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A Temperature-Insensitive Twist Sensor by Using Low-Birefringence Photonic-Crystal-Fiber-Based Sagnac Interferometer


Abstract and Figures

An optical fiber twist sensor is proposed by using solidcore lowbirefringence photoniccrystalfiber(LB-PCF)-based Sagnac interferometer. The twist effects on the fiber are theoret- ically analyzed. The results show that the dip wavelength of the transmission spectrum shifts with the twist angle with a high sen- sitivity and resolution of 1.00 nm and 0.01 , respectively. The sensor is also insensitive to environmental temperature change with an ultralow thermal dependent coeffiecient of 0.5 pm C. Index Terms—Birefringence, low-birefringence photonic crystal fiber, optical fiber twist sensor, Sagnac interferometer.
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A Temperature-Insensitive Twist Sensor by Using
Low-Birefringence Photonic-Crystal-Fiber-Based
Sagnac Interferometer
Peng Zu, Chi Chiu Chan, Yongxing Jin, Tianxun Gong, Yifan Zhang, Li Han Chen, and Xinyong Dong
Abstract—An optical ber twist sensor is proposed by using
solid core low birefringence photonic crystal ber (LB-PCF)-based
Sagnac interferometer. The twist effects on the ber are theoret-
ically analyzed. The results show that the dip wavelength of the
transmission spectrum shifts with the twist angle with a high sen-
sitivity and resolution of 1.00 nm and 0.01 , respectively. The
sensor is also insensitive to environmental temperature change
with an ultralow thermal dependent coefecient of 0.5 pm C.
Index Terms—Birefringence, low-birefringence photonic crystal
ber, optical ber twist sensor, Sagnac interferometer.
SAGNAC interferometer (SI) has been intensively inves-
tigated as sensors for various parameters sensing such as
strain, pressure, temperature, twist and so on [1]–[5]. Recently,
with the development of photonic crystal bers (PCFs), per-
formance of the sensors based on SI with PCF are greatly im-
proved such as sensitivity [1], [5], exibility [1] and thermal
dependence [4]. High-birefringence bers (HBFs) or polariza-
tion-maintaining bers (PMFs) are commonly used in the SI to
introduce birefringence for producing a wavelength dependent
output for various measurements. For the sensors based on SI,
most attentions were paid on linear birefringence effect caused
by strain [4], pressure [2], core deformation [3] and so on. How-
ever, circular birefringence effect is also important and worthy
for attention. Twist effect on the ber is one of the major causes
of the circular birefringence in some situations. Various high
birefringent photonic crystal bers (HB-PCFs) were used in the
Sagnac loop to realize the twist sensors. A linear relationship be-
tween the spectrum shift and the twist angle was obtained with
a sensitivity of 0.06 nm [5] and nm [6]. Low-bire-
fringence ber (LBF) was also employed in the Sagnac loop.
J.M. Estudillo-ayala analyzed the twist effects on the LBF in the
SI [7]. Y.X. Jin mentioned the twist induced spectrum shift in
single mode ber (SMF) based SI was a sinusoidal function [8],
Manuscript received January 25, 2011; revised March 22, 2011; accepted
April 09, 2011. Date of publication April 19, 2011; date of current version June
15, 2011.
P. Zu, C. C. Chan, Y. Zhang, and L. H. Chen are with the School of Chem-
ical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singa-
pore 637459, Singapore (e-mail:
Y. Jin and X. Dong are with the Institute of Op toelectronic Technolog y, China
Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China.
T. Gong is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore 637553, Singapore.
Color versions of one or more of the gures in this letter are available online
Digital Object Identier 10.1109/LPT.2011.2143400
which was different from the experimental result of the sensor
based on HBF. In addition, various ber gratings were also used
to perform twist sensing [9], [10]. Besides, twist sensors based
on two modes operation in HBF [11] and in-ber polarimeters
were also reported [12].
In this letter, a LB-PCF based SI is used to demonstrate the
twist sensing. The principle, sensor scheme, results and conclu-
sion are discussed in the following sections.
