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Submarine landslides and tsunami threat to Scotland


Abstract and Figures

There is strong evidence that the Storegga Slide located offshore mid-Norway caused a tsunami wave that struck the northern and eastern coasts of Scotland about 7200 years ago. Its impact physically was extensive, but socio-economically we presume it was minor. Today its consequences would be very different. Other landslides, ranging in volume from 0.2 km 3 to more than 800 km 3 have been identified on the continental margin around Scotland and need to be evaluated as to the risk the repetition that such events pose. Work is underway to map and date these events, and assess their potential triggers. The risk assessment includes evaluation of offshore seismicity and the geotechnical parameters of slope sediments. Slide frequency during the Quaternary and the environment of failure are also important factors. These marine studies are matched by studies onshore for evidence of paleotsunamis.
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ITS 2001 Proceedings, Session 1, Number 1-12 355
Submarine landslides and tsunami threat to Scotland
David Long and Richard Holmes
British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom1
Abstract. There is strong evidence that the Storegga Slide located offshore mid-Norway caused
a tsunami wave that struck the northern and eastern coasts of Scotland about 7200 years ago.
Its impact physically was extensive, but socio-economically we presume it was minor. Today its
consequences would be very different. Other landslides, ranging in volume from 0.2 km3to more than
800 km3have been identified on the continental margin around Scotland and need to be evaluated
as to the risk the repetition that such events pose. Work is underway to map and date these events,
and assess their potential triggers. The risk assessment includes evaluation of offshore seismicity
and the geotechnical parameters of slope sediments. Slide frequency during the Quaternary and
the environment of failure are also important factors. These marine studies are matched by studies
onshore for evidence of paleotsunamis.
1. Regional Setting
Scotland sits on the northwest European passive margin, an area not usu-
ally considered affected by the more active geohazards found in many other
parts of the world. Following the opening of the North Atlantic in late Meso-
zoic/early Paleogene time and the associated voluminous volcanic activity
associated with the Iceland Plume, the traditional image of NW Europe is of
an inactive area. As the Tertiary volcanics cooled and subsided the uplifted
areas were subjected to rapid erosion, forming extensive basin deposits, some
exploited for their hydrocarbons in the North Sea and nearby. Denudation
rates fell until the Neogene when centers of uplift developed in Norway, the
Faroes, Scotland, and Ireland in response to crustal stress caused by the
Alpine Orogeny. The denudation rates increased further during the Quater-
nary when extensive ice sheets periodically developed and retreated on these
uplifted areas. The eroded sediments were deposited at or just beyond the
shelf break, in places advancing it 20 km in less than half a million years.
The distribution of the eroded sediment was focused on selected areas
where up to 1 km of Plio-Pleistocene sediments have been mapped (Fig. 1).
The distribution of the depocenters reflects the sediment transport pathways
across the continental shelf, particularly where sedimentary basins provide
more easily erodible surfaces compared with that of early Paleozoic and older
basement. The most southerly depocenter comprising the Barra and Donegal
Fans, subdivided by the Hebrides Terrace Seamount, is up to 900 m thick
between 56Nand57
N extending from the shelf break (200 m) to more
than 2000 m water depth (Fig. 1). The next depocenter, the Sula Sgeir Fan,
occurs at the northeast corner of the Rockall Trough, where up to 600 m of
sediments have been mapped. Like the Barra Fan these sediments comprise
a large sediment wedge prograding from the shelf to the floor of the Rockall
Trough. In contrast, in the between-fans area only a thin (<100 m thick)
1British Geological Survey, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3LA, Scotland, United
Kingdom (,
356 D. Long and R. Holmes
1E 2E 3E 4E 5E
Thickness of Plio-
Pleistocene in metres
Sula Sgeir
North Sea Fan
Figure 1: Map showing Plio-Pleistocene thickness along the Scottish margin; crosses mark centers of
Pliocene uplift.
ITS 2001 Proceedings, Session 1, Number 1-12 357
(Not to scale)
(Not to scale)
Glacial Pleistocene
Pre-glacial Pleistocene
Figure 2: Schematic cross-section showing the sediment wedges build out west of Shetland.
Plio-Pleistocene sequence has accumulated. Seismic profiles suggest that in
the fans a wide range of along-slope and down-slope sedimentary processes
have been active, however in the inter-fan areas the sedimentary processes
appear to be restricted to contourite sheets.
