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Recent Understanding on Diagnosis and Management of Central Nervous System Vasculitis in Children


Abstract and Figures

Central nervous system vasculitides in children may develop as a primary condition or secondary to an underlying systemic disease. Many vasculitides affect both adults and children, while some others occur almost exclusively in childhood. Patients usually present with systemic symptoms with single or multiorgan dysfunction. The involvement of central nervous system in childhood is not frequent and it occurs more often as a feature of subtypes like childhood polyarteritis nodosa, Kawasaki disease, Henoch Schönlein purpura, and Bechet disease. Primary angiitis of the central nervous system of childhood is a reversible cause of severe neurological impairment, including acute ischemic stroke, intractable seizures, and cognitive decline. The first line therapy of CNS vasculitides is mainly based on corticosteroids and immunosuppressor drugs. Other strategies include plasmapheresis, immunoglobulins, and biologic drugs. This paper discusses on current understanding of most frequent primary and secondary central nervous system vasculitides in children including a tailored-diagnostic approach and new evidence regarding treatment.
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Clinical and Developmental Immunology
Volume 2012, Article ID 698327, 9pages
Review Article
Recent Understanding on Diagnosis and Management of
Central Nervous System Vasculitis in Children
Ludovico Iannetti,1Roberta Zito,1Simone Bruschi,1Laura Papetti,2Fiorenza Ulgiati,2
Francesco Nicita,2Francesca Del Balzo,2and Alberto Spalice2
1Department of Ophthalmology, Ocular Immunovirology Service, Sapienza University of Rome,
Viale del Policlinico 155, 00161 Rome, Italy
2Department of Pediatrics, Child Neurology Division, Sapienza University of Rome, 00185 Rome, Italy
Correspondence should be addressed to Ludovico Iannetti,
Received 30 March 2012; Revised 28 May 2012; Accepted 13 August 2012
Academic Editor: Rolando Cimaz
Copyright © 2012 Ludovico Iannetti et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Central nervous system vasculitides in children may develop as a primary condition or secondary to an underlying systemic disease.
Many vasculitides aect both adults and children, while some others occur almost exclusively in childhood. Patients usually present
with systemic symptoms with single or multiorgan dysfunction. The involvement of central nervous system in childhood is not
frequent and it occurs more often as a feature of subtypes like childhood polyarteritis nodosa, Kawasaki disease, Henoch Sch¨
purpura, and Bechet disease. Primary angiitis of the central nervous system of childhood is a reversible cause of severe neurological
impairment, including acute ischemic stroke, intractable seizures, and cognitive decline. The first line therapy of CNS vasculitides
is mainly based on corticosteroids and immunosuppressor drugs. Other strategies include plasmapheresis, immunoglobulins, and
biologic drugs. This paper discusses on current understanding of most frequent primary and secondary central nervous system
vasculitides in children including a tailored-diagnostic approach and new evidence regarding treatment.
1. Introduction
Vasculitides constitute a heterogeneous group of diseases
characterized by inflammation of the blood vessel wall. Cen-
tral nervous system (CNS) vasculitides in children may
develop as a primary condition or secondary to an under-
lying systemic disease including infections, collagen vascular
diseases, systemic vasculitides, and malignancies (Tabl e 1 )
Although many vasculitides aect both adults and chil-
dren, some, such as Kawasaki disease, occur almost exclu-
sively in childhood. Other vasculitides (e.g., temporal arteri-
tis) rarely if ever occur in childhood, and others, like pol-
yarteritis and polyangiitis GPG (also known as Wegener’s
granulomatosis) have dierent etiological, clinical, and prog-
nostic characteristics in children [2]. For these reasons the
EULAR (European League against Rheumatism) recently
proposed the new consensus criteria for the classification of
childhood vasculitides (Tabl e 2)[2].
When CNS is involved in the course of vasculitides
children may present with intractable seizures, cranial nerve
deficits, paresis, and/or cognitive deficits. The diagnosis of
CNS vasculitides is particularly dicult because the avail-
able investigative modalities have limited sensitivities and
specificities. The most helpful diagnostic tests include cere-
brospinal fluid analysis, MRI (MR angiography/venography
(MRA/MRV) of the brain, and angiography. In particular
conventional angiography remains the gold standard for
identifying lesions in cerebral vasculitis due to missed lesions
with MRA, particularly in younger patients. Conventional
angiography is more sensitive than even high-quality MRA
at detecting involvement of the posterior circulation and
distal cerebral vessels. To date MRA is a reasonable initial
modality in the investigation of suspected CNS vasculitis but
in cases of abnormal parenchymal MRI and normal MRA,
CA should be considered [3]. However, brain biopsy may
be required to diagnose small vessel vasculitides. The dif-
ferential diagnosis includes a wide range of conditions, such
2Clinical and Developmental Immunology
Figure 1: MRI Axial T2-Flair image. A six-years girl with HSP
complicated by PRESS. Bilateral hyperintense lesions of subcortical
white matter in the occipital region.
as degenerative vasopathies, embolic diseases, or coagulation
disorders (Tabl e 3)[1].
Dierent treatments have been proposed including corti-
costeroids, immunosuppressive agents, such as methotrexate
and cyclophosphamide, and intravenous gammaglobulines
to induce or maintain remission and to prevent long-term
vascular complications (Figure 1). In addition to a specific
therapy that can vary depending on the nature of vasculitis,
patients with cerebral involvement also need an acute
symptomatic therapy which varies depending on the specific
clinical manifestation (stroke, headache, epilepsy, etc.). This
acute symptomatic treatment must be undertaken immedi-
ately, well before the precise etiologic diagnosis. Supportive
therapy for all types of CNS vasculitis may include anticon-
vulsants for children with seizures, and antipsychotic agents
for those with hallucinations or severe behavior diculties.
Children who are treated with high-dose corticosteroids may
require ranitidine or a proton pump inhibitor to treat asso-
ciated gastritis and calcium and vitamin D supplementation
to preserve their bone health.
In this paper, we provide an update description of dif-
ferent immunointerventions in vasculitides, comparing and
discussing current literature about practical management of
childhood CNS vasculitides.
2. Childhood Polyarteritis Nodosa
Childhood polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a necrotizing
vasculitis, aecting medium size blood vessels. PAN includes
two dierent subtypes, the classical systemic form presenting
with a wide range of clinical manifestations including derma-
tologic, musculoskeletal, nervous, renal, and gastrointestinal
systems and the more frequent cutaneous form (CPAN)
that involves only the skin. Since the aim of this paper is
to describe the treatment options in vasculitis with brain
involvement, in this section will refer only to the systemic
The diagnosis of PAN requires the evidence of necro-
tizing vasculitis or angiographic abnormalities of medium-
/small-sized arteries (mandatory criterion) plus one of five
criteria: (1) skin involvement; (2) myalgia/muscle tender-
ness; (3) hypertension; (4) peripheral neuropathy; (5) renal
involvement [2].
