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A Review on Palm Print Verification System


Abstract and Figures

Palm Print is one of the relatively new physiological biometrics, attracted the researchers due to its stable and unique characteristics. The rich feature information of palm print offers one of the powerful means in personal recognition. Palm print verification System has long been used and it was found that many research activities were carried out. This paper discusses about the number of research works introduced to overcome the difficulties faced in each stage of palm print verification. Our study on palm print recognition focuses on verifying the palm print in four different stages: Palm print acquisition, Preprocessing, Feature extraction and Palm print matching.
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A Review on Palm Print Verification System
Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Nandha Educational Institutions Erode, Tamilnadu, India
Palm Print is one of the relatively new physiological
biometrics, attracted the researchers due to its stable and unique
characteristics. The rich feature information of palm print offers
one of the powerful means in personal recognition. Palm print
verification System has long been used and it was found that
many research activities were carried out. This paper discusses
about the number of research works introduced to overcome the
difficulties faced in each stage of palm print verification. Our
study on palm print recognition focuses on verifying the palm
print in four different stages: Palm print acquisition,
Preprocessing, Feature extraction and Palm print matching.
Keywords: Biometrics, Feature extraction, Palm print
verification, Palm lines, Palm print matching.
1. Introduction
Biometric is the science of measuring human’s
characteristics for the purpose of authenticating or
identifying the identity of an individual based on
specific physiological or behavioral characteristics [1].
Several types of physiological characteristics used in
biometric are appearance of face, hand geometry,
fingerprint, iris and palm print.
The most widely used biometric feature is the
finger print and the most reliable feature is the iris.
However it is very difficult to extract small unique
features such as minutiae from unclear finger prints and
the iris input devices are very expensive. Other
biometric features such as the face and voice are less
accurate and they can be mimicked easily. The
palmprint is a relatively new biometric feature, has
several advantages compared with currently available
features [1]. The seven factors affect the determination
of a biometric identifier in a particular application:
universality, uniqueness, Permanence, collectability,
performance, acceptability and circumvention as shown
in table 1. Palm print recognition has been introduced a
decade ago. It has gradually attracted the attention of
various researchers due to its richness in amount of
features. Palm is the inner surface of the hand between
the wrist and the fingers. The Palm area contains a large
number of features shown in Fig.1 that can be used as
biometric features such as Principal lines, geometry,
wrinkle, delta point, minutiae, datum point features and
texture [2]. The principle lines are also called as flexion
creases. The formation of these lines is related to the
finger movements, tissue structures and the purpose of
skin. Even the palm prints of identical twins are
different [4]. This is because the genetic code in the
DNA gives general instructions on the way skin should
form in a developing fetus but the specific way it forms
is a result of random events position of fetus in the
womb at a particular moment and the exact composition
and density of surroundings amniotic fluid.
Palm print verification employs either high or
low resolution images. Most of the research on palm
print verification uses the low resolution images [3]. The
palm print Verification system consists of four stages:
Palm print image acquisition, Preprocessing, Feature
extraction and matching as shown in Fig.2. The
palmprint image is acquired using a palm print
scanner .Preprocessing has two parts, image alignment
and region of interest selection. Image alignment is done
by referring to the key points. Region of Interest
selection is the cropping of palmprint image from the
hand image .Feature extraction obtains discriminating
features from the preprocessed palmprints .The
matching compares the captured image features with the
stored templates.
Fig. 1 Different Features of Palm.
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (IJCISIM)
ISSN: 2150-7988 Vol.2 (2010), pp.113-120
Fig. 2 Stages in Palm print Verification
Table 1. Comparison of Biometric traits (High, Medium
& Low are denoted by H, M, L respectively)
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 reviews palm print acquisition devices, Section
3 summarizes the preprocessing algorithms, Section 4
discusses the feature extraction and matching methods,
Section 5 lists various fusion approaches and section 6
offers conclusion.
2. Palm Print Acquisition
Palm print can be captured by widely used CCD
based palmprint scanners, video cameras, Digital cameras
and Digital Scanner. The Fig. 3 Shows a CCD based
palmprint scanner which attracts the most of the
researchers for acquiring the image because the scanner
have pegs for guiding the placement of hands [3], [5].
