
Cage culture development and its role in aquaculture in China

Aquaculture Research
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This paper is divided into four parts. First, history: cage culture has long been practised. The origin of cage culture world-wide should be regarded as the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China, in the Sung Dynasty. Second, characteristics of cage culture in China. Third, influence: development of open-water fisheries is actively promoted in lakes, reservoirs and rivers. More kinds of water bodies have been employed for this purpose. Marine cages have also rapidly developed. Finally, discussion and conclusions. Cage culture is a modern development of aquaculture which has changed the long-established, fish-farming structures and, to a great extent, pushed forward fisheries development in China. Cage culture is typically characterized by intensive farming, running-water culture, high yield and great efficiency. It is generally accepted that cage culture will actively play an increasingly important role in international aquaculture.

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... It has been reported that cage culture originated in middle reaches of Yangtze River in China some 800 years ago (Hu, 1994) and from 1970s onwards, the techniques have been improved through introduction of advanced techniques of cage culture from other countries (Hu & Lu, 1980). Cage fish culture considered to be an old tradition has been developed into a major sector in aquaculture only in the recent past (De Silva & Phillips, 2007;Tacon & Halwart, 2007). ...
... O cultivo de peixe em gaiola se originou no Delta do Rio Yangtze, há aproximadamente 750 anos (HU, 1994). Porém, o cultivo de tilápia em gaiola tem relativamente uma história curta (CO-CHE, 1982), começando por volta de 1970 nos Estados Unidos com Oreochromis aureus (SUWANASART, 1972) e na Costa do Marfim com O. niloticus (COCHE, 1974). ...
Os recentes desenvolvimentos do cultivo de tilápias em gaiolas, prospectos e a evolução dos mercados, satisfação dos consumidores são discutidos nesta revisão. A tilápia é uma das mais importantes espécies da aqüicultura no Brasil. Com tremendo recurso no país para o cultivo de tilápias, uma das expectativas é a de que o Brasil produzirá uma significante quantidade de tilápias para a exportação em um futuro próximo e constituirá uma importante atividade socioeconômica.
... Cage culture is viewed as a recent entry into the aquaculture industry in Africa, though it has been in practice in other parts of the world, for instance China where it originated from (Bao-Tong, 1994). Though cage culture is relatively new in Africa, it has been widely applied by a Ugandan private company, source of the Nile (Kashindye et al., 2015). ...
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Cage aquaculture has been on a steady rise in Lake Victoria, Kenya, since 2016, resulting in the current culturing of over 3,600 cages of Tilapia (O. niloticus) (Orina et al., 2018). Unfortunately, there has been limited, if any, focus on fish health aspects. Rise in intensification and commercialization predisposes fish stocks to disease due to rise in stress levels and consequent reduction in the fish immunity. Nutrient rich surroundings create a conducive environment for rapid proliferation of bacterial and saprophytic fungal growth leading to net clogging and consequently a low biological oxygen demand. Such conditions predispose the stocks to infections. This study was conducted to provide a baseline analysis of the health conditions/status of the cultured fish in this region. It encompassed studies from 2016 to 2018 on tilapia of the genus O. niloticus using both experimental (using standard procedures and protocols) and socio-economic studies (using structured questionnaires, see annexure 1). Results found the following occurrences; bacterial infections (10%), fungal infestations (12.5%), myxosporean parasites in the gills (5%), parasitic copepods (10%) and fin rot (2.5%) in the stocks. There were no significant differences between abiotic parameters in the cage locations and the wild (p > 0.05). Additionally, 90% of the respondents had no fish disease training or clue on the treatment action necessary whenever fish diseases struck. Findings from this study put to the fore the significance of fish diseases in a cage culture system in light of commercialization of the industry and the importance of biosecurity and maintenance of optimal environmental conditions within the scope of Blue Economy growth in this region. This study did not detect any disease or parasite of zoonotic importance.
... China has been the largest fishery producer in the world since 2002, and freshwater fish pond aquaculture produces 60%-70% of the total freshwater aquaculture production in China in 2004 [1]. These data suggest that aquaculture production in China depends heavily on the pond aquaculture. ...
