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Rotationally driven quasi-periodic radio emissions in the Jovian magnetosphere

  • National Institute of Technology, Kagoshima College

Abstract and Figures

1] The occurrence characteristics of Jovian multiple quasi-periodic (QP) bursts are investigated based on Galileo spacecraft observations. Multiple QP bursts recurrently appeared in a group with a planetary spin period of 10 hours. Their appearance was synchronized with the planetary rotation, i.e., they were preferably excited when Jupiter had a particular spin phase angle with respect to the Sun (at a subsolar longitude of System III around 260–320°). We also found that the burst groups were activated during magnetospheric disturbances probably caused by solar wind pressure variations. The rotationally driven polar disturbances accompanying quasi-periodic particle accelerations and radio wave bursts are discussed as being one of the daily unloading processes of planetary rotational energy.
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Rotationally driven quasi-periodic radio emissions in the Jovian
A. Morioka,
H. Nozawa,
H. Misawa,
F. Tsuchiya,
Y. Miyoshi,
T. Kimura,
and W. Kurth
Received 12 December 2005; revised 17 January 2006; accepted 26 January 2006; published 29 April 2006.
[1]The occurrence characteristics of Jovian multiple quasi-periodic (QP) bursts are
investigated based on Galileo spacecraft observations. Multiple QP bursts recurrently
appeared in a group with a planetary spin period of 10 hours. Their appearance was
synchronized with the planetary rotation, i.e., they were preferably excited when
Jupiter had a particular spin phase angle with respect to the Sun (at a subsolar longitude of
System III around 260320). We also found that the burst groups were activated during
magnetospheric disturbances probably caused by solar wind pressure variations. The
rotationally driven polar disturbances accompanying quasi-periodic particle accelerations
and radio wave bursts are discussed as being one of the daily unloading processes of
planetary rotational energy.
Citation: Morioka, A., H. Nozawa, H. Misawa, F. Tsuchiya, Y. Miyoshi, T. Kimura, and W. Kurth (2006), Rotationally driven quasi-
periodic radio emissions in the Jovian magnetosphere, J. Geophys. Res.,111, A04223, doi:10.1029/2005JA011563.
1. Introduction
[2] The Jovian magnetosphere is essentially rotationally
driven by means of the fast planetary spin forming it into a
disk-like magnetosphere, in contrast to Earth’s magneto-
sphere which is driven by the solar wind forming it into a
streamer-like magnetosphere. The Jovian magnetosphere
also has significant interactions with the solar wind due to
its huge cross section with respect to the direction of the
solar wind flow. The magnetospheric disturbances at Jupiter
would therefore have both components caused by the
unloading of planetary rotational energy and solar wind
energy. It is also considered that the coupling of both solar
and rotational energies would be also manifested in the
Jovian magnetospheric disturbances.
[3] The main Jovian auroral oval, which is rather stable
and fixed on the planetary rotational system, would be a
typical manifestation of the steady unloading process of
rotational energy [e.g., Hill, 2001; Clarke et al., 2004, and
references therein]. Some Jovian radio waves are observed
with a high probability of occurrence once or twice a
planetary rotation when observers faced radio sources, as
can be seen from the studies of broadband kilometric
radiation (b-KOM) [e.g., Leblanc, 1988, and references
therein], hectometric radiation (HOM), and decametric
radiation (DAM) [e.g., Menietti et al., 1999, and references
therein] observations. These radio wave emissions would
also represent a steady dissipation process of planetary
rotational energy, although they are sometimes modulated
by solar wind as has been reported by many studies, such as
DAM [e.g., Barrow et al., 1986; Morioka et al., 2002],
HOM [e.g., Desch and Barrow, 1984], and b-KOM [e.g.,
Barrow et al., 1988; Reiner et al., 2000]. In addition to these
steady dissipation processes of rotational energy, some
dynamical energy unloading processes have been demon-
strated. Krupp et al. [1998] and Woch et al. [1998, 1999]
showed dynamical variations of particles and fields on
timescales of a few days from observations with the Galileo
spacecraft. Louarn et al. [1998, 2000] demonstrated from
the Galileo observations that bursts of hectometric radio
emissions, which are possibly related to auroral phenomena
in the polar region, accompany the in situ energetic particle
bursts and magnetic field disturbances similar to terrestrial
substorms. ‘‘Transient particle injection events’ likely to be
terrestrial substorms were observed in the middle magneto-
sphere [Mauk et al., 1999, 2002]. These phenomena suggest
that a certain intermittent energy release process exists,
which is not well understood but probably related to the
internally driven unloading process. One of our major
concerns in the Jovian magnetosphere involves the store
and release processes of planetary rotational energy: how
the energy is stored in the magnetospheric plasma and
particles, how the stored energy is released, and whether
the release processes are related to the solar wind variations.
In this paper we report newly obtained source characteristics
of Jovian multiple quasi-periodic emissions, which should
lead to a better understanding of the release process of the
Jovian rotational energy.
[4] Quasi-periodic (QP) low-frequency radio bursts in a
frequency range from 5 to 20 kHz with frequency disper-
sion were first reported by Kurth et al. [1989] from Voyager
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 111, A04223, doi:10.1029/2005JA011563, 2006
Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center, Tohoku Uni-
versity, Sendai, Japan.
Kagoshima National College of Technology, Kagoshima, Japan.
Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Nagoya,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, Iowa City,
Iowa, USA.
Copyright 2006 by the American Geophysical Union.
A04223 1of8
observations and labeled Jovian type III bursts because of
their qualitative resemblance to solar type III bursts. After-
ward, Ulysses observations provided a more detailed study
on the spectral characteristics of Jovian low-frequency radio
emissions [Kaiser et al., 1992]. MacDowall et al. [1993]
demonstrated from the Ulysses observations that quasi-
periodic emissions in the very low frequency range (QP
bursts) were categorized into two groups with quasi-periods
of 15 min and 40 min, i.e., QP15 and QP40 bursts. They
also showed a certain correlation between the occurrence of
QP bursts and the solar wind velocity.
[5] The Galileo spacecraft, the first orbiter around Jupiter,
provided a large number of observations of Jovian radio
waves in the magnetosphere. The early studies of the
Galileo plasma wave observations [Kurth et al.,1997]
revealed that QP emissions are not always ‘‘periodic’ but
are often chaotic and have rather multiple periods as far as
observations are concerned in the equatorial magnetosphere.
