Conference PaperPDF Available

Analysis of methane oxidation and dynamics of methanotrophs within a passive methane oxidation barrier

  • Faculty of Science Ain Chock, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco


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Proceedings Sardinia 2007, Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy; 1 - 5 October 2007
2007 by CISA, Environmental Sanitary Engineering Centre, Italy
* Department of Civil Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke,
Quebec, J1K 2R1, Canada
** Department of Soil Science, Université Laval, Quebec, Quebec, Canada
*** Biotechnology Research Institute, Montreal, Quebec, H4P 2R2 Canada.
SUMMARY: A passive methane oxidation barrier was built on the existing final cover of the St-
Nicéphore MSW landfill, Quebec, Canada. The main goals of this field experiment are to
evaluate CH4 abatement and to study the dynamics of methanotrophs in a Nordic environment.
Preliminary results show that CH4 is being oxidized and that the oxidation zone fluctuates with
changes in environmental parameters, mainly the degree of water saturation. The effects of
atmospheric pressure and temperature are also analyzed. Over the monitoring period, changes in
methanotrophic bacteria counts exhibited different steps and important variations within the CH4
oxidation zone.
Methane (CH4) is a potent greenhouse gas. It absorbs infrared radiation more effectively than
CO2 (Crutzen, 1991) and its atmospheric concentration is increasing at a rate of 0.6% per year
(IPCC 2001). This increase has been linked to global climate change. It is now estimated that as
much as 70% of CH4 emissions are due to human activities, and as much as 19% of the increase
can be attributed to landfill emissions (IPCC 2001). Management practices to reduce these
emissions from landfills include gas collection systems; however, even at sites with gas
collection systems, significant amounts of biogas can still escape as fugitive emissions.
It has been shown that CH4 emitted to the atmosphere from landfills can be oxidized by
methanotrophic bacteria in landfill top covers (Gebert and Gröngröft 2006a; Humer and Lechner
2001; etc.). The capacity of this top layer to oxidize CH4 depends on both the physical and
chemical properties of the cover material, on the biogas flow rate and its quality, and on climatic
parameters such as atmospheric pressure and temperature. Therefore, it should be feasible to
develop a mitigation strategy incorporating a combination of engineered and natural
methanotrophic controls, by means of a designed landfill cover that would promote growth of
methane oxidizing bacteria, while performing its other purposes, mainly infiltration control. Such
an approach might provide a complementary strategy for the control of CH4 emissions,
particularly at older sites where flaring or energy recovery is not economically feasible.
Sardinia 2007, Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
This prompted an ongoing multidisciplinary project that jointly considers geotechnical,
hydraulic, physico-chemical, environmental, climatic and microbiological aspects in assessing
the efficiency of landfill cover materials that would act as passive methane oxidation barrier
(PMOB). This paper presents the design of one of three experimental PMOBs built at the St-
Nicéphore landfill, Quebec, Canada, as well as the preliminary results obtained during the
summer and fall of 2006. This includes results of CH4 abatement due to methanotrophic activity,
methanotrophic bacteria counts and an evaluation of the effects of some environmental factors on
CH4 abatement. Other aspects and goals of the project will be addressed in future publications.
In addition to fulfilling its role of controlling infiltration, a landfill cover system can be
engineered to attenuate biogas emissions, notably CH4. Several types of PMOB designs have
been proposed: in some cases, additional layers to the cover system have been proposed in order
to be able to count on passive oxidation (e.g. Ameis site, in Austria; Huber-Humer and Lechner
2002). In Germany, Gebert and Gröngröft (2006a) proposed a biofilter consisting mainly of
crushed porous clay covered with a thin layer of top soil. In France, Morcet et al. (2003) reported
experiments conducted at the Montreuil-sur-Barse site, where a PMOB was built consisting of
0.30 m of organic soil on top of a GCL (geotextile clay liner), placed on top of a layer of sand.
Four PMOBs have been built in Australia with a profile of 1.2 m of organic soil (different for
each of the four) on top of 0.5 m of gravel (Dever et al. 2005). As can be observed, there is a
multitude of possible PMOB designs. In addition, there is also great variation in the oxidation
rates obtained (e.g. 10% reported by Czepiel et al. (1996), 70% recorded by Hettiaratchi and
Pokhrel (2003), etc.).
CH4 oxidation within a PMOB is a microbiological process and the choice of substrate used
to support the proliferation of microorganisms responsible for this activity (i.e. methanotrophic
bacteria) is a key factor of expected outcomes. Compost in its pure state would be the preferable
substrate to sustain optimum development of methanotrophic bacteria, due to its high content in
organic matter (Hilger and Humer 2003) and nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus) that are essential
to biomass biosynthesis. However, compost mixed with a bulking agent would be more effective
since the bulking agent greatly facilitates oxygen migration and helps to limit pore obstruction
by exopolymeric substances (EPS) (Streese and Stegmann 2003). According to Hettiaratchi and
Pokhrel (2003), the minimum percentage of compost that would significantly improve the
growth of methanotrophs, and implicitly the biological oxidation of CH4, would be 50%. This
remains to be confirmed, particularly in the field and in different environments.
In a PMOB, the oxidation rate of CH4 and the growth of methanotrophic bacteria are
contingent upon the concentration of O2 and CH4. The O2/CH4 ratio required is 2:1 (this is
equivalent to 2 L O2 / l L CH4) and the minimum O2 concentration required is in the vicinity of
3% (Czepiel et al. 1996; De Visscher et al. 1999).
The O2/CH4 ratio is greatly influenced by the humidity of the materials. Some laboratory
incubation tests (microcosms) have shown that compost from biosolids (from municipal wastes)
with a water content greater than 45% performed better than a soil with a low water content of
17% (Humer and Lechner 1999; Hilger and Humer 2003). According to Boeckx (1996) and
Figueroa (1993) the optimal water content for CH4 oxidation would be around 50%.
