
Learning Object Metadata (LOM)

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... According to Sosteric and Hesemeier [7], learning objects have been on the educational agenda now. Organizations such as the IMS Global Learning Consortium [4] and the IEEE [3] have contributed significantly by helping to define indexing (metadata) standards for object search and retrieval. There has also been some commercial and educational work accomplished. ...
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Many people have been working hard to produce metadata specification towards a construction of Learning Objects in order to improve efficiency, efficacy and reusability of learning content based on an Object Oriented design paradigm. The possibility of reusing learning material is very important to designing learning environments for real-life learning. At the same time, many researchers on Intelligent Learning Environments have proposed the use of Artificial Intelligence through architectures based on agent societies. Teaching systems based on Multi-Agent architectures make it possible to support the development of more interactive and adaptable systems. This paper proposes an agent-based approach to produce more intelligent learning objects (ILO) according to the FIPA agent architecture reference model and the LOM/IEEE 1484 learning object specification.
... A ferramenta AIMTool apóia a construção colaborativa dos modelos propostos na abordagem, possibilitando ainda sua utilização na geração automática de conteúdos personalizados. Os conteúdos devem ser gerados segundo o padrão LOM [IEEE LTSC 2002], permitindo assim interoperabilidade, compartilhamento e reúso dos mesmos. ...
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The development of educational modules – concise units of study, composed by theoretical and practical content which can be delivered to learners by using technological resources – has been extensively explored in the context of Teaching and Learning. In this paper we present and discuss supporting mechanisms for developing educational modules, emphasizing aspects of modeling and generating content. We present AIM-CID – an integrated approach for modeling educational content which considers different didactic perspectives. We also propose a collaborative tool that supports modeling and generating content based on the AIM-CID.
... Outro aspecto relevante do desenvolvimento instrucional refere-se ao reuso do conhecimento, por meio do qual os módulos educacionais são caracterizados como unidades independentes, passíveis de reutilização em diferentes ambientes e contextos de ensino e treinamento. A especificação e uso de metadados (tal como o padrão LOM -Learning Objects Metadata -da IEEE [13]) constitui um importante mecanismo de apoio nessa perspectiva. Observa-se ainda que uma série de outros aspectos podem ser explorados em decorrência do reuso, tais como interoperabilidade, acessibilidade e extensibilidade do módulo educacional. ...
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Resumo Módulos educacionais correspondem a unidades concisas de estudo, caracterizadas por conteúdos teó-ricos e práticos integrados a atividades instrucionais e avaliações, cuja disponibilização aos aprendizes pode ser apoiada por recursos tecnológicos e computacionais. A exemplo de software, módulos educacio-nais requerem o estabelecimento de processos sistemáticos de desenvolvimento que resultem em produtos confiáveis e de qualidade. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho discute a padronização de processos para o desenvolvimento de módulos educacionais, visando a fornecer diretrizes para a elaboração e evolução sistemática dos mesmos. Os processos definidos estão baseados na norma ISO/IEC 12207, adaptada ao contexto de módulos educacionais por meio da inclusão de aspectos de modelagem de conteúdo e práticas de projeto instrucional. As atividades e tarefas estabelecidas pelos processos visam a abordar os prin-cipais problemas pertinentes ao desenvolvimento instrucional, determinados a partir de características observadas na elaboração de módulos educacionais. Ferramentas de apoiò a automatização dos processos propostos também são brevemente analisadas. Abstract Educational modules correspond to concise units of study, characterized by theoretical and practical contents, integrated to instructional activities and evaluations, which can be delivered to the learners by using technological and computational resources. Similar to software, educational modules require the establishment of systematic development processes in order to produce reliable and quality products. In this context, the present work discusses the standardization of processes for the development of educational modules, aiming at providing guidelines to create and evolve them in a systematic way. The defined processes are based on the International Standard ISO/IEC 12207, which is tailored to the context of educational modules by including aspects of content modeling and practices from instructional design. The activities and tasks established by the processes aim at dealing with the main instructional development problems, determined from the characteristics observed while creating educational modules. Also, supporting tools for automating the proposed processes are briefly analised.
... The use of standards for metadata (such as Learning Object Metadata (LOM) [17] and for packaging (such IMS Content Packaging [18]) ensures the availability of OER's in different Learning Repositories (LR). Besides that, standards facilitate the search, retrieval and reuse of the educational content. ...