The observation of QP radio bursts with the Cassini
spacecraft also reported a much more complicated morphol-
ogy for the bursts and their random periodicity compared
with the Ulysses era [Kaiser et al., 2001]. The high-
resolution spectral study by Menietti et al. [2001] showed
an absence of dispersion in the frequency spectra of QP
bursts detected within the Jovian magnetosphere. This
indicates that the frequency dispersion of the bursts ob-
served in interplanetary space [Kurth et al., 1989] is
produced by propagation through the higher-density
magnetosheath as noticed by Desch [1993]. Hospodarsky
et al. [2004] examined the joint observations of the QP
bursts by the Galileo and Cassini spacecraft and revealed an
important feature of the bursts in that they are beamed in a
strobe light manner and not like a search light rotating with
Jupiter’s magnetic field.
[6] In this paper we investigate the characteristics of these
QP bursts and focus on their group appearance, 10-hour
periodicity, and clock behavior from the Galileo observa-
tions. We then discuss the rotationally controlled energy
dissipation process in the Jovian magnetosphere.
2. Database
[7] The Plasma Wave Subsystem (PWS) [Gurnett et al.,
1992] on board the Galileo spacecraft provides high-quality
observation of electric field spectra in a frequency range
from 5.6 Hz to 5.6 MHz with a time resolution of 18.67 s.
We used the database from the Planetary Plasma Interac-
tions (PPI) node of the Planetary Data System (PDS)
Figure 1. (a) Dynamic spectrogram of radio waves in the Jovian magnetosphere observed by Galileo/
PWS on 21 September 1996. White ovals show ‘‘quasi-periodic burst groups.’ (b) Magnetic Br
component observed by Galileo/MGA. Positive Br means the outward component from the planet. (c) G02
trajectory of Galileo. Observation period in Figure 1a is indicated by the red line. (d) Expanded spectrogram
in frequency (500 Hz to 100 kHz) and time (1300 1500).
provided from the Solar System Exploration Data Services
Office, NASA. The data set of PWS instrument included
electric wave spectra obtained during the period when the
Galileo plasma wave receiver was operated during the
Jupiter orbital mission. The electric field spectral density
is given in units of V
/Hz. The spectra are binned into
158 logarithmically spaced channels for the full frequency
range of the observation. Data from the Galileo Magnetom-
eter (MAG) [Kivelson et al., 1992] were used to verify the
spatial relation between the current disk and the spacecraft
in the magnetosphere. The data set from the PDS/MAG
covers all Galileo orbits. Data are provided at full sampling
resolution in the spacecraft and several geophysical coordi-
nate systems.
3. Observations
3.1. Grouped Appearance of QP Bursts
[8] Figure 1a is the 24-hour dynamic spectrogram of
radio and plasma waves in a frequency range from 100 Hz
to 5.6 MHz observed by the Galileo/PWS in the Jovian
magnetosphere on day 265 in 1996. The spacecraft was
located in the postmidnight sector of the magnetosphere
(r = 8891 R
, LT = 2 hours), as shown in Figure 1c.
The dynamic spectrogram illustrates typical wave phe-
nomena in the Jovian magnetosphere, which have been
demonstrated in observations since the Voyager explora-
tion [e.g., Warwick et al., 1979, Kaiser et al., 1992, Kurth
et al., 1997]. The emissions above about 1 MHz are
HOM radiation, which show intensity and frequency-band
modulations of about 5 hours. Theses modulations have
been attributed to a corotating emission source with the
planetary magnetic field yielding an effect something like a
rotating search light. Emissions in a confined frequency range
near 100200 kHz with the duration of about 2 hours are
narrow-band kilometric radiation (n-KOM) [e.g., Warwick et
al., 1979; Kaiser and Desch, 1980]. These emissions are
known to repeat themselves with slightly longer periods (so-
called System IV period) than the planetary rotational period.
The detailed source characteristics of these emissions were
investigated by Reiner et al. [1993] and Ladreiter et al. [1994]
using Ulysses observations. Jovian continuum radiation in a
frequency range from several hundred Hz to a few kHz can
also be seen in Figure 1, being characterized by the sharp
lower cutoff at the local plasma frequency and its continuous
appearance throughout the magnetosphere [e.g., Scarf et al.,
1979; Gurnett et al., 1980; Kaiser et al., 1992]. Kurth et al.
[1986] noted that continuum radiation shows amplitude
variation with periods near both 5 and 10 hours implying a
clock-like modulation.
[9] Overlapping into Jovian continuum radiation, many
quasi-periodic bursts appear in a frequency range from a
few to 20 kHz. An expanded dynamic spectrogram is shown
in Figure 1d during the period from 1300 to 1500 SCET
(spacecraft event time). We can see that the bursts are
independent of the occasional enhancements in continuum
emissions. The spacing between the bursts is not always
periodic but rather irregular with a time interval ranging
from roughly 2 to 30 min, as was pointed out by Hospodarsky
et al. [2004]. We, however, have used the term ‘‘QP burst’ in
this paper, to conform the precedent nomenclature for the
low-frequency bursty radio emissions observed in the Jovian
magnetosphere. It should be noted that multiple QP bursts
appeared in groups as indicated by the white ovals in
Figure 1a. We can see three groups of QP bursts starting
at about 0100, 1030, and 1940 SCET with roughly 10-hour
intervals. Here, we have called a cluster of multiple QP bursts
a ‘‘QP-burst group.’ Each burst group has duration of
about 5 hours in the present example. The spacecraft’s
location with respect to the magnetospheric current disk
can be deduced from the magnetic field data. Figure 1b
shows the radial component of the magnetic field (B
observed by MAG, where B
> 0 indicates that the
spacecraft is located in the northern lobe of the magne-
tosphere and vice versa. Note that burst groups are
observed in both northern and southern magnetosphere
across the current sheet.
3.2. Ten-Hour Periodicity of Burst Group and
Clock-Like Behavior
[10] The repeated appearance of the QP-burst group with
an almost planetary rotation period of 10 hours is more
typically illustrated in Figure 2. Figure 2a shows a 5-day
dynamic spectrogram, and Figure 2b shows an integrated
intensity profile of QP bursts in a frequency range from 3 to
20 kHz. The 10-hour periodicity of the QP-burst group
is evident from the figure, although the frequency width
and intensity varied from group to group. This confirms
that the appearance of the QP-burst group is controlled
by the planetary rotation. Figure 2 also reveals that
each burst group appears with a steep rise and slow
decay in both frequency and intensity, exhibiting saw-
tooth variations.