But the parameter that best expresses the relative importance of humidity within a PMOB is
the degree of water saturation, Sr, defined as the ratio between the volume of water and the
volume of voids. This parameter implicitly considers the available space for gases to circulate.
Indeed, despite the fact that a high Sr may favour better oxidation of CH4 (humidity favouring
bacterial growth), when Sr approaches values in the range of 85%, the air phase in the pores risks
Sardinia 2007, Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
becoming occluded (Aachib et al. 2004; Cabral et al. 2004), resulting in a reduced flow of gases,
which reduces the effectiveness of the PMOB.
Generally, passive CH4 oxidation research does not take into account other geotechnical
parameters that provide an idea of the conditions of the porous environment in which
methanotrophs evolve and where biogases and O2 must migrate. For example, it is rare in the
technical literature to find data about the compaction conditions and the water retention capacity
of the materials used in a PMOB. Yet, both affect water and gas flow, therefore the degree of
water saturation of the PMOB.
The performance of a PMOB can also be strongly affected by different environmental and
physico-chemical variables of the environment such as the temperature and the pH of the soil.
Key environmental variables such as precipitation, external temperature and barometric pressure
may also affect gas migration (therefore microbial oxidation of CH4). Precipitation has a direct
influence on the degree of saturation.
Methanotrophic bacteria activity – therefore microbial oxidation of CH4 - is dependent on the
temperature of the soil; most methanotrophic bacteria are mesophilic and grow at temperatures
between 15 and 30°C (Boeckx and Van Cleemput 2000). Their activity is weak at temperatures
lower than 5°C, increases at temperatures close to 15°C and significantly increases above 20°C
(e.g. Boeckx et al. 1999), reaching its optimum at close to 30°C (Nolting et al. 1995).
As for pH, its optimal value for the development of methanotrophic bacteria is between 5.5
and 8.5. This range of values may represent an important advantage, since biosynthesis reactions
related to CH4 oxidation, or the decrease in the concentration of O2, are among the factors that
could contribute to change the pH of the environment (Hilger et al. 2000). Lastly, changes in
barometric pressure may affect O2 flow within the PMOB, especially if the substrate is very
porous (Gebert and Gröngröft 2006b). In cases where the barometric pressure remains low for
extended periods of time, there is greater difficulty for molecular O2 to diffuse into the substrate
beyond 0.4 to 0.5 m; with O2 concentrations falling below the minimum 3% mentioned above,
the efficiency of the PMOB is affected.
Three experimental plots measuring 2.75 m (W) x 9.75 m (L) have been built. The general
design of each of the plots consisted of a layer of substrate that optimizes microbial activity, on
top of a coarse material that ensures uniform distribution of biogas at the base of the substrate
layer. Certain design parameters differ from one plot to the other; in this paper, only details
pertaining to PMOB-1 are presented (Figure 1a). Tensiometers, water content and temperature
probes and gas probes were installed at four separate downgradient points and at different depths
in each profile (Figure 1b). Also, 0.15 m-thick polystyrene panels were placed on the walls of
the plots to thermally insulate the PMOB from the outside environment, thereby preventing
lateral migration of water due to thermal gradients. A weather station has been set up on site.
3.1 Materials constituting the PMOB-1
The plot is fed by biogas produced by the buried waste mass underneath (Figure 1a). A layer of
coarse gravel helps to distribute the biogas uniformly, whereas a second layer of finer gravel
allows for a better transition to the finer substrate layer. The 0.8 m-thick substrate layer consists
of a mixture of sand and compost, in a ratio of 5 volumes of compost for 1 volume of sand
(before sieving). The specific gravity of the substrate is 2290 kg/m³. It was placed in four 0.2 m-
layers and compacted with a vibrating plate to obtain layers with an average density of 838.8
kg/m³ (or 85% of the optimum Proctor standard).
Sardinia 2007, Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
-0.2 m
-0.4 m
-0.6 m
-0.8 m
-0.1 m
-0.25 m
-0.45 m
-0.7 m
-0.2 m
-0.4 m
-0.6 m
-0.8 m
-0.1 m
-0.2 m
-0.3 m
-0.4 m
-0.6 m
-0.82 m
Tensiometer Water content Temperature
-0.2 m
-0.4 m
-0.6 m
-0.8 m
-0.1 m
-0.25 m
-0.45 m
-0.7 m
-0.2 m
-0.4 m
-0.6 m
-0.8 m
-0.1 m
-0.2 m
-0.3 m
-0.4 m
-0.6 m
-0.82 m
Tensiometer Water content Temperature
2.75 m
Sand / compost
2.45 m
0.80 m
Gravel (6.4 mm net)
Panneau de polystyrène
0.15 m
0.10 m
FOAM (insulation)
FOAM (insulation)
Existing cover (mineral soil)
var. Gravel (12.7 mm net)
Figure 1. (a) Lateral cross-section view of PMOB-1; (b) Scheme of instrumentation profile
within the PMOBs
3.2 Monitoring of environmental, physico-chemical and microbiological parameters
Meteorological data, including precipitation and atmospheric pressure, were continuously
recorded by the weather station. Within the PMOB, temperature and water content values were
measured at 4 different reference depths (Figure 1b), with temperature probes (HOBO U12, from
Onset) and water content probes (ECH2O EC-5, from Decagon) connected to dataloggers.
Gas profiles (O2, CO2, and CH4) were established based on weekly analyses conducted in situ.
For this, gas samples collected from the gas probes were analyzed using a portable infrared gas
analyzer (Columbus Instruments).
