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Prioritizing the World's Islands for vertebrate-eradication programmes


Abstract and Figures

In the last 400 years, more species have become extinct on small islands than on continents. Yet, scant attention has hitherto been paid to prioritizing island restorations. Nevertheless, considerable conservation effort is now devoted to removing a major cause of these extinctions – invasive alien vertebrates. Because modern techniques allow the clearance of invasive vertebrates from quite large islands (up to 1000 km2), many islands are candidates for restoration. A robust strategy for allocating available funds is urgently needed. It requires, for each candidate island, an objective estimation of conservation gain and a method for predicting its financial cost. Our earlier work showed that a good first-pass estimate of vertebrate eradication costs can be made using just island area and target species. Costs increase with island area, while rodents are more expensive per unit area than ungulates. Here, we develop a method for assessing the conservation benefit of a proposed eradication and apply the method to threatened birds, but not other taxa. The method, combining information on how threatened a species is, on the impact of alien vertebrates on that species and on the islands on which the species occurs, allows us to present a means of determining which islands yield the greatest conservation benefit per unit of expenditure on vertebrate eradication. In general, although greater overall benefit would accrue to birds from eradication of invasive vertebrates on larger islands, benefit per unit of expenditure is the highest on relatively small islands, and we identify those that should be priority targets for future eradications. Crucially, this quantitative assessment provides considerable efficiency gains over more opportunistic targeting of islands. The method could be adapted to prioritize islands on a regional or national basis, or with different conservation gains in mind.
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Costing eradications of alien mammals from islands
T. L. F. Martins
, M. de L. Brooke
, G. M. Hilton
, S. Farnsworth
, J. Gould
& D. J. Pain
1 Centre for Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter in Cornwall, Tremough, Penryn, UK
2 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Sandy, Bedfordshire, UK
3 Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
rats; cats; goats; restoration.
M. de L. Brooke, Department of Zoology,
University of Cambridge, Downing Street,
Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK.
Tel: 01223 336610;
Fax: 01223 336676
Received 15 November 2005; accepted
2 June 2006
The ability to estimate costs of alien species eradications is essential for a rigorous
assessment of priorities for island restoration. Using a global data file from
41 islands, mostly gleaned from the ‘grey’ literature, we show that the cost of
vertebrate eradications can be satisfactorily predicted if island area and species to be
eradicated are known. About 72% of the variation in cost can be explained by island
area, whereas, for a given area, rodent eradications are 1.7–3.0 times more expensive
than ungulate eradications. Costs per hectare decrease with island size. Restricting
the analysis to roughly half the data set, the relatively homogeneous half concerned
with New Zealand islands, we identify two further influences on cost: date of
eradication and distance to the main airport (an indicator of remoteness). For a
given area, costs have declined over time but increase with island remoteness. This
information therefore provides conservation planners with a robust, if preliminary,
estimate of the cost of any proposed eradication programme.
Despite the expected economic benefits of biodiversity con-
servation (Balmford et al., 2002), current conservation
resources fall well short of those needed to prevent major
extinctions (Balmford et al., 2003). Estimates suggest that
effective conservation outwith reserves across the world
might cost US$ 290 billion year
(1996 prices) whereas the
establishment and maintenance of an ecologically represen-
tative global network of protected areas would cost
US$ 27.5 billion year
, as compared with a current expen-
diture on reserves of US$ 6 billion year
(James, Gaston &
Balmford, 1999). In the face of this shortfall, an important
strand of conservation biology has investigated means of
optimizing the selection of protected areas (review in Cabeza
& Moilanen, 2001). However, no similar attention has
hitherto been paid to the issue of prioritizing island restora-
tions even though, in the last 400 years, more species have
become extinct on small islands than on continents (Manne,
Brooks & Pimm, 1999). Nevertheless, a significant propor-
tion of conservation effort is now devoted to controlling or
removing the major cause of these extinctions from islands
(Johnson & Stattersfield, 1990): invasive alien vertebrate
species. This effort has been catalysed inter alia by the
development of anti-coagulant toxins and effective bait
delivery systems, which now allow islands of up to c. 100
and 300 km
to be cleared of rats Rattus spp. and cats Felis
catus, respectively (Cooper et al., 1995; NZ-DOC, 2003;
Nogales et al., 2004), which are among the most damaging
and widespread of alien vertebrate taxa. Such advances
mean that a robust strategy for allocating the available
funds is needed because a very large number of islands are
apparently urgent candidates for restoration. For example,
there are several hundred islands across the world where
globally threatened bird species occur alongside harmful
alien vertebrates (own data).
The prioritization of invasive alien species eradications
on islands requires, for each candidate island, a system for
objective estimation of the conservation gain and an intern-
ally consistent method of predicting its financial cost. Using
a global data file on vertebrate eradications, we address the
latter issue. We ask which variables, among a number of
plausible candidates such as island area, isolation, topogra-
phy, project date and taxa targeted, actually influence the
cost of an eradication project. We hypothesize that larger,
more isolated, more rugged islands will be more costly, that
costs per unit area may decline over time as efficiency
improves, and that smaller species such as rats may be more
costly to eradicate than larger species such as goats. The
results of this analysis therefore allow the first-pass estima-
tion of the likely costs of projects still in the planning stage.
Our global data set comprises information on 41 invasive
vertebrate eradication projects. Twenty of these (49%) were
carried out on New Zealand offshore islands, nine (22%)
either in the UK (1) or in the UK’s Overseas Territories (8),
four (10%) in the Seychelles, three (7%) on Australia’s
Animal Conservation 9(2006) 439–444 c2006 The Authors. Journal compilation c2006 The Zoological Society of London 439
Animal Conservation. Print ISSN 1367-9430
offshore islands, two (5%) in Mauritius and one each (2%)
on USA islands, Indonesian islands and Antigua. Because
New Zealand provided about half the data, we analysed
both the entire data set and, separately, the New Zealand
data set to investigate whether the latter yielded insights
obscured by between-country noise.
The data comprise (1) information on the eradication
itself, namely species eradicated (rat or others), year of
eradication, cost in US$ and status of the eradication
(successful or unsuccessful two years after the project), and
(2) island topographical and geographical data, specifically
area (km
), distance to the nearest main airport (km),
maximum altitude (m) and ‘ruggedness’ (see below).
On the grounds that goods and personnel are readily
moved between international airports but that such move-
ment often becomes more difficult and expensive when by
sea or when to local airports, we took the distance of each
island from the nearest main airport as a measure of
isolation, termed ‘remoteness’. This distance was measured
from The Times Atlas of the World (1999), with main
airports being those marked in the atlas by an airport
symbol enclosed in a circle.
