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Abstract and Figures

What is the impact of different referenda designs on the willingness of the electorate to vote? In this article, we focus on quorum requirements. We use a rational choice, decision theoretic model to demonstrate that certain types of quorum requirements change the incentives some electors face. In particular, participation quorums induce electors who oppose changes in the status quo and expect to be in the minority to abstain rather than vote. As a result, such quorums decrease turnout. We test this model prediction using data for all referendums held in current European Union countries from 1970 until 2007. Our findings indicate that the existence of participation quorums may increase abstention by 14 percentage points.
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Referendum Design, Quorum Rules and Turnout
How do differences in the institutional design of referendums affect levels of
voter turnout? In this article, we focus on the consequences of quorum
requirements, a common feature of direct democracy in many contemporary
regimes. We use a rational choice, decision theoretic voting model to
demonstrate that certain types of quorum requirements change the incentives
some electors face. In particular, participation quorums induce electors who
oppose changes in the status quo and expect to be in the minority to abstain rather
than vote. As a result, participation quorums have the paradoxical effect of
decreasing electoral participation. We test our model’s predictions using data for
all referendums held in current European Union countries from 1970 until 2007.
Besides testing a series of ancillary hypotheses about what determines turnout in
referendums, we show that the existence of participation quorums is itself
responsible for increasing abstention by more than ten percentage points.
Keywords: Referendum Design; Voter turnout
Prepared for presentation at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Political
Science Association, Panel 34-2 (Turnout and Electoral Institutions), September
5th 2009, Toronto.
1 Economics Department, NIPE and University of Minho, Portugal (
2 Social Sciences Institute, University of Lisbon, Portugal (
1 Introduction
“What is the principle of wisdom, if not to abstain from all that is odious to
Pope Benedict XVI, in a speech made in June 8th 2005, four days before a referendum on in vitro
fertilization in Italy.
In a June 2005 referendum, which would have allowed a change in the legislation
regulating in vitro fertilization, most of Italian voters ended up following the Pope’s
advice. Although about 90 percent of those who did vote supported the proposed changes,
turnout was a mere 26 percent, below the 50 percent imposed by the Italian participation
quorum rule, under which the results of these sorts of referendums are deemed invalid.
As a consequence, in vitro fertilization techniques remained restricted to heterosexual
couples and embryos were still made holders of human rights, which meant that research
on embryos and their cryogenic preservation remained banned. The role of the Catholic
Church was seen as crucial for this outcome and Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the president of
the Italian bishop’s conference – with the help of the Pope himself - did his best to make
sure that all those who opposed changes in the law abstained rather than voted “No”.3
Quroum rules such as those prevailing in the Italian system imply that the outcome of a
given referendum is not exclusively determined by which option obtains the support of a
majority of the actual voters. Instead, this simple majority requirement is coupled with
specific thresholds regarding the share of the overall electorate that needs to participate or
vote for any of the specific options. If there is a participation quorum, like in the Italian
case above, changing the status quo (typically, the victory for the “Yes” option) requires
the support of the majority of the voters and that a given percentage of registered voters
take part in the vote. Conversely, if there is an approval quorum, changing the status quo
requires the support of the majority of the voters and that such majority represents a
certain percentage of the total electorate. Far from being a peculiarity of the Italian
system, quorum rules in referendums are, in fact, relatively common in many established
democracies. The most famous historical example is that of the 1919 Constitution of the
3 John L. Allen Jr., “Cardinal Ruini’s Victory: Low Voter Turnout for In Vitro Referendum is Ascribed to
Church’s Political Muscle in Italy,” National Catholic Reporter, July 1st 2005.
German Weimar Republic, which established a 50 percent participation quorum for
referendums. Today, fourteen European Union member-states establish either
participation or approval quorum rules for national referendums and initiatives. In most
states of the German Federation, state and municipal referendums are valid only if an
approval quorum is reached. Some American states, such as Wyoming and Minnesota
(approval quorums) or Massachusetts, Mississippi, and Nebraska (turnout quorums) have
similar restrictions. And quorum rules can also be found in places as diverse as
Colombia, Belarus, Venezuela or Taiwan (Suksi 1993; Verhulst and Nijeboer 2007;
Kaufmann et al. 2008).
The adoption of quorum rules is typically seen as a way of avoiding distortions in
outcomes resulting from low turnout (LeDuc 2003, 172) and as a safeguard against
minority exploitation of voter apathy (Qvortrup 2005: 173). But not all agree on the
wisdom of such rules. Studies of the Italian case have suggested that participation
quorums have turned abstention into a additional course of action for opponents of the
referendum proposals (Uleri 2002). And in its “Code of Good Practice on Referendums”,
the European Commission for Democracy through Law, known as the Venice
Commission, argues that, under participation quorum rules, minorities “need only desert
the ballot box in order to impose their viewpoint”, a fact that, furthermore, tends to
increase abstention (Venice Commission 2007, 22-23).
However, although the literature on voter turnout is quite extensive (for reviews, see
Dhilon and Peralta 2002 and Blais 2006), there is surprisingly very little academic work
on cross-national differences in voter turnout in referendums and even less theoretical or
empirical work on the consequences of such a common phenomenon as quorum rules.
One exception is Côrte-Real and Pereira (2004), who examine quorum rules in
referendums from the point of view of accurate representation, i.e., whether outcomes
under different rules are consistent with the whole electorate revealing their true
preferences through voting. Although their main concern was not to show how the
existence of quorum rules changes the incentives to vote, one corollary of their formal
analysis is that participation quorums do create conditions under which supporters of the
status quo may have incentives to abstain, thus contributing to decrease turnout. The
general argument about the relationship between quorum rules and actual turnout has
been formalized in a second study by Herrera and Mattozzi (2009), who use a group
turnout model. In that framework, they show that political parties’ and interest groups’
behavior is influenced by quorum rules: in their presence, the incentives to mobilize
voters are distorted, allowing groups that are in favor of preserving the status quo to use a
“quorum-busting strategy”. As a result, the mere existence of a quorum requirement may
lead to lower turnout. In equilibrium, it is even possible to have a voting paradox: the
quorum is not reached precisely because of its existence or, in other words, turnout
exceeds the quorum only if this requirement does not exist. However, Herrera and
Mattozzi reach another result that did not follow from Côrte-Real e Pereira’s analysis,
namely that, from the point of view of the effects on turnout, “approval quorums” and
“participation quorums” are basically equivalent. None of these works, however, proceed
to an empirical test of the formal models they develop.