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The temporal heterogeneity of prokaryotic microorganism communities in sediment of traditional freshwater cultured fish ponds in Southwest China were investigated by 16S rRNA clone libraries. The result indicated that a total of 47 archaea clones and 392 bacterial clones were recovered from three samples, among them, the bacteria Mitsuaria chitosanitabida, Prolixibacter bellariivorans and Flavihumibacter petaseus and archaea Methanoregula formicica were dominant in the cultivation 1 year (Y1) sample, the bacteria Cetobacterium somerae, Allochromatium vinosum and Rhabdochromatium marinum and archaea Methanolinea tarda were dominant in the cultivation 2 years (Y2) sample, the bacteria Cetobacterium somerae and Bacteroides fragilis and archaea Methanolinea tarda were dominant in the cultivation 4 years (Y4) sample. The Shannon–Wiener (H) diversity index and the Simpson dominancy index respectively varied from 2.23 to 2.37 and from 7.30 to 9.04 for three gene libraries. Maximum operational taxonomic unit (OTU) richness was respectively estimated with two different models SChao1 and SACE, and it revealed SChao1 15 and SACE 15 for Y1, SChao1 15.25 and SACE 15 for Y2, SChao1 12 and SACE 12 for Y4. However, the B. fragilis which was found in the Y4 sample was 99% similar to the human and animal pathogen B. fragilis. No pathogenic organisms related to humans or animals were found at any other sample. Mentionable, the more detailed information about the safety of fish pond cultivation environment should receive more attention and further studies.
... In aquaculture, this can include efforts to use multidimensional models to guide management decisions across marine sectors and to guide the implementation of suitable policies (Nobre et al. 2009). Ecosystem protection measures could include the zoning of protected areas, under various levels of protection, to limit the intensity of aquaculture and support a healthy ecosystem overall (Hu 1994;Feng et al. 2004;Yu et al. 2016b). The formation of aquaculture associations is recommended to help guide farmers on husbandry practices and encourage information sharing between farmers (Liu et al. 2009;Xie et al. 2013). ...
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Introduction : China is responsible for more than 60% of global aquaculture production. As the frontiers of food production have expanded, the cultivation of marine organisms in coastal zones and the open ocean has grown rapidly. The dominant mariculture industry in China is suspended mariculture, which uses net cages, ropes, or other structures suspended in the water column to cultivate aquatic organisms. This systematic, quantitative review provides a clear and comprehensive account of research that has investigated the adverse impacts of suspended mariculture in China and reviews research that has applied Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) systems for mitigating impacts. This work builds on 218 peer reviewed papers that have been published in English-language journals. Outcomes : Eighteen impacts were identified, including chemical, ecological, physical, and socioeconomic impacts. Eighteen measures for improving suspended mariculture were recommended consisting of government department, farm management, and ecological engineering measures. IMTA was the most frequently recommended measure. The capabilities of IMTA for bioremediation and increased farm production were the most frequently studied advantages. Seven other benefits have been explored but remain understudied. The current challenges facing the expansion of commercial IMTA include limited use of new technology, limited skills development, decreasing production of low trophic-level species, biogeographic and temporal barriers, and negative system feedbacks. Conclusion : Despite challenges, implementing commercial IMTA is a promising measure for reducing the impacts of suspended mariculture because it presents a range of secondary benefits that can improve the overall sustainability of aquaculture in the coastal zone.
... Kafeste balık yetiştiriciliği yaklaşık 750 yıl önce Çin' in Yangtze nehrinde gerçekleştirilmiştir (Hu, 1994) ve Güneydoğu Asya da uzun süre uygulanmıştır (Ling, 1977). Dünyanın çeşitli bölgelerinde ticari öneme sahip türlerin entansif kültürü için çok sayıda modern kafes tipi geliştirilmiştir (Coche, 1978). ...
