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Abstract and Figures

Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Té cnicas (CONICET); 3 Museo Paleontoló gico Egidio Feruglio, Av. Fontana 140, Trelew, Chubut (9100), Argentina; 4 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Geologia, CCMN/IGEO 21.910-900, Cidade Universitá ria, Ilha do Fundã o, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 5 Franzensbadstr. 7 b The Mesozoic record of fossil vertebrates from Bolivia (Fig. 1) was restricted heretofore to Campanian–Maastrichtian dinosaur footprints (e.g., Leonardi, 1989; Suá rez Riglos, 1995; Lockley et al., 2002; McCrea et al., 2001; Meyer et al., 2001) and isolated and poorly informative dinosaur teeth and bones (Aguilera et al., 1989; Gutierrez and Marshall, 1994). Discovery of several, almost complete skeletons of a new notosuchian taxon constitu-tes the most important body-fossil discovery for the Mesozoic of Bolivia, adding substantially to the meager record of this region of South America. At least two partially disarticulated skeletons and two complete eggs were found together in a small area, constituting one of the few available associations of skeletal remains and eggs for extinct crocodyliforms. In this paper we describe this material as a new genus and species. We consider only the skull morphology, because most of available postcranial remains are still under technical preparation.
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Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales
‘Bernardino Rivadavia,’ Av. A
´ngel Gallardo 470, Buenos Aires (1405), Argentina,;
Consejo Nacional de
Investigaciones Cientı
´ficas y Te
´cnicas (CONICET);
Museo Paleontolo
´gico Egidio Feruglio, Av. Fontana 140, Trelew, Chubut
(9100), Argentina;
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Geologia, CCMN/IGEO 21.910-900, Cidade
´ria, Ilha do Funda
˜o, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;
Franzensbadstr. 7 b, D-86199, Augsburg, Germany;
Museo de Historia
Natural Noel Kempff Mercado, Casilla 1321, Santa Cruz, Bolivia
The Mesozoic record of fossil vertebrates from Bolivia (Fig. 1)
was restricted heretofore to Campanian–Maastrichtian dinosaur
footprints (e.g., Leonardi, 1989; Sua
´rez Riglos, 1995; Lockley
et al., 2002; McCrea et al., 2001; Meyer et al., 2001) and isolated
and poorly informative dinosaur teeth and bones (Aguilera
et al., 1989; Gutierrez and Marshall, 1994). Discovery of several,
almost complete skeletons of a new notosuchian taxon constitu-
tes the most important body-fossil discovery for the Mesozoic of
Bolivia, adding substantially to the meager record of this region
of South America. At least two partially disarticulated skeletons
and two complete eggs were found together in a small area,
constituting one of the few available associations of skeletal
remains and eggs for extinct crocodyliforms. In this paper we
describe this material as a new genus and species. We consider
only the skull morphology, because most of available postcranial
remains are still under technical preparation.
Institutional AbbreviationMNK-PAL, Museo ‘Noel
Kempff Mercado,’ Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
MESOEUCROCODYLIA Whetstone and Whybrow, 1983
NOTOSUCHIA Gasparini, 1971 (sensu Sereno et al., 2001)
(Figs. 2, 3)
Hypodigm—MNK-PAL5063 (holotype), a complete and ex-
quisitely preserved skeleton; MNK-PAL5064, almost complete
lower jaws articulated with partial right pterygoid, ectoptery-
goid, jugal, squamosal, partial quadrates, 12 vertebrae, left fe-
mur, proximal end of right femur, partial right tibia, and partial
right fibula.
Locality and Horizon—A locality (17340700 S, 63510300 W)
cropping out in Amboro National Park, Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Bolivia (Fig. 1). Cajones Formation, Upper Cretaceous. Al-
though the Cajones Formation has been regarded as Maastrich-
tian (Lo
´pez, 1975; Aguilera et al., 1989), the age of the level
producing MNK-PAL5063 and MNK-PAL5064 is interpreted
here as Turonian–Santonian (see Discussion).
Diagnosis—Notosuchian characterized by the following auta-
pomorphies: nasals rostrally expanded above the external nares,
palatines bearing a median sagittal crest, retroarticular process
rounded and rostro-caudally short, jugal laterally expanded
forming an ornamented prong at level of postorbital bar, incisivi-
forms separated from molariforms through a diastema, and
molariform tooth rows rostrally convergent and almost in touch
each other.
Etymology—Generic name derives from two words of the
Guarani Indian language, yacare
´(the South American crocodile),
and rani (first). Specific epithet after the Republic of Bolivia.
