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The wind power plant on the island of Smøla, western Norway, is currently the largest in Norway; it has 68 turbines with nominal capacity of 2–2.3 MW each, hub height of 70 m and rotor blade radius of 38–41 m,. It was constructed in two phases between 2001 and 2005. Approximately 60 White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla territories are found in the whole Smøla archipelago. Before construction there were 13 Eagle pairs holding territories in the wind farm area and within 500 m of it, whereas in 2009 this was reduced to only five. Since 1996, baseline data on the White-tailed Eagle population size and reproduction have been collected. In a post-construction study, 50 fledglings were satellite-tagged during 2003–2009, of which 45 provided more than 80 000 GPS positions in total. In addition to the geographical location, data on altitude and flight speed were provided by the transmitters (Microwave Telemetry, Inc., Columbia, MD, USA). Juveniles of both sexes stayed within the Smøla archipelago during their first winter. Most individuals moved away from the area during spring in their second year (April–May). Females dispersed further than males, often more than 800 km during summer, generally to the north. There was a return movement to the natal area during the second autumn. The same pattern was repeated in the third and fourth years for females, while the males showed more philopatry (Bevanger et al., 2009). From August 2005 to May 2010, four of the satellite-tagged birds were killed by collisions with turbines, of 36 White-tailed Eagles in total, involving 20 adults, nine immatures and seven juveniles. April and May are the months with the highest collision frequencies, with 13 (c. 36%) and nine (c. 25%) of the known fatalities.
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This paper forms part of the proceedings from the BOU conference C l i m a t e Ch a n g e and B i r d s .
Other papers from these proceedings can be viewed at
A study of White-tailed Eagle
Haliaeetus albicilla
and mortality at a wind farm in Norway
Tor g eir N yg å rd, 1* Kj e til B ev a n ge r , 1 E s p en L ie D ah l , 1 Ø y s tei n Fl a gst a d,1
Arn e Fo l l es t a d, 1 P er n i lle L un d Ho e l,2 R oel M ay 1 & Ole Re i t an1
1Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, NO-7485 Trondheim, Norway
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, NO-0301 Oslo, Norway
*Corresponding author.
The wind power plant on the island of Smøla, western Norway, is currently the largest in Norway; it has 68
turbines with nominal capacity of 2–2.3 MW each, hub height of 70 m and rotor blade radius of 38–41 m,. It was
constructed in two phases between 2001 and 2005. Approximately 60 White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla
territories are found in the whole Smøla archipelago. Before construction there were 13 Eagle pairs holding
territories in the wind farm area and within 500 m of it, whereas in 2009 this was reduced to only five. Since
1996, baseline data on the White-tailed Eagle population size and reproduction have been collected.
In a post-construction study, 50 fledglings were satellite-tagged during 2003–2009, of which 45 provided more
than 80 000 GPS positions in total. In addition to the geographical location, data on altitude and flight speed
were provided by the transmitters (Microwave Telemetry, Inc., Columbia, MD, USA). Juveniles of both sexes
stayed within the Smøla archipelago during their first winter. Most individuals moved away from the area during
spring in their second year (April–May). Females dispersed further than males, often more than 800 km during
summer, generally to the north. There was a return movement to the natal area during the second autumn. The
same pattern was repeated in the third and fourth years for females, while the males showed more philopatry
(Bevanger et al., 2009).
From August 2005 to May 2010, four of the satellite-tagged birds were killed by collisions with turbines, of 36
White-tailed Eagles in total, involving 20 adults, nine immatures and seven juveniles. April and May are the
months with the highest collision frequencies, with 13 (c. 36%) and nine (c. 25%) of the known fatalities.
Risk assessments were performed based on GPS positions during the different months of the year and the age of
the birds. The transmitters were programmed to transmit their positions at different intervals. Long time
intervals (up to 24 h) were used during winter, 3–6 h during spring and autumn, and 1–3 h during summer. An
analysis of moves showed that the birds changed positions on average 15 times per day, using a 100-m difference
between positions as an indicator of movement. Every change in position was considered to involve a collision
risk when the birds were at Smøla and its archipelago. Moves when they were elsewhere were not considered.
