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The Pacific and Caribbean Rivers of Colombia: Water Discharge, Sediment Transport and Dissolved Loads


Abstract and Figures

Although the South American continent includes three of the largest river basins in the world, the Amazon, the Orinoco, and the Paraná, with some of the highest discharges and sediment loads, a number of comparatively smaller systems in Colombia carry a significant share of the sediment load from the continent. Our objective is to synthesise the role and contribution of river systems in Colombia.
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Chapter 14
The Pacific and Caribbean Rivers of Colombia:
Water Discharge, Sediment Transport and
Dissolved Loads
J. D. Restrepo · B. Kjerfve
Although the South American continent includes three of the largest river basins in
the world, the Amazon, the Orinoco, and the Paraná, with some of the highest dis-
charges and sediment loads, a number of comparatively smaller systems in Colombia
carry a significant share of the sediment load from the continent. Our objective is to
synthesise the role and contribution of river systems in Colombia.
South America measures 17.8 ×106 k m2 and accounts for 12% of the global land sur-
face. However, the continent delivers a disproportionally larger water discharge and
suspended sediment load into the oceans as compared to its area. The three largest
rivers only deliver 7300 km3yr–1 or 24% of the global water runoff. With respect to
suspended sediment load, the South American continent contributes 13% of the glo-
bal load into the oceans. Although most of the discharge and sediment load are due to
the Amazon, Orinoco, and Paraná Rivers (Milliman 1990; Milliman and Syvitski 1992),
the Magdalena River, which empties into the Caribbean Sea (Fig. 14.1), transports more
sediment than either the Orinoco and Paraná Rivers (Milliman and Meade 1983), al-
though it has much smaller water discharge and drainage area.
In general, the drainage basins on the eastern side of South America are large,
whereas the numerous basins with discharge into the Pacific are comparatively small
because of the crowding of the drainage basins west of the Andes imposed by regional
geology and tectonics (Kellog and Mohriak 2001) (Fig. 14.1). However, the discharge
of suspended sediment into the oceans from many smaller Colombian rivers may have
greater impact on the world sediment budget than previously thought (Milliman 1990;
Milliman and Syvitski 1992). Further, land use in South American basins is changing
rapidly and is seemingly causing changes in water, sediment, and nutrient transports,
resulting in regional impacts. From the perspective of ecology and to understand
change impact, there is a need to understand better the geochemistry of these rivers
(Richey et al. 1991).
Water discharge, sediment load, and physical characteristics for the major Pacific
and Caribbean rivers of Colombia have been reported during the past few years
(e.g. Restrepo and Kjerfve 2000a,b, 2002). However, until now data for the dissolved
load of these rivers have not been reported.
Due to the importance of Colombian rivers in the global budgets (Milliman and
Meade 1983; Milliman and Syvitski 1992; Restrepo and Kjerfve 2000a,b), we synthesise
data on water discharge, sediment load, and dissolved load of the principal rivers along
the Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Colombia, make comparisons to other major flu-
vial systems draining into the Atlantic Ocean and elsewhere, and present some result-
J. D. Restrepo · B. Kjerfve170
ing environmental implications and impacts along the Caribbean. This information
is a significant addition to the understanding of (1) chemical weathering processes
occurring on a regional scale, (2) the nature of the organic matter from autochtho-
nous and allochthonous sources, (3) fluvial fluxes to oceans and the context of Colom-
bian rivers in the global budgets, and (4) human impacts on continental and coastal
water systems.
Water Discharge and Sediment Load
The Pacific Rivers
Climate, geology, relief, and size of the drainage basin are critical factors that deter-
mine river discharge. The basins of the Pacific coast of Colombia, measuring 76365 km2
and extending from latitude 00°36' N to latitude 07°45' N and from longitude 75°51' W
to longitude 79°02' W, are characterised by the presence of active fault systems, high
precipitation rates, slopes frequently steeper than 35°, and dense tropical rain forests.
These conditions are favourable for the occurrence of rapid mass wasting, caused by
slope erosion processes and thus high sediment loads. The basins extend inland 60–
150 km and comprise all of Colombia west of the Cordillera Occidental of the Andes,
linking Panama and Ecuador. They consist of a broad coastal plain and the western
Fig. 14.1. Map showing the major basins in South America draining into the Atlantic Ocean and the
smaller Pacific and Caribbean basins of Colombia
171CHAPTER 14 · The Pacific and Caribbean Rivers of Colombia
slopes of the Cordilleras. The principal rivers from north to south are the Baudó, San
Juan, Patía, and Mira (Fig. 14.2).
The Pacific basins are located within the humid tropics, characterised by high but
relatively constant temperature, high rainfall rates, and high humidity. Average rain-
fall ranges from 2000 to 12 700 mm yr–1 (Eslava 1992). The rainfall distribution is bi-
Fig. 14.2. Map of the Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Colombia showing the principal rivers, the main
drainage basins indicated in Tables 14.1 and 14.2, the Western, Central, and Eastern Cordilleras (solid
triangles), and the estimates of total sediment load and, accordingly, sediment yield into the Pacific Ocean
and Caribbean Sea
J. D. Restrepo · B. Kjerfve172
modal with the highest rainfall occurring from September to November and a sec-
ondary rainy season from April to June. The least rain falls from December to March,
and rainfall is also moderately low from July to August (Snow 1976; Lobo-Guerrero
1993). Based on rainfall distribution, the Pacific basins are divided into three zones:
the northern, central, and southern basins. The northern zone, including the water-
sheds of the Atrato, Baudó, and San Juan Rivers (Fig. 14.2), receives on average 5 600 mm
of rainfall annually. The central zone, which includes the watersheds of the Dagua,
Anchicayá, Cajambre, Raposo, Yurumanguí, San Juan de Micay, Iscuandé, Amarales,
Satinga, and Sanguianga Rivers, receives on average 4 100 mm of rainfall annually. The
southern zone, consisting of the drainage basins of the Patía and Mira Rivers, receives
on average 2000 mm of rainfall annually.
The drainage areas, water and sediment transports for the largest Pacific rivers are
synthesised in Table 14.1. Four rivers provide most of the freshwater discharge into the
Pacific. The largest is the San Juan River with a mean discharge of 2550 m3s–1. The
Patía, as gauged at Puente Pusmeo, discharges on average only 328 m3s–1, but the mean
river basin discharge is 1 291 m3s–1 because of the large contribution from the Telembí
River, the last tributary before the delta. The Mira River contributes an average 839 m3s–1,
and the Baudó 782 m3s–1 (Table 14.1). The annual water discharge into the Pacific Ocean
from these four larger rivers and the many smaller Pacific rivers measures 8 020 m3s
1 or annually 254 km3.
