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How effective is preening against mobile ectoparasites? An experimental test with pigeons and hippoboscid flies


Abstract and Figures

Birds combat ectoparasites with many defences but the first line of defence is grooming behaviour, which includes preening with the bill and scratching with the feet. Preening has been shown to be very effective against ectoparasites. However, most tests have been with feather lice, which are relatively slow moving. Less is known about the effectiveness of preening as a defence against more mobile and evasive ectoparasites such as hippoboscid flies. Hippoboscids, which feed on blood, have direct effects on the host such asanaemia, as well as indirect effects as vectors of pathogens. Hence, effective defence against hippoboscid flies is important. We used captive Rock Pigeons (Columba livia) to test whether preening behaviour helps to control pigeon flies (Pseudolynchia canariensis). We found that pigeons responded to fly infestation by preening twice as much as pigeons without flies. Preening birds killed twice as many flies over the course of our week-long experiment as birds with impaired preening; however, preening did not kill all of the flies. We also tested the role of the bill overhang, which is critical for effective preening against feather lice, by experimentally removing the overhang and re-measuring the effectiveness of preening against flies. Birds without overhangs were as effective at controlling flies as were birds with overhangs. Overall, we found that preening is effective against mobile hippoboscid flies, yet it does not eliminate them. We discuss the potential impact of preening on the transmission dynamics of blood parasites vectored by hippoboscid flies.
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How effective is preening against mobile ectoparasites? An experimental test
with pigeons and hippoboscid flies
Jessica L. Waite
, Autumn R. Henry, Dale H. Clayton
Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
article info
Article history:
Received 29 December 2011
Received in revised form 7 March 2012
Accepted 8 March 2012
Available online 2 April 2012
Columba livia
Pseudolynchia canariensis
Birds combat ectoparasites with many defences but the first line of defence is grooming behaviour, which
includes preening with the bill and scratching with the feet. Preening has been shown to be very effective
against ectoparasites. However, most tests have been with feather lice, which are relatively slow moving.
Less is known about the effectiveness of preening as a defence against more mobile and evasive ectopar-
asites such as hippoboscid flies. Hippoboscids, which feed on blood, have direct effects on the host such as
anaemia, as well as indirect effects as vectors of pathogens. Hence, effective defence against hippoboscid
flies is important. We used captive Rock Pigeons (Columba livia) to test whether preening behaviour helps
to control pigeon flies (Pseudolynchia canariensis). We found that pigeons responded to fly infestation by
preening twice as much as pigeons without flies. Preening birds killed twice as many flies over the course
of our week-long experiment as birds with impaired preening; however, preening did not kill all of the
flies. We also tested the role of the bill overhang, which is critical for effective preening against feather
lice, by experimentally removing the overhang and re-measuring the effectiveness of preening against
flies. Birds without overhangs were as effective at controlling flies as were birds with overhangs. Overall,
we found that preening is effective against mobile hippoboscid flies, yet it does not eliminate them. We
discuss the potential impact of preening on the transmission dynamics of blood parasites vectored by
hippoboscid flies.
Ó2012 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Birds are infested with a variety of ectoparasites including lice,
mites, ticks, fleas and flies, all of which have the capacity to de-
crease host fitness (Atkinson et al., 2008; Møller et al., 2009). Birds
combat ectoparasites with defences ranging from anti-parasite
behaviour (Hart, 1992, 1997) to immune defences (Wikel, 1996;
Owen et al., 2010). Grooming behaviour, which includes preening
with the bill and scratching with the feet, is the first line of defence
against ectoparasites (Clayton et al., 2010). Preening is an energet-
ically expensive activity (Goldstein, 1988; Croll and McLaren,
1993); furthermore, the time and energy devoted to preening
detracts from other behaviours such as feeding and vigilance
(Redpath, 1988). Therefore, in order to be effective against ectopar-
asites while limiting its energetic cost, preening should be an
inducible defence (Tollrian and Harvell, 1999). The importance of
preening is illustrated by recent work demonstrating that features
of bill morphology, such as the upper mandibular overhang, appear
to have evolved specifically to enhance the effectiveness of
preening for parasite control (Clayton and Walther, 2001; Clayton
et al., 2005).