Monthly 95 and 50% utilization distributions (UDs) (Worton 1989) were produced using the positions from the
Smøla archipelago only, with all birds in each month and age-class pooled. The expected number of moves by
each bird was estimated by weighing the number of obtained positions by a factor equal to 15 divided by the pre-
programmed number of positions taken for each transmitter and month. The total number of expected moves
(Me) was then obtained by summing over all birds for each calendar year and month. Kernel UD (95 and 50%)
areas by calendar year and month (Ak95 and Ak50) were produced via ArcView 3.3, by using cross-validation and
the default smoothing factors. The total rotor-swept area (RSA) (At95 and At50) of turbines that overlapped each
kernel area was found by multiplying the number of turbines by the RSA (r², where r is the radius of the rotor-
blades). The probability of each position being within an RSA was then calculated as At95/Ak95 and At50/Ak50 for
each calendar year and month. The expected number of positions within an RSA was then calculated as Me*0.95
At/Ak and Me*0.5 At/Ak for the 95 and 50% kernel areas, respectively, for each calendar year and month.
Based on information from 34 birds for which the altitude was known (birds in their nests), a standard deviation
of altitude of 7.8 m was found. This was considered sufficient to produce an estimate of the fraction of the
flights within rotor height. Using only the data from positions when the birds were assumed to be flying (speed
> 0), we found that on average 24% of the flights in the wind farm were within rotor height. Calculations with
and without this figure as an adjustment factor were used. Figure 1 shows the expected number of positions
within an RSA per calendar year and month based on 95 and 50% UDs, and the number of actual kills of tagged
birds was registered.
Figure 1. The expected number of positions of satellite-tagged young White-tailed Eagles within the rotor-swept area at
Smøla wind farm by calendar year and month. Calculations were based on 50% kernel UDs (unadjusted for altitude = solid line,
adjusted = open dashed line) and 95% kernel UDs adjusted for altitude (= densely dashed line). Actual recorded kills of tagged
birds are shown as black dots. Note that the number of birds with working tags is decreasing with age, so the graph does not
indicate individual risk rate over time.
The method seems to be able to correctly identify the periods of the year and age-classes associated with the
greatest hazard rate, judged from the recorded casualties. Calculations based on the unadjusted 50% UDs seemed
to be the best predictor. It is worth noting that no avoidance rate was assumed, and that no adults were included.
The widely used Band method for collision risk assessment (Band et al. 2007) is often used in conjunction with
an avoidance factor based on observations and recorded kills. We did not attempt to calculate an avoidance rate,
as sufficient observational data from the field were not available. Furthermore, the number of moves per day was
based on estimations, and any movement may involve a combination of circling and directional flight at different
altitudes, and could involve risks connected with several of the 68 turbines. One should also bear in mind that
the studied birds had an affinity to the area, being their natal place. Thus, our findings are probably only typical
to juvenile White-tailed Eagles relatively close to their natal area; nevertheless, they are relevant for large parts of
the Norwegian coast. Displacement was probably negligible or small in our case, as all birds were born within or
close to the wind farm. On this basis, we suggest that the proposed avoidance rate proposed for Golden Eagles
Aquila chrysaetos (c. 99%) at other wind farms (Whitfield 2009) is not applicable to White-tailed Eagles in
connection with wind farms close to their breeding-sites. We are currently developing other risk assessment
methods based on GPS position data using the method of ‘Brownian bridges’ (May and Nygård, 2009) and by
using ground-truthed bird radar tracks.
Studies on Smøla have shown that White-tailed Eagles seem to use the air space inside and outside the wind farm
area similarly (Hoel, 2009). Several observers have noted that White-tailed Eagles at Smøla often circle close to
and around turbines, possibly induced by the extra wind energy created by the turbulence. The satellite-tagged
victims were either killed in the first autumn (two in September) or in the following spring (two in April). The
first autumn incidents may be influenced by lack of agility and experience, their naivety making them more prone
to collisions. The incidents during spring in their second calendar year coincide with an overall greater turbine-
related mortality rate during spring of all age-classes, possibly caused by increased territorial activity and good
thermal conditions.
