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Discovery of Rhinolophus beddomei (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae) from Thailand with a Brief Comparison to Other Related Taxa


Abstract and Figures

Rhinolophus beddomei is reported from mainland Southeast Asia for the first time. It was collected in April, 2008, in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand, in a harp trap set over a stream in a dense evergreen forest. Morphometric and acoustic characters of the specimen are given with a brief comparison to other species of the R. trifoliatus group. Currently, it is not clear whether the Thai specimen represents an eastern extension of the Indian Subcontinent population or whether it is a member of an isolated population which is restricted to continental Southeast Asia. It is suggested that a further review, which would involve material from southern and Southeast Asia, together with R. formosae from Taiwan would be of considerable interest.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Tropical Natural History 10(1): 67-79, April 2010
©2010 by Chulalongkorn University
Discovery of Rhinolophus beddomei (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae)
from Thailand with a Brief Comparison to Other Related Taxa
1, 2*
Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Natural History Museum, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University,
Hat Yai, Songkhla 90112, THAILAND
Excellence Centre for Biodiversity of Peninsular Thailand, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University,
Hat Yai, Songkhla 90112, THAILAND
Wildlife Research Section, Wildlife Conservation Division, Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant
Conservation, Pahonyothin Road, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, THAILAND
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90112, THAILAND
Harrison Institute, Centre for Systematics and Biodiversity Research, Bowerwood House,St. Botolph’s Road,
Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 3AQ, UK
* Corresponding author. E-mail:
Received: 21 September 2009; Accepted: 17 March 2010
ABSTRACT.– Rhinolophus beddomei is reported from mainland Southeast Asia for the first time. It was
collected in April, 2008, in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand, in a harp trap set over a stream in a dense
evergreen forest. Morphometric and acoustic characters of the specimen are given with a brief comparison
to other species of the R. trifoliatus group. Currently, it is not clear whether the Thai specimen represents
an eastern extension of the Indian Subcontinent population or whether it is a member of an isolated
population which is restricted to continental Southeast Asia. It is suggested that a further review, which
would involve material from southern and Southeast Asia, together with R. formosae from Taiwan would be
of considerable interest.
EY WORDS: Rhinolophus beddomei, R. trifoliatus group, first record, Southeast Asia, Thailand, disjunct
Following a series of intensive bat
surveys by members of the Prince of
Songkla University bat team from 2003 to
July 2008, eleven bat species were recorded
from Thailand for the first time (Bumrungsri
et al., 2006; Thong et al., 2006; Bates et al.,
2007; Soisook et al., 2007). This brought the
total for the country to 122 species of which
18 belong to the genus Rhinolophus,
including R. microglobosus Csorba and
Jenkins, 1998, which has recently been
elevated to specific rank (Soisook et al.,
In April, 2008, a field survey was
conducted in Ratchaburi Province, western
Thailand. Of particular interest was a single
male specimen of a taxon not recorded
previously from Thailand. The specimen is
here referred to Rhinolophus beddomei
Andersen, 1905 on the basis of size and
morphology. Rhinolophus beddomei is one
of five species which are assigned to the R.
trifoliatus group (sensu Csorba et al., 2003).
They are characterised by the presence of
lateral lappets at base of the sella in the
noseleaf. Three of the five species, R. luctus
Temminck, 1834, R. trifoliatus Temminck,
1834, and R. sedulus Andersen, 1905, have
been recorded previously from mainland
IGURE 1. The known distribution of R. beddomei (circle), R. luctus (squares), R. trifoliatus (triangles) and R.
sedulus (diamonds) in mainland Southeast Asia. Black symbols represent localities from which specimens
have been examined, whereas localities with hollow symbols have not been examined. Locality information
is included in the Appendix.
Southeast Asia (Corbet and Hill, 1992;
Simmons, 2005), whilst the fourth, R.
formosae Sanborn, 1939 is endemic to
Rhinolophus beddomei is regarded as
distinct from R. luctus on the basis of its
smaller size and the shape of the upper
canine (Topál and Csorba, 1992; Csorba et
al., 2003). Until now, its range was thought
to be restricted to western and southern India
and Sri Lanka (Bates and Harrison 1997).
However, here we report the discovery of R.
beddomei from Thailand with information on
its echolocation and morphometrics. It is
compared to the four other species of the
trifoliatus group.
The specimen of R. beddomei was
collected from Mae Nam Pha Chi Wildlife
Sanctuary, Ratchaburi Province, western
Thailand (13º 15’ N, 99º 21’ E) (loc. B1 in
Fig. 1) at an altitude of 431 m a.s.l on 20
April 2008 during a wildlife diversity
survey by staff of the Department of
National Park, Wildlife and Plant
Conservation (DNP) and the Prince of
Songkla University. The wildlife sanctuary
covers an area of 489.31 km
and is
characterised by steeply rugged mountains
which are part of the Tenasserim Mountain
Range. The Pha Chi River runs through the
western part of the sanctuary. The
vegetation comprises four main forest types;
dry evergreen forest, which is the
predominant forest type with additional
primary evergreen forest and mixed
deciduous and dipterocarp forest. The
underlying geology is granite. The wildlife
sanctuary is in the rainshadow of the
Tenasserim Mountain Range and
consequently there is a relatively low annual
average precipitation of 246 mm (DNP,
The R. beddomei specimen was captured
in a four-bank harp trap (Francis, 1989) set
across a 3 m wide seasonal streamlet in
primary evergreen forest. Five other species
of insectivorous bats were also collected;
Nycteris tragata, Rhinolophus microglobo-
sus, Myotis muricola, Kerivoula papillosa
and Phoniscus jagorii. The specimen of R.
beddomei is preserved in 70% (v/v) alcohol
with its skull extracted and deposited in the
Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Natural
History Museum, Prince of Songkla
University, Hat Yai, Thailand. External and
craniodental characters were measured with
a digital caliper following Bates and
Harrison (1997) and Csorba et al. (2003).
Body mass (MASS) was recorded using a
Pesola 50 g scale and is given in grams.