Soil samples were collected monthly from the uppermost part of the substrate (0-0.1, 0.1-0.2,
0.2-0.3, 0.3-0.4 m) using soil core tubes. The samples were kept at 4ºC until analysis in the
laboratory, which usually was performed within 24-hours. For each sampling campaign, the soil
samples were analyzed for moisture content, organic matter content (by loss-on-ignition at 550ºC
for 2h) and pH (determined in distilled water 1:3 v/v). Methanotroph counting was done by
means of the most probable number method, using soil slurries serially diluted in microliter
plates containing ammonium mineral salts medium. The plates were incubated for 4 weeks at
30ºC in gastight jars containing CH4 in air.
4.1 Analysis of oxidation data from the field
To simplify the presentation and discussion of the results, the sand/compost layer was divided in
two 0.4 m-thick layers. The average degree of water saturation throughout the entire monitoring
period was higher in the lower layer, where it approached 90% (Figure 2a). In the upper layer,
the average value fluctuated between 84 and 88%. However, the two curves illustreating the
evolution of the degree of water saturation over time within the layers exhibited similar trends
(Figure 2a).
Sardinia 2007, Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
Figure 2. Evolution of (a) precipitation and degree of saturation in the PMOB-1; (b)
atmospheric pressure (external); and (c) temperature within the PMOB-1
As expected, and as shown in Figure 2a, the degree of saturation was sensitive to variations in
the precipitation level. Indeed, two or three days after rainfall intensities equal or greater than 15
mm/day, peaks in the degree of saturation could be observed. As also expected, the daily
fluctuations of temperature are more perceptible in the upper layer than in the lower layer
(Figure 2c). The atmospheric pressure, the importance of which was previously mentioned,
underwent a few variations of some intensity (for example, -3.5kPa during the day of Sept. 24
and +2.5kPa on Oct. 6/7; Figure 2b).
As shown in Figure 3, the concentrations of CH4 contained in the biogas samples collected at
the base of the substrate layer (0.8 m deep) was around 50% and remained practically constant
from one sampling campaign to another. These percentages are of the same level as those
commonly found in landfill biogas. With the exception of the data collected during the first two
collection campaigns (Figure 3a), where there is a decrease in the CH4 concentration for all the
profile, in most cases the concentrations recorded at the base of the substrate layer decreased
very little or not at all between 0.8 and 0.4 m. This suggests, therefore, that microbial oxidation
of CH4 in this area is low. In fact, the most significant decreases in CH4 concentration are usually
observed between 0.4 m and the surface (particularly near the surface, i.e. from 0.1 to 0.0 m). It
is precisely in the area between 0.4 m and the surface that were observed variations in the total
number of methanotrophic bacteria (Figure 4). Given that O2 and CH4 concentrations at the
surface were obtained from measurements made with dynamic chambers, results from the
surface-most crust (0-0.1 m) should be interpreted with caution, not only for CH4 but also O2.
Sardinia 2007, Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
0 102030405060
CH4-20 jul
CH4-2 aug
O2-20 jul
O2-2 aug
Gas concen trati on (%)
0 102030405060
CH4-8 aug
CH4-15 aug
O2-8 aug
O2-15 aug
Gas concentration (%)
0 1020304050 60
CH4-1 sep
CH4-5 sep
O2-1 sep
O2- 5 sep
Gas concen trati on (%)
0 102030405060
CH4-11 sep
CH4-18 sep
O2-11 sep
O2-18 sep
Gas concentration (%)
0 102030405060
CH4-25 sep
CH4-2 oct
O2-25 sep
O2-2 oct
Gas co ncentration (%)
0 102030 405060
CH4-9 oct
CH4-16 oct
O2-9 oct
O2-16 oct
Gas concentration (%)
* Variations (standard deviations) in other cases were similar to this one, except at 0.2 m in (f))
Figure 3 - CH4 and O2 concentration profiles from Jul. 20 to Oct. 16
The oxygen profiles protrayed in Figure 3 indicate a large drop in O2 concentration starting from
a depth of 0.1 m, where it can be less than the critical value of 3%. Such low concentrations may
explain the low oxidation rates (expressed as decreases in CH4 concentration) observed deep
within the layer (Figure 3). The migration of O2 may also be affected by the presence of other
aerobic microorganisms near the surface.
An increase in the concentration of CH4 from Jul. 20 - Aug. 2 can also be seen in Figure 3a.
This increase follows strong precipitations and a decrease in atmospheric pressure. The
concentration profiles for Aug. 8th and Aug. 15th (which are very similar) are presented in Figure
3b. The latter is a period when the oxidation front moved from 0.2 to 0.4 m and during which the
atmospheric pressures and rainfall remained quite low. Some changes in meteorological
conditions affected the concentration profiles on Sept. 1st and Sept. 5th (Figure 3c). In fact, Sept.
1st corresponds to a time of low precipitation and high atmospheric pressure (which favours the
influx of O2), while 3 days before Sept. 5th, high precipitations were recorded. In addition, the
atmospheric pressure on Sept. 5th is significantly lower than on Sept. 1st (difference of 1.3 kPa).
Consequently, the oxidation front on Sept. 1st is lower (close to 0.3 m) than that on Sept. 5th,
which is above 0.1 m.
(c) (b) (a)
(f) (e) (d)
Sardinia 2007, Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
6.7 7.0 7.2 7.5
Soil layer (cm)
Soil moisture (%)
40 50 60 70 80
CFU/FW g soil
01 Jun
27 Jun
20 Jul
11 Sep
09 Oct
06 Nov
27 Nov
Organic matter (%)
18 21 24 27 30
Soil layer (cm)
Figure 4. Temporal evolution of pH, organic matter, soil moisture and colony-forming units
(CFU) of methanotrophs in the profile of PMOB-1
The concentration profiles from the Sept. 11 - 18 (Figure 3d) correspond to a period of a drop
in atmospheric pressure and low rains, both hindering O2 migration. The oxidation front on Sept.
