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Reproductive biology of Australian acacias: Important mediator of invasiveness?

Diversity and Distributions

Abstract and Figures

Aim Reproductive traits are important mediators of establishment and spread of introduced species, both directly and through interactions with other life-history traits and extrinsic factors. We identify features of the reproductive biology of Australian acacias associated with invasiveness. Location Global. Methods We reviewed the pollination biology, seed biology and alternative modes of reproduction of Australian acacias using primary literature, online searches and unpublished data. We used comparative analyses incorporating an Acacia phylogeny to test for associations between invasiveness and eight reproductive traits in a group of introduced and invasive (23) and non-invasive (129) species. We also explore the distribution of groups of trait ‘syndromes’ between invasive and non-invasive species. Results Reproductive trait data were only available for 126 of 152 introduced species in our data set, representing 23/23 invasive and 103/129 non-invasive species. These data suggest that invasives reach reproductive maturity earlier (10/13 within 2 years vs. 7/26 for non-invasives) and are more commonly able to resprout (11/21 vs. 13/54), although only time to reproductive maturity was significant when phylogenetic relationships were controlled for. Our qualitative survey of the literature suggests that invasive species in general tend to have generalist pollination systems, prolific seed production, efficient seed dispersal and the accumulation of large and persistent seed banks that often have fire-, heat- or disturbance-triggered germination cues. Conclusions Invasive species respond quicker to disturbance than non-invasive taxa. Traits found to be significant in our study require more in-depth analysis involving data for a broader array of species given how little is known of the reproductive biology of so many taxa in this species-rich genus. Sets of reproductive traits characteristic of invasive species and a general ability to reproduce effectively in new locations are widespread in Australian acacias. Unless there is substantial evidence to the contrary, care should be taken with all introductions.
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Reproductive biology of Australian
acacias: important mediator of
Michelle R. Gibson
*, David M. Richardson
, Elizabete Marchante
, James G. Rodger
, Graham N. Stone
, Margaret Byrne
, Andre
, Nicholas George
, Carla Harris
, Steven D. Johnson
Johannes J. Le Roux
, Joseph T. Miller
, Daniel J. Murphy
, Anton Pauw
Matthew N. Prescott
, Elizabeth M. Wandrag
and John R. U. Wilson
Centre for Invasion Biology, Department of Botany
and Zoology, Stellenbosch University, Matieland
7602, South Africa,
Department of Life Sciences,
Centre for Functional Ecology, University of
Coimbra, Apartado 3046, Coimbra 3001-401,
Centre for Studies of Natural Resources,
Environment and Society; Department of
Environment, Escola Superior Agra
´ria de Coimbra,
Bencanta, Coimbra 3040-316, Portugal,
Centre for
Invasion Biology, School of Biological and
Conservation Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal,
P. Bag X01 Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg 3209, South
Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University
of Edinburgh, The King’s Buildings, West Mains
Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JT, UK,
Science Division,
Department of Environment and Conservation,
Locked Bag 104 Bentley Delivery Centre, Bentley, WA
6983, Australia,
Laboratorio de Invasiones
´gicas (LIB), Facultad de Ciencias Forestales,
Universidad de Concepcio
´n, Casilla 160-C,
´n, Chile,
Instituto de Ecologı
Biodiversidad (IEB), Santiago, Chile,
School of Plant
Biology, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences,
The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling
Highway, Crawley, WA 6009, Australia,
Invasion and Restoration Ecology Laboratory,
Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science,
Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia,
Centre for Australian National Biodiversity
Research, GPO Box 1600, CSIRO Plant Industry,
Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia,
Herbarium of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens
Melbourne, Private Bag 2000, Birdwood Avenue,
South Yarra, Vic. 3141, Australia,
Department of
Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University,
Matieland 7602, South Africa,
Department of
Zoology, Oxford University, South Parks Road,
Oxford OX1 3PS, UK,
Bio-Protection Research
Centre, Lincoln University, Canterbury 7647, New
South African National Biodiversity
Institute, Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens,
Claremont 7735, South Africa
*Correspondence: Michelle R. Gibson, Centre for
Invasion Biology, Department of Botany & Zoology,
Stellenbosch University, Matieland 7602, South Africa.
Aim Reproductive traits are important mediators of establishment and spread of
introduced species, both directly and through interactions with other life-history
traits and extrinsic factors. We identify features of the reproductive biology of
Australian acacias associated with invasiveness.
Location Global.
Methods We reviewed the pollination biology, seed biology and alternative
modes of reproduction of Australian acacias using primary literature, online
searches and unpublished data. We used comparative analyses incorporating an
Acacia phylogeny to test for associations between invasiveness and eight
reproductive traits in a group of introduced and invasive (23) and non-invasive
(129) species. We also explore the distribution of groups of trait ‘syndromes’
between invasive and non-invasive species.
Results Reproductive trait data were only available for 126 of 152 introduced
species in our data set, representing 23/23 invasive and 103/129 non-invasive
species. These data suggest that invasives reach reproductive maturity earlier (10/
13 within 2 years vs. 7/26 for non-invasives) and are more commonly able to
resprout (11/21 vs. 13/54), although only time to reproductive maturity was
significant when phylogenetic relationships were controlled for. Our qualitative
survey of the literature suggests that invasive species in general tend to have
generalist pollination systems, prolific seed production, efficient seed dispersal
and the accumulation of large and persistent seed banks that often have fire-,
heat- or disturbance-triggered germination cues.
Conclusions Invasive species respond quicker to disturbance than non-invasive
taxa. Traits found to be significant in our study require more in-depth analysis
involving data for a broader array of species given how little is known of the
reproductive biology of so many taxa in this species-rich genus. Sets of
reproductive traits characteristic of invasive species and a general ability to
reproduce effectively in new locations are widespread in Australian acacias. Unless
there is substantial evidence to the contrary, care should be taken with all
Biological invasions, breeding system, invasive alien species, pollination,
reproductive syndromes, reproductive traits, seed dispersal
Diversity and Distributions, (Diversity Distrib.) (2011) 17, 911–933
DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2011.00808.x
ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 911
A Journal of Conservation Biogeography
Diversity and Distributions
A predictive understanding of invasiveness is needed to
manage existing invasive species and for objective screening
of new introductions. Elucidating the determinants of inva-
siveness and understanding how these interact with environ-
mental features and extrinsic factors to mediate invasion
success are fundamental questions in invasion ecology (Rich-
ardson & Pys
ˇek, 2006). Anthropogenic and environmental
factors and various life-history traits, particularly features
associated with reproduction and dispersal (Rejma
´nek et al.,
2005; Thuiller et al., 2006; Pys
ˇek & Richardson, 2007), are
often associated with invasion success (or lack thereof).
Previous studies comparing life-history traits of invasive
species have found several reproductive traits including seed
mass, fecundity (number of seeds produced), dispersal mode
and dispersal ability to be important for overcoming barriers
to invasion in a new environment (Hamilton et al., 2005;
ˇek & Richardson, 2007; Moravcova
´et al., 2010; Castro-Dı
et al., 2011). There has, however, been no comprehensive
analysis of the roles of such traits in invasiveness in Australian
acacias, a speciose group of plants containing several invasive
This study assesses the current state of knowledge regarding
associations between reproductive traits and invasiveness in
this group, which here refers to the ca.1012 taxa in the genus
Acacia (hereafter referred to as ‘Australian acacias’ or Acacia,
formerly placed in Acacia subgenus Phyllodineae and synon-
ymous with Racosperma) that have Australia as at least part of
their native range; see Miller et al. (2011) for a more recent
phylogenetic treatment of this and related groups. To do this,
we present an analysis in two parts: (1) a quantitative
comparative analysis of specific reproductive traits for which
appropriate data were available; and (2) a qualitative literature
review of reproductive traits for which we could not find
quantitative data, but which may be important in predicting
invasiveness. We conclude with the implications for manage-
Australian acacias are an excellent group for exploring
determinants of invasiveness and are likely to become a model
system against which other invasive plant groups are compared
(Richardson et al., 2011). They comprise a phylogenetically
and geographically distinct group (natural distributions virtu-
ally confined to the Australian continental landmass) with
1012 described species (Richardson et al., 2011), of which at
least a third have been introduced and 23 are invasive in
different parts of the world (Richardson & Rejma
´nek, 2011;
Richardson et al., 2011). Their well-documented introduction
histories (e.g. Le Roux et al., 2011) and records of invasiveness
in different introduced ranges make comparative studies
possible on continental and global scales. Australian acacias
appear to possess a suite of reproductive and other life-history
traits that have been suggested as instrumental in their success
as invasive species (Milton & Hall, 1981; Richardson & Kluge,
2008). Unfortunately, invasive taxa among Australian acacias
are far better studied than are non-invasive taxa; this is in line
with a general bias in invasion ecology whereby invasive species
that exert greater impacts on invaded environment are better
studied (Pys
ˇek et al., 2008). This complicates statistical analysis
of associations between species character traits and invasive-
Little is known in general about such associations (Gallagher
et al., 2011), and to date, no multi-species, multi-regional
study has explored how reproductive traits influence invasive-
ness of Australian acacias. In this study, we review available
published and unpublished information on their reproductive
traits and trait ‘syndromes’ (sets of reproductive traits that
repeatedly favour a particular group of pollinators, method of
reproduction, agent of seed dispersal or germination system)
and compare trait values between (1) rare and common
Australian acacias; (2) invasive Australian species in their
native and introduced ranges; and (3) introduced invasive
species and introduced non-invasive Australian acacias. Our
aim is to identify those traits associated with invasiveness. Our
approach has been dictated by the availability of data. For
those traits for which data are available (Table S1), we use
phylogenetically controlled comparative analyses to ask which
reproductive traits, alone or in combination, are significant
correlates of invasiveness. For those traits we were unable to
analyse quantitatively, we qualitatively review all available
information to address the questions: (1) Are there distinct
reproductive syndromes that differ between invasive and non-
invasive species? and (2) does pollinator-mediated seed
production reduce or enhance naturalization or invasion in
any regions? Such an approach has the potential to yield
insights that are of value to plant invasion ecology in general
and for refining screening protocols (e.g. Gordon et al., 2010)
for assessing the risk of further introductions of Acacia species
that may lead to invasions.
Species list
We used the classification scheme of Richardson & Rejma
(2011) to define which species are considered invasive
(n = 23). The objective criteria used in their study (following
ˇek et al., 2004) are more conservative than those applied by
others (e.g. Randall, 2002), and only species that have spread
considerable distances from parent populations are considered
‘invasive’. However, the criteria are not as strict as in other
studies, such as Castro-Dı
´ez et al. (2011), who regarded species
as ‘invasive’ (sensu Pys
ˇek et al., 2004) only when supported by
at least two different sources of information from different
countries. Species were defined as having been introduced
(n = 152) only if a herbarium record for that species has been
collected from outside Australia (Richardson et al., 2011).
We compiled data on at least one of eight reproductive traits
for 450 of the 1012 species in the Australian Acacia group. Of
the 860 non-introduced species, data were available for six of
the traits for 324 species (Table S2). Of the 152 introduced
species, data were available for all eight traits for 126 species
M. R. Gibson et al.
912 Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
(23 invasive, 103 non-invasive; see Table S1) – see Fig. 1 for a
breakdown of species used in this study. We analysed data on
reproductive traits using only introduced species to reduce
biases caused during the introduction process.
Statistical analysis
We used R for all statistical analyses (R Development Core
Team, 2011). Reproductive traits were used as explanatory
variables, and invasive status (invasive and non-invasive) was
used as the response variable. Explanatory variables used in
quantitative analyses comprised: time to reproductive matu-
rity; index of self-incompatibility (ISI) (number of infructes-
cences/inflorescence); ISI (number of pods/inflorescence);
combined measure of breeding system; dispersal agent (ant-
or bird-dispersed seed); seed mass; resprouting ability; and
length of flowering period (see Appendix 1 for details and
references). Seed mass was log transformed to reduce skewness
in the data. Seeds were considered to be dispersed by birds
either if this was conclusively reported in the literature or,
based on seed morphological traits, if the arils/funicles or
elaiosomes were specifically described as being orange, yellow
or red. Species were considered to be ‘not bird dispersed’ if
they were reported to be dispersed by ants in the literature and
where dispersal by birds was not mentioned. Species for which
clear data were not available were omitted from the analysis. A
combined measure of breeding system was inferred from
multi-locus outcrossing rate (t
), both ISI measurements, and
breeding system (t
and breeding system not used in final
analyses; see Appendix 1 and Table S1). We considered a
species as outcrossing if t
0.8 or ISI £0.5; otherwise,
species were considered to have mixed mating systems.
Because species do not represent independent data points in
comparative studies (Hadfield & Nakagawa, 2010; Stone et al.,
2011), we incorporated phylogenetic relationships among
sampled species into our analyses using a generalized least-
squares (gls) framework in the nlme package (Pinheiro et al.,
2009). This approach assumes a Brownian model of character
evolution in which trait covariance between a pair of species
decreases linearly since their time of divergence from a shared
common ancestor. The phylogenetic relationship between taxa
was inferred using Bayesian methods incorporated in the
software MrBayes version 3.1.2 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck,
2003). Our analysis incorporates sequence data for two nuclear
genes (nuclear ribosomal DNA internal (ITS) and external
(ETS) transcribed spacers) and four chloroplast regions (psbA-
trnH intergenic spacer, trnL-F intron and intergenic spacer,
rpl32-trnL intergenic spacer and a portion of the matK
Acacia species
n = 1012
23 invasive,
989 non-
n = 152
23 invasive, 129
n = 860
all non-invasive
(by deinition)
Species with
reproductive trait
n = 126
23 invasive, 103
Species with
reproductive trait
n = 324
Species with
phylogenetic data
n = 72*
17 invasive, 55
Figure 1 Breakdown of Australian Acacia
species used in this study. *One of the
species for which there was phylogenetic
data had no available reproductive trait
Reproductive biology of Australian acacias
Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 913
introns), comprising a tandem alignment of 5912 base pairs.
Contiguous sequences were edited using Sequencherv.3.0
(Gene Codes Corporation) and manually aligned in BioEdit
sequence alignment editor v.4.8.6 (Hall, 1999). Appropriate
models of molecular evolution for implementation in MrBayes
were identified using the programme Modeltest v.1.1 (Posada
& Crandall, 1998), which identified the GTR + I + G model
(general time reversible model incorporating a proportion of
invariant sites and gamma-distributed rate variation in
variable sites) for both the plastid and nuclear partitions of
our data set. The Markov chain Monte Carlo search in
MrBayes was run for two million generations with trees
sampled every 1000 generations. MrBayes performed two
simultaneous analyses starting from different random trees
(Nruns = 2), each with four Markov chains (Nchains = 4).
The first 200 sampled trees were discarded from each run as
burn-in. We used the 50% majority rule consensus phylogram
as our working phylogeny, with node support expressed in
terms of posterior probability values. All trees were rooted
using Pararchidendron pruinosum as an outgroup taxon.
The resultant phylogeny incorporated 72 species of the 126
species (see Miller et al., 2011), and only data for these species
were incorporated into phylogenetically controlled analyses (17
invasive, 55 non-invasive; see Fig. 2 for phylogenetic tree and
Appendix S1 for species accession numbers). Because our
analytical approach to determine phylogenetic independence
requires a fully resolved phylogeny, polytomies were broken by
inserting very small non-zero branch lengths. Reanalysis with
such instances pruned from the data gave near-identical results
(not shown). To assess the impact of phylogenetic patterns in
our trait data, we compared analyses incorporating phyloge-
netic information for this subset of 72 species with phylogeny-
free analyses for the same species set. To illustrate patterns in
the full data set, we also carried out phylogeny-free analyses
across the full set of 126 species. For both data sets (n= 72 and
n= 126), phylogeny-free tests of trait differences between
invasive and non-invasive species involved Pearson’s chi-
square tests for binary explanatory variables and generalized
linear models for individual continuous explanatory variables.
Of the eight reproductive traits we assessed, only two showed
