
just for tasks executing in WCET
Cho - Scheduler Performance and area (centralized
scheduler x distributed scheduler)
Distributed scheduler occupies
greater area, but presents better
Samuelsson Kernel model Scheduler, IPC methods,
semaphores and timer
Performance (kernel software x kernel
hardware) Better performance in hardware
Vetromille Kernel model Scheduler and task queues
Performance (kernel software x
partitioned kernel – software/software
and software/hardware)
Better performance in hardware
or software, depending on the
application class
Proceedings of the Seventeenth IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP'06)
0-7695-2580-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Applications can be classified according to some
relevant characteristics, like communication and
computation requirements. Applications of a given class
have similar behavior front of a given stimuli, requiring
similar mechanisms to work properly. For instance, hard
real time applications need to operate with hard time
constraints, implying in using hard scheduling policy.
Different from the others, this work analyzes what
scheduler implementation is more suitable for a given
application class: software using a single processor,
software partitioned using two processors and
hardware/software partitioned using a processor and a
dedicated hardware block. These topics are better discussed
in Sections 4 and 5.
3 Scheduler models implementation for
real-time applications
This Section provides an overview of three scheduler
models implementation: (i) SoRTS (Software Real-Time
Scheduler), (ii) Co-SoRTS (Co-processor Software Real-
Time Scheduler), and (iii) HaRTS (Hardware Real-Time
Scheduler). The architecture and the execution of the
scheduler policy for each approach are discussed next.
We implemented these schedulers on a Xilinx Virtex-II
Pro XC2VP30 FPGA, using Xilinx Embedded
Development Kit (EDK) and Modelsim.
In order to validate the software scheduler
implementations, we used MicroBlaze processor available
in the EDK environment. The MicroBlaze is a 32-bit
Harvard RISC architecture and its operating frequency was
determined to be 50 MHz, for prototyping purposes.
3.1 SoRTS
The SoRTS architecture (Figure 4) consists of six
components: (i) MicroBlaze processor, (ii) Block RAM
memory, (iii) OPB (On-chip Peripheral Bus), (iv)
communication interface, (v) interrupt and time control, and
(vi) UART.
Figure 4: SoRTS block diagram architecture.
The MicroBlaze executes application tasks, which are
characterized by: (i) period, (ii) deadlines, (iii) task ID, (iv)
execution time. The Block RAM stores two structures:
Ready queue and Idle queue.Theready queue contains an
ordered list of tasks that can be executed according to their
priorities, which is determined by the scheduling policy.
The idle queue has a list of executed tasks that are waiting
for a new time slice to execute. The communication among
architecture components is performed by a 32-bit OPB. The
communication interface is a specific model instanced by
EDK that allows the communication between software
(RTOS and application tasks running in the MicroBlaze)
and proprietary hardware (interrupt and time control) via
OPB. This communication is based on two registers: (i)
time – which returns the system time, and (ii) the int
which is used to send an interruption to the MicroBlaze.
These registers are accessed through functions available in
EDKtool.Finally,theUART provides communication
between the Xilinx development board and the host
computer (EDK development kit), which has been used to
validate our experiments.
3.2 Co-SoRTS
Co-SoRTS increases SoRTS architecture with an
additional MicroBlaze. The first MicroBlaze processor
executes a set of tasks stored in the Block RAM. The
second MicroBlaze is used as a co-processor for RTOS
scheduler implementation, as it is illustrated in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Co-SoRTS block diagram architecture.
This approach eliminates the incidence of non-necessary
context switches and reduces the jitter problem. Here, the
context switch only occurs if a new task is scheduled. At
this moment, the co-processor send an interrupt signal to
the processor to performs a context switch.
In some application class, the decrease of context
switches is a potential advantage if compared to a scheduler
running in a single processor. Three new internal registers
had been used to attend the MicroBlazes
intercommunication requirements. The remaining system
components are responsible for supplying the same
functionalities adopted and described in the Section 3.1.
Proceedings of the Seventeenth IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP'06)
0-7695-2580-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
3.3 HaRTS
Similar to the Co-SoRTS, the HaRTS architecture uses a
dedicated hardware component for scheduling tasks and list
management, as shown in Figure 6.
The dedicated hardware (Figure 7) has four main
modules: (i) scheduler module, (ii) queue control, (iii)
communication interface, (iv) time control.