Tab le 1: Causes of secondary central nervous system vasculitis in
children [1].
Viral: varicella, HIV, hepatitis C
Bacterial: Lyme disease, tuberculosis
Systemic vasculitis
Kawasaki disease
onlein purpura
Polyarteritis nodosa
Wegener granulomatosis
Microscopic polyarteritis nodosa
Ta k ay a s u a r t e r i ti s
Systemic connective tissue
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Sjogren syndrome
Inflammatory bowel
Vascular injury Dissection
Drugs Amphetamines
Graft versus host diseases
Neurological involvement has been reported in about
50% of patients, presenting with peripheral nervous sys-
tem involvement (mainly paresthesias and polyneuropa-
thies) more frequently than CNS involvement (including
encephalitis, convulsions, hemiparesis, subarachnoid hem-
orrhage, and isolated cranial nerve palsies) [4]. Myalgias are
also very frequent neurological features. A combined biopsy
of muscle usually and nerve demonstrates the necrotizing
granulomatous inflammation [5]. Ischemic stroke, hemor-
rhages, and a progressive encephalopathy with or without
seizures may occur [4]. Because of the rarity of systemic PAN
in children, treatment options are mainly based on adult
literature giving a central role to oral corticosteroid as first
line treatment [4] and indicating second line therapies based
on azathioprine, intravenous solu-Medrol, and cyclophos-
phamide. In children presenting with mild disease steroid
alone may be recommended [6].
Hashimoto et al. reported a success rate 41.7% in the
treatment of PAN with plasmapheresis [7]. In the series
reported by Guillevin et al. plasma exchange have no added
benefit to steroid ±cyclophosphamide [8].
Ozen, in her study, suggests a treatment schedule for
severe disease based on prednisone 2 mg/kg/die to be tapered
after clinical suppression. According to this author cyclo-
phosphamide should be also given, orally, in a dose of
2 mg/kg/day for the first three months, after which aza-
thioprine should be substituted and continued after a
year [9], while Dillon and colleagues, in their educational
review, also consider pulsed intravenous infusions for up to
Clinical and Developmental Immunology 3
Tab le 2: New classification of childhood vasculitis [2].
Predominantly large vessel vasculitis Takayasu arteritis
Predominantly medium-sized vessel vasculitis
Childhood polyarteritis nodosa
Cutaneous polyarteritis
Kawasaki disease
Predominantly small vessels vasculitis
(A) Granulomatous:
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Churg-Strauss syndrome
(B) Nongranulomatous:
Microscopic polyangiitis
onlein purpura
Isolated cutaneous leucocytoclastic vasculitis
Hypocomplementic urticarial vasculitis
Other vasculitis
Behcet disease
Vasculitis secondary to infection (including hepatitis B associated polyarteritis
nodosa), malignancies, and drugs, including hypersensitivity vasculitis
Vasculitis associated with connective tissue diseases
Isolated vasculitis of the central nervous system
Cogan syndrome
6 months or for shorter periods if remission is achieved [6].
Maintenance therapy with daily or alternate-day low-dose
prednisone and oral azathioprine is usually continued up to
18 months. Other maintenance agents include methotrexate
and cyclosporin A. For those patients whose conditions
are refractory to multiple immunosuppressive agents and
corticosteroid dependent, oral mycophenolate mofetil, and
infliximab may enable tapering and eventual discontinuation
of the corticosteroids [4].
Concerning refractory cases, potential ecacy of intra-
venous Ig were reported in recent studies [10], while some
other studies report successful outcomes using biologic
agents as infliximab or rituximab [11]. Gianviti et al.,
discussed the possible benefit from the addition of plasma
exchange to immunosuppressive medication in life-threat-
ening situations, nevertheless still further trial are needed
to resolve the question of this procedure’s value in treating
childhood vascular diseases [12].
3. Kawasaki Disease
Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute febrile systemic vasculi-
tis occurring in medium-sized vessels, especially coronary
arteries. It aects mainly infants and children under 5 years
of age and it is associated with the presence of coronary
artery lesions (CALs) such as coronary artery dilatations
and ectasias. CALs occur in almost 25% of untreated
patients [1316] and may develop into aneurismal forma-
tion, thrombotic occlusion and fistula formation or progress
to ischemic heart disease and premature atherosclerosis
[17]. The clinical presentation is characterized by prolonged
fever, polymorphous skin rash, nonpurulent conjunctival
injection, extremity changes, oral mucosal changes, and
cervical lymphadenopathy. The CNS involvement occurs in
about 0.4% of children in the form of aseptic meningitis,
meningoencephalitis, hypoperfused brain, ischemia, cerebral
and cerebellar infarction, and subdural eusion [18,19].
In the case of aseptic meningitis we must distinguish two
dierent forms, first one being secondary to the disease
and second one following IVIG administration [20]. Clinical
manifestations of CNS involvement include seizures and
disturbance of consciousness [21]. Prognosis of neurological
complications is generally good, although sequelae such
as myoclonic seizures, hemiparesis, and moyamoya disease
have been reported in a small percentage of patients [18].
Although MRI scans revealed no abnormalities at the acute
stage of the disease, the CNS manifestations associated
with KD might be due to focal impairment of blood flow
caused by cerebral vasculitis. In six of 21 children with
acute Kawasaki disease, single-photon emission computed
tomography (SPECT) imaging demonstrated localized cere-
bral hypoperfusion without neurologic findings [22].
Standard therapy is intravenous immunoglobulin plus
aspirin which showed a good outcome in most of the
patients, suggesting that proinflammatory cytokines are
responsible for the progression of the disease, and that re-
moval of these cytokines from the circulation will be a major
strategy of treatment [14,23]. Randomized controlled trials
have shown that a single infusion of 2 g/kg of IVIG given
5–10 days after the onset of fever, eliminated fever in 85–
90% of children within 36 h and significantly reduced the risk
of CALs [24]. Five possible mechanisms include Fc receptor
blockade, neutralization of the causative agents, or a toxin
produced by an infectious agent, an immunomodulating
eect, induction of suppressor activity, and modulation of
the production of cytokines and cytokine antagonists [25].
Aspirin remains one of the mainstays of therapy because
of its antiinflammatory and anti-thrombotic actions [26].
During the acute phase of illness, aspirin is administered
4Clinical and Developmental Immunology
Tab le 3: Dierential diagnosis of CNS vasculitides in children.
