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Hunting behavior in West African forest leopards



The leopard (Panthera pardus) is a major predator of mammals within the rainforest ecosystem of West Africa. Most of the available information on leopard hunting behaviour comes from studies conducted in open savannah habitats, while little is known about forest leopards. Our radio-tracking data and scat analysis show that forest leopards differ in various ways from the savannah populations. Forest leopards are diurnal and crepuscular hunters who follow the activity pattern of their prey species. They exhibit seasonal differences in activity patterns, and they develop highly individualized prey preferences. These findings challenge the widespread notion of leopards as opportunistic nocturnal predators. La panthère Panthera pardus est un prédateur majeur de mammifères dans l’écosystème de la forêt pluviale en Afrique Occidentale. La plupart des renseignements sur le comportement de chasse des panthères est tirèe d’études menées dans des habitats ouverts de la savane, tandis que peu est connu sur les panthères forestières. Les données que nous avons rassemblées par radio-émetteurs et les analyses des crottes montrent plusieurs différences entre les panthères forestières et des populations de savane. Les panthères forestières sont des chasseurs diurnes et crépusculaires qui suivent le schéma d'activité de leur proie. Ils déploient des différences saisonnières et développent des préférences de proie fortement individualisées. Nos conclusions défient l'image répandue des panthères comme prédateurs opportunistes nocturnes.
Hunting behaviour in West African forest leopards
David Jenny
* and Klaus Zuberbu
Zoologisches Institut, Universita¨t Bern, Switzerland,
Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques, Abidjan, Ivory Coast and
School of Psychology,
University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland, UK
The leopard (Panthera pardus) is a major predator of
mammals within the rainforest ecosystem of West Africa.
Most of the available information on leopard hunting
behaviour comes from studies conducted in open
savannah habitats, while little is known about forest leo-
pards. Our radio-tracking data and scat analysis show that
forest leopards differ in various ways from the savannah
populations. Forest leopards are diurnal and crepuscular
hunters who follow the activity pattern of their prey spe-
cies. They exhibit seasonal differences in activity patterns,
and they develop highly individualized prey preferences.
These findings challenge the widespread notion of leopards
as opportunistic nocturnal predators.
Key words: predation, carnivore, taı
¨forest, selective hunt-
ing, monkey alarm calls
La panthe
`re Panthera pardus est un pre
´dateur majeur de
`res dans l’e
`me de la fore
ˆt pluviale en
Afrique Occidentale. La plupart des renseignements sur le
comportement de chasse des panthe
`res est tire
`e d’e
´es dans des habitats ouverts de la savane, tandis que
peu est connu sur les panthe
`res forestie
`res. Les donne
que nous avons rassemble
´es par radio-e
´metteurs et les
analyses des crottes montrent plusieurs diffe
´rences entre
les panthe
`res forestie
`res et des populations de savane. Les
`res forestie
`res sont des chasseurs diurnes et cre
pusculaires qui suivent le sche
´ma d’activite
´de leur proie.
Ils de
´ploient des diffe
´rences saisonnie
`res et de
des pre
´rences de proie fortement individualise
´es. Nos
conclusions de
´fient l’image re
´pandue des panthe
`res comme
´dateurs opportunistes nocturnes.
It is widely believed that leopards are opportunistic and
nocturnal predators that hunt their prey in proportion to
abundance (Bailey, 1993; Johnson et al., 1993; Stuart &
Stuart, 1993; Bothma & LeRiche, 1994; Bodendorfer,
1994). However, most of the available evidence comes
from savannah habitats while little is known about forest
leopard behaviour. Information from Ituri forest, DR
Congo (Hart, Katembo & Punga, 1996) and Taı
Ivory Coast (Jenny, 1996), suggests that hunting beha-
viour of forest leopards may differ considerably from that
of savannah individuals. In a previous study, we have
documented a large prey spectrum in a population of
forest leopards in the Taı
¨forest (Zuberbu
¨hler & Jenny,
2002). Here, we present data from radio-tracking and
scat analyses to describe the hunting behaviour and in-
dividual prey preferences of forest leopards. Our data
show that forest leopards (a) are diurnally and cre-
puscularly active, (b) exhibit seasonal differences in ac-
tivity, and (c) may develop individual preferences for
particular prey species.