The Patía has the largest drainage basin of the Colombian rivers draining into the
Pacific (23700 km2). From the upper river, sediment loads measure 0.88, 15.39, 13,71
and 8.82 ×106 t yr–1, as gauged at La Fonda, Puente Guascas, Puente Pusmeo, and Los
Nortes, respectively (Table 14.1). Based on daily measurements from 1988 to 1995 by
IDEAM, Instituto de Estudios Ambientales de Colombia (IDEAM 1995), at Los Nortes,
9 km downstream of Puente Pusmeo, and representing an upstream basin area of
14 500 km2, the maximum recorded sediment load was 245.8 ×103 t d–1 in November
1993, and the monthly mean sediment load measured 57.76 ×103 t, corresponding to
an annual sediment load of 21.1 ×106 t yr–1. The sediment yield for the Patía River
ranges from 972 t km–2 yr–1 at Puente Pusmeo to 1 714 t km–2 yr–1 at Puente Guascas,
for the upstream-most portion of the river, the highest yield of any measured river in
The upper portion of the Mira River has an annual sediment load of 0.234 ×106 t yr–1
as gauged at Pipiguay and a sediment yield of 856 tkm–2 yr–1. Because this gauging
station is located 130 km upstream and represents only 4% of the total basin area, the
load is not included in the Pacific budget. Considering the two gauged rivers at their
furthest downstream stations, San Juan and Patía, the measured annual sediment loads
of these rivers into the Pacific Ocean is 30.13 ×106 t yr–1 (Table 14.1). The Atrato River
is a special case. Although the Atrato has its watershed west of the Cordilleras, and
thus have many common characteristics with the Pacific rivers, it discharges into the
Caribbean Sea (Figs. 14.1 and 14.2). Thus, we did not include the Atrato in the Pacific
The relation between sediment yield and basin area for the Pacific rivers were de-
termined by log-linear regression of sediment yield on basin area (Restrepo and
Kjerfve 2000a). The analysis included only data for the most downstream gauging
locations on the San Juan, Patía, and Atrato Rivers (Tables 14.1 and 14.2), and in devel-
173CHAPTER 14 · The Pacific and Caribbean Rivers of Colombia
oping this regression, we did include the Atrato. Regression of sediment yield on ba-
sin area yielded a decreasing trend for larger basins with a coefficient of determina-
tion, r2= 0.97.
Table 14.1. Drainage basin, annual rainfall, measured water and sediment transports, and calculated
yields for Colombian rivers draining into the Pacific Ocean
J. D. Restrepo · B. Kjerfve174
The sediment load for the non-gauged area of the Pacific coast was obtained from
the regression of sediment yield on basin area, using the gauged data and data for the
San Juan, Patía, and Atrato Rivers (Tables 14.1 and 14.2). The mean sediment yield for
the non-gauged watersheds is 1 827 t km–2 yr–1, occupying a combined area of
36 100 km2, and with a calculated sediment load of 66 ×106 t yr–1. The best estimate of
total sediment load into the Pacific Ocean from both gauged and non-gauged rivers is
96 ×106 t yr–1. These results in a sediment yield estimate of 1 260 t km–2 yr–1, very s imi-
Table 14.2. Drainage basin, annual rainfall, measured water discharge, sediment load, and calculated
yields for the Caribbean Rivers of Colombia
175CHAPTER 14 · The Pacific and Caribbean Rivers of Colombia
lar to the yield of 1 200 t km–2 yr–1 proposed by Milliman and Syvitski (1992), based
on extrapolation of data for a single river in Peru.
The sediment yields of the upstream San Juan River at Tadó (1 570 t km–2 yr–1) and
the upstream Patía River at Puente Guascas (1714 t km–2 yr–1) (Table 14.1) are substan-
tially higher than the averages calculated for the entire Pacific coast, and are among
the highest values anywhere in the world. The corresponding drainage areas are
1 661 km2 and 8 900 km2, respectively. Both rivers descend rapidly from the high Cor-
dilleras to the alluvial plain. Over a distance less than 75 km, the San Juan River falls
abruptly from an elevation of 3900 m to 100 m at Tadó (Fig. 14.2), and the tribute ba-
sin descends from elevations between 4 200 and 2500 m in less than 50 km to join the
San Juan River in the upper watershed at an elevation of 90 m. Likewise, the Patía River
descends from its headwaters at 4580 m elevation to 400 m over a distance of 150 km.
Since the San Juan drainage basin as a whole has a greater sediment yield compared
to the Patía drainage basin (Table 14.1), the explanation for the higher yield of
the upstream portions of the Patía implies greater sediment deposition (storage)
on the alluvial plains of the Patía. In the case of the San Juan River, the control exerted
by the Tertiary formations in the middle and lower courses of the river results in a
much narrower alluvial plain as compared to Patía River, and thus less sediment depo-
sition/storage within the drainage basin.
The Caribbean Basins
Caribbean Colombia is principally drained by the Magdalena and Sinú Rivers, and also
receives the Atrato drainage from west of the Cordilleras (Figs. 14.1 and 14.2). The
Magdalena River measures 1612 km and drains a 257 438 km2 basin, which occupies a
major portion of the Colombian Andes. It is the largest fluvial system in Colombia and
originates from headwaters in the Andean Cordillera at an elevation of 3 300 m. The
Sinú River empties into the Morrosquillo Gulf. The Atrato, draining a basin of
35 700 km2, occupies a considerable portion of the Pacific basin, but the river empties
into the Caribbean via the Urabá Gulf (Fig. 14.2).
Analysis of 22 rivers draining into the Caribbean Sea indicates that the combined
water discharge and sediment load are 338 km3yr–1 and 168 ×106 t yr–1, respectively,
corresponding to a sediment yield for the Colombia Caribbean drainage basins of
541 t km–2 yr–1, or approximately half of the yield for the Pacific basins of Colombia
(Table 14.2).
Based on discharge gauging and sediment concentration measurements, the sedi-
ment load of the Atrato River is 11.3 ×106 t yr–1, and the corresponding sediment yield
315 t km–2 yr–1. The sediment yield is comparatively low because of the large size of
the drainage basin and the extensive low-lying Urabá alluvial flood plains, with an area
of 5 500 km2, where significant sediment deposition and storage occur. Besides the
Atrato, several other rivers discharge into the Urabá Gulf (Fig. 14.2). These rivers are
characterised by having small drainage basins and high sediment yields (Table 14.2).
