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The Diagnosis and Management of Piriformis Syndrome: Myths and Facts


Abstract and Figures

Piriformis Syndrome (PS) is an uncommon, controversial neuromuscular disorder that is presumed to be a compression neuropathy of the sciatic nerve at the level of the piriformis muscle (PM). The diagnosis is hampered by a lack of agreed upon clinical criteria and a lack of definitive investigations such as imaging or electrodiagnostic testing. Treatment has focused on stretching, physical therapies, local injections, including botulinum toxin, and surgical management. This article explores the various sources of controversy surrounding piriformis syndrome including diagnosis, investigation and management. We conclude with a proposal for diagnostic criteria which include signs and symptoms, imaging, and response to therapeutic injections.
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This article explores and reviews the controversies
surrounding piriformis syndrome (PS) with respect to diagnosis,
investigation and treatment. While some authors have argued
that PS is analogous to other well accepted compression
neuropathies such as carpal tunnel syndrome, there is a wide
spectrum of opinions concerning the diagnosis. These range
from the belief that cases of true piriformis-induced entrapment
exist but are rare,1-5 to strongly held skepticism regarding the
piriformis muscle’s causative role.6,7 Silver and Leadbetter7
reported on a survey of 75 U.S. physiatrists and found only 72%
were confident that PS exists. Moreover, 55% felt that the
disorder was over-diagnosed, while 38% felt it was under-
diagnosed. Still other authors have argued that the syndrome is a
symptom complex and represents a myofascial pain disorder
rather than an entrapment neuropathy.2,8-10
Though many contrasting definitions exist, PS may be
defined as a neuromuscular disorder that is presumed to occur
when the sciatic nerve is compressed or involved at the level of
the piriformis muscle. It has been further subdivided into
primary and secondary forms,11,12 with primary PS comprising of
cases in which sciatic nerve entrapment occurs because of some
intrinsic abnormality within the muscle itself (for example
anomalous anatomy),13 while secondary PS is caused by direct,
often blunt trauma to the piriformis muscle.
Stewart14 has attempted to bring more consistency to the
subject by suggesting diagnostic criteria modeled upon
ABSTRACT: Piriformis Syndrome (PS) is an uncommon, controversial neuromuscular disorder that is
presumed to be a compression neuropathy of the sciatic nerve at the level of the piriformis muscle (PM).
The diagnosis is hampered by a lack of agreed upon clinical criteria and a lack of definitive
investigations such as imaging or electrodiagnostic testing. Treatment has focused on stretching,
physical therapies, local injections, including botulinum toxin, and surgical management. This article
explores the various sources of controversy surrounding piriformis syndrome including diagnosis,
investigation and management. We conclude with a proposal for diagnostic criteria which include signs
and symptoms, imaging, and response to therapeutic injections.
RÉSUMÉ: Le diagnostic et le traitement du syndrome piriforme : mythes et réalités. Le syndrome piriforme
est une maladie neuromusculaire rare et controversée dont l'étiologie présumée est une neuropathie de compression
du nerf sciatique au niveau du muscle pyramidal du bassin. Le diagnostic est entravé par le manque de consensus
concernant les critères cliniques diagnostiques et le manque d'études définitives probantes ayant recours à l'imagerie
ou à l'électrodiagnostic par exemple. Le traitement met l'accent sur les étirements, la physiothérapie, les injections
locales dont des injections de toxine botulique et la chirurgie. Cet article explore les différentes sources de
controverse entourant le syndrome du muscle pyramidal du bassin quant à son diagnostic, son évaluation et son
traitement. Nous concluons en proposant des critères diagnostiques incluant les signes et les symptômes, l'imagerie
et la réponse au traitement par injections.
Can J Neurol Sci. 2012; 39: 577-583
The Diagnosis and Management of
Piriformis Syndrome: Myths and Facts
T.A. Miller, K.P. White, D.C. Ross
From the Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Surgery, Schulich
School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
Correspondence to: Thomas A. Miller, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
University of Western Ontario, St. Joseph’s Health Care, Room 066, 21 Grosvenor
Street, London, Ontario, N6A 1Y6, Canada. Email:
Wilbourn’s15 classification of thoracic outlet syndrome.
Utilizing these criteria, he describes four distinct clinical
subtypes of PS (1) proximal sciatic neuropathies (2) neurogenic
PS (3) posttraumatic PS and (4) non specific PS. The five
components of diagnostic criteria are 1) signs and symptoms
2) electrodiagnostic findings 3) imaging 4) findings at surgery
and 5) response to surgical decompression. To date, no clinical
studies have confirmed the usefulness of this classification and
in particular, whether patients diagnosed by these criteria
respond in a predictable way to treatment.
Other studies report varying incidence of PS (8% to “rare”) in
patients presenting with low back/buttock pain.2-5,16-23 Many of
these studies are hampered by a retrospective design and are
weakened by a lack of uniform inclusion criteria. Due to
insufficient data, it is difficult to re-classify patients in these
studies using Stewart’s14 criteria. It is not feasible to utilize
statistical techniques such as meta-analysis to bring clarity to
treatment outcomes.
The diagnosis of PS remains difficult and controversial.