Additional specimens of R. beddomei, R.
luctus, R. trifoliatus and R. sedulus included
in this study were studied at the Harrison
Institute, Sevenoaks, UK (HZM), The
Natural History Museum, London (BMNH)
and Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn
Natural History Museum (PSUZC-MM;
formerly PSU-M) (see Appendix).
The echolocation calls were recorded
using a hand-held Pettersson D-240X time
expansion bat detector, which was
connected to iRiver iHP-120 Multi-Codec
Jukebox recorder. Calls were analysed with
BatSound Pro version 3.31 (Pettersson,
Elektronik AB). A sampling frequency of
44.10 kHz was used and produced a
spectrogram using 1024 samples Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT) with Hanning
Measurements provided in this paper
were taken from specimens examined for
this study only, unless otherwise stated.
Rhinolophus beddomei Andersen, 1905
(Figures 1 and 2; Tables 1 and 2)
Rhinolophus beddomei Andersen, 1905:
253; Wynaad, Madras, India.
Rhinolophus beddomei sobrinus Andersen,
1918: 378; Kala Oya, North Central
Province, Sri Lanka.
Material.– Thailand: Huay Pu Nam Ron,
Mae Nam Pha Chi Wildlife Sanctuary, Suan
Pueng, Ratchaburi Province (13º 15’ N, 99º
21’ E, 431 m a.s.l.) (Fig. 1), 20 April, 2008,
1 (PSUZC-MM2008.51) collected by
Pipat Soisook and Tuanjit Srithongchuay.
This is the first record from Thailand.
Morphometric characters.– Specimen
PSUZC-MM2008.51 from Ratchaburi
Province has a forearm length of 53.0 mm
(for comparative information on material
from India and Sri Lanka, see Tables 1 and
2, and also Bates and Harrison, 1997). The
noseleaf is dark brown with well developed
lappets at the base of the sella; the
horseshoe is broad (12.2 mm) (Fig. 2a). The
lower lip has one groove. The ears are 23.8
mm in height. In the wing, the shortest
metacarpal is the third, which is
significantly shorter than the fourth and
fifth. The wing membranes are uniformly
dark brown and are attached at the base of
each outer toe. The length of the second
phalanx of the third digit is 1.5 times that of
the first. The fur is soft, woolly in texture
and rather long, ca. 11 - 13 mm. The dorsal
and ventral pelage is uniformly whitish-
brown at the base with greyish-brown tips.
The skull has a condylo-canine length of
21.7 mm. Zygomatic breadth exceeds
mastoid width (Table 2). The anterior rostral
chambers are robust and well inflated when
viewed laterally. The sagittal crest is well
developed; it bifurcates anteriorly to form
two strong supraorbital ridges around a very
deep pit in the interorbital region. The bony
palate is 34.0% of the length of the
maxillary toothrow (C-M
). The upper
canine (C
) is without a concavity in its
posterior base; it is in contact with the first
upper premolar (PM
), which is medium
sized and lies within the toothrow. The
second lower premolar (PM
) is absolutely
extruded from the toothrow; the first (PM
and third (PM
) premolars are in contact.
Acoustic characters.– The hand held
echolocation call of R. beddomei (specimen
PSUZC-MM2008.51) from Ratchaburi
Province, Thailand is typical of the genus
IGURE 2. Shape of noseleaf and pelage colour of (A) Rhinolophus beddomei from western Thailand, (B) R.
luctus from northeastern Thailand and (C) R. trifoliatus from peninsular Thailand.
Rhinolophus. It starts with a short duration
FM component with an initial frequency of
around 47.9 kHz. This is followed by a 36 -
39 ms CF segment of the peak frequency at
49.3 kHz (n = 1). It finishes with a short FM
sweep with a terminal frequency of 45.6
Taxonomic notes.– The external, cranial
and dental morphology and pelage colour of
the Thai specimen is similar to that of
specimens from India and Sri Lanka.
However, the Thai specimen is distinctly
smaller than the nominate subspecies R. b.
beddomei from India and slightly smaller
than R. b. sobrinus from Sri Lanka (Tables 1
and 2, see also Bates and Harrison, 1997).
Since only one individual is known, it is
unclear whether this is typical of the Thai
population or reflects an abnormally small
An additional specimen (BMNH.84.
1970) collected in Sabah and housed in the
Natural History Museum, London, may also
be referable to R. beddomei. This wet
specimen, with skull not extracted, is
currently labelled ‘R. trifoliatus. However,
its dark noseleaf and external measurements
(FA 53.1 mm) suggest that it may be a
second specimen of R. beddomei from
Southeast Asia.
Two individuals collected by Struebig et
al. (2006) from Kalimantan (Indonesian
Borneo) are also comparable in size and
morphology to R. beddomei. They were
provisionally assigned to R. luctus but the
authors noted that they were intermediate in
size between R. luctus and R. sedulus and
‘may represent a distinct taxon’. With
forearm lengths of 52.9 mm and 52.6 mm
and tibia lengths of 29.5 mm and 28.7 mm,
they agree in size with the specimen from
Comparison to other related species.– In
comparison to R. luctus, R. beddomei is
distinguished by its smaller size (Tables 1
and 2; see also Topál and Csorba, 1992;
Bates and Harrison, 1997), absence of a
concavity in the posterior base of the upper
canine, and differences in pelage colour and
echolocation call. Both species have long
fur that is woolly in texture. However, the
fur of R. luctus from peninsular Thailand is
dark grey to almost black whereas that of R.
beddomei from Thailand is greyish-brown
(Fig. 2). The hand held frequencies of three
individuals of R. luctus from peninsular
Thailand have CF components of between
31.6 and 32.0 kHz and a duration of 45 - 79
ms (n = 3) (PS, unpublished data). This is
much lower than that of the Thai R.
beddomei (for details see above). The recent
Thai data for R. luctus are comparable to
Francis (2008) who also reported call
frequencies of 32 - 34 kHz for R. luctus
from peninsular Thailand and Lao PDR, but
contrasts with the individuals from Sabah
and peninsular Malaysia, where a constant
frequency of 40 - 42 kHz was recorded
(Kingston et al., 2000; Francis, 2008).