Nearly all of the work on the effectiveness of preening has been
done with feather lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera), which are slow
moving and therefore relatively easy targets for preening birds
(Marshall, 1981; Atkinson et al., 2008). The effectiveness of preen-
ing for controlling more mobile ectoparasites such as fleas and hip-
poboscid flies has not, to our knowledge, been tested. Preening
may also play a role in shaping vector ecology and the evolution
of pathogens transmitted by ectoparasites.
The goal of our study was to test the effectiveness of preening
against hippoboscid flies, which are mobile parasites of birds and
mammals. Avian hippoboscid flies are dorso-ventrally flattened
and very agile at slipping between the feathers. As described by
Rothschild and Clay (1952): ‘‘They have... an extremely efficient
method of moving among feathers – darting and scuttling about
at a remarkable speed – and are extremely difficult to catch on a
living bird.’’ Hippoboscids may also be capable of avoiding preen-
ing by using ‘‘refugia’’ such as the vent region of the bird or behind
the bases of the legs (Waite, personal observation).
Hippoboscid flies are a diverse group of parasites. More than
200 species are recognised, 75% of which parasitise birds belonging
to 18 orders; the rest parasitise mammals (Lloyd, 2002; Lehane,
2005). Most species of bird flies are winged and capable of flight
between individual hosts (Harbison et al., 2009; Harbison and
Clayton, 2011). They spend most of their time on the body of the
0020-7519/$36.00 Ó2012 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 801 585 9742; fax: +1 801 581 4668.
E-mail address: (J.L. Waite).
International Journal for Parasitology 42 (2012) 463–467
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bird, where they feed on blood several times a day (Coatney, 1931).
Hippoboscid feeding can cause anaemia (Jones, 1985), emaciation
(Lloyd, 2002) and slow nestling development (Bishopp, 1929). Par-
ents of hippoboscid-infested nestlings have lower reproductive
success (Bize et al., 2004). Hippoboscid flies also transmit blood
parasites that can have negative effects on birds, including malaria
(Sol et al., 2003), trypanosomes (Baker, 1967) and possibly viruses
such as West Nile (Farajollahi et al., 2005). In short, hippoboscids
pose both direct and indirect threats to the health and fitness of
their hosts.
To test the effectiveness of preening against hippoboscid flies,
we used wild caught Rock Pigeons (Columba livia) that we experi-
mentally infested with the pigeon fly Pseudolynchia canariensis
(Diptera: Hippoboscidae). We conducted two separate experi-
ments. The first experiment addressed two questions: (i) do Rock
Pigeons infested with flies increase the amount of time they spend
preening and (ii) is preening effective in killing flies? The second
experiment addressed a third question: is the bill overhang impor-
tant in the effectiveness of preening for fly control?
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Experiment 1: preening and flies
Twenty-four Rock Pigeons were caught using walk-in traps in
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. The birds were transported to the Univer-
sity of Utah animal facility, where they were individually housed in
wire mesh cages (30 30 56 cm) suspended over newspaper-
lined trays. Each cage/tray was completely enclosed within a fly-
proof net, which prevented flies from moving between birds in
different cages. Birds were given ad libitum food, water and grit
and kept in a 12-h light/dark cycle. They were maintained in cap-
tivity for at least 6 months at low humidity prior to the experi-
ment, which killed feather lice and their eggs that were present
on the birds when they were captured (Harbison et al., 2008).
Any flies present on pigeons when they were captured would have
died during the 6 month period because the life span of pigeon flies
is only 2–3 months (Fahmy et al., 1977). Since pigeons trapped in
Salt Lake City do not usually have other ectoparasites, the birds
were ectoparasite-free at the start of our experiment. Prior to the
start of the experiment, birds were carefully examined to confirm
that they did not, in fact, have any ectoparasites.