In a real optical ber, the core area is often not perfectly cir-
cular symmetry due to residual stress which leads to the intrinsic
linear birefringence .Whentheber is twisted, core defor-
mation and shear strain give rise to a component of linear bire-
fringence and circular birefringence, respectively. The total ef-
fects of the twisted ber can be treated as a retarder and a rotator
[13]. By xing one end of the ber and twisting on the other
end, the retardance between the two orthogonal guided
modes is expressed as a function of twist angle which is given
as [13]:
is the twisted ber length. is the strain induced optical rota-
tion which is proportional to and given as:
where is a constant which depends on the photoelastic coef-
cients of the material. For a single mode ber, .If
the centeroftheber is twisted while both ends of the ber are
xed, the twisted effects are doubled and twice of the twist angle
()is used in the equations. The simulation results are shown
in Fig. 1.
For the case of HBF, the linear birefringence is greater than
circular birefringence induced by the twist effect [13]. Little
amount of light couples between the two polarized modes, thus
the twisted beractsasarotator[13]. Then retardance
varies linearly with the twist angle periodically in every linear
region (Fig. 1).
1041-1135/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE
Fig. 1. Calculated ber retardance as a function of twist angle .
Fig. 2. Sensing scheme based on LB-PCF for twist measurement. (ASE: Am-
plied spontaneous emission light source.) Inset: SEM image of the cross sec-
tion of the PCF (LMA-10).
For the case of LBF, the intrinsic linear birefringence is
smaller than the circular birefringence [13]. The retardance
which can be describedbyaSincfunction( ) approxi-
mately (Fig. 1).
The schematic diagram of the twist sensor is shown in Fig. 2.
The congurationwasbasedonaSIwhichwasobtainedby
splicing a section of 50-cm-length solid core LB-PCF (LMA-10,
NKT Photonics A/S) with the two output ports of a 3-dB SMF
coupler (Fig. 2). The scanning electron graph (SEM) in Fig. 2
shows a hexagonal arrangement of air-holes around the solid
core in the cross section of the PCF which is approximately cir-
cular symmetric. The core, cladding, and mode eld diameters
are 10 m, 125 m, and 7.5 m, respectively. The total splicing
loss between SMF and PCF is about 4 dB.
The 3-dB coupler splits the light into two beams counter-
propagating along the loop and recombines them again. Sub-
sequently, the two beams interfere at the 3-dB coupler. If the
insertion loss in the loop is neglected, the relative transmission
ratio is given as [4]:
In the absence of birefringence of the loop, the total phase differ-
ence ,so . All the input light of all the wavelengths
would reect back completely to the input port of the ideal 3-dB
coupler and no signal will appear on the port which is connected
to optical spectrum analyzer (OSA).
A transverse force is applied on the LB-PCF for introducing
an initial linear birefringence which will lead to a constant phase
difference .is the linear birefringence induced
Fig. 3. Variation trend of measured transmission spectra at different twist an-
gles. Inset: measured transmission spectra at twist angles of 0 and 60 .
by the transverse force over the length of on the PCF. is the
operating wavelength. If a broadband light is launched, a wave-
length-dependent sinusoidal interference fringe is observed (the
inset in Fig. 3). When the LB-PCF is twisted, the fringe will be
shifted due to the extra circular birefringence and phase differ-
ence caused by the twist. In this case, the total phase
difference can be expressed as . Considering
is a constant, the spectrum shift is given by
For the case of HBF, the simulation result (Fig. 1) and
the experimental results in [4], [5] show that, the coefcient
is a constant, so is linearly proportional to the
twist angle . On the other hand, for the case of LBF, is
following a pattern of Sinc function.
The sensitivity of the sensor depends on the coefcient
choices for the proposed sensor to improve the torsion sensi-
tivity. It is because of its air-hole structure, the sensor based
on PCF is more sensitive to ber twist effects than traditional
bers [5], [6]. Moreover, if the HBF is used for this proposed
sensing scheme, the circular birefringence caused by the twist
effects will be greatly swamped by the large linear birefrin-
gence of HBF itself [13]; hence the twist sensor based on LBF
will achieve a higher torsion sensitivity than the one based on
HBF. Finally, the ultralow thermal dependence property of the
PCF will decrease the inuence of the ambient temperature
variation and increase the torsion sensitivity.
