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Delegations and Trust


Abstract and Figures

One of the fundamental notions in a multiagent system is that of delegation. Delegation forms the foundation for cooperation and collaboration among the members of a multiagent system. In diverse environments such as those formed by open multiagent systems, the various members constituting the environment are customarily alien to one another. Delegation decisions in such environments are necessarily of a nontrivial nature owing to the fact that there is a lack of strong basis on which such a decision can be predicated. Trust is a primary social notion providing a foundation for dealing with disparateness in virtual societies. Trust facilitates de-alienation of the otherwise mutually unfamiliar components of a virtual society. This work investigates and alleviates the problems associated with delegations in multiagent systems by using delegation decisions predicated on trust.
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Delegations and Trust
Henry Hexmoor*, Rachil Chandran**
*Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, 62901,
**University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72703
Keywords: multiagent systems, trust, delegation.
Abstract: One of the fundamental notions in a multiagent system is that of delegation.
Delegation forms the foundation for cooperation and collaboration among the
members of a multiagent system. In diverse environments such as those formed
by open multiagent systems, the various members constituting the environment
are customarily alien to one another. Delegation decisions in such environments
are necessarily of a nontrivial nature owing to the fact that there is a lack of
strong basis on which such a decision can be predicated.
Trust is a primary social notion providing a foundation for dealing with
disparateness in virtual societies. Trust facilitates de-alienation of the otherwise
mutually unfamiliar components of a virtual society. This work investigates and
alleviates the problems associated with delegations in multiagent systems by
using delegation decisions predicated on trust.
1. Introduction
A computer program capable of independent proactive behavior is known as an
autonomous agent. A multitude of such agents coexisting together in a social setting form
a multiagent system. A multiagent system targets a task in a distributed manner. By
segregating the goal to be achieved, such systems often complete tasks that cannot be
fulfilled by a single agent. Hence, one of the primary motivations for the existence of
multiagent systems is the completion of objectives through coordination among members
of the system.
Cooperation in a multiagent system amounts to the completion of different
components or parts of a task by different agents leading to the effective completion of
the overall task. This cooperation is commonly achieved through the delegation of tasks
from one agent to another.
Delegation is the procedure by which one computing entity can validly (and
securely) instruct another computing entity to perform some actions on its behalf
(Hardjano et. al., 1993). Delegation involves two entities. The one that delegates or
transfers an object is known as the delegator and the one that receives the order and
completes the task delegated to it is known as the delegatee. The object of delegation that
may vary in granularity is the work being delegated. It could be a task, a role, or even a
complete goal (which in turn may mandate completion of multiple tasks).
Based on its constituents, a multiagent system can be categorized into two types:
(a) a heterogeneous or open multiagent system, and (b) a homogeneous multiagent
system. In order to understand the problem we address by this work, it is necessary to
understand the concept of an open heterogeneous multiagent system and the fundamental
way it differs from a homogeneous system.
A heterogeneous or open multiagent system can be described as a system
composed of varied entities. These agents are not designed as a team, but have their own
individual goals and hence are sometimes referred to as self-interested agents. They
cooperate with the other members only to achieve their own objective. They execute
tasks delegated to them in order to gain the incentives associated with that task. In other
words, the agents in such systems provide a delegation service to other agents for a price
that incur a delegation cost for the delegator. Since each has her own goal, the members
of such a system are said to be disparate and since they are designed by different users,
members are strange to one another.
Heterogenous multiagent systems can be contrasted with the homogeneous
multiagent system where the constituent members form part of a team with a common
goal. These team members would be benevolent towards one another and complete
delegated objects without requiring to receive a profit; they aim to contribute towards the
common goal of the group.
An open heterogeneous multiagent system consists of disparate, self-interested
agents. In such a system, there can be no assumption of benevolence among the agents
(Griffiths, 2005). A malevolent agent may not complete a delegated task, may complete it
unsatisfactorily, or may misuse privileges associated with that task. For instance, a
delegated role often comprises of access rights associated with that role. A dishonest,
self-interested agent may misuse these rights for her own gain.
The problem we address is a selection problem: the problem of “to whom should
an object be delegated?” Given options (i.e. delegatees), which option, when selected,
would have the highest probability of completing the delegated object effectively and
securely; i.e., with the least misuse of information or rights pertaining to the object. We
term this selection problem as the delegation decision problem.
In an open system, the difficulty in selection arises from the fact that there can be
no assumption about the benevolence of these prospective delegatees towards the
delegator. Although they may share protocols for communication, they are fundamentally
unknown to each other; i.e., they have no intimate knowledge of each other’s
benevolence or capability. Hence, there exists a need for some attribute based on which
the various delegatee options can be compared and a delegation decision predicated. This
attribute should serve to indicate an agent’s benevolence and ability.
The delegation decision problem is that of selecting a suitable delegatee from a
set of available options. In an open multiagent system, the members are socially strange
to each other and that makes delegation decisions in such systems a non-trivial process.
To aid effective delegation decisions, various members of an open system should be
made familiar with each other based on their interaction history.
We address the delegation decision problem by providing a protocol for such
decisions. The protocol we propose is based on the social notion of trust.
It should be noted that there may be a number of different reasons for a delegator
to choose a particular delegatee. For instance, a particular delegatee may be the only one
that possesses the knowledge or resources required for the completion of a delegation
object. Other considerations like cost of delegation can also play a role in the selection of
a delegatee. However, here we limit our focus on delegation protocols solely on trust.
2. Related work
In this section we offer fairly comprehensive accounts of trust and delegation. Since it is
difficult to navigate the literature on these topics, our two subsections will serve as
detailed primers to the literature.
2.1 Trust
In recent years, considerable resources and research have focused on
understanding, characterizing, categorizing, managing and modeling the concept of trust
(Sabater and Sierra, 2005). In his work, Gambetta (Gambetta, 1990) exemplifies trust in
the following manner:
“When I say that I trust Y, I mean that I believe that, put on test, Y would act in a
way favorable to me, even though this choice would not be the most convenient
for him at that moment”
Gambetta further describes trust as a level of subjective probability with which an
agent will perform a particular action (in Gambetta, 2000). Castelfranchi and Falcone on
the other hand describe trust as not only a mere subjective probability, but also as a
mental state (Falcone and Castelfranchi, 1998). They contend that trust is a complex
attitude exhibited by one entity towards another. This definition is further supplemented
by Beavers and Hexmoor when they define trust as one agent’s belief in the intention of
another agent with regards to the welfare of the former (Beavers and Hexmoor, 2003).
