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MR imaging of brain morphology, vascularisation and encephalization in the koala


Abstract and Figures

THE koala (Phascolarctos cinereus Goldfuss, 1817), an Australian wildlife icon, is an arboreal marsupial whose lifestyle requires good motor coordination and precise three-dimensional orientation. These seem to require keen senses and a well-developed central nervous system. The intellectual ability of an animal is usually assessed by its level of encephalization. The variously calculated ratio of brain size to body size has been used in comparative anatomy as an indicator of encephalization. Evolutionary studies on encephalization index and brain size / body size relationships have been widely conducted (Jerison 1973; Henneberg 1990). Endocranial volume is commonly used in such attempts as a proxy for brain size because of the obvious fact that only hard tissues are preserved in paleontological specimens. Phascolarctos cinereus shows poor encephalization (Haight and Nelson 1987; Lee and Martin 1988, De Miguel and Henneberg 1998), in contrast to the closely related and higher encephalized wombats (Vombatus ursinus Shaw, 1800; Lasiorhinus latifrons Owen, 1845). The relationship between the brain volume and endocranial capacity of P. cinereus is still debated. Alternative estimations of the actual brain size of P. cinereus may produce different conclusions regarding the degree of encephalization. Some authors (Haight and Nelson 1987), by comparing average volumes of anatomically fixed brains with mean cranial capacities, estimated the brain of P. cinereus to be unusual in occupying only about 60% of the cranial cavity. In another fresh-brain study (De Miguel and Henneberg 1998), a ratio of approximately 75%, which is normal for humans and other animals, was found. Additionally, the brain in living animals is well perfused with substantial amounts of blood. This may explain some discrepancies in estimation of its relationship to the endocranial volume.
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THE koala (Phascolarctos cinereus Goldfuss, 1817),
an Australian wildlife icon, is an arboreal marsupial
whose lifestyle requires good motor coordination and
precise three-dimensional orientation. These seem to
require keen senses and a well-developed central
nervous system. The intellectual ability of an animal
is usually assessed by its level of encephalization.
The variously calculated ratio of brain size to body
size has been used in comparative anatomy as an
indicator of encephalization. Evolutionary studies on
encephalization index and brain size / body size
relationships have been widely conducted (Jerison
1973; Henneberg 1990). Endocranial volume is
commonly used in such attempts as a proxy for brain
size because of the obvious fact that only hard tissues
are preserved in paleontological specimens.
Phascolarctos cinereus shows poor
encephalization (Haight and Nelson 1987; Lee and
Martin 1988, De Miguel and Henneberg 1998), in
contrast to the closely related and higher
encephalized wombats (Vombatus ursinus Shaw,
1800; Lasiorhinus latifrons Owen, 1845). The
relationship between the brain volume and
endocranial capacity of P. cinereus is still debated.
Alternative estimations of the actual brain size of P.
cinereus may produce different conclusions
regarding the degree of encephalization. Some
authors (Haight and Nelson 1987), by comparing
average volumes of anatomically fixed brains with
mean cranial capacities, estimated the brain of P.
cinereus to be unusual in occupying only about 60%
of the cranial cavity. In another fresh-brain study (De
Miguel and Henneberg 1998), a ratio of
approximately 75%, which is normal for humans and
other animals, was found. Additionally, the brain in
living animals is well perfused with substantial
amounts of blood. This may explain some
discrepancies in estimation of its relationship to the
endocranial volume.
Anatomical studies of brain parts and their
mutual relations require laborious dissections, which
in case of smaller neural tissue such as in P. cinereus
need microdissection (Kempster and Hirst 2002;
Kempster et al. 2002). Therefore, sophisticated
imaging techniques might be a better method to
examine central neural tissue anatomy of P. cinereus.
Nevertheless, as already pointed out by Kempster and
Hirst (2002), scientific reports, especially
radiological assessments on P. cinereus, are
surprisingly rare (Brown et al. 1984; Carlisle et al.