In the Faroe–Shetland Channel the sediment thicknesses are less and not
as focused, reflecting perhaps the greater distance from mainland Scotland,
and lower uplift and more limited glaciation over Shetland. Sediments locally
exceed 200 m thick, extending the shelf break 20 km within the glacial Qua-
ternary (Fig. 2). However, to the north and northeast of Shetland the North
Sea Fan has the greatest thickness of Plio–Pleistocene sediments originating
from Scandinavia with minor amounts from the UK. Much of the Scandina-
vian ice sheet flowed into the Norwegian Trench where it turned northwards
to shed its load onto the North Sea Fan. This fan records the largest volume
of geologically recent uncemented sediments on the European margin with
25,000 km3of Plio–Pleistocene sediments, locally exceeding 1200 m thick,
making it comparable to the fan of a major river system.
2. Evidence of Sediment Failure
Much of the UK margin has been systematically surveyed as part of the
British Geological Survey’s regional mapping program. There have also been
selected, more detailed, studies for various academic projects and numerous
commercially funded site surveys associated with hydrocarbon exploration.
The Barra Fan shows evidence of numerous debris flows giving a chaotic
acoustic appearance between regionally extensive reflectors. The latter are
cut by erosive events which, when mapped out, depict several large slides.
These are known collectively as the Peach Slides and together displace
1830 km3of sediment (Holmes et al., 1998). Definitive dates for these
events are not available but event 3 is less than 17,000 years BP and event
4 intersects iceberg ploughmarked seabed, suggesting a late- to post-glacial
age. High resolution swath bathymetry and sidescan sonar data also show
smaller superficial sediment movement with very fresh appearances, partic-
ularly within the Irish sector on the Donegal Fan (Fig. 3). These Holocene
failed sediments are predominantly at the shelf margin.
Farther north, the Sula Sgeir Fan shows downslope sediment movement
358 D. Long and R. Holmes
3.3ML 1986
Donegal Fan
Donegal Fan
Barra Fan
Barra Fan
Peach Slide
Peach Slide
Hebrides Terrace
Hebrides Terrace
Figure 3: Map of the Barra and Donegal fans. Light grey—area of Plio-Pleistocene
debris deposits, mid-grey—Peach Slide events, dark grey—recent events, stars—
locations of seismic events with magnitudes.
ITS 2001 Proceedings, Session 1, Number 1-12 359
2°30’W 2°26’W 2°22’W
Figure 4: Seabed image showing downslope debris flows and base of slope fans.
in several forms. GLORIA surveys identified three bottle-neck slides, 1–
2 km wide, 10 km long (Kenyon, 1987). These were originally interpreted as
post-glacial as their headwalls appeared to have cut iceberg ploughmarks.
However, more recent surveys show they are older and are just the most re-
cent of numerous events extending back to when shelf-wide glaciation began.
Along the west Shetland margin there is abundant geomorphological ev-
idence of numerous debris flows with base of slope fans. However, they all
appear to be glacigenic and are located downslope of where ice sheets ex-
tended beyond the shelf break (Fig. 4). Toward the northern end of the
Faroe–Shetland Channel, seabed surveys show clear evidence of a recent
landslide (Fig. 5). This feature, the Afen Slide, 3 km wide, 13 km long,
has been tentatively dated to mid-Holocene. Detailed studies show that it
is a multi-phase feature with possible retrogressive failure upslope. There
has also been some sidewall failure. The total volume of displaced sediment
360 D. Long and R. Holmes
5°W 4°48’W
Figure 5: Seabed image of the Afen Slide.
involved in this feature is about 0.4 km3. Recent work has identified an-
other slide of virtually the same dimensions buried about 50 m below the
present seabed, seismo-stratigraphically several 100,000 years old. To the
north, another buried slide, the Miller Slide, has a headwall up to 100 m
high and a debris flow extending more than 100 km out into the Faroe–
Shetland Channel (Fig. 6). This may have displaced more than 200 km3of
slope sediments. Seismo-stratigraphic correlation suggests an O18 stage 9 or
11 age to this feature. This slide is located close to the edge of the North Sea
Fan, within which there is abundant evidence for large buried events (King
et al., 1996; Evans et al., 1996). They include syndepositional debris flows
associated with glacial processes and landslides that have transported large
blocks of sediment (Fig. 7). Most of these features are within the Norwegian
sector of the northern North Sea and the modern seabed-failure analogue is
the 7200 year BP Storegga Slide located on the northern flank of the North
Sea Fan.
3. Triggers
The rapid sedimentation in selected loci along the UK margin has cre-
ated thick sequences of under-consolidated sediments. Excess pore-pressures
within the sediment pile are presumed to occur due to this rapid loading.