Trust is a belief an agent has that the other party will do as it says it will (or
reciprocates), given an opportunity to defect (Dasgupta, 1998). Hence trust represents an
agent’s estimate of the risk involved in entering into a potential partnership (Griffiths,
2005). Unique to our model of trust is a suggestion of a soft computing approach to
mathematically modeling trust relationship among agents. If an agent believes in the
potential partner’s benevolence towards itself (in other words trusts the latter), it can
reason the partnership to be carrying a low degree of risk.
In a slight variant to these definitions, trust is considered to be the ability to
believe in a subject despite uncertainty concerning its possible actions (Harris, 2002).
This approach to define trust can be contrasted with previous approaches by its
implication that trust is not necessarily based on knowledge. Therefore, here trust is
described as resulting from an “assumption of benevolence”. Since this assumption is not
a feasible one in the context of virtual societies, the corresponding definition of trust is
also inadequate.
One of the foremost features of trust as reported by Castelfranchi and Tan is its
ability to reduce the amount of risk involved in agent interactions (Castelfranchi and Tan,
2001). This ability is attributed to trust as a consequence of its effect on efficient partner
selection (Schillo, 1999).
In their work, Abdul-Rahman and Hailes describe trust as a subjective degree of
belief that ranges from complete trust to complete distrust (Abdul-Rahman and Hailes,
2000). Hence, as in our work, trust is not moeled to be binary in nature (i.e. only trust or
distrust) but can be expressed in quantity. This value of trust can then be used to signify
the extent or degree of trust (or Distrust) exhibited (Falcone and Castelfranchi, 1998).
This in turn leads to quantification of trust which in itself is considered to be a separate
field of study. Usually trust is represented as a real number along the positive axis of the
number line. It is to be noted that the number implies only comparative values and have
no strong semantic meaning (Griffiths and Luck, 2003). For instance, while some models
of trust might use a value of 1 to indicate complete and 0 to indicate complete distrust,
some other model may use the values of 100 and 0 to indicate the same. To avoid such
potential ambiguity, a stratified approach to trust is recommended (Abdul-Rahman and
Hailes, 2000). Here the authors use four categories or ‘strata’ of trust - “very
trustworthy”, “trustworthy”, “untrustworthy” and “very untrustworthy”.
Trust can also have multiple dimensions where each dimension represents an
agent’s belief for a particular aspect of the environment (Griffiths, 2005). These
dimensions are not constituents of trust itself (like belief), but are rather trust itself
expressed with respect to some particular perspective.
The nature of the source of trust is one important criterion on which to base a
classification of trust. Accordingly, there are two forms of trust – experience-based and
recommendation-based trust (Griffiths, 2005). In the context of one entity’s trust in
another, experience-based trust stems from the former entity’s knowledge, familiarity and
outcome of previous communications with the latter entity. As can be expected, this is the
most widely understood and used form of trust. Recommendation-based trust on the other
hand arises not from an entity’s own experiences and communications, but from shared
information with other entities (Sabater and Sierra, 2002). For instance, an agent A’s trust
in agent B can be a consequence of agents C, D, E etc. sharing information about B with
A. As can be perceived, recommendation-trust has a strong relation with the notion of
reputation in that it results from perception of one entity by all other subjects. Therefore,
recommendation based trust requires active sharing of information between subjects as to
how trustworthy another is perceived to be. This might not be feasible in all forms of
virtual organizations, particularly ones in which each agent is a ‘self-interested’ entity
(Griffiths, 2005). Hence, recommendation-based trust is not as popular as the experience-
based trust. Some researchers are, however, investigating the use of recommendation-
based trust (Huynh et. al., 2004, Ramchurn et. al., 2003, Yu and Singh, 2002).
Another well accepted factor of classification is the context in which a particular
trust value is applicable. Marsh suggested two types of trust based on this factor; namely,
general trust and situational trust (Marsh, 1994). General trust is the value of trust with
no specific circumstance applied. Here trust may be compounded using a variety of
attributes, consequently giving a generic affect to the nature of trust. In contrast,
situational trust is a value that only has meaning in a particular context or situation. The
situation can be a particular environment, a specific background or with respect to a
unique goal. Although related to one another, the notion of specific trust and multi-
dimensional trust are two distinct conceptions (Griffiths and Luck, 2003).
Besides categorizations outlined here, there are other ways in which trust has been
classified. One such method, used by Falcone and Castelfranchi, is the distinction
between different forms of trust based on the belief on which the trust is founded
(Falcone and Castelfranchi, 1998). They categorize belief into competence, disposition,
dependence and fulfillment belief. The trust that results from each of the unique beliefs is
in turn unique and distinct in nature. Beavers and Hexmoor categorize trust as either
active or passive depending on the necessity (or lack of it) as an explicit act on the part of
the trusted entity (Beavers and Hexmoor, 2003). In the same work, the authors suggest
another classification, voluntary/thick trust and forced/thin trust. Trust obtained due to
monitoring and/or control is termed as thin trust. Such ‘strong-arm treatment’ obtained
trust is recognized as undependable by Shapiro and Sheppard (Shapiro, Sheppard, 1992).
Thick trust, in contrast is more enduring as a consequence of its voluntary nature (Ring,
2.2 Delegation
Definitions and descriptions of the concept of delegation are numerous in the
research literature. Not all of these descriptions are consistent. In this section, we
primarily examine those definitions of delegation that are most relevant to the theme of
our work and do not attempt to be exhaustive.
“Delegation concerns the method of how one computing entity can validly (and
securely) instruct another computing entity to perform some actions on its behalf”
(Hardjano et. al., 1993, page 1). Delegation is the procedure by which tasks (or other
higher units like roles) can be assigned to a different, possibly disparate entity
(Castelfranchi, and Falcone, 1999, Abadi et. al., 1991). Basically, through delegation, a
user in a distributed system authorizes another system or user to access resources on her
behalf (Gasser and McDermott, 1990).
