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Psychiatric Diagnoses in a Sample of Outpatient Psycho-Geriatric New Referrals with Suspected Mild Cognitive Impairment



Psychiatric symptoms/syndromes are frequent in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). However, only a few stud-ies reported full psychiatric diagnoses in MCI. We describe the nosology and prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses in a group of 102 consecutive patients evaluated for suspected MCI and finally re-classified into dementia, MCI and No Cog-nitive Impairment. Psychiatric diagnoses were frequent in MCI and the other groups as well, however they were qualita-tively different in each group.
10 The Open Geriatric Medicine Journal, 2008, 1, 10-13
1874-8279/08 2008 Bentham Open
Open Access
Psychiatric Diagnoses in a Sample of Outpatient Psycho-Geriatric New
Referrals with Suspected Mild Cognitive Impairment
Jeremia Heinik*,1,2, Perla Werner3 and Gitit Kavé4,5
1Margoletz Psychogeriatric Center, Ichilov Hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel
2Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
3Department of Gerontology, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
4Margoletz Psychogeriatric Center, Ichilov Hospital, Tel Aviv, Israel
5Herczeg Institu te on Aging, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Abstract: Psychiatric symptoms/syndromes are frequent in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). However, only a few stud-
ies reported full psychiatric diagnoses in MCI. We describe the nosology and prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses in a
group of 102 consecutive patients evaluated for suspected MCI and finally re-classified into dementia, MCI and No Cog-
nitive Imp airment. Psychiatric diagnoses were frequent in MCI and the other groups as well, however they were qualita-
tively different in each group.
Keywords: DSM-IV, psychiatric diagnoses, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), dementia, outpatient psycho-geriatric setting.
The term mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is used to
describe a group of elderly subjects who have cognitive im-
pairments, often involving memory, not of sufficient severity
to warrant the diagnosis of dementia [1]. Psychiatric distur-
bances are common in MCI [2, 3] even though they do not
constitute part of its formal definition that emphasizes self
and/or informant cognitive complaints, impairment in per-
formance of objective cognitive tasks and essentially pre-
served activities of daily living [4, 5]. They might affect etio-
logic considerations, clinical presentation, outcome, and
treatment. With the aid of psychiatric and neuropsychiatric
rating scales the prevalence of symptoms, symptom-groups
and syndromes could be established in community and clini-
cal samples. Psychiatric symptoms in MCI are estimated to
range between 36.2 and 86.8 percent [6-9], depending on the
various definitions and methodologies for assessment. How-
ever, only a few studies [3, 10, 11] attempted to apply, even
in part, official psychiatric diagnoses to their study samples
of MCI and other subjects. In a population-based study,
Forsell et al. [10] used DSM-III-R [12] criteria for the diag-
nosis of depression (with no further specification regarding
this diagnosis), as well as a list of psychotic and anxiety
symptoms derived from the above manual. In a clinical set-
ting, Gabryelewicz et al. [11] defined major and minor de-
pressive episodes according to DSM-IV criteria [13]. They
excluded some individuals with severe major depression
because these may have contributed to observed cognitive
difficulties. In addition, they provided no specific definition
and classification of depressive episodes, and reported only
depression but no other types of psychopathology. Similarly,
*Address correspondence to this author at the Margoletz Psychogeriatric
Center, Ichilov Hospital, 6 Weizman Street, Tel Aviv, Israel 64239; Tel:
972-3-6973325; Fax: 972-3-6974658; E-mail:
in a sample of dementia clinic referrals Lopez et al. [3] used
DSM-IV criteria for major depression but provided no fur-
ther specification of their diagnoses. Thus far, only Kumar et
al. [14] used specifically evaluated DSM-IV criteria for ma-
jor and minor depressive syndromes in a small sample of
community-dwelling, relatively young (60-64) subjects. Im-
portantly, however, current nomenclature deals with disor-
ders rather than syndromes.