In this study we shed further light into the discussion on the institutional design of
referendums, both theoretically and empirically. We use a prototypal rational-choice,
decision-theoretic voting model to highlight how the existence of quorum requirements
changes the incentives some individuals face when deciding whether to vote or not. We
argue that participation quorums do indeed produce what can only be described as
perverse and paradoxical effects: introduced in order to prevent distortions that result
from low turnout, they end up contributing to a decrease in turnout and introduce
distortions in referendum outcomes. However, in our model, approval quorums have no
similar effects. We then proceed to test empirically the main predictions of the model in
what concerns the impact of quorums on turnout, using a dataset with information on
about one hundred referendums that have been conducted in the countries that are now
members of the European Union from 1970 until today.
Besides analyzing the specific consequences of quorum rules on turnout, we also see this
article as providing two additional contributions to the literature. First, we address a
curious disjuncture in the literatures on referendums and electoral turnout. Although large
bodies of work have been produced both on how direct democracy affects policy-making
(for a review of this literature, see, e.g., Lupia and Matsusaka 2004) and on the political,
institutional and socio-economic causes of turnout (see e.g., Franklin 2002 and 2004,
Blais 2006, and Geys 2006), these literatures have seldom met. In other words, we know
very little not only about how variations in the institutional design of referendums affect
turnout, but also about whether the prevalent propositions about the causes of turnout also
find support in what concerns referendums (for exceptions, see Matsusaka 1993 and
Coate and Conlin 2004). Thus, we aim at testing the robustness of several well-known
propositions about the causes of turnout, typically formulated and tested while resorting
to general elections data, checking if they also apply to the case of referendums. Second,
we will argue that, contrary to what is done in most of the empirical literature on turnout,
Berkson’s minimum logit chi-square estimator, not typical ordinary least squares
estimation, is the best form to empirically study turnout models with aggregate data.
2 A prototypal rational choice voting model
Our objective is not to provide a general model to explain turnout: for that purpose, a
simple rational-choice model, like the one we consider next, would be insufficient, and
some interesting alternatives, like behavioral models of turnout (see Bendor et al. 2003)
or pivotal-voter models (see Coate et al. 2008), seem more promising.4 We aim simply at
illustrating how the existence of a quorum rule may change the incentives to vote. We
abstract from every other aspect that may influence the decision of voting and derive a
prototypal rational-choice, decision theoretic model of voting. Like in pivotal-voter
models, citizens are motivated to vote by the chance that they might swing the election.
Unlike a pivotal model, our rational choice model abstracts from the link going from
strategies to beliefs about actions. In that sense, our model is a “partial equilibrium”
model. Still, it captures several interesting features of approval and participation
We start by assuming no frictions. We follow Fedderson and Pesendorfer (1999) and
assume that voting is costless. According to this frictionless model, a defender of the
referendum proposal will vote “Yes”, an opponent will vote “No”, and only those who
4 See Blais (2000), Dhillon and Peralta (2002), and Fedderson (2004) for discussions of the strengths and
weaknesses of the rational-choice approach.
are indifferent will abstain. 5 Then we add frictions (quorum rules), and analyze how they
change the incentives to vote.
2.1 No quorum requirements
Consider an individual who has to decide on how to vote in a particular referendum. The
individual must decide whether to vote or to abstain, and, if he decides to vote, in which
way to vote. Assume that if the referendum passes the derived utility is Up and if the
proposal is defeated, the utility is given by Ud. The expected utility of not voting is given
where pnv is the subjective probability that the proposal will receive the majority of votes,
given that the individual does not vote. The expected utility of voting is given by:
where pv is the subjective probability that the proposal will be supported by the majority
of voters, given that the individual does vote. Note that if the
expected utility of voting is maximized if the elector votes in favor of (or against) the
proposal, so that is maximized.
The individual will vote if and only if . Simple algebra shows that this
condition is equivalent to
. (3)
5 Fedderson and Pesendofer (1996) show that, even when voting is costless, electors less informed about
the state variable prefer to abstain. In our setup, that fraction of voters can be interpreted as deriving the
same utility no matter if the proposal is defeated or not.
If the individual is for the proposal, then and . On the other
hand, if the elector is against we have and , which implies
that condition (3) is met.
Therefore, according to this simplified model those who favor the proposal will vote
“Yes”, those who are against it will vote “No”, and only those who are indifferent will
abstain .
2.2 Quorum requirements
Let’s now assume that there exists a quorum requirement. In the case of approval
quorum, this means that for a proposal to pass, i.e. to change the status quo, not only the
majority of the voters will have to vote “Yes” but also that majority needs to represent a
certain percentage of the total electorate. In the case of the participation quorum, a
change in status quo requires both a “Yes” majority and that a certain percentage of
electors vote at all.
Let qnv be the conditional probability that the quorum will be met, given that “Yes”
receives the majority of votes and that the individual does not vote. qv represents the
analogous probability, given that the individual votes. (pv and pnv have the same
interpretation as before).
The probability that a proposal will pass is given by the probability that both the majority
of the voters choose “Yes” and that the quorum is met. Therefore, the expected utility of
voting, and of not voting, is given by:
, (4)
. (5)
As before, simple algebra shows that the individual will vote if and only if
. (6)
2.2.1 Approval quorum
As before, if a person favors the proposal, it is easy to check that voting “Yes” strictly
dominates the option of voting “No”. Hence if the elector chooses to cast a vote, both the
probability that the proposal will receive the majority of votes and the probability that the
quorum is met will increase. Therefore we have and ,
and condition (6) is fulfilled.
On the other hand, if the person is against the proposal, voting “No” strictly dominates
the option of voting “Yes”. Therefore, voting will have no effect on the approval quorum
but it will decrease the probability that the proposal will receive the majority of votes.
Hence we have and , and condition (6) is fulfilled.
The implication is that, in this setup, the existence of an approval quorum does not affect
the incentives to vote. Therefore, the prediction of the prototypal model is that whoever
favors or opposes the proposal will vote. Only those who are indifferent will not
participate. 6
2.2.2 Participation quorum
Again, we look at condition (6). The reasoning for a person who supports the proposal is
the same as with the approval quorum. If the person votes, both probabilities will increase
and, therefore, the elector will choose to vote.
But if a person opposes the proposal the incentives are mixed up. For an opponent of the
proposal, . So an opponent will vote if and only if . If
the person votes “No”, the probability that the proposal is supported by a majority of
votes decreases, but the probability that the quorum is met increases.7 Therefore, even for
a person that opposes the proposal and would otherwise vote “No”, it is possible to have
6 A similar case could me made for a “non-rejection” quorum, where passing the proposal requires that the
percentage of the electorate voting against it is below a certain threshold. Since the implications are
basically the same, we do not present them here.