ITS 2001 Proceedings, Session 1, Number 1-12 361
Miller Slide deposit
1:15 Vertical Exaggeration
110 0
Depth below sea level (in metres)
Base Plio-pleistocene
Slope angle
Depth below sea level (in metres)
Tertiary mass flow unit
Top Eocene
with other
debris deposits
2°W 1°W
Figure 6: The Miller Slide northwest of Shetland—interpreted seismic section and
location map
mid to late Pleistocene
mid to la te Ple isto cene
1600 ms
1600 ms
~100 m
~100 m
0 5 10
kilom etre s
200 ms
200 ms
(~180 m in sediment)
(~180 m in s edim ent)
disturbed sediments
distu rbed s edim ents
Figure 7: Seismic section from the North Sea Fan showing displaced blocks
(adapted from Evans et al., 1996).
362 D. Long and R. Holmes
Gas may also contribute to the excess pore-pressure due to the breakdown
of in-situ organic matter and leakage from underlying hydrocarbon reser-
voirs. Acoustic gas blanking has been noted with some of the slide features.
However, many of the sites occur within the methane hydrate stability zone
and so, except in areas of high gas flux, free gas may not occur. Other
than some evidence within the Storegga complex, bottom simulating re-
flectors and other acoustic evidence for hydrates are absent. As the NW
European margin has been subjected to large eustatic and isostatic tectonic
movements during the Quaternary, significant pressure changes (and thermal
fluctuations) may have sublimated much of any hydrate present.
Seismicity is normally low along a passive margin. However, the northern
end of the North Sea is one of the more active areas of NW Europe. There
have been 90 events of magnitude >3M
Lin the last 30 years out of 1500
recorded by stations in the UK and Norway (2 events >magnitude 5 ML).
West of the UK, monitoring has been more limited, but two events of mag-
nitude >3M
Lwere detected in the 1980s close to the Peach Slide (Fig. 3).
Activity in the Faroe–Shetland Channel has been monitored over the last 5
years without detection (current detection threshold 2 to 2.5 ML). However,
the location of the Afen Slide, above a significant tectonic lineament, the
Victory Transfer Zone, mimics the co-location of the Storegga Slide above
the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone and the Trænadjupet Slide above the Bivrost
Lineament offshore Norway (Laberg and Vorren, 2000). It should be noted
that modern seismic activity may be lower than that in the early Holocene
when the postglacial crustal rebound rate was greater. Neotectonism is ev-
ident at glacial centers in Scotland (Ringrose, 1989) and Northern Ireland
(Knight, 2000) with surface displacement since deglaciation.
4. Threats to Scotland
All these slides on the continental margin are located more than 70 km from
the coastline, therefore only the largest sea perturbations are likely to impact
the coast. The western and northern coastlines of Scotland are sparsely pop-
ulated, however a few key economic sites are potentially vulnerable. Perhaps
of greater impact, although originating from much smaller events, would be
submarine landslides in the sea lochs of western Scotland. The steeper sides,
greater late- to post-glacial sedimentation rates, and elevated seismicity due
to post-glacial crustal rebound make these areas worthy of further study.
The Afen Slide of mid-Holocene age is located above a similar feature
indicating repetition. The most recent Peach Slide is the latest of two post-
dating 17 ka. The North Sea Fan has had repeated failure. Together this
indicates that the threat of new landslides is ever present. The larger events
such as the Peach and Miller slides, if displaced singularly, might have caused
a tsunami. They are as large as some other slides that have been associated
with tsunamis over distances as great as that between the slide and the
present day coastlines. However, due to their suspected age it is extremely
unlikely that any geological evidence exists to confirm this. Along the eastern
ITS 2001 Proceedings, Session 1, Number 1-12 363
Figure 8: Map of tsunami deposits attributed to the Storegga Slide. Solid dots—sites dated to about 7200
yBP, open dots—sites undated.
364 D. Long and R. Holmes
0100 200 300 400 500 540
Estuarine clays
Estuarine clays
Tsunami sand deposit
Late glacial
Figure 9: Profile at Creich, east coast of Scotland, illustrating the litho-
transgressive nature of the Storegga tsunami deposit. For location see Fig. 8.
Figure 10: Photograph of tsunami sand layer (behind shaft of spade) within peat
deposits at Maryton, east coast of Scotland. For location see Fig. 8.
and northern coasts of Scotland, though, there is evidence for a tsunami
associated with the Storegga Slide of 7200 yBP (Dawson et al., 1987).