[11] Figure 3 shows a 16-day (from day 132 to day 148 in
1997) dynamic spectrogram when burst group activity
varied during the period. The local time of Galileo on day
132 was 22.3 hours and that on day 148 was 0.9 hours. The
intensity of the burst groups was greatly enhanced and the
frequency band was expanded to the higher frequencies
during the first 4 days, and then their activity ceased for the
Figure 2. (a) Dynamic spectrogram of radio waves
for 5 days from 3 to 8 July 1997. (b) Integrated intensity
of QP-burst groups in frequency band from 3 to 20 kHz.
next 6 days. After that, new burst groups appeared and
grew larger during the next 3 days. The white scale in the
figure indicates a 9.9-hour period whose origin is at the
start of the first QP-burst group as indicated by the star. It is
surprising that each trigger for a reappearing burst group
(from days 142 to 146) is synchronized with that for the
first activity group (first 4 days). This strongly indicates
that the appearance of QP-burst groups is controlled by
something like a Jovian clock. This is very similar to ‘‘the
clock modulation’’ of Jovian energetic electrons, which are
periodically released into interplanetary space [Chenette et
al., 1974].
3.3. Relationship With the Magnetospheric Activity
[12] From Figure 3, we can also see the relationship
between QP-burst groups and HOM emissions. The HOM
emissions above several hundred kHz have long-term
variations in both frequency and intensity, in addition to
regular rotational modulation of every 5 hours. Around days
132 to 135, HOM-emission intensity became enhanced and
the frequency band expanded to lower sides. The HOM
intensity then declined and the frequency band retreated to
higher frequencies from days 137 to 141. From day 142,
HOM began to intensify again and continued till day 148.
These long-term variations in HOM emissions, which are
considered to represent auroral activity in the Jovian polar
region as was demonstrated by Louarn et al. [2001], seem
to be almost concurrent with QP-burst group activity having
two active periods, i.e., from days 132 to 136 and days 142
to 146 as previously described. It is also noteworthy that the
upper frequency of the QP-burst group expanded when
HOM emissions were the most intense around days 132
and 134. These observations indicate that QP-burst groups
are activated during periods when the Jovian magnetosphere
is disturbed.
[13] Two groups of n-KOM were also detected at a
frequency of around 200 kHz as can be seen in Figure 3.
They arose on days when QP burst activity had almost
maximized, on days 134 and 144. This correspondence
between QP-burst group enhancement and n-KOM appear-
ance suggests that QP bursts are excited by the magneto-
spheric disturbances caused by solar wind because the onset
of n-KOM emissions is known to be strongly related to the
arrival of a solar wind sector boundary at Jupiter as was
clearly presented by Reiner et al. [2000].
3.4. Statistical Survey on Spatial Distribution and
Clock-Like Behavior
[14] We surveyed daily dynamic spectrograms of 14
selected Galileo orbits from August 1996 to January 2002
(G02 to I33 orbit) and chose 364 typical groups of QP
bursts during the observations. Figure 4 shows the distri-
bution of selected QP-burst groups in the magnetosphere.
We can see that typical QP-burst groups were observed at
radial distances greater than 2025 R
and throughout the
whole local times. The fact that QP-burst groups are only
observed in regions more than 20 25 R
may be suggesting
that bursts radiate in the polar region at a certain radiation
cone angle so that the equatorial magnetosphere near the
planet is outside the irradiation area. It is noteworthy that in
the direction finding analysis of QP40 bursts done by
MacDowall et al. [1993], they found their source region
to be a few Jovian radii above the polar region. The lack of
QP burst observations in the morning sector in Figure 4
would partly be because the periapsis of the Galileo orbit
tended to be in the morning sector and the spacecraft was
mostly in regions less than 20 R
[15] The recurrent appearance of QP-burst groups and
their clock-like behavior was statistically investigated. As
the occurrence of QP-burst groups is characterized by their
sudden commencement as was depicted in Figure 2, we
investigated the start time distribution of QP-burst groups
with respect to (1) the System III longitude (l
) of Galileo
and (2) the l
of the subsolar point. The broken line in
Figure 5 plots the start time distribution of QP-burst groups
with respect to the l
of Galileo. The distribution has a
broad peak at around l
= 120. However, the solid line,
which plots the start time with respect to the l
of the
subsolar point indicates a sharply focused occurrence peak
at a longitude of around l
= 280300. This strongly
suggests that QP-burst groups are excited when Jupiter has a
particular spin phase angle with respect to the Sun. The
broad distribution seen in the l
of Galileo (broken line)
can be understood in the sense that the detection of QP burst
groups was biased around the midnight and in the early
morning sector as seen in Figure 4 so that the l
of Galileo
Figure 3. Dynamic spectrogram of radio waves for 16 days from 12 to 28 May 1997. The ticks on the
white scale in the figure indicate interval of 9.9 hours started from the first QP-burst group marked by
has some loose relation to the subsolar longitude with a
phase difference of roughly 180. We can thus confirm that
the observation of QP-burst groups is not the result of the
emission source rotating with the planetary magnetic field
but the clock-like modulation being caused by the phase
relation between the planetary magnetic field and solar
[16] Figure 6 plots the statistical duration of QP-burst
groups. It indicates that the duration of QP-burst groups
ranges from 1 to 8 hours and has an occurrence peak with
duration of 45 hours. This means that the bursty wave
excitation lasts for half of the planetary rotation on average.
