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(From the Biochemical Institute
the Department
Chemistry, The University
Texas, and the Clayton Foundation
Research, Austin, Tezaa)
(Received for publication, April 14, 1952)
Non-enzymatic deamination of serine and cysteine is catalyzed by py-
ridoxal and certain metal salts at 100” (2). This finding suggested that
pyridoxal phosphate might be involved in the enzymatic deamination of
these amino acids. Vitamin B, has already been implicated in the de-
sulfhydration of cysteine by rat liver (3) and of cysteine and homocysteine
by bacteria (4). Several similarities of cysteine desulfhydrase and of ser-
ine dehydrase have been reported (5, 6). These findings supported the
supposition that vitamin Be might be involved in serine dehydration, in
spite of the recent report that adenosine-5-phosphate and glutathione are
the only demonstrable cofactors of serine and threonine dehydrases (de-
aminases) from Escherichiu c& (7).
The preparation in cell-free form of a pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) re-
quiring n-serine dehydrase from cells of E. coli is described below. This
enzyme is readily separated from the serine dehydrase of Wood and Gun-
salus (7), which appears to be an L-serine dehydrase.
Cells-Both the Crookes strain of E. c&i (ATCC 8739)
and a vitamin Be-requiring mutant of E. cobi1 were used. These were
grown on either of two media. Medium A contained 20 gm. of Difco
tryptone, 10 gm. of Difco yeast extract, and 5 gm. of KzHPOd per liter;
its initial pH was 7.4. Medium B contained 7 gm. of KZHPOI, 3 gm. of
KH2POI, 0.5 gm. of sodium citrate trihydrate, 0.1 gm. of MgSOa.7Hz0,
0.4 gm. of (NH&SO*, 0.1 gm. of Fe(NH&(SO&.6Hz0, 10 gm. of glucose,
3.4 gm. of the amino acid mixture described by Sauberlich and Baumann
(S), 10 mg. each of adenine, guanine, and uracil, 0.4 mg. each of riboflavin,
calcium pantothenate, and nicotinic acid, 0.2 mg. each of thiamine hydro-
chloride and p-aminobenzoic acid, 10 y of folic acid, and 2 y of biotin per
liter; its initial pH was 7.0.
* A preliminary report has appeared (1).
1 We are indebted to Dr. Bernard D. Davis for supplying this organism, mutant
by guest, on July 16, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
The bacteria were grown either in liquid media without aeration or in
Roux bottles on media solidified with 2 per cent agar. In either case the
cells were harvested after 14 to 16 hours, washed once or twice with 0.9
per cent NaCl, and suspended in sufficient 0.1
phosphate buffer (pH 7.0
or 7.8) to give a suspension containing 10 to 100 mg. of dry cells per ml.
The buffer was usually 3 X lO+
in glutathione (GSH). Most sus-
pensions were vacuum-dried over potassium hydroxide. Cell-free extracts
were prepared by freezing and thawing twice, then autolyzing suspensions
of dried cells as described by Wood and Gunsalus (7). The suspending
liquid was phosphate buffer at either pH 7.0 or 7.8 containing 6 X 1w3
Assay of Serine Dehydrase-Optically pure
and L-serine2 and commer-
cially available nn-serine and
and m-threonine were employed. A
suitable aliquot of the cell suspension or extract to be assayed was placed
in a tube containing 0.3 ml. of the desired 0.5
buffer and water to make
the final volume after addition of activators and substrate 1.5 ml, In
early work the mixture was made 0.001
in MgS04, since reports in the
literature indicated a possible need for Mg++. This has not been found to
have any activating effect on the preparations we tested. Activators and
other additions were usually incubated with the enzyme for 10 minutes at
37.5” before addition of the substrate. 0.3 ml. of 0.1
m-serine or thre-
onine was added and the samples incubated aerobically for 10 or 30 min-
utes. Since only limited amounts of
and L-serine were available, these
were used at lower concentrations, even though the reaction rate was not
linear with time under these conditions. The reaction was stopped with
0.5 ml. of 25 per cent trichloroacetic acid, the precipitate centrifuged, and
the supernatant solution analyzed for keto acid by the direct method of
Friedemann and Haugen (9). This procedure was standardized against
sodium pyruvate and against the ketobutyrate formed by deamination
of a known amount of L-threonine by dried E. coli cells. 98 per cent of the
theoretical amount of ammonia was produced in this reaction. Dupli-
cate assays usually agreed within 5 per cent or better. The data given are
average values of the duplicates, corrected for the small amount of carbonyl
compounds present in the cells and for the pyridoxal phosphate added.