1989; Mathews et al. 1995) and to our knowledge no
imaging study of P. cinereus brain morphology has
ever been published. Recently, the osseous and soft-
tissue anatomy of the orbit only, including its
vascularisation, has been reported (Kempster and
Hirst 2002; Kempster et al. 2002). Hitherto, the gross
morphology of the koala brain has been just briefly
addressed (Lee and Martin 1988), unlike the wombat
(reviewed in Sanderson and Nelson 1998).
The aim of this study was to visualise the internal
anatomy of the brain in a live P. cinereus by MRI
with a special regard to the brain / endocranial cavity
volume ratio. Furthermore, a possible difference
between brain volumes of live and dead P. cinereus
was assessed. Finally, this study highlights a non-
destructive research on a rare animal species, “sadly
neglected scientifically” (Kempster and Hirst 2002:
A live adult male P. cinereus of about 10 kg was
compared with a previously frozen specimen. The
dead male is part of a larger P. cinereus sample
Taylor J, Rühli FJ, Brown G, De Miguel C and Henneberg M, 2006. MR imaging of brain morphology,
vascularisation and encephalization in the koala. Australian Mammalogy 28: 243-247.
Key words: angiography, brain volume, central nervous system, endocranial volume, marsupial, morphology,
J Taylor, FJ Rühli and G Brown, MRI Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000,
Australia. FJ Rühli, C De Miguel and M Henneberg, Department of Anatomical Sciences, University of
Adelaide, Medical School, Adelaide SA 5005, Australia. Current address: FJ Rühli, Institute of Anatomy,
University of Zurich, Winterthurerstr. 190, 8057 Zürich, Switzerland. E-mail:
Manuscript received 1 February 2006; accepted 17 November 2006.
of which details have been published earlier (De
Miguel and Henneberg 1998). The specimen was
frozen fresh and not fixed with any chemicals.
Both subjects underwent MRI examination
(Siemens Magnetom Vision, Erlangen, Germany) at
the Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia.
The standard CP extremity coil and Numaris VB31B
software was used. In the live animal cranial T2 Fast
Spin Echo (FSE) series and cervical Magnetic
Resonance Angiography was performed. The dead
animal was examined with the same T2 sagittal
sequence as well as a double echo FSE series and an
isotropic 3D T1 weighted gradient echo sequence
(MP-RAGE). Maximum intensity projections and
volume measurements were obtained with the
standard Numaris functions. The volumes of the
brain and cranial vault were estimated by measuring
the areas seen on the T2 sagittal images, and
multiplying by the slice separation, which is the slice
thickness plus gap.
The MRI scans, with a maximal resolution of
0.5 mm, show all major structures in the brain of P.
cinereus. We show and describe here a parasagittal
section lying approximately 1 mm latral to
midsagittal plane (Fig. 1). Myelin presents as a dark
colour on MRI while fluid is light coloured. The
darkness of images of various parts of the brain thus
corresponds to their degree of myelinisation.
The brain is not flexed. The nearly 90 degrees
flexure occurs only at the junction of medulla
oblongata with the spinal cord. This is due to the lack
of cranial base flexion that is replaced by flexion of
the first free vertebral segment, the atlas is wedge-
The cerebral cortex is relatively light while
deeper parts of the hemisphere are progressively
darker. The surface of the hemisphere is smooth,
without gyrification. The lateral ventricle is located
caudally. Posteriorly it is separated from the large
cistern overlying the tectctum of the midbrain by a
thin layer of tissue forming caudal part of the
hemisphere. The anterior commisure is the darkest
spot on the image. Nerves leaving the brain stem
appear as dark spots.
The olfactory bulb is large lying far rostral to the
frontal pole of the hemisphere. The olfactory tract
progressively narrows postero-inferiorly leaving
superiorly a space for a cistern in front of the
hemisphere. Upon entering under the frontal pole of
the hemisphere, olfactory tract fibres seem to spread
under and around the anterior commisure. Below the
anterior commisure a dark thin, slightly sloping
anteriorly line represents optic chiasma.
