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Isidia ontogeny and its effect on the CO2 gas exchanges of the epiphytic lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf



The development of isidia in thalli of Pseudevernia furfuracea from the Carnic Alps (North-eastern Italy), and the effects of these structures on CO. gas exchanges were investigated. The ontogenetic events were studied by comparison of sections stained with different histochemical tests and SEM observations. A high cell turnover rate in both symbiotic partners is the first sign of isidium. development, followed by an increased aplanosporogenesis of algae and growth of neighbouring medullary hyphae which become oriented upwards. Large nuclei and an intense cytoplasm activity characterize the mycobiont cells. The surface of very young isidia shows an irregular structure of spherical to ovoid protruding tips of perpendicular cortical hyphae, that are later organised in a pseudomeristematic area similar to that observed in the apex of growing lobes. CO2 gas exchange measurements carried out in the laboratory confirmed the high metabolic activity of isidia. At optimal water content and favourable light conditions, isolated isidia had rates of gross photosynthesis and dark respiration that were twice those of non-isidiate lobes. Isolated isidia also had a very low CO2 saturation point, probably because of their favourable surface/volume ratio, and a high light saturation, probably linked to their high content of photosynthetic pigments. The different roles played by isidia in the biology of Pseudevernia furfuracea, and particularly their rejuvenating effect on aged lobes, are discussed, and the presence of thalloconidia is briefly mentioned.
The Lichenologist 37(5): 445–462 (2005) 2005 The British Lichen Society
doi:10.1017/S0024282905014982 Printed in the United Kingdom
Isidia ontogeny and its effect on the CO
gas exchanges of the
epiphytic lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf
Abstract: The development of isidia in thalli of Pseudevernia furfuracea from the Carnic Alps
(North-eastern Italy), and the effects of these structures on CO
gas exchanges were investigated. The
ontogenetic events were studied by comparison of sections stained with different histochemical tests
and SEM observations. A high cell turnover rate in both symbiotic partners is the first sign of isidium
development, followed by an increased aplanosporogenesis of algae and growth of neighbouring
medullary hyphae which become oriented upwards. Large nuclei and an intense cytoplasm activity
characterize the mycobiont cells. The surface of very young isidia shows an irregular structure of
spherical to ovoid protruding tips of perpendicular cortical hyphae, that are later organised in a
pseudomeristematic area similar to that observed in the apex of growing lobes. CO
gas exchange
measurements carried out in the laboratory confirmed the high metabolic activity of isidia. At optimal
water content and favourable light conditions, isolated isidia had rates of gross photosynthesis and
dark respiration that were twice those of non-isidiate lobes. Isolated isidia also had a very low CO
saturation point, probably because of their favourable surface/volume ratio, and a high light
saturation, probably linked to their high content of photosynthetic pigments. The different roles
played by isidia in the biology of Pseudevernia furfuracea, and particularly their rejuvenating effect on
aged lobes, are discussed, and the presence of thalloconidia is briefly mentioned.
Key words: chlorobiont, hydration, mycobiont, morphogenesis, ontogeny, photosynthesis, respir-
ation, thalloconidia, vegetative propagule
One of the most striking features of the
lichen symbiosis is the production of a wide
spectrum of symbiotic vegetative diaspores
that permit the simultaneous dispersal of
both symbionts (Honegger 1998, 2001). In
this way the lichen symbiosis by-passes
the problem that any germinating sexual
ascospore encounters, i.e. to find a com-
patible photobiont partner to re-establish
the symbiotic phenotype (Poelt 1993;
Walser et al. 2001).
Soredia and isidia are the most frequent
type of diaspores produced by lichens
(Büdel & Scheidegger 1996). Corticated,
variable in size and shape, isidia are particu-
larly frequent in foliose and fruticose species
of Collemataceae,Parmeliaceae,Peltigeraceae,
Pyxinaceae,Stictaceae, and Umbilicariaceae
(Bowler & Rundel 1975), being rarer in
crustose species, although isidia occur
regularly in members of, for example,
Pertusariaceae (Dibben 1980). Soredia have
been extensively studied from many points
of view (Bailey & James 1979; Armstrong
1987, 1990, 1991; Raineri & Modenesi
1988; Stocker-Worgotter & Türk 1989,
1990; Tretiach & Carpanelli 1992; Marshall
1996; Lorentsson & Mattsson 1999; Zoller
et al. 2000; Nimis & Martellos 2003), but, in
contrast, our knowledge concerning isidia is
relatively poor. The most recent studies
have been mainly focused on their dispersal,
establishment and survival (Gilbert 1988;
Scheidegger et al. 1995a; Zoller et al. 2000),
M. Tretiach (corresponding author), P. Crisafulli
and E. Pittao: Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di
Trieste, Via L. Giorgieri 10, I-34127 Trieste, Italy.
S. Rinino, E. Roccotiello and P. Modenesi: DIP.
TE.RIS., Università di Genova, Corso Dogali 1/c,
I-16136 Genova, Italy.
or on development of the juvenile thallus
(Honegger 1987, 1993; Zoller et al. 2000).
The development of a dense cover of isidia,
however, causes many interesting modifica-
tions at the thallus level. The large increase
in surface area, for instance, modifies thallus
water absorption (Rikkinen 1997) and water
holding capacity (Jahns 1984), while the
darker colour typical of isidial outgrowths
probably influences the thermal operating-
environment (Kershaw 1983; Coxson et al.
The present paper analyses the results of a
multi-disciplinary investigation aimed at
clarifying two little known aspects of isidia:
the first stages of their ontogeny and the
influence they exert on the assimilative
capacity of the thallus. The locally common
fruticose lichen, Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.)
Zopf, was selected for the study because: (a)
it was readily available, (b) young lobes
devoid of isidia coexist on the same thallus
with old lobes completely covered with
isidia, and the two types of lobe can easily
be separated; (c) this species is often used
in ecophysiological (Türk 1983; Manrique
et al. 1993; Scheidegger et al. 1995b;
Vidergar-Gorjup et al. 2001; Kranner et al.
2003) and biomonitoring (Niewiadomska
et al. 1998; Bari et al. 2001; Vingiani et al.
2004) studies.
Material and Methods
Lichen sampling
Thalli of Pseudevernia furfuracea were collected in
January and December 2003 from the lower branches of
isolated Larch (Larix decidua Mill.) trees, near Sauris di
Sotto (Carnic Alps, Italy), at 1500 m altitude for study-
ing isidia development (Figs 1–4) and gas exchange
measurements (Figs 7–10). Thalli were air-dried in the
forest, then transported immediately in plastic bags to
the laboratory, where they were cleaned of bark frag-
ments and debris under a dissecting microscope. The
negative reaction to C (sodium hypochlorite, 10%),
which is diagnostic for var. furfuracea (Culberson et al.
1977), was verified in 100 randomly selected samples;
less than 3% of the samples tested belonged to var.
ceratea (Ach.) D. Hawksw.
Further samples were collected in June 2004 for
quantifying the increase in external surface area due to
the presence of isidia (Fig. 5), and for studying water
loss processes (Fig. 6). Thirty randomly selected thalli
were collected with a short piece of the twig on which
they were growing, put in closed plastic boxes,
c.445·5 cm, without touching them, and trans-
ported to the laboratory for further processing.
Isidium ontogeny
Observations were carried out by SEM, bright field
and fluorescence light microscopy on small apical por-
tions of thalline lobe tips, c. 0·5–1 cm long. For SEM
dried thallus fragments were directly coated with a
200–220Å thick layer of gold in a sputter coater and
then examined in a Philips 515 SEM at 20 kV.
For bright field microscopy thalline fragments were
fixed in buffered formalin (Pearse 1985) for 24 h,
dehydrated in an ethanol series (30, 50, 70, 80, and
95%) and embedded in JB4 resin (Polysciences, Inc.
Warrington, UK). Sections 7–10 m thick were cut
with a glass knife on a Reichert OM2 ultramicrotome.
The following histochemical tests were performed on
the JB4-embedded sections: (1) periodic acid-Schiff
(PAS) for general water-insoluble polysaccharides
localization (Pearse 1985); (2) Toluidine Blue O
(TBO) 0·05% in acetate buffer pH 4·4 for 1 min as
metachromatic stain (for mechanism of TBO meta-
chromatic reaction, see Giordani et al. 2003). Another
series of unfixed and cryostatic sections was used to
show acid phosphatase activity according to the azo dye
method of Burstone (1958).