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In this study the effects of larger fish and size grading on growth of Nile tilapia were investigated. Fish close to mean population size (10.24±3.09 g) were raised either in presence (20% of the population), or absence of larger fish (39.95±2.12 g) for 60 days. At the end of the study growth was calculated as weight gain, feed conversion ratio, specific growth rate (SGR), and total net weight gain. According to final results; graded group had a larger final average weight (62.35 ± 10.41 g) than that bulk fish of the mixed (large + small) group of smaller fish (49.18±6.35 g) (P<0.05). Daily weight gain of the graded group (0.869±0.035 -1 ) was higher than the mixed group (0.654±0.023 -1 ) (P<0.05). Mean specific growth rate was higher in the absence of larger fish (3.00±0.141) indicating a negative effect of larger fish on growth of smaller fish (2.70±0.042) (P>0.05). Feed conversion ratio of graded group (1.29±0.052) was lower than the other group (2.17±0.039) (P<0.05). Total net weight gain of the groups were 5.211±0.208 kg.m -3 and 3.926±0.139 kg.m -3 respectively (P<0.05).
... Kafeste balık yetiştiriciliğinin; günümüzden yaklaşık 750 yıl önce Çinde Yangtze nehrinin deltasında başladığı (Hu, 1994) ve Güney Doğu Asyada geliştirildiği bildirilmiştir (Ling, 1977). Modern anlamda balık yetiştiriciliğinde bir çok ticari türün yetiştiriciliğinde kullanılan günümüz kafeslerin bir çok versiyonu geliştirilmiştir (Coche,1978). ...
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1970’li yılların sonunda DSİ Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından Suriye’den yurda sokulan Tilapialar daha sonra Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesince İsrail ve İngiltere’den getirilen türlerle zenginleştirilmiştir. O yıllarda henüz dünya çapında tanınmazken dahi gelecekte çok önemli bir misyonu olduğu ve “açlık ile mücadele” de kullanılması planlanmaktaydı. FAO gelişmemiş birçok ülkede projelerle Tilapia yetiştiriciliğini özendirirken bunun yanı sıra hem tarımsal bir etkinlik yapmakta hem de o ülkelerin kendi gereksinimlerini karşılama olanağını sağlamaya çalışmaktaydı. 1980’li yıllarda, başta Afrika ülkeleri olmak üzere Güney Doğu Asya ülkeleri ve hem Güney hem de Orta Amerika ülkelerinde geniş projelerle üretimi öğretilmiş ve geliştirilmiştir. 1990 yılında toplam üretim miktarı 1.6 milyon tonu bulurken 2010 yılında ise 2.5 milyon tonu bulacağı tahmin edilmiştir. Fakat henüz daha 2005 yılında bu üretim miktarına ulaşılmıştır (Josupiet 2007). Bunun yanı sıra 2010 yılı için yeni tahmin değeri 3.5 milyon tonu geçkindir (Şekil 1). Avcılıkla üretim değeri 1990 lı yılların başında yetiştiricilikle üretime eşitken günümüzde bu rakam yetiştiricilik lehine 4 veya 5 kat değişmiştir (Şekil 1). Üretim değerleri ise hayli ciddi bir yükselişe sahip olmuştur o dönemlerde. Ancak tilapia üretimindeki gerçek yükselişini ve altın çağını 90’lı yıllarda başlatarak 2000’li yıllara taşımıştır. Söz konusu yıllarda sadece ABD’nin dünya pazarından ithal ettiği tilapianın değeri 200 milyon Doları geçmiştir.
... Bilimsel olarak ilk kayıtlar 1924 yılında Kenya'da tilapia yetiştiriciliğinin yapıldığını ve buradan tüm Afrika'ya dağıldığını bildirmektedir (Meschkat, 1967). Kafeste balık yetiştiriciliğinin ise günümüzden yaklaşık 750 yıl önce Çinde Yangtze nehrinin deltasında başladığı (Hu, 1994) ve Güney Doğu Asyada geliştirildiği bildirilmiştir (Ling, 1977). Modern anlamda balık yetiştiriciliğinde bir çok ticari türün yetiştiriciliğinde kullanılan günümüz kafeslerin bir çok versiyonu geliştirilmiştir (Coche,1978). ...
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Various culture systems may be applied for tilapia culture e.g. semi-intensive ponds, intensive tank systems and cage culture. Generally large pond culture is the most popular production technique in all over the world. But in recent years there is a trend towards intensifying the cage culture system to produce tilapia of good quality for both export and local consumption. Especially in temperate region, tilapia is a good alternative for second crop in cage farming. In addition cage culture of tilapia seems to be a practical solution for some problems like the small size, over population and poor texture.