CCD camera consists of a set of optical components work
together to obtain the data from the palm. However, the
quality of the Palm print image depends highly on the
camera technology used. Zhang et al. designed the
world’s first online palmprint capture devise at Hong
Kong Polytechnic University [2], [50]. Palm print image
is taken either in pegged or peg less environment. The
digital scanner can acquire high resolution hand image but
requires more time to scan which are not suitable for real
time application.
Digital and video cameras can also be used to
collect palmprint images and these images might cause
recognition problem as their quality is low because they
collect image in an uncontrolled environment [21] with
illumination variations and distortions due to hand
movement. Fig 4 shows an image collected by CCD
scanner and digital camera.
3. Preprocessing
Preprocessing is used to correct distortions, align
different palmprints, and to crop the region of interest for
feature extraction. Research on preprocessing commonly
focuses on five steps 1.Binarizing the palm images
2.Boundary tracking 3.Identification of key points
4.Establishing a coordination system and 5.Extracting the
central part.
Fig. 3 CCD Based Scanner
Most of the research uses Otsu’s method for
binarizing the hand image [32]. Otsu’s method calculates
the suitable global threshold value for every hand image.
According to the variances between two classes one of the
classes is the background while the other one is the hand
image. The boundary pixels of the hand image are traced
using boundary tracking algorithm [21]. The key points
between fingers are detected using several different
A Review on Palm Print Verification System
implementations including tangent [5], Bisector [13], [28]
and Finger based [7], [8].
The tangent based approach considers the edges
of two fingers holes on the binary image which are to be
traced and the common tangent of two fingers holes is
found to be axis X. The middle point of the two tangent
points is defined as the key points for establishing the co-
ordinate system [5].
Bisector based approach concentrates on not
joining the fingers by converting the upper region of the
fingers and the lower part of the image to white. It aims
in determining two centroids of each finger gaps for the
image alignment since only the centre of gravities within
the defined three finger gap region. After locating the
three finger gaps the centre of gravity of the gaps can be
determined. Then the two centroids of each finger gap are
connected to obtain the three lines. The line drawn
through the centroids of each finger gap region intersects
the palm of a key point.
Han and his team propose two approaches to
establish the co-ordinate system, the first approach based
on the middle [8] and the other based on the point, middle
and ring finger [7].
After establishing the co-ordinate systems, the
central part of the palm prints are segmented using three
classes: Square based segmentation, Circle based
segmentation and Elliptical based segmentation. Among
all these methods most of the researchers uses Square
based method because it is easier for handling translation
Fig. 4 Two palm print collected by a) CCD Scanner
b) Digital camera
Fig. 5 (a) Key Points Identification (b) ROI Extraction
4. Feature Extractions and Matching
After preprocessing of palm print images features
can be extracted for matches. There are two types of
recognition algorithms, verification and identification. In
verification, the system validates a person’s identity by
comparing the captured biometric data with her own
biometric templates stored in the system database.
Verification is typically used for positive recognition,
where the aim is to prevent multiple people from using the
same identity. In identification, the system recognizes an
individual by searching the templates of all the users in the
database for a match. Verification algorithms must be
accurate. Identification algorithms must be accurate and
fast..Research on feature extraction and matching methods
can be classified into 4 categories: Line-based, subspace-
based, Statistical-based and coding based.
4.1 Line Based Approaches
The line-based approach either develop edge
detectors or employ the existing edge detection methods
to extract palm lines [16], [17], [19], [26], [31], [36], [37],
[38], [46], [52]. The palm lines are either matched directly
or represented in other format for matching [41], [42].
Wu et al. use sobel masks to compute the
magnitude of the palm lines [19], [35]. The magnitude are
projected along the x and y directions to form histograms.
They designed two masks to compute the first order
derivative and second order derivative of palm print
images. The first order and second order derivatives can
be obtained by rotating the two masks. The Zero crossing
of the first order derivative is used to identify the edge
points and corresponding directions. Second order
derivative is used to identify the magnitude of the lines.
The weighted some of the local directional magnitude is
regarded as an element in the feature vector. Euclidian
distance is used for matching [34].
Kumar et al. integrated line like feature and
geometrical features for personal verification [53], [39].
115 Krishneswari and Arumugam
Accept\Reject Accept\Reject Accept\Reject
Fig. 6 Levels of fusion in a bimodal biometric system;
FU: Fusion Module, MM: Matching Module, DM: Decision Module.
Kung et al. formed a feature vector based on a
low resolution edge map. The feature vector is passed into
decision based neural networks [36].Han et al. used sobel
and morphological operations to extract line like features
from palm print images [7].