For fluorescence light microscopy, thalline fragments
were embedded in Technovit 7100 (Hereaeus Kulzer,
Wehrheim). Sections 7 m thick were mounted serially
and observed unstained to show autofluorescence or
treated with 0·001% DAPI (4#,6-diamidino-2-
phenylindole, Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, USA) for
nuclear staining (Regan & Moffatt 1990). Observations
were made using an optical microscope Leitz Dialux
22EB equipped with an epi-illuminating condenser
mounted with types A (UV= 340–380 nm) and H2
(blue= 390–490 nm) fluorescence filter blocks. Photo-
micrographs were taken using Kodak Ektachrome
160T colour reversal film.
Control reactions for all histochemical methods were
carried out according to the methods suggested by the
respective authors.
Estimation of isidial density and increase in
external lobe surface area
Thirty-six isidiate lobes were selected randomly from
12 thalli stored in plastic boxes, and observed under a
stereomicroscope Wild M420 with a Leica DC300
camera connected to a computer. Entire and broken
isidia were counted on the computer monitor covered
with a plastic film, marking them with a felt-tip pen,
continuously adjusting the focus of the image. The dry
weight of each sample was measured after 24 h at
120(C, and its surface area was measured with a
LI3000A Leaf Area Meter (Licor Inc., Lincoln, Ne,
USA), using enlarged, calibrated photocopies. The
isidia were then removed. A randomly selected sub-
sample of 100 isidia was mounted in glycerine, observed
with a transmitted light microscope at 100 magnifi-
cation and their length and basal diameter were
recorded. The isidium lateral surface area was approxi-
mated to that of a cylinder with the same basal
diameter. The surface area of each lobe was then
estimated as the sum of the two faces, plus the sum of
the lateral surface areas of the isidium population,
taking into account also fallen isidia.
Thallus water loss
Water loss was measured gravimetrically after soaking
silica dried thalli of similar weight (c. 0·22 g each) for
5 min in distilled water, blotting or shaking dry, and the
rate of weight change was followed by weighing at
increasing time intervals (every minute for the first
10 min, then every two minutes for half an hour, and
finally every 30 min until air dry). Between weighings,
samples were simultaneously placed on a latticework
placed on a laboratory bench in dim light. The
measurements were carried out at 27(C, 40%RH;
temperature and air humidity were monitored with an
Assmann aspired psychrometer. Two sets of thalli,
strongly isidiate, and weakly isidiate, were used; each
set consisted of two samples. At the end of experiments,
the thalli were dried to constant weight at 120(C.
gas exchange
Treatment of samples
Three sets of samples were prepared: isidiate lobes
(IL), non-isidiate lobes (NIL), and isidia (I). The latter
were obtained by gently shaking plastic bags containing
air-dried thalli. The samples of all materials, c. 500 mg
each, were dried over silica gel for 24 h, sealed in Petri
dishes and kept at 32(C until use. Concomitant
chlorophyll fluorescence measurements demonstrated
the particularly high stability of light reactions of P.
furfuracea after 6 months of low temperature storage, in
good accordance with the results of Feige & Jensen
Before the experiments IL and NIL samples, consist-
ing of 12 to 16 lobes taken from different thalli, were
re-hydrated for 18 h in the dark in a closed chamber
filled with wet paper, then immersed in distilled water
for 30–40 sec, and then gently hand centrifuged. The
lobes were then placed in a Petri dish, covered with
a thin mesh to avoid the curling of wetted lobes, and
used in the CO
gas exchange measurements. If neces-
sary, in order to maintain hydration, the material was
gently sprayed with distilled water after each series of
A different protocol was adopted for the samples of
isidia (I). These were also kept for 18 h in a humid
chamber, but then positioned with a soft brush on a
disc of commercial horticultural fleece (‘‘non-woven
fabric’’), stretched on a plastic ring of c. 10 cm diam.
The disc was laid for 120 min on a layer of Whatman
no. 1 filter paper soaked in distilled water, in a Petri
dish, which was placed in a yet larger petri dish lined
with wet paper. Half an hour before starting the CO
gas exchange measurements, samples were exposed to a
photosynthetic photon fluence rate (PPFR) measured
over the waveband 400–700 nm of 100 mol photons
, weighed after removing excess water on the
fleece disc with absorbing paper, and then used in
the experiments. Thallus relative water content (RWC)
was expressed as a percentage of dry weight (i.e.
RWC%= [(wet weightdry weight)/dry weight]
100). Following this protocol, hydration of isidia was
constantly around 150%, but only two hydration cycles
per day could be carried out, with a loss of c. 3–4% of
the isidia per cycle.
Water content, CO
, and light response curves
The CO
exchange rates of the three sets of samples
(IL, NIL, I) were characterized by building up response
curves to water content, CO
, and light, at a thallus
temperature of 171(C. Maximum net photosynthe-
sis (Ph
) and dark respiration (R
) at different CO
concentrations and light conditions were calculated as
the average of three to six values measured at optimal
thallus water content. Gross photosynthesis (Ph
) was
calculated as the sum of Ph
and R
gas exchange experiments, samples were dried to
constant weight over silica gel, and divided into two
parts, one for the estimation of their photosynthetic
pigments (see below), and the other for measuring their
dry weight at 120(C for 24 h, and then put over silica
gel for 2 h.
The CO
exchange rates were measured in a closed
system with a LICOR-6250 infrared gas analyzer
(IRGA) (Licor Inc., Lincoln, Ne, USA; estimated
precision 0·2–0·3 ppm CO
; cuvette volume
4000 cm
; internal volume 130 cm
; maximum flow
rate 1000–1100 mol s
), connected to a data-logger.
During the experiments, a natural light spectrum
generated by a halogen incandescent lamp was provided
by a Fl-400 fiber illuminator (Walz, Effeltrich,
Germany) and the PPFR was measured using a Licor
Quantum meter model LI 185A inserted within the
cuvette at the same position as the lichen thalli.
Chlorophylls and carotenoids
Samples of IL, NIL (n=10), and I (n= 16), each
c. 50 g, were dried over silica gel for 24 h, then repeat-
edly washed with 5 ml aliquots of pure spectrophoto-
metric grade acetone, until the solution did not turn
yellow after the addition of a drop of conc. KOH, to
remove the lichen substances (Brown & Hooker 1977).
Approximately, 8–10 washings were necessary for IL
and NIL, and 20–22 washings for I. Further samples,
consisting of seven single isidiate lobes, were cut in half
along their axis into two portions, c. 13–22 mg in
weight, and from one half isidia carefully removed
under a dissecting microscope; both groups of samples,
with and without isidia, were washed as above.
The samples were homogenized with a small aliquot
of polyvinyl polypyrrolidone in 15 ml DMSO for 50 mg
of material under dim, green light, the tube left
overnight at room temperature in the darkness, and
then centrifuged at 5000 rpm. The absorbance of
supernatant was measured with a spectrophotometer
Perkin-Elmer mod. 554. Estimation of chlorophylls and
total carotenoids was carried out using the equations of
2005 Isidia and CO
exchange in Pseudevernia furfuraceaTretiach et al. 447
Pfeifhofer et al. (2002), and the ratio OD
calculated according to Ronen & Galun (1984).
Statistics were carried out with the program Excel97
(Microsoft) and Statistica 6.0 (StatSoft). Polynomial
curves were obtained with the program Curvefit.
Isidium ontogeny
Three zones can be recognised in a
growing lobe of Pseudevernia furfuracea: the
pseudomeristematic apical tip, covered by
an amorphous epicortex (Rikkinen 1997)
darkened by melanin pigments; the differen-
tiation zone (or elongation zone sensu
Honegger 1993), where the epicortex pro-
gressively deteriorates; and the fully differ-
entiated zone, where the epicortex is
completely absent. In the latter zone the
upper cortex consists of two morphologically
and histochemically different layers: the
outer layer, formed by anticlinally oriented
hyphae with free, swollen, PAS positive,
TBO negative tips, and a cementing, PAS
positive and TBO metachromatic matrix at
their base, and the inner layer, consisting in
a scleroplectenchyma of hyphae congluti-
nated by a PAS positive, TBO metachro-
matic matrix (Figs 1B, 2B, 3A & B).
The earliest developmental stages of an
isidium, according to our observations, can
be observed only in the fully differ-
entiated zone. The first event consists in the
increased aplanosporogenesis of a small
clump of algae, and is immediately followed
by the proliferation of the neighbouring
medullary hyphae, that become oriented
upwards (Figs 1A & B, 2A). At this stage the
photobiont cells are small in size, the small-
est occurring towards the upper cortex, and
have a reduced plastidial pigmentation due
to a lower chlorophyll content (Fig. 2D).