significant differences between invasive and non-invasive
species in phylogeny-free analyses (Table 1A,B; see Appendix
S2 for actual parameter estimates, results were similar when
using either all 126 species or the subset of 72 species for which
we have a phylogeny). The proportion of species that reach
reproductive maturity within two years was significantly higher
for invasive acacias (v
= 6.90, d.f. = 1, P= 0.009). Invasive
species also had a significantly higher probability of being
resprouters (v
= 4.34, d.f. = 1, P= 0.037) than non-invasive
species. Incorporation of phylogenetic relationships into the
analysis for 72 species removed the significance of resprout
ability, but supported our results from the phylogeny-free
analyses that invasive species reach reproductive maturity
earlier (gls: coefficient = )0.553, t=)3.18, P= 0.004; Ta-
ble 1B, Appendix S3).
Pollination biology
As a broad generalization, we expect successful invasive species
to share at least some of the following floral traits (Baker, 1955;
Chittka & Schu
¨rkens, 2001; Brown et al., 2002; Ghazoul, 2002;
Gross et al., 2010):
1. High attractiveness to available flower visitors and floral
morphologies allowing pollination by many different organ-
2. Production of very large numbers of long-lived flowers
allowing seed-set even when visitation rates are low; and/or an
ability to self-pollinate or reproduce vegetatively.
3. Floral induction cues match those triggering flowering in
native species and emergence of native flower visitors.
Worldwide, taxa classified in the polyphyletic group Acacia
sensu lato (genera Acaciella,Mariosousa,Senegalia,Vachellia;
McNeill et al., 2006) share many of these morphological traits
but differ in their global distributions, pollinator assemblages
and specific aspects of floral biology (Stone et al., 2003). All
have small tubular flowers collected together into spherical or
elongated flower heads, with pollen presented on the inflo-
rescence surface (Stone et al., 2003; Raine et al., 2007).
Clustering of the pollen grains into a composite unit, termed
a ‘polyad’, is a key component of the pollination efficiency of
all acacias, providing an efficient means of dispersal via
pollinators (Kenrick & Knox, 1982). There are always fewer
ovules per ovary than pollen grains per polyad, so one polyad
from a single pollination event can potentially fertilize all the
ovules (Kenrick & Knox, 1982). The stigmas of the flowers are
also distributed over the surface of the flower heads and are
freely accessible, so that any insect that travels from one tree to
another is a potential pollinator. Recruitment of insects is
often enhanced by the release of floral scent just before pollen
release, and visual advertisement is often maximized by
synchronized opening of flowers, both within a single tree
and often within a local species’ population (Stone et al.,
2003). Floral morphology is a conserved trait across the genus
and does not distinguish invasive from non-invasive Austra-
lian acacias. Such generalized morphology may facilitate
invasion as it reduces the risk of pollinator limitation for
introduced plants (Richardson et al., 2000a). See Fig. 3 for
photographs of pollination biology traits associated with
invasiveness in Australian acacias.
Floral biology
The fundamental floral morphology shared by all Australian
acacias identifies a generalist entomophilous pollination
syndrome as it provides accessible floral rewards to almost
any insect visitor (Bernhardt, 1989). A second pollination
M. R. Gibson et al.
914 Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
syndrome involves pollination by nectar-feeding birds and is
associated with the location of a large extrafloral nectary near
the inflorescence. Pollen collected on the bird’s head is
transferred while it feeds on the gland’s nectar (Knox et al.,
1985). Some species display both insect and bird pollination
syndromes (e.g. A. terminalis, Kenrick et al., 1987). As with
morphology, having a generalized pollination system reduces
pollinator limitation of seed set and is thus likely to contribute
to the invasive success of Australian acacias (Richardson et al.,
Australian acacias show two features in their floral biology
that together distinguish them from all other related taxa
(Stone et al., 2003). First, no Australian acacias are recorded to
secrete floral nectar, although some produce extrafloral nectar
Figure 2 Bayesian phylogenetic tree
depicting relationships among taxa
included in the phylogenetic generalized
least-squares analysis. Numbers at nodes
indicate the Bayesian posterior probability
(PP). Invasive taxa are shown in red.
*No reproductive trait data were available
for A. vestita.
Reproductive biology of Australian acacias
Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 915
to attract insect and bird pollinators (Knox et al., 1985;
Vanstone & Paton, 1988). There are also other acacia (Acacia
s.l.) species that lack nectar, including A. nilotica (Stone et al.,
1998) – the most invasive African acacia in Australia (Radford
et al., 2002). A second distinctive feature is that individual
flowers and flower heads are relatively long-lived in Australian
acacias (Prescott, 2005) compared with other acacias. Flowers
on a single flower head open over a series of days, and each
flower head can last for up to two weeks (Stone et al., 2003;
George et al., 2009). Intuitively, floral longevity should con-
tribute to the success of Australian acacias as invaders, because
long-lived flowers are tolerant of competition and have a
higher probability of pollination when pollination events are
rare because of pollinator or mate limitation.
The ability of introduced Australian acacias to tolerate
competition for pollination is likely to facilitate invasion, as
introduced species enter an environment where all pollinators
have established relationships with other plant species (Pys
et al., 2011). Flower heads of Australian acacias open gradually
and asynchronously, which favours foraging by small bees that
can gather resources in small packets (Stone et al., 2003).
Acacia flowers can be either male-only or hermaphrodite
(Kenrick, 2003; George et al., 2009). Australian Acacia species
have strictly protogynous flowers where the stigma is receptive
Table 1A Phylogeny-free analyses of correlations between reproductive traits and invasiveness of 126 introduced Australian Acacia species
(23 invasive/103 non-invasive Table S1).
Explanatory variables Response variables
Test Relationship
Reproductive traits Invasive Not invasive
Continuous Summary (n; mean, l; range)
Index of self-incompatibility
(ISI) (infructescence/
n=6 n= 3 GLM (negative binomial errors):
z = 0.010, P= 0.992
No effect
l= 0.425 l= 0.42
range = 0.02–0.86 range = 0.13–0.96 No effect
ISI (pods/inflorescence) n=7 n= 3 GLM (negative binomial errors):
z=)0.212, P= 0.832
No effect
l= 0.339 l= 0.447 No effect
range = 0.008–0.79 range = 0.07–1.1
Seed mass (mg) n=23 n= 99 GLM (binomial errors; response var.
log10 transformed): z= 1.14,
P= 0.254
No effect
l= 20.3 l= 21.1 No effect
range = 5.7–47.8 range = 2.72–219
Length of flowering (months) n=22 n= 59 GLM (binomial errors): z= 0.042,
P= 0.966
No effect
l= 4.909 l= 4.890 No effect
range = 2–10 range = 2–12
Binary Summary ((n, number of total for each factor level); mean, l; confidence interval (CI; 97.5%))
Time to reproductive
maturity (>2 years
or <2 years)
n=13 n=26
(10 < 2 years,
3 > 2 years)
(7, <2 years, 19,
>2 years)
Chi-square: v
= 6.90, d.f. = 1,
P= 0.0086
Invasive species reach
maturity earlier than
non-invasive species
l= 77% <2 years l= 27% <2 years
CI = 54–100% CI = 12–46%
Combined measure of
breeding system (‘mixed’’
or ‘outcrossing’)
n= 10 (2 mixed, 8
n= 3 (1 mixed, 2
Chi-square: v
= 0.0903, d.f. = 1,
P= 0.764
No effect
l= 20% mixed l= 50% mixed
CI = 0–50% CI = 0–100%
Seed dispersal (‘bird’ or
‘not bird’)
n= 15 (8 bird, 7 not
n= 12 (4 bird, 8
not bird)
Chi-square: v
= 0.422, d.f. = 1,
P= 0.516
No effect
l= 53% bird l= 33% bird
CI = 27–80% CI = 8–58%
Ability to resprout
n= 21 (11 can resprout,
10 cannot)
n= 54 (13 can
resprout, 41 cannot)
Chi-square: v
= 4.34, d.f. = 1,
P= 0.037
Ability to resprout
significantly positively
related to species
being invasive
l= 52% l= 24%
CI = 33–71% CI = 13–35%
Details of actual parameter estimates are given in Appendix S2.
M. R. Gibson et al.
916 Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
before the anthers produce pollen (Stone et al., 2003; George
et al., 2009). In contrast, the flower heads of African and
American acacias are protandrous and release pollen synchro-
nously, which makes them attractive to larger native bee
species because all the resource is presented at once (Stone
et al., 2003; Raine et al., 2007). To exploit this larger food
resource effectively, the larger African bees, which are impor-
tant pollinators of African acacias, time their arrival at each
species to coincide with its daily pollen release (Stone et al.,
1998). This foraging behaviour would be ineffective for the
exploitation of Australian acacia flowers, and it is not
surprising that the most prominent visitors to introduced
Table 1B Comparison of phylogeny-controlled and phylogeny-free analyses of relationships between reproductive traits and invasiveness
for 72 introduced Australian Acacia species (cf. 126 species in Table 1A), comprising 17 invasive and 55 non-invasive species.
Explanatory variables Response variables
least squares Relationship
Reproductive traits Invasive Not invasive
Continuous Summary (n; mean, l; range)
ISI (Index of
n=5 n= 1 GLM (binomial errors):
z = 0.522, P= 0.602
t= 0.107,
P= 0.920
No effect with or without
phylogenyl= 0.34 l= 0.13
range = 0.02–0.78 range = 0.13
ISI (pods/inflorescence) n=6 n= 1 GLM (binomial errors):
z= 0.475, P= 0.635
t= 0.139,
P= 0.895
No effect with or without
phylogenyl= 0.26 l= 0.07
range = 0.008–0.77 range = 0.07 No effect with or without
Seed mass (mg) n=17 n= 53 GLM (binomial errors);
response var. log10
transformed): z= 0.777,
P= 0.437
t= 0.1.01,
P= 0.315
No effect with or without
No effect with or without
l= 20.34
range = 7.52–40.55
l= 23.16
range = 5.21–219.77
Length of flowering
l= 4.63
range = 2–10
l= 4.80
range = 2–12
GLM (binomial errors):
z=)0.330, P= 0.741
P= 0.939
No effect with or without
Binary Summary ((n, number of total for each factor level); mean, l; confidence interval (CI; 97.5%))
Time to reproductive
n= 10 (8 < 2 years,
2 > 2 years)
n= 16 (7, <2 years,
19, >2 years)
Chi-square: v
= 5.44,
d.f. = 1, P= 0.02
P= 0.004
Invasive species reach
reproductive maturity
earlier than non-invasive
species with and without
l= 75% <2 years l= 48% <2 years
CI = 50–100% CI = 19–69%
Combined measure of
breeding system
n= 9 (1 mixed,
8 outcross)
n= 1 (1 outcross) Chi-square: v
= 1.98,
d.f. = 1, P= 0.16
P= 0.920
No effect with or without
l= 17% mixed l= 100% mixed
CI = 0–33% CI = 100%
Seed dispersal n= 12 (6 bird, 6
not bird)
n= 5 (2 bird, 3
not bird)
Chi-square: v
= 0.02,
d.f. = 1, P= 0.88
P= 0.981
No effect with or without
l= 49% bird l= 40% bird
CI = 23–75% CI = 0–80%
Ability to resprout n= 15 (9 can
resprout, 6 cannot)
n= 34 (7 can
resprout, 27 cannot)
Chi-square: v
= 5.67,
d.f. = 1, P= 0.0.02
t= 1.08,
P= 0.287
Ability to resprout
significantly positively
related to species being
invasive, but significance
lost when phylogeny
l= 60% l= 23%
CI = 33–87% CI = 9–35%
Phylogenetic relationships among species were incorporated as a covariate in a generalized least-squares analysis (see Methods). Actual parameter
estimates are given in Appendix S3.
Reproductive biology of Australian acacias
Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 917
Australia acacias are often honeybees (Apis mellifera) (Bern-
hardt, 1987; Sedgley et al., 1992; Sornsathapornkul & Owens,
1998; Alves & Marins-Corder, 2009), whose sensitivity to
resource availability and ability to learn are both exceptional
among bees (Willmer & Stone, 2004).
Other floral traits that may contribute to the invasive success
of Australian acacias are precocity (early reproductive matu-
rity) and longevity. Morgan et al. (2002) found that low final
pod set (pods/inflorescence) in A. baileyana, as is seen in many
acacias (Kenrick, 2003), was offset by precocious flowering and
high flower numbers, which resulted in high seed production,
probably partly facilitating its invasiveness. Early reproductive
maturity is seen in many invasive acacias with some com-
mencing flowering at just two years of age (see Table S1). In
this study, both phylogeny-free and phylogenetic analyses
suggested that short juvenile period was a significant factor
distinguishing invasive acacias from non-invasive species. This
result makes intuitive sense, because shorter juvenile periods
enhance invasiveness by ensuring that seeds are produced
sooner and thus confer an overall high seed production and
allow for rapid accumulation of a soil seed bank. On a coarse
level, floral biology appears essentially similar for all Australian
acacias. Consequently, specific traits such as time of pollen
release and inflorescence longevity are unlikely to distinguish
invasive and non-invasive Australian acacias. However, subtle
variations in combinations of sexual receptiveness and lon-
gevity (e.g. age-dependent floral colour variation; M.N.
Prescott, unpublished data) could be important in this regard
and require proper studies before being fully ruled out.
Pollination and pollen vectors
Pollinator assemblages vary on an annual, seasonal and
geographic basis so that a diverse spectrum of floral foragers
visit Acacia species in a given location, but the dominance of
specific vectors can vary inter- and intraspecifically (Bernhardt,
1989). In their native range, Acacia species are visited by a
variety of flower foragers, but the most important pollinators
are usually bees and wasps (Apoidea), followed by flies, beetles
and birds (Kenrick et al., 1987; Vanstone & Paton, 1988;
Bernhardt, 1989; Stone et al., 2003; Prescott, 2005). Social bees
are relatively scarce in Australia, and most of the dominant
native bees are small-bodied polylectic solitary species in the
families Anthophoridae, Colletidae and Halictidae. The intro-
duced honeybee is also an important and abundant pollinator
of Australian acacias in both their native and introduced
ranges (Bernhardt, 1987; Thorp & Sugden, 1990; Sedgley et al.,
1992; Prescott, 2005). Existing studies of introduced Australian
acacias in South Africa show that native honeybees (Apis
mellifera capensis and A. mellifera scutellata) are dominant
pollen vectors followed to a lesser extent by flies and bees
(M.R. Gibson, unpublished data; J.G. Rodger unpublished
data) (see Table S3 for a comprehensive list of flower visitors).
In other parts of the introduced range of Australian acacias,
honeybees tend to be the most abundant and effective floral
visitor in terms of visitation frequency and pollen-carrying
load (Sornsathapornkul & Owens, 1998), although their
distribution may be restricted to areas with sufficient avail-
ability of nectar flowers (Alves & Marins-Corder, 2009).
Honeybees may be especially important for pollination in the
context of Acacia invasions as they can learn to exploit new
floral resources in a matter of hours (Willmer & Stone, 2004).
The importance of biotic pollination for reproductive
success depends on whether abiotic pollination occurs.
Although it remains to be tested and although pollen has
been collected downwind of flowering A. mearnsii (Wattle
Research Institute, 1952; Moncur et al., 1989), Acacia inflo-
rescences show no apparent adaptations for capture of wind-
borne pollen. In contrast to typical wind-pollinated species,
which have feathery stigmas and aerodynamic features that aid
Figure 3 Important pollination biology
traits associated with invasiveness in
Australian acacias. These species share a
generalist pollination syndrome as illus-
trated in South Africa where (a) Acacia
saligna is being visited by native beetles
(photograph: M.R. Gibson) and (b)
A. mearnsii is being visited by the native
honeybee, Apis mellifera capensis (photo-
graph: A.M. Rogers). (c) Mass flowering in
a field invaded by A. saligna in South
Africa during its flowering peak in
September (photograph: A.M. Rogers).
(d) The dense flowers of A. adunca form
an eye-catching, bright yellow floral
display in Queensland (photograph:
T. Low).
M. R. Gibson et al.
918 Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
in capture of pollen grains (Niklas, 1985, 1987), Acacia flowers
have a very small cup-shaped stigma into which only one
polyad can fit and lack any obvious aerodynamic structures.
Wind-pollinated species have relatively high pollen to ovule
ratios (median 22 150: 1) relative to animal-pollinated species
(median 3450:1), although pollen-transfer efficiencies (pro-
portion of removed pollen that is captured by stigmas) are
similar (Friedman & Barrett, 2009). Typical of plants with
aggregated (i.e. polyad-like) pollen (Harder & Johnson, 2008),
the pollen to ovule ratio in Acacia is very low (53–360 for
A. mearnsii based on measurements in Kenrick & Knox, 1982;
Moncur et al., 1991), compatible with dependence on animal
pollen vectors. While it thus seems unlikely that wind
pollination would make an appreciable contribution to
fecundity, the possibility cannot yet be rejected. In the only
test for wind pollination that we are aware of, fruit set of
A. mearnsii was reduced but not eliminated in inflorescences
enclosed in cages of wire and nylon mesh. However, bags
reduced wind-borne pollen supply, and some flowers may have
protruded through the cages and been pollinated by bees
(Wattle Research Institute, 1952, 1961) so decisive experiments
are still required to assess whether wind pollination is at all
important for Acacia.
Because acacias are pollinated by generalist pollinators (such
as the widely introduced honeybee), pollinator limitation
seems an unlikely constraint to the spread of introduced
Australian acacias relative to non-invasive taxa (Richardson
et al., 2000a) but this has not yet been studied. If pollination
by A. mellifera enhances seed production of Australian acacias,
then honeybees could facilitate Acacia invasions (and the
facilitation could be reciprocal where both species are intro-
duced, as in South America) (Barthell et al., 2001; Morales &
Aizen, 2002). We conclude that generalist pollination facilitates
invasion, but there is no evidence to suggest that this factor
alone explains the relative success of different Australian
acacias as invasive and introduced non-invasive species both
possess generalist pollination systems.
Most Australian acacias tend to flower in massive displays
from late winter to mid-spring (Bernhardt, 1989; Costermans,
2007) and have long-lived (and so competition tolerant)
inflorescences (Stone et al., 2003; Prescott, 2005), although the
number of flower heads in bloom can fluctuate greatly
depending on environmental conditions and resource avail-
ability (Sedgley, 1985; Gaol & Fox, 2002; Yates & Broadhurst,
2002). Pollen release often occurs in the middle of the day
when insect abundance is greatest, which likely confers an
advantage when it comes to adapting to new habitats in the
initial stages of invasion (M.N. Prescott, unpublished data).
Where Australian acacias are invasive in Mediterranean-type
climate regions, their flowering occurs earlier than, and
overlaps with, most native species whose peak flowering