An accurate, but more limited definition was provided by Ahsant. In this work,
the authors describe delegation as an “act of transferring rights and privileges to another
party (the delegatee)” (Ahsant et. al., 2004, page 1). Another definition that conforms to
the aforementioned is provided in (Castelfranchi and Falcone, 2002). In this work,
delegation is illustrated as an act of entrustment of some object.
Another notion introduced by Castelfranchi and Falcone is that of adoption
(Castefranchi and Falcone, 1999). Adoption is used as a concept that is very similar to
delegation and is frequently misconstrued as an alternative form of delegation. Although
similar in some respects, adoption is a concept that is separate from delegation.
Castelfranchi and Falcone define adoption as a process by which one entity accepts or
“adopts” an object from another entity (Castelfranchi and Falcone, 1999, Falcone and
Castelfranchi, 2000). The difference between delegation and adoption stems from the fact
that adoption is a delegatee (in this case adopter) initiated process as opposed to the
delegator initiating the process of delegation. For instance, if A and B are the agents
concerned in a collaboration, delegation occurs when instigated by A whereas adoption
entails B to voluntarily proffer services to A. Also, the feasibility of adoption exists only
if B has overlapping goals with A (Castelfranchi and Falcone, 1999). We base our work
on pure delegations and do not consider adoption in our models.
Categorization of delegation is frequently founded on different levels or
granularity of objects that are delegated. Based on this criterion, delegation is classified
into two primary categories, Task delegation and role delegation (Castelfranchi and
Falcone, 1999, Castelfranchi and Falcone, 1997). In task delegation, an agent transfers a
task to another agent for completion. This represents the most basic type of delegation, in
that, task is the object with minimum granularity that can be involved in cooperation
among agents. Here, the outcome of the entire delegation process is dependant on the
result of the task execution by the delegatee agent (Griffiths and Luck, 2003). In role
delegation, the rights and obligation of a role are transferred to the receiving agent. Here,
the delegatee agent is expected to perform several different tasks required to fulfill the
particular responsibility that is associated with the delegated role. In this sense, roles are
of a higher granularity than tasks. Role delegation is also known as rights delegation
(Hardjano, et. al., 1993). Role delegations are very commonly used in open systems for
the purpose of Role Based Access Control or RBAC (Barka and Sandhu, 2004). Yet
another level of granularity commonly related to delegation objects is that of a goal
(Bergenti, et. al., 2003). In goal delegation, the delegator agent entrusts a goal to the
delegatee agent. This type of delegation entails a high degree of trust and harmony
between the agents involved in the delegation.
Another important attribute employed in the categorization of kinds of delegation
is that of single or cascaded delegation. In single delegation, an object is delegated to a
delegatee and the responsibility or obligation for that particular object is satisfied by the
delegate itself. In cascaded delegation on the other hand, the delegated object (or a part of
it) is re-delegated by the initial delegatee to further entities (Tamassia, et. al., 2004).
Here, re delegations form a chain from the initiator to the final recipient. Hence, cascaded
delegations are also known as chain delegations (Faulkner, et. al., 2005). It should be
noted that the further recipients (excluding the initial delegatee) can potentially be
unknown to the initiator of the chain (Tamassia, et. al., 2004). A chain delegation
scenario is illustrated in the figure below.
Yet another classification of delegation based in its nature was presented by
Faulkner et. al. (Faulkner et. al., 2005). Here, delegation is segregated into forced (or
blind delegation) and free delegation. Forced delegation between two entities, as a norm,
does not depend on trust between those entities (Falcone and Castelfranchi, 1998). Free
delegation, however, mandates a minimum amount of trust between the participating
entities. Having delineated on this particular categorization, we posit that forced
delegations are relatively atypical in an environment composed of self-interested entities.
Hence, for the scope of this work, we address only free delegation.
In their work on delegation, Castelfranchi and Falcone define various
classification of delegation based on the level of agreement between the parties
(Castelfranchi and Falcone, 1999). Weak delegation, according to the authors, occurs
when there is a very limited level of belief and consequently agreement between the
delegator and delegate. Mild delegation arises for inductive belief and string delegation
for complete belief and agreement between the involved agents. Open and closed
delegation is another form of classification introduced by the authors in the same work.
In open delegation, the object of delegation is commended to the recipient without any
specific plan on the completion of the object. In closed or specific delegation, the plan of
execution of the object accompanies the delegation and the recipient is responsible to not
only complete the object of delegation, but also to complete it in accordance with the
executive plan.
2.3 Models for Delegations
The importance and necessity of a secure means of delegation was long
overlooked by the research communities. However, in recent times, the topic of
delegation has drawn considerable attention from both the information assurance and
multi-agent research communities. In this section, we review important relevant works.
In their early work on agent research, Jennings et al. recognized that
“For an individual (agent or otherwise) to be comfortable with the idea of
delegating tasks to agents, they must first trust them” (Jennings, Sycara,
Wooldridge, 1998, p. 31).
According to Wong and Sycara, delegations are one of the four main sources for
security threats in a multi-agent environment (Wong, Sycara, 1999). They propose a
solution by means of an authentication mechanism. The delagatee agent is queried for an
answer known only to the delegator agent. This is a form of authentication mechanism to
ascertain the identity of a certain individual entity and does not address the delegation
problem at a policy level. The solution proposed in the RETSINA model “is not
satisfactory as nothing prevents a delegatee from misusing the secret” (Sycara, et. al.,
2003). In another work, Hu recommends the usage of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
mechanism from the X.509 standard (Hu, 2001). Here again the emphasis is on how to
delegate effectively and securely rather than to whom to delegate. Hu advocates a
centralized server as a certification authority, but does not take into consideration
complexities that arise when the notion of trusting the server arises. Hence, though
providing us with an excellent insight of general delegation mechanisms In another
attempt to devise a secure delegation model, Tian-chi and Shan-ping propose an
exchange server that implements ‘security instance’ which is an authorization mechanism
with respect to code segments of an agent (Tian-chi and Shan-ping, 2005). Like Hu’s
model, this solution depends completely on a centralized server. Moreover, the proposed
model is dependent on the participant agents’ ability to transfer code from one machine to
another (i.e., as in the case of mobile agents).