Infectous disease
Viral/bacterial encephalitis
Viral/bacterial menigitidis
Viral/bacterial sepsi
Metabolic disease
Mitochondrial disease
Amino acid disorders
Organic acidemias
Urea cycle disorders
Fatty acid oxidation disorders
Fabry disease
Demyelinating diseases Multiple sclerosis
Acute-disseminated encephalomyelitis
Thromboembolic diseases
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Hypercoagulability states
Cholesterol embolisms
Cardiac myxoma
Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis
Multifocal glioma
CNS lymphoma
Angiocentric lymphoma
Intravascular lymphoma (malignant angioendotheliomatosis)
Autoimmune disease
Celiac disease
Hashimoto’s encephalitis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Neuronal antibody associated (NMDA-receptor associated encephalitis)
Vasc ul ar
Arterial dissection
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Moyamoya disease
Vasospastic disorders
Nutritional Vitamin B12 deficiency
at anti-inflammatory doses with IVIG. Still controversial
is the duration of high dose aspirin administration, which
varies between dierent centers. High-dose aspirin and
IVIG appear to possess an additive anti-inflammatory
eect [13]. Discontinuation of high-dose aspirin is usually
recommended when patient is afebrile, switching to low-
dose aspirin (3–5 mg/kg/die) until there is no evidence of
coronary artery lesions and inflammatory markers have
returned to normal levels (usually 6–8 weeks after disease
onset). Nevertheless, recent studies suggest that children
exposure to high dose aspirin therapy in the acute phase of
KD is unnecessary, claiming that available data do not show
appreciable benefit to IVIG therapy and clinical resolution
Other therapeutic options (in addition to retreatment
with immunoglubulins 1-2 g/kg) have been proposed for
refractory KD: pulsed corticosteroid treatment (intravenous
methylprednisolone 30 mg/kg per day for 3 days), infliximab,
abciximab, plasmapheresis, plasma exchange, and immuno-
suppressants such as Cyclophosphamide and Cyclosporin A
[13,2731]. The TNF alpha blockers (such as infliximab)
and platelet glycoprotein Ibis/Imia receptor inhibitors (such
as abciximab), seem to benefit KD patients, especially those
patients/cases refractory to IVIG and those patients who
developed aneurysms. Concerning infliximab administra-
tion, it is currently increasing for KD patients with recrude-
scent fever or persistently elevated inflammatory markers
to prevent coronary aneurysm and stricture formation
and a dose of 4.8 mg/kg, diluted in 250 mL of normal
saline, may be suggested [29,3235]. Instead, abciximab
administration is commonly used to prevent thrombosis and
to decrease aneurysm size in patients with large coronary
artery aneurysms [36]. A recent open label trial have
been performed by Choweiter et al. to determine safety
of Etanercept as adjunctive therapy for the treatment of
coronary artery lesions in KD and data obtained support
the performance of larger ecacy trials for etanercept use
in pediatric patients [37]. However, treatment with TNF-α
antagonists in the patients with KD does raise some safety
concerns. These include a potential for myocarditis, and
development of coronary artery abnormalities, ischemia and
the risk of TB and cancer (mainly lymphomas in patients
Clinical and Developmental Immunology 5
receiving etanercept) although the existence of a cause and
eect relationship between anti-TNF use and lymphomas
remains controversial [37].
Recent studies have shown that statin therapy seems
to significantly improve chronic vascular inflammation and
endothelial dysfunction in children with KD, but still further
study is needed to determine the safety and ecacy of statins
in children [38].
4. Henoch Sch¨
onlein Purpura
Henoch Sch¨
onlein purpura (HSP) is a systemic IgA-mediat-
ed vasculitis aecting predominantly small blood vessels. It is
the most common form of small vessel vasculitis in children
[39]. The pathogenesis of HSP remains unknown; however,
HSP is generally believed to be an immune complex-
mediated disease characterized by the presence of polymeric
IgA1 (pIgA1)-containing immune complexes predominantly
in the dermal, gastrointestinal and glomerular capillaries
HSP is a multiorgan system disease and its major man-
ifestations include cutaneous purpura, arthalgia, enteritis,
and nephritis [41]. Clinical criteria for HSP according to
EULAR include (1) purpura (mandatory criterion) or
petechiae, with lower limb predominance, (not related to
thrombocytopenia); (2) abdominal pain (may intussuscep-
tion and gastrointestinal bleeding); (3) histological changes
showing leucocytoclastic vasculitis with predominant IgA
deposit or proliferative glomerulonephritis with predom-
inant IgA deposit; (4) arthritis or arthralgias; (5) renal
involvement with hematuria and/or proteinuria. A patient
meets the classification of HSP, if at least 2 of 4 criteria are
present [42].
Pulmonary, cardiac, or genitourinary complications
occur rarely, as well as neurological manifestations. The CNS
involvement has been reported in 1–8% of children. Possible
neurological presentations include headache, altered level
of consciousness, seizures, focal neurological deficits, visual
abnormalities and verbal disability, peripheral neuropathy,
and facial palsy [43,44]. Imaging studies (MRI or CT scan)
might reveal lesions suggestive of small vessel vasculitis as
ischemic vascular lesions almost always involving two or
more vessels, intracerebral haemorrhages, diuse (mainly
posterior) brain edema, or thrombosis of the superior sagittal
sinus [45,46]. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
(PRES) has been described in children with HSP [3]. The
pathogenesis of the PRES in HSP is not exactly clear,
although two possible mechanisms have been considered.
The first regards hemodynamic change ascribable to severe
hypertension and renal insuciency that may complicate
HSP [47]. Since the vertebrobasilar and posterior cerebral
arteries are sparsely innervated by sympathetic nerves, severe
hypertension can easily impair autoregulation of the blood
pressure in their perfusion areas, sometimes causing RPLS
characterized by vascular edema due to damage to the blood-
brain barrier [48]. Encephalopathy can develop in HSP even
without severe hypertension and renal insuciency [49],
and in these cases CNS vasculitis is suspected as the likely
pathogenetic mechanism, although this hypothesis remains
unproven by histopathology of the brain [47].
Pharmacologic options include prednisone, immuno-
suppressive drugs, warfarin, and dipyridamole. Not all
HSP patients need early steroid and/or immunosuppressors
treatment, and treatment should be targeted at patients who
have a high risk of renal involvement or severe extrarenal
symptoms [50]. The extrarenal manifestations of HSP are
managed by appropriate symptomatic measures.
Severe skin lesions may require oral corticosteroids,
which may also improve abdominal pain and protein-losing
enteropathy. Severe gastrointestinal complications may occa-
sionally require surgical intervention [50].
The start of therapy in children at risk of renal complica-
tions may also reduce the risk of cerebral complications when
you consider that renal hypertension is one of the most well-
known risk factors for CNS involvement in children with
Prednisone is generally used at dose of 1 mg/kg/day for
2 weeks, with weaning over the subsequent 2 weeks. Unlike
previous data [51] a randomized-double-blind-placebo-
controlled trial showed that early prednisone treatment
did not prevent the development of renal symptoms, but
prednisone was definitely eective in altering the course of
renal disease in patients with signs of mild renal symptoms at
inclusion or within the first month after the diagnosis [52].