The round thalamus is well visible while the
hypothalamus is lighter in colour, probably due to the
parasagittal location of the slice that mixes it with
parts of the lumen of the third ventricle. The
interventricular foramen is clearly visible between
the anterior commisure and the thalamus.
The midbrain is clearly delineated with
prominent anterior and posterior colliculi of the
tectum, wide aqueduct and thick tegmentum. Below
the tegmentum nerve roots are visible in the
interpeduncular fossa. The pons is small in relation to
thick medulla oblongata. Numerous nerve roots lie
under the entire length of the medulla. The vermis of
cerebellum is large, well delineated with clear pattern
of the arbor vitae in its four lobes. Caudal to the
small fourth ventricle the spinal canal is well-visible.
Overall, the P. cinereus brain is small with small
smooth hemispheres, large cerebellum and medulla
surrounded by voluminous cisterns. Frontal and
parietal bones forming the skull vault are thick, with
a narrow layer of diploё between thick external and
internal laminae. With the MRI resolution applied, it
is, however, impossible to describe brain anatomy in
more detail.
Estimated cranial volume for the live animal was
32.27 ml and for the dead specimen 26.73 ml. The
olfactory bulb size - 0.83 ml for the dead and 1.02 ml
for the live specimen - contributes approximately 3%
(3.09% and 3.17%, respectively) to the total cranial
volume. The measured brain volume was 23.36 ml
(87.41% of total cranial volume) for the dead and
25.77 ml (79.86%) for the live specimen. The ratio of
total brain volume, including olfactory bulb, to the
endocranial volume is 83.03% for the live (total brain
volume 26.80 ml) and 90.49% for the dead animal
(total brain volume 24.19 ml). These differences fall
within normal range of individual variation of P.
cinereus previously studied (De Miguel and
Henneberg 1998).
The resolution of the MR images is sufficient to
visualise the major anatomical structures of the P.
cinereus brain (Fig. 1). Our finding of an absence of
cerebral lobe folding is consistent with earlier reports
on P. cinereus brain morphology (Lee and Martin
1988, De Miguel and Henneberg 1998). The large
volume of the live nasal mucosa (Fig. 2) is related to
the reliance on smell in P. cinereus, rather than on
vision, for primary sensory input.
The visualisation of the cranial blood vessels by
MRI (Fig. 2) is far superior to what can be achieved
by dissection only. Surprisingly, the blood flow
distribution out of the common carotid artery was
different from, for example, the situation in humans.
The majority of the blood in P. cinereus seems to be
directed to the branches of the external carotid. This
supplies large nasal and auricular vessels, while the
internal carotid is much smaller and vertebral arteries
Fig. 1. Mid-sagittal MR-image (unlabelled and labelled) of a P. cinereus brain showing the major brain parts.
Fig. 2. MR-angiography of P. cinereus skull base (left) and corresponding schematic drawing of blood vessels (right).
the smallest. The small relative size of the brain in P.
cinereus seems to be responsible for this
disproportion in the size of external and internal
carotid arteries and their branches. Extensive supply
for the external ears and large nasal cavity is
probably selected to thermoregulatory need of this
animal. Living high in the trees it is exposed to
extremes of temperatures-very high when directly
exposed to summer sun and very low, even freezing
during long winter nights in Victoria and costal South
Australia. With limited resolution of the MRI scan it
was difficult to visualize clearly the arterial circle of
the brain and to distinguish its parts from cavernous
sinus. It seems that basilar artery is selectively long
and has a sinous course. The parotid glands are large
and highly perfused by branches of the external
carotid artery. Also, maxillary sinus is apparently
well perfused for possible cooling.