Faulkner proposed a generic model of delegation which considers only the
ontological aspects of delegation (Faulkner et. al., 2005). The mechanisms proposed in
the work consider different schema attributes for different types of delegation. Although
the work does mention trust as an inherent component of delegations, the authors make
no attempt to incorporate the notion into the working of their system. Yet another model
in this category was put forth by Barka and Sandhu in their work recommending
delegation as an implementation methodology role based access control (Barka and
Sandhu, 2000). Here the authors attempt to model computational delegations based on
characteristics of human to human delegations. Delegation mechanisms are designed
using cases generated from these characteristics. This work was extended by the authors
by considering the semantics that can impact the delegate scenarios (Barka and Sandhu,
In one of the earliest works on delegation systems, there appears a formulation of
the delegation/revocation mechanism that is independent of any trusted third party
servers or authorities (Gasser and McDermott, 1990). The system incorporates concepts
such as life of delegation to ensure security. Delegation keys are another novel concept
proposed in this work. Delegation keys ensure that there is no threat in the event of a
compromise on a previously trusted (and hence previous delegate). The model uses a
token based approach to delegations.
Similar token-based delegation models are recommended in other works too
(Sollins, 1988, Christianson, 1994 and Ding et. al., 1996). In these models, delegation
mechanisms are dependent on a third party issued token. These heuristics mandate the
need for both the delegator and delagatee to explicitly trust the token issuing third party.
Parallel, but distinct from this approach is one described by Abadi et al. (Abadi et. al.,
1990). The authors here propose the use of smart cards for managing a delegation based
authentication system.
Another concept employed in task-delegation is a two phase certification server or
2PCS (Hardjono, 1992). In this approach, public key cryptography is used. Each entity
involved in a delegation has a permanent pair of keys and a number of delegation keys,
one per each delegation. A Secure Key Management Center (SKMC), is a system which
applies its own key to a delegation. This work is another example of a delegation
mechanism that focuses on alleviating issues like non-repudiation and accountability, not
on delegation decision support.
An attribute-based delegation model (ABDM) was put forth by Ye et. al. (Ye, et.
al., 2004). The work is an extension of the role-based delegation model proposed in
(Barka and Sandhu, 2000). The ADBM is more security oriented than the RBDM (Role-
Based Delegation Model) in that it has more constraints with attribute-based values that
have to be satisfied for a particular delegation to materialize. However, the model does
permit “undecided delegations” that are not strictly based on a predicate.
Griffiths introduced a trust-based delegation model in (Griffiths, 2005). The work
is based on experience-based trust as opposed to recommendation-based trust. It also
considers different dimensions on which to base the trust value. The dimensions here are
different from the concept of context. Dimensions are basically criterion like cost,
quality, etc. In another trust based approach to delegation, a Grid Delegation Protocol
(GrDP) was developed by Ahsant et al. (Ahsant, Basney, and Mulmo, 2004). The GrDP
is based on the Web Services Trust (WS-Trust) specification. The model presented
provides flexibility in terms of the underlying mechanisms that may be used for
delegation implementation. The model is particularly useful for grid-based applications
that require delegation for their effective operation.
A delegation model based on action and states is found in (Norman, and Reed,
2002). A language was developed to express the various states and actions. Actions
would transform the system (or a component of it) from one state to another.
Consequently, subjects in the system are associated with the actions and are held
“responsible” for them. Therefore executers of delegations (delegates) can be mapped to
their responsibilities.
3. A Model of Delegation Founded on Trust
3.1 Definitions
The concepts proposed here will lead to a superior model on which delegation
decisions can be founded. In this section, we define and describe components of our
model. Delegation group: A delegation group is a set of agents co-existing together in a
given environment. A delegation group represents an open environment in that, the
agents constituting the group are autonomous, self interested and disparate components.
We define the characteristics of the agents composing the group in the following manner:
The agents forming the delegation group may or may not have a common goal.
They represent possibly disparate entities and hence work towards the goal of the
entities. Hence, we term the agents as self interested.
Due to their unique goal property, the collaboration among the agents in the group
takes the form of delegations. More precisely, an agent collaborates through
delegation of an object that is a part of its goal. The completion of this object is
undertaken by another agent in the group (the delegatee). Since the delegatee’s
goal need not overlap with that of the delegator, the delegate offers the
completion of the delegated object for some gain (Griffiths, 2005).
Another attribute we associate with the members of the delegation group is the
notion of autonomy. A formal definition for autonomous agents was proposed by
Franklin and Graesser (Franklin and Graesser, 1996). They define an autonomous
agent as entities capable of independent, directed and purposeful action in the real
world. In the context of the delegation group, the autonomy of its members is
manifested in delegation decisions, i.e. agents can decide to which entities to
delegate an object.
Cohesive force that binds agents together is another property that is distinct in the
delegation group. Since the agents may or may not be working toward a common goal,
the cohesion among the agents in the delegation group is not as strong as the one that
exists among the members of a team. The agents composing the delegation group are
bound together by the objective of delegating or receiving delegations. For this reason,
the cohesive force among the agents is not as weak as that found in crowds (Silverman,
et. al., 2001). Therefore, the collection of agents outlined in the above paragraphs form a
group. Delegation harmony: Delegation harmony (i.e., DelHarmony) serves as an
indicator of the degree of accord or concurrence between two given entities (Chandran
and Hexmoor, 2007). We compute the value of DelHarmony based on the previous
interaction history of the concerned agents. The formula employed to quantify the notion
of DelHarmony is as follows:
Number of honored delegations
DH (A, B) = x log 10 {DR (A,B)}
DR (A, B)
DR(A,B) represents the total number of delegation requests between A and B.
For instance, when agent A delegates an object to agent B, the delegation is
considered to be honored if and only if agent B accepts the obligation of the delegation
and fulfills the obligation to the satisfaction of agent A.
An important attribute of DelHarmony is its asymmetry. In other words, DH
(A,B) need not necessarily have the same value as DH(B,A). For instance, if agent A has
delegated a substantial number of tasks to agent B, and agent B fulfills all the
delegations, agent A’s DelHarmony towards B can be significantly higher than that of B
towards A (assuming B has not delegated to A).
As will be seen in the succeeding sections, delegation harmony is an important
concept and helps us to devise a dynamic approach to trust updating and maintenance.
Due to the fact that the value of DelHarmony is directly proportional not only to the
number of honored delegations, but also to a function of the total number of delegations
that have transpired between the entities, DelHarmony reflects, reasonably accurately, the
degree or extent of accord.