7 Again note that voting “Yes” is even worse, since both probabilities would increase.
;8 in which case the rational choice is to abstain. Basically, if an
opponent of the proposal believes that there is a solid majority in favor of the proposal
but there is a good chance that the participation quorum is not met, then the best chance
to defeat the proposal is not to vote at all.
In this way, the existence of quorum requirements may open, for supporters of the status
quo, an additional course of action besides voting “No”: to swing the election by not
voting and forcing the quorum not to be met. In certain situations, then, abstention can be
turned into the functional equivalent of a “No” vote.
2.3 Graphical analysis
The ideas formalized previously can be illustrated with a simple picture. In Figure 1, let
the vertical axis represent the percentage of the population that favors the proposal
submitted to referendum. In the horizontal axis, we have the percentage of people that
oppose the proposal. If there are no quorum requirements (left picture), there is a change
in the status quo if the outcome of the referendum places the results above the 45 degree
line (meaning that the majority of the voters vote “Yes”). Note that if an opponent
believes that the outcome will be near point A, he/she will have nothing to gain from
abstaining. It would just move point A to the left, making “Change” more likely.
In the picture in the middle, we describe a situation where there is an approval quorum of
25 percent. Therefore, a change the status quo requires the results to be above the 45
degree line and above the 25 percent-Yes line. In this case, the ‘Status Quo’ region
increases, but there is no change in the incentives. An opponent has nothing to gain from
abstaining, as abstention will always make ‘Change’ more likely. Therefore, this type of
rule makes the change of the status quo harder, which may be politically justifiable, and
does not give incentives to voters to mask their preferences.
8 To see this, just consider an extreme case. Assume that that are 10 people eligible to vote, with 5 of them
in favor of the proposal, 1 against, and 4 indifferent. Assume that there is a participation quorum that
requires the participation of 6 people. Finally, suppose that the person who is against is quite sure (for sake
of simplicity, assume that the elector is almost sure) that the 5 supporters will vote yes, and that the 4
indifferent will abstain. In this extreme case, we have .
Finally, on the right, we describe a situation where there is a participation quorum of 50
percent. The “Status Quo” region is now reduced to the area above the 50 percent
participation rate and above the 45 degree line. If an opponent of the proposal believes
that the final results will be in the neighborhood of A, then his/her best bet is not to vote
against the proposal, but simply not to show up at the polls. By doing this, the elector is
helping the final result to be somewhat to the left of A, moving the final outcome to the
“Status Quo” region.
Therefore the participation quorum has one perverse effect and one ironic potential
outcome. The perverse effect is that, in some situations it gives incentives to people to
mask their true preferences and to abstain, acting as if they were indifferent. The ironic
potential outcome is known in the literature as the “No-Show paradox”: it is possible that
the quorum is not reached precisely because of its existence or, in other words, turnout
exceeds the quorum only if this requirement does not exist. Looking at the picture in the
right of figure 1, we can see where the distortion in the incentives lays in this case.
3 Data and hypotheses
The model presented in the previous section suggests that participation quorums should
be related to lower turnout and that approval quorums should not produce the same
effects. In order to test these and a series of other theoretical hypotheses, we collected
data on all national referendums that have taken place in the current member states of the
European Union from 1970 to (mid-) 2007. A total of 109 national referendums were,
therefore, initially considered. (The database is available online C2D 2007).9
TABLE 1. Quorum Rules for National Referendums in the European Union
Participation quorum
Approval (or non-rejection) quorum
40% approval (constitutional
Less than 30% rejection
(other cases)
(only until July 1997)
25% approval
(since July 1997)
Less than 33.3% rejection
(legislative extraordinary referendum)
50% (abrogative legislative
50% (except constitutional
50% approval
(constitutional amendment)
75% (for sovereignty issues)
50% (other cases)
50% approval (sovereignty issues)
30% approval
(mandatory referendum)
50% (for abrogative legislative
50% (constitutional amendments)
50% (constitutional amendments)
Source: Venice Commission (2005); for Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia, C2D (2007)
Table 1 shows all present European Union member countries where either participation
or approval quorums have been imposed for national referendums (in the remaining
member-states, no quorums exist). In each case, the figures refer to shares of the
electorate whose participation or approval is required for the referendum to be deemed
valid. In the specific case of “non-rejection” quorums, they refer to a percentage of
electorate voting “No” that, if surpassed, renders a change in the status quo invalid. As
9 We excluded from the analysis all referendums where political and institutional conditions may have
prevented citizens from freely expressing their preferences. For that purpose, we consulted both the
Freedom House indexes (Freedom House 2007) and the Polity IV project’s dataset (Marshall et al. 2006),
excluding all referendums taking place in countries not rated as ‘free electoral democracies’ or with a value
below 8 in Polity’s Democ” score at the time of the referendum. We also excluded referendums where
voters had three or more alternatives. Overall, only ten cases were excluded from the initial selection,
leaving us with a total of 99 cases.
we can see, a large number of countries have such provisions for several types of
referendums, and Lithuania even imposed both participation and approval quorums.
3.1 Main Hypotheses
The main goal of this article is to assess the impact of quorum rules on referendum
turnout. For that, on the basis of the information listed in Table 1, we created two dummy
variables to represent the two possible quorum rules in force for each referendum: (1) a
participation quorum dummy, which takes the value one if there is a participation quorum
requirement and zero otherwise; and (2), an approval (or non-rejection) quorum dummy,
which takes the value one if there is such a requirement and zero otherwise. Given our
discussion in the previous section, we can state the following hypothesis:
H1.: Participation quorum effect. Referendums held under a participation quorum
requirement should have lower turnout than those where such requirement is
We can even make a more precise statement about the effects of a participation quorum.
According to our model (see Figure 1.c), supporters of the status quo only have an
incentive to abstain when they believe that the majority of the voters will vote for a
change. To test this possibility, we build a dummy variable that takes value 1 when the
“Yes” option received the majority of the votes and zero otherwise. 10 Similarly, we also
created a “No” dummy. Then we estimate the interaction between these variables and the
participation quorum variable. Ideally, of course, an ex-ante measure of the probability of
a ‘Yes’ majority, such as the one provided by voting intention polls, for example, would
have been preferable. However, such indicator is impossible to find for so many different
referendums in so many different countries, some of them taking place more than 30
years ago. Having said that, there is relatively solid evidence that most electors are able to
make accurate predictions about who’s going to win or lose an election (Lewis-Beck and
Skalaban 1989; Lewis-Beck and Tien 1999). Assuming accurate predictions, then, our
analysis implies the following two additional hypotheses besides the main negative effect
of participation quorums:
10 In coding the “Yes” dummy, in cases where a referendum was held on multiple issues, we coded the
variable as 1 only when the “Yes” option prevailed in all issues.