... Cages are generally installed in large water bodies to rear fry/ fingerling for ranching. Cage fish culture originated in the Yangtze River delta in China about 750 years ago (Hu, 1994) and has long been practiced in Southeast Asia (Ling, 1977). Culture of high value species in cages in large ponds can increase the production and productivity of fish hence more income per unit area. ...
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Comparative study was conducted to evaluate the economic benefit of pond aquaculture with and without cage. Channa punctata was stocked in cages where as carps were stocked in ponds. C. punctata in the cages were fed with chicken waste (with crude protein of 63.04%) @ 2% of body weight and the carps in pond were not provided any supplementary diet. However carps in pond, without cage, were fed with supplementary diet (with crude protein of 26.92%) @ of 1% of body weight. In addition to C. punctata reared in cages the growth of carps was 13.93% higher in pond with cage as compared to pond without cage. The pond cage aquaculture provides 32.12% of additional gross income in comparison to the pond without cage. The utilization of slaughter house waste helps in waste utilization, improvement of environment and reduces the feed cost. Pond cage aquaculture shows the avenue of maximization of income from the same unit of water body.
... In addition to this, The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs launched trout culture projects in net cages in natural lakes and dam lakes in 1995, which also led to an increase in production (Anonymous, 2000). Cage aquaculture was first applied in river Yangtze in China about 750 years ago (Hu, 1994) and was continued for a long time in Southeastern Asia (Ling, 1977). In many parts of the world, great amounts of modern cages for the intensive culture of commercial species were developed (Coche, 1978). ...
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In this study, the potentials for rearing rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) in the winter-summer period in floating net cages in Seyhan Dam Lake were investigated. At the initial stage (winter period) of the study, trout fry with an average weight of 56.45±6.10 g were stocked at 50 fish.m 3 . At the end of this stage, trout of 277.54±18.50 g were harvested. The daily weight gain was found out to be 2.95 g.d -1 , and feed conversion ratio was 1:1.15. Condition factor was observed at an average of 1.327. Mean gross yield for trout was 13 kg .m -³ at the end of the study. At the second stage (summer period) of the study, average 0.95±0.27 g tilapia fry stocked at 50 fish.m -3 reached 131.58±7.12 g in 3 months. At the end of the study mean gross yield for tilapia was 6.5 kg.m -3 . Daily weight gain average was 1.45 g.d -1 and feed conversion ratio was 1:1.21 respectively. Condition factor was found to be at an average of 2.394. Introduction The increase observed in the production of fisheries in recent years is related to the increase of the production in fish culture in our inland waters and seas. The production of aquaculture has undergone rapid increases in the last 10 years and the amount of fish obtained through this kind of fishing amounted to 5.762 tons in 1990. Of this, 1.434 tons was obtained from marine species, while 4.328 tons from the production conducted in fresh water. This amount increased much more throughout the years and amounted to a total of 63.000 tons/year, 25.230 tons of which from marine species, 37.770 tons from fresh water (Anonymous, 2001). The continual funds allocated by the government for aquaculture, the supply of fry, the ambition aroused through the research and development projects funded by the government, and the technical advantages of this kind of production compared to traditional fishing can be regarded as some of the reasons behind this increase. In addition to this, The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs launched trout culture projects in net cages in natural lakes and dam lakes in 1995, which also led to an increase in production (Anonymous, 2000). Cage aquaculture was first applied in river Yangtze in China about 750 years ago (Hu, 1994) and was continued for a long time in Southeastern Asia (Ling, 1977). In many parts of the world, great amounts of modern cages for the intensive culture of commercial species were developed (Coche, 1978). Recently, fish culture in cages has been attracting researcher and commercial producers. The increase in the consumption of fish, the decrease in some of the natural stocks, and the
... Fish cage culture dates back many centuries in China (Bao-Tong, 1994), and recently, this practice has expanded throughout the world because of its advantages. Several researchers have pointed out the advantages of cage culture (Beveridge, 1984;1996;Campbell, 1985;Swann et al., 1994;EL-Sayed, 2006; De Silva and Phillips, 2007). ...