We blocked the 24 birds using two factors: (i) location trapped
and (ii) time in captivity; we then randomly assigned birds to one
of three treatments, with eight birds per treatment. All birds were
sexed and weighed. Birds in the first two treatments were then in-
fested with 20 flies each (10 male flies, 10 female flies), which is
the maximum number recorded from wild pigeons (mean = 5.07
flies; Stekhoven et al., 1954). Flies used to infest birds were cul-
tured from wild caught stock on pigeons kept for this purpose in
another room. The third group of eight birds was not infested with
Flies were removed from culture birds using CO
(Moyer et al.,
2002). They were sexed under a microscope at 25before putting
them on experimental birds. Half of the birds (chosen at random)
in each of the two fly-infested treatments had plastic attachments
fitted to their bill to impair their ability to preen. The attachments
are small C-shaped pieces of plastic that, when fitted in the nares of
a pigeon, create a 1.0–3.0 mm gap between the mandibles. This gap
prevents the full occlusion of the bill needed for effective preening
(Clayton et al., 2005). The attachments are harmless; they do not
impair feeding or alter the amount of time that birds attempt to
preen (Clayton and Tompkins, 1995; Koop et al., 2011).
To address our first question whether pigeons preen more when
they are infested with flies, we compared the behaviour of birds with
normal (unimpaired) preening with and without flies. Preening
behaviour was quantified using instantaneous scan sampling be-
tween 13:00 and 16:00 h (Altmann, 1974). Preening was defined
as touching the plumage with the bill (Clayton and Cotgreave,
1994). Birds were observed at 6 s intervals (Clayton, 1990) for 30
observations per bird per day, for 5 days following infestation. We
calculated the proportion of time that birds spent preening.
To address our second question whether preening is effective in
killing flies, we compared the number of flies killed by birds with
impaired preening with flies killed by birds with normal preening.
The experiment lasted 1 week, after which one of the authors
(Waite) removed dead flies from the bottom of each cage; food
and water dishes were also checked for dead flies. Another author
(Henry) re-examined all cages to ensure that nothing was over-
looked. Damage to flies was observed and recorded under a micro-
scope at 25. Flies were scored as preening-damaged if the head,
thorax, abdomen or at least one wing was crushed or missing, or
if at least three legs were missing. We calculated the proportion
of flies with preening-damage out of the total number of dead flies
recovered for each host after 1 week.
2.2. Experiment 2: bill overhang
Another 12 wild-caught (individually caged) pigeons were used
for this experiment. Birds were again blocked by location trapped
and time in captivity. Half of the birds, chosen at random, had their
bill overhang trimmed away with a dremel tool. The other half was
sham trimmed, i.e. they were handled but no part of the bill was
removed (Fig. 1). The trimming method, which is fully described
in Clayton et al. (2005), does not harm the birds in any way. One
week after trimming (or sham trimming) all birds were sexed
and weighed, and then each bird was infested with 20 flies (10
males, 10 females). Preening behaviour and fly mortality were
quantified as in Experiment 1.
2.3. Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed in Prism
v. 5.0b (GraphPad
Software, Inc.). Data were analysed using Mann–Whitney UTests
Fig. 1. Rock Pigeon bill showing upper mandibular overhang before (A) and after
(B) removal of the overhang. The overhang grows back after several weeks. Figure
reproduced from Clayton et al. (2005).
464 J.L. Waite et al./ International Journal for Parasitology 42 (2012) 463–467
Author's personal copy
for comparisons between two groups. ANOVAs were used for com-
parisons among three groups. The sex ratio of pigeon hosts in each
experiment was compared using a Chi-square or Fisher’s Exact test,
as appropriate. Values are presented as mean ± S.E. Results were
considered significant at P60.05.
3. Results
Sex and body mass of hosts did not differ significantly by treat-
ment in either experiment (Experiment 1: sex, Chi-square test,
P=0.77; mass, ANOVA, F
=1.47, P= 0.25; Experiment 2: sex,
Fisher’s Exact test, P= 1.00; mass, Mann–Whitney U= 12.5,
3.1. Experiment 1: preening and flies
Birds infested with flies preened more than twice as much as
birds without flies; birds with flies preened 23.49 ± 3.96% of the
time observed, whereas birds without flies preened 11.21 ± 2.11%
of the time observed; (Fig. 2). The difference in preening rates be-
tween the two groups was statistically significant (Mann–Whitney
U= 10.5, P= 0.03).
