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Production of wood decay enzymes, mass loss and lignin solubilization in wood by marine ascomycetes and their anamorphs


Abstract and Figures

2004). Production of wood decay enzymes, mass loss and lignin solubilization in wood by marine ascomycetes and their anamorphs. Fungal Diversity 15: 1-14. A study was carried out to establish the wood decay ability for a large number of diverse marine ascomycetes and their anamorphs. In vitro production of cellulase and xylanase was widespread among forty-seven fungi. Production of enzymes involved in lignin degradation was comparatively less common. Most isolates were capable of causing mass loss in a birch wood substrate although values were low (<5%) during a 24-week period. A few ascomycetes caused higher mass loss of up to 20.1%. In all cases wood decay was greater in exposed rather than submerged conditions. Ascocratera manglicola, Astrosphaeriella striatispora, Cryptovalsa halosarceicola, Linocarpon bipolaris and Rhizophila marina, were shown to solubilize significant amounts of lignin, with indices of lignin solubilization comparable to those of terrestrial white-rot basidiomycetes. Certain marine ascomycetes may therefore fulfill an equivalent ecological role.
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Fungal Diversity
Production of wood decay enzymes, mass loss and lignin
solubilization in wood by marine ascomycetes and their
V.V.C. Bucher1, K.D. Hyde1, S.B. Pointing 1* and C.A. Reddy2
1Department of Ecology & Biodiversity, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong
Kong, PR China
2Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, and NSF Center for Microbial Ecology,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-4320, USA
Bucher, V.V.C., Hyde, K.D., Pointing, S.B. and Reddy, C.A. (2004). Production of wood
decay enzymes, mass loss and lignin solubilization in wood by marine ascomycetes and their
anamorphs. Fungal Diversity 15: 1-14.
A study was carried out to establish the wood decay ability for a large number of diverse
marine ascomycetes and their anamorphs. In vitro production of cellulase and xylanase was
widespread among forty-seven fungi. Production of enzymes involved in lignin degradation
was comparatively less common. Most isolates were capable of causing mass loss in a birch
wood substrate although values were low (<5%) during a 24-week period. A few ascomycetes
caused higher mass loss of up to 20.1%. In all cases wood decay was greater in exposed rather
than submerged conditions. Ascocratera manglicola, Astrosphaeriella striatispora,
Cryptovalsa halosarceicola, Linocarpon bipolaris and Rhizophila marina, were shown to
solubilize significant amounts of lignin, with indices of lignin solubilization comparable to
those of terrestrial white-rot basidiomycetes. Certain marine ascomycetes may therefore fulfill
an equivalent ecological role.
Key words: marine fungi; wood decay; lignin
Lignocellulosic substrates in the marine environment, particularly
mangrove wood, support a diverse mycota (Sarma and Hyde, 2001). Most
species described to date are ascomycetes, with fewer anamorphic states
known. Very few basidiomycetes are known, with many of the latter also
encountered infrequently (Jones and Alias, 1997; Sarma and Vittal, 2001).
Although marine borers are recognized as particularly aggressive wood
degraders in marine waters, they are not active in the upper intertidal zone and
so fungi are thought to be important wood degraders in this niche (Hyde,
*Corresponding author: S.B. pointing: e-mail:
1991). Bacterial wood decay in marine environments is relatively slow and
superficial (Singh and Butcher, 1991).
The degradation mechanisms of wood by terrestrial fungi are well known
and it is assumed similar mechanisms exist in marine fungi (Pointing and Hyde
2000). Cellulose hydrolysis is achieved by endoglucanases and
cellobiohydrolases, collectively termed cellulases (Eaton and Hale, 1993).
Hydrolysis of hemicellulose, a mixed polymer, occurs via the action of
hydrolytic xylanases, mananases and possibly other hydrolases with broad
substrate specificity (Eaton and Hale, 1993). The mineralization of lignin
involves two peroxidases, lignin peroxidase and Mn-dependant peroxidase, and
a polyphenoloxidase, laccase, collectively known as lignin-modifying enzymes
(LME’s). These enzymes catalyze production of highly reactive radicals which
oxidize phenolic and non-phenolic lignin components (Pointing, 2001).
Three fungal wood decay types are recognized (Eaton and Hale, 1993).
Soft rot, a superficial decay where enzymatic decay of cellulose and
hemicellulose in surface layers of wood is accompanied by little or no lignin
degradation. This is characteristic of many ascomycetes and their anamorphs.
White rot, where rapid and extensive decay of all wood components due to
enzymatic degradation is observed, with characteristic wood bleaching as a
result of lignin removal. White-rot decay has been identified to date only
among basidiomycetes and a few higher ascomycete genera (Risna and
Suhirman, 2002; Urairuj et al., 2003). The role of white-rot fungi in
lignocellulose turnover is key since lignin is the most recalcitrant component of
wood. Brown rot, in which very rapid cellulose and hemicellulose decay is
attributed to non-enzymatic oxidation with little or no associated lignin
degradation. Certain marine fungi are known to cause soft rot (Leightley and
Eaton 1979a, Mouzouras 1986, 1989a) and white rot (Leightley and Eaton
1979b, Mouzouras 1986, 1989b) decay, although studies have generally
focused on taxa isolated from man-made wooden structures in temperate
locations. Brown rot fungi are not colonizers of very wet or waterlogged wood
and so are not found in marine environments.
The major gaps in our knowledge of marine fungal wood decay relate
firstly to the lack of data relating to enzyme production by species common to
natural substrates such as mangrove wood in the tropics. Secondly whether
they are significant wood degraders under conditions where they occur, such as
the intertidal region of mangroves. Thirdly it is not clear if marine fungi play a
significant role in lignin breakdown since basidiomycetes, conventionally
regarded as key lignin degraders in terrestrial environments, are rarely
encountered. The aim of this study is to improve our knowledge in these areas.
Firstly, by screening those fungi commonly encountered in tropical and sub-
Fungal Diversity
tropical marine habitats for in vitro production of wood decay enzymes.
Secondly, to establish the ability of such fungi to effect mass loss in wood
during simulated exposed (high tide) and submerged (low tide) conditions.
Thirdly, the ability of selected taxa to solubilize lignin from wood is assessed
in an effort to understand the extent to which fungal lignin degradation may be
achieved by marine ascomycetes and their anamorphs.
Materials and Methods
Organisms and culture conditions
Forty-five marine fungal taxa, with many commonly occurring in
mangroves (Sarma and Hyde, 2001), were obtained from The University of
Hong Kong Culture Collection or City University of Hong Kong Culture
Collection. Reference fungi were obtained from CABI Bioscience UK.