4. Discussion and Conclusions
[17] We presented the occurrence characteristics of mul-
tiple QP bursts observed in the Jovian magnetosphere. They
recurrently appeared in groups with a planetary spin period
of 10 hours. Moreover, QP-burst groups had clock-like
modulations as well as periodic appearances, i.e., the QP-
burst groups were excited when Jupiter had a particular spin
phase angle with respect to the Sun. The subsolar longitude
at the time of excitation was around l
= 260320.We
also found that the activity of QP-burst groups was related
to that of HOM emissions and the excitation of n-KOM
emissions, suggesting that QP bursts are activated during
magnetically disturbed periods. The detection of QP-burst
groups by Galileo was restricted to regions greater than 20
25 R
suggesting that the waves are emitted in the polar
4.1. QP-Burst Group and JAC
[18] Here, let us note some close relationships between
QP-burst groups observed in the Jovian magnetosphere and
intense VLF radio waves observed in interplanetary space
[Kaiser et al., 1992, 1993, 2004; Kaiser, 1998, Morioka et
al., 2004]. The intense VLF radio waves in interplanetary
space are called Jovian anomalous continuum (JAC) or
‘reradiated emission’ [Kaiser et al., 2004]. A typical
dynamic spectrogram of JAC observed in interplanetary
space by Ulysses on 27 28 October 1991 is shown in
Figure 7a. JAC is characterized by slowly decreasing
frequency in a range from about 7 to 15 kHz and by its
long duration. The radio burst groups that overlapped on the
first half of the JAC spectra could be QP-burst groups
generated in the Jovian magnetosphere. The sequential
JACs that arose every 10 hours are also consistent with
the consecutive appearance of QP burst groups with 10-hour
periodicity. Figure 7b shows the spectrogram of QP-burst
groups observed by Galileo on 4 July 1997. Although both
spectrograms are not simultaneous, we can see by compar-
ing Figures 7a and 7b that the clusters of QP bursts and their
periodic occurrence is quite similar to the bursty component
in the JAC spectrogram.
[19] Quasi-periodic particle accelerations that are almost
synchronized with low-frequency radio bursts (QP bursts)
were discovered in the polar magnetosphere by Ulysses
during a flyby of Jupiter [McKibben et al., 1993]. We
speculate that a cluster of quasi-periodic accelerations
occurs in the polar magnetosphere once a planetary rotation
Figure 4. Distribution for QP-burst group observation in
the magnetosphere. There were 364 typical groups of QP
bursts chosen from selected 14 Galileo orbits from August
1996 to January 2002 (G02 to I33 orbit).
Figure 5. Longitudinal distribution for QP-burst groups.
The solid line indicates longitude of subsolar point at time
of QP-burst group commencements and the broken line
indicates central meridian longitude of Galileo at time of
QP-burst group commencements.
Figure 6. Statistical distribution for duration of QP-burst
group. Used data set is same as in Figure 4.
and excites multiple quasi-periodic radio bursts (QP-burst
group) and that the cluster of the quasi-periodic electron
beams also excites JAC in the magnetosheath, where JAC
is characterized by long-lasting and slowly frequency-
decreasing spectra. A part of JAC in the magnetosheath
can escape into interplanetary space and is observed as the
free space wave. Two scenarios for the generation and
propagation of JAC are presented elsewhere [Kaiser et al.,
2004; Morioka et al., 2004]. Thus a spacecraft in interplan-
etary space can detect both magnetospheric QP-burst groups
from the polar magnetosphere and JAC radiation from the
magnetosheath simultaneously. The lower-frequency limit
of JAC which is higher than that of QP-burst groups in the
magnetosphere would be due to the cutoff effect at plasma
frequency in the magnetosheath.
4.2. Emission Commencement Synchronized With
Planetary Rotation
[20] The evidence that the periodic commencement of
QP-burst groups takes place at a certain planetary spin
phase is a new finding derived from this study and this is
also consistent with the excitation of JAC [Morioka et al.,
2004]. Figure 8 reproduces the result by Morioka et al.
[2004], which illustrates the System III longitude of the
subsolar point when the commencement of JAC was
detected in interplanetary space (Figure 8a), together with
the occurrence of QP-burst groups derived in this study
(Figure 8b). The very similar distribution of both phenom-
ena with a unique occurrence peak at around l
= 260
320supports that QP bursts and JAC are generated by
‘‘recurrent disturbances’ once a planetary rotation which
are excited when Jupiter has a particular spin phase with
respect to the solar wind direction (i.e., with respect to the
magnetosphere). The recurrent disturbances assume the
bursty acceleration of energetic electrons and the emission
of QP radio bursts in the polar magnetosphere.
[21] After the discovery of the periodic release of Jovian
energetic electrons into interplanetary space by Chenette et
al. [1974], Simpson et al. [1975], and Schardt et al. [1981]
confirmed that the spectral index of energetic electrons in
the outer magnetosphere and interplanetary space exhibited
a maxima at a subsolar longitude of l
= 230±50.Itis
very interesting that the subsolar longitude at the time of the
spectral index maxima of the escaping electrons roughly
corresponds with that at the commencement of QP-burst
groups and JAC demonstrated in this study. To interpret the
Figure 7. Typical dynamic 24-hour spectrograms of (a) Jovian Anomalous Continuum and (b) QP-burst
group. JAC dynamic spectrogram was observed by Ulysses from 27 to 28 October 1991. Dynamic
spectrogram of QP-burst groups was from the Galileo observation on 4 July 1997. Two spectrograms are
properly arranged on time axis to show similar periodicities and time profiles. Note that the frequency
axis is linear in Figure 7a and logarithmic in Figure 7b.
Figure 8. Comparison of occurrence characteristics
between (a) JAC detected from Ulysses observation and
(b) QP-burst groups from Galileo observation. The
horizontal axis is System III longitude of subsolar point
when JAC and QP-burst groups are detected.
longitudinal asymmetry of Jovian particle escape detected
by Pioneer and Voyager observations, Dessler and
Vasyliunas [1979] and Vasyliunas and Dessler [1981] pro-
posed a magnetic anomaly model, which claimed that the
asymmetry of the surface magnetic field affects the distri-
bution of plasma in the outer magnetosphere. The basic idea
of the magnetic anomaly model is the depressed field region
in the northern hemisphere centered near l
= 230, which
rotates once every 10 hours and results in the release of
energetic particles into interplanetary space [Hill et al.,
1974; Hill and Dessler, 1976]. Goertz and Baker [1985]
suggested that in addition to the surface magnetic anomaly,
the periodic energization of energetic particles is caused by
variations in the longitudinally averaged Pedersen conduc-
tivity due to asymmetric solar illumination in the polar
[22] It should be noted that Kurth et al. [1986, 1987]
reported the periodic amplitude variations in Jovian contin-
uum radiation from the Voyager observations and suggested
that the continuum radiation is organized by the clock-
like modulation. Contrary to their continuum radiation
near 3 kHz, we claimed in this study that QP-burst
groups, which overlap into spectra of continuum radia-
tion, have a clock modulation. However, there is a
possibility that QP-burst groups described in this paper
are identical with the ‘periodic continuum radiation’’
demonstrated by Kurth et al. [1986], when we consider
differences of both time and frequency resolution between
Galileo and Voyager observations. If it is the case, Kurth et al.