Birds with normal preening killed twice as many flies as birds
with impaired preening; birds with normal preening killed
43.75 ± 5.41% of flies, compared with 21.88 ± 5.74% of flies killed
by birds with impaired preening (Fig. 3A). The difference in the
number of flies killed was statistically significant (U= 11.0,
Birds with normal preening also damaged a significantly greater
proportion of dead flies than did birds with impaired preening
(Fig. 3B; Mann–Whitney U=7.0, P=0.01). Of the dead flies recov-
ered from normally preening birds, 44.6 ± 0.06% were damaged,
while only 16.6 ± 0.13% of flies recovered from birds with impaired
preening were damaged.
3.2. Experiment 2: bill overhang
Removal of the bill overhang had no significant effect on preen-
ing time; birds without overhangs preened 12.96 ± 1.08% of the
time observed, while birds with overhangs preened 16.81 ± 3.90%
of the time observed (Mann–Whitney U=13.0, P=0.47). Birds with
overhangs did not kill significantly more flies than birds with no
overhang; birds with overhangs killed 50.83 ± 11.93% of flies, com-
pared with 45.00 ± 11.76% of flies killed by birds with no overhang
(Fig. 4; Mann–Whitney U= 15.0, P=0.69). Thus, the bill overhang
was not a factor in the efficiency with which preening killed flies.
4. Discussion
We examined the effectiveness of preening against mobile ecto-
parasitic flies. Pigeons experimentally infested with flies preened
twice as much as pigeons without flies (Fig. 2). Preening also
Fig. 2. Proportion of time that birds with and without flies spent preening.
Fig. 3. Effect of preening and an example of preening damage. (A) Proportion of flies
killed by birds with normal versus impaired preening. (B) Example of intact versus
preening-damaged flies.
Fig. 4. Proportion of flies that were dead in cages of birds with and without bill
J.L. Waite et al./ International Journal for Parasitology 42 (2012) 463–467 465
Author's personal copy
proved to be effective against flies (Fig. 3A); we recovered twice as
many dead flies from the cages of birds that could preen, compared
with those that could not preen. Pigeons were able to catch and
crush flies (Fig. 3B), even though the flies are extremely adept at
moving quickly and evasively through the feathers (Rothschild
and Clay, 1952).
Removal of the bill overhang did not decrease the efficiency of
preening significantly (Fig. 4). Clayton et al. (2005) showed that
lice are crushed when birds preen by the mortar-and-pestle action
of the tip of the lower mandible moving against the upper mandib-
ular overhang. Although the overhang is essential for controlling
feather lice, our results show that it is not needed when preening
flies, presumably because the flies are much larger and softer-bod-
ied than lice. Although preening proved to be an effective defence
against flies, it did not eliminate all of them over the course of our
week-long experiment. Only one of 40 birds in the two experi-
ments cleared itself completely of flies.
Preening may have the added benefit of helping to protect birds
from pathogens for which the flies are vectors. In principle, preen-
ing can prevent transmission of pathogens if it kills infected vec-
tors before they have an opportunity to bite the host. The fly P.
canariensis is a known vector of the blood parasites Haemoproteus
columbae and Trypanosoma hannae (Fahmy et al., 1977; Mandal,
1991). Waite (unpublished data) recently showed that pigeons ex-
posed to just five flies for 3 days can become infected with H. col-
umbae. In our study, only an average of 50% of flies placed on
pigeons were killed during the week-long experiment (Fig. 3A).
Thus, even birds with relatively efficient preening may remain at
risk of acquiring blood parasites. If preening irritates flies, encour-
aging them to move between hosts, then preening might even have
the effect of increasing pathogen transmission (Hodgson et al.,
2001). It would be very interesting to measure the impact of preen-
ing on pathogen transmission by hippoboscid flies among birds in a
We found that pigeons infested with flies doubled the amount
of time that they spent preening compared with controls (without
flies) and compared with the typical rates of preening for other pi-
geons and doves (Clayton, 1990; Koop et al., 2011). One might pre-
dict that experimental birds would spend even more time
preening, given that they did not completely remove their infesta-
tions in most cases. However, research on the cost of preening
shows that it is energetically expensive. When birds preen, their
metabolic rates increase by as much as 200% (Wooley, 1978; Croll
and McLaren, 1993). The energetic cost of preening might explain
why preening is an inducible defence against hippoboscid flies.