... The metadata instance attached to a given learning object provides information on its contents, what undoubtedly facilitates its reusability. Among all the current specifications and proposals on metadata, LOM [4] emerges as the most important initiative, basically after being adopted by the more comprehensive SCORM [1] specifications. But even though there is real enthusiasm in the learning object community with regard to LOM, there exist some problems that have not been solved yet. ...
Not having a formal semantics for representing metadata instances in a machine understandable way, LOM makes it difficult to implement software modules capable of searching and retrieving data from learning object repositories based only in conforming metadata descriptions. Design by Contract, a well-known object oriented software design technique aimed at helping developers and designers to reuse objects, is revisited in order to find similarities with the paradigm of learning objects. Design by Contract is introduced here as a convenient means of formalizing the information in metadata instances resulting in machine understandable metadata information. In this paper we describe preconditions as an essential part of applying Design by Contract techniques to learning objects. A definition of what a precondition is intended to be in the learning objects arena is described, as well as a syntax for writing formal preconditions. Finally, we map the existing LOM metadata categories that can be useful in expressing preconditions to our machine-readable syntax.
... Para que los metadatos sean entendibles para la comunidad web, deben estar disponibles en la web los esquemas de clasificación que definan vocabularios en forma no ambigua. En esta sección se presenta una ontología codificada en el lenguaje OWL [4] y desarrollada utilizando Prótegé [5], para implementar los aspectos culturales. ...
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Resumen En este trabajo se propone una arquitectura multiagente para la recuperación de recursos educacionales, que ayude a los usuarios a encontrar cursos que se adecuen a sus características personales y aspectos culturales. En este trabajo, se considera como aspectos culturales a las características que permiten distinguir las preferencias de estudiantes pertenecientes a distintas regiones geográficas. La plataforma multiagente planteada incluye varios tipos de agentes que tienen funcionalidades diferentes. En particular, se modela el Educational Resources Finder Agent como un agente BDI Graduado. Este agente se encarga de la recuperación de los mejores cursos de acuerdo al perfil de cada estudiante. Se describe el sistema multiagente completo y se presenta un ejemplo ilustrativo del proceso de búsqueda. Palabras clave: Búsqueda de recursos educacionales, Sistemas multiagentes, Arquitectura BDI.
... It is rather the large scale and distributed information and knowledge environment and infrastructure to bring together collections, services, and people in support of the full life cycle of creation, dissemination, use, storage, and preservation together In the university education, digital library is playing an important role to provide learning environments and mechanisms for anyone, being anywhere, and at anytime. A wealth of prior works have addressed research and development of education environments based on digital library such as SMETE [1], NEEDS [2], IMS [3], LOM [4], and Earthscape [5]. ...
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Tsinghua University Architecture Digital Library (THADL) is constructing as a small but comprehensive prototype system. The aims of THADL are: 1) to study the theories, methods and key techniques in digital library, 2) to provide learning environment and mechanism for university education, and 3) to pave the way for constructing future large-scale digital library. In this paper, we propose the architecture for THADL that assures acquisition, organization, management, retrieval, and distribution of materials on Chinese ancient architecture. We discuss the information model of THADL and implement a Web-based courseware environment for university education via Internet. Finally, we establish the metadata specification--THADL Metadata for marking and describing the digital materials in THADL.
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Objetos de Aprendizagem (OA) se tornaram nos ultimos anos, um novo recurso tecnologico facilitador da educacao e ensino. Estes recursos educacionais sao disponibilizados em Repositorios de Objetos de Aprendizagem (ROA), que funcionam como bibliotecas digitais. Devido a enorme quantidade desses repositorios disponiveis na Web, estes apresentam grandes problemas de usabilidade, causando a desmotivacao e desistencia dos usuarios finais. Isso implica que significativas melhorias de usabilidade em relacao a interface podem motivar os usuarios a utilizarem o ROA e consequentemente, o reuso dos OAs ja existentes. Diante desse cenario, este artigo objetiva identificar, a partir de estudo preliminares, os problemas de interacao humano computador nos ROAs.