We suggest that DelHarmony augments reliability and accuracy of trust values.
Trust Value: Delegations in our model are predicated on trust. The value of trust
is a numerical entity based on which we make a delegation decision. It is an indication of
the amount or degree of belief that one subject has in the ability and benevolence of
The trust value is always stated between two given subjects. We represent trust in
our system as T(A,B) where A is one agent and B is another. T(A,B), it should be noted,
is the trust that agent A has in agent B and not vice versa. This point is of considerable
significance due to the fact that the trust value is an asymmetric one i.e. T(A,B) need not
be the same as T(B,A). This value of trust is updated according to policies outlined in the
succeeding sections. An agent in the delegation group maintains trust values for all other
agents in the group.
Trust incentives and penalties: To keep a record of a particular agent’s
performance with respect to delegations, we need parameters that update the trust value
to account for the result of a delegation.
Trust incentives and penalties are parameters that help with updating of the trust
value based on the different outcomes of a delegation. In the event of a successfully
completed delegation, the trust value of the delegator towards the delegatee is
incremented to reflect the success of the interaction. We term the value, by which
augmentation to the trust is computed, as trust incentive. Similarly, the delegatee is
penalized for it’s inability to fulfill the delegation it accepts. In such circumstances, the
value of trust penalty is deducted from the trust value that the delegator currently has
towards the delegatee. This provides further motivation for the delegatee to fulfill the
obligation of delegation completely.
We formulate the augmentation to and deduction of trust based on delegation
outcomes as follows,
Trust increment:
T(A,B) = T(A,B) + α (A,B)
Trust decrement:
T(A,B) = T(A,B) - β (A,B)
where α (A,B) and β (A,B) are the trust incentive and trust penalty values for agent A, the
delegator, with respect to agent B, in this case, the delegatee.
It should be noted that the value of α and β are not fixed, static values but are
rather, dependent on the two entities involved. In other words, the trust incentive value of
agent A with respect to agent B need not be the same as that of A to C. Also, the value of
trust incentive and penalty are asymmetrical i.e. α (A,B) may not be the same as α (B, A)
and β(A,B) may not be the same as β(B,A). The computation of the α and β can be
represented as given below,
α(A,B) = ω x DH(A,B)
β(A,B) = ω / DH(A,B)
where, ω is the weight based on the importance of the object being delegated and
DH(A,B) is the DelHarmony between agent A and agent B.
We propose a stratified approach to the importance of delegation object.
Consequently, ω can take only four values - 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 with 0.25 being
assigned to the objects of least importance (like actions having less threat) and 1.0 being
assigned to object of highest importance (goals which may entail a high risk of breach).
Hence, the incentive or conversely the penalty incurred by the delegatee is directly
proportional to the significance of the object involved in the delegation. Hence the
revised value of trust after a delegation reflects a more accurate indication of the
delegatee’s dependability with the decisiveness of the delegation in prespective.
The trust incentive value is also directly proportional to the value of DelHarmony
between the concerned agents. Hence, a high degree of accord and positive interaction
history between the delegator and delgatee would lead to a greater value of incentive for
further positive interactions. Similarly, the value of trust penalty is inversely proportional
to the value of DelHarmony. We opine that this technique leads to a dynamic approach of
updating trust in that inconsistencies arising due to infrequent failures in a long
interaction history do not adversely affect the trust value.
Elimination threshold: One of the primary goals of the delegation group, as
explicated earlier, is to provide a forum for agents that intend to cooperate through
delegation. However, the notion of delegation group also aspires to maintain a level of
reliability among it’s members. A malicious agent with a record of frequent breach of
delegation obligation should not contend to offer it’s delegation services in the group.
This can be achieved by expelling persistently malicious agents from the delegation
group. Hence, frequently ‘lying’ agents are proscribed from continuing as members of the
group. This in turn leads to members of a delegation group representing a minimum level
of performance and benevolence in the context of delegations. Also, potential delegator
agents have lesser risks as they do not consider the expelled agents as possible delegate.
The chief parameter that governs the elimination of temporally malicious agents
is what we term the elimination threshold. As indicated by it’s name, the elimination
threshold is the minimum level of trust required for an agent to continue to be a part of
the delegation group. We also introduce a cycle based elimination threshold. A cycle
based elimination threshold means the value of the elimination threshold is not a
constant. The value of the elimination threshold is dependant on the number of
delegations an agent has accepted. For instance, the value of the threshold for an agent
that has accepted only 10 delegations is different from the one that has had 1000
delegations. We provide a simulation in the next chapter to illustrate the concept.
Since elimination of an agent affects the entire group both in terms of delegatee
availability and potential elimination, we conceptualize the elimination threshold as a
group level attribute. Later in this chapter, we describe a voting based policy wherein the
elimination of an agent is initiated by another and other member entities use their
autonomy to decide upon the same. When a particular subject finds its trust value of
another member agent below the elimination threshold, it initiates the elimination of the
latter agent. We represent elimination threshold by the symbol δE.
Depreciation of Trust: Trust is a notion that continuously undergoes change in its
value. The reason for this temporal nature of trust is that trust denotes the level of belief
that subjects in a community have towards each other. When these entities have an
autonomous and subjective nature as agents in a multiagent system do, the outlook of one
agent towards another and hence the corresponding trust values are predisposed to change
over time.
Therefore, time is a critical element with respect to trust computation. As
described so far, the trust value in our model changes over time due to the outcomes of
the delegations that the concerned agents were involved. We also elucidated the role
played by the notion of DelHarmony in the computation of trust. Although DelHarmony
reflects the length and nature of interactions between any two given agents, it does not
capture the time dependant aspect of frequency of these interactions. Consequently, gaps
of time interleaving the interactions between two agents go undetected. We contend that
these gaps should reflect on the trust value as the performance and benevolence of agents
with respect to delegation or with respect to particular entities can undergo a change in
the period that interactions cease between the concerned entities.
To capture the aforementioned breaks in interaction and reflect the same in the
trust value, we introduce the concept of trust depreciation. Taking the depreciation of
trust into account, the formula to update the trust can be given as,
DT(A,B) = τ(A,B) x time units elapsed since the last interaction between A and B.
where DT(A,B) is the depreciation of trust between A and B, T(A,B) is the current trust
value between A and B, and τ(A,B) is the rate of depreciation between the agents
involved in the computation. Since DT(A,B) is directly proportional to units of time that
have elapsed agent A and B interacted, the value of trust depreciates more with increase
in time.