Insofar as the steepness of the terrain may influence costs,
our ‘ruggedness’ variable is intended to capture this, inde-
pendent of both area and max altitude (which we also
include as separate variables). Because altitude tends to
increase with area, we take the standardized residuals from
the regression of log
max altitude on log
area (log
tude=1.67+0.434 log
area) as our ruggedness variable.
Costs were converted from the local currency to US$ at
prevailing exchange rates and adjusted to 2003 prices. A
summary of data used is given in Table 1.
The 41 projects targeted species in various combinations
(Table 1): there were 29 rodent, four ungulate, two cat,
one rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus, one brushtail possum
Trichosurus vulpecula and four (rodent+other) eradica-
tions. Because we were interested in the impact, if any,
of species targeted on cost, it was necessary to categorize
these projects before analysis. A priori, we have three
main taxon categories: rodents, cats and ungulates. The
methods deployed to eradicate these three groups are
markedly different (although, even within taxon groups,
there is substantial variation in methods in a database
as wide-ranging as ours). We therefore aim to estimate
costs separately for each of these groups, regardless of
whether they are statistically distinguishable. This then
leaves the question of how to treat the single eradications
of rabbit and possum, and those islands from which rodents
plus other species were removed. Kapiti Island was cleared
of brushtail possums using trapping, shooting and hunting
with dogs (Brown & Sherley, 2002), a method that is broadly
similar to that used in most cat eradications. We there-
fore include Kapiti with the cat eradications. Round Island
was cleared of rabbits using a brodifacoum-baiting opera-
tion, similar to most rat eradications, and is therefore
pooled with those.
Considering the four islands from which rodents plus
other species were removed, the removal of rats and cats on
Tuhua was a carefully planned combined operation, invol-
ving secondary poisoning of cats which ate and were
themselves then poisoned by rats that had already ingested
brodifacoum (Nogales et al., 2004). On Pitcairn, secondary
poison was a major component of the eradication, coupled
with some trapping and hunting (Nogales et al., 2004). On
Inner Chetwode and Stanley, the eradication of wekas
Gallirallus australis and rabbits, respectively, was achieved
via their consumption of brodifacoum, intended for rats. In
the light of these details, we do not consider that these
operations provide sufficient data to examine the very
important question of the extent to which the costs of
simultaneous eradications of more than one species are
additive. Instead, we treat all four eradications as rodent
eradications in the analysis. None of them generates notable
outliers from the overall rodent cost-estimation function.
Hence, in the worldwide analysis, we have four ungulate
eradications, three ‘cat’ eradications (i.e. including the
eradication of possums from Kapiti Island) and 34 ‘rodent’
eradications (including the eradication of rabbits from
Round Island). For New Zealand, we have 16 rodent
eradications (including Tuhua, Stanley and Inner Chet-
wode), three ungulate eradications and one possum eradica-
tion (Kapiti).
General linear models (GLMs, Minitab 13.1) were used
to examine the variables that predict costs of eradication.
Full models containing all potential explanatory variables
were developed, with stepwise deletion of least significant
variables, until a minimum adequate model was obtained in
which all variables were significant (Po0.05). Because of the
small number of observations (n=41 islands) relative to
explanatory variables (n=7), we did not attempt to test for
non-linear effects or interactions among variables.
In GLMs, success was treated as a binary categorical
variable and taxon as a three-level categorical variable (see
above). The remaining explanatory variables were modelled
as covariates. The GLM is robust to departures from
normality of explanatory variables, but nevertheless we
normalized the heavily right-skewed distributions of island
area and remoteness by log
transformation. Year of
eradication,ruggedness (see above) and max altitude were
untransformed. The response variable, cost of eradication,
was log
transformed to remove a strong right-skew. All
statistical tests were two-tailed.
Our a priori expectation was that island area would have a
very strong influence on costs. This expectation was met
(Fig. 1), and the linear regression of cost on area gives log
cost of eradication (US$)= 4.27 (SE 0.069)+0.770
(SE 0.076) log
island area (km
=102, Po0.0001,
Because slope of the regression is significantly less than 1,
costs per unit area decline with increasing island area.
Although such a cost–area relationship is intuitively ob-
vious, its influence is so overwhelming that clarifying its
slope is of greater value in providing an accurate estimate of
Animal Conservation 9(2006) 439–444 c2006 The Authors. Journal compilation c2006 The Zoological Society of London440
Costing island eradications T. L. F. Martins et al.
Table 1 The 41 eradication projects analysed in this study
Island Country Year Area (km
) Airport (km)
(1= yes,
0=no) Cost Rodent Cat Ungulate Other Source
Ascension UK Overseas Territory 2003 88.00 1081 1 815 661 0 1 0 0 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
Bird Seychelles 1996 1.01 270 1 5169 1 0 0 0
Bottom Falklands 2001 0.08 1375 1 3201 1 0 0 0 R. Ingham (pers. comm.)
Breaksea New Zealand 1990 1.70 531 1 48 796 1 0 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Campbell New Zealand 2003 113.00 1050 1 1 249726 1 0 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
(inner and outer)
New Zealand 1996 2.78 75 1 43 778 1 0 0 Weka Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Curieuse Seychelles 2000 3.00 45 1 67 290 1 0 0 0 J. Millett (pers. comm.)
Cuvier New Zealand 1993 1.70 105 1 16 968 1 0 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Denis Seychelles 2000 1.40 80 1 56 994 1 0 0 0 J. Millett (pers. comm.)
Double Falklands 2001 0.09 1375 1 370 1 0 0 0 R. Ingham (pers. comm.)
Double Islands
(Larger Island)
New Zealand 1989 0.19 96 1 3271 1 0 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Double Islands
(Smaller Island)
New Zealand 1989 0.08 96 1 1919 1 0 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Ducie Pitcairn Islands 1998 0.60 2700 1 32 191 1 0 0 0 Wildlife Management International
Enderby New Zealand 1993 7.10 910 1 10 698 0 0 Cattle 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Flat Mauritius 1998 2.00 60 1 64 381 1 0 0 0 J. Hartley (pers. comm.)
Fregate Seychelles 2000 2.20 45 1 61 916 1 0 0 0 J. Millett (pers. comm.)