The present study aims to describe the nosology and
prevalence of DSM-IV axis I non-cognitive diagnoses in
individuals referred for further evaluation for suspected MCI
in the context of an outpatient psycho-geriatric setting, with
special reference to the psychiatric diagnoses in those indi-
viduals finally diagnosed with MCI.
The patient population referred to our outpatient psycho-
geriatric service includes mainly patients with cognitive im-
pairment and individuals with depressive and anxiety disor-
ders, treatable on an ambulatory basis. Each new referral
undergoes a comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment
process (geriatric psychiatrist, geriatrician, social worker,
nurse). Laboratory investigations, including imaging studies,
are suggested in each case to exclude potentially treatable
causes for cognitive impairment and physical causes for
emotional disorders. For those subjects with very early or
early stages of cognitive impairment an MCI clinic was es-
tablished, where subjects with a working diagnosis of sus-
pected MCI undergo further evaluation. Subjects for the pre-
sent study were recruited from these clinic referrals. The
cognitive states of subjects with suspected MCI were further
evaluated with the Hebrew version of the Cambridge Cogni-
tive Examination – Revised (CAMCOG-R) [15, 16] (range
0-105; 80/81 published cut-off point for cognitive impair-
ment [15]), out of which an MMSE score can be generated
Outpatient Psycho-Geriatric New Referrals The Open Geriatric Medicine Journal, 2008, Volume 1 11
(range 0-30; 23/24 published cut-off point for cognitive im-
pairment [17]). Psychiatric data were obtained with a modi-
fied Hebrew version of CAMDEX-R. The Cambridge ex-
amination for mental disorders of the elderly-revised (Heinik
et al., in preparation), sections A (interview with patient), C
(interviewer observations) and H (interview with informant).
CAMDEX-R items makes it possible to derive various
DSM-IV diagnoses [15]. This entire workup is usually com-
pleted within 1-2 months. The study protocol was approved
by the local Helsinki committee.
For the purposes of the present study, DSM-IV [13] axis
I operational criteria were used for cognitive and psychiatric
diagnoses. When inapplicable, the criteria included in the
DSM-IV “criteria sets and axes provided for further study”
were used (e.g., minor depressive disorder, mixed anxiety-
depressive disorder). MCI diagnosis was established accord-
ing to the Winblad et al. [5] criteria operationalized in the
following order: 1. Not demented according to DSM-IV cri-
teria, 2. Self and/or informant report of cognitive decline. 3.
Impairment on objective cognitive task (defined as CAM-
COG-R total score below the 25th percentile compared to
normative values by age-group, sex and educational level
[18]. 3. Preserved basic activities of daily living/ minimal
impairment in complex instrumental functions. 4. Not nor-
mal. Consensus regarding diagnosis was reached by two
geriatric psychiatrists.
A total of 102 consecutive persons with suspected MCI
were assessed. The overall mean age of the sample was 76
years (SD = 6.3), and the mean years of education was 12
(SD = 3.3). Females constituted 50%. Final cognitive diag-
noses were: dementia - 49 individuals (48%;of which 63%
with Alzheimer`s type, 8% with vascular dementia, 10%
with mixed type, 19% with other type dementia), mild cogni-
tive impairment (MCI) - 36 individuals (35%) and no cogni-
tive impairment (NCI) - 17 individuals (17%). Mean MMSE
score in the total group was 26.37 (SD = 2.27), and 24.81
(SD = 1.79) in the dementia group, 27.6 (SD = 1.76) in the
MCI group, 28.12 (SD = 1.36) in the NCI group. The mean
total CAMCOG-R scores in the total sample were 82.73 (SD
= 9.36), with 76.31 (SD = 7.96) in the dementia group, 86.25
(SD = 5.38) in the MCI group, and 93.41 (SD = 5.04) in the
NCI group. The one-way Analyses of Variance (ANOVA)
revealed significant group effects on the MMSE score (F
(2)=37.8, p<0.001) and the CAMCOG-R total score (F
(2)=48.6, p<0.001).