11th is close to 0.3 m. However, with the drop in pressure, this oxidation front is drawn closer to
the surface on Sept. 18th. The concentration profiles for Sept. 25th and Oct. 2nd are presented in
(Figure 3e). Sept. 25th is characterized by little recent precipitation and very low atmospheric
pressure. The latter is notably higher on Oct. 2nd, favouring the influx of O2, which partially
explains the greater drop in CH4 concentration between 0.4 and 0.1 m, compared to the profile
obtained on Sept 25th. However, the difference between the CH4 profiles from Sept. 25th and Oct.
2nd is not as striking as that obtained between the profiles from Sept 1st and Sept. 5th. This is due
to the fact that Oct. 2nd culminates a period of continual precipitation, which caused an increase
in the degree of water saturation (Figure 2a) hindering the downward migration of O2.
The concentration profiles for Oct 9th and Oct. 16th (Figure 3f) correspond to a stable
meteorological period but one where surface temperatures undergo a more striking decrease. The
profiles for these dates are similar to that of Oct. 2nd, with the only difference being a more
marked oxidation at 0.2 m. Considering these first results, conditions favourable to oxidation
seem to be high atmospheric pressure, low precipitation (or sufficiently well spaced), as well as
temperatures greater than 20 degrees.
Soil moisture = grav. water content
Sardinia 2007, Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
4.2 Analysis of physico-chemical parameters and microbial activity
Throughout the monitoring period, the pH of the soil varied very little with time and depth, with
values in the range of 7.0 to 7.3 (Figure 4; Mean ± SD = 7.2 ± 0.1). The growth of
methanotrophic bacteria is generally optimal in this range, which indicates that other factors are
likely at the origin of the fluctuations observed for the activity and abundance of methanotrophic
For all the samples analyzed, the organic material content varied between 20.1 and 27.7%
(Mean ± SD = 23.6 ± 2.2%), while the gravimetric water content (soil moisture in Figure 4)
fluctuated between 41.7 and 76.3% (Mean ± SD = 67.1 ± 8.5%). The values for these two
variables increased very slightly with depth, whereas, with time, the water content fluctuations
recorded were more significant, notably on the surface (0.0-0.1 m) (Figure 4), which
undoubtedly was related to precipitation and air humidity.
A more significant decrease in organic matter near the surface compared to deep layers may
be interpreted as a consequence of its more significant degradation by aerobic microflora. This
seems to uphold since minimum organic material contents in the upper layers of the cover (0.0-
0.1 m) were recorded in July and September, while the maximum oxygen concentration value in
this area was recorded during the month of August (Figure 4).
Counts of methanotrophic bacteria varied from 2.5 x 106 to 3.0 x 108 CFU/ g.f.s. (g of fresh
soil), with the average for all samples analyzed being 5.4 ± 9.0 x 107 CFU/g.f.s. As with the
water content values, the greatest population densities of methanotrophic bacteria were recorded
in the surface layers of the cover soil. On average, the number of methanotrophic bacteria
decreases somewhat with depth: from 1.23 ± 1.32 108 CFU/g.f.s. near the surface (0-0.1 m) it
decreases to 6.68 ± 9.26 x 107 CFU/g.f.s. at the 0.1-0.2 m level; to 2.04 ± 2.79 x 107 CFU/g.f.s.
between 0.2 and 0.3 m and finally reaches a minimum of 7.48 ± 4.79 x 106 CFU/g.f.s. further
down (0.3-0.4 m).
Temporal evolution of the different profiles of abundance in methanotrophic bacteria suggests
three different phases in the development of these micro-organisms. The first, which could be
considered as a latency period following the end of the construction of the PMOBs, consists of
more or less identical abundance profiles during the first three campaigns (June to July).
Thereafter, during the growth phase – which extends from August until the beginning of
November - the number of methanotrophic bacteria seems to increase with time, particularly at
the surface, where it reaches the maximum value observed during this monitoring period. During
the third phase a drop in counts appeared, particularly between 0.1-0.2 m, presumably as a
consequence of the rapid decrease in temperature.
Preliminary results from the first year of monitoring of one of three passive methane oxidation
barriers (PMOB) constructed in a landfill situated in Quebec, Canada, show that CH4 is
effectively being oxidized and that the oxidation front fluctuates with changes in environmental
parameters, most notably the degree of water saturation. The study also revealed the marked
influence of climatic factors, mainly atmospheric pressure and rainfall, on the oxidation
efficiency of the barrier. Over the monitoring period, changes in methanotroph counts exhibited
different steps and important variations within the zone where CH4 oxidation occurred. This last
pattern suggested the role of methanotrophs as a contributing factor which could explain the CH4
abatement observed within the PMOB under study.
Sardinia 2007, Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
The Authors wish to acknowledge the financial support provided by the National Science and
Engineering Research Council of Canada, Waste Management Canada and Ferti-Val (strategic
grant # GHG 322418-05).
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... nd 0.30 m from the surface, this reduction was greater (from the interface to surface this relation felt from 1.3 to 0) on the methanotrophic layer. This variation was from 1.4 to 1.0 at the capillary barrier and from 1.4 to 0.9 on the conventional barrier. That confirms the main oxidation activity in the first 0.30 m of the cover, as constated by Cabral et. al. (2007), Huber-Humer et. al. (2007) e Berger et. al. (2005. The methanotrophic layer has also higher porosity in this range of depth because of the mix soil/compost. That allows the entrance of oxygen, as well as it has higher concentrations of volatile solids, water content in depth, saturation degree, and pH close to neutrality; it all provi ...
... other two layers tended to an acid pH (lower than 7 in 75% of the samples). In general, the methanotrophic microorganisms are neutrophilic. Yoon et. al. (2005), citing other authors, affirm that the optimum pH to develop bacteria are between 6.7 and 8.0, although other studies have not registered a significative oxidation in pH between 3.5 to 8.0. Cabral et. al. (2007) affirm that the optimum pH is 5.5 to 8.5 and Hanson & Hanson (1996) citing Born et. al. (1990 observe that the rates of oxidation were similar to soils with pH between 3.5 and 8.0. ...