The landslide’s impact on Scotland was to cause a tsunami that struck
the north and eastern coasts extending as far south as Lindesfarne in north-
ern England (Fig. 8). Based on the sedimentological evidence, the waves
would locally have extended several hundred meters inland of the former
coastline with a run-up of 1–2 m in open areas and much greater in enclosed
bays or lochs (Long et al., 1989). These figures are based on sediments laid
down (Fig. 9) and subsequently preserved, therefore representing minimum
run-up values. The tsunami sediments (Fig. 10) typically comprise marine
sands but also contain debris from the coastal marshes, etc. Detailed ex-
amination of this debris indicates that the event happened in the autumn
(Dawson and Smith, 2000), matching similar evidence in Norway (Bonde-
ITS 2001 Proceedings, Session 1, Number 1-12 365
vik, 1997) where recent high precision dating gives an age of 7262 ±47 yBP
(Bondevik, personal communication, 2001). We have to presume the human
impact was small due to the low population levels 7200 years ago, yet the de-
posit has been found at sites of early human habitation. However, we should
presume that if it occurred today the consequences would be economically
catastrophic. The frequency of tsunamis can be considered extremely low
but not non-existent and needs to be considered in long-term planning for
5. Current Work
Continued mapping for landslides offshore and tsunami deposits onshore
continues under a range of oil company, European, and national funded
Acknowledgments. This paper forms part of a work under the COSTA-Europe
program funded by the EU. The Western Frontiers Association has funded seabed
imagery and landslide studies. The authors publish with permission of the director,
British Geological Survey.
6. References
Bondevik, S., J.I. Svendsen, G. Johnsen, J. Mangerud, and P.E. Kaland (1997):
The Storegga tsunami along the Norwegian coast, its age, and runup. Boreas,
26, 29–53.
Dawson, A.G., D. Long, and D.E. Smith (1988): The Storegga slide; evidence from
eastern Scotland for a possible tsunami. Mar. Geol., 82, 271–276.
Dawson, S. and D.E. Smith (2000): The sedimentology of Middle Holocene tsunami
facies in northern Sutherland, Scotland, UK. Mar. Geol., 170, 69–79.
Evans, D., E.L. King, N.H. Kenyon, C. Brett, and D. Wallis (1996): Evidence
for long term instability in the Storegga Slide region off western Norway. Mar.
Geol., 130, 281–292.
Holmes, R., D. Long, and L.R. Dodd (1998): Large-scale debrites and submarine
landslides on the Barra Fan, west of Britain. In Geological Processes on Con-
tinental Margins: Sedimentation, mass-wasting and stability,editedbyM.S.
Stoker, D. Evans, and A. Cramp, Geological Society, London, Special Publica-
tions, 129, 67–79.
Kenyon, N.H. (1987): Mass-wasting features on the continental slope of northwest
Europe. Mar. Geol., 74, 57–77.
King, E.L., H.P. Sejrup, H. Haflidason, A. Elverhøi, and I. Aarseth, (1996): Qua-
ternary seismic stratigraphy of the North Sea Fan: glacially fed gravity flow
aprons, hemipelagic sediments, and large submarine slides. Mar. Geol., 130,
Knight, J. (1999): Geological evidence for neotectonic activity during deglaciation
of the southern Sperrin Mountains, Northern Ireland. J. Quatern. Sci., 14, 45–
Laberg, J.S., and T.O. Vorren (2000): The Trænadjupet Slide, offshore Norway—
morphology, evacuation and triggering mechanisms. Mar. Geol., 171, 95–114.
Long, D., D.E. Smith, and A.G. Dawson (1989): A Holocene tsunami deposit in
eastern Scotland. J. Quatern. Sci., 4, 61–66.
366 D. Long and R. Holmes
Ringrose, P.S. (1989): Recent fault movement and palaeoseismicity in western Scot-
land. Tectonophysics, 163, 305–314.
... An event which needs to be taken into account especially in SEA5 is the Storegga Submarine Slide, which occurred off the coast of Norway in about 7200 BP, and caused a tsunami which has been detected in coastal sediments on land on the east coast of Scotland (Dawson et al., 1988;Long and Holmes, 2001) (Fig. 11). At the date of the submarine landslide the sea level was still 20-30m below present, and Dogger Bank was a promontory connected to north Germany, while the land bridge from the Netherlands to the Humber coast had recently been inundated (Fig. 3d and e). ...
... The tsunami wave locally may have penetrated several hundred metres inland, with a run-up of 1-2m in open area, and much greater in enclosed lochs. Long and Holmes (2001) suggest that the human impact would have been small, due to the low population (op.cit. p.365). ...
... The event would have had a significant impact on Doggerland in the North Sea, which would have been catastrophically flooded by the ensuing tsunami (Weninger et al. 2008). With the onset of high-resolution bathymetric profiling, numerous offshore submarine landslides and landslide complexes have been identified that may pose a UK tsunami threat (Long & Holmes 2001;Evans et al. 2005). Table 3.4 lists the major submarine landslide complexes in the North and Norwegian seas, and Figure 3.12 depicts their indicative location (see references for exact geographies). ...
