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Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in a Case of Plasmodium ovale Malaria


Abstract and Figures

Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a well-known complication in Plasmodium falciparum infection. It is less frequently described in Plasmodium vivax, and only one case is reported in Plasmodium ovale. Here we present the second description of this pulmonary complication in a P. ovale acute infection.
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Case Report: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in a Case of Plasmodium
ovale Malaria
Gerardo Rojo-Marcos,* Juan Cuadros-González, José María Mesa-Latorre, Ana María Culebras-López, and
Raúl de Pablo-Sánchez
Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, and Department of Intensive Care, University
Hospital “Príncipe de Asturias”, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Abstract. Acute respiratory distress syndrome is a well-known complication in Plasmodium falciparum infection. It
is less frequently described in Plasmodium vivax, and only one case is reported in Plasmodium ovale. Here we present
the second description of this pulmonary complication in a P. ovale acute infection.
Malaria is the most frequent parasitic disease in the world,
with 500 million cases and > 1 million deaths every year over-
all in children younger than 5 years of age in Africa. It can be
caused by four Plasmodium species: P. falciparum, P. vivax, P.
ovale, and P. malariae. The prevalence rate of P. ovale infection
may be 0.5–10.5% of all malaria cases and is restricted to sub-
Saharan Africa, the islands of the western Pacific, and rarely on
the mainland of southeast Asia.
Acute respiratory distress Syn-
drome (ARDS) is a well known complication in P. falciparum
infection and less frequently described in P. vivax.P. ovale
usually causes mild disease without complications, and only
one case of ARDS has been reported up to now in the medi-
cal literature.
Here we present the second description of this
pulmonary complication in a P. ovale acute infection.
A 43-year-old Nigerian man returned from a 3-month trip
to Nigeria visiting relatives without taking malaria prophy-
laxis. He had been living for 5 years in Spain, and he had a
history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus for 13 years. His
daily treatment was irbesartan and insulin. Three days after
returning, he began with fever, chills, headache, malaise, and
vomiting. On admission, he was febrile (40.5°C), supine blood
pressure was 104/62 mm of Hg, cardiac rate was 88/min, and
oxygen saturation breathing room air was 96% assessed by
pulsoximetry, with a normal respiratory rate. Physical exami-
nation showed only mucosal dryness, and lung auscultation
was clear.
Laboratory results showed a white blood cell count of
5,700/L (56% neutrophils, 1% bands, 41% lymphocytes, 2%
monocytes), hemoglobin of 9.8 g/dL, and platelet count of
56,000/L. Serum creatinine was 1.8 mg/dL, glucose was 243
mg/dL, albumin was 2.7 g/dL, aspartate aminotransferase was
77 IU/L, alanine aminotransferase was 77 IU/L, gamma
glutamyl transpeptidase was 88 IU/L, lactate dehydrogenase
was 950 IU/L, total bilirubin was 1.9 mg/dL, and ferritin was
2,462 ng/mL. Serum electrolytes, coagulation, creatine phos-
phokinase, haptoglobin, and urine analysis were within nor-
mal range. Chest radiography was normal without cardiome-
galy. An electrocardiogram showed an incomplete left bundle
Trophozoites and gametocytes of P. ovale with a parasitemia
of 6,000/L were detected by an expert microscopist in the thick
film, and a malaria antigen test (NOW Malaria KT test, Binax
Inc., Scarborough, ME) was positive for the aldolase (malaria
antigen common to the four species) band and negative for
HRPf-2. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
formed in a reference laboratory (Laboratorio de Malaria del
Centro Nacional de Microbiología, Spain) confirmed this diag-
nosis and was negative for other Plasmodium species.
The patient was started on oral chloroquine therapy for 3
days, paracetamol, and insulin. During the first 2 days, 1,500
and 2,500 mL of 0.9% saline were infused, respectively. Forty-
eight hours after admission, fever continued, creatinine wors-
ened to 2.4 mg/dL with sodium fractional excretion of 0.09%,
and he developed progressive dyspnea, tachypnea, and he-
moptysis. Bibasal crackles were heard on auscultation, and
jugular venous pressure was not elevated. Arterial blood gases
showed pH 7.52, pCO
of 26.7 mm of Hg, pO
of 38 mm of Hg,
bicarbonate of 22.3 mmol/L, and hemoglobin dropped to 7.8
g/dL. Bilateral extensive alveolar infiltrates were seen in chest
radiography (Figure 1). He was admitted to the intensive care
unit (ICU) and was intubated and ventilated. Ceftriaxone and
levofloxacin were added as empirical treatment, and two
packed red cell units were transfused. Arterial blood gases
during mechanical ventilation with 50% oxygen and 10 cm
O PEEP were pH 7.43, pCO
of 36 mm of Hg, pO
of 90
mm of Hg, and bicarbonate of 24.4 mmol/L. The PaO
ratio remained < 200 for 10 days. Central venous pressure
(CVP) was 20 cm H
O initially. Pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure (PCWP) was not measured. Noradrenalin infusion
was needed for 48 hours because of a hypotensive episode on
the fourth day of ICU, which did not respond to fluids and the
development of progressive generalized edema. Negative
fluid balance was achieved on Day 5 in the ICU after being
hemodynamically stabilized. Echocardiogram performed on
Day 30 from admission showed an important left ventricular
hypertrophy with normal systolic function. Thick film per-
formed on the second day of chloroquine treatment showed
only gametocytes and 5 days later was negative. Multiple
urine and blood cultures were negative. Bronchoscopy on the
first day in the ICU showed diffuse inflammatory signs with
intense bloody secretions. Bronchoalveolar aspirate was
negative for bacteria, mycobacteria, and fungi. Lactic acid
and rheumatoid factor were normal. Antineutrophil, anti-
nuclear, and antibasal membrane antibodies were negative.