The hyphae surrounding these algae have
thin walls, intensely stained cytoplasm and
large nuclei, perfectly visible in DAPI
stained sections (Fig. 2B & C). The intense
metabolism of both myco- and photobiont is
shown by the pronounced activity of acid
phosphatase enzymes (Fig. 1G), associated
with dephosphorilative processes, which
are presumably involved in active intercellu-
lar movements of glucids (Gahan 1984).
Further algal proliferation forms a sort of
wedge penetrating into the upper cortex
(Figs 1B–D, 2A & B). Only at this stage the
conglutinated cortical cells in the immediate
proximity of the primordium show an
increased, anti- and periclinally oriented
division, becoming easily recognisable for
their large lumen and strongly stained
nucleus (Figs 1C & D, 2B). Also the com-
position of their wall is progressively modi-
fied, because both metachromatic reaction
to TBO and DAPI blue fluorescence are
The growth of cortical cells, further
algal divisions and the constant intrusion of
medullary hyphae carrying the algal cells
upwards to produce a small protuberance
above the thallus surface (Fig. 1C–E). At
this stage the protruding tips of the cortical
cells bordering the young isidium appear
thicker and almost brown-black due to
deposition of dark brown pigments. These
pigments turn dark green when stained by
the ferrous ions technique, have a positive
green reaction with TBO, are bleached only
by strong oxidising agents and therefore can
be identified as melanins (Pearse 1985). The
F. 1. Light micrographs of transverse sections showing developmental stages of isidium formation in Pseudevernia
furfuracea. A, first stage, algal cells and medullary hyphae (arrow) penetrate the upper cortex, TBO test;
B, aplanosporogenesis of algae and oriented tip growth of neighbouring medullary hyphae in an initial stage of
development, the arrow points to a wall darkening due to early melanin deposition in the cortical cell walls, TBO
test; C–E, formation of an isidial primordium, subsequent anti- and periclinally oriented growth of cortical cells,
intrusion of medullary hyphae and algal division elevate a protuberance above the thallus surface, cortical cells
bordering an isidial primordium show darkening and thickening at their protruding tips, forming a brown-black cap
above the protuberance, TBO test; F, cortex, algal layer and medulla differentiated in a young isidium, TBO test;
G, Burstone test showing the strong reactivity for acid phosphatases of algal and cortical cells next to protuberance
of a young isidium. Scales: A= 10 m;B&F=30m; C=20 m;D&E=25m.
2005 Isidia and CO
exchange in Pseudevernia furfuraceaTretiach et al. 449
surface of the emerging structure is similar
to that of the pseudomeristematic zone at
the apex of growing lobes, being formed by
the spherical to ovoid protruding tips of
perpendicularly arranged hyphae (Figs 1E &
F, 2F, 3C). Internally, the young isidium is
completely filled by algae (Fig. 2E). When it
attains a height of c. 200–250 m, however,
a well-developed medulla is already differen-
tiated, and is connected to the medulla of
the lichen thallus (Figs 1F, 3D).
Mature isidia have a simple or branched
cylindrical body and are often constricted at
their bases (Fig. 3A). Scars left by detached
isidia may be frequently seen in untouched
or carefully handled thalli. Recent scars can
be easily recognized because they expose
photobiont cells and medulla. Older scars
are covered by a newly formed cortical layer,
and therefore are recognized as shallow
depressions on the thallus surface (Fig. 3B).
Further cortical structures of P. furfuracea,
which are present on both faces of the
dorsiventral thallus (Fig. 4A–C, F), are
superficially similar to young, developing
isidia. Almost spherical in shape (30–50 m
diam.) (Fig. 4A–F), they can be recognized
by their intense dark brown, verging upon
F. 2. Fluorescence light micrographs of transverse sections showing early developmental stages of isidium
formation in Pseudevernia furfuracea. A–C, DAPI staining, UV-A excitation light; D–F, autofluorescence, blue
excitation light. Scales: A–D= 10 m;E&F=20m.
F. 3. SEM micrographs of surface features in Pseudevernia furfuracea. A, simple and branched mature isidia
occurring in a non-epicorticate thalline area, note the roughness of mature cortical surface due to minute crevices
separating protruding hyphal tips; B, scars left by detachment of isidia, the arrow points to recent scars exposing
photobiont cells, older scars are visible as depressions in the thallus surface covered by a newly formed cortical layer;
C, top of an isidial primordium, the surface shows an irregular structure of spherical to ovoid protruding tips of
anticlinally oriented cortical hyphae; D, transverse section through a mature isidium showing the continuum of
medullary spaces between isidium and lobe. E–F: surface of a lobe after the mechanical removal of isidia. Scales:
A, B, D & F= 100 m; C=10 m; E =200 m.
2005 Isidia and CO
exchange in Pseudevernia furfuraceaTretiach et al. 451
F. 4. Light and SEM micrographs of thalloconidia in Pseudevernia furfuracea. A, unstained section of the lower
cortex with three thalloconidia, the cutting plane omitted their base; B, thalloconidium on the upper cortex, the
base forming a continuum with the cortical cells, PAS test; C, cross-section of lobe with young isidium (arrow
marked ‘1’), epi- and hypothalline thalloconidia (arrows marked ‘2’), and pycnidium (arrow marked ‘3’), TBO test;
D, cross section of thalloconidium, TBO test; the arrows point to deposition of melanins;E&F,SEMmicrographs
of thalloconidia: external surface (E), and cross section (F). Scales: A= 50 m;B&D=25m; C=250 m;
E=10m; F=100 m.
black pigmentation. These structures are
completely devoid of algae and are derived
from the proliferation of the cortical external
layer, to which they remain connected by a
very short strand of hyphae (Fig. 4B & C, E
& F), but forming a clear basal constriction.
The outgrowth, however, is not accom-
panied by the intrusion of medullary hyphae
as during isidium ontogeny. Their external
surface (Fig. 4) consists of strongly ad-
pressed, dematiaceous, more or less iso-
diametric cells, c. 3–4 m diam., whereas in
the internal portion wide intercellular spaces
divide somewhat larger cells (c. 6–8 m
diam.), characterized by scarcely pigmented
walls, in which deposits of polyphenolic pig-
ments (precursors of melanins), turning
green in TBO, are present (Fig. 4D). The
cytoplasm of the inner cells is less dense than
in the hyphae of a growing isidium (compare
Figs 1A–G, 2A–F with Fig. 4A–F) and they
have larger vacuoles and histochemical tests
for lipophilic substances show the presence
of numerous lipidic bodies.
Estimation of isidium density and
increase in external lobe surface
Isidium density ranged between 24 and
111 isidia mm
, with a mean value of
5518 isidia mm
. Broken isidia were
observed on all lobes, although their fre-
quency was rather variable, ranging from 1
to 13%. The density of isidia and frequency
of broken isidia were not statistically corre-
lated. Isidia were morphologically rather
heterogeneous, and therefore estimates of
their individual external surface ranged be-
tween 0·017 and 0·146 mm
, with a mean
value of 0·0630·027 mm
, and a basal
thickness of 8216 m(n=100). The fre-
quency distribution of homogenous classes
of 0·011 mm
each is shown in Figure 5.
The increase in external lobe surface
caused by the development of isidia was
estimated to range between 107 and 211%.
This noteworthy figure, obtained with a
minimum increase in weight, c. 14–63%,
is possibly still higher in deformed, over-
isidiate lobes, which were purposely
excluded from the present investigation.
Thallus water loss
Isidiate and non-isidiate thalli clearly dif-
fered in water storage capacity and speed of
water loss (Fig. 6). Isidiate thalli reached a
maximum RWC of 240–245%, against 150–
160% for non-isidiate thalli, and retained
water more efficaciously. This can probably
be explained by the increased external capil-
lary system of isidiate thalli, consisting of the
open spaces among isidia (Rikkinen 1997),
and the greater quantity of polysaccharides
and other hygroscopic materials covering, as
shown before, the external surface of isidia.
gas exchanges
The response curves of CO
exchanges of I, NIL, and IL to thallus water
content, CO
concentration, and light inten-
sity are presented in Figures 7–9, respect-
ively. Compared to NIL and IL, data for I
were exceptionally homogeneous, only small
differences being observed among duplicates
of the same material. In contrast, striking
differences were observed between the three
different materials, particularly in Ph
its dependence on thallus water content (Fig.
7). Depression of Ph
regularly occurred at
high thallus water contents (>150%) in NIL
but was only slight in IL and absent in I, with
an optimum at c. 100–120% RWC (see also
Scheidegger et al. 1995b). In contrast, no
significant difference was detected in R
which remained relatively constant (from
F. 5. Size distribution (by surface area) in 100 ran-
domly selected isidia of Pseudevernia furfuracea (size
classes increment by 0·011 mm
2005 Isidia and CO
exchange in Pseudevernia furfuraceaTretiach et al. 453
0·7 to 1·0 mg CO
) within a broad
range of RWC values. It must be emphasised
that the I desiccation curves started from a
maximum RWC of 150%, and therefore
ignore what happens at higher values,
although a considerable depression of CO
gas exchange similar to that observed in NIL
seems to be unlikely.