The Sinú River empties into the Golfo de Morrosquillo (Fig. 14.2) and drains an area
of 10 180 km2. Based on monthly data from 1963 to 1993, the annual discharge of the
Sinú is 373 m3s–1. The sediment load is 6 ×106 t yr–1, based on data from 1972 to 1993,
with a sediment yield of 589 t km–2 yr–1 at Montería (Table 14.2).
J. D. Restrepo · B. Kjerfve176
The Magdalena River is the largest river system with a length of 1 500 km. It drains
the Andes Cordillera, which forms the Western, Central, and Eastern Cordilleras. The
drainage basin area measures 257438 km2 and occupies a considerable part of the
Colombian Andes. Daily water discharge measurements from 1975 to 1995 at Calamar
indicate an annual discharge of 7 232 m3s–1. Load measurements during the 21-year
period yielded an annual sediment load of 144 ×106 t yr–1. The calculated sediment
yield for the drainage basin area upstream of Calamar is 559 t km–2 yr–1. The Canal
del Dique (Fig. 14.2) is a 114 km long man-made channel from the Magdalena River at
Calamar to Bahía de Cartagena and was constructed in 1514 by native slaves by order
of Spanish conquistadors. The mean annual water discharge and sediment load through
this channel are currently 299 m3s–1 and 4.8 ×106 t yr–1, respectively (Table 14.2).
The Magdalena River contributes 9% of the total sediment load discharged from
the east coast of South America. The 144 ×106 t yr–1 estimate of sediment load is higher
than the 133 ×106 t yr–1 reported by Marín (1992) but considerably lower than the estimate
by Milliman and Meade (1983) of 220 ×106 t yr–1. Our sediment load estimate sediment
implies a sediment yield of 559 t km–2 yr–1 for the Magdalena, which is more realistic than
the previously reported values of 1000 t km–2 yr–1 (Meybeck 1976, 1988), 900 t km–2 yr–1
(Milliman and Meade 1983), and 920 t km–2 yr–1 (Milliman and Syvitski 1992).
Dissolved Load
Major natural origins and controls of river-borne materials include atmospheric in-
puts, chemical weathering of mineral, mechanical erosion of rock and soil particles,
and soil leaching. As a result, rivers contain naturally occurring compounds, e.g. major
ions (i.e. Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO3
), plant nutrients (e.g. SiO2, NO3
, NH4
+, and orthophos-
phates), organic compounds (e.g. humic acids and hydrocarbons), and xenobiotic sub-
stances synthesised by humans (Meybeck 2001b).
In the Andes, sedimentary rocks constitute the principal basement lithology, and the
river chemistry agrees with basin geology (Stallard 1980, 1985; Stallard and Edmond 1983).
The concentrations of major dissolved constituents and mass transport rates for ma-
jor Colombian rivers including the larger Magdalena, El Dique, Sinú, Atrato, Mira, an d Pa tía
(Fig. 14.2) are shown in Table 14.3. Estimates are based on averages calculated from
monthly samples from 1990 to 1993 (IDEAM 1995). Ca2+ and Mg2+ are the dominant
ions (Table 14.3), indicating that the water corresponds to the rock-dominated type.
The inorganic carbon concentration was well within the common range of river
pH values, which vary between 6 and 8.2. It is 100% due to atmospheric CO2 and soil
weathering in non-carbonate basins, whereas in carbonate basins 50% comes from the
dissolution of carbonates and other rocks (Meybeck 1996; Knighton 1998). Dissolved
inorganic carbon, present mostly as bicarbonate ions, constitutes almost 50% of the
TDS in the Colombian rivers (Table 14.3). High values of alkalinity seem to be well
explained by high rates of total dissolved solids (TDS) in all Colombian rivers. Regres-
sion of alkalinity concentration (mg l–1) on TDS (mg l–1) yielded a coefficient of de-
termination of 0.98, accentuating the predominance of bicarbonates.
Values of solute concentrations show that the Sinú and Magdalena have the high-
est dissolved solute content followed by the El Dique canal and Patía River (Table 14.3).
The Atrato is by far the most dilute river, four times less mineralised than the larger
177CHAPTER 14 · The Pacific and Caribbean Rivers of Colombia
Magdalena and the other Caribbean rivers, as a result of its location in a very humid
environment. The upper and middle sections of the Atrato are located in regions with
very high annual rainfall. The meteorological station at Granja Agrícola Lloró in the
upper Atrato basin at an elevation of 120 m has an annual rainfall rate of 12 717 mm,
based on data from 1952 to 1989 (Eslava 1992). This, to the best of our knowledge, rep-
resents the highest rainfall rate anywhere in South America.
Also, depending on local or regional conditions, natural chemical water composi-
tion can differ by two or three orders of magnitude between basins. As a consequence
of multiple controls on river chemistry including lithology, climate, and topography,
it is inappropriate to refer to any continental or regional averages for comparisons to
local data (Meybeck 1996, 2002). In heterogeneous mountains basins, e.g. in the Co-
lombian Andes, stream and river chemistry are highly variable. More detailed studies
are needed to establish the natural controls on solute concentrations by each rock type.
Chemical weathering of rocks still remains the main source of dissolved substances.
Climate determines where tropical weathering occurs, while tectonics increase ero-
sion rates and dictate the composition of erosion products. In the humid tropics, the
primary factor that distinguishes different weathering regimes is tectonic setting. In
tectonically active areas, easily weathered lithologies are exposed on steep slopes and
weathering rates are lithology dependent (Stallard 1988). Where carbonates and cat-
Table 14.3. Basic hydrochemical data and dissolved solutes of major Caribbean and Pacific rivers of
Colombia for the period 1990–1993. Solute values are expressed as discharge-weighted mean. TSS = total
suspended solids; TDS =total dissolved solids (Source: IDEAM 1995)
J. D. Restrepo · B. Kjerfve178
ions are present, their weathering products dominate the river solution chemistry
(Table 14.3). Furthermore, the presence of unstable and cation-rich minerals in the
suspended load and bedload of rivers draining the Andean basins indicates that rapid
erosion is indeed occurring. Thus, along the western portion of the Pacific basins, high
temperature, humid conditions, high rainfall, and abundant vegetation promote rapid
chemical weathering and high denudation rates (Table 14.1).
