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Prevalence of the parasite Strepsiptera in adult Polistes wasps: Field collections and literature overview


Abstract and Figures

The incidence of strepsipteran parasites in temperate Polistes wasps is recorded following the collection and dissection of adults from nests, foraging sites and hibernacula. The mean proportion of infected P. dominulus adults (i.e. para-site prevalence) on nests was around 7%, while wasps which were captured when hunting for prey or collecting water were rarely parasitized. Of the four Polistes species that were recovered from overwintering aggregations (dominulus, gallicus, nimphus and associus) only P. gallicus was uninfected. In P. dominulus, the most numerous host sampled, up to 25% of overwintering females were infected. We discuss our findings in the light of an extensive collation of records of Polistes parasitized by the strepsipteran genus Xenos in old and recent literature.
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Ethology Ecology & Evolution 16: 363-375, 2004
Prevalence of the parasite Strepsiptera
in adult Polistes wasps:
eld collections and literature overview
1 Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, OX1 3PS, UK
2 Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e Genetica, Università di Firenze, Via Romana 17,
50125 Firenze, Italy
Received 27 October 2004, accepted 5 November 2004
The incidence of strepsipteran parasites in temperate Polistes wasps is
recorded following the collection and dissection of adults from nests, foraging sites
and hibernacula. The mean proportion of infected P. dominulus adults (i.e. para-
site prevalence) on nests was around 7%, while wasps which were captured when
hunting for prey or collecting water were rarely parasitized. Of the four Polistes
species that were recovered from overwintering aggregations (dominulus, gallicus,
nimphus and associus) only P. gallicus was uninfected. In P. dominulus, the most
numerous host sampled, up to 25% of overwintering females were infected. We
discuss our ndings in the light of an extensive collation of records of Polistes
parasitized by the strepsipteran genus Xenos in old and recent literature.
KEY WORDS: Polistes, Xenos, Strepsiptera, parasitic castrators, social insects, over-
wintering groups.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
Adults on the nest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
Adults at foraging sites and water sources . . . . . . . . . 366
Adults from overwintering aggregations . . . . . . . . . . 367
Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Parasitism of adults on the nest . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Parasitism among foraging and water collecting adults . . . . . 368
Parasitism in overwintering aggregations of Polistes . . . . . . 372
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
3 Author for correspondence: David P. Hughes, Department of Biology, University of Oulu,
Oulu 90014, Finland (Tel. +358 8 5531791; E-mail:).
364 D.P. Hughes, J. Kathirithamby and L. Beani
Stylopization of adult Polistes
Social insects are a valuable resource for exploitation by parasites, due to the
aggregation of a large number of genetically related individuals in a central loca-
tion (SCHMID-HEMPEL 1998, NAUG & CAMAZINE 2002). Many examples of their effect
have been collected to date such as: colony-level response (HART et al. 2002, MEHDI-
2000), colony growth (CURRIE 2001, BROWN et al. 2003) and behavioural changes
(CARNEY 1969, MÜLLER & SCHMID-HEMPEL 1993, MÜLLER 1994). Due to the high
diversity of parasites within colonies (KISTNER 1982, SCHMID-HEMPEL 1998), our
knowledge of life histories of these parasites is limited for many taxa.
A prime example of this is the order Strepsiptera, which are obligate parasitic
insects. Among the social insects, the family Stylopidae has been recorded as parasites
of wasps (Vespidae of the genera Provespa, Vespa, Vespula, Polistes, Mischocyttarus,
Belanogaster, Brachygastra, Ropalidia, Apoica, Agelaia, Chartergus, Polybia); the family
Myrmecolacidae, if males, infect the ants (Formicidae belonging to genera Campono-
tus, Crematogaster, Pheidole, Pseudomyrmex, Eciton, Solenopsis, Dolichoderus), whereas
females infect Orthoptera (see recent data in KATHIRITHAMBY & JOHNSTON 2004). In
most cases information on parasite abundance and behaviour is minimal.
Most information concerns wasps of the genus Polistes, which are popular
study tools in their own right because of their tractability and accessibility (un-
enveloped nest and wide occurrence in temperate zones, see REEVE 1991, TURILLAZZI
& WEST-EBERHARD 1996). Indeed, the rst record of an insect infected by Strep-
siptera was from P. dominulus (Christ), parasitized, i.e. ‘stylopized’ by Xenos
vesparum (ROSSI 1793). In this species, as well as in other hymenopteran hosts,
infection results in physiological castration (BRANDENBURG 1956, STRAMBI & STRAMBI
1973, MAETA & KURIHARA 1999). A recent eld and laboratory study on P. dominulus
has shown a marked change in social behaviour of stylopized wasps, leading to nest
desertion early in imaginal life and the formation of mid-season, extra-nidal aggre-
gations (HUGHES et al. 2004, BEANI et al. in press).
In a previous study on Strepsiptera, we evaluated infection levels among dif-
ferent Polistes species from Old and New World sites through dissections of imma-
tures and adults from nests (HUGHES et al. 2003). The aim of the current work is to
document the occurrence of Strepsiptera in P. dominulus, following collections and
dissections of adult wasps. Particularly, we detail parasite prevalence (proportion
of infected individuals), and parasite load (number of parasites/infected host) for
various categories of adults: (1) on the nest; (2) foraging for prey on plants and
collecting water; (3) in overwintering inter-specic groups, formed by P. dominulus,
P. gallicus, P. nimphus and P. associus. Available information on Strepsiptera infect-
ing Polistes in old and recent literature is briey reviewed, focussing particularly on
levels of parasitism across different host categories.