Recently Garzoni et al. suggested that CNS dysfunction
in HSP results from a vascular obstruction, from an intrac-
erebral haemorrhage or from severe hypertension. In this
light the author suggests that like in adults with stroke, the
initial management of patients with suspected cerebral HSP
includes control of arterial hypertension, seizures, and repair
of disordered hemostasis. In patients with intracerebral
haemorrhage, the indications for surgery are controversial
and vary with the site and the size of the bleed. Like in severe
HS glomerulonephritis, combined therapy with corticoids
and cyclophosphamide is appropriate in a patient with rel-
evant ischemic cerebral lesions and HSP, instead it is consid-
ered not necessary in those patients with peripheral or cranial
neuropathy, which spontaneously tends to recovery [45]. In
cases which are complicated by Guillain Barr´
e Syndrome the
treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin (1 g/kg/die)
or plasma exchange are suggested [4]. Furthermore, recent
studies propose leukocytapheresis for treatment of patients
with HSP refractory to both steroid and immunoglobulin
therapy, aiming to the removal of proinflammatory cytokines
produced by activated inflammatory cells [53].
5. Behcet Disease
Behcet disease (BD) is a multisystemic chronic relapsing
vasculitis characterized by recurrent mucoutaneous lesions,
ocular and vascular involvement. Clinical criteria for diagno-
sis of BD include oral ulcers at least three times in 12 months
and any two of the following: recurring genital sores/ulcers,
eye inflammation with loss of vision, characteristic skin
lesions, or positive pathergy (skin prick test) [54].
6Clinical and Developmental Immunology
The involvement of CNS occurs in 11% to 50% of
pediatric patients, with parenchymal and nonparenchy-
mal manifestations [55]. Neuro-Behcet’s disease (NBD) is
defined as evidence of Behcet’s disease plus neurologic
involvement, not explained by other conditions or exposures.
The most common manifestations of NBD are cranial
nerve palsy, dysarthria, unilateral, or bilateral pyramidal
tract signs, ataxia, consciousness disturbance. Less com-
mon CNS manifestations include hemiparesis, cognitive-
behavioral changes, emotional changes, extrapyramidal
signs, and seizures [56]. Parenchymal lesions on cranial mag-
netic resonance imaging may involve brainstem, hemispheric
white matter, cerebellum, spinal cord, and/or leptomeninges
while nonparenchymal lesions may include dural sinus
thrombosis, pseudotumor cerebri, arterial occlusion, and
aneurisms [55]. The treatment of NBD is still controversial:
the corticosteroids (starting with intravenous steroids such as
methylprednisolone 500 mg–1 g/day for 1 to 3 days and then
switching to oral prednisone 0.8 mg/kg/day [55,57]) and
disease modifying antirheumatic drugs such as azathioprine
(1-2 mg/kg orally every day [55]) and methotrexate are
conventionally used as first line agents [58], while cyclophos-
phamide treatment is usually reserved to high-risk patients
In particular, concerning neurological involvement, sug-
gested therapeutic approach, according to EULAR’s rec-
ommendations [59], include corticosteroids for dural sinus
thrombosis (brief courses of corticosteroids if presenting
with increased intracranial pressure and headaches), and
for parenchymal involvement. In this case high doses of
pulsed corticosteroids, usually 3–7 pulses of intravenous
methylprednisolone 1 mg/day, may be given during attacks,
followed by maintenance oral corticosteroids tapered over 2-
3 months. Immunosuppressive drugs may also be given to
prevent recurrences and progression. Studies on methotrex-
ate suggest beneficial eects while chlorambucil is rarely
used due to high risk of serious adverse eects (such as
myelotoxicity and increased risk of malignancies) prefer-
ring azathioprine instead (2.5 mg/kg/day or in more severe
cases monthly pulses of cyclophosphamide). Concerning
resistant cases, agents to be tried may include IFNαand
TNFαantagonists [5964]. In fact, recent studies have
suggested that the use of biologic drugs, such as anti-TNF
antibodies (infliximab) could cause downstream eects on
cerebrospinal fluid interleukin-6 [55,65]. Up to the present
this promising therapeutic approach, was only reported to
be eective in adult patients with severe ocular and various
extraocular manifestations, including central nervous system
involvement, but not yet in pediatric patients. Adalimumab,
which has a mechanism of action similar to that of inflix-
imab, has been also suggested as an alternative therapy with a
favorable side-eect profile for paediatric patients with acute
NBD [55]. The promising results with Etanercept therapy
in juvenile-onset BD patients, characterized by refractory
multiorgan involvement, were also presented by Cantarin
and colleagues [66]. Recent studies have stressed the central
proinflammatory role of IL-6 in “in situ” evolution of NBD
[67], suggesting IL-6 inhibition as a new therapeutic strategy
for this disease.
6. Childhood Primary CNS Vasculitis
Primary angiitis of the central nervous system in children (c-
PACNS), represent a group of idiopathic vasculitis, involving
either medium/large vessels or small vessels and causing
neurological deficits and deterioration [1,68].
There are two types of c-PACNS: medium-large vessel
and small vessel vasculitis. Medium-large vessel disease
aects arteries that are large enough to be dierentiated by
conventional angiography. In patients with small vessel
childhood primary angiitis of the CNS (SVcPACNS), angiog-
raphy findings are typically negative and thus diagnosis must
be confirmed by brain biopsy [68].
Recently it has been underlined that when SVcPACNS
is suspected in a child (uncertain cases where children
present with acquired neurological deficits, or abnormal
inflammatory markers or CSF analysis, with or without
an abnormal MRI) a brain biopsy should be performed.
Lesional biopsies are preferred; however, nonlesional biop-
sies may succeed in yielding the diagnosis [69]. Vas-
culitides of the large-to-medium vessels (or angiography-
positive cPACNS) are associated with headache, hemiparesis,
hemisensory deficits and fine motor deficits [70]. Intractable
seizures, cognitive decline, behavioural changes, and sys-
temic features, such as fever and malaise, tend to be
associated more frequently with small-vessel inflammation
The diagnosis of PACNS may be considered with
symptoms of a multifocal or diuse CNS disorder with
remitting or progressive course, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF),
and MRI findings supporting the diagnosis of vasculitis,
and finally either an angiography with a vasculitic pattern
or a leptomeningeal and parenchymatous biopsy proving
vasculitis [71].
Calabrese et al., proposed the following preliminary clin-
ical criteria for PACNS in adults: (1) an acquired neurologic
deficit that remains unexplained after a thorough initial basic
evaluation, (2) either classic angiographic or histopathologic
features of angiitis within the CNS, and (3) no evidence
of systemic vasculitis or any other condition to which the
angiographic or pathologic features could be secondary.
Most reported pediatric cases fit these criteria [71].