Cultures were maintained on potato-dextrose agar (Difco) supplemented with
1.5% (w/v) marine salts (Instant Ocean) at 25°C in darkness. Inoculum for
enzyme production assays and wood decay testing consisted of 5mm agar
plugs cut from the actively growing colony margin of 4-8 week cultures of
each fungus. Single agar plugs were used for agar based enzyme assays, whilst
five plugs were introduced to each conical flask for wood decay studies.
Enzyme production assays
The following growth conditions were used to test for lignocellulolytic
enzyme production (Pointing, 2000):
Cellulose-azure agar – 1% (w/v) cellulose-azure (Sigma), 0.1% (w/v)
mycological peptone (Oxoid), 0.01% (w/v) yeast extract (Difco), 1.5% (w/v)
marine salts (Instant Ocean), 1.6% (w/v) agar (Difco). Cellulolysis was
assessed by monitoring release of azure dye from cellulose-dye complex and
diffusion into clear agar not containing cellulose-azure. Ligninolytic
peroxidase production was indicated by subsequent decolorization of the azure
Xylan agar – 1% (w/v) birchwood xylan (Sigma), 0.1% (w/v)
mycological peptone, 0.01% (w/v) yeast extract, 1.5% (w/v) marine salts
(Instant Ocean), 1.6% (w/v) agar. Zones of xylanolysis were visualized after
flooding petri dishes with 0.25% (w/v) I2 and KI solution. Xylan is the major
component of hemicellulose and its hydrolysis in this study was used to
indicate hemicellulolytic ability.
Poly R agar – 0.2% (w/v) glucose (Sigma), 0.02% (w/v) Poly R 478
(Sigma), 0.1% (w/v) mycological peptone, 0.01% (w/v) yeast extract, 1.5%
(w/v) marine salts (Instant Ocean), 1.6% (w/v) agar. Production of lignin
modifying enzymes was recorded as clearance of the Poly R dye.
Syringaldazine agar - 0.2% (w/v) glucose, 0.1% (w/v) mycological
peptone, 0.01% (w/v) yeast extract, 1.5% (w/v) marine salts (Instant Ocean),
1.6% (w/v) agar. Formation of pink-purple zones around wells in the agar
flooded with 0.1% (w/v) syringaldazine (Sigma) indicated laccase production.
Each treatment was repeated in triplicate with mean values used to
determine enzyme production relative to control taxa. All incubations carried
out at 25oC in darkness.
Mass loss and lignin solubilization in wood
Untreated seasoned birch wood (Betula sp.) was chosen for its low
extractive content and low durability. It was not possible to obtain mangrove
wood of uniform quality for use in experiments and so the use of homogenous
wood samples from a relatively benign wood species was preferred in order to
limit bias due to substrate variability. Wood was cut into 1 × 1 × 2.5cm3 blocks
and leached in distilled water for 48 hours to remove water soluble
components. Initial dry mass was determined after drying at 60°C for 2 days.
Test blocks were then autoclaved and placed into 250ml Erlenmyer flasks that
had been previously colonized for 2 week, on either the surface of 50ml agar
(potato-dextrose agar, Difco) or submerged in 50ml liquid broth (potato-
dextrose broth, Difco) supplemented with 1.5% w/v marine salts (Instant
Ocean). Volume of liquid incubations was maintained by periodically adding
sterile distilled water to flasks. These treatments were used to simulate exposed
and submerged conditions respectively. High surface area to volume ratios of
culture medium ensured aerated conditions were maintained throughout the
experiment. Static incubation was chosen to minimize any bias due to physical
abrasion of wood blocks that can occur during shaking incubation. Incubation
was carried out at 25°C in darkness for 24 weeks. After incubation wood
blocks were removed and final dry mass calculated after first removing fungal
biomass from the surface of each wood block. Mass loss values were corrected
for that recorded in uninoculated controls. Results were expressed as the mean
of three replicates, plus/minus the standard deviation of the mean. Differences
among treatments were analyzed by one-way ANOVA.
For chemical analysis wood blocks were ground in a hammer mill and
the 250-500µm sized particle fraction prepared for analysis by ethanol-benzene
and hot water extraction according to TAPPI T12 os-75 (Anon, 1975).
Fungal Diversity
Determination of acid insoluble (Klason) lignin was carried out by measuring
residual mass after digestion of wood particles in 72% H2SO4 according to
TAPPI T222 os-98 (Anon, 1998), with uninoculated wood blocks serving as
controls. The index of lignin solubilization (ILS) (percent lignin loss/percent
mass loss) was calculated for each treatment. Results were expressed as the
mean of three replicates, with the standard deviation of the mean shown by
vertical error bars.
Enzyme production assays (Table 1) revealed 89% of marine fungi were
cellulolytic (crystalline cellulose utilization) and 84% were xylanolytic. Few
isolates were cellulolytic only (13%) or xylanolytic only (9%). Some variation
within genera was observed, with two strains of Lulworthia sp. and two species
of Marinosphaera mangrovei variously able to produce xylanases and
cellulases in vitro respectively. There were no obvious differences in enzyme
production between ascomycetes or their anamorphs. The ability to produce
enzymes involved in lignin degradation in vitro varied greatly between taxa
used in this study. Of the anamorphs tested, 20% decolorized Poly R, whilst
none decolorized Azure B and 30% oxidized syringaldazine. Many of the
ascomycetes decolorized Poly R (77%), with 9% decolorizing Azure B and
17% oxidizing syringaldazine. The reactions of reference white-rot and soft-rot
taxa were typical and confirmed the suitability of the assay medium for each
All marine fungi tested in this study caused mass loss in wood (Table 2),
although values were generally extremely low (<5%) after 24 weeks exposure.
Wood decay in exposed conditions was significantly higher (P <0.001) than in
submerged conditions for all groups, there was no significant difference
between ascomycetes or anamorphic species (P = 0.447). The anamorphs,
however, achieved significantly higher mass loss than ascomycetes in
submerged conditions (P <0.01). Six ascomycetes, Ascocratera manglicola,
Astrosphaeriella striatispora (HKUCC 7651), Cryptovalsa halosarceicola,
Lignincola laevis (HKUCC 6867), Linocarpon bipolaris and Rhizophila
marina, caused mass loss in excess of 10% during exposed incubation. Mass
loss values obtained for the three reference taxa were as expected under
exposed conditions, with extensive mass loss by basidiomycetes and lower
mass loss due to soft-rot of surface layers by Chaetomium globosum. During
submerged exposure wood decay by basiodiomycetes was reduced 8-fold, but
no significant change was observed for Chaetomium globosum.
Table 1. Production of wood decay enzymes in vitro by marine fungi.