Brief life-cycle of the strepsipteran genus Xenos parasitic in Polistes wasps
Infection occurs when the free-living, 1st instar larva enters a larval (or rarely egg) stage
wasp. The parasite remains endoparasitic until the host ecloses from the cell as an adult. At
364 D.P. Hughes, J. Kathirithamby and L. Beani
Stylopization of adult Polistes
which point both sexes of the parasite extrude the anterior region of the nal instar through
the intersegmental membranes of the host’s abdominal cuticle. Thereafter, hosts become vis-
ibly stylopized. Xenos males form puparia, from which they later emerge as free-living adults
for their short adult stage (< 5 hr). Xenos females, which are permanently neotenic endopara-
sites, extrude their cephalothorax through the intersegmental membranes of the host. Mating
and emergence of 1st instar larvae occur through the brood canal opening in the cephalotho-
rax (reviewed in KATHIRITHAMBY 1989).
The Polistes host is a primitively eusocial wasp, which in Italy begins nest foundation in
March with the rst workers emerging in May. Sexuals emerge in August-September, before
colony decline. Only female wasps (and female Xenos inside their abdomen) overwinter in
aggregations between November and March. After diapause, the female Xenos produce 1st
instar larvae which infect all the larval stages of the host (in Tuscany from May to July-
August). Emergence of stylopized workers and sexuals occurs from late May to August (see
further details in HUGHES et al. 2003).
Host collections
All collections occurred within 20 km of Florence, Italy. Collection sites (the local
names are given in Table 1) were old farmhouses, a greenhouse surrounded by elds and a
cemetery. Three categories of adult host were collected: (1) on nests; (2) prey foraging or col-
lecting water; (3) overwintering within hibernacula.
(1) Adults on the nest. Nests of P. dominulus (n = 21) were collected early in the morn-
ing under roof tiles of an abandoned property (henceforth Area 1) on 10th July (n = 7), 17th
July (n = 7) and 3rd August 2000 (n = 7). The nest was frozen within 3 hr of collection and all
adult dissected to check for signs of parasitism. Area 1 corresponds to Area C (HUGHES et al.
2003), and Area 1 (HUGHES et al. 2004).
(2) Adults at foraging sites and water sources. Wasps were captured as they ew around
plants and a water point. All collections occurred at one site (henceforth Area 2), every 2 days
between 13th July and 2nd August 2000. Flying wasps were collected as they visited a patch
of non-owering plants, i.e. without nectar and sugar sources at the time (approximately 10
m2 area abutting an abandoned house where nests were numerous). Using a sweep net, wasps
were captured if they ew very close (< 5 cm) around the stem and leaves of plants, presum-
ably seeking for prey, such as caterpillars. Typically, individuals moved around a single plant
for 5-10 sec before moving to another plant in the immediate vicinity. At the water point (1
m2 container), at the margin of the ‘foraging’ area, a net was passed close to the surface to
collect wasps as they visited the water. Wasps would alight on the water, or at the water’s edge
to drink. Collections on plants (n = 10) and at water (n = 11) lasted for 30 min, or until 10
wasps were caught. All wasps were sacriced within 3 hr and later dissected.
(3) Adults from hibernacula. Wasps were collected between the 6-10th December 2000
from 5 sites (see Table 1): old farmhouses surrounded by elds (Area 1-4); greenhouse within
ploughed eld (Area 5). Between 15-18th December 2001, collections occurred in a cemetery
(Area 6, corresponding to Area E in HUGHES et al. 2003). Overwintering sites (i.e. hibernacula)
were commonly interstices of buildings, old nests under roof tiles, but also votive candle-
holders in the cemetery site. These wasps were not dissected for signs of parasitism as X.
vesparum does not overwinter as a larval stage.
Statistical analyses
Data on parasite load (one parasite or two) and host species identity (4 species) was
analysed using binary and multinomial logistic regression analyses with the enter method,
respectively. Count data on the number of wasps on the nest or within hibernacula was ana-
lysed using ANOVA following log transformation to approximately normalize the data. All
analyses were performed using SPSS 10 and all means are shown ± SE.
366 D.P. Hughes, J. Kathirithamby and L. Beani
Stylopization of adult Polistes
Adults on the nest
In total, P. dominulus nests contained 896 adults (840 females, 56 males,
21 nests). The mean number of adults per nest was 42.67 ± 5.30 and this did not
signicantly differ among the 3 sampling weeks (ANOVA F2,20 = 0.80, P = 0.92).
The proportion of female wasps did vary with week (ANOVA F2,20 = 7.51, P = 0.04;
proportion of females = 0.99 ± 0.01, 0.97 ± 0.01 and 0.87 ± 0.05 for week 1, 2 and
3 respectively). With the exception of one nest collected on 3rd August, all nests
contained infected adults (20/21 or 0.95). The mean prevalence of infection among
adult wasps was 0.07 ± 0.02, regardless of the week of collection (Fig. 1, ANOVA
F2,20 = 2.27, P = 0.15).
Of the 61 infected adults, 7 were parasitized by 2 or more X. vesparum (69
parasites of both sexes in total, max/host = 3). The probability of parasitism by
more than one parasite was not inuenced by week of collection (Binary Logistic
Regression, Wald = 0.0015, 1 df, P = 0.97). The parasite load among infected wasps
was 1.13 ± 0.05. Only 8 of 69 parasites extruded through the host cuticle, i.e. < 1%
of the total number of adults on nests (n = 896) were visibly stylopized.