Table 1 shows that the total sample was almost equally
divided in to persons who received a psychiatric diagnosis or
demonstrated DSM-IV predominant psychiatric features in
dementia, and persons who had no psychiatric diagnosis.
Most individuals within the dementia group did not receive
any additional psychiatric functional diagnosis, and pre-
dominant psychiatric features (mostly depressive with or
without anxiety) were found in under half (43%) of this
group. In the MCI and NCI groups, DSM-IV psychiatric
diagnoses were found in 61% and 59% of the sample, re-
spectively. Within the MCI group, categories suggested for
possible inclusion in DSM-IV, such as minor depressive
Table 1. Psychiatric Diagnoses and Predominant Features
Dementia (n=49) MCI (n=36) NCI (n=17) Total (n=102)
No psychiatric diagnosis 28 (57%)a 14(39%) 7(41%) 49(48%)
Total psychiatric diagnoses 21(43%) 22(61%) 10(59%)b 53(52%)
Major depressive disorder (MDD) - 5(22.7%)* 3(30%)* 8(15%)*
Dysthymic disorder - 2(9%)* - 2(3.7%)*
Bipolar disorder - 1(4.5%)* - 1(1.9%)*
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - 1(4.5%)* 1(10%)* 2(3.7%)*
Generalized anxiety disorder - - 1(10%)* 1(1.9%)*
Anxiety disorder NOS - 1(4.5%)* 1(10%)* 2(3.7%)*
Adjustment disordersc - 1(4.5%)* 5(50%)* 6(11.3%)*
Minor depressive disorder - 5(22.7)* - 5(9.4%)*
Mixed anxiety-depressive disorder - 6(27.2%)* - 6(11.3%)*
Dementia predominant psychiatric features:
With delusions 2(9.5%)* - - 2(3.7%)*
With depressed mood 15(71.4%)*d - - 15(28%)*
With behavioral disturbance 4(19%)* - - 4(7.5%)*
MCI-Mild cognitive im pairment; NCI-No cognitive impairment; NOS-Not oth erwise specified. Dash ind icates the absence of a specific psychiatric diagnosis/feature.
*Out of total psychiatric diagnoses in each diagnostic group.
aDenotes uncomplicated dementia.
bOne person had two psychiatric diagnoses (adjustment disorder and PTSD).
cWith the following subtypes: MCI – 1 with both depression and anxiety; NCI – 3 with depression, 1 with anxiety, 1 with both.
dIncludes 4 persons with predominant depression and anxiety and 2 with predominant anxiety. DSM-IV offers no separate classification for dementia and anxiety, hence included
under depression.
12 The Open Geriatric Medicine Journal, 2008, Volume 1 Heinik et al.
disorder and mixed anxiety-depressive disorder accounted
for 50% of psychiatric diagnoses. This group included 1 per-
son with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) with psychosis
in partial remission and 1 person with bipolar disorder in
remission. Within the NCI group, adjustment disorders pre-
vailed. MDD was almost equal in frequency in the MCI and
NCI groups. Thus, diagnoses suggesting psychosis and be-
havioral disturbance were noted in a minority of individuals
in our MCI sample compared with the dementia group (4.5%
vs 28.6%). In the MCI group minor mood disorders
(dysthymic, adjustment, minor depressive and mixed-anxiety
depressive disorders) were more common than major depres-
sion (63.4% vs 22.7%).
We investigated the nosology and prevalence of psychiat-
ric diagnoses in a sample of subjects with suspected MCI
seen at a specialized outpatient psycho-geriatric setting. The
sample in total demonstrated reasonable performance on the
cognitive tasks (mean scores for both tests above the pub-
lished cut-off points for dementia), hence a suspected MCI
diagnosis. However, a second in-depth evaluation led to re-
classification of the original working diagnosis into demen-
tia, MCI and NCI groups.