A Kaplan–Meier survival analysis showed that the additional mortality caused by the wind farm at Smøla was c.
10%, reducing the cumulative survival through their third year of life from 0.84 to 0.74. A full population model
including adults is now under way, involving the use of DNA analysis of moulted feathers from nesting pairs to
estimate adult turnover rates.
Band, W., Madders, M. & Whitfield, D.P. 2007. Developing field and analytical methods to assess avian collision risk at
wind farms. In: de Lucas, M., Janss, G.F.E. & Ferrer, M. (eds) Birds and Wind Farms. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: 259–
275. Madrid: Servicios Informativos Ambientales/Quercus.
Bevanger, K., Berntsen, F., Clausen, S., Dahl, E.L., Flagstad, Ø., Follestad, A., Halley, D., Hanssen, F., Hoel, P.L., Johnsen,
L., Kvaløy, P., May, R., Nygård, T., Pedersen, H.C., Reitan, O., Steinheim, Y. & Vang, R. 2009. Pre- and post-
construction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway (BirdWind). Progress Report 2009.
In NINA Report. 505. Trondheim: Norsk institutt for naturforskning.
Hoel, P.L. 2009. Do wind power developments affect the behaviour of White Tailed Sea Eagles on Smøla? Master of science thesis,
Department of Biotechnology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim.
May, R. & Nygård, T. 2009. Spatial assessment of white-tailed sea eagle collision risk at the onshore wind-power plant on
the island of Smøla. In: 2nd European Congress of Conservation Biology. Conservation biology and beyond: from science to practice.
Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague.
Whitfield, D.P. 2009. Collision avoidance of Golden Eagles at wind farms under the ‘Band’ collision risk model. Banchory, UK: Natural
Research, Ltd.
Worton, B. J. 1989. Kernel methods for estimating the utilization distribution in home-range studies. Ecology 70: 164–168.
Nygård, T., Bevanger, K., Dahl, E.L., Flagsted, Ø
., Follestad, A., Hoel, P.H., May, R. & Reitan, O.
2010. A study of White-tailed Eagle movements and mortality at a wind farm in Norway. BOU Proceedings
Climate Change and Birds.
... The White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla (Linnaeus, 1758); WTE) is a large raptor species distributed across the Palaearctic and Greenland (Bird-Life International 2015). While adult WTEs in most populations stay nearby FEMALE-BIASED DISPERSAL IN WHITE-TAILED EAGLE their breeding territory throughout the year, juveniles are vagrant and can move several hundred kilometres away from their natal area (Helander & Stjernberg 2003, Whitfield et al. 2009b, Nygård et al. 2010. Despite their juvenile vagrancy, similarly to other large raptor species, WTEs are philopatric (i.e. they start breeding relatively close to their natal area), as supported by both ringing data (Helander 2003, Helander & Stjernberg 2003, Struwe-Juhl & Grünkorn 2007, Whitfield et al. 2009a and genetic structure of their wild populations (Hailer et al. 2007, Honnen et al. 2010, Nemesházi et al. 2016. ...
... Juvenile White-tailed Eagles (WTE) are vagrant and can travel several hundred kilometres from their natal area (Helander & Stjernberg 2003, Whitfield et al. 2009b, Nygård et al. 2010), but they tend to start breeding relatively close to it, and the species is therefore assumed to be philopartic (Helander 2003, Helander & Stjernberg 2003, Whitfield et al. 2009a. Mean natal dispersal distance (NDD) values reported in European WTE populations differ considerably, being below 60 km in the reintroduced population of Western Scotland (Whitfield et al. 2009a) and exceeding 100 km in Sweden (Helander 2003). ...