The skull of Yacarerani is 95 mm long (Fig. 2A–C). Tight
fusion among frontals and parietals suggests adulthood. The
snout is short and narrow. The external nares are terminal and
confluent. The nasals are constricted anteriorly, a unique trait
among notosuchians. The premaxilla bears a prominent rostral
process, which is dorsally curved, and presumably anchored the
cartilaginous internarial bar. This process is much more devel-
oped than in the other notosuchians.
The jugal exhibits a laterally projected prong (jp; Fig. 2A–C),
which is dorsoventrally flat and heavily sculptured. When the
mandible is occluded, the flat ventral surface of the jugal prong
lies over an also flattened area in the dentary-surangular con-
tact (dsa; Fig. 2D) of the mandible. The distal body of the
quadrate is vertically oriented (Fig. 2A), as in most notosu-
chians, but its articulation with the articular bone is situated
more ventrally than usual. The articular condyles of the quad-
rate are asymmetrical (i.e., the medial one is more acute and
ventrally more projected than the lateral condyle). The glenoid
cavity of the articular bone is rostrocaudally elongate (gl;
Fig. 2D), indicative of jaw propalinal movement. The retroarti-
cular process of the jaw is remarkably reduced anteroposteriorly
and does not exceed the level of the paroccipital process, where-
as in other notosuchians (e.g., Notosuchus,Malawisuchus) the
retroarticular process extends farther caudally. The lower jaw
has a distinctive symphyseal region, which is narrower and more
elongate in dorsal view (ds; Fig.1E) than that of the other noto-
Yacarerani constitutes an extreme case of heterodonty among
crocodylomorphs: the dentition consists of four insiciviforms in
both premaxilla and dentary and six molariforms in both maxil-
la and dentary. The first dentary tooth is conical and highly
procumbent, and it is the largest of the dental series (1d;
Fig. 2A, B, D). This tooth occludes between the similarly pro-
cumbent first and second premaxillary teeth (1, 2pm; Fig. 2A).
A diastema separates the insiciviforms (both upper and lower)
from the molariform series (Fig. 3A, B). Furthermore, the low-
er incisiviform series is longitudinally arranged, in sharp con-
trast to the molariform series, which are obliquely oriented and
form an angle of approximately 30with the longitudinal axis
of the skull. Moreover, the rostralmost teeth of each molari-
form tooth series are almost in contact on the axial plane
Corresponding author.
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 29(4):1316–1320, December 2009
#2009 by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
(Fig. 3C, D). This separation of the main oral cavity from the
rest of the dental series constitutes a feature not previously
documented in Mesozoic tetrapods, and its functional signifi-
cance is unknown.
The molariform teeth are multicusped. They are oval in occlu-
sal view and their major axes are obliquely oriented with respect
to the tooth row (Figs. 2B, D; 3), a feature that Yacarerani shares
with Notosuchus, Adamantinasuchus, and Sphagesaurus. The oc-
clusal surfaces of the upper molariforms are linguodistally ori-
ented, whereas those of the the lower molariforms are
labiomesially facing (Fig. 3A, B).
The occlusal surface of each molariform tooth is formed by a
central multicusped crest, aligned with the major axis of the
tooth, and surrounded by both mesial and distal lower multi-
cusped crests (Fig. 3E, F). Such crests are roughly parasagitally
oriented with respect to the long axis of the skull. The cusps of
each crest are connected by narrow laminae. The crests converge
at the crown base as well as at the apex (Fig. 3F). Extensive wear
facets are located on the apical portion of the median crest of
opposing dentary and maxillary teeth. No wear is observed be-
tween the crests. Wear facets match in size, shape, and location,
and are suggestive of a tooth-to-tooth occlusion and intraoral
food processing.
MNK-PAL5063 and MNK-PAL5064 represent two almost
complete and articulated individuals of Yacarerani found in
close association. Eggs were found directly beneath these skele-
tons, below which no more fossils were detected. There is no
evidence of scavenging or weathering, and we infer that this
fossil assemblage forms an autochthonous association. Although
sedimentological information is not available, the volume occu-
pied by the bones and eggs is roughly tubular, a shape that
is consistent with an underground gallery. These taphonomic
conditions suggest that Yacarerani may have had burrowing
habits, a behavior that has been inferred for other notosuchians
on taphonomic evidence (e.g., Gomani, 1997; Vasconcellos
and Carvalho, 2006) as well as anatomical features (Buckley
et al., 2000).