The particular vascular situation of P. cinereus
has already been highlighted with respect to the orbit,
which only receives vascular supply by the internal
carotid artery (Kempster and Hirst 2002; Kempster et
al. 2002), unlike in eutherians. Our scans suggest
possible anastomosis outside the orbit. Furthermore,
Kempster et al. (2002) also emphasise that P.
cinereus has a peculiar vascularisation of the central
nervous system of pairs of arteries and veins, with the
arterioles and venules joining in loops instead of the
capillary anastomosis as in placental species. This,
however, is beyond the level of MRI resolution.
The ratio of total brain volume - including
olfactory bulb - to the endocranial volume is
remarkably larger than previously reported (Haight
and Nelson 1987) and closer though still larger than
what De Miguel and Henneberg (1998) found. It may
be a result of studying a live animal and a fresh dead
one, rather than chemically preserved brains. Data
presented here fit better into known encephalization
data for other marsupials and eutherians (Tobias
1971; Martin 1990). Nevertheless, there is no doubt
that marsupials show low encephalization in
comparison with eutherians (Martin 1990; De Miguel
and Henneberg 1998).
Our MRI study indicates a substantial size
difference between the living P. cinereus brain and
the ones of cadaver specimens, which again
highlights the importance of in vivo morphological
studies. Hitherto encephalization quotients were
routinely calculated either from endocranial volumes
or from volumes/weights of cadaveric brains. Use of
MRI determined brain volumes should provide more
accurate assessment of encephalization in the future.
The use of MRI allows fast and easy observation of
the koalas’ internal brain structures, their sizes and
the distribution of their peculiar blood flow. More
animals should be scanned to ascertain ranges of
We would like to thank H Sonderegger, Institute of
Anatomy, University of Zurich for technical help in
preparing Figs 1 and 2.
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... The cranial endocasts of some non-diprotodontians such as Dasyurus hallucatus, the Northern quoll, have lissencephalic endocasts with large olfactory bulbs similar to didelphids but show more expansion of the isocortex of the cerebral hemispheres (Macrini 2006). The koala, Phascolarctos cinereus, has relatively small cerebral hemispheres, a smooth brain and corresponding lissencephalic endocast (Haight and Nelson 1987;Macrini 2006), and the cranial cavity includes expansive cisterns and dural sinuses (de Miguel and Henneberg 1998;Taylor et al. 2006). ...
... The cranial cavity of Phascolarctos cinereus, the koala, houses particularly large cisterns around the medulla oblongata (Taylor et al. 2006). The koala is notorious among marsupials for having a brain that poorly fills the cranial cavity (Haight and Nelson 1987). ...
... The koala is notorious among marsupials for having a brain that poorly fills the cranial cavity (Haight and Nelson 1987). Although the koala is not as poorly encephalized as originally reported by Haight and Nelson (1987), the brain does not completely fill the cranial cavity during life even when the voluminous brain ventricles and cisterns are filled with cerebrospinal fluid (de Miguel and Henneberg 1998;Taylor et al. 2006). ...
The metatherians (crown-clade marsupial mammals and their fossil relatives) originated in the Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous of Laurasia, and have since spread worldwide with diversification in South America and Australasia during the Cenozoic. Despite this long evolutionary history, paleoneurology is known for a few taxa from the Americas and Australia, with most work being published in the last 40+ years. Here, we contextualise research on metatherian paleoneurology with traditional tenets that marsupials are developmentally constrained in their brain size and advanced cognitive and sensorimotor capabilities. We summarize recent research on marsupial neuromorphology with a perspective on how these insights apply to extinct species. We describe a digital cranial endocast of the didelphid Caluromys philander to compare with endocasts of crown and stem marsupials. Although endocasts of basal metatherians morphologically resemble those of didelphids, there is significant variation in brain shape and cerebrum gyrification among marsupials, possibly due to differences in how neural tissue is distributed within limited braincase space. Lastly, we examined existing endocranial volume and body mass estimates for crown and stem marsupials. The earliest metatherians have substantially smaller relative brain sizes than recent species, although this may relate to errors in estimating metatherian mass and endocast volumes.