While cell-free extracts show approximately linear kinetics with respect
to time and enzyme concentration (Fig. l), some dried cell preparations
deviate markedly from this behavior. For this reason, no formal unit
of enzyme activity has been employed. For comparative purposes, the
amounts of keto acid produced in 10 or 30 minutes per mg. of dry cells or
their equivalent have been tabulated along with the actual weights of
cells used.
* Dr. Jesse P. Greenstein generously supplied these isomers.
by guest, on July 16, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
Ammonia determinations, chromatography, and spectrophotometric
characterization of keto acid 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones were carried
out as described in Paper I (2). The source and purity of pyridoxal
and pyridoxamine phosphates have been described (10).
Activation of Serine Dehydrase by Pyridoxal Phosphate-Pyruvate pro-
duction by cells of the vitamin Be-requiring mutant grown without added
vitamin Ba in Medium B is increased 50 to 100 per cent by the addition of
t 0.4
0 50 100 150 200
FIQ. 1. Pyruvate production from nn-serine as a function of time and enzyme
concentration. A cell-free extract of dried
coli cells (Crookes strain, grown in
Medium A) was the enzyme source. Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane buffer,
pH 8.2, was used. Pyridoxal phosphate added was 5 X 10-O M. Incubation at (
7.5 minutes, (0) 15 minutes, (A) 30 minutes, and (0) 60 minutes.
PLP (Table I). Pyruvate production by cells grown in the presence of a
high level of pyridoxamine is increased only 10 to 20 per cent by such ad-
ditions. The activity of freshly prepared cell-free extracts from vitamin
Be-deficient cells is increased 6 times by PLP, whereas similar extracts
from cells grown on high vitamin BE are activated only slightly. An ex-
tract from vitamin Be-deficient cells purified S-fold on an organic solids
basis by ammonium sulfate precipitation showed a g-fold increase of ac-
tivity when PLP was added. These results demonstrate that the serine
dehydrase of these extracts is a pyridoxal phosphate enzyme, and that
resolution was not affected by the treatments applied to those cells grown
with excess pyridoxamine.
Dried cells of a wild type E. coli grown on Medium A also show increased
pyruvate production from nn-serine when PLP is added (Table II). The
by guest, on July 16, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
effect is most pronounced in the older cell-free extracts. This partial
resolution of the holoenzyme is probably a result of repeated thawings of
the extracts, which were stored in the frozen state; prolonged storage does
not in itself cause any resolution. In line with the observations of others
Pyruvate Production from DL-Serine by Vitamin B6-Requiring Mutant of E. coli.
E. coli M154-59L was grown on Medium B with no added vitamin Bs (low B6) or
with 20 mg. per liter of pyridoxamine dihydrochloride (high Be). Fresh cells were
treated with toluene to prevent keto acid metabolism (12). All dried cells and
cell-free extracts were prepared in phosphate buffer, pH 7.0, and incubated in the
same buffer.
Preparation No.
I. Fresh cells from liquid medium
II. Dried cells from liquid medium
III. Dried cells from agar surface
Cell-free extract from III
Fractionated extract1 from III
Low Bs
High Be
Low Be
High Be
Low Be
Low Be
High B6
Low Be
2.4 None
2.4 PLP
2.4 None
2.4 PLP
2.4 None
2.4 PLP
2.4 None
2.4 PLP
1.5 None
1.5 PLP
2.4 None
2.4 PLP
2.4 PLP + AMP
2.4 None
2.4 PLP
5.3 None
5.3 PLP
Y pn mg.
* Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), 5 X 10-4 br; adenosine-5-phosphate (AMP), 5
x lo-‘M.
t Chromatographic experiments established that the keto acid formed was pyru-
$ The fraction used was soluble in 1.72 M and insoluble in 1.98
ammonium sul-
fate at room temperature. The product was dialyzed free of ammonia.
