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The essence of boredom

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... Por otro lado, hay autores que conceptúan el aburrimiento como un estado psicológico no placentero formado por tres componentes: afectivo, cognitivo y motivacional (Goetz & Hall, 2014; aburrimiento como un estado desagradable y aversivo (Mikulas & Vodanovich, 1993;Vogel-Walcutt et al., 2012). El componente cognitivo está caracterizado por una percepción alterada del tiempo. ...
... Es importante destacar que el aburrimiento se ha conceptuado como un rasgo (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986) o como un estado psicológico de respuesta a la baja estimulación del ambiente (Mikulas & Vodanovich, 1993). El aburrimiento como rasgo, se entiende como la propensión de una persona a pasar por sentimientos de desinterés (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986). ...
... Mikulas & Vodanovich, 1993;Vogel-Walcutt et al., 2012). El componente cognitivo explica el ...
... Uczniowie definiowali nudę także jako bezruch i czasowe odczucie niedostatecznego stopnia pobudzenia oraz nieprzyjemnych odczuć, spowodowanych czynnikami środowiska zewnętrznego (por. Mikulas, Vodanovich, 1993): Nudzić się to siedzieć, siedzieć, siedzieć, pisać, pisać, pisać, uczyć, nie, pisać, pisać, pisać, pisać, w nieskończoność (S4_K3_U1_2). Nuda jako bezruch to także ograniczenie sytuacyjne, kiedy po prostu nic nie robi, stoi tylko w miejscu albo siedzi (S2_K1_U2_3). ...
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W monografii zaprezentowano meritum problematyki poruszanej w rozprawach doktorskich przygotowanych na siedmiu polskich publicznych uczelniach wyższych, tj.: Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej, Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, Uniwersytecie Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy, Uniwersytecie Pedagogicznym im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, Uniwersytecie Szczecińskim, Uniwersytecie Warszawskim, Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim i Uniwersytecie Zielonogórskim. Publiczne obrony tychże rozpraw doktorskich odbyły się w latach 2018–2022. Powstawały one pod opieką naukową uznanych profesorów pedagogiki (w kolejności alfabetycznej): Ryszarda Gerlacha, Urszuli Jeruszki, Stefana M. Kwiatkowskiego, Andrzeja Ładyżyńskiego, Anny Odrowąż-Coates, Józefa Półturzyckiego, Barbary Smolińskiej-Theiss, Janiny Świrko, Wiesława Theissa, Zdzisława Wołka, Małgorzaty Żytko. Promotorami pomocniczymi byli: Rafał Bodarski, Jacek Moroz, Błażej Przybylski, Martyna Pryszmont-Ciesielska, Krzysztof Symela, Renata Tomaszewska i Daria Zielińska-Pękał
... The concept of boredom is connected to the research on arousal and complexity, as outlined in studies by Berlyne (1967), Eisenberger (1972), Fiske and Maddi (1961), and Walker (1980). Current arousal theories suggest that individuals strive to sustain an optimal level of arousal [1] Historically neglected, boredom has recently gained prominence in various branches of psychology (such as clinical, developmental, educational, cognitive, and industrial/organizational psychology), as well as in fields like economics, philosophy, neuroscience, and animal cognition. This article examines and synthesizes these studies from a social psychological viewpoint, framing boredom as an emotion that signals the necessity for change to reestablish effective focus in meaningful tasks. ...
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Undoubtedly, one of the most important social issues is the discussion of boredom and disillusionment, which is currently observable in many societies, and perhaps many individuals, as well as our loved ones, have encountered it and are seeking treatment to be relieved of it and resolve the crisis. The issue of boredom is a perennial topic that has always been on the list of fundamental human crises from the past to the present, and perhaps in the future as well. This work examines the meaning and concept of boredom, as well as its effects, reasons, treatments, and outcomes. Five articles that have provided accurate insights into explaining and defining the issue have been reviewed, and important questions have been answered that may have occupied individuals' minds for a long time.
... Finally, low arousal is connected with the proneness to boredom. In particular, subjects with a low arousal try to find some activities to enhance their arousal [43]. If this process is maladaptive, we can hypothesize that persistent low activation could lead to isolation through feelings of emptiness and fatigue, despite we should integrate these findings by using longitudinal cohort studies to demonstrate whether there is a causal relationship between boredom dimension and the onset of a HK-like social withdrawal within the depressed individuals. ...