Data were collected by the first author in about 100 km
of undisturbed primary rain forest of Taı
¨National Park,
Ivory Coast (550¢N, 720¢W; Jenny, 1996). Three adult
leopards were captured and equipped with radio-trans-
mitters (Jenny, 1996). Two of them were monitored from
tree platforms during day and night-time intervals
(‘Cosmos’, adult male, 56 kg, 5 February 1993 to 8 May
1994; day: 82 h, night: 23 h; ‘Adele’, adult female,
34 kg, 16 August 1993 to 30 June 1994; day: 244 h,
night: 92 h; night: 18:00–06:00 GMT, corresponding to
the onset of sunset and sunrise). From the platforms it
was possible to score the individuals’ activity as either
‘moving’ or ‘resting’, depending on the stability of the
received signal. Readings were taken every 15 min
(location accuracy ±0.01 km
*Correspondence: Suot Aquadotas, 7524 Zuoz, Switzerland.
2005 African Journal of Ecology, Afr. J. Ecol.,43, 197–200 197
Both individuals were also followed through the forest at
30–150 m (Cosmos, day: 72 h, night: 20 h; Adele, day:
411 h, night: 44 h). Additionally, a third individual was
followed for a short time (‘Cora’; adult female; 32 kg, 14
June 1994 to 28 August 1994; day: 10 h, night: 0 h).
During a proportion of these follows it was also possible
to score activity as either ‘moving’ or ‘resting’ (Adele n ¼
225 h; Cosmos n ¼53.75 h). In addition, it was possible
to make some qualitative observations concerning the
individuals’ hunting behaviour, notably (a) hiding, usually
in dense thickets, (b) approaching monkey groups, and (c)
making kills.
Faecal samples were collected from Adele while follow-
ing her and by tracking her spoor from an infrared-trig-
gered photo-trap set-up along a trail frequently used by
her. This allowed us to compare Adele’s individual prey
spectrum with that of the wider local leopard population
-5 (n = 12)
-4 (n = 12)
-3 (n = 12)
-2 (n = 12)
-1 (n = 12)
Sunrise (n = 12)
1 (n = 11)
2 (n = 16)
3 (n = 29)
4 (n = 43)
5 (n = 58)
6 (n = 50)
7 (n = 56)
8 (n = 55)
9 (n = 50)
10 (n = 47)
11 (n = 34)
12 (n = 17)
Sunset (n = 20)
-10 (n = 20)
-9 (n = 17)
-8 (n = 16)
-7 (n = 12)
-6 (n = 12)
Activity (proportion 15-min intervals active)
Time (h since sunrise)
Cosmos (n = 158.75 h)
Adele (n = 561 h)
-5 (n = 48)
-4 (n = 48)
-3 (n = 48)
-2 (n = 48)
-1 (n = 48)
Sunrise (n = 48)
1 (n = 47)
2 (n = 76)
3 (n = 116)
4 (n = 165)
5 (n = 207)
6 (n = 205)
7 (n = 223)
8 (n = 213)
9 (n = 178)
10 (n = 144)
11 (n = 62)
12 (n = 35)
Sunset (n = 44)
-10 (n = 48)
-9 (n = 46)
-8 (n = 51)
-7 (n = 48)
-6 (n = 48)
Activity (proportion 15-min intervals active)
Time (h since sunrise)
Fig 1 Relative activity patterns of two
radio-collared leopards plotted as a func-
tion of onset of sunrise and sunset (data
from platform monitoring and direct fol-
lows combined). (a) Cosmos (n ¼
158.75 h); (b) Adele (n ¼561 h).
198 David Jenny and Klaus Zuberbu¨hle
2005 African Journal of Ecology, Afr. J. Ecol.,43, 197–200
as determined by scat surveys (Hoppe-Dominik, 1984;
¨hler & Jenny, 2002).
Results and discussion
Activity patterns
Platform monitoring indicated that both individuals were
more active during the day (46.5%) than at night (28.9%),
in sharp contrast to savannah individuals (Hamilton,
1976; Bailey, 1993). Relative peaks at dawn and dusk
corresponded closely with sunrise and sunset (Fig. 1).
Direct follows of leopards at night are extremely difficult to
conduct in dense rainforest habitat. In total, we managed
to obtain ranging data for n ¼179 h combined over the
16-month study period (platform data and focal follows).