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Field data for commercial mullet cage culture inside Manzala Lake in Dakhlia Governorate were used in this study. Forty one cage owner and operators were interviewed. Mullet cages culture identified into three production stages fingerlings, juvenile and table-size mullet. The three stages were applied in two volumes, small (300m 3) and large (600m 3). The questionnaire gathered quantitative data on capital costs, operational costs, mullet yield and sales prices, for the different mullet cages types and volumes. Costs, returns, and performance indicator of this activity were estimated through budgeting procedure. Effects of cage volume in different growth stages on the economics of the culture system were explored. Sensitivity analyses with respect to changes in output price and production level were performed. Results indicated the economic viability of the fingerlings and table-size systems. Cage volume had positive effects on the economic performance of mullet cage culture in Manzala Lake. Cage culture operators in Manzala uses extruded fish feed for feeding their stock in cages to minimize the impact of mullet cage on the environment. The study revealed that growing mullet in large size volume cage is economically viable and sustain moderate financial shock.
... Cage culture of fish and other aquatic organisms was first reported in the Yangtze River delta in China dating back to the 1800s (Coche, 1976;Hu, 1994). In the late 19th and early 20th centuries it spread to Cambodia and Indonesia (Hickling, 1962;Ling, 1977). ...
... Cage culture of fish and other aquatic organisms dates back to the 1800s and was first reported in the Yangtze River delta in China (Coche, 1982;Hu, 1994) from where it spread to Cambodia and Indonesia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (Hickling, 1962;Ling, 1977). In Africa, large-scale cage culture was first carried out in Ivory Coast in 1974 in Lake Kossou with Oreochromis niloticus (Coche, 1974) and in Lake Victoria, Tanzania with Tilapia zilli (Ibrahim et al., 1974). ...
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Recent experiences and successes including the dwindling capture fisheries and global increaseinaquacultureproductionhavespurredinterestinthedevelopmentofcommercial cage culture in Africa. Thiscase study centres on cage culture of tilapia inKenyan waters ofLakeVictoriaand insatellitedamswithinLakeVictoria’scatchment.Itreportsonunique challenges and the innovative ways inwhichKenyanfishfarmers and fishers have had to undertake to ensure success. Increased publicconcern and suspicion on the long-term environmentaland ecological sustainability of cage-based farming systems in the lake has been a major area of concern.Thisstudy presents ways inwhich farmers and researchers have managed to rear caged fish with low input fish food and feed,provide quality fish seed, use locally availablematerialsformaking cages and ensurecage security. Cage culture can be beneficial in the Lake Victoriabasin asemerging constraints are resolved.
... In the early 1960s, aquaculture in small-and medium-sized reservoirs was initiated, and today it is an effective way of improving the productivity and production of inland fisheries. In the 1970s and 1980s, cage and pen culture, respectively, were introduced into China from Southeast Asia [6]. Aquaculture has been the major contributor to China's aquatic output since the early 1990s [7]. ...
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The aim of this review is to give a description of aquaculture of detritivorous fish in China. China has a long history of using aquaculture. With the increasing demand for fishery products, intensive aquaculture has been encouraged to a great degree, which has also led to a series of environ-mental, technical and social problems. Besides physical, chemical and mechanical removal of waste by sedimentation and microsieving, a biologically and technically feasible method called integrated aquaculture has been proposed to reduce environmental impacts. Bivalve molluscs, seaweeds and detritivorous fish are considered as suitable subjects for integrated culture. A model showed that sedimentary N decreased from 37% of the total original nutrients to 8.5% after the introduction of bivalve molluscs and seaweeds into aquaculture. Four detritivorous fish, Plagiognathops microlepis, Xenocypris davidi, Squaliobarbus curriculusand Liza haematocheila, are now used in aquaculture in China. To determine the most suitable initial integrated culture level of detritivorous fingerlings, a dynamic model was constructed based on a computer simulation method according to the following principle: the level of scavenging by detritivorous fish equals the level of waste left by the main culture object. Selecting suitable detritivorous fish species, solving the technical problems of artificial propagation and determining the initial culture level of selected species are three key problems associated with maintaining an effective integrated aquaculture system. Raising aware-ness about the importance of 'clean' aquaculture and performing corresponding scientific research should be encouraged.