Poly R
Azure B
Chaetomium globosum 4097 + 0 0 0 0
Phanerochaete chrysosporium IMI 284010 + + + + +
Pycnoporus sanguineus IMI 307937 + + + + +
Cytoplacosphaeria phragmaticola 6722 + + 0 0 +
Cytospora rhizophorae 6012 00000
Dactylaria sp. 6728 + + 0 0 +
Dendryphiella salina CY 2723 + + 0 0 0
Periconia prolifica 6724 + 0 + 0 0
Phoma sp. 6725 + 0 0 0 0
Phomopsis sp. 6155 + + 0 0 0
Trichocladium achrasporum 8266 0000+
Zalerion varium 5485 + + 0 0 0
Acrocordiopsis patilii 9145 + 0 0 0 +
Aigialus grandis 5796 0 + + 0 0
Aniptodera salsuginosa 6729 + + + 0 0
Ascocratera manglicola 9174 + + 0 0 0
Astrosphaeriella striatispora 5700 + + + 0 0
Astrosphaeriella striatispora 7651 + + + 0 +
Bathyascus grandisporus 6868 ++++0
Botryosphaeria sp. 8019 + + 0 0 0
Corollospora maritima CY 1520 + + 0 0 0
Cryptovalsa halosarceicola 9142 +++++
Dactylospora mangrovei 9141 + + + 0 NT
Eutypa sp. CY GJ94++000
Ascosalsum cincinnatula 6731 + + + 0 0
Helicascus nypae 5788 + + 0 0 0
Kallichroma tethys 6084 + + + 0 +
Hypocrea sp. 9144 + 0 0 0 0
Leptosphaeria sp. 6004 + + + 0 +
Lignicola laevis 6066 + + + 0 0
Fungal Diversity
Table 1 continued. Production of wood decay enzymes in vitro by marine fungi.
Poly R
Azure B
Lignincola laevis 6867 + + + 0 0
Lignincola laevis 6737 + + + 0 0
Linocarpon bipolaris 5790 + + + 0 0
Lulworthia grandispora CY 1303 + + + 0 0
Lulworthia sp.8054 + + + 0 0
Lulworthia sp. 8055 + 0 + 0 0
Marinosphaera mangrovei 8089 0 + + 0 0
Marinosphaera mangrovei 6914 + + + 0 0
Massarina achostrichi 6727 + + 0 0 0
Massarina thalassiae 9140 + + + 0 0
Massarina velatispora 5793 + + + 0 0
Neptunella longirostris 6712 + + + 0 0
Phragmitensis marina 6730 + + 0 0 0
Quintaria sp. 6726 + + + 0 +
Rhizophila marina 9143 ++++0
Salsuginea ramicola 6915 0 + + 0 NT
Savoryella lignicola 9176 + + 0 0 0
Verruculina enalia 6869 ++++0
IMI = CABI Biosiences UK; CY = City University of Hong Kong Culture Collection.
+ denotes a positive reaction, 0 denotes a negative reaction, NT = not tested due to pigment
production by the fungus.
The solubilization of lignin from wood blocks by those marine fungi causing
more than 10% mass loss was assessed (Fig. 1). With the exception of
Lignincola laevis (HKUCC 6867) all caused extensive lignin solubilization.
The ILS values obtained show Cryptovalsa halosarceicola and Linocarpon
bipolaris solubilized lignin from wood at a similar rate to other wood
components. The high ILS (1.9) produced by Rhizophila marina suggests this
fungus preferentially solubilized lignin over other wood components. Two
other isolates, Ascocratera manglicola and Astrosphaeriella striatispora
(HKUCC 7651), displayed an ILS value of 0.8 and 0.7 respectively. With the
exception of Ascocratera manglicola all marine fungi causing more than 10%
mass loss also produced LME’s in vitro. Lignincola laevis (HKUCC 6867),
however, was unable to solubilize lignin from wood in contrast to production
of LME’s in vitro. In the case of such ambiguities, data from direct
Table 2. Mass loss in wood under simulated exposed and submerged conditions by marine
fungi after 24 weeks incubation.
Fungus HKUCC
Unless stated
Percent wood mass loss
(± S.D. of the mean)
Exposed Submerged
Chaetomium globosum 4097 6.0±0.8 7.2±1.3
Phanerochaete chrysosporium IMI 284010 56.4±4 7.0±9.8
Pycnoporus sanguineus IMI 307937 73.1±18.1 9.0±1.1
Cytoplacosphaeria phragmaticola 6722 8.3 ±1.9 6.3 ±2.8
Cytospora rhizophorae 6012 2.3 ±0.4 1.5 ±0.2
Dactylaria sp. 6728 5.3 ±4 7.3 ±1.0
Dendryphiella salina CY 2723 6.7 ±0.7 4.1 ±2.0
Periconia prolifica 6724 2.4 ±0.2 3.3 ±1.6
Phoma sp. 6725 3.5 ±0.4 6.6 ±1.5
Phomopsis sp. 6155 7.7 ±0.9 4.0 ±2.6
Trichocladium achrasporum 8266 5.2 ±1.3 1.6 ±0.5
Zalerion varium 5485 6.4 ±0.7 3.9 ±0.1
Acrocordiopsis patilii 9145 ND 2.4 ±1.4
Aigialus grandis 5796 1.0 ±0.0 0.8 ±2.1
Aniptodera salsuginosa 6729 2.2 ±0.5 2.4 ±0.2
Ascocratera manglicola 9174 20.2 ±4.8 3.3 ±0.7
Astrosphaeriella striatispora 5700 9.6 ±1.0 4.7 ±3.9
Astrosphaeriella striatispora 7651 13 ±1.5 4.7 ±2.2
Bathyascus grandisporus 6868 3.3 ±1.4 1.6 ±0.7
Botryosphaeria sp. 8019 0.6 ±0.3 2.0 ±1.0
Corollospora maritima CY 1520 5.3 ±0.3 2.6 ±1.5
Cryptovalsa halosarceicola 9142 20 ±13 4.5 ±3.4
Dactylospora mangrovei 9141 2.4 ±0.5 0.9 ±0.2
Eutypa sp. CY GJ94 2.1 ±1.6 4.8 ±3.5
Ascosalsum cincinnatula 6731 3.1 ±0.9 1.0 ±0.4
Helicascus nypae 5788 1.1±0.6 0.6 ±0.1
Kallichroma tethys 6084 1.6 ±0.5 1.2 ±0.4
Hypocrea sp. 9144 3.2 ±0.5 4.0 ±1.8
Leptosphaeria sp.6004 4.3 ±0.6 2.3 ±0.6
Lignicola laevis 6066 2.5 ±0.4 2.7 ±0.8
Lignincola laevis 6867 11.1 ±2.6 4.5 ±0.6
Lignincola laevis 6737 1.3 ±0.2 1.0 ±0.4
Linocarpon bipolaris 5790 11.8 ±2.1 6.7 ±1.2
Fungal Diversity
Table 2 continued. Mass loss in wood under simulated exposed and submerged conditions by
marine fungi after 24 weeks incubation.