H1.a: Participation quorum effect under a “Yes” majority: Referendums held
under a participation quorum requirement should have lower turnout than those
where such requirement is absent if the “Yes” option receives the majority of the
H1.b: Participation quorum effect under a “No” majority: The participation
quorum requirement should have no impact on turnout when “No” is in majority.
What to expect concerning the consequences of approval quorums? According to our
analysis, the existence of an approval quorum should have no effect on turnout. However,
Herrera and Mattozzi (2009) argue that the effects of “approval quorums” and
“participation quorums” are equivalent, i.e, both negative. We take a cautious approach
and just hypothesize that the impact of approval quorums should not be positive, although
our model does suggest that no impact at all should ensue.
H2.: Approval quorum effect: Referendums held under an approval quorum
requirement should not have a higher turnout than those where such requirement is
3.2 Other Hypotheses
Any effects of voting quorums on turnout need to be estimated while controlling for a
number of other factors known to affect turnout. Given, to our knowledge, the complete
absence of cross-national studies about the determinants of turnout in referendums, these
results are of substantive interest on their own. By controlling for other variables, we are
also testing if several stylized facts about turnout in general elections outlined by the
literature also apply to the case of national referendums.
First, like what happens in general elections, we expect the relationship between
compulsory voting and turnout in referendums to be positive (Jackman 1987), especially
considering that we are dealing exclusively with established democracies in our sample
(Norris 2002).11 Second, we also expect that turnout should be higher when referendums
11 In our set of cases, only eleven referendums were held under compulsory voting. These include the Greek
November 1974 referendum on the form of government (monarchy or republic), all referendums held in
Italy until 1993 (the year when compulsory voting was abolished) and the 2005 referendum in Luxembourg
on the European Constitution. We created a dummy variable that takes value 1 in those cases and 0 in all
the others.
are concurrent with other elections (LeDuc 2003).12 Third, to test for the effects of voter
fatigue (Franklin 2002 and 2004; Rallings et al. 2003), we measure the time (in years or
fractions thereof) elapsed since the last national election that has taken place before each
referendum (Years since last election).13 This should a positive effect on turnout. A fourth
potentially relevant variables concerns the margin of victory in the referendum, which we
measure as the absolute difference in percentage points between the “Yes” and “No”
options in each referendum. We expect it to have a negative effect on turnout, as more
competitive referendums should increase both the expected utility of voting and the
efforts at voter mobilization (Jackman 1987; Cox and Munger 1989).14 Although this way
of measuring election closeness is rather common in this literature (used in about 70
percent of the empirical studies Geys 2006), we are aware that, ideally, one should
consider an ex ante measure of closeness (such as that provided by electoral polls). In any
case, to be sure that our inferences are not severely affected by this variable, we re-
estimated each model excluding this variable.
Electorate size is inversely related with the probability of casting the decisive vote
(Chamberlain and Rothchild 1981) and should, therefore, have a negative effect on
turnout (Blais and Dobrzynska 1998; Levine and Palfrey 2007; Coate et al. 2008).15 We
also include in the model two additional variables. First, we use a measure of the literacy
rate.16 The idea is that at least some cognitive skills and competences are required to
participate in politics and, therefore, countries whose populations enjoy higher levels of
literacy should have higher turnout (Blais 2006). However, one contrary argument would
be that voting, contrary to other participatory activities, is not very skill demanding
12 Twelve referendums in our dataset were held concurrently with other elections, including legislative,
presidential (in semi-presidential systems) and European Parliament elections. We created a dummy
variable that takes value 1 in those cases and 0 in all the others.
13 We take into account all types of national elections, including legislative, presidential (in semi-
presidential systems), and European Parliament elections, as well as, of course, other referendums. In the
case of two-round presidential or legislative elections, we count both rounds.
14 In the cases where referendums were held simultaneously on multiple issues, we selected the smallest
absolute value of the difference between the “Yes” and “No” votes.
15 Given the huge variability of the population size, we use the logarithmic transformation of the population
size, measured as the number of registered voters at the time of elections. Source: International IDEA 2007.
16 We use the average years of schooling in the population aged 25 and over. The data come from the Barro
and Lee (2001) dataset and we use the years closest to the referendum date. Data for Luxembourg were not
available, so, as in Voitchovsky (2005), the education data of the Netherlands is used for Luxembourg
(Verba et al. 1995) and that, furthermore, we will be dealing here with a relatively
homogeneous set of countries from this point of view. Finally, although previous studies
are not encouraging about the inclusion of this type of control (Radcliff 1992;
Kostadinova 2003; Fornos et al. 2004), we include a business cycle variable.17
Ideally, one would also like to include year and country specific effects. However, with
ninety-nine observations, it is unrealistic to include several dummy variables to capture
year effects or a dummy variable for each country, with the obvious over-fitting
consequences (furthermore, for some countries we only have one observation). Instead,
we include in the model the year of the referendum and the level of turnout in preceding
first-order election. If, in a particular country, turnout is expected to be higher for some
idiosyncratic reason not captured by the other control variables, this should be revealed
by a high turnout in previous elections, can thus capture country-specific effects.18 With
the inclusion of this variable, we also take into account the “habit-forming” nature of
voting (Gerber et al. 2003).
4 Estimation and modeling choices
Our dependent variable, turnout, is defined as the ratio between the number of people that
voted and the number registered to vote. In most of the literature dealing with aggregate
levels of turnout, it is common to estimate this type of voting functions using Ordinary
Least Squares (OLS). The typical equation (see, e.g., Radcliff 1992, Blais and
Dobrzynska 1996, Shachar and Nalebuff 1999, Washington 2006, or Gentzkow 2006) to
be estimated is given by:
where the X is matrix that represents the independent variables described in the previous
section, a vector of the associated coefficients and is the turnout rate.
17 Measured as the difference between GDP growth rate of the year of the referendum and the average
growth rate of the two previous years. Source: IMF World Economic Outlook and Eurostat.