Abdominal ultrasound was normal, and abdominothoracic
* Address correspondence to Gerardo Rojo-Marcos, Department of
Internal Medicine, University Hospital “Príncipe de Asturias,” Ctra.
Alcalá-Meco s/n. Alcalá de Henares, 28805 Madrid, Spain. E-mail:
Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 79(3), 2008, pp. 391–393
Copyright © 2008 by The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
CT with intravenous contrast on Day 13 in the ICU showed
bilateral alveolar infiltrates with pseudonodular appearances,
pleural effusions, and atelectasia in the lower lobules. Urinary
Legionella antigen and human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV), hepatitis C virus, hepatitis A virus immunoglobulin M,
syphilis, Brucella, and Leishmania serology were all negative,
and serologic evidence of a previous infection by hepatitis B
virus was seen. Stool parasites were negative. Mansonella per-
stans was detected in the blood. Acinetobacter bowmannii
grew in another bronchoalveolar aspirate taken 15 days after
ICU admission, and intravenous colistin and amikacin were
added. A 14-day oral primaquine treatment was completed
after confirming a normal level of glucose-6-phosphate-
Sustained fever persisted for 14 days after chloroquine ini-
tiation, but infiltrates, oxygenation, and renal function im-
proved progressively. Extubation was achieved on Day 21 in
the ICU, and he was transferred to the internal medicine
ward. Finally he was discharged 40 days after admission. Ten
months later, he was asymptomatic, and a thoracic computed
tomography scan showed normal lungs.
In this patient, pulmonary edema is consistent with criteria
of ARDS after a P. ovale infection with acute onset of bilat-
eral infiltrates on chest radiography, absence of clinical evi-
dence of left atrial hypertension, and a PaO
Fluid infusion during the first 48 hours to improve
prerenal acute renal failure might have worsened the pulmo-
nary distress, adding a component of fluid overload to a pa-
tient with hypertensive cardiomyopathy and possible diastolic
dysfunction beside a lung with enhanced vascular permeabil-
ity injured by P. ovale infection. Renal function deteriorated
initially because of low intravascular volume and saline ex-
pansion, and vasopressure drugs were necessary. CVP is not a
reliable method to measure left atrial pressure overall on me-
chanical ventilation with PEEP. PCWP would have given
complementary information in this case but was not used. The
radiographic feature and slow infiltrates resolution were also
more consistent with ARDS. Other factors that might have
contributed to pulmonary edema were anemia, fever, and hy-
poalbuminemia with low oncotic pressure.
The possibility of mixed infection with P. falciparum was
ruled out by PCR analysis. Community acquired pneumonia
or sepsis from another source were unlikely because of initial
negative microbiological analysis including results from the
first bronchoscopy. Ventilator-associated pneumonia by
Acinetobacter was not related with the acute lung injury but a
late nosocomial infection with favorable outcome. Diffuse
pulmonary hemorrhage is described in ARDS, and other eti-
ologies may be excluded by the absence of connective tissue
disease signs, negative laboratory tests, and good evolution
without immunosuppressive drugs.
The clinical evolution of this patient was similar to previous
reports of P. vivax and P. ovale ARDS. Almost none had
significant respiratory symptoms or x-ray abnormalities at
and worsening resulted several days after ini-
tiation of specific treatment of malaria. A better clinical evo-
lution and lower mortality has been described in P. virax than
in P. falciparumrelated ARDS. Mortality of ARDS without
mechanical ventilation may exceed 80% in falciparum ma-
laria, but in those patients who survive, clinical recovery is
often rapid.
Fever resolution can be delayed from initiation
of therapy despite good parasitologic response,
probably as a
consequence of intense inflammatory response post-
treatment. Low parasitemia is nearly a constant in these spe-
cies of Plasmodium. Complications are most often described
in non-immune individuals,
which our patient can be consid-
ered because he has been living in a non-malarious country
for 5 years. Diabetes mellitus as a cause of immunosuppres-
sion could have been a factor for more severe infection as
might be seen in HIV patients with malaria.
The pathophysiology of acute pulmonary edema in malaria
is not clear, and the mechanism may be different in P. falci-
parum, vivax, or ovale. In the case of falciparum, infected red
cells cytoadhere to the microvascular endothelium causing
mechanical obstruction of pulmonary vasculature. Inflamma-
tory cells like neutrophils and mononuclears are activated
increasing pulmonary phagocytic cell activity with intense lib-
eration of cytokines. Alveolar capillary permeability increases,
and intravascular fluid is spread into the lungs leading to an
ARDS feature.
A possible role of impaired pulmonary NO
bioavailability has been postulated as a cause of higher risk of
developing ARDS.