(ll), we found that cells grown on the carbohydrate-free Medium A at pH
7.4 have a much higher deaminase activity than those grown on the carbo-
hydrate-containing Medium B at pH 7.0. The former cells, especially
when dried at pH 7.8, also deaminate threonine and are activated by
adenylic acid and glutathione, as reported by Wood and Gunsalus (7).
by guest, on July 16, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
In contrast, most of the cell-free extracts show little or no activation by these
compounds and are only slightly active in the deamination of threonine.
Ik:$ect of Various Buffers on Serine Dehydrase Activity-A striking dif-
Pyruvate Production
m-Serine by Wild Type E.
All enzyme
preparations were
from Crookes
E. co2i
grown on Medium A.
Incubations were carried out in phosphate buffer, pH 7.8.
Preparation Additions*
X. Dried cells, pH 7.8
Cell-free extract from X, pH 7.8
Same extract 6 days old
0.40 None
0.40 PLP
0.40 AMP + GSH
1.20 None
1.20 PLP
fly #$*rn”.
* Pyridoxal phosphate, 5 X lo-’ M; adenosine-5-phosphate, 5 X lo-’ M; gluta-
thione, 1 X 10e3 M.
Different Buffers
on Serine
Dehydration by Eztracta
E. coli
All tubes contained cell-free extract, Preparation IX, equivalent to 0.23 mg. of
dry cells of
coli, Crookes strain, grown on Medium A.
Buffer. pR 7.8
* 5 X 10eB M pyridoxal phosphate was used.
ference in serine dehydrase activity occurs when phosphate buffer is re-
placed by tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane buffer (Tris buffer, Table
III). In the absence of added PLP, the activity in the latter buffer is only
10 per cent of that in its presence; the activity in phosphate buffer (without
PLP) is much higher. A possible explanation for the high apparent reso-
by guest, on July 16, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
lution in Tris buffer is that the primary amine group of this buffer combines
loosely with PLP, perhaps to form a Schiff base. Triethanolamine buffer
cannot react ih this way and shows effects intermediate between phosphate
and Tris buffers (Table III), suggesting that this explanation may be par-
tially correct.
The dependence of activity of partially purified serine dehydrase upon
pH is shown in Fig. 2. The optimum is similar to that reported (11) for
intact, resting cells of E. coli.
Optical Specijicity of Sol&e Enzyme-The cell-free extracts attack
serine rapidly and convert it completely to pyruvate and ammonia.
5 6 7 6 9
,,H AT 25’
FIG. 2. pH dependence of pyruvate production by the salt-fractionated extract
coli. Pyruvate production at 30 minutes per mg. of original cell weight is
plotted. 0, acetate and phosphate buffers; A, tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane
Serine is attacked at a rate less than one-tenth as great (Fig. 3). Thus,
the enzyme is a n-serine dehydrase and differs from that described by Wood
and Gunsalus (7), which appears to be L-serine (or threonine) dehydrase.
Further clarification of the relationship of these two enzymes is provided
by the data in Table IV. Whereas keto acid production by dried cells from
L-serine and m-threonine is greatly activated by addition of AMP, pyru-
vate production from n-serine is unaffected. In contrast, dehydration of
n-serine but not of L-serine or threonine, is greatly increased by PLP.
Under our conditions D-serine dehydrase is more stable than the
serine dehydrase, since most cell-free extracts are almost free of the latter
enzyme. Whether the small amount of deamination of L-serine by such
extracts (Fig. 3) is due to contaminating traces of the L-serine dehydrase
is not yet known.
by guest, on July 16, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
In recent experiments, extraction of 70 to 95 per cent of the D-serine
dehydrase from dried cells was effected by merely suspending them for
1 hour at 5’ in 0.1
phosphate buffer. The extract contained very little
L-serine dehydrase, while a large part was retained in the residue (Table V).