The differences in Ph
(and Ph
) noted in
Figure 7, with I>NIL>IL, are confirmed by
data in Figure 8 where further differences
include the Ph
saturation value to external
concentration, that was >600 ppm in I,
350 ppm in NIL, and only c. 270 ppm in IL.
The estimated CO
compensation point was
lowest in I (9 ppm CO
), and highest in NIL
(40 ppm CO
) (Table 1).
The three materials also showed a differ-
ent reaction to increasing light (Fig. 9),
although the difference between IL and NIL
F. 6. Variation over time of thallus relative water content (A), and rate of water loss in non-isidiate (B) and
isidiate (C) thalli of Pseudevernia furfuracea under the same environmental conditions. Duplicate data for isidiate
(,) and non isidiate (,d) thalli.
was less evident. The highest rate (c. 9·6 mg
at saturation) was again
recorded in I, being approximately double
that of IL. However, when expressed on
a chlorophyll abasis (data from Table 2),
this difference was considerably reduced,
although Ph
still remained slightly higher in
I than in IL and NIL. Isidia also had higher
quantities of total carotenoids (Table 2), in
accordance with the fact that in this material
we observed a particularly high content of
lichen substances. It is noteworthy that NIL
and I had practically identical Chl
(3·570·07 against 3·570·11), and
ratios (1·280·04 against
1·300·01), which were statistically higher
than in IL (3·200·11, and 1·190·05,
F. 7. Dark respiration (negative values) and net photosynthesis (positive values) of Pseudevernia furfuracea
at 171(C, 270 mol m
PPFR, and 360 ppm CO
. A, isidia (O,:) and isidiate lobes (,); B,
non-isidiate lobes (,d). Two samples (open vs closed symbols) were used for each type of material. Means (n=3)
are plotted SD except where it is exceeded by the symbol.
2005 Isidia and CO
exchange in Pseudevernia furfuraceaTretiach et al. 455
In all experiments the lowest rates of both
and Ph
were always measured in IL, an
apparent contradiction with the observa-
tion that I had impressively high rates. The
importance of isidium development for
increasing the CO
gain of mature lobes is
evident from Fig. 10, in which two desicca-
tion curves of the same IL sample, before
and after the mechanical removal of isidia,
are compared. Whereas R
did not change
significantly, Ph
drastically decreased to
54%, with a concomitant reduction of c. 28%
in both chlorophyll aand total carotenoids
(Table 2). It must be noted that the mech-
anical removal of isidia, carried out with
tweezers used under a stereomicroscope at
high magnification, was less traumatic than
expected, because SEM observations re-
vealed that the cortical surfaces were still
relatively intact, with very few medullary
hyphae emerging from the broken cortex
(Fig. 3E & F).
Surprisingly, morphogenesis of isidia has
attracted little attention, probably because
these structures have long been interpreted
as simple cortical outgrowths (‘hernies’, see
Ozenda 1963). Except for a very few ana-
tomical studies (Rosendahl 1907; Moreau &
Moreau 1919; Dughi 1933; Honegger 1987;
Ott et al. 1993), most work deals with the
external morphology of these structures
from a systematic point of view (Du Rietz
1922, Beltman 1978). Little is known about
the first stages of isidium development,
and the factors that trigger their phenotypic
F.8. CO
dependence curves of gross photosynthesis
(mg CO
) in isidia (O,:), and isidiate (,
) and non-isidiate (,d)lobesofPseudevernia
furfuracea, at optimal water content, 171(C, and
350 mol m
PPFR. Two samples (open vs
closed symbols) were used for each type of material.
Means (n=6) are plotted SD except where it is
exceeded by the symbol.
F. 9. Light dependence curves of net photosynthesis
in isidia (O,:), isidiate (,), and non-isidiate (,
d)lobesofPseudevernia furfuracea, at optimal water
content, 171(C, and 360 ppm CO
. A, expressed
on the basis of dry weight (mg CO
); B,
expressed on basis of chlorophyll acontent (mg CO
). Two replicates (open vs closed sym-
bols) were used for each material. Means (n=3) are
plotted SD except where exceeded by the symbol.
expression are still unknown. It is worth
noting that in Pseudevernia furfuracea isidia
start to develop only after the disappearance
of the melanin-darkened epicortex. The
presence of a true epicortex in this species
had been excluded by Hale (1973), but it
was later correctly recognized by Rikkinen
(1997), who also showed that the develop-
ment from a smooth continuous epicortex to
the rough surface topography typical of old
P. furfuracea lobes seems to involve transi-
tional stages in which the epicortex first
achieves a pored structure and then later
deteriorates. Our observations fully confirm
these results. Rikkinen (1995: 239) also sug-
gested that in P. furfuracea an initial increase
in algal proliferation could be triggered by a
local increase in irradiance within a light-
limited algal layer. These observations are
potentially important for explaining the first
stages of isidium development. The progres-
sive disappearance of the brown melanin-
pigmented epicortex could both cause an
increase in the intensity and quality of
light reaching the photobiont layer, with an
enrichment of the blue component, since
T 1. Main significant physiological parameters inferred from Figs 7–9 relative to isidiate lobes (IL), non-isidiate lobes
(NIL), and isidia (I) of Pseudevernia furfuracea
Isidiate lobes Non-isidiate lobes Isidia
Optimal RWC (%) 110–250 100–150 >150
compensation point (ppm) 22 40 9
saturation point (ppm) 270 350 >600
Light compensation point (mol photons m
)26 15 27
Light saturation point (mol photons m
) 300 500 900
T 2. Photosynthetic pigments content (gmg
dry weight; C
=total carotenoids; Chl
=chlorophyll a,b)
in non-isidiate and isidiate lobes, and isidia of Pseudevernia furfuracea, and per cent variation recorded in isidiate lobes
after the mechanical removal of isidia
Non isidiate
Isidiate lobes
After isidia
matched pairs
0·590·07† 0·49 0·06 0·850·05 27% 11 0·018*
2·030·10 1·70 0·26 2·900·17 29% 14 0·018*
3·570·07 3·20 0·11 3·570·11 5% 7 0·091
1·280·04 1·19 0·05 1·300·01 5% 5 0·028
*Statistically significant differences (last column) (P<0.02).
†Mean values 1 SD.
F. 10. Dark respiration (negative values) and net
photosynthesis (positive values) in isidiate lobes of
Pseudevernia furfuracea at 171(C, 270 mol m
PPFR, and 360 ppm CO
, before (d) and after
(:) mechanical removal of isidia (see Fig. 3E–F); n=3.
2005 Isidia and CO
exchange in Pseudevernia furfuraceaTretiach et al. 457
melanins, having a broad monotonic absorp-
tion curve that decreases from the UV region
(Turkovskii & Yurlova 2002), would absorb
more in the blue than in the red region.
These factors suggest that phytochrome or
more probably cryptochrome-mediated pro-
cesses are triggered in the algae, with a
cascade series of events leading to the
well-coordinated morphogenetic process
described earlier. In the lichen sym-
biosis phytochrome-mediated processes
had already been hypothesized (but not
demonstrated) by several authors (Avalos &
Vicente 1985, 1986; Giles 1970), for
example to explain the formation of para-
soredia in the foliose lichen Pseudoparmelia
caperata (L.) Hale (Raineri & Modenesi
1986). On the other hand, the presence of
cryptochrome-mediated processes has been
neglected so far, although the role of this
molecule as a morphogenetic regulator is
well known in green algae (Suetsugu &
Wada 2003), and also in fungi (Suzuki et al.
1977; Ross 1985; Galland & Senger 2001).
The importance of events in the algal layer
for the process of isidium formation was
recognized by Nilson-Kajanus (1903, 1911),
who however attributed the proliferation
of algae to an excess in humidity. More
recently, Ott et al. (1993) recognized the
proliferation of photobiont cells as a key
event, but only in Parmotrema crinitum
(Ach.) M. Choisy, and not in P. furfuracea.