... A disadvantage is that it might overestimate the brain volume depending on what proportion of the cranial cavity is occupied by the brain. The majority of Australian marsupials have brains almost completely occupying the endocranium (Ashwell, 2008;Taylor et al., 2006;Tyndale-Biscoe, 2005), so it was assumed that endocast volume is a reasonable proxy for brain size. To avoid as much error as possible, the volume of the endocast for each species was segmented so that the meninges, cranial nerves, blood vessels and the pituitary occupied similar proportions of the endocranial volume across the data set. ...
... Species with small craniums have brains that occupy over 25% of the cranial volume, and species with large cranium have relatively small brains that occupy only 5% of the total cranial volume (table 2). The volumes determined for extant taxa are within the range measured by Ashwell (2008) for wombats, and Taylor et al. (2006) for koalas, so it is assumed that the estimated volumes for the extinct taxa are also realistic. ...
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Sharp, A.C. 2016. A quantitative comparative analysis of the size of the frontoparietal sinuses and brain in vombatiform marsupials. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 74: 331–342. Cranial sinuses result from the resorption and deposition of bone in response to biomechanical stress during a process known as pneumatisation. The morphology of a pneumatic bone represents an optimisation between strength and being light weight. The presence of very large sinuses has been described in a number of extinct marsupial megafauna, the size of which no longer exist in extant marsupials. With advances in digital visualisation, and the discovery of a number of exceptionally preserved fossil crania, a unique opportunity exists to investigate hypotheses regarding the structure and evolution of the atypically voluminous sinuses. Sinus function is difficult to test without first obtaining data on sinus variation within and between species. Therefore, the crania of seven species of extinct and extant vombatiform marsupials were studied using CT scans to provide a volumetric assessment of the endocast and cranial sinuses. Sinus volume strongly correlates with skull size and brain size. In the extinct, large bodied palorchestids and diprotodontids the sinuses expand around the dorsal and lateral parts of the braincase. Brain size scales negatively with skull size in vombatiform marsupials. In large species the brain typically fills less than one quarter of the total volume of the endocranial space, and in very large species, it can be less than 10%. Sinus expansion may have developed in order to increase the surface area for attachment of the temporalis muscle and to lighten the skull. The braincase itself would have provided insufficient surface area for the predicted muscle masses.
... vermis presents a striking bulging aspect in the sagittal or parasagittal planes, as clearly appears in De Miguel and Henneberg (1998, fig. 1) (Fig. 33.4) and Taylor et al. (2006). The triangular space between the cerebral hemispheres is called the cisterna venae cerebri magnae (Figs. ...
... The koala endocast therefore shows a common mammalian pattern, but as summarized by Ashwell (2008), the koala is notorious for having an oddly small and lissencephalic brain. Peculiar features include enlarged cerebral ventricles and subarachnoid spaces (Haight and Nelson, 1987;De Miguel and Henneberg, 1998;Tyndale-Biscoe, 2005;Taylor et al. 2006). The koalas form with the common wombats (Vombatus ursinus) a distinct group of Australian diprotodonts (Haight and Nelson, 1987). ...