occurs in spring (Henderson, 2001; Godoy et al., 2009).
Various studies have shown early and extended flowering
phenologies of invasive versus native plants to be correlated
with invasive potential (Cadotte & Lovett-Doust, 2001; Pys
& Richardson, 2007; Pys
ˇek et al., 2009), thus conferring a
fitness advantage by reduced competition for pollinators
(Stone et al., 1998; Raine et al., 2007). However, while this
may be true in general, differences in overall length of
flowering period between invasive and non-invasive Australian
acacias were found to be non-significant (P. Castro-Dı
unpublished data; see discussion in Castro-Dı
´ez et al., 2011).
Peak flowering prior to and during spring, while not unique
to invasive Australian acacias, may contribute indirectly to
invasiveness in some environments as early and prolonged
flowering in Acacia species during peak flowering of native
species in exotic ecosystems may help mitigate pollen and
pollinator limitation. Again, this alone is not likely to
contribute to invasiveness but may do so when it is combined
with other invasion-enhancing reproductive traits that are not
present in non-invasive species.
Breeding system and seed set
Completely self-incompatible species depend entirely on
pollinators and mate availability, but self-compatibility and
the ability to self-pollinate autonomously assure reproduction
against inadequate pollinator visitation and/or mate availabil-
ity (Eckert et al., 2006). Australian Acacia species range from
highly self-incompatible to completely self-compatible and
autogamous (Table S1) (Moffett, 1956; Bernhardt et al., 1984;
Kenrick & Knox, 1989; Morgan et al., 2002), and so probably
vary greatly in their dependence on pollinators for realized
fecundity. Realized outcrossing rates tend to be high (multi-
locus outcrossing rate (t
) > 0.9 in most species: Table S1)
indicating that pollinators do play an important role in their
reproduction. Partial self-compatibility and intraspecific
variation in self-compatibility seem relatively common in
Australian Acacia species (Philp & Sherry, 1946; Moffett &
Nixon, 1974) with some ability to reproduce by selfing known
for six species, five of which are invasive (see Table S1: Acacia
dealbata, A. decurrens, A. mearnsii, A. paradoxa, A. saligna)
(J.G. Rodger, unpublished data; George et al., 2008; Millar
et al., 2011).
The apparently high prevalence of at least some level of self-
compatibility in Australian Acacia species is significant given
the rarity of uniparental reproduction in woody plants (Barrett
et al., 1996). This is consistent with the observation by
Rambuda & Johnson (2004) that all 13 woody species
investigated in a survey of breeding systems of invasive plants
in South Africa were capable of uniparental reproduction.
Investigation of Australian Acacia species could reveal further
details about the evolution of breeding systems and their role in
invasiveness in woody species in general. Comparisons between
invasive and non-invasive Acacia species are hindered by
insufficient data here, as elsewhere, but available information
suggest that invasive taxa tend to have higher levels of self-
compatibility, suggesting ability to self-fertilize may predispose
Acacia species to invasiveness. However, in shade house trials,
Reproductive biology of Australian acacias
Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 919
selfed progeny of A. mearnsii,A. decurrens (Moffett & Nixon,
1974) and A. dealbata (J.G. Rodger, unpublished data) have
reduced growth and survival, which would erode the repro-
ductive assurance benefits of selfing (Herlihy & Eckert, 2002).
Other self-compatible tree species have such high levels of
inbreeding depression that it is unlikely that progeny arising
from self-pollination ever reach reproductive maturity (Hard-
ner & Potts, 1997; Ishida, 2006; Robertson et al., 2011). A
comparison of fixation index for trees from germination to
reproduction (e.g. Ishida, 2006) would reveal whether selfed
progeny reach reproductive maturity and therefore whether
self-compatibility potentially enhances invasiveness.
Even a low capacity for reproduction by self-fertilization
could be important in alleviating pollinator and mate limita-
tion, which are likely to occur in the early stages of
naturalization and invasion owing to small size or low density
of populations (Baker, 1955; Davis et al., 2004). Such factors
have been shown to influence seed set in Acacia in the native
range (Broadhurst & Young, 2006). However, extensive pollen
dispersal may maintain outcrossing rates in small patches or
isolated plants (Millar et al., 2008, 2011). While ability to self-
fertilize may make species more likely to become invasive or to
spread at greater rates, it is not essential for invasiveness – there
are prominent examples of invasive self-incompatible species
in Acacia (e.g. A. auriculiformis, A. pycnantha – see Table S1)
and other groups (e.g. Barthell et al., 2001). Our study found
no differences in indices of self-compatibility (ISI) nor
breeding system strategy (mixed versus outcrossing) between
invasive and non-invasive species (Table 1A,B), though data
for these traits were extremely limited (see Table S1).
Seed biology
Seed biology seems to be one of the most important factors
contributing to the invasion success of Australian acacias
(Milton & Hall, 1981; Richardson & Kluge, 2008). Seed biology
syndromes in many Acacia species are largely shaped by fire-
driven ecosystems that are present throughout much of
Australia and introduced Mediterranean-type climate regions.
Fire-adaptive traits include: production of large quantities of
hard-coated, heat-tolerant and long-lived seeds with the
capacity for long dormancy; stimulation of germination by
heat and/or smoke; seed dispersal and burial by ants; and the
ability to resprout (Berg, 1975; Bell et al., 1993; Specht &
Specht, 1999), all of which are likely essential for the
persistence and invasive success of Australian acacias (see
Fig. 4 for photographs of seed biology traits associated with
Dispersal is a crucial aspect of progression from ‘naturalized’
to ‘invasive’ status when recruitment occurs at considerable
distances from parent plants (Richardson et al., 2000a,b).
Australian acacias possess seed adaptations for dispersal by
birds and ants (Davidson & Morton, 1984; O’Dowd & Gill,
1986), although passive dispersal via water, wind and gravity is
also common.
Broadly, biotic seed dispersal in Acacia falls into two
syndromes based on features of arils: a ‘bird-dispersal
syndrome’ and an ‘ant-dispersal syndrome’ (O’Dowd & Gill,
1986). The fleshy arillate appendages (in bird-dispersed seeds)
and an elaiosome (in ant-dispersed seeds) attach the seed to
the seed pod lining and make them accessible to a range of bird
and ant species across multiple foraging types. Such general-
ization of morphological traits associated with dispersal makes
limitation of a seed dispersal agent in the introduced range
unlikely (see Glyphis et al., 1981; Holmes, 1990a; Richardson
et al., 2000a; Underhill & Hofmeyr, 2007). Furthermore, these
traits may be evolutionarily labile since A. ligulata reportedly
displays both syndromes (Davidson & Morton, 1984), each of
which has its own advantages. Birds are important agents in
that they aid in longer distance dispersal (Holmes, 1990a) and,
through ingesting the seeds, are able to aid in the germination
of Acacia species requiring chemical scarification (e.g.
A. cyclops,A. melanoxylon) (Glyphis et al., 1981; Richardson
& Kluge, 2008). Ants rapidly remove and bury Acacia seeds in
subterranean nests and so contribute to dispersal on a local
scale (Holmes, 1990a). Species noted as having a ‘bird-
dispersal syndrome’ are likely also dispersed vertically by ants,
as myrmecochory accounts for much of the movement of seed
from the litter layer into the seed bank (Richardson & Kluge,
2008). Dispersal by birds of an ‘ant-dispersal syndrome’ species
appears less likely (O’Dowd & Gill, 1986).
Importantly, seed morphology and dispersal agents in the
native range of Australian acacias are not always accurate
predictors of dispersal agents in introduced ranges. For example,
in Portugal, South Africa and Florida, invasive Acacia seeds are
effectively dispersed by a wide range of opportunistic agents
besides those that one would consider functional equivalents of
dispersal agents in the native range. These include baboons,
domestic and wild ungulates and humans (Ridley & Moss, 1930;
Middlemiss, 1963; Kull & Rangan, 2008). In the Western Cape of
South Africa, primarily insectivorous barn swallows ingest seeds
and act as effective dispersal agents of A. cyclops (Underhill &
Hofmeyr, 2007), and other granivorous, ground-dwelling birds
disperse Acacia seeds (Duckworth & Richardson, 1988; Knight
& Macdonald, 1991). In New Zealand, most native avian seed
dispersers are now extinct (Anderson et al., 2006), and the ant
fauna is relatively depauperate and limited in distribution (Don,
2007), with only three ant species including seeds in their diet.
Despite these limitations, at least eight Australian Acacia species
have become invasive in New Zealand (Richardson & Rejma
2011) with A. baileyana showing evidence of long-distance
dispersal although the dispersal agent is not known (E.M.
Wandrag, unpublished data). Furthermore, in many human-
dominated systems, long-distance dispersal of introduced
species is mostly human mediated (Trakhtenbrot et al., 2005),
so this distinction is likely less important in determining spread
rates than may be predicted.
Abiotic dispersal in water and soil is important in many
regions (Milton & Hall, 1981). There is a strong association
M. R. Gibson et al.
920 Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
between A. dealbata invasions and watercourses in Chile and
Portugal (H. Marchante, unpublished data; Pauchard et al.,
2008). Movement of soil for road building is also a major
dispersal route of A. dealbata and A. longifolia in Portugal
(H. Marchante, unpublished data). Similarly in South Africa,
rivers and soil movement aid in the dispersal of acacias that
invade riparian areas, such as A. mearnsii (de Wit et al., 2001).
Seed mass in Acacia was found to be positively correlated
with invasiveness in a recent study (Castro-Dı
´ez et al., 2011)
but did not consistently differ in our study nor in a multi-
species study comparing seed mass between native and
introduced ranges (C. Harris et al., unpublished data). These
results contradict findings for Pinus where smaller seed size is
positively associated with invasiveness, as small seeds are more
suitable for long-distance dispersal by wind (Richardson,
2006). The difference between pines and acacias in this regard
is not surprising. Unlike pines, most acacias are animal
dispersed, and dispersal by wind is of trivial importance.
Factors other than size contribute to dispersibility, and seed
size plays an entirely different role as mediator of colonization
and establishment success.
Dispersal traits associated with a bird-dispersed syndrome in
Australian acacias clearly predispose these species to spread
rapidly in a new environment (see discussion of this for
A. cyclops in South African fynbos by Higgins et al., 2001)
because of the importance of long-distance dispersal events in
driving invasions (Trakhtenbrot et al., 2005). However, of the 23
species of Australian Acacia considered invasive (sensu Pys
et al., 2004; Richardson & Rejma
´nek, 2011), only eight species
are known to be bird-dispersed or possess typical bird-dispersed
seed traits (Davidson & Morton, 1984; O’Dowd & Gill, 1986;
Langeland & Burks, 1998; Stanley & Lill, 2002): Acacia auric-
uliformis, A. cyclops, A. holosericea, A. implexa, A. longifolia,
A. mangium, A. melanoxylon and A. salicina (see Table S1).
Additionally, our analysis found that seed dispersal by birds was
not significantly correlated with invasiveness. In Portugal, two of
the most invasive and widespread Acacia species (A. dealbata
and A. longifolia) are ant-dispersed (Marchante et al., 2010), as
are A. saligna and A. mearnsii in South Africa (French & Major,
2001; Richardson & Kluge, 2008). Thus, the contribution of
different dispersal agents to invasiveness remains unclear but
further suggests a role of human-mediated dispersal and
interactions with environmental factors.
Seed bank dynamics
A reproductive trait that strongly influences invasiveness of
Australian acacias is their capacity to form extensive and
persistent soil seed banks (Richardson & Kluge, 2008).
Accumulation times differ depending on the species (see
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4 Important seed biology traits associated with invasiveness in Australian acacias. (a) Seed production of Acacia saligna in South
Africa during the early 1980s, prior to the introduction of the rust fungus Uromycladium uromyces, which has since greatly reduced seed
production (photograph: D.M. Richardson). (b) Seed production of A. longifolia in its native range in Australia (photograph: C. Harris).
Seeds that fall to the ground can remain viable for 50+ years, making their eradication nearly impossible. (c) A. cyclops seeds remain in the
tree canopy longer than those of species that are typically ant-dispersed; the bright red aril attracts birds that disperse the seeds (photograph:
A.M. Rogers). (d) A. longifolia seeds are typically ant-dispersed in the native range, although bird-dispersal is predicted based on aril
attributes; they are attached to the seed pod by an elaiosome that attracts ants (photograph: C. Harris). (e) Invasive species, such as A. saligna
pictured here, have a greater tendency to resprout following a disturbance event than non-invasive species (photograph: D.M. Richardson).
(f) The mass germination of Acacia seeds after fire, as in A. pycnantha in South Africa shown here, is a major hurdle to control efforts
(photograph: D.M. Richardson).
Reproductive biology of Australian acacias
Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 921
Table 2 of Richardson & Kluge, 2008), and the average shortest
time frame is roughly eight years. The seeds of some Acacia
species that have become invasive can remain dormant for 50–
100 years or more (Farrell & Ashton, 1978; New, 1984).
Richardson & Kluge (2008) list four main factors that
contribute to the size of soil-stored seed banks in Australian
acacias in South Africa: the annual seed rain; the age of the
stand; stand density or canopy cover; and distance from the
canopy. Additional factors include level of granivory, decay
and germination (Marchante et al., 2010). Biological control
agents that negatively affect flower, flower bud or pod
production, such as Melanterius weevils (Dennill & Donnelly,
1991; Impson et al., 2004) that directly feed on acacia seeds,
can reduce annual seed rain. The rate of seed accumulation in
the soil increases until the stand is about 30 years old, and
denser stands produce more seeds, so control efforts to reduce
seed production should focus on younger, denser Acacia stands
(Milton & Hall, 1981; Holmes, 1990b). Seed density in the soil
is highest under the tree canopy and decreases sharply with
distance (see Zenni et al., 2009; Marchante et al., 2010),
although Marchante et al. (2010) found a few seeds of
A. longifolia up to 7 m from the edge of invaded stands.
The main drivers of seed bank persistence and maintenance
appear to be ants, although gravity and water may be the
dominant drivers where ants are absent. Once seeds have
dropped to the ground, ants bury many of them in their nests
to allow them to exploit arils (Milton & Hall, 1981). In doing
so, they often account for the majority of vertical seed
movement into the upper seed bank. Acacia seeds gain a
threefold advantage through protection from above-ground
seed predators, protection from fire and incorporation into the
seed bank (Gill, 1985; Holmes, 1990a). In South Africa, ants
may play a critical role in accumulating seed banks of
Australian acacias and aiding in their invasiveness (Holmes,
1990c; Richardson et al., 2000a).
The role of seed bank density in Acacia invasiveness is
unclear. Both higher and lower seed bank densities have been
recorded in the introduced range of various Acacia species
when compared to that in the native range (Milton & Hall,
1981; Richardson & Kluge, 2008; Marchante et al., 2010).
Additionally, methods of measuring seed bank and seed rain
vary widely, making comparisons between introduced and
native ranges problematic (see Table 2 for a summary of
Australian Acacia seed data from various introduced and
native regions). Prolific seed production and large accumula-
tions of seeds in the seed bank certainly contribute to a species’
ability to invade an ecosystem but these qualities alone do not
guarantee invasiveness. Buist (2003) found that closely related
pairs of rare and widespread Acacia species produced similar
numbers of seeds and similar-sized, persistent soil seed
reserves, indicating that level of seed production does not
necessarily determine abundance of a species. These traits likely
need to work in concert with certain physiological and
morphological traits, such as germination ability, resource
utilization, rapid growth of seedlings and dispersal investment,
to contribute to invasiveness.
The majority of invasive Acacia species possess seeds whose
germination is stimulated by fire, but some invasive species,
notably bird-dispersed taxa, may be stimulated to germinate
through chemical scarification via ingestion by an appropriate
dispersal agent (Glyphis et al., 1981; Fraser, 1990; Richardson
& Kluge, 2008). These stimuli are required to break physical
dormancy of the hard, water impermeable seed coat and allow
germination of Acacia seeds, which have consistently high
viability and low germinability over time. However, in
Portugal, total viability and germinability were found to be
significantly higher (and dormancy lower) in seeds
from recently invaded soils for A. longifolia (Marchante et al.,
Invasive Australian acacias tend to germinate after distur-
bance, although disturbance is not essential. Acacia dealbata
shows high survival within native forest and in open areas in
Chile where it can endure long periods of drought and shade
under canopies of native trees (Fuentes-Ramı
´rez et al., 2011).
Moreover, mutualistic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bac-
teria are important for successful establishment of leguminous
species, so the presence of compatible rhizobia is also essential
for determining the colonization ability of introduced species
(Parker et al., 2006; Rodrı
´aet al., 2011). Inter-
estingly, Rodrı
´aet al. (2011) found that these
bacterial symbionts are often cointroduced with their Acacia
hosts from Australia, suggesting the presence of suitable soil
symbionts in the introduced range may not be an important
limiting factor in Acacia invasions per se.
Studies from the introduced ranges of Australian acacias
report that a considerable number of seeds produced and
allocated to seed rain are lost to factors such as early
germination, granivory or decay (Marchante et al., 2010).
However, the consistently high seed viability found in many
species of Acacia appears to be fundamental to their ability to
invade (see Table 2) (Richardson & Kluge, 2008; Marchante
et al., 2010). Germination characters per se do not appear to be
characteristic of invasiveness as invasive Australian Acacia