[1986] are the first who mentioned the clock-like behavior of
the ‘‘QP-burst groups’ in the Jovian magnetosphere.
[23] The present study indicates that quasi-periodic par-
ticle acceleration takes place in the polar ionosphere syn-
chronized with planetary rotation. Energetic particle
emissions from the polar region have been studied in detail
by Karanikola et al. [2004] through the high-latitude
observations with the Ulysses spacecraft. Their results
showed that energetic electron emissions with many varie-
ties of periodicity (15 80 min) are common in the polar
region, being consistent with our present assumptions.
4.3. Relation With the Magnetospheric and
Solar Wind Disturbances
[24] The occurrence of QP-burst groups accompanying n-
KOM and JAC emissions discussed in this paper indirectly
proves that QP-burst groups arise during the period when
the solar wind dynamic pressure is decreasing because n-
KOM emissions are associated with a depression in the
solar wind dynamic pressure as has been demonstrated by
Reiner et al. [2000], and JAC appears when solar wind
dynamic pressure is declining after a rapid increase [Morioka
et al., 2004]. Theoretical predictions that the kinetic energy of
the rotating magnetosphere is unloaded through ionosphere-
magnetosphere coupling have been proposed and claimed
that Jovian magnetospheric activities are likely to be en-
hanced in conjunction with solar wind pressure variations
[Nishida and Watanabe, 1981; Watanabe and Nishida, 1982;
Southwood and Kivelson, 2001; Cowley and Bunce, 2001].
The occurrence characteristics of QP-burst groups presented
in this paper may be connected with these theoretical pre-
dictions and the assumed ‘‘recurrent disturbances’ once a
planetary rotation may be a manifestation of the daily
unloading of Jovian rotational energy during a period of
magnetospheric disturbances caused by solar wind pres-
sure variations.
[25]Acknowledgments. The authors would like to thank H. Oya for
his encouragement. We acknowledge the use of PWS data (the Principal
Investigator is D.A. Gurnett) and MAG data (the Principal Investigator is
M. G. Kivelson) in this research. The data used in this study were provided
through the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node of the Planetary Data
System (PDS). The PPI Node is located at the Institute of Geophysics and
Planetary Physics at the University of California, Los Angeles. The Ulysses
data were provided from Coordinated Heliospheric Observations (COHO)
database, NSSDC, NASA. The research at the University of Iowa was
supported by NASA through grant NNG05GG98G.
[26]Wolfgang Baumjohann thanks Michael Kaiser and Philippe
Louarn for their assistance in evaluating this paper.
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... Hospodarsky et al. [2004] also performed direction-finding analysis from Cassini: the results implied that the QP bursts at low frequencies are dispersed at the magnetosheath and escape from the high latitudinal region of the magnetosheath into interplanetary space. Morioka et al. [2006] showed that the trigger of QP burst pulse groups depends on the phase of Jovian rotation using data obtained from Galileo. ...
... As is evident from Figure 1, QP bursts form groups of successive pulses. A group of QP burst pulses was treated as one event in a similar way to that of Morioka et al. [2006] and Kimura et al. [2008b]. We counted a pulse group, which fulfills the following criteria, as one event: the spectral density of each pulse was 15 dB higher than the background noise level within a frequency range from 3 to 10 kHz. ...
... This suggests that QP bursts are excited when the SSL ranges from 300°-480°. This is consistent with the results from Morioka et al. [2006], who stated that QP burst groups have their onset around SSL ∼ 260°-320°b ased on Galileo's observations. It should be noted that the rotational phase dependence in the equatorial region shows the opposite of that observed at the northern high latitudes by Ulysses [Kimura et al., 2008b]. ...
The occurrence characteristics of Jovian quasiperiodic (QP) bursts at a VLF range (<10 kHz) were statistically investigated using data from the Galileo spacecraft at low latitudes in the Jovian magnetosphere. The results confirmed that the occurrence of QP bursts is significantly dependent on the phase of planetary rotation rather than the central meridian longitude of the observer seen from Jupiter. It was revealed that the meridional distribution of QP bursts forms a shadow zone in the equatorial region of <30 Jovian radii from Jupiter, similar to that of hectometric radio emissions, where QP bursts are quenched. Based on the ray tracing method, we surveyed the source parameters, which can reproduce the observed shadow zone. It was suggested that the wave mode, source location, and directivity of the radio emissions are as follows: the extraordinary mode is reasonable for QP bursts observed at low latitudes, the source is located around an altitude of similar to 10-20 Jovian radii above the polar region, the L value of the source field line is in a range of L > similar to 20, and QP bursts could have beaming angles like "filled cone" in a restricted L value range or have a large source L value range with beaming angles like "hollow cones." These results imply that QP bursts observed at low latitudes are generated at f(RX) surfaces in the polar region and propagate to the equatorial region.
... [6] Using data obtained from Galileo and Ulysses, Morioka et al. [2006] and Kimura et al. [2008Kimura et al. [ , 2010 showed that the occurrence of QP burst groups depends on the phase of Jovian rotation; that is, the occurrence depends on subsolar longitudes (System III longitudes of the subsolar point) at high and low latitudes. This implies that QP bursts are excited by "recurrent disturbances" once every planetary rotation when Jupiter has a particular rotational phase. ...
... [9] In addition, the rotational phase dependence of QP bursts [Morioka et al., 2006;Kimura et al., 2008Kimura et al., , 2010 suggests that these periodic accelerations are initiated once a planetary rotation. Recent observations by Cassini indicate a periodic enhancement of Saturnian Kilometric Radiation (SKR) once every rotation that are accompanied by corotating bright energetic neutral atoms (ENA) and auroral emissions recurrently energized by injected hot plasmas in Saturn's magnetosphere [e.g., Mitchell et al., 2005Mitchell et al., , 2009. ...