Additional indirect costs of preening include the time taken away
from courtship behaviour, foraging and predator surveillance (Red-
path, 1988). Thus, in addition to the direct impact of hippoboscid
flies on host fitness, flies may have indirect effects mediated by
the energetic and time related costs of preening. Indeed, there
may well be a trade-off between the indirect cost of preening
and the more direct costs of fly infestation.
All work was performed with the University of Utah IACUC,
USA, approval (Protocol #08-08004). We thank Sung Ki Hong for
assistance with data collection and animal care, and Kari Smith
for assistance in maintaining the fly culture. We thank Jennifer
Koop for help with behavioural data collection methods and Sarah
Bush for discussion and help with graphics. We are grateful to
Franz Goller, Jael Malenke and Lesley Chesson for comments on
the manuscript. We thank three anonymous reviewers, whose
comments improved the manuscript. We thank the Royal Society,
UK for permission to reproduce Fig. 1. Funding was provided by
Sigma Xi, USA and the American Ornithologists Union, USA to
J.L.W., the University of Utah Undergraduate Bioscience Research
Program to A.R.H, and the National Science Foundation, USA
DEB-0816877 to D.H.C.
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... The phoretic mites infesting hippoboscids have minimal impact on their reproductive capacity, as most population reductions result from host injuries while trying to control these flies and other ectoparasites (Bequaert, 1953). Similarly, the pigeon Columba livia Gmelin, 1789 uses its beak effectively to control the population of P. canariensis (Waite et al., 2012). Some species of bird lice also have the ability to disperse by utilizing hippoboscid flies. ...
... Additionally, the low infestation rate in adult hosts is expected because they have a higher level of immunity compared to the young (Merilä et al., 1995). Furthermore, adult hosts efficiently use the beaks and claws to control the population of these ectoparasites (Clayton et al., 2010;Waite et al., 2012). ...
Among the parasites, some groups that have a limited capacity for locomotion, such as mites and lice, the transmission is challenging to win. These ectoparasites disperse through direct contact between hosts or, in some cases, through phoresy. However, these processes are not well-documented in detail because they are difficult to observe and quantify. In the present study, the patterns of distribution of skin mites and phoretic lice on hip- poboscid louse fly Pseudolynchia canariensis sampled from Columba livia were evaluated. The analyzed pigeons were juveniles and adults, with three distinct plumage colors: blue checker, spread, or wild type, and were caught over 24 months. A total of 1,381 hippoboscid flies were collected on 377 hosts. The plumage color did not influence the infestation patterns of louse flies on juvenile and adult pigeons, nor did it influence the infestation patterns of skin mites and phoretic lice on the hippoboscid flies. However, the environmental temperature was directly related to higher prevalence, mean infestation intensity, and phoretic species richness on P. canariensis during the hottest seasons. Furthermore, a higher abundance of phoretic mite eggs, including embryonated eggs, was observed in females of P. canariensis in all seasons.
... Control of ectoparasites, such as chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera), is an important function of grooming (Bush & Clayton, 2018;Clayton et al., 2010Clayton et al., , 2015. Ectoparasites are one of the best documented stimuli triggering an increase in the grooming rates of birds (Brown, 1974;Cantarero et al., 2013;Villa, Campbell, et al., 2016;Waite et al., 2012), as well as mammals (Hawlena et al., 2008;Mooring et al., 1996). Chewing lice of birds reduce host fitness through their effects on survival, host mating success and other aspects of host reproductive biology (Clayton et al., 2008(Clayton et al., , 2015. ...
... The "parasite detoxification hypothesis": lead exposure potentially changes the. . . Waite et al. 2012;Vezzoli et al. 2015). It is possible that the higher C. columbae abundance we observed in helminthfree birds exposed to lead compared to that for helminthinfected birds exposed to lead was induced by the lower preening activity of the helminth-free birds exposed to lead. ...