A more detailed study of the properties of the D-serine dehydrase from
E’. coli is planned after its further purification. Experiments to date give
the following additional information. Pyruvate and ammonia are pro-
0 IO 20 30 60 120
FIG. 3. Comparative pyruvate production from D- and L-serine by a cell-free
extract of
coli (Crookes strain). Substrates were 2 X 1OP M; pyridoxal phosphate
6 X 1O-B M. The extract of 2 mg. of dry cells was present per ml. of phosphate buffer,
pH 7.8. Determinations on the 120 minute samples showed that 98 per cent of the
theoretical ammonia was evolved in the deamination of n-serine. Chromatography
and spectral characterization of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone of the product
showed that pyruvate was produced. No detectable amounts of hydroxypyruvate
or other keto acids were formed.
duced in equimolecular amounts, and pyruvate is the only keto acid
formed (Fig. 3). Pyruvate production under nitrogen is as rapid as in
air. ?rTo stimulation by either AMP or GSH has been observed; however,
the latter was always added during preparation of dried cells and hence
was present in small amounts. Approximately 50 per cent saturat,ion of
the enzyme with coenzyme and substrate respectively occurs with 1 X lO+
PLP and 3
n-serine. With a crude cell-free preparation, pyri-
doxamine phosphate (PMP) activates the enzyme fully at, a concentration
of 1
hut conversion of PMP to PT,P during preincubation of
enzyme with activators (e.g. by transamination with small amounts of
keto acid present in such extracts) has not been excluded.
by guest, on July 16, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
Keto Acid Production by Dried Cells from Various Substrates
0.5 mg. of cells of E. coli, Crookes strain, dried at pH 7.8, per tube. Incubation
at pH 7.8, phosphate buffer, for 10 minutes.
Substrate* I Additionst Keto acid production
PM per mg. cells
. .
. .
PLP 0.62
AMP 0.38
PLP + AMP 0.62
None 0.048
....... .........
PLP 0.056
........ .........
AMP 1.00
....... .........
PLP + AMP 1.03
None 0.38
PLP 0.59
....... .........
AMP 1.25
....... .........
PLP + AMP 1.48
....... .........
None 0.14
PLP 0.19
....... .........
AMP 2.08
....... .........
PLP + AMP 2.12
* 0.3 ml. of 0.01
M D-
or L-serine or 0.02 Y nL-serine or threonine per tube.
t 5 X 10-O
pyridoxal phosphate and 5 X lo-’
Partial Separation
and L-Serine Dehydrases
Dried cells of E. coli, Crookes strain, grown on Medium A were treated as shown.
Assays were carried out in phosphate buffer, pH 7.8.
Preparation Pyruvate production in 10 min.
-- n-S&m? 1 L-Serine*
Dried cells.. .I
0.40 0.56 1.73
Extract At..
0.36 0.40 0.10
Bt.. . j 0.40 0.50 0.20
Washed residue from A$. j 0.33 0.11 / 0.639
* 0.3 ml. of 0.01
n-serine with 5 X 1O-6
pyridoxal or 0.3 ml. of 0.01
with 5 X lo-’
adenosine-5-phosphate and 1 X 10-*
t Cells suspended in 0.1
phosphate buffer, pH 7.8, containing 3 X 10eJ
nosine-5-phosphate and 6 X 10-a
glutathione. Extract A contained 20 mg.,
Extract B 50 mg., of dried cells per ml. Residue centrifuged after standing 1 hour
at 5”.
$ Residue washed once with 2) times the original volume of buffer.
5 Variable results were obtained, depending on the assay conditions.
by guest, on July 16, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
Pyridoxal, pyridoxamine, 5-desoxypyridoxal, and 3-methoxypyridoxal
were without effect in activating the enzyme at concentrations of 2.5 X 10m6
In frozen crude extracts, the enzyme is stable for at least 3 months.
The enzyme is inhibited almost completely by 1V
copper or zinc sulfates
and is inactivated by boiling for 2 minutes.