These data revealed that at night activity patterns typically
showed only one of two patterns: (a) complete inactivity
(>10 h) or (b) travelling over large distances, suggesting
that although our data set is small, it accurately represents
the nocturnal activity patterns. Daytime activity showed a
more evenly distributed pattern, but inactive periods were
always short (<5 h). This activity pattern is comparable
with that of Asian forest leopards (Karanth & Sunquist,
For Adele, the lowest monthly activity rates were
observed during the rainy period, perhaps because heavy
rainfall increased her hunting success. Percent activity per
month was significantly negatively correlated with rainfall
(Spearman-rank correlation, n ¼11, r
¼)0.718, z ¼
)2.271, P< 0.03).
Ad libitum observations during direct follows revealed
two interesting aspects of hunting behaviour: (a) during
periods of inactivity the three individuals often hide in
dense thickets and (b) after making a kill, they remained at
the same place for two to three consecutive days.
Similar to savannah individuals there was a distinct
sex-difference in ranging behaviour (Rabinowitz, 1989).
Cosmos was moving in 40.4% of all monitored intervals
(n ¼53.75 h), while Adele only moved during 20.1% of
time (n ¼225 h). Adele tended to remain within a relat-
ively small core area of about one hectare (14.2% of
intervals; n ¼561 h; platform and focal data combined).
During daytime follows, a monkey group came within
50 m of the hiding leopard in 60 of 97 hiding bouts (7.4%
of time; n ¼130 h). In contrast, when the observer sat at
one of ten randomly chosen observation points throughout
the study area, monkeys came within 50 m only four of
ten times (1.9% of time; n ¼99 h; Fig. 2), a statistically
significant difference (z ¼)3.092; P< 0.01; Binomial
test; two-tailed), suggesting that leopards selectively chose
hiding spots close to monkey groups (Zuberbu
¨hler, Jenny &
Bshary, 1999).
Prey spectrum
Adele was not an opportunistic hunter but developed in-
dividual prey preferences. First, Adele avoided chimpanzee
parties: in six of fifteen cases of drumming and/or
screaming of a chimpanzee party 100–250 m away, she
< 50 m > 50 m
Distance to next monkey group
Observation hours
With leopard
Without leopard
Fig 2 Number of observation hours the observer was sitting close
(<50 m) or far (>50 m) from the nearest monkey group after (a)
having followed Adele (black bars) or (b) having walked to one of
ten randomly selected points throughout the study area.
Duikers Monkeys Pangolins Other prey
Percent of prey spectrum
Adele (n = 38)
Others (n = 162)
Fig 3 Prey spectrum of focal animal Adele compared with the
average prey spectrum of other leopards in the study area. Duikers
and monkeys all weigh several kilograms and are amongst the
biggest mammalian prey available in the forest.
Hunting behaviour in forest leopards 199
2005 African Journal of Ecology, Afr. J. Ecol.,43, 197–200
started moving in the opposite direction or changed
direction when already moving. Approach was never
recorded. However, leopards may scavenge on already
dead chimpanzees: In two cases, a female or a subadult
male leopard dragged a dead juvenile chimpanzee (10–
20 kg) for 50–80 m before devouring it. Second, Adele
consumed duikers and monkeys significantly more often
than other leopards (v
¼41.49, d.f. ¼8, P< 0.01;
Fig. 3). A successful attack on a primate was observed once
during Adele’s 91 observed hiding bouts when she killed a
sooty mangabey, Cercocebus atys. Third, Adele rarely con-
sumed pangolins, although pangolin remains were com-
mon in other leopard faeces (Hoppe-Dominik, 1984;
¨hler & Jenny, 2002). Thirty-eight fresh faeces
could be assigned to Adele with reasonable confidence.
Only one sample (2.6%; n ¼38) contained pangolin scales
(population average: 26.7%; n ¼150; Fig. 3). Moreover,
leopard faeces containing pangolin remains varied both
regionally and temporarily. In the south-east part of the
study area, 40.0% of faeces (n ¼50) contained pangolin
remains, whereas in the north-west this was only true for
15.2% of faeces (n ¼138). In addition, in the north-west a
sudden and dramatic change in faeces containing pangolin
remains coincided with the suspected death of a resident
leopard: Before March 1993, 32.7% (n ¼55) of faeces
contained pangolin remains. Afterwards, the rate dropped
to 3.6% (n ¼83). No comparable change was observed in
the south-east (before March: 36.7%; n ¼30;after March:
45.0%; n ¼20). There were no obvious habitat differences
across the study area that could have explained uneven
distribution of prey animals.