The hydrological regime of rivers is a major regulator of their chemical composi-
tion. For each chemical element or TDS value, concentrations and fluxes are discharge
dependant (Meybeck 1996, 2001a,b). The estimates of dissolved materials exported to
the Caribbean and Pacific basins are mainly controlled by water discharge. Thus, the
Magdalena transports 30 ×106 t yr–1 of dissolved materials into the Caribbean
(Table 14.3). The specific transport rate is highest in the Sinú basin, 167 t km–2 yr–1, fol-
lowed by that of the Magdalena (117 t km–2 yr–1). The Atrato, Mira, and Patía Rivers have
values ranging between 31 and 90 t km–2 yr–1.
Interannual Variability
All South American rivers, independent of size, display a strong seasonal signal of dis-
charge and sediment load variability, typically a factor of 5–10 comparing low monthly
to high monthly discharge (Fig. 14.3). The interannual variability of discharge and
sediment load associated with the ENSO or El Niño-La Niña cycle can be almost equally
great, typically a factor of 2–4, comparing low annual to high annual discharges (Richey
et al. 1986, 1989; Depetris et al. 1996; Vörösmarty et al. 1996). This variability can be
quantified by the southern oscillation index (SOI), which is defined as the difference
in atmospheric sea-level pressure between Tahiti and Darwin (Glantz 1997). The cold
La Niña phase of the SOI is characterised by a positive peak SOI of approximately
+5 hPa, whereas the warm El Niño phase is characterised by a negative peak SOI of
approximately –5 hPa (Fig. 14.3a). The El Niño-La Niña cycle gives rise to a significant
variability in regional rainfall, river discharge, and sediment load. However, the north-
ern and southern portions of the South American continent have a response that is
completely opposite in phase.
El Niño brings about heavy rainfall south of a hypothetical line from Quito, Ecua-
dor, to São Paulo, Brazil. The rivers respond with large increases in both water dis-
charge and sediment load during the Southern Hemisphere’s late summer, when ex-
tensive river flooding impact Paraná and Santa Catarina, Brazil, the delta of the Paraná
River in Argentina, and many other river basins in the south of the continent (Mechoso
and Perez-Iribarren 1992; Probst and Tardy 1989). This causes destructive and costly
flooding of cities, roads, and agricultural fields and brings about much hardship. At
the same time, river basins in South America, north of the front, suffer from drought
conditions and low river discharges, which have negative impacts on the regional ag-
riculture and water resources.
In contrast, during the La Niña phase, the southeast trade winds are well developed,
and the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) remains north of its typical position
in the Eastern Pacific. This results in drier than normal conditions in the southern
179CHAPTER 14 · The Pacific and Caribbean Rivers of Colombia
Fig. 14.3. Time series plots of mean monthly (thin lines) and low-frequency pass filter with zero
phase (bold lines); a water discharge for San Juan River 1970–1994; b the southern oscillation index
(SOI) (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, 1999; data-base on the internet at; c water discharge for Magdalena River
1975–1995 (modified from Restrepo and Kjerfve 2000a,b)
J. D. Restrepo · B. Kjerfve180
portion of the South American continent but brings about intense rainfall in the north-
ern parts of the continent (Ropelewski and Halpert 1987). Rivers in Colombia
(Figs. 14.3a and 14.3c) and Venezuela, in particular, experience catastrophic flood con-
ditions, which often have drastic social and economic impacts.
The San Juan River discharge and the smoothed monthly values of the SOI showed
very good coherence for the 25-year period from 1970 to 1994 (Fig. 14.3a). Peak flow
exceeds 5000 m3s–1 during La Niña years and low discharges of 600–1 500 m3s–1 were
observed during El Niño years. Mean annual discharge during El Niño and La Niña
years are 3 625 m3s–1 and 1 490 m3s–1, respectively. Regression analysis of smoothed
SOI on smoothed discharge yielded a coefficient of variation of R2= 0.60, which indi-
cates that variations in the SOI explain 60% of the variability in discharge, with high
values of the SOI corresponding to peak La Niña conditions and peak San Juan dis-
charge. This relationship is similar to the response of Rio Orinoco but contrary to riv-
ers in Perú, Rio Guaiba (Brazil), Rio Paraná (Argentina) (Goniadzki 1999), and other
rivers, which experience significantly higher discharges during the warm El Niño
In the Magdalena River, water discharge varies significantly interannually. The mean
discharge is 7 200 m3s–1, and the seasonal root mean square (rms) variability is
2 020 m3s–1. The Magdalena discharge at the Calamar station (Fig. 14.2) and the
smoothed monthly values of the SOI show very good coherence for the 21-year period
from 1975 to 1995. Peak flows usually exceed 12 000 m3s–1 during La Niña years, and
low discharges of 2 000–3 000 m3s–1 are observed during El Niño years (Fig. 14.3c).
Mean annual discharges during El Niño and La Niña years are 5 512 m3s–1 and
8 747 m3s–1, respectively.
The Colombian Rivers and the Global Trend
Rivers with smaller basins have less area to store sediments, and the sediment yield of
smaller basins increases as much as sevenfold for each order of magnitude decrease
in basin area. The result is that many rivers draining smaller basins can have higher
yields than rivers draining larger basins (Milliman 1990; Milliman and Syvitski 1992).
In comparing rivers with small basins in high rainfall areas in both Colombia and
Asia/Oceania (Fig. 14.4), the San Juan and Patía Rivers are similar in terms of water
discharge, sediment load and yields, to the Purari and Fly Rivers in Papua New Guinea.
Average annual rainfall ranges from 2000 mm to 8500 mm in the 33670 km2 catch-
ment of the Purari, which has a mean discharge of 2 360 m3s–1 (Pickup 1983). The Fly
River has a mean discharge of 2 390 m3s–1 and a sediment yield of 1 500 t km–2 yr–1
(Pickup et al. 1981). Although the San Juan drains a basin approximately half as large
as the basin of the Purari (33 670 km2) and far smaller than the 76 000 km2 size of the
Fly, it has greater water discharge. The yield of the Fly, 1500 t km–2 yr–1, is very similar
to the yield of the upper San Juan and Patía Rivers (Table 14.1).
Mountainous rivers with basin areas of ~10 000 km2 in southeast Asia/Oceania have
sediment yields between 140 and 1 700 t km–2 yr–1, and have higher yields by a factor
of 2–3 than rivers draining most other mountainous areas of the world. The Pacific
basins of Colombia have yields between 1 150 and 1 714 t km–2 yr–1, which are very simi-
181CHAPTER 14 · The Pacific and Caribbean Rivers of Colombia
lar to rivers draining mountainous terrain and high rainfall areas in South Asia and
Oceania (Fig. 14.4).