A length of 20-mm PCF, together with a balanced ber, was
clamped between two metal plates in order to introduce the nec-
essary initial birefringence. The force applied on the PCF was
adjusted until a dip on the transmission spectrum appeared on
the OSA (AQ6370) within the range of the amplied sponta-
neous emission (ASE, 1520–1620 nm) light source. The curve
indicated by “0” in Fig. 3 shows the initial transmission spec-
trum with the wavelength of the dip at 1578.1 nm.
While the PCF was twisted from its center clockwise (CW)
or counterclockwise (CCW), the transmission spectrum shifted
to the shorter or longer wavelength side, respectively, which
was completely reversible and repeatable. The inset in Fig. 3
shows the measured transmission spectra at the twist angles of
0and 60 . In order to obtain the twist sensitivity of the sensor,
the transmission spectra were recorded by increasing the twist
angle from 0 to 360 with an interval of 10 . It shows the dip
wavelength shifts periodically and the variation trend is similar
Fig. 4. Dip wavelength shift with the twist angle.
to Sinc function by the 3-D diagram in Fig. 3. The visibility of
the transmission spectrum varies totally about 10 dB during the
applied twist effect. The reason is that the splitting ratio of the
coupler depends on the wavelength and polarization state [14],
so the practical splitting ratio slightly deviates from 3 dB, which
causes the decrease in the visibility of the interference fringes.
Moreover, the change of the dip wavelength in the spectrum of
the proposed sensor is used to measure the twist effect, so the
performance of the sensor is not affected by the variation on the
visibility of the transmission spectrum.
The relationship between the dip wavelengths and twist an-
gles is shown in Fig. 4. The dip wavelength shifted 52.7 nm
from the minimum wavelength 1545.2 nm at the twist angle of
60 to the maximum wavelength 1597.9 nm at the twist angle of
140 in the rst period, which is 3 times larger than the wave-
length shift range of the twist sensor by employing SMF [8].
Comparing the results of the sensors based on PCF and SMF,
the variation trends were similar, but PCF was more sensitive
to the twist effect [8]. The curve is t with a Sinc function by
ahigh value of 0.9898, which means the experimental data
are in accordance with the simulation results.
Taking the linear range from 75 to 140 as an example, linear
t was applied to the curve with a high value of 0.9937,
which means the dip wavelength increased with a good linearity.
The sensitivity in this linear region is 1.00 nm . In practical
application, the sensor can be pretwisted to this linear range for
achieving a high sensitivity measurement. The achieved sensi-
tivity of this proposed twist sensor is 17 times and 12.5 times
higher than that of the twist sensor by use of HB-PCF [5] and
PM- side hole ber [6] based SI, respectively, 521 times higher
than that of the polarization mode interferometer by means of
fabrication two in-line polarizers on the hollow core PCF [12],
255 times higher than that of ultra long-period LPG [15]. More-
over, the resolution of the twist sensor is measured as 0.01 at
the limit resolution of the OSA of 10 pm.
Another distinct advantage of this twist sensor based on PCF
is the ultralow temperature sensitivity, which is conrmed in
the experiment. Fig. 5 shows the dip wavelength moved about
40 pm to the shorter wavelength side when the temperature in-
creased from 30 Cto100 C. The temperature coefcient is ob-
tained as pm C which can be neglected comparing to the
high twist sensitivity of 1.00 nm .
A twist sensor by employing a section of LB-PCF inserted in
the SI is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The sensor
has a sinusoidal wavelength-dependence output with the assis-
tance of the transverse force applied on the LB-PCF which is
used for introducing initial necessary linear birefringence. The
Fig. 5. Dip wavelength shift at different temperatures.
transmission spectrum shift is a Sinc function form which is dif-
ferent from the result of the twist sensor by employing HBF. The
sensor achieved a large enhanced sensitivity of 1.00 nm and a
high resolution of 0.01 with a good repeatability. The temper-
ature-insensitive property was also conrmed experimentally
with an ultralow temperature coefcient of pm C.
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... In principle, the fiber SI is constituted by inserting a section of birefringence fiber into the single mode fiber (SMF) loop. And the twist sensitivity of the sensor is related to birefringence [18]. Therefore, a better sensing performance can be achieved by using an appropriate birefringence value of the birefringence fiber. ...