Review of this subject is hampered by a lack of standardized and
accepted diagnostic criteria, making objective, rigorous
comparison of different syndromes impossible. It is hoped, that
upon review of this article, the reader will have an appreciation
of these controversies and an enhanced ability to assess and treat
patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of piriformis
Clinical Anatomy
Understanding the manifestations of piriformis-induced
entrapment requires familiarity with the anatomy of the muscle
and surrounding structures. The piriformis muscle originates at
levels S2-S4 on the ventrolateral aspect of the sacrum, and
inserts into the piriform fossa of the greater trochanter.24 It is
innervated by a nerve that originates in the S1 and S2 segments.
However, considerable variation exists, with the S2 and S3 nerve
roots said to pass through the muscle in some symptomatic
patients,13 and in a large percentage of asymptomatic live
controls25 and cadavers.26,27 The muscle’s main functions are 1)
to externally rotate the thigh and 2) to abduct the thigh when the
hip is flexed.11,22,24 It also can be a weak hip flexor.
Clinical Findings
Due to its location within the sciatic notch and relative to the
sacral nerve roots, symptoms that are said to be characteristic of
PS are buttock pain which radiates into the ipsilateral thigh and
leg.28,29 Pain may be exacerbated by prolonged sitting, walking,
walking up inclines, and certain other movements.28 In a recent
review, Hopayian et al29 found reported incidences of buttock
pain, low back pain and exacerbation of symptoms due to sitting,
to occur in 95%, 63% and 97% of the population respectively.
Estimates of dyspareunia frequency were unreliable in their
To diagnose PS, studies of the usefulness and frequency of
positive signs/symptoms on physical examination are hampered
by the absence of a gold standard. Physical signs however, may
be grouped into those which are generally positive for sciatic
There is no convincing evidence that the piriformis is anything more than a rare to very rare cause of sciatic nerve entrapment
The evidence that exists suggesting otherwise is based upon flawed studies and/or reasoning
Studies on patients who have undergone surgery for other reasons, as well as on cadavers, have demonstrated that piriformis-
induced sciatic nerve compression is either uncommon or highly non-specific
Electrophysiologic and imaging studies suggesting pathology generally are non-specific and, consequently, potentially
Numerous other causes of the symptoms are at least as likely
The label ‘piriformis syndrome’ is therefore misleading, and should be changed to a more general term that does not implicate
any particular anatomic structure
Injections and surgical manipulations of the piriformis muscle are being performed too commonly and usually without adequate
Table 1: Arguments against Piriformis Syndrome
Piriformis syndrome is a reasonable explanation for at least a significant proportion of the vast majority of patients with
sciatic-like symptoms whose pain is not explained by other, more accepted diagnoses
The anatomic location of the piriformis muscle corresponds exactly with the area of focal tenderness observed in these
The course of the muscle relative to the sacral nerve roots explains the results of a host of provocative tests that often
are positive in these patients
A variety of imaging and neurodiagnostic tests now confirm the presence of piriformis pathology
Numerous patients have responded very well to either focal injections or surgical manipulation of the piriformis,
thereby implicating it as the cause of symptoms in those cases.
Table 2: Arguments for Piriformis Syndrome
nerve “irritation”, and those which are thought to be more
specific to PS. Of the former, the more common physical signs
include limited straight leg raising, a positive Lasègue sign,
diminished ankle and/or hamstring reflexes and motor weakness
in the L4-S1 myotomes.
While positive findings on physical examination of an
individual patient are indicative, the true sensitivity and
specificity of any one or combination of these signs remains
Physical findings thought to be more specific for PS include
external tenderness over the sciatic notch, or tenderness of the
piriformis muscle on either rectal or vaginal examinations.
Three eponymous tests are also suggestive of PS when positive:
1) the Freiberg test (forceful internal rotation of the hip with the
patient supine), 2) the Pace test (reproduction of buttock pain
with resisted hip abduction), and 3) the Beatty test (reproduction
of buttock pain with abduction of the thigh against gravity with
patient in lateral decubitus position). Exacerbation of pain in the
“FAIR” position (affected hip flexed, adducted and internally
rotated) is also a suggestive sign.
Diagnostic Imaging
Diagnostic imaging is invaluable in ruling out other causes of
sciatic nerve irritation such as lumbar disk disease and
radiculopathy, however, controversy exists as to the value of
imaging modalities to document/confirm the presence of
piriformis-related nerve root entrapment.
Although computed tomography may be useful for excluding
pathologies such as hematoma and pelvic tumours, it is not
generally useful in diagnosing PS.9Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) and MR neurography (MRN) have been utilized in a
number of studies to diagnose PS,33-36 yet these studies are
limited to case reports in which specific atypical anatomy was
confirmed at time of surgery. In contrast to this, Sayson37 and
Barton28 found pre-operative MRI failed to diagnose atypical
anatomy that was found intra-operatively. Further undermining
the significance of positive findings on MRI reports, is the study
by Russell et al25 who examined the piriformis muscle and
sciatic nerves in 100 patients who did not have symptoms of PS.
Findings showed that almost one in five subjects had greater
than 3mm of asymmetry in the size of their piriformis muscles,
with a maximum of 8mm, and the percent of nerve roots that
traversed the muscle was < 1% at S1, but 95% and 97% at S2
and S3, respectively. The S4 root was located below the muscle
in 95% of cases.