Two complete, unhatched eggs and an isolated eggshell frag-
ment were found closely associated with the skeletal remains
(Fig. 4). The eggs are elliptical, as is characteristic of Crocodyli-
formes (Hirsch and Koring, 1992), with a long diameter of 30 mm
and a short diameter of 16 mm. The eggshell is 0.2 mm thick, and
its external surface is smooth, in accordance with other extinct
crocodyliform eggs (Hircsh and Koring, 1992). Poor preservation
of the isolated eggshell fragment precludes a histological descrip-
tion. The size and external morphology of the eggs are similar to
those found in association with Mariliasuchus amarali (Ribeiro
et al, 2006) from the Upper Cretaceous Arac¸atuba Formation of
Phylogenetic analysis (Supplementary Data 1, http://www.vert- positions Yacarerani
among a subclade of notosuchians (Fig. 5) that includes Coma-
huesuchus (Bonaparte, 1991; Martinelli, 2003), Mariliasuchus
(Carvalho and Bertini, 1999; Zaher et al., 2006), and Adamanti-
nasuchus (Nobre and Carvalho, 2006). This group of highly
derived South American notosuchians radiated during the
Turonian–Santonian and produced one of the most complex
tooth morphologies reported for crocodilyforms. This clade is
distinguished from the remaining notosuchians by the following
derived traits: dorsal part of postorbital with anterior and lateral
edges only; bar between orbit and supratemporal fossa narrow,
and sculpturing restricted to anterior surface; jugal does not
extend rostral to the anterior margin of orbit; cross section of
distal end of the quadrate mediolaterally wide and anteroposter-
iorly thin; ventral half of lacrimal tapering ventroposteriorly;
large foramen present on the lateral surface of jugal, near its
FIGURE 2. Yacarerani boliviensis gen. et sp. nov., MNK-PAL5063. Skull and lower jaw in A, right lateral, B, ventral, and C, dorsal views. D, right
lower jaw in dorsal view. Scale bar equals 2 cm. Abbreviations:1d, first dentary tooth; 1pm,2pm, first and second premaxillary teeth; ds, symphyseal
region of dentary; dsa, flattened area in the dentary-surangular contact; gl, glenoid cavity; jp, laterally projected prong of jugal; q, quadrate.
FIGURE 1. Location of fossil site (star) in Amboro National Park,
Bolivia. Scale bar equals 200 km.
anterior margin; procumbent premaxillary and anterior dentary
alveoli; and ectopterygoid does not participate in palatine bar.
Within this group, Yacarerani and Adamantinasuchus share simi-
lar teeth morphology, but they differ in several features, such as
presence in the former taxon of a diastema separating insicivi-
form from molariform tooth rows; four premaxillary and six
maxillary teeth in Yacarerani versus three and seven, respec-
tively, in Adamantinasuchus; frontal median crest absent in
Yacarerani; lateral temporal fenestra in Yacarerani dorsoventally
shallower than in Adamantinasuchus; skull roof straight in lateral
view in Yacarerani, instead of being dorsally convex as in Ada-
mantinasuchus; lacrimal with a ventral process in Yacarerani;
tooth wear facets only present in Yacarerani.
The aptitude for anteroposterior movements of the jaws is a
feeding-related trait that is exclusive to notosuchians among
crocodylomorphs (e.g., Bonaparte, 1991; Clark et al., 1989). This
trait has a wide distribution within notosuchians, but it is not
unequivocally correlated with tooth complexity (i.e., Notosu-
chus,Mariliasuchus), suggesting that complex dental patterns
evolved after propalinal motions of the jaw were acquired. In
this regard, overall cranial morphology of Yacarerani (and Ada-
matinasuchus) closely resembles that of Mariliasuchus, although
its teeth are completely different.
The Cajones Formation has been regarded as Maastrichtian
but the age is far from settled. It was considered heretofore as
Maastrichtian based on the possible presence of Pucapristis
FIGURE 3. Yacarerani boliviensis gen. et sp. nov., MNK-PAL5063. A, upper and B, lower marginal teeth in occlusal view. C, composite
reconstruction of skull in palatal view. D, composite reconstruction of mandible in dorsal view. E,F, isolated molariform tooth in E, mesial/distal
and D, occlusal views. Scale bars equal 2 cm (AD), and 1 mm (E,F).