Huang et al. proposed a two-level modified
finite radon transform and a dynamic threshold to extract
major wrinkles and principal lines. Two binary edge maps
are compared based on pixel-to-area comparison [46].
4.2 Subspace Based Approaches
Sub space based method is also called
appearance based approach, generally involve principal
component analysis (PCA), Linear discriminant analysis
(LDA) and independent component analysis (ICA).The
subspace coefficient are considered as features .In addition
to applying PCA, LDA and ICA directly to palm print
images, researchers also employ wavelets, Discrete cosine
transform and kernel in their method [6], [9], [10], [11],
[14], [20], [24], [15].
Dale et al. proposed discrete cosine transform
(DCT) based feature vector for palmprint representation
and matching compared with DFT and wavelet transform
Laadjel et al. approach combines fisher’s linear
discriminant (FLD) and Gabor Wavelet responses. This
method involves convolving a palmprint image with a
series of Gabor wavelets at different scales and rotations
before extracting features from the Gabor filtered image
4.3 Statistical Approaches
Statistical approaches are categorized into local
and global statistical approaches. Local Statistical
approaches transforms images into another domain and
divide the transform into several small regions. Local
statistics such as means and variances of each small region
are calculated and regarded as features [8], [12], [18], [27],
[29], [40].
Yong et al. method for feature extraction divides
the palm print image into a set of n small regions and then
calculates the mean and S.D of sub regions. Euclidian
square norm is employed for matching [10].
Feature Extraction
Decision Module
Feature Extraction
Decision Module
A Review on Palm Print Verification System
Researchers compute global statistical features
like moments, centre of gravity and density directly from
the whole transformed images [9], [32].
4.4 Coding Approaches
Coding approaches encode the filter coefficient
as feature using Gabor filters [43], [47]. Daugman, the
inventor of Iris code, has demonstrated that the bitwise
hamming distance allows real-time brute force
identification in large databases.
Palm code uses a single Gabor filter to extract the
local phase information of palm print [2], [5], [40],[48].
D.Zhang et al. uses the first version of fusion code to
avoid correlation that results from palm code. It involves
the use of four directional Gabor filters to generate four
palm codes and these palm codes are combined [22].
In the second version of fusion code, D.Zhang et
al. identified that the optimal number of Gabor filter is
two. The second version of fusion code is much more
effective than the first.
Palm code and fusion code employ quantized
phases as features and the hamming distances as matches.
The first version of competitive coding scheme uses
multiple two dimensional Gabor filters to extract
orientation information from palm lines. This information
is then stored in a feature vector called the competitive
code. The angular distance is used for comparing two
codes [54].
In second version of competitive code, 25
translated templates are generated from an input palm
print to match the template in a database [4].
Kong et al. introduced a fusion code method to
encode the phase of the filter responses from a bank of
Gabor filters with different orientation. Kong et al.
developed a competitive code method to encode the
orientation information and achieve the state -of –the –art
palm print Verification accuracy [54].
Wu et al. modified fusion code to extract the
orientation field and uses the hamming distance for
matching [35], [43].
Some approaches combine several image
processing methods to extract palmprint features and
employ some standard classifiers such as Neural networks
to make the final decisions [25],[49],[51],[33].
Yue et al. proposed a modified fuzzy c-means
cluster algorithms to determine the orientation of
filters .This achieves higher verification accuracy [26].
Zu et al. use probability feature image (PFI) in
order to suppress random noises in feature image and
fuzzy logic was employed in matching algorithm [6].
Chen et al. [44], [55] perform a two dimensional
dual tree complex transform on the preprocessed a
palmprints to decompose the images. Dual –tree complex
transforms are proposed to resolve the weakness of
traditional wavelet transform which is not shift –invariant,
for pattern recognition. Then they apply Fourier transform
on each sub band and regard the spectrum magnitude as
features. Finally, SVM is used as a classifier.
Hennini-Yeamans et al. employ log –Gabor
filters to assign line content scores to different regions of
palm prints [25]. A Specific number of regions with top
line –content scores are selected to train correlation filters.
They use optimal tradeoff synthetic discriminant function
(OTSDF) filter as a classifier.
5. Fusion
Fusion of multiple traits of an individual can
improve the matching accuracy of a biometric system.