Externally, R. beddomei can be distingui-
shed from R. trifoliatus by its darker pelage
and noseleaf colour (Fig. 2) and cranially by
its broader rostrum (RW) and anterior
rostral chambers (AMSW) (Table 2).
However, the echolocation calls of the two
species are quite similar, with the CF
component of R. trifoliatus
(50.0 - 53.5
kHz, n = 3: PS, unpublished data) from
peninsular Thailand only slightly higher
than that of R. beddomei.
Rhinolophus beddomei from Thailand
greatly exceeds R. sedulus in size, whilst the
call frequency of R. sedulus, 66.8 kHz from
peninsular Malaysia (Kingston et al., 2000)
and 62 and 76 kHz from Sabah (Francis,
2008) exceeds that of Thai R. beddomei.
Rhinolophus beddomei is indistinguish-
able in size and morphology from R.
formosae, which is currently regarded as an
endemic species to Taiwan (Csorba et al.,
2003). The specific status of R. formosae
was based on its smaller size and differences
in karyology from R. luctus (Ando et al.,
1983; Hood et al., 1988; Yoshiyuki and
Harada, 1995). However, no detailed
comparison was made by these authors with
R. beddomei.
Ecological and conservation notes.– The
specimen of R. beddomei from Thailand was
collected in harp trap which was set across a
seasonal stream at an altitude of 431 metres
(see Methods Section). Since there were
apparently no caves in the vicinity, it is
possible that its diurnal roost is tree hollows
or in a rock crevice. In India and Sri Lanka,
R. beddomei was found roosting singly or
up to three individuals in hollow trees, small
caves and hanging from boulders (Bates and
Harrison, 1997).
Based on previous information from
India and Sri Lanka, the conservation status
of R. beddomei is listed as ‘Least Concern’
(Srinivasulu and Molur, 2008). The new
material from Thailand greatly extends its
known range. However, although Mae Nam
Pha Chi Wildlife Sanctuary is officially a
protected area, the Sanctuary is still subject
to considerable deforestation and hunting
pressure. Currently, the Sanctuary, and also
other nearby protected areas in southwest
Thailand (e.g. Kang Krachan National
Park), are being assessed as part of the
‘Wildlife and Its Habitat Assessment in the
TABLE 1. External measurements (in mm) and mass (in gram) of R. beddomei and R. luctus; FA: forearm
length; EAR: ear length; HB: head and body length; TAIL: tail length; HF: foot length; TIBIA: tibia length;
5MET, 4MET, 3MET: fifth, fourth and third metacarpal length; 3D1P, 3D2P: first and second phalanx of the
third digit; NL: noseleaf width; MASS: body mass. Sample size (n), mean, standard deviation and range are
shown. Sample sizes differing from those reported under n are given in brackets.
n and sex FA EAR HB TAIL HF
Rhinolophus beddomei
53.0 23.8 63.4 30.9 14.1
59.8±3.9 27.5, 27.6 67.5 37.0, 38.5 12.1, 13.5
Rhinolophus beddomei
(India and Sri Lanka)
5 (4, 1)
(55.0-63.4) [2] [1] [2] [2]
Rhinolophus luctus
19 (8, 11)
70.5±4.3 36.3±2.9 76.8±5.3 51.5±6.1 16.3±2.0
(61.8-77.3) (31.5-39.6)
Rhinolophus trifoliatus
8 (3, 5)
51.8±2.0 25.8±0.4 53.8±2.4 34.3±1.7 12.0±0.5
(48.9-54.1) (25.4-26.2)
Rhinolophus sedulus*
? (?, ?)
37.0-48.0 17.0-21.0 47.0-51.0 19.0-30.0 -
- - - - -
* After Kingston et al. (2006)
Corridor Zone under the Biodiversity
Conservation Corridors Initiative Pilot Site
in the Tenasserim WEFCOM Thailand’
which is a joint project of WCS Thailand
and DNP (see ).
The specimen from Thailand has been
referred to Rhinolophus beddomei on the
basis of its size and morphology. However,
it is not clear whether this specimen
represents an eastern extension of a
population contiguous with those in
southwest India or whether it is a member of
an isolated population which is somehow
restricted to continental Southeast Asia.
This situation is similar to that of the
endangered Molossid, Otomops wroughtoni
(Thomas, 1913), which for many years had
been considered an endemic to western
India, but was subsequently recorded from
Cambodia (Walston and Bates, 2001).
The balance of probability suggests that
the population of R. beddomei is not
contiguous. Unlike Otomops wroughtoni
(Thabah and Bates, 2002), there are no
records from north or eastern India and it
has also not been found in Myanmar despite
many recent faunal surveys (Bates et al.,
2004). If the population is isolated then
there is the possibility that the phenotypic
similarity of the Thai specimen to R.
beddomei from the Indian Subcontinent may
not be reflected in its genotype. This would
mirror the findings of Thabah et al. (2006)
who in their study of the Hipposideros
larvatus species complex discovered an
TABLE 1. Continued.
28.3 44.0 42.5 37.5 18.5 27.8 12.2 16.0
30.2±1.3 45.3, 46.3 41.1, 41.1 37.8, 37.8 19.5, 21.6 27.8, 28.4 11.0 -
(28.9-31.9) [2] [2] [2] [2] [2] [1] -
36.8±2.0 59.5±2.8 57.7±2.4 50.3±2.0 28.5±1.0 40.0±2.2 15.3±2.0 56.2
26.1±1.0 43.3±0.8 41.4±1.0 36.5±1.1 21.1±0.8 29.2±1.6 11.2±0.2 14.0±1.3
(24.9-27.4) (42.3-44.1)
(11.0-11.4) (12.5-15.0)
19.0-20.5 - - - - - - 5.6-11.5
- - - - - - - -
interesting but confused pattern involving a
lack of congruence between phenotype,
genotype and acoustic characters. The
situation in ‘R. beddomei’ may prove to be
analogous. Therefore a more thorough
review, which includes R. beddomei from
India and Sri Lanka, the new specimen from
Thailand and previous specimens from
Sabah (BMNH collection) and Kalimantan
(Struebig et al., 2006) would be of
considerable interest. It would also be
valuable to include R. formosae in the study,
since despite its morphological similarity,
its relationship with R. beddomei has never
been clearly elucidated. It is very probable
that future field surveys in forest areas using
harp traps may show that R. beddomei is
quite widespread in Southeast Asia.