The data shown in Tables 14.1–14.3 confirm that the Pacific rivers have smaller drain-
age basins but much higher yields than the Caribbean rivers and those draining east-
ern South America (Amazon, Orinoco, Paraná) (Fig. 14.4). The Patía and San Juan Riv-
ers appear to have the highest sediment yields of any river in South America, and have
many characteristics comparable to the rivers of Papua New Guinea and Taiwan, based
on rainfall, mountainous terrain, small river-basin area, and high sediment transport.
The Magdalena River has the highest sediment yield of the large rivers along the
Caribbean and Atlantic coasts of South America. Its yield is almost three times greater
than the yield of the Amazon, 190 t km–2 yr–1, Orinoco, 150 t km–2 yr–1, or Negro (Ar-
gentina), 140 t km–2 yr–1 (Milliman and Syvitski 1992), and much greater than the yield
of the Paraná, 30 t km–2 yr–1 (Milliman and Syvitski 1992; Goniadzki 1999), Uruguay,
45 t km–2 yr–1, and São Francisco, 10 t km–2 yr–1 (Milliman and Syvitski 1992)
(Table 14.4).
The dissolved load for the Magdalena, 30 ×106 tyr
–1 (Table 14.3), is of the same
magnitude as the Orinoco (30.5 ×106 t y r–1; Depetris and Paolini 1991), ten times lower
than that of the Amazon (259 ×106 t yr–1; Meybeck 1976), and similar to the Parana
River (38.3 ×106 t yr–1; Depetris 1976; Depetris and Paolini 1991) (Table 14.4).
Fig. 14.4. Variation of sediment yield with basin area for several mountainous rivers of Asia/Oceania,
South America (Amazon, Orinoco, and Paraná) and Colombian rivers draining into the Caribbean Sea
(Magdalena, Sinú, and Atrato) and into the Pacific Ocean, San Juan and Patía
J. D. Restrepo · B. Kjerfve182
The major rivers of Colombia fit well into the global river chemistry classification
developed by Gibbs (1970), with Ca2+ and HCO3
dominating the ionic composition.
Also, values of dissolved solutes are in the range of the most common natural concen-
tration (MCNC) found in most rivers. This classification was proposed by Meybeck
and Helmer (1989) to replace the “average world river,” which is greatly influenced by
a few rivers of extreme concentrations. Thus MCNC is simply the median value of the
distribution of concentrations found in pristine major rivers, weighted by the river
discharge. The ionic natural composition by Colombian rivers with respect to
Ca2+ >Mg
2+ >Na
and HCO3
2– is similar to the MCNC of other world riv-
ers (cf. Meybeck 1996).
Environmental Implications
During the past fifty years, the Caribbean rivers and downstream coastal areas have
been under increasing environmental stress. Economic development in Colombia be-
tween the 1970s and 1980s increased demand for river control and utilisation. Ongo-
ing trends in the drainage basins include (1) escalating population densities along the
basins and at the river mouths. The main cities of Colombia, including Bogotá, Medellín,
Cali, and Barranquilla are located in the Magdalena basin (Fig. 14.2). As much as 80%
of the entire population of Colombia lives in the Magdalena watershed, leading to a
demographic density of 54 inhabitants km–2, which is very high when compared to
0.24 inhabitants km–2 in the Amazon basin (Serruya and Pollingher 1984; Depetris and
Paolini 1991); (2) accelerating upland erosion rates due to poor agricultural practices,
Table 14.4. Drainage basin, water discharge, sediment and dissolved loads, calculated yields, and re-
ceiving basin for some rivers of South America (from Depetris 1976; Meybeck 1976; Milliman and Meade
1983; Depetris and Paolini 1991; Milliman and Syvitski 1992; Goniadzki 1999; Restrepo and Kjerfve
183CHAPTER 14 · The Pacific and Caribbean Rivers of Colombia
increasing deforestation and gold mining; and (3) as a result of poor agricultural prac-
tices and deforestation, increasing levels of water pollution. As a result, river-induced
impacts have produced distortion of natural hydrographs, in turn leading to the loss
of critical habitat, biodiversity, and altered material transport (Colciencias-Fen 1989;
HIMAT-INGEOMINAS 1991; Restrepo and Kjerfve 2000b). Although these facts have
been widely recognised, there are until now no quantification of the fluxes for the
Magdalena River.
Sediment load of the Magdalena River has strongly impacted the coastal ecosys-
tems. Since 1954, the government of Colombia has dredged the El Dique Canal, a 114 km
man-made channel from the Magdalena River at Calamar to Cartagena Bay (Fig. 14.2).
Because of increased sedimentation in Cartagena Bay during the 1970s, new canals were
constructed from El Dique to Barbacoas Bay, and since then, the suspended sediment
load in Barbacoas has reached and impacted the El Rosario Islands (Fig. 14.2), a 68 km2
coral reef ecosystem in the Caribbean Sea. Sediment load is responsible for most of
the observed coral reef mortality, with dead coral reef cover reaching 58% (Vernette
1985; INVEMAR 2000b). Also, the suspended sediment load from the Sinú River is
probably responsible for the impact on the largest coral reef on the Colombian Carib-
bean coast, the San Bernardo and Fuerte Islands, a 135 km2 coral reef community north
and south of the Morrosquillo Gulf (Fig. 14.2). Live coral has, in some areas, decreased
25% of the 1995 cover (INVEMAR 2000b).
Water diversion due to the construction of a highway in the Magdalena delta/la-
goon complex, the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, has resulted in hypersalinisation
of mangrove soils and the consequent die-off of almost 270 km2 of mangrove forests
during the past 39 years. Between 1956 and 1995, 66% of the original mangrove forest
died (Botero 1990; Cardona and Botero 1998). Recent estimates indicate that for the
whole Magdalena lagoon/delta complex and associated coastal zones, the mangrove
area has been reduced from 62000 ha in 1991 to 52 478 ha in 1996, almost 2000 ha yr–1
(INVEMAR 2000b). In addition, freshwater input from the Magdalena River to the
lagoon was also diverted for irrigation purposes and interrupted by dikes built along the
delta distributaries to prevent flooding of farmlands. The changes in the hydrological
regime have also caused water quality changes in the lagoons and canals, resulting in
low dissolved oxygen concentration, fish kills, and eutrophication (Botero 2000).
Fluvial geochemistry and material fluxes have already been much altered on the
global scale by agriculture, deforestation, mining, urbanisation, industrialisation, ir-
rigation, and damming. The continental aquatic systems are now affected by hypoxia,
eutrophication, salinisation, and contamination by nitrate, metals, and persistent or-
ganic pollutants. Phosphate (PO4
3–) and nitrate (NO3
) increases are observed in most
rivers exposed to human pressure (Meybeck 2001b). Their sources are multiple. Since
the 1950s, the use of nitrogen and of phosphorous, both as fertilizers, and in the food,
detergent, and other industries, have resulted in a rapid increase of fluvial N and P
fluxes, now exceeding the pristine levels by a factor of ten in some world rivers
(Meybeck 2002).