FIGURE 4. Unhatched eggs (arrows) found in association with
Yacarerani boliviensis. Scale bars equal 2 cm.
branisi and Gasteroclupea branisai (Lo
´pez, 1975; Aguilera et al.,
1989), two taxa that were also documented in Maastrichtian
marine beds in Peru
´(Vilquechico Formation; Jaillard et al.,
1993), northwestern Argentina (Yacoraite Formation; Cione
and Pereira, 1985), and elsewhere in Bolivia (El Molino Forma-
tion; Cione and Pereira, 1985). However, the locality that pro-
duced Yacarerani comprises red sandstones of fluvial origin.
Because Yacarerani is related most closely to Adamantinasuchus
(Nobre and Carvalho, 2006) from the Adamantina Formation of
the Bauru Group, Brazil (Dias-Brito et al., 2001), we infer a
Turonian–Santonian age for the level of the Cajones Formation
that produced MNK-PAL5063 and MNK-PAL5064.
Fossil content of the Cajones Formation is congruent with that
of the Turonian–Coniacian Adamantina Formation of Brazil
(Candeiro and Martinelli, 2006) and the Santonian Bajo de la
Carpa Formation of northwestern Patagonia (Bonaparte, 1991;
Candeiro and Martinelli, 2006), in which notosuchian crocodyli-
forms are among the most abundant tetrapod remains (Pol and
Gasparini, 2007). Diversity in dental patterns may reflect differ-
ent dietary habits, and depict notosuchians as a very versatile
group that filled a vast range of ecological niches during the
Cretaceous. The high taxonomic and morphological diversity of
notosuchians in South America occurred during Aptian through
Campanian times, and contrasts sharply with the Cretaceous
crocodylian fauna from North America, Asia, and Europe,
which is composed mainly by neosuchian taxa (e.g., basal Eusu-
chia) and basal crocodyliforms (e.g., Gobiosuchus, Zosuchus,
Sichuanosuchus). The latter fauna does not exhibit the variety
in dental pattern and numerical abundance that characterizes
southern notosuchians (Pol and Gasparini, 2007).
We thank Marcelo P. Isasi for the excavation and preparation
of the specimens. We acknowledge financial support from Agen-
cia Nacional de Promocio
´n Cientı
´fica y Te
´cnica, CONICET, and
National Geographic Society (to FEN). Comments from three
anonymous reviewers and editor Sean Modesto greatly im-
proved the manuscript.
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Submitted November 20, 2008; accepted February 24, 2009.
... Sphagesaurids are Cretaceous crocodyliforms from Gondwana, endemic of South America. The majority of these crocodyliforms originate from the Bauru Basin, in Brazil, except for Yacarerani from the Cajones Formation in Bolivia (Price 1950;Pol 2003;Nobre and Carvalho 2006;Andrade and Bertini 2008;Marinho and Carvalho 2009;Novas et al. 2009;Kellner et al. 2011;Pol et al. 2014;Martinelli et al. 2018;Ruiz et al. 2021;Pinheiro et al. 2021). The defining characteristic of the family is the presence of triangular-crowned posterior molariforms teeth with at least one keel and oblique implantation (Kuhn 1968;Pol 2003). ...
Caipirasuchus is a genus of sphagesaurid notosuchian from the Bauru Basin (Upper Cretaceous), southeast Brazil. They were small-sized herbivorous/omnivorous animals, that measured around 1 metre in length, and had a wide diversity and geographical dispersion in the basin. Here, we diagnosed the 6th species of the genus, originating from sandstones of the Adamantina Formation in the municipality of Catanduva, São Paulo State. Caipirasuchus presents a significant variation in the morphology of structures in the choana region. In particular, the new species has chambers in the wings of the pterygoids that connect with an extension of the airways, suggesting a region of resonance used in vocalisation. The different palatal structures in Caipirasuchus may be related to distinct bioacoustic signatures and indicate a possible improvement in the social organisation of Caipirasuchus.
... Notosuchia is the clade of Crocodyliforms that achieved the highest diversity during the Cretaceous of Southern continents, especially in South America (Pol and Gasparini 2007;Pol et al. 2014;Pol and Leardi 2015). The morphology and phylogenetic relationships of the clade has been extensively studied (Pol 2003;Novas et al. 2009;Sereno and Larsson 2009;Turner and Sertich 2010;Pol et al. 2014; Barrios et al. 2017;Leardi et al. 2018;Nicholl et al. 2021). In addition, several aspects related to the palaeobiology of the group, such as mandibular biomechanics (Ösi 2013;Nieto et al. 2021), patterns of ontogenetic changes (Godoy et al. 2019;Martins dos Santos et al. 2021), and sensorial capabilities based on their neuroanatomy (Dias et al. 2020;Dumont Jr et al. 2022), are being recently explored. ...