The rate of depreciation τ can be defined as the amount by which the value of
trust decreases per unit time in the absence of interaction. We compute the value of τ as
τ(A,B) = 1 / DH(A,B)
where DH(A,B) is the value of DelHarmony between agents A and B. Therefore, more
the harmony between any two agents, lesser is the depreciation of trust between them.
This is another formulation where the concept of DelHarmony lends a dynamic approach
as an alternative to a more static approach to trust computation. When an agent has had a
long and positive interaction history with another agent, the probability of a change in the
benevolence of the latter is relatively lesser as compared to an agent with whom the
length of the interaction history has been limited.
Once the rate of depreciation and the time that has elapsed since the last
interaction is known, the depreciation of trust or DT can be computed. When the value of
DT is obtained, the current value of trust is updated to reflect the depreciation using,
T(A,B) = T(A,B) - DT(A,B)
The Subscriber Model: The trust updating policy we have proposed thus far is
one that is a purely experience based. The subscriber model introduces another unique
approach to the trust updating policy. Here, an agent requests another one to enlist it as
the latter’s subscriber. If the request is accepted, we refer to the former as a subscriber
agent and the latter as the publisher agent. Whenever it updates its own trust value due a
new delegation outcome, the publisher agent publishes the importance ‘ω’ of the object
of delegation and the result of the delegation. The agents that have subscribed to this
particular publisher agent receive this information and in turn update their own trust
values based on the same. For instance, consider a publisher agent A and a subscriber
agent B. Assume agent A delegates an object to another agent C. Upon completion of the
delegation agent A updates its own trust based on the outcome and then ‘publishes’ the
importance of the object and the outcome of the delegation. Since agent B is a subscriber
of agent A, B receives this information and updates its trust value of agent C to reflect
this latest consequence.
Furthermore, an agent requests a publisher agent for subscription only if it has a
minimum value of trust towards that agent. We formally term this minimum value as the
publisher threshold. The publisher threshold is an agent level parameter. We denote the
publisher threshold as δP. The subscriber model enhances the accuracy of trust without
the actual risk of an incomplete or breached delegation through information sharing
among trusted entities.
3.2 Algorithms
This section describes the algorithms that implement the policies and protocols of
the model using the notions that we have defined and described earlier.
Delegation cycle: The delegation cycle is the fundamental set of operations that
compose our delegation protocol. It starts with a delegation request and concludes with
the updating of trust and publishing the results of the delegation. Table 1 lists major steps
in our algorithm.
Table 1. The basic algorithm for delegation cycle
Step 1 of the algorithm computes the depreciation of trust and then updates the trust value
to reflect the same. This process is performed to update the trust values of all the agents
that the subject agent has had interactions with, i.e. for whom the subject agent has some
trust value to consider.
Step 2 forms the most important part of the cycle. The delegation decision of
‘whom’ to delegate the object to is made during this phase. Here, the agent decides on
potential delegatees based on the delegation threshold and then chooses a final delegate.
Once the delegation is made in step 3 is completed and the outcome is known, the
delegator agent updates her own DelHarmony value to include the result of the latest
delegation (see step 4). This is the primary operation of trust updating in our model.
1: Compute depreciation of trust and update trust.
2: Choose the delegatee.
3: Delegate.
4: Update the DelHarmony based on result.
5: Update the trust value based on the result.
6: Publish the result
7: Check if updated trust value < elimination threshold
if yes, intiate the elimination
Step 5 includes the computation of the trust incentive or penalty and the actual
updating of trust value. The values of incentive or penalty and thus the new modified
value of trust are all dependant on the DelHarmony value calculated in the previous step.
The sixth step of the algorithm is part of the subscriber model. Here, the delegator
agent publishes the results and the importance of the object that was delegated.
In the final step in the delegation cycle, the delegator agent checksto determine if
the updated trust value of her delegatee satisfies the elimination threshold for the given
cycle. If not, the delegator initiates the elimination algorithm described next.
In addition to the above steps, all agents that form part of the delegation group
update their trust values based on their respective publishers’ results.
Elimination cycle: In the previous section, we described the importance of
maintaining the benevolence of agents in a group by expelling or eliminating consistently
lying agents. We also introduced the notion of a group level elimination threshold, δE.
Elimination cycle is series of steps that is executed by the group as a whole and results in
either the agent in question being eliminated or reinstated as a member of the group.
Since all the agents in the group have their individual trust values for all other
agents, reaching a consensus on eliminating an agent is non-trivial. Furthermore, the
possibility of existence of malicious agents that could cause discord on an otherwise
easily obtained consensus complicates the matter. We propose a voting based protocol to
solve the aforementioned problem. The steps employed in the protocol are outlined in
Table 2 and are executed immediately after initiation. These steps areapplied to all agents
in the group except the initiator and the agent to be eliminated.
Table 2. The elimination cycle.
In the algorithm illustrated in Table 2, the initiator is the agent that requests the
elimination, and the agent whose elimination is under question is denoted as the
candidate for elimination.
Each agent first attempts to decide on the initiation based on their own trust value
of the concerned agent (or candidate for elimination). In case there is not enough trust
established between the voter agent and the agent to be eliminated, the voter agent
1: Decide on the initiation based on the
current trust value towards the
candidate for elimination.
2: If no trust has been established with
the candidate,
Check the trust of the initiator
If a high trust value is
perceived, vote in affirmative.
3: If no trust is established with the
View the published result and vote
in accordance to majority.
predicates the decision on its trust value of the initiator agent. A high value of trust can
provide sufficient motivation for the voter agent to confirm the initiation. If here again
there exists no dependable basis on which to decide, the voter agent depends on the
information that it requests from its publisher agents. If the majority of its publisher
agents have affirmed the initiation, the voter agent too confirms the initiation and vice-
versa. Here again, the agent explicitly depends on its trust in the publisher agent
Therefore, the elimination protocol we propose does not entail a mandatory
established trust between all the agents forming a part of the delegation group. In the next
section we outline validation of our model using a simulation testbed.