In Colombia, pristine fluvial systems like those draining the Pacific basins have
much less PO4
3– and NO3
loads when compared to the Caribbean rivers (Table 14.5).
The Magdalena and Atrato Rivers are the Colombian systems that contribute by far
the highest P and N fluxes to the sea, with total phosphate and nitrate fluxes up to
186 ×103 tyr
–1 and 47 ×103 tyr
–1, respectively (Table 14.5). Many causes are responsible
J. D. Restrepo · B. Kjerfve184
for these high nutrient loads, including massive sewage collection in cities and towns
for NH4
+ and PO4
3–, mainly in the Magdalena basin, and also due to fertilization of ba-
nana plantations in the lower course of the Atrato River.
Magdalena is the major collector of municipal and industrial waste waters in Co-
lombia. Urban, agricultural, mining, and industrial waste inputs from the Magdalena ba-
sin have aggravated the conditions of the Ciénaga Grande lagoon and coastal ecosystems.
Biodiversity has been reported to be considerably lower in the area affected by man-
grove mortality as well as in the coastal zone (Botero 2000; INVEMAR 2000a). Declining
fisheries from 63 700 tons in 1978 to 7 850 tons in 1998, an approximate decline of eight
times in less than 20 years, is a strong declination for any living resource, and indicates
low environmental and water quality conditions as well as the absence of policies and
management (Beltrán et al. 2000). The fluvial inputs of the Magdalena River into the
Caribbean have great environmental and economic impacts on the coastal ecosystems.
The results indicate that the sediment yield in the smaller Pacific rivers, San Juan and
Patía (Figs. 14.1 and 14.2), is significantly higher than for larger river basins draining
into the Caribbean and Atlantic Oceans (Table 14.4). However, the Magdalena, the larg-
Table 14.5. Nutrient fluxes of phosphate (PO4
3–) and nitrate (NO3
) in pristine Pacific rivers and non-
pristine fluvial systems of the Caribbean basins of Colombia. Nutrient values are based on averages
calculated from monthly samples covering the three-year period 1998–2000 (Source: INVEMAR 2000a,
2001; Restrepo and Kjerfve 2000a)
185CHAPTER 14 · The Pacific and Caribbean Rivers of Colombia
est river discharging directly into the Caribbean Sea, has the highest sediment yield
of any medium-sized or large river along the entire east coast of South America. This
is consistent with the global trend of sediment yield decreasing for larger basins.
The data also confirm that the San Juan River appears to have the highest yield of
any documented river in South America and has many characteristics comparable to
rivers in Papua New Guinea and Taiwan, based on drainage basin characteristics, rain-
fall, relief, area, and sediment load. The rivers in Colombia exhibit significant discharge
variability as a result of ENSO.
Many Colombian rivers, including the larger Magdalena, are affected by deforesta-
tion and rapid changes in land use, thus accelerating the transfer of particulate and
dissolved organic and inorganic matter from the river basins to the sea. Due to the
magnitude of fluvial fluxes to the oceans from the Colombian rivers (Tables 14.4 and
14.5), the fluctuations of dissolved and suspended loads need to be monitored for a
period of at least ten years, in order to be able to quantify the influences of man’s ac-
tivities and assess global climate.
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... The location of the SCDB and fault elements from Galindo and Lonergan (2020); Ruiz et al. (2000) and Symithe et al. (2015). Sediment discharge data from Restrepo and Kjerfve (2004); Cohen et al. (2014); Nienhuis et al. (2020). The extension of the Magdalena Submarine Fan (MSF, yellow line) from Idárraga- García et al. (2019). ...
... Five main fluvial drainage basins are identified from south to north along the coast (Fig. 2). These include: (1) The Atrato Drainage Basin towards the south, where the Atrato River is draining an area of 35.7 × 10 3 km 2 , and is discharging 11.26 × 10 6 Tons yr − 1 of sediments into the Urabá Gulf (Fig. 2, Restrepo and Kjerfve, 2004). In this sector the continental shelf width ranges between 24 and 110 km. ...
... (4) The Magdalena Drainage Basin drains a considerable portion of Northern Andes and has an area of 257.43 × 10 3 km 2 (Restrepo et al., 2020). It is located towards the northern sector of the study area ( where the Magdalena River discharges (143.9 × 10 6 Tons yr − 1 ; Restrepo et al., 2016;Restrepo and Kjerfve, 2004). In this sector, the continental shelf width is narrow, with values between ~2 and 25 km. ...
Submarine canyons are major conduits for sediment transfer from continental shelf to deep marine environments. Mass failures and faults play a key role in the initiation and evolution of submarine canyons along convergent tectonic margins, in addition to continental sediment supply. Here we analyze high-resolution bathymetry and seismic data from the Colombian southern Caribbean to investigate the controls on submarine canyon morphology along a convergent tectonic margin. We propose three end-member types of canyons: Type I canyons have a direct connection to a major river associated with high sediment supply. These canyons are highly erosive and cut topographic barriers created by tectonic deformation. Type II canyons are associated with faults at the canyon's head, where the location, orientation, and sinuosity are controlled by fault strike. Also, the presence of faults is related to an increase in the occurrence of mass failures from the steep canyon borders, increasing the depth and width asymmetry. Finally, Type III canyons evolve toward the continental shelf edge through retrogressive mass failures. These mass failures produce erosional scars that merge downslope to create submarine canyons in early stages of development, which later evolve to wider but shallow canyons due to the progressive basinward merging. We argue that the morphology of each canyon type is controlled by the interaction between continental sediment supply, mass failures, shelf width, and fault occurrence. We also demonstrate that seafloor topography influences the size of submarine fan deposits at the mouths of canyons. We identified large fan deposits (>650 km²) on the continental rise, whereas in piggyback sub-basins we found smaller fans (<60 km²). Our analysis of downdip canyon morphology and associated deposits can be used to predict the development of submarine canyons and associated fans in convergent tectonic margins worldwide.
... As tropical Andes suffer deforestation and poor agricultural practices (J. Restrepo & Kjerfve, 2004), soil cover prediction is challenging and then cohesion changes between the hollows of the subbasin are assumed to be stochastic (see section 2.3.3). ...