Adults at foraging sites and water sources
All wasps collected over non-owering patches and water were female P.
dominulus. Of the 63 adults captured while ying over vegetation, in manner sug-
gestive of prey searching, only one was infected (with three larval X. vesparum
males inside). Low levels of parasitism were also found among adults collected over
water: only 4 of the 88 wasps were infected. All these wasps were singly infected by
female X. vesparum releasing 1st instars at the time of capture. The degree of wing
Table 1.
The total number of wasps from overwintering aggregations according to the area of collection.
Area P. dominulus P. gallicus P. nimphus P. associus Total
composition (%)
1 (Peretola) 124 (22/0.17) 87 (0) 0 0 211 59/41/0/0
2 (Montoriolo) 143 (33/0.23) 6 (0) 0 0 149 96/4/0/0
3 (Impruneta) 97 (24/0.25) 16 (0) 0 23 (2/0.09) 136 71/12/0/17
4 (Ferrone) 105 (11/0.10) 135 (0) 0 34 (0) 274 39/49/0/12
5 (Mosciano) 47 (20/0.04) 4 (0) 12 (1/0.08) 117 (0) 180 26/2/7/65
6 (Trespiano) 377 (45/0.12) 73 (0) 0 30 (3/0.10) 480 79/15/0/6
Total 893 (137/0.15) 321 (0) 12 (1) 204 (5/0.02) 1430 63/22/1/14
The gures in parenthesis are the number and proportion of parasitized wasps. Hibernacula compo-
sition lists the relative percentages of wasps according to species in this order: dominulus/gallicus/
366 D.P. Hughes, J. Kathirithamby and L. Beani
Stylopization of adult Polistes
wear and tergite discoloration was extensive and suggested that these hosts were
overwintered gynes from the previous season.
Adults from overwintering aggregations
Within hibernacula, 1430 wasps were recovered and all were female (Table
1). Between 6-10th December 2000, 33 separate overwintering aggregations (from
Areas 1-5) contained 950 female Polistes of the following 4 species: P. dominulus,
gallicus (L.), nimphus (Christ) and associus Kohl. Between 15-18th December 2001,
480 female wasps (of P. dominulus, gallicus or associus) were collected from 23
overwintering aggregations (Area 6). The mean size of aggregations in hibernacula
was 25.57 wasps ± 4.81 (n = 56). The largest aggregation was 250 wasps under a
roof tile.
Table 1 shows the number and proportion of parasitized wasps for each spe-
cies of wasp collected from 6 areas. Species were not randomly distributed among
our collection sites (Multinomial Logistic regression χ2 = 366.33, 15 df, P < 0.0001).
Polistes gallicus wasps (n = 321) were all uninfected, with only one P. nimphus wasp
was parasitized (note we rarely found this species, n = 12).
In total, 143 parasitized wasps were collected from hibernacula. Parasite
number and sex is presented here for 88 P. dominulus wasps: 70 wasps were sin-
gly parasitized by a female X. vesparum; 9 had 2, and 1 had 3 female X. vesparum.
Unexpectedly, some wasps (n = 8) had male pupal stage X. vesparum or contained
empty puparia co-occurring with female X. vesparum. Males within the puparia
were dead, presumably they failed to emerge prior to host diapause. The mean par-
   
Fig. 1. — The mean prevalence (± SE) of infection of P. dominulus among adults on nests according
to collection date. The values in parenthesis are number of nests and adults dissected respectively.
368 D.P. Hughes, J. Kathirithamby and L. Beani
Stylopization of adult Polistes
asite load in overwintering aggregations was 1.16, comparable to the parasite load
in P. dominulus adults on nests.
Parasitism of adults on the nest
There is increasing evidence that Strepsiptera occur at high prevalence within
populations and colonies of Polistes wasps. This study was focused on P. dominu-
lus adults, and we found that all categories of hosts that were sampled were parasi-
tized, but at different levels of infection and stages of the parasite.
We found a very high proportion of infected colonies in July (20/21 or 95%)
and a relatively low parasite prevalence among adult wasps on nests (61/896, i.e.
7.1% regardless of collection date, Fig. 1). These data are in line with our previous
ndings in nests of P. dominulus collected in June and screened for endoparasitic
stages by dissection (7/12 nests and 0/45 adults, HUGHES et al. 2003, see Table 2).
Parasitized wasps leave the nest roughly one week after their emergence (HUGHES
et al. 2004). The developmental stages of the parasite corroborates early nest deser-
tion by infected wasps: 61 out of 69 X. vesparum in this sample were endoparasitic
larvae (all at 3rd-4th stage, except one at 2nd stage). Thus, the temporal window to
detect, by dissection, the infected larvae and pupae would be approximately 20 days
compared to 7-10 days to discover infected adults before they desert the nest. The
low proportion of infected colonies in P. metricus (approximately 18%, not based on
dissection: HODGES et al. 2003, see Table 2) is attributable to this clear-cut methodo-
logical difference.
Nests containing parasitized adults have been previously recorded for
Polistes from both Old and New World habitats (Table 2). Several samplings of
stylopized wasps occurred during the terminal phase of the colony (BRUES 1905,
PIERCE 1909, DUNKLE 1979, TURILLAZZI 1980), when nests may serve as a pre-
diapause aggregation site from several colonies. Thus, in those cases high rates
of infected wasps may be comparable to parasite prevalence in overwintering
groups: stylopized individuals may come from a number of nests to aggregate on
an abandoned colony.