... and nutrients to bacteria; besides, the roots help the entrance of O 2 into the soil. It is important to mention that was not possible to establish a difference in the volatile solids content in the two regions of the methanotrophic layer (upper with mixture soil/compost and lower with compact soil) after a 5 months period as the study carried by Cabral et. al. (2007). This happens, possibly, by the leaching of organic matter in the mixture zone (soil/compost) to the lower layer (homogeneous soil). ...
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Landfill gas (LFG) emissions are considered an important parameter in the environmental impact from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). The purpose of this paper is to present the LFG surface emission investigation conducted in an experimental cell (36,659 t capacity) at the Muribeca Landfill, Brazil. This investigation involved more than 49 static flux chamber tests, associated with soil/gas characterization along the cover depth, in the three different top cover layers: (I) homogeneous layer, (II) mix clay/compost layer (methanotrophic layer), and (III) stratified clay and gravel layer (capillary barrier layer). The studies indicated that the average CH 4 flux in the capillary barrier was 15.9 g/m 2 · d, the methanotrophic layer was 22.2 g/m 2 · d, and the conventional layer was 161.5 g/m 2 · d. The lowest flux observed in the capillary barrier allowed to conclude that this design permitted better gas distribution under the clay that influence positively the LFG emission reduction.
... Soil pore volume strongly affects this parameter, but an optimum soil moisture content is generally between 10 and 20 % w/w. Too little moisture (<5 %) significantly lowers oxidation activity due to desiccation, while too much moisture inhibits gas transfer-molecular diffusion is approximately 10,000 times slower through water than air (Cabral et al. 2007). ...
... Methane, methanol, formate or nutrients may be added to stimulate the methanotrophs and enhance biodegradation and biotransformation of contaminants. Biostimulation of methanotrophs according to the sitespecific needs has even been demonstrated at a field scale in situ within contaminated aquifers and soils, and ex situ in bioreactors (McCarty and Semprini 1994;Semprini et al. 1994;Brigmon 2001;Jiang et al. 2010). ...
Methanotrophs are bacteria capable of using methane as a carbon source. They can lower atmospheric methane emissions, remove N in environmental and wastewater treatment systems and even transform organic pollutants in soils.Methanotrophic methane mitigation technologies have been demonstrated beyond the laboratories as adaptable field-scale systems that may be engineered to meet site-specific climatic variations and ensure minimal atmospheric methane emission. In agricultural sediments and soils, methanotrophs sequester methane but are affected by fertiliser applications, while in wastewatertreatment systems they can lower the costs associated with N removal. Finally, the methanotrophs are particularly appealing as bioremediation agents in methane-containing environments, as their primary enzymes have a broad substrate range that can transform various hydrocarbons, including aromatic compounds and halogenated aliphatics. These diverse bacteria are an important global methane sink and this importance is set to increase as anthropogenic emissions increase over the coming decades.
... The oxidation profiles observed in Fig. 4 are in agreement with Cabral et al. (2007), who evaluated a methanotrophic population along the profile of a biocover (mixture of compost and sand at a 5:1 ratio, respectively) and concluded that, in fact, the number of methanotrophic bacteria reduced with depth, and a reduction in the oxidation efficiency was seen with the depth of the cover layer. In addition, Hu and Long (2016) and Thomasen et al. (2019) also reported that greater oxidation efficiencies were seen in the biocover upper layers, since methanotrophic bacteria are aerobic and need atmospheric oxygen to carry out the methane oxidation. ...
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Landfill is an important anthropogenic source of greenhouse gases (GHG). Aiming at methane mitigation through the use of a cover layer in the form of fugitive emissions, this study investigated the methane passive bio-oxidation in a Brazilian landfill in biofilters under two conditions: control column (packing material using only landfill cover soil with ≅ 0.8% organic matter) and enriched column (packing material using 45 cm landfill cover soil and 15 cm mixture of cover soil plus compost with ≅ 6% organic matter). Biogas was collected from a vertical drain pipe of a four-year-old cell and injected into the base of the columns with a high inlet loading (1000 gCH4.m⁻².d⁻¹) in upward flow mode. Ten campaigns were carried out for six months in order to determine the efficiency of the methane oxidation in each column. Soil temperature, moisture and nutrients content in both filter beds were also determined. The oxidation global efficiencies were higher in the enriched column throughout all campaigns, with ≈71 and ≈95% for the control and enriched columns, respectively, demonstrating that this technology can be applied even in landfills where there is no energy recovery from biogas (as in most landfills in developing countries). Our study demonstrated that the use of substrates with high organic matter content and low cost in landfill cover layers might present high efficacy in the reduction in methane fugitive emissions. Even operating in field-scale conditions, the results of this study were comparable to those obtained with biofilters on laboratory-scale (under controlled operational conditions). Graphic abstract
... The oxidation pro les observed in Figure 4 are in agreement with Cabral et al. (2007), who evaluated a methanotrophic population along the pro le of a biocover (mixture of compost and sand at a 5:1 ratio, respectively) and concluded that, in fact, the number of methanotrophic bacteria reduced with depth, and a reduction in the oxidation e ciency was seen with the depth of the cover layer. In addition, Hu and Long (2016) and Thomasen et al. (2019) also reported that greater oxidation e ciencies were seen in the biocover upper layers, since methanotrophic bacteria are aerobic and need atmospheric oxygen to carry out the methane oxidation. ...