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Two distinct types of morphology have been suggested to characterize the brains of Mesozoic mammals. In some primitive mammals such as Triconodon and multituberculates, the vermis and the paraflocculi are large, with no apparent cerebellar hemispheres and no dorsal midbrain exposure (cryptomesencephalic type). In the other type of brain morphology (eumesencephalic type), the cerebral hemispheres are actually well developed, the presence of cerebellar hemispheres is apparent, and there is a large dorsal midbrain exposure. The terms cryptomesencephalic and eumesencephalic brains may have to be abandoned in light of a new interpretation of multituberculate and eutriconodontan endocasts. In this new interpretation, the region described as the vermis is rather an impression of the superior cistern covering both the midbrain and the cerebellar vermis itself. A cistern is an expansion of the subarachnoid space containing cerebrospinal fluid. This interpretation suggests that the superior cistern must have been large enough in eutriconodonts and multituberculates to press on the internal table of the cranial cavity during development in order to create the triangular bulge evident on the endocasts. The term vermis to refer to the triangular bulge visible on multituberculate and eutriconodontan endocasts therefore ought to be replaced by superior cistern. In support of this new interpretation, it was suggested that a similar “enlarged vermis” exists in extant species such as the marsupial koala, in which this enlargement is due to the expansion of the superior cistern, which makes a bulging impression on the skull. Further, the midbrain (tectum mesencephali) is dramatically exposed in the koala brain but is covered on the endocast. In the current study, we assessed this new interpretation of the endocranial cast of Mesozoic mammals with new observations of the endocranial cast morphology in extant monotremes (Zaglossus, Tachyglossus, Ornithorhynchus), marsupials (Macropus, Thylacinus, Protemnodon, Sarcophilus, Perameles, Phascolomys, Dasyurus, Phascolarctos, Didelphis, Lutreolina, Caluromys, Chironectes, Marmosa, Metachirus), Tenrecidae, primates, megabats, and fossil mammalian taxa. For the same genus or species examined, we compared structures on endocasts with structures on the exteriors of brains via dissections or illustrated descriptions of brains. In all the specimens we analyzed, the cerebellar vermis is clearly visible on endocranial casts. In koalas (genus Phascolarctos), the triangular space covering the midbrain between the posterior portions of the cerebral hemispheres is evident but cannot be confused with the cerebellar vermis, which is clearly apparent between the cerebellar hemispheres. The bulging aspect of the triangular space between the cerebral hemispheres is mainly due to the presence of the venous transverse sinuses, located anterior to the vermis. An interpretation alternative to vermis or superior cistern could also be given. In the megachiropteran Dobsonia praedatrix, this bulging structure is the pineal organ. It is prominent on D. praedatrix endocranial casts and covers the anterior part of the cerebellar vermis. Overall, our observations indicate that it is not the superior cistern but most probably the cerebellar vermis that makes a clearly visible impression on the posterior part of the endocranial casts of all extant and fossil mammals examined, including multituberculates and eutriconodonts.
... (n 5 25) of the EV of the koala (Miguel and Henneberg, 1998). A more recent study reported that the brain of the koala fills around 83% of the EV based on magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) of a live koala (Taylor et al., 2006). The values for the koala from the latter two studies are more in line with results from other marsupials (Haight and Nelson, 1987). ...
... With the koala in mind, it is apparent that brain mass measurements from preserved specimens of mammals may not provide an accurate estimate for the brain mass in vivo. A difference between live and preserved brain measurements of greater than 20%, as in the koala, is an extreme case, probably because of the large size of the ventricles in this taxon (Haight and Nelson, 1987;Miguel and Henneberg, 1998;Taylor et al., 2006). Nonetheless, MRI data would provide a more accurate estimate of the percentage of EV filled by the brain in Monodelphis domestica and other marsupials. ...
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Intraspecific variation (e.g., ontogenetic, individual, sexual dimorphic) is rarely examined among cranial endocasts (infillings of the braincase cavity) because of the difficulty in obtaining multiple specimens of a species, particularly fossil taxa. We extracted digital cranial endocasts from CT scans of a growth series of skulls of Monodelphis domestica, the gray short-tailed opossum, as a preliminary assessment of the amount of intraspecific variation in mammalian endocranial morphology. The goals of this study were 1) to provide an anatomical description to document developmental changes in endocranial morphology of M. domestica and 2) to examine ontogenetic and individual variation with respect to phylogenetic characters of endocranial cavities that are known to be variable between different mammalian taxa. In this study, "ontogenetic variation" refers to variation between specimens of different ages whereas "individual variation" (i.e., polymorphism) is restricted to variation between specimens of comparable age. Aside from size, changes in shape account for the greatest amount of morphological variation between the endocasts of different ages. Endocast length, width, and volume increase with age for the growth series. Relative olfactory bulb cast size increases with age in the growth series, but the relative size of the parafloccular casts shows a slight negative allometric trend through ontogeny. More than one-third of the phylogenetic characters of the endocranial cavity we examined showed some sort of variation (ontogenetic, individual, or both). This suggests that although endocasts are potentially informative for systematics, both ontogenetic and individual variation affect how endocranial characters are scored for phylogenetic analysis. Further studies such as this are necessary to determine the taxonomic extent of significant intraspecific variation of these endocranial characters.