The data presented show that E. coli contains a n-serine dehydrase
which is activated by pyridoxal phosphate. Recently Yanofsky (12) and
Reissig (13) have reported that extracts of Neurospora contain a serine-
deaminating enzyme which is stimulated by pyridoxal phosphate but not
by AMP or GSH. No evidence that the L-serine dehydrase of Wood and
Gunsalus (7) is a vitamin Bs enzyme has yet been obtained, but it would
seem strange if entirely different mechanisms for this reaction were em-
ployed for the
isomers. It seems likely that L-serine dehydrase
is also a vitamin Be enzyme, but that the coenzyme is bound much more
tightly. Reissig (13) reports that L-threonine dehydrase of Neurospora is a
pyridoxal phosphate-requiring enzyme.
Serine is deaminated in at least two ways by biological systems: oxi-
datively to hydroxypyruvate (14), or with no net oxidation to yield py-
ruvate. The latter reaction corresponds to the non-enzymatic pyridoxal-
catalyzed reaction (2), and is that carried out by the
and L-serine
dehydrases studied here. It is predominant in bacterial cells (11, 15).
Chargaff and Sprinson (16) have suggested that in this reaction the en-
zyme catalyzes the dehydration of serine to a-aminoacrylic acid, which is
then spontaneously converted to pyruvate and ammonia. The non-en-
zymatic dehydration by pyridoxal and the enzymatic dehydration by
pyridoxal phosphate proteins are readily fitted into this mechanism if
one assumes formation of a Schiff base between serine and pyridoxal or
pyridoxal phosphate, as suggested for the non-enzymatic reaction (2).
Whether the enzymatic reaction also requires a metal ion, as does the non-
enzymatic reaction, remains to be determined. A metal ion might stabilize
the intermediate Schiff base, as suggested for the non-enzymatic reaction.
If a metal is not involved, the intermediate would still be stabilized by
by guest, on July 16, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
hydrogen bonding (17), as shown in the accompanying diagram. The
immediate product of enzymatic activity would be the Schiff base of amino-
acrylic acid with pyridoxal phosphate, which could then hydrolyze to t,he
unstable free aminoacrylic acid. It is possible that in other vitamin Be-
catalyzed reactions involving serine this Schiff base of aminoacrylic acid,
which would be somewhat stabilized by the long conjugated bond system,
could react with other substances by addition across the double bond;
e.g., with indole to yield tryptophan (12) and with homocysteine to give
cystathionine (18).
Purified preparations of n-amino acid oxidase attack n-serine slowly (19)
or not at all (20). The natural occurrence of a special enzyme, D-serine
dehydrase, that rapidly converts this amino acid to pyruvate thus assumes
added interest as another indication of the participation of n-amino acids
in metabolism.
We are grateful to Dr. Chozo Mitoma for performing several experi-
ments establishing the optical specificity of the enzyme.
1. Vitamin Ba-deficient cells of a mutant strain of Escherichia coli con-
tain a serine dehydrase which requires pyridoxal phosphate as coenzyme.
The enzyme is readily obtained in cell-free extracts and is partially re-
solved when such extracts of a wild type E. coli are aged.
2. The enzyme is specific for n-serine and can be separated readily
from an L-serine dehydrase that is also present in dried cells.
3. Unlike L-serine dehydrase, n-serine dehydrase is not activated by
adenosine-5-phosphate. No evidence that pyridoxal phosphate is a com-
ponent of the enzyme deaminating L-serine and L-threonine was obtained,
although its essential r81e in this process is considered likely.
4. A possible mechanism for serine dehydration is discussed briefly.
1. Metzler, D. E., and Snell, E. E.,, Federation Proc., 11, 258 (1952).
2. Metzler, D. E., and Snell, E. E., J. Biol. Chem., 198, 353 (1952).
3. Braunshtein, A. E., and Azarkh, R. M., Doklady Akad. Nauk S. S. S. R., 71, 93
(1950); Chem. Abstr., 44, 7900 (1950).