There is a paucity of data regarding the ecacy of
immunosuppressive treatment of PACNS both in adults and
Some may argue that benign angiopathy of the CNS or
transient cerebral arteriopathy needs no immunosuppressive
treatment [71] or a relatively short course of corticosteroids
(<6 months) [72]. It has recently been proposed the
term reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS)
instead benign angiopathy, referring to a group of disorders
characterized by acute onset of headaches, with or without
neurologic deficits, and prolonged but reversible cerebral
vasoconstriction. Although RCVS can mimic PACNS it is
a noninflammatory vasospastic disease primarily interesting
adults, with dierent therapeutic and prognostic implica-
tions [73]. In RCVS, successful treatment has been reported
with calcium channel blockers, short-term glucocorticoids,
and magnesium sulphate [74].
Clinical and Developmental Immunology 7
Particular attention should be given to exclusion of
systemic infection resembling cPACNS, such as spirochetal,
rickettsial, and viral diseases as well as bacterial endocarditis,
before giving cyclophosphamide.
Treatment recommendations in PACNS usually indicate
two subsequent phases, first one including a combination
of steroids and pulse cyclophosphamide (induction phase,
during the first 6 months) and second one with either
methotrexate (MTX), azathioprine (AZA), or mycopheno-
late mofetil (MMF) (maintenance phase, during the fol-
lowing 1 or 2 years) [68,75]. The use of antiplatelet or
anticoagulant medications in the treatment for cPACNS has
been controversial [1].
Sen et al., reported three children (two large-medium
vessels cPACNS and one SVcPACNS) treated with steroids
and cyclophosphamide in the induction phase and MTX
or MMF or AZA. All the patients presented here initially
received and responded to IV methylprednisolone followed
by oral prednisolone that was gradually tapered. All patients
relapsed while on either MTX or AZA and steroids, hence
MMF was introduced. The authors concluded that MMF is
considered as the maintenance immunosuppressive agent in
the management of refractory cPACNS [75].
Recently a similar treatment protocol has been evaluated
in SVcPACNS and it consisted of induction therapy with
steroids (2 mg/kg daily weaned every 4 weeks to 50, 40, 30,
25, and 20 mg daily and then by 2.5 mg every 4 weeks until
completed) and pulses of intravenous cyclophosphamide
(Seven pulses of 500–750 mg/m2intravenous cyclophos-
phamide every 4 weeks with cotrimoxazole prophylaxis)
followed by maintenance therapy (during 18 months) with
either azathioprine (2-3 mg/kg) or mycophenolate mofetil
(800–1200 mg/m2per day) [76].
Hutchinson et al. suggested that the mycophenolate
mofetil maintenance therapy seems to cause less adverse
events compared with azathioprine therapy [76]. Further-
more all patients should need calcium and vitamin D as
well as bone protection agents and pneumocystis infection
prophylaxis [77]. Supportive therapy for all types of CNS
vasculitis may include anticonvulsants for children with
seizures, and antipsychotic agents for those with halluci-
nations or severe behaviour diculties. Children who are
treated with high-dose corticosteroids may require ranitidine
or a proton pump inhibitor to treat associated gastritis and
calcium and vitamin D supplementation to preserve their
bone health [1].
7. Conclusions
The involvement of the CNS must always be considered in
children with systemic vasculitis and neurological symptoms
such as headache, alterated consciousness, seizures, and focal
neurological deficits. The diagnosis of cerebral vasculitis
is often a challenge for the physician as these may be
confused with other disorders such as infectous disease and
coagulation disorders. The first line therapy of CNS vasculitis
is mainly based on corticosteroids and immunosoppressive
drugs. Plasmapheresis and IVIg may have beneficial eects
in the treatment of critical cases. Recently the possible role
of biologic drugs in the treatment of vasculitis has been
evaluated in adults. However there is a paucity of trials
testing the ecacy and safety of these therapeutic strategies
in children.
Conflict of Intrests
The authors decleared that there are no conflict of intrests.
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... MRI Investigation of choice to assess suspected CCV. It can demonstrate parenchymal changes (edema, infarction, and microhemorrhages), vascular abnormalities by evaluating involved vessel size, wall enhancement pattern, and outlining ancillary findings, including leptomeningeal enhancement [5,[18][19][20]. The cross-sectional (CT and MR) angiographic techniques are not reliable in the evaluation of the distal intracranial arteries. ...
... Catheter Angiography (CA): Excellent for diagnosing and assessing most vascular disorders [15,20]; however, its use is limited in children due to the invasive nature and technical difficulties. Moreover, small-vessel vasculitis may not be apparent on CA with the sensitivity and specificity in de- [1,20,29,30]. ...
... Catheter Angiography (CA): Excellent for diagnosing and assessing most vascular disorders [15,20]; however, its use is limited in children due to the invasive nature and technical difficulties. Moreover, small-vessel vasculitis may not be apparent on CA with the sensitivity and specificity in de- [1,20,29,30]. ...
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Cerebral vasculitis is increasingly recognized as a common cause of pediatric arterial stroke. It can present with focal neurological deficits, psychiatric manifestations, seizures, and encephalopathy. The etiopathogenesis of childhood cerebral vasculitis (CCV) is multifactorial, making an inclusive classification challenging. In this review, we describe the common and uncommon CCV with a comprehensive discussion of etiopathogenesis, the role of various imaging modalities, and advanced techniques in diagnosing CCV. We also highlight the implications of relevant clinical, laboratory, and genetic findings to reach the final diagnosis. Based on the clinicoradiological findings, a stepwise diagnostic approach is proposed to facilitate CCV diagnosis and rule out potential mimics. Identification of key clinical manifestations, pertinent blood and cerebrospinal fluid results, and evaluation of central nervous system vessels for common and disease-specific findings will be emphasized. We discuss the role of magnetic resonance imaging, MR angiography, and vessel wall imaging as the imaging investigation of choice, and reservation of catheter angiography as a problem-solving tool. We emphasize the utility of brain and leptomeningeal biopsy for diagnosis and exclusion of imitators and masqueraders.
... Calabrese proposed and validated diagnostic criteria for PACNS in adults: an acquired neurological deficit, plus angiographic or histopathology features of angiitis within the CNS, in the absence of a systemic vasculitis or any other condition to which the angiographic or pathologic features could be secondary [22,23]. These criteria have since been adopted for childhood primary angiitis of CNS (cPACNS) by pediatric neurologists and rheumatologists [24][25][26][27]. In 2001, Lanthier reported two cases of biopsy-proven cPACNS [2]. ...
... Calabrese proposed and validated diagnostic criteria for PACNS in adults: an acquired neurological de cit, plus angiographic or histopathology features of angiitis within the CNS, in the absence of a systemic vasculitis or any other condition to which the angiographic or pathologic features could be secondary. [22,23] These criteria have since been adopted for childhood primary angiitis of CNS (cPACNS) by pediatric neurologists and rheumatologists [24][25][26][27]. In 2001, Lanthier [2] reported two cases of biopsy-proven cPACNS. ...