Fungus HKUCC
Unless stated
Percent wood mass loss
(± S.D. of the mean)
Exposed Submerge
Lulworthia grandispora CY 1303 5.5 ±0.5 2.9 ±1.6
Lulworthia sp. 8054 8.1 ±1.4 3.0 ±0.5
Lulworthia sp. 8055 3.5 ±0.0 2.5 ±0.1
Marinosphaera mangrovei 8089 6.4 ±1.1 2.6 ±0.5
Marinosphaera mangrovei 6914 3.8 ±0.6 4.9 ±3.1
Massarina achostrichi 6727 4.1 ±0.2 1.1 ±0.2
Massarina thalassiae 9140 0.4 ±0.4 0.1 ±0.9
Massarina velatispora 5793 4.8 ±0.5 1.8 ±2.0
Neptunella longirostris 6712 8.3 ±1.1 2.3 ±0.4
Phragmitensis marina 6730 1.2 ±0.3 4.0 ±2.1
Quintaria sp. 6726 6.8 ±0.6 1.6 ±0.9
Rhizophila marina 9143 12.9 ±4.8 2.6 ±0.5
Salsuginea ramicola 6915 ND ND
Savoryella lignicola 9176 8.1 ±0.6 5.4 ±1.8
Verruculina enalia 6869 6.4 ±0.5 4.0 ±1.6
IMI = CABI Biosiences UK; CY = City University of Hong Kong Culture Collection.
ND = not determined due to poor growth of fungus.
measurement of lignin solubilization or mineralization is regarded as more
indicative of fungal ability.
The high incidence of cellulase and xylanase production indicates that a large
number of marine ascomycetes and anamorphic isolates are at least
physiologically capable of wood decay. This is unsurprising since cellulose and
hemicellulose serve as nutritional carbon sources in wood (Pointing and Hyde,
2000). There were no obvious differences in enzyme production between
ascomycetes and their anamorphs. Other studies have also qualitatively
demonstrated cellulolytic activity among a wide range of marine fungi
(Gessner, 1980; Leightley, 1980; McDonald and Speedie, 1982; Rohrmann and
Molitoris, 1992; Raghukumar et al., 1994; Pointing et al., 1998, 1999). The
ability of marine fungi to produce enzymes involved in lignin degradation in
vitro is less well studied, and results from this study varied greatly between
taxonomic groups. Anamorphic fungi were incapable of peroxidase or laccase
P. chr P. san A.str C.hal L.bip L.lae R.mar
0.7A. str
Fig. 1. Mass loss and lignin solubilization in wood by selected marine ascomycetes after 24
weeks exposed incubation. Terrestrial controls: P.chr, Phanerochaete chrysosporium; P.san,
Pycnoporus sanguineus. Marine ascomycetes:, Ascrocratera manglicola; A.str,
Astrosphaeriella striatispora (HKUCC 7651); C.hal, Cryptovalsa halosarceicola; L.lae,
Lignincola laevis HKUCC 6867); L.bip, Linocarpon bipolaris; R.mar, Rhizophila marina. ILS
= index of lignin solubilization. Shaded = mass loss; unshaded = lignin solubilization. Error
bars represent standard deviation of the mean.
type ligninolytic enzyme production, suggesting they are non-ligninolytic. The
reason for this difference between sexual and asexual states is unclear. In the
case of marine ascomycetes, laccase and/or Mn-dependant peroxidase are
probably the most commonly secreted enzymes involved in lignin breakdown,
since none of the isolates were capable of Azure B decolorization. Both these
enzymes are known to mediate lignin mineralization (Thurston, 1994; Orth and
Tien, 1995) and so indicates a possible physiological capability for lignin
degradation by these fungi. The inability of apparently ligninolytic marine
fungi to produce lignin peroxidase was also recorded by Raghukumar et al.
(1994). A demonstrated ability to mineralize 14C-labelled lignin is necessary to
confirm ligninolytic ability by marine fungi.
Fungal Diversity
That few fungi in this study were capable of effecting significant mass
loss in Birch wood during a 24-week incubation strongly indicates that many
fungi are unlikely to be important in terms of wood decay in the marine
environment. The use of birch wood rather than mangrove wood is highly
unlikely to result in underestimates of wood decay ability, since birch is known
to have an extremely low extractive content (responsible for decay resistance in
wood) and low durability. Those taxa capable of more aggressive wood decay
in this study are likely to play a key role, as mass loss data for marine
lignocellulosic materials are generally much higher, with values for mangrove
wood and marine grasses of up to 20 % and 51 % respectively under similar
conditions (Vrijmoed et al., 1999). The possibility of substrate specificity by
marine fungi was suggested by Hyde (1986), based on observed colonization
patterns of mangrove wood in the tropics. Furthermore, Mouzouras (1989b)
demonstrated that the basidiomycete Halocyphina villosa caused mass loss
only in certain mangrove wood species and not others, indicating specificity
also among naturally available wood substrates. The significantly higher mass
loss values obtained for wood incubated in simulated exposed conditions
strongly suggests that fungal decay is more significant in degradation of
substrates in the upper intertidal region. Decay probably occurs at much slower
rates when wood is submerged, although this must be offset against the
reduced role of fungi in wood decay where marine borers may be active
(Eltringham, 1971).
Five marine ascomycetes were demonstrated to solubilize significant
amounts of lignin from wood in this study. The ILS values obtained show
Cryptovalsa halosarceicola and Linocarpon bipolaris solubilized lignin from
wood at a similar rate to other wood components, a decay strategy only
previously associated with simultaneous white-rot basidiomycetes. The high
ILS produced by Rhizophila marina suggest this fungus is capable of
preferential white-rot, where lignin is solubilized more rapidly than other wood
components. Two other isolates, Ascocratera manglicola and Astrosphaeriella
striatispora (HKUCC 7651), displayed ILS values similar to terrestrial
ligninolytic ascomycetes (Worrall et al., 1997). It is interesting that the
strongly lignin-solubilizing isolates Astrosphaeriella striatispora and
Linocarpon bipolaris have only been previously recorded growing on Nypa
palm, a poorly lignified substrate, within intertidal mangroves (Yanna et al.,
2002). Only one other study reports lignin solubilization from wood by a
marine fungus, at relatively low levels (<12%) by a species of Zalerion
maritimum (anamorphic) after 6 months exposure (Henningsson, 1976).