A component of hydrostatic edema may
be facilitated by fluid overload so that the recommendations
in malaria are to maintain the CVP and PCWP at relatively
low levels.
In series of severe falciparum malaria, pulmonary edema
occurred in 921%. Pulmonary edema in P. vivax infection is
a rare complication, but in the last years has been more fre-
quently reported.
Because of its clinical and microbiological
similarities with P. ovale malaria, it might provide more in-
sights into the pathophysiology of our reported case. It is
known that altered pulmonary function is common in uncom-
plicated falciparum, vivax, and ovale infection.
In a recently
published study comparing uncomplicated vivax and falci-
parum malaria, the functional lung alterations suggested that
P. vivaxinfected erythrocytes may also be sequestered within
the pulmonary microvasculature,
but it is unknown whether
P. ovale can sequester in the lung. Moreover, host response
seems to be stronger at lower parasitemia in vivax and ovale
than in falciparum infection,
and progressive alveolar-
FIGURE 1. Chest radiograph 48 hours after admission showing
extensive bilateral alveolar infiltrates.
capillary dysfunction after treatment of vivax malaria is also
consistent with this greater inflammatory response,
a phe-
nomena not seen in uncomplicated falciparum infection.
Marked increase in pulmonary phagocytic activity was also
measured in a patient with P. ovale 12 days after starting
Some formation of rosettes has also been shown
in vivax and ovale
that may support the sequestrating hypoth-
esis. More virulent strain of P. ovale cannot be excluded in this
case. Until now, there were very few autopsy studies in pa-
tients with vivax and ovale infection without clear conclusions
on mechanisms of pulmonary injury.
An increasing number of patients from West Africa is seen
in our area, and P. ovale infections represented 7% of our
malaria cases,
including one locally acquired case.
though it is a rare complication, it is important to be aware of
the possibility of developing ARDS in malaria other than
falciparum infection. Careful monitoring of fluid replacement
must be recommended for the treatment of severe malaria of
any species. Finally, it must be stressed that all travelers to
malarious areas and especially African people visiting rela-
tives and friends must be counseled about taking adequate
malaria prophylaxis.
Received March 13, 2008. Accepted for publication June 4, 2008.
Disclosure: The authors state that they have no conflict of interest.
Authorsaddresses: Gerardo Rojo-Marcos, Department of Internal
Medicine, University Hospital Príncipe de Asturias,Ctra. Alcalá-
Meco s/n. Alcaláde Henares, 28805 Madrid, Spain, Tel: 34-918878100
ext. 2635, Fax: 34-918801825, E-mail:
Juan Cuadros-González, Department of Mycrobiology and Parasitol-
ogy, University Hospital Príncipe de Asturias,Ctra. Alcalá-Meco
s/n. Alcaláde Henares, 28805 Madrid, Spain, Tel: 34-918878100 ext.
2073, Fax: 34-918801825. JoséMaría Mesa-Latorre, Department of
Internal Medicine, University Hospital Príncipe de Asturias,Ctra.
Alcalá-Meco s/n. Alcaláde Henares, 28805 Madrid, Spain, Tel: 34-
918878100 ext. 2656, Fax: 34-918801825. Ana María Culebras-López,
Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Príncipe de
Asturias,Ctra. Alcalá-Meco s/n. Alcaláde Henares, 28805 Madrid,
Spain, Tel: 34-918878100 ext. 2602, Fax: 34-918801825. Raúl de Pablo-
Sánchez, Department of Intensive Care, University Hospital
Príncipe de Asturias,Ctra. Alcalá-Meco s/n. Alcaláde Henares,
28805 Madrid, Spain, Tel: 34-918878100 ext. 2205, Fax: 34-918801825.
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... However, recent studies have highlighted the clinical significance of these non-falciparum species [8][9][10]. Both P. malariae and P. ovale have been implicated in major disease presentations such as severe anaemia, kidney-related complications, respiratory distress, hypotension, severe thrombocytopenia, jaundice, hepatomegaly, and hepatic dysfunction with possible fatal outcomes [9,[11][12][13][14][15]. In addition, recent reports indicate an increasing prevalence of P. malariae and P. ovale in settings where P. falciparum transmission is decreasing [8,[16][17][18]. ...
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The absence of reliable species-specific diagnostic tools for malaria at point-of-care (POC) remains a major setback towards effective disease management. This is partly due to the limited sensitivity and specificity of the current malaria POC diagnostics especially in cases of low-density parasitaemia and mixed species infections. In this study, we describe the first label-free DNA-based genosensors based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) for species-specific detection of P. falciparum, P. malariae and P. ovale. The limits of detection (LOD) for the three species-specific biosensors were down in attomolar concentrations ranging from 18.7 aM to 43.6 aM, which is below the detection limits of previously reported malaria genosensors. More importantly, the diagnostic performance of the three genosensors were compared to quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays using purified genomic DNA and the paired whole blood lysates from clinical samples. Remarkably, all the qPCR-positive purified genomic DNA samples were correctly identified by the genosensors indicating 100% sensitivity for each of the three malaria species. The specificities of the three genosensors ranged from 66.7% to 100.0% with a Therapeutic Turnaround Time (TTAT) within 30 minutes, which is comparable to the TTAT of current POC diagnostic tools for malaria. This work represents a significant step towards the development of accurate and rapid species-specific nucleic acid-based toolkits for the diagnosis of malaria at the POC.