... 2-19) controls hillslope supply magnitude, by modulating the coefficient m (section 2.3.3). Supply drove a sediment yield of around 700 ton/km 2 /yr that is consistent with tropical Andean basins (Cataño-Álvarez & Vélez Upegui, 2016; J. Restrepo & Kjerfve, 2004). This value, indirectly by dynamic stability (J. ...
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Mountain basins are open dynamic systems which organize at multiple scales to transform hillslope sediment supply to fluvial sediment transport. In a given river reach, its form and sediment regime depend on basin processes and are contingent to geomorphic history. Lack of such information makes modelling the way to estimate this spatiotemporal context. However, there is a gap of combining spatiotemporal variability of hydrology and landslides sediment supply with its effect: the feedback between channel form and sediment transport. Hillslope and fluvial modules of a new model called Fluvial Hydro-Geomorphology Model (FHGM) are produced which, in hollows and river reaches that are deformable, encapsulates complexity via parameterization or random forcing. FHGM solves responses to every major rain event, and accumulate them in decadal timescale, to include occurrence of channel forming floods as well as landslides with varied sizes and source zones. FHGM landslides module reproduces power law spatial distribution of landslide volumes, as well as magnitud and frecuency of sediment supply. FHGM fluvial module, calibrated with a new gravel flume experiment, reproduces a broad range of morphologic conditions, from incised to clogged, and produces mean bankfull capacity consistent to mean maximum annual flood and with empirical dimensionless hydraulic geometry patterns for channel depth and width. This work shows how mountain basins organize to minimize the duration of formative events, by editing channels capacity and deforming sediment storages to recover stability and structure; a resilience akin to living beings.
... This causes losses (erosion) and gains (progradation) of land simultaneously in different areas of this mouth, depending on the contributions of sediment from the basin through the main channel, which in turn generate effects on the mangrove ecosystem of the coastal zone, even leading to its possible expansion [3,12]. The trend of sediment contributions from said basin to the Caribbean Sea has increased in recent decades as a result of the economic activities that take place in the basin and, with it, the morphological effects on the delta [13,14]. The 'Atrato River' delta area, in the different spatial contexts of interest for this study, is presented in Figure 1. ...
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This paper presents a methodology to detect the coastal erosion and progradation effects in the ‘Atrato River’ delta, located in the Gulf of Urabá in Colombia, using SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images. Erosion is the physical–mechanical loss of the soil that affects its functions and ecosystem services while producing a reduction in its productive capacity. Progradation is the deposition of layers in the basinward direction while moving coastward. Other studies have investigated these two phenomena using optical images, encountering difficulties due to the persistent presence of clouds in this region. In order to avoid the cloud effects, in this study, we used 16 Sentinel 1 SAR images with two different polarizations between 2016 and 2023. First, each image was rescaled from 0 to 255, then the image was despeckled by a deep learning (DL) model. Afterwards, a single RGB image was composed with the filtered polarizations. Next, a classifier with 99% accuracy based on Otsu’s method was used to determine whether each pixel was water or not. Then, the classified image was registered to a reference one using Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) descriptor. Finally, a multitemporal analysis was performed by comparing every image to the previous one to identify the studied phenomena, calculating areas. Also, all images were integrated to obtain a heatmap that showed the overall changes across eight years (2016–2023) in a single image. The multitemporal analysis performed found that the newly created mouth is the most active area for these processes, coinciding with other studies. In addition, a comparison of these findings with the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) showed a relative delayed coupling to the erosion process and a coupling of progradation with dry and wet seasons.
... This causes losses (erosion) and gains (progradation) of land simultaneously in different areas of this mouth, depending on the contributions of sediment from the basin through the main channel, which in turn generate effects on the mangrove ecosystem of the coastal zone, even leading to its possible expansion [3,5]. The trend of sediment contributions from said basin to the Caribbean Sea has increased in recent decades, as a result of the economic activities that take place in the basin and with it the morphological effects on the delta [6,7]. The Atrato river delta area in the different spatial contexts, of interest for this study, is presented in Figure 1. ...
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This paper presents a methodology to detect the erosion and progradation effects in the Atrato river delta, located in the Gulf of Urabá in Colombia using SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) data. Other authors have studied this area by using optical images, encountering difficulties given the persistent presence of clouds in this region. SAR imagery is rescaled, despeckled, composed, classified, registered and processed to obtain a heatmap that shows the overall changes during eight years (2016–2023) in one single image. Since this technology uses microwave active signals, the presence of clouds and other environmental phenomena was not a problem, and all the images from the selected dates could be processed and analyzed. Also, detection of the dynamic processes was obtained for every period considered in this study with respect to the previous one in time, calculating areas and detecting the regions subject to the erosion and progradation processes. The multitemporal analysis performed found that the newly created mouth is the most active area for these processes, coinciding with other studies. A comparison of these findings with the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) showed a relative delayed coupling to the erosion process and a coupling of progradation with dry and wet seasons.
... Nevertheless, a regional progradational trend in paleoenvironments is inferred for this period in the Caribbean region, characterized by a gradual shallowing of marine conditions and the development of deltaic systems (Bordine, 1974;De Porta, 2003;Reyes et al., 2004;Guzmán, 2007;Bermúdez, 2016;Orozco, 2021;Mora et al., 2022;Vargas-González et al., 2022). Based on paleogeographic reconstructions, it has been proposed that deltaic input can be attributed to the early stages of the proto-Magdalena or proto-Cauca rivers, which are the main inter-Andean drainages in northwestern Colombia (Bordine, 1974;Restrepo and Kjerfve, 2004;Romero-Otero et al., 2015;Mora et al., 2018Mora et al., , 2022Vargas-González et al., 2022). ...
... The river Quito has several tributaries that discharge massive amounts of water (Córdoba et al., 2006). The rapid changes in land use along the basin have caused alterations in water, sediment and nutrient transport resulting in a larger discharge of suspended sediments into the ocean (Restrepo and Kjerfve, 2004). ...
... These allude to the historical importance of manatees in this area. The Atrato River dominates the freshwater contributions to the Gulf of Urabá system, forming an estuarine front (Restrepo & Kjerfve, 2004;Vélez Agudelo & Aguirre Ramírez, 2016). In the delta mangroves occupy about 6,513 ha (Thomas et al., 2007). ...
Technical Report
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In chapter 5 of this report, an indicator of knowledge of the marine and coastal resources of Colombia was generated.