On average, the parasite load among adults recovered from nests was approxi-
mately one Xenos per adult; which was less variable than the number of parasites
earlier detected per brood member (> 40 HUGHES et al. 2003, see also BRUES 1903
in Table 2). Whilst another study (HUGHES & KATHIRITHAMBY submitted) showed
no effect of single parasitism on the mortality of host larvae, it may be that super-
parasitized larvae either die, or are removed from the nest. This hypothesis is con-
sistent with 81% of wasps in extra-nidal aggregations being singly infected (HUGHES
et al. 2004); as well as the data presented here on parasite load among overwinter-
ing hosts (see below).
Parasitism among foraging and water collecting adults
A few studies, unfortunately, have assessed foraging ecology of Polistes (see
NANNONI et al. 2001). Our collections have shown that stylopized Polistes are rarely
368 D.P. Hughes, J. Kathirithamby and L. Beani
Stylopization of adult Polistes
Table 2.
A survey of parasitized Polistes wasps from the literature, according to host category.
References Host / Location Notes on infected wasps Method Prevalence
Collections of adults away from the nest
ROSSI 1793 P. dominulus / France rst account of a strepsipteran [EP]
HORN 1871 P. hebraeus F. / India
P. stigma (F.) / India
‘many’ infected [EP] 0.20
AUSTIN 1882 P. metricus Say / MA 2/14 ¢in and 7/36 in (Aug) [EP] 0.14, 0.19
HUBBARD 1892 P. fuscatus (F.) / VA 1 in “hiding” under bark [EP] —
BRUES 1903 P. texanus* / TX 1 in with empty pupa [EP] —
BRUES 1905 P. annularis (L.) / TX
P. rubiginosus* / TX
7 in with empty pupae
1 in with female releasing 1st instars (May)
PIERCE 1909: 21
P. pallipes (Lep ) / MA
P. metricus / OH
P. rubiginosus* / DC
P. rubiginosus* / TX
6 in, 4 ¢in with 30 Xenos (Sep)
10 in; 4 ¢in with 38 Xenos (Jun-Sep, over 5 years)
1 in with 8 females and 1 in with empty puparia
1 in with 6 empty pupae (Jul)
WHEELER 1910 P. metricus / CT 1000 wasps on owers (14-29th Aug 1900) [EP/D] 0.29
PIERCE 1918: 393
P. aurifer Saussure / CA
P. anaheimensis* / CA
P. annularis / NE
P. bellicosus Cresson / AZ
P. variatus Cresson / MD
1 in with larvipositing female (Aug)
1 in with female
7 in with 52 males and 6 females Xenos (Aug)
1 in with 4 pupae (Aug)
5 in 4 with one female, 1 with pupa (Nov)
BRÈTHES 1923 P. cavaptya Saussure / Argentina
P. versicolor (Olivier) / Argentina [EP]
RICHARDS & RICHARDS 1951 P. testaceicolor Bequaert / Guiana
P. carnifex (F.) / Guiana
‘heavily stylopized’ [EP]
370 D.P. Hughes, J. Kathirithamby and L. Beani
Stylopization of adult Polistes
References Host/Location Notes on infected wasps Method Prevalence
P. canadensis (L.)
P. melanosoma Saussure
P. versicolor
P. spp. (?) / (all Southern Brazil)
10 in in total for 4 host species [EP]
RIEK 1970 P. variabilis (F.) / Australia
P. tepidus (F.) / Australia [EP]
KIFUNE 1979 P. lanio lanio (F.) / Peru 4 in ying around building (Aug-Sep) [EP/D] —
FOWLER & PARRISH 1982 P. fuscatus / NJ 8 ¢in aggregated on a eave (Jul) [EP] 1.00
KIFUNE 1983 P. crinitus (Felton) / Virgin Islands 1 in and 1 ¢in around buildings (Nov-Jun) [EP] —
KIFUNE & MAETA 1985 P. rothneyi gressitti Van der Vecht
P. gigas (Kirby) / Taiwan
3 in
1 in [EP/D]
POLAK 1993 P. canadensis / Costa Rica several ¢in at leks (May-Sep) [EP] 0.05
PICKETT & WENZEL 2000 P. fuscatus / NY several in on owers (K. PICKETT pers. comm.) [EP/LO] 0.16 (n=68),
0.18 (n=44)
HUGHES et al. 2003 P. carnifex / Mexico 1 in with larvipositing female; 1 in with pupal males
on vegetation (Apr) [EP] —
Collections of adults on the nest
HUBBARD 1892 P. americanus* / FL
1 nest: in were lethargic and did not forage. Some
had 8 or 10 parasites. In lab >100 male Xenos bred out
[EP/LO] —
BRUES 1903 P. annularis / TX 1 of 4 nests infected. 4 i n reared out in lab [EP/LO/D] —
SKINNER 1903 P. texacanus* / TX 2 nests: 34/144 wasps parasitized (Sep) [EP] 0.23
BRUES 1905 P. annularis / TX
1 nest: 44/86 in; 91 Xenos (Jul)
1 nest: 36/42 in; 118 Xenos and some empty puparia
Table 2. (continued)
370 D.P. Hughes, J. Kathirithamby and L. Beani
Stylopization of adult Polistes
References Host/Location Notes on infected wasps Method Prevalence
PIERCE 1909: 17
PIERCE 1909: 16
PIERCE 1909: 21
P. annularis / TX
P. minor Palisot de Beauvois / TX
P. minor / TX
2 large nests (84% males, Sep)
2/4 nests: 1/26 and 5/191 wasps (Sep)
1/2 nests: 1/17 wasps (Oct)
0.04, 0.03
FITZGERALD 1938 P. pacicus (F.) / Trinidad 1 nest: all stylopized (12) and lethargic (no date) [EP] 1.00
DUNKLE 1979 P. annularis / FL many nests, only males examined: 569/11542 ¢in (Oct/
Nov) [EP] 0.05
TURILLAZZI 1980 P. gallicus / Italy in by Xenos females Sep/Nov) [EP] 0.19
STRASSMANN 1981 P. exclamans Viereck / TX 8 of “tens of thousands” examined were stylopized [EP]
HODGES et al. 2003 P. metricus / GA 51 of 303 early season nests infected by X. peckii [LO] 17.85
Collections of overwintering females