Magnetic resonance neurography is a relatively new
technique that was developed specifically to enhance the
imaging of nerves.38-40 Filler et al38 defined MRN as “tissue-
selective imaging directed at identifying and evaluating
characteristics of nerve morphology: internal fascicular pattern,
longitudinal variations in signal intensity and calibre, and
connections and relations to other nerves or plexuses.” Its ability
to identify peripheral nerve pathology has been documented
from numerous body sites, including the neck, back, pelvis and
In a widely known study, Filler et al40 utilized MRN to
prospectively investigate 239 patients with sciatica-like pain, in
whom either standard testing had failed to yield a diagnosis or
who had a failed lumbar disk surgery. Results showed that 67%
of this group were diagnosed with PS. Using a validated
outcomes scale (for lumbar disc surgery), 76% experienced a
good or excellent outcome after piriformis surgery. Due to the
specific findings, this study has been cited as validating PS as a
true clinical entity. Tiel5however, disagrees with Filler’s40
conclusions citing methodological and technical problems.
As Tiel5and Stewart14 have both pointed out, there is,
however, the inherent dilemma of tautology, using treatment
response as the standard for diagnosis given the absence of any
way to reliably confirm the diagnosis of PS. In essence, it creates
a self-fulfilling and highly-convenient prophesy where patients
who recover had the condition we thought they had. Moreover,
as Filler41 argues, the dramatic and prolonged response seen in
the majority of patients who had failed all prior attempts at
treatment and were treated by guided injection, strongly
implicate the piriformis as being somehow involved in the pain
mechanism. A critical analysis of the 239 patients with radiating
leg pain revealed that roughly half of the cohort (46%) had been
diagnosed with failed back surgery syndrome, i.e. what is often
referred to as the poorly understood condition of post
discectomy sciatica.40 Similarly, it is difficult to reconcile that
15% (24 patients) of the 162 patients who had the ultimate
diagnosis of PS, had complete relief after a single diagnostic
injection. This is difficult to appreciate given the underlying
potential pathophysiology.
Electrodiagnostic Testing
Electrodiagnostic testing is frequently normal in patients with
a clinical diagnosis of PS. It is very useful in ruling out other
causes with similar symptoms such as radiculopathy, focal
Volume 39, No. 5 – September 2012 579
Figure: The Anatomy of the Sciatic nerve, piriformis muscle, and
surrounding structures.
entrapment neuropathy, and/or a sciatic nerve palsy. Perhaps the
first report using electromyelogram (EMG) to diagnose PS was
from Kipervas42 in 1976. In the English language literature,
Synek43 in 1987 was the first to write about using
electrophysiologic studies for this purpose, reporting the
detection of short latency somatosensory evoked potentials in
four patients. One of the patients had PS while the other three
had spondylopathic cervical radiculopathy, meralgia
paraesthetica, and allodynia secondary to a femoral nerve injury.
The patient with PS occurred after a fall on a concrete surface,
and she demonstrated a sciatic nerve injury with clinical findings
of weakness and sensory loss that correlated with the
electrophysiology, and axonal loss and denervation on needle
EMG, as well as abnormal motor, sensory and H reflex studies.43
This, in our opinion, is a traumatic sciatic nerve injury at the
level of the piriformis muscle, and not Piriformis syndrome per
se. Benson and Schutzer44 reported abnormal EMG findings in
the distribution of the inferior gluteal nerve and the tibial and
peroneal divisions of the sciatic nerve in six of eight patients
who were later shown to have adhesions between the piriformis
muscle, sciatic nerve and the roof of the greater sciatic notch.
They suggested that these findings confirmed extra pelvic
compression of the sciatic nerve. No specific needle EMG or
further information regarding their EMG findings was provided.
In 1990, Chang and Lien45 reported on the comparison of
EMG versus spinal nerve stimulation in patients with L5 or S1
radiculopathies. They found that in 17 patients with objective
clinical evidence of radiculopathy including a neurological
deficit, the EMG was abnormal in 10 (59%), whereas amplitude
and area differences in spinal nerve stimulation were noted in 16
(94%) and 12 patients (71%), respectively. More recently, Chang
et al46 measured motor nerve conduction velocity using magnetic
stimulation in the sciatic nerve in patients who met all three
criteria for diagnosis proposed by Fishman et al47 (sciatica or
gluteal pain in the FAIR position, focal tenderness in the sciatic
notch and a positive Lasègue sign). They detected significant
slowing of motor nerve conduction velocity in the gluteal
component of the L5 root (L5 root to gluteal fold) versus healthy
controls, whereas there was no difference in CMAP amplitude
recording from the tibialas anterior (TA) or gastrocnemius.