Psychiatric diagnoses were frequent in all three groups
and highest in the MCI group (61%). This finding is congru-
ent with the significant amount of psychiatric symp-
toms/syndromes reported in this disorder [2, 3, 6-11,14].
However, the nature of the psychiatric diagnoses was quali-
tatively different in the three groups. In the NCI group the
psychiatric diagnoses were minor traditional diagnoses (e.g.,
mostly adjustment disorders which might explain some di-
agnostic shifts during the diagnostic work-up from suspected
MCI to NCI). In the MCI group suggested new minor diag-
noses were significant, whereas in the dementia group pre-
dominant psychiatric features were found, though they did
not amount to a full functional psychiatric diagnosis. It has
been suggested [8, 19] that neuropsychiatric symptoms in
MCI are quantitatively and qualitatively intermediate to that
of healthy participants and those with dementia, and are
therefore reminiscent of the clinical, neuroimaging and neu-
ropsychological profile of MCI [19]. However this statement
is true with regard to dementia of the Alzheimer type, am-
nestic MCI, and controls who are essentially free of any dis-
turbances whatsoever. This is not the situation concerning
our sample in which dementia etiology was heterogeneous
and the NCI group was defined on the basis of cognitive
functioning rather than on the exclusion of other disorders.
Thus, we cannot commit as for the "intermediacy" of the
MCI group concerning the psychiatric diagnoses.
Our findings concerning the low prevalence of diagnoses
suggesting psychosis in MCI are in accordance with Chan et
al. [2] and with Lopez et al. [3], both studies having demon-
strated lower prevalence of psychosis and disruptive behav-
ior in MCI compared with dementia patients, as well as with
Lyketsos et al. [8] and Geda et al. [19] who reported symp-
toms of psychosis (delusions, hallucinations) and of disrup-
tive behavior to be significantly lower in MCI compared
with mild Alzheimer disease patients, albeit higher than in
normal controls [19] and in MCI compared with dementia
[8]. Similarly, minor depression was reported to be more
prevalent in MCI than major depression, both in a clinical
sample (26.5% vs 19.6% [11]) and in a community sample
(17.2% vs 3.4% [14]), and this was the case in the present
study as well (63.4% vs 22.7%). The above stands for the
minor nature of the psychiatric diagnoses we found among
MCI subjects.
As for limitations of this study: First, the number of sub-
jects in the total sample and in each diagnostic group was
relatively small; Second, the study population was biased
toward those subjects and caregivers cooperative enough to
undertake prolonged cognitive assessment, as well as to
those subjects in which demographics (schooling, fluency in
language), sensory (appropriate sight and hearing capacity),
physical (motor ability), and psychiatric conditions, are fa-
vorable for inclusion in such an assessment; Third, th e defi-
nition of cognitive impairment we used differs from other
psychometric definitions of MCI in which more stringent
cut-points were used (e.g., -1.5 SD [3], -1 SD, beneath the
16th percentile [20]). Fourth, the use of the entire DSM-IV
multi-axial assessment would have probably provided us
with a more comprehensive view of subjects and their ail-
Even-though these limitations preclude generalization of
our findings, the current work nonetheless demonstrates that
psychopathology, expressed in clinical diagnoses, is com-
mon, heterogeneous and mostly mild in MCI. This might
have repercussions regarding the psychiatric treatment of
MCI. In fact, psychiatric diagnoses more than mere symp-
toms/syndromes should be evaluated in order to provide
proper management of the MCI patient. The relationship
between psychiatric symptoms, syndromes and full diagno-
ses in MCI warrants further investigation.
We are grateful to Mrs. Rena Kurs for her editorial assis-
tance in preparation of the manuscript.
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Received: March 25, 2008 Revised: April 4, 2008 Accepted: April 15, 2008
© Heinik et al.; Licensee Bentham Open.