4. Simulation
In order to illustrate the working of the model we introduced in previous sections
a series of simulations are implemented and experiments are reported. The primary aim
of our simulations is to illustrate the progression of the values for DelHarmony and trust
under different conditions. The simulations were implemented using the Java 1.4
programming language. Values resulting from the simulations were captured and the
salient experimental results are reported.
Success Rate: To appreciate the significance of the results of our simulations, it is
important to explain the meaning of success rate. We define success rate as the total
percentage of delegations that are successful. The success rate is specified at an agent
level. For instance, an agent with 100% success rate can be deemed completely reliable
and one with a rate of 50% can be expected to succeed in at least half of the total tasks
delegated to it. In the experiments that follow, we compare and contrast values of agents
with different success rates. The first part of the simulation illustrates the manner in
which DelHarmony varies along with rates of delegations in a given group.
We employed three distinct sets of agents working at 100%, 80% and 50% success rates.
The success rate is assumed to be constant for the duration of simulation. The simulation
is run for a total of 100,000 cycles. Each cycle represents a delegation and agents have
the potential to succeed or fail proportional on their respective designated success rates.
Building DelHarmony
100% Success Rate
80% Success Rate
50% Success Rate
Figure 1. Building of DelHarmony
As seen in Figure 1, the DelHarmony for the agent with highest success rate is
also high over all cycles. The result for the agent with lowest success rate on the other
hand is the lowest of the three agents at any given point. Next, our simulation illustrates
variation of trust with delegations. Three agents with the same three levels of success
rates were employed as in the previous runs of the simulation that were carried out for
250 cycles.
Building of Trust
0 10 50 100 150 200 250
100% Success
80% Success
50% Success
Figure 2. Building trust
The results shown in Figure 2 illustrate that the value of trust increases with the increase
in success rate. Hence, trust is a good predictor of success rate.
Next, we illustrate the concept of trust depreciation. The simulation was run with three
agents maintaining a constant DelHarmony quantity throughout their inactivity periods.
Iterations were used to represent time elapsed since the last interaction among agents.
Agents with a high DelHarmony should have their trust depreciate at a slower
pace than those with low values of DelHarmony. The reason for this observation is the
fact that DelHarmony represents accord and consistency over long periods of interaction
among agents concerned. Therefore, an agent with a higher value of DelHarmony would
be one that is consistent and consequently, one whose ability and benevolence does not
undergo a drastic change in the period of inactivity during which trust depreciates.
The experimental results shown in Figure 3 confirm the fact that the trust for an
agent with a higher value of DelHarmony depreciates at a slower rate than that of an
agent with a relatively lower value of DelHarmony.
Depreciation of Trust over time
0 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Unit time (log base 10)
Trust Value
Figure 3. Depreciation of trust
The purpose of the next simulation with results shown in Figures 4 and 5 is to
demonstrate agent elimination. The agents in the simulation are assumed to have a
success rate that is a constant. The results show the variation of trust for the given agent
and the minimum trust (for a given cycle) that ensures that an agent is not eliminated
from delegations.
Agent Elimination
0 10 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
50% Success Rate
Figure 4. Agents at 50% success rate
The two results presented herein illustrate the variation of the trust value over
delegation cycles for two agents with success rates of 50% and 20%. The purpose of this
simulation is to compare the cycle based elimination threshold that should be adopted by
a group. If a minimum success rate of 50% is desired in a group, the values of trust for
every cycle in Figure 8 can be used as the threshold. This would eliminate the agent with
the 20% success rate at an early cycle. Similar results can be obtained for agents with any
given success rate and used as the basis for the cycle based elimination threshold. For
instance, if the threshold is based on the agent with a 50% success rate (which has a value
of 100 in the 300th cycle), an agent failing to maintain a trust value of 100 by the 300th
delegation would be subject to elimination.
Agent Elimination
0 5 10 15 20 25
20% Success Rate
Figure 5. Agent with 20% success rate
6. Conclusions
Delegation represents an intuitive approach to collaboration among entities in a
heterogeneous system. The open nature of multiagent systems, when coupled with it’s
disparate properties, create challenges to the overall effectiveness of such delegations.
Though apparent, the problem is uniquely addressed in the manner we have proposed.
Most investigations conducted by the research community thus far have focused entirely
on mechanisms involved in delegation. Literature in related fields has recently claimed
the importance of a trust based approach to solving decision related problems in
delegation (Castelfranchi and Falcone, 2000, Faulkner et. al., 2005, Griffiths, 2005).
By combining the notion of trust with the novel concept of delegation harmony,
the model presented herein proposes an innovative approach. We discovered that using
DelHarmony, a unique dynamic trust updating techniques can be developed. We posit
that these techiniques augment the accuracy of trust management. DelHarmony
contributes to formulation of trust depreciation.
Our study sheds light on alternatives to experience based trust. The subscriber
model described in our work takes a new and improved approach to the recommendation
based trust found in majority of literature on trust. Cycle based agent elimination
threshold shows how a dynamic approach can be adopted for maintaining a minimum
level of trust quality in a given virtual community.
We have brought closer the two chief notions of trust and delegation.
Furthermore, research based on this work leads to improvements and refinements
resulting in an effective delegation system based on the notion of trust. Although the
concepts we have recommended are novel, there remains considerable scope for
extending and improving our protocols.
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... Rather, the task reassignment is managed with consent from alternative ICUs. [9] describes a delegation model and related algorithms that concern trust updates. The authors mention adoption as a process where the delegation is initiated by the "delegatee". ...
Conference Paper
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Advances in human computation bring the feasibility of utilizing human capabilities as services. On the other hand, we have witnessed emerging collective adaptive systems which are formed from heterogeneous types of compute units to solve complex problems. The recently introduced Social Compute Units (SCUs) present one type of these systems, which have human-based services as their core fundamental compute units. While, there is related work on forming SCUs and optimizing their performance with adaptation techniques, most of it is focused on static structures of SCUs. To provide better runtime performance and flexibility management for SCUs, we present an elasticity model for SCUs and mechanisms for their elastic management which allow for certain fluctuations in size, structure, performance and quality. We model states of elastic SCUs, present APIs for managing SCUs as well as metrics for controlling their elasticity with which it is possible to tailor their performance parameters at runtime within the customer-set constraints. We illustrate our contribution with an example algorithm.