4. Kallio, R. E., J. Biol. Chem., 192, 371 (1951).
5. Binkley, F., J. Biol. Chem., 160, 261 (1943).
6. Smythe, C. V., Ann. New York Acad. SC., 46, 425 (1944).
7. Wood, W. A., and Gunsalus, I. C., J. Biol. Chem., 181, 171 (1949).
8. Sauberlich, H. E., and Baumann, C. A., J. Biol. Chem., 176, 165 (1948).
9. Friedemann, T. E., and Haugen, G. E., J. Biol. Chem., 147, 415 (1943).
10. Metzler, D. E., and Snell, E. E., J. Am. Chem. Sot., 74, 979 (1952).
Il. Gale, E. F., and Stephenson, M., Biochem. J., 32, 392 (1938).
by guest, on July 16, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
12. Yanofsky, C., J. Biol. Chem., 194, 279 (1952).
13. Reissig, J. L., Arch. Biochem. and Biophys., 36, 234 (1952).
14. Sprinson, D. B., and Chargaff, E., J. Biol. Chem., 194, 411 (1946).
15. Chargaff, E., and Sprinson, D. B., J. Biol. Chem., 161, 273 (1943).
16. Chargaff, E., and Sprinson, D. B., J. Biol. Chem., 148, 249 (1943).
17. McIntire, F. C., J. Am. Chem. Sot., 69, 1377 (1947).
18. Binkley, F., Christensen, G. M., and Jensen, W. N., J. Biol. Chem., 194, 109
19. Klein, J. R., and Handler, P., J. Biol. Chem., 139, 103 (1941).
20. Horowitz, S. H., J. Biol. Chem., 164, 141 (1944).
by guest, on July 16, 2011www.jbc.orgDownloaded from
... There are several mechanisms of PTM including: covalent modifications (phosphorylation [326,327], methylation [328], glycosylation XXI [329,330]), proteolysis [331], oxidation [332][333][334], deamination [335], cross-linking [336,337], and racemization (enzymic and non-enzymic). The phosphorylation of D-AAs residues is a common way to regulate the activity of proteins. ...
... For the heat shock proteins in the lens (αA-crystallin (αA) and αB-crystallin (αB)) it was shown that an aggregation and deposition is significantly contributed by several types of PTM. Among them are oxidation, C-and N-terminal truncation, deamidation, phosphorylation, and methylation [333,334]. As we mentioned before, many forms of PTM are directly associated with the protein racemization [194]. ...
Full-text available
Homochirality of DNA and prevalent chirality of free and protein-bound amino acids in a living organism represents the challenge for modern biochemistry and neuroscience. The idea of an association between age-related disease, neurodegeneration, and racemization originated from the studies of fossils and cataract disease. Under the pressure of new results, this concept has a broader significance linking protein folding, aggregation, and disfunction to an organism’s cognitive and behavioral functions. The integrity of cognitive function is provided by a delicate balance between the evolutionarily imposed molecular homo-chirality and the epigenetic/developmental impact of spontaneous and enzymatic racemization. The chirality of amino acids is the crucial player in the modulation the structure and function of proteins, lipids, and DNA. The collapse of homochirality by racemization is the result of the conformational phase transition. The racemization of protein-bound amino acids (spontaneous and enzymatic) occurs through thermal activation over the energy barrier or by the tunnel transfer effect under the energy barrier. The phase transition is achieved through the intermediate state, where the chirality of alpha carbon vanished. From a thermodynamic consideration, the system in the homo-chiral (single enantiomeric) state is characterized by a decreased level of entropy. The oscillating protein chirality is suggesting its distinct significance in the neurotransmission and flow of perceptual information, adaptive associative learning, and cognitive laterality. The common pathological hallmarks of neurodegenerative disorders include protein misfolding, aging, and the deposition of protease-resistant protein aggregates. Each of the landmarks is influenced by racemization. The brain region, cell type, and age-dependent racemization critically influence the functions of many intracellular, membrane-bound, and extracellular proteins including amyloid precursor protein (APP), TAU, PrP, Huntingtin, α-synuclein, myelin basic protein (MBP), and collagen. The amyloid cascade hypothesis in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) coexists with the failure of amyloid beta (Aβ) targeting drug therapy. According to our view, racemization should be considered as a critical factor of protein conformation with the potential for inducing order, disorder, misfolding, aggregation, toxicity, and malfunctions.