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Landfill is an important anthropogenic source of greenhouse gases (GHG). Aiming at methane mitigation through the use of a cover layer in the form of fugitive emissions, this study investigated the methane passive bioxidation in a Brazilian landfill in biofilters under two conditions: control column (packing material using a 60 cm landfill cover soil with ≅0.8% organic matter) and enriched column (packing material using 45 cm landfill cover soil and 15 cm mixture of cover soil plus compost with ≅6% organic matter). The biogas was collected from a vertical drain pipe of a four-year-old cell and injected into the base of the columns with a high inlet loading (1000 g CH4 .m - ².d - ¹ at standard temperature and pressure conditions) in the upward flow mode. Ten campaigns were carried out for six months in order to determine the efficiency of the methane oxidation in each column. Parameters related to the biogas oxidation were also determined, such as soil temperature and moisture content and nutrients content in both filter beds. The oxidation global efficiencies were higher in the enriched column throughout all campaigns, with »71 and »95% for the control and enriched columns, respectively. Our study demonstrated that the use of substrates with high organic matter content and low cost (such as the compost) in landfill cover layers might present high efficacy in the reduction of methane fugitive emissions. Landfill is an important anthropogenic source of greenhouse gases (GHG). Aiming at methane mitigation through the use of a cover layer in the form of fugitive emissions, this study investigated the methane passive bio-oxidation in a Brazilian landfill in biofilters under two conditions: control column (packing material using only landfill cover soil with ≅0.8% organic matter) and enriched column (packing material using 45 cm landfill cover soil and 15 cm mixture of cover soil plus compost with ≅6% organic matter). Biogas was collected from a vertical drain pipe of a four-year-old cell and injected into the base of the columns with a high inlet loading (1000 gCH4.m-².d-¹) in upward flow mode. Ten campaigns were carried out for six months in order to determine the efficiency of the methane oxidation in each column. Soil temperature, moisture and nutrients content in both filter beds were also determined. The oxidation global efficiencies were higher in the enriched column throughout all campaigns, with »71 and »95% for the control and enriched columns, respectively, demonstrating that this technology can be applied even in landfills where there is no energy recovery from biogas (as in most landfills in developing countries). Our study demonstrated that the use of substrates with high organic matter content and low cost in landfill cover layers might present high efficacy in the reduction of methane fugitive emissions. Even operating in field-scale conditions, the results of this study were comparable to those obtained with biofilters on lab-scale (under controlled operational conditions).
... These observations were also analyzed on projects carried by Boeckx et. al. (1996), Borjesson et al., (1997), Cabral et al., 2007e Gebert et. al. (2007, where they analyzed the influence of temperature, pH and moisture to the oxidation potential in oxidative covers. ...
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Studies in landfill covers have been done in order to control CH 4 emissions across layers without compromising leachate generation. The purpose of this paper is to present preliminary Landfill gas (LFG) emission investigation and infiltration conducted in three different cover layers in an Experimental Cell at Muribeca's Landfill in Brazil: Methanotrophic Layer (mix clay/compost layer), Capillary Barrier Layer (clay/gravel layer) and Conventional Layer. Results show that capillary barrier has major capability to retain biogas because of the distribution gravel layer below the soil layer and saturation maintenance above air incoming point in most of the observation period. Methanotrophic cover layer followed the same emission probably pattern due to methane oxidation. On the other hand, conventional layer was more efficient for minimizing infiltration than the other two, and the capillary barrier presented much higher infiltration in periods where the rainfall was greater than 25 mm in 3 days.
... o crescimento de vegetação que promove evapotranspiração controlando a umidade. Além disso, variações nas condições ambientais tais como na pressão atmosférica e precipitação também influenciam nas taxas de oxidação, pois o aumento da pressão promove maior entrada de O 2 na camada de cobertura, e a precipitação promove mudanças na umidade do solo. Cabral, et. al. (2007), Huber-Humer, et. al. (2007 processos de oxidação em função da adaptação dos micro-organismos, pois esse processo é fortemente regulado pela umidade do material, principalmente através da difusão de CH 4 no perfil do solo e pela atividade de bactérias metanotróficas. Hilger e Humer (2003) estudando aspectos geotécnicos relacionados com ...
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ABSTRACT Landfills are considered a potential source of the greenhouse gases emissions to the atmosphere, caused by inadequate systems for collection and treatment of biogas emissions and uncontrolled emission from cover layers. In the last years have been studied cover layers that favor the oxidation of methane, in cases where the capture and exploitation of biogas are technically difficult and very costly. The called methanotrophic cover layers used the soil characteristics, presence of methane and microorganisms in order to oxidize the gas throughout the soil profile, and they are been considering alternatives to minimize the emission of methane from landfills. This paper presents the results of a study conducted in methanotrophic cover layers located in Experimental Cell in the Muribeca´s Landfill, Recife Brazil. The methodology for the analysis of biogas emissions was based on field tests for determining the flow of methane and carbon dioxide. In addition, measurements of concentration of biogas were made every 10 cm from the soil/waste to the surface, and collected soil samples to assess the influence of some physical and chemical characteristics of the material in the retention and/or oxidation of methane. The results have shown an emission of methane ranging from 0 to 151.95 g/m2.dia and a reduction of methane concentration on the relationship between CO2 and CH4, ranging from 34% to 100%, from the soil/waste until the surface. Thus, the methanotrophic layers have more recently been used as alternatives to conventional layers of compacted soil, for managing emissions of greenhouse gases in landfills.
... Além disso, o solo dessa camada apresentou um pH acima da neutralidade e um teor de sólidos voláteis duas vezes superior ao solo das camadas CONV e BAC. Essas características são decorrentes da adição de composto que altera as propriedades físico-químicas dos materiais, propiciando ambiente favorável para crescimento de micro-organismos metanotróficos, como foi observado por Huber-Humer e Lechner (2001), Cabral et al. (2007) e Jugnia et al. (2008. ...