In the latter species they described an in-
creased division rate of the cortical layer as a
primary event, which only later was followed
by an increase in algal division beneath the
growing cortex. The medulla only partici-
pated after isidia had already emerged from
the cortex in the final differentiation stage,
when hyphae of the medulla then grew
towards the base of the protuberance (Ott
et al. 1993: 67). In our opinion, this series of
events is not confirmed by the limited icon-
ography reported. In contrast, the impor-
tance played by medullary hyphae in isidium
formation can be inferred from Jahns
(1984), who holds that in Parmelia saxatilis
(L.) Ach. isidia appear not in corticated
areas, but in the crevices of the pseudo-
cyphellae, i.e. where there is no cortex, and
medullary hyphae are directly exposed (see,
on this point, also Beltman 1978).
In P. furfuracea there are also cortical
outgrowths derived from proliferation of
cortical hyphae, and which are devoid of
algae (Fig. 4). Their morphology is quite
different from that of very young isidia, and
therefore they cannot be confused with
them. It might be argued that they are
formed by a parasite, but the reactivity to
histochemical tests of their cellular com-
ponents is identical to that of neighbouring
tissues, and they form an evident continuum
with the upper layer of the cortex. Alterna-
tively they might be galls induced by the
infection of a fungus, whose hyphae have not
been demonstrated by the dozens of staining
techniques used in this and other concurrent
studies (Giordani et al. 2004) or they might
be thalloconidia. We strongly support the
latter hypothesis, because they are practi-
cally identical to the thalloconidia described
by Hestmark (1990) in Umbilicaria esculenta
and U. mammulata (loc. cit. figs 9, 13,
respectively). As in our species, the vegeta-
tive mycobiont propagules of the two
Umbilicaria species are derived by direct
proliferation of cortical scleroplectenchyma-
tous tissue, the phenomenon being limited
to the lower cortex, although in Umbilicaria
species their frequency is considerably
higher (Hestmark 1992). Interestingly,
thalloconidia have also been reported from
some crustose members of the Parmeliaceae
(e.g. Protoparmelia) (Poelt & Obermayer
1990), but they were not known to occur in
foliose or fruticose members of the family. If
confirmed by further experimental work, the
presence of thalloconidia in P. furfuracea
would represent an important novelty in our
knowledge of the reproduction strategy of
this species, which relies strongly on isidium
dispersal (see Nienburg 1919).
Our experimental data demonstrate that
the growth of isidia strongly modifies the
relationships of the thallus with its en-
vironment, particularly CO
economy, as already suggested by Smith
(1921). The high surface/volume ratio typi-
cal of isidia, the proximity of their algal
cells to the cortex, and the high content of
photosynthetic pigments (Table 2) are prob-
ably the basis of the high carboxylation
efficiency and very low CO
point (9 ppm CO
) (Fig. 8 and Table 1).
Being young, rich in actively growing
pseudomeristematic tissue and algal cells,
isidia have relatively high R
and, above all,
spectacularly high Ph
, although at 17(C
(the temperature chosen for our experi-
ments) it is only 50% of the maximum,
which occurs at c.5(C (Türk 1983). The
high rates of CO
assimilation by isidia on
the one hand, and the low rates by isidiate
lobes on the other, are only superficially a
contradiction: the quantity of isidia pro-
duced on the surface of old lobes is not
enough to equal the Ph
rates typical of
young, non-isidiate lobes. However, the Ph
of isidiate lobes would be considerably lower
if isidia were absent (see Fig. 10). From this
point of view, isidium production might be
considered a process by which old lobes
are rejuvenated. This is exactly the opposite
to what happens when soredia develop,
because in the parmelioid lichens investi-
gated so far, sorediate lobes have lower R
and Ph
, than esorediate lobes due to a lower
chlorophyll content (Tretiach & Carpanelli
The formation of isidia has two further
effects that positively influence CO
the reduction of Ph
inhibition at high thal-
lus water contents (Fig. 7), and a retarded
dehydration (Fig. 6). Both are caused by the
fact that the formation of a thick layer of
isidia increases the water holding capacity
of the thallus by storing large quantities of
water in the capillary spaces between the
bases of isidia. The tops of isidia tend to
remain free of liquid water, because they
are often raised above the level of the water
film eventually present (Scheidegger et al.
1995b), and have positive water potentials
(Rikkinen 1997). Consequently, the CO
assimilation of the most active parts of the
thallus, the isidia, is not limited by the
increased CO
diffusion resistance caused
by the presence of liquid water (Green et al.
1994; Lange et al. 1998, 1999); on the
contrary their hydration is guaranteed by the
water present at their base. On the other
hand, the smooth surfaces of non-isidiate
lobes are covered by a thin water film at high
RWC, and this strongly affects the CO
exchange (Scheidegger et al. 1995b). Thus,
whereas non-isidiate lobes suffer the typical
inhibition at high RWC, isidiate lobes
and isidia maintain relatively constant rates
in a wide range of RWCs (Table 1).
The capillary forces and the high content
of mucopolysaccharides probably also
explain the lower rate of thallus dehydration
of isidiate thalli (Fig. 6C). These observa-
tions agree with those of Valladares et al.
(1993), who demonstrated that isidiate
Lasallia pustulata has a higher water storage
capacity than other anatomically similar
species of the same genus devoid of isidia.
From this point of view, it might be of some
interest to study the behaviour of isidiate and
non-isidiate morphotypes exposed to humid
air currents, because the development of the
small, three-dimensional irregular structures
might cause a strong increase of condensa-
tion phenomena, as observed by Rundel
(1974) in Ramalina menziesii Taylor, and by
Lange et al. (1990) in Teloschistes capensis
(L.f.) Vain. Also in our case any difference
could be explained by morphological fea-
tures only, because preliminary measure-
ments indicate that the two morphotypes
have similar water potentials (data not
shown). Of course, the increase in water
condensation capacity might be off-set by a
higher evaporative loss due to the thermal
increase caused by melanin-darkening of the
epicortex, a factor not influencing the results
of the water loss experiments of Fig. 6,
which were carried out in dim light.
It is noteworthy that although isidia are
very efficient in increasing CO
gain in older
lobes, isidiate lichens are less frequent than
sorediate ones. The lichen flora of Italy, for
instance, has only 85 isidiate species (3·7%),
whereas sorediate species are four times
more frequent (15·1%) (data derived from
Nimis 2003). Similar results were given by
Bowler & Rundel (1975) in their com-
prehensive study of the reproductive strate-
gies in lichens. These observations can be
explained by two non-mutually exclusive
hypotheses. Either isidia are less effective in
2005 Isidia and CO
exchange in Pseudevernia furfuraceaTretiach et al. 459
securing the establishment of new thalli,
probably because they are less efficient in
dispersal and in the first stages of fixation to
the substratum (Jahns 1984; Kärnefelt 1990;
Scheidegger et al. 1995a; Zoller et al. 2000)
and/or the morphogenetic events leading to
the formation of isidia are more complex,
being under the control of a larger number
of genes. The latter hypothesis seems to be
the less supportable: isidia are known from
many unrelated taxa, and isidiate species
often have close relatives without isidia
(Bowler & Rundel 1975). The capacity to
produce isidia can apparently be acquired
and lost quite easily, probably because it
requires only minor changes in the chain of
events that controls thallus growth.
We thank Lucia Muggia (Trieste), and Laura Carletti
(Siena) for assistance in the field, Antonio Corallo
(Genova) and Tito Ubaldini (Trieste) for help with
SEM photographs, and Laurence Baruffo (Trieste) for
assistance in the laboratory. This study was carried
our in the framework of the COFIN 2002 project
‘‘Sviluppo di metodologie per il monitoraggio biologico
dell’inquinamento atmosferico da metalli in traccia
nelle aree urbane ed industriali italiane’’, co-ordinated
by Roberto Bargagli (Siena).
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Accepted for publication 9May 2005
... Those isidia that are easily detached may serve, like soredia, as vegetative diaspores (Honegger 1987a;Scheidegger 1995;Zoller et al. 2000), while the basal scars left upon the thallus may aid in CO 2 diffusion, as do pseudocyphellae. Sturdier, less easily detached isidia increase thallus surface area for photosynthesis and condensation, absorption or external storage of moisture (Jahns 1984;Rikkinen 1997;Tretiach et al. 2005); they may also allow more efficient assimilation of CO 2 (Tretiach et al. 2005). Such isidia permit the lichen to take at least partial advantage of three-dimensional space for additional access to light, carbon and/or moisture resources, on a more limited scale than fully fruticose thalli but without relinquishing the extensive contact with substratum resources enjoyed by the underlying thallus. ...