Great Barrier New Zealand 1987 32.30 93 0 32975 0 0 Goat 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Green Island Antigua 2001 0.43 40 1 16 115 1 0 0 0 rad.html
Hawea New Zealand 1986 0.09 531 1 36 101 1 0 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Kapiti New Zealand 1986 19.70 50 1 149 498 0 0 0 Possum Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Korapuki New Zealand 1987 0.18 96 1 3858 1 0 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Lord Howe Australia 2001 14.60 700 1 48 125 0 0 Goat 0 Parkes, Macdonald & Leaman (2002), Anon. (2003)
MacQuarie Australia 2000 122.50 1200 1 2 356 350 0 1 0 0 G. Copson (pers. comm.)
Mokohinau New Zealand 1991 1.00 111 1 21621 1 0 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Mou Waho New Zealand 1996 1.40 312 1 8243 1 0 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Oeno Pitcairn Islands 1998 0.60 2400 1 32 191 1 0 0 0 Wildlife Management International
Otata New Zealand 1991 0.22 36 1 8208 1 0 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Outer Falklands 2001 0.20 1375 1 895 1 0 0 0 R. Ingham (pers. comm.)
Palmyra USA 2001 2.29 1300 0 111 007 1 0 0 0 B. Flint (pers. comm.)
Pitcairn Pitcairn Islands 1998 5.00 2500 0 225 334 1 1 0 0 Wildlife Management International
Ramsey UK 2000 2.53 150 1 28 972 1 0 0 0 I. Bullock (pers. comm.)
Raoul New Zealand 1986 29.38 1160 1 551 470 0 0 Goat 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Red Mercury New Zealand 1992 2.25 110 1 24 126 1 0 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Round Mauritius 1986 1.50 40 1 48 286 0 0 0 Rabbit J. Hartley (pers. comm.)
Rurima New Zealand 1984 0.08 348 1 7366 1 0 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Sandy Lacepede Australia 1986 4.49 1100 1 51 653 1 0 0 0
Animal Conservation 9(2006) 439–444 c2006 The Authors. Journal compilation c2006 The Zoological Society of London 441
Costing island eradicationsT. L. F. Martins et al.
costs than is determining the role of other, secondary
We subsequently investigated the effect of other second-
ary variables on the estimation of costs. A full GLM
including all variables was reduced to give a final minimum
adequate model, which contained log
island area
and taxon as significant predictors of cost (Table 2). Para-
meter estimates for the taxon effect indicate that eradication
of rodents might be costlier per unit area than ungulates.
The difference is large: according to this model, rodent
eradications are estimated to be c. 1.7 times more expensive
per unit area than ungulate eradications. Including the
taxon variable in the model has a minor influence on the
estimate of the slope of the area effect.
Success was the first variable to be dropped from the
model; there was no evidence of a difference in costs between
successful and unsuccessful operations. However, our data
set comprises only three unsuccessful eradications (Pitcairn,
Palmyra, Great Barrier), and hence this is a weak test. None
of the remaining variables that were dropped from the
model approached significance.
We developed a similar model using only data from
eradications conducted in New Zealand. The success
Table 1 Continued
Island Country Year Area (km
) Airport (km)
(1= yes,
0=no) Cost Rodent Cat Ungulate Other Source
Sangalaki Indonesia 2003 0.14 500 1 2800 1 0 0 0
Stanley New Zealand 1992 1.00 99 1 17064 1 0 0 Rabbit Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Tawhitinui New Zealand 1983 0.23 51 1 4225 1 0 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
Top Falklands 2001 0.12 1375 1 2974 1 0 0 0 R. Ingham (pers. comm.)
Tuhua New Zealand 2000 12.80 129 1 67 543 1 1 0 0 Pestlink, NZ Department of Conservation database
For each island, the year of the project, area, distance to nearest international airport and cost (expressed as US dollars adjusted to year 2003) are shown. The table also indicates whether or not
the eradication was successful and whether it did (code 1) or did not (code 0) target various categories of vertebrate. All rodents were Rattus spp. and all cats were Felis catus.
10 000
100 000
1 000 000
10 000 000
0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00
Island area (km )
Cost of eradication (USD)
rodent + other
Figure 1 Cost of island eradications as a function of island area, for
different taxa eradicated. The full data set is plotted.
Table 2 Significant variables in the minimum adequate model of
eradication costs using the full data set
Response variable F(d.f.) PEstimate (SE)
Constant o0.001 4.10 (0.14)
Island area 79.7 (1,37) o0.001 0.85 (0.067)
Taxon 3.77 (2,37) 0.032
Ungulate 0.00 (0.00)
Rodent 0.22 (0.15)
Cat 0.20 (0.19)
Deleted variables
Success 0.13 (1,32) 0.72
Remoteness 1.05 (1,33) 0.31
Maximum altitude 1.83 (1,34) 0.19
Ruggedness 0.77 (1,35) 0.39
Year 1.03 (1,36) 0.32
Non-significant variables are listed at the bottom, in the order in which
they were deleted from the full model.
Animal Conservation 9(2006) 439–444 c2006 The Authors. Journal compilation c2006 The Zoological Society of London442
Costing island eradications T. L. F. Martins et al.
variable was not considered, because there was only one
New Zealand failure. We combined the single possum
eradication (see Methods) with the rodent eradications to
create a two-level taxon variable (rat/possum vs. ungulate).
A model with area, taxon, year of eradication and
remoteness as explanatory variables gave a good fit to the
data (Table 3). As in the global model, rodent/possum
eradications were significantly more expensive per unit area
than ungulate eradications, in this case by a factor of three.
In addition, in the New Zealand Model, costs were lower in
more recent eradications (Fig. 2), and higher for more
remote islands (Fig. 3).
Thus, for a hypothetical 10 km
island situated 100 km
from an airport, costs would decrease from US$ 251 500 if
rodents were eradicated in 1983 (the earliest date for which
we have data), to US$ 88 600 if the operation were done in
1993, to only US$ 31 200 if it were done in 2003 (the latest
date for which we have data).
Similarly, for a hypothetical 10 km
island from which
rodents/possums were eradicated in 2000, the predicted cost
would increase from US$ 9800 if it were 10 km from an
airport, to 42 700 if 100 km from an airport to 185 500 if
1000 km from an airport.