In terms of acoustics, it is interesting to
note that as might be predicted by previous
studies (Robinson, 1996; Francis and Haber-
setzer, 1998; Zhang et al., 2000; Soisook et
al., 2008), the call frequency of R. beddomei
from western Thailand (49.3 kHz), with its
smaller body size, is higher than the closely
related larger species R. luctus from penin-
sular Thailand (32.0 kHz). However, it is
distinctly lower than that of the smallest
member of the trifoliatus group, R. sedulus
from peninsular Malaysia, which has a call of
66.8 kHz (Francis, 2008). The hand held
frequency of R. beddomei in Thailand is only
slightly lower than R. trifoliatus from
peninsular Thailand (50.0 - 53.5 kHz), which
averages slightly smaller.
TABLE 2. Cranial and dental measurements (in mm) of R. beddomei and R. luctus; GTL: greatest length of
skull; SL: skull length; CCL: condylo-canine length; ZB: zygomatic breadth; BB: breadth of braincase; MW:
mastoid width; PC: postorbital constriction; C–M
: upper toothrow length; PL: palate length; M
posterior palatal width; C
: anterior palatal width; C–M
: lower toothrow length; M: mandible length;
AMSW: anterior median swelling width; RW: greatest rostral width. Sample size (n), mean, standard
deviation and range are shown. Sample sizes differing from those reported under n are given in brackets.
n and sex GTL SL CCL ZB BB MW PC
Rhinolophus beddomei
(Thailand) 1 25.9 24.4 21.7 12.2 9.9 11.3 2.4
Rhinolophus beddomei
(India and Sri Lanka) 26.9±0.9 26.1±1.0 23.4±0.8 13.6±0.7 10.8±0.7 11.8±0.5 2.5±0.3
6 (4, 2) (26.1-28.5) (25.0-27.2) (22.4-24.5)
(12.5-14.5) (9.8-11.5) (11.0-12.3) (2.1-3.0)
Rhinolophus luctus
17 (5, 12)
31.6±1.7 30.5±1.5 27.4±1.0 15.4±0.7 12.2±0.4 13.4±0.4 3.2±0.4
Rhinolophus trifoliatus
8 (4, 4)
23.6±1.0 22.8±0.8 20.3±0.7 11.7±0.4 9.5±0.4 10.6±0.3 2.2±0.2
Rhinolophus sedulus*
3 (2, 1)
20.3±0.6 19.6±0.6 16.9, 17.8 9.9±0.4 8.3±0.2 9.0, 9.6 2.2±0.1
(19.7-21.0) (19.0-20.2) [2] (9.7-10.4) (8.1-8.5) [2] (2.1-2.4)
* Included specimens from Borneo
In Thailand, we are grateful to the
Director General of the Department of
National Park, Wildlife and Plant
Conservation for a research permit. We also
would like to thank Chairattana
Semasawaddi and all the staff of Mae Nam
Pha Chi Wildlife Sanctuary for their
assistance in field work. At Prince of Songkla
University, we thank Chutamas Satasook and
Sara Bumrungsri for their kind support and
also Ariya Dejtaradol and Bounsavane
Douangboubpha for their help in providing
specimens and measurements. In the UK, we
would like to thank Paula Jenkins, Roberto
Portela Miguez and the staff of the Natural
History Museum, London for their help with
examining specimens. We thank Matt
Struebig for his kind advice. At the Harrison
Institute, we thank David Harrison and
Malcolm Pearch for their advice. At the
University of Bristol, thanks are due to
Gareth Jones and Alice Hughes for their
help, and to the Prime Minister’s Initiative
for International Education 2 (PMI2) for
financial support during a visit by PS to the
UK. We are also most grateful to the Darwin
Initiative of the UK Government (Project
Nos: 14011, 18002) for their on-going
support our taxonomic research and training
programmes in Southeast Asia.
TABLE 2. Continued.
9.3 3.2 8.9 6.1 10.0 17.2 4.8 6.5 9.3
9.8±0.5 3.8±0.3 9.6±0.5 6.7±0.4 10.5±0.5 18.3±0.7 4.9±0.3 6.8±0.4 9.8±0.5
(9.3-10.5) (3.3-4.2) (9.2-10.2) (6.1-7.2)
(9.9-11.1) (17.5-19.1) (4.5-5.2) (6.2-7.2) (9.3-10.5)
11.9±0.5 4.6±0.3 11.0±0.6 7.7±0.3 12.7±0.6 22.1±1.0 5.9±0.3 8.6±0.4 11.9±0.5
8.6±0.3 2.9±0.3 8.3±0.2 5.5±0.3 9.1±0.3 15.7±0.6 4.2±0.1 6.0±0.1 8.6±0.3
(8.2-8.9) (2.5-3.4) (7.9-8.5) (5.1-5.8) (8.6-9.5) (14.9-16.4)
(4.0-4.3) (6.0-6.1) (8.2-8.9)
7.2±0.5 2.2±0.2 5.6±2.7 4.6±0.1 7.7±0.5 13.4 4.0±0.1 5.3±0.2 7.2±0.5
(6.6-7.6) (2.1-2.5) (2.5-7.2) (4.6-4.7) (7.1-8.1) [1] (3.9-4.1) (5.1-5.5) (6.6-7.6)
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List of examined specimens and localities, including previous records shown in Figure 1.
Rhinolophus beddomei – INDIA: Wynaad, Madras (11º45’N, 76º02’E): BMNH.