species in South Africa can show opposing characteristics of
either high dormancy, low germination and decay rates and
rapid seed bank accumulation, or low dormancy, high
germination and decay rates and gradual seed bank accumu-
lation (Richardson & Kluge, 2008).
Comparisons of rare and widespread species show some
association with factors that influence seed germination. The
burial depth and heat-stimulation requirements of a species are
important factors affecting germination that can determine
how rare or widespread it is (Brown et al., 2003). Comparisons
of reproductive traits in two rare acacias and their common
relatives showed differences in the germination (reduced range
of temperature for germination in rare species) and higher
rates of predation of fruit and seed in the rare species (Buist,
2003). Seed viability and dormancy levels between invasive and
non-invasive species have not been compared. It may be
predicted that, because such traits are adaptations to
M. R. Gibson et al.
922 Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Table 2 Seed rain density (SRD), seed bank density (SBD) and seed viability (SV) for Australian acacias in native and introduced ranges.
Acacia species
Seed rain density
per m
per year (SRD)
Seed bank density
per m
Seed viability
(SV) Region References Observations
A. baileyana 19559 – Australia
(native range)
17 SRD – maximum #seed/tree
A. baileyana 1824 (3010) New Zealand 26 SRD – average # seeds per
averaged over 7-day
A. cyclops 1430–5140 (142 –281) 46–95.3% South Africa 10
A. cyclops 2832–7792 (402–1019) 99.2% South Africa 8 SBD – range of four
different blocks
A. cyclops 1197 [1373–3019*] 2031 87% South Africa 15 SRD – *estimated #seed
per m
projected canopy
A. cyclops 540 (710) Australia
6 SRD – estimated from
reproductive output data
(determined by dividing
total mass of seeds
removed from pods by
mass per individual seed)
A. cyclops 1900 (1930) Australia
(native range)
A. dealbata 10000 90% Chile 25
A. dealbata 2553 (3244) New Zealand 26 SRD – average # seeds per
averaged over 7-day
A. dealbata ca. 22500 30% Portugal 13 SV: probably
underestimated (seeds
heated to 50C without
A. elata 50% 22 SV – final germination
after scarification
A. holosericea >95% Australia
(native range)
A. longifolia 2000–12000 500–1500 >85% Portugal 14 SRD – 2000: smaller trees
next to the ocean
(windward); 12000:
bigger trees leeward
A. longifolia >88% Portugal 16
A. longifolia 11500 34000 South Africa 19 SRD – maximum number
A. longifolia 2078–3473 (488–498) 99% South Africa 21
A. longifolia 2923 7646 97% South Africa 15
A. longifolia 4528 (1075) 99% South Africa 4 After introduction of
biological control agent,
max numbers
A. longifolia 2530 (3430) Australia
6 SRD – estimated from
reproductive output data
(determined by dividing
total mass of seeds removed
from pods by mass per
individual seed)
A. longifolia 810 (1180) Australia
(native range)
A. mangium 410 Indonesia 23 SRD – estimated from seed
production in kg per ha
per year
A. mearnsii 5314/696 South Africa 20 SBD- maximum
Reproductive biology of Australian acacias
Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 923
Table 2 Continued.
Acacia species
Seed rain density
per m
per year (SRD)
Seed bank density
per m
Seed viability
(SV) Region References Observations
A. mearnsii 38340 South Africa 15
A. mearnsii >83.4% South Africa 12
A. melanoxylon 3218 48739 70% South Africa 15 SRD & SBD: Donald, 1959
cited by Milton & Hall, 1981
A. melanoxylon 85–91% Australia
(native range)
A. melanoxylon 740 (800) Australia
6 SRD – estimated from
reproductive output data
(determined by dividing
total mass of seeds
removed from pods by
mass per individual seed)
A. melanoxylon 1160 (1810) Australia
(native range)
A. paradoxa 1000 South Africa 28
A. paradoxa 58# – Australia
(native range)
1 SRD – #firm seed
production per plant
A. pycnantha 31# 99% Australia
(native range)
A. saligna 7920–45800 (560–3220) >86% South Africa 10
A. saligna 2645–13472 South Africa 27 SRD – measured in 1989,
ca. 2 years after
introduction of biocontrol
A. saligna 446–3035 South Africa 27 SRD – measured in 2004,
ca. 18 years after
introduction of biocontrol
A. saligna 5443 [10562*] 11920 83% South Africa 15 SRD – #seed/tree based on
few trees; * estimated seed
per m
projected canopy
A. saligna 715–8097 South Africa 9 SBD – after introduction of
biological control agent;
values estimated from 4
places and 3 depths
A. saligna >90% Israel 3
A. saligna 2000–189000 (53333) South Africa 18 After introduction of
biological control agent;
average from 8 sites,
samplings during 6 years
A. saligna 1389–3600 (207–279) Australia,
New South Wales
(introduced range)
A. saligna 73% 22 SV – final germination
after scarification
A. saligna 3158–38714 (1194–4006) >65% South Africa 11 SBD – range of 4 sites,
at 0–15 cm
A. saligna 760 (750) Australia
6 SRD – estimated from
reproductive output data
(determined by dividing
total mass of seeds removed
from pods by mass per
individual seed)
A. saligna 540 (650) Australia
(native range)
M. R. Gibson et al.
924 Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
fire-driven ecosystems, other Acacia species originating from
similar regions also likely possess such germination traits.
Alternative modes of reproduction and persistence
Acacia displays a variety of regeneration strategies besides
germination from seed, including root suckering, and basal
resprouting (Bell et al., 1993; Reid & Murphy, 2008), which
predispose them to weediness and can occur following
disturbance such as fire and mechanical removal (Reid &
Murphy, 2006). In South Africa, for example, species such as
A. cyclops, which lack the ability to resprout after fire, have
high demographic dependence on seeds, while species such as
A. saligna, which resprouts vigorously, depend less on seeds for
population persistence. Spooner (2005) found that disturbance
by road works in Australia triggered a range of responses, such
as a combination of basal resprouting, root suckering and
seedling emergence, which led to a population increase for
three Acacia species. Similarly, resprouting is a major repro-
ductive mechanism in A. dealbata in Chile and Europe and
may facilitate its rapid invasion of new environments (March-
ante et al., 2008; Lorenzo et al., 2010; Fuentes-Ramı
´rez et al.,
2011). Our study also found that resprout ability was greater
for invasive species than for non-invasive species where they
are introduced globally. Long-lived seed banks and ability to
resprout are key determinants of persistence; together with the
ability to disperse, these traits are hugely influential ingredients
of invasive success since they ensure persistence and effectively
permanent occupancy of invaded sites (e.g. Richardson &
Cowling, 1992).
Our literature review found that traits including generalist
pollination systems, prolific seed production, efficient seed
dispersal and the accumulation of large and persistent seed
banks, which often have fire-, heat- or disturbance-triggered
germination cues, are characteristic of Australian acacias in
general. We did not find distinct reproductive syndromes that
differed between invasive and non-invasive species, although
this may be both because trait data were not available for all
species, and those species for which data are available might
not be representative.
Pollinator-mediated seed production is likely to facilitate
invasion of Acacia species where they are introduced but
should not differ for introduced non-invasive species as
Australian acacias possess similar floral morphology and
attract similar (generalist) pollinator groups (e.g. Apis mellif-
era). Flowering and seed production are clearly important for
invasion success and account for the massive number of
propagules that accumulate to create a long-lived soil seed
bank that is the largest hurdle to effective control (Wilson
et al., 2011). We found that invasive species reach reproductive
maturity earlier, and this could certainly contribute to a faster
accumulation of a seed bank, which is a vital requirement for
ensuring persistence in regularly disturbed environments, such
as those in which most Australian acacias are invasive
(Richardson et al., 1990, p. 362). These results are supported
in other studies that have also documented the important role
of a short juvenile interval to seed production (in A. baileyana,
see Morgan et al., 2002) and spread rate (in Pinus, see Higgins
et al., 1996; Higgins & Richardson, 1999). Time to reproduc-
tive maturity was also found to be shorter for invasive than
non-invasive species when phylogeny was accounted for. This
trait has not been discovered to have phylogenetic signal, and
in an analysis using the most recent phylogeny for Australian
Acacia, Miller et al. (2011) found that invasive species were
phylogenetically over-dispersed (i.e. there was no phylogenetic
signal for invasiveness). However, our results suggest that
certain traits, which may be related to evolutionary history, can
affect invasiveness and indicate that phenological precocity
may be important for future consideration in phylogenetic
Seed dispersal is critical for the spread of introduced
Australian acacias, and although biotic dispersal agents are
important, the majority of dispersal is likely human-mediated
and focussed on economically important species. The ability to
resprout undoubtedly aids in persistence during initial estab-
lishment as it makes a population less susceptible to stochastic
events. This is supported by the results of our study that show
Table 2 Continued.
Acacia species
Seed rain density
per m
per year (SRD)
Seed bank density
per m
Seed viability
(SV) Region References Observations
A. salicina 77% 22 SV – final germination
after scarification
A. victoriae 50–3900 80% Australia
(native range)
Values refer to mean values unless otherwise specified (standard deviation in parentheses where available).
1: Brown et al. (2003); 2: Burrows et al. (2009); 3: Cohen et al. (2008); 4: Fourie (2008); 5: Grice & Westoby (1987); 6: C. Harris et al. (unpublished
data); 7: Hellum (1990); 8: Holmes (1989); 9: Holmes (2002); 10: Holmes et al. (1987); 11: Jasson (2005); 12: Kulkarni et al. (2007); 13: H. Marchante,
unpublished data; 14: Marchante et al. (2010); 15: Milton & Hall (1981); 16: M. Morais, unpublished data; 17: Morgan (2003); 18: Morris (1997); 19:
Pieterse (1987); 20: Pieterse (1997); 21: Pieterse & Cairns (1986); 22: Rehman et al. (2000); 23: Saharjo & Watanabe (2000); 24: Tozer (1998); 25: G.
Valencia, unpublished data; 26: E.M. Wandrag, unpublished data; 27: Wood & Morris (2007); 28: Zenni et al. (2009).
Reproductive biology of Australian acacias
Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 925
resprout ability to be significantly greater for invasive species.
Our results are similar to those of Pys
ˇek & Richardson (2007)
who found that vegetative reproduction is positively associated
with invasiveness in vascular plants across multiple compar-
ative studies. However, resprouting ability should not directly
aid in the ability of plants to spread.
There is much room to improve our knowledge of the
reproductive biology in this genus. The role of pollinator-
mediated seed production, especially by Apis mellifera, appears
to be important to reproductive success of Acacia where they
are introduced, and this needs to be formally tested. In
addition, self-compatibility has the potential to facilitate the
invasion process by enabling seed production when mate and
pollinator availability is low, but formal tests are needed to see
whether effects of inbreeding depression cancel out such
benefits. Whether the reproductive traits that we tested are
related to evolutionary history is unknowable at this point. The
lack of clear phylogenetic signal in Acacia is probably due to
the lack of data both in the value of the reproductive traits and
in the sampling of the phylogenetic tree. That our results
suggest reproductive traits are related to evolutionary history is
an important issue that will need further research. Thus, we
recommend that future analyses incorporate variable and
phylogenetic data for a wider array of invasive and non-
invasive species (see Box 1 for a list of research priorities).
The finding that certain reproductive traits show no obvious
correlation with invasiveness in Australian acacias may be
attributable to a number of factors. First and foremost is the
shortage of data for many Australian acacias, both invasive and
non-invasive, and consequent small sample sizes (see Table 1-
A,B for sample sizes). This makes detection of more subtle
correlations between reproductive traits and invasiveness
difficult, resulting in an incomplete picture for understanding
such relationships. Secondly, there is clearly no single ‘ideal’
reproductive syndrome that equips certain species in this
group particularly well to establish, undergo rapid population
growth (often from small founder populations), and to persist
across the full range of habitats to which they have been
introduced. Thirdly, if much of the reproductive trait data for
invasive and non-invasive introduced species comes from
studies within the native range, they may not incorporate
differences in measurements because of region-specific factors
of the introduced range. Such disparities in data highlight the
need for measuring reproductive performance of individual
invasive Acacia species in the introduced and native range. A
fourth possibility is that all Australian acacias possess inherent
reproductive and/or other life-history traits that facilitate
invasiveness, and thus, all Australian acacias have the capacity
to become invasive. Specific features of reproductive biology
may be less important than a range of human-mediated factors
that influence the abundance and distribution of species across
potentially invasible sites, such as facets of the introduction
history, propagule pressure, residence time and country-
specific utilization or treatment of particular species via
economic, environmental and social avenues.
Key stages for invasiveness of the reproductive life cycle of
Australian acacias are useful to identify to determine options
for the intervention to reduce success and achieve management
objectives (Wilson et al., 2011). Control efforts should aim, in
the first instance, to prevent the accumulation of massive seed
banks (Richardson & Kluge, 2008) as once a seed bank is
established, the population is practically impossible to erad-
icate. Biological control provides the most cost efficient, long-
term control method and should be the foundation of effective
integrated control operations. The upper seed bank is where
the majority of Acacia seeds are able to successfully germinate
and so should be the target area for control measures of which
burning is the most effective. However, the applicability in
practice of such useful additional measures as burning,
mechanical control and herbicide application is context
specific. To reduce human-mediated dispersal, planting Aus-
tralian acacias near points of dispersal pathways (e.g. near
Box 1 Priorities for future research on the reproductive ecology of Australian acacias
To elucidate determinants of invasiveness, a variety of approaches are necessary to establish a complete profile for identifying reproductive traits
consistently associated with invasion success in novel environments. This includes conducting multi-species studies encompassing native and
multiple introduced ranges and comparative studies that contrast invasive Acacia species with co-occurring native species, as well as with
non-invasive Acacia species or closely related taxa. Data for these comparisons regarding reproductive traits are widely lacking, and further
studies are needed to gather information on reproductive biology.
Very little research has been carried out on the pollination biology of Australian acacias. Given its fundamental role in reproductive success and
therefore invasion, further research is needed to determine the relative contributions of different insect visitors and wind pollination to
outcrossing and seed set in the introduced range for invasive species and non-invasive species as well as for invasive species in exotic and native
ranges. This information could be used to determine whether pollination efficiency contributes to a species’ invasiveness.
Both breeding system data, based on controlled pollinations that indicate potential for selfing, and mating system data, based on molecular
markers that give the rates of outcrossing, are needed. Breeding system data are lacking for some invasive Acacia species and for almost all non-
invasive species in their introduced ranges. Comparisons are needed between both groups to determine how breeding system links to inva-
siveness and also between invasive species in the native range and in the introduced range to examine the extent of interspecific breeding system
plasticity. Findings have implications for management protocols regarding genetic modifications and expected seed yields following
Thorough documentation of seed dispersal syndromes in the group is needed, for example, to determine whether the bird-dispersal syndrome is
overrepresented in taxa that have become invasive. Insights from such work will provide useful information for improving the management of
already invasive Australian acacias and help to refine tools for more effective screening of new introductions.
M. R. Gibson et al.
926 Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
rivers, along roads) should be prohibited (Wilson et al., 2011).
Although the significant association of resprouting ability with
invasiveness in the phylogeny-free analyses may be misleading
in evolutionary terms, it is still useful from a management
perspective. Thus, wherever Australian Acacia species that
attain reproductive maturity early or have a strong capacity for
resprouting are planted, proactive measures should be imple-
mented to manage invasiveness.
Despite our attempts to test for individual reproductive
traits that contribute to invasiveness, larger sample sizes
facilitated by greater data availability are necessary before any
firm conclusions can be drawn in this regard. Because there is
still a depauperate knowledge surrounding this group of
globally important invasive plants, reproductive traits of
invasive Australian acacias and their distinguishing character-
istics need to be the focus of future research directives (see
Box 1). Hence, until there is substantial evidence to the
contrary, caution should be exercised concerning introduc-
tions of all Australian acacias given their general ability to
reproduce effectively in new locations.
We acknowledge financial support from the DST-NRF Centre
of Excellence for Invasion Biology and the Working for Water
programme through their collaborative project on ‘Research for
Integrated Management of Invasive Alien Species’, Stellenbosch
University and the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust. We thank
Peter Bernhardt for providing information and references on
Acacia pollination and Rod Griffin and Stephen Midgley for
information on features that distinguish invasive from non-
invasive Australian acacias. Graciela Valencia kindly shared
information on A. dealbata in Chile and Haylee Kaplan on
A. implexa and A. stricta in South Africa. Rod Griffin and Jane
Habbard supplied information on ploidy and breeding systems.
E. M. was supported by FCT-MCTES, grant SFRH/BPD/63211/