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... All participants were communitydwelling older adults recruited from two memory clinics in an urban community in central Israel between April 2015 and April 2017. All participants underwent a multi-disciplinary assessment process described elsewhere (Heinik et al., 2008). The eligibility criteria included being age 60 or older, having no evidence of DSM-IV-TR dementia (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) on clinical assessment, having no major psychiatric disorder, and having no severe sensory (sight, hearing) impairment. ...
Objectives To examine whether emotional intelligence (EI) is associated with cognitive function (CF) in a sample of community-dwelling, non-demented elderly out-patients. Design Correlational cross-sectional study. Setting Two memory clinics in an urban community in central Israel. Participants Individuals age 60 and older without dementia, recruited from two memory clinics ( N = 151). Measurements Health history was obtained from medical charts. All participants underwent tests measuring CF, basic and instrumental function, general mental ability (GMA), EI, and depression. Results Mean age of the participants was 79 years (SD = 7.00) with 96 females (63.6%). Mean score for Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) was 21.62 (SD = 3.09) and for EI was 14.08 (SD = 3.30). Linear multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine associations of CF with EI while controlling for gender, age, education, GMA, and Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI). Age, education, GMA, and CCI were significant correlates of CF and accounted for 31.1% of the variance [F(7,143) = 10.8, p <0.01] in CF. EI was added in the second block and was the factor most strongly associated with CF, explaining an additional 9.1% (a total of 40.2%) of the variance in CF [F(8,142) = 13.2, p <0.01]. Conclusion This study is the first to show the association between EI and CF in older adults. Future prospective studies are needed to explicate the possibility of EI as a protective factor against cognitive decline.
Estimation of the passage of time has received marginal attention in contemporaneous psychiatric assessment and diagnosis. There is disagreement regarding the ability of older adults with dementia, particularly of the Alzheimers type, to estimate time passage, and there is lack of data concerning the ability of older adults in the early stages of cognitive impairment to estimate the passage of time. We investigated the hypothesis that individuals with mild dementia perform worse compared to those with no cognitive impairment, and that those with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) assume an intermediate position in terms of their ability to accurately estimate time passage. Another objective was to study demographic and clinical (cognitive, functional, psychiatric) predictors of self-estimation of performance time versus actual performance time. In the context of a comprehensive psychogeriatric evaluation, three performance time measures were established: actual performance time, subjective estimation of performance time, and accuracy of estimation of performance time. 102 consecutive persons with suspected MCI were assessed. Final cognitive diagnoses were: dementia 49 (48%), MCI 36 (35%), no cognitive impairment (NCI) 17 (17%). Whereas there were significant group differences (dementia, MCI, NCI) on all cognitive measures and on functional impairment, there were no significant group differences on the three time measures. With the exception of age, estimation of performance time was not associated with any of the other demographic and clinical variables. Self-estimation of performance time versus actual performance time was not found impaired either in the dementia group or in the MCI group when compared to participants without cognitive impairment.
This study examined the accuracy of the Clock Drawing Test--Modified and Integrated Approach (CDT-MIA) alone and combined with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) to detect Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) in patients with suspected MCI. For comparison, the accuracy of the Cambridge Cognitive Examination-Revised (CAMCOG-R) was tested. A total of 65 elderly outpatients with suspected MCI underwent a comprehensive evaluation. Following assessment, the entire sample was classified into: dementia (mild)--24 participants, MCI--22 participants, no cognitive impairment (NCI)--19 participants. CDT-MIA and the MMSE alone failed to appropriately discriminate demented from nondemented (MCI and NCI) and MCI from NCI. The best acceptable diagnostic accuracy to discriminate between demented and nondemented was obtained with CDT-MIA/MMSE combined and with CAMCOG-R. CDT-MIA/MMSE combined failed to appropriately discriminate MCI from NCI. The best diagnostic accuracy in this regard was obtained with CAMCOG-R.