(type of beddomei); Konkan, Maharashtra (not located): BMNH.; Sirsi, Karnataka
(14º40’N, 74º51’E): BMNH.; Kannadimazhligai, Courtallum Hills, Tirunelveli
District, Tamil Nadu (08º45N, 77º43’E): HZM.2.36212; Rojampela Range (not located):
BMNH.; SRI LANKA: Kala Oya, North Western Province (08º12’N, 80º04’E):
BMNH. (type of sobrinus); Mapalagama, Talgaswela, Southern Province (appr.
15’N, 80
15’E): HZM.1.27643.; THAILAND: Huay Pu Nam Ron, Mae Nam Pha Chi
Wildlife Sanctuary, Suan Pueng, Ratchaburi Province (13º15’N, 99º21’E) [loc. B1]: PSUZC-
MM.2008.51.; MALAYSIA: Sabah (not located): BMNH. 84.1970 (labelled as R. trifoliatus).
Rhinolophus luctus – MYANMAR: Nam Tamai, Upper Myanmar (27
42’N, 97
54’E) [loc.
L1]: BMNH.50.396, BMNH.50.397; Sokleik (not located): BMNH.; Chin Hill (appr.
40’N, 94
15’E) [loc. L2]: BMNH.; Bankachon, S. Tenasserim (appr. 10
37’E) [loc. L3]: BMNH.; VIETNAM: Nui Hoang Lien Nature Reserve, Sa Pa
District, Lao Cai Province (appr. 22
10’N, 103
57’E) [loc. L4]: BMNH.1997.336; Pu Mat
Reserve (20
19’N, 105
37’E) [loc. L5]: HZM.1.31766; Phong Nha-Ke Bang Prop. NP
39’N, 105
59’E) [loc. L6]: HZM.2.32212, HZM.2.32213; Bach Ma NP (16
45’E) [loc. L7]: T129 (I.E.B.R); LAO PDR: Tam Nong Seng (18
05’N, 104
28’E) [loc.
L8]; Tam Dinphye (17
36’N, 104
58’E) [loc. L9]; Khammouan: including Tam Lort and Tam
Lom (17
35’N, 104
48’E) [loc. L10]: Robinson and Webber (1998); CAMBODIA: Mt.
Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, Cardomom Mountains (appr. 12
22’N, 103
02’E) [loc. L11]:
HZM.4.32764; Tatai Lieu (11
49’N, 103
32’E) [loc. L12]: HZM.6.36475; Cambodia (no
exact locality): HZM.5.36141; THAILAND: Amphoe Samung, Chiang Mai (18
40’E) [loc. L13]: Sawada and Harada (1985); Doi Pui, Chiang Mai (appr. 18
53’E) [loc. L14]: BMNH.78.2310.; Chiang Mai (not located): BMNH.; Khun
Tan, Lampang (appr. 17
15’N, 100
10’E) [loc. 15]: Shamel (1942); Nam Nao cave,
Petchabun Province (16
57’N, 100
14’E) [loc. L16]: PP070915.27; KM 79, Highway 23,
Nakhon Ratchasima Province (appr. 14
58’N, 102
06’E) [loc. L17]: BMNH.70.1463.; Pak
Thong Chai, Sakaerat, Nakhon Ratchasima Province (appr. 14
35’N, 101
50’E) [loc. L18]:
BMNH.78.2309.; Prachin Buri (appr. 14
14’N, 101
50’E) [loc. L19]: Yenbutra and Felten
(1986); Khao Ang Runai Wildlife Sanctuary, Chacherngsao Province (13
24’N, 101
[loc. L20]: PSUZC-MM2005.36; Krung Ching, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province (8
38’E) [loc. L21]: PP071108.1; Kao Luang, Nakhon Si Thammarat (appr. 8
58’E) [loc. L22]: Shamel (1942); Yala (appr. 6
06’N, 101
18’E) [loc. L23]: Yenbutra and
Felten (1986); MALAYSIA: Tanah Rata, Pahang (4
28’N, 101
23’E) [loc. L24]: Csorba et al.
(2003); Semangko, Selangor (appr. 3
40’N, 101
44’E) [loc. L25]: BMNH.; Taiping,
Perak (appr. 3
41’N, 101
45’E) [loc. L26]: BMNH.56.127.; Genting Highland (appr. 3
47’E) [loc. L27]: Heller and Volleth (1988); Ulu Gombak (3
20’N, 101
45’E) [loc. L28]:
Fain (1982); Bangai Forest Reserve, Selangor (2
55’N, 101
45’E) [loc. L29]: Zubaid (1993);
Rhinolophus trifoliatus – MYANMAR: Murgui, Tenasserim (12
26’N, 98
34’E) [loc. T1]:
BMNH., BMNH85.8.1.111; Bankachon, S. Tenasserim (appr. 10
12’N, 98
[loc. T2]: BMNH.; THAILAND: Thung Yai Naresuan WS (15
19’N, 98
[loc. T3]: Robinson et al. (1996); Kao Soi Dao, Chantaburi Province (appr. 13
13’E) [loc. T4]: Csorba et al. (2003); Ban Bang Non, Muang Ranong (appr. 9
39’E) [loc. T5]: BMNH.78.2311., BMNH78.2312; Ranong Province (appr. 9
35’E) [loc. T6]: Yenbutra and Felten (1986); Ban Sichon, Nakhon Si Thammarat (9
56’E) [loc. T7]: Shamel (1942); Trang Province (appr. 7
04’N, 99
36’E) [loc. T8]:
Yenbutra and Felten (1986); Khao Kor Hong, Hat Yai, Songkhla Province (7
30’E) [loc. T9]: PSUZC-MM2006.167; Namom, Songkhla Province (6
57’N, 100
[loc. T10]: PSUZC-MM2005.160; Wildlife Education Centre, Hat Yai, Songkhla Province
57’N, 100
14’E) [loc. T11]: PSUZC-MM2006.140, PSUZC-MM2006.141; Satun
Province (appr. 6
40’N, 100
00’E) [loc. T12]: Yenbutra and Felten (1986); Narathiwat
Province (appr. 6
28’N, 101
51’E) [loc. T13]: Shamel (1942); Bangnara, Narathiwat
Province (6
28’N, 101
51’E) [loc. T14]: Csorba et al. (2003); MALAYSIA: Gunung Tahera,
Pahang (appr. 3
35’N, 102
15’E) [loc. T15]: BMNH., BMNH.65.337.; Ulu Gombak
20’N, 101
45’E) [loc. T16]: Heller and Volleth (1988); Templer Park (appr. 3
37’E) [loc. T17]: Heller and Volleth (1988); Kepong Cubitt Forest Reserve (appr.