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Individuals can avoid inbreeding or competition with kin via long-distance natal dispersal. On the other hand, staying close to the well-known natal area may be a safer choice with respect to recruiting opportunities, reproductive success and the individual's survival probability as well. Natal dispersal strategy often differs between sexes, being generally female-biased in birds. We explored if the Carpathian Basin White-tailed Eagle population shows fine scale genetic structure and if it does, what is the extent of philopatry in the two sexes. We furthermore investigated sex bias in natal dispersal distance inferred from spatial distributions of genetically close relative breeding females and males. Spatial autocor-relation analyses failed to find fine-scale genetic structure, despite the species being known to be philopatric. Pairwise breeding distances of close relatives showed female bias according to Wilcoxon rank sum test. The median distance of two close relative females was 136 km, while it was only 38 km in males. Since White-tailed Eagles are known to be faithful to their breeding territory, we assumed that the breeding distance between an individual and its parents refers to the individual's natal dispersal distance. Due to the same reason, the breeding distance of two siblings should also be related to their individual dispersal distances from their shared natal area. Therefore, we argue that the difference we found between sexes in pairwise breeding distances of close relatives stands for a female-biased natal dispersal. This bias may be a consequence of the species' breeding strategy, and it decreases the inbreeding probability as well.
... As part of the BirdWind research project ( Bevanger et al. 2010) over 50 individual ready-to- fledge white-tailed eagles have been captured and equipped with satellite transmitters ( Nygård et al. 2010). During the period September 2003 through to October 2012, in total 57 individuals represented by 81,890 GPS relocations (max. ...
... As part of the BirdWind research project ( Bevanger et al. 2010) over 50 individual ready-to- fledge white-tailed eagles have been captured and equipped with satellite transmitters ( Nygård et al. 2010). During the period September 2003 through to October 2012, in total 57 individuals represented by 81,890 GPS relocations (max. ...
Technical Report
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Collisions between birds and wind turbines can be a problem at wind-power plants both on-shore and offshore, and the presence of endangered bird species or proximity to key func-tional bird areas can have a major impact on the choice of site or location of wind turbines. There is international consensus that one of the main challenges in the development of measures to reduce bird collisions is the lack of good methods for assessment of the effica-cy of interventions. In order to be better able to assess the efficacy of mortality-reducing measures Statkraft wishes to find a system that can be operated under Norwegian condi-tions and that renders objective and quantitative information on collisions and near-flying birds. DTBird developed by Liquen Consultoría Ambiental S.L. is such a system, which is based on video-recording bird flights near turbines during the daylight period (light levels >200 lux). DTBird is a self-working system developed to detect flying birds and to take pro-grammed actions (i.e. warning, dissuasion, collision registration, and turbine stop control) linked to real-time bird detection. This report evaluates how well the DTBird system is able to detect birds in the vicinity of a wind turbine, and assess to which extent it can be utilized to study near-turbine bird flight behaviour and possible deterrence. The evaluation was based on the video sequences recorded with the DTBird systems installed at turbine 21 and turbine 42 at the Smøla wind-power plant between March 2 2012 and September 30 2012, together with GPS telemetry data on white-tailed eagles and avian radar data. The average number of falsely triggered video sequences (false positive rate) was 1.2 per day, and during day-time the DTBird system recorded between 76% and 96% of all bird flights in the vicinity of the turbines. Visually estimated distances of recorded bird flights in the video sequences were in general assessed to be farther from the turbines compared to the distance settings used within the software configuration to define the moderate (warning) and high (dissua-sion) collision risk area. This led to a high rate of triggered warning/dissuasion signals. The Dissuasion module of DTBird certainly is superior compared to any random activation sys-tem, however minimization of habituation necessitates that the system is only triggered by birds during the time they fly near the rotor swept zone of a turbine. Visually assessing the video sequences enables the identification of species (groups), flight behaviour and possible responses to warning/dissuasion signals. The DTBird system, enabling the monitoring of near-turbine flight behaviour in birds, presents a complementary technique to GPS telemetry and avian radar. In addition, the DTBird system may be utilized as a measure for mitigating collisions.
... Since 2017, DOF BirdLife and the Natural History Museum of Denmark have monitored Danish WTEs with the use of GPS tracking technology to acquire detailed knowledge of their movements. Other studies of the species using GPS technology have been carried out in other European countries, including Croatia [15], Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria [16], Finland [17], Germany [18][19][20], Ireland [3], and Norway [21]. ...