Our results indicate that island area is the primary determi-
nant of the cost of an eradication (Fig. 1). Seventy-two per
cent of the variation in cost of an eradication can be
explained by area alone. Detecting this strong effect was
made easier by the fact that the areas of the islands in our
data set span more than four orders of magnitude. Thus,
decision makers considering potential eradication pro-
grammes need only know island area, distance from airport
(at least in the New Zealand region) and species to be
eradicated to make internally consistent and robust first-
pass estimates of the likely cost. Of especial consequence is
whether the programme will target rodents or ungulates, the
former being 1.7–3.0 times more expensive for a given island
area. This reflects substantial differences in the methods
typically used to conduct the work (Courchamp, Chapuis &
Pascal, 2003). Although other variables failed to enter our
model, it seems almost inevitable that these variables do
exert some influence on costs. In particular, more rugged
islands are likely to be more costly than flat islands.
Although the explanatory power of the regression of cost
on area is very high, the confidence intervals around the cost
of a particular eradication, especially on a small island,
remain rather large as a proportion of predicted cost. Clearly,
local factors that are not captured in this generic analysis may
have an important influence on the costs of a given eradica-
tion. However, the absolute precision of cost prediction is not
the main issue here. These models provide a means by which
several or many potential eradications can be compared in a
consistent manner at the pre-planning stage, particularly
Table 3 Significant variables in the minimum adequate model of
eradication costs using only New Zealand data
Response variable F(d.f.) PEstimate (SE)
Constant 0.032 92.7 (39.3)
Island area 49.4 (1,15) o0.001 0.82 (0.12)
Remoteness 12.1 (1,15) 0.003 0.64 (0.18)
Year of eradication 5.23 (1,15) 0.037 0.045 (0.20)
11.9 (1,15) 0.004
Ungulate 0.00 (0.00)
Rodent 0.51 (0.15)
Deleted variables
Ruggedness 0.52 (1,12) 0.49
Maximum altitude 0.23 (1,13) 0.64
For the purposes of this analysis, we used a two-level taxon variable:
rodent/possum and ungulate.
Non-significant variables are listed at the bottom, in the order in which
they were deleted from the full model.
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Remoteness (log10 distance to airport)
Residual cost of eradication
Figure 3 Relationship between remoteness of island and costs of
restoring New Zealand islands. Y-values are standardized residuals
from a general linear model, with log
cost of eradication as response
variable and log
island area, year of eradication and taxon eradicated
as explanatory variables [i.e. the minimum adequate model for New
Zealand eradications (see Table 3) with the remoteness variable
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Year of eradication
Residual cost of eradication
Figure 2 Relationship between year of eradication and costs of
restoring New Zealand islands. Y-values are standardized residuals
from a general linear model, with log
cost of eradication as response
variable and log
island area, taxon eradicated and remoteness of
island (log
distance from nearest airport) as explanatory variables
[i.e. the minimum adequate model for New Zealand eradications (see
Table 3) with the year variable removed].
Animal Conservation 9(2006) 439–444 c2006 The Authors. Journal compilation c2006 The Zoological Society of London 443
Costing island eradicationsT. L. F. Martins et al.
when combined with an internally consistent means of
estimating conservation benefits (Brooke et al., in prep.).
The regression coefficient for island area (Fig. 1 and
results) is less than unity, implying that eradication pro-
grammes on larger islands cost less per hectare than those on
smaller islands. Such a relation was demonstrated by Towns
& Broome (2003) for New Zealand eradications. These
authors also considered that there had been efficiency gains,
reducing per hectare costs over time, but they did not
present detailed multivariate statistics to support this claim.
Our analysis now detects such gains. When increased effi-
ciency is coupled with the lower per hectare cost of larger
islands, the number of candidate islands clearly expands for
a given budget. But when assessing the case for eradications
on candidate islands of different size, it is crucial to know
the slope of the regression of cost on island area, which our
analysis now provides.
The lower per hectare cost of programmes on larger
islands should not automatically be considered an argument
for targeting eradication expenditure towards larger islands.
Although, on average, the populations of threatened species
will be larger and potentially more viable on larger islands,
there may be counter-arguments in favour of targeting
several small islands. For example, several small islands
might harbour populations of several different endangered
species, and their smaller size could facilitate quarantine
measures against accidental re-introductions of aliens.
Few of the eradications used in our calculations were
undertaken in developing countries. Even those that were
undertaken in developing countries were carried out by
visiting experts from the developed world. Thus, in contrast
to protecting reserves in developing countries, which may be
cheaper because land and labour costs are low (Balmford
et al., 2003), there is at present no case to be made that the
costs of eradications are significantly affected by the devel-
opment status of countries (although this situation may
certainly change in the future).
The results presented here offer a much-needed tool for
comparing the costs of future eradications among sets of
candidate islands and, in due course, for the assessment of
global priorities for restorative island conservation.
Data from New Zealand were kindly supplied (two years
ahead of it being accessible on the web) by Dr Wendy Evans,
project manager for Pestlink (web-based animal pest data-
base) from the Northern Regional Office of the Department
of Conservation, New Zealand. Thanks also to Dr Rod
Hitchmough from the Biodiversity Unit of the Department
of Conservation, New Zealand, who played an important
role in establishing contact between Dr Evans and ourselves.
Ann Amer from HSA Systems Ltd provided altitude data
for some New Zealand islands ( David
Bryant, Matthew Evans and David Gibbons read and
commented on various versions of this paper. T.L.F.M.
was part-funded by the European Social Fund.
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Turning the tide: the eradication of invasive species:
233–239. Veitch, C.R. & Clout, M.N. (Eds). Occasional
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Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: IUCN.
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Towns, D.R. & Broome, K.G. (2003). From small Maria to
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Animal Conservation 9(2006) 439–444 c2006 The Authors. Journal compilation c2006 The Zoological Society of London444
Costing island eradications T. L. F. Martins et al.
... However, most invasive species eradication programmes have been implemented on uninhabited islands, mostly due to operational difficulties, such as perceived health hazards, dilemmas around the type of tools used, or financial burdens on the local community (Oppel et al. 2011). A global challenge is to shift the focus of invasive species control from uninhabited islands to populated islands (Oppel et al. 2011;Glen et al. 2013a), since many of the highest priority islands for eradications are inhabited (Brooke et al. 2007). Inhabited islands pose particular difficulties due to the presence of companion animals and livestock species, which hamper eradication actions (Glen et al. 2013a;Russell & Stanley 2018). ...
... There is an ongoing global biodiversity crisis (Pimm et al. 2006), a crisis for which invasive species are a major driving force that has led to species declines and extinctions (Clavero & García-Berthou 2005;Bellard et al. 2016a;Doherty et al. 2016). This impact has been disproportionately felt on island ecosystems, with three quarters of terrestrial vertebrate extinctions and two thirds of plant extinctions taking place on islands over the past five centuries (Brooke et al. 2007). Due to the importance of island ecosystems (Kier et al. 2009;Tershy et al. 2015) as refugia for threatened species, and their economic and social values to nations (Vitousek et al. 1997;McNeely 2001;Waser et al. 2015); invasive species management in these systems has become a high priority for local communities and managers (Waser et al. 2015). ...