Full-text available
Significance Pathogens ensure infection of favored sites in the body by responding to chemical signals. One chemical abundant in urine, the amino acid d -Ser, is toxic to EHEC and reduces expression of the machinery used for host cell attachment, making the bladder an unfavorable environment. We observed that under d -Ser stress, EHEC acquires genetic changes that lead to blocking d -Ser uptake into the cell or activating a silent enzyme for degrading d -Ser. This prevents growth inhibition and, critically, inhibits the repression of attachment machinery normally caused by d -Ser. These findings highlight the importance of pathogen evolution in determining how host molecules regulate colonization. These interactions underpin a process known as niche restriction that is important for pathogen success within the host.
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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common, in general caused by intestinal Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) ascending via the urethra. Microcompartment-mediated catabolism of ethanolamine, a host cell breakdown product, fuels competitive overgrowth of intestinal E. coli , both pathogenic enterohaemorrhagic E. coli and commensal strains. During UTI urease negative E. coli thrive, despite the comparative nutrient limitation in urine. The role of ethanolamine as a potential nutrient source during UTI is understudied. We evaluated the role of metabolism of ethanolamine as a potential nitrogen and carbon source for UPEC in the urinary tract. We analysed infected urine samples by culture, HPLC, qRT-PCR and genomic sequencing. Ethanolamine concentration in urine was comparable to the most abundant reported urinary amino acid D-serine. Transcription of the eut operon was detected in the majority of urine samples screened containing E. coli . All sequenced UPECs had conserved eut operons while metabolic genotypes previously associated with UTI ( dsdCXA, metE ) were mainly limited to phylogroup B2. In vitro ethanolamine was found to be utilised as a sole source of nitrogen by UPECs. Metabolism of ethanolamine in artificial urine medium (AUM) induced metabolosome formation and provided a growth advantage at the physiological levels found in urine. Interestingly, eutE (acetaldehyde dehydrogenase) was required for UPECs to utilise ethanolamine to gain a growth advantage in AUM, suggesting ethanolamine is also utilised as a carbon source. This data suggests urinary ethanolamine is a significant additional carbon and nitrogen source for infecting E. coli .
Glycine and formaldehyde are converted into serine in the presence of a dialyzed, lyophilized enzyme preparation from corn seedlings, with tetrahydropteroylglutamic acid and pyridoxal phosphate as coenzymes. The equilibrium constant of the reaction was calculated for the system at 37.5 °C as K = 3.1 × 10 ³ . The pH activity curve showed a maximum between 6.6 and 7.0. The effects of the concentrations of the coenzymes were studied. The glycine–serine interconverting enzyme is present throughout the seedling and occurs exclusively in the soluble fraction of the cells.
Ammonia-lyases and aminomutases are mechanistically and structurally diverse enzymes which catalyze the deamination and/or isomerization of amino acids in nature by cleaving or shifting a C-N bond. Of the many protein families in which these enzyme activities are found, only a subset have been employed in the synthesis of optically pure fine chemicals or in medical applications. This review covers the natural diversity of these enzymes, highlighting particular enzyme classes that are used within industrial and medical biotechnology. These highlights detail the discovery and mechanistic investigations of these commercially relevant enzymes, along with comparisons of their various applications as stand-alone catalysts, components of artificial biosynthetic pathways and biocatalytic or chemoenzymatic cascades, and therapeutic tools for the potential treatment of various pathologies.
Auf Grund der Tatsache, daß wesentliche Teile des tierischen Organismus aus Eiweiß bestehen, hat die Frage nach seiner Beziehung zum Nahrungseiweiß frühzeitige Beachtung gefunden. Liebig hat sich vorgestellt, daß das durch die Verdauung löslich gemachte Eiweiß in dieser Form resorbiert und am Aufbau des Protoplasmas teilnehmen würde. Voit 1 unterschied im Organismus zwei voneinander unabhängige Eiweißarten; im Gegensatz zum zirkulierenden Eiweiß sollte das Gewebeeiweiß nicht oder nur in unbedeutendem Maße von der Eiweißzufuhr beeinflußt werden. Der von Folin 2 im Jahre 1905 bzw. 1912 entwickelten klassischen Theorie über den endogenen und exogenen Eiweißstoffwechsel lag eine ähnliche Zweiteilung zugrunde. Der endogene Anteil war nach Folins Auffassung durch die Abnützung des Körpereiweißes bedingt und stand somit mit der Eiweißzufuhr nur insofern im Zusammenhang, als die vor allem beim Erwachsenen geringe Abnützungsquote ersetzt werden mußte, was aus der konstanten Ausscheidung seiner Endprodukte, des Kreatins und des sog. Neutralschwefels hervorgehen sollte. Der exogene Eiweißstoffwechsel hingegen sollte in direkter Beziehung zum Nahrungseiweiß stehen; Harnstoff und Sulfat wären dessen Stoffwechselendprodukte. Obwohl von verschiedenen Forschern3 Einwände gegen diese Theorie erhoben worden sind, hat sie bis vor einigen Jahren allgemeine Anerkennung gefunden.