... The relapsing human malaria parasites P. vivax and P. ovale are difficult to distinguish morphologically (Wenk and Stephens, 2000) and have both common and unique characteristics. The natural host of both parasites is man, both parasites are thought to form dormant liver stages [hypnozoites (Garnham et al., 1955;Coatney, 1976;Krotoski, 1985;Soulard et al., 2015)] that unpredictably reactivate in a strain-dependent manner (Battle et al., 2014;Veletzky et al., 2018) to produce relapses (Chin and Contacos, 1966;Chin and Coatney, 1971;Goljan et al., 2003;Centers for Disease and Prevention, 2005;Richter et al., 2010;Morgan et al., 2012;Groger et al., 2017) and form sexual transmissible stages called gametocytes from the very beginning of the sometimes still asymptomatic blood stage infection (Mckenzie et al., 2007;Mueller et al., 2009); both are characterized by a reticulocyte-restricted invasion phenotype (Kitchen, 1938;Rutledge et al., 2017;Thomson-Luque et al., 2019) and a clinical course that had originally been described as mild and benign (Kitchen, 1946;Kitchen, 1949;Collins and Jeffery, 2002;Collins and Jeffery, 2005) but can in fact be very severe (Maguire and Baird, 2010) including spontaneous spleen rupture (Facer and Rouse, 1991;Cinquetti et al., 2010;Zidouh et al., 2017), acute respiratory distress syndrome (Rojo-Marcos et al., 2008;Haydoura et al., 2011;Lacerda et al., 2012;Lau et al., 2013;Guerpillon et al., 2019) and lung injury (Lee and Maguire, 1999;Anstey et al., 2002;Anstey et al., 2007), acute pericarditis (Coton et al., 2011), myocardial infarction (Martin Polo et al., 2020), severe anemia (Erel et al., 1997;Hemmer et al., 2006;Douglas et al., 2012;Johnson et al., 2013;Graciaa et al., 2019), and cerebral malaria (Tanwar et al., 2011). ...
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Malaria remains a serious health concern across the globe. Historically neglected, non-Falciparum human malarias were put back on the agenda by a paradigm shift in the fight against malaria from malaria control to malaria eradication. Here, we review the modeling of the relapsing parasites Plasmodium vivax (P. vivax) and Plasmodium ovale (P. ovale) in non-human primates with a specific focus on the contribution of these models to our current understanding of the factors that govern parasite-host interactions in P. vivax and P. ovale parasite biology and pathophysiology.
... Severe complications, sometimes with fatal outcome, can be caused by other malaria parasites as well. Severe malaria can manifest in the form of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute kidney injury (AKI), splenic rupture, hypoglycaemia, placental malaria, hypotension and shock, thrombocytopaenia, hyperparastiaemia, as well as severe anaemia (Martell et al., 1979;Lee et al., 1999;Tanois et al., 2001;Prakash et al., 2003;Trampuz et al., 2003;Lomar et al., 2005;Anstey et al., 2007;Uneke et al., 2007;Cox-Singh et al., 2008;Das, 2008;Mohan et al., 2008;Rojo-Marcus et al., 2008;Thapa et al., 2009;Lacerda et al., 2011;Deroost et al., 2013;Hachimi et al., 2013;Lau et al., 2013;Lee et al., 2013a). ...
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Rosette formation is one of the unique biological phenomena that have been linked to pathobiology of malaria. It is believe to be associated with the severe outcomes of falciparum malaria. Most of the knowledge about rosetting is obtained from in-depth studies conducted on Plasmodium falciparum. However, the rosetting phenomenon and pathobiology of vivax malaria is not well studied. This research project aimed at deciphering the unknown aspects behind rosetting phenomenon of P. vivax, and investigating the role of rosette formation in pathobiology of vivax malaria. In total, 121 fresh P. vivax isolates, 48 cryopreserved P. vivax isolates, 122 fresh P. falciparum isolates and 5 cryopreserved P. falciparum isolates were recruited into this research project. A novel technique suitable for reticulocyte characterization and rosetting assay in field setting was developed from this research project. Based on the field studies conducted, rosette formation is common in P. vivax. However, rosetting is not significantly correlated to clinical parameters such as reticulocyte count and parasitaemia. Besides, cryopreservation and thawing processes affect the rosetting capability of P. vivax isolates. Rosette formation was found to be initiated at the early trophozoite stage of P. vivax and the rosetting development reached plateau at the end of the erythrocytic maturation. Giant rosettes were found more frequently in P. vivax than P. falciparum. In addition, gametocytes were found to be involved in rosette formation. Unlike P. falciparum, the rosetting phenomenon of P. vivax is independent of human ABO blood groups and complement receptor 1 (CR1/CD35). However, rosetting phenomena of P. vivax and P. falciparum are dependent on the BRIC4 region of human glycophorin C (CD236R), strongly indicating the BRIC4 region of CD236R as another rosetting coreceptor for P. vivax and P. falciparum. On elucidating the roles of rosette formation in pathobiology of malaria, the significantly high preference for normocytes instead of reticulocytes in rosette formation clearly shows that rosetting is unlikely to assist merozoite reinvasion in vivax malaria. Furthermore, increased rosetting rates upon exposure to anti-malaria drug compounds and human white blood cells suggest that the rosetting phenomenon may serve as an intrinsic protective mechanism of the malaria parasites against their environmental threats.