Full-text available
Background: Primary CNS angiitis of childhood (cPACNS) is an autoimmune process of CNS vascular structure. It is considered a novel and challenging clinical problem in pediatric neurology and rheumatology. This study discusses as a significant case series study of cPACNS. Methods: From 1994 to 2021 at pediatric rheumatology clinic, patients <18 years of age were enrolled this study with diagnosis of cPACNS if they had: a clinical symptoms compatible with primary CNS vasculitis, and MRA findings demonstrating arterial stenosis and or aneurism that are not attributable to other disease and background. Results: There were 22 patients with mean age 10 years, 12 patients (54%) were female. The mean delayed time to diagnosis was 4 years. The most common neurologic symptoms were headache (88%) then seizure and mental disorder in (45%). Fever was in (54%) and positive ANA result in (31%) patients. 14 patients (63 %) showed abnormality in both MCA and ACA, whereas PCA showed this abnormity in 36% (8) patients. Most of patients 86 %( 19) had normal EEG findings. Five patients (22%) had severe and permanent neurological damage and sequel. Conclusion: Although cPACNS seems to be a rare and unfamiliar disorder, however it can be conceptualized much in the same way as pediatric ischemic disorder, and it should be considered in any patient with unexplained headache, seizure and mental disorder.
... Most researchers use steroids and cyclophosphamide in combination for the first 6 months of the induction period, and use methotrexate, azathioprine, or mycophenolate for prolonged maintenance therapy. 18,19 For our patient, we selected mycophenolate as an immunosuppressive agent for maintenance therapy. No obvious adverse effects were observed. ...
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Introduction: Primary angiitis of the central nervous system (PACNS) is a vasculitis confined to the CNS. A small proportion of the lesions may present as a tumor-like mass, which is rarely seen in children. Case presentation: A 5-year-old girl was admitted to our hospital because of an intermittent headache. Brain imaging suggested a space-occupying lesion in the right cerebral hemisphere. The final diagnosis was PACNS with a lymphocytic pattern by stereotactic brain biopsy. Her condition improved after immunotherapy. Conclusion: Pediatricians should consider the possibility of PACNS when encountering intracranial tumor-like lesions. Early diagnosis of tumor-like PACNS and prompt immunotherapy could improve the long-term prognosis and avoid surgery.
... Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) is associated with IgA1-dominant immune deposits in small blood vessels (predominantly capillaries, venules, or arterioles). Therefore, the CHCC 2012 replaced the eponym "Henoch-Schönlein purpura" with IgA vasculitis to better define the pathophysiological features observed in this condition [1][2][3][4][5][6]. ...
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In this study, our purpose is to evaluate cochlear and vestibular function in juveniles with IgA vasculitis using audiometry, distortion product otoacoustic emissions, and cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential (cVEMP) tests. Forty children diagnosed with IgA vasculitis from the pediatry clinic and 40 age- and sex-matched healthy children were evaluated with distortion product otoacoustic emissions, audiometry, and cVEMP test in a tertiary hospital. The audiometry average values for both ears of the IgA vasculitis group and the control subjects were compared, and as a result, median 4.7-dB sensorineural hearing loss (SHL) was found for the IgA vasculitis group compared to the control group at 250 Hz and it was statistically significant (p < 0.001). An average of 6.4-dB SHL was detected at 8000 Hz (p < 0.001). There was a statistically significant difference among IgA vasculitis and control groups regarding measurement results of average p1-n1 latency time of both ears (0.9 ms (ms) increase, p = 0.035). In IgA vasculitis patients, the median amplitude difference of both ears’ average p1 n1 was found to be 5.6 mV, statistically significantly decreased compared to the control group (p = 0.003). Conclusion: This study, firstly in literature, demonstrated that IgA vasculitis may have association with hearing loss and vestibular dysfunction in children. We think this might be due to autoimmune mechanisms.What is Known: • Ig A vasculitis is a leukocytoclastic vasculitis with unknown etiology, involving the skin, joints, gastrointestinal system, kidneys, and rarely other organs. • No study has been reported for the cochlear and vestibular association of Ig A vasculitis in current literature. What is New: • This study demonstrated that Ig A vasculitis may have association with hearing loss in children. • This study also demonstrated that Ig A vasculitis may have association with vestibular dysfunction in children.
... İmmünglobulin A vasküliti (IgAV;Henoch-Schönlein purpura) pediatrik yaş grubunda vaskülitler arasında en sık görülenidir. Kompleman komponentlerinin ve immünglobulin A (IgA) içeren immün komplekslerin küçük damar duvarlarında depolanması ile karakterize sistemik lökositoklastik bir vaskülittir (1)(2)(3). Daha çok deri, eklem, böbrek ve gastrointestinal sistem tutulumu ön plandadır fakat akciğer, beyin ve skrotum gibi diğer organlar da IgAV seyri esnasında tutulabilmektedir (1,4). Genellikle 5-15 yaş grubunda görülen, trombositopenik olmayan purpuranın en sık sebebidir. ...
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Amaç: Bu çalışma çocukluk çağında en sık görülen vaskülit olan Henoch schönlein purpurasıyla iç Anadolu yöresinde takip edilen hastaların klinik özelliklerini, laboratuvar değerlerini ve bunlar arasındaki istatistiksel ilişkiyi ortaya koymak amacıyla yapıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu retrospektif çalışmada Ekim 2016 ile Eylül 2018 tarihleri asında Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı Çocuk Romatoloji polikliniğine, Çocuk acil servisine, Çocuk Sağlığı polikliniğine ve Çocuk Nefroloji polikliniğine başvurup HSP tanısı alan 103 hastanın verileri, otomasyon epikriz kayıtları ve poliklinik dosyalarının incelenmesi ile değerlendirildi. Yaşın, anne-baba yaşının, cinsiyetin, tanı aldığı mevsimin, vücut ağırlığının, boyun, laboratuvar değerlerinin sistem tutulumlarının, nüks ve semptomlar üzerine etkileri araştırıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmamıza dâhil edilen hastaların erkek/kız oranı yapılan çalışmalara benzer şekilde 1,34 olarak bulundu. Hastalar yaş gruplarına göre 10 yaşında büyük ve 10 yaşından küçük olacak şekilde 2 gruba ayrıldı. Başvuru mevsimleri incelendiğinde sonbahar ve kış aylarında tanı alan hasta sayılarının ilkbahar ve yaz aylarına göre belirgin fazla olduğu görüldü. Sistem tutulumu açısından dağılım incelendiğinde hastaların tamamında cilt tutulumu, %66’sında kas iskelet sistemi tutulumu, %51’inde GİS tutulumu, %15,5’inde böbrek tutulumu ve %8,7’sinde skrotal tutulum olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuç: Daha önce yapılan çocukluk çağı HSP çalışmaları ile benzer şekilde büyük yaş ve WBC yüksekliği ile böbrek tutulumu arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulundu.