... Notosuchia is the clade of Crocodyliformes that achieved the highest diversity during the Cretaceous of Gondwana, especially in South America (Pol and Gasparini, 2007;Pol et al., 2014;Pol and Leardi, 2015). Studies during the last two decades have markedly increased our knowledge on the morphology and phylogenetic relationships of notosuchians (Pol, 2003;Novas et al., 2009;Sereno and Larsson, 2009;Turner and Sertich, 2010;Pol et al., 2014;Barrios et al., 2017;Nicholl et al., 2021). However, important aspects related to their paleobiology are only beginning to be explored, such as their mandibular biomechanics ( } Osi, 2013;Nieto et al., 2022), pattern of ontogenetic changes (Vasconcellos and Carvalho, 2005;Godoy et al., 2019;Martins dos Santos et al., 2022), and sensorial capabilities based on their neuroanatomy (Dias et al., 2020;Dumont et al., 2022). ...
... The dimensions of MDJ Ic-069 are small compared to other crocodylomorph eggs from the Brazilian Cretaceous, such as a specimen from the Crato Formation (Magalhães-Ribeiro et al., 2011), or those described by Oliveira et al. (2011) and Marsola et al. (2016) from the Adamantina Formation, in the Bauru Basin. On the other hand, its size resembles eggs from the Araçatuba Formation in the Bauru Basin ascribed to Mariliasuchus amarali (Magalhães-Ribeiro et al., 2006), as well as from eggs reported by Novas et al. (2009) from the Bolivian Cretaceous (Table 1). ...
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Fossil amniotic eggs have great informative potential, especially regarding reproductive and evolutionary aspects of vertebrates. However, there are only few intact specimens or with fossilized embryos within, and the rare reported cases are mostly related to dinosaurs. In Brazil, the records of these ichnofossils are practically restricted to the Bauru Basin. This research aims to describe the first amniotic egg found in carbonate concretions in the Romualdo Formation, adding information to the study of these fossils and to the paleontological context of the basin. The specimen was collected at the Sítio Pé da Serra do Félix, in the Municipality of Simões, Piauí State, Brazil. The methodology employed was based on Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy and Optical Microscopy techniques, as well as computed tomography analyses. The morphological and microstructural characteristics of the shell suggests the identification of the fossil as a crocodylomorph egg. This specimen differs from other fossil eggs assigned to the aforementioned group by its small size and considerably thick shell. The tomographic sections revealed possible basic structures of an embryo inside the egg, suggesting that this is the first fossilized egg with a crocodylomorph embryonic trace found in the world. Keywords: ichnofossil, amniotic egg, embryo, Crocodylomorpha, Aptian, Romualdo Formation. Ovos amnióticos fósseis possuem um grande potencial informativo, especialmente em relação aos aspectos reprodutivos e evolutivos dos vertebrados. Contudo, existem poucos exemplares intactos ou dotados de vestígios embrionários em seu interior e os raros casos registrados são em sua maioria relacionados a dinossauros. No Brasil, os registros desses icnofósseis estão praticamente restritos a Bacia Bauru. O presente trabalho objetiva descrever a primeira ocorrência de um ovo amniótico encontrado em concreções carbonáticas da Formação Romualdo, acrescentando informações ao estudo desses fósseis e ao contexto paleontológico da bacia. O espécime foi coletado no Sítio Pé da Serra do Félix, no Município de Simões, Piauí, Brasil. A metodologia empregada baseou-se nas técnicas de Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura, Espectroscopia por Energia Dispersiva e Microscopia Óptica, bem como análises de tomografia computadorizada. As características morfológicas e microestruturais da casca sugerem que o fóssil se trata de um ovo de crocodilomorfa. O espécime analisado difere de outros ovos fósseis atribuídos ao referido grupo taxonômico pelo tamanho reduzido e casca consideravelmente espessa. As seções tomográficas revelaram possíveis estruturas básicas de um embrião no interior do material, sugerindo que se trata do primeiro ovo fossilizado de crocodilomorfa com restos embrionários do mundo. Palavras-chave: icnofóssil, ovo amniótico, embrião, Crocodylomorpha, Aptiano, Formação Romualdo.
... basins of Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay and Brazil (e.g. Soto & Perea, 2008;Novas et al., 2009;Riff et al., 2012;Pol and Leardi 2015;Martinez et al., 2019). These inland continental basins frequently bear a large number of taxa, being the Bauru Group (Lower-Upper Cretaceous of Bacia do Paraná) with more than thirty described species. ...