2009 and H. M. by FCT-MCTES, grant SFRH/BD/24987/2005.
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Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online
version of this article:
Table S1 The complete set of reproductive traits for introduced
Australian acacias (n= 126).
Table S2 The complete set of reproductive traits for non-
introduced Australian acacias (n= 324).
Table S3 List of Australian Acacia flower visitors.
Appendix S1 Accession numbers for those species used in
phylogenetic analyses.
Appendix S2 Phylogeny-free analyses of relationships between
individual reproductive traits in Australian Acacia species and
invasive status (invasive versus non-invasive).
Appendix S3 The effect of individual reproductive traits on
Australian Acacia species’ invasive status (invasive versus non-
invasive) using phylogeny as a covariate.
As a service to our authors and readers, this journal provides
supporting information supplied by the authors. Such mate-
rials are peer-reviewed and may be re-organized for online
delivery, but are not copy-edited or typeset. Technical support
issues arising from supporting information (other than missing
files) should be addressed to the authors.
All co-authors are actively involved in research on the ecology
of Australian Acacia species. M. G. is a Master’s student and
S.D.J., J.J.L.R., D.M.R and J.R.U.W are core team members at
the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
( M.G.’s thesis at Stellenbosch
University deals with the effects of Acacia saligna on native
plant–pollinator communities. Her research interests lie in
invasion biology, novel ecosystem interactions and restoration
and conservation research.
Author contributions: M.R.G. and D.M.R. conceived the ideas;
M.R.G., E.M. and H.M. collected most of the new data; M.B.,
N.G., M.R.G., C.H., E.M., H.M., J.T.M., D.J.M., M.N.P., J.G.R.
and E.M.W. contributed additional data; J.J.L.R, J.T.M. and
G.N.S. wrote the phylogenetic methods section; J.J.L.R. and
J.T.M. reconstructed the phylogeny; M.R.G. and J.R.U.W.
analysed the data; E.M. and H.M. created Table 2; J.G.R. and
G.N.S. contributed to the ‘Pollination biology’ section; M.B.,
S.D.J. and J.G.R. contributed to the ‘Breeding system’ section;
A.F.-R. contributed to ‘Germination’ section; A.P. provided
conceptual insight and revision support. M.R.G. led the
writing with support from D.M.R.
Editor: Petr Pys
M. R. Gibson et al.
932 Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Description of variables, abbreviations and levels used in statistical analyses and Table S1. T = True, F = False, NA = not applicable.
Variable type Abbreviation
No. species for
which data are
Levels (and range of values if
continuous) References
Reproductive trait
Age to reproductive
Mature 39 Categorical, binary:
‘1’ £2 years; ‘2’ 2 years
Multi-locus outcrossing
rate (t
Outcross 8 Continuous: 0.65–0.97 7–15
Index of self-incompatibility
(ISI) (infructescence per
Compatible1 9 Continuous: 0.02–0.96 16–19
ISI (pods per inflorescence) Compatible2 10 Continuous: 0.008–1.1 16;17;19;20
Breeding system* Breed 13 Categorical: ‘apomictic’;
‘SI’ = self-incompatible;
‘pSC’ = partially
‘SC’ = self-compatible
9; 12; 16; 17; 19–22
Combined measure of
breeding system
Combined 13 Categorical, binary: ‘Mixed’ or
see footnote
Seed dispersed by ants Ant 16 Categorical: T/NAà5; 20; 23-25; 26
Seed dispersed by birds Bird 13 Categorical: T/NA 6; 23; 24; 26–30
Biotic seed dispersal Dispers (combination
of previous two
columns in Table S1)
27 Categorical, binary: ‘not bird’
dispersed if ant = T &
bird = NA; ‘bird’ dispersed if
bird = T
Seed mass Seed mass 122 Continuous: 2.72–219.77 (mg) 1; 24; 31
Resprout ability Resprout 75 Categorical, binary: T/F 5; 31; 32
Duration of flowering season Flower duration 81 Continuous: 2–12 (months) 5; 31–33
Invasive or not invasive Invasive Binary: 0/1 34
1: J.T. Miller, unpublished data; 2: Australian Native Plants Society,, October 2010; 3: Global Invasive Species
Database,, 1 October 2010; 4: Kerala Agricul-
tural University, 2002; 5: World Wide Wattle,, February 2011; 6: Zenni et al. (2009); 7: Broadhurst et al. (2008); 8:
Butcher et al. (1999); 9: George et al. (2008); 10: Millar et al. (2008); 11: Moffett (1956); 12: Moran et al. (1989b); 13: Muona et al. (1991); 14: Philp &
Sherry (1946); 15: Coates et al. (2006); 16: M. R. Gibson, unpublished data; 17: Kenrick & Knox (1989); 18: Moncur et al. (1991); 19: J. G. Rodger,
unpublished data; 20: Morgan et al. (2002); 21: Andrew et al. (2003); 22: Moffett & Nixon (1974); 23: Davidson & Morton (1984); 24: Kew Gardens
Seed Information Database,, February 2011; 25: Lorenzo et al. (2010); 26: O’Dowd & Gill (1986); 27: Langeland
& Burks (1998); 28: Moran et al. (1989a); 29: Stanley & Lill (2002); 30: Starr et al. (2003); 31: Castro-Dı
´ez et al. (2011); 32: D. J. Murphy, unpublished
data; 33: Arbres et arbustes de La Re
´union,, February 2011; 34: Richardson
& Rejma
´nek (2011).
*When only t
was available, we used the criteria: SI is t
Inference from t
, ISI and breeding system for which species are classified as either outcrossing (if t
0.8 or ISI £0.5 a species is classified as
outcrossing) and otherwise as mixed mating.
àReferences could only confirm (and not refute) that an ant or bird dispersed seed of a given species, and thus, criteria for ‘not bird’ dispersed were
required (see Biotic seed dispersal (above) and Methods section of main article).
Reproductive biology of Australian acacias
Diversity and Distributions, 17, 911–933, ª2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 933
Acaciaspecies invasive mature outcross compatible1 compatible2 breed combined ant bird dispersed seedmass resprout flowerduration
A.abbreviata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7
A.acinacea0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.9 T NA
A.aculeatissima0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA F 4
A.acuminata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.5 T 4
A.adunca0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 47.9 F 5
A.alata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.35 F 4
A.aneura0 NA NA NA NA apomictic NA T NA notbird 14.98 F 3
A.aspera0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.1 NA NA
A.aulacocarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19 NA 6
A.auriculiformis1 NA 0.92 NA NA SI Outcrossing NA T bird 20 T 7
A.baileyana1 1 NA NA 0.02 SI Outcrossing T NA notbird 21.8 F 4
A.beauverdiana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.87 NA NA
A.beckleri0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.8 T 3
A.binervata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.2 F NA
A.binervia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.24 NA NA
A.brachybotrya0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21.86 F NA
A.browniana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.59 NA NA
A.burkittii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20.82 NA NA
A.buxifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.7 F NA
A.caesiella0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19.23 F 3
A.calamifolia0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 27 F 2
A.cardiophylla0 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.1 F 4
A.cognata0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.11 F 4
A.colletioides0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA T bird 7.64 F 5
A.coriacea0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA T bird 70.78 NA 6
A.craspedocarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 84.8 F NA
A.crassicarpa1 NA 0.93 NA NA NA Outcrossing NA NA NA 25.97 NA NA
A.cremiflora0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24.79 NA NA
A.cultriformis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12.8 F 4
A.cupularis0 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA T bird 16.23 F 6
A.cyclops1 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA T bird 30.3 F 5
A.dealbata1 2 0.97 0.78 0.727 SC Mixed T NA notbird 12.22 T 5
A.deanei0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.29 F 6
A.decora0 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12.1 NA 7
A.decurrens1 NA 0.84 NA NA pSC Outcrossing NA NA NA 15.04 T 5
A.desmondii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 8.42 NA 5
A.dietrichiana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA F NA
A.dodonaeifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20.39 NA NA
A.drummondii0 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.98 F 5
A.elata1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32.5 T 4
A.elongata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.21 NA NA
A.euthycarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.9 NA 3
A.falcata0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.6 NA 5
A.falciformis0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 42.8 NA 4
A.farinosa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.65 NA 3
A.filicifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.8 NA NA
A.filifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.55 NA NA
A.fimbriata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17 F 5
A.flavescens0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30.31 NA NA
A.floribunda0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8 NA 4
A.genistifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 29.95 F 6.5
A.georginae0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 58.51 NA NA
A.glandulicarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.18 T NA
A.hakeoides0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 22.7 T 5
A.hamiltoniana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.73 NA NA
A.holosericea1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA T bird 7.52 F 4
A.howittii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.21 F NA
A.implexa1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA T bird 15.89 T 5
A.insolita0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.11 NA NA
A.irrorata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.79 T 3
A.iteaphylla1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 27.7 T 9
A.jibberdingensis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.54 F 5
A.jonesii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.75 T 4
A.kempeana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 14.78 NA 6
A.lanigera0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12.81 NA 6
A.leiophylla0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.65 F NA
A.leprosa0 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5 NA NA
A.leptocarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.32 NA NA
A.linearifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA T 3
A.lineolata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.72 NA NA
A.longifolia1 1 NA NA NA NA NA T T bird 15.8 T 5
A.longissima0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.8 F 5
A.maidenii0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA T bird 13.1 NA 6
A.mangium1 1 0.65 NA NA NA NA NA T bird 14.6 F 5
A.mearnsii1 1 0.85 0.088333 0.0405 pSC Outcrossing T NA notbird 13.2 F 3
A.melanoxylon1 1 0.93 NA NA NA NA NA T bird 13.2 T 4
A.microbotrya0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 28.67 T NA
A.monticola0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 31.02 NA NA
A.mucronata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.82 F 5
A.murrayana0 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 33.7 T 4
A.myrtifolia0 NA NA 0.17 0.17 SI Outcrossing T NA notbird 9.4 F 7
A.neriifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 27.4 F NA
A.notabilis0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.74 F 5
A.oshanesii0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.1 NA 12
A.oxycedrus0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 28.8 NA NA
A.paradoxa1 1 NA 0.86 0.79 pSC Mixed T NA notbird 14 F 5
A.parramattensis0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.38 F 6
A.pendula0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21.3 T NA
A.penninervis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 55.74 NA NA
A.piligera0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32.25 NA NA
A.platycarpa0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 219.77 NA 7
A.podalyriifolia1 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32.3 F 2
A.polystachya0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.01 NA NA
A.pravissima0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.4 F 3
A.prominens0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.5 F 3
A.pruinosa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 27.1 F 3
A.pubescens0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.46 NA NA
A.pulchella0 NA NA NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 6.55 F 8
A.pycnantha1 1 NA 0.02 0.008 SI Outcrossing T NA notbird 18.2 F 5
A.pyrifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 42.61 F 5
A.redolens0 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.4 F 3
A.retinodes1 NA NA 0.06 0.02 SI Outcrossing NA NA NA 15.32 T 10
A.riceana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.16 NA NA
A.rigens0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.34 F 4
A.rubida0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.68 NA NA
A.rupicola0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20.48 F 8
A.salicina1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA T bird 47.8 T 5
A.saligna1 1 0.945 0.74 0.77 pSC Outcrossing T NA notbird 15.97 T 2
A.schinoides0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.6 NA NA
A.sclerophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.9 NA 4
A.simsii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 48.78 NA NA
A.steedmanii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.58 NA NA
A.stenophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 123.34 T 5
A.stricta1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.7 F 4
A.suaveolens0 NA NA NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 29.7 F 6
A.subporosa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.5 NA 2
A.subulata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23.09 F NA
A.terminalis0 NA NA 0.13 0.07 SI Outcrossing T NA notbird 28.3 NA 9
A.trineura0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.9 T 3
A.triptera0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.37 NA NA
A.truncata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.26 NA NA
A.ulicifolia0 NA NA 0.96 1.1 SC Mixed T NA notbird 12.2 F 7
A.verniciflua0 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.7 F 3
A.verticillata1 2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.49 F 6
A.victoriae1 1 NA NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 40.55 NA 4
A.viscidula0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.3 NA NA
Acaciaspecies invasive mature outcross breed combined ant bird dispersed seedmass resprout flowerduration
A.aciphylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA F NA
A.acradenia0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 7.6 NA 9.5
A.acrionastes0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20.42 NA NA
A.adoxa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.31 NA NA
A.adsurgens0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 7.49 NA 5
A.aestivalis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 111.09 NA NA
A.alcockii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.15 NA NA
A.amblygona0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10 NA NA
A.amblyophylla0 >2 NA NA NA NA T bird NA NA 2
A.ammobia0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 8 NA 3
A.amoena0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.88 NA NA
A.ampliceps0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 26.5 T NA
A.anceps0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 23.23 NA 4
A.ancistrocarpa0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 36.67 NA 6
A.ancistrophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3
A.anfractuosa0 NA 0.85 NA NA T NA notbird 3.75 NA 6
A.anthochaera0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.97 NA NA
A.aphylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.24 NA NA
A.aprica0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.36 NA NA
A.argyrophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 58.76 T 5
A.ascendens0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.61 NA NA
A.assimilis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.59 NA NA
A.atkinsiana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.23 NA NA
A.attenuata0 2 NA NA NA T NA notbird NA NA NA
A.aureocrinita0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 28.41 NA NA
A.ausfeldii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.67 NA NA
A.baeuerlenii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30.65 NA NA
A.bakeri0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39.79 NA NA
A.barringtonensis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.81 NA NA
A.baueri0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.58 NA NA
A.beadleana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.88 NA NA
A.betchei0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 32.31 NA 3
A.bifaria0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.92 NA NA
A.bivenosa0 >2 NA NA NA NA T bird 26.66 NA 8
A.blakei0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.59 NA NA
A.blakelyi0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23.13 NA NA
A.blayana0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2
A.boormanii0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.26 NA 2
A.botrydion0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19.47 NA NA
A.brachystachya0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 29.6 NA NA
A.brassii0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.84 NA 1
A.brownii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5
A.brumalis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.19 NA NA
A.brunioides0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.34 NA NA
A.burbidgeae0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.06 NA NA
A.burrowii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.31 NA NA
A.caerulescens0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 37.86 NA NA
A.caesariata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.55 NA NA
A.calcicola0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 45 NA 4
A.cambagei0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32.23 T 5
A.campylophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.37 NA NA
A.cana0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird NA NA 3
A.cangaiensis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.38 NA NA
A.carens0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30.86 NA NA
A.caroleae0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.71 NA NA
A.cedroides0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.54 NA NA
A.celastrifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.08 NA NA
A.cerastes0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.51 NA NA
A.chalkeri0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.57 NA NA
A.chapmanii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.08 NA NA
A.cheelii0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.98 NA 3.5
A.chisholmii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.92 NA NA