... HSV is generally well progressed, does not leave sequelae, and lasts approximately 4-6 weeks, yet relapse may occur. Many systemic ndings of HSV such as gastrointestinal, joints, skin, and kidney involvements have been reported before [1][2][3][4][5][6]. ...
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Purpose: In this study, our purpose is to evaluate cochlear and vestibular function in juveniles with HSV using audiometry, DPOAEs, and cVEMP tests. Methods: 40 children diagnosed with HSV from the pediatry clinic and 40 age and sex-matched healthy children were evaluated with distortion product otoacoustic emissions, audiometry, and cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential (cVEMP) test in a tertiary hospital. Results: The audiometry average values for both ears of HSV group and the control subjects were compared, and as a result, median 4.7 dB sensorineural hearing loss (SHL) was found for HSV group compared to control group at 250 Hz and it was statistically significant (p <0.001). An average of 6.4 dB SHL was detected at 8000 Hz (p <0.001). There was a statistically significant difference among HSV and control group regarding measurement results of average p1-n1 latency time of both ears (0.9 milliseconds (ms) increase, P = 0.035). In HSV patients, the median amplitude difference of both ears' average p1 n1 was found to be 5,6 millivolt, statistically significantly decreased compared to the control group (p = 0.003). Conclusion: This study, firstly in literature, demonstrated that HSV may cause hearing loss and vestibular dysfunction in children. We think this might be due to autoimmune mechanisms.
... First, some autoantibodies triggered by KWD could persist in vivo for years, which in turn leads to some autoantibodymediated diseases or systemic autoimmune diseases so that seizure disorders or epilepsy could only be sentinel disorders of these diseases (46,47). Second, given that medium-sized vessel vasculitis is the bedrock of KWD, it is reasonable to infer that human brain, an organ rich in vessels, is subject to cryptogenic changes in structures, which contribute to epilepsy later in life (48)(49)(50). Although none has been proven, both are possible. ...
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Background: Kawasaki disease is a common vasculitis of childhood in East Asia. The complications following Kawasaki disease mostly included cardiovascular sequelae; non-cardiac complications have been reported but less studied. This study investigated potential epilepsy following Kawasaki disease in Taiwanese children. Objectives: Through National Health Insurance Research Database, we retrospectively analyzed the data of children aged <18 years with clinically diagnosed Kawasaki disease from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2012 in Taiwan. These patients were followed up to estimate the incidence of epilepsy in the Kawasaki cohort in comparison with that in the non-Kawasaki cohort in Taiwan. Results: A total of 8,463 and 33,872 patients in the Kawasaki and non-Kawasaki cohorts were included in the study, respectively. Of the total eligible study subjects, 61.1% were boys and 38.9% were girls; most patients with newly diagnosed Kawasaki disease were aged <5 years [88.1%]. Patients with Kawasaki disease showed a higher incidence rate [47.98 vs. 27.45 every 100,000 person years] and significantly higher risk [adjusted hazard ratio = 1.66, 95% confidence interval = 1.13–2.44] of epilepsy than those without the disease. Additionally, female sex [adjusted hazard ratio = 2.30, 95% confidence interval = 1.31–4.04] and age <5 years [adjusted hazard ratio = 1.82, 95% confidence interval = 1.22–2.72] showed a significantly higher risk of epilepsy in the Kawasaki cohort. Conclusion: Results revealed a higher incidence rate and significant risk of epilepsy in Taiwanese children with Kawasaki disease than in those without the disease. Therefore, children diagnosed with Kawasaki disease are recommended follow-up as they have a high risk of epilepsy and seizure disorders.
Stroke is the leading cause of neurological disability in the United States and worldwide. Remarkable advances have been made over the past 20 years in acute vascular treatments to reduce infarct size and improve neurological outcome. Substantially less progress has been made in the understanding and clinical approaches to neurological recovery after stroke. This chapter reviews the epidemiology, bedside examination, localization approaches, and classification of stroke, with an emphasis on motor stroke presentations and management, and promising research approaches to enhancing motor aspects of stroke recovery.
Infectious diseases (bacterial, viral, fungal or protozoonoses) may affect the child's central nervous system (CNS) at any age with different infectious agents characterizing distinct age groups. CNS damage occurring in the course of infections is not always directly caused by the infectious agent, it may also be caused by the host's immune response to the pathogen and by antibodies cross reacting with neuronal epitopes. Further pathogens may predominantly lead to functional disturbances of the CNS. For most conditions, treatment recommendations are based on low evidence levels. Nevertheless, the clinical, diagnostic, pathophysiological and preventive facts provided in this chapter should help physicians to develop helpful and well confounded treatment strategies. Vaccination is the most important tool to reduce long term morbidity related to CNS infections.
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Editor,—Involvement of the central nervous system in Behcet’s disease (BD) occurs in approximately 10–49%1 of patients and the frequency of ocular manifestations is believed to be in the range of 28–80%.2 Neuropapillitis has been reported very rarely as a manifestation of Behcet’s disease.3 As far as we know, there has been no report of paediatric onset neuropapillitis in BD. Here we report a case of neuropapillitis in a 10 year old girl. ### CASE REPORT A 10 year old Omani girl presented in August 1998 with complaint of right sided headache and blurring of vision in the right eye for 10 days and complete loss of vision in the same eye for 5 days. There was no history of vomiting, loss of consciousness, convulsion, or any other neurological deficit. On admission, examination revealed total vision loss in the right eye. The vision was 20/20 in the left eye. Examination of right eye showed relative afferent …
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The central nervous system (CNS) may be involved by a variety of inflammatory diseases of blood vessels. These include primary angiitis of the central nervous system (PACNS), a rare disorder specifically targeting the CNS vasculature, and the systemic vasculitides which may affect the CNS among other organs and systems. Both situations are severe and convey a guarded prognosis. PACNS usually presents with headache and cognitive impairment. Focal symptoms are infrequent at disease onset but are common in more advanced stages. The diagnosis of PACNS is difficult because, although magnetic resonance imaging is almost invariably abnormal, findings are non specific. Angiography has limited sensitivity and specificity. Brain and leptomeningeal biopsy may provide a definitive diagnosis when disclosing blood vessel inflammation and are also useful to exclude other conditions presenting with similar findings. However, since lesions are segmental, a normal biopsy does not completely exclude PACNS. Secondary CNS involvement by systemic vasculitis occurs in less than one fifth of patients but may be devastating. A prompt recognition and aggressive treatment is crucial to avoid permanent damage and dysfunction. Glucocorticoids and cyclophosphamide are recommended for patients with PACNS and for patients with secondary CNS involvement by small-medium-sized systemic vasculitis. CNS involvement in large-vessel vasculitis is usually managed with high-dose glucocorticoids (giant-cell arteritis) or glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive agents (Takayasu's disease). However, in large vessel vasculitis, where CNS symptoms are usually due to involvement of extracranial arteries (Takayasu's disease) or proximal portions of intracranial arteries (giant-cell arteritis), revascularization procedures may also have an important role.