18 By “first-order” (Reif and Schmitt 1980), we mean the elections upon which the formation of the
executive is dependent. In our sample, this means presidential elections in France and legislative elections
in the remaining cases. Source: International IDEA 2007.
There is, of course, a first drawback with this specification: while the turnout variable
must be between zero and one, this range is not respected for extreme values of the
independent variables when a simple OLS regression is used. However, a simple logistic
transformation will solve this drawback: .
Therefore, we can directly estimate the equation
The estimated coefficients are slightly more difficult to interpret because they do not
directly give us the marginal impact of the independent variables on turnout. But it is a
matter of simple algebra to derive such marginal effects:
There is, nonetheless, a second drawback involved in using simple OLS. When applied to
observations of elections in particular countries, OLS consists on an unweighted analysis
of aggregate data, which gives the exact same weight to every observation. However, a
turnout of 70 percent in, say, France, means that more than 26 million people chose to
vote, while the same turnout for, say, Portugal, means that less than 7 million were
persuaded to vote. Therefore, the same turnout rate gives us information about more
people in France than in Portugal. More rigorously, if we use the sample mean as an
estimator of the population mean, then the variance of the estimator decreases with the
number of electors. A turnout rate of a big country is an estimator of the population mean
with a lower variance than the turnout rate for a small country, and efficient estimation
requires that more weight is given to observations with lower variance. OLS, however,
makes no distinction between referendums that occurred in a country with 9 million
voters or in a country with 40 million voters. This implies that simple OLS is not
efficient, although, of course, consistency is not a problem.
We can tackle this weakness by looking at the data from a different perspective, one that
takes into account the fact that what is being tested is a rational choice model where
turnout is treated as an individual decision. From this perspective, each individual faces a
binary choice: to vote or to abstain. Turnout in a given referendum can be seen as the
aggregated information about the decisions of several individuals. Hence, it can be
interpreted as an estimator of the expected value of a binary decision. Given this
interpretation, the observed turnout rate is just a sample mean, an estimator of the
population mean. More specifically, turnout in referendum c ( ) is the proportion of
voters that chose to vote. Assume that an individual facing referendum c votes with a
probability given by
c=F X
( )
, where F is some distribution function. Assuming that F
is strictly increasing, we can solve with respect to : . For mathematical
convenience, we use the logistic distribution function, so we have
.19 Rearranging, we get:
. (7)
We do not observe , but is a consistent estimator. Therefore, we can directly
log P
. (8)
The error term, , is heteroskedastic and its variance,
( )
( )
, (9)
decreases with the electorate size (Nc). Weighed Least Squares based on (8) and (9)
produces the minimum chi-squared estimates of .
Since the weights are functions of the unknown parameters, we use a two-step procedure.
First, we estimate (8) by ordinary least squares. Based on the first step, we estimate the
19 The choice of the distribution function is quite arbitrary. Another natural choice would the Normal
distribution, but since it does not have a closed form we would have to rely on Taylor approximations.
weights and re-estimate equation (8) by weighted least squares.20 This estimator, also
known as the Berkson’s minimum logit chi-square estimator, is fully efficient and
asymptotically equivalent to a maximum likelihood estimator.
5 Estimation results
Table 2 reports the estimation results for two models testing the effects of quorum rules
on turnout using Berkson’s chi-square binary choice model. Model 1 tests Hypotheses 1
and 2, concerning the direct impact of participation and approval quorum rules on
turnout, while Model 2 tests a more specific prediction of our prototypal rational-choice
model: that under a participation quorum, the supporters of the “No” option would have
an incentive to abstain only when a victory for the “Yes” is to be expected (H1.a and
20 Simply using is not efficient. Fitted probabilities should be based on a
consistent set of parameter values, see Greene (2008).
TABLE 2. Predicting Voter Turnout in Referendums (logit chi-square estimation)
Model 2
Std Error
Std Error
Participation quorum
(Participation quorum)x
x(No dummy)
(Participation quorum)x
x(Yes dummy)
Approval quorum
Compulsory voting
Concurrent elections
Years since last election
Margin of victory
Electorate size
Business cycle
Previous turnout
Referendum year
Adj. R2
White Heroskedasticity
F – Stat: 1.379 (p-value 0.212)
χ – Stat: 83.47 (p-value 0.315)
*p<.10; **p<.05; ***p<.01
The models account for a respectable amount of variance (about 65 percent) and the
control variables with statistically significant coefficients have the expected signs and are
well in line with previous results in the literature. Thus, compulsory voting has a very
strong positive impact in the turnout rates in referendums, close to 30 percentage points.
The extent to which the election was competitive (captured here by the margin of victory)
displays the expected sign: the higher the margin of victory, the lower the turnout. If the
margin of one of the choices in the referendum over the other increases by ten percentage
points, then turnout is expected to be nearly 2 percentage points lower. Voter fatigue also
seems to be at play in what concerns lower levels of turnout, with the coefficient for the
years since last election displaying the expected positive sign. Finally, in countries with
higher levels of literacy, people participate more in referendums.
There are also several control variables that lack statistical significance. The position of
the economy in the business cycle seems irrelevant, confirming most previous studies that
have included this type of variable. The parameter for size of the electorate is not
statistically significant, although it has the expected sign (negative). Perhaps the most
surprising of these non-significant estimates is the irrelevance of concurrent elections,
even if it is true that it has the expected sign. This may be due to the fact that only in
twelve of the ninety-nine observations does this variable have a value different from zero.
We should recall, however, two things. First, the finding of a positive impact of
concurrent elections was clearly not among the most robust in the literature (Geys 2006:
652). Second, several of these referendums were held concurrently not with first-order
elections (presidential elections in France or legislative elections elsewhere) but with
“second-order” elections, i.e., European Parliament or presidential elections in semi-
presidential systems, which are themselves not particularly mobilizing, as the literature
suggests (Flickinger and Studlar 1992).
Since the results are broadly in line with the literature, and noting that tests for
heteroskedasticity show no evidence of this pathology, we can move to test the effects of
quorum rules. The estimated effects for the participation quorum in Model 1 confirm the
predictions of our model: as stated in Hypothesis 1, participation quorums have a
negative impact on turnout. More interestingly, as we can see with the results for Model
2, this negative impact is associated to victories of the “Yes” option. When the “No”
option receives the majority of the votes, the impact of the participation quorum is
statistically insignificant. This result lends support to the implications of our prototypal
rational-choice model: only when a victory for the “Yes” is expected do supporters of the
status quo have an incentive to abstain in order to render the referendum invalid
(Hypotheses H1.a and H1.b). The estimated effects for the approval quorum, statistically
not significant, are also in line with the predictions of the model, according to which
approval quorums should have no impact.