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The early life movement patterns of long-lived, large raptors, such as the white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla), remain largely unexplored. In this study, we have tracked 22 individuals of white-tailed eagles hatched in Denmark to investigate key parameters, including survival rates, causes of death, nest site fidelity, geographical distribution, and dispersal behaviors. Our analyses are based on approximately 340,000 GPS/GSM telemetry positions from the 22 individuals. We found that survival rates were lower in the first year of life, especially among females, but increased in subsequent years. The primary causes of death were wind turbine collisions and avian influenza. Movement analyses revealed that juvenile eagles frequented nest sites in August and September, with females showing earlier exploratory flights and dispersal. Both males and females spent most of their first calendar year near their nest sites. In the second calendar year, a significant proportion of their time was spent at well-known white-tailed eagle resting areas in Denmark, as well as visiting neighboring countries. Notably, one individual set a new distance record for a Danish GPS-tagged white-tailed eagle, venturing at least 1750 km away from its nest site to visit Sweden, Finland, Russia, and Norway. Our results, indicating that juvenile white-tailed eagles continue to utilize nest sites into September, suggest an extension of the recommended time period for nest protection zones provided by BirdLife Denmark (DOF).
... However, several wind farms are currently in the planning stage close to the coast (Finnish Wind Power Association, 2023) that would be located within 5 km of a white-tailed territory. Especially when considering potential impact of wind turbines on other age classes that might be more affected due to ranging over larger distances (see i.e. 10 % decline in survival in white-tailed eagle juveniles born near the Smøla wind farm, Nygård et al., 2010), the wind power expansion as it is currently planned might be a threat for white-tailed eagle conservation with large-scale impacts on the Baltic Sea whitetailed eagle population in Finland. ...
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Wind power plays a vital role in global climate action and plans for new turbines in the Baltic Sea region are underway. However, it is crucial not to overlook the environmental impact on wildlife, which can be difficult to quantify, especially in elusive and hard-to-track species. One of these species is the white-tailed eagle, a conservation success story that faces a significant collision risk with rotor blades, particularly as turbines are being constructed in its coastal habitats. To assess the effect of wind turbines on survival of territorial adults, we genotyped DNA from adult feathers collected at nests between 2010 and 2022. By tracking individuals across years, we measured survival and breeding dispersal in relation to wind turbine presence. Turbines within a 5 km radius of nests were found to reduce annual survival rates by 7.6 %, while resighting probability and breeding dispersal probability were unaffected. The proportion of territories exposed to wind turbines is currently low (4-5 %), mainly because recent construction sites have been further inland. However, future projections suggest an increase in territory exposure, indicating potential for population-level risks. This highlights the need for substantial safety buffers around nest sites (preferably >5 km) to protect the breeding white-tailed eagle population. Currently, a comprehensive understanding of the large-scale impact on the Baltic Sea white-tailed eagle population is lacking. As wind power expands, it is necessary to consider its impact on wildlife and we recommend conducting ongoing environmental assessments to monitor and adapt conservation measures.
... In particular, non-breeding habitat-use should be evaluated when making siting decisions. Anecdotal evidence suggests that most eagle turbine strikes occur during spring breeding months, though mortalities are seasonally ubiquitous [59,60]. Identifying winter raptor concentration areas, juvenile (non-breeding) dispersal areas, and understanding migratory pathways, will be important contributions of applied research towards eagle conservation. ...
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Proactive conservation planning for species requires the identification of important spatial attributes across ecologically relevant scales in a model-based framework. However, it is often difficult to develop predictive models, as the explanatory data required for model development across regional management scales is rarely available. Golden eagles are a large-ranging predator of conservation concern in the United States that may be negatively affected by wind energy development. Thus, identifying landscapes least likely to pose conflict between eagles and wind development via shared space prior to development will be critical for conserving populations in the face of imposing development. We used publically available data on golden eagle nests to generate predictive models of golden eagle nesting sites in Wyoming, USA, using a suite of environmental and anthropogenic variables. By overlaying predictive models of golden eagle nesting habitat with wind energy resource maps, we highlight areas of potential conflict among eagle nesting habitat and wind development. However, our results suggest that wind potential and the relative probability of golden eagle nesting are not necessarily spatially correlated. Indeed, the majority of our sample frame includes areas with disparate predictions between suitable nesting habitat and potential for developing wind energy resources. Map predictions cannot replace on-the-ground monitoring for potential risk of wind turbines on wildlife populations, though they provide industry and managers a useful framework to first assess potential development.