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Invasive species are major drivers of biodiversity loss and have a range of social and economic impacts worldwide. The impacts of invasive species are particularly important on islands, due to their isolated ecosystems, species naïveté, and higher endemism rates, in comparison to continental areas of the same size. Historically, management efforts have focused on controlling the impact of invasive species on remote uninhabited islands. However, many threatened species occur on inhabited islands, where some of them also have intrinsic cultural value for both local communities and indigenous people. In recent decades, there has been an increasing interest from island communities in the implementation of eradication programmes to protect local ecosystems, economies, and cultural heritage. As the number and complexity of these eradication programmes increase, natural resource managers face uncertainty in prioritising the most appropriate management strategies that can maximise not only conservation goals, but can also integrate local human population preferences and economic considerations, in what has been referred to as “the new management paradigm”. In my PhD, I used participatory and modelling approaches to advance our ability to address invasive species management challenges under uncertainty at a local scale, focusing on the case study of on Minjerribah-North Stradbroke Island. In Chapter 2 (Cáceres-Escobar et al. in review), I aimed to prioritise the best strategies to control the impacts of invasive species on Minjerribah-North Stradbroke Island for local conservation practitioners to implement strategies that aligned with local communities’ preferences. To achieve this, I developed and implemented a framework to integrate multi-stakeholder perspectives (here the natural resource managers, local communities and the indigenous Quandamooka peoples) into a cost-benefit analysis to evaluate six different co-developed management strategies to preserve the environmental and cultural significance of the island, by controlling the impacts of European red foxes and feral cats. I found that the best decisions when the budget is low are less cost-effective than when the budget is high. According to the local management preferences, the chosen strategy was only fox management under high management intensity on the Island. In this work, I also highlighted the need for further research on feral cat management alternatives. In Chapter 3, in order to test the proposed co-developed strategies devised in Chapter 2, I developed and implemented a demographic model to estimate the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of eradicating foxes from Minjerribah within a 3-year management window proposed by local conservation practitioners. I found that a “high-intensity and high investment” approach was the most cost-effective and efficient strategy to control the impacts of red foxes within the proposed management window. In Chapter 4, I implemented a novel approach that assessed possible outcomes of the implementation of only red fox eradication or joint eradication of red foxes and feral cats. I found that the safest strategy to maximise the benefits of local threatened and culturally relevant species is a simultaneous eradication strategy of both red foxes and feral cats, as it did not show any significantly negative effects on native populations. Following the local scale work in Chapters 2-4, I collated reported densities of my focal invasive species, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), from the Atlas of Living Australia and scientific literature, to assess the challenges to develop National-scale management strategies. In Chapter 5, I performed a literature review and examined the existing information in the Atlas of Living Australia and scientific literature on red fox abundance. I assessed the current datasets available to develop strategic management strategies that improve the allocation of resources on a national scale. I found that despite 53,792- recorded occurrences of red foxes in Australia, the available dataset was skewed towards a reduced number of Bioregions and administrative areas in southeast Australia, and that nearly three quarters of the available scientific literature were from approximately 20 to 30 years ago. I highlight the need for new data, as the available information might not represent the current trends of the extant of fox populations. Updating the current information will improve our understanding of the underlying processes that drive fox impacts, and help us develop threat maps that improve the allocation of resources at a national scale. However challenging, incorporating social perspectives and qualitative parameters into quantitative approaches for addressing and managing invasive species can improve our understanding of the local systems. It is important to understand how local socialcultural conditions and economic constraints affect the development and implementation of invasive species management strategies. By implementing participatory and modelling approaches, we can substantially improve and amend management strategies before long-term commitments are taken. By understanding local preferences, management expectations, and data availability, we can implement a bottom-up approach to develop better management strategies that capture local aspects that can enhance the quality of national management.
... The propensity of many seabirds to nest among conspecifics and their high rates of philopatry make recolonization of previously occupied sites unlikely, especially in the short term (but see Brooke et al., 2007;Jones et al., 2016). Further, given that passive recolonization tends to occur when a source population is within 25 km (Borrelle et al., 2015;Buxton et al., 2013) and that most seabirds exhibit high survival and low reproductive rates (Weimerskirch, 2002), for many species it may take many decades for a colony to develop (Kappes and Jones, 2014). ...
... These projects have largely been undertaken in the absence of meaningful community involvement (Towns et al., 2013). However, more than half of the islands (55%) identified as having high conservation benefits from invasive mammal eradications also have permanent human communities (Brooke et al., 2007). Additionally, seabirds are valued by many indigenous communities across the globe, with seabird populations important to culture and food security (Mallory et al., 2006;Moller, 2009). ...
... On the other hand, the common practise of clearing native undergrowth beneath mature coconut stands depletes the Tuamotu Sandpiper habitat (Pierce and Blanvillain, 2004) threatening this and other bird species. Another threat to wildlife are the mammals introduced to all the atolls except Tenararo (Blanvillain, 2000;Blanvillain et al., 2002), including Pacific and Black rats, and some cats in Tenarunga (Brooke et al., 2007). ...
Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is one of the world's most economically important tree species, and coconut palm plantations dominate many islands and tropical coastlines. However, the expansion of plantations to supply international markets threatens biodiversity. Therefore, monitoring the plantations is important not only for the food industry but also for evaluating and mitigating environmental impacts of the industry. However, the detection of coconut trees from space is challenging because the palms' crowns hold only limited pixels of high-resolution optical imagery. Here, we present an accurate and real-time COCOnut tree DETection method (COCODET) which uses satellite imagery to detect individual palms, comprising three components. First, an Adaptive Feature Enhancement (AFE) module is designed to improve both the capacity of representation at the highest level of the feature map and feature representation ability and help distinguish between coconut trees and other vegetation. Secondly, we modify a region proposal network to produce a Tree-shape Region Proposal Network (T-RPN) for producing coconut tree candidates. Finally, we create a Cross Scale Fusion (CSF) module for integrating multi-scale information to improve small tree detection; this fuses features of coconut crowns from different levels, connecting shallow and deep-level semantic features. We applied COCODET to detect coconut trees in four remote atolls from the Acteon Group in French Polynesia. The natural habitats on the islands were previously cleared for coconut plantations, many of which have since been abandoned. COCODET achieved an average F1 score of 86.5% using its real-time inference process, considerably outperforming other cutting-edge object detection algorithms (4.3 ∼ 12.0% more accurate). We detected 688 ha of coconuts and 182 ha of natural habitat on the islands, and within the coconut groves we detected 120,237 individuals. Our analyses indicate that deep learning approaches can be successfully applied to coconut palm detection, aiding efforts to understand human impacts on natural ecosystems and biodiversity.