The scheduler module is composed by three blocks: (i)
fail process; (ii) running process; and (iii) ready process.
The running and ready process are responsible for task
scheduling, according to parameters previously stored in
the queue control. In order to reduce the area cost the queue
control implements only one list for task management. This
list is accessed to find out the current task state (fail,
running or ready), in order to perform the scheduling
policy. No task is removed from de list; just its states are
updated. The fail process verifies the occurrences of task
fails and signalizes the scheduler module.
Figure 6: HaRTS block diagram architecture.
Figure 7: Dedicated hardware architecture.
The HaRTS communication interface is much more
complex than the one implemented in SoRTS and Co-
SoRTS, implying the usage of sixteen internal registers due
to native MicroBlaze communication protocol.
Finally, the time control is responsible for the time
system management.
4 Case study
This Section presents a case study composed by a set of
synthetic benchmarks, representing different embedded
application classes. We are interested in compare the
number of deadline fails, the number of context switches
and the CPU occupation time dedicated to tasks execution.
It allows verifying what scheduling implementation
approach (SoRTS, Co-SoRTS, and HaRTS) is better suited
to execute a specific application class. Each benchmark is
composed by a set of tasks modeled by its period, deadline
and average case execution time. We vary the context
switches time of each benchmark in the range of 25, 50, 75
and 100 us. For each context switch time we applied three
different values for RTOS interrupt interval (250, 400 and
500 us). Results were achieved by 10 seconds of execution
of each benchmark. In all benchmarks we used RM (Rate
Monotonic) as scheduling policy.
4.1 Context switch
Figure 8 illustrates the number of context switches
(vertical axis) and the context switches execution time
(horizontal axis) after 10 seconds of system execution,
considering SoRTS implementations.
85577 84919 84357 83471
56149 55891 55615 55233
46379 45909
25 50 75 100
Time of Cont ext Switche s (us)
Numb er of Cont ext Switches
SoRTS (Timer 250us) SoRTS (Timer 400us) SoRTS (Timer 500us)
Figure 8: Comparison of number of context switches
between different SoRTS implementation.
Figure 8 show that when the time of the context switches
increases, the number of context switches reduces. This
reduction happens due to the increase of tasks fails (Figure
10). Additionally, we can observe that the number of
context switches decreases with the increase of the RTOS
interrupt interval (250, 400 and 500 us). Obviously, it
happens due to the increase of task interrupt frequency.
However, this augment implies in the jitter increase,
consequently some real-time tasks may not have the correct
result in the correct time.
Proceedings of the Seventeenth IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP'06)
0-7695-2580-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Analyzing HaRTS and Co-SoRTS scheduler
implementations, we conclude that HaRTS presents less
number of context switches than Co-SoRTS (Figure 9). It
happens since the communication protocol used in Co-
communication interface, which generates larger
communication overhead.
8893 8887
8573 8565
25 50 75 100
Time of Context Switches (us)
Number of Context Sw itches
Figure 9: Comparison between Co-SoRTS and HaRTS.
Comparing Figure 8 and Figure 9, we can observe that
Co-SoRTS and HaRTS present less number of context
switches than SoRTS. It happens because application tasks
run concurrently with Co-SoRTS or HaRTS schedulers,
eliminating unnecessary context switches. In addition, these
approaches reduce the jitter increasing the predictability of
the real-time system.
4.2 Deadline fails
Figure 10 illustrates the number of fails (vertical axis)
taking into account different time of context switches
(horizontal axis).
49 00
25 50 75 100
Time of Context S witches (us)
Num ber of fails
SoRTS (Timer 250us )
SoRTS (Timer 400us )
SoRTS (Timer 500us )
Figure 10: Number of fails after 10 seconds of execution.
We can observe that an increase of the context switch
time also increases the number of fails for SoRTS scheduler
implementation. Besides, Figure 10 shows that for SoRTS
approach, the enlargement of the RTOS interrupt interval
(250, 400 and 500 us) reduces the number of fails.
Furthermore, as larger as the time of context switches,
lesser is the available CPU time for tasks execution (Figure
11), increasing the number of context switches and
inducing the system to fail. Figure 10 shows that Co-
SoRTS and HaRTS do not present deadline fails. We can
conclude that Co-SoRTS and HaRTS are indicated
scheduling approaches for hard real-time applications.