PIERCE 1909: 20 P. annularis / FL 6/60 (Nov); 4/54 (Nov); 2/35 (Jan). in, plus 2 in with
empty pupae [EP] 0.10, 0.07, 0.05
TURILLAZZI 1980 P. dominulus / Italy 4 groups on nests under tiles [EP] 0.23
Collections of immature wasps
BRUES 1903 P. annularis / TX 1 larva contained 31 parasites [D]
BRUES 1905 P. annularis / TX 2 nests: 1/12 (Sept) [D] 0.08
HUGHES et al. 2003
P. dominulus / Italy
P. gallicus / Italy
P. carnifex / Mexico
P. stabilinus / Mexico
7 of 12 nests: 44/261 immatures
4 of 10 nests: 45/154 immatures
4 of 8 nests: 9/77 immatures
2 of 15 nests: 5/400 immatures
Table 2. (continued)
Species names as supplied in original publication: * indicates possible invalid names. The list is not exhaustive (see HUGHES 2003). Where possible,
relevant notes are presented such as: host/parasite sex, proportion of infected wasps and nests, and date of collection. The abbreviations in ‘method’
refer to parasite detection: EP = Evidently Parasitized (without dissection); LO = Lab Observation, adults reared in cage; D = Dissection of at least
some individuals to check for endoparasitic stages. The symbols in = infected female and ¢in = infected male. The USA state names in Location col-
umn are abbreviated.
372 D.P. Hughes, J. Kathirithamby and L. Beani
Stylopization of adult Polistes
encountered around non-owering vegetation, which were assumed to be foraging
sites for proteinaceous food (e.g. caterpillars) to developing larvae: only one infect-
ed individual was recovered from 63 wasps sampled. This observation corroborates
previous ndings that infected wasps neither forage nor feed brood (HUGHES et al.
2004); but interestingly they do eat larval ies (maggots) brought to the nest by for-
agers, as well as sugar and honey (pers. obs.). In bumblebees, where infected work-
ers may forage for their colony, the presence of parasites more subtly affects ower
choice and pollen loads (SCHMID-HEMPEL & SCHMID-HEMPEL 1990, SCHMID-HEMPEL &
Our study did not record the occurrence of stylopized wasps around sugar
sources such as owers, fruit or tree-sap, though they were often seen there
(pers. obs.). A highly scattered distribution of owering patches discouraged this
approach in our study areas. Many records of stylopized wasps away from the nest
do exist but in most cases no details have been furnished (Table 2). Special note
should be made of the mammoth collection of 1,000 P. metricus over 10 days from
owers by WHEELER (1910) who recoded a 45% infection level in the rst 4 days.
This level was probably higher, as only a small number were dissected to check for
endoparasitic stages. Stylopized individuals of a further North American species (P.
fuscatus) were also collected from owers at relatively high levels (16-18%) (PICKETT
& WENZEL 2000, and pers. comm.). Both these records may reect a similar occur-
rence of early nest desertion by stylopized individuals in these species as well as in
P. dominulus.
Interestingly, all the stylopized wasps around a water container (4/88, i.e.
4.5%) were infected by a larvipositing female X. vesparum. Some morphological
cues indicated that these wasps were old, overwintered females. The release of 1st
instars at water could be a way to reduce desiccation of the primary stages whilst
allowing encounters with phoretic agents (water-collecting workers).
Parasitism in overwintering aggregations of Polistes
Our data conrm previous observations that diapausing aggregations of
Polistes may be multispecic and are composed principally of female wasps (BRIM-
LEY 1908, REED & LANDOLT 1991, HUNT et al. 1999). A strong area effect of the likeli-
hood of belonging to a particular Polistes species (Table 1) suggests a patchy com-
position of species within Tuscan populations.
For P. dominulus, parasite prevalence was surprisingly high, ranging from 4 to
25% (Table 1). These data were in agreement with the few previous records which
exist (see Table 2: 0.05-0.23 PIERCE 1909, TURILLAZZI 1980). This scarcity could reect
the cryptic nature of parasitism at this stage. That is, the visible portion (cephalo-
thorax) of female strepsipterans is dorsoventrally attened and hidden between the
tergites. Thus, stylopization is less conspicuous than in case of large male puparia,
which we rarely found in overwintering wasps (this study and PIERCE 1909).
Prevalence was very low in our limited sample of P. nimphus (1/12) as well
as in the more regularly encountered species, P. associus (5/204). This is the rst
record, to our knowledge, of stylopized P. associus wasps. Unexpectedly, P. gallicus
was not found to be parasitized although this species was collected in high num-
bers (n = 321) in these winter collections. This contrasts with a high proportion of
nests and brood being infected (HUGHES et al. 2003). P. gallicus adults might repre-
sent a secondary and not suitable host for X. vesparum.