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The relationship between trust and control is quite relevant both for the very notion of trust and for modelling and implementing trust-eontrol relations witlt autonomous systems. We claim that control is antagonistic of the strict form of trust: "trust in y": but also that it completes and eomplements it for arriving to a global trust. In other words, putting control and guaranties is trust-building: it produces a sufficient trust, when trust in y's autonomous willingness and competence would not be enough. We also argue that control requires new forms of trust: trust in the control itself or in the controller. trust in y as for being monitored and controlled; trust in possible authorities: etc. Finally, we show that paradoxically control could not be antagonistic of strict trust in y. but it can even create, increase it by making y more willing or more effective. In conclusion, depending on the circumstances, control makes y more reliable or less reliable: control can either decrease or increase trust. A good theory of trust cannot be complete without a theory of control.
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Interfirm collaboration and trust are topics currently exciting research interest. The literature treats trust as a unitary concept, providing little understanding of those processes that create trust, or are employed by parties relying on trust. I suggest that two distinct forms of trust can be observed in economic exchanges: fragile trust and resilient trust. I define these kinds of trust, speculate on processes by which economic actors learn about them, and explore contexts in which they are likely to be relied upon by economic actors. I conclude with a discussion of implications for practice and scholarship.
Conference Paper
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We study some of the concepts, protocols, and algorithms for access control in distributed systems, from a logical perspective. We account for how a principal may come to believe that another principal is making a request, either on his own or on someone else’s behalf. We also provide a logical language for access control lists, and theories for deciding whether requests should be granted.
Delegation constraint of current delegation models is mostly delegation prerequisite conditions. In these models, delegation security fully depends on delegator and security administrator. In many cases, we need a more secured delegation with a strict constraint. This paper proposes an Attribute-Based-Delegation-Model (ABDM) with an extended delegation constraint. The delegation constraint in ABDM includes delegation attribute expression (DAE) and delegation prerequisite conditions. In ABDM, delegatee must satisfy delegation constraint (especially DAE) when assigned to a delegation role. With this delegation constraint, delegator can restrict the candidate of delegatee more strictly. ABDM relieves the security management effort of delegator and security administrator in delegation. ABDM also supports two new types of delegations: decided-delegatee and undecided-delegatee.
Roles may be analyzed in many ways: abstract agents; as power positions; as sets of obligations; etc. For sure one of the main facets of roles is their Delegation-Adoption nature. This is exactly the perspective we assume here: it is a partial view of roles, but a fundamental one. In this paper we try to analyze a role just as a special kind of task-delegation, or contract. We recapitulate the various levels of delegation and adoption (help), characterizing their basic principles and representations on the basis of a theory of plans, actions and agents. Then we show how delegation creates roles as well as delegation creates tasks. However, once roles exist they constraint also task delegation among agents. We examine also this dialectics between role and task delegation.
Trust and reputation are central to effective interactions in open multi-agent systems (MAS) in which agents, that are owned by a variety of stakeholders, continuously enter and leave the system. This openness means existing trust and reputation models cannot readily be used since their performance suffers when there are various (unforseen) changes in the environment. To this end, this paper presents FIRE, a trust and reputation model that integrates a number of information sources to produce a comprehensive assessment of an agent’s likely performance in open systems. Specifically, FIRE incorporates interaction trust, role-based trust, witness reputation, and certified reputation to provide trust metrics in most circumstances. FIRE is empirically evaluated and is shown to help agents gain better utility (by effectively selecting appropriate interaction partners) than our benchmarks in a variety of agent populations. It is also shown that FIRE is able to effectively respond to changes that occur in an agent’s environment.
New challenges are introduced when people try to build a general-purpose mobile agent middleware in Grid environment. In this paper, an instance-oriented security mechanism is proposed to deal with possible security threats in such mobile agent systems. The current security support in Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) requires the users to delegate their privileges to certain hosts. This host-oriented solution is insecure and inflexible towards mobile agent applications because it cannot prevent delegation abuse and control well the diffusion of damage. Our proposed solution introduces security instance, which is an encapsulation of one set of authorizations and their validity specifications with respect to the agent’s specific code segments, or even the states and requests. Applications can establish and configure their security framework flexibly on the same platform, through defining instances and operations according to their own logic. Mechanisms are provided to allow users delegating their identity to these instances instead of certain hosts. By adopting this instance-oriented security mechanism, a Grid-based general-purpose MA middleware, Everest, is developed to enhance Globus Toolkit’s security support for mobile agent applications.
The authentication of users in distributed systems poses special problems because users lack the ability to encrypt and decrypt. The same problems arise when users wish to delegate some of their authority to nodes, after mutual authentication. In most systems today, the user is forced to trust the node he wants to use. In a more satisfactory design, the user carries a smart-card with sufficient computing power to assist him; the card provides encryption and decryption capabilities for authentication and delegation. Authentication is relatively straightforward with a powerful enough smartcard. smart-card. However, for practical reasons, protocols that place few demands on smartcards smart-cards should be considered. These protocols are subtle, as they rely on fairly complex trust relations between the principals in the system (users, hosts, services). In this paper, we discuss a range of public-key smart-card protocols, and analyze their assumptions and the guarantees they offer.
In this paper a theory of delegation is presented. There are at least three reasons for developing such a theory. First, one of the most relevant notions of “agent” is based on the notion of “task” and of “on behalf of”. In order to found this notion a theory of delegation among agents is needed. Second, the notion of autonomy should be based on different kinds and levels of delegation. Third, the entire theory of cooperation and collaboration requires the definition of the two complementary attitudes of goal delegation and adoption linking collaborating agents.After motivating the necessity for a principled theory of delegation (and adoption) the paper presents a plan-based approach to this theory. We analyze several dimensions of the delegation/adoption (on the basis of the interaction between the agents, of the specification of the task, of the possibility to subdelegate, of the delegation of the control, of the help levels). The agent's autonomy and levels of agency are then deduced. We describe the modelling of the client from the contractor's point of view and vice versa, with their differences, and the notion of trust that directly derives from this modelling.Finally, a series of possible conflicts between client and contractor are considered: in particular collaborative conflicts, which stem from the contractor's intention to help the client beyond its request or delegation and to exploit its own knowledge and intelligence (reasoning, problem solving, planning, and decision skills) for the client itself.