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In urban areas, organisms are exposed to high pollutant levels, especially element trace metals that may impact host-parasite interactions. Indeed, parasites have been reported to reduce the negative effects of pollutants on their hosts. The fitness of parasitized organisms in polluted environments may therefore be greater than that of unparasitized organisms. In our study, we used an experimental approach to test this hypothesis on feral pigeons (Columba livia), which are endemically parasitized by nematodes and exposed to high levels of lead in urban areas. We tested the combined effects of lead exposure and helminth parasitism on different pigeon fitness components: preening, immunocompetence, abundance of lice (Columbicola columbae) and haemosporidian parasites (Heamoproteus spp., Plasmodium spp.), reproduction investment, and oxidative stress. Our results show that among pigeons exposed to lead treatment, individuals harboring nematode parasites exhibit more preening activity and have fewer ectoparasites lice than nematode-free individuals. Benefits for nematode-parasitized individuals exposed to lead were not detected for other fitness parameters. Further studies are required to confirm the “parasite detoxification hypothesis” in pigeons and to identify the mechanisms by which this detoxification occurs.
... Birds groom primarily by ''preening,'' which is when a bird pulls one or more feathers between the mandibles of its beak or nibbles the feathers with the tips of the beak (Bush and Clayton, 2018). Preening is known to help control populations of fleas, flies, lice, and mites (Waite et al., 2012;Bush and Clayton, 2018). ...
Animals defend themselves against parasites in many ways. Defenses, such as physiological immune responses, are capable of clearing some infections. External parasites that do not feed on blood, however, are not controlled by the physiological immune system. Instead, ectoparasites like feather-feeding lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) are primarily controlled by behavioral defenses such as preening. Here we test the hypothesis that birds able to preen are capable of clearing infestations of feather lice. We experimentally manipulated preening ability in a captive population of rock pigeons (Columba livia) that were infested with identical numbers of feather lice (Columbicola columbae or Campanulotes compar or both). We then monitored the feather louse infestations for 42 wk. Birds with impaired preening remained infested throughout the experiment; in contrast, the prevalence of lice on birds that could preen normally decreased by 50%. These data indicate that it is indeed possible for birds to clear themselves of feather lice, and perhaps other ectoparasites, by preening. We note, however, that captive birds spend more time preening than wild birds, and that they are less likely to be reinfested than wild birds. Thus, additional studies are necessary to determine under what circumstances wild birds can clear themselves of ectoparasites by preening.
... Preening and feather arranging are both forms of maintenance behavior in birds that are essential for maintaining feather quality by eliminating dirt and oil (Ismail et al. 2020;McCullough et al. 2020) or lowering the prevalence of ectoparasites (Waite et al. 2012). All bird species depend on healthy feathers to maintain their body heat, which can only occur when the feathers are in good condition (Nascimento et al. 2014). ...
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Zakaria MA, Daud UNS, Mansor MS, Md. Nor S. 2022. Brood care behavior of the painted stork (Mycteria leucocephala) in Peninsular Malaysia. Biodiversitas 23: 5406-5411. Waterbirds can serve as bio-indicators for their surrounding environments, indicating issues such as habitat degradation and climate change. One factor that contributes to successful reproduction for many bird species is parental behavior during the brood care stage. The painted stork (Mycteria leucocephala) is a waterbird species that provide biparental care throughout the breeding season. Although many studies have focused on populations of this species, information about their behavior, particularly during nestling rearing, remains lacking. Hence, this study was conducted to examine the parental behavior of painted storks between the early and late stages of brood care in two different colonies located in Peninsular Malaysia: Tasik Shah Alam (TSA) in Selangor and Upper Bisa Putrajaya Wetland (UBPW) in Putrajaya from May to September 2016. Three pairs of painted storks were monitored in every site, and seven behaviors were identified: roosting, preening, nest repair, wing opening, flying, feeding and brooding. Of all the behaviors recorded, flying, roosting and wing-opening behavior were the most frequently observed behaviors in both study areas during the early stage of brood care. However, painted storks were found to spend most of their time flying when the chicks had grown up by the late stage. This may be due to the food demand for the parents and their chicks. As the nestlings grow bigger, more food is required before the nestling can fledge independently. This is supported by increased feeding frequency observed from the early to late stages. Males were found to have a higher frequency of all behaviors than females. This data facilitates a greater understanding of painted stork behavior, which can help in their conservation and management processes.