... Given that conservation resources are severely constrained, it is therefore important that island eradication choices be prioritised. Those choices include the islands that are considered (Brooke et al., 2007), the species that are targeted (Helmstedt et al., 2016), and the eradication methods that are employed (Baker et al., 2017). There is now an extensive literature on the prioritisation of island eradication decisions, and a very large number of tools have been created to support those decisions (Baker and Bode, 2021). ...
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Eradicating invasive species from islands is a proven method for safeguarding threatened and endangered species from extinction. Island eradications can deliver lasting benefits, but require large up-front expenditure of limited conservation resources. The choice of islands must therefore be prioritised. Numerous tools have been developed to prioritise island eradications, but none fully account for the risk of those eradicated species later returning to the island: reinvasion. In this paper, we develop a prioritisation method for island eradications that accounts for the complexity of the reinvasion process. By merging spatially-explicit metapopulation modelling with stochastic dynamic optimisation techniques, we construct a decision-support tool that optimises conservation outcomes in the presence of reinvasion risk. We applied this tool to two different case studies – rat ( Rattus rattus ) invasions in the Seaforth archipelago in New Zealand, and cane toad ( Rhinella marina ) invasions in the Dampier archipelago in Australia – to illustrate how state-dependent optimal policies can maximise expected conservation gains. In both case studies, incorporating reinvasion risk dramatically altered the optimal order of island eradications, and improved the potential conservation benefits. The increase in benefits was larger in Dampier than Seaforth (42% improvement versus 6%), as a consequence of both the characteristics of the invasive species, and the arrangement of the islands. Our results illustrate the potential consequences of ignoring reinvasion risk, and demonstrate that including reinvasion in eradication prioritisation can dramatically improve conservation outcomes.
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Program kesehatan hutan diarahkan untuk menurunkan laju populasi patogen sehingga dalam jangka panjang mengurangi ledakan populasi karena produktivitas hutan mangrove merupakan tuntutan yang harus diwujudkan sehingga kerusakan hutan harus mendapatkan prioritas dan perhatian utama. Oleh karenanya langkah antisipatif melalui upaya diagnosa dini perlu dilakukan sehingga data dan informasi yang diperoleh dapat dijadikan dasar untuk pengambilan kebijakan. Pulau-pulau kecil memiliki keindahan alam yang masih asli dan alami, serta memiliki berbagai potensi sumber daya alam, budaya, dan jasa lingkungan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengembangan ekowisata. Potensi alam di pulau-pulau kecil seperti sungai, hutan mangrove, keanekaragaman hayati baik flora dan fauna endemik, sampai dengan pemandangan sunset dan sunrise merupakan potensi ekowisata yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk ditawarkan kepada wisatawan/pengunjung. Berbagai aktivitas ekowisata dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan potensi tersebut seperti kegiatan susur sungai, bird watching, menikmati pemandangan, trekking, dan berkano. Lanskap dengan pemandangan yang didominasi oleh fitur alami, memiliki nilai scenic beauty estimation (SBE) yang tinggi karena memiliki karakteristik visual berupa lanskap yang alami, seperti fitur danau, sungai, pantai, hutan, pegunungan, perbukitan, perkebunan dan keragaman vegetasi yang tinggi. Setiap lokasi pulau kecil memiliki perbedaan dalam kondisi fisik wilayah, potensi sumber daya alam, dan permasalahan yang ada. Oleh karena itu, sebelum mengembangkan konsep pengembangan dan sistem pengelolaan ekowisata, perlu dilakukan tahap identifikasi kondisi fisik wilayah, potensi sumber daya alam dan jasa lingkungan, serta permasalahan yang ada. Pengembangan ekowisata di pulau-pulau kecil juga dapat mendorong pelestarian lingkungan dan pengembangan berkelanjutan. Konsep ekowisata tidak hanya memperkenalkan keindahan alam, tetapi juga bertujuan untuk melestarikan lingkungan alam dan mempromosikan praktik berkelanjutan dalam pengelolaan sumber daya.
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The Bermuda Islands, a 57-km² atoll-like archipelago located at 32°19'N, 64°45'W, are the only truly oceanic islands in the northwestern Atlantic. Accounts of seabirds nesting at the time of settlement in the early 17th century suggest that several tern species, including the Brown Noddy (Anous stolidus), Sooty Tern (Onychoprion fuscatus), Bridled Tern (O. anaethetus), Least Tern (Sternula antillarum), Roseate Tern (Sterna dougallii), and Common Tern (S. hirundo), might have been nesting on the islands. By the time that scientific documentation began in the mid-19th century, only the Roseate and Common Terns were confirmed to have survived, but overzealous collecting extirpated the Roseate Tern. The Common Tern survived into the 20th century and with legal protection has continued to nest on small rocky islets in sheltered sounds and harbors; one pair of Roseate Terns recolonized in 2018. This paper reviews historic records of terns, together with recent observations of transient migrants and nest-prospecting vagrants, including data from a 69-yr study of Common Terns (DBW unpubl. data), combined with data of other observers. These records provide some indication of the species that nested in Bermuda in pre-colonial times and which might be most amenable to restoration using modern conservation techniques. They also shed some light on the processes and timespans for recolonizations of remote oceanic islands by seabirds following their extirpation by humans. Keywords Bermuda, extirpation, history, recolonization, terns Resumen Revisión histórica de la información sobre la nidificación de gaviotas (Sterninae) en Bermudas, con perspectivas de restablecer algunas de las especies perdidas—Las islas Bermudas, un archipiélago similar a un atolón de 57 km² y ubicado a 32°19'N, 64°45'W, son las únicas islas verdaderamente oceánicas en el Atlántico noroccidental. Los relatos sobre la nidificación de aves marinas en el momento del asentamiento, a principios del siglo XVII, sugieren que varias especies de gaviotas como Anous stolidus, Onychoprion fuscatus, O. anaethetus, Sternula antillarum, Sterna dougallii y Sterna hirundo podrían haber estado nidificando en las islas. En el momento en que comenzó la documentación científica a mediados del siglo XIX, se confirmó que sólo habían sobrevivido S. dougallii y S. hirundo; pero la recolección excesiva extirpó la primera de estas especies. S. hirundo sobrevivió hasta el siglo XX y con protección legal ha seguido nidificando en pequeños islotes rocosos y en puertos protegidos; un par de S. dougallii recolonizaron el área en 2018. En este artículo se examinan los registros históricos de gaviotas, junto con las observaciones recientes de especies migratorias transitorias y vagabundas con posibilidades de nidificar; incluidos los datos de un estudio de 69 años de S. hirundo (datos no publicados de DBW) y combinados con datos de otros observadores. Estos registros proporcionan alguna indicación sobre las especies que nidificaban en las Bermudas en tiempos precoloniales y que podrían ser más predispuestas a la restauración utilizando técnicas modernas de conservación. También