12’N, 101
27’E) [loc. T18]: Csorba et al. (2003); Bangai Forest Reserve, Selangor (2
45’E) [loc. T19]: Zubaid (1993); SINGAPORE (appr. 1
23’N, 103
50’E) [loc. T20]:
BMNH74.4.18.1. (type of R. t. edax).
Rhinolophus sedulus – MALAYSIA: Kuala Tekah (appr. 4
10’N, 102
19’E) [loc. S1]:
Medway (1969); Jenka, Temerloh, Pahang (3
27’N, 102
25’E) [loc. S2]: BMNH.65.334.; Ulu
Gombak (3
20’N, 101
45’E) [loc. S3]: Heller et. al. (1993); Kepong Cubitt Forest Reserve
(appr. 3
12’N, 101
27’E) [loc. S4]: Csorba et. al. (2003); Sarawak (not located):
BMNH7.1.1.292. (type of R. sedulus); BORNEO: Paitan (not located): BMNH.
... Body size, reflected by forearm length, and absolute cranial dimensions show a broad range among the taxa, which originally were subsumed under 'Rhinolophus luctus'. Museum collections comprise rich material of R. luctus populations from the northern parts of the distributional range, and therefore external and cranial measurements can be found in several publications (Sinha, 1973;Topál and Csorba, 1992;Bates and Harrison, 1997;Bates et al., 2004;Soisook et al., 2010). In contrast, only few specimens have been collected in Indonesia and up to now a complete set of cranial measurements for the nominate subspecies from this region has not been published. ...
... There are some reports of single specimens, which did not fit into the normal measurements for the respective locality. One male with forearm (FA) of 63 mm from Cambodia (Hend richsen et al., 2001) and a male with FA 53 mm from southern Thailand (Soisook et al., 2010) have been presumed to be similar to R. beddomei. However, concerning skull proportions, they appear to be quite different from beddomei. ...
... The ratios were calculated from mean values except for the respective holotypes, which are indicated by the taxon symbol surrounded by a circle. The specimen from Semangko Gap, Selangor (Topál and Csorba, 1992) which according to cranial ratios is presumably belonging to R. luctoides is indicated by a black cross on the luctoides symbol (green square) emitted calls from 32 to 34.9 kHz (Francis, 2008;Zhang et al., 2009;Soisook et al., 2010) whereas 40 to 42.6 kHz calls have been recorded from specimens with FA 63-65 mm in Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Sabah (Roberts, 1972;Kingston et al., 2000;Pottie et al., 2005;Francis, 2008; this study). The recordings of rather large specimens (FA more than 70 mm) from Thailand made with a QMC Mini Bat Detector resulting in a call frequency of 40 kHz (Robinson, 1996) clearly need confirmation. ...
In the family Rhinolophidae, the members of the trifoliatus clade are easily recognisable by a unique noseleaf structure and a fluffy fur. Within this group, Rhinolophus luctus is the largest species with currently six recognized subspecies, distributed from India to Bali. We investigated genetic (karyotype, mitochondrial DNA sequence) and morphological characters from a Peninsular Malaysian sample. Although the diploid number was 2n = 32 in all specimens, karyotype analysis revealed two largely different chromosomal sets, with a Y-autosome translocation present only in one of the taxa. Morphological examination revealed differences concerning size of the baculum and length of the lower toothrow. Based on these results, a new species is described and the former subspecies distributed on the Malayan Peninsula, Rhinolophus luctus morio, is elevated to species rank, Rhinolophus morio. Keywords: R. luctoides, R. morio, R. trifoliatus, Y-autosome translocation, synaptonemal complex, baculum, echolocation frequency, FISH, mtDNA
... The dentition of the present specimens varies from that of R. luctus, with the first upper premolar (pm 2 ) not in contact with the canine (Figure 2G), the base of which does not have a concavity as in R. luctus; the second lower premolar (pm 3 ) being slightly extruded from the toothrow and the first lower premolar (pm 2 ) and the third lower premolar (pm 4 ) not being in contact ( Figures 2B, F). In contrast, the specimen from Thailand has the first upper premolar (pm 2 ) in contact with the canine and the second lower premolar (pm 3 ) is completely extruded from the toothrow, the first (pm 2 ) and the third (pm 4 ) lower premolars being in contact (Soisook et al. 2010). The condylo-canine lengths of the present specimens match with those of the nominate species and are shorter than those of R. luctus but longer than those of the Thailand specimen (Table 1). ...
... In comparison to the call parameters of Rhinolophus beddomei from Thailand recorded by Soisook et al. (2010) using a Petterson D240X, the calls of R. beddomei from mainland India are of lower frequency. Further acoustic studies on both the populations of R. beddomei reported herein might reveal further insights on acoustic differences and probability of the presence of a distinct phonic type, as Chattopadhyay et al. (2010Chattopadhyay et al. ( , 2012 reported for R. rouxii from peninsular India. ...
... Echolocation call parameters of Rhinolophus beddomei from Sandur and Shivagange, Karnataka, India and Thailand(Soisook et al. 2010); mean ± standard deviation, range in parenthesis, t-tests and significance.Figure 4 Frequency-time graph of a call of Rhinolophus beddomei recorded at (A) Sandur, Bellary district, Karnataka, and (B) Shivagange, Tumkur district, India. to you by | University of California Authenticated Download Date | 8/21/15 3:12 PM ...