The Jovian polar magnetosphere has relativistic particle accelerations with quasi-periodicity (hereafter QP accelerations) that are accompanied by periodic auroral emissions and low-frequency radio bursts called quasi-periodic (QP) bursts. Some previous observations suggested a possible physical relationship between the QP accelerations and QP radio bursts. However, the cause of the QP accelerations has not been revealed yet. This study investigated the generation process of QP radio bursts that constrain the QP acceleration process. The statistical features of QP bursts' periodicity were investigated by applying Lomb-Scargle periodogram analysis to the variations of the QP bursts' spectral densities observed by the Galileo and Ulysses spacecraft. The Lomb-Scargle analysis revealed remarkable characteristics: QP bursts have statistically large amplitudes with periods of 30–50 min at all latitudes. This result suggests that 30–50 min is an “eigenfrequency” of the QP accelerations which is close to the 45 min periodicity of the pulsating X-ray hot spot in the polar cap region. In addition, it was also revealed that successive pulses sometimes exhibit periodicity transition. We discussed one possible scenario which links Jovian periodic accelerations to those in the terrestrial magnetosphere. The scenario is that particles are energized within the period of the dispersive Alfvén waves with field-aligned electric fields that obliquely propagate between the northern and southern ionospheres. The observed eigenfrequency and periodicity transition of QP bursts are consistent with the Alfvénic acceleration scenario.
... As soon as the sporadic enhancement was observed, nKOM radiation whose source is thought to be in the outer edge of the plasma torus appeared on the f-t spectrogram of the Galileo/PWS at frequencies of around 100 kHz, and this radiation lasted for about 4 days (shown by the white oval). Moreover, quasiperiodic (QP) burst groups [Morioka et al., 2006] appeared at frequencies between ∼2 and 20 kHz on the spectrogram during this period with a modulation due to Jovian rotation period. Reiner et al. [2000] reported that the sudden appearance of nKOM radiation has a close relationship with the enhancement of the solar wind density at the Jovian magnetosphere. ...
... Reiner et al. [2000] reported that the sudden appearance of nKOM radiation has a close relationship with the enhancement of the solar wind density at the Jovian magnetosphere. The appearance of the QP burst groups is also suggested to be related to D R A F T April 14, 2006, 3:08pm D R A F T solar-wind disturbances [Morioka et al., 2006]. The almost coincident occurrence of the sporadic enhancement of the [SII] 673.1 nm emission and the onset of nKOM radiation implies that the sporadic enhancement is also related to solar-wind disturbances. ...
Sporadic enhancements of [SII] 673.1 nm emissions from the Io plasma torus were found in ground-based observations in 1998 and 1999. Just after the onset of the enhancement on September 21, 1999, narrow-band kilometric (nKOM) radiation began to be observed by the Galileo/PWS in the Jovian magnetosphere. During this period, quasi-periodic burst groups (Morioka et al., 2006) were also observed by the PWS, and Jovian ``auroral flare'' (Waite et al., 2001) events were found on the same day by the Hubble Space Telescope. The sudden appearances of both nKOM radiation and auroral flare suggest the arrival of a remarkable solar-wind disturbance at the Jovian magnetosphere. In this paper, we present evidence that these enhancements are stochastic, related to solar wind disturbances.
... Spacecraft such as Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager 1 and 2, Ulysses, and Galileo have been used to identify a large number of similar QP wave periods of order ∼10-60 min. These pulsations are often referred to as ultralow frequency (ULF) waves and have been detected in magnetometer data, plasma waves, radio bursts, energetic particle bursts, and auroral far ultraviolet and X-rays (Anagnostopoulos et al., 2001;Dunn et al., 2017;Gladstone et al., 2002;Glassmeier et al., 1989;Karanikola et al., 2004;MacDowall et al., 1993;McKibben et al., 1993;Morioka et al., 2006;Nichols et al., 2017;Wilson & Dougherty, 2000); all of these have been recently reviewed by Delamere (2016). ...
Energy transport inside the giant magnetosphere at Jupiter is poorly understood. Since the Pioneer era, mysterious quasiperiodic (QP) pulsations have been reported. Early publications successfully modeled case studies of ∼60-min (rest-frame) pulsations as standing Alfvén waves. Since then, the range of periods has increased to ∼10–60 min, spanning multiple data sets. More work is required to assess whether a common QP modulation mechanism is capable of explaining the full range of wave periods. Here we have modeled standing Alfvén waves to compute the natural periods of the Jovian magnetosphere, for varying plasma sheet thicknesses, field line lengths, and Alfvén speeds. We show that variability in the plasma sheet produces eigenperiods that are consistent with all the reported observations. At least the first half-dozen harmonics (excluding the fundamental) may contribute but are indistinguishable in our analysis. We suggest that all QP pulsations reported at Jupiter may be explained by standing Alfvén waves.
... Although the variability is likely attributed to the visibility of the X-ray source area, the dependence of the X-ray emission rate on the rotation is also implicated. The dependence on the rotation has long been reported from the observations of QP bursts [MacDowall et al., 1993;Morioka et al., 2006;Kimura et al., 2008Kimura et al., , 2010Kimura et al., , 2012. The rotation dependences of the X-ray and radio are suggestive of the auroral accelerations in the polar cap region organized by Jupiter's rotation. ...
Jupiter's X-ray auroral emission in the polar cap region results from particles which have undergone strong field-aligned acceleration into the ionosphere [Cravens et al., 2003]. The origin of precipitating ions and electrons and the time variability in the X-ray emission are essential to uncover the driving mechanism for the high energy acceleration. The magnetospheric location of the source field line where the X-ray is generated is likely affected by the solar wind variability. However, these essential characteristics are still unknown because the long-term monitoring of the X-rays and contemporaneous solar wind variability has not been carried out. In Apr 2014, the first long-term multi-wavelength monitoring of Jupiter's X-ray and EUV auroral emissions was made by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, XMM-Newton, and Hisaki satellite. We find that the X-ray count rates are positively correlated with the solar wind velocity and insignificantly with the dynamic pressure. Based on the magnetic field mapping model, a half of the X-ray auroral region was found to be open to the interplanetary space. The other half of the X-ray auroral source region is magnetically connected with the pre-noon to post-dusk sector in the outermost region of the magnetosphere, where the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability, magnetopause reconnection, and quasi-periodic particle injection potentially take place. We speculate that the high energy auroral acceleration is associated with the KH instability and/or magnetopause reconnection. This association is expected to also occur in many other space plasma environments such as Saturn and other magnetized rotators.