5.1 Some Robustness Checks
Angrist and Pischke (2009: 92) agree that if “the goal is to get back to the microdata
regression, it makes sense to weight by group size”, as we did. However, they also
acknowledge that analysts “accustomed to working with published averages (…) and
ignoring the underlying microdata, might disagree, or perhaps take the point in principle
but remain disinclined to buck tradition in their discipline, which favors the unweighted
analysis of aggregate variables” (ibid.). Thus, as a robustness check, we follow tradition
in the empirical study of aggregate turnout levels, estimating equation (8) by OLS. As we
see in Table 3, OLS results are broadly similar to the ones obtained by the logit chi-
square estimation, suggesting robust empirical support for hypotheses 1, 1.a and 1.b. One
aspect, however, deserves to be mentioned: unlike what occurred with the results
obtained under the logit chi-square estimation, the positive coefficient for approval
quorum approaches statistical significance at conventional levels in model 2 (p-value of
0.103). What makes this result particularly intriguing is the fact that it is unanticipated
from a theoretical point of view, both in our decision-theoretical rational-choice model
(which predicted no effects whatsoever of approval quorums) and in Herrera and
Mattozzi’s group turnout model (which actually predicted a negative effect of approval
quorums on turnout).
TABLE 3. Predicting Voter Turnout in Referendums (OLS estimation)
Model 2
Std Error
Std Error
Participation quorum
(Participation quorum)x
x(No dummy)
(Participation quorum)x
x(Yes dummy)
Approval quorum
Compulsory voting
Concurrent elections
Years since last election
Margin of victory
Electorate size
Business cycle
Previous turnout
Referendum year
Adj. R2
White Heroskedasticity
F – Stat: 1.68 (p-value 0.094)
χ – Stat: 85.91 (p-value 0.252)
*p<.10; **p<.05; ***p<.01 White Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Standard Errors
So, why does the estimated coefficient for the “approval quorum” almost become
significant at 10% when we move from the binary choice model to OLS? This occurs
because, in our dataset, approval quorums only exist in three countries: Denmark,
Hungary and Lithuania (in this latter case coupled with a participation quorum). These
three countries are rather small and, therefore, receive a small weight in the logit chi-
square estimation. In particular, in the eight referendums held in Denmark average
turnout was very high (81 percent), while the whole sample average is just 57 percent. As
it happens, if a dummy for Danish referendums is included in the OLS estimation, then
the coefficient for the approval quorum becomes clearly non-significant (p-value above
0.35), while the coefficient associated with Denmark becomes positive and significant at
the 5 percent level. Therefore, one can conclude the OLS results for the approval quorum
rely completely on the case of Denmark, which is downplayed by the logit chi-square
We performed another robustness check. Given the potential endogeneity problems
involved with using margin of victory, we re-estimated the models excluding that
variable. If we exclude the variable margin of victory, the estimated coefficients and their
significance do not change in a relevant way, although the R2 and the adjusted R2 drop, as
we would expect from dropping a significant variable. The only relevant changes are with
the coefficients associated with the participation quorum in Model 1 and with the
participation quorum under a “Yes” majority in Model 2, which actually become larger.
This result is precisely to be expected according to our model. The model predicts that in
the presence of a participation quorum (and, in particular, when the “Yes” option wins)
the “No” supporters have an incentive to desert the ballot box and, therefore, the margin
of victory of the “Yes” increases. By excluding the variable margin of victory, its effect is
partially captured by the participation quorum variables.
Direct democracy is becoming increasingly common in Western democracies (Setälä
1999; LeDuc 2003), public support for referendums is high and arguably rising (Bowler
et al. 2007), and there is some theoretical and empirical work showing that direct
democracy outcomes are Pareto efficient most of the times (Noam 1980). The
institutional design of referendums is, therefore, an issue that is likely to raise increasing
attention on the part of policy-makers and citizens alike. The existence of quorum rules is
one crucial aspect of that design, common to many democracies where referendums and
initiatives are constitutionally allowed. Such rules are typically seen as a way of
preventing active minorities from imposing their will or even as a way of lending
resistance to the status quo.
However, although these are certainly acceptable goals from a normative point of view,
there are good reasons to reject participation quorums as a way to achieve them. Under
referendum systems that only include an approval quorum or no quorum at all, voting for
one of the options can only increase that option’s chances of victory, never decrease
them. Yet, the latter is not necessarily the case under rules that impose a participation
quorum. Under such rules, if the option for change is more likely to obtain the majority,
an individual who supports the status quo and votes for its preservation may actually be
contributing to the victory of change, by helping turnout reach the quorum level. Hence,
under circumstances of a likely majority for change, a participation quorum induces
eligible voters who support the status quo to abstain rather than vote for their preferred
Consequently, the participation quorum system displays a bias towards lower turnout. A
correct estimation should show that participation quorum systems have, on average,
lower turnout than other referendum systems. Our empirical analysis suggests that is
precisely the case. Using data on all national referendums held in the European Union
countries since 1970, we found that the existence of a participation quorum does have
negative effects on turnout, confirming our basic hypothesis. Additionally, we found that
such effects take place primarily when the “Yes” option is expected to win.21 The
estimated effects are not only statistically significant but also politically relevant.
According to our results, the mere existence of a participation quorum may lead to a
21 Strictly speaking, we can only say that we find such effects when the “Yes” option receives the majority
of the votes. So we are implicitly assuming that electors are able to produce accurate forecasts election
winners, as suggested by extant research (Lewis-Beck and Skalaban 1989; Lewis-Beck and Tien 1999).
decrease in the participation rate of 11 percentage points. Of the 99 referendums in our
dataset, 40 took place under participation quorum requirements; about half of those had
turnout levels below 50 percent. In several of those cases, the absence of a participation
quorum could very well have had contributed to lead turnout above that threshold.
A second set of relevant findings from this paper concerns the other determinants of
turnout in referendums. Compulsory voting has a huge positive effect, quite larger than
that commonly found for general elections, even among established democracies (Norris
2002). One possible reason for that is the fact that the baseline of turnout in referendums
is, in general, below that found in general elections (Blais 2000), causing compulsory
voting to produce larger effects. Interestingly, literacy has a positive effect on turnout in
referendums, something that should not necessarily be anticipated, given the modest
effect of education on turnout in general elections found in comparative studies using
individual-level data (Franklin 2002). However, these results also suggest the possibility
that, unlike what occurs in general elections – fought along party lines and where party
identification, ideology and incumbency serve as readily available cues for voters
participation in referendums can be quite more demanding in terms of the skills and
resources required from voters. It is also comforting to find that several of the other major
propositions advanced in the literature about the causes of turnout in other types of
elections also seem to hold in the case of the cross-national study of referendums: more
competitive referendums and held under conditions less promoting of voter fatigue tend
to be characterized by higher levels of turnout.