arrojan algo de luz sobre los procesos y los plazos para la recolonización de islas oceánicas remotas por parte de las aves marinas tras su extirpación por los humanos. Palabras clave Bermudas, extirpación, gaviotas, historia, recolonización Résumé Revue historique des informations sur les sternes nichant aux Bermudes et perspectives de réinstallation de certaines des espèces ayant disparu — Les îles Bermudes, un archipel de 57 km² en forme d’atoll situé à 32°19'N, 64°45'W, sont les seules îles véritablement océaniques de l’Atlantique Nord-Ouest. Les mentions d’oiseaux marins nichant au moment de la colonisation au début du XVIIe siècle indiquent que plusieurs espèces de sternes, dont le Noddi brun (Anous stolidus), la Sterne fuligineuse (Onychoprion fuscatus), la Sterne bridée (O. anaethetus), la Petite Sterne (Sternula antillarum), La Sterne de Dougall (Sterna dougallii) et la Sterne pierregarin (S. hirundo) pouvaient nicher sur ces îles. Au milieu du XIXe siècle, lorsque les relevés scientifiques ont commencé, il a été confirmé que seules la Sterne de Dougall et la Sterne pierregarin avaient survécu, mais un excès de zèle dans la collecte a fait disparaître la Sterne de Dougall. La Sterne pierregarin a survécu jusqu’au XXe siècle et, avec l’instauration d’une protection légale, continue à nicher sur de petits îlots rocheux dans des bras de mer et des ports abrités ; et un couple de Sternes de Dougall s’est de nouveau installé en 2018. Le présent article passe en revue les données historiques sur les sternes, les observations récentes de migrateurs de passage et d’individus erratiques prospectant de potentiels sites de nidification, ainsi que les données d’une étude d’une durée de 69 ans sur la Sterne pierregarin (données de DBW non publiées), combinées aux données d’autres observateurs. Ces informations fournissent des indications sur les espèces qui nichaient aux Bermudes à l’époque précoloniale et dont le retour pourrait être favorisé à l’aide de techniques de conservation modernes. Elles apportent également un éclairage sur les processus et les délais de recolonisation des îles océaniques lointaines par les oiseaux marins après leur disparition due aux activités humaines. Mots clés Bermudes, disparition, histoire, recolonisation, sternes
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Seabirds are one of the most threatened bird groups on the planet, with approximately 30% at risk of extinction. The primary cause of population decline and extinction are non-native species introduced to islands, such as mammals, and which subsequently prey on seabirds or damage habitats. These “invasive species” are impacting 46% of seabird species and over 170 million individual seabirds globally. Of seabirds impacted, 66% are currently listed as globally threatened on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, highlighting the urgent need to remove the threat of invasive species to prevent seabird extinctions. In this chapter we discuss these impacts in detail, including a brief history of invasion processes that have led to this global problem. We also describe emerging invasive species threats and investigate how climate change will further exacerbate the impacts of invasive species on seabirds. We conclude this chapter with a discussion on the successful management and reduction of invasive species, which have resulted in substantial conservation gains for seabirds and whole island ecosystems worldwide.
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Background House mice ( Mus musculus ) are widespread and invasive on many islands where they can have both direct and indirect impacts on native ecological communities. Given their opportunistic, omnivorous nature the consumptive and competitive impacts of house mice on islands have the potential to vary over time in concert with resource availability and mouse population dynamics. Methods We examined the ecological niche of invasive house mice on Southeast Farallon Island, California, USA using a combination of mouse trapping, food resource surveys, and stable isotope analysis to better understand their trophic interactions with native flora and fauna. Specifically, we coupled the analysis of seasonal variation in resource availability over a 17-year period (2001–2017), carbon ( δ ¹³ C) and nitrogen ( δ ¹⁵ N) stable isotope values of mouse tissue and prey resources in a single year (2013), and isotopic niche and mixing models to quantify seasonal variation in mouse diets and the potential for resource overlap with native species. Results We found that plants were the most important resource for house mice during the spring months when vegetation is abundant and mouse populations are low following heavy precipitation and declines in mouse abundance during the winter. While still consumed, plants declined in dietary importance throughout the summer and fall as mouse populations increased, and seabird and arthropod resources became relatively more available and consumed by house mice. Mouse abundance peaks and other resource availability are low on the island in the fall months when the isotopic niches of house mice and salamanders overlap significantly indicating the potential for competition, most likely for arthropod prey. Discussion Our results indicate how seasonal shifts in both mouse abundance and resource availability are key factors that mediate the consumptive and competitive impacts of introduced house mice on this island ecosystem. As mice consume and/or compete with a wide range of native taxa, eradication has the potential to provide wide-reaching restoration benefits on Southeast Farallon Island. Post-eradication monitoring focused on plant, terrestrial invertebrate, salamander, and seabird populations will be crucial to confirm these predictions.
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Eradicating invasive species from islands is a proven method for safeguarding threatened and endangered species from extinction. Island eradications can deliver lasting benefits, but require large up‐front expenditure of limited conservation resources. The choice of islands must therefore be prioritised. Numerous tools have been developed to prioritise island eradications, but none fully account for the risk of those eradicated species later returning to the island: reinvasion. In this paper, we develop a prioritisation method for island eradications that accounts for the complexity of the reinvasion process. By merging spatially explicit metapopulation modelling with stochastic dynamic optimisation techniques, we construct a decision‐support tool that optimises conservation outcomes in the presence of reinvasion risk. We applied this tool to two different case studies—rat (Rattus rattus) invasions in the Seaforth archipelago in New Zealand, and cane toad (Rhinella marina) invasions in the Dampier archipelago in Australia—to illustrate how state‐dependent optimal policies can maximise expected conservation gains. In both case studies, incorporating reinvasion risk dramatically altered the optimal order of island eradications, and improved the potential conservation benefits. The increase in benefits was larger in Dampier than Seaforth (42% improvement versus 6%), as a consequence of both the characteristics of the invasive species, and the arrangement of the islands. Synthesis and applications. Our results illustrate the potential consequences of ignoring reinvasion risk. We recommend that reinvasion risk be explicitly included in any island eradication prioritisation involving an archipelago, particularly when some islands are close to the mainland.