... Hospodarsky et al. [2004] compared the observations of QP bursts by Galileo and Cassini during the Cassini Jupiter flyby and concluded that the QP bursts are also triggered periodically like a clock. Morioka et al. [2006] compared the occurrence characteristics between the Jovian anomalous continuum observed by Ulysses and QP bursts groups observed by Galileo and found that both phenomena share the same occurrence peak at around l III = 260 -320 . This finding supports the model that both the QP bursts and Jovian anomalous continuum are generated by the recurrent quasiperiodic particle accelerations [McKibben et al., 1993], which are caused by magnetospheric disturbances when Jupiter has a certain rotation phase with respect to the solar wind direction. ...
Jovian anomalous continuum is a narrowband electromagnetic radiation near 10 kHz that can escape from Jupiter's magnetosphere to interplanetary space. One possible source mechanism is the magnetosheath re-radiation of the Jovian low frequency radio emissions such as the quasiperiodic (QP) radio emissions, broadband kilometric radiation (bKOM) and non-thermal continuum. Jovian anomalous continuum was consistently observed by the Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science instrument from 2000 to 2004, right before the Saturn orbit insertion, which means the radiation can be detected as far as 8 AU away from Jupiter. An analysis of intensity versus radial distance shows that the Jovian anomalous continuum has a line source rather than a point source, consistent with the theory that the emission is radiated by the whole length of the magnetotail. The emissions are modulated at the system III period of Jupiter and are unpolarized. Since the lower cutoff frequency of the anomalous continuum is related to the plasma frequency in the magnetosheath of Jupiter, which is a function of solar wind density, the recurrent variations of the lower cutoff frequency can be used as a remote diagnostic of the solar wind condition at Jupiter. We propose that the frequency dispersion, a unique characteristic of the anomalous continuum, is likely a comprehensive effect of both the slow group velocity near the local plasma frequency and the refraction/scattering of the waves by density structures as they propagate in the magnetosheath.
Jovian quasiperiodic (QP) radio bursts are suspected to be associated with relativistic particle accelerations occurring with a quasiperiodicity between a few minutes and a few tens of minutes in Jupiter's polar magnetosphere. Understanding the excitation and propagation of QP bursts could help us to better understand this periodic energization process. A first necessary step is to measure the wave mode, source location, and directivity of QP bursts. For that purpose, we performed a statistical analysis of goniopolarimetric measurements of QP bursts made with the Radio and Plasma Wave Science investigation (RPWS) onboard Cassini spacecraft during the Jupiter flyby of 2000-2001. We studied two groups of QP bursts on 22 and 23 December 2000, and we found consistent source directions about 50 RJ north of Jupiter with an error bar ≤20 RJ. Statistics of the Stokes parameters indicate that QP bursts are partially left-handed polarized (V > 0, Q, U < 0). Together with the direction finding results, these polarization statistics imply that QP bursts observed from low latitudes are L-O mode waves which have been excited in the northern polar source, have propagated toward high latitudes, and then got refracted equatorward in the magnetosheath. Dependence of the Stokes parameters on the longitude indicates that QP bursts are excited within a particular phase range of the planetary rotation, when the system III longitude of the sub-solar point is between 260° and 480°. This implies that QP radio bursts and associated particle accelerations always occur within the same rotational sector, suggesting the existence of a recurrent magnetospheric disturbance at the planetary rotation period. Finally, we propose a possible scenario for the generation and propagation of QP bursts by combining the results of the present study with those of other recent observational and theoretical studies.
The Jovian polar magnetosphere has relativistic particle accelerations with quasiperiodicity (QP accelerations), which are accompanied by periodic auroral emissions and low-frequency radio bursts called QP bursts. Although there have been some observations, the generation process of QP bursts by relativistic electrons from QP accelerations has not been revealed yet. This paper presents calculated wave growth rates for the discussion of the QP radio burst generation processes based on wave generation theories. Linear growth rates were computed for free space mode waves and plasma waves in cold plasma dispersion relations, assuming that these waves are generated by relativistic electron beams in two kinds of polar source regions, as suggested by wave observations and by the ray-tracing results reported in our previous studies. One of the source regions is at high altitudes where emission frequency f is close to local right-handed extraordinary (RX) mode cutoff frequency fRX and the other is at low altitudes where f is close to local plasma frequency fp. We found that ordinary (O) mode free space waves are sufficiently amplified, with broad beaming at both of the sources in the duration of the relativistic electron populations when they have an unstable velocity distribution like a ring beam structure. This means that O mode free space waves can be generated directly from energetic electrons via the “cyclotron maser instability” (CMI) process. We also confirmed that extraordinary (X) mode free space waves are not sufficiently amplified at both of the sources in the beam duration but Z mode waves propagating along field lines from the sources toward the Jovian polar ionosphere are significantly excited. Z mode waves propagating toward the planet could be converted to free space O mode waves at a steep plasma density gradient via the “mode conversion” (MC) process. We conclude that both direct (CMI) and indirect (MC) process can generate O mode QP radio bursts with radiation characteristics consistent with those observed by spacecraft. This suggests that relativistic electrons with unstable velocity distributions are generated by the QP acceleration and that Z mode and O mode QP radio bursts are excited by these particles.
Ulysses had a “distant encounter” with Jupiter when it was within 0.8 AU of the planet during February, 2004. The passage of the spacecraft was from north to south, and observations of the Jovian radio waves were carried out for a few months from high to low latitudes (+80° to +10°) of Jupiter. The statistical study performed during this “distant encounter” event provided the occurrence characteristics of the Jovian broadband kilometric radiation (bKOM), including the high-latitude component as follows: (1) the emission intensity of bKOM was found to have a sinusoidal dependence with respect to the central meridian longitude (CML), showing a broad peak at ∼180°, (2) bKOM was preferably observed in the magnetic latitudinal range from ∼+30° to +90°, and the emission intensities at the high latitudes were found to be two times larger than that at the equatorial region, and (3) the emission intensity was controlled possibly by the sub solar longitude (SSL) of Jupiter. The intensity had a sharp peak around SSL ∼210°. A 3D ray tracing approach was applied to the bKOM in order to examine the source distribution. It was suggested that: (1) the R-X mode waves generated through the Cyclotron Maser Instability process would be unable to reproduce the intense high-latitude component of the bKOM, (2) the L-O mode, which was assumed to be generated at frequencies near the local plasma frequency, was considered to be the dominant mode for past and present observations at mid- and high-latitudinal regions, and (3) the high-latitude component of bKOM was found to have a source altitude of 0.9–1.5 Rj (Rj: Jovian radii), and to be distributed along magnetic field lines having L>10.