In sum, our data suggest that forest leopards may differ
from savannah individuals in important ways. First, they
are predominantly diurnally and crepuscularly active.
Second, one focal animal did not consume some potential
prey species, such as chimpanzees and pangolins, but often
others, such as duikers and monkeys. One possible inter-
pretation of this finding is that forest leopards develop
individual prey preferences. The population density of
leopards is high in the Taı
¨forest with substantial range
overlap particularly between the sexes (Jenny, 1996),
suggesting that individuals experience strong competition
forcing them to use different resources within the shared
Bailey, T.N. (1993) The African Leopard. Columbia University Press,
New York.
Bodendorfer, T. (1994) Zur Erna¨hrungsbiologie des Leoparden
Panthera pardus und des Lo¨wen Panthera leo im Comoe
´- und
´National park, Elfenbeinku
¨ste-Eine Untersuchung
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Vienna, Vienna.
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defecation in Northern Cape leopard. S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res. 24,
Hamilton, P.H. (1976). The Movements of Leopards in Tsavo National
Park, Kenya, as Determined by Radio-Tracking. University of
Nairobi, Nairobi.
Hart, J.A., Katembo,M.&Punga, K. (1996) Diet, prey selection
and ecological relations of leopard and golden cat in the Ituri
forest, Zaire. Afr. J. Ecol. 34, 364–379.
Hoppe-Dominik, B. (1984) Etude du spectre des proies de la pan-
there, Panthera pardus, dans le Parc National de Taı
¨en Co
d’Ivoire. Mammalia 48, 477–487.
Jenny, D. (1996) Spatial organization of leopards (Panthera pardus)
in Taı
¨National Park, Ivory Coast: is rain forest habitat a tropical
haven? J. Zool. 240, 427–440.
Johnson, K.G., Wei, W., Reid, D.G. & Jinchu, H. (1993) Food habits
of Asiatic leopards (Panthera pardus) in Wolong Reserve,
Sichuan, China. J. Mammal. 74, 646–650.
Karanth, K.U. & Sunquist, M.E. (1995) Prey selection by tiger,
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Rabinowitz, A.R. (1989) The density and behavior of large cats in
a dry tropical forest mosaic in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife
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Stuart, C.T. & Stuart, T.D. (1993) Prey of leopards in the western
Soutpansberg, South Africa. J. Afr. Zool. 107, 135–137.
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deterrence function of primate alarm calls. Ethology 105,
(Manuscript accepted 30 November 2004)
200 David Jenny and Klaus Zuberbu¨hle
2005 African Journal of Ecology, Afr. J. Ecol.,43, 197–200
... Ultimately, post-fire mediated alterations could affect space use by prey taxa, like small mammals, which are strongly linked to the structure of the vegetation they use as cover (Leahy et al., 2016;Lima and Valone, 1986;Verdolin, 2006;Winnie and Creel, 2017). Furthermore, anti-predatory behaviors of prey could affect predators hunting behavior, triggering a sequence of specific predator-prey interactions (Dawkins and Krebs, 1979;Monterroso et al., 2013;Winnie and Creel, 2017) which may include spatial and temporal adaptations by both prey and predators (Eriksen et al., 2011;Jenny and Zuberbühler, 2005). ...
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Effects of fires on carnivores are still poorly understood, particularly in the fire-prone Mediterranean basin. For instance, whether the effects are mainly mediated by prey abundance (Prey Abundance Hypothesis, PAH), prey catchability (Prey Catchability Hypothesis, PCH) or habitat suitability is unclear. Our objective was to investigate the role of fire, mammalian prey abundance, habitat suitability and their interactions in shaping the use of space and time of two carnivores, i.e., the red fox Vulpes vulpes and the stone marten Martes foina. The study area was Monte Pisano (Italy), where 12 km 2 of surface burned in 2018. In early summer 2021 a stratified random sampling design was implemented, with fire and forest type as main strata. Fifty sites were selected, and two infrared cameras were placed at each site. Camera data were used to develop single-species occupancy models for the two predators, whereas time overlap between theme and their prey was evaluated through the Mardia-Watson-Wheeler test. Fox occupancy decreased with increasing herbaceous cover, but only when "mouse and voles" abundance was medium to high, regardless of habitat type. Fox also had significant differences in temporal activity between burnt and unburnt areas, not coupled by a similar pattern for its prey. In contrast, stone marten occupancy mainly depended on canopy cover. The fox could have adapted its hunting strategy to features of the environment and prey abundance, somehow supporting both PCH and PAH. In time, this species could optimize its activity in burnt and unburnt areas according to the brightness of the night. Differences in activity in "mice and voles" were interpreted as anti-predatory responses to the fox. Lastly, the stone marten did not pursue its prey in open areas. In conclusion, carnivores' habitat use and mammalian predator-prey relationships were overall influenced by fire and post-fire successions.