4.3 CPU utilization
Figure 11 shows the CPU availability for task execution
(vertical axis) considering different time of context
switches (horizontal axis).
In SoRTS approach, the increase of the context switches
time decreases the CPU availability for tasks execution.
This behavior is expected since the number of context
switches and fails increases. As a result, the CPU wastes
more time accomplishing context switches, providing less
time to execute tasks. The context switch time does not
affect the CPU availability for Co-SoRTS and HaRTS since
for these approaches the scheduler executes in parallel with
the application tasks.
57,45% 65,30%
58,40% 51,17%
25 50 75 100
Time of Context S witches (us)
CPU A vailability (%)
SoRTS (Timer 250us ) SoRTS (Timer 400us )
SoRTS (Timer 500us ) Co-SoRTS / HaRTS
Figure 11: CPU availability.
5 Conclusions
This paper compares three scheduler implementations:
SoRTS, Co-SoRTS and HaRTS, in order to relate
application classes with scheduler approaches. The idea is
to find out which approach is the most suitable for a given
application class.
For all applications HaRTS scheduler implementation
always achieved better performance results, fulfilling all
application deadlines. Co-SoRTS and HaRTS have similar
results. However, a scheduler implemented in the dedicated
hardware of HaRTS can be implemented compromising
less energy and area consumption if compared to an
equivalent one implemented in a Co-SoRTS co-processor.
The overall system performance for schedulers
implemented in the same processor than application tasks
Proceedings of the Seventeenth IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP'06)
0-7695-2580-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
(SoRTS approach) is more affected by relative variations of
the RTOS interrupt interval and the time necessary for
context switch.
It’s important to consider the implementation efforts and
cost of each approach. The HaRTS approach is more
complex and expensive compared to Co-SoRTS or SoRTS
approach due to the complex nature of the hardware
implementation. Comparing Co-SoRTS and SoRTS
approaches, we also find an extra complexity. Relating the
considerations discussed here, we conclude that Co-SoRTS
and HaRTS present the best results for hard real-timer
application. On the other hand, SoRTS is suitable for soft
real-time systems.
Future work includes the development of a MPSOC
RTOS scheduler that allows the processor task migration in
an efficient way.
6 Acknowledgments
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from
CNPq and FINEP (project # 1929/04) agencies for R&D in
the form of scholarships and grants.
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Proceedings of the Seventeenth IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP'06)
0-7695-2580-6/06 $20.00 © 2006 IEEE
... Researchers have proven that task scheduling can be performed faster and the overall behavior more predictable when offloaded from running processors. This approach reduces run-time overhead and event response time due to smaller critical sections [10], [11]. Moreover, the system does not frequently have to be suspended by the system tick interrupted by an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR), which increases processor utilization and improves scheduling predictability [7]. ...
... As a result, the active hardware-based task scheduling resulted in a 23.7% longer execution time for running applications on a soft-core processor in [7]. Similarly, a co-processor can perform task scheduling and trigger an interruption when context switching is necessary [11], [20]. Thus, the call of the context switching could be reduced fivefold in [11]. ...
... Similarly, a co-processor can perform task scheduling and trigger an interruption when context switching is necessary [11], [20]. Thus, the call of the context switching could be reduced fivefold in [11]. However, this approach needs a shared memory system to exchange necessary real-time information between processors. ...
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A Real-time Operating System (RTOS) manages the execution order of tasks with a scheduling algorithm to meet timing requirements. The scheduler frequently checks for ready tasks during context-switching. However, high task numbers can cause longer processing time in this routine. RTOSs are mainly implemented in software, but reconfigurable computing enables offloading to reduce, e.g., the processing time of context-switching. On the other hand, optimizing the energy efficiency of running applications is desirable. Power-saving techniques allow adapting current dissipation to required operating conditions. However, unplanned use can lead to missed deadlines in real-time applications. Therefore, real-time capability and energy efficiency have to be appropriately balanced. This work explores the impact of power-saving techniques on real-time requirements while supporting RTOS with offloading methodologies. A mapping strategy assigns tasks to Processing Elements (PEs) based on task dependency, inter-task/processor communication, and power consumption metrics. A multi-core architecture is designed with a Network-on-Chip (NoC) and four PEs in a 2D-mesh topology. The master PE manages the system architecture, executes the mapping strategy, and dynamically scales voltage to reduce power consumption while running an RTOS. The task scheduling is offloaded to the co-processor. On the other hand, each slave PE executes assigned tasks with an RTOS and performs an inter-task/processor communication. The task scheduling here runs on the reconfigurable hardware. Each slave PE locally adapts power with frequency scaling and clock gating. The experimental results show that co-processor offloading reduces scheduling overhead by 26.58%, and hardware offloading reduces it by 33.33%. Additionally, the proposed solution has reduced overall power by 47.27% and energy consumption by 89.47%.