... Asymptomatic malaria infections have been described for P. falciparum and P. vivax. Although all Plasmodium species can cause asymptomatic malaria, there have not been many reports of asymptomatic P. malariae [24] and P. ovale [25] infections. Plasmodium malariae infection may be asymptomatic or cause only mild symptoms for many years after the initial infection [24]. ...
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Background: Plasmodium knowlesi, a simian malaria parasite, has become the main cause of malaria in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Epidemiological data on malaria for Sarawak has been derived solely from hospitalized patients, and more accurate epidemiological data on malaria is necessary. Therefore, a longitudinal study of communities affected by knowlesi malaria was undertaken. Methods: A total of 3002 blood samples on filter paper were collected from 555 inhabitants of 8 longhouses with recently reported knowlesi malaria cases in the Betong Division of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Each longhouse was visited bimonthly for a total of 10 times during a 21‑month study period (Jan 2014–Oct 2015). DNA extracted from blood spots were examined by a nested PCR assay for Plasmodium and positive samples were then examined by nested PCR assays for Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium knowlesi, Plasmodium cynomolgi and Plasmodium inui. Blood films of samples positive by PCR were also examined by microscopy. Results: Genus‑specific PCR assay detected Plasmodium DNA in 9 out of 3002 samples. Species‑specific PCR identi‑ fied 7 P. knowlesi and one P. vivax. Malaria parasites were observed in 5 thick blood films of the PCR positive samples. No parasites were observed in blood films from one knowlesi‑, one vivax‑ and the genus‑positive samples. Only one of 7 P. knowlesi‑infected individual was febrile and had sought medical treatment at Betong Hospital the day after sam‑ pling. The 6 knowlesi‑, one vivax‑ and one Plasmodium‑infected individuals were afebrile and did not seek any medical treatment. Conclusions: Asymptomatic human P. knowlesi and P. vivax malaria infections, but not P. cynomolgi and P. inui infec‑ tions, are occurring within communities affected with malaria.
... epidemiology reporting infections in most of sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent [4][5][6], but not in the Americas, with prevalences as high as 15% in zones of Nigeria or Papua New Guinea [3]. In addition, severe complications, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ADRS) [7], spleen rupture, severe anaemia, or death may occur in patients with P. ovale spp. malaria [8]. ...
... epidemiology reporting infections in most of sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent [4][5][6], but not in the Americas, with prevalences as high as 15% in zones of Nigeria or Papua New Guinea [3]. In addition, severe complications, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ADRS) [7], spleen rupture, severe anaemia, or death may occur in patients with P. ovale spp. malaria [8]. ...
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Background: Few previous retrospective studies suggest that Plasmodium ovale wallikeri seems to have a longer latency period and produces deeper thrombocytopaenia than Plasmodium ovale curtisi. Prospective studies were warranted to better assess interspecies differences. Methods: Patients with imported P. ovale spp. infection diagnosed by thick or thin film, rapid diagnostic test (RDT) or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were recruited between March 2014 and May 2017. All were confirmed by DNA isolation and classified as P. o. curtisi or P. o. wallikeri using partial sequencing of the ssrRNA gene. Epidemiological, analytical and clinical differences were analysed by statistical methods. Results: A total of 79 samples (35 P. o. curtisi and 44 P. o. wallikeri) were correctly genotyped. Males predominate in wallikeri group (72.7%), whereas were 48.6% in curtisi group. Conversely, 74.3% of curtisi group were from patients of African ethnicity, whilst 52.3% of Caucasians were infected by P. o. wallikeri. After performing a multivariate analysis, more thrombocytopaenic patients (p = 0.022), a lower number of platelets (p = 0.015), a higher INR value (p = 0.041), and shorter latency in Caucasians (p = 0.034) were significantly seen in P. o. wallikeri. RDT sensitivity was 26.1% in P. o. curtisi and 42.4% in P. o. wallikeri. Nearly 20% of both species were diagnosed only by PCR. Total bilirubin over 3 mg/ dL was found in three wallikeri cases. Two patients with curtisi infection had haemoglobin under 7 g/dL, one of them also with icterus. A wallikeri patient suffered from haemophagocytosis. Chemoprophylaxis failed in 14.8% and 35% of curtisi and wallikeri patients, respectively. All treated patients with various anti-malarials which included artesunate recovered. Diabetes mellitus was described in 5 patients (6.32%), 4 patients of wallikeri group and 1 curtisi. Conclusions: Imported P. o. wallikeri infection may be more frequent in males and Caucasians. Malaria caused by P. o. wallikeri produces more thrombocytopaenia, a higher INR and shorter latency in Caucasians and suggests a more pathogenic species. Severe cases can be seen in both species. Chemoprophylaxis seems less effective in P. ovale spp. infection than in P. falciparum, but any anti-malarial drug is effective as initial treatment. Diabetes mellitus could be a risk factor for P. ovale spp. infection
... epidemiology reporting infections in most of sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent [4][5][6], but not in the Americas, with prevalences as high as 15% in zones of Nigeria or Papua New Guinea [3]. In addition, severe complications, such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ADRS) [7], spleen rupture, severe anaemia, or death may occur in patients with P. ovale spp. malaria [8]. ...