... where L is the fiber length, τ is twist rate defined by the torsion change rate per unit length, α=gτ and g is a constant determined by the photo-elastic coefficients of the material. In the case of the silica, the value of the g is 0.08 [18,24]. As illustrated in the microscope image of SCF, the asymmetric fiber core creates a birefringence. ...
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A twist sensor based on the frequency splitting effect of fiber Bragg grating laser is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Laser longitudinal mode was split into two frequencies under the action of birefringence induced by fiber twist and by monitoring the periodical beat frequency response, the twist angle could be deduced. The experimental results show that the relationship between the fiber twist angle and the beat frequency is linear (linearity is more than 99%) when the twist angle is in the range of 10°–55°. Moreover, the wavelength drift caused by the temperature does not affect this linearity. Since the sensor is based on frequency rather than on the wavelength, its sensitivity is not limited to the resolution of the spectrometer, and has been improved to 31.59 MHz/rad (0.55 M/degree).
A novel torsion sensor based on modal interference and the Lyot filter by utilizing the exciting mode in the single eccentric hole-assisted dual-core fiber (SEHADCF). Based on the interaction between the polarization functional modes and the mode of the suspended core, the phenomena of the interference resonance enhancement and the enhanced Vernier are realized by only adjusting the polarization of the incident light. The sensitivity of the proposed sensor reaches 171.97 dB/rad and 58.87 nm/rad, respectively. Furthermore, the vector property of the polarization state makes it possible to identify both the direction and the degree of the twist applied on the structure. Due to the selective amplification only applied on the parameter of the vector, the crosstalk from other mechanical parameters, including curvature and strain, is decreased significantly. The crosstalk of the strain is low to 7.474 ×10 <sup xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">-7</sup> rad/με. The proposed scheme of the sensor provides a new perspective of regulating both the polarization state and the fiber mode in the sensing field.
In this paper, a quasi-second-order Lyot-Sagnac filter is theoretically and experimentally developed by applying the partial-bias-twisting in a polarization maintaining fiber based Sagnac-loop interferometer. It is the first time that a switchable intensity-/wavelength-modulated fiber directional torsion sensor is accurately demonstrated under the quantitative polarization states. In intensity modulation, high-discriminative simultaneous measurement of torsion and temperature can be achieved with the resolutions of 0.015 ° and 0.035 ℃. In wavelength modulation, without any pre-twisting, the ultra-wide linear measurement range from −520 ° to 520 ° is gained, and the maximum sensitivity reaches ∼0.32 nm/° by simply reducing the twisting length. With the merit of ease of operation, our sensor is very practical and promising in the fields of the torsion-related high-precision engineering measurement and sensing.
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Fused fiber couplers were fabricated by controlling the coupler waist profile, and the wavelength and the polarization dependences against the waist profile were investigated experimentally. In case of the strongly fused coupler, the coupling is a little stronger for the x-polarized light than the y-polarized light, and the wavelength dependence increases with fusing more strongly in spite of the shorter effective coupler length. In case of the weakly fused coupler having a dumbbell profile with a narrow neck, the wavelength and the polarization dependences increase rapidly with narrowing the neck, and the wavelength dependence and the coupling become much larger for the y-polarized light. The wavelength dependence becomes smallest around a dumbbell profile with the aspect ratio of 1.94.
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A fiber-optic strain sensor is demonstrated by using a short length of polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber (PM-PCF) as the sensing element inserted in a Sagnac loop interferometer. Spectrum shift in response of strain with a sensitivity of 0.23 pm/με is achieved, and the measurement range, by stretching the PM-PCF only, is up to 32 mε. Due to the ultralow thermal sensitivity of the PM-PCF, the proposed strain sensor is inherently insensitive to temperature, eliminating the requirement for temperature compensation.
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A theoretical and experimental analysis of the polarization properties of twisted single-mode fibers is presented. It is shown that whereas a conventionally twisted fiber possesses considerable optical rotation, a fiber which has a permanent twist imparted by spinning the preform during fiber drawing exhibits almost no polarization anisotropy. It is thus possible to virtually eliminate the commonly observed fiber linear birefringence. As a consequence, fibers made in this way are ideally suited for use in the Faraday-effect current transducer. It is further shown that a permanent twist of a few turns/meter effectively eliminates polarization mode-dispersion. The technique therefore appears attractive for enhancing the bandwidth of very long unrepeatered telecommunication links.