The nominate subspecies of the lesser woolly horseshoe bat Rhinolophus beddomei, Andersen, 1905 was known only from the Western Ghats and two localities in the Eastern Ghats in the peninsular India. In the past few years, we have observed this species from other locations spanning between these two hill ranges, and through this short note we report its presence from central peninsular region of India based on voucher specimens. We also provide the echolocation call characteristics of this species and suggest that the Thailand record of R. beddomei could possibly represent a separate species.
... In Thailand, Bumrungsri et al. (2006) published a summary of bat research with a checklist of species for the country. Since this publication, there have been a number of additions and the species count has gradually increased Bates et al., 2007;Soisook et al., 2007Soisook et al., , 2008Soisook et al., , 20102013a,b;Wu et al., 2009;Douangboubpha et al., 2010;Csorba, 2011;Csorba et al., 2011;Soisook, 2011;Francis and Eger, 2012). Today, the total number of bat species for the country is 140, of which eight belong to the genus Kerivoula, namely: K. papillosa, K. kachinensis, K. titania, K. hardwickii, K. pellucida, K. picta, K. whiteheadi and K. minuta. ...
In August 2013, an adult male Kerivoula krauensis was captured in a harp trap set in forest understorey in Bala Forest, Hala-Bala Wildlife Sanctuary, Narathiwat Province, Thailand. This is only the second locality recorded for the species, the first outside Malaysia, and represents a range extension of 254 km, northwards from Krau Wildlife Reserve, Malaysia. This discovery has important conservation implications suggesting that the species is more widespread than previously thought but also confirms previous findings that it appears to live in very low population densities as compared to other Kerivoula found in the same habitat. Information on its taxonomy, echolocation call, distribution and ecology is included. In addition, the new material from Thailand is briefly compared to other known species from the country
... During the present study, it was detected from poor echolocation calls in the forest area adjacent to the head quarter of TDNP with a CF2 of 33 kHz. This data fit well the echolocation frequency of Rhinolophus luctus from northern Thailand and Lao PDR [ 18]. In Vietnam, a confirmed distribution of this species covers the following provinces: Son La, Hoa Binh, Ha Tinh, Thua Thien-Hue, Kon Tum, Khanh Hoa and Dong Nai (Kruskop, 2013 [ 13]; Vu Dinh Thong et al. unpublished data). ...
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Our survey in Mount Makiling Forest Reserve, Luzon Island, Philippines from April to May 2011 revealed new host records of bat fly species (Diptera: Nycteribiidae), including: Eucampsipoda philippinensis Ferris, Cyclopodia garrula Maa, C. horsfieldi de Mejeire, Phthiridium brachyacantha (Theodor) and Penicillidia acuminata Theodor. We also report C. garrula as a new record for Luzon Island. A checklist of the species known from the Philippines with the known distribution and bat host species was also provided.
... In Thailand, a single specimen was collected from Mae Nam Pha Chi Wildlife Sanctuary, Ra tchaburi Province, western Thailand (13º15'N, 99º21'E) at an elevation of 431 m a.s.l. on 20 April 2008. The area is characterised by steeply rugged mount ains which are mostly covered by dry evergreen forest (see Soisook et al., 2010 for more information of the area). The bat was captured in a harp trap set across a seasonal streamlet surrounded by primary evergreen forest. ...
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A new species of woolly horseshoe bat in the Rhinolophus trifoliatus species group is described from Sabah in Malaysian Borneo. Two specimens from Central and West Kalimantan, Indonesia are referred to this species. A fourth specimen from western Thailand is referable to this species but on the basis of ~10% genetic divergence at the cytochrome oxidase-I gene is described as a separate subspecies. Morphologically and acoustically the two subspecies are similar. With a forearm length of 52.90–54.70 mm, a skull length of 24.27–26.57 mm and a call frequency of 49.2–50.0 kHz, the new species overlaps in size and call frequency with the sympatric R. trifoliatus. However, it differs significantly in having a dark noseleaf and a uniformly dark brown pelage, resembling, but being intermediate in size between R. sedulus and R. luctus, which have a skull length of 18.99–20.17 and 26.35–32.07 mm, respectively. It also differs from R. trifoliatus in the shape and size of the rostral inflation. It can be distinguished from R. beddomei (forearm length 55.00–63.44 mm) and R. formosae (forearm length 53.85–62.40 mm), which are endemic to the Indian Subcontinent and Taiwan, respectively, by its relatively smaller body size. Acoustic and genetic data are included in the comparison between the species. Both character states support the conclusions based on morphology. Further surveys in intact evergreen forest together with a re-examination of museum specimens may reveal that this species is widespread in Southeast Asia.
... During the present study, it was detected from poor echolocation calls in the forest area adjacent to the head quarter of TDNP with a CF2 of 33 kHz. This data fit well the echolocation frequency of Rhinolophus luctus from northern Thailand and Lao PDR [ 18]. In Vietnam, a confirmed distribution of this species covers the following provinces: Son La, Hoa Binh, Ha Tinh, Thua Thien-Hue, Kon Tum, Khanh Hoa and Dong Nai (Kruskop, 2013 [ 13]; Vu Dinh Thong et al. unpublished data). ...
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Hipposiderids and rhinolophids are referred to all taxa of the two families Hipposideridae and Rhinolophidae, respectively. Their echolocation signals are diagnostic by a dominant “constant frequency” (CF) segment. Each echolocation signal of leaf-nosed bat species consists of two segments (“constant-frequency” and “terminal frequency-modulated”) while that of horseshoe bat species comprises three segments (“initial frequency-modulated”, “constant frequency” and “terminal frequency-modulated”). Between 2008 and 2014, a series of field surveys was conducted in Tam Dao National Park (TDNP) with particular emphases on taxonomy and echolocation of CF bat species. Results from the surveys indicated that TDNP is a home to three species of Hipposideridae (Hipposideros armiger, H. larvatus and H. pomona) and five species of Rhinolophidae (Rhinolophus affinis, R. luctus, R. macrotis, R. pearsonii and R. pusillus). During the present study, R. luctus was only detected in the field based on a poor echolocation call while all seven remaining species were captured. The CF of the second harmonic and morphological features of each species are clearly distinguished from the respective ones of the remaining species. This paper provides the external and acoustic diagnoses of each species for identification in the field to strengthen survey achievements, monitoring and conservation of CF bats in the park in coming time.