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The largest colony of Cory's shearwater Calonectris borealis nests on the island of Selvagem Grande in the northeastern Atlantic. In , a programme of eradication was conducted to remove two alien invasive mammals, the house mouse Mus musculus and European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus. Preliminary studies recorded beneficial effects of the eradications for a variety of plant and animal species, including Cory's shearwater. We recorded fledging rates of shearwaters for -, prior to the eradication, and for -, after the eradication, from two quadrats, each containing - nest sites. Although there was annual fluctuation in fledging rates in the quadrats, the mean rate of . ± SD . fledglings per  nest sites for the two quadrats combined prior to the eradication of mammals increased significantly, to . ± SD . per  nest sites, after the eradications. Because the two mammals were removed synchronously it is difficult to know which factors depressed fledging of Cory's shearwaters on Selvagem Grande. However, the predatory behaviour of house mice on other oceanic islands, and the fact that increased fledg-ing was seen soon after the eradications occurred, suggest predation by house mice on shearwater hatchlings was the main cause of losses.
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Great-winged petrels Pterodroma macroptera and blue petrels Halobaena caerulea bred more successfully after the eradication in 1991 of feral domestic cats Felis catus at Marion Island. The larger white-chinned petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis did not show such improvement, although percentage burrow occupancy in the late breeding season increased significantly between 1982/83 and 1988/89 for that species, suggesting decreased cat predation during this period of cat control. -from Authors
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Over the last four decades the eradication of rats from islands around New Zealand has moved from accidental eradication following the exploratory use of baits for rat control to carefully planned complex eradications of rats and cats (Felis catus) on large islands. Introduced rodents have now been eradicated from more than 90 islands. Of these successful campaigns, those on Breaksea Island, the Mercury Islands, Kapiti Island, and Tuhua Island are used here as case studies because they represent milestones for techniques used or results achieved. Successful methods used on islands range from bait stations and silos serviced on foot to aerial spread by helicopters using satellite navigation systems. The development of these methods has benefited from adaptive management. By applying lessons learned from previous operations the size, complexity, and cost effectiveness of the campaigns has gradually increased. The islands now permanently cleared of introduced rodents are being used for restoration of island‐seabird systems and recovery of threatened species such as large flightless invertebrates, lizards, tuatara, forest birds, and some species of plants. The most ambitious campaigns have been on remote subantarctic Campbell Island (11 300 ha) and warm temperate Raoul Island (2938 ha), aimed to provide long‐term benefits for endemic plant and animal species including land and seabirds. Other islands that could benefit from rat removal are close inshore and within the natural dispersal range of rats and stoats (Mustela erminea). Priorities for future development therefore include more effective methods for detecting rodent invasions, especially ship rats (Rattus rattus) and mice (Mus musculus), broader community involvement in invasion prevention, and improved understanding of reinvasion risk management.
The rapid destruction of the planet's biodiversity has prompted the nations of the world to set a target of achieving a significant reduction in the rate of loss of biodiversity by 2010. However, we do not yet have an adequate way of monitoring progress towards achieving this target. Here we present a method for producing indices based on the IUCN Red List to chart the overall threat status (projected relative extinction risk) of all the world's bird species from 1988 to 2004. Red List Indices (RLIs) are based on the number of species in each Red List category, and on the number changing categories between assessments as a result of genuine improvement or deterioration in status. The RLI for all bird species shows that their overall threat status has continued to deteriorate since 1988. Disaggregated indices show that deteriorations have occurred worldwide and in all major ecosystems, but with particularly steep declines in the indices for Indo-Malayan birds (driven by intensifying deforestation of the Sundaic lowlands) and for albatrosses and petrels (driven by incidental mortality in commercial longline fisheries). RLIs complement indicators based on species population trends and habitat extent for quantifying global trends in the status of biodiversity. Their main weaknesses are that the resolution of status changes is fairly coarse and that delays may occur before some status changes are detected. Their greatest strength is that they are based on information from nearly all species in a taxonomic group worldwide, rather than a potentially biased subset. At present, suitable data are only available for birds, but indices for other taxonomic groups are in development, as is a sampled index based on a stratified sample from all major taxonomic groups.
The investigation of six vertebrate taxa (viz freshwater fish, frogs, tortoises and terrapins, snakes, birds, and various mammal orders) at a national scale reveals that hotspots of species richness, endemism and rarity are not coincident within taxa. In order to design a more representative reserve system to protect all vertebrate species, a complementarity algorithm was applied to all taxa, combined and separately. The combined analysis yielded more efficient results (66 reserves are required to represent all 1074 species at least once) than the separate analyses (97 reserves). Many of these representative reserves coincide with both hotspots and existing reserves, and over 85% of the hotspots of most taxa coincide with existing reserves; thus South Africa's vertebrate fauna could be more effectively protected with only moderate acquisition of new, well-sited reserves. -from Author
Study of the population biology of introduced species has elucidated many fundamental questions in ecology and evolution. Detailed population biological research is likely to aid in fine-tuning control of widespread and/or long-established invasions, and it may lead to novel control methods. It will also contribute to an overall understanding of the invasion process that may aid in the formulation of policy and help to focus attention on invasions that are especially prone to becoming problematic. But the importance of intensive population biological research in dealing with introduced species, especially those recently introduced, is often limited. In the worst instances, the absence of population biological data can be an excuse for inaction, when a prudent decision or quick and dirty operation might have excluded or eliminated an invader. The most effective way to deal with invasive introduced species, short of keeping them out, is to discover them early and attempt to eradicate or at least contain them before they spread. This approach has often been successful, but its success has usually relied on brute-force chemical and mechanical techniques, not on population biological research.
The main threat to native biodiversity in New Zealand is the adverse impact of alien animals, especially introduced mammals. A recent special issue of Biological Conservation contains nine papers by New Zealand ecologists that document the nature of the effects of alien animals on native flora, fauna and ecological processes.