Full-text available
Subjects with a mild cognitive impairment (MCI) have a memory impairment beyond that expected for age and education yet are not demented. These subjects are becoming the focus of many prediction studies and early intervention trials. To characterize clinically subjects with MCI cross-sectionally and longitudinally. A prospective, longitudinal inception cohort. General community clinic. A sample of 76 consecutively evaluated subjects with MCI were compared with 234 healthy control subjects and 106 patients with mild Alzheimer disease (AD), all from a community setting as part of the Mayo Clinic Alzheimer's Disease Center/Alzheimer's Disease Patient Registry, Rochester, Minn. The 3 groups of individuals were compared on demographic factors and measures of cognitive function including the Mini-Mental State Examination, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised, Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, Dementia Rating Scale, Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test, and Auditory Verbal Learning Test. Clinical classifications of dementia and AD were determined according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Revised Third Edition and the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke-Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association criteria, respectively. The primary distinction between control subjects and subjects with MCI was in the area of memory, while other cognitive functions were comparable. However, when the subjects with MCI were compared with the patients with very mild AD, memory performance was similar, but patients with AD were more impaired in other cognitive domains as well. Longitudinal performance demonstrated that the subjects with MCI declined at a rate greater than that of the controls but less rapidly than the patients with mild AD. Patients who meet the criteria for MCI can be differentiated from healthy control subjects and those with very mild AD. They appear to constitute a clinical entity that can be characterized for treatment interventions.
The CAMCOG is the second most popular cognitive testing instrument in use by Israeli clinicians. The present study examines the reliability and validity of a Hebrew version of the CAMCOG in a group of dementia sufferers in a clinical setting. Study participants included 36 dementia sufferers and 19 control non-demented, depressed elderly subjects, consecutive referrals to an outpatient psychogeriatric service and an 'open' ward of a psychiatric hospital. Operational clinical criteria for dementia and its subtypes and for the various forms of depression were used as the 'gold' standards. The CAMCOG was translated into Hebrew and then back to English. Seven items needed modifications for local usage. Interrater and test-retest scores calculated as exact agreement rates ranged from good to excellent for all items, although test-retest reliability scores were generally lower than interrater scores. Kappa statistics ranged from good to excellent for all but one item in the interrater scores and for two items in the test-retest scores. A strong convergent validity was found with the MMSE score (r=0.89, p<0.01). The 79/80 cutoff point provided moderate sensitivity (57.9%), excellent specificity (97.2%) and a strong predictive value (83.6%). The Hebrew version of the CAMCOG was found to be an appropriate instrument to discriminate between demented and non-demented depressed controls in a clinical setting. In light of the demographic, cultural and linguistic heterogeneity of the Israeli elderly population, further studies should examine the psychometric characteristics of the CAMCOG in a more varied sample and also using other cutoff points in order to establish if an increase in its discriminatory power is obtainable.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of information accumulated over the past 26 years regarding the psychometric properties and utility of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). The reviewed studies assessed a wide variety of subjects, ranging from cognitively intact community residents to those with severe cognitive impairment associated with various types of dementing illnesses. The validity of the MMSE was compared against a variety of gold standards, including DSM-III-R and NINCDS-ADRDA criteria, clinical diagnoses, Activities of Daily Living measures, and other tests that putatively identify and measure cognitive impairment. Reliability and construct validity were judged to be satisfactory. Measures of criterion validity showed high levels of sensitivity for moderate-to-severe cognitive impairment and lower levels for mild degrees of impairment. Content analyses revealed the MMSE was highly verbal, and not all items were equally sensitive to cognitive impairment. Items measuring language were judged to be relatively easy and lacked utility for identifying mild language deficits. Overall, MMSE scores were affected by age, education, and cultural background, but not gender. In general, the MMSE fulfilled its original goal of providing a brief screening test that quantitatively assesses the severity of cognitive impairment and documents cognitive changes occurring over time. The MMSE should not, by itself, be used as a diagnostic tool to identify dementia. Suggestions for the clinical use of the MMSE are made.