Tsunami present a significant geohazard to coastal and water-body marginal communities worldwide. Tsunami, a Japanese word, describes a series of waves that, once generated, travel across open water with exceptionally long wavelengths and with very high velocities before shortening and slowing on arrival at a coastal zone. Upon reaching land, these waves can have a devastating effect on the people and infrastructure in those environments. With over 12 000 km of coastline, the British Isles is vulnerable to the tsunami hazard. A significant number of potential tsunami source areas are present around the entire landmass, from plate tectonic boundaries off the Iberian Peninsula to the major submarine landslides in the northern North Sea to more localized coastal cliff instability which again has the potential to generate a tsunami. Tsunami can be generated through a variety of mechanisms including the sudden displacement of the sea floor in a seismic event as well as submarine and onshore landslides displacing a mass of water. This review presents those impacts together with a summary of tsunami triggers and UK case histories from the known historic catalogue. Currently, apart from some very sensitive installations, there is very little in the UK in the way of tsunami management and mitigation strategies. A situation that should be urgently addressed both on a local and national level.
... The DTB was able to collect profiles with a vertical resolution of 1 m, with a penetration of up to 200 m in water depths of up to 1500 m (Evans 1995). Since the discovery of the Storegga Slide and its widespread impact, further seafloor mapping of the North Sea has been carried out and a range of data including high resolution swath bathymetry and sidescan sonar data (Long and Holmes 2001) has been collected. ...
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Cartographical visualisation is very important in communicating geoscientific findings. It allows depiction of a wide range of interrelated natural features and processes operating within the Earth system. Cartography allows visualisation and dissemination of research findings in a more accessible manner. Well-designed and aesthetically pleasing cartographical illustrations can provide significant visual impact, and visually appealing cartographical illustrations can effectively assist in publishing research findings and technological advances. Production of cartographical illustrations is one of the most important techniques for visualising geoscientific phenomena. It allows amalgamating mapping efforts and compilation of geoscientific results. Computerised cartography allows generation and management of illustration products efficiently and effectively. Well-designed cartographical maps and illustrations can be easily understood by a wide range of people. Thus, research findings can be disseminated effectively to a diverse range of audiences including policy makers and the general public. Particularly, it can be used for producing interpretative illustrations for unveiling the fascinating and much less known correlated geological events over space.
... The Barra Fan (Section 3.2.8) represents a good example of such a setting, and excess pore-pressures within these sediment piles are likely to have occurred due to rapid sediment loading (Long and Holmes, 2001). It is suggested that these conditions have also played an important role in the development of the Peach Slide complex, although it may also be the case that tectonic influences associated with the Anton Dohrn Lineament have triggered slope failure. ...
... It is unknown how long this sediment took to accumulate and whether it was over one or multiple glacial cycles. The denudation rates increased during the Quaternary when extensive ice sheets periodically developed and retreated on these uplifted areas (Long and Holmes, 2001). Sediment delivery to the continental shelf is only possible when the coastal waters and adjoining lands are not covered by permanent ice and it is only during glacial retreat and ice melt could this magnitude of sediment erosion could take place. ...
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Tsunamis are caused by geological processes, such as earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic eruptions, that displace large volumes of ocean water. Large-magnitude, subduction zone earthquakes, where two plates in the ocean push into each other, are the most common source of the recent large tsunamis. Submarine landslides, sometimes triggered by earthquakes, and coastal or submarine volcanoes also cause tsunamis. This chapter describes 10 modern and historic tsunami events that were significant in terms of their size, impact, extent, and/or triggering mechanisms. Each tsunami event is described using four different categories: (1) tsunami generation; (2) tsunami size, and extent (3) impact of the event at the local, regional and, where applicable, global scales; and (4) lessons learned in the aftermath of the event. The case studies are grouped according to the tsunamigenic source:
... The HTS is an elliptical flat-topped guyot formed in the early Cenozoic during three phases of volcanic activity beginning 62 Myr after the mass extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous 16 . The HTS is surrounded by Plio-Pleistocene debris deposits up to 900 m thick, but is also marked by evidence of more recent seismic events along its southern edge 17 . Numerous canyons, gullies and escarpments occur along the southern and western flanks of the seamount 18 . ...
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We present the first remotely operated vehicle investigation of megabenthic communities (1004-1695 m water depth) on the Hebrides Terrace Seamount (Northeast Atlantic). Conductivity-temperature-depth casts showed rapid light attenuation below the summit and an oceanographic regime on the flanks consistent with an internal tide, and high short-term variability in water temperature, salinity, light attenuation, aragonite and oxygen down to 1500 m deep. Minor changes in species composition (3-14%) were explained by changes in depth, substratum and oceanographic stability, whereas environmental variability explained substantially more variation in species richness (40-56%). Two peaks in species richness occurred, the first at 1300-1400 m where cooler Wyville Thomson Overflow Water (WTOW) mixes with subtropical gyre waters and the second at 1500-1600 m where WTOW mixes with subpolar mode waters. Our results suggest that internal tides, substrate heterogeneity and oceanographic interfaces may enhance biological diversity on this and adjacent seamounts in the Rockall Trough.