Finally, we also discussed the best econometric methodology to deal with the analysis of
aggregate turnout levels. While many hypotheses about turnout are built upon modeling
individual decisions, individual observations are often unavailable. But if their
aggregated counts are indeed available, as in turnout rates, OLS is not necessarily the best
estimation strategy. We argued that Berkson’s minimum logit chi-square estimator (based
on a binary choice model) is preferable over the more traditional OLS, both for statistical
reasons (giving more weight to aggregated counts that represent more individuals) and
for theoretical reasons (to match the theoretical model’s basic individual-level
assumptions with the econometric modeling). As it happens, broadly speaking, both
estimations produce similar results, as one would expect from two consistent estimators.
The only difference in the results concerns approval quorums. While OLS does not close
the door to a theoretically unanticipated positive effect of approval quorums on turnout,
this result seems to be solely due to the high participation rates in Danish referendums
and is not robust to the estimation choice: the logit chi-square estimation shows no
statistically significant effects of approval quorums on turnout, as implied by our model.
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... Ello debido a que de antemano se sabe que no todos los que podrían participar en la decisión van a hacerlo. En este sentido, la literatura ha determinado tres preocupaciones que explican la introducción de quorums o umbrales: a) enfrentar el problema de legitimidad que podría tener el que el asunto que se somete a consulta no interese a la mayoría de los votantes y que, aun así, se pueda cambiar el statu quo de una política; se soporta la idea de que una amplia proporción de votantes debe tomar parte en la decisión para demostrar que a suficientes ciudadanos les atañe el tema en cuestión; b) evitar que sean "falsas mayorías" las que decidan y se distorsionen los resultados, lo cual ocurre cuando minorías activas explotan la apatía de los votantes para lograr un resultado diferente al que ocurriría si todo o la mayor parte del electorado se pronunciara, y c) garantizar la representatividad de la decisión -es decir, asegurar que el resultado represente al conjunto del electorado-y proteger a las minorías de que se tomen disposiciones que deberían demandar un amplio consenso (Aguiar & Magalhães, 2008y 2009Herrera & Mattozi, 2010;Merkel, 2014;Aguiar, Magalhães & Vanberg, 2019). ...
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Este artículo contrasta la literatura y la experiencia internacional respecto a quorums y mayorías en consultas ciudadanas con el caso colombiano, en el que se adoptaron reformas a propósito del plebiscito por la paz de 2016. Mientras las preguntas de otras consultas contaron con amplio respaldo, pero no lograron sobrepasar el porcentaje de participación exigido, la adopción de un umbral de aprobación en el plebiscito por la paz obligó al electorado a asumir una de las dos posiciones en juego, aumentando la participación y legitimando los resultados. Pero las reformas se adoptaron en medio de fuertes controversias y para un solo evento, por lo que con el examen de los argumentos a favor y en contra de estas y con el análisis del caso, se busca abrir una discusión sobre la conveniencia de extender las innovaciones de diseño en materia de umbrales al conjunto de mecanismos de consulta ciudadana en el país.
The Constitution of the Irish Free State contained a standard provision that it would be amended by referendum requiring thresholds of both turnout and approval, which would have made the text difficult to amend. However, during a provisional period, amendments could be made in the same manner as ordinary legislation, without reference to the people. It was through the latter means that all twenty-five of the amendments to the text were made between 1922 and 1937. Although this proved a weakness in the stability of the text, these circumstances shaped the development of the nascent Irish state. Had the strict thresholds been applied, several of the amendments might not have been enacted or might have been enacted only after a delay. Elements of direct participatory democracy such as the initiative and referendum on legislation would have remained as tools of opponents of government, while the state would have had less freedom to respond swiftly to the changing relationship with the United Kingdom in the 1930s. The Constitution of Ireland in place since 1937 was built on the framework of its predecessor, including what was learned during this transitional period.
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Consultative referendums are becoming more widely used as a way of responding to rising public discontent with the workings of representative democracy. Consequently, consultative referendums have become an integral part of democratic decision-making processes across the world. However, how the population reacts to the referendum outcome is expected to differ among the population as referendums, by design, divides the participants into winners and losers. In turn, creating a winner-loser gap with potentially polarizing societal consequences. This study therefore seeks to explore how this winner-loser gap is associated with several types of referendum attitudes following the outcome of a local referendum. Using survey data (N = 3113) gathered after a high stakes local referendum in Finland, the more explicit research purpose is therefore to analyze how individual-level opinions about referendums, turnout thresholds and margin of victory thresholds are related to the winner-loser gap. Additionally, we also control for whether these associations are moderated by external efficacy and political trust. The results clearly imply that the winner-loser gap have consequences for several types of referendum attitudes, contributing to scholarship about the effects derived from the winner-loser gap.
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Many countries have introduced e-government petitioning systems, in which a petition that gathers a certain quota of signatures triggers some political outcome. This paper models citizens who choose whether to sign such a petition. Citizens are imperfectly informed about the petition’s chance of bringing change. The number of citizens is large, while the cost of signing is positive but low. I show that a petition that can bring change succeeds by a strictly positive margin. Hence, a citizen signing the petition is almost surely not pivotal. On the other hand, a petition that cannot bring change still gathers the required number of signatures when citizens are not very well informed, implying a failure of information aggregation.
This study consisted in undertaking a bibliographical search within the Web of Science Core Collection from January 1900 to December 2020. A total of 637 publications were identified and divided into 9 sections tackling successively the relevance of independence referendums, the biased authorship, the definition of the phenomenon, the technical features of referendums, the elaboration of comparative datasets, the legitimacy of these consultations, the drivers leading to the organisation of independence referendums, the impact of referendums on settling ethnic violence and their capacity to favour state recognition. We affirm that those publications have advanced our knowledge about independence referendums. We also stress the persistence of a high fragmentation of authorship and approaches limiting the adoption of a common vocabulary, validation methods and consistent datasets allowing the accumulation and replication of analyses for establishing robust theories. In conclusion, we indicate some theoretical blind spots which could constitute a future research agenda.