Crocodyliformes have a well-known worldwilde fossil record, revealing a high diversity of morphological traits, habits and being abundant in their paleofaunas. Such abundance in the fossil record is remarkable in the tetrapod fossil record in the continental sequences of Bauru Group (Brazil), in the Cretaceous of the South America. Here we describe and analyse three specimens from Bauru Group, assigned to a poorly understood crocodyliform clade: Itasuchidae. Their morphological similarity assigned them as Pepesuchus (from Turonian / Coniacian of Araçatuba Formation), Itasuchus cf. jesuinoi, and cf. Roxochampsa paulistanus (both last from Campanian to Early Maastrichtian of Presidente Prudente Formation). The phylogenetic and morphometric results corroborated the monophyly of the Itasuchidae with some variation in its content regard to prior and similar analyses (i.e. inclusion of Stolokrosuchus, Barreirosuchus and Antaeusuchus; exclusion of Caririsuchus), also pointing out to the South American itasuchid species as occupying a crocodyliform morphospace, which can imply distinct niche occupations. The Bauru Group undergoes a diversity peak of archosaurs in Upper Cretaceous, with a remarkable Crocodyliformes radiation, such as the Itasuchidae group, which probably have their most early-diverging lineages rising from Lower Cretaceous of Africa.
... From this stock of extremely poorly understood species, the great lineages of Mesozoic crocodyliforms arose, including the fully marine thalattosuchians, the terrestrial Gondwanan notosuchians, and the first flat-headed, semi-aquatic taxa in the lineage that would later evolve into crocodylians, the clade that includes all living crocodilian species. During their evolution, crocodylomorphs and their kin experimented with metabolic rates (Cubo et al., 2020;Legendre et al., 2016), heterodonty and herbivory (Gomani, 1997;Melstrom & Irmis, 2019;Novas et al., 2009;} Osi, 2013), somatosensation (George & Holliday, 2013;Soares, 2002), and even bipedality (Kim et al., 2020;Long & Murry, 1995;Schachner et al., 2019). Besides occupying temperate ecosystems around the world, crocodyliforms lived in the great Erg desert of Jurassic Western North America (Foster, 2007), among the islands of Mesozoic Europe (Csiki-Sava et al., 2015), and even in the high Arctic of the Eocene (Eberle et al., 2014). ...
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Crocodilians inspire researchers and the public alike with their explosive hunting methodologies, distinct craniofacial and dental morphology, and resplendent fossil record. This special issue highlights recent advances in the biology and paleontology of this fascinating lineage of vertebrates. The authors in this volume bring crocodylians and their extinct ancestors to life using a variety of approaches including fieldwork, imaging, 3D modeling, developmental biology, physiological monitoring, dissection, and a host of other comparative methods. Our journey begins with early crocodylomorphs from the Triassic, carries us through the radiation of crocodyliforms during the rest of the Mesozoic Era, and finally celebrates the diversification development and biology of extant crocodylians. Crocodyliform science has grown appreciably the past few decades. New fossil species and genetic evidence continue to keep phylogenies and our understanding of relationships wavering in key places of the tree such as the relationships of the extinct marine thalattosuchians as well as still living species like gharials. The application of imaging approaches and 3D modeling to both preserved tissues as well as living specimens is now revealing patterns in brain and lung evolution and function, growth strategies, and feeding and locomotor behaviors across the lineage. Comparative anatomical studies are offering new data on genitals, cephalic venous drainage and thoracoabdominal pressures. The new discoveries found here only reveal there is far more work to be done to understand the biology and behavior responsible for the great radiation extinct suchians and their crocodylian descendants experienced during their conquest of Mesozoic and Tertiary ecosystems.
... The palatine does not contact the ectopterygoid at the anterior end of the suborbital fenestra. These features are shared by most notosuchians, except for Yacarerani Novas et al., 2009, andMariliasuchus Carvalho andBertini, 1999, which have a palatine-ectopterygoid contact in this area. The posterior process is long and acuminated and is obliquely oriented with respect to the sagittal plane. ...