Some of the limitations such as noisy data, intra-class
variations, spoof attacks and unacceptable error rates of a
unibiometric system can be addressed by designing a
system that consolidates multiple sources of biometric
Multimodal biometric systems are those
which utilize, or are capability of utilizing, more than one
physiological or behavioral characteristic for enrollment,
verification, or identification. The multimodal biometrics
has drawn more and more attention in recent years due to
its promising applications and theoretical challenges [1].
5.1 Levels of fusion
Based on the type of information available in a
certain module, different levels of fusion can be defined as
shown in fig 6.
a) Fusion at the data or feature level:
Either the data itself or the feature sets originating from
multiple sensors/sources are fused. (b) Fusion at the
match score level: The scores generated by multiple
classifiers pertaining to different modalities are combined.
(c) Fusion at the decision level: The final output of
multiple classifiers is combined.
Biometric systems that integrate information at
an early stage of processing are believed to be more
effective than those systems which perform integration at
a later stage. Since the feature set contains richer
information about the input biometric data than the
matching score or the output decision of a matcher, fusion
at the feature level is expected to provide better
recognition results. However, fusion at this level is
difficult to achieve in practice because (i) the feature sets
of the various modalities may not be compatible (e.g.,
eigen-coefficients of face and minutiae set of finger), and
(ii) most commercial biometric systems do not provide
access to the feature sets (nor the raw data) which they use
in their products. Fusion at the decision level is considered
to be rigid due to the availability of limited information.
Thus, fusion at the match score level is usually preferred,
as it is relatively easy to access and combine the scores
presented by the different modalities.
Many biometric traits including fingerprint [56],
palmvein [57], finger surface [58],[59],[60], face
[61],[62],[63],[64], iris [65] and hand shape
[66],[67],[68],[69],[70] have been combined with
palmprints at score level or at representation level.
Although fusion increases accuracy, it generally increases
computational costs and template sizes.
6. Conclusion
In this paper we have reviewed the various
existing methods used for palm print verification system.
117 Krishneswari and Arumugam
We recommend D.Zhang et al. work [5] for palm print
acquisition which uses CCD based scanner. We also
recommend Kong’s PhD thesis because it contains palm
code, fusion code, competitive code and the theory of
coding method. We suggest Adams Kong et al.
competitive coding scheme for palm print verification
[54].Palm print recognition is an emerging field and only
limited works were carried out which paves way for the
researchers to invent new methods to reduce the error
rates and to improve the accuracy and speed of the system.
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Author Biographies
Mrs.K.Krishneswari completed her B.E
(computer science and engineering) in 2000 from
tamilnadu college of engineering under
Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore. M.E.
(software engineering) in 2005 from sri
ramakrishna engineering college under Anna
University, Chennai. Currently she is pursuing
Ph.D degree from Anna University, Coimbatore.
She is working as an assistant professor, department of computer
science and engineering at tamilnadu college of engineering, Coimbatore.
She is a member of CSI, ISTE. Her research areas include Image
processing, Pattern recognition, Biometrics and having 8 years of
teaching experience in engineering colleges.
Dr.S.Arumugam obtained his B.E. degree in
electrical and electronics engineering from the
University of Madras in 1971, his M.Sc. (Engg.)
degree in applied electronics from University of
Madras in 1973 and Ph.D. in computer science and
engineering from Anna University in 1983. He has
a distinguished career in teaching and research for
more than 37 years. In the year 1974, he joined the
Technical Education Service of tamilnadu
government as associate lecturer in college of engineering, Guindy.
Going up the rungs of the ladder, he was elevated as principal in 1998
and served at government college of engineering, Bargur and
government college of technology, Coimbatore. In 2005, he assumed
charge as additional director of technical education and chairman, Board
of Examinations, Chennai. He retired from service in 2007. Presently he
is working as chief executive officer in nandha educational institutions,
Erode. He has successfully guided 12 research scholars for their Ph.D.
and currently he is guiding 23 research scholars. He has published more
than 100 papers in national and international conferences and journals.
He is a member in IEEE, ISTE, FIE (I), FIETE and SMCSI.
A Review on Palm Print Verification System
... Palmprint refers to an impression of the palm on a surface. A palmprint contains rich intrinsic features, including the principal lines and wrinkles (figure 1) [1] [5] [6] and abundant ridge and minutiae-based features similar to a fingerprint [3].These significant features make a palmprint very useful in the field of biometrics because these palmprint features have the potential to achieve high accuracy and reliable performance for personal verification and identification [4,8]. Many techniques have been proposed for palmprint recognition using minutiae-based features, geometrybased features, transformed-based features, [7] and more. ...