This chapter summarizes current constitutional design regarding referendum clauses. It is based on the review of national constitutions and seeks to establish a common ground for writing and amending constitutions. What are the differences between a legislative referendum, a popular initiative, and a popular referendum? Who is entitled to initiate a referendum and who can determine its scope and subject? Are there limitations to the subject matters and what are the procedural specifications? A particular emphasis lies on temporal requirements and the quorum for a successful outcome, as well as the potential judicial review. This chapter forms part of Vol. I of Writing Constitutions.
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Zusammenfassung Die Frage nach der Auswirkung von Zustimmungsquoren auf die politische Partizipation gewinnt mit jedem Volksentscheid an Bedeutung, ist gleichzeitig aber noch weitgehend unerforscht. Obwohl das Zustimmungsquorum Volksentscheide in den Ländern der Bundesrepublik Deutschland beschränkt und auch in anderen Ländern weit verbreitet ist, konzentrierte sich die Forschung bislang auf die Analyse des Beteiligungsquorums. Wir argumentieren, dass auch ein Zustimmungsquorum Anreize für Bürgerinnen und Bürger sowie kollektive Akteure setzt, die Abstimmung zu boykottieren. Dieser Aufsatz versucht daher, den Einfluss von Zustimmungsquoren auf die Abstimmungsbeteiligung und Mehrheitsbilder in allen auf Basis eines Volksbegehrens initiierten Volksentscheide auf Ebene der deutschen Bundesländer zu erfassen. Neben einer Gegenüberstellung von Entscheiden mit und ohne Zustimmungsquorum wird mittels Regressionsanalysen die Korrelation zwischen der Quorenhöhe, der Salienz der Abstimmungsfrage und der Abstimmungsbeteiligung berechnet. Übereinstimmend mit unseren theoretischen Erwartungen zeigen unsere Ergebnisse einen robusten, jedoch nur selten signifikanten, negativen Zusammenhang zwischen der Höhe von Zustimmungsquoren und der Abstimmungsbeteiligung, welcher sich insbesondere bei Entscheiden von geringer gesellschaftlicher Salienz zeigt.
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Referendums constitute a political method for increasing the level of democratic legitimacy for a policy decision. An amendment in the Finnish constitution in 1990 enabled the organization of municipal level consultative referendums. The political power remains at the municipal council, irrespective of the referendum result, and municipal councils across Finland have on several occasions chosen to vote against the outcome of the referendums. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of studies focusing on how the outcome of a municipal level referendum affects the political behavior of municipal councils. This study aims at contributing to this line of research by analyzing to what extent the voter turnout and margin of victory following a referendum affects the willingness of municipal councils to act accordingly, or not, to the results. Our results show that when the majority size of the winning side in the referendum is lower, the possibility for the municipal council to act against the majority will increase, while voter turnout does not seem to have any effect. This indicates that when the public opinion becomes sufficiently clear, the congruence between the referendum outcome and the municipal council decision increases, meaning that the result from a consultative referendum in reality transforms into a politically binding political outcome.
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Direct democracy, an early form of democracy, which was applied in city states of ancient Athens, is at the agenda of politics again, especially at local levels due to the limitations of the representative democracy. People do not want to voice their ideas about the cities or countries where they live just once in four or five years by casting their votes in the ballot box. They desire to be involved in decision-making mechanisms, at least for relatively more important issues that might have direct effect over their lives. Today, more local governments are applying direct democracy tools in line with the expectations of local residents and as a requirement of the local governance principle of participation. Of course, as it is the case in representative democracy, direct democracy, which aims civic engagement for each significant decision, has some limitations. This chapter will explore the implementation of direct democracy by municipalities in Turkey, with all its variation, sources of motivation, opportunities, and challenges.
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This paper investigates the importance of the shape of the income distribution as a determinant of economic growth in a panel of countries. Using comparable data on disposable income from the Luxembourg Income Study, results suggest that inequality at the top end of the distribution is positively associated with growth, while inequality lower down the distribution is negatively related to subsequent growth. These findings highlight potential limitations of an exploration of the impact of income distribution on growth using a single inequality statistic. Such specifications may capture an average effect of inequality on growth, and mask the underlying complexity of the relationship.
This new textbook provides students with an accessible overview of the logic, evolution, application and outcomes of the five major approaches of the growing field of international conflict management: traditional peacekeeping peace enforcement and support operations negotiation and bargaining mediation adjudication. The book aims to provide the student with a fuller understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of these five techniques within the dynamic context of the contemporary security environment, especially in relation to recent and ongoing case studies of inter-state and intra-state conflict. To demonstrate the changing nature of security in the post-Cold War world, the text contrasts this with competing visions of security during the Cold War and earlier periods, and provides numerous points of comparison with the dominant causes, types, strategy, and prosecution of warfare in other eras. International Conflict Management will be essential reading for all students of conflict management, mediation, peacekeeping, peace and conflict studies, and international security in general.
Students of elections have repeatedly found that the closeness of an election is modestly correlated with turnout. This may be due to a direct response of instrumentally motivated voters, but recent theoretical work casts doubt on the adequacy of this explanation. Another possibility is that elite actors respond to closeness with greater effort at mobilization. We explore the latter possibility by using FEC and state data on campaign expenditures in House, Senate, and Gubernatorial races. Our results indicate that closeness has an effect at both the mass and elite levels. We also provide quantitative estimates of the effect of Senate and gubernatorial expenditure on House turnout.
While the economic voting literature is voluminous, comparatively little attention has been paid to the question of how—or whether—the economy affects turnout. I address this issue by examining national elections in 29 countries. Using time series data, the initial findings are replicated by a case study of American presidential and midterm elections since 1896. It is argued that the effect of economic adversity depends upon the degree of welfare state development. This relationship is argued to be nonlinear, so that mobilization occurs at either extreme while withdrawal obtains in the middle range. The importance to democratic theory, the study of elections, and the politics of welfare policy are discussed.
Voting is a habit. People learn the habit of voting, or not, based on experience in their first few elections. Elections that do not stimulate high turnout among young adults leave a ‘footprint’ of low turnout in the age structure of the electorate as many individuals who were new at those elections fail to vote at subsequent elections. Elections that stimulate high turnout leave a high turnout footprint. So a country's turnout history provides a baseline for current turnout that is largely set, except for young adults. This baseline shifts as older generations leave the electorate and as changes in political and institutional circumstances affect the turnout of new generations. Among the changes that have affected turnout in recent years, the lowering of the voting age in most established democracies has been particularly important in creating a low turnout footprint that has grown with each election.