Sebecidae is a clade of large carnivorous crocodyliforms that thrived in the Cenozoic and is the only lineage of the diverse and terrestrial group Notosuchia that survived the end-Cretaceous mass extinction event. Sebecus icaeorhinus is the best-known taxon from this clade, both in terms of its cranial and postcranial anatomy (known primarily from the holotype and specimen MPEF-PV 1776, respectively). Additional material represented by a partial skull (MMP 235) is the only specimen that has preserved a complete choanal region. We describe new information from this specimen based on an X-ray computed tomography and identify through comparisons with other taxa a large degree of variability in the palatal anatomy within Sebecidae, in particular in the shape and extension of the palatine (the bone that defines the anterior position and shape of the secondary choana). We quantify variation in the shape of the palatine bone of sebecids through a 2D morphogeometric analysis within the context of notosuchian crocodyliforms. Although traditional accounts of palatal evolution in crocodyliforms linked variation of this structure to the adaptation to the aquatic environment, our analysis allows recognition of eight palatine morphotypes among terrestrial crocodyliforms with very distinct paleoecological traits, including carnivorous, omnivorous, and possibly herbivorous taxa. Furthermore, we show that sebecids had a higher morphological disparity in the choanal region than other terrestrial groups of Notosuchia, underscoring the importance of this region for comparative, morphofunctional, and phylogenetic studies.
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A Bacia Bauru congrega um dos mais ricos conjuntos de somatofósseis de tetrá- podes do território brasileiro, sendo cerca de 70% dessa paleodiversidade procedente de seus depósitos em São Paulo. Com registros conhecidos desde o início do século XX, tais fósseis foram coletados em todas as unidades estratigrá cas da Bacia que a oram no estado, i.e., formações Santo Anastácio, Araçatuba, Adamantina (alterna- tivamente dividida em formações Vale do Rio do Peixe, Presidente Prudente e São José do Rio Preto) e Marília. Os grupos registrados incluem raros anuros, mamíferos e escamados, um importante conjunto de testudinos, dinossauros terópodes (incluindo aves) e saurópodes, além de uma das mais diversas faunas de crocodiliformes conhe- cidas para o registro fóssil global. Tal conjunto congrega mais de cinquenta entidades taxonômicas distintas, incluindo 42 espécies formalmente descritas. A partir de dados de cunho bioestratigrá co, incluindo correlação com base em tetrápodes, e poucas da- tações absolutas, a totalidade dos depósitos da Bacia Bauru em São Paulo parece estar cronologicamente restrita ao Neocretáceo, mas um maior detalhamento de tais inferên- cias se faz extremamente necessário. Por m, o histórico das pesquisas com tais fósseis evidencia a importância da interiorização do ensino universitário e do nanciamento público à pesquisa para o avanço da ciência.
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The Bauru Basin bears one of the best sampled tetrapod paleofaunas of Brazil, with about 70% of this diversity collected from its deposits in São Paulo. Its fossils are known since the beginning of the 20th century, coming from all stratigraphic units of the Basin cropping-out in the state, i.e., Santo Anastácio, Araçatuba, Adamantina (alternatively divided into Vale do Rio do Peixe, Presidente Prudente, and São José do Rio Preto formations), and Marília formations. Identified taxa include rare anurans, mammals, and squamates, an important set of testudines, theropods (including birds), and sauropods, in addition to one of the most diverse crocodyliform faunas known worldwide. This congregates more than fifty unique taxonomic entities, including 42 formally described species. Based on biostratigraphic correlations (including tetrapods), on few absolute ages, and other sources of evidence, the Bauru Basin deposits in São Paulo seem to be chronologically restricted to the Late Cretaceous, but further investigation is much needed. Finally, the history of research with such fossils highlights the importance of public funding for research and decentralization of university education for the advancement of science.
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Two new crocodyliform specimens found in a recently discovered locality from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia (Argentina) are described herein. One of them comprises an almost complete skull found in articulation with the lower jaws, while the other consists of the anterior region of the lower jaws and fragmentary remains of the palate. These two specimens differ in the morphology of their lower jaws (e.g., height of mandibular symphysis, pattern of ornamentation on ventral surface of mandibular ramus, concavity of medial surface of splenials, shape of splenial-dentary suture on ventral surface of mandibular symphysis) and probably belong to different taxa. The more complete specimen is considered to be a new taxon, Araripesuchus buitreraensis, diagnosed by the combination of the following characters (autapomorphic characters are indicated with an asterisk): long and acute anterior process of frontals extending anteriorly between the nasals; frontals extending into supratemporal fenestra; narrow parietal dorsal surface between supratemporal fossa; anterior palpebral remarkably broad; large siphoneal foramen in otic recess; T-shaped choanal septum that completely divides the internal nares, having its anterior end as broad as the midregion of the septum*; pterygoid flanges pneumatic and poorly expanded at its lateral end*; transversely elongated depression on ventral surface of pterygoid flanges close to the posterior margin of suborbital fenestra*; longitudinal groove on flat lateral surface of dentaries below toothrow. The second, more fragmentary specimen might represent a different new taxon, although more material is needed in order to make a justified taxonomic decision. The phylogenetic relationships of both specimens are analyzed through a comprehensive cladistic analysis including 50 crocodylomorph taxa. All the most parsimonious hypotheses depict both specimens as closely related to the previously known South American species of Araripesuchus (A. gomesii and A. patagonicus). This group is depicted as the most basal clade of notosuchians, the most diverse group of Cretaceous mesoeucrocodylians from Gondwana.