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In-fiber polarimeters or polarization mode interferometers (PMIs) are fabricated by cascading two CO2-laser-induced in-fiber polarizers along a piece of hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber. Since the two interfering beams are the orthogonal polarizations of the fundamental mode, which are tightly confined to the core and have much lower loss than higher order modes, the PMIs can have either short (e.g., a few millimeters) or long (tens of meters or longer) device length without significantly changing the fringe contrast and hence provide design flexibility for applications required different device lengths. As examples of potential applications, the PMIs have been experimentally demonstrated for wavelength-dependent group birefringence measurement; and for strain, temperature and torsion sensors. The PMI sensors are quite sensitive to strain but relatively insensitive to temperature as compared with fiber Bragg grating sensors. The PMIs function as good directional torsion sensors that can determine the rate and direction of twist at the same time.
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Recent advances in devices and applications of high-birefringence fiber loopmirror sensors are addressed. In optical sensing, these devices may be used as strain andtemperature sensors, in a separate or in a simultaneous measurement. Other describedapplications include: refractive index measurement, optical filters for interrogate gratingsstructures and chemical etching control. The paper analyses and compares different types ofhigh-birefringence fiber loop mirror sensors using conventional and microstructured opticalfibers. Some configurations are presented for simultaneous measurement of physicalparameters when combined with others optical devices, for example with a long periodgrating.
A high sensitivity fiber-optic torsion sensor, which can measure twist rate and determine twist direction simultaneously based on a novel ultra-long-period fiber grating (ULPFG) with a period of up to several millimeters, is proposed and demonstrated. Such an ULPFG is fabricated by using the high-frequency CO2 Laser pulses exposure technique. The unique torsion characteristics of the ULPFG are simply analyzed by using the mode coupling theory and the birefringence effect. The experimental results show that the high order resonant wavelengths of the ULPFG have higher torsion sensitivities, which is several times higher than that of the normal LPFG. In addition, an intensity-type demodulation approach used to realize real-time torsion measurement is proposed and demonstrated based on the edge filtering effect of the ULPFG.
A fiber-optic temperature sensor based on a pressure-induced birefringent single-mode fiber (SMF) loop mirror is developed. The pressure-induced birefringent SMF is made by applying a force against a short section of length of a SMF. The length of the sensing element for the temperature sensing is about 50 mm. Wavelength spacing between the two adjacent interference minima of the loop mirror can be tuned by varying the applied pressure. The sensitivity of the temperature measurement of 0.65 nm °C−1 is achieved experimentally. The proposed sensor is more convenient and simpler than that of a polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber or standard polarization-maintaining fibers.
A fiber-optic sensor for torsion measurement, based on a two-linearly polarized (LP)-mode operation in ultrahigh birefringent photonic crystal fiber is described. The structure of the photonic crystal fiber presents two large asymmetric holes adjacent to the core fiber. When linearly polarized light is injected in x - and y -directions, respectively, two separate interferometers can be obtained. In one of these cases, as torsion is applied to the sensing head a beat between the two interferometers is formed due to the simultaneous excitation of the two polarization states. The detection technique to read the torsion sensor is based on the analysis of the fast Fourier transform, which proved to be an effective and simple solution. The sensor exhibited reduced sensitivity to temperature.
We report on enhanced torsion sensitivity by using a highly birefringent photonic crystal fiber (HB-PCF)-based Sagnac interferometer. In order to increase the torsion sensitivity, we introduced an anisotropic microstructure into the cross section of an HB-PCF by enlarging the size of air holes of one row. This can result in a high birefringence of the order of 10<sup>-3</sup> and low sensitivities to bending and temperature. The torsion sensitivity was measured to be high with ~0.06 nm/°.
The fiber Sagnac interferometer of low birefringence and twist is analyzed numerically in the linear region. A novel method for measurement of the birefringence of the fiber and the angle of rotation of the axes inside the fiber loop of the interferometer is also presented.