... For example, in marsupials, the koala's (Phascolarctos cinereus) endocranial cavity might be exceptionally large compared to the brain contained in it, comprising only around 60% of the total ECV (J. Taylor, Rühli, Brown, De Miguel, & Henneberg, 2006). Therefore, using ECV without correction in such species might lead to the misleading observation that they have very large brains. ...
... While endocranial volumes are a reliable proxy for brain size [1] they do suffer from certain drawbacks. For example, in marsupials, the koala's (Phascolarctos cinereus) endocranial cavity might be exceptionally large compared to the brain contained in it, comprising only around 60% of the total ECV [58]. Therefore, using ECV without correction in such species might lead to the misleading observation that they have very large brains. ...
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Considerable controversy exists about which hypotheses and variables best explain mammalian brain size variation. We use a new, high-coverage dataset of marsupial brain and body sizes, and the first phylogenetically imputed full datasets of 16 predictor variables, to model the prevalent hypotheses explaining brain size evolution using phylogenetically corrected Bayesian generalized linear mixed-effects modelling. Despite this comprehensive analysis, litter size emerges as the only significant predictor. Marsupials differ from the more frequently studied placentals in displaying a much lower diversity of reproductive traits, which are known to interact extensively with many behavioural and ecological predictors of brain size. Our results therefore suggest that studies of relative brain size evolution in placental mammals may require targeted co-analysis or adjustment of reproductive parameters like litter size, weaning age or gestation length. This supports suggestions that significant associations between behavioural or ecological variables with relative brain size may be due to a confounding influence of the extensive reproductive diversity of placental mammals.
... However, no statistically significant differences were found. This species difference may be related to the degree of encephalization because increasing encephalic vasculature corresponds to extra cortex development and therefore a superior degree of encephalization (Paiva, 1998;Tripicchio, 2004;Taylor et al., 2006;Bruner and Sherkat, 2008). The TVSw was studied in three different regions (medial, middle and lateral), and despite the presence of some asymmetry (as in humans), no significant differences were found between the TVS values for either hemisphere in any of the three groups studied (Manara et al., 2010). ...
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We characterized the anatomical morphology of the transverse venous sinus (TVS) of 69 canine adult cadavers belonging to three groups: brachycephalic (B), dolichocephalic (D) and mesaticephalic (M). In addition, we outlined its path over the skull using five classic human craniometric points (CPs): the asterion (ast), the bregma (b), the glabella (g), the stephanion (st) and the pterion (pt). The study aimed to establish anatomical differences in the TVS between groups and in the relationship between the TVS and skull. We found that TVS anatomy and its relationships to skull landmarks vary markedly between the groups, with similar anatomical arrangements in B and M. The TVS length can be ranked as M < B < D (with D being the biggest), whereas the width can be ranked as M < D < B (with B being the widest) with the right side being smaller than the left. In the B and M groups, the TVS assumes a craniocaudal trajectory that is closer to the lateral skull wall than in D, where the TVS presents a caudocranial direction. By documenting the morphological characteristics of the TVS, we can create a set of anatomical references allowing construction of a basic framework to greatly decrease the probability of TVS injury during neuronavigation procedures when supported by a good knowledge of the skull, brain anatomies and their relationships.