... Another area of documented seismic activity lies on the UK margin ( Fig. 1, No. 15). Two recent low-magnitude seismic events (M ¼ 3.3 and M ¼ 3.1) have been localized in the vicinity of the Peach slide, which is of Pleistocene age (Long and Holmes, 2001), which may suggest a long term seismic potential for destabilizing sediments in this area. ...
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In this paper we present an overview of the major triggering mechanisms and preconditions for slope failure on the European continental margins, a vast area in which the dominant factors on sedimentation and erosional processes vary both spatially and temporally. Therefore, we have collated and integrated new as well as published data for both the formerly glaciated and non-glaciated areas of this highly dynamic margin for a time period mainly from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the present. Mass transport type is predominantly translational sliding on the high-latitude continental margins (north of 52°N), whereas turbidites dominate on lower latitudes. This is partly related to the average slope of the respective continental margin segments and differences in both sediment types and soil properties. Additionally, on low latitudes, submarine slope failures mainly occurred during glacial conditions with low sea level, whereas on high latitudes, they occur during the relatively fast transition from glacial to interglacial conditions (i.e. during periods of sea level rise). The largest submarine slides (e.g. Storegga, Trænadjupet, Andøya) on the glaciated Norwegian margin occurred during the Holocene, a time of rapid ice sheet decay, continental uplift and increased seismic activity, one of the most important triggering mechanisms for large failures during deglaciation processes. Preconditioning factors such as weak layers related to contourite drifts and rapid loading by glacial sediments may enhance strain localization and creep processes on the slope.
This chapter provides a general overview of existing knowledge and information relating to the submerged prehistoric landscape and archaeology of the continental shelf of the northern North Sea and Atlantic Northwest Approaches. Relatively high-resolution mapping vector and raster data for the coast of Scotland is held by the Ordnance Survey (OS), the Crown Estates and the British Geological Survey (BGS). Two BGS monographs summarize the Quaternary geology, seabed sediments and bathymetry of the area. A systematic approach is needed in order to catalogue areas that need investigation. These areas should be subject to targeted investigations following a wide area assessment for paleolandscape reconstruction. Specific features of pilot projects should include: increased data on relative sea-level change; predictive modeling for submerged site survival, including 3D modeling derived from energy and aggregate industry (third party) sources; survey for submerged sites in locations with high potential; a database of submerged paleoenvironmental information.
Not available Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering
A furanose sugar amino acid (SAA) has been utilized as a library scaffold for the first time. Two furanose SAA scaffolds were examined to illustrate their potential for derivatization. The resulting 99-member library contained three orthogonal points of diversification that allowed easy access to ethers and carbamates from a hydroxyl moiety, a range of ureas from an azide (via an amine), and a range of amides from a methyl ester. The novel amide formation (by displacement of the methoxide from the methyl ester moiety) was achieved in good yield and purity with high structural confidence. Full characterization of several library intermediates (including a crystal structure) was obtained. The library was submitted for antibacterial screening.
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A reconnaissance of the continental slope between the Porcupine Seabight and northern Norway was made using a medium-range sidescan sonar, the GLORIA long-range sidescan sonar and an air-gun seismic profiler.Using these methods the larger features indicative of slope failure have been detected. Submarine canyons and their second- and third-order gullies are inferred to be the site of multiple slope failures. A pair of 200 km long slope-parallel scarps, believed to be due to shallow rotational faulting, and several groups of slope-parallel slump folds have been mapped. Downslope-trending erosional forms range in size from the Storegga Slide, which has a displaced volume of about 5700 km3, to submarine canyons, to groups of small slides that have displaced less than 1 km3 of sediment. Apart from the Storegga Slide, large slides are relatively scarce between 57 and 67°N. The factors which are believed to control the distribution of slope failures in this region include connection with drainage basins, slope gradient (failures are common where the gradient is > 1.5°) and sedimentation rate. Where there is a strong contour current along the upper continental slope, sedimentation rate is low, deeps tend to be rapidly filled in and failure is inhibited.Some understanding of the gravitational processes responsible can be inferred from the superficial morphology but little is known of the age or potential for future failure of these features.
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The Second Storegga Slide on the continental slope off western Norway has been dated at between 8000 and 5000 yrs B.P. A prominent sand layer in Flandrian (Holocene) deposits along the coast of eastern Scotland, and dated at approximately 7000 yrs B.P. may have been deposited by a tsunami generated by the slide. The altitude and stratigraphy of the layer allow estimates to be made of the magnitude of the earthquake which initiated the slide.