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As disciplinas de Bioquímica básica, normalmente, utilizam aulas expositivas ou a dinâmica deestudo em grupo como estratégias de ensino teórico. A revisão dos conceitos abordados emsala de aula é realizada, frequentemente, através de exercícios clássicos de fixação. Por outrolado, nos últimos anos, os livros texto têm sido acompanhados de CDs, que contem várias desuas figuras animadas e vinculadas a hipertextos e a links de páginas da internet, que facilitama construção de significados do conhecimento bioquímico. Paralelamente, objetos deaprendizagem em ambientes virtuais têm sido desenvolvidos com conteúdos informativos,podendo estar associados ou não a propostas desafiadoras, estimulando o aluno adesempenhar um papel mais ativo no entendimento dos conceitos bioquímicos básicos. É nestecontexto que se insere este trabalho, constituindo-se num objeto de aprendizagem mediadopor computador, no qual se apresenta, interativamente, a “Síntese de Glicogênio Hepáticopelas Vias Direta e Indireta”. A sua concepção e criação foram realizadas através daplataforma Adobe e seu conteúdo bioquímico foi baseado em informações divulgadas emartigos científicos e em livros texto. Com isto, pretende-se disponibilizar mais um objeto deaprendizagem ao repositório de softwares educacionais, para auxiliar no estudo de Bioquímica,tratando de um tema ainda não contemplado por esta estratégia de ensino.
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Selecting appropriate learning services for a learner from the large number of heterogeneous knowledge sources is a complex and challenging task. This paper presents the idea of Smart Spaces for Learning. A Smart Space for Learning is defined as a distributed system (ie "space") that provides management support for the "smart" retrieval and consumption of heterogeneous learning services via Personal Learning Assistants. Personalisation and system interoperability play an important role for the realisation of a Smart Space for Learning. In this paper we illustrate and discuss how Semantic Web technologies such as RDF, TRIPLE, QEL and ontologies can be applied to create a Smart Space for Learning.Invited Commentary: McGreal, R. (2004) Commentary on: Simon, B., Dolog., P., Miklós, Z., Olmedilla, D. and Sintek, M. (2004). Conceptualising Smart Spaces for Learning. [PDF]Editors: Terry Anderson and Denise Whitelock.
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This paper presents the intermediate results of the Learning Network on Sustainability (LeNS) project, Asian-European multi-polar network for curricula development on Design for Sustainability. LeNS is a mechanism to develop and diffuse system design for sustainability in design schools with a transcultural perspective. The main output of the project is the Open Learning E-Package (OLEP), an open web-platform that allows a decentralised and collaborative production and fruition of knowledge. Apart from the contents, the same LeNS web-platform is realised in an open-source and copy left ethos, allowing its download and reconfiguration in relation to specific needs, interests and geographical representation.
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L’idea di un modello didattico problematico per la realizzazione di Learning Objects riprende i temi del problematicismo pedagogico e si impegna a definire un’ipotesi formativa complessa capace di valorizzare la possibile positiva compresenza integrata di strategie didattiche diverse (finanche antitetiche) ma componibili in una logica appunto di matrice problematicista. Il punto di partenza del modello proposto è rappresentato dalla opportunità di definire tre tipologie fondamentali di Learning Objects, rispettivamente centrati sull’oggetto, sul processo e sul soggetto dell’apprendimento.
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Resumo. O mundo contemporâneo exige, cada vez mais, novas formas de pen-sar, ensinar e aprender. Inova oes pedagógicas, aliada a incorpora ao de re-cursos tecnológicos e computacionais, são fundamentais no estabelecimento de produtos educacionais efetivos, capazes de despertar o interesse dos aprendizes pelos tópicos em estudo. Nessa perspectiva, este trabalho tem como principal objetivo explorar, de forma conjunta, aspectos pedagógicos e de modelagem de conteúdos na estrutura ao e desenvolvimento de um objeto de aprendizagem no domínio de matemática, mais especificamente no ensino de números racionais. Uma avalia ao preliminar do objeto desenvolvido també e apresentada. Palavras-chave: Objeto de aprendizagem, ensino de matemática, abordagem pedagógica, modelagem de conteúdos educacionais.
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If on the one hand the individualised teaching approaches try to find the best sequence of learning resources capable of satisfying individual goals, preferences and contexts, the intuitive guided learning approaches, on the other hand, envisages a non-linear learning experience where each learner can chose a personal path across the material according to his/her interests and preferences. In this paper we present a model, a methodology and a software prototype that is able to combine the advantages of both approaches by introducing the concept of 'compound learning resource': complex didactic artefacts where content is organised in pages and navigation among pages is user-driven. The pages are linked through semantic connections that have a two-fold function: they guide the learners' navigation, and allow the dynamic adaptation of the resource according to learners' needs and preferences (individualisation). Experimental results with real users in a university context are also presented as well as a comparison with similar systems.