372 D.P. Hughes, J. Kathirithamby and L. Beani
Stylopization of adult Polistes
Because strepsipterans are parasitic castrators, the very high prevalence
among hibernacula occupants means that up to 25% of overwintering P. dominulus
wasps do not take part in nest foundation. In a recent report on the prevalence of
strepsipteran parasitism among overwintering Vespa analis, the authors showed that
between 8-15% of queens were infected but claimed that this level is not expected
to have a serious effect on population dynamics of their hosts (TATSUTA & MAKINO
This study, and recent work, have revealed hitherto unappreciated levels of
parasitism among Polistes by Strepsiptera. A review of the literature highlighted 31
known hosts among Polistes (32, including our rst record for P. associus). Despite
their wide distribution and high levels in some species, it remains difcult to make
inferences on the effect of parasitism at the colony and population levels. Future
work should attempt empirical investigations. Strepsiptera are useful tools with
which to do this as they are: relatively easy and inexpensive to sample; tractable
to laboratory manipulations; and found in wide range of social and non-social
Hymenoptera, which permits inter-taxa comparison of their effects.
We thank Emily Caruso and Anna Seward for help in the eld and Stefano Turillazzi,
Francesco Dessì-Fulgheri and members of the Florence Group for the Study of Social Wasps
for their hospitality. D. Hughes was supported by the Hope Studentship in Entomology
(Oxford University and Jesus College, Oxford). The work was funded by the Royal Society
Travel Joint Project grant (22335) to Jeyareney Kathirithamby.
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... All samples were collected during the first days of July of 2016 and 2018, in the plain of Sesto Fiorentino (Tuscany, Italy). Males parasitized by X. vesparum females and parasitized gynes are lacking in our data set, due to the protandrous emergence of X. vesparum (Hughes et al., 2004a), and to the scarcity of male and gyne reproductive larvae during the infection period in the early summer. Wasps from each caste emerge synchronously and at specific times throughout the summer, which controls for age (Molina and O'Donnell, 2008) and seasonality effects that can influence brain development. ...
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Brain plasticity is widespread in nature, as it enables adaptive responses to sensory demands associated with novel stimuli, environmental changes and social conditions. Social Hymenoptera are particularly well-suited to study neuroplasticity, because the division of labor amongst females and the different life histories of males and females are associated with specific sensory needs. Here, we take advantage of the social wasp Polistes dominula to explore if brain plasticity is influenced by caste and sex, and the exploitation by the strepsipteran parasite Xenos vesparum. Within sexes, male wasps had proportionally larger optic lobes, while females had larger antennal lobes, which is consistent with the sensory needs of sex-specific life histories. Within castes, reproductive females had larger mushroom body calyces, as predicted by their sensory needs for extensive within-colony interactions and winter aggregations, than workers who frequently forage for nest material and prey. Parasites had different effects on female and male hosts. Contrary to our predictions, female workers were castrated and behaviorally manipulated by female or male parasites, but only showed moderate differences in brain tissue allocation compared to non-parasitized workers. Parasitized males maintained their reproductive apparatus and sexual behavior. However, they had smaller brains and larger sensory brain regions than non-parasitized males. Our findings confirm that caste and sex mediate brain plasticity in P. dominula, and that parasitic manipulation drives differential allocation of brain regions depending on host sex.
... The effect of parasitization by parasites of the genus Xenos on P. ferreri colonies was described, and it goes beyond alterations in the reproductive potential, as was already pointed out in other species of temperate climate Polistes (Hughes et al. 2004;Beani et al. 2011), also altering the CHC profile (Torres et al. 2016). ...
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Insects maintain many interactions with microorganisms, and these may become key factors for establishing new relationships, environments, and food resources. Such associations with microorganisms may play an important role in colony health, since sociability, especially in Hymenoptera, induce greater vulnerability to pathogens due to the genetic homogeneity and the greater physical proximity among the individuals of a colony. In addition, species-to-species interactions have great potential for the generation of systems with emergent properties. For example, symbiosis provides the host with the ability to use new metabolic pathways or products from the symbiont. Landmark examples of long-term and tightly developed interactions are photosynthetic species and other eukaryotes. The leaf cutter ant-microorganism relationship has generated antibiotics that protect the colony and open a significant new resource for the ants. These themes have been widely explored for many insects, including social groups such as termites, bees, and ants. However, in wasps, and especially in neotropical wasps, the topic deserves stronger research efforts.
... The effect of parasitization by parasites of the genus Xenos on P. ferreri colonies was described, and it goes beyond alterations in the reproductive potential, as was already pointed out in other species of temperate climate Polistes (Hughes et al. 2004;Beani et al. 2011), also altering the CHC profile (Torres et al. 2016). ...
Cuticular hydrocarbons are chemical compounds present in all insects and primarily involved in preventing water loss and protecting against pathogenic microorganisms. In social insects, cuticular hydrocarbons evolved in cues that provide multilevel information. In this chapter, we review the studies on cuticular hydrocarbons in Neotropical social wasps. So far, the main research exploring the CHCs of independent and swarm-founding wasps demonstrates their importance in mediating interactions between nestmates and also that these compounds may vary within colony members, differences between sexes, reproductive status, fertility, age, and their relationships with social parasitism.
... They form overwintering clusters with uninfected gynes. In the next spring, the stylopized paper wasps do not found nests, but transmit primary larvae to other newly founded Polistes nests (Hughes et al., 2004a;Manfredini et al., 2010). Furthermore, stylopized Polistes desert the colony and form extranidal aggregations in summer. ...