... Leopards living in open environments are known to be largely nocturnal, whereas in forested ecosystems they are more diurnal and crepuscular as they follow activity patterns of their main prey (Jenny and Zuberbühler 2005). This is confirmed by our records for the largely forested Kwano habitat, where some direct sightings occurred during the daytime (cf. ...
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West-African populations of the African subspecies of leopards (Panthera pardus pardus) are very fragmented, particularly so in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation. We compile historical and recent information about the occurrence of these big cats in what is likely their last remaining stronghold: Gashaka Gumti National Park (GGNP) in Adamawa and Taraba States along the border with Cameroon. Leopards in GGNP’s northern Gumti sector are close to extinction, given that its open plains of savannah are heavily encroached upon by illegal cattle grazing. However, in GGNP’s southern Gashaka sector, leopards are better protected, given its often mountainous and densely forested landscape. We present specific data for a 30 km2 forest-savannah area around a research station at Kwano, which harbours sizeable populations of 35 species of prey species leopards target elsewhere. Here, direct evidence for leopard presence (e.g., footprints, scratchmarks, predation incidences, vocalizations, sightings, cameratrap images) amounts to 1 per year. Albeit this encounter rate is very low, it is relatively steady throughout the last 30 years and into the present. We assume that GGNP’s Gashaka sector represents one of the best chances for leopards to survive in Nigeria.
... As a result, the prey corrects its circadian activity model in response to that of the predator (Nelson & Vance, 1979;Overdorff, 1988) and vice versa. Predators usually change their activity towards the period when their prey is active (Jenny & Zuberbühler, 2005). Prey can also spatially avoid the predator by changing their habitat use in response to predation pressure (Bednekoff, 2006). ...
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In 2021 in northwestern Bulgaria, on the territory of State Forestry "Midzhur", West Stara Planina Mtn, we analysed the temporal and spatial activity of the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in an area with scarce other large ungulates. In the locations where both wolf and roe deer were recorded a significant (75%) temporal overlap between the two species was found (Δ = 0 75, range 0.62-0.96 at CI 95). Although the overlap between the activity of the roe deer in locations with and without wolf registrations was high (Δ = 0.72, range 0.58-0.92 at CI 95), the activity had two clearly different main peaks-around 18:00 in locations without wolves and around 05:00 h in locations with wolves. The results of the time-spacing analysis showed that the average time for a roe deer to appear after the presence of a wolf (min = 8:17 h) was greater than the time needed for the wolf to appear after a roe deer (min = 1:35 h). The difference in the spatial distribution of roe deer in areas with and without wolf presence was not statistically significant; yet the highest detection rate of roe deer was recorded in locations with wolf registrations. This allowed us to conclude that the roe deer as a potential main prey species of the wolf in the region was not avoiding the predator spatially but temporarily while the wolf the strategy of the wolf was to synchronize its circadian activity with that of the roe deer.
... One of these adaptations is the shift of the prey's diurnal activity model in response to that of the predator (Nelson & Vance 1979, Overdorff 1988) and vice versa. Usually, predators change their diurnal activity towards the period when their prey is active (Jenny & Zuberbühler 2005) to exploit a better window of opportunity to encounter prey. This period, and hence, the activity of both predator and prey may be influenced by several factors -abiotic (e.g., different weather conditions, terrain ruggedness, forest visibility), biotic (inter-or intraspecies competition) as well as anthropogenic. ...