Within the project e-Qualification Framework, a compound project of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, a learning platform is build. This learning platform should be able, that institutes with different backgrounds can offer their specific courses within different subjects. Inside their domains and branches is it very important that they could simply be classified, found and accessed. The main aspect of this paper is to present a domain structure that faces the requirements above as well as systems of assistance working with it. In the first section we describe the motivation for domain structuring and the pattern we developed. The second section discusses the development and implementation of an education consultant, guiding the learner through the domain structure to a suitable course. This usage should be an example for many possibilities for assistance based on a standardised domain structures. Motivation: Courses of Different Providers and Automated Assistance Within an e-learning platform a teacher and/or education consultant could hardly cope with all the enquiries submitted by learners referring to their choices of suitable courses. Therefore, it needs assisting technology to support both: the teacher to give advice via a virtual education consultant when needed and the learner to get suitable courses matching their individual attributes in a convenient way. But first courses have to be structured in an appropriate way. Nowadays, several standards are in discussion (e.g. IEEE WG 12; SCORM, 2002). Most of them deal with sorts of internal course structure, meta-data and course construction definition. The aim of all this effort is to provide a simple and useable model that enables content providers to structure the course in an appropriate way. Therefore in theory the course provided by one content provider is structured nearly in the same manner as the course of a second and a third content provider. The main advantage that can be seen here is the reusability and interchangeability of course of different providers.
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This research paper reports part of a larger international study that employs collaborative tagging for effectively describing knowledge and learning resources (KLR) in an institutionalised setting. The number of these resources has increased enormously within organisations over time and with an increasing variety of quality standards, maturity and granularity of resources, the description of content with metadata becomes more and more challenging. Automatic extraction services and professional metadata authoring tools could not deliver the expected results. Therefore, this research project investigated and discussed collaborative tagging as a means to successfully tag KLR. This paper presents results of an online survey distributed to first-year Information Systems students at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The results report on the study's key themes of commitment and convergence towards generally accepted collaborative tags. Commitment and convergence could be confirmed, but there is a need for further exploration with a higher number of participants. Collaborative tagging is suggested as a solution to facilitate the development of ontologies for describing organisational metadata.
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Recently, social software and collaborative tagging have received high levels of attention in Internet communities and have also been discussed as interesting approaches to annotate resources and distribute the cumbersome task of designing ontologies from few domain experts to large numbers of users of digital resources. This paper discusses the suitability of collaborative tagging for annotating knowledge and learning resources in the institutionalised setting of businesses and organisations. Specifically, the paper discusses commitment, convergence and coordination issues and presents the results of a multi-round experiment involving 174 Bachelor students at the Innsbruck University School of Management. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Maier, R. and Thalmann, S. (2008) 'Institutionalised collaborative tagging as an instrument for managing the maturing learning and knowledge resources', Int. J. Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2, pp.70–84., Austria. He has published contributions on Knowledge Management (KM) (systems) in a number of research journals, books and conference proceedings. His research interests include data management, flexible and adaptive business processes, KM and technology-enhanced learning.