Looking specifically at the use of electrodiagnostic testing in
patients with piriformis syndrome while using an epidural
electrode positioned at S3-4, Nakamura et al48 recorded action
potentials from the cauda equina in two patients with piriformis
syndrome symptoms. Recording was completed with the hip and
knee fully extended, the hip flexed and then the hip both flexed
and internally rotated in order to stretch the piriformis muscle
and increase its compressive effect upon the sciatic nerve. They
detected a 30% decrease in amplitude in the piriformis-stretch
position on the symptomatic side, versus just a 10% decrease in
the other two hip positions on the contralateral side. Similarly,
Fishman et al47 documented significant prolongation of both the
posterior tibial and peroneal H-reflexes in symptomatic patients
whose hips are in the FAIR position (flexed, adducted and
internally rotated), and noted that when clinical criteria and
response to treatment were used to define it, a more than three
standard deviation increase (specific for the condition) was
found 83% of the time. Interestingly, the results of these last two
studies47,48 coincide with the results of a study on ten cadavers,26
in which the FAIR or piriformis “stretch” position resulted in
narrowing of the infra-piriformis foramen, the sciatic nerve
being closer to the ischial spine of the hip, and an increase in the
angle between the sciatic nerve and the transverse plane. The
Fishman studies are the only ones in the current literature to
demonstrate abnormalities and prolongation in the FAIR
position of the H-reflex.32,47 This conclusion must be treated
with caution, as a critical review of the data in this non-standard
diagnostic test suggests that the data does not make intuitive
sense. As such, replication in another setting is required but most
importantly must be done in a standardized fashion in patients
with an established set of agreed upon diagnostic criteria in order
for implementation into electrophysiological laboratories. The
H-reflex itself requires further discussion. Most electro-
physiological laboratories perform H-reflex from the soleus or
gastrocnemius and there are normative and side-to-side
comparison data available. There is no such data available for
the peroneal H-reflex recording from the tibialis anterior,
peroneus longus or extensor digitorum longus (EDL). The
original study by Fishman et al47 which describes this technique
has a number of significant flaws related to the onset latency of
the monosynaptic response. We have suggested that the H-reflex
is more sensitive as a diagnostic tool to amplitude than to a delay
in onset latency.49 The recording of H-reflexes with facilitation
is required for the tibialis anterior, peroneus longus or EDL and
is fraught with many technical difficulties. The motor control
literature would suggest that when using the H-reflex to
document motoneuron excitability, or when assessing
facilitation and inhibition, there are complex influences on the
activity dependent changes in the motor pathway.50,51 The effects
of hip joint angle on H-reflex excitability in humans suggests
that there are many important factors that may impact the
amplitude, with depressed H-reflex excitability with the hip
flexed.52 At best, this makes commenting on amplitude a
challenge and at worst, makes the H-reflex highly suspect as an
accurate diagnostic tool. Conceptually however, the idea of
obtaining a long latency response from a peroneal innervated
muscle makes sense but requires validation, in a clinical setting,
using the proposed criteria.
Electrodiagnostic testing requires proximal stimulation above
the piriformis muscle, with an attempt to demonstrate focal
slowing and or conduction block across the piriformis muscle.
This requires near nerve stimulation or root stimulation in the
prone plus FAIR positions in order to reproduce symptoms. This
technique has not been published nor is it available in most
standard electrodiagnostic laboratories. In our opinion, the
results of the Chang et al study,46 requires further study.
Proposed EDX Criteria in evaluating patients with Sciatic Nerve
Injury/ Palsy(*):
1. Standard Motor and Sensory studies in the lower limb
bilaterally with a > 50 % reduction of CMAP and/or SNAP
amplitude with side-to-side comparison
2. Greater than 1 msec difference between sides of Soleus H-
reflex latency
3. Evidence of axonal loss in muscles innervated by the sciatic
nerve on needle EMG of muscles below the piriformis
muscle, and paraspinal muscle EMG must be normal to
exclude a radiculopathy
*The term palsy is an old fashioned word and strictly speaking
means muscle weakness. As such, a nerve cannot suffer a palsy.
This term is often used/misused when discussing nerve damage.
As stated above further research is needed to determine the
side-to-side differences of H-reflexes from the soleus and
peroneus muscles in various postions e.g. FAIR. Furthermore,
electrophysiological studies are providing important and
objective neurophysiological information about clinical
conditions that may mimic PS, not diagnose it.
Treatment of Piriformis Syndrome
Initial non-operative treatment typically consists of
medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID),
muscle relaxants, other medications effective in neuropathic pain
such as pregabalin or gabapentin) and physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy concentrates on piriformis stretching, and
isometric strengthening. Therapists often use the FAIR position
described above in education and treatment. However, there have
been no reported studies in physiotherapy that compare one
technique to the other. The technique of post-isometric relaxation
is a common and helpful addition as are the stretching techniques
of reciprocal inhibition.53,54
Local injection therapy is a mainstay and may be both
diagnostic and therapeutic. Injections may include local
anaesthetic, steroid, both a local anaesthic and steroid or, more
recently, botulinum toxin (BTX). Fishman et al32 studied 353
patients with a diagnosis of PS (using standardized criteria) with
a combination of physiotherapy and a local injection of lidocaine
and triamcinolone. Results showed that 79% of patients
experienced at least a 50% reduction in pain at an average of 16
months post-treatment. Different studies report a variety of
methods to guide injections including imaging,18,20,40,55,56
fluoroscopy16,57,58 and EMG.21,32,59,60
In terms of prolonged pain relief, some of the most
encouraging results are found with the use of botulinum toxin.
Lang21 reported on 20 patients treated with 5000 units of BTX-
B and noted that 95% of patients reported fair to excellent
improvement in pain. Fishman60 attempted to establish dose-
response curves for BTX-B in PS and concluded that 12,500
units was safe and most efficacious. Porta10 and Childers31 both
reported positive outcomes using BTX-A in PS. Childers31
inclusion and exclusion criteria would meet the proposed criteria
outlined below.