The aim of this study was to find out how strongly the parasitic insect Stylops ovinae, which has tarsi equipped with tenent hairs and lacking claws, attaches to different substrates. We investigated adhesion of male S. ovinae to the abdomen of its hymenopteran host (Andrena vaga), the hairier abdomen of a Bombus sp. and two artificial smooth reference surfaces with different degrees of hydrophilicity. In our experiments, the male S. ovinae developed significantly higher forces on smooth surfaces. However, the forces were significantly lower on all the hymenopteran surfaces used in the experiment. The absence of anisotropy in the force grip in cranial/caudal direction relative to the host might indirectly indicate that S. ovinae generate forces by adhesion rather than mechanical interlocking with the host hairs. The tolerance of the attachment system of S. ovinae to the substrate chemistry might be explained by the primary contribution of van der Waals interactions and not capillary forces to adhesion in S. ovinae.
... All workers from unparasitized and parasitized colonies used in both behavioural and genomic experiments were dissected to confirm that they did not have developed ovaries nor yellow bodies (as sign of previous ovarian development), thus confirming they were not reproductively active (Cini 2014;Cini et al. 2013). During dissection workers were also checked for the presence of Strepsiptera endoparasites, which are known to be common in P. dominula (Hughes et al. 2004) and dramatically influence the wasp's behaviour and gene expression (Geffre et al. 2017). None of the workers included in the behavioural and transcriptomic analysis was found to be infected by Strepsiptera. ...
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The strong coevolutionary arms race between social parasites and their hosts has dramatically shaped the life-history traits of both parties. One of the main strategies exhibited by hosts in response to parasitism is reproduction by host workers. We lack a mechanistic understanding of how these defence strategies unfold and, specifically, whether hosts exhibit more subtle strategies to reduce the costs of parasitism from the outset. Here we test the hypothesis that there are both behavioural and neurogenomic signatures of worker responses to parasitism, prior to overt expression in the form of egg-laying; we test this using the social parasite—social host system of the paper wasps Polistes sulcifer-Polistes dominula. We characterized individual workers’ position within the social interaction network of queenright and host colonies immediately after parasite usurpation, weeks before the workers’ reproductive rebellion is evident. Parasitism influenced network centrality measures, with workers in parasitized colonies showing increased connectedness and centrality compared to those in unparasitized ones. Next, we quantified brain gene expression levels for five genes related to physiological and behavioural phenotypes in Polistes wasps. The gene Imaginal disc growth factor (Idgf4), thought to be responsive to changes in the social environment, was significantly down-regulated in workers from parasitized colonies; this may be an indication that parasitized workers are anticipating a shift toward a less worker-like phenotype in preparation for their reproductive rebellion. Our results provide the first evidence of early behavioural and neurogenomic responses of host workers toward the presence of an inquiline social parasite in a social insect.
... Among the known Strepsiptera hosts, hymenopterans are highlighted, mainly with reports of parasitoidism on Apidae (Ramos 2014; Soon et al. 2011), Formicidae (Kathirithamby & Johnston 1992, 2004Hughes et al. 2003), Sphecidae (Kathirithamby et al. 2012;Kifune & Hirashima, 1987;Miller et al. 2009) and Vespidae (Hughes et al. 2004b;Kudô et al. 2014;Kumar 2013) (we adopted the parasitoidism terminology following Kathirithamby 2009). Most studies on interactions with Vespidae are focused on social wasps of the subfamily Polistinae (Hughes et al. 2003;Hughes & Kathirithamby 2005;Hughes et al. 2004a). Little is known about interactions of these parasitoids with solitary wasps of the subfamily Eumeninae, especially regarding the Brazilian fauna. ...
Interactions between Strepsiptera (Pseudoxenos Saunders, 1872) and solitary wasps (Eumeninae) are recorded for the first time in Brazil for Pachodynerus grandis Willink & Roig-Alsina, 1998. An updated worldwide checklist of the host species of Eumeninae for Pseudoxenos is provided.
We report the morphology, biology and phylogeny of a new strepsipteran endoparasitic species: Xenos gadagkari, from the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes wattii from Punjab, India. We report a high abundance of the endoparasite in P. wattii population of our study area and provide the morphological description of adult males, male puparium and neotenic females. This species is sufficiently different from other Xenos sp reported from various social wasps and therefore, constitutes a new species, X. gadagkari Sen and Nain, sp. nov. Although there are a few reports of Strepsipteran parasites from India, this is the first confirmational report with a thorough description of a Xenos species from the Indian population of P. wattii and underscores the need for further investigation of the diversity and distribution of this group in India. Our findings contribute to the growing body of knowledge on Xenos and provide a foundation for future behavioural, microbial and molecular studies on this enigmatic group of insects.
The twisted-wing parasite order (Strepsiptera Kirby, 1813) is difficult to study due to the complexity of strepsipteran life histories, small body sizes, and a lack of accessible distribution data for most species. Here, we present a review of the strepsipteran species known from New York State. We also demonstrate successful collection methods and a survey of species carried out in an old-growth deciduous forest dominated by native New York species (Black Rock Forest, Cornwall, NY) and a private site in the Catskill Mountains (Shandaken, NY). Additionally, we model suitable habitats for Strepsiptera in the United States with species distribution modeling. We base our models on host distribution and climatic variables to inform predictions of where these twisted-wing parasites are likely to be found. This work provides a useful reference for the future collection of Strepsiptera.