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The contemporary e-learning scenario is marked by a strong contradiction between Italian and international technical and pedagogical literature on one hand and the reality of the experiences carried out to date on the other. From a pedagogical perspective, analysis of the literature reveals four strong points in e-learning, corresponding to as many methodological-didactic categories characterizing contemporary innovative didactic practices. In brief, these categories relate to the concepts of individualization, personalization, constructive/socio-constructive approach, student/students and students/teachers educational interaction. Since we are dealing with complex categories, it is worth briefly analyzing their internal problems and the gap between theory and practice in e-learning settings. In any case, their usage must include structural integration and cannot stick to single educational experiences of the additive-linear kind. 1.1. Individualization The formative category of individualization seeks equal formative opportunities for the learners and deals with the need to use differentiated didactic strategies in order to allow all the students to achieve the same goal. The didactic concept which supports this category envisages the very same formative objective (knowledge or competence) for all the students, but differentiated didactic procedures (timing, materials, spaces, exercises…), reflecting student individuality. This allows everybody to reach the same objective. In theory, e-learning grants maximum individualization, since it can offer many didactic paths simultaneously, all aiming to achieve the same goal. In actual fact, this possibility is almost never exploited or is trivialized in a limited choice of alternatives which hardly exploit effective reading tools of entrance levels for single students, offer scanty formative evaluation feed-back and remedial sequences and strategies. 1.2. Personalization
Abstract This study incorporates the 5E learning cycle strategy to design and develop Sharable Content Object Reference Model-conformant materials for elementary science education. The 5E learning cycle that supports the constructivist approach has been widely applied in science education. The strategy consists of five phases: engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration and evaluation. It has potential value for creating effective science e-learning materials. This study implemented the participatory design (PD) method to investigate the possibility of applying the 5E model to science e-learning materials. PD is an approach that understands knowledge by doing and focuses on collaborating with the intended users rather than designing ‘for’ them. In this study, researchers, designers and elementary science teachers cooperated at all stages of the design process (including explanation, analysis and decision making). The issues to be dealt with in this study included instructional designs based on the 5E model, techniques or specifications of e-learning, learning objects, metadata and procedures. The results of this study provided concrete recommendations for how to incorporate the 5E learning cycle and how to develop effective e-learning materials for elementary science instruction.
With the development of e-learning technology, many specifications of instructional design have been proposed to make learning activity sharable and reusable. With the specifications and sufficient learning resources, the researches further focus on how to provide learners more appropriate learning activities to improve their learning performance. In this paper, we aim to propose a model which can explicitly represent the knowledge of the mechanism to adapt both the learning activity navigation and content presentation according to learners' knowledge of concepts. In our proposed model, each learning unit object contains the learning items and the related concepts, which can be used to perform adaptive content selection, and the sequencing control of these learning unit objects can be explicitly represented as a directed graph to improve the understandability. Based on the learning sequencing graph, an Object Oriented Learning Activity system is implemented and used to design and perform the learning activity of Scaffolding Instruction, named "The evaporation, condensation and boil of water". The Evaluation results show that teachers can effectively design an adaptive learning activity based on concept and misconception hierarchy and the designed learning activity can really improve learners' learning efficacy by the OOLA system.
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Recent standardization efforts in e-learning technology have resulted in a number of specifications, however , the automation process that is considered essential in a learning management system (LMS) is a less explored one. As learning technology becomes more widespread and more heterogeneous, there is a growing need to specify processes that cross the boundaries of a single LMS or learning resource repository. This article proposes to obtain a specification orientated to automation that takes on board the heterogeneity of systems and formats and provides a language for specifying complex and generic interactions. Having this goal in mind, a technique based on three steps is suggested. The semantic conformance profiles, the business process management (BPM) diagram, and its translation into the business process execution language (BPEL) seem to be suitable for achieving it.
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For a few years, Electronic Laboratories (ELabs: computer-aided local laboratories as much as distant and virtual ones) have been growing in the E-Learning panorama. Meanwhile, in major E-Learning activities, learning scenarios are nowadays written in a standard way (SCORM, IMS-LD) to be used by standard Learning Management Systems. The use of such scenarios in ELab trainings is appearing just now. However such scenarios are dedicated to one specifi ELab and cannot be easily used for other similar ELabs. Since 2002, we work on the integration of learning scenarios into ELab platforms to help to re-use learning scenarios corresponding to similar apparatuses. Paper describing the global corresponding life-cycle have already been published. This paper introduces a tool which intervenes in the first step of this life-cycle: the learning scenario design process. It should help authors to design "generic" ELab learning scenarios, available for functionally compliant ELabs. This tool also aims at pre-testing such learning scenarios on a virtual apparatus to check scenario-apparatus communication.
Typescript. Thesis (Ph. D.)--George Mason University, 2003. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 152-165). Vita: leaf 186.
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k-MED evolved from a single medical subject project in 1999 to a provider of comprehensive technology, infrastructure and content for authors and learners. It currently offers about 170 courses covering 16 medical subjects. The k-MED community consists of medical authors and experts for technology, graphical and instructional design. It has its proprietary authoring tools and an internet based learning management system, both being continually improved corresponding to service experiences. k-MED aims at ongoing development as a service provider for educational institutions for undergraduate or continuing medical education. For further information see
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