The in vitro mineralization of radiolabelled synthetic lignin to CO2 has
been demonstrated for 12 marine strains including several ascomycetes and
anamorphic fungi, plus the basidiomycete Nia vibrissa, albeit at low levels
(<5% in 60 days) (Sutherland et al., 1982). More aggressive degradation of
synthetic lignin was recorded for a terrestrial basidiomycete Flavodon flavus
(24% in 24 days) isolated from decaying seagrass in the intertidal region
(Raghukumar et al., 1999). The enzymes lignin peroxidase, Mn dependant
peroxidase and laccase were responsible for lignin mineralization by this
isolate. Mineralization was optimal under non-saline conditions, but also
occurred significantly under conditions simulating full strength seawater
(approx. 20% in 24 day). It is not known if this fungus is capable of wood
decay and lignin solubilization in a wood substrate. The data from our study
shows a dramatic reduction in wood decay ability of terrestrial basidiomycetes
when submerged, and so it is likely that lignin mineralization rates would be
considerably reduced during high tides. Despite this, evidence suggests that
certain terrestrial basidiomycetes can tolerate saline growth conditions in vitro
(Castillo and Demoulin, 1997), and we have shown in this study that they are
capable of wood decay in submerged saline conditions in vitro at rates similar
to marine fungi. The relative lack of inhibition in wood decay during
submerged incubation for Chaetomium globosum is consistent with the
substrate recurrence of soft-rot fungi for wet or waterlogged wood (Zabel and
Morrel, 1992).
This study conclusively demonstrates the ability of certain marine
ascomycetes to solubilize lignin from wood with ILS values equivalent or
better than known terrestrial white-rot basidiomycetes, suggesting that marine
ascomycetes carry out a ‘white-rot like’ role in marine environments.
Terrestrial white-rot fungi have also been demonstrated to mineralize a range
of organic pollutants via their ligninolytic enzyme system (Reddy, 1995;
Pointing, 2001). It is therefore conceivable that marine fungi are also involved
in ameliorating pollution within estuarine environments such as mangroves,
which often receive a high pollution input. This places a high value on the
importance of fungi in coastal ecology.
This research was supported in part by The Hong Kong Research Grants Council, grant
number HKU 7235/99M awarded to SBP and CAR. The authors wish to thank L.L.P.
Vrijmoed for supplying selected fungal cultures. We are grateful to K.L.Y. Lau and H.Y.M.
Leung for technical assistance.
Anon. (1975). Preparation of wood for chemical analysis. In: Technical Association of the
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(Received 15 October 2003; accepted 16 December 2003)
... The medium was supplemented with different concentrations of each phenolic compound (Bucher et al., 2004). Media plates were inoculated with a G. boninense PER71 plug (5 mm Ø) excised from an actively growing culture and incubated in the dark for 10 days. ...
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Ganoderma boninense is a white-rot fungus that causes basal stem rot (BSR) disease in the oil palm. Potential natural inhibitors, such as gallic acid, thymol, propolis, and carvacrol, were assessed for their antagonistic effects against G. boninense. These naturally occurring phenolic compounds have also been utilised to inhibit hydrolytic and ligninolytic enzymes produced by the pathogen. Mycelial inhibition was dose-dependent in the presence of different concentrations of phenolic compounds, including, for example, in cellulase enzyme inhibition (GA mg/mL = 94%, THY 0.25 mg/mL = 90%, PRO 3.5 mg/mL = 92.5%, and CARV 0.15 mg/mL = 90.3%). A significant difference was observed revealing that gallic acid had the greatest inhibitory effect on the secretion of hydrolytic and ligninolytic enzymes, especially at 40 mM GA (cellulase = 0.337 U/mL, amylase = 0.3314 U/mL, xylanase = 0.211 U/mL, laccase = 0.4885 U/mL, lignin peroxidase = 0.218 U/mL, and manganese peroxidase = 0.386 U/mL). The growth and secretion of enzymes (inhibitory action) are inversely proportional to the concentration of phenolic compounds. Phenolic compounds have a greater potential as inhibitory agents and suppress the production of hydrolytic and ligninolytic enzymes. The selected phenolic compounds were evaluated for their ability to alter the morphology and integrity of G. boninense mycelia. The reduction in cell viability of G. boninense has been explained by research on morphological disruption, such as branching patterns, hyphal length, and rigidity of fungal cells, which eventually interrupt the secretion of enzymes. These studies highlight the efficacy of phenolic compounds in treating Ganoderma. In addition, these findings proved that naturally occurring phenolic compounds could be a substitute for chemical controls and other synthetic fungicides to eradicate the occurrence of BSR in oil palms, thus avoiding a situation that is difficult to overcome.
... Fungi have been classified into five different phyla: Chytridiomycota, Zygomycota, Glomeromycota, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota (Agui-lar-Marcelino et al. 2020; Wijayawardene et al. 2022). Fungi play an important role in litter decomposition by breaking down lignin and other refractory components in the litter, thereby affecting the decomposition of terrestrial ecosystems, especially by activities of Basidiomycota and Ascomycota (Osono and Takeda 2002;Bucher et al. 2004;Phukhamsakda et al. 2022). Discovering more saprophytic fungi associated with rubber will enrich our knowledge on saprobic fungi and their functions as litter degraders. ...
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The tropical areas in southern and southwestern Yunnan are rich in fungal diversity. Additionally, the diversity of seed flora in Yunnan Province is higher than in other regions in China and the abundant endemic species of woody plants provide favourable substrates for fungi. Rubber plantations in Yunnan Province are distributed over a large area, especially in Xishuangbanna. During a survey of rubber-associated fungi in Yunnan Province, China, dead rubber branches with fungal fruiting bodies were collected. Morphological characteristics and multigene phylogenetic analyses (ITS, LSU, SSU, rpb2 and tef1-α) revealed four distinct new species, described herein as Melomastia puerensis, Nigrograna lincangensis, Pseudochaetosphaeronema lincangensis and Pseudochaetos-phaeronema xishuangbannaensis. Detailed descriptions, illustrations and phylogenetic trees are provided to show the taxonomic placements of these new species.
... Subsequently, fungi are capable of producing a wide range of extracellular enzymes and hence they are considered the "key players" in leaf litter decomposition(Osono 2017;Zhang et al. 2018). Extracellular enzymes such as cellulases, hemicellulases, pectinases, phenol oxidases and polygalacturonases help to break down the litter lignocellulose layers which are unable to decompose by other organisms(Berg and McClaugherty 2003;Bucher et al. 2004;Osono 2017;Zhang et al. 2018). ...