... Those isidia that are easily detached may serve, like soredia, as vegetative diaspores (Honegger 1987a;Scheidegger 1995;Zoller et al. 2000), while the basal scars left upon the thallus may aid in CO 2 diffusion, as do pseudocyphellae. Sturdier, less easily detached isidia increase thallus surface area for photosynthesis and condensation, absorption or external storage of moisture (Jahns 1984;Rikkinen 1997;Tretiach et al. 2005); they may also allow more efficient assimilation of CO 2 (Tretiach et al. 2005). Such isidia permit the lichen to take at least partial advantage of three-dimensional space for additional access to light, carbon and/or moisture resources, on a more limited scale than fully fruticose thalli but without relinquishing the extensive contact with substratum resources enjoyed by the underlying thallus. ...
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Porina is a widely distributed, species-rich genus of crustose, lichen-forming fungi, some with thalline outgrowths that have been recognized as isidia. We studied three taxa with thalli consisting chiefly of ascending isidioid structures occurring on trunks and branches of Taxodium in southwestern Florida, and provide details of their structure with light and electron microscopy. Two of these taxa we describe as new species: P. microcoralloides and P. nanoarbuscula . Genetic sequences (mtSSU) suggest that they are closely related to each other, yet they differ markedly in the size, morphology and anatomical organization of their isidioid branches as well as in the length of their ascospores. In the three Floridian taxa studied, the crustose portion of the thallus is partly endophloeodic and partly superficial, the latter often patchy, evanescent or inconspicuous, and completely lacks the differentiated anatomical organization characteristic of the isidioid structures arising from it. In Porina microcoralloides , the ascendant thallus consists of branched, coralloid inflated structures with phycobiont ( Trentepohlia ) unicells arranged at the periphery of a loose central medulla. Sparse fungal cells are interspersed and overlie the algal layer in places, but no differentiated cortex is present, leaving phycobiont cells more or less exposed at the surface. In the closely related Porina nanoarbuscula , the isidioid structures are much finer, more densely branched, and composed of a single, central file of roughly spherical Trentepohlia cells surrounded by a jacket of subglobose fungal cells. The ascospores of P. microcoralloides are more than twice the length of those of P. nanoarbuscula . Although thalli of these two Porina species occur in the same habitats and are sometimes found growing alongside each other, phylogenetic analysis of rbcL sequences suggest that they partner with distinct clades of Trentepohlia phycobionts. A third taxon examined, Porina cf. scabrida , is morphologically rather similar to P. microcoralloides , but the ascendant branches are bright yellow-orange, more cylindrical, and corticated by a thin layer of agglutinated fungal hyphae; perithecia were not seen. Analysis of mtSSU sequences places it distant from P. microcoralloides and P. nanoarbuscula phylogenetically. None of the Floridian taxa studied was particularly close to the European isidiate species Porina hibernica and P. pseudohibernica , which appeared as sister to each other in the analysis. While a particular type of isidiose structure may be reliably characteristic of specific taxa, similarities or differences in these structures do not seem to be useful indicators of phylogenetic proximity or distances among taxa. The morphological trends evident in Porina suggest that multiple transitions from crustose to isidioid or microfruticose growth have arisen repeatedly and in quite different ways within this single genus. At least some of the diverse structures treated within the broad concept of isidia may be representative of the developmental pathways by which fruticose growth forms may arise.
... rhizines in Pseudocyphellaria dissimilis; , while also reducing photoinhibition at high water contents (e.g. isidia in Pseudevernia furfuracea; Tretiach et al., 2005). Others provide selective water uptake and mitigate light stress in exposed, saline, coastal environments (e.g. ...
... and Pseudevernia furfuracea reveal patterns of increasing isidia cover in more exposed microclimates, such as higher in tree canopies or on south-facing slopes (Martínez et al., 2012(Martínez et al., , 2014Rikkinen, 1997) where temperature fluctuations are more extreme and rain and dew more abundant. From a hydrological perspective, isidia increase thallus surface area, thereby increasing water-holding capacity (Jahns, 1984), slowing desiccation and reducing suprasaturation depression of photosynthesis (Tretiach et al., 2005). If these phenomena translate to interspecific variation at the macroscale, this could provide some explanation into why isidiate lichens are more frequent in warmer, wetter habitats. ...
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Aim Functional traits offer a window into how organisms are adapted, and might acclimate, to environmental pressures. Despite being important in ecosystem function, lichens are underrepresented in trait-based research; understanding how lichen functional traits vary with climate and habitat availability will be useful in predicting how communities will respond to climate change, for example, in wetter and warmer boreal and arctic ecosystems. Here, we assess the influence of macroclimate and forest availability on the spatial distribution of lichen traits across Norway. Location Norwegian mainland. Taxon Lichens. Methods We used relative trait frequency (RTF) data from LIAS gtm, a database combining trait information from LIAS (A Global Information System for Lichenized and Non-Lichenized Ascomycetes) and GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) species observations. The 20 traits included photobiont types, growth forms, cortical features and reproductive modes. Nonparametric multiplicative regression (NPMR) models were used to explore the relationships between the environmental predictors of precipitation, temperature and forest availability. Results All traits showed significant relationships with the three environmental predictors. Photobiont type and reproductive mode traits produced the strongest models and revealed ecologically meaningful biogeographical patterns. Trebouxioid species peaked in colder, drier upland regions, while trentepohlioid lichens displayed an affinity for wetter and warmer climates and had a western and southern distribution. Cyanolichens increased with increasing precipitation and were strongly coastal. Sorediate and isidiate lichens were positively related to temperature, the former also increasing with forest cover. The above responses were consistent with the physiological and habitat requirements of the associated lichens. The remaining traits had weaker responses. Main conclusions Discrete traits (i.e. photobiont type and reproductive mode) with relatively low ecological plasticity reflect clear functional environmental responses at the large scale. By contrast, growth form and thallus structural features—proxies for continuous variables—are too variable within each given category to show observable distribution patterns.
... Partitioning the particular relevance of distal/compound traits to any observed trend can be challenging; for example, the lichen growth form may relate to water use strategy and physiology (cf. [42,53,54]), though may also have implications for successional processes through competitive species interactions [55], while reproductive mode such as the presence of isidia might affect spatial-temporal response to habitat availability through dispersal limitation [16,56] as well as affecting physiology through thallus gas exchange [57,58]. ...
... An additional challenge is posed by traits that are dissimilar in appearance, but which are functionally similar, considering the difficulty of recognising and accommodating these, such as the role of (pseudo)cyphellae (e.g., Pseudocyphellaria, Sticta) or pores (e.g., Melanohalea) in thallus hydration and gas exchange. This could be extended to traits that have several, but quite contrasting functions, such as the relevance of diaspores (isidia/soredia) to both dispersal and gas exchange [57,58]. Furthermore, it is possible that traits interact in such a way that the role and relevance of a trait could shift depending on the environmental context. ...
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Community ecology has experienced a major transition, from a focus on patterns in taxonomic composition, to revealing the processes underlying community assembly through the analysis of species functional traits. The power of the functional trait approach is its generality, predictive capacity such as with respect to environmental change, and, through linkage of response and effect traits, the synthesis of community assembly with ecosystem function and services. Lichens are a potentially rich source of information about how traits govern community structure and function, thereby creating opportunity to better integrate lichens into ‘mainstream’ ecological studies, while lichen ecology and conservation can also benefit from using the trait approach as an investigative tool. This paper brings together a range of author perspectives to review the use of traits in lichenology, particularly with respect to European ecosystems from the Mediterranean to the Arctic-Alpine. It emphasizes the types of traits that lichenologists have used in their studies, both response and effect, the bundling of traits towards the evolution of life-history strategies, and the critical importance of scale (both spatial and temporal) in functional trait ecology.
... The samples for analyses were cleaned and freed from macroscopic foreign materials adhering to the thallus surfaces. Welldeveloped, regular-shaped, and without excessive vegetative structures outer parts of the thalli were assigned for measurements (see Tretiach et al. 2005). Four rounds of examination related to desiccation stress and photosynthesis reactivation upon thallus rehydration were completed: (i) fresh samples collected at the beginning of summer (treated as reference) and samples exposed to (ii) 1-, (iii) 2-, and (iv) 3-month desiccation stress. ...