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Exploratory movements and natal dispersal form essential processes during early life history stages of raptors, but identifying the factors shaping individual movement decisions is challenging. Global positioning system (GPS) telemetry thereby provides a promising technique to study movement patterns on adequate spatio-temporal scales. We analysed data of juvenile White-tailed Sea Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla (WTSE) in north-east Germany (n = 24) derived from GPS tracking to extensively analyse movements between fledging and emigration from the natal territory. Our goal was to determine the time point of fledging, characterize pre-emigration movements and the onset of natal dispersal while investigating the influence of the natal environment. WTSE fledged at an average age of 72 days and showed strong excursive behaviour during the post-fledging period regarding the number, distance and duration of excursions, yet with high individual variability. Excursive behaviour did not differ between sexes. On average, WTSE left the parental territory 93 days after fledging. The quantity of excursive behaviour delayed the timing of emigration and WTSE tended to postpone their emigration when foraging water was accessible within the boundaries of their parental territory. The overall results suggest that young WTSE assess the quality of the natal environment via pre-emigration movements and stay in their territory of origin for as long as internal and external conditions allow for it. Our study is one of the first to characterize post-fledging and natal dispersal movements of young WTSE to such an extent and applies modern techniques to understand related movements in relation to the natal environment. The results emphasize the urgent necessity for the extension of currently existing nest protection periods and guaranteeing sustainable management of potential breeding and foraging grounds for WTSE. Ultimately, the results are relevant for all large raptor species sensitive to human-related disturbance, as they support the increasing importance of regulations with spatio-temporal specifications for breeding populations of large raptors in densely human-inhabited areas with increasing alteration of land.
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Abstrakt. W celu zbadania przebiegu usamodzielniania się młodych bielików, pięć osobników z Wigierskiego Parku Narodowego (trzy w 2017 i dwa w 2018 roku) śledzono za pomocą loggerów GPS GSM. Po wyjściu z gniazda ptaki te nadal spędzały dużo czasu w strefi e o promieniu 500 metrów wokół niego, większość nawet powyżej 30% jeszcze na początku października. Przed dys-persją areały osobników z sąsiadujących ze sobą gniazd nie pokrywały się, podczas gdy areały osobników z kolejnych lęgów tej samej pary pokrywały się znacząco. Młode bieliki opuściły rewir rodziców między 2 września, a 12 marca następnego roku. Większość spędziła pierwszą jesień i zimę w promie-niu około 200 km od gniazda, z wyjątkiem ptaka, który poleciał na Węgry. Wio-sną i latem dwa osobniki w drugim roku kalendarzowym przebywały do 280 km od gniazda, podczas gdy trzeci udał się w rekordowo długą wędrówkę nad Morze Peczorskie (2128 km w linii prostej), by jesienią powrócić w szerokość geografi czną zbliżoną miejscu wyklucia. Abstract. The importance of nest-site and the process of reaching independence in juvenile White-tailed Eagles from Wigry National Park. In order to study the process of reaching independence by juvenile White-tailed Eagles, fi ve individuals from Wigry National Park were fi tted with GPS loggers (three in 2017, two in 2018). After fl edgling birds continued to spent most of the time in the 500 m radius buff er around the nest, most of them even more than 30% at the beginning of October. Before dispersal, home ranges of individuals from neighbouring nests did not overlap, while ranges of individuals from consecutive broods of the same pair overlapped greatly. Young White-tailed Eagles left parents' territory between September 2nd and 12th March, next year. Most spent autumn and winter in the 200 km radius from the nest, except for one individual which fl ew to Hungary. In spring and summer of second calendar year, two individuals were staying inside 280 km radius from natal nests, while one went for exceptionally long trip at Pechora Sea (2128 km straight line) and in the autumn came back to a similar latitude as its natal nest.