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Los patrones que sigue la biodiversidad a través de gradientes ecogeográficos, ha sido un tema de particular interés en la ecología. Esto toma mayor relevancia en ecosistemas tropicales, donde la heterogeneidad ambiental moldea la diversidad y distribución de especies. Las mariposas son un grupo de interés debido a que requieren ciertas exigencias ambientales para su desarrollo, y además, sus valores de riqueza y composición están influenciados por gradiente ecológicos como la altitud, que actúa como motor de variación en patrones de distribución. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto de la altitud sobre la riqueza y composición de mariposas en los Andes nororientales colombianos. Se realizaron muestreos mediante trampas tipo Van Someren-Rydon y búsqueda libre con red entomológica, en cuatro regiones de vida (Tropical, Subandina, Andina y Paramuna). Adicionalmente, se realizó una búsqueda de información secundaria en bases de datos de colecciones biológicas y artículos científicos, que abarcaran registros de mariposas en esta región. Se realizaron análisis de diversidad alfa con los números de Hill y diversidad Beta con análisis de disimilitud de Sorensen y sus componentes de recambio y anidamiento. Se encontraron 494 especies representados en 240 géneros, 25 subfamilias y seis familias. El gradiente Occidental presentó la mayor riqueza con 399 especies respecto al gradiente Oriental (184 especies). Se observó un efecto de joroba para ambos gradientes, donde la mayor riqueza se presentó en las regiones de vida Subandina y Andina (gradiente Occidental) y Subandina y Tropical (gradiente Oriental). La diversidad beta entre las regiones de vida, fue similar para ambos gradientes (92%), explicada principalmente por valores de recambio. Se obtuvieron registros de 70 especies compartidas entre los gradientes, lo que representó un 14% del total de las especies registradas para ambos gradientes. Este estudio es pionero en determinar los patrones de diversidad de mariposas en gradientes de elevación tan amplios en el neotrópico, desde los 0 m hasta los 3700 m. La información documentada en este estudio, representa un aporte importante, cuando se quiera delimitar áreas de conservación, basados en la presencia de especies endémicas y de importancia ecológica para las mariposas en los Andes Nororientales de Colombia.
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Date about biogeochemical aspects of the Paraná and Orinoco rivers are presented specific dissolved elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, Dissolved Organic Carbon) and particulate (Particulate Organic Carbon and Total suspended solids). Emphasis was put on seasonal variations of those parameters.
The spatial and temporal distributions and compositions of particulate and dissolved organic and inorganic carbon and nutrients in the Amazon main stem and tributaries are described. The presentation here represents a synthesis from CAMREX (Carbon in the Amazon River Experiment). -from Authors
South American continent contributes 13% of the total suspended sediments delivered by all rivers to the oceans, and this is mainly accomplished by three of the world's largest rivers; the Amazon, the Orinoco and the Parana. They are rated first, third and ninth in terms of water discharge, and first, eighteenth and fifth in terms of drainage area. -from Authors
In the humid tropics, the primary factor which distinguishes different weathering regimes is tectonic setting, especially the contrast between tectonically active areas and stable cratonic regions. In tectonically active environments, most of the material that is exposed to weathering has undergone rapid uplift involving brittle deformation, and volcanism is sometimes important. Uplift rates are on the order of 103–104 mm/ka, while erosion rates are about the same to an order of magnitude less. As a result, easily weathered lithologies are exposed on steep slopes and weathering rates are lithology dependent. Where carbonates and evaporites are present, their weathering products dominate the river solution chemistry. Similarly, weakly cemented clastic rocks dominate solid load inputs. Aluminosilicate rocks do not weather completely to phases depleted in the major cations (Na, K, Mg, Ca); instead, some unweathered primary minerals remain, and various secondary cation-rich clays frequently form. On the cratons, sea level changes exert a major control on long term weathering rates and landscape development. When sea level is high, sediment is deposited on the passive margins, continental platforms, and intracratonic basins. At the same time near-sea-level planation surfaces develop on shield areas. As sea level drops erosion is not regionally uniform, but is localized on scarps which advance into the older erosion surfaces. For South American shields average uplift rates approach 10–20 mm/ka, and it seems reasonable that their long-term average erosion rates are close to this value. Weathering on the craton is much more complete, and the solid weathering products are cation depleted: quartz, kaolinite, and sesquioxides. After cyclic salt corrections, major cations in rivers are in bedrock proportions.
Riverine geochemistry and material fluxes have already been much altered at the global scale by agriculture, deforestation, mining, urbanisation, industrialisation, irrigation and damming which have generally appeared in this order. The continental aquatic systems (CAS) are now affected by hypoxia, eutrophication, sali-nisation, and contamination by nitrate, metals and persistent organic pollutants. The historical development of these impacts is now being reconstructed by sedimentary archives or assessed by direct measurements for the last 100, 50 or 30 years. The societal responses to these water quality issues can be described by half a dozen typical strategies and their time scales, which generally spread over more than 20 years are controlled by both environmental and societal inertia. Major differences in environmental control efficiencies are expected between industrialized countries, for which control measures adapted to each occurring issue have been gradually set up over last 50 to 100 years, and fast developing countries which are facing these issues in much shorter periods.
It has been estimated that Wabo Dam and its associated reservoir would trap 92% of the sediment load of the Purari River over a 150-year period (SMECNK 1977). The effects of removing such a large proportion of the sediment supply from the river are considerable and the change in sediment supply is the key to environmental impact assessment of the Purari Hydroelectric Scheme.
Average river water composition is often taken as a reference of surface water chemistry (Stumm and Morgan, 1981), and global river inputs have been used to set up the elemental mass balance of oceans (Burton and Liss, 1973; Berner and Raiswell, 1983; Martin, Burton and Eisma, 1981; Wollast and Mackenzie, 1983). The sodium budget has been used to estimate the age of the ocean (Clarke, 1924; Conway, 1942; Livingstone, 1963b). The rivers are a major pathway in the global geochemical cycles of elements, and they are probably one of the better known parts of the external cycle, since extensive work has been done on the composition and origins of river loads (Garrels and Mackenzie, 1971; Berner, 1971; Holland, 1978; Ivanov, 1981; Kempe, 1979). A recent trend in geochemistry is the modelling of past cycles based on today’s data, an approach that is also of great interest in geology and sedimentology (Berner, Lasaga and Garrels, 1983; Garrels and Lerman, 1984). However, this extrapolation can only be achieved through careful consideration of present river loads which are now very much affected by human activity. The coupling between elemental cycles, as discussed in SCOPE publications (Likens, 1981), makes clear the role of the atmosphere and biosphere in the global cycles and, hence, in the river fluxes. Finally, the river loads have long been considered as the essential information basis for land erosion rates (Meade, 1969, and this volume)