Most epiphytic lichens demonstrate high specificity to a habitat type, and sensitive hygrophilous species usually find shelter only in close-to-natural forest complexes. Some of them are considered as old-growth forest and/or long ecological continuity indicators. To evaluate general links between the narrow ecological range and physiological traits, two distinct sets of model lichens, i.e., old-growth forest (Cetrelia cetrarioides (Duby) W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb., Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm., Menegazzia terebrata (Hoffm.) A. Massal.), and generalist (Flavoparmelia caperata (L.) Hale, Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl., Parmelia sulcata Taylor) ones, were examined in terms of sensitivity to long-term desiccation stress (1-, 2-, and 3-month) and photosynthesis activation rate upon rehydration. Desiccation tolerance and response rate to rehydration are specific to a given ecological set of lichens rather than to a particular species. Noticeable delayed and prompt recovery of high photosynthetic activity of photosystem II (PSII) characterize these sets, respectively. At the same time, although a decrease in the potential quantum yield of PSII in lichen thalli with a relative water content (RWC) at the level of 25% was observed, the efficiency remained at a very high level for all species, regardless of habitat preferences. Among the examined lichens, the fluorescence emission parameters for F. caperata were the fastest toward equilibrium upon rehydration, both after a shorter and a longer period of desiccation stress. In contrast to generalist lichens, retrieving of photosynthesis after 3-month desiccation failed in old-growth forest lichens. In the long term, prolonged rainless periods and unfavorable water balance in the environment predicted in the future may have a severely limiting effect on hygrophilous lichens during growing season (also in the sense of species associations) and, at the same time, promote the development of generalists.
... This result apparently conflicts with previous observations under which a Table 1 Overall, GEM concentrations (ng/m 3 ) determined with PASs, and THg concentrations (ng/g) and uptake rates (ng/g/h) in transplanted lichen thalli. Lichen transplants and PASs were concurrently deployed for 32.9 ± 0.06 days, side by side, at 10 sites in the mining area of Abbadia S. S. higher surface/volume ratio, typical of fruticose lichen or moss, result in more efficient accumulation of atmospheric Hg (Adamo et al., 2007;Bargagli, 2016;Tretiach et al., 2005). In our field-study, species-specific ecological features of the two lichens may have played a more predominant role in Hg assimilation than their morphological structure, indicated by the surface/volume ratio. ...
Lichens play an important role in the biogeochemical cycling of mercury (Hg) and are commonly used as indicators of Hg enrichment in remote and anthropogenically impacted environments. To assess their capacity for Hg uptake and accumulation, we determined the concentration of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) in air and the concentration of total Hg (THg) in transplanted thalli of two lichen species. Lichen transplants and passive air samplers (PASs) were concurrently deployed, side by side, at 10 sites within an abandoned mining area, characterized by large gradients in atmospheric Hg contamination. Highly variable time-weighted GEM concentrations determined by the PASs, ranging from 17 to 4,200 ng/m³, were mirrored by generally high Hg concentrations in transplanted thalli of both Xanthoria parietina (174–8,800 ng/g) and Evernia prunastri (143–5,500 ng/g). Hg concentrations in the two species co-varied linearly indicating about 60% greater Hg accumulation in X. parietina than in E. prunastri. Whereas Hg uptake in the fruticose E. prunastri increased linearly with GEM, a power law equation with a fractional exponent described the uptake in the foliose X. parietina. Extrapolating the relationships observed here to higher GEM levels yielded concentrations in lichen that agree very well with those measured in an earlier fumigation experiment performed under laboratory-controlled conditions. The uptake model of X. parietina was further verified by correctly estimating GEM concentrations from the THg measured in autochthonous thalli collected from the urban area adjacent to the mine site. Passive sampling can effectively provide time-weighted data of suitable spatial resolution to quantitatively describe GEM assimilation by lichens. Therefore, the combined use of passive sampling and lichen transplants can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the role of lichens, and potentially also of other cryptogams, in the deposition of atmospheric Hg to terrestrial ecosystems.
... Regarding reproductive modes, it is certainly striking that although the ND of both functional 582 groups similarly decreased along the area gradient, they showed contrasting trends regarding 583 the specialization parameter d' with sexual species decreasing in their specialization as the patch 584 area increases. The mode of reproduction has relevant implications with respect to constraints 585 on dispersal and colonization of new habitats (Ellis et al., 2021;Walser, 2004), thallus physiology 586 (Tretiach et al., 2005), and response to disturbance gradients such as air pollution (Koch et al.,587 2019). The contrasting trends along the area gradient between reproductive modes in the 588 average d' may have their origin in differences in species composition and the distribution of 589 reproductive modes in the communities and also, in the different modulation of specialization 590 along the gradient at the individual level. ...
Interactions between organisms are determined by species traits and differ in specialization, from generalist to highly specialized relationships. Although we expect that the effect of habitat loss and fragmentation on the abundance and survival of species depends on their degree of specialization, few studies have deepened into the interplay between interaction specialization and habitat loss. Here, we investigate the combined effect of habitat fragmentation and life traits (growth type and reproductive mode) on the specialization of lichen-forming fungi (mycobionts) towards its photosynthetic partners (photobionts) in lichen symbioses. We studied mycobiont specialization in epiphytic lichen communities present in ten fragments of Quercus rotundifolia trees embedded in an agricultural matrix. Both mycobionts and photobionts were identified through DNA sequencing and mycobiont specialization was measured through interaction parameters calculating the relative number of interactions (normalized degree; ND) and the specialization of each species based on its discrimination from a random selection of partners (d’). Phylogenetic generalized linear mixed models were used to analyze the effect of patch size as well as the life traits growth type (crustose, foliose, fruticose) and reproduction mode (sexual vs asexual) on mycobiont specialization. Both mycobiont and photobiont richness along the patch size gradient followed a hump-back pattern, which was more pronounced in photobionts. Mycobionts forming crustose biotypes established the largest number of interactions. Mycobiont specialization (d’) was larger for fruticose and foliose biotypes and for species with vegetative reproduction. Along the gradient of fragment size, the relative number of interactions decreased and the specialization of mycobionts with vegetative reproduction increased. Synthesis : The analysis of mycobiont specialization towards their photobionts in communities of epiphytic lichens in a fragmented Mediterranean forest revealed that the interaction between species life traits and habitat loss on specialization cannot be neglected. The results also pointed to the ability of some species to modulate their interactions to certain extent, suggesting that species might have a greater resilience to abiotic changes than expected, presumably creating extinction debt or even avoiding extinction processes to some extent. Resumen Las interacciones entre organismos están determinadas por los rasgos funcionales de las especies y difieren en su grado de especialización, desde interacciones generalistas hasta las altamente especializadas. Aunque se espera que el efecto de la pérdida y fragmentación del hábitat sobre la abundancia y la supervivencia de las especies dependa de su grado de especialización, pocos estudios han profundizado en la interacción entre la especialización de las interacciones y la pérdida de hábitat. En este artículo investigamos el efecto combinado de la fragmentación del hábitat y los rasgos funcionales de las especies (tipo de crecimiento y modo reproductivo) en la especialización de los hongos liquenizados (micobiontes) hacia sus socios fotosintéticos (fotobiontes) en las simbiosis de líquenes. Se estudió la especialización de micobiontes en comunidades de líquenes epífitos presentes en diez fragmentos de árboles de Quercus rotundifolia incrustados en una matriz agrícola. Tanto los micobiontes como los fotobiontes fueron identificados mediante la secuenciación del ADN y la especialización de los micobiontes se midió a través de parámetros de interacción calculando el número relativo de interacciones (grado normalizado; ND) y la especialización de cada especie en función de su discriminación de una selección aleatoria de simbiontes (d’). Se utilizaron modelos lineales mixtos generalizados filogenéticos para analizar el efecto del tamaño del parche, así como los rasgos de tipo de crecimiento (crustáceo, folioso, frutal) y el modo de reproducción (sexual frente a asexual) sobre la especialización de los micobiontes. Tanto la riqueza de micobiontes como de fotobiontes a lo largo del gradiente de tamaño de los parches siguió un patrón de U inversa, que fue más pronunciado en los fotobiontes. Los micobiontes que forman biotipos crustáceos establecieron el mayor número de interacciones. La especialización de los micobiontes (d’) fue mayor para los biotipos fruticulosos y foliosos y para las especies con reproducción vegetativa. A lo largo del gradiente del tamaño del fragmento, el número relativo de interacciones disminuyó y la especialización de los micobiontes con reproducción vegetativa aumentó. Síntesis: El análisis de la especialización de los micobiontes hacia sus fotobiontes en comunidades de líquenes epífitos en un bosque mediterráneo fragmentado reveló que no se puede descartar la interacción entre los rasgos de vida de las especies y la pérdida de hábitat sobre la especialización. Los resultados también apuntaron a la capacidad de algunas especies para modular sus interacciones hasta cierto punto, sugiriendo que las especies podrían tener una resiliencia a los cambios abióticos mayor de lo esperado, presumiblemente creando una deuda de extinción o incluso evitando los procesos de extinción hasta cierto punto. Palabras clave: Bosque mediterráneo, epífitos, fotobiontes, hongos liquenizados, selectividad.