... The authentic cage culture, in which fish were held for rearing periods during which increased in weight, was until recently thought to be a comparatively modern development. According to Hu (1994), however, Zhou Mi described fry sales in the ancient Jiujjang River, in a book called Kuixinzhashi, written in 1243 during the Sung Dynasty (A.D. 960–1280). In the Great Lake region of Cambodia floating cages have been used since the end of the last century (Lafont & Savoeun, 1951; Hickling, 1962; Ling, 1977; Pantulu, 1979). ...
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Aim of this study, was firstly to assess the seabed deposition of a fish farming facility located in the Alghero Bay (Western Mediterranean) by using the MERAMOD® particulate waste dispersion model, and evaluate actual scenario and a forthcoming situation represented by an enlargement of the fish farming area. The impact seabed surfaces forecasted by the model increased from 5.6 ha in the actual scenario up to 7.3 ha in the supposed potential condition. The second part of the study aimed to describe the settlement and development of biofouling organisms on cage nets at the above–mentioned farming facility. This was done by investigating different developmental phases of the biofouling communities on net panels inside cages containing big and small gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) specimens. The rapid increase of biofouling on all the experimental panels positioned inside fish cages suggests that caged mariculture activities have the potential to provided an enhanced food supply to epibiotic communities. Lastly, the objective of the third part study was to improve the knowledge of the ethological traits of different–sized gilthead sea bream specimens reared in floating cages. With this aim, the most common behavioural patterns of this species were observed during different times of the day and in the presence or absence of food. The results acquired show that the behaviour of fish reared offshore in the Alghero Bay is dramatically affected by the feeding rhythms in captivity.
... Prema navodima u Kini je uzgoj riba u kavezima utemeljen tijekom vladavine dinastije Han (Li, 1994). U prvom pisanom izvješüu Hu (1994) navodi Mi-ov Prof. dr. sc. ...
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This paper presents the first cage fattening results in the storage lake Grabovo. The lake is composed of the Upper and Lower Lake that covers an area of ca. 75 ha. A platform containing 16 cages is located in the Upper lake which was dug to the depth of 5 m for this purpose. Cages dimensions 5x5x2,5m were inoculated with 398 to 440 individuals of 2-year old carp fry of mean weight from 700 to 750 g•individuals-1 . During the experimental season some physico-mechanical properties were measured, like dissolved oxygen concentration, water temperature and pH value. Fish were fed fodder pellets containing 32 % of raw proteins and 10 % of lipids. Pellets were 8 mm in diameter was. On the basis of the individual mean weight of carp fry, water temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration and other physico-mechanical properties daily food amount was prescribed in accordance with nutrition tables. Weight gain from 141.3 to 162.2 kg was established after 109 feeding days. Daily individual weight gain varied from 3.66 to 3.85 g•individuals-1. Specific growth rate (SGR) values were from 0.093 to 0.168 %•day-1. Nutritive coefficient after a 109 feeding days was 3.67 to 4.13, and mortality was 4 %.
This edited book presents the emerging sustainable innovations in all areas of aquaculture in Africa with a view to create an opportunity whereby scientific outputs and recommendations can be endorsed for improved aquaculture outputs towards poverty alleviation and food security on the continent. Food insecurity and poverty are some of the challenges faced on the African continent. These challenges are further exacerbated by the growing human population and the impacts of climate change. Today, aquaculture has become one of the fastest food producing sectors in the world, with the potential to contribute significantly to food security and poverty alleviation in developing countries. In Africa, aquaculture is at an infant stage, however, many African countries have recognized the potential roles of aquaculture in food security, poverty alleviation and conservation of aquatic resources through their commitment to achieve the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals. The book reviews and synthesize research work from these thematic areas across Africa and provide a unique perspective on the emerging aquaculture innovations and illustrate how aquaculture practices could be feasible and cost effective while promoting social and environmental sustainability. The book also draws from global discussions on sustainable aquaculture practices and provides recommendations on what is feasible for Africa. This book is a great tool for the university students, scholars, aquaculture farmers, investors, and policymakers to understand the scientific based sustainable aquaculture innovations from an African perspective. This book is focused on SDG 2 and SDG 14.