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Background: Few previous retrospective studies suggest that Plasmodium ovale wallikeri seems to have a longer latency period and produces deeper thrombocytopaenia than Plasmodium ovale curtisi. Prospective studies were warranted to better assess interspecies differences. Methods: Patients with imported P. ovale spp. infection diagnosed by thick or thin film, rapid diagnostic test (RDT) or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were recruited between March 2014 and May 2017. All were confirmed by DNA isolation and classified as P. o. curtisi or P. o. wallikeri using partial sequencing of the ssrRNA gene. Epidemiological, analytical and clinical differences were analysed by statistical methods. Results: A total of 79 samples (35 P. o. curtisi and 44 P. o. wallikeri) were correctly genotyped. Males predominate in wallikeri group (72.7%), whereas were 48.6% in curtisi group. Conversely, 74.3% of curtisi group were from patients of African ethnicity, whilst 52.3% of Caucasians were infected by P. o. wallikeri. After performing a multivariate analysis, more thrombocytopaenic patients (p = 0.022), a lower number of platelets (p = 0.015), a higher INR value (p = 0.041), and shorter latency in Caucasians (p = 0.034) were significantly seen in P. o. wallikeri. RDT sensitivity was 26.1% in P. o. curtisi and 42.4% in P. o. wallikeri. Nearly 20% of both species were diagnosed only by PCR. Total bilirubin over 3 mg/dL was found in three wallikeri cases. Two patients with curtisi infection had haemoglobin under 7 g/dL, one of them also with icterus. A wallikeri patient suffered from haemophagocytosis. Chemoprophylaxis failed in 14.8% and 35% of curtisi and wallikeri patients, respectively. All treated patients with various anti-malarials which included artesunate recovered. Diabetes mellitus was described in 5 patients (6.32%), 4 patients of wallikeri group and 1 curtisi. Conclusions: Imported P. o. wallikeri infection may be more frequent in males and Caucasians. Malaria caused by P. o. wallikeri produces more thrombocytopaenia, a higher INR and shorter latency in Caucasians and suggests a more pathogenic species. Severe cases can be seen in both species. Chemoprophylaxis seems less effective in P. ovale spp. infection than in P. falciparum, but any anti-malarial drug is effective as initial treatment. Diabetes mellitus could be a risk factor for P. ovale spp. infection.
... Asymptomatic malaria infections have been described for P. falciparum and P. vivax. Although all Plasmodium species can cause asymptomatic malaria, there have not been many reports of asymptomatic P. malariae [24] and P. ovale [25] infections. Plasmodium malariae infection may be asymptomatic or cause only mild symptoms for many years after the initial infection [24]. ...
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Background Plasmodium knowlesi, a simian malaria parasite, has become the main cause of malaria in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Epidemiological data on malaria for Sarawak has been derived solely from hospitalized patients, and more accurate epidemiological data on malaria is necessary. Therefore, a longitudinal study of communities affected by knowlesi malaria was undertaken. Methods A total of 3002 blood samples on filter paper were collected from 555 inhabitants of 8 longhouses with recently reported knowlesi malaria cases in the Betong Division of Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Each longhouse was visited bimonthly for a total of 10 times during a 21-month study period (Jan 2014–Oct 2015). DNA extracted from blood spots were examined by a nested PCR assay for Plasmodium and positive samples were then examined by nested PCR assays for Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium knowlesi, Plasmodium cynomolgi and Plasmodium inui. Blood films of samples positive by PCR were also examined by microscopy. Results Genus-specific PCR assay detected Plasmodium DNA in 9 out of 3002 samples. Species-specific PCR identified 7 P. knowlesi and one P. vivax. Malaria parasites were observed in 5 thick blood films of the PCR positive samples. No parasites were observed in blood films from one knowlesi-, one vivax- and the genus-positive samples. Only one of 7 P. knowlesi-infected individual was febrile and had sought medical treatment at Betong Hospital the day after sampling. The 6 knowlesi-, one vivax- and one Plasmodium-infected individuals were afebrile and did not seek any medical treatment. Conclusions Asymptomatic human P. knowlesi and P. vivax malaria infections, but not P. cynomolgi and P. inui infections, are occurring within communities affected with malaria.