... chemotypes), which differ in their extracellular secondary metabolites (Culberson et al., 1977). Regardless of the chemotypes, the upper surface of P. furfuracea is often fully covered by terete, finger-like outgrowths, the so-called isidia, which act as vegetative propagules and increase the exchange surface with the environment (Tretiach et al., 2005). As in the great majority of Parmeliaceae, the lower cortex is characterized by a heavy deposition of melanins, occasionally limited to the older portions ( Figure S1). ...
Despite the broad use of lichens as biomonitors of airborne trace elements, the surface chemistry and metal adsorption parameters of these organisms are still poorly known. The current investigation is aimed at (i) quantifying the acid-base surface properties and the first-order physical-chemical parameters of Cu²⁺ and Zn²⁺ adsorption of devitalized Pseudevernia furfuracea, a lichen commonly used in biomonitoring of airborne trace elements, and (ii) comparing the results with those available for moss biomonitors. Equilibrium constants and metal-binding site concentrations were calculated with a thermodynamic model by taking into account the presence/absence of ancillary extracellular cell wall compounds, namely melanin and acetone-soluble lichen substances. An acid–base titration experiment performed in the pH range of 3–10 showed that melanised and non-melanised P. furfuracea samples have lower pHPZC (3.53–3.99) and higher metal-binding site concentrations (0.96-1.20 mmol g⁻¹) compared to that of the mosses investigated so far at the same experimental conditions. Melanin biosynthesis increased the content of carboxyl and phosphoryl groups and reduces that of amine/polyphenols. Cu²⁺ and Zn²⁺ adsorption was unaffected by the degree of melanisation while the removal of extracellular lichen substances slightly decreased Zn²⁺ adsorption. Although Cu²⁺ and Zn²⁺ adsorption parameters related to P. furfuracea surfaces were 3 times lower than in the mosses, lichen samples adsorbed the same amount of Cu²⁺ and 30% more Zn²⁺. The present study contributes in understanding the role of ancillary cell wall compounds in Cu²⁺ and Zn²⁺ adsorption in a model lichen. It also provides a first comparison between the surface physico-chemical characteristics of lichens and mosses frequently used as biomonitors of trace elements.
... They observed metachromatic staining, i.e. distinguishable differences in anionic density between cell walls and EIM, in 15 out of 17 species studied. Other examples that have highlighted the sharply different staining behavior of the EIM include Tretiach et al. (2005), Barbosa et al. (2009a,b) and Zanetti et al. (2015), and an example is provided in Fig. 2. ...
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Stable, long-term interactions between fungi and algae or cyanobacteria, collectively known as lichens, have repeatedly evolved complex architectures with little resemblance to their component parts. Lacking any central scaffold, the shapes they assume are casts of secreted polymers that cement cells into place, determine the angle of phototropic exposure and regulate water relations. A growing body of evidence suggests that many lichen extracellular polymer matrices harbour unicellular, non-photosynthesizing organisms (UNPOs) not traditionally recognized as lichen symbionts. Understanding organismal input and uptake in this layer is key to interpreting the role UNPOs play in lichen biology. Here we review both polysaccharide composition determined from whole, pulverized lichens and UNPOs reported from lichens to date. Most reported polysaccharides are thought to be structural cell wall components. The composition of the extracellular matrix is not definitively known. Several lines of evidence suggest some polysaccharides have evaded detection in routine analysis of neutral sugars and may be involved in the extracellular matrix. UNPOs reported from lichens include diverse bacteria and yeasts for which secreted polysaccharides play important biological roles. We conclude by proposing testable hypotheses on the role that symbiont give-and-take in this layer could play in determining or modifying lichen symbiotic outcomes.
... The primary biological role of asexual propagules is thought to be colonization and dispersal of species, especially if spores are rare. However, other roles include an increased surface area for photosynthesis while attached to the thallus or gametophore (Tretiach et al. 2005), maintenance of the combination of symbiont partners after dispersal, and/or facilitation of algal switching among lichens (Robinson 1975, Lange et al. 1989, Piercey-Normore and DePriest 2001. Dispersal studies on a few types of asexual propagules such as bryophyte stem fragments (Pauliuk et al. 2011), gemmae (Pohjamo et al. 2006), brood branches (Kimmerer and Young 1995), lichen soredia (Stubbs 1995, Marshall 1996, and lichen thallus fragments (Heinken 1999) have suggested that most asexual propagules disperse short distances and the primary role is in the maintenance of populations of nearby sites. ...
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Asexual propagules produced by mosses and lichens may help to maintain their community composition in boreal forests. Understanding the factors affecting the deposition of asexual propagules and their link with the community composition may reveal how the community is maintained. The goal of this study was to understand how weather, the community of lichens and mosses, the dominant tree species in a stand, substrata, and tree aspect influenced and were linked to the deposition of asexual propag-ules (quantity, size, and type) in boreal forests. Species richness and cover were assessed for the substrata within the tree stands. Traps attached to trees and the ground (substrata) in balsam fir-, white spruce-, and poplar-dominated stands were used to capture asexual propagules. Species and quantity of trapped asexual propagules were linked to the species richness and cover of the extant community. Propagules captured were dominated by lichen thallus fragments and were smaller and in higher quantities during colder times of the year, and in higher quantities and smaller sizes mostly on trees of conifer stands. Moss propag-ules were captured in low quantities compared to lichen propagules, on the forest floor, but mostly during warmer times of the year. The dispersal of mosses and lichen asexual propagules helps to maintain and is linked to their community in boreal forests. The linkage between asexual propagule deposition and the community (richness and abundance) was observed among lichen and moss communities on poplar trees, conifer trees, or the forest floor of boreal forest stands.
Lichens constitute the largest organisms among the stone colonisers. Several studies have shown that lichen species and their traits respond to environmental changes, but none of them focused on saxicolous communities. Five granite Galician churches were studied to characterize the lichen saxicolous communities established in the four façades. In four of the churches two climatic stations were placed, on the N and the S façades. Sampling was also more systematic on N and S walls, as these tend to show the most extreme microclimatic characteristics: relatively cool and humid in the N vs. warm and dry in the S. We aimed at identifying the species and traits associated with these conditions, so as to predict the possible evolution over time in these communities in the prospect of further climate warming in the future. Climatic data were subjected to two-way analyses of variance (ANOVA). We computed species accumulation curves and species richness estimators with EstimateS, analysed the effect of the church, the aspect (N vs. S) and the position of sampling squares on the number of lichen species and on lichen abundance, and community composition in terms of species and lichen traits. Richness analysis showed that only orientation had a significant effect on the number of species present on the walls. Lichen cover was always higher in the N, but the difference was not significant, and only the church factor had a significant effect. Taxa characterizing the N façades were the two varieties of Haematomma ochroleucum, Ochrolechia parella, together with the lichen species with Trentepohlia as photobiont. On the S façades, the characteristic species were Candelariella vitellina and Lepra leucosora; there was a higher diversity of biotype, size and color; with a total absence of sorediate species or with Trentepohlia as photobiont. There was a clear difference between the lichen species requirements in sunlight and aridity on the N and S façades. We hypothesize that a warmer and more arid climate may result in an expansion of the S-dominant lichen species and/or lichen traits to the detriment of those N-dominant.
The pore system within the thalli of 13 lichen taxa belonging to the family Umbilicariaceae has been studied by means of mercury intrusion porosimetry. A characteristic bimodal pore size distribution with a central depression around 0.05 μm of equivalent pore radius was obtained in all lichen samples. However, clear differences were found among the pore size distributions of each lichen taxa. The total thallus porosity was undoubtedly related to the anatomy of the medulla. In general, a radial plectenchymatic medulla conferred larger porosity to the thallus than an arachnoidal one. Maximum thallus water content closely depended on the total thallus porosity in the five lichens possessing rhizinomorphs. The species with a similar type of medulla could be grouped together in a multivariate analysis that considered three porosimetric parameters and the maximum thallus water content. Umbilicaria cinereorufescens was the most distinct species, with the lowest values of total porosity and water storage capacity and the largest value of thallus density, apparently due to its scleroplectenchymatic medulla. The pore size distribution existing inside the thallus of the species studied is discussed in relation to the often opposing problems of CO2 exchange and optimal water relations. Some results pointed to a large influence of the micropores (<0.05 μm) on the water storage capacity of the thallus, while the macropores would have a more important role in gas exchange.
Formation of mature thalli with soredia occurred within an average cultivation time of 5 to 6 months. The size and growth form of the thalli (mussel‐shaped and branched type) were dependent upon the number of the soredia which were involved in the thallus‐forming process. Not only soredia amalgamated forming a soredia‐field, but also whole lobes fused during development. Contamination problems with soredia were partially overcome by using soredia from cultivated thalli. 1990 Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft/German Botanical Society