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The spatial and temporal avoidance of the predator is of the highest importance for the survival of the prey. In habitats where spatial avoidance is impossible, the differences in the temporal presence play a significant role in the survival strategy of the prey. As this behaviour is still understudied in Bulgaria, we used two types of camera trap analyses-an activity overlap and time-spacing to investigate the spatio-temporal avoidance of the wolf in Osogovo Mountain by its ungulate prey-the wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.). The results of the activity overlap showed that the wild boar and the roe deer had a high degree of activity overlap (Δ = 0.70). The wolf and the roe deer activity overlap was higher (Δ = 0.61) than that of the wolf and wild boar (Δ = 0.57). Time-spacing results further showed that it took a longer time for the wild boar to appear after the wolf (min = 14:24 h) than after the roe deer (min = 3:56 h). On the other hand, the wolf appeared sooner after a wild boar (min = 7:54 h) than after the roe deer (min = 11:19 h). Having in mind, that the wild boar prevailed in the wolf diet in Osogovo Mtn, the temporal analyses confirmed the hypothesis that the smaller wild boar-wolf activity overlap and the longer time required for the appearance of the wild boar after the wolf in the same place are part of the wild boar protective strategy to avoid the predator when present in the same areas. Unlike the wild boar, the roe deer is hunted by the wolf only if it is encountered by chance, which resulted in lower avoidance behaviour.
... This trade-off is dependent on the predators' hunting mode, landscape cover and prey behaviour [15][16][17] . For example, stalk and ambush predators, which largely depend on some form of concealment to approach their prey 14,16 , may use darkness as a substitute for physical cover 18 and shift from diurnal to nocturnal hunting as habitats vary from closed to open, despite the main activity of their prey being diurnal [19][20][21] . Under such conditions, the effectiveness of darkness for concealment may decrease in relation to moon luminosity 18,22 , with predator hunting success varying with the moon phase 23 . ...
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The daily and seasonal activity patterns of snow leopards (Panthera uncia) are poorly understood, limiting our ecological understanding and hampering our ability to mitigate threats such as climate change and retaliatory killing in response to livestock predation. We fitted GPS-collars with activity loggers to snow leopards, Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica: their main prey), and domestic goats (Capra hircus: common livestock prey) in Mongolia between 2009 and 2020. Snow leopards were facultatively nocturnal with season-specific crepuscular activity peaks: seasonal activity shifted towards night-sunrise during summer, and day-sunset in winter. Snow leopard activity was in contrast to their prey, which were consistently diurnal. We interpret these results in relation to: (1) darkness as concealment for snow leopards when stalking in an open landscape (nocturnal activity), (2) low-intermediate light preferred for predatory ambush in steep rocky terrain (dawn and dusk activity), and (3) seasonal activity adjustments to facilitate thermoregulation in an extreme environment. These patterns suggest that to minimise human-wildlife conflict, livestock should be corralled at night and dawn in summer, and dusk in winter. It is likely that climate change will intensify seasonal effects on the snow leopard's daily temporal niche for thermoregulation in the future.
... Such saliency in hue and pattern created the arms race for evolved perceptual enhancement of leopard detection by primate and ungulate prey and mitigation of such detection by stealthy daytime and nighttime hunting (cf. Zuberbühler and Jenny, 2002;Jenny and Zuberbühler, 2005;Isbell et al., 2018). ...
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This is a collection of 21 articles published as an eBook in Frontiers in Psychology. This Research Topic aims to demonstrate that imaginative culture is an important functional part of evolved human behavior—diverse in its manifestations but unified by species-typical sets of biologically grounded motives, emotions, and cognitive dispositions. The topic encompasses four main areas of research in the evolutionary human sciences: (1) evolutionary psychology and anthropology, which have fashioned a robust model of evolved human motives organized systemically within the phases and relationships of human life history; (2) research on gene-culture coevolution, which has illuminated the mechanisms of social cognition and the transmission of cultural information; (3) the psychology of emotions and affective neuroscience, which have gained precise knowledge about the evolutionary basis and neurological character of the evolved emotions that give power to the arts, religion, and ideology; and (4) cognitive neuroscience, which has identified the Default Mode Network as the central neurological location of the human imagination. By integrating these four areas of research and by demonstrating their value in illuminating specific kinds of imaginative culture, this Research Topic aims at incorporating imaginative culture within an evolutionary conception of human nature.