Ulysses had a “distant encounter” with Jupiter in February 2004. The spacecraft passed from north to south, and it observed Jovian radio waves from high to low latitudes (from +80° to +10°) for few months during its encounter. In this study, we present a statistical investigation of the occurrence characteristics of Jovian quasi-periodic bursts, using spectral data from the unified radio and plasma wave experiment (URAP) onboard Ulysses. The latitudinal distribution of quasi-periodic bursts is derived for the first time. The analysis suggested that the bursts can be roughly categorized into two types: one having periods shorter than 30 min and one with periods longer than 30 min, which is consistent with the results of the previous analysis of data from Ulysses’ first Jovian flyby [MacDowall, R.J., Kaiser, M.L., Desch, M.D., Farrell, W.M., Hess, R.A., Stone, R.G., 1993. Quasi-periodic Jovian radio bursts: observations from the Ulysses radio and plasma wave. Experiment. Planet. Space Sci. 41, 1059–1072]. It is also suggested that the groups of quasi-periodic bursts showed a dependence on the Jovian longitude of the sub-solar point, which means that these burst groups are triggered during a particular rotational phase of the planet. Maps of the occurrence probability of these quasi-periodic bursts also showed a unique CML/MLAT dependence. We performed a 3D ray tracing analysis of the quasi-periodic burst emission to learn more about the source distribution. The results suggest that the longitudinal distribution of the occurrence probability depends on the rotational phase. The source region of quasi-periodic bursts seems to be located at an altitude between 0.4 and 1.4 Rj above the polar cap region (L>30).
Particle acceleration processes are important in understanding many of the Jovian radio and plasma wave emissions. However, except for the high-energy electrons that generate synchrotron emission following inward diffusion from the outer magnetosphere, acceleration processes in Jupiter’s magnetosphere and between Jupiter and Io are poorly understood. We discuss very recent observations from the Ulysses spacecraft of two new Jovian radio and plasma wave emissions in which particle acceleration processes are important and have been addressed directly by complementary investigations. First, radio bursts known as quasi-periodic bursts have been observed in close association with a population of highly energetic electrons. Second, a population of much lower energy (keV range) electrons on auroral field lines can be shown to be responsible for the first observation of a Jovian plasma wave emission known as auroral hiss. Subject headings: acceleration of particles — planets and satellites: individual (Jupiter) — radio continuum: solar system
Observations by the Ulysses Unified Radio and Plasma Wave instrument show that the most intense portion of the Jovian continuum emission appears to emanate from the planet's bow shock or magnetosheath region. This intense component is highly correlated with the Jovian ``type III'' or quasi-periodic (QP-15 and QP-40) bursts. I suggest that this intense continuum component may be the unresolved merging of the low-frequency portion of the QP bursts and occasionally the low-frequency extent of broadband kilometric emissions which have been scattered and dispersed in the magnetosheath. A similar, but much less dramatic, effect happens at Earth with the scattering of LF bursts.
The general characteristics of the narrow-band and broadband emission sources of Jovian kilometric radiation, designated nKOM and bKOM, respectively, are reviewed. It is suggested that bKOM and nKOM could be produced by the same conversion process operating at the magnetic equator, on the outer flanks of the Io torus, within about 2 deg for the bKOM sources and at latitudes of not greater than 8 deg for the nKOM sources. The beaming results suggest that the torus has a smaller density gradient on the nightside than on the dayside.
Measurements with the Energetic Particles Detector (EPD) on Galileo orbit C9 in the Jovian magnetotail revealed the existence of distinct quasi-periodic variations of energetic ion intensities which are superimposed on the well-known 10-hour modulations due to the planetary rotation. The intensity variations are associated with changes of the particle energy spectra and the plasma flow pattern. They are clearly of temporal nature and not the consequence of the spacecraft passing through periodically separated spatial structures. The modulation period is about 3 days. The oscillations are most pronounced throughout the middle magnetotail regime (20 to 80 RJ), however, seem to persist even in the deep tail region. The amplitude of the modulation is dependent on the particle energy. The highest energies measured (about 1 MeV) show the strongest variations. Energetic particle features with similar periodicity are observed on other Galileo orbits as well. The cause of these modulations is unclear; however, it may be speculated that they correspond to a quasi-periodic transition between two basic states of the Jovian magnetotail which occur with a time constant inherent to the Jovian magnetosphere.
We present observational evidence that the long-term behavior of Jovian bKOM and nKOM radio emissions observed during the Ulysses-Jupiter encounter was controlled by the sector structure of the solar wind. Specifically, we found brightenings in the Jovian bKOM emission, followed by a sudden cessation of the bKOM emission and an onset of an nKOM “event” that lasted for some 120 hours. This sequence of events was observed to recur every ∼12 or 25 days from October, 1991 to mid-January, 1992 when Ulysses was inbound toward Jupiter and at Jovian latitudes <2.3°. These observations indicate that the solar wind structures, which influence the dynamics of Jupiter's magnetosphere, in turn control the radio emissions generated inside the magnetosphere.
During Galileo's orbit G2 in 1996 the Energetic Particles Detector (EPD) onboard the spacecraft detected a number of particle bursts with large radial/antisunward anisotropies in the distant Jovian magnetotail [Krupp et al., 1998]. In this letter we focus on a detailed analysis of one of the bursts. Prior to the onset of the burst, particle intensities at low energies increase over several hours. This phase can be interpreted as a plasma loading phase. It ends after the onset of strong distortions in the magnetic field with a bipolar excursion of the north-south component being the most prominent feature. The subsequent plasma sheet encounters show that the plasma sheet has thinned considerably. Accelerated/heated ion beams first from the Jovian direction and then later from the tail direction are seen at the plasma sheet and lobe interfaces and intense radio and plasma wave emissions are detected. The event is tentatively interpreted as a dynamical process, where the Jovian magnetotail is internally driven unstable by mass loading of magnetic flux tubes.