Pesticides are widely used around the world, and farmers use them indiscriminately to limit pest damage and maximise economic gains. Pesticides applied in large quantities have an immediate impact on the environment, and pesticide residues in the aquatic environment can have an influence on aquatic species and important ecosystem processes that underpin ecosystem service delivery. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the drivers leading to pesticide user practicers among farmers, pesticide risk assessment and identify possible aquatic ecological responses to pesticide contamination. Therefore, perceptions, knowledge and drivers leading to the practices of pesticide use among farmers were explored by conducting a semi-structured questionnaire survey using 246 farmers in upcountry vegetable growing areas and low country field crop cultivation areas in Sri Lanka. Data were analysed using the chi-square test, spearman’s rank correlation and canonical correspondence analysis. The Toxicity–Human health–Persistence (THP) Hazard grading system was used to screen pesticides that were less damaging to the environment based on the survey results. All of the available alternative pesticides for specific pests were graded from best to worst, with orders of magnitude differences between them, and the pesticides with the lowest environmental impact were chosen. Using indoor microcosms, the effects of pesticide residues on aquatic litter decomposition and plankton community structure were investigated using three pesticides: fungicide Chlorothalonil, insecticide Profenofos, and herbicide MCPA. Litter breakdown rates of Ficus racemosa and Panicum maximum were assessed in microcosms treated with pesticide concentrations of; 0.000, 0.010, 0.025, 0.100, 0.250 and 1.000 mg/L. Percentage of dry weight reduction, remaining organic matter, remaining nutrient content, fungal community composition and sporulation rate were analysed using the ANCOVA test at a 0.05 significance level. Direct and indirect effects of the Chlorothalonil, Profenofos and MCPA on plankton community structure were assessed using indoor microcosms that were having pesticide concentrations of 0.000, 0.010, 0.025, 0.100, 0.250 and 1.000 mg/L. Total phytoplankton and zooplankton abundance and chlorophyll-a content were measured 5, 10 and 20 days after pesticide exposure. Data were analyzed using Similarity of Percentages procedure (SIMPER) and one-way ANOVA test. The drift-initiating action of Rhithrogena larvae for pesticide was assessed using the pulse concentrations of five types of pesticides viz. Profenofos, Abamectin, Chlorantraniliprole Glyphosate and Chlorothalonil in outdoor experimental channels. Pesticide mixed water was circulated for 30 min and then the distribution of Rhithrogena larvae among the sections of the channels was recorded in 0.5hr, 1hr, 2hr, 4hr, 6hr, 12hr and 24hr intervals after the pesticide exposure. Data were analysed using the contingency tables with the chi-square test. The data obtained from the farmers' survey revealed a significant increase in pesticide usage in upcountry vegetable growing areas and the differences in pesticide user practices; adulteration of pesticides prior to application (χ2= 11.201, p <0.05), environmental and occupational safety (χ2= 5.556, p < 0.05), adoption of chemical pesticide reduction methods (χ2= 12.452, p < 0.05) and received training on effective use of pesticides (χ2=9.427, p< 0.05). The main reasons for the misuse of pesticides by farmers were lack of technical knowledge on pesticide application and IPM practices. Further, pesticide retailers had a strong influence on the selection of pesticides by farmers suggesting agro-marketing has a significant influence over pesticide usage among farmers. Farmers’ knowledge of the correct handling of pesticides were positively influenced by the farmers’ level of education and training received on pesticide usage (p < 0.05). Results of the risk assessment study indicated that those pesticides that were commonly used for two pests in the area are the ones with comparatively higher overall risk levels. However, these pesticides were favoured by farmers because of their low price and lack of knowledge on environmental hazards or toxicity of these pesticides. The litter decomposition experiment results indicated a significant reduction of litter breakdown rate in leaf packs treated with Chlorothalonil and MCPA compared to the control leaf packs in terms of reduction percentage of dry weight, microbial community sporulation and nutrient content. Chlorothalonil directly inhibited the fungal community responsible for decomposing litter while the herbicide MCPA accelerated the structural impairment of leaf material by destructing the leaf material. No significant differences were observed between Profenofos treated leaf packs and control leaf packs (p<0.05). Aquatic hyphomycetes of Aspergillus cf. fumigatus and Penicillium cf. notatum have degraded the applied Profenofos by consuming the nutrients from the litter. These alterations were modulated by the litter quality and pesticide toxicity to the fungal colonizations on leaf materials. The findings of the study emphasize the effects of pesticides on the structure and functional properties of lower levels organisms in the ecological food chain and the importance of considering indirect effects of pesticides in ecological processes. Results of the plankton experiment indicated the phytoplankton taxa of Amphora sp., Cosmarium sp. and Staurastrum sp and zooplankton taxa of Moina Sp., Philodina sp. and copepod Nauplius were highly sensitive to the three types of pesticides while Staurastrum sp. was highly sensitive to all three pesticide types. Zooplankton taxa Aeolosoma Sp. was the most tolerant taxa for all three pesticide types. Results of the study indicated that phytoplankton and zooplankton taxa were sensitive to very low concentrations of pesticides and this can lead to the cascading effects on ecological food chain in the aquatic environment. The results of the drift initiation experiment showed that the highest concentrations of 68 µg/L Chlorothalonil, 0.004 µg/L Abamectin, 0.235 µg/L Chlorantraniliprole and 3.8 µg/L Glyphosate can initiate the drift of Rhithrogena larvae. All the tested concentrations of Profenofos (0.14-1.4 µg/L) initiated the drift of Rhithrogena. The findings of the study emphasised the importance of safer pesticide user practices in agricultural sites to minimize their effects on non-target communities. Improved farmer knowledge and awareness of pesticide dangers, the establishment of proper extension services, the promotion of organic farming, and the implementation of safe disposal methods are some of the proposals for minimising pesticide impacts. Regular monitoring of the water quality in surface and groundwater sources, identifying the pollution sources and establishing buffer zones between the farmland and water sources are some recommendations to reduce the contamination of pesticides in aquatic environment.
... In their study, Niego et al. (2023b) provided estimates to support more effective ecological conservation policies for fungal resources, highlighting the importance of studying and conserving these organisms. Decay fungi are able to produce enzymes that degrade components of wood, such as lignin, cellulose and xylans (Bucher et al. 2004) and are known as lignicolous fungi. Different lignicolous fungi prefer dead wood at different stages of decaying, for example, Tatraea mainly grows and decomposes the intermediate and late stages of wood decay (DS4) (Svrček 1993; Baral et al. 1999Baral et al. , 2013aHeilmann-Clausen 2001;Holec et al. 2015;Dvořák 2017;Ujházy et al. 2018;Kunca et al. 2022). ...
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During the investigations of discomycetes in Yunnan, China, five species of Tatraea were discovered on decayed, decorticated oak trees or unidentified wood. All species have typical disc-like, large fruiting bodies with grey, brown or greyish-green colors. The ITS sequence analysis showed that they belong to Tatraea (Helotiaceae, Helotiales) and the LSU and ITS combination revealed a different topology within the genus. Four species, T. clepsydriformis , T. griseoturcoisina , T. yunnanensis and T. yuxiensis were established as new species, and T. aseptata was collected and described on oak woods. The pairwise homoplasy index (PHI) test results indicated that there is no significant genetic recombination (Φ w = 1.0) between all related species pairs. All the species described here are supported by descriptions, illustrations and multi-gene analyses.
... Thus, even though the studied species can use this type of cellulolytic enzyme, the K m values obtained indicate that relatively high cellulose concentrations are preferred. In marine environments, cellulose is present in mangroves and associated with hemicellulose and lignin [90,91], but it is also present in some algal species [92]. As the organic matter of terrestrial origin is more available in coastal areas and less abundant in the open ocean [93][94][95], only specific microorganisms might be able to use cellulose [96] and dominate its decay in the open ocean. ...