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У навчальному посібнику детально розглянуто представників чоти-рьох родин хижаків, зокрема ведмедевих, псових (вовчих), котових (котя-чих) і мустелових (куницевих). Подано загальні відомості про тварин, ареа-ли їх поширення, спосіб життя, розмноження, харчування. Висвітлено про-блеми збереження і приналежність до видових категорій згідно з Червоним списком Міжнародного союзу охорони природи. Для студентів і викладачів географічних факультетів вищих закладів освіти, майбутніх фахівців у галузі географії і природничих наук, усіх, хто цікавиться життям тварин.
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The activities of predators and prey have been reported to influence each other. However, few studies have clarified when African leopards Panthera pardus are likely to encounter their prey. One reason for this is that the activity patterns of African forest mammals are poorly understood. Therefore, I aimed to clarify the activity patterns of leopards and their prey species by deploying camera traps on the ground and in trees in Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania. In total, 4468 camera days of camera traps set on the ground and 286 camera days of camera traps set in trees were analyzed. The overlap in activity patterns between leopards and their main prey species was calculated using coefficient Δ. At least seven leopards were identified in the study area. Leopards were active throughout the day, with crepuscular peaks at dawn and dusk. Blue duikers Philantomba monticola, the most consumed species in Mahale, were predominantly diurnal. The activity patterns of leopards moderately overlapped with those of blue duikers (Δ = 0.65). The activity patterns of leopards showed a moderate (Δ = 0.61) or low (Δ = 0.42) overlap with those of red‐tailed monkeys Cercopithecus ascanius when detections were captured by arboreal or terrestrial cameras, respectively. Mahale leopards may hunt blue duikers and arboreal primates in the midday on the ground, and may also attack primates in roost trees at night. Future studies on the leopard diet in various study areas, as well as comparisons of activity patterns between leopards and other animals, will elucidate leopard ecology.
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The Colobines are a group of Afroeurasian monkeys that exhibit extraordinary behavioural and ecological diversity. With long tails and diverse colourations, they are medium-sized primates, mostly arboreal, that are found in many different habitats, from rain forests and mountain forests to mangroves and savannah. Over the last two decades, our understanding of this group of primates has increased dramatically. This volume presents a comprehensive overview of the current research on colobine populations, including the range of biological, ecological, behavioural and societal traits they exhibit. It highlights areas where our knowledge is still lacking, and outlines the current conservation status of colobine populations, exploring the threats to their survival. Bringing together international experts, this volume will aid future conservation efforts and encourage further empirical studies. It will be of interest to researchers and graduate students in primatology, biological anthropology and conservation science. Additional online resources can be found at
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Analysis of feces showed Asiatic leopards (Panthera pardus fusea) to consume a varied diet over a 7-year period. Tufted deer (Elaphodus cephalophus) was replaced as the most frequent prey by bamboo rats (Rhizomys sinense). Fifteen species of large and medium-sized mammals composed the majority of the diet with pheasants, livestock, grass, and soil being eaten occasionally. Reasons for dietary shifts were unclear and may reflect leopards hunting for any readily captured prey by opportunistic encounter and perhaps by changes in hunting behavior, prey availability, or prey vulnerability associated with a bamboo die-off.
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It is generally assumed that alarm calls function in intraspecific communication, for example to warn close relatives about the presence of a predator. However, an alternative hypothesis suggests that, in some cases, signallers may also gain fitness benefits in directly communicating to the predator, for example by advertising perception and unprofitability to predators that depend on unprepared prey. In this study, we show that six monkey species in Taï forest, Ivory Coast, produce significantly more alarm calls to leopards than to chimpanzees, although both are notorious monkey predators. The conspicuously high vocalization rates to leopards had adaptive consequences for the monkeys. By following a radio-collared leopard, we found that after detection and high alarm call rates the leopard gave up its hiding location and left the group significantly faster than would be expected by chance. We discuss these data with respect to the various functional hypothesis of alarm call behaviour and conclude that the high alarm call rates to leopards are part of an anti-predator strategy in primates that may have evolved to deter predators that depend on surprise.