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Data concerning dinosaur tracks from 38 tracksites of South America are summarized and studied statistically. The distribution of dinosaurs by period, region, latitude, climate, environments, behavior and direction is examined. i) dinosaurs were rare in the Triassic in South America and were mainly bipedal; ii) thereafter, South America possessed a dinosaurian fauna that was abundant and varied. iii) Dinosaurs increased in individual and species number in the Jurassic and even more so in the Cretaceous. iv) Theropod tracks were consistently the most abundant. v) The ratio Sauropoda/Ornithopoda = 1/2 is probably due to a different ethology and ecology. vi) Coelurosaurs decreased proportionately from the Triassic to the Cretaceous whereas carnosaurs increased. The former were better adapted to arid and temperate regions than were the other dinosaur groups. viii) Ornithopods were more abundant in the south than in the north. -from Author
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Detailed analysis of the Late Cretaceous Vilquechico Group (formerly Vilquechico Formation) of the Southern Andes allows the recognition of three major sedimentary sequences, defining Lower, Middle and Upper Vilquechico lithologic formations (LVF, MVF and UVF respectively). Some of them (MVF and UVF) include in turn minor sedimentary sequences. In addition to dinosaur trackways, they contain a marine fauna (selachians, actinopterygians, molluscs) in their transgressive basal parts, and lacustrine fossils (charophytes, ostracods, gastropods) in their regressive continental upper parts. Two charophyte biozones characterize the MVF and the UVF respectively. The lithologic and sedimentary features of the major sequences, as well as their palaeontological contents allow large-scale correlations with other Andean series. Such correlations permit us to tentatively ascribe the unfossiliferous LVF to the Coniacian-early Santonian (?) time-span, and the MVF to the Santonian late Campanian interval. The UVF is of latest Campanian-late Maastrichtian age. As a consequence, the assumed correlations between the Vilquechico Group and some of the vertebrate-bearing Andean localities are revised.
In 1989 a crocodyliform having a mammal-like dentition was reported from the Early Cretaceous of Malawi, Africa. It shares with Notosuchus of South America the following derived features: jaw articulation that permitted longitudinal movement and the occipital condyle on the ventral surface of the braincase. The Malawi crocodyliform is distinct from Notosuchus in possessing multicusped posterior teeth, narrow and elongate prefrontals, no maxillo-palatal fenestrae, deeply overhung squamosal, and a longer, flat jaw articulation surface. The long, flat jaw articulation and tooth morphology suggest proal processing of food. The Malawi crocodyliform has cervical vertebrae with well developed hypapophyses and tall neural spines indicating strong neck muscles. The femur has a well developed medially directed head and posteriorly directed distal condyles. The crus projects from the tarsals vertically. These features suggest an erect posture and cursorial ability. The supracondylar ridges of the humerus are well developed for muscle attachment indicating strong rotation and retraction of the humerus. Articulated specimens suggest preservation in burrows.
In 1989 a crocodyliform having a mammal-like dentition was reported from the Early Cretaceous of Malawi, Africa. It shares with Notosuchus of South America the following derived features: jaw articulation that permitted longitudinal movement and the occipital condyle on the ventral surface of the braincase. The Malawi crocodyliform is distinct from Notosuchus in possessing multicusped posterior teeth, narrow and elongate prefrontals, no maxillo-palatal fenestrae, deeply overhung squamosal, and a longer, flat jaw articulation surface. The long, flat jaw articulation and tooth morphology suggest proal processing of food. The Malawi crocodyliform has cervical vertebrae with well developed hypapophyses and tall neural spines indicating strong neck muscles. The femur has a well developed medially directed head and posteriorly directed distal condyles. The crus projects from the tarsals vertically. These features suggest an erect posture and cursorial ability. The supracondylar ridges of the humerus are well developed for muscle attachment indicating strong rotation and retraction of the humerus. Articulated specimens suggest preservation in burrows.