Brain size relative to body size is considered to be an indicator of variously defined &apos;braininess&apos; (=encephalization). Indices of encephalization are based on the ratio of the animal&apos;s actual brain size to its expected brain size calculated from an allometric equation derived from a brain size I body weight relationship in a series of taxa Freshly collected data on brain and body weights of 27 adult koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) from South Australia are analysed here. Sex- averaged brain weight in this sample is 19.2 g and body weight is 8.0 kg. General equations for mammals produce encephalization values for the koala well below the mammalian average: EQ=38.9% ac- cording to Jerison&apos;s equation (1973), EQ= 49.7% applying Eisenberg&apos;s equation (1981) and EQ= 35.3% using Martin&apos;s equation (1990). When a &apos;basal&apos; insectivore line is used, the koala appears to be progressive: IP =155.9% according to Stephan&apos;s equation (1972) and ICC= 131.7% using Martin&apos;s equation (1990). Use of &apos;basal&apos; marsupial lines also indicates progressive encephalization of the koala: Pl=l l6.5% according to Pirlot&apos;s equation (1981}, E=108.4% following Nelson and Stephan&apos;s equation (1982) and E=107.9% using Haight and Nelson&apos;s equation (1987). These new results are clearly higher than the indices for the koala reported earlier by other authors (Nelson and Stephan 1982; Haight and Nelson 1987). It follows that choice of samples and equations influences conclusions regarding encephalization of a species.
A radiographic technique, incorporating pneumoperitoneum, was developed to aid in identification of cyst-like structures in the reproductive tract of female koalas. These lesions, including pyometra and fluid-filled cysts associated with the upper reproductive tract, were viewed as radiopacities with clearly demarcated margins lateral to the caudal lumbar vertebrae. This technique provided a means of assessing with a high degree of reliability the incidence and distribution of this condition in various populations of koalas throughout eastern and southern Australia. A radiographic survey of 237 adult female koalas revealed a 43% (101/237) incidence of this condition, which is closely correlated with the lack of reproductive success observed in some populations of koalas in the wild. Although the etiology of this condition is little understood at present, the isolation of Chlamydia psittaci from the reproductive tracts of affected koalas, both male and female, is recorded.
This is the first documented study of the anatomical details of the normal koala orbit. Baseline data are established which are necessary for understanding and treating ocular disease in the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus). The bony anatomy of the orbit of the koala was examined and described from animals that presented dead or had been euthanized for humane reasons. Dissections of the orbital cavity were performed under magnification, and descriptions of the orbital bones were from macerated skulls that had been boiled and cleaned. In general, the orbital bones of the koala, and their respective foramina, are consistent with those of other carnivorous polyprotodont and herbivorous diprotodont marsupials.
Intelligence has evolved many times independently among vertebrates. Primates, elephants and cetaceans are assumed to be more intelligent than 'lower' mammals, the great apes and humans more than monkeys, and humans more than the great apes. Brain properties assumed to be relevant for intelligence are the (absolute or relative) size of the brain, cortex, prefrontal cortex and degree of encephalization. However, factors that correlate better with intelligence are the number of cortical neurons and conduction velocity, as the basis for information-processing capacity. Humans have more cortical neurons than other mammals, although only marginally more than whales and elephants. The outstanding intelligence of humans appears to result from a combination and enhancement of properties found in non-human primates, such as theory of mind, imitation and language, rather than from 'unique' properties.
The diagnosis and epidemiology of an infertility disease in the female koala
  • Carrick Brown As
  • Gordon G Fn
  • Reynolds K And
BROWN AS, CARRICK FN, GORDON G AND REYNOLDS K, 1984. The diagnosis and epidemiology of an infertility disease in the female koala:
Primate origins and evolution
  • Maritin Rd
MARITIN RD, 1990. Primate origins and evolution. Princetown University Press: New Jersey.
Brain studies of wombats, a review. Pp. 48-54 in Wombats ed by RR Wells and PA Pridmore
  • Sanderson Kj
  • Nelson
SANDERSON KJ AND NELSON JE, 1998. Brain studies of wombats, a review. Pp. 48-54 in Wombats ed by RR Wells and PA Pridmore. Surrey Beatty & Sons: Chipping Norton.