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Between June 1992 and July 1994, two female leopards and one male were radio-tracked. Regular locations of the leopards, the use of a phototrap, and spoor data, provided the first detailed ecological data about this elusive felid in tropical rainforest habitat. The home range of the male was 86 km2, those of the two females were 29 km2 and 22 km2, respectively. One female's home range was fully included within that of the male. Home ranges of neighbouring residents were not exclusive. Population density is estimated at one leopard per 9-14 km2. Intraspecific interactions were rare and predominantly involved mating. The large size of the home ranges and a relatively high population density imply large overlap between adjacent resident leopards' ranges. Differences in the leopard's land tenure system between the rainforest and the savanna are discussed. Doubt is cast on the validity of the often-quoted estimate of one leopard per 1 km2 in tropical rainforest habitat.
Analysis of faecal samples and observations of leopard kills show a total of 32 species of prey. A breakdown of prey species show 99% mammals with a predominance of bovids, followed by monkeys and rodents. The leopard is an opportunist, preying on any species that is available. -from English summary
1. Ecological factors influencing prey selection by tiger Panthera tigris, leopard Panthera pardus and dhole Cuon alpinus were investigated in an intact assemblage of large mammals in the tropical forests of Nagarahole, southern India, between 1986 and 1990. 2. Densities of large herbivores were estimated using line transects, and population structures from area counts. Carnivore diets were determined from analyses of scats (faeces) and kills. Selectivity for prey species was inferred from likelihood ratio tests comparing observed counts of scats to hypothesized scat frequencies generated from prey density estimates using parametric bootstrap simulations. Predator selectivity for size, age, sex and physical condition of prey was estimated using selection indices. 3. Ungulate and primate prey attained a density of 91 animals km-2 and comprised 89-98% of the biomass killed. Predators showed significant (P
Diets of leopard and African golden cat were studied in the Ituri Forest of Zaire by means of scat contents ( N =336) and prey carcass finds ( N =91). Felids consumed predominantly mammalian prey (464 of 482 prey items in scats). Ungulates comprised 53·5% and primates 25·4% of prey items identified in leopard scats; mean prey weight estimated from scats was 24·6 kg. In golden cat scats 50·9% of identified prey items were rodents and 20·2% were ungulates; mean prey weight estimated from scats was 1·4 kg. Leopards accounted for 79% of recovered scats and for 74% of tracks recorded on systematic counts along paths. Golden cats accounted for 18% of recovered scats and for 15% of track counts. Sixteen percent of felid scats recovered and 11% of track counts could not be attributed to one species or the other with certainty. Among prey species ≥5·0 kg, felid predation is selective for five species of nocturnal ungulates and one species of diurnal, terrestrial primate. Arboreal primates comprised 9% of prey items in scats. Scavenged crowned eagle kills may be an important source of arboreal primates in forest felid diets. Golden cats may be limited by low rodent densities and by competition with and predation by leopards. Leopards may be limited by competition with human hunters for ungulate prey in many areas of forested Africa. Résumé On a étudié le régime alimentaire du léopard et du chat doré africain dans la forêt de l'Ituri, au Zaïre, au moyen du contenu des fèces ( N =336) et des carcasses de proies trouvées ( N ‐91). Les félins mangeaient principalement des mammitères (464 des 482 morceaux de proies trouvés dans les fèces). Les ongulés composaient 53,5% et les primates, 25,4% des morceaux de proies identifiés dans les fèces de léopard; on estime d'après les fèces que le poids moyen des proies était de 24,6 kg. Chez le chat doré, 50,9% des fèces identifiées provenaient de rongeurs et 20,2% provenaient d'ongulés; l'estimation du poids moyen des proies était de 1,4 kg. Les léopards étaient à l'origine de 79% des fèces retrouvées et de 74% des traces rapportées lors de comptages systématiques le long des sentiers. Les chats dorés étaient à l'origine de 18% des feces retrouvées et de 15% des comptages de traces. Seize pourcent des fèces de félidés et 11% des comptages de traces n'ont pas pu être attribués avec certitude à l'une ou l'autre espèce. Parmi les espèces de proies de ≥5,0 kg, la prédation des félidés est sélective pour cinq espèces d'ongulés nocturnes et une espèce de primate terrestre diurne. Les primates arboricoles comprenaient 9% des restes des proies dans les fèces. Les proies des aigles couronnés récuperées peuvent être une source importante de primates arboricoles dans le régime alimentaire des félins forestiers. Les chats dorés peuvent être limités par des densités faibles de rongeurs et par la compétition et la prédation par les léopards. Les léopards peuvent être limités par la compétition avec les chasseurs humains pour des proies ongulés dans de nombreuses zones forestières en Afrique.