1. In response to climate change, renewable energy projects including wind energy are rapidly expanding in Scotland. Evaluating impacts of new wind farm proposals often incorporates bird collision risk modelling, which relies on accurate flight data. Among other factors, birds’ altitudes are crucial for risk estimation. Using conventional means of height data collection (i.e. visual vantage point survey), errors in height estimation are unquantifiable. Here I present a novel methodology to accurately estimate a bird’s location and height in the landscape; I test it for accuracy and apply it in practice to estimate flight height of hen harriers in Perthshire. 2. The newly developed flight triangulation methodology incorporated two observers watching the same bird simultaneously through telescopes. An electronic compass mounted on each scope recorded and logged bearing and pitch angles. Accuracy of the methodology was tested using both stationary and moving objects. Hen harriers were observed using this methodology at three localities in Scotland, including the Griffin wind farm. XY co-ordinates and height of bird flight locations were calculated using trigonometry; positions were overlaid on Ordnance Survey maps to account for landscape features. I tested for possible influences of month, flight type, sex and site on the proportion of time spent in the rotor-swept area (RSA). 3. Flight triangulation methodology was most accurate in location estimation at short to intermediate distances and when observers’ sightlines were wider than 20° from each other. Height estimation accuracy was generally good, with some variation according to the accuracy of XY location in combination with distance from observer. 4. The proportion of time spent by hen harriers in the RSA was significantly affected by month and flight type. The highest proportion of time in RSA occurred during April and June, and during soaring and display flights. In general hen harriers spent more time in the RSA than expected. 5. The methodology presented here: provides accurate height estimation of birds accounting for landscape; is applicable to any wind farm due to the recording of continuous height data rather than assigning into specific height bands; and could also be applied to further analysis, such as avoidance behaviour or habitat use. This methodology could complement or replace currently used vantage point surveys, and could assist the wind farm consenting process by providing more precise collision risk modelling.
The Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle (WTE, Aquila audax fleayi) and the white-bellied sea-eagle (WBSE, Haliaeetus leucogaster) are present on the Bluff Point (37 Vestas V66 turbines) and Studland Bay (25 Vestas V90 turbines) Wind Farms in north-west Tasmania, Australia. These species have been intensively studied since the commencement of operations in 2002 and 2007, respectively, as part of compliance monitoring. Monitoring has included documenting collisions with turbines, breeding success surveys, and movement and behaviour studies. Additional investigations (outside regulatory requirements) have also been conducted, including targeted studies and trials of collision mitigation techniques. Both species of eagle have continued to use the sites during construction and operation of the wind farms. The average collision rates for WTE were 1.54 and 0.95 per year, and for WBSE 0.36 and 0 per year at Bluff Point and Studland Bay, respectively (calculated up to October 2012). These are below maximum rates estimated in collision risk modeling which formed part of the information for the assessment of the wind farms. The collision rate for WTE was constant across years, although there was some evidence the rate could be declining at Studland Bay. Analyses could not be conducted on WBSE due to small sample sizes. Seasonal and other temporal patterns were tested for in the collision data, but all evidence supported the theory that the strikes were independent and random in time, with no support found for some proposed theories about why eagles collide with turbines. A spatial analysis of collisions was not possible, again due to small sample sizes. Eagles continued to breed at the sites, with at least the same level of success as nests outside the wind farms. The observational studies provided useful data about how eagles interacted with turbines at these sites. These data were used to calculate turbine avoidance rates and to assess how rates changed with development of the wind farm and when turbines were operational or not.