... The proposed methodology enhances performance up to 13%. The whole scheduler is executed on the co-processor in [51]. As soon as a context switch occurs, it sends an interrupt signal to the processor which changes then the running tasks. ...
Operating systems for reconfigurable computing (RCOS) facilitate the usage of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). RCOSes abstract from hardware details, utilise virtualisation, and provide standardised functionality. They allow different applications to run hardware tasks concurrently on the same FPGA by managing shared resources like FPGA area, I/O, and memory. Next to spatial partitioning, time multiplexed sharing of the FPGA can be reached via Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR). In this way, operating systems for reconfigurable computing support user applications to increase their performance and decrease energy consumption without the need to know the underlying concepts. Therefore, RCOSes pave the way for applications to exploit the advantages of FPGAs under consideration of their limitations like limited area and limited accessibility of configuration ports. Furthermore, RCOS can benefit from outsourcing parts of the OS into the FPGA. This survey outlines key concepts and gives an overview over state-of-the-art operating systems for reconfigurable computing. It points out general and specific limitations of RCOS. Finally, future trends are identified, which include a specialisation of RCOS with respect to their application’s requirements like real-time processing, low energy consumption, reliability, safety, and security.
... This shows the advantage of modularity and the improvement of the performance. In the literature [24], three scheduler models are implemented: (i) SoRTS (Software Real-Time Scheduler), (ii) Co-SoRTS (Co-processor Software Real-Time Scheduler), and (iii) HaRTS (Hardware Real-Time Scheduler). It is concluded that Co-SoRTS and HaRTS present the best results for hard realtime applications, while SoRTS is suitable for soft real-time systems. ...
As IoT (Internet of Things) is prevailing, the number of devices which have strict resource constraints is increasing. In developing such a system, RTOS (Real Time Operating System) helps to increase productivity. However, in the view of cost reduction, it is desirable that resources for RTOS be small and the execution time be short. In this paper, we propose a method to develop an application-specific system with RTOS. Methods of removing unnecessary code for the application from RTOS kernel are explained. In addition, we implemented a reconfigurable hardware RTOS on an FPGA and applied the method for removing unnecessary code from the hardware implementation. The evaluation results show that the proposed methods reduce hardware resources, RTOS kernel execution time, and the size of the software parts in each application.
Several scheduling algorithms that have been proposed for Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) are supposed to be optimal. However, optimal scheduling is only theoretical due to the possibility of system overload where it cannot meet the deadlines of tasks. Besides, these algorithms are implemented in the RTOS, which generates additional overheads that can lead to the “nonscheduling” of certain independent tasks. In this paper, we propose an original solution for nonschedulable independent tasks in embedded systems. This solution, named Hybrid Fuzzy Earliest Deadline First Scheduling algorithm (HFEDFS), is based on the Earliest Deadline First algorithm (EDF) and Fuzzy Logic. It is characterized by a rejection policy and a rescheduling mechanism. The experimental results show that our proposed algorithm improves the system’s performance. To reduce extra overheads of RTOS, this algorithm is implemented on a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) circuit (Xilinx Virtex-5 LX50T-1156 board from DIGILENT).