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may be a precursor to dementia, at least in some cases. Dementia and MCI are associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms in clinical samples. Only 2 population-based studies exist of the prevalence of these symptoms in dementia, and none exist for MCI. To estimate the prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia and MCI in a population-based study. Cross-sectional study derived from the Cardiovascular Health Study, a longitudinal cohort study. A total of 3608 participants were cognitively evaluated using data collected longitudinally over 10 years and additional data collected in 1999-2000 in 4 US counties. Dementia and MCI were classified using clinical criteria and adjudicated by committee review by expert neurologists and psychiatrists. A total of 824 individuals completed the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI); 362 were classified as having dementia, 320 as having MCI; and 142 did not meet criteria for MCI or dementia. Prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms, based on ratings on the NPI in the previous month and from the onset of cognitive symptoms. Of the 682 individuals with dementia or MCI, 43% of MCI participants (n = 138) exhibited neuropsychiatric symptoms in the previous month (29% rated as clinically significant) with depression (20%), apathy (15%), and irritability (15%) being most common. Among the dementia participants, 75% (n = 270) had exhibited a neuropsychiatric symptom in the past month (62% were clinically significant); 55% (n = 199) reported 2 or more and 44% (n = 159) 3 or more disturbances in the past month. In participants with dementia, the most frequent disturbances were apathy (36%), depression (32%), and agitation/aggression (30%). Eighty percent of dementia participants (n = 233) and 50% of MCI participants (n = 139) exhibited at least 1 NPI symptom from the onset of cognitive symptoms. There were no differences in prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms between participants with Alzheimer-type dementia and those with other dementias, with the exception of aberrant motor behavior, which was more frequent in Alzheimer-type dementia (5.4% vs 1%; P =.02). Neuropsychiatric symptoms occur in the majority of persons with dementia over the course of the disease. These are the first population-based estimates for neuropsychiatric symptoms in MCI, indicating a high prevalence associated with this condition as well. These symptoms have serious adverse consequences and should be inquired about and treated as necessary. Study of neuropsychiatric symptoms in the context of dementia may improve our understanding of brain-behavior relationships.
Little is known about the prevalence and correlates of behavioral and psychiatric symptoms of dementia in community-dwelling elders with dementia or mild cognitive impairment (MCI). 512 people with Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores < 24 or a decline of at least 4 points over two administrations, and their knowledgeable informants (KIs) were enrolled in the MMCS. The classification of subjects as having dementia or MCI was based on a neuropsychological battery of four tests, not a clinical diagnostic evaluation. The sample for this study included 454 subjects (dementia n = 333; MCI n = 121) and their KIs. Demographic and health-related characteristics of subjects and KIs were obtained during KI interviews. Multivariate logistic regression was used in statistical analysis. Compared to dementia subjects, those classified as MCI had a lower prevalence (47.1% vs 66.1%) of any symptoms (psychosis, depression, or agitation), and of agitation (24.8% vs 45.1%). Symptoms of psychosis and depression also were less prevalent, even though differences did not reach statistical significance. In the dementia group symptoms were associated with a report of a physician's diagnosis of dementia, greater functional impairment, and a KI who was a child/child-in-law. In those with MCI, symptoms were correlated with being white, greater functional impairment, and a younger, less educated, KI. Psychiatric and behavioral symptoms were common in community-residing elders with cognitive impairment, but their prevalence and correlates differed by study classification as having dementia or MCI. Identifying and treating these symptoms may benefit patients with cognitive impairment and their families. Longitudinal studies on the predictors, changes in prevalence, and effectiveness of treatments for psychopathology of dementia are needed.