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Abstract The landfill gas (LFG) generated in Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) landfills can be emitted to the atmosphere through the gas collection system or by its escape through the final cover layer. The objective of this paper is to present the preliminary results of the methane (CH4) superficial emissions investigation at three different cover layers in an experimental cell, located at Muribeca Landfill, Recife/PE. The static flux chamber methodology was used in order to evaluate CH4 emissions “in situ”, which was associated with laboratory tests for soil characterization. Eight flux chamber tests for measuring CH4 emission, as well as four tests for biogas concentrations along the cover layer depth were done to evaluate CH4 retention and/or oxidation. They were performed from September to December/2008. The CH4 flux in the capillary cover layer (BAC) was 0.37 Nl/m2.h, in the methanotrophic layer (MET) was 1.90 Nl/m2.h, and in the conventional layer (CONV) was 4.97 Nl/m2.h. The lowest CH4 flux determined in the BAC layer was related to the gas distribution layer at the bottom of this cover that equalized gas pressure and concentration before its passage through the soil. It was also verified that CH4 volumetric concentration and the relation CO2/CH4 increased from the bottom to the top of all cover layers. This behavior was more accentuated at the methanotrophic layer, which was an indication of CH4 oxidation. The study of alternative cover layers and its physical-chemical and constructive properties to reduce CH4 emissions and prevent pollution to the atmosphere is extremely important for most small and medium sized landfills in Brazil, where the recovery of LFG is incipient and unviable. Key Words: solid waste, landfill, biogas, final cover layer. Resumo O biogás gerado em aterros de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) pode ser emitido para atmosfera através dos sistemas de coleta ou do fluxo na camada de cobertura final. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados preliminares das emissões de metano (CH4) em três configurações de camada de cobertura que foram construídas em uma célula experimental de RSU, localizada no Aterro da Muribeca, Recife/PE-Brasil. A metodologia utilizada para medição de emissões de CH4 foi a da placa de fluxo estática em ensaios de campo, utilizando-se também de ensaios em laboratório para a caracterização do solo. O trabalho foi realizado nos meses de setembro a dezembro de 2008, através de 8 ensaios de placa de fluxo em cada camada, onde em 4 deles se fez medições de concentração de CH4 em profundidade, para avaliar a retenção e/ou oxidação de CH4 ao longo da camada de cobertura final. O fluxo de CH4 medido na camada do tipo barreira capilar (BAC) foi de 0,37 Nl/m2.h, na camada metanotrófica (MET) foi de 1,90 Nl/m2.h, e na camada convencional (CONV) foi de 4,97 Nl/m2.h. A BAC apresentou menores taxas de fluxo de CH4 quando comparados com as outras duas configurações, devido a distribuição do biogás através da camada de pedras da base que funcionou como um dreno horizontal, equalizando as vazões de biogás e minimizando os picos de pressão e concentração. Foi verificado nos 3 tipos de cobertura, que a partir da base (contato solo/resíduo) até a superfície, a concentração volumétrica de CH4 diminuiu, e que a relação CO2/CH4 aumentou, principalmente na camada do tipo metanotrófica, sendo um indicativo de que está ocorrendo a oxidação desse gás. Assim sendo, o estudo de camadas alternativas para minimizar o impacto do lançamento de biogás na atmosfera a partir das características físico-química dos materiais utilizados e das características construtivas, tem se mostrado importante, tendo em vista a necessidade de se reduzir as emissões de CH4, diminuindo o o impacto ambiental, principalmente em aterros de pequeno e médio porte disseminados no Brasil, onde a exploração econômica do biogás ainda é incipiente. Palavras chaves: resíduos sólidos, aterro sanitário, biogás, camada de cobertura.
... Recently, a lot of effort is made to establish covers that are optimized for the microbial mitigation of methane emissions as a promising low cost method (e.g. Barlaz et al. 2004, Cabral et al. 2007, Huber-Humer 2005, Kjeldsen et al. 2007). The German MiMethox joint project aims to derive design criteria for optimized cover soils. ...
: Old landfills and disposal sites can emit large quantities of methane. Within the research project MiMethox, soil gas concentrations and methane emissions were monitored on five old landfills in northern Germany over a period of one year. It was found that most of the total emissions escape via very small, localised surface areas (hotspots) and that emission rates vary highly, in general following a seasonal pattern that can be overruled by short-term changes in soil gas permeability, e.g. after precipitation or during frost. The comparison of grid-based and targeted FID-screening and emission measurements showed that emissions will be underestimated if spatial and temporal variability are ignored, i.e. when done in a random design or at single measurement events. Many emitting spots detected in spring disappeared during summer but reappeared in autumn. The observed changes can be correlated with soil moisture and soil temperature and are hence strongly depending on the properties of the particular cover layer. Seasonal variability of gas fluxes was also reflected by the composition of soil gas profiles, with higher concentrations of CH 4 and CO 2 towards the surface in autumn and winter and deeper penetration of O 2 and N 2 during the summer. It can be concluded that whole site as well as all-season measurements are indispensable for estimating old landfills' emission potentials.
Methanotrophs are bacteria capable of using methane as a carbon source. They can lower atmospheric methane emissions, remove N in environmental and wastewater treatment systems and even transform organic pollutants in soils. Methanotrophic methane mitigation technologies have been demonstrated beyond the laboratories as adaptable field-scale systems that may be engineered to meet site-specific climatic variations and ensure minimal atmospheric methane emission. In agricultural sediments and soils, methanotrophs sequester methane but are affected by fertiliser applications, while in wastewater treatment systems they can lower the costs associated with N removal. Finally, the methanotrophs are particularly appealing as bioremediation agents in methane-containing environments, as their primary enzymes have a broad substrate range that can transform various hydrocarbons, including aromatic compounds and halogenated aliphatics. These diverse bacteria are an important global methane sink and this importance is set to increase as anthropogenic emissions increase over the coming decades.