... Recently, most methods in the literature consider Deep Learning due to its high recognition accuracy and the capability to adapt to biometric. samples captured in heterogeneous and less-constrained conditions [8]. Current state-of-the-art palmprint recognition systems rely on large datasets. ...
... One of the main reasons to generate synthetic images is low cost, high efficiency, and testing privacy. Moreover, the quality and resolution of images generated by generative adversarial networks (GANs) have experienced significant advancements recently [7][8][9]. The architecture of a standard GAN generator operates in a similar fashion: initially, it creates rough, low-resolution attributes that are progressively refined 2 through upsampling layers. ...
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In addressing the challenges of data scarcity in biometrics, this study explores the generation of synthetic palmprint images as an efficient, cost effective, and privacy preserving alternative to real-world data reliance. Traditional methods for synthetic biometric image creation primarily involve orientation modifications and filter applications, with no established method specific to palmprints. We introduced the utilization of the “Style-based generator”, StyleGAN2-ADA, from the StyleGAN series, renowned for generating high-quality images. Furthermore, we explore the capabilities of its successor, StyleGAN3, which boasts enhanced image generation, facilitating smooth and realistic transitions. By comparing the performance of StyleGAN3 on public dataset, we aim to establish the most efficient generative model for this purpose. Evaluations were conducted using the SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm into our evaluation framework. Preliminary findings suggest that StyleGAN3 offers superior generative capabilities, enhancing equivariance in synthetic palmprint generation.
... Feature extraction requires a high-resolution image with at least 400 dpi (dots per inch) for features, including minutiae points, ridges, and singular points [6]. But a low-resolution palm print image with less than 100 dpi can be used to extract features like the principal lines and wrinkles that are shown in Figure 1 [1] [5] [6].These significant features make a palm print image very useful in the field of biometrics because these palm print image features have the potential to achieve high accuracy and reliable performance for personal verification and identification [4]- [8]. Many techniques have been proposed for palmprint recognition using minutiae-based features, geometry-based features, transformed-based features, [7] and more. ...
... To process these features many image processing methods such as i) encodingbased algorithm, ii) structure-based methods, iii) statistics-based methods exist [9]. Recently, most methods in the literature consider Deep Learning (DL) due to its high recognition accuracy and the capability to adapt to biometric samples captured in heterogeneous and less-constrained conditions [8]. Current state-of-the-art palm print image recognition systems rely on large datasets. ...
Conference Paper
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A new method for synthetic palm image generation is proposed in this paper based on StyleGAN2-ADA, a specialized GAN architecture. This method is based on the modification of the styles of the palm, such as principal lines, secondary lines, wrinkles, etc. The model was trained on 3500 palm images, combined from two public datasets. The quality of the synthetic images, generated by the proposed model, is evaluated by a Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)-based custom algorithm where the features of the synthetic images (for example, principal lines) are compared with reference palm images. The synthetic images having lower quality metrics, below the threshold, are discarded. This quality assessment algorithm shows that 95 percent of the generated synthetic images are acceptable and have enough diversity to be employed for further biometric research. This research is significant as it can address the scarcity of biometric data especially of the palm image which is a relatively new research domain with lots of potential to be a robust identification and verification system.
... Palm print refers to an impression of the palm on a surface. A palm print contains rich intrinsic features, including the principal lines and wrinkles [1] [5] [6] and abundant ridge and minutiae-based features similar to a fingerprint [3].These significant features make a palmprint very useful in the field of biometrics because these palmprint features have the potential to achieve high accuracy and reliable performance for personal verification and identification [4]- [8]. Many techniques have been proposed for palmprint recognition using minutiae-based features, geometry-based features, transformed-based features, [7] and more. ...
... To process these features many image processing methods such as i) encoding-based algorithm, ii) structure-based methods, iii) statistics-based methods exist [9]. Recently, most methods in the literature consider Deep Learning due to its high recognition accuracy and the capability to adapt to biometric samples captured in heterogeneous and less-constrained conditions [8]. Current state-of-the-art palmprint recognition systems rely on large datasets. ...