Feathers are structures unique to birds that serve important functions such as flight, thermoregulation, and communication. Bacteria that live on the feathers, particularly ones that can break down keratin, have the potential to damage feathers and disrupt their use in communication. We predicted that birds could behaviorally manage their feather bacterial abundances by preening their feathers. We also predicted that individuals with lower feather bacterial abundances would have brighter and more colorful feathers. To test these predictions, we measured the amount of time individuals in a colony of captive Indian peafowl Pavo cristatus spent preening their feathers. We also collected feathers to determine bacteria abundance on the feather surface and to measure feather coloration. We found that birds had lower feather bacteria levels when they spent more time preening their own feathers, but only in female birds. We also found that bacteria abundances were not correlated with any feather color variables we measured. These results suggest that birds can manage feather bacterial abundances by preening but feather bacteria may not influence feather coloration in this species.
In the northern hemisphere, many species' ranges are shifting northwards with climate change. Here I present evidence, from the first large-scale citizen science study of the Hippoboscidae in the United Kingdom, for the colonisation of the United Kingdom by three species of Diptera in the family Hippoboscidae, which are obligate ectoparasites of birds. The Swallow Louse Fly, Ornithomya biloba; the Nightjar Louse Fly, Pseudolynchia garzettae and the Pigeon Louse Fly, Pseudolynchia canariensis were previously considered to be vagrants from more southerly latitudes but the presence of a pair taken possibly in the act of copulation, gravid females and the increase in numbers of the various species provides good evidence of local breeding activity. I discuss the potential for further northwards range shift and whether the presence of three new species of parasite may have implications for the spread of avian disease within the region. I also include a concise key to the genus Pseudolynchia and images of P. canariensis, P. garzettae and O. biloba to aid further identification of these species in the region.
The skin of birds keeps out pathogens and other potentially harmful substances, retains vital fluids and gases, serves as a sensory organ, and produces and supports feathers. This chapter describes the structure of avian skin and explains the functions of unfeathered areas of skin found in some species of birds, like vultures. Interspecific variation in the structure of avian claws and rhamphotheca and the factors that contribute to such variation are discussed. Next, the structure and function of specialized structures like wattles and combs are explained, as are the structure and function of integument glands. Next, the evolution of feathers is discussed, and the structure and function of the different types of feathers are described. Also described in detail is skin and feather color, including the role of pigments and structure. Colors produced by thin- and multi-film interference and photonic structures are also explained. The chapter closes with a discussion of feather parasites and the defenses used by birds to combat those parasites.
Birds consume a wide variety of food items that must be digested and absorbed. In this chapter, I provide detailed information about avian diets and the different avian dietary guilds, including insectivores, frugivores, invertivores, granivores, carnivores, scavengers, nectarivores, herbivores, and omnivores. The anatomy and physiology of the avian digestive system are also discussed in detail, with information about the interspecific variation in the anatomy and functions of each component of the digestive system, including bills, the esophagus, two-part stomach, small and large intestine ceca, cloaca, and accessory organs, including the pancreas and liver. Information about the phenotypic plasticity of the avian digestive system and regulation of food intake is also provided.
A study was conducted to investigate the parasitic diversity prevailing in the natural population of common crow, Corvus splendens from an urban habitat of Kolkata, India. A population of twenty birds were examined for ectoparasites, endoparasites, essential blood parameters and selected histopathological study. The blood samples from two male and two female birds were found to be infected with Plasmodium sp. and the histopathology of the liver of the infected birds exhibited signs of inflammation. Six species of chewing lice were identified from the feathers of the birds. Deformities and developmental anomalies in a significantly large number of the examined lice population were observed. The birds infected with Plasmodium sp. expressed no notable sign of being diseased with respect to the uninfected birds and observed blood parameters like haemoglobin content, total count of red blood corpuscles, serum calcium, magnesium, albumin and glucose did not differ significantly across sexes. The presence of deformed lice in the feathers of the birds probably indicates the host’s unique defence strategy against the ectoparasites although the observation demands further study. As a whole, C. splendens thus emerges as a challenging model for exploration of the host-parasite dynamics.