This edited book presents the emerging sustainable innovations in all areas of aquaculture in Africa with a view to create an opportunity whereby scientific outputs and recommendations can be endorsed for improved aquaculture outputs towards poverty alleviation and food security on the continent. Food insecurity and poverty are some of the challenges faced on the African continent. These challenges are further exacerbated by the growing human population and the impacts of climate change. Today, aquaculture has become one of the fastest food producing sectors in the world, with the potential to contribute significantly to food security and poverty alleviation in developing countries. In Africa, aquaculture is at an infant stage, however, many African countries have recognized the potential roles of aquaculture in food security, poverty alleviation and conservation of aquatic resources through their commitment to achieve the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals. The book reviews and synthesize research work from these thematic areas across Africa and provide a unique perspective on the emerging aquaculture innovations and illustrate how aquaculture practices could be feasible and cost effective while promoting social and environmental sustainability. The book also draws from global discussions on sustainable aquaculture practices and provides recommendations on what is feasible for Africa. This book is a great tool for the university students, scholars, aquaculture farmers, investors, and policymakers to understand the scientific based sustainable aquaculture innovations from an African perspective. This book is focused on SDG 2 and SDG 14.
Carried out fundamentally in an open system, cage culture-derived nutrients can exacerbate the quality of the lacustrine environment. Information on nutrient loading from African inland waters is scarce, yet sustainable development of fish cage culture depends on it. This chapter reviews siting of fish cages, nutritional content, digestibility of fish feeds, and nutrient load in wastes of Nile tilapia in African inland waters. In addition, this chapter proposes a theoretical model for nutrient (nitrogen N and phosphorus P) budget in a Nile tilapia cage aquaculture farm to calculate the amount (kg) of N and P produced and released to the environment for each ton of fish produced basing on best and worst-case scenarios. The review shows that majority of the cages are sited nearshore and/or in shallow areas that could exacerbate environmental challenges. Poor digestibility of fish feeds, particularly P, raises concern due to the risk of eutrophication. The majority of the feeds used in African inland waters for cage fish culture recorded N deficiency in relation to P that could lead to poor retention, hence high nutrient loading into the environment. The theoretical model shows that about 46% of N and 39% of P from feed input are released into the environment for each tonne of tilapia produced. However, when the feed loss is high but at the same time the nutrient retention in fish is inefficient, 91% of N and 89% of P from feed input are discharged into the environment. Sensitivity analysis shows that nutrient loading from cage culture is very sensitive to feed loss, FCR and nutrient retention. The paper concludes with recommendations that need to be considered to minimise nutrient loading and its impact on the environment.KeywordsNile tilapiaCage cultureDigestibility, Nitrogen, PhosphorusNutrient loads
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According to the life-cycle assessment method, in this study, we took the traditional plate cage (TPC) mariculture and deep water wind wave-resistant cage (DWWWRC) mariculture of large yellow croaker in China as the research object. We counted and calculated the carbon footprint of the whole life cycle of large yellow croaker cultured in Zhoushan. By analyzing and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the two according to a perspective of carbon emissions, we found that the carbon footprint of DWWWRC was smaller than that of TPC, which is more suitable for China’s large yellow croaker mariculture. We proposed corresponding measures to reduce carbon emissions, such as using clean energy, extending cage life, and improving feed utilization. This study fills the gap in the current research direction of the carbon footprint of large yellow croaker farming in China and provides strong technical support for the sustainable development of China’s large yellow croaker cage farming industry.
This datasheet on L'élevage en cage à faible niveau d'intrants: vers la sécurité alimentaire et l'amélioration du niveau de vie en zones rurales au Kenya covers Identity, Overview, Further Information.