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Even though fungi are ubiquitous in the biosphere, the ecological knowledge of marine fungi remains rather rudimentary. Also, little is known about their tolerance to salinity and how it influences their activities. Extracellular enzymatic activities (EEAs) are widely used to determine heterotrophic microbes’ enzymatic capabilities and substrate preferences. Five marine fungal species belonging to the most abundant pelagic phyla (Ascomycota and Basidiomycota) were grown under non-saline and saline conditions (0 g/L and 35 g/L, respectively). Due to their sensitivity and specificity, fluorogenic substrate analogues were used to determine hydrolytic activity on carbohydrates (β-glucosidase, β-xylosidase, and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase); peptides (leucine aminopeptidase and trypsin); lipids (lipase); organic phosphorus (alkaline phosphatase), and sulfur compounds (sulfatase). Afterwards, kinetic parameters such as maximum velocity (Vmax) and half-saturation constant (Km) were calculated. All fungal species investigated cleaved these substrates, but some species were more efficient than others. Moreover, most enzymatic activities were reduced in the saline medium, with some exceptions like sulfatase. In non-saline conditions, the average Vmax ranged between 208.5 to 0.02 μmol/g biomass/h, and in saline conditions, 88.4 to 0.02 μmol/g biomass/h. The average Km ranged between 1553.2 and 0.02 μM with no clear influence of salinity. Taken together, our results highlight a potential tolerance of marine fungi to freshwater conditions and indicate that changes in salinity (due to freshwater input or evaporation) might impact their enzymatic activities spectrum and, therefore, their contribution to the oceanic elemental cycles.
... The last three species were isolated in Thailand (Dayarathne et al. 2020). Most manglicolous fungi grow on woody substrates in mangroves and are involved in the decay of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose (Hyde and Jones 1988;Bucher et al. 2004) and are important in nutrient cycling, producing ideal habitats for fish breeding (Hyde and Lee 1995). Consequently, the discovery of this novel species further contributes to the limited number of Nemania species reported from mangrove environments ( ...
A novel fungus species, Nemania hydei, isolated from Avicennia marina in Pranburi District, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Thailand is described. The samples were collected from mangrove habitats, and the fungus was isolated and characterised. Nemania species produce carbonaceous, superficial stromata that are multi- peritheciate with papillate ostioles. They are frequently isolated from decomposing angiospermous wood and are primarily considered saprophytic, although some are endophytic, while a few are pathogenic. DNA extraction was performed on pure cultures, and the ITS, LSU, RPB-2, and TUB sequence data were amplified. Molecular phylogenetic investigation revealed that the isolate formed a distinct and well-supported clade with Nemania viridis as a sister taxon. Morphological observations further demonstrated unique characteristics that distinguish N. hydei from its closest taxonomic relative. Primarily, they differ in the shape and size of ascospores, asci, and the characteristic reaction of the apical ring. Despite the existence of over 70 known species within the genus Nemania, only four species have been previously documented from mangrove ecosystems. The discovery of N. hydei contributes to knowledge of species from mangroves, expanding our understanding of the diversity within Nemania in marine habitats.
... Fungi are pivotal in terrestrial and aquatic environments and have essential roles as saprobes and pathogens in wood (Schmit & Mueller 2007). As decomposers, fungi preserve ecological balance by degrading organic matter such as lignocellulose and recycling nutrients (Bucher et al. 2004, Money 2016. ...
Fungi are essential to forest functioning and biodiversity. This research elaborates on the study of the morphology and phylogeny of Peroneutypa species in Thailand. We introduce Peroneutypa nayariophyti as a novel saprobic species from the dead wood of Nayariophyton zizyphifolium (Malvaceae) and a new record of P. scoparia with three new host associations on Dalbergia cana, Afzelia zylocarpa (Fabaceae), and Microcos paniculata (Malvaceae) in Doi Tung National Park, Chiang Rai, Thailand. The morphology of the two taxa was compared with related taxa based on features such as ascomasta, peridium, asci, and ascospores. Their position in Peroneutypa is also supported by the phylogeny of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the β-tubulin (tub2) dataset.
... Lignicolous freshwater fungi are those fungi that grow on submerged woody debris in freshwater habitats, including lentic (e.g., lakes, ponds, swamps, and pools), lotic (e.g., rivers, streams, creeks, brooks), and other habitats (e.g., cooling tower, tree holes) [1][2][3]. They play an important role in the material and energy cycle of freshwater ecosystems [4][5][6][7][8]. Lignicolous freshwater fungi are a highly diverse group, with the majority belonging to Dothideomycetes and Sordariomycetes (Ascomycota), and a few species in Eurotiomycetes and Orbiliomycetes [3,[9][10][11][12]. ...
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During the investigation of lignicolous freshwater fungi in plateau lakes in Yunnan Province, China, eight Lentitheciaceae species were collected from five lakes viz. Luguhu, Qiluhu, Xingyunhu, Cibihu, and Xihu lake. Based on morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis of combined ITS, LSU, SSU, and tef 1-α sequence data, a new genus Paralentithecium, two new species (Paralentithecium suae, and Setoseptoria suae), three new records (Halobyssothecium phragmitis, H. unicellulare, and Lentithecium yunnanensis) and three known species viz. Halobyssothecium aquifusiforme, Lentithecium pseudoclioninum, and Setoseptoria bambusae are reported.
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The field of mycology has grown from an underappreciated subset of botany, to a valuable, modern scientific discipline. As this field of study has grown, there have been significant contributions to science, technology, and industry, highlighting the value of fungi in the modern era. This paper looks at the current research, along with the existing limitations, and suggests future areas where scientists can focus their efforts, in the field mycology. We show how fungi have become important emerging diseases in medical mycology. We discuss current trends and the potential of fungi in drug and novel compound discovery. We explore the current trends in phylogenomics, its potential, and outcomes and address the question of how phylogenomics can be applied in fungal ecology. In addition, the trends in functional genomics studies of fungi are discussed with their importance in unravelling the intricate mechanisms underlying fungal behaviour, interactions, and adaptations, paving the way for a comprehensive understanding of fungal biology. We look at the current research in building materials, how they can be used as carbon sinks, and how fungi can be used in biocircular economies. The numbers of fungi have always been of great interest and have often been written about and estimates have varied greatly. Thus, we discuss current trends and future research needs in order to obtain more reliable estimates. We address the aspects of machine learning (AI) and how it can be used in mycological research. Plant pathogens are affecting food production systems on a global scale, and as such, we look at the current trends and future research needed in this area, particularly in disease detection. We look at the latest data from High Throughput Sequencing studies and question if we are still gaining new knowledge at the same rate as before. A review of current trends in nanotechnology is provided and its future potential is addressed. The importance of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi is addressed and future trends are acknowledged. Fungal databases are becoming more and more important, and we therefore provide a review of the current major databases. Edible and medicinal fungi have a huge potential as food and medicines, especially in Asia and their prospects are discussed. Lifestyle changes in fungi (e.g., from endophytes, to pathogens, and/or saprobes) are also extremely important and a current research trend and are therefore addressed in this special issue of Fungal Diversity.