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Polyandry, the practice of females mating with multiple males, is a strategy found in many insect groups. Whether it increases the likelihood of receiving beneficial genes from male partners and other potential benefits for females is controversial. Strepsiptera are generally considered monandrous, but in a few species females have been observed copulating serially with multiple males. Here we show that the offspring of a single female can have multiple fathers in two Strepsiptera species: Stylops ovinae (Stylopidae) and Xenos vesparum (Xenidae). We studied female polyandry in natural populations of these two species by analysis of polymorphic microsatellite loci. Our results showed that several fathers can be involved in both species, in some cases up to four. Mating experiments with S. ovinae have shown that the first male to mates with a given female contributes to a higher percentage of the offspring than subsequent males. In X. vesparum, however, we found no significant correlation between mating duration and offspring contribution. The prolonged copulation observed in S. ovinae may have the advantage of reducing competition with sperm from other males. Our results show that monandry may not be the general pattern of reproduction in the insect order Strepsiptera.
Phenotypic plasticity is the capacity of a single genotype to exhibit different phenotypes, and can be an adaptive response to specific environmental and social conditions. Social insects are particularly well-suited to study plasticity, because the division of labor amongst females and the different life histories of males and females are associated with specific sensory needs. Here, we take advantage of the social wasp Polistes dominula to explore if brain plasticity is influenced by caste and sex, and the exploitation by the parasite Xenos vesparum . Within sexes, males had proportionally larger optic lobes, while females, regardless of caste, had larger antennal lobes, which is consistent with sensory needs of sex-specific life histories. Within castes, reproductive females had larger calyces, as predicted by their sensory needs for extensive within-colony interactions and forming winter aggregations, than workers who spend more time foraging for nest material and prey. Surprisingly, parasites had different effects on female and male hosts. Female workers were castrated and behaviorally manipulated by female or male parasites, but only showed moderate differences in relative allocation of different brain tissue compared to non-parasitized workers. In contrast, the testes and behavior of parasitized males were essentially unaffected, but they had smaller brains and greater relative volume of most sensory brain regions than non-parasitized males. Our results are consistent with caste and sex mediating brain plasticity in P. dominula and that parasitic manipulation can also drive differential allocation of brain regions depending on host sex.
The diversity of social behavior among birds and primates is surpassed only by members of the Hymenopteran insects, including bees, ants, and the genus Polistes, or paper-wasps. This volume combines incisive reviews and new, unpublished data in studies of paper-wasps, a large and varied group whose life patterns are often studied by biologists interested in social evolution. While this research is significant to the natural history of paper-wasps, it also applies to topics of general interest such as the evolution of cooperation, social parasitism, kin recognition, and the division of labor.
How often, in turning over the pages of his check-list, has the American collector of beetles allowed his eyes to rest a moment upon those lines of type which announce the existence in our fauna of the mysterious family Stylopidæ, with its two genera, Stylops and Xenos ; each represented by a single species; but, recognizing in these names only the records of captures almost legendary in their antiquity, he has turned the page with a feeling that they represent to him unattainalble rarities.
This study aims to infer the proportion of queens and workers of the hornet Vespa analis parasitized by the strepsipterous parasite Xenos moutoni in overwintered females from morphological data collected for three years. It is known that both worker and queen hornets parasitized by strepsipterous insects overwinter. The parasitized queens cannot reproduce in the next season and thus the level of parasitism potentially affects the number of colonies to be established in the population. Thus, estimation of the ratio of parasitized queens to the total of parasitized females would be useful for understanding the population dynamics of the hornet. K-means cluster analysis demonstrated that 50 to 85% of individuals were workers in the total of parasitized females during the period. From 8 to 15% of total queens were thought to be sterilized by X. moutoni, a level that would not be expected to have a serious effect on the population dynamics of V. analis. Forced hibernation of workers might be considered to be a result of manipulation of the diapause system of the host by the parasite to increase its reproductive success.
Infection of the paper wasp, Polistes dominulus (Christ), by the strepsipteran parasite Xenos vesparum Rossi results in a dramatic behavioral change, which culminates in colony desertion and the formation of extranidal aggregations, in which up to 98% of occupants are parasitized females. Aggregations formed on prominent vegetation, traditional lek-sites of Polistes males, and on buildings, which were later adopted as hibernating sites by future queens. First discovered by W.D. Hamilton, these aberrant aggregations are an overlooked phenomenon of the behavioral ecology of this intensively studied wasp. For 3 months in the summer of 2000, during the peak of colony development, we sampled 91 extranidal aggregations from seven areas, numbering 1322 wasps. These wasps were parasitized by both sexes of X. vesparum, but males were more frequent from July until mid-August, during the mating season of the parasite. Aggregations were present for days at the same sites (in one case a leaf was occupied for 36 consecutive days) and were characterized by extreme inactivity. After artificial infection, parasitized "workers" deserted the nest 1 week after emergence from their cell and before the extrusion of the parasite through the host cuticle. Infected individuals did not work, were more inactive, and did not receive more aggression than did controls. We suggest that early nest desertion and subsequent aggregations by parasitized nominal workers and "future queens" is adaptive manipulation of host behavior by the parasite to promote the completion of its life cycle. Copyright 2004.
The paper wasp Polistes exclamans loses part of its brood to the parasitoids Chalcoela iphitalis (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae) and Elasmus polistis (Hymenoptera:Chalcidoidea:Eulophidae) and loses entire nests to bird predation, Crematogaster laeviuscula (Hymenoptera:Formicidae) predation, and orphanage (loss of all adult wasps). More nests fail because of bird predation than from all other causes combined. Larger nests are neither better protected nor more vulnerable to nest predators, though larger nests are less likely to fail because of orphanage than are smaller nests. Larger nests are more heavily attacked by Elasmus polistis, which reinfests its natal nest. Polistes exclamans may subdivide larger groups of females by forming satellite nests because of the lack of an overall advantage to large nests. Satellite nests increase the probability that the brood in either the original nest or satellite nest will avoid bird predation.