There are no prospective, randomized trials that use surgery
to treat PS. Rather, a number of small case studies report positive
results using non-validated outcome measures.41,44,61 Benson44
reported on 14 patients with post-traumatic PS that were treated
with piriformis tenotomy and sciatic neurolysis. Eight of the 14
patients underwent pre-operative EMG testing and of the eight
patients, six showed extra-pelvic compression of the sciatic
nerve. On a non-validated outcome scale, the study reported that
there were 11 excellent and 4 good results. Filler and
colleagues40 have described the use of surgical resection for PM
in 62 patients with piriformis syndrome who had not obtained
relief by local anaesthetic injections. They found 59% had an
excellent outcome and 4% showed no benefit. Both Tiel5and
Stewart4have criticized the conclusions of this paper.
Most surgeons treating patient(s) with symptoms suggestive
of PS require a reasonable yet unsuccessful period of
conservative treatment (i.e. physiotherapy, imaging and
electrodiagnostic findings) in order to rule out other causes of
sciatic nerve involvement. A brief yet consistent response to
injection with local anaesthetic and/or BTX may also be
involved. Utilization of these treatments may increase the
frequency of symptom improvement, however there are no
The diagnosis of PS remains controversial due to a lack of
definitive diagnostic criteria. Stewart’s4,14 suggestion to base the
diagnosis on a template previously utilized for thoracic outlet
syndrome (TOS) is reasonable but must be reviewed as the use
of such criteria to diagnose TOS has not completely stopped the
controversy of that diagnosis in the upper extremity. Papers such
as that of Hopayian29 are useful attempts to bring some clarity to
the diagnostic criteria.
In conclusion, from the perspective of the electromyographer,
there is a role for EMG, nerve conduction studies, and nerve
stimulation in the diagnosis and management of PS. The
specifics and magnitude of their roles however, must be tested
further within the confines of formal comparative clinical trials.
It appears at present that the most important aspect of
electrodiagnostic testing is for ruling out more common
conditions and evaluating the differential diagnosis (e.g.,
peroneal nerve entrapment, an L5 radiculopathy, or a sciatic
nerve palsy).
We do not feel that criteria are required for the entity
described by Stewart,4,14 as neurogenic or post-traumatic PS.
These are proximal sciatic neuropathies which can be
differentiated from the controversial entity known as PS. We
suggest that the following criteria be used to describe the non-
specific piriformis syndrome:
Proposed Criteria for the classification of Piriformis Syndrome
1. Buttock and leg pain made worse with sitting, stair climbing
and/or leg crossing
2. Pain and tenderness to palpation of the sciatic notch area
(piriformis muscle) and pain with increased PM tension
3. No evidence of axonal loss to the sciatic nerve on
electrophysiological testing
4. No evidence of abnormal imaging or other entity that could
explain the presenting features of sciatica (e.g.
radiculopathy, tumor, etc.)
5. Reduction of > 60% of buttock and leg pain with diagnostic
injection into the piriformis muscle under radiographic
imaging (Fluoroscopic or Ultrasound) and or EMG guidance
Given that a true gold standard for diagnosis is difficult to
establish, it is suggested that a positive outcome from standard
PS treatments on a prospective trial would validate the criteria.
This analysis would be similar to how other syndromes are
evaluated and studied and will include the development of
diagnostic criteria. We are proposing that as in the classification
and diagnosis of rheumatic diseases, a set of criteria can be used
as guidelines for classification of disease syndromes, for the
purpose of patients taking part in clinical investigation. One
Volume 39, No. 5 – September 2012 581
must be cautious in such application because criteria can be
developed with several different purposes in mind, e.g. to
classify a group of patients, diagnose individual patients, or to
estimate disease frequency and or to determine prognosis. In
this case we are suggesting the above as diagnostic criteria, as a
way to select patients for future therapeutic trials.
The authors thank Heather Askes for assistance with the
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Volume 39, No. 5 – September 2012 583
... Its clinical presentation can be similar to those of lumbar disc herniation, stenosis, radiculopathy, and neurogenic pain, complicating the diagnostic process. 4 Historically, the diagnosis of PS has relied primarily on physical examination and has been considered a diagnosis of exclusion due to the absence of direct, compelling imaging evidence. 5 Traditional diagnostic approaches include clinical assessments, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT) scans. ...
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Piriformis Syndrome (PS) is a neuromuscular condition caused by the entrapment of the sciatic nerve at the level of the piriformis muscle (PM) and can cause significant discomfort and disability. PS is often misdiagnosed due to its overlapping symptoms with other lumbar and sciatic issues and as such, diagnosing PS remains challenging despite recent invasive and non-invasive diagnostic methods. Diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK US) offers a non-invasive, cost-effective alternative for the identification and evaluation of PS, providing dynamic, real-time imaging of the PM and adjacent structures. This article reviews the applications, advantages, and procedural insights of MSK US in the diagnosis of PS, emphasizing its relevance in rehabilitation settings. We discuss the technical aspects of ultrasound use, interpretation of findings, and integration into clinical practice, aiming to enhance the diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic outcomes for patients with suspected PS.
... In previous studies on stretching in patients with piriformis syndrome, a combination of hip flexion, adduction, and internal rotation (IR) or external rotation (ER) has been used. 5,7,8 However, it is unclear whether IR or ER of the hip is better for PM stretching. The length of a muscle increases when the muscle origin and insertion move apart. ...