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Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute multi-system vasculitis syndrome of unknown etiology occurring mostly in infants and children younger than 5 years of age. In developed countries, it is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children. However, KD remains a mysterious disease. Some viruses potentially causing the condition have been isolated, but the results have not been able to be reproduced. This article reviews and summarizes different aspects of KD and provides updated information on diagnosis and treatment. The supplementary criteria for incomplete presentation of KD patients suggested by the American Heart Association, treatment (including tumor necrosis factor-alpha antagonist, methylprednisolone pulse therapy, statins, plasma exchange, and cytotoxic agents) for those with intravenous immunoglobulin treatment failure, and other experiences are also included in this review.
This article reports the case of a boy aged 2 years 6 months, who had fever, arthritis, and necrotizing cutaneous vasculitis. Evaluation revealed no evidence of direct infectious causes. However, high anti-streptolysin and streptozyme titers during the acute phase support the possibility that streptococcal infection played an important role in the pathogenesis of this disease. The patient's condition improved significantly with the administration of prednisone. However, several attempts to diminish the prednisone dose resulted in relapses. Subsequently, the prednisone was successfully tapered and discontinued after intravenous gamma globulin administration. It is recommended that intravenous gamma globulin should be considered before immunosuppressive therapy in the treatment of necrotizing vasculitis.
Primary central nervous system vasculitis (PACNS) is a vasculitis confined to the CNS which affects small and medium-sized cerebral blood vessels. Recently, major advancements have been attained in understanding PACNS and differentiating it from its mimics. The diagnosis of PACNS remains a challenging task given the lack of specific diagnostic tests and the diversity of other diseases that masquerade its presentation.
Background— Kawasaki disease is an acute self-limited vasculitis of childhood that is characterized by fever, bilateral nonexudative conjunctivitis, erythema of the lips and oral mucosa, changes in the extremities, rash, and cervical lymphadenopathy. Coronary artery aneurysms or ectasia develop in ∼15% to 25% of untreated children and may lead to ischemic heart disease or sudden death. Methods and Results— A multidisciplinary committee of experts was convened to revise the American Heart Association recommendations for diagnosis, treatment, and long-term management of Kawasaki disease. The writing group proposes a new algorithm to aid clinicians in deciding which children with fever for ≥5 days and ≤4 classic criteria should undergo echocardiography, receive intravenous gamma globulin (IVIG) treatment, or both for Kawasaki disease. The writing group reviews the available data regarding the initial treatment for children with acute Kawasaki disease, as well for those who have persistent or recrudescent fever despite initial therapy with IVIG, including IVIG retreatment and treatment with corticosteroids, tumor necrosis factor-α antagonists, and abciximab. Long-term management of patients with Kawasaki disease is tailored to the degree of coronary involvement; recommendations regarding antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy, physical activity, follow-up assessment, and the appropriate diagnostic procedures to evaluate cardiac disease are classified according to risk strata. Conclusions— Recommendations for the initial evaluation, treatment in the acute phase, and long-term management of patients with Kawasaki disease are intended to assist physicians in understanding the range of acceptable approaches for caring for patients with Kawasaki disease. The ultimate decisions for case management must be made by physicians in light of the particular conditions presented by individual patients.
Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes (RCVS) comprise a group of diverse conditions, all characterized by reversible multifocal narrowing of the cerebral arteries heralded by sudden (thunderclap), severe headaches with or without associated neurologic deficits. Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes are clinically important because they affect young persons and can be complicated by ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes. The differential diagnosis of RCVS includes conditions associated with thunder-clap headache and conditions that cause irreversible or progressive cerebral artery narrowing, such as intracranial atherosclerosis and cerebral vasculitis. Misdiagnosis as primary cerebral vasculitis and aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage is common because of overlapping clinical and angiographic features. However, unlike these more ominous conditions, RCVS is usually self-limited: Resolution of headaches and vasoconstriction occurs over a period of days to weeks. In this review, we describe our current understanding of RCVS; summarize its key clinical, laboratory, and imaging features; and discuss strategies for diagnostic evaluation and treatment.
Kawasaki disease is the most common cause of acquired heart disease in children in the UK. It is an acute self-limiting systemic vasculitis, with a predilection for the coronary arteries. Coronary arteritis, thrombotic occlusion of coronary vessels, coronary artery aneurysms and even sudden death can occur with endocardial, myocardial or pericardial inflammation occurring during the acute stages of the illness or up to many years following initial presentation. The cause of Kawasaki disease remains unknown and there is no diagnostic test for it. Diagnosis is made on the basis of certain clinical criteria and non-specific laboratory findings. Prompt treatment with both high-dose aspirin and intravenous immunoglobulin is essential as it has been shown to reduce the incidence of cardiac complications from 25% to 4.7% in the UK. Abnormalities in myocardial blood flow can result in patients requiring long-term therapy in the form of drugs or, in some cases, invasive cardiac interventions.
Kawasaki disease (KD) is an acute febrile disease in infants and young children. Five percent to 8% of cases will be complicated with coronary dilatation or aneurysm, although introduction of high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy has provided remarkable results for reducing the frequency of cardiac involvement. We describe the results of an open-label trial of infliximab, an anti-tumor necrosis factor-α monoclonal antibody, for suppressing the progression of coronary artery lesions in cases of KD refractory to extensive IVIG therapy. Plasma exchange (PE) was available as a rescue therapy for patients refractory to infliximab. Twenty eligible patients fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for KD, and were primarily treated with IVIG up to 4 g/kg. "Refractory to IVIG" was defined as persisting or reemerging fever > 38°C and positive fractional changes of C-reactive protein, white blood cell counts, or neutrophil counts 48 hours after IVIG infusion. These cases were treated with infliximab, 5 mg/kg, which should begin within 10 days of disease onset. PE for patients refractory to infliximab was performed with 5% albumin. There was rapid improvement of inflammatory symptoms as well as normalization of the inflammatory markers. Sequential examination by echocardiography up to disease Day 30 revealed that the inflamed and mildly dilated coronary artery at the beginning of the study regressed to normal size in the convalescent phase. Two out of 20 patients showed incomplete improvement of inflammatory symptoms after infliximab treatment, and were provided with PE therapy, with no complications. Eighteen of 20 patients were effectively treated with infliximab, and 2 cases were effectively treated with PE to prevent progression to coronary artery lesions. No adverse event such as anaphylactoid reaction, heart failure, severe infectious diseases, or tuberculosis was observed in this trial.