With the growth of edge computing, application-specific workloads based on computer vision are steadily migrating to edge cloudlets. Scheduling has been identified to be a major problem in these cloudlets. In this article, we propose a generic architectural solution, VisSched , that leverages the fact that most vision workloads share similar code kernels (such as library code for linear algebra), and as a result, they tend to exhibit similar phase behavior. This allows us to create an auction theory-based scheduling mechanism, where we give each thread a replenishable virtual wallet, and threads are scheduled based on the amounts that they bid for executing on a free core. We show that in 20%–40% of the cases, our scheduling algorithm is theoretically optimal, and in the remaining cases, it reaches a global optimum obtained using Monte Carlo simulations 90%–95% of the time. Our results for the MEVBench vision workloads show a 17% higher performance and a 14% lower ED^2 as compared to the nearest competing algorithm in the literature. Read the full paper here:
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In the design of a heterogeneous multiprocessor system on chip, we face a new design problem; scheduler implementation. In this paper, we present an approach to implementing a static scheduler, which controls all the task executions and communication transactions of a system according to a pre-determined schedule. For the scheduler implementation, we consider both intra-processor and inter-processor synchronization. We also consider scheduler overhead, which is often neglected. In particular, we address the issue of centralized implementation versus distributed implementation. We investigate the pros and cons of the two different scheduler implementations. Through experiments with synthetic examples and a real world multimedia application, we show the effectiveness of our approach.
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The growing complexity of embedded applications and pressure on time-to-market has resulted in the increasing use of embedded real-time operating systems. Unfortunately, RTOSes can introduce a significant performance degradation. The paper presents the Real-Time Task Manager (RTM) - a processor extension that minimizes the performance drawbacks associated with RTOSes. The RTM accomplishes this by supporting, in hardware, a few of the common RTOS operations that are performance bottlenecks: task scheduling, time management, and event management. By exploiting the inherent parallelism of these operations, the RTM completes them in constant time, thereby significantly reducing RTOS overhead. It decreases both the processor time used by the RTOS and the maximum response time by an order of magnitude.
Conference Paper
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In this paper, we show the performance comparison and analysis result among three RTOSs: the real-time unit (RTU) hardware RTOS (real-time operating system), the pure software Atalanta RTOS and a hardware/software RTOS composed of part of Atalanta interfaced to the system-on-a-chip lock cache (SoCLC) hardware. We also present our RTOS configuration framework that can automatically configure these three RTOSs. The average-case simulation result of a database application example on a three-processor system running thirty tasks with RTU and the same system with SoCLC showed 36% and 19% overall speedups, respectively, as compared to the pure software RTOS system.
Abstract Embedded ,systems can ,no longer ,depend ,on independent ,hardware ,or software solutions to real time problems due to cost, efficiency, flexibility, upgradeability, and development time. System designers ,are now ,turning to hardware/software co-design approaches that offer real time capabilities while maintaining flexibility tosupport increasing complex systems. Although long desired, reconfigurable technologies and supporting design tools are finally reaching a level of maturity that are allowing system designers ,to perform hardware/software co-design of operating systemcore functionality such as time management and task scheduling
We present a few specific hardware/software partitions for real-time operating systems and a framework able to automatically generate a large variety of such partitioned RTOSes. Starting from the traditional view of an operating system, we explore novel ways to partition the OS functionality between hardware and software. We show how such partitioning can result in large performance gains in specific cases involving multiprocessor System-on-a-Chip scenarios.
Conference Paper
We present a hardware/software RTOS (real-time operating systems) generation framework for system-on-a-chip (SoC) applications. We claim that current SoC designs tend to ignore the RTOS until late in the SoC design phase. In contrast, we propose RTOS/SoC codesign where both the multiprocessor SoC architecture and a custom RTOS (with part potentially in hardware) are designed together. Thus, this paper introduces a hardware/software RTOS generation framework for customized design of an RTOS within specific predefined RTOS services and capabilities available in software and/or hardware (depending on the service or capability).
Conference Paper
This paper proposes a new approach to realize a very high performance real-time OS using VLSI technology. In this method, quick and steady response can be guaranteed by implementing basic operations of a real-time OS as a peripheral chip (Silicon TRON) to be connected to general purpose microprocessors. In order to confirm the effectiveness of this method, most basic system calls of μITRON have been designed using an HDL. Synthesis results using a 0.8 μm CMOS technology show that most important part of the system calls can be realized as a VLSI chip. According to the evaluation results based on an FPGA implementation, hardware portion of these functionalities can be executed within 250 ns and the task scheduling can be performed within 750 ns simultaneously, which are about 6 to 50 times faster than software implementation. Accordingly, very high performance real-time systems can be realized by the proposed method