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Background Hikikomori (HK) is characterized by self-isolation and social refusal, being more likely also associated with affective disorders, including depression. This case–control study primarily aimed at identifying (if any) predominant affective temperaments are associated with HK in depressed versus not-depressed individuals. Secondary objectives comprise assessing which other psychopathological dimensions (e.g., boredom, anxiety) are associated with the HK specifier in depressed individuals. Methods From the larger SWATCH study, 687 Italian young people were screened for depression, as measured by 9 items-Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and HK-like social withdrawal, through the Hikikomori Questionnaire-25 (HQ-25). All subjects were administered a brief-Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego (TEMPS-M), the 7 items-Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) and the Multidimensional State Boredom Scale (MSBS). Results Males reported significantly higher scores at HQ-25 total score than females (p = 0.026). In the total sample, HK social withdrawal is positively predicted by MSBS low arousal, disengagement, depressive levels, depressive and irritable affective temperaments, while negatively by anxiety (F(6, 680) = 82.336, p < 0.001, R² = 0.421). By selecting only depressed sample, HQ-25 is positively predicted by MSBS total score, low arousal and depressive affective temperament, while negatively by MSBS high arousal (F(4, 383) = 48.544, p < 0.001, R² = 0.336). The logistic regression model found that the likelihood of developing depression with the HK specifier is significantly predicted by depressive and cyclothymic affective temperaments. Conclusions These preliminary findings could help in clinically characterizing the relationship between specific affective temperamental profiles among individuals with depression with/without HK specifier, in order to provide a more tailored and personalized therapeutic approach. Our Italian study should be extensively replicated in larger, longitudinal and multicentric pan-European studies, by specifically assessing the impact of these findings on depression clinical course, prognosis and treatment outcomes.
Günümüzde dijital teknolojilerle pek çok aktivite gerçekleştirilebildiği gibi oyun oynama da çokça tercih edilen bir faaliyettir. Dijital oyun oynama her ne kadar hoşça vakit geçirten, eğlendiren bir etkinlik gibi gözükse de uzun süreli ve kontrolsüz bir şekilde oynanması bağımlılık riskini oluşturmaktadır. Can sıkıntısı, olumsuz bir duygu durumu olup, dijital oyun bağımlılığı ile ilişkilendirilmektedir. Birey, can sıkıntısı durumunda dijital araçlara yönelerek; bu durumundan uzaklaşmakla beraber dijital oyunun sunduğu hoş vakit geçirme motivasyonuyla gün geçtikçe oyunda daha fazla zaman geçirmektedir. Bu durum bağımlılık riskini artırmakla birlikte özellikle genç nesli hedef almakta, gençleri hem fizyolojik hem de ruh sağlığı açısından olumsuz bir şekilde etkilemektedir. Dijital oyun bağımlılığı ile can sıkıntısı arasındaki ilişki ve kullanım süresinin aracılık rolünü ortaya koymak üzere, nicel araştırma yönteminin kullanıldığı bu araştırmada veriler, 390 katılımcıdan yüz yüze anket tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda can sıkıntısı düzeyinin dijital oyun oynama süresini pozitif yönde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra katılımcıların dijital araç kullanım süresinin dijital oyun bağımlığı üzerinde pozitif ve anlamlı bir ilişkisi olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Diğer bir yandan can sıkıntısı düzeyinin de dijital oyun bağımlılığını tetiklediğini ve can sıkıntısı ve dijital oyun bağımlılığı ilişkisinde kullanım süresinin aracılık rolü olduğu gözler önüne serilmektedir.
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Background Job boredom has been generally associated with poorer self-rated health but the evidence is mainly cross-sectional and there is a lack of a holistic mental health approach. We examined the temporal relationships between job boredom and mental health indicators of life satisfaction, positive functioning, anxiety, and depression symptoms. Methods We analyzed a two-wave postal survey data of adults aged 23 to 34 that was collected from the Finnish working population between 2021 and 2022 (n = 513). Latent change score modelling was used to estimate the effects of prior levels of job boredom on subsequent changes in mental health indicators, and of prior levels of mental health indicators on subsequent changes in job boredom. Results Job boredom was associated with subsequent decreases in life satisfaction and positive functioning and increases in anxiety and depression symptoms. Of these associations, job boredom was more strongly associated with changes in positive functioning and anxiety symptoms than with changes in life satisfaction. Conclusions Our two-wave study suggests that job boredom, a motivational state of ill-being in the work domain, spills over into general mental health by decreasing life satisfaction and positive functioning and increasing anxiety and depression symptoms. Our findings contribute to the understanding of the potential detrimental effects of job boredom and its nomological network. From a practical perspective, workplaces are adviced to improve working conditions that mitigate job boredom and thus promote employees’ mental health.