The Barra Fan is a large Neogene to Pleistocene composite fan that has built out into the deep-water basin of the Rockall Trough west of Britain. The bulk of the landward depocentre of the Barra Fan takes the form of a relatively undisturbed shelf-margin wedge, in places more than 600 m thick, that is perched above the deep-water basin and, together with the Donegal Fan, partially engulfs the Hebrides Terrace Seamount. A continuous series of slope-front channels and gullies incise into the shelf-margin wedge of the northernmost Barra Fan and are the likely transport paths for small- to medium-scale debrites found on the middle and lower slope-front. In contrast, at least four large-scale submarine landslide events making up the Peach Slide appear to have translated the bulk of the slope-front of the northern Barra Fan to the northwest, so that debrites and hemipelagic sediments exhibit maximum composite thicknesses of approximately 450 m on the deep-water basin floor of the eastern Rockall Trough. The extent and volume of successive large-scale debrite units decrease with age. From an interpretation of a limited historical dataset it is thought that the ground accelerations from earthquakes have been sufficient to trigger slope-front instability and sediment transfer.
In the southern Sperrin Mountains, Northern Ireland, stacked glacigenic sequences that accumulated during deglaciation (ca. 17000–13000 yr BP) overlie a basement of jointed and mascerated bedrock. The glacigenic sequences comprise interbedded glaciotectonic shears, diamictic breccias and rock rafts. At one site a normal fault with a metre-scale vertical displacement cuts through part of the sequence and is overlain by a glacial diamict. Sediments at an adjacent site show that faulting and associated hydrothermal activity was related to neotectonic reactivation of pre-existing Caledonian lineaments caused by ice unloading. From stratigraphical and directional evidence, fault reactivation occurred early in the deglaciation after north central Ireland ice had retreated southwards into lowland areas, but before Sperrin Mountain ice readvanced from the north. This relationship provides evidence for the relative timing of neotectonic activity in Northern Ireland, and demonstrates the effects of glacio-isostatic unloading near ice-sheet centres. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Field study at two locations in western Scotland is described and gives evidence for fault movement and seismic activity during the late- and post-glacial epochs. The evidence comprises levelling survey of raised marine shorelines, remote sensing study of lineaments, radiocarbon dating of Quaternary sediment, and detailed field examination of faults and fault-gouge material. Vertical fault displacements of up to 3 m are observed on a c.10,500 year old raised marine shoreline on the Isle of Mull, and repeated predominantly lateral, movement is observed on a prominent 14 km-long fault lineament active since ice retreat and as recently as c.2000 yrs B.P. The fault movements are located close to the edge of the area formerly covered by the Loch Lomond Readvance ice cap (11,000–10,000 yrs B.P.). They are considered to have been caused by rapid rates of isostatic rebound soon after deglaciation.
The statigraphy in 25 coastal lakes shows that most of the Norwegian coastline was impacted by a large tsunami about 7200 14C BP. The methodology has been to core a staircase of lake basins above the contemporary sea level in several areas and to map the tsunami deposit to its maximum elevation. The tsunami was identified in the sedimentary record as an erosional unconformity overlain by graded or massive sand with shell fragments, followed by redeposited organic detritus. The greatest recorded runup along the coast (10–11 m above high tide) is found in areas most proximal to the Storegga slide scar on the Norwegian continental slope (Sunnmøre). To the north and south, runup is less, about 6–7 m at Bjugn (250 km north of Sunnmøre) and about 3–5 m in Austrheim (200 km to the south of Sunnmerre). This runup pattern supports the suggestion that the tsunami was generated by the Second Storegga Slide. The recorded runup heights are consistent within and between the investigated areas, and imply that the tsunami wave was not significantly influenced by the local topography, suggesting a very long wave length. The mapped runup estimates are in good agreement with a numerical model of the tsunami generated by the Second Storegga slide, and indicate that the slide was a single major event rather than a set of smaller slides.