This study examined the prevalence of psychiatric syndromes and symptoms in elderly persons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Data from a population-based study (the Kungsholmen Project) were used. All subjects with a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score < or =23 and a comparable random of those > or =24 were selected for further examination. Physicians carefully examined the included persons and those affected with dementia were excluded. The rest were stratified into 14 groups according to age and level of education. The mean MMSE score was calculated for each group and those subjects with scores 1SD below the age- and education-specific mean were classified as MCI. A structured psychiatric interview was performed and diagnoses of depression, anxiety and psychosis were made according to DSM-III-R. Being suspicious was the only symptom and being affected by an anxiety syndrome was the only diagnosis found to be associated with MCI. The association with suspiciousness might reflect the feeling of losing control that probably accompanies the loss of cognitive function experienced by the person. The association with anxiety syndromes might be a result of the fact that physical disorders have been reported to be more common in persons with cognitive impairment, as well as in persons with anxiety syndromes. The results of this study suggest that the psychiatric syndromes present in MCI might be related to MCI per se. Additionally, it might reflect a developing dementia or a concomitant physical disorder.
CAMCOG is a widely used brief neuropsychological test. To date no normative values are available for English speaking individuals representative of the general population. The aims of the study were to describe the population distribution of performance on CAMCOG, and to provide normative data derived from a representative population sample. CAMCOG was administered at the assessment stage of the MRC Cognitive Function and Ageing Study. MRC CFAS is a multi-centre population-based study in England and Wales in respondents aged 65 years and older. Initial screening provided provisional identification of cognitive impairment. The subsequent assessment interview provided an algorithmic diagnosis of dementia, or other disorders, in a 20% sub-sample. There were large differences between demented and non-demented groups on the CAMCOG total score and on all CAMCOG subscales. Charts of normative values for CAMCOG are presented by age group, sex and education for the non-demented population (n = 1 914, representing 11 008 individuals screened). Population-derived normative data are valuable for comparing an individual's score to the score which would be expected of the general population, given the individual's specific demographic characteristics.
The authors investigated neuropsychiatric symptoms in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) from baseline data of the Investigation in the Delay to Diagnosis of AD with Exelon (InDDEx) study (n = 1,010). Neuropsychiatric symptoms were reported in 59% of subjects (Neuropsychiatric Inventory [NPI]). NPI+ subjects had significantly greater impairment on global, cognitive, and functional scores than NPI- subjects. The presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms appears to be a marker of MCI severity.
There is inadequate information regarding the neuropsychiatric aspect of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). To determine the neuropsychiatric profile of MCI, and compare this with normal controls and patients with mild Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Cross-sectional assessment of psychiatric symptoms in subjects that are enrolled in Mayo Clinic's longitudinal study of normal aging, MCI and dementia. The Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) was administered to normal control subjects, MCI subjects and patients with early AD. Individual NPI domain scores and total NPI scores were compared among the three groups after controlling for age, educational status, Dementia Rating Scale (DRS) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores. Statistical analysis was performed by utilizing ANOVA, chi2 and Fisher's exact test. Data were analyzed on 514 normal controls, 54 MCI subjects, and 87 subjects with mild AD (CDR of 0.5 or 1); females consisted of 60.3%, 53.7% and 57.5%; and, the average ages (SD) were 77.8 (1.95), 79 (4.6), 80.5 (14.6) respectively. ANOVA pair-wise comparison revealed that both MMSE and DRS differences among the three groups were significantly different at (p = 0.05). The total NPI scores were significantly different (p =0.0001, F = 107.93) among the three groups using ANOVA. Pair-wise comparison of individual behavioral domain of NPI showed statistically significant differences between MCI and normals; and MCI and AD (p = 0.001). Group differences on NPI remained after controlling for age and education at p = 0.0375 and p = 0.0050 respectively. The neuropsychiatric pattern is reminiscent of the clinical, neuroimaging and neuropsychological profile of MCI. It gives further credence to the view that MCI is indeed the gray zone, with overlap on both ends of the pole.