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Monocotyledons are one of the important groups of flowering plants that include approximately 60,000 species with economically important crops including coconut (Cocos nuciferanucifera), pineapple (Ananas comosus comosus), and rice (Oryza sativa sativa). Studies on these hosts are mainly focused on pathogenic fungi; only a f ew saprobic species have been reported. This study investigated the saprobic ascomycetes associated with coconut, pineapple, and rice in southern China and northern Thailand. Approximately 200 specimens were collected, and 100 fungal strains were isolated and identified to 77 species based on phylogenetic approaches and morphological characteristics. Among the 77 species, 29, 38, and 12 were found on coconut, pineapple, and rice, respectively, distributed in Dothideomycetes (41), Eurotiomycetes (one), and S ordariomycetes (35). Pseudomycoleptodiscus , Pseudosaprodesmium Pseudosetoseptoria, Pseudostriatosphaeria and Pseudoteichospora are introduced as new genera and Anthostomella cocois, Apiospora ananas, Chromolaenicola ananasi, Epicoccum yunnanensis, Exserohi lum ananas, Hypoxylon cocois, Lasiodiplodia ananasi, Muyocopron chiangraiense, Myrmecridium yunnanense, Occultitheca ananasi, Periconia chiangraiensis, Placidiopsis ananasi, Pseudomycoleptodiscus ananas, Pseudosaprodesmium cocois, Pseudosetoseptoria oryzae, Pseudostriatosphaeria chiangraiensis, Pseudoteichospora thailandensis, Savoryella chiangraiensis, Savoryella cocois, and Tetraploa oryzae are introduced as novel species. In addition, 51 species are reported as new hosts or geographical records, and six species are reported as new collections. Pseudopithomyces pandanicola and P. palmicola are synonymized under P. chartarum, P. diversisporus synonymized under P. atro olivaceus based on phylogenetic analyses and morphological characteristics. Moreover, comprehensive checklists of fungi associated with coconut, pineapple, and rice are also provided.
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The examination of decaying mangrove materials belonging to 9 host plant species collected from Godavari and Krishna deltas (Andhra Pradesh), east coast of India from August, 1993 to November, 1995 resulted in the identification of 88 fungi. These include 65 Ascomycetes (74%), one Basidiomycete and 22 Mitosporic fungi (25%) (including 6 Coelomycetes and 16 Hyphomycetes). Among the 9 plants examined, maximum number of species (64) were recorded from Rhizophora apiculata, followed by Avicennia officinalis (55), A. marina (45), Excoecaria agallocha (12), Aegiceras corniculatum, Ceriops decandra, Lumnitzera racemosa (8 each), Sonneratia apetala (5), Acanthus ilicifolius (2). Verruculina enalia was recorded on all the host plants examined. Hypoxylon sp., Lulworthia sp., Trichocladium achrasporum were recorded on 6 out of 9 host species. Lophiostoma mangrovei, Lulworthia grandispora, Halorosellinia oceanica and Hysterium sp. were recorded in 5 out of 9 host plants. Others were recorded on any one or up to 4 host plants.
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Polypores were isolated from several forests in Lombok Island, Indonesia and screened for their ability to degrade lignin. Sixty of sixty-five samples isolated were tested using a qualitative plate assay through direct visualization of agar plate decolourisation containing the polymeric dye Poly R-478 (0.02% w/v). Fifteen isolates were able to decolourise the dye, indicating a lignin-degrading ability. Spectrophotometric enzyme assays from all selected isolates were carried out to examine the production of ligninolytic enzymes (laccase, lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase), Twelve selected isolates produced all three kinds of enzymes tested, but Hexagonia tenuis sp. A, Inonotus patouillardii and Stereum sp. produced only laccase and lignin peroxidase. The importance of this study to support biotechnology in the paper industry is discussed.
Lignin is second only to cellulose in its abundance as a renewable carbon source. Because it serves to protect cellulose from most forms of microbial attack, its biodegradation also serves as the key to the utilization of cellulose. Lignin is a major waste product of the pulp and paper industry. Its utilization has long been envisioned and investigated. Lignin has been found to be useful as an adhesive, a metal chelator, and an emulsifier (Browning 1975). During the energy crisis of the 1970s, interest in the use of lignin as a chemical feedstock intensified (Drew et al. 1978). Many of the above applications have been patented (Drew et al. 1978). Despite its abundance, lignin has not found its way into the market as a high value product. Its predominant fate is burning for BTU value.
Seventy-three fungal taxa were identified during the decomposition process of frond baits of Phoenix hanceana, comprising leaves, rachis-tips, mid-rachides and rachis-bases. Pioneer, mature and impoverished communities were observed in sequence on the frond baits. Fungal communities on different frond parts reached pioneer, mature and impoverished communities at different rates. Fungal communities on leaves and rachis-tips matured more slowly than other parts, but became impoverished rapidly thereafter, and samples were completely decayed at month 13. On the contrary, fungal communities on mid-rachides and rachis-bases matured earlier at month 1, but became impoverished at month 13. Naturally occurring fronds were also examined at the same time. Only half of the fungi were common to baits and naturally occurring fronds. Thus, examination of both frond baits at different stages of decomposition and naturally occurring fronds is recommended to obtain a better estimation of biodiversity.
The nutritional and medicinal properties of many macrofungi are well known and documented in Europe, China and Japan. However, such information is scanty and poorly known in Malaysia. This dearth of information is probably due to the lack of a traditional "mushroom culture" in Malaysia as well as a shortage of trained mycologists/fungal taxonomists. Cultivated mushrooms, e.g. oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus spp.), shiitake (Lentinula edodes), Jew's ear fungus (locally called monkey's ear fungus) (Auricularia spp.) and paddy straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) have long been utilised in Malaysia for food by the Malays, Chinese and Indians. However, amongst some local and many indigenous communities (aborigines), species of local macrofungi are utilised not only for food, but also as medicine and for spiritual purposes, including discouraging certain undesirable behaviour in children. Our observations indicate that some species of Auricularia, Cookeina, Cyathus, Favolus, Lentinus, Pleurocybella, Schizophyllum and Termitomyces are consumed as food. Species of Lignosus, Pycnoporus, Lentinus and Daldinia are used to treat various ailments or health related conditions. A species of Amauroderma is used to prevent fits while a species of Xylaria is used to stop bed-wetting in children.