Context : Piriformis syndrome is often associated with muscle spasms and shortening of the piriformis muscle (PM). Physical therapy, including static stretching of the PM, is one of the treatments for this syndrome. However, the effective stretching position of the PM is unclear in vivo. This study aimed to determine the effective stretching positions of the PM using ultrasonic shear wave elastography. Design : Observational study. Methods : Twenty-one healthy young men (22.7 [2.4] y) participated in this study. The shear elastic modulus of the PM was measured at 12 stretching positions using shear wave elastography. Three of the 12 positions were tested with maximum internal rotation at 0°, 20°, or 40° hip adduction in 90° hip flexion. Nine of the 12 positions were tested with maximum external rotation at positions combined with 3 hip-flexion angles (70°, 90°, and 110°) and 3 hip-adduction angles (0°, 20°, and 40°). Results : The shear elastic modulus of the PM was significantly higher in the order of 40°, 20°, and 0° of adduction and higher in external rotation than in internal rotation. The shear elastic modulus of the PM was significantly greater in combined 110° hip flexion and 40° adduction with maximum external rotation than in all other positions. Conclusion : This study revealed that the position in which the PM was most stretched was maximum external rotation with 110° hip flexion and 40° hip adduction.
... Distal insertion is situated at the level of the superior greater trochanter ( Figure 6). Its contraction determines the external rotation of the hip and, secondarily, abduction when it is flexed [48,52]. ...
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Entrapment neuropathies of the lower limb are a misunderstood and underdiagnosed group of disorders, characterized by pain and dysesthesia, muscular weakness, and specific provoking movements on physical examination. The most frequent of these syndromes encountered in clinical practice are fibular nerve entrapment, proximal tibial neuropathy, sural nerve neuropathy, deep gluteal syndrome or sciatic nerve entrapment, and lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment, also known as meralgia paresthetica. These are commonly mistaken for lumbar plexopathies, radiculopathies, and musculotendinous diseases, which appear even more frequently and have overlapping clinical presentations. A comprehensive anamnesis, physical examination, and electrodiagnostic studies should help clarify the diagnosis. If the diagnosis is still unclear or a secondary cause of entrapment is suspected, magnetic resonance neurography, MRI, or ultrasonography should be conducted to clarify the etiology, rule out other diseases, and confirm the diagnosis. The aim of this narrative review was to help clinicians gain familiarity with this disease, with an increase in diagnostic confidence, leading to early diagnosis of nerve damage and prevention of muscle atrophy. We reviewed the epidemiology, anatomy, pathophysiology, etiology, clinical presentation, and EDX technique and interpretation of the entrapment neuropathies of the lower limb, using articles published from 1970 to 2022 included in the Pubmed, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Scopus databases.
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Background In deep gluteal syndrome (DGS), the piriformis muscle could impinge the sciatic nerve. The FAIR (flexion adduction internal rotation) test is a provocation test used to identify sciatic nerve irritation caused by this muscle. Compression and stretching exercises are usually prescribed to treat this syndrome. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of these two treatments on surface electromyography (sEMG) of the gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior in patients with low back pain (LBP) and DGS. Materials and methods Forty-five participants were allocated to three groups of stretching exercise, compression or control. In addition to 15 min of heat and 15 min of electrical nerve stimulation for pain relief, participants in the compression exercise (CE) group received self-compression exercise, those in the stretching exercise (SE) group received self-stretching exercise and those in the control group received no extra interventions. For the two intervention groups, three sets of two minutes of exercise with two minutes of rest in between were applied. The sEMG amplitude values of the gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles of the affected buttock side of any one group while performing the FAIR test were compared to the others. Pain and disability were assessed and the changes were compared between the two groups. Results After the intervention period, no group demonstrated a change in the sEMG of the gastrocnemius or tibialis anterior muscles (p > 0.05). There was no difference in the change in this variable between groups (Mean difference (95% CI) of gastrocnemius was ranged over= -4.04 to 7.72 (-19.44 to 23.14); p = 0.603); (Mean difference (95% CI) of tibialis anterior muscles was ranged from − 2.44 to -6.43 (-18.28 to 9.31); p = 0.550).; Pain and disability also decreased significantly in all three study groups (p < 0.05). However, only the disability of patients who performed stretching exercises improved compared to the compression exercise group (Mean difference (95% CI) = -12.62 (-20.41 to -4.38); p = 0.009). Conclusion Neither stretching nor compression exercises altered the sEMG of the gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles in patients with DGS. Furthermore, performing stretching exercises improved disability compared to the other interventions. Trial registration The trial was retrospectively registered in the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials ( on 10/01/2017 as IRCT201604178035N4. URL of the record:
Background/Aims Piriformis syndrome is a condition caused by compression of the sciatic nerve, causing pain, tingling and numbness. Although conservative treatment includes hip muscle strengthening and stretching, there is no proven treatment method in the literature. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of stretching and myofascial releasing methods added to traditional physiotherapy in piriformis syndrome. Methods This prospective, randomised controlled study was completed with 63 individuals between the ages of 20 and 40 years. Participants were randomised into three groups: piriformis muscle stretch group (n=22), self-myofascial release group (n=21) and control group (n=20). All participants were enrolled in a 4-week muscle strengthening home exercise programme. In addition, the two intervention groups performed stretching and self-myofascial relaxation exercises respectively. The primary outcome was pain intensity and the secondary outcome was the range of motion of the hip. Results After 4 weeks of exercises, the level of pain intensity felt in the hip decreased significantly and hip joint range of motion increased significantly in all three groups (P<0.05). In the intergroup analysis, self-myofascial release was found to be more effective in reducing the pain level (F3=3.595, P=0.034). The increase in hip adduction and extension joint range of motion was found to be higher in the control group (F3=4.931, P=0.011 and F3=6.432, P=0.003 respectively). Conclusions Stretching and myofascial releasing methods applied in addition to conventional exercises might improve pain intensity and range of motion as alternative methods for treating piriformis syndrome.