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Assumptions around the association between boredom and creativity are contentious. Although studies suggest positive effects of boredom, it is also considered a negative predictor of creativity. Researchers also assume that creativity reduces boredom, but boredom can also occur during creative tasks. In this review, we identify and systematise the empirical evidence available to date on the association between creativity and boredom in educational contexts. The string‐guided electronic search yielded 2849 publications. Nineteen publications based on 27 empirical studies met the inclusion criteria. Two reviewers extracted definitions, theories, methods, operationalisations, measurement instruments, and outcomes from the studies using a coding scheme. We identified a range of different theoretical and methodological approaches. The largest cache of empirical evidence was obtained from experimental and quasi‐experimental studies (five positive associations, four negative, two contradictory, and three insignificant results). Correlation studies identified three negative, one contradictory, and seven insignificant correlations between boredom and creativity. In addition, two studies with exploratory, statistically not relevant results contributed to the body of research. The results from the identified and evaluated studies argue both for and against the sensitivity of creative processes in relation to boredom—but a clear causal, positive or negative effect of boredom on creativity is not currently supported by the empirical evidence available. Previous research has also not yet demonstrated an apparent effect of creative states or traits on academic boredom. Future research should aim to explore under what circumstances different relationships between boredom and creativity can be observed and reliably replicated.
Increased use of smartphones has necessitated research into its negative psychological and physiological effects on individuals. This study seeks to examine the relationship between psychosocial factors-boredom proneness, fear of missing out (FoMO) and life satisfaction with phubbing. The research also investigates the mediating effect of Phubbing on FoMO, boredom proneness and life satisfaction. Design/Methodology/Approach- A conceptual model is proposed and validated by extending research on smartphone use. A survey of 350 respondents was conducted using purposive sampling technique to empirically test the hypothesized linkages among the constructs using structural equation modeling. Findings- Results of the study confirmed that individuals who engage in phubbing behavior exhibit traits of boredom and FoMO. Findings also reveal that phubbing has a positive effect on life satisfaction. Additionally, results confirm that phubbing mediates the association between FoMO and life satisfaction. Limitations- The sample consisted of only students enrolled at a large, public university in India. While research suggests that students are the largest users of smartphones, and that smartphones are an important aspect of this generation’s culture and identity, our ability to generalize these results to other populations is limited and therefore replicating this study among different demographic and geographic regions will aid in generalizing the findings of the present study. Practical Implications- Findings of this study enrich the literature on smartphone use and reveals that phubbing is a direct consequence of individuals’ desire to gratify social and psychological needs. Outcome of the study also benefit practitioners by allowing them to understand and develop new interventions aimed at the youth so that they can be protected against the negative effects of smartphone use. Originality/Value- The present study attempts to analyze the effect of FoMO and boredom proneness on phubbing. Understanding the predictors of phubbing is important, considering the negative effects of this behavior on life satisfaction. This study makes significant contributions to the existing body of knowledge about how increased fear of missing out, boredom proneness and phubbing may affect overall life satisfaction.
This research presents a validation of an adaptation in French of the Boredom Proneness Scale (sp) intitled "Echelle de disposition a l'ennui" (EDE). Three studies were conducted to evaluate psychometric properties, construct validity and structural validity. A first study with student participants demonstrated acceptable fidelity (test-retest reliability, internal consistency...) and validity indices. However a confirmatory factor analysis did not support the unidimensional structure of the Boredom Proneness Scale. The second study with a sample of drug addicts assessed the validity of the scale using the "Known-Groups" method. Results supported the construct validity of the scale. A third study examined elderly persons. Results of this study point to the reliability and validity of the french version of the Boredom Proneness Scale. Furthermore, a bidimensionality of the boredom construct was found through an exploratory factor analysis.
The purpose of the present study is to describe the development of a theory-based instrument to measure individual differences in the disposition toward intrinsic motivation in leisure behavior, and to report data from nine studies examining the reliability and validity of the instrument (total n = 1866). Based on the conceptual work of Deci and Ryan (1985a), Kobasa (1979), and their associates, the Intrinsic Leisure Motivation Disposition is defined as a tendency to seek intrinsic rewards in leisure behavior. It is assumed that the strength of this tendency will differ across individuals, but will remain relatively stable within individuals and across situations. The 24-item Intrinsic Leisure Motivation (ILM) Scale displayed Cronbach alpha coefficients ranging from.872 to.913. The four theoretically derived subscales (Self-Determination, Competence, Commitment, Challenge), each with six items, had alphas ranging from.638 to.832. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to explore the structure of the four subscales. Construct validity data showed that the ILM scale correlated in the hypothesized manner with 13 other measures of theoretically related variables. In six studies that tested for gender differences in ILM scores, only one found significant differences. Discussion of possible research applications for the ILM Scale is presented.