... Soisook, personal communication) and the inclusion of subspecies within studies may significantly increase accuracy in species identification. Indeed, many of the taxa studies here may comprise cryptic species (Soisook et al., 2008Soisook et al., , 2010) as suggested from both taxonomic investigations and DNA barcoding of bats in Southeast Asia (Francis et al., 2010) which suggests 50% of currently recognised taxa may comprise cryptic species. Myotis siligorensis has been recorded by a number of authors. ...
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Variation in the acoustic structure of bat echolocation calls can often provide sufficient information for reliable and efficient species identification. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of echolocation call structure to identify a number of bats in the families Vespertilionidae, Emballonuridae, Nycteridae and Megadermatidae from Thailand. These species typically emit echolocation calls with a frequency-modulated (FM) sweep dominating part or all of their calls. A total of 510 echolocation calls from free-flying individuals were recorded throughout Thailand. According to the frequency-time spectra, these calls were categorized into four types: broadband FM (eight species), narrowband FM (seven species), long multiharmonic (four species) and short multiharmonic (three species). Discriminant function analysis was used to classify calls from individual bats to species. Correct classification levels were 85.9% for individuals emitting broadband FM calls (six species with adequate sample sizes), 70.4% for narrowband FM bats (seven species), 84.4% for species emitting long multiharmonic calls (four species) and 96.7% for species emitting short multiharmonic calls (two species with adequate sample sizes). However, classification rates were often low at the species level. Acoustic identification of bats emitting FM calls should be approached with caution in species-rich communities, in contrast with the identification of rhinolophoid bats where many species use distinctive constant frequencies that can facilitate identification, and provides a basis for rapid acoustic surveys of large areas in Thailand, and potentially other parts of Southeast Asia.
... It can also identify populations that might be cryptic species -genetically distinct species with very similar morphological features -or Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs), (Crandall et al., 2000;Davidson-Watts et al., 2006;Bickford et al., 2007;Frankham, 2010). Each of the rhinolophoid species recorded here vary in call frequency to some degree across their biogeographic ranges, although there are few data for R. beddomei or R. lepidus (Fig. 5;Schuller, 1980;Francis and Habersetzer, 1998;Pottie et al., 2005;Struebig et al., 2005;Francis, 2008;Furey et al., 2009;Zhang et al., 2009;Chattopadhyay et al., 2010Chattopadhyay et al., , 2012Douangboubpha et al., 2010;Hughes et al., 2010;Soisook et al., 2010). For R. rouxii spp. ...
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Bats play crucial roles in ecosystems, are increasingly used as bio-indicators and are an important component of tropical diversity. Ecological studies and conservation-oriented monitoring of bats in the tropics benefit from published libraries of echolocation calls, which are not readily available for many tropical ecosystems. Here, we present the echolocation calls of 15 species from the Valparai plateau in the Anamalai Hills, southern Western Ghats of India: three rhinolophids (Rhinolophus beddomei, R. rouxii (indorouxii), R. lepidus), one hipposiderid (Hipposideros pomona), nine vespertilionids (Barbastella leucomelas darjelingensis, Hesperoptenus tickelli, Miniopterus fuliginosus, M. pusillus, Myotis horsfieldii, M. montivagus, Pipistrellus ceylonicus, Scotophilus heathii, S. kuhlii), one pteropodid (Rousettus leschenaultii) and one megadermatid (Megaderma spasma). Discriminant function analyses using leave-one-out cross validation classified bats producing calls with a strong constant frequency (CF) component with 100% success and bats producing frequency modulated (FM) calls with 90% success. For five species, we report their echolocation calls for the first time, and we present call frequencies for some species that differ from those published from other parts of the species' ranges. This exemplifies the need for more local call libraries from tropical regions to be collected and published in order to record endemic species and accurately identify species whose calls vary biogeographically.
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The 470 species of fauna that have been recorded from limestone caves in Thailand to 7 April 2018 are catalogued. Details of the caves, where a specific taxa has been recorded, are given and geographical errors in the original taxa descriptions are corrected. For the 209 new taxa, where the holotype was collected from a cave, the specimen collection data and repository are listed. A summary table of the fauna is also given.
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The subspecific division of Rhin%phus /uctus Temminck, 1835 is reviewed, and the taxonomic status of Rhin%phus /uctus beddomei (Andersen, 1905) is discussed. Specimens in the Bombay Natural History Society, The Natural History Museum, London, and a recently collected Vietnamese animal are statistically analysed. The South-Indian Rhin%-phus bedtWmei is regarded as different from Rhin%phus /uctus at specific level.
This article contains my impressions of travelling in Thailand, the country of » sex tourism «, eternal summer, and rich cultural monuments, especially buddhist temples. The country is also known as a drug producer; the government is endeavouring to stop that production by stimulating farmers to grow tea, coffee, cereals and tropical fruits, instead of producing opium.
Otomops wroughtoni (Thomas, 1913) was named on the basis of about 30 specimens collected from Barapede Caves, 0.5 km from Talewadi village in Karnataka, south-west India (approx. 15°25′N, 74°22′E). This site was subsequently described by Prater (1914), Brosset (1962) and Bates et al. (1994) but was revisited only intermittently during the 20th century (Daniel et al. 1992). Until recently, O. wroughtoni was thought to be restricted to this single location (Bates & Harrison 1997). However, in December, 2000 an additional specimen was collected in Chhep District, Cambodia (13°59′N, 105°16′E) (Walston & Bates 2001). This represented a range extension eastwards of some 3200 km.