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Plasmodium ovale can infect humans, causing malaria disease. We aimed to investigate the severity and mortality of severe P. ovale infection to increase the awareness of physicians regarding the prognosis of this severe disease and outcome-related deaths in countries in which this disease is endemic. Articles that were published in the PubMed, Scopus, and ISI Web of Science databases prior to January 5, 2020 and reported the prevalence of severe P. ovale infection were systematically searched and reviewed. Studies that mainly reported severe P. ovale infection according to the 2014 WHO criteria for the treatment of malaria were included. Two reviewers selected, identified, assessed, and extracted data from studies independently. The pooled prevalence of severe P. ovale mono-infections was estimated using the command “metaprop case population, random/fixed”, which yielded the pooled estimate, 95% confidence interval (CI) and the I² value, indicating the level of heterogeneity. Meta-analyses of the proportions were performed using a random-effects model to explore the different proportions of severity between patients with P. ovale and those with other Plasmodium species infections. Among the eight studies that were included and had a total of 1,365 ovale malaria cases, the pooled prevalence of severe P. ovale was 0.03 (95% CI = 0.03–0.05%, I² = 54.4%). Jaundice (1.1%), severe anemia (0.88%), and pulmonary impairments (0.59%) were the most common severe complications found in patients infected with P. ovale. The meta-analysis demonstrated that a smaller proportion of patients with P. ovale than of patients with P. falciparum had severe infections (P-value = 0.01, OR = 0.36, 95% CI = 0.16–0.81, I² = 72%). The mortality rate of severe P. ovale infections was 0.15% (2/1,365 cases). Although severe complications of P. ovale infections in patients are rare, it is very important to increase the awareness of physicians regarding the prognosis of severe P. ovale infections in patients, especially in a high-risk population.
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Background: Although Plasmodium ovale is considered the cause of only mild malaria, a case of severe malaria due to P. ovale with acute respiratory distress syndrome is reported. Case presentation: A 37-year old Caucasian man returning home from Angola was admitted for ovale malaria to the National Institute for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani in Rome, Italy. Two days after initiation of oral chloroquine treatment, an acute respiratory distress syndrome was diagnosed through chest X-ray and chest CT scan with intravenous contrast. Intravenous artesunate and oral doxycycline were started and he made a full recovery. Conclusion: Ovale malaria is usually considered a tropical infectious disease associated with low morbidity and mortality. However, severe disease and death have occasionally been reported. In this case clinical failure of oral chloroquine treatment with clinical progression towards acute respiratory distress syndrome is described.
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The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a process of nonhydrostatic pulmonary edema and hypoxemia associated with a variety of etiologies, carries a high morbidity, mortality (10 to 90%), and financial cost. The reported annual incidence in the United States is 150,000 cases, but this figure has been challenged, and it may be different in Europe. Part of the reason for these uncertainties are the heterogeneity of diseases underlying ARDS and the lack of uniform definitions for ARDS. Thus, those who wish to know the true incidence and outcome of this clinical syndrome are stymied. The American-European Consensus Committee on ARDS was formed to focus on these issues and on the pathophysiologic mechanisms of the process. It was felt that international coordination between North America and Europe in clinical studies of ARDS was becoming increasingly important in order to address the recent plethora of potential therapeutic agents for the prevention and treatment of ARDS.
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The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a process of non-hydrostatic pulmonary edema and hypoxemia associated with a variety of etiologies carries a high morbidity, mortality (10-90%) and financial cost. The reported annual incidence in the United States is 150,000 cases, but this figure has been challenged and may be different in Europe. Part of the reason for these uncertainties is the heterogeneity of diseases underlying ARDS and the lack of uniform definitions for ARDS. Thus, those whose wish to know the true incidence and outcome on this clinical syndrome are stymied. The European American Consensus Committee on ARDS was formed to focus on these issues and on the pathophysiologic mechanisms of the process. It was felt that international coordination between North America and Europe in clinical studies of ARDS was becoming increasingly important in order to address the recent plethora of potential therapeutic agents for the prevention and treatment of ARDS.
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Despite recognition of acute respiratory distress syndrome in both falciparum and vivax malaria, disease-related changes in pulmonary function have not been defined, and underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Respiratory symptoms, pulmonary function, pulmonary phagocytic cell activity, and longitudinal changes were examined in 26 adults with uncomplicated falciparum, vivax, and ovale malaria after treatment. Self-limiting cough occurred in both falciparum (36%) and vivax or ovale (53%) malaria. In infection with eachmalaria species, admission measures of airflow and gas transfer were lower than predicted, and mean lung 99mtechnetium-sulfur-colloid uptake was significantly increased. Changes were most evident in falciparum malaria, with treatment resulting in initial worsening of airflow obstruction and gas transfer. Altered pulmonary function in malaria is common and includes airflow obstruction, impaired ventilation, impaired gas transfer, and increased pulmonary phagocytic activity, and its occurrence in both vivax and falciparum malaria suggests that there may be common underlying inflammatory mechanisms.