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The incidence of two blood parasites, Haemoproteus columbae Kruse and Trypanosoma hannai Pittaluga both in their host , Columba livia and vector Pseudolynchia canariensis( Macquart) wetre studied. Gametocytaemia with H. columbae was observed to be high during June to August, and low during January to March. Trypomastigotes of T. hannai were found in 4.3% pigeons in August . Population density of vector was found to be maximum in June and was low during August to December. Out of 220 vector flies dissected, 2.5% flies were found to be infected with ookinetes of H. columbae whereas 1.8% with epimastigotes of T. hannai.
Parasitic Diseases of Wild Birds provides thorough coverage of major parasite groups affecting wild bird species. Broken into four sections covering protozoa, helminths, leeches, and arthropod parasites, this volume provides reviews of the history, disease, epizootiology, pathology, and population impacts caused by parasitic disease. Taking a unique approach that focuses on the effects of the parasites on the host, Parasitic Diseases of Wild Birds fills a unique niche in animal health literature.
The members of Hippoboscidae family are called louse flies, bird flies, feather flies, spider flies, flat flies, tick flies, ked flies, and keds. These are obligate, blood-feeding ectoprarasites. The Hippoboscidae, Streblidae, and Nycteribiidae represent three families of the superfamily Hippoboscoidea. There are approximately 19 genera and 150 described species in the family Hippoboscidae. All members of the Hippoboscoidea are morphologically adapted for an ectoparasitic existence among the hairs or feathers of their hosts. Certain parts of the exoskeleton have become modified, mainly by fusion and reduction or atrophy, in response to permanent ectoparasitism. The Hippoboscoidea are larviparous. They exhibit a form of viviparity called “adenotrophic viviparity.” Both sexes of Hippoboscoid fly feed as ectoparasites on the blood of birds or mammals. Host specificity varies considerably among different groups. The sheep ked transmits Trypanosoma mdophagium, a nonpathogenic flagellate protozoan of sheep that are present wherever ked-infested sheep are found. Several hippoboscid flies have been identified as vectors of Haemoproteus species, haemosporidian blood parasites that cause bird malarias. The few species that affect domestic animals and birds are controlled through treatment of the host with insecticide formulations.
Heart rates of 3 wing-clipped black ducks (Anas rubripes) were successfully monitored for up to 11 days in the field. The energy costs of several activities, such as swimming, feeding, and preening, were calculated using regressions of metabolism on the heart rate previously determined in the laboratory for each duck. Total daily energy expenditure during midsummer using time-activity analyses of non-radioed black ducks was 1.5 to 2 times the resting metabolic rates measured in the laboratory. Preliminary data indicate that the energy costs for laying females may be as high as 3.4 times the resting rates.
Blood-sucking insects are the vectors of many of the most debilitating parasites of man and his domesticated animals. In addition they are of considerable direct cost to the agricultural industry through losses in milk and meat yields, and through damage to hides and wool, etc. So, not surprisingly, many books of medical and veterinary entomology have been written. Most of these texts are organized taxonomically giving the details of the life-cycles, bionomics, relationship to disease and economic importance of each of the insect groups in turn. I have taken a different approach. This book is topic led and aims to discuss the biological themes which are common in the lives of blood-sucking insects. To do this I have concentrated on those aspects of the biology of these fascinating insects which have been clearly modified in some way to suit the blood-sucking habit. For example, I have discussed feeding and digestion in some detail because feeding on blood presents insects with special problems, but I have not discussed respiration because it is not affected in any particular way by haematophagy. Naturally there is a subjective element in the choice of topics for discussion and the weight given to each. I hope that I have not let my enthusiasm for particular subjects get the better of me on too many occasions and that the subject material achieves an overall balance.
Efficient preening by birds is critical for feather care and defence against harmful ectoparasites, yet many species have long, unwieldy bills that are presumably less efficient for preening than short bills. Long-billed taxa such as hummingbirds and toucans could attempt to compensate for inefficient preening by spending relatively more grooming time scratching with their feet than do short-billed taxa. To test this simple hypothesis preliminary data on the grooming behaviour of wild birds in Costa Rica and more extensive data on captive birds in zoos were collected. Comparative analyses of these data support the hypothesis and suggest additional hypotheses for future testing.