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Piriformis syndrome (PS) is a debilitating condition characterized by pain, numbness, and tingling sensations in the buttocks and lower extremities resulting from compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle, a small muscle located deep within the gluteal region. The piriformis muscle functions as an external rotator of the hip and is adjacently related to the sciatic nerve. While the anatomy of the piriformis muscle and its relationship with the sciatic nerve is well-known, there are significant variations in their structure and position among individuals. These anatomical variations can contribute to the development and clinical presentation of PS (Hicks BL, Lam JC, Varacallo M. Piriformis Syndrome. StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL)2023.). This chapter aims to comprehend the variations of the piriformis muscle and sciatic nerve and their implications in the pathogenesis and management of PS.
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Objective: The goal of this research was to determine the prevalence of Piriformis syndrome in patients with chronic low back pain who were diagnosed clinically using a modified version of the FAIR test. Pain in the buttocks, with or without involvement of the sciatic nerve, is the hallmark symptom of piriformis syndrome. Due to its appearance being similar to other spine disorders, this illness is commonly missed in clinical practice. Lack of a single, highly specific test for piriformis syndrome, as well as the lack of consistent objective results, presents a significant challenge for clinical diagnosis. Methodology: This cross-sectional research included 224 individuals with chronic LOW BACK PAIN and gluteal area pain of varying aetiologies who had previously been seen at various "health care" facilities in Lahore and had received clearance from the university. Result: Out of a total of 224, 53 (or 23.7%) were found to have Piriformis syndrome, whereas 171 (or 76.3%) were found to be syndrome-free. Seventeen (7.59%) of those diagnosed with Piriformis syndrome also had sciatica. Conclusion: The results suggest that Piriformis syndrome is a common contributor to low back pain. The results of this research suggest that Piriformis syndrome is a significant risk factor for triggering low back pain. In cases of persistent buttock or low back discomfort, piriformis syndrome should always be considered. Clinical diagnosis of piriformis syndrome may be confirmed by using a modified FAIR test in conjunction with an injection into the piriformis muscle.
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Piriformis syndrome, sciatica caused by compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle, has been described for over 70 years; yet, it remains controversial. The literature consists mainly of case series and narrative reviews. The objectives of the study were: first, to make the best use of existing evidence to estimate the frequencies of clinical features in patients reported to have PS; second, to identify future research questions. A systematic review was conducted of any study type that reported extractable data relevant to diagnosis. The search included all studies up to 1 March 2008 in four databases: AMED, CINAHL, Embase and Medline. Screening, data extraction and analysis were all performed independently by two reviewers. A total of 55 studies were included: 51 individual and 3 aggregated data studies, and 1 combined study. The most common features found were: buttock pain, external tenderness over the greater sciatic notch, aggravation of the pain through sitting and augmentation of the pain with manoeuvres that increase piriformis muscle tension. Future research could start with comparing the frequencies of these features in sciatica patients with and without disc herniation or spinal stenosis.
The author investigated in 130 anatomical specimens the topographical relations of the sciatic nerve and the musculus piriformis in order to explain the clinical syndrome of the m. piriformis. The author found that in 6.15% of cases the ncrvus peroneus communis passes between the tendinous parts ofthe m. piriformis, and he considers this variation of practical significance for the development ofthe "piriformis syndrome". In unward rotation ofthe thigh, the m. piriformis is extended and the tendons of the divided muscle are tightly pressed together thus pinching the nerve between them. Pinching ofthe nerve causes the characteristic sciatic pain, in such a case, the patient can be relieved by cutting one of the tendons.