A.chrysotricha0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.6 NA NA
A.cincinnata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.61 NA NA
A.citrinoviridis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36.53 NA NA
A.clandullensis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32.86 NA NA
A.clydonophora0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 22.91 NA NA
A.colei0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12.1 NA NA
A.complanata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 42.9 NA NA
A.concurrens0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.68 NA 3
A.conferta0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12.6 NA NA
A.congesta0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.54 NA NA
A.conspersa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA F 7
A.constablei0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.6 NA NA
A.continua0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.58 F NA
A.coolgardiensis0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.57 NA 4
A.costiniana0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 12.46 NA 3
A.cowaniana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.3 NA NA
A.cowleana0 NA NA NA NA T T bird 11.3 NA 3
A.crassa0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.03 NA 3
A.crassiuscula0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.5 NA NA
A.crenulata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.14 NA NA
A.cretacea0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 32.18 NA NA
A.cuneifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.99 NA NA
A.curranii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.33 NA NA
A.cuthbertsonii0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 132.84 NA 9
A.cyperophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.9 NA NA
A.dallachiana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.37 NA NA
A.daviesioides0 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.42 NA 4
A.dawsonii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.6 NA 3
A.deficiens0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.53 NA NA
A.dictyoneura0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.4 NA NA
A.difficilis0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 23 NA 6
A.difformis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 46.9 T 12
A.disparrima0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.9 NA NA
A.distans0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 20.3 NA 3
A.disticha0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.22 NA NA
A.doratoxylon0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12.1 F NA
A.drepanophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23.9 NA NA
A.durabilis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.91 NA NA
A.duriuscula0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.55 NA NA
A.effusa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 26.37 NA NA
A.elachantha0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.59 NA NA
A.empelioclada0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.52 NA NA
A.enterocarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.53 NA 3
A.eremophila0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.07 NA NA
A.erinacea0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.47 NA NA
A.eriopoda0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 6.52 NA 5.5
A.errabunda0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.85 NA NA
A.estrophiolata0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 54.7 NA NA
A.excelsa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 27.5 NA NA
A.exilis0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.5 NA 3
A.extensa0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 12.3 F 3
A.flabellifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.57 NA NA
A.flexifolia0 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.18 NA 4
A.flocktoniae0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.98 NA NA
A.floydii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30.24 NA NA
A.fragilis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.67 NA NA
A.frigescens0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.7 NA 3
A.galeata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 71.2 NA NA
A.gillii0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.75 NA NA
A.gittinsii0 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
A.gladiiformis0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 25.91 NA 5
A.glaucissima0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.83 NA NA
A.glaucocarpa0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 20.2 NA 6
A.gnidium0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.85 NA NA
A.gonoclada0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.84 NA NA
A.gordonii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.49 NA NA
A.grandifolia0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.3 NA NA
A.granitica0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.31 NA NA
A.grisea0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.84 NA NA
A.gunnii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.25 NA NA
A.halliana0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.6 NA NA
A.hamersleyensis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.11 NA NA
A.hammondii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.27 NA NA
A.harveyi0 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 12.02 NA 8
A.havilandiorum0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.1 NA 2
A.hemignosta0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 40.25 NA NA
A.hemiteles0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 22.1 F NA
A.hemsleyi0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.75 NA NA
A.heterochroa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.46 NA NA
A.heteroclita0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.59 NA NA
A.hilliana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.06 NA NA
A.hispidula0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 47.54 NA NA
A.hubbardiana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.12 NA NA
A.humifusa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 26.6 NA NA
A.hyaloneura0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.21 NA NA
A.imbricata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.81 F NA
A.inaequilatera0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 41.98 NA NA
A.incanicarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.08 NA NA
A.inceana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.46 NA NA
A.ingramii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20.42 NA NA
A.inophloia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.53 NA NA
A.ixiophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.5 F 3
A.jennerae0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 71.66 NA NA
A.jucunda0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.46 NA NA
A.julifera0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 26.36 NA 6
A.juncifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.6 NA NA
A.karina0 NA 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
A.kettlewelliae0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.71 NA NA
A.kybeanensis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.8 NA NA
A.kydrensis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.22 NA NA
A.lachnophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.92 NA NA
A.lanuginophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA F 4
A.lasiocalyx0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 24.9 F 4
A.lasiocarpa0 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.4 NA 6
A.lateriticola0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.6 NA NA
A.latipes0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.51 NA NA
A.latisepala0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 66.22 NA NA
A.latzii0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 12.64 NA 7
A.legnota0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 36.33 NA NA
A.leichhardtii0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 27.4 NA NA
A.leiocalyx0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.33 NA NA
A.leptoclada0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.37 NA NA
A.leptospermoides0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.36 NA NA
A.leptostachya0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.97 NA NA
A.leucoclada0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.21 NA 4
A.ligulata0 >2 NA NA NA T T bird 27.6 F 4
A.lineata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.79 F NA
A.linifolia0 1.5 NA NA NA T NA notbird 23.9 NA 12
A.lirellata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.4 NA NA
A.lobulata0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird NA NA 1
A.loderi0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.6 NA 3
A.longispicata0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 12.51 NA 3
A.longispinea0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5 NA NA
A.lucasii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.28 NA NA
A.lysiphloia0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 17.88 NA 5.5
A.mabellae0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.76 NA NA
A.macnuttiana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 26.27 NA NA
A.maitlandii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.83 NA 5
A.megacephala0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.73 NA NA
A.meiantha0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.62 NA NA
A.meisneri0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 42.02 NA 4
A.melleodora0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.44 NA NA
A.melvillei0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2
A.menzelii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.87 NA NA
A.merrallii0 >2 NA NA NA NA T bird 2.5 F 3
A.merrickiae0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.57 NA NA
A.microcarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.1 F 4
A.minutifolia0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 6.92 NA 4.5
A.mitchellii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 15.47 NA NA
A.mollifolia0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 20.29 NA 5
A.montana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.4 F 4
A.multisiliqua0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.55 NA NA
A.multispicata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.19 F 8
A.mutabilis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.07 NA NA
A.nanodealbata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.18 NA NA
A.nematophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.66 NA NA
A.neurocarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.63 NA NA
A.neurophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.87 NA NA
A.nigripilosa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.56 NA NA
A.nodiflora0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21.55 NA NA
A.novaanglica0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 41.14 NA NA
A.nyssophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3
A.obliquinervia0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 26.4 NA 5
A.obtusata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.8 NA NA
A.obtusifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21.22 NA NA
A.oldfieldii0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.1 NA 4
A.olsenii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 35.9 NA NA
A.omalophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2
A.ophiolithica0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.84 NA NA
A.oraria0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 33 NA NA
A.oswaldii0 >2 NA NA NA NA T bird 79.4 F 3
A.oxyclada0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.9 NA 3
A.pachycarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 175 NA NA
A.papulosa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14 NA NA
A.parvipinnula0 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.89 T 4
A.pedina0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.4 NA NA
A.perangusta0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.25 NA NA
A.phaeocalyx0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25.21 NA NA
A.phasmoides0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.73 NA 4
A.phlebocarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 16.42 NA NA
A.pilligaensis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.04 NA NA
A.pinguiculosa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.28 NA NA
A.pinguifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.4 NA NA
A.plectocarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 22 NA NA
A.plicata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 7.88 NA NA
A.polybotrya0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23.4 NA NA
A.prainii0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 41.09 NA 4
A.pravifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.86 NA NA
A.provincialis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.48 NA NA
A.pruinocarpa0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 33.28 NA 3
A.pterocaulon0 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4
A.ptychoclada0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12.39 NA NA
A.pubifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.98 NA NA
A.pusilla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.75 NA NA
A.pustula0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.97 NA NA
A.pycnostachya0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.75 NA NA
A.quadrilateralis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.64 NA NA
A.quornensis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.4 NA NA
A.racospermoides0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 54.02 NA NA
A.ramulosa0 >2 NA NA NA T NA notbird 75.02 F 7
A.repanda0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.7 NA NA
A.resinimarginea0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.86 NA NA
A.retivenea0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 37.5 NA NA
A.rhetinocarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.81 NA NA
A.rhigiophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.26 NA NA
A.rhodophloia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.19 NA NA
A.rivalis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA F 6
A.rossei0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 35.93 F 6
A.rostellifera0 NA NA NA NA NA T bird 18.34 NA 4
A.rothii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 219.48 NA NA
A.ruppii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 19.81 NA NA
A.saliciformis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23.27 F 6
A.sciophanes0 NA 0.61 NA Mixed T NA notbird NA NA 3
A.scirpifolia0 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 23.13 NA 3
A.sclerosperma0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 243.26 F 7
A.semirigida0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 27.8 NA NA
A.sertiformis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 43.16 NA NA
A.shirleyi0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13 NA NA
A.sibirica0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 13.61 F 5
A.siculiformis0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.2 NA 4
A.silvestris0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 21.58 F 3
A.simmonsiana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.62 NA NA
A.spectabilis0 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 24.5 F 5
A.spilleriana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 27.01 NA NA
A.spinescens0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.6 NA NA
A.splendens0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 26.43 NA NA
A.spondylophylla0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 12.64 NA 4
A.spooneri0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.21 NA NA
A.sporadica0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.61 NA NA
A.squamata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.78 NA NA
A.stanleyi0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.46 NA NA
A.startii0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 23.31 NA NA
A.stellaticeps0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12.89 NA NA
A.stereophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.16 NA NA
A.stipuligera0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10.24 NA NA
A.storyi0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 17.2 NA 5
A.strongylophylla0 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.15 NA 5
A.subcaerulea0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 34.93 NA NA
A.sublanata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA F NA
A.subracemosa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.91 NA NA
A.sulcata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.48 NA NA
A.synchronicia0 >2 NA NA NA NA NA NA 23.3 NA 5
A.telmica0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 24.53 NA NA
A.tenuissima0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 6.85 NA 6
A.tetragonophylla0 NA NA NA NA T T bird 13.5 F 4
A.tetraneura0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.33 NA NA
A.toondulya0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 18.83 NA NA
A.torulosa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 56.04 NA NA
A.trachycarpa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 37.21 NA NA
A.trachyphloia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 9.27 NA NA
A.tratmaniana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.09 NA NA
A.trinervata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.72 NA NA
A.triquetra0 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.49 NA NA
A.tropica0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.64 NA NA
A.tumida0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 46.6 NA NA
A.ulicina0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 62.5 NA NA
A.umbellata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.52 NA NA
A.uncinata0 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 62.5 F 3
A.undosa0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.41 NA NA
A.undulifolia0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 33.86 F 2
A.urophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA F 6
A.venulosa0 1.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.6 NA 6
A.veronica0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 25.85 NA NA
A.verricula0 NA NA NA NA T NA notbird 3.6 NA 5
A.vittata0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 11.91 NA NA
A.wattsiana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.27 T 3
A.whibleyana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.08 NA NA
A.wilhelmiana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.9 NA 4
A.williamsiana0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 12.37 NA NA
A.woodmaniorum0 NA 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
A.xiphophylla0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 71.23 NA NA
A.yorkrakinensis0 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.21 NA NA
Acaciaspecies Flowervisitor *Criteriafordetermining
Region Reference
A.auriculiformisHymenoptera 
Apidae(Apismellifera) 2,3 44.0±5.4 NAustralia,
Halictidae 2,3 298.4±16.7 NAustralia,
 