Vitamine sind physiologisch hochaktive Stoffe, die sich dem Beobachter, wegen ihrer außerordentlich geringen Konzentration in der Nahrung, nicht durch charakteristische chemische Reaktionen ohne weiteres zu erkennen geben. Man hat ihre Anwesenheit vielmehr dadurch festgestellt, daß es zu Störungen der normalen Lebensvorgänge kommt, wenn diese Faktoren in der Nahrung nicht ausreichend vorhanden sind; Störungen, die höchst augenfällige Krankheitsbilder bei Mensch und Tieren hervorrufen. Solche Mangelkrankheiten sind z.B. als Nachtblindheit, Xerophthalmie, Skorbut, Beri-Beri und Rachitis zum Teil seit Jahrtausenden bekannt. Sie treten fast stets in Hungerzeiten sowie bei einseitiger Ernährung (Seeleute, Soldaten, Gefangene) auf. Obwohl man ihre gleichartige Entstehungsursache nicht erkannt hatte, sind sie nach weit zurückliegenden Beobachtungen der menschlichen Heilkunde vielfach geeignet behandelt worden. Ihr Wesen blieb aber doch so rätselhaft, daß noch im 1. Weltkrieg zahlreiche Fälle von Vitaminmangel bei Truppe und Zivilbevölkerung nicht als solche angesprochen wurden.
This chapter describes nitrogen metabolism of amino acids. There exists a variety of enzymes capable of catalyzing deamination, transamination, and deamidation reactions as a result of which amino acids, amines, and amides are freed of their nitrogen moiety. While in the case of amino acid catabolism in mammals, oxidative deamination has been assumed to be the main initiating reaction, it is apparent that the known general L-amino acid oxidases do not have the activity nor the breadth of substrate specificity to account for the catabolism of all the L-amino acids as a group. There is no evidence for the existence of highly specific L-amino acid oxidative systems except for L-glutamic acid. Thus, it would appear that some additional mechanism must be operative in the deamination of L-amino acids. More recently, it was found that glutamate formation by transamination with rat liver and kidney preparations occurs at a faster rate for all L-α-amino acids tested than the rate of aerobic oxidation of these amino acids. In addition, the rates of transamination of L-α-amino acids with α-ketoglutarate were found to be comparable to the rates of ammonia or urea formation in oxidative deamination in slices. It was found that transamination of some L-α-amino acids with pyruvate occurred more rapidly than the aerobic oxidation of the L-amino acids. The resulting alanine formed would then be transaminated with α-ketoglutarate by glutamic-pyruvic transaminase.
Analytical methods have been devised or adapted for the measurement of pyridoxal, pyridoxal plus pyridoxamine, and keto acid concentrations in transamination reaction mixtures. Reversible transamination reactions at 100° between pyridoxal and most amino acids are catalyzed by copper, iron and aluminum salts. With equimolar reactant concentrations, equilibrium lies in most cases at about 50% conversion to products. Reaction rates decrease in the order: most amino acids > phenylalanine and tyrosine > isoleucine > valine > threonine > glycine. The pH optimum of the reaction of pyridoxal with glutamate is about 4.5. Transamination between pyridoxal phosphate and glutamate is rapid and goes nearly to completion, probably because pyridoxal phosphate cannot exist as a cyclic hemiacetal. The reaction is catalyzed by copper sulfate and probably by other metal salts. The pH optimum is about 4.5.
  • Binkley
  • Wood