Background Piriformis syndrome can be caused by anatomic abnormalities. The treatments of piriformis syndrome include the injection of steroid into the piriformis muscle and near the area of the sciatic nerve. These techniques use either fluoroscopy and muscle electromyography to identify the piriformis muscle or a nerve stimulator to stimulate the sciatic nerve. Methods The authors performed a cadaver study and noted anatomic variations of the piriformis muscle and sciatic nerve. To standardize their technique of injection, they also noted the distance from the lower border of the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) to the sciatic nerve. They retrospectively reviewed the charts of 19 patients who had received piriformis muscle injections, noting the site of needle insertion in terms of the distance from the lower border of the SIJ and the depth of needle insertion at which the motor response of the foot was elicited. The authors tabulated the response of the patients to the injection, any associated diagnoses, and previous treatments that these patients had before the injection. Finally, they reviewed the literature on piriformis syndrome, a rare cause of buttock pain and sciatica. Results In the cadavers, the distance from the lower border of the SIJ to the sciatic nerve was 2.9 +/- 0.6 (1.8-3.7) cm laterally and 0.7 +/- 0.7 (0.0-2.5) cm caudally. In 65 specimens, the sciatic nerve passed anterior and inferior to the piriformis. In one specimen, the muscle was bipartite and the two components of the sciatic nerve were separate, with the tibial nerve passing below the piriformis and the peroneal nerve passing between the two components of the muscle. In the patients who received the injections, the site of needle insertion was 1.5 +/- 0.8 (0.4-3.0) cm lateral and 1.2 +/- 0.6 (0.5-2.0) cm caudal to the lower border of the SIJ as seen on fluoroscopy. The needle was inserted at a depth of 9.2 +/- 1.5 (7.5-13.0) cm to stimulate the sciatic nerve. Patients had comorbid etiologies including herniated disc, failed back surgery syndrome, spinal stenosis, facet syndrome, SIJ dysfunction, and complex regional pain syndrome. Sixteen of the 19 patients responded to the injection, their improvements ranged from a few hours to 3 months. Conclusions Anatomic abnormalities causing piriformis syndrome are rare. The technique used in the current study was successful in injecting the medications near the area of the sciatic nerve and into the piriformis muscle.
CURRENT MANEUVERS TO diagnose the piriformis syndrome are less than ideal. Freiberg's maneuver of forceful internal rotation of the extended thigh elicits buttock pain by stretching the piriformis muscle, and Pace's maneuver elicits pain by having the patient abduct the legs in the seated position, which causes a contraction of the piriformis muscle. This report describes a maneuver performed by the patient lying with the painful side up, the painful leg flexed, and the knee resting on the table. Buttock pain is produced when the patient lifts and holds the knee several inches off the table. The maneuver produced deep buttock pain in three patients with piriformis syndrome. In 100 consecutive patients with surgically documented herniated lumbar discs, the maneuver often produced lumbar and leg pain but not deep buttock pain. In 27 patients with primary hip abnormalities, pain was often produced in the trochanteric area but not in the buttock. The maneuver described in this report was helpful in diagnosing the piriformis syndrome. It relies on contraction of the muscle, rather than stretching, which the author believes better reproduces the actual syndrome.
Vicinity of the Piriformis Muscle. Lesions of the proximal sciatic nerve in the area of the sciatic notch may occur from endometriosis, tumors, hematomas, fibrosis, aneurysms, false aneurysms, or arteriovenous malformations. Some authors have diagnosed such patients as having PS. Since the piriformis muscle plays no role in these situations, such causes of sciatic neuropathy are best included under the rubric “proximal sciatic neuropathies.”
We examined the amplitude modulation of the soleus (Sol) H-reflex during controlled variations of the hip joint angle in 21 healthy adult human subjects. Hip angle variations were imposed separately, or in combination either with stimulation of the plantar skin or with electrical activation of muscle afferents from the medial gastrocnemius (MG) nerve. We found that with subjects in the supine position, flexion of the hip significantly depressed Sol H-reflex excitability, by as much as 50% of control reflex values (Ho) recorded at 10° of hip flexion. Conversely, significant facilitation of the H-reflex was observed when the hip joint was extended (10°), with amplitudes reaching 200±15.3% of Ho. Changes in H-reflex amplitude were also observed during electrical stimulation of either the foot sole or the MG nerve, when stimuli were delivered at different hip angles. Foot sole stimulation resulted in facilitation of the H-reflex with the hip extended while depression of the reflex was recorded with the hip flexed. In contrast, MG nerve stimulation at group-I muscle afferent strength resulted in a significant increase in the Sol H-reflex magnitude with the hip flexed, while during hip extension, suppression of the H-reflex was present. This study provides evidence for the existence of a spinal mechanism, determined principally by the hip joint angle, which promotes switching between inhibitory and facilitatory pathways during hip flexion and extension. The origins of such a spinal mechanism are discussed.
The objective was to evaluate the piriformis muscles and their relationship to the sacral nerve roots on T1-weighted MRI in patients with no history or clinical suspicion of piriformis syndrome. Axial oblique and sagittal T1-weighted images of the sacrum were obtained in 100 sequential patients (200 pairs of sacral roots) undergoing routine MRI examinations. The relationship of the sacral nerve roots to the piriformis muscles and piriformis muscle size were evaluated, as were clinical symptoms via a questionnaire. The S1 nerve roots were located above the piriformis muscle in 99.5% of cases (n=199). The S2 nerve roots were located above the piriformis muscle in 25% of cases (n=50), and traversed the muscle in 75% (n=150). The S3 nerve roots were located above the piriformis muscle in 0.5% of cases (n=1), below the muscle in 2.5% (n=5), and traversed the muscle in 97% (n=194). The S4 nerve roots were located below the muscle in 95% (n=190). The piriformis muscles ranged in size from 0.8-3.2 cm, with an average size of 1.9 cm. Nineteen percent of patients had greater than 3 mm of asymmetry in the size of the piriformis muscle, with a maximum asymmetry of 8 mm noted. The S1 nerve roots course above the piriformis muscle in more than 99% of patients. The S2 roots traverse the piriformis muscle in 75% of patients. The S3 nerve roots traverse the piriformis muscle in 97% of patients. Piriformis muscle size asymmetry is common, with muscle asymmetry of up to 8 mm identified.