 
2,3 77±7.1 NAustralia,
Coleoptera3 1.7±1.6 NAustralia,
Cecidomyiidae 1 **Australia Prescott,(2005)
Mycetophilidae Australia Prescott,(2005)
Syrphidae 1 1.8±0.5 SouthAfrica J.G.Rodger,unpubl.data
OtherDiptera 3 0.25±0.13 SouthAfrica
Hymenoptera 
 
ascutellata1,2,3 66±19 SouthAfrica
1  Australia Prescott,(2005)
Chrysomelidae(Eumolpinae) 3 0.33±0.19 SouthAfrica
 
 
1 1.0±0.5 SouthAfrica
Apismelliferascutellata1,2,3 132±35 SouthAfrica J.G.Rodger,unpubl.data
A.longifoliaColeoptera 
Scarabaeidae(Heteronyxsp.) Australia Thorp&Sugden,(1990)
 
 
Australia Bernhardt(1989)
1,4 Australia Bernhardt(1989);Thorp&
Colletidae(Amphylaeussp.) 4 Australia Thorp&Sugden(1990)
Colletidae(Leioproctusspp.) Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Halictidae(Lasioglossumspp.) Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Halictidae(Homalictussp.,Lasioglossumspp.) 1,4 Australia Thorp&Sugden(1990)
Tiphiidae(unidentifiedspp.) Australia Bernhardt(1989)
1,4 Australia Thorp&Sugden(1990)
A.mangiumColeoptera2,3 1.7±1.6 NAustralia,
 Au
 
 
2,3 77±7.1 NAustralia,
2,3 44.0±5.4 NAustralia,
Apidae( isspp.,Trigonaspp.)Ap
? Orwa al.(2009)et
2,3 298.4±16.7 NAustralia,
Anobiidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Cerambycidae(Pempsamacrasp.) Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Cerambycidae(Trachyderesdimiatus) 2 113 Brazil Alves&Marins‐Corder(2009)
Cerambycidae( ocerusviolaceus)Comps
Cleridae( spp.)
2 156 Brazil Alves&Marins‐Corder(2009)
1 Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Australia Prescott(2005)
Chrysomelidae(Eumolpinae) 3 3.3±1.9 SouthAfrica J.G.Rodger,unpubl.data
Chrysomelidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Coccinellidae Australia Sedgley .(1992)etal
Curculionidae  Australia
Erotylidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Mordellidae 1 Australia Prescott(2005)
Mycetophacipae Australia Prescott(2005)
Scarabaeidae(Aphodinae) 2 26 Brazil Alves&Marins‐Corder(2009)
Scarabaeidae(Cetoniinae:Cyrtothyreamarginalis) 1,2,3 16±6 SouthAfrica J.G.Rodger,unpubl.data
Scarabaeidae( ylussuturatis)Macrodact
2 229.36 Brazil Alves&Marins‐Corder(2009)
3 5.8±2.0 SouthAfrica J.G.Rodger,unpubl.data
Staphylinidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Tenebrionidae( eonissp.)Alcm
Australia Bernhardt(1989)
2 1.4±0.54 SouthAfrica J.G.Rodger,unpubl.data
OtherColeoptera 2 0.67±0.38 SouthAfrica
 
Australia Prescott(2005)
Cecidomyiidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Dolichopodidae(notidentified) 2 58 Brazil Alves&Marins‐Corder(2009)
Empididae(notidentified) 2 135 Brazil Alves&Marins‐Corder(2009)
Muscidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Mycetophilidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Sciaridae Australia Prescott(2005)
Syrphidae(Syrphusspp.) 1 Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Syrphidae 1,3 ¹2.7±1.0 Australia,
Reduviidae( elanolestessp.)
 
 
 
 
 
2 74.67 Brazil Alves&Marins‐Corder(2009)
Australia Prescott(2005)
Miridae Australia Prescott(2005)
Anthophoridae(Exoneuraspp.) 1 Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Apidae(Apismellifera) 2 ¹448.5 Brazil;
(2009);Moncur .(1991)
1,2,3 141±68 SouthAfrica
Australia Prescott(2005)
Colletidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Encyrtidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Eumenidae(Antamenessp.) Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Formicidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Halictidae(Homalictussp.,Nomiaspp.) Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Halictidae(Lassioglossumspp.) 1 Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Scelionidae:Baginae Australia Prescott(2005)
Vespidae(Vespinae) 2 54.91 Brazil Alves&Marins‐Corder(2009)
Vespidae(Braconidae) 2 95.5 Brazil Alves&Marins‐Corder(2009)
Otherbees 2,3 121 SouthAfrica
Geometridae Australia Prescott(2005)
Gracillariidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Cecidomyiidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Chironomidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Lauxaniidae 1 Australia Prescott(2005)
Coleoptera Australia Prescott(2005)
Chrysomelidae 1 Australia Prescott(2005)
A.paradoxaColeoptera 
Belidae( otiasp.)Rhin
Buprestidae( elobasisspp.)
Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Australia Prescott(2005)
Coccinellidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Mycetophacipae Australia Prescott(2005)
 
 
 
1 Australia Prescott(2005)
Lauxaniidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Muscidae(Helinasp.) Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Syrphidae(Syrphusspp.) 1 Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Syrphidae Australia Prescott(2005)
1  Australia;
(2005);Zenni .(2009)
Colletidae(Euryglossaspp.,Leioproctusspp.) 1  Australia
Halictidae(Homalictussp.,Lassioglossumspp.) 1 Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Mymaridae Australia Prescott(2005)
Pteromalidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Chrysomelidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Cleridae( idiasp.,Phlogistussp.)Lem
Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Australia Prescott(2005)
 
Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Cecidomyiidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Empididae Australia Prescott(2005)
Muscidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Mycetophilidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Syrphidae(Syrphussp.) 1 Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Syrphidae Australia Prescott(2005)
ptera 
 
 
1,4,51 Australia Bernhardt(1989);Vanstone&
Colletidae(Euhesmaspp.,Leioproctusspp.) 1 Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Colletidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Eulophidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Halictidae(Lassioglossumspp.) 1 Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Mymaridae Australia Prescott(2005)
Pteromalidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Tenthredinidae Australia Prescott(2005)
Australia Bernhardt(1989)
5 Australia Vanstone&Patton(1988)
Sarcophagidae Australia Bernhardt(1989)
 
Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Apidae( smellifer )Api a
1 Australia Bernhardt(1989)
1 Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Halictidae(Lasioglossumspp.) 1 Australia Bernhardt(1989)
Coleoptera 
3 Australia Bernhardtetal.(1984);
3 Australia Bernhardtetal.(1984)
Calliphoridae(Stom asp.)
 
 
 
1 Australia Bernhardt(1989)
1,3 Australia Bernhardtetal.(1984);
Muscidae( asp.)Musc
Australia Bernhardt(1989)
3 Australia Bernhardtetal.(1984)
1,3 Australia Bernhardtetal.(1984);
Colletidae(Leioproctusspp.) 1,3 Australia Bernhardtetal.(1984);
Halictidae(Homalictusspp.,Lasioglossumspp.) 1,3 Australia Bernhardtetal.(1984);
Megachilidae(Megach spp.)ile
3 Australia Bernhardt .(1984)etal
  Australia
Coccinelidae( )Coccinellatransversalis
1 Australia George(2005)
 SouthAfrica M.R.Gibson,unpubl.data
1,4 SouthAfrica M.R.Gibson,unpubl.data
1 Australia George(2005)
Australia George(2005)
 
SouthAfrica M.R.Gibson,unpubl.data
Heleomyzidae 1 Australia George(2005)
Syrphidae 1 Australia George(2005)
Other(Muscidae,Empididae,Dolichopodidae) 1 Australia George(2005)
 