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Collisions with anthropogenic structures are a significant and well documented source of mortality for avian species worldwide. The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is known to be vulnerable to collision with wind turbines and federal wind energy guidelines include an eagle risk assessment for new projects. To address the need for risk assessment, in this study, we 1) identified areas of northeastern North America utilized by migrating bald eagles, and 2) compared these with high wind-potential areas to identify potential risk of bald eagle collision with wind turbines. We captured and marked 17 resident and migrant bald eagles in the northern Chesapeake Bay between August 2007 and May 2009. We produced utilization distribution (UD) surfaces for 132 individual migration tracks using a dynamic Brownian bridge movement model and combined these to create a population wide UD surface with a 1 km cell size. We found eagle migration movements were concentrated within two main corridors along the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic Coast. Of the 3,123 wind turbines ≥100 m in height in the study area, 38% were located in UD 20, and 31% in UD 40. In the United States portion of the study area, commercially viable wind power classes overlapped with only 2% of the UD category 20 (i.e., the areas of highest use by migrating eagles) and 4% of UD category 40. This is encouraging because it suggests that wind energy development can still occur in the study area at sites that are most viable from a wind power perspective and are unlikely to cause significant mortality of migrating eagles. In siting new turbines, wind energy developers should avoid the high-use migration corridors (UD categories 20 & 40) and focus new wind energy projects on lower-risk areas (UD categories 60-100).
In this paper kernel methods for the nonparametric estimation of the utilization distribution from a random sample of locational observations made on an animal in its home range are described. They are of flexible form, thus can be used where simple parametric models are found to be inappropriate or difficult to specify. Two examples are given to illustrate the fixed and adaptive kernel approaches in data analysis and to compare the methods. Various choices for the smoothing parameter used in kernel methods are discussed. Since kernel methods give alternative approaches to the Anderson (1982) Fourier transform methods, some comparisons are made.
Developing field and analytical methods to assess avian collision risk at wind farms
  • W Band
  • M Madders
  • D P Whitfield
Band, W., Madders, M. & Whitfield, D.P. 2007. Developing field and analytical methods to assess avian collision risk at wind farms. In: de Lucas, M., Janss, G.F.E. & Ferrer, M. (eds) Birds and Wind Farms. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: 259-275. Madrid: Servicios Informativos Ambientales/Quercus.
Do wind power developments affect the behaviour of White Tailed Sea Eagles on Smøla? Master of science thesis
  • P L Hoel
Hoel, P.L. 2009. Do wind power developments affect the behaviour of White Tailed Sea Eagles on Smøla? Master of science thesis, Department of Biotechnology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim.
Pre-and postconstruction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway (BirdWind)
  • K Bevanger
  • F Berntsen
  • S Clausen
  • E L Dahl
  • Ø Flagstad
  • A Follestad
  • D Halley
  • F Hanssen
  • P L Hoel
  • L Johnsen
  • P Kvaløy
  • R May
  • T Nygård
  • H C Pedersen
  • O Reitan
  • Y Steinheim
  • R Vang
Bevanger, K., Berntsen, F., Clausen, S., Dahl, E.L., Flagstad, Ø., Follestad, A., Halley, D., Hanssen, F., Hoel, P.L., Johnsen, L., Kvaløy, P., May, R., Nygård, T., Pedersen, H.C., Reitan, O., Steinheim, Y. & Vang, R. 2009. Pre-and postconstruction studies of conflicts between birds and wind turbines in coastal Norway (BirdWind). Progress Report 2009. In NINA Report. 505. Trondheim: Norsk institutt for naturforskning.
Spatial assessment of white-tailed sea eagle collision risk at the onshore wind-power plant on the island of Smøla
  • R May
  • T Nygård
May, R. & Nygård, T. 2009. Spatial assessment of white-tailed sea eagle collision risk at the onshore wind-power plant on the island of Smøla. In: 2nd European Congress of Conservation Biology. Conservation biology and beyond: from science to practice. Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague.
Kernel methods for estimating the utilization distribution in home-range studies
  • B J Worton
  • T Nygård
  • K Bevanger
  • E L Dahl
  • Ø Flagsted
  • A Follestad
  • P H Hoel
  • R May
  • O Reitan
Worton, B. J. 1989. Kernel methods for estimating the utilization distribution in home-range studies. Ecology 70: 164-168. CITATION: Nygård, T., Bevanger, K., Dahl, E.L., Flagsted, Ø., Follestad, A., Hoel, P.H., May, R. & Reitan, O.