Conference Paper
A new method for synthetic palm image generation is proposed in this paper based on StyleGAN2-ADA, a specialized GAN architecture. This method is based on the modification of the styles of the palm, such as principal lines, secondary lines, wrinkles, etc. The model was trained on 3500 palm images, combined from two public datasets. The quality of the synthetic images, generated by the proposed model, is evaluated by a Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)-based custom algorithm where the features of the synthetic images (for example, principal lines) are compared with reference palm images. The synthetic images having lower quality metrics, below the threshold, are discarded. This quality assessment algorithm shows that 95 percent of the generated synthetic images are acceptable and have enough diversity to be employed for further biometric research. This research is significant as it can address the scarcity of biometric data especially of the palm image which is a relatively new research domain with lots of potential to be a robust identification and verification system.
... Principal lines consist of heart line, head line and life line. They are the most visible palm lines in a palmprint [1], [2], [3]. Wrinkles are generally thinner and more irregular than principal lines. ...
... (3) shows some examples from CASIA Palmprint Database. ...
Conference Paper
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Palmprint based identification has gradually attracted the attention of researchers due to its richness in amount of features. Palmprint contains geometry features, line features, point features, texture features and statistical features. In this paper, a simple and effective methodology for palmprint-based identification system is proposed. The palmprint image is segmented and processed in spatial domain, then, the proposed technique extracts palmprint features using Radon transform. Radon transform enables the extraction of directional characteristics from the palm of the hand. In order to compare the uniqueness as well as the stability of the palmprint signature, backpropagation neural network was used for the identification stage. Experimental results verify the validity of the proposed approaches in personal authentication.
... At present, many kinds of biological characteristics can be used for personal identification and they can be mainly divided into two categories: physiological characteristics and behavioural characteristics. Common physiological characteristics include human faces [2], fingerprints [3], hands [4,5], irises [6,7], and ears [8,9]; behavioural characteristics include voices [10], gaits [11], signatures [12,13], and keystrokes [14,15]. However, these human biological characteristics are easy to falsify, which makes this type of approach to personal identification vulnerable. ...
... Krishneswari and Arumugam show [42] show that the positive characteristics of CPVA that make this authentication method superior to DFS include: ...
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e-Commerce has contributed immensely to the economies of developed countries and a factor in its success can be attributed to the adoption of e-commerce by their citizens. As such, it is perceived that e-commerce can also be an economic driver for developing countries. However, security has been identified as a major barrier that prevents citizens from adopting e-commerce in developing countries. Therefore, this paper examines Security Authentication Techniques (SAT), particularly Digital Signature (DS) and Digital Fingerprint Systems (DFS), including the limitations of these two security techniques, and then proposes Contactless Palm Vein Authentication (CPVA) as a potentially much better solution to increase adoption of e-commerce in developing countries. The architecture of this new CPVA technique is discussed in relation to Security, Privacy, Trust and Reliability. Participants are treated to a Design Fiction Documentary (DFD) and Design Fiction Simulation Experiment (DFSE) in our experimental design method to measure the potential Technology Acceptance (adoption) of the proposed CPVA technique over DS and DFS authentication techniques. The result of our pilot study indicates that citizens may be willing to adopt the proposed CPVA technique, which may increase their trust and likely adoption of more e-commerce applications. A larger main study is planned in the field in Nigeria starting January 2020.
In this paper, we utilize the electrocardiogram (ECG) as a primary biometric modality in human identification. The design steps of the proposed approach are the following: first, we segment the ECG signal and utilize its cyclostationarity and spectral correlation to enrich the signal’s original informational content. Then, we generate spectral correlation images. During this process, we disregard the time-consuming algorithmic step, typically used in other similar ECG-based machine learning approaches, namely the fiducial points detection and noise removal steps. Next, our spectral correlation images are fed into two convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures, which we fine-tune, test and evaluate, before we suggest a final architecture that demonstrates improved ECG-based human identification accuracy. To evaluate the efficiency of the proposed approach, we perform cross-validation on nine, small and large scale, ECG databases that encompass both normal and abnormal ECG signals. Experimental results show that independent of the database used, our approach results in improved system performance (compared to state-of-art approaches), yielding an identification accuracy, false acceptance and false rejection rates of 95.6%, 0.2%, and 0.1% respectively.