Approximately 1000 km of high resolution sleeve-gun array transects on the North Sea Fan, located at the mouth of the Norwegian Channel, reveal three dominant styles of sedimentation within a thick (> 900 m) Quaternary sediment wedge comprising numerous sequences. These are interpreted as: terrigenous hemipelagic sedimentation, large scale translational slides, and aprons of glaciogenic debris flow deposits contributing to considerable fan construction. Four large, buried translational slides involved sediment volumes upwards of 3000 km3 each and preceded the similarly dimensioned “first” Storegga Slide on the NE fan flank. Several thick (> 100 m) terrigenous hemipelagic deposits apparently represent long-lived (150–200 kyr) periods of sedimentation whose distribution indicates fan input via the Norwegian Channel. The upper sequences are each made upper sequences are each made up of one or several thick (> 100 m) aprons comprising stacked lensoid and/or lobate forms which range from 2 to 40 km in width and 15 to 60 m in thickness. They characterize debris flows attributed to periodic input from several phases of a Norwegian Channel ice stream reaching the shelf edge. Subsidence in the outer Norwegian Channel allowed preservation of several glaciation cycles represented by sheet erosion-bounded tills and progradational units. Much of the shelf/slope transition has been preserved, allowing a preliminary chronology of the fan sequences through correlation with borehole sediments in the Norwegian Channel. Debris flows, which signal the initial shelf-edge glaciation, are not recognized from the initial glaciation in the Channel (> 1.1 Myr) but are associated with a Middle Pleistocene and all following glacial erosion surfaces (GES) in the outer Norwegian Channel. This was followed by six further sequences, probably totalling over 13,000 km3 of sediment. At least four of these were shelf-edge ice-maximum events the last of which was Late Weichselian age (14C AMS). Considering earlier glaciation-related hemipelagic sedimentation, material since removed by the large slides, and extensive unmapped areas, total Quaternary fan sedimentation was in the vicinity of 20,000 km3.
Lagoonal sediments attributed to the main Holocene marine transgression in Strath Halladale, northern Sutherland, contain a complex coarser layer believed to have been deposited during the tsunami associated with the Second Storegga Slide off South West Norway. The coarser sequence is dated at between 7590±50 and 7290±50 radiocarbon years BP (6507–6260 cal BC and 6228–6029 cal BC). Detailed stratigraphical analysis has determined a distinctive suite of sedimentary sub-units within the coarser layer in marked contrast to the sediments, which occur above, and below. A pronounced erosional unconformity with the underlying sediments is recorded with the base of the tsunami layer characterised by eroded material from the underlying peat. The presence of a mixed diatom assemblage, although fragmentary, indicates a chaotic accumulation of the deposit with all habitats represented. Variations in particle size within the sequence disclose striking similarities with those from contemporary tsunami deposits. The run-up of the tsunami sediments is calculated at a minimum of 4.6 m. This is the first occasion on which a deposit of the Second Storegga Slide tsunami has been found outside the North Sea basin and indicates that the area affected by the tsunami may have been larger than has been previously described.
Shallow-seismic surveys around the Storegga Slide off western Norway have allowed greater understanding of the development of this part of the European margin. The northern flank of the scarp is formed of seismically well-layered, hemipelagic and distal-glaciomarine deposits in which a variety of luid-escape structures, probably due to gas, are locally abundant. There is evidence of slides that substantially pre-date the earliest slide previously recognized. Surveying on the North Sea Fan to the southwest of the Storegga Slide shows the markedly different nature of the autochthonous sediments on the southern flank of the Storegga Slide; there is a predominance of glacigenic debris flows in the upper part of the sequence, lesser maximum slopes, and an apparent absence of interstitial gas and/or hydrates. This contrast has had considerable effect on slope stability and has influenced the position of the southwestern Storegga Slide boundary. The North Sea Fan succession includes at least three major buried slides, termed the Vigra, Møre and Tampen slides, all of which substantially pre-date the Storegga event and probably pre-date predominantly glacigenic margin sedimentation. Post-late Weichselian slope failure is locally significant. The region has a long, but as yet chronologically poorly defined history of instability in which seismic triggering is considered to have been important.
The Trænadjupet Slide, located on the continental slope off Norway, was studied using TOBI (Towed Ocean Bottom Instrument) high-resolution side-scan sonar data together with 7.5kHz seismic records. The slide extends from the shelf break to more than 3000m water depth in the Lofoten Basin, implying a slide-affected area of about 14,100km2. The slide probably occurred during the mid-Holocene, prior to 4000 14C years BP. The slide scar includes escarpments, detached ridges of sediment, sediment streams, grooves, elongated highs, tabular sediment blocks, pressure ridges, and tension fractures. The initial sediment disintegration produced detached sediment ridges that moved by back-tilting or through basal deformation. Transition to sediment streams comprising more-or-less disintegrated sediments occurred over some kilometres. Movement of consolidated sediments formed the tabular sediment blocks. The initial failure was either located near the present headwall of the Trænadjupet Slide, or downslope from a large escarpment located at a present water depth of 1800m. A combination of events led to the slope failures in this area. Sedimentation within the Trænadjupet Slide area was characterised by high sedimentation rates during the glacial maxima. Periods of high sedimentation rates have promoted instability of the glacigenic sediments themselves, or more important, prevented water and/or gas to escape from the relatively thin layers of interglacial/interstadial sediments (