 
Australia George(2005)
Psyllidae1 Australia George(2005)
Apidae(Apismellifera apensis)
Apidae( mellifera)
1,4 SouthAfrica M.R.Gibson,unpubl.data
Formicidae( sp.,other)
Australia George(2005)
1 Australia George(2005)
Australia George(2005)
and A.Cunn.exBenth.(Leguminosae:Mimosoideae). ournalofBotany, ,37–48.mangium Acaciaauriculiformis AustralianJ40
, ,177–186.JournalofBotany 39
abbreviataCANB793276 JF420395,JF419963,JF420177,JF420499,JF420065,JF420287
acuminata MtAnnanBG866885 JF420424JF420205,JF420526,JF420092,JF420313
aduncaANBG8502778 JF420365,JF419934,JF420145,JF420471,JF420035,JF420258
alataCANB00579597 JF420440,JF420001,JF420221,JF420541
aneuraCANB635377 JF420366,JF419935,JF420146,JF420472,JF420036,JF420259
asperaCANB793290 JF420409,JF419976,JF420189,JF420300
aulacocarpaClarkeB JF420398,JF419966JF420501,JF420068,JF420289
auriculiformisATSC15688 JM1812,JN088171,JN088172,JN088173,JN088175,JN088177,JN0
baileyanaCANB00693196 JF420439,JF420000,JF420220,JF420540,JF420106,JF420328
beckleriANBG9707897 JF420367,JF419936,JF420147,JF420473,JF420037,JF420260
binervataATSC16245 JF420437,JF419998,JF420218JF420104,JF420326
brachybotryaClarke17b JN006080,JN006091,JN006102,JN006113,JN006122,JN006133
burkittiClarke15b JN006081,JN006092,JN006103,JN006114,JN006123,JN006134
caesiellaCANB643851 JN006082,JN006093,JN006104,JN006115,JN006124,JN006135
calamifoliaCANB793310 JF420351,JF419920,JF420131,JF420457,JF420021,JF420245
cardiophyllaCANB492118 JF420420JF420201,JF420522,JF420088,JF420309
cognataCANB615708 JF420352,JF419921,JF420132,JF420458,JF420022,JF420246
colletioidesCANB633905 JN006083,JN006094,JN006105,JN006116,JN006125,JN006136
crassicarpaATSC15698 JF420343,JF420122,JF420236
cultriformisCANB793341 JF420387,JF419954,JF420168,JF420494,JF420056,JF420278
cupularisCANB633912 JF420353,JF419922,JF420133,JF420459,JF420023,JF420247
cyclopsCANB793345 JF420354,JF419923,JF420134,JF420460,JF420024,JF420248
dealbataCANB738126 JF420421JF420202,JF420523,JF420089,JF420310
deaneiClarke20d JF420403,JF419971,JF420183,JF420506,JF420073,JF420294
decurrensCANB793354 JF420344JF420123,JF420237
dodonaeifolianindethanaNS‐8657 JN006084,JN006095,JN006106,JN006117,JN006126,JN006137
elataANBG632927 JF420369,JF419938,JF420149,JF420475,JF420039,JF420262
elongataClarke27e JF420405,JF419973,JF420185,JF420508,JF420075,JF420296
euthycarpaCANB793378 JF420391,JF419958,JF420172,JF420498,JF420060,JF420282
falcataClarke4f JF420340,JF419913,JF420119,JF420451,JF420014,JF420233
filicifoliaCANB633941 JN006085,JN006096,JN006107,JN006118,JN006127
fimbriataClarke26f JF420404,JF419972,JF420184,JF420507,JF420074,JF420295
flexifoliaCANB793390 JF420341,JF419914,JF420120,JF420452,JF420015,JF420234
floribundaANBG9611057 JF420371,JF419940,JF420151,JF420477,JF420041,
genistifoliaCANB793395 JF420348,JF419917,JF420128,JF420454,JF420019,JF420242
hakeoides CANB793281 JF420356,JF419925,JF420136,JF420462,JF420026,JF420250
holosericeaATSC15669 JF420346,JF419916,JF420126,JF420240
howittiiCANB793419 JF420410,JF419977,JF420190,JF420512,JF420079,JF420301
implexaClarke11i JF420401,JF419969,JF420182,JF420504,JF420071,JF420292
irrorataCANB793423 JF420386,JF419953,JF420167,JF420493,JF420055,JF420277
jibberdingensisAji2492 JN006086,JN006097,JN006108,JN006119,JN006128,JN006138
jonesiiMELU‐SRA20 JN006087,JN006098,JN006109,JN006129
leptocarpaATSC15478 JN006088,JN006099,JN006110,JN006130,JN006139
longifoliaJN782 JF420444,JF420006,JF420225JF420111,JF420332
longissima CANB793457 JF420428,JF419989,JF420209,JF420530,JF420094,JF420316
mearnsiiCANB793467 JF420379,JF419949,JF420160,JF420486JF420270
melanoxylonMtAnnanBG860538 JF420425,JF419987,JF420206,JF420527,JF420093,JF420314
mucronataCANB615743 JF420441,JF420002JF420542,JF420107,JF420329
murrayanaCANB793477 JF420429,JF419990,JF420210,JF420531,JF420095,JF420317
neriifoliaClarke8n JF420400,JF419968,JF420181,JF420503,JF420070,JF420291
oshanesiiClarke28o JN006089,JN006100,JN006111,JN006120,JN006131
Pararchidendron_pruinosumANBG820099 JF419980,JF420193,JF420515,JF420082,JF420304
Paraserianthes_lophanthaMEL2057862 JF420005,JF420224,JF420545,JF420110,JF420331
penninervisCANB793506 JF420385,JF419952,JF420125JF420018,JF420239
platycarpaKingsParkBG19920462item376 JN006090,JN006101,JN006112,JN006121,JN006132
podalyriifoliaANBG9406554 JF420374,JF419944,JF420155,JF420481,JF420045,JF420265
pravissimaCANB793515 JF420362,JF419931,JF420142,JF420468,JF420032,JF420255
prominensMtAnnanBG981404 JF420423JF420204,JF420525,JF420091,JF420312
pruinosaCANB793518 JF420392,JF419959,JF420173JF420061,JF420283
pubescensMEL2111926 JF420416,JF419984,JF420197,JF420519
pycnanthaCANB793526 JF420382JF420163,JF420489,JF420051,JF420273
pyrifoliaCANB793527 JF420345JF420124JF420017,JF420238
retinodesCANB587946 JF420422JF420203,JF420524,JF420090,JF420311
rigensCANB634045 JF420442,JF420003,JF420222,JF420543,JF420108,JF420330
salignaCANB634053 JF420443,JF420004,JF420223,JF420544,JF420109,
schinoidesCANB793542 JF420434,JF419996,JF420215,JF420536,JF420101,JF420323
stenophyllaCANB793555 JF420432,JF419994,JF420213,JF420534,JF420099,JF420321
suaveolensANBG643849 JF420375,JF419945,JF420156,JF420482,JF420046,JF420266
terminalis JM1915,JN088170,JN088174,JN088176,JN088178,JN088180
tripteraClarke18t JF420334,JF419907,JF420113,JF420446,JF420008,JF420227
vernicifluaMtAnnanBG13007 JF420414,JF419982,JF420195,JF420517,JF420084,
vestitaCANB793583 JF420438,JF419999,JF420219,JF420539,JF420105,JF420327
victoriaeAD99835210s51 JF420419JF420200JF420087,JF420308
viscidulaClarke1v JF420399,JF419967,JF420180,JF420502,JF420069,JF420290
ariables,andχ²testswere inaryva
usedforb riables.
 ‐ 0 0
mpatible1 0.01121 1.08908 0.010 0.992
 ‐ 0 0
mpatible2 ‐0.2048 0.9661 ‐0.212
 ‐ 0 0
0.7149 1.142
Binaryvariablen df χ² Pr(>F)
39 1 6.8954 0.0086 2
generalizedleastsquareswereu lvariasedforal
 Pr(>|z
 1 1 0 0
mpatible1 2.757 5.287 0.522 0.602
 1 1 1 0
mpatible2 2.943
6.197 0.475
 ‐ 1 0
0.7227 0.9305 0.777 0.4373
Binaryvariablen df χ² Pr(>F)
39 1 5.4408 0.01967
Phyloge ra squaresneticgene lizedleast analyses:
0 0 1 0
mpatible1 0.0682263 0.6366747 0.1071603 0.9198
0 0 1 0
mpatible2 0.0728951 0.5269803 0.1383261 0.8954
 0 0 0 0
0.2038274 0.2013822 1.012142 0.3151
 0 0 1 0
‐0.0015824 0.0205977 ‐0.076823 0.9391
 0 0 2 0
mature2 ‐0.5525716 0.1735119 ‐3.184631 0.0040
‐ 0 ‐ 0
 0 0 2 0
ednotbird ‐0.0081362 0.3437120 ‐0.023671 0.9814
... Acacia species differ in their post-fire regeneration, with some fire-killed 'obligate seeders' and others capable of regrowing from stems, basal coppice and root suckers (Williams et al. 2004;Wright et al. 2016;Gordon et al. 2017). Many species of Acacia have fire-promoted germination (Benson & McDougall 1996;Bell 1999;Gibson et al. 2011). The physical dormancy-breaking germination trigger is typically the heat from a fire, as shown by experiments indicating brief exposure of Acacia seeds to elevated temperatures of around 60 to 120°C enhances germination (Brown et al. 2003;Congdon et al. 2011;Gibson et al. 2011). ...
... Many species of Acacia have fire-promoted germination (Benson & McDougall 1996;Bell 1999;Gibson et al. 2011). The physical dormancy-breaking germination trigger is typically the heat from a fire, as shown by experiments indicating brief exposure of Acacia seeds to elevated temperatures of around 60 to 120°C enhances germination (Brown et al. 2003;Congdon et al. 2011;Gibson et al. 2011). Brief exposure to elevated temperatures 'pops' a small plug on the hard seed coat, allowing entry of moisture (Burrows et al. 2018). ...
... However, germination differences between the unheated and hot water treatments were not statistically significant by the end of the fiveweek trial. A wide variety of Acacia species and other Australian legumes are promoted by heat shock (Bell 1999;Williams et al. 2003;Congdon et al. 2011;Gibson et al. 2011;Burrows et al. 2018). The presence of a seed plug in Purple-flowered Wattle, expelled after exposure to hot water is strong evidence the heat of a fire is a dormancy breaking stimulus. ...
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This paper describes an assessment of the fire response of a rare wattle, Acacia purpureopetala (Purple wattle), which grows in tropical eucalypt woodlands. It was found to be a fire-killed shrub with fire-promoted germination and rapid seedling maturity. The species benefits from regular burning. Soaking seed in near-boiling water for 5 minutes enhances germination. This positive information about the resilience of a rare wattle leads us to recommend its National EPBC Act status be revised from Critically Endangered to Vulnerable.
... Unfortunately, the "miraculous" acacias are no longer restricted to the southern continents from which they originated, becoming a pest that is threatening many ecosystems far away from Australia, including those of Portugal [61]. The acacias form a group of about 1,380 species, 1,000 of which are native to Australia, with the remainder native to the other continents of the Southern Hemisphere, except for some species that originated in North America [62]. Differences exist in the classification of the family to which acacias belong. ...
... Some authors place them in the large legume family (Leguminosae), whereas some authors claim that they belong to an independent family, the Mimosaceae [63,64]. Like other leguminous plants, acacia seeds are grown in small pods, which open at the time of seed release [62]. ...
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Portugal is a country with a territorial dimension of approximately 90,000 km2. However, the forest occupies a prominent position, since it represents about 35% of the total area of the country. Portuguese people always had a very close connection with the forest, which has provided the necessary resources for the development of its communities. The geological substratum of continental Portugal is very old and may therefore have witnessed the evolution of its plants, from the early beginning to the present time, as well as all sort of historical and environmental landmarks such as glacial periods or mass extinctions. Also, from the perspective of human occupation, Portuguese territory was crossed by hunter-gatherer populations who, initially, were constantly moving and looking for sustenance, but at a later stage, chose to settle. This relationship between human populations and the forest is, thus, very old and demonstrates the interdependence between the subsistence of the populations and the resources exploitation. Currently, the main national economic groups are based on forest industries, which depend directly on the exploitation of the three dominant species, Eucalyptus globulus Labill., Pinus pinaster Aiton and Quercus suber L., demonstrating the human role in the development of the forest, motivated by the satisfaction of its needs. This work reviews the historical development of the forest in mainland Portugal, from geological times to the present, including the arrival of exotic species that later acquired invasive behaviors and now occupy significant areas of the national territory.
... These invasive species can disrupt local ecosystems by altering the structure and function of local plant-pollinator networks [2,3]. For example, the reproductive success of coflowering native plants can be negatively affected, either via a preference by local pollinators for invasive plants resulting in fewer visits to native plants [2,[4][5][6], or via the deposition of invasive pollen on native stigmas [6]. Both mechanisms have the potential to affect the reproduction of co-flowering species [7]. ...
... These were Carpobrotus edulis (Azoaecae), Osteospermum moniliferum (Asteraceae) and Edmondia sesamoides (Asteraceae), illustrated in figure 1. It has been shown that fynbos flowering species that have comparable floral symmetry, clustering and colour to Acacia have a greater overlap in flower visitors [5,6]. Thus, two of the focal species had yellow flowers (C. ...
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Invasive flowering plants can disrupt plant-pollinator networks. This is well documented where invasives occur amongst native plants; however, the potential for 'spillover' effects of invasives that form stands in adjacent habitats are less well understood. Here we quantify the impact of two invasive Australian species, Acacia saligna and Acacia longifolia, on the plant-pollinator networks in fynbos habitats in South Africa. We compared networks from replicate 1 ha plots of native vegetation (n = 21) that were subjected to three treatments: (1) at least 400 m from flowering Acacia; (2) adjacent to flowering Acacia, or (3) adjacent to flowering Acacia where all Acacia flowers were manually removed. We found that native flowers adjacent to stands of flowering Acacia received significantly more insect visits, especially from beetles and Apis mellifera capensis, and that visitation was more generalized. We also recorded visitation to, and the seed set of, three native flowering species and found that two received more insect visits, but produced fewer seeds, when adjacent to flowering Acacia. Our research shows that 'spillover' effects of inva-sive Acacia can lead to significant changes in visitation and seed production of native co-flowering species in neighbouring habitats-a factor to be considered when managing invaded landscapes.
... Wattles are woody legumes native to Australia that are able to accumulate large and long-lived seed banks in their introduced ranges, which contributes to their invasiveness by increasing recruitment opportunities, facilitating the establishment and spread of new populations, and reducing management success (Richardson and Kluge, 2008;Gibson et al., 2011: Passos et al., 2017Gioria et al., 2021). Moreover, like most legwnes. ...
... several invasive wattles were introduced in very low numbers with low levels of natural dispersal (e.g. A. paradoxa, A. stricta, and others in South Africa; Magana et al., 2018); and other invasive wattles are not capable of resprouting (e.g. A. baileyana) or attaining reproductive maturity early (e.g. A. cydops or A. dealbata) or do not grow tall (e.g. A. cultriformis or A. paradoxa). Nonetheless such invasive wattles have similar impacts and management requirements as other invasive wattles (Zenni et al., 2009;Gibson et al., 2011;Falster et al., 2021). For these reasons, we argue there is limited value in subdividing the WATILES invasion syndrome. ...
... However, the rapid rate at which invasive Australian Acacia species ('wattles') spread (due to long-Lived seed banks in the soil, clearing operations along roads that stimulate germination, resprouting, seed dispersal in water and by animals. etc; Gibson et al., 2011) makes it difficult for researchers. managers and other stakeholders to collate distribution and biometric data, to monitor every new population (i.e. to meet all surveillance needs; Kruger et al., 2022) and to control these species. ...
... For example, knowing which species are dispersed by ants (A. longifolin) or birds (e.g. A. melanoxylon or A. cyclops; Gibson et al., 2011;Marchante et al., 2014: Chapter 17, this volume) is important for making decisions about their management: bird-dispersed species are likely to produce more distant invasion foci than are ant-dispersed species (Holmes, 1990) and, as such, bird-dispersed species should be prioritized for control. ...
... However, recent niche modelling and genetic studies do not support this intraspecific subdivision, suggesting that the classification of these two subspecies requires revision (Vicente et al. 2023a, b). Acacia longifolia has long-lasting flowering periods characterised by massive investments in flower and pollen production (Correia et al. 2014;, resulting in high seasonal seed crops (Gibson et al. 2011) and the formation of massive seeds banks (Marchante et al. 2010;Le Maitre et al. 2011). In its invasive range, A. longifolia is considered to be an "ecosystem engineer", actively transforming ecosystems and causing significant impacts on both the above-and belowground components of ecosystems (Yelenik et al. 2007;Ulm et al. 2017a;Jesus et al. 2020). ...
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Acacia longifolia (Andrews) Willd. is a legume native to southeast mainland Australia and Tasmania and has two described subspecies: A. l. subsp. longifolia and A. l. subsp. sophorae. The species has been introduced around the world and is considered invasive in several Mediterranean-type climate regions, including in South America, South Africa, and southern Europe. Previous studies comparing native and invasive populations of A. longifolia have focused on its reproductive ecology and population genetics, and little information exists on the species’ early life development and how abiotic factors influence it. Here, we performed a glasshouse experiment to compare the phenotypic responses of native and invasive (in Portugal) A. longifolia seedlings to different levels of water and nutrient availability. We found that seedlings of both subspecies responded similarly to different water and nutrient availability conditions in terms of biomass accumulation, root length, the number of phyllodes produced, phyllode water content, and root-to-shoot ratio. However, compared to native seedlings, invasive seedlings had limited capacity for stress responses. We found that invasive seedlings had lower drought tolerance than native seedlings, and thus the speed of invasion by A. longifolia into drier parts of Portugal may be hindered. Our results also hint of a possible role of seed “imprinting” in this species’ early growth responses, resulting in different resource allocation strategies such as favouring early growth and development over drought resistance in the invaded range. Further studies are required to better understand the species’ abiotic stress responses at the intraspecific level and their relation to its invasiveness.
The reproductive organs and mating biology of angiosperms exhibit greater variety than those of any other group of organisms. Flowers and inflorescences are also the most diverse structures produced by angiosperms, and floral traits provide some of the most compelling examples of evolution by natural selection. Given that flowering plants include roughly 250,000 species, their reproductive diversity will not be explained easily by continued accumulation of case studies of individual species. ınstead a more strategic approach is now required, which seeks to identify general principles concerning the role of ecological function in the evolution of reproductive diversity. The Ecology and Evolution of Flowers uses this approach to expose new insights into the functional basis of floral diversity, and presents the very latest theoretical and empirical research on floral evolution. Floral biology is a dynamic and growing area and this book, written by the leading internationally recognized researchers in this field, reviews current progress in understanding the evolution and function of flowers. Chapters contain both new research findings and synthesis. Major sections in turn examine functional aspects of floral traits and sexual systems, the ecological influences on reproductive adaptation, and the role of floral biology in angiosperm diversification. Overall, this integrated treatment illustrates the role of floral function and evolution in the generation of angiosperm biodiversity. This advanced textbook is suitable for graduate level students taking courses in plant ecology, evolution, systematics, biodiversity and conservation. ıt will also be of interest and use to a broader audience of plant scientists seeking an authoritative overview of recent advances in floral biology.
Pollen of acacias is transported by insects as polyads, composite pollen grains. The polyad has enough pollen grains to fertilize all ovules within a flower and hence all seed within a pod may be full sibs. Isozyme markers were used to test this hypothesis in two populations of Acacia melanoxylon R.Br. The proportions of fruit pods with multiple paternity detected in two populations were 0.08 and 0.15. The proportions of fullsib pairs within pods estimated by the sibling pair method were 1 and 0.63 for the two populations. Comparison of the diploid paternal genotypes of pods of single paternity showed that the probability of a common pollen source for a pair of pods was high within globular clusters (0.35) or within inflorescences (0.46) but declined to 0.10 or 0.25 within the tree at random. Thus the reproductive system acted to reinforce a hierarchy of paternal correlation within each tree.
Aim To assess associations between invasiveness, genome size and species traits in Australian Acacia species introduced outside their native range. Location Global. Methods Holoploid genome size was determined by flow cytometry for 92 species in Acacia subgenus Phyllodineae native to Australia. These data were used to test whether genome size was significantly different for invasive (n = 21; species known to be established and spreading in foreign environments) and non-invasive (n = 71; species that have been introduced to foreign environments but which are not known to be spreading) species. Data for five functional traits [seed mass, specific leaf area (SLA), relative growth rate (RGR), maximum height and dispersal mode] and three characteristics of native range (size, temperature range and precipitation range) were used to test for univariate and multivariate relationships between (1) invasiveness and traits and (2) genome size and traits. Results Genome size ranged from 1.20 to 2.13 pg/2C and was not significantly smaller in invasive compared with non-invasive acacias. However, invasive acacias were found to be taller and possess a larger native range size and a wider range of annual precipitation when compared with non-invasive acacias. Multivariate analyses revealed significant differences between invasive and non-invasive acacias (PERMANOVA; P < 0.01) driven largely by differences in native range characteristics. We detected a positive relationship between genome size and SLA (P = 0.02) and elaiosome dispersal mode (P < 0.01) in analyses across species, but these findings were not supported by evolutionary divergence analyses. Main conclusions Genome size variation does not underpin variation in traits associated with the invasive/non-invasive dichotomy in introduced acacias, probably because of the very small DNA values in the Acacia species studied. Acacias introduced into new environments are most likely to become invasive if they are tall shrubs or trees and are widely distributed in their native range.
Characteristics of the flowering trees of Acacia terminalis may be interpreted as adaptations for bird pollination. Each leaf bears a single red nectary up to 12 mm long on its petiole. Nectaries show greatest secretory activity at flowering (max. 15 μl/nectary/day), and nectar was found only in the early morning. The nectar contains a mean of 16% sugars (max. >50%) and is hexose rich with 18 amino acids, especially glutamine and phenylalanine. Analyses of foraging dynamics and pollen loads from feathers of passerine birds further support this interpretation.
The motion induced by wind of Setaria geniculate (Lam.) Beauv. and Agrostis hiemalis (Walt.) B.S.P. panicles is shown to have harmonic characteristics that can influence pollination. During each cycle of its motion, the panicle of S. geniculata repeats a sequence of reorientations to the direction of ambient airflow. This repetition is correlated with a reiteration of airflow patterns through which airborne pollen grains must pass to reach floral surfaces. The panicle decelerates as it moves toward either of the two extreme positions of its oscillatory motion. The decelerations introduce a bias in the time the panicle spends in each of its orientations. This bias generates “preferred orientations” to the direction of ambient airflow which in turn results in biasing the aerodynamics of pollen capture. Similar phenomena are reported for the panicle of A. hiemalis, although a more complex pattern of oscillatory motion is observed. The reciprocity between the mechanics of oscillatory motion and the aerodynamics of pollen capture is shown to have deterministic properties which may surface above the “noise” produced by other, stochastic features influencing wind pollination.