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This paper describes a computational approach to edge detection. The success of the approach depends on the definition of a comprehensive set of goals for the computation of edge points. These goals must be precise enough to delimit the desired behavior of the detector while making minimal assumptions about the form of the solution. We define detection and localization criteria for a class of edges, and present mathematical forms for these criteria as functionals on the operator impulse response. A third criterion is then added to ensure that the detector has only one response to a single edge. We use the criteria in numerical optimization to derive detectors for several common image features, including step edges. On specializing the analysis to step edges, we find that there is a natural uncertainty principle between detection and localization performance, which are the two main goals. With this principle we derive a single operator shape which is optimal at any scale. The optimal detector has a simple approximate implementation in which edges are marked at maxima in gradient magnitude of a Gaussian-smoothed image. We extend this simple detector using operators of several widths to cope with different signal-to-noise ratios in the image. We present a general method, called feature synthesis, for the fine-to-coarse integration of information from operators at different scales. Finally we show that step edge detector performance improves considerably as the operator point spread function is extended along the edge.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents a palmprint recognition algorithm using principal component analysis (PCA) of phase information in 2D (two-dimensional) discrete Fourier transforms (DFTs) of palmprint images. To achieve highly robust palmprint recognition, the proposed algorithm (i) limits the frequency bandwidth, and (ii) averages phase spectra using multiple palmprint images captured from the same hand at an enrollment stage. Through a set of experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly reduce computational cost without sacrificing recognition performance compared with our previous work using phase-only correlation (POC) - an image matching technique using the phase components in 2D DFTs of given images. Also, the resulting performance is much higher than those of conventional palmprint recognition algorithms which apply PCA to palmprint images, or phase spectra directly.
The wavelet theory has become hot in the last few years for its important relative characters, such as subband coding, multiresolution analysis and filter banks. In this paper, we propose a novel method of feature extraction for palmprint identification based on wavelet transform, which is very efficient to handle the textural characteristics of palmprint images at low resolution. The matching results show that the proposed feature extraction method is efficient in terms of matching accuracy and computational speed.
We present a palmprint approach to identifying individuals. Some significant features covering both geometrical and structural characteristics can be extracted from the palmprint to distinguish a person from others. The experiments show that this approach can be effectively used as a new biometric technology for automated personal identification.
Palmprint is a new biometric method to recognize a person. The most important feature of palmprint is the lines. In this paper, a set of line detector is devised for palmprint. There are two parameters in these detectors, one controls the smoothness and connection of the lines, the other controls the width of lines which can be detected. The lines in different directions are detected by corresponding direction detectors and then fused into one edge image. In training stage, the lines of the training samples are represented and stored with chain code. In the verification stage, the lines are matched using Hausdorff distance. Experimental results show the efficiency of this method.
Conference Paper
In palmprint recognition field, orientation based approaches are thought to achieve the best results in terms of recognition rates. In this paper, we propose a novel orientation based scheme, in which three strategies, the modified finite Radon transform, enlarged training set and pixel to area matching, have been designed to further improve its performance. The experimental results of verification conducted on Hong Kong Polytechnic University Palmprint Database show that our approach has higher recognition rates and faster processing speed.
Conference Paper
A new palmprint classification method is proposed in this paper by using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform. The dual-tree complex wavelet transform has such important properties as the approximate shift-invariance and high directional selectivity. These properties are very important in invariant palmprint classification. Support vector machines are used as a classifier and the Gaussian radial basis function kernel is selected in the experiments. Experimental results show that the dual-tree complex wavelet features outperform the scalar wavelet features, and three previously developed methods. We conclude that the dual-tree complex wavelet features should be used for invariant palmprint classification instead of the scalar wavelet features
Biometrics-based verification is an effective approach to personal authentication using biological features extracted from the individual. In this paper, we propose specific verification technology by making use of hand-based features. Two hand-based features, the hand geometry and the palmprint, are simultaneously grabbed by the CCD camera-based devices. Basically, geometrical features of the hands are used to roughly verify the identity. The samples possessing the confused hand shapes should be to re-check by the palmprint features. First, the crucial points and the ROI of palmprint are determined in the preprocessing stage. The hand shape features of length 11 are computed from these detected points. Next, the multi-resolutional palmprint features are extracted from the ROI and the three middle fingers. In that way the reference vectors are obtained for computing the similarity values in various resolutions. In addition, the various verified results in multiple resolutions are integrated to achieve a better performance by using the positive Boolean function (PBF) and the bootstrapping method. Experimental results were conducted to show the effectiveness of our proposed approaches.