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Passive methane oxidation biocovers (PMOB) have been recently proposed as a viable option for migration residual emissions. The efficiency of a PMOB depends on the degree of saturation, which controls the migration of molecular O 2; a necessary element in the CH 4 oxidation process. The evolution of the degree of saturation S r is regulated by the unsaturated flow of moisture across the PMOB, which can only be describe with the water retention curve (WRC) and hydraulic conductivity function (k-fct) of the material. This paper discusses the reliability of laboratory-obtained WRCs as input parameter in the prediction of the hydraulic behavior of PMOBs in the field. Three WRC were determined based on field data and in the laboratory using a tension plate. The field data was obtained from an experimental PMOB constructed at St-Nicéphore landfill, Quebec, Canada, where tensiometers and water content probes were installed.
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Methane is a greenhouse gas contributing about 19% to the enhanced greenhouse effect (IPCC, 1994). Anthropogenic activities, such as rice cultivation, animal production, fossil fuel burning and waste management have resulted in a dramatic increase of the atmospheric CH4 concentration during the last 200 years. Its actual concentration is 1.72 ppmv, currently increasing at a rate of 0.6–0.8% per year (Houghton et al.,1996).
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Rates of methane emission from a Swedish landfill, measured by chamber technique and permanent frames, ranged between 0.034 and 20 mmol CH4m−2. h−1on average. The emissions followed a seasonal pattern, with the highest fluxes occurring between September and May. Methane concentrations in soil also followed a seasonal pattern, with a marked decrease during summers. Using the means of methane emission rates from frost-free periods, a stepwise regression model was made, that could explain 95% of the variation. Soil temperature turned out to be the dominating factor, explaining 85% when transformed to a second-degree function. Methane emissions were negatively correlated with soil temperature, which strongly suggests that biological methane oxidation is an important regulating factor. The activity of methane-oxidizing microorganisms was greatest around 0.5–0.6 m depth in the soil profile, and moisture at this level enhanced emissions. The tendency for methane emissions to be higher at night was probably due to the inhibitory influence of low soil temperatures on methane-oxidizing microorganisms.
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A considerable fraction of the methane that is produced by landfills is oxidized by its covering soil before it can reach the atmosphere. This process was studied in soil columns that simulate landfill cover soil environments. The methane uptake was followed as a function of time. In soils of agricultural origin, a maximum value of 10.7 mol m-2column d-1 was observed. Mixing sugar beet leaves with the soil led to a temporary stimulation of the methane oxidation rate, whereas a wheat straw amendment led to permanent stimulation. Soil originating from a real landfill cover oxidized on the order of 15 mol m-2column d-1, the highest value found in the literature to date. The soil gas composition was studied as a function of depth. With a new batch incubation technique, methane oxidation kinetics were determined in samples taken from the soil column. By combining this kinetic data with the soil gas composition data, the actively methane oxidizing zone in the soil column could be determined and an in situ assessment of oxygen limitation could be performed. Methane oxidation takes place mainly in the top 30 cm of the covering soil.
Field, laboratory, and computer modeling methods were utilized to quantitatively assess the capability of aerobic microorganisms to oxidize landfill-derived methane (CH4) in cover soils. The investigated municipal landfill, located in Nashua, New Hampshire, was operating without gas controls of any type at the time of sample collection. Soil samples from locations of CH 4 flux to the atmosphere were returned to the laboratory and subjected to incubation experiments to quantify the response of oxidation in these soils to temperature, soil moisture, in situ CH 4 mixing ratio, soil depth, and oxygen. The mathematical representations of the observed oxidation reponses were combined with measured and predicted soil characteristics in a computer model to predict the rate of CH 4 oxidation in the soils at the locations of the measured fluxes described by Czepiel et al. (this issue). The estimated whole landfill oxidation rate at the time of the flux measurements in October 1994 was 20%. Local air temperature and precipitation data were then used in conjunction with an existing soil climate model to estimate an annual whole landfill oxidation rate in 1994 of 10%.
In laboratory simulations of methane oxidation in landfill cover soil, methane consumption consistently increased to a peak value and then declined to a lower steady-state value. It was hypothesized that a gradual accumulation of exopolymeric substances (EPS) contributed to decreased methane uptake by clogging soil pores or limiting gas diffusion. This study was conducted to detect and quantify EPS in soil from columns sparged with synthetic landfill gas and from fresh landfill cover cores. Polysaccharide accumulations were detected with alcian blue stain. EPS was observed adhering to soil particles and as strands associated with, but separate from soil grains. Glucose concentrations in laboratory soil columns averaged 426 mg kg−1 dry soil, while in a column sparged with air the average glucose concentration in a horizon was 3.2 mg glucose kg−1 dry soil. Average glucose concentrations in two of four cores sampled from a closed landfill ranged from 600–1100 mg kg−1 dry soil, while control cores averaged 38 mg glucose kg−1 dry soil. Viscosity due to EPS was measured by comparing filtration rates of soil suspensions. Soil extracts from the upper horizons of laboratory columns sparged with landfill gas filtered at about one-third the rate of extracts from the lower horizons, and the landfill core with the highest glucose content also produced highly viscous extracts. Breakthrough curves measured in columns before and after methane exposure were similar, so that short-circuiting due to clogging was not occurring. The data support the hypothesis that EPS impeded oxygen diffusion to an active biofilm and limited the extent of methane oxidation.
Landfills are considered to be an important global source of the greenhouse gas methane. These emissions are especially caused by inadequate gas collection systems, uncontrolled emissions from old dumps and unauthorized open dumping. The subsequent capturing and disposal of landfill gas from old landfills is technically difficult and very costly. A low-cost alternative to the conventional methods is the microbial oxidation of methane. For this purpose it is necessary to spread cover layers much in the same way as is done for large biofilters. This calls for sufficient knowledge about the biology of the methane oxidising microorganisms and the resulting requirements to be met by the substrate. Laboratory studies have proved municipal solid waste compost and sewage sludge compost to be suitable carrier substrates.