Surface‐based cages are the dominant production technology for the marine finfish aquaculture industry. However, issues such as extreme weather events, poor environmental conditions, interactions with parasites, and conflicts with other coastal users are problematic for surface‐based aquaculture. Submerged cages may reduce many of these problems and commercial interest in their use has increased. However, a broad synthesis of research into the effects of submerged culture on fish is lacking. Here, we review the current status of submerged fish farming worldwide, outline the biological challenges that fish with fundamentally different buoyancy control physiologies face in submerged culture, and discuss production benefits and problems that might arise from submerged fish farming. Our findings suggest that fish with closed swim bladders, and fish without swim bladders, may be well‐suited to submerged culture. However, for fish with open swim bladders, such as salmonids, submergence is more complex as they require access to surface air to refill their swim bladders and maintain buoyancy. Growth and welfare of open swim bladder fish can be compromised by submergence for long periods due to complications with buoyancy regulation, but the recent addition of underwater air domes to submerged cages can alleviate this issue. Despite this advance, a greater understanding of how to couple advantageous environmental conditions with submerged culture to improve fish growth and welfare over the commercial production cycle is required if submerged cages are to become a viable alternative to surface‐based cage aquaculture.
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Freshwater aquaculture in Gujarat is mainly focussed on village ponds which are leased to the farmers. The state has 6860 village ponds comprising an area of 0.22 lakh ha contributing up to 9% of the inland fish production of the state. The study aimed at evaluating economic analysis of three different types of aquaculture practices viz., zero-fed, bag-fed and cage cum pond integrated aquaculture production systems. Resource use efficiency indicators such as water-use index, calcium carbon-ate index, nitrogen-use index and energy efficiency were used to compare the aquaculture methods. The results indicated that output can be improved with system diversification. The percentage of additional net income achieved in cage cum pond integrated aquaculture production system as compared to zero-fed and bag-fed aquaculture production systems are 163.17 and 33.25% respectively. Constraints faced by farmers in upgrading their aquaculture practices were also documented. Non-availability of seed was found to be the major constraint.
For offshore aquaculture cages, structural damage can cause serious economic property damage to the aquaculture industry, thus it is necessary to carry out regular inspections of the cage structure. At present, the main method of detecting netting damage is that the staff sneak into the water for manual investigation. This method not only does not guarantee personal safety, but is also labor-intensive and inefficient. This paper proposes a new feature curve method for non-contact underwater netting damage detection, which can effectively recognize damaged netting and analyze the degree of damage for the underwater net and return to its damage position. The new method presented in this paper was designed taking into consideration of effect of seaweed growth: Firstly, an image block within the ROI (region of interest) region was processed by bilateral filter. Secondly, the binary image was obtained via the OSTU (the maximum inter-class variance method) method and connected domain detection was performed. Thirdly, the feature gradient histogram was calculated according to the area of the mesh hole and the local peaks of the curve (named as feature curve) was searched to determine the position of damage in the netting. The proposed method combined the image processing technology with aquaculture engineering seamlessly, and reduced the complexity of the detection system greatly, and significantly improved the efficiency of the netting detection. Finally, the MATLAB program was developed to realize the netting detection process and the proposed method had been verified by the actual underwater netting experiment. The experimental results showed that the netting damage detection method proposed in this paper can successfully detect crack of the netting despite image degradation in water.
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Freshwater aquaculture in Gujarat is mainly focussed on village ponds which are leased to the farmers. The state has 6860 village ponds comprising an area of 0.22 lakh ha contributing up to 9% of the inland fish production of the state. The study aimed at evaluating economic analysis of three different types of aquaculture practices viz., zerofed, bag-fed and cage cum pond integrated aquaculture production systems. Resource use efficiency indicators such as water-use index, calcium carbonate index, nitrogen-use index and energy efficiency were used to compare the aquaculture methods. The results indicated that output can be improved with system diversification. The percentage of additional net income achieved in cage cum pond integrated aquaculture production system as compared to zero-fed and bag-fed aquaculture production systems are 163.17 and 33.25% respectively. Constraints faced by farmers in upgrading their aquaculture practices were also documented. Non-availability of seed was found to be the major constraint.
Techniques on Common Carp Culture in Cages
  • Coche G.
Cage Culture Techniques in Foreign Countries
  • Hu Baotong
  • Lu ZhongKang
Cage Culture Techniques Adopted for Developing Reservoir Fisheries
  • Baotong Hu
  • Min Kuanhong
Advances in Aquaculture
  • Pantulu V.R.
Preliminary studies on the biological principals of cage culture and its applications in aquaculture
  • Hu Baotong
  • Qian Wanmei
  • Xi Shaoren
Metal Cage Culture and the Structure in Running Water Streams
  • Hanyuan Liu