Lung involvement in malaria has been recognized for more than 200 hundred years, yet our knowledge of its pathogenesis and management is limited. Pulmonary edema is the most severe form of lung involvement. Increased alveolar capillary permeability leading to intravascular fluid loss into the lungs is the main pathophysiologic mechanism. This defines malaria as another cause of acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Pulmonary edema has been described most often in non-immune individuals with Plasmodium falciparum infections as part of a severe systemic illness or as the main feature of acute malaria. P. vivax and P. ovale have also rarely caused pulmonary edema. Clinically, patients usually present with acute breathlessness that can rapidly progress to respiratory failure either at disease presentation or, interestingly, after treatment when clinical improvement is taking place and the parasitemia is falling. Pregnant women are particularly prone to developing pulmonary edema. Optimal management of malaria-induced ALI/ARDS includes early recognition and diagnosis. Malaria must always be suspected in a returning traveler or a visitor from a malaria-endemic country with an acute febrile illness. Slide microscopy and/or the use of rapid antigen tests are standard diagnostic tools. Malaria must be treated with effective drugs, but current choices are few: e.g. parenteral artemisinins, intravenous quinine or quinidine (in the US only). A recent trial in adults has shown that intravenous artesunate reduces severe malaria mortality by a third compared with adults treated with intravenous quinine. Respiratory compromise should be managed on its merits and may require mechanical ventilation. Patients should be managed in an intensive care unit and particular attention should be paid to the energetic management of other severe malaria complications, notably coma and acute renal failure. ALI/ARDS may also be related to a coincidental bacterial sepsis that may not be clinically obvious. Clinicians should employ a low threshold for starting broad spectrum antibacterials in such patients, after taking pertinent microbiologic specimens. Despite optimal management, the prognosis of severe malaria with ARDS is poor. ALI/ARDS in pediatric malaria appears to be rare. However, falciparum malaria with severe metabolic acidosis or acute pulmonary edema may present with a clinical picture of pneumonia, i.e. with tachypnea, intercostal recession, wheeze or inspiratory crepitations. This results in diagnostic confusion and suboptimal treatment. Whilst this is increasingly being recognized in malaria-endemic countries, clinicians in temperate zones should be aware that malaria may be a possible cause of ‘pneumonia’ in a visiting or returning child.
Introduction To study the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of malaria and the diagnosis of this condition in a general hospital that does not have a specialized tropical medicine unit. Methods Retrospective study of all malaria cases diagnosed by thick film and/or PCR-positive status for any Plasmodium spp. from 1999 to 2003 in Hospital Príncipe de Asturias in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain). Results Over the period studied, 89 cases of malaria were diagnosed. Most patients were African immigrants who had recently left their countries of origin (52%), or immigrants residing in Spain who had traveled to Africa for a short visit (35%) and did not take prophylaxis. The distribution of cases by species was Plasmodium falciparum 89%, P. ovale 7% and P. malariae 4%. Clinical data were non-specific and the percentage of severe complications was low (6.7%). A second-generation test for rapid detection of P. falciparum antigen (PfHRP2) was studied in a group of 46 patients with suspected malaria; the results obtained were similar to thick film as compared to PCR for diagnosing P. falciparum infection. Conclusions Access to information on prevention and chemoprophylaxis should be available to all travelers, particularly immigrants visiting their countries of origin. Most semi-immune patients with uncomplicated malaria can be treated on an outpatient basis. PfHRP2 antigen detection, a fast, reliable method for diagnosing malaria due to P. falciparum, can be used in addition to the thick film method in our setting.
Red blood cells infected by mature stages of Plasmodium ovale obtained from a 56-year-old Thai patient formed rosettes readily with uninfected erythrocytes. Ex vivo, the ring stage-infected erythrocytes matured well under the in vitro conditions used for P. falciparum culture, and the infected erythrocytes formed rosettes when the parasites became mature trophozoites. These rosettes were stable and remained intact until completion of schizogony. Plasmodium ovale rosettes were similar to those formed by P. falciparum- and P. vivax-infected erythrocytes. Rosette formation appears to be a common property of three species of human plasmodia.
Malaria is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world, and severe respiratory complications have been described mainly in association with Plasmodium falciparum. We describe a case of acute respiratory distress syndrome complicating infection with P. vivax in the setting of relatively low parasitemia in a 47-yr-old woman after a brief trip to Papua New Guinea. A review of the literature shows that pulmonary complications of P. vivax are rare but occur more frequently than generally acknowledged. Pathogenic mechanisms of these complications are discussed.
A simplified protocol for the identification of Plasmodium species by semi-nested multiplex polymerase chain reaction (SnM-PCR) in human blood samples is compared with microscopical examination of thin and thick blood films in 2 field trials in Côte d'Ivoire and Cameroon. Also, dried blood spots or liquid blood collected from Dutch soldiers returning from Goma, Zaire (n = 141), Angola (n = 40), and from Marechaussee (Dutch border police) returning from various parts of the world (n = 161) were examined, together with miscellaneous other material obtained from laboratories and hospitals. The method is based on features of the small subunit nuclear ribosomal ribonucleic acid (RNA) gene (ssrDNA), a multicopy gene which possesses both highly conserved domains and domains characteristic for each of the 4 human malaria parasites. The first reaction of the SnM-PCR includes a universal reverse primer with 2 forward primers specific for Plasmodium and mammals, respectively. The mammalian-specific primer was included as a positive control to distinguish uninfected cases from simple PCR failures. The second PCR reaction includes a Plasmodium-specific forward primer plus species-specific reverse primers for P. vivax, P. ovale, P. falciparum and P. malariae. The technique worked better with samples collected in the field as dried blood spots on filter paper and heparinized blood rather than with frozen pelleted blood; it was more sensitive and more specific than the standard microscopical examination.
Pulmonary edema that results from increased pulmonary capillary permeability is the most important pulmonary manifestation of malaria. It is a common feature of severe malaria but also occurs rarely in milder disease. Mortality rate is high. The pathophysiologic basis is unclear. In the field, there is much clinical overlap between malaria and pneumonia in children. For physicians in nonmalarial areas, malaria always should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a sick patient who has traveled to a malaria-endemic area. More research is needed to better define and tailor treatments for malarial and nonmalarial ALI and ARDS.